Posts: 14692
GH, thank you for a great segment.
On some level I wish you would forget the sub-plots and stay with the main characters but than I also know that I would miss out on some great writing.
So forget what I just wrote and you your thing. You are doing GRRRRREAT.
BD Icqicq
Posts: 65
Sub-plots! Sub-plots, plots about subs!!! Each of these segments is certainly worth the wait!! Thanks, GH! bd-owned
Posts: 4050
cuckol_2, subchard, peak, timmy, BD Icqicq and all the people who sent me encouraging emails through Literotica.
Thank you, your kind words are definitely appreciated.
Posts: 4050
Friday afternoon Danny's Lounge was packed. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday most of the permisternel on the air power base had furloughs, classes at the University were canceled until Monday and a large number of local businesses were operating on a very relaxed basis. Of course since it was also black Friday lots of wives were out shopping leaving their spouses home alone. Many of those abandoned husbands decided to go shopping too, at least that's what they told their wives. A large number of them ended up in establishments like Danny's Lounge. The manager at Danny's was experienced. He knew what to expect so every dancer employed by the club was working that afternoon.
I tried to get some work done on the girl's financial portfolios, but quickly gave up. The dressing room was a madhouse. The girls couldn't keep up with the demand for lap dances. When they had to make a costume change they did it on the run. I put my lap top computer away and spent the afternoon helping the girls get in and out of their costumes. It was a challenge, but we all know the old axiom; when the going gets tough the tough get going. I rose to the occasion, or at least part of me did. Yes, I admit it. I'm a dirty old man, but the girls needed my help and it didn't seem right to turn my back on them.
Friday night Jeanne called at 9:30. It was 10:30 in Minneapolis. She'd just gotten home from Brady's. She and Abby had both hooked up with men they liked. Jeanne's paramour for the evening was a salesman named Bill Gorman. He had a big cock and a nice sense of humor. Jeanne liked him and he liked her too. After they finished their tete-a-tete in his car he asked her if he could see her again. She declined. She told him that she was married and had a boyfriend. She liked him but she just didn't have time for another relationship. He gave her one of his business cards and told her to call him on his cell phone if she changed her mind.
As Jeanne told us that I noticed a hint of regret in her voice. I have to admit that made me happy. Jeanne was discovering the disadvantages of trying to maintain two relationships.
Abby didn't have a current boyfriend so when her new friend asked if he could see her again she eagerly invited him to have a cocktail with her Sunday afternoon in her downtown studio apartment. I think Jeanne was envious. Again that made me happy.
Saturday afternoon Jeanne had her date with Trent. She called us Saturday night.
Mel answered the telephone. Once we were settled she asked; "How was your date with Trent?"
Jeanne said; "It was amazing."
Mel eagerly said; "Tell us all about it."
"Okay, as soon as Trent was inside the house he took me in his arms and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back and then I steered him to the couch and slowly dropped to my knees. As I unbuckled Trent's belt and unzipped his pants he whispered, Oh yeah baby, I've been waiting for this all week. That got me even more excited."
Chuckling, Amy said; "I'll bet it did."
There was a pause and then Jeanne asked; "Michael am I being to enthusiastic?"
"No Jeanne, not at all. In fact it makes me happy to hear you this excited."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Jeanne, I'm sure."
Amy said; "Mel just unzipped Michael's pants and took out his cock. It's very stiff. Believe me, he's enjoying this just as much as you are."
Giggling, Jeanne said; "Hearing that makes me very happy."
Mel said, "Okay, you just unzipped Trent's pants. What happened next?"
"I pulled Trent's pants down to his ankles. He sat down on the couch and I immediately started licking and sucking his cock. I was so excited. I've told you before that sucking a cock gets me really aroused, but this time there was more."
Amy said, "You were going to try deep throating Trent's cock. I'll bet you were a little nervous too."
"I was, but I really wanted to try it and it was time. Michael I've been watching some of your movies."
"You told me that. I gather you're using them as instructional videos."
"I am. In the movies the girls always spit all over a guys cock before they try to swallow it."
Mel said; "It's the only way you can do it. It has to be wet and slippery."
"I did that. I got Trent's cock really wet and then I started pushing it into my throat. As soon as he realized what I was doing Trent went wild. I actually had to take his cock out of my mouth and tell him that this was the first time I'd ever tried to do this, so he had to be still and let me figure out how to do it. That was all it took. He sat perfectly still on the couch and watched while I tried to swallow his cock."
Amy asked, "How did you do?"
"Not bad. I gagged a little at first and I now understand what you meant when you told me that you're obligation yourself on the guy's cock when you do it, but I did manage to take all of his cock and hold it in my throat for a few seconds at a time."
"You took it all the first time? Way to go girl." Mel was grinning.
I asked, "Did you enjoy it?"
"I did Michael, I really did. I want to keep practicing. I'd like to get good at it."
Nodding Amy said, "It does get easier with practice."
"Michael, last night you told me that you didn't enjoy it that much when Mel and Amy did it to you."
"It's hard for me to enjoy something when I know it's not comfortable for the other permister."
"That's one of the many reamisters I love you so much, but Michael when we're together in San Antonio would you still let me practice with you?"
"Why don't you practice with Trent? I gather he really enjoys it."
"Micheal I made a huge mistake when I began exploring the world of sex without you. I want to change that. I want to start exploring and practicing with you. I want us to grow together as a husband and wife. I want to read stories and watch erotic movies with you. I want you to help me learn how to be a slut. We had so much fun in San Francisco. I want that to become our life. Yes, I will be dating other men, but sometimes I'll set it up so you can watch and I'll always tell you about it. You can have fun too. I told Abby about how Mel and Amy are teaching you to eat pussy. She can't wait to meet you. She loves having her pussy eaten. Abby and I have even talked about having a threesome with you."
"Jeanne, that all sounds wonderful; but I'm not ready to come home yet. I still don't think I can handle watching you get dressed for a date with another man."
Amy said; "But he's getting closer."
"I hope so. Michael I miss you so much."
Mel said; "I also want him to go home. That way Amy and I can visit you. I want to eat Abby's pussy too."
Giggling, Amy said; "So do I, but when I do it I want Michael to watch."
"Of course, that goes without saying." Mel was nodding vigorously. She was also squeezing my cock."
Amy continued, "And Jeanne I want to watch you do it too."
Jeanne said, "You mean eat Abby's pussy?"
Amy nodded. "That's right."
Laughing, I said; "That would definitely get me home sooner."
"Really? Okay Michael, I'll do it. I've never been with a woman, but I've thought about it. I've thought about it a lot. I'd like to try it." Jeanne paused. After a moment she said; "But when I do it the first time, I want you to be there with me watching. Would you like that baby? I'm sure Abby would do it. She loves anything that's kinky. And when Mel and Amy visit us we could all do it together."
Mel said, "Yes we could. We could have a daisy chain."
"You mean like what you do with Michael?"
"That's right, but you and Abby could be in it too."
"Okay Michael, there it is. When you come home you get to watch me with Abby. Actually you get to have a three way with Abby and me."
"When we get there we'll make it a five way." Amy poked me in the ribs. "Think you can handle that much pussy cuckboy?"
I just shook my head. Amy, Mel and Jeanne laughed. The four of us were becoming very close friends.
After a moment Mel said; "So tell us more about your date with Trent. You were deep throating his cock and he was loving it."
"He was loving it. He turned into an absolute wild man. He was so excited that he came in minutes. I just had time to get his cock out of my mouth before he started ejaculating. He came all over my face. I got cum in my eyes."
Mel and Amy giggled. Mel said; "Been there, done that."
Jeanne started giggling too. "It was kind of fun. Trent's cum was everywhere; in my hair, in my eyes, all over my cheeks, I even had some of his cum in my nose. It made me feel so slutty. Trent tried to apologize, but I was so turned on that I didn't care. I just grabbed his hand and pulled him into my playroom. Trent's pants were still down around his ankles. All he could do was hobble along behind me with his big flaccid dick flopping around like a beached fish."
Amy, Mel and I chuckled at the image.
Jeanne continued. "Once we were in the playroom I wiped most of Trent's cum off of my face with a hand towel while he stripped off his clothes. Then we got on the bed and I went down on him again. It was crazy. We were both so turned on. Michael I love being slutty and Trent loves playing with a slut. I think his wife must be really repressed."
"Like you used to be." As soon as I said it I regretted it.
Sighing, Jeanne said; "Yes Michael, just like I used to be." The remorse was evident in her voice.
"It's okay Jeanne. We put that issue to rest in San Francisco."
"We did, didn't we."
"Yes we did."
"Thank you Michael, thank you for being so understanding."
Mel said, "Back to your date with Trent. He took off his clothes while you were wiping his cum off of your face. Were you still dressed?"
"No, when Trent arrived I was wearing a silk robe. As soon as he was inside the house I took it off. All I was wearing underneath the robe was a pair black thigh high stockings, a garter belt and of course my high heels. Trent loves it when I wear spike heeled pumps."
"I'm a pretty big fan of them too."
"I know that. When we're in San Antonio that's all I'm going to wear."
"That won't make sight seeing very easy."
"I don't care. While we're in San Antonio I'm going to try to show you just how much fun having a slut wife can be. Besides I'm wearing them a lot now. I even wear them to work. I'm getting used to them. Don't worry, I'll pack a pair of walking shoes too, but I may not wear them very much."
"You're wearing spike heeled pumps to the office? That must be creating quite a stir with those conservative old attorneys you work for."
"Believe me, they have noticed."
"Aren't you worried that you might lose your job?"
"I realize that might happen; but Michael, I love my new life. I love every part of it. That includes dressing like a slut. I won't compromise my new lifestyle for anyone but you."
"And I'm not going to make you do that."
"Thank you Michael. Don't worry, I'm an experienced legal secretary. If I lose this job I'll find another one. I'm certain there are law offices where my new style of dress would be well received."
Laughing, I said; "I'm sure that's true. Now let's get back to your date. I want to hear more details. Trent was lying on the bed naked. You were wearing nylon stockings, a garter belt and your high heeled shoes. What happened next?"
"I got on the bed next to Trent and went down on him again. I wanted to get him hard so he could fuck me. I slowly stroked his cock while I licked his balls and his ass. That got him hard in a flash."
Amy grinned. "I'll bet it did."
"Once Trent was hard I deep throated him again. That got both of us really worked up, but this time I stopped sucking him before he orgasmed. Instead I rolled a condom onto his erect cock, lay down on the bed next to him and tried to pull him on top of me. Trent didn't cooperate. He had a different plan. He wanted my butt and I was happy to give it to him. Michael, I'm beginning to really enjoy anal sex."
Amy said; "Jeanne, I think it's a permisteral preference. Some women hate it while others love it."
Jeanne said; "For me I think part of the attraction is that for most of my life it was an unthinkable taboo."
Mel nodded. "Breaking taboos is fun."
"It is. Trent rolled me over onto my stomach, took the bottle of lotion from the table next to the bed, greased up my butt hole and mounted me."
I laughed. "Jeanne honey, I do believe that is the first time I've ever heard you utter the words butt hole."
Giggling, Jeanne said; "Michael, I'm a slut. I now say lots of naughty things."
"Jeanne you still have a ways to go. Real sluts don't use the word naughty. They say nasty or even fun, but not naughty." Amy was grinning.
Jeanne said; "Hey Amy give me a break. I'm still a novice slut."
Mel said; "That's right, she's not an old whore like you and me."
"But I'm learning and the two of you are turning out to be wonderful mentors."
I said, "So I gather you enjoyed your butt fucking."
"Michael I really did. Trent may not be the most sophisticated man I've ever met, but he definitely knows how to push my slut buttons. That's all I really want from him. Right now that's all I want from any man but you. Anal sex is a big slut button for me. So yes, I loved it."
Mel asked, "Did he even fuck your pussy this afternoon?"
"Oh yes, after Trent finished fucking my ass we cleaned up and then we took a short break. After our break I sucked Trent again. As soon as he was hard he rolled me onto my back, climbed on top of me and fucked me. We were both still obsessed with slutty nasty sex, so Trent fucked me really hard. He fucked me like I was a nasty slut. I loved it." Jeanne laughed. "Amy you're right nasty is a much better word than naughty."
"Yes Jeanne, it is." Amy was laughing too.
Mel and I were grinning.
Jeanne continued. "After we finished it was time for Trent to go home. That was fine with me. I was exhausted and the more I get to know Trent the more I'm starting to understand that all we really have in common is a mutual appreciation for dirty nasty sex."
Chuckling, I said; "It sounds like a good basis for nasty little affair."
"It is Michael and that's all it is. This will never be anything more than a nasty little affair. Please believe that."
"I'm beginning to Jeanne, I really am."
It was late. All of us were tired, especially Jeanne. It had been an exciting afternoon for her. We said our "I love yous" and our "Good nights" and then we ended the call.
That night Amy and Mel took turns riding my cock and my face. They both orgasmed several times before I finally came. It was a good ending to a very exciting evening.
Posts: 49
Goodhusband I've read all of this and a couple more of your stories without ever commenting. Probably time I changed that. Most stories written about cuckolds end up disappointing me because they insist on showing the treatment of the cuckold as at least partially malicious or cruel, with the wife and/or lover relishing in his trauma, and setting out to add to it. In my experience (which is pretty extensive now) that's not how most cuckold relationships are. They are touching, intimate, mutually appreciative relationships. Humiliation is involved but only to the point that it reminds the husband of his place, of his choice. When I was much younger I used to think it was part of my role to make fun of the husband but that changed pretty quickly. Cuckold husbands are fine, devoted, loyal husbands whom I admire for the gesture they give to their wives. Your stories portray the difficulty, the complication and the beauty of cuckold marriages better than almost anything else I've read. Well done; may you continue to be inspired to write for a long time yet.
BD Icqicq
Posts: 65
Eloquently said, SmoothBull. GH's sensitivity and explanatory narrative actually clarified several issues for my wife. It took away a layer of guilt I didn't even know she was carrying. bd-owned
Posts: 14692
again a wonderful segments full of insights. Thank you keeping this story going. I've been voting on lit.
Posts: 49
Thanks for the compliment BD, and that's great to hear that your wife's role wa made easier for her to accept and embrace. I'm not surprised you didn't know she was carrying a burden. I have had many heart to heart conversations with wives, and also with husbands, that often boil down to each one worrying that the other one is actually happy with the arrangement. She clearly wants you to be happy and now she's learned enough to realise you are. 
Posts: 1914
GH, Great section that. You really have him in a good place at the moment.
Posts: 152
GH, another magnifico for the maestro! I had to wait and wait before I could revisit this story. It was well worth it. I slowly grow in my understanding of what makes this kind of guy tick. I am still sore at his wife and especially his flowers for how they treated my "friend" Michael, but I am maturing out of that. LOL
Hi Smooth Bull, great quote. " Cuckold husbands are fine, devoted, loyal husbands whom I admire for the gesture they give to their wives. " I agree it, is a special gift of a very loving man to do what GH style cucks do. I don't have that much nice or selfless in me for sure. I very much KNOW from past explorations that I am as much sub as dom, and I have always loved being nice to women. But I just couldn't give like this character does.
***** Even back as a callow youth trying to go from femdom play to more of a subbie relationship for certain lady I really was into, a hard limit for me was her sexing up other guys. I think it is mostly a wiring thing, that is innate to each permister. Yes you are OK with it or NO in the long run this is not for you. But I do think that maybe if there is enough of security and shared adventure a permister can come to like what they were adverse to at first. Like this story.
**** Maybe with those of us who just don't really want this kind of relationship, the problem is we are worried that deep down we believe we will not be respected if we acquiesce. Or we believe deep down it will hurt our relationship no matter what our partner tells us. That it may make our full relationship into a fraction or caricature of what it was? I do know for me it also works the other way in the "Taking" direction. I do not want to be with a woman who is so subbie to me she would willingly [b][/b] be a reverse cuck.
I "know" because one of the gals I used to know who wanted to be dominated came to see me as "master" instead of boyfriend. At that point I lost all interest in a serious relationship with her. I am a full permister, not just a "master", and I pretty much wanted actual "exchange of parts and fluids" sex to be a me/her thing only.
Perhaps wanting to be accepted and loved as a whole woman and not just a "mistress" is what many women find objectionable about extreme femdom activity in a relationship? Sorry to ramble on your thread GH, but CPlace is the only place I can think of offhand where I feel the urge/feel free to share such thoughts.
Posts: 49
oldbearswitch, thank you for the compliment and you make a lot of sense with what you say. I think ultimately we all want what we see as the ideal relationship. A dominatrix who revels in humiliating and hurting you would ultimately like to find love or at least great company in he man she spends her life with. If you're only a sub in her eyes, she'll look elsewhere. Similarly a soul mate companion who also happens to be a dominatrix would also dream of having you and dominating you, but might find it difficult to manage both, keep both sides of the relationship genuine or complete. I am generally a dominant lover but it's different with different people. Some I never get particularly close to; others grow to become long term friends or confidantes. I am the Bull for a couple whom I've now been involved with for nearly 2 years and we're very close. It's not love but I genuinely care about her and am a willing sounding board for both of them as their cuckold relationship deepens over time. I'm also involved with another couple - just started in March - and she is my slut, my cum dumpster and nothing else, because that's what works for me, for her and her husband.
I think your fear that deep down you would not be respected if you acquiesce has some merit to it; some women would indeed lose at least some respect, or at least see your manhood in a different light. Plenty of others, if they understand WHY you acquiesce, see it for the brave, definitive gesture it is. The stories GH writes show couples going through the necessary communication, and the explanations that Michael and Jeanne give each other in this story apply to a lot of couples who try this way of life and trip up because they didn't ever say these things. So go ahead and share your thoughts here whenever you feel the urge: we've all been there from one side of the fence or the other.
Posts: 125
take your time with this. I believe that is why your stories are so well received is that you are not in a rush to finish them and leave out all the real important parts. I am truly enjoying this story and check just about everyday to see if there is am update. most days I am disappointed but the days there is an update make up for it.
keep up the good work
Posts: 81
Thanks, GH.
We all appreciate the effort you've put into writing this, the nuanced characters, the plot twists and turns, the artful prose; creating one of the all time CP classics!
Posts: 4050
Thank you
I appreciate the kind comments, but I'm also getting lots of negative comments. With this story I tried to do something a little different. Apparently different is bad.
I think it's time for me to take a long vacation.
Posts: 49
#465 · Edited by: SmoothBull
Goodhusband, doers will always face knockers. There are people who hate Shakespeare, Stephen King, Hemmingway, Tolstoy... don't let it get you down that some people believe every single story they read should pass their permisteral tests for greatness. Art is subjective. The fact that the negative comments are so significant as to drive you to have a long vacation says nothing at all about you. It says plenty about them though. If, like me, you write because it's in you and it feels good to get it out, to create, to explore the craft, then go right ahead. If you really need a vacation then go right ahead and do that too, but do not let your decision either way be influenced by the acidic words of those who somehow have the time and the mindset to bother writing them. You're a good writer, and some people will hate your good writing along with Hemmingway's. Whatever you decide, make sure the decision is made to satisfy you before anyone else. God bless you.
Posts: 14692
please don't let the nay sayer get you down. It's like SmoothBull says, you can't please every body every time.
If the story pleases you, than write it for your own enjoyment and those who who get it.
On the other hand, if you feel you need this vacation, the go ahead and take in the full knowledge that your fans will be here if when you decide to continue.
Please take care my friend. Be well and enjoy life.
Posts: 114
An old sales adage Some will Some won't so what Next
your stories are enjoyed by so many people, and its not the sex necessarily . You are a master at character development and story telling.
As Timmy said if you need a vacation take one, and yes we will all be here awaiting your return
Posts: 4050
#468 · Edited by: goodhusband
Just ignore me.
I just returned from an intense trip to the east coast. Last night I was tired and feeling a little down. While I am disappointed with the reception this story has received at Literotica I realize there are many people who are enjoying it.
Thanks for the support.
Posts: 4050
#469 · Edited by: goodhusband
Tuesday was an exciting day for me. It was the day Jeanne, Ruth and Abby were planning to go to the Goldenrod Supper Club to meet men who were attending the trade show at the Civic Center. All day I had a nervous edge. Knowing that your wife is partying with other men is one thing. Knowing that she'll be partying with a new man in his hotel room that particular evening is something else altogether.
Mel and Amy had a full schedule. They were each entertaining two gentlemen in the cottage. I played golf. I didn't shoot a very good score. It's hard to focus your attention when you keep imagining your wife sucking a strange man's cock in his hotel room.
Amy and Mel were aware of my agitated state. By now they were quite familiar with it. They'd seen it every time I knew that Jeanne was planning to hook up with another man that day. They also recognized that the source of my agitation was slowly changing. When I first met them I was anxious that Jeanne might find a man who she would prefer to me; a man who was was younger, better looking, taller, a better lover and most frightening of all a man who was endowed with a much larger cock.
All of that was slowly changing. Now my agitation wasn't caused by fear, doubt or insecurity; it was the result of arousal. Jeanne's dates were becoming increasingly exciting for me. All that day I'd been in a state of mild sexual euphoria and as the time for Jeanne's trip to the Goldenrod approached my excitement was becoming increasingly intense.
Amy returned from her last engagement at a quarter to five. After she took a quick shower the three of us moved out to the veranda for our pre dinner cocktail.
As soon as we were settled Mel said; "You've been anxious all day, haven't you."
Nodding, I said; "Yes."
Amy asked, "Is it good anxiety or bad?"
I smiled. "It's good."
Mel and Amy both nodded their approval. Amy said, "You're coming around."
Mel asked, "Would you like to talk about it?"
"Actually I think I would."
Amy said, "If this is anything like the Vegas trade shows, tonight all the bars around the Civic Center are going to be filled with men from out of town hoping to get laid."
"That's what they're anticipating."
Mel said; "There are going to be some very handsome men there."
"I hope so. It will make it more fun for Jeanne."
Amy laughed. "It will make it more fun for you too voyeurman. Imagining your wife getting fucked by an ugly fat guy isn't very exciting.
"Amy my dear, I have to admit that you're absolutely right."
Mel said; "Micheal, let's play a game. I know that right now it's most likely that Jeanne, Ruth, Abby and David are ordering their dinner in the Goldenrod dining room; but let's pretend that the situation is a little different."
"Go on."
"Let's pretend that Jeanne and Abby are going out on a double date. Abby has set Jeanne up with a young attorney that she's partied with several times. She told Jeanne that he's tall and handsome. She also told her that he has a very big cock."
I looked at Mel with a puzzled expression. "A big cock? Why is that part of this fantasy?"
Amy said, "Think about it Michael. Think about how much Jeanne is enjoying being a slut. Think about how adventurous she's become. I'm sure she's eager to experience a man with a really big cock. I'd be willing to bet that every time she goes to Brady's she's hoping she'll end up with a man who's well endowed."
"She already has. She told me about it in San Francisco. She said hooked up with a guy who had an eight inch cock. She hated it. It hurt. She made him stop fucking her and gave him a blow job instead. She told me that a cock about my size is perfect for her."
Mel said; "A man with a bigger cock has to be aware of what he has. He has to be careful, especially at first. Lots of guys become complete idiots when they get in bed with a woman. They lose any self control they might have had and become lust crazed savages. Guys with big cocks can't do that. It sounds like Jeanne met one of those guys."
"That's right." Amy was nodding. "A well endowed man has to go slow at first. He has to be patient; but if a woman meets a man who can do that, a big cock can be an unbelievably exciting adventure. Also Jeanne isn't very experienced yet. She's learning quickly, but she's still a novice. Eventually she'll learn how to rein in an overly aggressive partner. When that happens big cocks will become a pleasure that she'll savor.
Mel added "And sucking a big cock is incredibly thrilling. Michael you know how much Jeanne enjoys giving head."
"We talked about this, we really did. Jeanne told me that she didn't care about cock size. She assured me that she loves all cocks."
Amy said, "We love all cocks too, but sex with a well endowed man who's proficient in bed is an unforgettable experience."
"If this is true why hasn't Jeanne said anything about it to me?"
"Think about it Michael, she's afraid she might hurt you. You're not anywhere near as fragile as you were when we first met you, but Jeanne hurt you when she started all of this. She regrets that and it's clear to us that she's terrified of doing it again."
Amy said, "Mel's right. Jeanne's afraid she'll make you feel inadequate. I suspect that she's probably trying to suppress this desire, but I'm sure it's there. It has to be. It's so consistent with the slut image that she's cultivating. I'm willing to bet that within a year Jeanne will be an acknowledged size queen."
I took a moment to consider everything Mel and Amy had just told me. Finally I said, "That doesn't leave us with a very favorable prognosis for our future."
"No Michael, that's not true at all." Mel was vehemently shaking her head.
Amy nodded. "That's why we're talking to you about this. Women, even women who are size queens don't marry cocks; they marry men. I can tell from Ruth's emails that before she met David she was a size queen. She still married David because she loves him. Even if Ruth starts dating other men, men with much bigger cocks, she'll still love David's cock because it's his. She'll always cherish it and find it exciting. We're certain that regardless of what happens, Jeanne will always feel the same way about your cock."
Mel said; "Michael, we know that you enjoy porn movies that feature women with large breasts?"
"Yeah, I admit it. You're right."
Mel smiled. "Don't be ashamed. It's fun to fantasize about women with big knockers, isn't it." Amy and I both chuckled at Mel's choice of words.
I answered, ""Yes it is."
Mel continued. "Jeanne has big knockers, doesn't she."
"She does."
"Is that why you married her?"
"No, of course not." But then suddenly understanding where Mel was taking me, I paused. After a moment I said; "Okay, I'm starting to get it. If Jeanne does become a size queen I really don't have any reamister to feel threatened. She's in love with me, not my cock."
Mel said, "Actually you should feel happy when she has a date with a man who's well endowed. It will be exciting for her."
I chuckled. "It also makes the fantasy more exciting for me."
"You mean imagining her sucking a great big cock." Amy was grinning.
"That's right." I was grinning too.
Mel took a sip of her cocktail and said; "Okay, let's get back to our game. Jeanne is in the bedroom getting ready for her double date with Abby. She's so excited that you can hear her humming as she brushes her hair. Think about how you felt all afternoon today. Is there any reamister that you shouldn't feel just as excited when you're at home while Jeanne is getting ready for a date?"
Amy said; "She loves you. Maybe she even gave you a blow job before she started putting on her makeup."
Shaking my head, I said; "I wouldn't want her to do that."
Mel looked at me quizzically. "Why not?"
"All day today I've had a little sexual edge. It makes all of this a lot more exciting. If she gave me a blow job before she left for a date I'd at least temporarily lose that edge. I much rather wait until she returned home."
Smiling, Amy said; "I like that. You are making progress. Let me ask you this, when Jeanne comes home from a date will you eat her pussy? You'll know another man just finished fucking her. Jeanne makes her dates wear condoms, so she won't be messy."
Mel said, "But if she was with a man who was large she still might be a little stretched out."
I considered Amy's question and quickly realized that I would do that. It was kinky and like Jeanne I was beginning to enjoy being kinky. I also knew that Jeanne would enjoy it too. She'd think it would be really slutty. Smiling, I said; "Yes, I'd eat her pussy. It would be fun."
Amy stared at me for a moment and then she stood up and took off her shorts and panties. As she sat back down she spread her legs exposing her shaved cunt. "Prove it. Ken Denton finished fucking me a little over an hour ago. He has a thick eight inch cock. As you can see my pussy is still a little stretched out. Come over here and eat me."
Mel clapped her hands. This is a wonderful twist to our game. Michael you do it first, then I want to do it too."
Laughing I stood up and walked over to Amy.
She said; "Take off your shirt and shorts. You can't eat pussy with your clothes on. It wouldn't be right."
Still laughing, I quickly removed my shirt and shorts. My cock was sticking straight out.
Next to me Mel said; "I love seeing a man with an erection."
Amy giggled. "I do too. Face it Mel, we're both sluts."
Mel stood up. As she peeled off her tee shirt and shorts she said; "Damn right and I'm getting naked too. This game is fun. When it's my turn I want to be ready."
I was shaking my head and laughing, but then I paused. I looked at Amy and then I looked at Mel. After a moment I said; "How can you possibly account for the good fortune that brought me into Danny's Lounge two weeks ago? I mean what are the odds? They have to be astronomical. First I had to decide to go to Tucmister. That decision was a flip of a coin. I was seriously considering Santa Fe instead. After I checked into my motel I decided to go for a drive rather than take a nap. When I passed Danny's Lounge I decided to stop? Why did I do that? What possessed me to go to a strip club? Sure, I'm a voyeur and Jeanne's new lifestyle made feel free to do what I wanted to do without guilt; but I'd been driving all day. I was exhausted. Why didn't I just drive around for a little while and go back to my motel. That was what I'd planned to do. Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, apart from marrying Jeanne and the birth of my two ********* meeting the two of you was the best thing that's ever happened to me, but why? How was I that lucky?"
Amy smiled at me and said; "Serendipity Michael, that's how it happened, serendipity."
Mel said; "That's right, Serendipity. I can't tell you how many times Amy and I have talked about this and it still gives me goose bumps."
Amy said, "My ****** used to talk about it. It comes from a story about three Persian princes who who went on a journey. During their travels they kept discovering wonderful treasures when they least expected them. They were the three princes of Serendip so finding unexpected treasures is now called serendipity.
Smiling, I said; "Finding the two of you was definitely serendipity."
Mel smiled back. "For us, finding you was too. We've been blessed with serendipity."
"What do you mean?"
Amy said; "When I arrived in Las Vegas I was a naive eighteen year old girl who was all alone in the world. I found Vince. He saved me. Michael I was ripe to be exploited. Yes, I sucked Vince's cock a lot, but I enjoyed doing that and he deserved it. He took care of me. He protected me. He didn't sell me to a pimp, he didn't give me to his friends and he didn't try to get me hooked on ******"
Nodding, Mel said; "After I met Amy Vince took care of me too and believe me I was just as lost and alone as Amy was before she met Vince."
"And we met each other. That was serendipity too." Amy was smiling at Mel.
"It was. Amy is the love of my life. And now we have you and Jeanne too."
The three of us smiled at each other for a moment and then Mel said; "Okay, enough schmaltz. Let's get back to our game. Michael, you've got some pussy eating to do."
"That's right." Amy snapped her fingers and pointed at her cunt. "Get busy cuckboy."
All three of us were laughing again. Understand, Amy and Mel weren't suddenly playing a dominant submissive game with me, they were desensitizing me. Teasing and joking about my status as a cuckold was helping me overcome the traditional conditioning of our culture, the conditioning that instilled the belief that any man who let his wife play with other men had to be a pathetic wimp. In western culture a husband can accept a wife who ignores him, holds him in utter disdain, nags him constantly, even bankrupts him; but if she has sex with another man she's toast. Burn the Bitch! Amy and Mel were helping me understand that I had a wife who has always been my best friend, clearly loves me, has always been kind to me, works hard at her job and has always tried to live within our budget. She does enjoy partying with other men, men who are sex partners and nothing else. So what? Jeanne and I still have a relationship that's more mutually gratifying than many if not most married couples in our culture. The U.S.A has a fifty percent divorce rate. Getting over our hangup about infidelity might just help some couples stay together and be happy.
Amy and Mel watched as I kneeled between Amy's spread thighs. As I leaned forward Amy whispered; "Remember what we taught you Michael. At first a woman is sensitive. Start with butterfly kisses."
I did. I lightly brushed my lips along the cleft of Amy's pussy.
Amy sighed. "That's right baby, do that until you feel me getting wet."
I gently blew on the lips of her cunt.
She giggled. "You remembered. That feels nice too."
I felt Amy's moisture on my lips. She was starting to get aroused. I kissed her.
"Perfect, your timing was perfect. Mel our baby is getting as good as you at eating pussy."
Mel kneeled next to me. Gently rubbing my back, she said; "That's right Michael, kiss her. Do you notice how loose she feels. She just enjoyed a big cock. She's still a little stretched out. Push your tongue into her. Close your eyes. Imagine that big hard cock fucking Amy."
I pushed my tongue into Amy. She said; "That's right baby, now fuck my cunt with your tongue just like Ken fucked it with his cock."
Reaching behind me, Mel cupped my balls in her hand. As she gently squeezed them she whispered. "I hope Jeanne meets a man with a really big cock tonight. She'll love having her cunt stretched just like Amy loved having her cunt stretched by Ken this afternoon."
I was now madly licking and probing Amy's cunt with my tongue. She leaned forward. Holding my head between her hands she pulled my face into her cunt. "Michael, that feels so good. I love to be eaten after I've had a really hard fucking."
Still kneading my balls, Mel said; "I'll bet Jeanne would enjoy this every time she comes home from a date. After you make her cum you can have a turn fucking her too. She'll be stretched and loose from the big cock she just enjoyed and she'll be wet because you just ate her. You'll be getting slippery seconds. Not because she's filled with another man's cum, but because she's so very excited. Michael, there is nothing in this world more fun than making love to a really excited woman."
Suddenly Amy cried; "Michael, it's time, I want to cum. I want to cum now. Suck my clit baby! Suck my clit and make me cum!"
I did exactly that and Amy did cum. her orgasm was volcanic. While she was regaining her composure Mel sat down in a chair. I moved between her legs and did her too. After Mel orgasmed Amy offered to do me, but I declined the offer. I wanted to wait until after I'd talked to Jeanne. At that moment I had the perfect sexual edge. I didn't want to lose it.
Posts: 3
gh as always another great chapter. do i sense things are starting to pick up speed ? i just love how seamless your chapters are even after a several week pause thanx keep up the good work
Posts: 14692
Posts: 4050
I would never ignore your advice, but in this case I woke up revitalized and realized that what I really needed to do was get my head out of my ass and write the story the way I want to write it. Screw the naysayers. Looking at your body of work on this site I am fairly certain that you agree with that position.
Your friend
BD Icqicq
Posts: 65
Okay.... Let me catch my breath....Wow!!! bd-owned
Jennifer Allen
Posts: 106
Screw the naysayers!!!
Very good advise for so many situations in life. If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!
Posts: 1914
GH, Just caught up. Another brilliant section. I'm glad you took your own advice. Usually the best way.
Ken Philips
Posts: 5
Great Stuff Mate - Keep it going at whatever pace you choose. I check every couple of days for new entries. We must be getting close soon to when Jeanne & Mike meet up again?? So looking forward to it. Also looking forward to Jeanne checking in with Mike & the girls over her night at the Conference with Abby & Ruth. Don't fret about Literotica. Keep loading up there pls too. I am giving each chapter a 5* as you expect & deserve. It is sad how that site is currently almost in meltdown as the good guys fight the BTB trolls who are destroying for everyone (including the many good BTB authors themselves). I felt my last series about Kristen (Cruise With A Difference Chapters 1-10 & Odessa & Beyond) were my best story yet they got trashed compared to my earlier shorter stories. I have an outline of another under development ("Getting Fit") which I hope to start uploading in a week or two. It will be a 4-5 Chapter series. Ken
Posts: 152
" there is nothing in this world more fun than making love to a really excited woman." Sometimes I have been the stud responsible, and sometimes I was just along for the ride, but either way it is a great ride!
Got to love seeing sexy women get off!
Posts: 152
Smooth Bull, the second paragraph you wrote to me is STRONG. I agree, part of the reason I stopped subbing (not cucking, just femdom) was I felt most femdoms didn't appreciate what I had to offer. First sign of DIS in a relationship and I am OUT. As I get older, I am more open to listening and trying to feel what others are going through. I would now address the issue with my mistress instead of abandoning her. Course it is moot since I am married and don't play. Ha Ha.
I would never scorn an loving cuckold now, not that I was too inclined to be rude to them when I was on top, I just did not try to understand them. I do love Romance, so I like to try and learn from characters like GH's to see romance in a different way!
Posts: 4050
I awoke the next morning alone in the bed. Sitting up, I looked around. Slowly I remembered where I was. I noticed that my clothes were neatly folded on Amy's dresser. I got up, used the lavatory and took a quick shower. After I showered I noticed a tooth brush, tooth paste, shaving cream and a razor lying next to one of the sinks with a note that said, Michael, these are for you.
I shaved, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went down stairs. Amy and Mel were in the kitchen. Mel was frying bacon. Amy was sitting at the kitchen table ******** coffee.
When I walked into the kitchen they both smiled. Amy said, "Good morning ****** head."
I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 7:35. Shrugging, I said, "I had a long day yesterday."
Amy said, "We understand. We also get up early here. Do you ***** coffee?"
I nodded.
She stood up. As she poured a cup of coffee for me she asked, "Do you take cream or sugar?"
"No black is fine."
Giggling, Mel said, "It really is, isn't it."
Amy rolled her eyes and then she handed the cup of hot coffee to me and took my wrist. "Come on, I want to show you something."
As Amy led me out of the kitchen Mel said; "I think you'll like this."
We passed through through a large dining room that featured a massive mahogany table with a matching hutch, buffet and side board.
Looking around, I said, "This is a beautiful room."
"It is, but we almost never use it. We don't do much entertaining."
I sensed a hint of melancholy in Amy's voice, but I didn't comment.
She led me through another door into the living room. Decorated in classic western style, it was a grand room befitting a nineteenth century cattle baron.
The wall on the left side of the living room was taken up by a stone fireplace with a hand hewn mantel. A brown leather love seat and two leather arm chairs were arranged in a semicircle in front of the fireplace.
A large flat screen television filled most of the wall at the other end of the living room. A red velvet love seat and two matching arm chairs were arranged in a semicircle around the television.
The wall opposite the dining room door was solid floor to ceiling windows. A door in the middle of these windows led to a veranda. Guiding me across the living room, Amy opened that door. We stepped out onto the veranda. I suddenly understood the true majesty of their house.
The view was spectacular. The rocky slopes of the Santa Catalina mountains dominated the vista to our left. In front of us there was a deep cactus and cholla filled canyon that stretched for at least a mile. A gentle slope to our right led to a corral and two small buildings. There were four horses in the corral. A man wearing a cowboy hat, a chambray work shirt, jeans and western boots was working around the buildings.
Amy said, "This is the main reason we live in Catalina."
"It really is beautiful."
"We love to come out here in the morning and ***** our coffee while we watch the sun come up over the mountains."
"I can see why? Are those your horses?"
"Yes, Mel and I both love to ride."
Laughing, I said, "I figured that out last night."
"It was fun, wasn't it."
"Oh yes."
Amy smiled at me. I smiled back at her.
After a moment I asked, "Who's the man working around the horses?"
"That's Juan. He and his wife, Isabel are our caretakers. They live in a house about a block down the road."
I nodded.
Amy said, "Let's go back to the kitchen. I'll bet it's time for breakfast."
As soon as we walked into the kitchen Mel said, "Sit down, everything's ready."
Three places were now set at the kitchen table. In the center of the table there was a bowl of scrambled eggs, a platter of crisp bacon and a plate with a stack of whole wheat toast. There was also a pitcher of orange juice, a dish of butter, a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of hot sauce.
Amy picked up the coffee pot. As she refilled our cups she said, "Mel loves to cook and she's good at it which is lucky for me because I hate it and I'm terrible at it."
Mel pulled out a chair. As she was sitting down she said, "Sit down Michael. Last night we sucked your dick and you ate our pussies. You don't have to be shy around us anymore."
Grinning, I sat down. Amy put the coffee pot back on the warmer and joined us.
As soon as we were all settled Mel started passing the food. All three of us were hungry. For a few minutes we did nothing but eat.
Finally Mel said, "How did you like the view from our veranda?"
"I loved it, it's beautiful. This is a beautiful house."
Mel nodded. "Thank you, it's our dream house. We built it three years ago."
Amy asked, "Michael how long are you planning to stay in Tucson?"
"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. I want to play a little golf here. I have to meet Jeanne and the girls in San Antonio on Christmas Eve. That's my only obligation. San Antonio is a two day drive from here so I guess I have to leave Tucson by the 22nd of December."
"Until then why don't you stay with us? There are at least six golf courses within a twenty minute drive from here."
Mel said; "Michael, we like you. You're fun. We could have a really good time together."
I looked at both of them. "Are you serious?"
Amy said, "Michael, we're very serious. We enjoy our life here, but because of what we do it's difficult to make friends. We always have to worry about being discreet."
Leaning forward, Mel said, "The people in town know we're strippers, but they don't know we're working girls. We try hard to keep that a secret. That means we have to be very careful about choosing friends."
Nodding, Amy said; "Our clients are all residents of the retirement communities. Discretion is just as important to them as it is to us. It's nice to have someone we can be honest and open with, some one who doesn't judge us. Please say you'll stay, at least for a little while."
They both stared at me, waiting.
"You're sure about this. I wouldn't want to impose."
Mel said, "You won't be imposing. Hell, just being able to cook for someone besides Amy will be a treat."
Amy stuck her tongue out at Mel. I laughed.
They both stared at me again.
Shaking my head, I said, "I would love to stay with you, but you have to make a promise to me."
Amy asked, "What is it?"
"If you get tired of me you have to tell me."
They both smiled. Mel said, "Does that mean you'll stay?"
"Let's try it for a week. A week from today all you have to do is say, Michael, it's been wonderful and I'll leave."
Nodding, Amy said, "And you can say the same thing to us."
Mel said, "You're really going to stay?"
"If you'll have me."
She cried, "Yesss." And then she looked at Amy and asked, "What should I make for dinner? It's a special occasion. It should be a special meal."
Smiling at me, Amy said, "She really does like to cook." And then turning to Mel she said, "Before we plan dinner I think we should take a look at today's schedule. This is a work day. We have dates with several gentlemen."
"You're right, we'd better check the book." There was a tone of resignation in Mel's voice.
I understood. I liked my job, but there were mornings when I didn't want to go to work.
Amy stood up, walked over to a door at the far end of the kitchen, opened it and went inside.
Mel said, "That's our office. Amy's getting our appointment book."
A moment later Amy reappeared carrying a book. I recognized it immediately. It was a traditional bound appointment book. While smart phones were now replacing them, during the course of my career I'd seen countless books just like the one Amy was carrying. She sat back down at the table, opened it and found the correct page.
After a second she said, "Mel, you're entertaining John Devers at 9:00. I have an appointment with Mike Patrick at 11:00. You're seeing Mark Raymond at 1:00. Right now the 3:00 pm time slot is open."
Mel smiled. "Good that will give me time to go to the grocery store. I really would like to prepare a nice dinner."
Amy said, "Mel, it's 8:15."
Nodding, Mel stood up. "I'll go take a shower. Is the cottage ready?"
"I'm certain it is, but just to be sure I'll call Isabel."
Mel hurried out of the kitchen.
After Mel was gone Amy stood up. She walked over to a cabinet next to the door that led to the garage, took out her purse and returned to the table.
As soon as she was seated she took out her cell phone and made a call. A moment later she said, "Good morning Isabel. We currently have three guests on the schedule for today; 9:00, 11:00 and 1:00. Is the cottage ready?"
There was a brief pause and then Amy said, "Good. Isabel, I also need to tell you that we have a house guest. He's going to be staying with us for several weeks. His name is Michael Nolan."
"No, you don't have to prepare the guest room Michael will be ******** with Mel and me."
"Yes, just like Senor Vince. Will you tell Juan about Michael."
"Thank you Isabel." Amy ended the call and set her cell phone on the table. "Isabel and Juan have been with us since we built this house three years ago. They're outstanding caretakers and we recognize that. We pay them well and provide a house for them."
"It sounds like a mutually beneficial relationship."
"It is." And then changing the subject, Amy said, "You've heard our schedule for the day, what's yours?"
"I have to go to my motel, pick up my things and check out; other than that I really don't have any plans. I suppose I could try out one of the golf courses around here, but frankly the drive from San Francisco took it's toll. I'm still a little tired."
"Why don't you just come back here and hang out with us."
"Aren't you going to be working?"
"Only one of us works at a time. That way we can watch out for each other."
"You're worried about the police?"
"In our line of work they're always a concern, but they're not our biggest worry."
"I don't understand."
"Michael, there are men out there who like to hurt women. Our profession puts us in a position that makes us vulnerable to those men. With our current clientele it's not as big an issue as it was in Las Vegas, but old habits die hard."
"So while one of you is entertaining a gentleman the other one is acting as a life guard."
"That's a good analogy."
Suddenly Amy's purse started playing a tune. She said, "Excuse me, that's our business phone." She opened her purse, took out a second cell phone and said, "Hi, this is Simone."
After a moment she said, "I'm sorry, Chantel's not available right now, but if you'd like to visit with her I can set up a time. May I ask whose calling?"
"Jim Michaels, Hi Jim, Chantel's mentioned you several times. She always enjoys visiting with you. Would you like to get together with her?"
"Today? Jim we do have an opening at 3:00; but I'm sorry, Chantel's not available this afternoon. Would you be interested in visiting with me?"
Amy listened, after a moment she said, "Jim have you been a bad boy? Do you need to be punished? I can be very strict with boys who are naughty. In fact I'll tell you a little secret, punishing bad boys gets me very excited."
"I'd love to visit with you this afternoon. I'm already looking forward to it. I'll meet you in the cottage at 3:00. Do you need me to review the directions?"
"Yes, my honorarium is the same as Chantel's."
"I'll see you at 3:00. Bye Jim."
Amy switched off her phone. As she was setting it on the table next to her other cell phone Mel walked into the kitchen. When I saw her I had to smile. Dressed in a short black skirt and a sheer white blouse that was so tight it looked like the buttons might pop at any moment, she was the epitome of sexuality.
Laughing, I said, "I envy the lucky man you're meeting."
Mel grinned at me. "You like my outfit."
"Yeah, I do."
She raised her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties. I stared at her shaved pussy.
Giggling, Mel said, "When I get back from my date maybe you'd like to play for a little while. John Devers has a big cock and it still gets hard. He loves to fuck and he can go for a really long time. After I'm finished with him a soothing tongue massage would feel very nice."
I was suddenly speechless.
Next to me, Amy said, "It will be good practice for you. When you get home I'm sure Jeanne would enjoy the same post date Therapy."
Mel leaned over. Lasciviously licking my ear, she whispered, "If you lick my pussy, I'll suck your cock."
Chuckling, I said, "The two of you are incorrigible."
Amy grinned. "Yes we are and our goal is to make you incorrigible too."
Throwing my hands in the air, I said, "What have I gotten myself into?"
Mel walked over, picked up my hand and placed it between her legs. "This is always one of your options."
I rubbed Mel's cunt. She was already wet. Smiling at her, I asked, "Are you always aroused?"
Laughing, Amy said, "Pretty much, that's why I want you to stay with us. I need someone to help me appease the insatiable sex monster."
Shaking her head, Mel said, "That from a woman who could wear out an entire herd of Satyrs.
Amy looked at me. "Didn't satyrs used to chase nymphs? That could be fun."
I shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I think they were both part of the same mythology."
Mel said, "It was the Greeks and I don't think they can be trusted. They were always too busy trying to fuck each other in the butt."
"Mel honey, you occasionally let a guy fuck you in the butt."
"I do, but he has to pay extra for the privilege and he has to use a lot of lube. I wonder if the Greeks used olive oil for butt lube? I'll bet they did." Mel winked at me.
I smiled. I couldn't help myself. I really did like these two women.
Rolling her eyes, Amy said, "Shouldn't you be leaving for the cottage? You don't want to keep Bob Devers and his big dick waiting."
Suddenly serious, Mel said, "You're right, I'd better get going. Michael will you still be here when I get back?"
"I'll wait for you."
"Good because we definitely have some unfinished business." Mel turned and started towards the door. "Bob Devers isn't the only one who's going to get his cock sucked this morning."
Amy called, "Hey Mel, before you go I have to tell you something."
Mel stopped and turned around. "what is it?"
"Jim Micheals just called. He wanted a date."
"Did you set up a time?"
"He wanted to see you this afternoon."
"Oh" The disappointment in Mel's voice was evident.
Amy said, "Don't worry sweetie, I know you want to cook this afternoon, so I told him you weren't available. He's going to see me instead. Is that okay?"
"Of course it is. Is that all right with you?"
"Yes, it's just fine. He told me that he's been a bad boy and needs to be punished."
"That's Jim, he's a kinky little guy."
"Should I take him across my knee and spank him?"
"No, make him bend over one of the kitchen chairs and use the riding crop. Don't get carried away. He's married, you don't want to leave any marks. After he's begged you to forgive him make him lick your pussy and your ass, then make him jack off in front of you."
"He'll enjoy that?"
"He'll be absolutely ecstatic."
Giggling, Amy said, "We aim to please."
"Yes we do and now I have to get to the cottage so I can please Bob Devers." Mel turned and hurried into the garage.
A moment later I heard the garage door open and a car start up.
Amy glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 8:50. She picked up her cell phone and her coffee cup and walked over the coffee pot. As she was filling her cup she said, "Fill your cup, were going to go out and sit on the front porch."
I poured myself some more coffee and followed Amy through the living room into a small foyer just to the left of the stone fireplace. She opened the front door and we stepped out onto a wooden porch.
This was the first time I'd seen the front of the house in the daylight. Across the road was an expanse of open desert overgrown with cactus, cholla and shrubs. To the east, towards the mountains there were two small houses. The first was a stucco house similar to many of the houses I'd seen in Tucson. This had to be the house used by Juan and Isabel. Beyond that house there was a small stone cottage. I assumed that this was where Mel was about to meet Bob Devers.
There were four unpainted wood rocking chairs placed side by side on the front porch. Amy sat down in one of them. I sat down in the chair next to her.
Sitting in a rocking chair on a wooden porch, on a crisp desert morning, staring at the mountains is a serene experience. Neither of us said anything. We just sipped our coffee and rocked in our chairs. I could easily have spent the rest of my life in that rocking chair, but of course that wasn't possible. Eventually the realities of life always seem to find a way to interrupt periods of peace and serenity. In this case the interruption arrived in the form of a late model dark blue Lexus sedan.
Amy and I watched as the car slowed at the corner and turned onto the road into their property. The road was rutted and narrow, so the car moved slowly. It passed us and continued down the road towards Isabel and Juan's house and the cottage beyond.
Amy said; "That's Bob Devers."
She picked up her cell phone and pushed a button. After a moment she said, "Bob's on his way in. It all looks good. Have fun, see you in an hour or so." Amy set her cell phone down and turned to me, "Everything seems to be going smoothly. What would you like to do now?"
"I know Mel wanted me to wait until she got back, but I think this might be a very good time for me to go to my motel, pick up my things and check out."
"I agree. I think Mel would too." Amy stood up. "Michael, I can't begin to describe how happy we are that we met you. Both Mel and I are looking forward to several fun weeks."
Standing up, I said, "I am too."
"Do you have everything you need?"
"I do."
Amy kissed my cheek and said, "I may see you before my one o'clock appointment, if not I'll see you at five."
"I'll be here."
"Do you know how to get back to the highway?"
"Keep the mountains at my back."
"That will work. Bye MIchael."
"Bye Amy."
Amy took my coffee cup and went inside. I walked across the gravel and sand front yard to my Escape. As I backed out of Amy and Mel's driveway I smiled. My journey was turning into a truly amazing adventure.
I hadn't unpacked at the motel so picking up my bags and checking out didn't take long. It was just before 11:00 when I pulled into Mel and Amy's driveway.
Mel was sitting in a rocker. She was waiting for Mike Patrick, Amy's eleven o'clock date, to drive by. As I was parking, she stood up and walked out into the yard.
"Michael, park next to the driveway. We're going to need the Mercedes this afternoon."
I nodded.
Mel went back to the porch and sat down. After moving my car, I joined her.
As soon as I was seated, I asked, "How was your date with John Devers?"
Chuckling, Mel said, "We had a good time. John's funny, he makes me laugh. He also has a big cock."
We both noticed a silver Buick coming down the road. We watched as it slowed and turned the corner into Amy and Mel's property.
Mel said, "Mike Patrick's right on time."
We waved as he drove passed. He waved back.