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GoodHusband, what user name do you post under at Literotica? And are there other authors there that you find particularly inspiring?

Thanks again for all the effort on this story! The fact that it has so much contextual "meat" surrounding the "bone" of the story - a cuckold's awakening - makes it a lot more satisfying to read I think. Those looking for a quick wank-off story have moved-on by this point, and you're actually writing a short novel which has a theme of hot-wife and cuckoldry, as opposed to "just" a cuckold story.

Thanks again.


Posts: 10
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This is a good story and you are a very gifted writer GH. I do have some problems with the numbers that stretch the imagination a bit much. Jeanne should be in her 40s not 50s, the girls Mel and Ami show a wisdom well beyond their years and the numbers of Jeanne's partners is somewhat astronomical and suggests some major psychological problems. Try not to make sexuality a pathology. If Jeanne really did have unprotected sex with 50 partners in 3 months, she most certainly has contracted at least one STD and is one very sore girl. These stories only work when there is a bit of reality mixed in.

I loved your descriptions of San Fran., since I live there and have actually been to all those places you have described. In my single days I remember having dinner at that seafood cafe on Geary Blvd. with a woman in each arm and the other guys in the restaurant giving me the envious eye. You paint a very good picture, but sometimes your colors get a bit bright and unreal.



Posts: 4050
#363 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Timmy, Donna and peak

Once again thank you for your kind comments.

BD Icqicq

It wouldn't be a good story without at least one sub

Jennifer Allen

Thanks, I hope it will be an interesting holiday gathering. I hope you get your play room and if you do I hope it gets frequent use.

Subchard and Trf2

As always, thanks for the comments


Once again, thank you for the comment. Many cuckolds find the idea of their wife having a boyfriend extremely exciting. I cite the very popular current series by xleglover that begins with "He Fucked My Girl" My friend it may be that you're just not wired that way. Were all wired a little differently. Some men like to wear women's clothes, some men like to have sex with other men, some of us are voyeurs and some of us don't understand porn at all. Our different permisteralities are what make the world a wonderful place. I for one think it's all good


Thank you for commenting, I appreciate it. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the story.


Thank you for the comment. I post my stories at Literitica under the name goodhusband. You can find my stories list by either going to the search members section and searching that name. The other easy way to do it is to go to the loving wives section. The alphabet is at the top of the page. select s, go to page 137. You'll find the chapters of "Sandra and Stevie" Click on my name and you'll be at the list of my stories. You do not have to be a member to read stories at Literotica. If you do read my stories there please vote. It's difficult for cuckold writers to overcome the negative votes of the trolls.

You asked about other stories. I strongly recommend xleglover's "Losing My Wife" I think it may be the best cuckold story ever written.


Posts: 4050
#364 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thank you for commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed the scenes in San Francisco. It is one of my favorite cities.

As to your criticism. I will be the first to say that I have many faults as a writer. I use too much punctuation, I often get caught up in dialogue and lose track of the story. My characters at times become maudlin and I often have trouble keeping the story moving. I'm sure that readers can find many more faults to add to these.

I take exception to your criticisms. You say that Jeanne and Michael should be in their forties and not their fifties. They're forty-nine. I cite post 2

Don't misunderstand what I'm telling you. We weren't wallowing in despair because our flowers were grown and gone. We were both only forty-nine years old and leading full vibrant lives. I ran a small but very successful accounting office and Jeanne was a legal secretary for one of our city's most prominent law firms. I managed to play eighteen holes of golf three times a week and Jeanne belonged to a fitness club and worked out almost every day.

They have been married 27 years which would make them 22 when they got married. Again I cite post 2

Jeanne, my wife of twenty-seven years and I had just finished doing the supper dishes.

They're oldest flower, Tricia graduated from college two years earlier. Most young people enter college at 18 and graduate at 22. That would make Tricia 24 and it would mean that she was born when Jeanne was 25, three years after Michael and Jeanne were married. Many couples wait three years to have youngren and 25 is a very common age to have a first young. I again cite post 2

Jodie and Tricia were now gone. They'd graduated from college, Jodie a year ago and Tricia two years ago. Both of them had good jobs and nice apartments. They were on their own and Jeanne and I were now on our own

You claim that Jeanne has had 50 sex partners in three months. Again those figures don't jibe with the facts in the story. I cite post 138

"I haven't slept with any men. I told you, you're the only man I'll ever relax with. But that's not what you're asking me, is it. You'd like to know how many men have fucked me."

I nodded.

"Counting Derek, nine."

That number did not include the men Jeanne gave oral sex to at Brady's. We'll add those men. Again I cite post 138

"How often do you go to Brady's?"

"Once or twice a week."

"So that's another eight to ten men."

"I think it's more like ten to twelve." Suddenly concerned about what she'd just admitted Jeanne looked at me and asked; "Is that okay."

These conversations took place in San Francisco a little over a week earlier than the current point in the story. That means Jeanne has had sex with 21 men in three months. I grant you that is still a large number, but I'm writing a fantasy sex story about a wife who's choosing to live a promiscuous lifestyle. It would be a fairly dull story if she wasn't having much sex.

I'm wondering how old you thing Mel and Amy are. I'll give you a hint. Post 235

Mel continued. "five years after I was born my mom actually met a nice guy. They got married and had two boys together. He took care of me and treated me good, but I wasn't his kid. When I turned eighteen it was time to go. I had the same dream Amy had. I wanted to be a dancer and I did the same thing she did. I took a
Greyhound bus to Las Vegas"

Post 244

Mel said, "We worked in Vegas for sixteen years."

I would contend that 16 years working as escorts in Las Vegas might create quite a bit of wisdom.

You raised the issue of std's. That's an issue that every cuckold writer has to contend with. For many men having other men cum inside their wives is a big part of the fantasy (cream pies) . In some of my stories I've ignored the issue. In this story I've chosen to deal with it by Jeanne not allowing men to cum in her mouth and always making men wear condoms during intercourse. I realize that sucking men bareback is hazardous. It's not as risky as bareback intercourse or bareback anal intercourse, but it is still risky. I can only say that at times I have to make concessions to the fantasy. This is after all a cuckold sex story.



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The next morning I woke up in a funk. I moped around the house barely talking.

As we were finishing breakfast Mel finally couldn't take it anymore and asked; "What the fuck is the matter with you? You're acting like a little boy who lost his favorite truck."

I stared at her for a moment and then it just popped out. "This afternoon my wife's meeting a man she finds charming and attractive. She thinks it's possible that she could become emotionally involved with him. She sees him as a potential boyfriend. I love Jeanne and right now I'm terrified that I might lose her to this guy."

Shaking her head, Amy said; "If I correctly recall what you told us about your weekend with Jeanne in San Francisco you encouraged her to do this."

"Yes and now I'm beginning to think that might just be the stupidest thing I've ever done."

Mel asked, "Why?"

"Why? What if she decides that she prefers Trent Peters to me?"

Shrugging, Mel said; "Then I guess you'll lose her."

Amy said, "But if that's the case you'd eventually lose her anyway."

"What do you mean?"

Mel smiled. "Michael are you fond of Amy and me?"

"You know I am."

"You enjoy our company."

"Very much."

"And you enjoy the sex we have?"

"Of course I do."

"Are you planning to leave Jeanne and move in with us permanently?"

Suddenly realizing where Mel was leading me I said; "No, I love Jeanne. While I believe that I am falling in love with the two of you, I'll never leave Jeanne."

Amy asked, "Why not?"

"Jeanne is my soul mate."

Mel grinned. "And you're Jeanne's soul mate. I believe that during last night's telephone conversation we referred to you as Jeanne's meat and potatoes."

Chuckling I said, "Yes and Trent was a slice of pepperoni pizza."

Amy said, "Even if Trent does end up being Jeanne's boyfriend he'll still just be fun and games. He'll never replace you as Jeanne's soul mate."

Nodding, Mel said; "That's right and neither of us will ever replace Jeanne as your soul mate. Michael when you first told Jeanne about us she was upset."

"Yes she was. She hung up on me."

"But she called you back, didn't she."

"Yes she did."

"You talked and by the time you were finished talking she wasn't afraid of us anymore. Do you understand why she stopped being afraid of us?"

"Yes, she realized how much I still love her."

"That's right and because of that she trusts you."

Picking up Mel's argument, Amy said; "Now it's time for you to return that trust. Don't be Jealous of Jeanne today, be happy for her. She's going to have a fun afternoon and at 4:30 she's going to call us and tell us all about the fun she had."

Mel said, "Enjoy this afternoon. Jeanne is your own permisteral porn star and this afternoon she's going to make a very hot movie for you. Go play golf today Michael and while you're playing golf imagine what Trent and Jeanne are doing." Mel leered at me. "when she's sucking his cock she's going to lick his ass, isn't she."

Smiling, I said; "In San Francisco I gave her permission to do that to him."

Amy said, "You told her that she should let him fuck her ass too. Do you think she'll do it?"

Laughing, I said; "I hope so, because it will really make her feel slutty and that's what she wants."

Mel grinned. "It is, isn't it. Think about it Michael, for a few hours this afternoon your sweet wife is going to be another man's slut. She's going to have a wonderful time and at the end of the afternoon that man is going to leave and Jeanne will once again be your sweet wife."

"Except that she's going to call you and tell you all about being that other man's slut." Amy was grinning too. "Why is Jeanne going to do that Michael? Why doesn't she just take a shower, have a glass of wine, make a light dinner and go to bed dreaming about her new boyfriend?"

"Because she loves me and she wants to share this with me."

Clapping her hands together, Mel exclaimed; "He's got it! I do believe he's finally got it!"

Amy and I both burst out laughing and then we hugged and my funk was gone.

I did play golf that day. I went to a semiprivate course just north of Catalina. I got paired with two guys who taught geology at the University. It was an interesting afternoon, although I have to admit that my mind kept drifting to images of what was happening in Tricia's old bedroom at home. That was of course the room that Jeanne was converting into her permisteral boudoir.

I arrived back at Amy and Mel's just before 4:00. Mel was reading on the back veranda. She was wearing a halter top and a pair of skin tight short shorts. She looked good, very good. She almost took my mind off of Jeanne and Trent, but not quite.

When Mel heard me step out on to the veranda she turned. As soon as she saw me she set her Kindle down and stood up. I gawked. I couldn't help myself. Mel had a sumptuous figure and at that moment it was pouring out of her tight top and short shorts in all the right places.

"Seeing you stare like that is good for my self esteem."

"Mel, in that outfit you never have to worry about self esteem. There are men who would hand over all of their worldly possessions for one quick glimpse of you."

"I didn't realize that you were such a sweet talker."

Shrugging, I said; "I'm not. I'm just a naive accountant from the Midwest."

Laughing, Mel said; "And I'm just a poor little black girl from the streets of Chicago."

I smiled. "How were your dates today?"

"They were fine. I saw two men. They were your usual old guy dates."


"Oh yeah, all most old guys want to do is eat pussy." Mel pulled her shorts down exposing her shaved cunt.

We both examined it.

She grinned at me. "I'm glad to see it's still there. I thought it might have been licked off."

I laughed.

Without bothering to pull her shorts back up, Mel asked; "How was your golf game."

"It was fine. It's a pretty golf course and I got paired with a couple of Geology professors from the University. I didn't play very well, but it was still a pleasant round."

"Why didn't you play very well?"

"I was a little distracted. I kept thinking about what Jeanne and Trent were doing."

"Were they fun thoughts?"

Grinning, I said; "Oh yeah."

"Good, they should be fun thoughts."

"Are we experimenting with new ways to wear shorts or did they just slip down to your knees?"

Mel and I turned. Amy was standing in the doorway to the living room.

In a serious tone of voice Mel said; "Actually Michael and I were checking to see if I still had a pussy. I was afraid that Scott Morgan might have licked it off during our o'clock party today."

Laughing, Amy pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist. She wasn't wearing panties. As all three of us looked at her shaved pussy, she said; "You'd better check mine too. Randy Paulmister spent the better part of the last hour down there.

Mel studied her. After a moment she said, "Looks okay to me. What do you think Michael?"

"In order to be absolutely certain I'd need to make a closer examination, but from here I have to say that it looks pretty good to me."

"It looks pretty good to you. I see." Amy was working hard to maintain a straight face. After taking another moment to further consider my statement, she said; "Knowing that you're an admitted voyeur and a self proclaimed connoisseur of the female body I have to ask you a question."

Mel was watching us, barely able to contain her laughter.

I said, "Go ahead."

"Have you ever seen a pussy that didn't look pretty good to you?"

I took a second to consider Amy's question and then I shook my head and said; "Nope, I can't say that I have."

Mel burst out laughing.

Grinning, Amy rolled her eyes and said; "I'm going to take a shower."

I said, "I just finished playing golf. Would you mind if I joined you?"

Amy looked at the tent in the front of my pants that my erection was creating and answered, "You can but there isn't going to be any hanky panky while we shower."

I understand. "You just finished working."

Amy smiled. "No, that's not the problem. I'd love to give you a blow job, but I'm not going to do it."

Mel said; "Micheal when Jeanne calls we both want you to be as excited as you can possibly be. Listening to her tell us about her date with Trent is going to be fun. We want you to be in the correct frame of mind so you can truly appreciate the moment. That's why I haven't pulled my shorts back up. Actually I think I might just take them off and walk around bottomless for the rest of the afternoon and evening."

"I like that idea. I think I'll do it too, but it's going to get cold. I'll bring down a couple of sweatshirts for us to wear." Turning to me, Amy said; "Are you going to join the no pants club too?"

Chuckling, I said; "How could I possibly refuse."

"Do you have a sweatshirt with you?"

"I have several."

"Good, sweatshirts only just became the required attire for the evening. Mel would you like to join us in the shower?"

"Thank you, but I took one after my last date. I'm in an exciting part of my book. I think I'll just stay out here and read." Mel pulled her shorts the rest of the way down. After she stepped out of them she handed them to Amy and said; "Would you please put these away for me. I don't think I'll be needing them again this afternoon."

"I'd be happy to do it." And then taking my hand Amy said; "Come on cucky we want to be finished with our shower before your wife calls."

As we left the veranda I said, "Cucky?"

Amy answered, "Damn right, tonight I hope we can help you discover just how much fun it is to be a cuckold. I love watching guys fuck Mel and she likes watching me too."


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Amy and I took an almost platonic shower. We were two healthy naked adults and we did wash each other so it couldn't be completely platonic. When Amy washed my cock and balls she was careful to make sure that I didn't lose control and cum, but she did spend quite a bit of time with her soapy fingers wrapped around my erection. When it was my turn to wash her pussy and ass Amy leaned against the shower wall with her eyes closed while my soapy fingertips gently cleansed her most intimate places. While we enjoyed the shower we both knew that the evening's real fun still lay ahead of us, so we were careful to maintain our composure.

After our shower Amy found baggy sweatshirts for both Mel and herself while I went to the guest room where my clothes were stored and grabbed a sweatshirt for myself.

It was 4:20 when Amy and I left the bedroom to rejoin Mel. Jeanne would be calling in ten minutes. I was excited.

When we walked into the living room Amy and I looked around and immediately noticed that while we'd been upstairs showering Mel had been busy downstairs. The gas fireplace was going making the space around the couch toasty warm. Since all three of us were naked from the waist down that was important. Mel had also hooked my laptop computer up to the big screen television at the opposite end of the room. A movie featuring Julia Ann and a well endowed man was playing with the volume turned off.

Three brandy Manhattans on coasters, a bowl of carrots, cup of ranch dressing and a stack of napkins had been set on the coffee table in front of the couch. Since we wouldn't be eating dinner until after we finished talking to Jeanne the carrots and dip were a welcome pick-me-up.

As we sat down in front of the fireplace Amy and I noticed that Mel had covered the couch with three large bath towels. We both looked her.

Shrugging, Mel said; "We're not wearing pants. When I get excited I squirt; Michael you leak and Amy, she's from Wisconsin. Everyone knows that Wisconsin girls get messy when they're hot to trot."

Amy and I smiled.

Mel continued. "This way we can relax and not worry about what's happening to the couch. Besides the soft terry cloth feels good on my bare butt."

Chuckling, Amy said; "Mel honey as usual you're right. The towels are an excellent idea."

We sat down, Mel on my right and Amy on my left. As soon as we were settled Mel picked up her Manhattan. Amy and I followed her lead.

Holding up her glass, Mel said; "A toast."

Amy and I held up our glasses.

Continuing, Mel said; "To Jeanne's lust and our mutual enjoyment of it."

Amy said, "Hear hear."

I smiled.

We clinked our glasses. As we each took a sip of our Manhattans the telephone rang.


Posts: 1914
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Thanks for another great section to this story. It is appreciated.


Posts: 1914
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Or maybe that should be crusty nail. I would appreciate it if you would tone down the critical stabs disguised as comments. You have done it here and on Stormydog's story. It is a format sure to upset two authors who have over the years establishe their reputations on this site and deserve a bit more respect. I for one would like to go on reading both and I don't want you putting that at risk, even marginally. Try writing your own story or captions before trying to belittle others.


Posts: 31
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Hello GH,

Thank for your comment
"Many cuckolds find the idea of their wife having a boyfriend extremely exciting. I cite the very popular current series by xleglover that begins with "He Fucked My Girl" My friend it may be that you're just not wired that way. Were all wired a little differently. Some men like to wear women's clothes, some men like to have sex with other men, some of us are voyeurs and some of us don't understand porn at all. Our different permisteralities are what make the world a wonderful place. I for one think it's all good"

loool, I think you are right I'am not wired that way !! but I do agree with you, as long as things done are between willing adults it's all good for me!
And I also love xleglover stories, by the way ther is a new writer, diagones, who is publishing a cuckold story that I really like, slow pace, fill with love, really a good one.
And you are right, I can not understand the boyfriend stuff, it's so a huge risk !!
You know in a way, I have the feeling that all cuckold/hot wives are guilty of hubris, the way they say : "my love will never change, whatever happen I'am your's, nothing will change that".
Anyway, thank for your work, I loved it.


Posts: 10
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Well, peak, if you reread what I said, it was mostly positive. I thought the criticisms were really mild and constructive. Yes, GH is a fabulous writer. I think we all agree on that. I just wanted the story to be a bit more grounded. GH may even agree. Honestly, I would like both these writers to create stories that could be read by a broader audience. As for writing, I actually do that for a living, but I don't write erotica. I just don't have the gift and appreciate people who do.

Don't be so thin skinned. It may protect you and the people you like, but you may not being doing them any favors. The beauty of GH and SD.s stories are they are so heartfelt and real. I just wanted a bit more reality. Frankly, these guys are the only reamister I am here and I don't want them to stop writing.

rusty nail


Posts: 1914
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You seem unaware of what you did. You caused a great guy who puts himself under pressure to write to divert his energy to defend himself against your opinion that he wasn't realistic. You did this by quoting 'facts' from the story that weren't even accurate. Considering you do it for a living, that is hardly professional. You then try to say that GH may agree with you. He may, or he may agree with me, I wouldn't try to claim it though. Either way, it lacks a bit of grace to hide behind him in that way. You used the phrases 'I would like ..' and 'I just wanted ..' well I would like GH to write his own story, not mine. And probably not yours either.


Posts: 4050
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Did you even read my response to your comment? You must not have. I don't mind criticism at all but you made a number of statements about story details that were terribly inaccurate. If you're going to criticize please do it based on facts not on your fabrications. I don't think that objection makes me at all thin skinned.


P.S. I think the story is well grounded and if you bother to read my response you'll understand why I think that.


Posts: 492
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GH, please do not spend one more minute of your time on this nonsense, you've spent way too much time on it already. You're entertaining us with a story for crying out loud, not the Declaration of Independence. You know we love you and your writing, and if you don't dot all your I's or cross all your T's, we don't give a cuckolds brownie. This is Cuckold Place, not Wikipedia. Anyone who tries to nitpick and look at every little detail in these wonderful stories doesn't belong here. Period, end of report.

If someone wants more realism, let them write their own stories. Yeah, good luck with that. I know I couldn't do it.



Posts: 14692
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thank you for these segments. First class as always. Looking forward to the telephone conversation.


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I did not see your response until just now. I was responding to more to peak than to you. I think if you will read the comments I lavished praise on YOU, not peak. Your response suggests that maybe you and peak are the same guy. Is peak your shill? Look, I am a stand up guy and will take full responsibility for anything stupid I say or do. You are technically right about the age, but 49 is just 364 days short of 50! Most American women enter meta-pause between 50 and 60 and it is often not pleasant. Most American woman do NOT become insanely sexually active at 50. I realize this is fiction and it may fit the story, but that was the basis for my critique.

In terms of partners, it can be any number you want and I concede that my memory of 50 is faulty. I trust your count of 21. If all of these are only one night stands, that comes to a partner every 4 days. That is not crazy, although I am guessing that a few of these horny guys might want to show up for seconds and thirds which could cut that number in half, but still in the realm of doable. I still think Jeanne is one sore gal.

I am not a doc, but the STD thing is troubling. The CDC just came out with a statistic that said that 1 in 16 African American men would come in contact with HIV in their lifetime. You can look it up. I just did. Having the woman have her guys come outside her mouth or use condoms for intercourse seems more than prudent.

I am really not trying to pick you apart at all. I am just asking for a little balance so that the story seems more believable. There are plenty of other stories on this site that are "true stories" that are just the worst ridiculous drivel anyone can imagine. Yours, thankfully, are not. You are a gifted story teller and writer and I am enjoying the ride.

Rusty nail, slightly burnished...


Posts: 14692
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Rusty, it is a story, not a biography and if you have issues with it, don't read it.

Let the man do his thing - he does it extremely well.


Posts: 4050
#377 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'm going to try again. You claim to be an accomplished writer. Never having read any of your work I wouldn't presume to dispute that assertion. Based on your last post I would guess that reading isn't one of your strengths.

In your last post you stated; "You are technically right about the age, but 49 is just 364 days short of 50!"

If you actually read what I wrote in my response you would have noted that I laid out the relationship of the ages of the members of the family and the length of the marriage. One of the reamisters I'm so offended by your comment is that while I have many faults as a writer I take great pride in carefully laying out my story before I write it. I take time to make sure the ages fit.

Your suggestion that it isn't likely that a woman over the age of fifty will have an active sex life is at best naive. While there are women who lose their sex drive at that age there are also many women who maintain active sex lives for years after that.

You also said:

"In terms of partners, it can be any number you want and I concede that my memory of 50 is faulty. I trust your count of 21. If all of these are only one night stands, that comes to a partner every 4 days. That is not crazy, although I am guessing that a few of these horny guys might want to show up for seconds and thirds"

First of all if you read my response you will see that with each quote I provided the post number that includes that quote. You don't have to trust me. You can go back and check.

You suggested some of those men might want to show up for seconds or thirds. That is the whole point of the current sub plot with Trent. He's the first man that Jeanne's played with twice. Of course you may have missed that.

You suggested that Peak and I may be the same permister or that he's maybe my shill. That is truly offensive. If you look under our names by our posts you will see that Peak has almost 1500 posts. I have a little over 4000. If you go back and look at our history it would be clear to you that we are not the same permister and he is certainly not my shill. Of course since you only have 5 posts at this site there really isn't any way that you'd know that.

Peak is my friend. There are a number of readers at this site that I count as friends. It's the primary reamister that I first post my stories on this site. It's a friendly environment rarely polluted by the rantings of ignorant assholes. When that does happen Peak is one of several people who try to step up and challenge the boor who's rearing his ugly head. That's what he was doing with you.

You claim to be an accomplished writer. Let's see what you've got. Show me how to write a story with balance. I would love to learn from a master.

I am not a professional writer. It's a hobby for me. I write because it's fun. I know that my stories are far from perfect, but for some reamister there are people who seem to enjoy them. That adds to my enjoyment. If you don't like my stories, that's okay; but at least when you criticize them have the courtesy to have your facts straight.

Now I'm going to take some time off. Rusty I hope you come up with a good story.



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Ok Timmy, do you have a problem with English??? How many sentences do I need to write to affirm that GH is a great writer? I will nominate him for the fucking Nobel Prize!!!! If you cannot see that 49 is way more close to to 50 than 40, you are just mathematically challenged. I am just asking that you and all of your pervert friends (including me) acknowledge that reality has a very nasty way of intruding on fantasy. Boy, you are missing the point completely. Relationships are hard, gay straight or any other way, they are hard. GH and Stormy Dog look at these and write about them in sensitive and meaningful ways, period! I realize this is a fetish website centered around a paraphilia (look it up). But I am draw to it because there are a few writers here that understand the human condition and can eloquently write about it. GH and Stormy are those writers. What I cannot understand is why some of you are so thin skinned. Do you get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror or do you just live behind your fantasy facade taking extreme offense at anyone that threatens it? Yes, humans like to have sex in ways that defy description. I understand that. I do live in San Francisco and have many gay and lesbian friends. Probably half the people whom I work with are either gay or lesbian. My work partner is a lesbian and she loves me dearly. We talk openly and frankly about sex and she thinks of me as her big brother. The only difference is we don't have sex. I am interested in the human condition and its many foibles. Maybe if you took your fucking hand out of your pants for 30 seconds and tried to read what GH and Stormy were saying about people and their lives, you could appreciate what they were doing as art and not wack off material!!! These guys are great writers and I would like them to be better writers. They are the Nabokovs and Dostoiyevskis of the 21st century and you seem to have a problem with that. You seem to want them to feed your fetish rather than making meaningful artistic statements about the human condition. I believe this is called a Forum. I believe a forum is an open exchange of ideas. I have every right to say it as you have every right to disagree. Let me just make my case and move on. And yes, I do have friends who are actively involved in the S&M and cuckold world. It is not my thing, but I still love and respect them.



Posts: 4050
#379 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Attack me, not my friends. I repeat, I know my writing has flaws, lots of them. I'm not Nabokov. Hell I'm not even Alfred E. Neuman. I only ask that if you're going to attack me, go after the flaws in my writing. Don't distort the facts.

This is taking up way too much time and energy. You have a story to write and I'm going to take some time off. Make another post so that you can have the last word, then let's move on.




Posts: 10
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OK, you are Phillip Roth! LOL Somewhere in the depth of human emotions is love. That is certainly missing here. GH, you are dealing with the deepest of human emotions and I believe you paint them on the canvas in an uncanny and refreshing fashion. When I suggest you can modestly shade one of your colors, your fans scream foul. That is really unfortunate. A key part of the creative process is a dialogue.

I want you to keep doing what you are doing and use your conscience and soul to shape your stories, and not the prodding of your "fans." I am just one of many in the peanut gallery.

rusty nail 49


Posts: 1914
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Dealing with you is like lancing a boil. One prod and all the angry pus comes pouring out. Even now you use 'I want'. You just don't get it. Or listen it seems. You have succeeded though in doing what I was so afraid of and what generated my response in the first place. GH has now twice said that as a result of your interventions he will be taking time off. I don't blame him and I won't even try to change his mind but I will hold you directly responsible for depriving us all of his talent for however long it takes.

I really couldn't give a cuckolds brownie about your justifications. You have caused this by simply not reading.

You could at least say sorry for that.


Posts: 114
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Good husband did at least get his name right the last time (asshole)
I say we vote him off the site

Good husband , Timmy you are both great writers.
Just ignore people like him in the future. The do not deserve a response to their dribble.


Posts: 4050
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Thank you for your comments and support. I am going to have to slow my production for a little while. I'm confronted with several weeks filled with social obligations. I will still try to post some segments.

Thank you again,



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All three of us set our cocktails back on the coffee table. The telephone handset was lying on the end table next to Mel. She picked it up and switched on the speaker. As she laid it on the coffee table in front of us she said; "Hi Jeanne. This is Mel. Amy and Michael are here too. The speaker is on. All of us can hear you."

Amy and I both said, "Hi Jeanne."

Jeanne said, "Hi everyone."

Mel said; "Jeanne, I'm going to get right to the point. How was your date with Trent?"

There was a brief pause and then she cautiously said; "It was fine."

Amy said; "It was fine? Jeanne, I don't think you're being honest with us. You've been looking forward to this date all week. It was either a wonderful afternoon or it was disappointing. Fine is a little too circumspect. I'm guessing that you're trying to spare Michael's feelings."

Jeanne quietly answered; "I'm a little anxious about this. Michael, I've already hurt you so many times since all of this started. I love you. I don't want to risk hurting you again."

Mel wrapped her fingers around my erect cock. "Jeanne don't worry, we're taking care of Michael for you. Right now all three of us are sitting on the couch in front of the fire place wearing sweatshirts, nothing but sweatshirts."


"That's right, we're naked from the waist down. On top of that, as we speak I'm holding on to Michael's cock and believe me honey, he's sporting some serious wood right now."

"Michael, is that true? Are you hard right now?"

"Yes Jeanne, I am."

"Is it because your with Mel and Amy and you're all partially naked?"

"Well that certainly adds to the excitement, but mostly it's because I'm eager to hear about your date with Trent."


"Yes, I've been excited about it all day."

Mel said, "Jeanne that's not entirely true. This morning he woke up with the blues. We watched him mope around the house for awhile. Finally we made him talk to us. He was having regrets about encouraging you to start regularly dating a man. He was afraid that he might lose you to Trent."

"Michael, that will never happen."

"I know that Jeanne. I really do."

Amy said; "We reminded Michael that you've demonstrated very clearly that you love him and we couldn't imagine a situation in he which wouldn't always be the most important man in your life. We also reiterated that Trent is nothing but a little extra spice for you."

"Thank you Amy. Michael what Amy and Mel told you is true. You're the only man I'll ever love. Trent is and always will be nothing more than a little fun on the side. Eventually I'll get tired of Trent. When that happens we'll part and if it's still all right with you I'll try to find another man to be my regular playmate."

"I believe that Jeanne, but it still helps to hear you say it once in a while."

"Anytime you're feeling a little insecure just let me know and I'll reassure you." Jeanne giggled. "And when we're together I can think of some very fun ways to reassure you."

"I'll remember that in San Antonio."

"Believe me, so will I. Are you feeling better now?"

"Oh yeah, Amy and Mel helped me a lot this morning and what you just told me helped even more. I'm ready to hear about your date. Jeanne I don't want you to hold anything back. I want to hear every detail. Remember what we talked about in San Francisco. If this is going to work we have to be totally honest with each other."

"Are you sure Micheal?"

"I'm sure."

Mel said; "Jeanne, Michael couldn't be in a better situation to hear about this. He's sandwiched between two half naked women who are taking turns fondling his cock. In addition to that, a Julia Ann porn movie is playing on the big screen television behind us."

Laughing, Jeanne said; "I'll bet Michael loves that."

Amy said, "Every once in a while we catch him looking over his shoulder at the movie. I'm pretty sure that he's imagining that you're Julia Ann."

"He thinks I look like her. I'm not sure I'm as pretty as she is and I'm not a blond."

I said, "Jeanne you are as pretty as she is. You both have beautiful eyes. Baby I love your eyes. In San Francisco you said that you were considering bleaching your hair. I think you should do it."

"Really? You'd be okay with that?"

"I would. Do you think Trent would like it?"

Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, "Do you care?"

"Actually Jeanne, I do. When I'm not feeling insecure I view your relationship with Trent as a high school flirtation. It's superficial, but it's fun and exciting for you. I love you. You've offered to stop this new lifestyle, but I've come to understand that it's something you need to do. If you're going to do it you might as get as much fun out of it as you possibly can."

Next to me, Amy said; "Michael I think that's a really good way to look at this."

Jeanne said; "I do too, but you are right Michael. If you want me to stop playing around I will. All you have to do is ask me."

"No Jeanne, as I just said; I now understand that this is something you want and need to do. Honestly I also have to admit that now that I'm getting used to it I'm starting to enjoy it too."

"Michael it makes me so happy to hear you say that. I love being a slut. I'm beginning to feel like this was my destiny."

Mel laughed. "Jeanne, you're talking to two women who understand that feeling very well."

Jeanne said; "Mel and Amy, I'd really like to talk to you about all of this."

"So would we Jeanne, but not tonight. Tonight we want to hear about your date."

"Okay; Michael please remember that I love you."

Mel said; "Don't worry Jeanne, we're here to support Michael. This is the ideal situation for total honesty."


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"All right, here goes. Jeanne paused for a moment and then she started giggling like a school girl. "Oh my god it was so hot!"

Mel squeezed my cock. "Tell us!"

"This morning I realized why I want to have a boyfriend. Both Trent and I knew exactly why he was coming over. We weren't going to have to waste time with social niceties. When I got dressed I didn't have to worry about propriety at all. I dressed for sex. All I wore was a white, lace trimmed silk chemise with nothing underneath it. I'm sorry Michael, but I love being a slut."

"It's okay Jeanne. You don't have to apologize. I'm beginning to realize that I love being married to a slut."

Jeanne said; "Words can't describe you how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

"It makes me pretty happy too."

Trying to get us back on track Amy asked, "Is the chemise you wore sheer?"

"It is. You can see a hint of everything, even my pussy."

Mel said, "That sounds really sexy. Did Trent like it?"

"He loved it. When I opened the front door to let him into the house he took one look and me and said, Now that's what I'm talkin about."

Amy asked, "What did you say to him?"

"I told him that I was glad he liked it. I bought it to wear just for him." Jeanne paused. After a moment she quickly said; "I'm sorry Michael, that came out wrong. I promise I'll wear that chemise for you in San Antonio."

"Jeanne, it's okay. When you decide you like a guy there's nothing wrong with buying something to wear just for him."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"It will only bother me if you stop buying sexy clothes to wear for me."

Jeanne giggled. "I'll never do that. When we're in San Antonio I plan to dress so sexy for you. You're going to spend the entire week walking around town with a slut on your arm. What do you think about that big guy?"

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

Mel said, "Would you two love birds mind if we get back to today's topic? I for one want to hear more about the date."

Jeanne said; "I'm sorry Mel, it's just that I miss Michael so much. When I do get a chance to talk to him it's hard not to try to savor it."

"Jeanne we're talking every evening now. Unless one of us has plans on a particular night I can't think of any reamister that we shouldn't keep doing that."

"You mean if I have a date?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

"Couldn't I still call you after I get home from my date? Most of my playmates are married so my evenings generally end fairly early. That's also one of the advantages of dressing like a slut."

"I don't understand."

"When I meet a guy my appearance suggests that he might not have to work too hard to get into my panties. It saves a little time."

Laughing, I said; "I'll bet it does."

Also laughing, Amy said; "I hate to tell you this Jeanne, but women in my profession have been aware of that trick for a very long time."

"Amy I know you're right, but middle class suburban housewives seem to have to figure it out on their own."

"And of course the middle class housewives who have that inclination still have to have husbands who are willing to accept seeing them dressed like sluts when they go out for the evening." Mel was laughing too.

Amy said; "Jeanne, don't worry. As long as Michael is staying with us we'll call you every night and if it's more convenient for you, you can call us. It's later here and Mel and I are ladies of the evening, so we're used to staying up late."

I chuckled. "Ladies of the evening? Most of your current clientele go to bed immediately after the end of the six o'clock news."

"When we were working in Vegas our first date was usually at ten o'clock." Mel stuck her tongue out at me. "Think about that Mr. Smarty pants."

Jeanne laughed. "Mr. Smarty pants, I like that."

Shaking my head, I said; "Let's get back to your date."

"Michael, are you sure? I'm having a really good time right now."

"I am too, but I actually think hearing about your date will be even more fun."

Mel asked, "Jeanne, after Trent saw you in your chemise did he kiss you? Remember, Michael is enjoying this. Right now I'm holding his cock. Believe me, you can be totally honest."

"Michael are you certain you want to hear this."

"Yes Jeanne, I'm certain, I'm very certain."

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne said, "Yes, Trent kissed me and it was wonderful. As he walked into the house he saw how I was dressed and smiled. We talked for a second or two and then he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. He didn't ask for my permission, he just did it. He kissed me hard on the lips and powerd his tongue into my mouth. while he kissed me he held me with one arm and pawed me with his free hand. He groped my tits, my ass and even my pussy. Michael he shoved his hand under my chemise and rubbed my cunt with his fingers. I was so turned on I was gushing."

"You enjoyed it."

"Yes Michael, I did. I love making tender love with you, but sometimes it's fun to be taken like a nasty slut."

Mel was slowly pumping my cock.

Amy said; "I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't want it all the time, but once in awhile it is fun to be taken by an aggressive man."

Jeanne said, "It is." And then she continued. "Suddenly his hands were on my shoulders. I felt him pushing me to the floor. I didn't resist. I didn't want to resist. I knew what he wanted. I wanted to do it for him. I was eager to do it for him. Once I was on my knees the tent in his trousers was directly in front of my face. I touched it, I felt it. Trent unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Every nerve in my body was tingling with excitement as he pulled his erect cock out of his open trousers.

Still slowly pumping my cock Mel leaned over and said, "Close your eyes Michael, close your eyes and picture your wife kneeling in front of another man. His pants are open, his huge cock is free and jutting out in front of him inches
from your wife's lips."

Amy and Jeanne were both listening to Mel.

I closed my eyes.

Mel asked, "Are you picturing them?"

I breathlessly answered, "Yes."

"What do you want Jeanne to do?"

"I want her to suck Trent's cock."

"Tell her. It's important for her to know that."


"Yes Michael." Jeanne's voice was raspy with excitement.

"I want you to suck Tent's cock."

Mel said, "Tell her why Michael. Tell her why you want her to do that."

I said, "Because I love you and I now know how much you enjoy doing it."

"Is that the only reamister?" Mel was still slowly stroking my cock.


"Tell her the rest."

"Hearing about you doing it excitements me."

Jeanne said, "Thank you Michael, I do enjoy doing it and knowing that it excites you makes it even more fun for me."

Next to me I heard Amy gasp and then she shuddered. I immediately realized that she'd just had a small orgasm.

Mel realized it too. She giggled. "My girl friend just popped."

Jeanne asked, "You mean Amy just came?"

"Damn right, it happens all the time. She's from Wisconsin. Girl's from Wisconsin come really easy."

Laughing, Jeanne said; "I'm from Minnesota. I've heard that same thing about girls from Wisconsin." But then she quickly added. "Amy I don't blame you. You're not the only one who's excited."

Mel said; "Jeanne we prepared for this. We're not wearing pants and we're sitting on bath towels."

Jeanne giggled. "This is the first time I've ever had phone sex. I like it."

Now recovered from her orgasm, Amy asked; "Jeanne, what are you wearing?"

"Slacks and a sweatshirt."

"A sweatshirt, that's perfect. Take off your slacks and you'll be dressed just like us."

"Can I call you back in minute?"

Amy answered, "Of course you can."

"I'll be right back." Jeanne ended the call.


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GH, you really are a master of this genre. Keep up the good writing.

Rusty nail


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thank you a very nice thing to find on a snow bound Friday morning.

Take care of your social obligation, enjoy them and don't worry about the story. We'll be here when you get back to it.
BD Icqicq


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What Timmy said.


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#389 · Edited by: cuckold_2
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zz zz


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I love the detail and the non sex parts, thats more the point than the sex. As always great job
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