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My wife's desires for Black Cock. Updated for 5 Jan. 2015.

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Raymond and I had a chance to meet over the weekend. He informed me that Marie had passed the first big test of her training. Being able to perform in front of people and also a complete stranger. She was pretty damn good and she took everything, including her enthusiasm of being fucked in the ass.....which was not planned; usually its the 3rd or 4th get together, when that happens. I asked about the white guy that was there. He told me that Charles wanted his wife to be submissive and be more comfortable with sex. That is why he attended, to see how it would be, if Charles was to surrender his wife to him, a couple of nights a week. He was quite impressed with my wife.

Raymond asked me, if I was happy with what was going on, and if I wanted it to continue. I told him, I was very happy and to take it further. He told me that Marie's would have to commit to attending a house party once a month. She would also have to make herself available to a few select friends of his. It would include meeting at least 2-3 times in a month, depending on everyones schedule. Attending the house parties, would be mandatory.

We talked for a bit more, then I brought up the subject of getting some pictures or some video of her in action. Raymond told me, that is possible and would come in time.

I then asked if I could watch her in permister. Much like the first time Colin and him, came over to the house and fucked her in front of me. Raymond said he could make that happen. Leaving the bar, I felt pretty good and headed home to break the news to my wife.

Later that night, I talked to Marie, about what Raymond had said, and promised months ago; she would now be getting as much black cock as she could handle and to expect a few surprises each month. I did not tell her, that she would be randomly called and would be required to meet some of Raymond's buddies for additional training.

Now we just have to sit back and wait for the phone to ring.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Wow. That sounds great. You wife is soooo lucky.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks for the update Don,

It is really great to watch the progress Marie is making and how she enjoys what She does.
Also great to hear that Raymond is impressed with Her, probably means he will be more eager to train Her.

Vivian Vasquez


Posts: 54 Pictures: 3 
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wow! looking forward to the rest, please continue...


Posts: 595
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Don, any update?


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Sorry for not keeping everyone updated over the last two months or so. Things have been hectic, life wise and we have both been travelling due to work.

Marie has for the most part, kept her side of things on scheduled. She is over at Raymond's place at least once a week, when we are at home. When she is there, Raymond's continues her training.

She has also attended two get togethers with some of Raymond's friends. The first time, involved two of the guys and the last one was three of them. When she gets taken by the guys, Raymond for some reason, excuses himself from the fun or heads out to do others things.

When Marie is alone with Raymond, doing her training, he is more than happy to to get a blow job from her or to take her pussy, with his cock. She has not asked why, he is liked that.

When she comes home from Raymond's place, she is so hot and horny. We are both enjoying ourselves at this time. We have talked about letting me see her and participating and she has brought up on more than one occasion that she would like to fuck Colin again. He was fun to be with and she liked that I was in the house and could them going at it.

Marie has also filled me in one some of the training that Raymond is doing with her and her last two times with the guys. I will post those experiences and will keep updates on a more regular schedule.

Thanks again.


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks Don,

Good to see that you and Lady Marie is still enjoying the cuckolding activities.
It would be great if you are able to provide more regular updates.



Posts: 1288
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What a great thread. Good luck to all of you. Please keep the updates coming


Posts: 6938
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This is one of my favourite threads, love hearing about Marie's training to be a slutwife. A good trainer wil keep the training going for years, often with lots of additional tutors!


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During her training nights...Raymond has invited Charles back on three occasions. The night usually involves Raymond watching some sort of sport game on the TV, with Marie sitting beside him and looking after his wishes. When Charles is present, the conversations is around Charles wife and getting her to accept or Marie has done for the last 5-6 months. There has been two occasions that stood out during her training with Charles in attendance.

The first one involved Marie masturbating for Raymond and Charles. The night started off pretty normal. Both of them were watching the game and talking about Charles wife. Marie could see that Raymond was getting frustrated with Charles. Marie told me that Charles seems quite content hanging out there and looking at her. She does have a couple of issues with him and they are - is that he is not black (so she is not interested in him at all) and all the talk about his wife, doing what Marie is doing, makes her a bit jealous.

In Raymond's frustration, he had Marie demonstrate her obedience to him. He stood in front of her and told her, to do what she does best. Marie understanding what he meant, took his cock out of his pants and went to work on it. As she licked and sucked his cocks and balls, Raymond talked to Charles, telling him that it could be his wife, enjoying his cock while he watched. As Marie continued to blow him, she could tell that he was close to cumming and went to work on it even more. Even though she did not particularly like Charles, she was, as always, extremely aroused and wet, knowing that she was not only pleasing Raymond and his black cock..but that she was being watched the whole time. She even moved, so that Charles could get a good look at her ass and pussy. When Raymond came, Marie took most of it in her mouth and what she missed, was splattered over her chin and tits. Raymond praised her and then instructed her to get her vibrator from the bedroom and join them again in the living room.

When she came back, Raymond had her sit opposite Charles. As the both of them talked, he instructed Marie to pleasure herself. Marie was still aroused from before and gently went to work on her pussy. As she masturbated, she closed her eyes and concentrated on herself. She could hear Raymond tell Charles, that this all could be his in a couple of months, if he brought his wife over. As Marie continued to play with herself, she made sure that Charles had a good view of what she was doing. Raymond told her she looked good and too spread her legs so that Charles had a good view. He then instructed Marie, to tell Charles what was going to happen when she went home tonight to her husband. Marie opened her eyes and looking at Charles, she told him, that I would be waiting to hear her story and that I would be so horny that I would straddle her chest and jerk myself off, cumming over her tits. She then told Charles, that I would then go down and clean up my cum, before we cuddled together and went to *****. She no sooner finished what she was saying, when her body began to shake from her own orgasm. When she was done, Raymond told her to get dressed and head on home. He still wanted to talk to Charles.

When she came home, we did exactly like she said to Charles we would do.


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The second incident was about 2 weeks later. Marie had gotten to Raymond's place and had was just about to change out of her clothes, when Raymond stopped her and told her that they were going out. During the drive, she found out that they were going to over to one of the guys home. Entering the house, she found herself at RJ's place. Hello's were given and Raymond and RJ headed downstairs. Raymond told Marie, to change out of her clothes and join them when she was done.

When she was naked and wearing only her collar, she joined them both downstairs. The guys were already watching TV and she sat down beside Raymond. Not long after the door bang rang and Raymond instructed Marie to go and answer it. Not thinking about being totally naked, she ran upstairs, open the door to find Charles waiting. Not showing her disappointment, she let him in and told Charles that the guys were downstairs.

When she joined the three of them, Raymond and RJ were talking to Charles about his reluctance to have his wife get in on the action. They told Charles, that he was really only a wannabe, and really only got off, watching Marie (which was okay); but they wanted him to make some sort of commitment or the game was over for him. Not much was said for awhile. The guys watched some sports and Marie made sure the ****** were available. Near the end of the night, Raymond asked Charles again, if he was ready and committed. Charles told him yes, that he would bring his wife over to Raymond's place next week. Raymond smiled and told him it was about time. For his committing to the arrangement, he would allow one last show. Raymond instructed Marie to lay down on the floor and then told RJ to take her. As she laid there waiting for RJ to get undress, she could feel herself getting wet.

RJ moved up between her legs and rubbed his cock up and down her pussy, making himself hard and Marie even more wet. When RJ was hard enough, he easily slid into her pussy and began to fuck her. Raymond told Charles to watch and told RJ to fuck Marie hard and fast. As RJ slammed his cock into her, Marie moaned in pleasure from the pain and also knowing that she was being watched. RJ soon tensed up and shot his cum into her pussy. Raymond asked Charles if he like what he saw and Marie only heard a mumbled yes. Laying there, waiting to see what was going to happen next, Raymond told Charles to come closer and see how Marie blacked cock pussy looked. Charles got down and looked between her legs. Raymond then told Charles to run his fingers between Marie cum filled lips to see how it felt. Marie looked over at Raymond to say something, but Raymond told her to spread her legs wide, so Charles could see and feel what a black cock slut she was. Marie laid there and soon felt Charles fingers playing with her pussy. Raymond told Charles to get closer and take a real good look. Marie watched as Charles put his face inches from her pussy. Closing her eyes, she heard Raymond talking to Charles, telling him how good it looked and how good it feels when a wife comes home to husband with a pussy full of black cock cum. He then told Charles to find out how it taste and to lick some of it off Marie pussy. There was a long delay, but she soon felt the tip of Charles tongue on her pussy lips. Marie laid there not moving, as Charles tongue licked some of RJ cum of her pussy. She heard Raymond tell Charles that was enough and not to spoil it for Marie's husband. When Charles was seated back in his chair, Marie got up and went down the hall to get dressed. Walking past Charles, he was beaten down and looked like he was going to be sick. Raymond escorted Marie to the door and gave her a big kiss and told her she was absolutely amazing this night and he looked forward to see her next week alone.

When Marie arrived home, she quickly came over to me and told me all of the details. I asked her whether Charles was really going to bring his wife and she really didn't know. After talking for a bit more, we moved to the bedroom, where Marie performed her well executed blow job on me. She then guided me down to her pussy, where I was finally able to give her some oral pleasure back. Her pussy was wet and sticky from RJ cum and there was more than enough for me to enjoy.


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks for both updates Don,

Will be interesting to see how this progresses, if Charles is just a wannabe or not is not really that interesting I think, more so if the reason whey Raymon pursues this so heavily is because he wants to white women to perform at the same time and perhaps together.



Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Don, I love your adventure and must say.... you're a very lucky man to have such a black cock loving wife.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 95 Pictures: 3 
#74 · Edited by: Don987
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Thanks for the replies everyone. I will be honest and tell you that I was a little pissed off or maybe even jealous, when Marie told me about Charles. It bothers me that he is present and get to see it all, while I only hear about it afterwards and get to sample the taste when she comes home. It sucks too, that he is white. Does not really turn me on, or get me excited and if he would be black - if that makes any sense.

Maybe Raymond is trying to get her and Charles wife together at the same time. Not to sure how that would work out. Marie is sort of jealous when it comes to who fucks her group of guys. Will have to wait and see.

I have had some time and been able to get another partial update of what took place on the weekend. Hope you enjoy.



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Marie didn't come home Saturday night. She rolled in Sunday, said hello and went to bed. It wasn't until Monday night, I was able to hear some of the stuff that took place on Saturday.

Monday night over dinner, she slowly released the details of what had occurred over the weekend. She told me that she was still tired and very sore and would fill me in, on everything that happen if she could remember all of it. She also apologized for fucking a white guy (as that does not interest her at all and it was for Raymond that she did it). I told her not to worry and we could talk more about it later on in the week.

Here is the first part...

On Saturday, Marie was instructed to show up at Raymond's place around 12; to wear a loose fitting dress, heels and to bring a bikini. When she arrived at his place, she was instructed to stay dressed, but to get her collar and put it on; they weren't staying. In the car, Raymond told her that they were heading to a friends place to hang out, swim in the pool and watch some of the world cup soccer. Heading out of town, it was about a 40 minute drive heading down towards Lake Erie. After a couple of twists and turns, they arrived at a fairly large house, that sat back of the road. Getting out of the car, they walked around to the back of the house. Marie was very impressed. Whoever owned the house, had a very private back yard, surrounded by trees, bushes and a fenced in pool. There was lots of yard, a tiki bar and a large covered cabana. Maire recognized 2 of the 3 guys. Waiting for Raymond's word, she greeted each of the two guys. RJ and Mark. The 3rd guy, she assumed was the owner. Raymond introduced him as Brad. He was about 6', average build and to Marie's disappointment, Brad was white.

After the introductions were out of the way; Raymond had Brad, show Marie where the bar and food was located and where she could change into her bikini, if she felt like going for a swim. Marie dropped her stuff off and went around to the tiki bar and got Raymond a ***** and anyone else that needed a refill. The guys sat around and talked for a bit, while Marie tended the bar. Maire feeling the heat, grabbed her bag and was headed inside to change. Raymond saw what she was doing and told her to stop. She could change into her bikini outside. There was no need to go inside for that. Marie stopped where she was, moved over to one of the lounge chairs. She pulled her stuff out of the bag, removed her dress and panties. Standing there naked, one of the guys gave an encouraging yell. She changed into her bikini and made her way to the pool. Feeling the water with her foot, she heard Raymond again telling her to stop. He asked what she was doing. She told him, that she was going for a swim. Raymond laughed and said to her "not like that". Marie getting the message, stepped back, removed her top and bottoms. She then looked to Raymond for his approval. Giving a thumbs up, she dove into the pool and swam around. She told me that she was comfortable being naked around the guys, but was not to sure of Brad, having never met him before. Getting out of the pool and drying off, she went to put her dress back on, but once again, Raymond told her not to bother and to stay the way she was. She found a lounger and laying back, decided to work on her tan.

The rest of the afternoon, she tended the bar and brought the guys their *****s and food. She also found herself *****ing more than usual, which made her feel less inhibited in front of Brad. When the soccer game started, the guys moved into the covered cabana to watch it. Raymond told Marie that she could watch the game with them, or hang out by the pool. He also informed her that it was game time for her too. Hearing this, she could feel the wetness between her legs. Laying out by the pool, it wasn't long, before RJ made his way over for a swim. Stripping down, he jumped in and swam around bit. He had Marie join him and for the next little while they played around in the water.

RJ got out and toweled himself off. He then called Marie over and asked if she could help him out. She moved to stand in front of him and began kissing him. While they kissed, his hands roamed over her tits and down to her ass and pussy. She soon felt his fingers go between her legs and pull gently on her pussy lips. Feeling her wetness, he grabbed the back of her head and guided it down to his cock. Marie, not wasting any time, took his semi-hard cock into her mouth and proceeded to lick and suck his cock, while fondling his balls. When his cock was hard, she turn away, and getting on her hands and knees, offered her pussy to him. Marie soon felt his cock, as it entered her pussy and proceeded to fuck her. As RJ fucked her, she looked over to where the other guys were and saw Raymond talking to Brad as they both looked on. As RJ continued to fucked her and being watched by the other two, her body shook with her first orgasm of the day. She could feel RJ pick up his pace, as he slammed his cock into her pussy, thinking that he was about to cum also, she pushed back against his cock. To her surprise, RJ pull out, turned her around and stuck his cock into her mouth. Marie's mouth went back to work on his cock and was rewarded with a mouth full of cum as RJ came. When they were done and RJ was cleaned up; he got dressed and went back to join the others.

Marie then jumped back into the pool to cool off. About 15 minutes, she saw that RJ and Mark were leaving. Heading to the cabana, she asked Raymond if they were coming back. Raymond told her no, they had stuff to do. He then told her to grab some *****s and come back and join him and Brad.

Sitting beside Raymond, he and Brad continued to talk and watch the remainder of the game. Raymond asked Brad if he enjoyed watching RJ fuck Marie and if he also enjoyed the pleasure of her naked company. Brad replied with a "yes" and that the afternoon was been a real joy so far. Raymond then proceed to tell Brad, that it was going to get much better real soon. Raymond looked at Marie, and instructed her to kneel down in front of his good friend Brad and to do what she does best. Hearing his request, Marie did as she was told. Kneeling in front of Brad, she worked his cock out of his pants and went to work on sucking and licking his cocks and balls. With words of encouragement from Raymond and Brad's moans, she got into the mood pretty quick. As she pleasured Brad, Raymond continued to talk to her, telling her how good she looked and how happy he was with her. He told her to take her time with Brad and to make sure that he enjoyed what he was getting. He told her that "not every cock could be black and that occasionally, there must be some white meat thrown in.

When Brad was close to cumming, he stood up in front of her and jerked himself off till he came over her face and tits. Brad told she looked good and to clean the cum of her face, but leave the rest of the cum on her tits. When she was done cleaning her face, she sat back next to Raymond and could feel Brad's cum ooze from her breasts to her stomach.

Brad excused himself and disappeared inside the house. Raymond checked over his shoulder to make sure Brad was out of sight and then turned to Marie and gave her a long wet deep kiss. Marie not expecting this, pushed her tongue deep inside Raymond mouth. They kissed for awhile, then she felt his fingers running up and down her stomach where Brad's cum was. He stopped kissing her and fed his cum covered finger into her mouth and told her to lick it clean. When she was done licking his finger cleaned; Raymond told her that he needed to head out, but would be back in a couple of hours. He told her that Brad was inside waiting for her and she was to look after him and do what she was told. She could trust Brad and not to worry. Raymond kissed her again and with a slap on her ass sent her inside.

Looking around the house for Brad, she realized that he was upstairs. Heading up, she found him in the bedroom. Brad said hello to her again and thanked her for coming. Brad led her to the bed. Lying there, she let Brad hands and fingers roam over body. She soon felt Brad hand and his fingers between her legs ******* them open. Spreading her legs wide, she was surprised when he went down on her. He licked, sucked and chewed on her pussy until she came.

Marie went on to describe that over the next 3-4 hours, Brad fucked her in multiple positions, including her ass. His cock was average in size, but was very thick, with a large head. He made sure that when he came, he would take great care in ensuring that his cum covered various parts of her body. He came on her tits, stomach, ass and over her pussy. He instructed her not to touch it or wipe it away. He was quite happy watching it run down and over her body. Each time he came, he would take a short break. When he was ready to go again, he would make Marie suck and play with his cock and balls until he was hard and ready.

They had just finished doing it again, when a car pulled in and multiple voices could be heard talking. She recognized Raymond's voice, but not the others. Brad headed downstairs. Marie covered in Brad's cum, followed behind him. Outside, she met Raymond and could see three other guys over at the tiki bar. They looked at her and then turned to talk amongst themselves. be continued.


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They had just finished doing it again, when a car pulled in and multiple voices could be heard talking. She recognized Raymond's voice, but not the others. Brad headed downstairs. Marie covered in Brad's cum, followed behind him. Outside, she met Raymond and could see three other guys over at the tiki bar. They looked at her and then turned to talk amongst themselves.

Raymond greeted her and said she "looked a like a cum stain whore" and that Brad must have enjoyed himself. He mentioned to Marie that he brought some friends back with him and to head over and say hi, but first she needed to take a swim in the pool, to clean herself up a bit. Raymond then turned and went to talk to Brad.

After a short swim, she toweled off and made her way over to the guys. Of the three, she only knew one of them and it was Chris. She asked the guys, what they wanted to *****. After getting them their ******, she made the mistake and asked them if they needed anything else. Chris was the first to say something. He told her to make her way over to cabana and when she got there, he wanted to her face down and with her ass in the air. As Marie walked to the cabana, she could hear the guys laughing. Inside the cabana she position herself on the one couch, face down and ass in the air, with her legs spread.

It wasn't long, when she heard Chris come in and move in behind her. She felt the head of his cock on the crack of her ass and pussy. He rubbed it up and down till it was hard; making Marie wet in the process. Not saying a word, he entered her from behind and proceed to fuck her. As her pussy was once again being slammed, she felt someone grab the back of her head, lifting it high enough, to place their cock into her mouth, while Chris continued to fuck her. She was close to cumming and she could feel Chris's cock swell and released a huge load inside her. The feel of his cock and cum, also brought herself to an orgasm. Chris just removed his cock from her, and the one she was sucking, moved in to take its place. As the guy slid inside her, she could feel, that this was the biggest cock of the day for her. As the guy fucked her, he fingered her ass at the same time, causing her to cum again. After what seem like an eternity, the guy tensed up and came, delivering another load of cum inside her. When he finished wiping his cock on her ass, he reached around and grabbed Marie's tit and nipple and pulled her to her feet. He told her that she still had another cock to satisfy. He lead her across the grass, towards the tiki bar. Gently pulling her by her nipple, causing just enough pain for her to walk on her tip toes. When she got to the tiki bar, the last guy was standing there. Kneeling before him, she took his cock out of his pants and went to work on it. While she was sucking and licking his cock, the other guy continued to pull and pinch her nipples, causing her to wince in pain and pleasure. He instructed her to remove the guys pants completely, while she continued to suck on his cock. He then told his friend to turn around and instructed Marie that he wanted to see her lick and rim his ass. Marie started at the crack of his ass licking it up and down. She soon had the tip of her tongue on the guy's ass and began rimming it. The two guys talked the whole time, telling her that she was black cock whore and she was lucky, she was Raymond's whore and not theirs. The guy that she was rimming, turned around and led her back to the cabana. Once inside, he laid her on her back and entered her swollen pussy. While he was fucking her, Chris came in and stuck his cock into her mouth and told her to get to work. Between getting fucked and sucking Chris's cock, she managed to come again. Chris was about to cum again, and pulled out and shot his load onto her tits. The guy in her pussy started to moan loudly and dropped a load of cum into her pussy. When both of them were done, they left her lying there covered in cum and with a sore and swollen pussy.

Raymond came in and sat across from her. Looking at her, he asked if she enjoyed herself so far. Marie nodded and told him yes. The guy that was twisting her nipples earlier came in, taking a seat beside Raymond. He told Marie to sit up and to spread her legs so he could get a good view of her cum filled pussy. He instructed Marie to put her fingers inside pussy and lick the cum from them. Looking over at Raymond in protest...Raymond told her to do as she was told. The two of them watched and talked. The guy told Raymond, that it was a waste not to share her. He told Raymond, that if she was his whore, she would be kept pretty busy down at the club fucking the brothers. He went on to say, that he could have at least 15-20 brothers lined up to enjoy that pussy and mouth of hers. Raymond let him talk and after awhile, asked if he was done and if so, it was time for him to leave. As the guys left the place. Marie stood up and could feel the cum running down her legs. Raymond came back and told her to grab her stuff. They were going to spend the night here and head back home in the morning.

Heading into the house, Raymond told her that Brad was upstairs and waiting. Heading up, she found Brad in bed, but to her relief, he had passed out and was ********. Crawling into bed beside him, she too passed out. When she awoke in the morning, both Brad and Raymond were down stairs having coffee. After saying good morning to the both of them, she made her way outside and dove into the pool to wake herself up. Raymond brought her a coffee and told her again, how well she performed the night before.


Posts: 595
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Wow Don, what a great chapter, very exciting to read. Can't wait to hear more, thanks.
Vivian Vasquez


Posts: 54 Pictures: 3 
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excellent..waiting for the next chapter.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Sounds like a heavenly weekend!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks for another great update,

So what is next; did Raymon just want to see Her reaction when he let the nipple-twisting guy talk about bringing Her to the club where 20 males would be lined up to use Her, and is he seriously considering bringing Her there as part of Her training???

Looking forward to more updates.



Posts: 595
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Don any updates?


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Sorry for not updating this post sooner. The last part of the summer did not work out as everyone had hope. Marie had a falling out with Raymond near the end of July. He had taken his kids for the summer and had another woman living with him; which made it practically impossible for her to spend time there.

We have also been actively looking and have found two new black cocks for her. We have met one together and she has also met the second guy, but she has not slept or played with them as of yet. Colin has also been texting her since the beginning of October, but she has not decided on her course of action. Since the fallout, she has taken a different approach on how to proceed, and has stated on more than one occasional, that she needs to take control and be in charge.

She did have an opportunity to play in August (at the beach) which I have posted below. Promise to keep the post updated as things develop. Enjoy the read.

The last part of the summer we were able to get to the beach for a couple of weekends. It was the first opportunity to spend sometime by ourselves...since the fall out with Raymond.

Marie wanted to head down to the lake and spend some time in the sun and water. Gathering our stuff, we headed out. Marie was driving and when we got down to where we were supposed to turn, she kept on driving straight. I told her she missed the turn, but she told me not to worry. When we finally got there, I could just make out the beach and water from the parking area. Getting our stuff out of the car, Marie told me to follow her. Walking along a dirt path for about 10 minutes, we came to an open area where we had a good view of the lake. At this point, Marie stripped down to nothing, tossed me her clothes and kept walking. I said, WTF, and she told me not to worry and to follow her. We walked for another 5 minutes; me following my naked wife, watching the sway of her ass, as she walked along. She finally settled on a spot about 25 feet from the water and with shoulder high grass and bushes to our left, right and rear. While I set up the stuff, Marie headed down to the water. When she came out, I tossed her a towel and asked what was going on. She informed me, that she wanted to do something new and special for me. I had the whole day to look and lust after her, if I so choose. She then instructed me to get her a ***** and to get naked also. Other people started arriving just before noon time. Like Marie, they were all sans clothes. We spent our time out in the water and it was enjoyable. Around the early afternoon, I counted maybe 15-20 people in and around our little area. You could hear them or their music, but only saw them, if they were in the water.

Sitting there enjoying the sun, Marie asked if I wanted to go back into the water, I told her no, just go ahead without me. I watched her for a bit, then got into reading my book and loss sense of time. Hearing voices, I looked up and saw Marie coming back, with a younger guy in tow. Marie said they met in the water and she invited him back for a beer, hoping I don't mind. Marie got him a beer and sat down on the blanket across from him. Looking over my book, the guy looked to be in his early twenties, very good looking, lean and toned. We talked for a bit and discovered that he was with a group of people further down the beach, where nudity was not allowed. He said he was curious and wanted to check it out, but none of his friends wanted to tag along with him.

As we talked Marie stretched out on her stomach. Lying there, she said it was getting hot and ask her guest if he could put some lotion on her back. He looked at me and I just told him to go ahead. Watching him apply the lotion to her back, I started to get an erection. Somewhat embarrassed, I informed them that I was going to take a swim, to cool off. Covering my growing erection, I ran down and into the water. Swimming around and the cold water, it snapped me out of my erection. Looking back at the beach, I noticed that both of them were gone. Looking up and down the beach, neither of them could be seen. Heading back to our spot, I noticed that the grassy stuff behind our towels was trampled. Looking back into the area, I could see the both of them. Marie's friend was laying flat on his back and Marie's head was going up and down on his cock. As I watched her give him head, my erection was soon back. Afraid of being caught, I headed back out to the water, to cool off again. After about 15 minutes, I returned to our spot, to find Marie alone, reading her book. Sitting down, I asked where her friend went. She stated that he had to head back to his friends. I nodded and said that was too bad. Marie laughed and asked me if I enjoyed the little show. She knew I was watching and it was to bad, that I left. If I had stuck around, I could have seen the guy cum all over himself as she sucked and jerked him to orgasm. She then said "your loss, maybe next time". Glancing over her book, she noticed my erection again and commented that I had to leave it alone for now. I asked, if she had planned that, and she replied "no". After that comment, I went back to reading my book. Marie headed back out for a swim and soon disappeared from sight again.

An ½ hour or so later, Marie returned alone, which surprised me. She told me she met another guy, around our age, further down and he asked us if we wanted to join him. I told her not really and she stated to bad, that he seemed nice and that we should move, incase the guy returned with his friends. Grabbing our stuff, we headed further down the beach. 10 minutes or so, we turned away from the beach and walked a short path to a secluded area. Seeing us, Marie's new friend waved. Introductions were made. Marie's new friend was Dave, he was married, but his wife was away for the weekend, or she would normally be here. I got us some *****s from the cooler and we talked for some more. Dave was 42 and in pretty good shape from looking at him. Dave asked if it was out first time here at the beach. I replied yes, but it was not Marie first time being naked in front of strangers. Marie reached over and smacked me.

We hung out with Dave for about another hour. We got his number for future reference and he also told us where to park next time we came back. The walk would be shorter. On the drive home, we talked about the day. Marie said she enjoyed herself and if nothing was going on tomorrow, maybe we could come back to the beach.

That night in the bed, Marie had me service her ass and pussy, while she played with one of her many vibrators. She describe to me, how easy and fun it was, taking that young guy's cock into her mouth. She became even more aroused, when she knew I was watching them and a little disappointed that I did not stay and watch the whole thing. When she was done pleasuring herself, she had me straddle her stomach and jerk off over her breasts. Marie commented that it was a huge load and then directed me further, by having me lick it off her. When she was satisfied with my cleaning job, we kissed and went to *****.

We woke up early Sunday and Marie decided that we would head to the beach again. From talking to Dave yesterday, we found a closer area to park the car. Pulling into the area, there were only a couple of other cars. Getting the stuff out of the car, Marie decided to waste no time and stripped right there. We went further down the beach, this time and found some pretty nice spots, but no privacy. Marie finally decided on a spot, close to the water.

In the afternoon, there we lots of couples and single males out in the water and walking along the beach. The spot we were in, encouraged other couples to wave or stop for a short chat. The spot also allowed the single guys to wave as they walked past. What we found, is that if you waved back, it was then okay for them to come up and start a conversation with us. Most were friendly and only wanted a quick ogle at Marie. There were two guys that must have met Marie's approval as she offered them a beer out of the cooler. The first guy was a bit nerdy, which you couldn't really tell, till you talked to him for awhile. Marie ended up sending him on his way, when his beer was finished. The second guy was quite the opposite. He was able to have a decent conversation, without drooling, whenever he got a glimpsed of Marie's pussy. Sensing that Marie liked him, I made the excuse that I needed to cool off and went out for a swim. Looking from the water, I saw that Marie wasted no time and had the young guy spreading lotion on her back, legs and ass. Even with the cold water, I started to get an erection. When I checked on them about 5 minutes later, they were both gone and out of sight, I only could guess that Marie took him into the tall grass behind our spot. Watching the area, I saw Marie emerge 10-15 minutes later. Seeing me she waved and made her way down to the water. Swimming over to me, she gave me a smile and a big kiss, shoving her tongue inside my mouth. When she was done kissing me, she asked how the guy tasted and told me I lucked out again. I said she tasted like cum and asked what I missed. She said a repeat from yesterday.

Around mid afternoon, we were looking at heading out. Dark clouds began rolling in. When we got to the parking area, we ran into Dave who was also leaving. We talked a bit about missing each other out on the beach. Grabbing a couple of beer from the cooler, we stood around talking. Marie had not changed into her clothes yet and sat on the hood of the car while we talked. When we were done, Dave thanked us for the beer and asked that if we weren't in a hurry, then we were more than welcome to follow him home and have a few more cold ones.
We liked the idea and agreed to follow him to his place. At this point Marie decided she better cover up for the ride..

His house was only 15 minutes from the beach. Heading inside, Dave told us to make ourselves at home and have a seat out on the deck. Dave soon joined us and we sat around talking and *****ing. Dave asked how the day went. I told him it was great, except Marie running around naked, talking to every guy that walked past us. Marie smacked me again and called me an ass.
From the sun and the amount of *******, I could tell that it was affecting Marie. I suggested that we should head out, before the rain starts; after I hit the washroom to get rid the beer. Dave gave me directions and I went inside.

When I came back down and out to the deck, both of them were gone. I went back inside and seen Dave and Marie out of the corner of my eye. Looking into the living room, Dave was sitting back on the couch and Marie was between his legs, her head going up and down. I was surprised, but not surprised at the same time. Watching from the hall, I had a pretty good view of the both of them. I could see that Marie was struggling trying to take the head of Dave's cock into her mouth and spent a lot of her time, licking and fondling his cock.

Marie must have noticed I was watching and told me to come over to her and pull her dress off. When she was once again naked, she had Dave lay on the floor. Pulling his shorts off, she then climb on top of him. Straddling his crotch, she rubbed the head of his cock, back and forth across her pussy. This also gave me a pretty good view of the action. Dave's cock was the biggest one, I have ever seen. The head was like a small fist and he had to be at least 10".
I got to watch as Marie slowly guide it into her waiting pussy. The head of Dave's cock stretched her pussy wide and quickly disappeared inside her. Marie then worked at taking the rest of his cock. She would stop, withdrawal it a bit and then proceed taking more of it. When he was fully inside her, Marie just sat on his cock, rocking back and forth. She told Dave not to move and then she started to ride it, very slowly. I watched as her legs tighten and she squeezed them together as she brought herself to an orgasm. When she caught her breath, she eased herself off his cock and took what she could back into her mouth. Covering it in saliva, she turned around and told Dave to take her from behind. Placing her head in my lap, I had a front row seat, as Dave mounted her from behind. When he was fully inside and started to pump her pussy, her body trembled again from another orgasm. She buried her head deep into my lap and moaned how good his cock was and how her pussy was completely filled by his cock. Dave fucked her like this for about 2 minutes. He picked up his pace, sliding it in and out of her. When he was about to cum, he withdrew his cock, shooting a load onto her ass.

When he was done, he excused himself and went to clean up. Marie grabbed her dress and wiped Dave's cum from her body. Sitting next to me, she gave me a long deep kiss and thanked me for the day and allowing her this. Dave came back into the room and sensing that he was somewhat uncomfortable after the fact, we excused ourselves and told him that we should go before the rain started. Dave agreed and thanked us for the interesting afternoon.

On the drive home, Marie showed me her pussy and told me that I that I could have whatever I wanted when we got home.


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Dear Don,

Thanks for updating,
I am glad that Lady Marie has decided to take control!!!
It is in my opinion much hotter when the cuckoldress makes the decisions and fucks whom She likes and not leaving control for someone like Raymond.

Please update more as your Wife progresses



Posts: 6938
#84 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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Could it be that Marie is the ultimate black cock whore and slut? You lucky bastard!

She's the kind of wife that most guys, if they're honest, can only dream about. This saga of Marie's constant need for BBC is enthralling, she needs you as her husband, but she cannot now live without a constant supply of BBC. You can thank Colin and Raymond for her conversion!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Your update and account of events was fantastic! I'm glad to hear that Marie is still enjoying her freedom to explore and enjoy as much cock as she desires.

Thanks for the HOT posting!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 95 Pictures: 3 
#86 · Edited by: Don987
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We are finally back in the game....yeah me.

I will be the first to admit, that Marie has not been herself the last couple of months. She has admitted that she does love me very much and my cock does make her feel good, but she truly misses the the excitement and feel of having "black cocks" inside her mouth and pussy. I will also admit, that sex was better for me, when she was getting her "black cocks".

End of November, I got the nerve up to text Colin and see what he has been up to the last couple of months. Over the next couple of days, we texted back and forth and finally agreed to meet. Meeting him at a local bar, I expressed Marie's frustrations over Raymond, and Colin admitted that Raymond had pretty well dropped off the map and dumped most of his friends. Colin has been hanging with Chris and a couple of other guys, that had fucked Marie when she was with Raymond. Upping my courage, I asked if he would like to start anew with Marie and help us both out. Colin didn't say anything, but agreed to think about it. I provided him with Marie's number, if he decided yes.

The first week of December, Marie came home, and I noticed that she had a spring in her step and she looked like she had gotten a promotion or a raise at work. When she got settled, she asked for a glass of wine and told me to have a seat. She had some surprising news for me. She told me that out of the blue, she had received a text from Colin ..."you remember Colin"? she asked me. He texted her and asked if she would like to meet up with him for a few beer, in the next couple of day.

Marie asked if it was okay, and I told her to go ahead and see where it goes. A couple days later, Marie texted me and told me not to come home after work. She was going to meet Colin at the house and didn't want to spook him, if I came home and they were fucking. Reading her text, gave me an instant hard on, and I replied that I understood and to text or call me when she was done.

Waiting at the bar for her text, I had quite a few beer. I was not sure, I could handle her fucking Colin again, or that I might back out of cleaning her pussy, if she asked me to. When I received her text, I thought it best to take a cab home. Feeling the *****, the driver and talked on the ride home. He asked me, "if it was kind of early in the week to start celebrating the weekend". I told him "I was not celebrating the upcoming weekend". I informed him, "that my wife has taken a new black lover" and "I was celebrating". The driver did not know what to say, and remained silent for the rest of the ride.

When I came into the house, the lights were off, except for the bedroom. Entering the bedroom, Marie was lying there, waiting for me. I could tell by the hickeys on her body, that Colin had been here and I asked her to spread her legs so that I could see her pussy. Marie opened her legs, giving me a clear view of her fucked, cum filled and stretched pussy. Marie instructed me to undress and join her on the bed. Once on the bed, Marie told me that she had a wonderful time and that she believes Colin had also enjoyed himself. I asked her, how many orgasms she had, and she told me that she lost count after 5 or 6. Seeing my erection, she asked me what I wanted to do first. Not answering her, I got down between her legs and went to work on her pussy. I could taste her and the cum from another man. The more I licked and sucked, the more cum filled my mouth. It was not very long, before I felt Marie's legs tighten around my head and her body shook with an orgasm. When she was done, and I was done, cleaning her, she had me straddle her and masturbate myself to an orgasm. She commented on much I came on her breasts and stomach and told me to clean it up also. Taking my time, I made sure to get each and every drop of my cum from her body. Laying beside her, she turned and gave me a big kiss and thanked me for the evening. I told her, it was great to see her satisfied and see that smile on her face again.

The next morning, as we were leaving for work, she told me, not to be surprised if I get another text message later on today. Sure enough that afternoon, I was informed again that Colin would be paying her a visit and not to come home after work. She also told me, not to get wasted. She wanted me somewhat sober, when I lick her clean.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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That's soooooooo..... HOT!!

OMG...... you must be in cuck heaven with her sweet nectar.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 6938
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The slut's insatiable - that's why Colin wants her and aims to pass her around his friends.


Posts: 95 Pictures: 3 
#89 · Edited by: Don987
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Quick Update

For much of December, Colin has been at our house almost every other night during the week, sometimes more often. Weekends have been left for ourselves. I have become a bit of a regular at the bar (not far from the house) and have on more than one occasion, required a cab to bring me home. I am not hammered, but after three or four beers, I don't want to risk getting a DUI. I have also had the opportunity of having the same cab driver from the first night bring me home on more than one occasion. Nothing is ever said, but I can tell, that he is dying to ask me more about my wife fucking some black guy.

I have yet to see her fuck Colin, nor have I been allowed at the house when he is there. When I get the text or call, that I am allowed to come, I can smell the sex, when I walk in the door. Marie does not go into any details. She tells me, it just straight fucking. Nothing special, just vanilla sex and she is okay with it at the moment.

I usually get to spend some time between her legs, licking her pussy and cleaning whatever cum remains from Colin. Marie will then tell me to masturbate myself till I cum. If she is not too tired, I get to cum on her.

Marie has definitely got in the Christmas spirit and then some. She has gone back to shaving her pussy completely naked. She dresses more provocatively when she leaves the house for work and shopping. I asked if she plans on having more than Colin fuck her and she told me, she would like to have at least three cocks at once (liked she did with Raymond). She also wants me there too. She feels that I am sort of getting the short stick in all this. Other than that, things have changed to the better. Oh, I almost forgot, she has denied me her pussy at the moment. It is currently reserved for "blacks only".

New Years eve is coming, up. Hopefully I will get to spend sometime with the both of them.

Thanks for letting me post.



Posts: 6938
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she has denied me her pussy at the moment. It is currently reserved for "blacks only".

The slut know's just what to do to keep you keen and ever ready to eat her used cunt. Keep posting, lots of details please.
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My wife's desires for Black Cock. Updated for 5 Jan. 2015.
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