Posts: 144
#421 · Edited by: Lisaandmikey
Sorry about the confusion. My wife used my computer last night and didn't log out.
Posts: 4050
After a light dinner Amy, Mel and I retired to the bedroom. As she promised while we were talking to Jeanne, Mel sat in a chair and rubbed herself off while she watched Amy suck my cock. Of course Amy and I couldn't let Mel have all the fun. We wanted an opportunity to indulge our voyeurism too, so as soon as I orgasmed we switched places. I sat in the chair slowly stroking my cock while I watched Amy and Mel take turns going down on each other. After Amy and Mel had each had an orgasm we switched places again. This time Amy took a turn sitting in the chair rubbing herself off while she watched Mel suck my cock. It was fun and delightfully kinky. I was starting to understand why Jeanne loved acting like a slut so much.
The next day was Sunday. Amy, Mel and I spent the afternoon watching pro football. They're both huge fans. I am too. After dinner Jeanne called. The four of us chatted for over an hour. During our conversation Jeanne finally admitted that her new life style was beginning to create some tension at work. This wasn't a surprise. Jeanne was employed by a conservative law firm. They took pride in being staid pillars of the community. Having a secretary who paraded around their office dressed like a slut didn't promote that image. Since I was certain that Jeanne wasn't going to change, I suspected that there would eventually have to be a reckoning.
Monday I went to Danny's Lounge with Amy and Mel. Four more girls had brought their financial data. They set up a table for me in the dancer's dressing room. It turned out to be voyeur accountant heaven. I spent the afternoon organizing financial records while a steady stream of beautiful young women dressed and undressed around me.
Monday evening Amy, Mel and I watched Monday Night Football while we waited for Jeanne to call and tell us about her return trip to Brady's with Ruth and David. When the telephone rang it was almost nine o'clock.
Mel answered and immediately switched the telephone to speaker. "Hi Jeanne."
"Hi Mel, is everyone there?"
Amy said, "Yes, we're all here."
I said; "Hi Jeanne."
Jeanne said; "Hi Amy. Hi Michael."
Not wanting to waste time with further pleasantries, Mel asked; "How was the trip to Brady's tonight?"
Laughing at Mel's impatience, Jeanne said; "It went very well."
Amy said; "Tell us."
"Okay, we arrived just after six. David went in first. Ruth and I gave him a minute to get settled and then we went in together. Tony and Bill were already there. They had a table. As soon as they saw us they stood up and waved for us to come over and join them."
Mel chuckled. "They weren't going to give any other guys a chance to steal you way from them."
"No, they certainly weren't."
"So what happened?" Amy was just as eager to hear the details as Mel.
"The guys got us takes and we chatted. Ruth was sitting next to Tony. I was sitting next to Bill. Bill and I were playing handsies under the table. I could tell Tony and Ruth were doing the same thing."
I asked. "Where was David?"
"He was sitting at the bar."
"Could he tell what was happening under the table?"
"Oh yes."
"How was he reacting?"
"He couldn't take his eyes off of Tony and Ruth."
Mel gave my cock a firm squeeze. "You wish you'd been at the bar with him, don't you cucky."
Slightly embarrassed, I grinned at Mel.
She pressed me. "Come on, fess up. Say it."
"Yes, I admit it. I would have loved to have been there."
Amy said; "Jeanne, your husband is blushing."
Jeanne said; "Michael, it really is just fun. There isn't any reamister that you shouldn't enjoy watching."
"I beginning to understand that Jeanne, but it's still going to take time."
"I know that Michael."
Trying to keep this from turning into an awkward moment, Mel asked; "What happened next?"
Jeanne quickly returned to the story. "Since all four of us understood why were were there, I didn't see any reamister to waste time with unnecessary preliminaries. I suggested that we move to the back booths."
Smiling, Amy said; "I'll bet Tony and Bill didn't object to that plan."
"No, they thought it was a great idea. Tony immediately stood up and offered a hand to Ruth. As she she stood up I saw her give David a discreet wink."
Mel nodded. "She was letting David know that she was still thinking about him."
"She was. Ruth loves David."
"Just like you love Michael." Mel gave my cock another squeeze.
"That's right. Micheal I do love you. The other men are just fun. That's all they are. That's all they'll ever be."
"I'm trying to hard to believe that Jeanne. I really am."
Again trying to keep the conversation from getting too serious Mel said; "So all four of you were standing up. What happened next?"
"Tony took Ruth's hand and led her to a booth. Bill and I followed and slipped into the booth next to them. As soon as we were all seated I heard Ruth tell Tony that she been anxiously anticipating this all weekend."
Mel asked, "What did Tony say?"
"He didn't say anything. It was quiet."
"He kissed Ruth." Amy was smiling.
Jeanne said; "I'm certain that's exactly what he did."
Clapping her hands together, Mel said; "And her husband was watching. I love it. This is so kinky."
Amy asked; "How was David reacting to this."
"Honestly, I don't know. Bill kissed me and then we started making out. While we were making out he slipped his hand under my skirt and started massaging my cunt with his fingers. I kind of lost interest in what Tony was doing."
Grinning, Mel said; "I'll bet you did."
Amy said; "You told us that you don't wear panties when you go to Brady's."
"I don't, they just get in the way."
Leaning over and licking my ear, Amy said; "Did you hear that cucky? Tonight your wife let another man finger her pussy while she was making out with him." She slipped her hand over to my lap and gave my cock a firm squeeze. I was hard, very hard. My erection was making a tent in my trousers. "I guess you did hear her and it's obvious that you loved it. Jeanne right now your husband's cock is doing a great imitation of the Empire State Building."
"Michael, I wish was there. I would love to suck it for you."
Amy unzipped my pants and freed my cock. While she held it in her hand Mel leaned over, slipped the head into her mouth and started sucking me. "Jeanne, I just took it out. I'm holding it for Mel. In your absence she's doing the honors."
Giggling, Jeanne said; "Thank you for standing in for me Mel, but be careful. I don't think we should let him cum just yet."
Amy said; "Don't worry, she won't. Mel's a pro. She's very adept at keeping a guy on the edge without letting him cum."
Jeanne said, "That's a s******* I'm trying to acquire."
"It takes experience. If you keep practicing you'll learn how to do it."
Mel took my cock out of her mouth and sat up. "He needs a short break."
She was right, I did.
Sensing that it was time to get back to Jeanne and Ruth's evening at Brady's, Amy said; "Did you take out Bill's cock while you were kissing in the booth?"
"I played with it, but I didn't take it out. I could tell that he was pretty excited. I didn't want him to cum until I was sucking him in his car."
Mel said; "You are learning."
"I am. When I first started going to Brady's I had a couple of guys cum while we were making out in the booth. It ends the evening."
Amy said; "Brady's is kind of a one and done situation, isn't it."
"It is. At Brady's everyone is stopping on their way home from work. Nobody has the time to sit around and wait for a guy to get hard again. The sex is quick and uncomplicated. That's the charm of the place, but there's almost always an underlying sense of time pressure."
"Of course." Amy was nodding.
"There's also another important reamister to try to keep a guy from cumming until we're out in his car."
I asked, "What's that?"
"I don't want to send a guy home to his wife with a mess on the front of his pants."
We all laughed. I said; "That would be awkward, wouldn't it."
"The second time I went to Brady's I hooked up with a young guy who was wearing a pair of tan slacks. He orgasmed while we were making out in the booth. I didn't even have his cock out. I was rubbing it through his trousers. His pants were a mess. It looked like he made about a quart of cum."
"What did you do?"
"We went out to his car. He took off his pants. I took them back into the bar and washed the front in the lady's room while he called his wife and told her that he was going to be late. After I brought his pants back to him he put them on, thanked me and left. I never saw him again. I assume he drove around until his pants were dry and then he went home."
Grinning, Mel said; "Sometimes partying can get a little crazy."
Jeanne giggled. "It certainly can."
Amy said; "Back to the story. Did Ruth and Tony make it out to the parking lot this time?"
"Yes they did. A few minutes after they started making out in the booth I heard Ruth suggest to Tony that they go out to his car. Of course Tony agreed immediately."
"Of course." Amy was chuckling.
Jeanne continued. "As they walked past us Ruth winked at me. Her hair was already mussed, her lipstick was smeared and she was grinning."
Still chuckling, Amy said; "She was about to get her first taste of strange cock in years. I'll bet she was grinning."
Mel said, "I wonder if David was grinning?"
"As soon as they were gone I suggested to Bill that we go out to the parking lot too. When we stood up to leave I had a chance to check on David. He was grinning from ear to ear. He looked like a little boy in a toy store. We made eye contact. I winked at him and he winked back. I don't think I've ever seen a guy as excited as he was at that moment."
Amy said; "He was enjoying himself. That's good. Did you have a chance to talk to either David or Ruth after you got back from the parking lot?"
"No they were already gone. Tony's young. When I did him last week he got excited pretty quickly. I think he has a hair trigger, at least the first time. I suspect that it didn't take Ruth very long to make him pop. Bill's a little older. He has more control. We were in his car for almost a half hour."
I asked, "Did you have fun?"
Jeanne giggled. "Michael, I love that you're now willing to ask me that."
Shrugging, I said; "I am making progress."
"Yes you are and to answer your question, it was fine."
Mel said, "It was fine? That's not exactly an enthusiastic response."
"It wasn't meant to be. I had a good time because I was with Ruth and David, but this was Brady's. A big part of the fun at Brady's is meeting new guys."
Understanding immediately, I said; "And you'd already been with both Bill and Tony."
"That's right, Bill's a good guy, but there's nothing special about him."
"So if he asked you, you wouldn't go out with him?"
"He did ask me for a date and I did turn him down."
Mel asked, "What did you tell him?"
"I told him that I had a boyfriend. He knows I'm married, so that really blew him away. He actually asked me if I was planning to leave my husband for my boyfriend. I told him no way. I loved my husband, the boyfriend was just a little extra fun on the side."
Laughing, I said; "You enjoyed shocking him, didn't you."
"Of course I did. Shocking people is part of the fun of being a slut, but I really wasn't lying to him. Micheal I'm a middle aged woman with a full time job. I have two flowers who I try to see at least once a week and I want to be able to talk on the telephone with the three of you as often as I can. I don't have time to go out every night of the week. A weekly evening at Brady's, a Saturday afternoon with Trent and an occasional trip to the Goldenrod Supper Club is about as much as I can handle right now."
I said, "You're telling us that you now consider Trent your boyfriend."
There was a pause and then Jeanne said; "Yes, I guess I am. Is that all right? You and I have talked about it a lot lately. I thought you were okay with it."
"I am. While I obviously have mixed feelings about it, I'm certain that you're occasionally going to have a brief infatuation and you need to be free to enjoy it. Rationally I understand that it won't be a threat to our marriage, but it still scares me a little bit."
"Michael, you're my soul mate. I will never love another man as much as I love you." Jeanne laughed. "Actually I don't believe that I'll ever love another man at all. I certainly don't love Trent. I can't even imagine loving him. Micheal right now I'm excited by coarse self centered men who enjoy making me act like a slut. They're fun, but I could never have a serious relationship with one of those men. You're sweet, gentle and very smart. You value me as a permister. You care about me. Hell you care enough about me to try to adapt to this new lifestyle I'm jamming down your throat. No sir, you are the only man I will ever love."
"I believe that Jeanne, I really do; but it's still hard to get used to the idea that my wife has a boyfriend."
"Would it be easier if we called Trent a fuck buddy? That's all he really is."
"Absolutely not!"
"For the same reamister that you like to be called a slut."
"I don't understand."
"Jeanne, you're enjoying the notoriety that comes with your new lifestyle almost as much as you're enjoying the sex. Being a married woman with a boyfriend adds to that notoriety. I love you. Why would I want to stop you from enjoying that extra little thrill. Besides, it's just semantics. Boyfriend or fuck buddy, it doesn't really matter. Your feelings for Trent will be the same regardless of what we decide to call him." I paused for a moment and then I said, "There's also another reamister that I want to refer to Trent as your boyfriend."
"Tell me."
"I think I might enjoy the notoriety that comes with having a slut wife who has a boyfriend."
"Michael have you decided that you want to be a cuckold?"
"Amy, that question was decided last August. I am a cuckold. The only remaining question is how I choose to wear that title. I can be a sniveling wimp who grovels at the feet of his wife and her lover."
Jeanne cried, "No Michael! I don't want that. I've never wanted that."
Momentarily ignoring Jeanne, I continued. "Or I can be a husband who is so confident of his wife's love and devotion for him that he can comfortably allow her to date other men and even have an occasional boyfriend."
Understanding, Jeanne said; "That's the man I love."
Giggling, Mel said; "That's also the kind of husband who's best friends would be a pair of aging hookers who live in Arizona."
"Could those aging hookers be his slut wife's best friends too?"
Amy said; "Jeanne, they wouldn't want it any other way."
All four of us were quiet. There are times when silence speaks much louder than words. This was one of those times.
Jeanne finally broke the silence. "I hate to say this, but it's almost 11:30 here. While I wish I could talk all night, I can't. I have to work in the morning."
Mel said, "We understand Jeanne. It's only 10:30 here, but we're entertaining four men tomorrow. We need some rest too."
Laughing, Amy said; "Michael has to play golf so he also needs his rest."
Jeanne asked; "Michael, can I call again tomorrow night?"
Amy answered for me. "Of course you can. Jeanne you're our friend. You can call us every night."
"Thank you Amy." Jeanne paused for a moment and then she asked; "Amy, Mel before you go to relax tonight will you make sure my baby knows he's loved."
Mel said; "Jeanne, he already knows that, but we'd be happy to reaffirm it for you. Would you like us to give him a tandem blow job?"
"I'd like that very much. After he cums would you whisper, Jeanne loves you in his ear."
Amy said; "Of course we will."
"Goodnight Micheal, I love you. Please don't ever forget that."
"I love you too Jeanne. Please don't ever forget that."
Giggling, Mel said; "I love this sentimental cuckolds brownie. I'm ready to pop right now."
Amy said; "That's because you're from Chicago. Girls from Chicago always pop when they see something romantic."
Laughing, Jeanne said; "Goodnight Amy, goodnight Mel. Take care of my baby for me."
Mel said; "Don't worry Jeanne, we will."
"Goodnight Michael."
"Goodnight Jeanne."
And then Jeanne ended the call.
Posts: 1914
GH, Very nice, sweet almost. Still I know you, after the calm comes a bit of cloud. Maybe not a storm but dear old Michael isn't going to get all the way there like this. He may as well go back now if he is. So ...
Posts: 14692
thank you making the effort. Sounds like it's getting harder for you to muster the energy. Please conserve it. Go at a nice slow pace, it that's what it takes to finish this great story. I'm with Peak, I expect some set backs in their relationship otherwise it would not be a GH story.
Take care my friend. and thank you for all the hours of pleasure you've provided.
Posts: 81
Timmy27 GH,
Another great installment and we'll worth the wait. Take it at your own pace and know that all your loyal readers appreciate the art and effort.
Posts: 125
hi GH,
another wonderful segment. I will always look forward to reading anything you do. I almost like that you are taking your time. the story will last longer.
Posts: 4050
Peak, Timmy, sub4wife and Timmy
As always, thank you for your kind comments.
I was planning to write a long thoughtful response, but our cat Artie just jumped up on the table next to my chair and started takeing my whiskey. I hate it when he does that. I know he spits in the glass.
To make matters worse, while I was fending off the cat; our dog, Willie ate my potato chips. This is why I have trouble getting any writing done. I'm surrounded by thieves.
Thank you again for your kind comments.
Posts: 4050
#428 · Edited by: goodhusband
I did play golf the next day. I teed off at eleven and was back at Amy and Mel's just before four. Mel was reading on the back veranda. Amy hadn't yet returned from her three o'clock appointment.
I grabbed my lap top computer and joined Mel on the veranda. As I was sitting down, Mel asked; "How was your game today?"
"It was good. I played with an older couple from Edmonton, Alberta. They were nice. I hit the ball pretty well, but I missed a lot of putts." I turned on my computer.
"So you didn't score very well."
"No, I didn't, but I don't care. I played with nice people and hit some good shots. That's really all that matters. How were your dates?"
Chuckling, Mel said; "They were a lot like your golf game. They were both nice guys who wanted blow jobs. Even after all these years sucking a cock is still exciting; so I had fun. I'm certain they had fun too. Like you just said, that's really all that matters."
"If you let it happen, life can be pretty simple."
"I think it helps if you're doing something you enjoy."
"Like playing golf or sucking cocks."
"I prefer golf."
"I'm sure you do. Myself, I prefer cocks." Mel and I both laughed.
My computer finished its start up. Mel returned to her Kindle. I opened my email. There were four. Three were advertising, the fourth was from Ruth.
"We have an email from Ruth."
Looking up from her reading, Mel smiled and said; "I was hoping you'd have one."
"I'll open it when Amy gets here."
"You won't have to wait long."
Mel and I turned. Amy was standing in the open French doors that led to the living room. She was wearing a black lace brassiere, A matching black garter belt that held up black thigh high nylon stockings and a pair of black patent leather high heeled pumps. She wasn't wearing panties. The garter belt served as a perfect frame for her shaved pussy.
I gaped.
Laughing, Mel said; "Damn girl, you look good enough to eat."
Amy smiled. "Don Amundsen had the same opinion."
Mel and I both chuckled.
Looking at me, Amy said; "I gather you have an email from Ruth."
"I do."
"Mel will you make three Manhattans while I take a shower and change clothes? Michael can read Ruth's email to us while we sit out here and have cocktails."
Mel nodded. "That's an excellent plan." She set her Kindle down, stood up and turned to me; "Come on Michael, you can make the takes while I put together a plate of cheese and crackers."
We were eager to read Ruth's email so in less than fifteen minutes all three of us were seated on the veranda sipping our Manhattans. My computer was on my lap. I started reading:
"Dear Michael and I now understand, Melody and Amy too."
Mel smiled. "She called me Melody. I like that. If I ever decide to become a real dom I want to be addressed as Mistress Melody."
Amy shook her head. "Michael, for the time being ignore Mistress Melody. We can grovel at her feet later. Right now I want to hear Ruth's email."
"Ooo! Groveling at my feet. I like the sound of that. This could turn into a very exciting evening."
"Michael when she gets like this it's best to ignore her. Continue reading."
Both Mel and Amy winked at me. I smiled at them and started reading again.
"Things continue to go well at the office. Jamister is a good manager and Bernie Kyle is a capable assistant. Charles and Edith called this morning to inquire about how you're doing. I told them that you're staying with two exotic dancers in Tucmister. That made both of them happy. Edith has talked to Jeanne several times since you left. They have a pretty good understanding of her new life style, so they were afraid that you might be sitting in some motel on the Interstate, alone and depressed. They told me to tell you that they send their love."
Mel said, "I hope that someday we can meet Charles and Edith. They sound like interesting people."
"They are and I'm certain they'd like to meet you and Amy too." I continued reading Ruth's email.
"Before I tell you about last night, I have to say something. Michael have you thought about how much our lives have changed in the last three months? Of course you have, that's why you're living in Tucmister; but Michael, What The Fuck! Last night I gave a man I barely knew a blow job in his car while David waited for me inside a bar. I'm the lady of two teenagers. It feels like my entire world has turned upside down. Hell I just wrote the word fuck in an email to my boss. Most amazing of all is that I'm loving every bit of this and so is David. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't be checking into an insane asylum.
It would be easy to pin all of this on Jeanne, but that wouldn't be fair. While she may have started it, all of us have eagerly jumped on her merry band wagon. Honestly, David and I couldn't be happier. We're both a little scared, but we're excited too. You haven't exactly suffered either. You're in the midst of the middle aged adventure of a lifetime. Michael, you're living in Tucmister with two exotic dancers."
I stopped reading and looked at Amy and Mel. "I hope you know that I'm not hanging around with you because you're strippers or escorts. I like you. That's why I'm here. I wouldn't care if you were lunch ladies at the local junior high school. Hell, I'm a damned accountant. People make jokes about accountants."
Mel reached over and patted my hand. "We know that Sweetie. That's why we like you so much."
Amy grinned. "But Michael, this is the first time people have thought we were cool because of our professions. We're enjoying this every bit as much as everyone else is."
Nodding, Mel said; "Ruth said it very well. Right now we're all riding Jeanne's merry band wagon. We might as well relax and have fun."
"That's right." Amy was smiling."
"Okay." I started reading again.
"Anyway, about last night. It was incredible. Not the sex with Tony, that was actually disappointing. Jeanne told me that when she talked to you last night she mentioned that he might have a hair trigger. Believe me, he does. It took me less than a minute to make him cum. I shouldn't complain. That was actually a blessing. It allowed me to get back to David. It also provided us with a laugh at Tony's expense. That gave David a little extra self confidence about all of this. Michael, regardless of what happens; I love David and Jeanne loves you. Please don't ever forget that. We don't ever want either of you to get hurt because of what we're doing."
"When I returned to the bar I gave David a quick nod and walked back out to the parking lot. A minute later he joined me. As soon as we got into the car he was a fount of questions. Did I have fun? Did Tony have a big cock? Did he make a lot of cum? Where did he cum? Did I want to see him again. Did I wish that he could have fucked me? Those were just a few of his questions. I enjoyed it. David is my baby and I love it when he's excited.
Believe me, he was excited. When we got home it took every bit of self control David had just to be able to calmly talk to the kids about their school day. As soon as we got into the privacy of our bedroom he was all over me. I loved it. He almost ripped my clothes off. When I sat down on the foot of the bed he dropped to his knees and started kissing my feet. My baby has a submissive streak. Please don't think ill of him. As a man, a husband and a provider David is a rock. He's the strongest man I've ever known. If he had to do it he would walk through hell to keep the kids and me safe; but in the bedroom he's my little pussy and that makes me love him even more."
Mel said; "It makes me love him too. Too many men are arrogant asshole wimps pretending to be macho tough guys."
Nodding, Amy said; "The moment things get tough they grab their barbells and race for the back door."
I continued reading.
"Gradually David worked his way up to my pussy. He kissed me there and then he said something that completely amazed me. He told me that he wished that I'd let Tony fuck me. I asked him if he was serious. He assured me that he was. He said that he wanted me to be free like Jeanne. He wanted me to enjoy other men. I don't understand why David wants this lifestyle, but I'm now convinced that he does want it and I have to admit that I want it too. Before I met David I was a slut. I used to hate that word, but Jeanne has convinced me that it's just a name for a woman who freely enjoys sex with variety of partners. When I think about it like that it really doesn't bother me, so now I freely admit that I used to be a slut and I'd very much like to be one again."
"Your wife is turning into an evangelist for promiscuity." Mel was grinning.
Nodding, I said; "That's my Jeanne. When she embraces a cause she becomes very passionate about it."
Amy giggled. "Promiscuity is a cause that invites passion."
"It does, doesn't it." I started reading again.
"Anyway, I was excited and so was David. You know how people say that sometimes a man lets his penis do his thinking for him? At that moment I was thinking with my clit. I lay back on the bed, spread my legs apart as wide as I could and told David to show me what he'd do for me after another man finished fucking me. Michael, David buried his face between my legs and started kissing and licking me with total abandon. It was like he was possessed by lust. I loved it. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face into my cunt as hard as I could. At that moment I wanted to fuck David's face.
Michael, please don't be shocked by my language. Both David and I are trying as hard as we can to shed our inhibitions. One of the ways we're doing it is talking dirty to each other. It really is fun.
David to gave me the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced. The kids were at home so I didn't dare scream, but I think I shook for at least a minute."
Mel laughed. "Damn Michael, your friends sure do know how to party."
Amy and I both smiled. I continued reading.
"While I was recovering from my orgasm David crawled up the bed and lay quietly next to me. Michael, I was so happy. When I opened my eyes I asked him if he was ready to fuck me. He told me that he'd rather watch another man fuck me. I told him that while I'd enjoy that too there weren't any immediately available candidates. That made both of us laugh.
David then surprised me by telling me that he'd really enjoy it if I masturbated him while I told him about my experiences with Nick Granger. We did it Michael, we actually did it. It was so kinky. David kneeled on the bed next to me and I slowly jacked him off while I told him how much I loved fucking and sucking Nick's big cock. When David orgasmed I aimed his cock so that he ejaculated on my tits. After he finished cumming I licked his cock clean and then I ordered him to lick my breasts clean. I didn't suggest that he do it. I didn't ask him to do it. I ordered him to do ir and he did it. He did it eagerly. I don't know what got into us. We've never done anything like that before. I guess both of us were so excited that we'd lost all of our inhibitions. Afterward we lay together on the bed cuddling and giggling like a pair of teenagers.
Later after we'd showered and put on our pajamas David asked me if I wanted to try to get together with Tony at a motel. I told him that I didn't. Truthfully, Tony isn't a very good playmate. He's a little unsure of himself and he cums quickly.
David was disappointed, but he quickly cheered up when I told him that I had another idea. Last night, while Jeanne and I were walking into Brady's she told me that a friend of hers had told her about The Goldenrod Supper Club. Jeanne's been there several times, but her friend told her that during a trade show at the Civic Center The Goldenrod becomes the evening hangout for the men working at the show. Since most of those men are from out of town, they have hotel rooms and many of them are looking for a little extracurricular fun. A trade show opens at the Civic Center next Tuesday. Jeanne and her friend are planning to go to the Goldenrod Tuesday evening. She invited me join them.
When he heard this David was adamant that I had to go, but he was also still a little disappointed. Next Tuesday evening is a full week away. My baby is anxious to get started with our new life style. He was hoping that there was something else we might be able to do this week. I pointed out that since Thursday was Thanksgiving day this probably wasn't a big week for extramarital assignations. David understood immediately. We're now both eagerly anticipating next Tuesday night. David asked if he could sit in the bar and watch. I told him that I'd ask Jeanne, but I couldn't think of any reamister that she would object.
Jamister just handed me a stack of forms that have to be ready for the afternoon mail, so I'd better get going.
Michael, I hope you're enjoying life as much as David and I are. I'll email you again at the end of the week. Amy and Mel I really hope that someday we can meet.
Mel shook her head. "I said it before and I'm going to say it again. You're friends sure are learning how to party."
I smiled. "Yes they are."
Amy said; "The trade show is a great idea. Mel and I used to work the Las Vegas trade shows. They are loaded with guys away from home looking for a good time. I expect that Jeanne, Ruth and Jeanne's new friend are going to have a very good time next Tuesday."
Mel asked, "Michael, who is this new friend? Did Jeanne mention her in San Francisco?"
"No Mel, she didn't; but she's going to call us tonight. We can ask her."
Posts: 14692
thank you.
What a wonderful surprise - great way to start the weekend.
A new friend for Jeanne? Interesting and SA is getting closer. Looking forward to the next chapters.
I can see the dog stealing the chips but the cat as a '*****r'?
Well then again why not. Way back when friends had a Parakeet that liked beer. I guess he and I were birds of the same feather.
Take care my friend. Hope you get a chance to play golf for real, not just in your story.
Posts: 492
Thanks for another great segment. I'm really enjoying this story very much, the characters are some of your best ever and the story line is just fun to read.
Posts: 1914
GH, You and Stormy on the same day. I feel like a kid with a sugar rush. You are keeping this one on the boil beautifully I think. I also like the way that although it is Ruth that has re-released her inner slut, it is David that is unlocking the doors and encouraging her to come out to play. This complexity of emotional balance must be more difficult to write than the 'I strapped his cage on and told him his dinner was in the dog' type of story, but it is so much more realistic and satisfying. Thanks again, and look after yourself too.
Posts: 31
I completly agree with peakmb, 2 of my favourite authors in one day, it''s a good day  and he is right, writing 'complex' stories are obviously much harder but I guess, ultimately, much more rewarding. I wonder who that new friend is for Jeanne ? thank you for this segment, take care of yourself 
Posts: 1916
Another great segment, thanks GH
Posts: 4050
#434 · Edited by: goodhusband
Timmy, TrF2, Peak, vazkor, subchard
As always, thank you for the kind comments.
Posts: 4050
We'd just finished cleaning up our supper dishes when the telephone rang. Amy answered. It was Jeanne. The three of us hurried into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. As soon as we were settled we exchanged our greetings with Jeanne and caught each other up on our days.
Once that was finished Jeanne asked; "Have you read Ruth's email? She sent me a copy."
Amy answered, "We did. It's sounds like she and David had an exciting evening."
"They did. Michael I believe our friend is well on her way to becoming a full fledged hot wife."
"I think you're right Jeanne and it appears that David is very happy about it."
Mel said; "In her email Ruth mentioned that you have an exciting plan for next week."
"We do, Abby suggested it." Jeanne paused. After a moment she said; "I haven't told you about Abby, have I?"
I said, "No you haven't."
"I'm sorry Michael. I wasn't trying to hide anything. I really wasn't. It's just that we've had so much to talk about lately that I guess I forgot to mention her. I have a new friend. She's very nice. I really like her. Her name is Abigail Martin, but everyone calls her Abby. She's about five years younger than we are and cute as a button. She's not very tall, about 5'2" with long dark hair. She works out all the time so she has a gorgeous figure. Michael, she has large breasts, very large breasts and she says that they're natural. She's a legal secretary just like me. Her firm isn't as well established as the firm I work for. The attorneys are all younger and they mostly do accident cases."
I asked, "Does she enjoy working there?"
"She does. I kind of envy her. I don't think she earns as much money as I do, but she works in a more relaxed atmosphere."
Nodding, I said; "That's important."
Mel asked, "How did you meet her?"
"I met her at Brady's. She enjoys going there just as much as I do." Jeanne giggled. "Abby's even more of a slut than I am. She absolutely loves sex."
Amy asked, "Is she married?"
"She's currently on her third marriage."
Raising her eyebrows, Mel said; "Her third marriage. It sounds like your friend has issues."
"I suppose she does. Unlike me, Abby's been a slut for her entire life, even in high school. She didn't marry her first husband, Scott until she was thirty-one. She tried to be faithful to him, she really did. She lasted for almost a year, but then she slipped. She made the mistake of going out with an old girlfriend. They went to a club where they hooked up with two guys. After a couple of takes they started dancing. An hour later Abby and the guy she was with were fucking in the back of his SUV."
Smiling, Amy said; "That definitely qualifies as a slip."
"It does. When Abby went home that night she was racked with guilt, but the next day she couldn't stop thinking about how much fun she'd had. Abby really does love to fuck. The guy called her the following week. In the midst of her excitement she must have given him her cell phone number. The next day she took a long lunch. They met at a motel. He was married too. After that they started getting together once a week to fuck."
Mel said; "Since they're not married anymore I'm guessing that her husband figured out what was happening?"
"He did. Abby's a confirmed slut. Once she started playing around again one boyfriend wasn't enough for her. A month after that first hookup at the club she was meeting two or three different guys a week. Scott gradually became suspicious. He hired a private detective and a week later confronted her with photographs and videos. Abby still loved Scott, so she didn't contest the divorce. She gave him everything, even their entire savings account."
Amy said; "She's not a bad permister."
Jeanne said; "No she's just a slut. She doesn't want to hurt anybody."
"That was her first husband. You told us that she's currently married to her third husband. What happened with husband number two?" It was clear that Mel's curiosity had been piqued.
"Three years after Scott divorced her, Abby met her second husband, Dennis. They lived in the same apartment building. They started out as friends and quickly became fuck buddies. Over time Abby and Dennis developed feelings for each other. Not wanting to repeat the mistakes she'd made with Scott, Abby tried to be honest with Dennis from the beginning. She explained to him that she loved sex, she didn't want to be monogamous and she planned to continue dating other men."
Mel asked, "Did that work?"
"It did at first, but gradually Dennis started to get jealous. As his Jealousy grew, he became increasingly dissatisfied with their relationship. Eventually Dennis demanded that Abby give up the other men. Abby adamantly refused. They argued constantly. Finally they separated. Dennis even moved to a new apartment building."
Mel said, "But you told us they were married."
"Yes they finally did get married. Two months after they separated Dennis called Abby. He told her that he loved her and couldn't bear living without her. He begged her to give up the other men. Abby refused. It made her feel awful, but she knew that if she tried being faithful to Dennis it was inevitable that she'd eventually slip. Once that happened she'd start cheating on him just like she did with Scott. Realizing that Abby was adamant about her refusal to stop seeing other men, Dennis acquiesced and agreed to try to live with the current situation. They adopted a don't ask, don't tell approach to Abby's extracurricular activities and started dating again."
Amy said, "I gather that it worked."
"It did. On the evenings that Abby had a date she would tell Dennis that she was visiting a friend. Dennis would accept that explanation without question. During the evenings they spent together they never discussed Abby's friends and Abby worked to hard to show Dennis how much she cared about him. Eventually Dennis asked Abby to marry him. Abby was ecstatic. She immediately agreed."
Mel asked, "What happened when they got married?"
"Abby moved into Dennis's apartment. That made it much harder for him to ignore her dating."
Nodding, I said; "Once they were living together Dennis was there watching while Abby was getting ready for her dates. When she was out Dennis was at home alone waiting for her to return."
"That's right. He couldn't bear it. Three weeks after they were married Dennis filed for an annulment. Abby didn't contest it. She wanted to remain friends, but Dennis couldn't do that. He felt that it would be too painful. He needed a clean break. After the annulment was finalized he moved to Atlanta. Abby never heard from him again."
Jeanne sighed. "Michael, Abby is afraid that when you finally do come home you'll react the same way Dennis did. I'm worried about that too. I remember how hard it was for you when you saw me dressed up for my date with Derek Fischer."
"That's why I have to stay away Jeanne. I need time to get used to this."
"But Abby and Dennis took time and it didn't help them."
Amy said; "Jeanne trying to ignore Abby's dating was a big mistake. They needed to talk about it. They needed to enjoy it together. That's what you and Michael are doing now. When you told Michael about your date with Trent you were sharing the experience with him. That turned it into something that you're doing together."
Mel said; "That still might not have worked for Dennis. Michael is a voyeur. Hearing about your dates excites him. Lots of men are voyeurs, but not all of them."
Jeanne said; "I think it might have helped if Abby and Dennis had tried an open marriage. The two of you are certainly helping Michael."
"While the sex Amy and I are enjoying with Michael is certainly bringing us closer together, I think we're mostly helping him by validating the excitement he feels when he hears about your dates. In our culture a man is taught that its perverted to enjoy thinking about another man fucking his wife. We're encouraging Michael to relax and enjoy the excitement he experiences when you're telling him about your dates."
"Jeanne, do you really think a traditional open marriage would have helped Dennis and Abby?"
Jeanne paused to consider Amy's question. After a moment she said, "No, suppose it wouldn't have. It's a numbers problem, isn't it. You know, I am married to an accountant."
We all chuckled.
Jeanne continued. "One of the reamisters I love Brady's so much is that on an average night there are at least three men for every woman. It's much harder for a man to find a partner for casual sex."
Amy said, "If an open marriage is going to work both partners have to be getting some action."
Jeanne said; "Maybe they could have tried swinging."
I asked; "Jeanne, would that be enough for you? Think about it. We're a middle aged couple. We'd be swinging with another middle aged couple."
"That would be all right."
"I'm an accountant. I think it's likely that we'd end up with a pipe smoking, college professor wearing a tweed jacket and his wife."
Giggling, Mel said; "What's wrong with pipe smoking college professors. I think they're cute."
Amy rolled her eyes.
I said; "Absolutely nothing, but last night Jeanne was bored with Bill. Right now she's looking for guys who treat her like a slut."
"Just because a guy's a college professor doesn't mean he won't treat Jeanne like a slut."
Amy said, "Yes, but he also might want to recite poetry while Jeanne's sucking his cock."
"Jeanne's from Minnesota. I heard that girls from Minnesota love to listen to poetry while they're giving head." There was a mischievous twinkle in Mel's eyes.
Amy, Jeanne and I were giggling. Yes, I admit it. I was giggling too. When you're living with Amy and Mel it's hard to avoid giggling.
Jeanne said, "Michael, I understand. Swinging wouldn't be an adequate replacement for dating for me, but I think it might still be fun to try it. Mel, I've never had a man recite poetry to me while I'm giving him head. It might be an exciting experience."
Mel turned to Amy. "Like I said, she's from Minnesota. You never know what those girls are going to be into. Of course you're from Wisconsin, so maybe you do know."
Shaking her head, Amy said; "Jeanne, I think it's time to get back to Abby and her marriages. You told us that she now has a third husband. How is that working out?"
"It's an interesting marriage."
Suddenly serious, Mel said; "Tell us."
Posts: 14692
thank you for TGIF morning present. I saw the post on Lit yesterday and five of those stars are mine.
Posts: 3
GH you are the nelmister demille of cuckold storys i just finished reading all your stories posted on literotica it is amazing how many characters you manage to keep track of all with their own permisteralities and solid perspectives
kudos to you sir
Posts: 1914
GH, Thanks again for this. Great characters but I still feel a storm brewing somewhere.
Posts: 4050
Thanks for the comment and thanks for the vote at Lit. I appreciate both
Thank you for the comment. My wife would tell you that I can't even keep track of my wallet and car keys. At least I know it's February.
There are several storms on the horizon. The questions are, who? what? why? and where? As to where, Texas is a good bet. That's all I'll say.
Thanks again for the comments
Posts: 4050
"She's married to a man named Luther Bowlin, he..."
Surprised, I said; "Luther Bowlin! The owner of Bowlin Construction?"
"Yes, that Luther Bowlin."
"Bowlin Construction is the largest construction company in the upper Midwest. Luther Bowlin is a multimillionaire. He's also at least seventy-five years old." I paused to think. After a moment I said; "Wasn't Luther Bowlin's grandmister involved in a takes driving incident a couple of years ago?"
"That's right. Two years ago Luther Bowlin's grandmister Peter Bowlin broad sided another car while he was running a red light. At the time of the accident his red holy water level was 1.4. He was legally takes. The car he hit was totaled. The woman who was driving the car survived the accident, but she spent a week in intensive care. Luther was terrified that his grandmister was going to go to primister and he was determined to do everything in his power to prevent that from happening."
Amy said; "I think that was a valid fear. The courts are getting tough on takes drivers."
Jeanne continued. "The woman of course sued Peter Bowlin. Luther and his attorneys decided that if they could settle the civil action prior to the beginning of Peter's criminal trial it might improve his image with the jury."
I said, "That was a good idea."
"The law office where Abby works was handling the law suit for the woman. Abby is the receptionist. As soon as the negotiations started Luther stepped in and took over for his attorneys. He started calling the office several times a day and visited the office in permister several times a week."
Smiling, Mel said; "That's how Abby and Luther met."
"That's right. Abby has a charming permisterality and she's a natural flirt. When Luther called the office Abby answered the telephone. Whenever Luther visited the office Abby brought him coffee. It wasn't long before Luther and Abby started chatting with each other."
I asked, "Did they settle the lawsuit before the trial?"
"Oh yes, despite the fact that the woman made a full recovery from her injuries, Luther's attorneys still thought that in a civil trial she might be awarded as much as two million dollars. Luther offered her four million dollars if she would agree to an immediate out of court settlement. Her attorneys wisely advised her to accept his offer. During the criminal trial Luther's attorneys argued that the settlement the Bowlin family made with the woman was a sincere effort to financially atone for Peter's mistake. The plan worked. Peter was sentenced to a years probation and two hundred hours of community service."
Amy said; "Okay, that's how Abby and Luther met. How did they get together?"
"About a month after the criminal trial Luther called Abby at her office. He told her that the following week he was attending a dinner at the Governor's Mansion and wanted to know if she'd be interested in accompanying him as his date."
Mel said, "Since Luther has a grandmister he's obviously been married before. If he was still married he wouldn't be taking another woman to a dinner with the Governor. What happened to his first wife?"
"Luther has five youngren and eleven grand youngren. Abby is wife number eight."
Amy clapped her hands together. "Luther is a hound!"
"He is. Abby tells me that he has several escorts who regularly visit him at his downtown penthouse apartment. He often has all three of them visit him at the same time."
Nodding, Mel said; "In his financial position girl friends are a potential problem. Professionals are much safer."
I said; "Okay, I get that, but then why would he get involved with Abby?"
Mel patted my knee. "Sweetie, you can't take a pro to a dinner at the Governor's mansion."
"Of course."
Amy said; "It's safe to assume that Abby accepted the invitation."
"She certainly did and she had a wonderful time. Luther picked her up in his chauffeured limousine. She met the governor and his wife, several state senators and the mayor. On the way back to her apartment she gave Luther a blow job in the back of his limo."
"I'll bet Luther loved that." I was chuckling.
"He did. The following Saturday night he took Abby to dinner at the Kennsington Grill."
Mel asked, "Isn't that the restaurant Derek Fischer took you to on your first date, the restaurant where you and Michael used to celebrate your wedding anniversary?"
Jeanne quietly answered, "Yes."
Realizing that Jeanne was still feeling guilty about that I quickly interjected, "When I finally do get home it's also the restaurant where we're going to celebrate the beginning of our new life together."
There was a pause and then Jeanne said, "Do you really mean that Michael?"
"Yes Jeanne, I really mean that."
"Thank you sweetheart, thank you so much."
"You're welcome. Now we'd better get back to the story before Amy and Mel are consumed by curiosity."
Amy stuck out her tongue at me. "Admit it, you're just as eager as we are to hear what happened."
"Yeah, you're right, I admit it."
Jeanne was giggling, but she still resumed telling the story. "During dinner Abby opened up to Luther. She told him everything. She enjoyed Luther and she decided that there wasn't any reamister to hide her life style from him. Her intuition had been correct. Luther appreciated her honesty and was enamored with her open attitude about sex. He confided that he had a similar attitude. He admitted that he cheated on all of his wives and then he told her about the escorts that regularly visited him at his downtown penthouse apartment."
Mel smiled. "Honesty is an important part of any worthwhile relationship."
"It is. After that Abby and Luther became close friends. They had dinner together at least once a week and Abby was Luther's regular escort when he attended social functions. She was going to charity bazaars, art museum openings and elegant dinners with important people. Abby was having a wonderful time."
Amy said, "I don't blame her. I think we'd all enjoy a taste of that life."
Shaking her head, Mel said; "I agree, but when did they get married and why?"
"I'm just getting to that."
"Be patient." Amy winked at Mel.
Mel stuck her tongue out at Amy.
Jeanne continued the story. "About three months after they started dating Luther called Abby and invited her to lunch. Abby was surprised. This was a first. At seventy-eight Luther was still a workaholic. He always ate lunch at his desk. They met at a restaurant near Luther's office. Abby was nervous. She was afraid that Luther had grown tired of her and she was about to get her walking papers."
Smiling, Amy said; "She was enjoying the lifestyle. She didn't want to give it up."
"That's right. As soon as they finished ordering lunch Luther started telling her how much he'd enjoyed the past few months, how much he enjoyed her company. That made her even more convinced that he was ending their relationship."
Mel said, "She thought he was trying to let her down easy."
"Exactly, but then he started talking about how she's added stability to his life, how all of his business associates are enamored with her and how compatible they are with each other. She was confused. Suddenly this wasn't sounding like a let down. And then Luther totally blew her away. He asked her if she would become the next Mrs. Luther Bowlin."
Grinning, Amy said; "I'll bet that did blow her away."
"Luther quickly explained his proposal. As Abby listened to him it began to make sense. The divorce settlements with his previous three wives had been financially difficult for him. Abby was well aware of that, they'd discussed it frequently. That was one of the reamisters Abby was so surprised by Luther's proposal. His youngren were even more concerned about protecting the family fortune than Luther was. If Luther married Abby they were terrified that she might cheat them out of their inheritance. Luther loved his youngren, protecting their financial interests was his primary concern."
I asked, "What did he propose?"
"He offered to provide Abby with a weekly allowance of five thousand dollars. She would also be allowed to live in the Bowlin estate on Island Lake west of the Twin Cities. The estate had a full time cook and house keeper. Luther would, of course take care of all of the household expenses."
Mel said, "Five thousand dollars a week and a mansion with servants. That's a damn good deal. What did she have to do in exchange? She was already sucking his cock."
"She had to sign a prenuptial agreement relinquishing all claims to the Bowlin family fortune."
"That's all? Hell I would have signed that prenup in a flash."
"Abby felt the same way. She never had designs on the Bowlin family fortune. While she liked Luther and she enjoyed the glamor and prestige that came with his position in the business community, she was smart enough to understand that when he was gone that glamor and prestige would go with him. Abby has many vices, but avarice isn't one of them. She immediately agreed to sign the prenup and also informed Luther that the allowance wasn't necessary. She wanted to continue working at her job. Since she wouldn't have any living expenses her salary was more than enough money for her."
Amy said, "The more I learn about your friend the more I'm inclined to like her. She seems to have things in perspective. Relationships are much more important than money."
Nodding, Mel said; "I agree. What did Luther say when Abby told him the allowance wasn't necessary?"
"He wouldn't hear of it. He argued that she was his best friend. While he couldn't give her the family fortune he could at least make sure that when he was gone she had a healthy savings account."
Mel said, "Hell I like both of these people."
Amy said, "Me too. What did Abby say?"
"She agreed."
I said, "What happened after the financial issues were settled?"
"They moved on to the permisteral issues."
Amy said, "That's a biggee."
"Damn right." Mel was grinning,
"Luther told Abby that except for her moving into the family estate he didn't want their lifestyles to change. He would still spend most nights in his downtown penthouse apartment and he planned to continue seeing his escorts. He also wanted her to feel free to continue seeing other men, but he did have three requests."
Amy asked, "What were they?"
"He asked Abby to be discreet. She didn't need to be obsessive about it. He wasn't a film star or a politician. The gossip columnists didn't really care about his private life. He only asked that when she was out playing with other men that she be cautious about telling people that she was Luther Bowlin's wife."
Mel said, "Seems reamisterable to me."
"Abby thought so too. Luther's second request was related to his first request. While he wanted her to take his name, when she was playing he would prefer it if she used her maiden name."
Slowly nodding her head, Amy said; "When you started telling us about Abby you said her name was Abigail Martin. Now I understand. When she's with you she's Abigail Martin. When she's with Luther she's Abigail Bowlin."
"That's right."
I asked, "What name does she use on her driver's license and credit cards?"
"Abigail Martin, when they got married Abby kept her maiden name as her legal name. As long as you're not doing it to defraud people you can call yourself anything you want. When Abby's out with Luther he simply introduces her as Abby Bowlin. At work she's still Abby Martin."
Mel asked, "What was Luther's last request?"
"He asked her not to entertain men in the Bowlin Mansion. In support of that request he leased a studio apartment for her."
Smiling, Mel said; "A generous solution to another reamisterable request. Abby was lucky when she met this man. Except for the fact that he's seventy-eight he sounds like the ideal husband."
"There's still a problem."
Mel's smile vanished. "What is it?"
"Luther's youngren hate her. No, that's not right; they're afraid of her."
Amy asked, "Why?"
I said, "I can answer that. She works for a law firm."
Jeanne said, "That's exactly right."
Amy said, "I don't understand. When she signed the prenuptial agreement didn't she relinquish all claim to the Bowlin family fortune?"
I answered, "Theoretically yes, but the truth is a legal contract can always be challenged, especially a contract that restricts the rights of a spouse. Prenuptial agreements are commonly broken. The exorbitant legal costs prohibit most people from challenging a prenuptial agreement, but this case involves a substantial sum of money and Abby has ready access to legal counsel. Luther's youngren have good reamister to be concerned."
Shaking her head, Mel said; "But I don't believe she's a threat to them."
Jeanne said, "Mel honey, she's not; but Luther's youngren don't know that. If she does turn out to be a threat they have a lot to lose."
Mel sighed. "Yes, I suppose that's true."
Reaching across my lap, Amy patted her girlfriend's thigh and said; "Sweetheart, we're lucky. Our world is simple and filled with trust. You and I have each other. Together we have Vince and now we also have Michael and Jeanne. Professionally we're just as secure. Our gentlemen treat us with respect and pay in cash. In exchange we do things, simple things that make them happy. Yes, in Vegas we occasionally encountered guys who would try to con us. When that happened we just cut our losses and left. All we lost was an hour of work time. Of course there is the ever present concern that we could get arrested, but if that occurs we'll spend a few hours in jail and pay a small fine. That's all that will happen."
Smiling, Mel said; "We do have a nice life, don't we."
"Yes we do." And then Amy said, "Now that we know about Abby, tell us more about her plan for Tuesday. Ruth told us a little in her email."
"It's exciting. There's a builders show at the Civic Center next week. It opens Tuesday. Abby told me that Tuesday evening the Goldenrod Supper club, that's a downtown bar where I sometimes go to meet men, will be crawling with guys who are away from their wives and have hotel rooms. Abby, Ruth and I are going to meet at the Goldenrod at 6:30."
"Amy and I used to work the Las Vegas trade shows. If this show is like those, you're going to have a very good time."
"I'm looking forward to it." Jeanne paused. After a second she said; "Michael, is that okay? I mean that I'm admitting to you that I'm looking forward to it."
"Yes Jeanne, I want you to do that. This is a good example of sharing your excitement with me. Tuesday evening I plan to have a good time imagining what you're doing."
"When I get home Tuesday night I'll call you and tell you all about it."
"I'd like that."
Mel asked, "What about David? Is he going to get to watch?"
"I invited him. We're planning to have dinner first. David can join us for dinner, but when we go into the cocktail lounge we'll have to separate. Abby, Ruth and I will sit at a table. David will have to watch from the bar."
Amy said, "Based on what Ruth told us in her emails I think we can be fairly certain that David will be quite content with that arrangement."
"He's going to get to watch his wife meet a man who's going to take her to his hotel room for a little sex party." Mel was grinning.
I reached over. As I pressed my fingers into Mel's blue jean covered pussy, I said; "You enjoy kinky fantasies, don't you."
Mel nodded.
Giggling, Amy said; "My girlfriend has a delightfully dirty mind. It's one of the many reamisters I love her so much."
I winked at Mel. "A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Placing her hand on top of mine, Mel pushed my fingers even harder into her crotch. "Michael honey, my nasty thoughts never go to waste. My girlfriend will attest to that."
Jeanne said; "Whew! Suddenly I very much wish I was there. Michael I believe that you're learning at the feet of masters."
Amy said, "Learning at the feet of masters, I like that idea. I think that after we finish talking Mel and I may have to give your husband a little taste of life as a sexual submissive."
"Laughing, I said; "I'll only go as a tourist."
Mel grinned. "We'll let you start out as a voyeur. You can watch while Amy and I take turns dominating each other, but when we're finished it will be your turn."
Giggling, Amy said; "Remember, we're experienced pro's. We know what we're doing."
Shaking my head, I said; "You certainly know how to scare a guy."
Jeanne said; "Michael, don't be a wuss. New experiences are the spice of life. Mel and Amy, when were together you can make me your sub any time you like."
Mel said; "We'll hold you to that Jeanne. When we were working in Vegas we had a friend who specialized in bondage. She taught us a lot. Have you ever been tied up?"
Jeanne whispered, "No, but...Oh my."
Amy smiled. "We could call Trent and give him some instructions."
"Definitely not." Jeanne was adamant. "I don't trust Trent enough to let him do that, but if you could teach Michael that would be wonderful. Baby, I know you're not naturally dominant, but it would be fun to experiment. You could do me and then I could do you."
Mel winked at me. "Jeanne, we'll teach him how to use a feather. Tickling can be exquisite *** especially when you're helpless to stop it."
Jeanne gasped and then she breathlessly said; "I am definitely going to need a serious session with my vibrator before I go to relax tonight."
All of us laughed.
There was pause and then Jeanne said; "It's getting late here. I could talk all night, but I have to work in the morning."
I said, "You'd better get to bed. I love you Jeanne."
"I love you too Michael. Good night Amy and Mel. Take good care of my husband for me."
Mel said; "Good night Jeanne. Don't worry, we will."
Amy said; "Good night Jeanne, we look forward to talking to you again tomorrow night."
Jeanne said, "Me too" and then she ended the call.
Posts: 14692
thank you. Another great segment leaving me wanting more. However, I respect your situation and will just hang in there.
Posts: 1914
Thanks for another great update GH. I think if a storm was needed, Texas would be a good place for it. A relative of mine just moved there!
Posts: 781
awesome story... Really appreciate the labor and the effort. You write well, and I'm guessing that requires some measure of effort and creative work!
Posts: 492
#444 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
Great stuff GH, thank you for all your efforts. I'm missing something with the Texas connection, I'll have to go back and review my notes and photos.
Almost warm enough to start golfing again around here.
Posts: 12
Waiting.... we want more an more... Fantastic story. 
Posts: 4050
Timmy, Peak, hotcplindc, TrF2 and Mikesan
Thanks for taking a moment to let me know that you're still enjoying the story.
I feel like I've gotten bogged down in Tucmister. This is a complicated story with several subplots. I have to lay the foundation for all of them before I can move Michael on to San Antonio. Please bear with me, I'm getting close.
I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last post. We've been doing quite a bit of entertaining lately and that takes away from my writing time. It also wears me out so writing becomes more difficult when I do have time.
Anyway, thank you for your patience
Posts: 4050
After we finished talking to Jeanne Mel and Amy did play some dominant submissive games with me. They had an impressive collection of sex paraphernalia. I guess that was to be expected. They were the tools of their trade. They began by putting a black leather dog collar on me, attaching a leash and making me crawl around naked on all fours while they took turns lightly whipping me with a riding crop. After that they ordered me kneel on the floor and kiss their feet while they sat on the edge of the bed and made out. They finished by taking turns sitting on my face while the other one twisted and pinched my nipples. The entire time they were gentle and kept the mood light. I have to admit that I enjoyed it, but not because I discovered a latent desire to be a submissive. I enjoyed it because it was kinky and different. That was what made it fun. That realization helped me understand why Jeanne enjoys being a slut so much. Imaginative sex can be a very exciting adventure.
Wednesday I returned to Danny's Lounge with Amy and Mel. Three more girls had brought their financial data, so I once again spent the afternoon in the dancer's dressing room organizing financial portfolios while beautiful women dressed and undressed around me. It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it.
When Jeanne called Wednesday evening she mostly chatted with Amy and Mel. They were quickly becoming close friends.
Thursday was Thanksgiving Day. In the morning Amy and I helped Mel prepare the turkey while we watched the parade. Once the turkey was in the oven we settled down in front of the television and watched the first NFL game. After the game we prepared the rest of the meal. We ate dinner at 5:00. It was wonderful.
We'd just finished cleaning up when Jeanne called. It was 7:30.
Mel answered the telephone. "Hi Jeanne, give us a second."
We quickly moved into the living room. As soon as we were seated on the couch in front of the fireplace, Mel switched on the speaker. "Jeanne, we're comfortable and ready to talk. Everyone is here and the speaker phone is on."
"Hi Michael. Hi Amy."
Amy and I both said; "Hi Jeanne."
Jeanne asked, "How was your Thanksgiving?"
I said; "It was wonderful. Mel is an excellent cook. How was yours?"
There was a pause and then Jeanne said; "Kind of strange."
Mel said; "Tell us."
"We talked before about Tricia and Paul's relationship."
Amy said, "Yes, he's submissive to her."
"This was the first time I actually witnessed it."
Mel said; "We're listening."
"Jodie rode with me. When we arrived at Tricia's apartment Paul opened the door much like a butler would answer a door at a mansion. No, that's not quite right. He was wearing a frilly pink lace apron. It was more like a maid answering the door. When Paul greeted us he called me Ms. Jeanne and Jodie Ms. Jodie. As we stepped into their apartment he announced our arrival to Tricia by saying; Ms. Patricia, your guests are here."
I said; "He called Tricia Ms. Patricia?"
"That's right."
I looked at Amy and Mel. "I can't remember ever calling Tricia Patricia. She doesn't like it. She thinks it's too stuffy."
"Paul now calls her Patricia. Jodie told me that he's no longer allowed to call her Tricia. She said that Tricia told her she believes that slaves shouldn't be allowed to be familiar with their superiors. They need to remember their place."
Mel said; "Damn Tricia is into this."
Nodding, Amy said; "It certainly seems like that. Tell us more."
"Tricia didn't treat Paul like a boyfriend, she treated him like a servant. He waited on us the entire time we were there. He brought us wine and appetizers, prepared the dinner, served the dinner, cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen by himself. Tricia never did anything to assist him. When I offered to help Paul Tricia actually stopped me. She explained that Paul was her slave. Serving her and her guests was his duty. Michael, Paul wasn't even permitted to sit at the table and have Thanksgiving dinner with us. He had to eat in the kitchen by himself. On the way home Jodie told me that Tricia regularly entertains men in her apartment and makes Paul wait on them just like he waited on us today."
Mel asked; "Jeanne, what was his demeanor like? Did he seem sad or depressed?"
"Not really, but he wasn't exactly bubbling with joy either."
Amy said; "He was working hard. He may just have been focused on doing a good job for Tricia."
"That's possible. Jodie thinks he likes being Tricia's servant. It's just so different. It's hard for me to believe that anyone could enjoy being a slave."
Amy said; "Believe me, there are people who love that role. We knew several in Las Vegas. They were very happy."
"I don't understand how Tricia could possibly want that kind of a relationship. I couldn't even manage to relax and enjoy the afternoon. Watching Paul do all the work while I did absolutely nothing made me feel so guilty."
Mel said; "Jeanne, you're not wired that way. You'll probably never understand it, but if that's the lifestyle both Paul and Tricia want they get to do it. They're not hurting anybody."
"I suppose that's true, but it just doesn't seem right. Michael, what do you think?"
"I agree with Mel. Tricia and Paul are consenting adults. If this is the life they want, it's their choice. They're not hurting anybody." I paused. After a moment, I added; "But..."
Jeanne asked; "But what?"
"Is this really the life that both of them want?"
Amy said; "They're doing it."
Slowly nodding, I said; "That's true, but Paul is in love with Tricia. While I don't doubt that he has a submissive nature, you have to admit that they're adopting an extreme lifestyle. Is this really what Paul wants or is he doing this because he's afraid he'll lose Tricia if he doesn't agree to this lifestyle?"
"Michael, Tricia is our flower. Do you really think she might be capable of coercing Paul into living as her slave?"
Mel said; "Jeanne, think about the mistakes you made when you announced to Michael that you were planning to start dating other men. Tricia is young and adventurous. She's also had a remarkable amount of professional success for someone her age. She has a dominant permisterality and Paul has a submissive nature. It would be very easy for her to get confused"
Jeanne quietly said; "Yes, you're right; it is easy to get confused. Michael what are we going to do?"
"I think we should follow the original plan. We're about to spend a full week with them in San Antonio. By the end of the week we should have a better idea about whether or not we have a problem."
"That's a good idea."
It was clear that Jeanne was still unsettled. I was too, but I knew that until we had a better understanding of the situation we shouldn't get involved. Deciding it was best to move on, I said; "You have a date with Trent on Saturday. Are you excited?"
There was a brief pause and then Jeanne said; "Michael While I'm happy that you're becoming comfortable enough with my dating to ask me that question, I have to admit that it still surprises me."
"It surprises me too Jeanne; but a part of me, a big part of me is starting to enjoy your new lifestyle. Since you're obviously enjoying it too, I might as well relax and try to get into it."
Amy reached over and gave my cock a firm squeeze. "That's the spirit cuckboy."
I looked at Amy. She was grinning at me.
Jeanne said; "Amy be nice to my sweetheart."
I said, "Don't worry Jeanne, she's just teasing me."
"I am." Amy was still grinning.
I added, "Actually, it's good. I still harbor some lingering fears about what other people will think about me. The teasing I get from Amy and Mel is desensitizing me."
Mel said; "Jeanne I'm guessing that it's similar to what you're doing when you overtly dress and act like a slut. I realize that you're mostly doing it because you enjoy it, but I think you might also be doing it to combat your remaining fears about the opinions of other people."
Jeanne said; "I understand what you're saying. You're right, that is one of the reamisters I like to act like a slut in public."
Amy said, "You're making it clear to everyone that this is who you are. This is who you choose to be and if they don't like it, that's just too bad. When we tease Michael about being a cuckold were trying to help him reach a level of comfort where he can say, yes my wife parties with other men and I don't care. Got a problem with that buddy?"
Chuckling, I said; "I'm not there yet."
Mel gave my cock another squeeze. "But Amy and I are going to try to get you closer."
Jeanne said; "I think I'll leave that part of Michael's desensitizing to you. I'm afraid I might make another mistake. I've already made too many."
Now slowly rubbing my cock, Mel said; "Don't worry, we'll take care of that. Your job is to be Michael's hot wife and share your fun with him."
"I can do that."
"Now let's get back to Michael's earlier question. Are you excited about your date with Trent this Saturday?"
"Yes Mel, I am. Michael please don't be upset by that. You're the only man I'll ever love, but Trent really does know how to press my slut buttons."
"It's okay Jeanne. I understand."
Amy asked; "Jeanne are you still planning to try deep throating Trent's cock?"
"Michael, if you don't mind I would like to try it..." Jeanne paused and then she quickly added. "But if it bothers you that I'm doing it with him first I'll happily wait until after I've done it with you in San Antonio."
"It's okay Jeanne, you don't have to wait."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. From what you've told me I think Trent will enjoy it more than I will and I can tell you're eager to try it with him."
"Michael, I really am; but I love you and I feel a little guilty about doing something with another man that I've never done with you. I made that mistake once. I don't want to repeat it."
"Jeanne this time it's different. This time you discussed it with me first and you have my permission...No that's not right. You're my partner, but I don't control you. You're an adult who's free to make her own choices. You don't need to have my permission to do anything. I think it would be more accurate to say that you have my blessing."
"Thank you Michael, I appreciate that. Saturday night I promise to call you and tell you all about it. That way I'll at least be sharing it with you."
"I'd like that."
Amy said; "Jeanne, this might help. Tonight after we're done talking to you I'll give Michael a deep throat blow job. That way when you do it for Trent you'll at least know that Michael has already experienced one."
Mel said; "I'll give him one too. Then he'll be really experienced."
"Thank you, that's very kind of you; but both of you told me that you don't particularly enjoy giving them."
Smiling, Mel said; "Jeanne honey, we're pros. They're not our favorite thing, but Amy and I have given lots of deep throat blow jobs. They're pretty popular. We love you and Michael. We're eager to do anything we can to help the two of you."
Shaking my head, I said; "It really isn't necess..."
Mel poked my side. "Micheal hush. We're going to do it tonight. It will make it easier for Jeanne relax when she does it for Trent on Saturday. Now don't argue with us, just enjoy it."
Amy chuckled. "Trust me Michael, when Mel makes up her mind about something it's pointless to argue with her."
"Damn right, I'm from Chicago. Don't ever argue with a girl from Chicago because we're always right."
Amy rolled her eyes. Jeanne and I laughed.
We spent a few more minutes talking about Jeanne's Saturday afternoon date with Trent and next Tuesday's trip to the Goldenrod supper club. Jeanne also mentioned that she and Abby were planning to stop at Brady's Saloon tomorrow after work. I told her to have a good time and then we said our goodbyes and ended the telephone call.
As soon as we were finished talking Mel and Amy dragged me upstairs. We showered together and then they took turns giving me a deep throat blow job. While it was okay, I honestly thought that having my cock sucked was more fun. It also bothered me that it wasn't enjoyable for Mel and Amy. Don't get me wrong, they're both s*******ed professionals. They're extremely adept at making a man believe they're enjoying what they're doing, but I remembered their concerns when Jeanne first told us that she wanted to try deep throating a cock. Call me old fashioned, but when I'm engaging in sex I want it to be pleasurable for everyone involved.
Later I lay awake sandwiched between Mel and Amy. They were both arelax. I was thinking about Jeanne's desire to give a man a deep throat blow job. In San Francisco Jeanne said that both of us were givers. I think she was right. Trent is apparently a taker, the kind of man who would enjoy a deep throat blow job. As I considered all of that I realized that I was hoping Trent would enjoy Jeanne's efforts on Saturday. I knew my wife. It would make her very happy if he does and it will disappoint her if he doesn't. I love Jeanne with all my heart and soul. I really did want her to be happy.
As I drifted into relax I remembered Charles Montgomery's words on that fateful Saturday afternoon three months ago. " Michael during the days before her weekend getaways Edith was actually giddy with excitement. It's fun to see the woman you love that happy."
I was beginning to understand. I really did want the woman I loved to be happy.
Posts: 943
GH, what a wonderful last post. You have a talent. Opinions change ,from time to time however your work has/is ...always been extraordinary.
Thank you....
Posts: 1916
Thank you GH for another excellent segment.
Posts: 1914
GH, I think Michael is not the only one that is beginning to understand. Another great segment there. I think I can see the cloud now .. Or one of them.