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peak, timmy, donna and hotcplindc

Thanks for the comments. I'm working on another segment and I hope to get it posted in the middle of the week. I was going to post them together, but when I read that hotcplindc was taking a day off work I decided that I'd better get something up.

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I'm sorry I'm so slow, but I'm writing as fast as I can.



Posts: 4050
#332 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as we finished talking to Jeanne Mel, Amy and I went upstairs. After taking a shower together we climbed into bed and played in what I was calling a pleasure triangle. That night we started with me licking Mel, Mel licking Amy and Amy sucking me. After a while we changed positions so that I was licking Amy, Amy was licking Mel and Mel was sucking me.

We finished with what Mel and Amy called tandem cowgirl. It was a variation on their friend Vince's favorite, the tandem blow job. Of course that really wasn't a tandem blow job. They'd tried jointly sucking Vince's cock. It was always unsatisfying, so they came up with an alternative. One of the girls would sit on Vince's face while the other one sucked his cock. Vince loved it. Who could blame him. In tandem cowgirl I lay flat on my back. Amy and Mel took turns riding my face and my cock while they kissed and fondled each other. Both tandem cowgirl and the tandem blow job are amazing experiences.

After the three of us had fucked and sucked ourselves into exhaustion, I pulled the covers over us. We cuddled up together. Amy and Mel immediately fell arelax.

I did not. Instead I once again lay relaxless contemplating the dramatic changes that had recently occurred in my life. It was becoming a frequent night time preoccupation for me. Four short months earlier I'd been a conservative accountant, living in a suburban ranch house with his equally conservative wife. My two flowers had graduated from college and I blissfully believed that they were both embarking on a traditional middle class existence that would lead to a lifetime of security for them and a passel of grand youngren for Jeanne and me. While recent events didn't necessarily preclude any of that from occurring, I now knew that both of my flowers were choosing to follow much more unorthodox life styles.

Jeanne and I were now pursuing an equally unorthodox life style. While I had to admit that I was learning to enjoy it, I fully understood that we were bucking the accepted conventions of our culture. Living the life of a libertine rebel was proving to be exciting, but at heart I was still a conservative accountant. Life as a moral renegade was fun, but it was also unsettling.

Eventually relax did take me. Once it had control of me I was subjected to the *** release of my subconscious fears. I had a nightmare. In my dream I was at home seated naked in a chair in our bedroom. In front of me Jeanne was entertaining two men on our king sized bed. The three of them were also naked. Jeanne was lying on her back. One of the men was kneeling next to her face. She was sucking his cock. At the same time the other man was on top of Jeanne. He was fucking her.

Excited, I watched as these two men enjoyed my wife. Once they were finished I stood up hoping for a turn. As I approached the bed, Jeanne held up her hand in a stop gesture. Shaking her head she said; "Sit down cuckboy. My pussy is reserved for real men. Little wimps like you only get to watch."

Jeanne and her two playmates started laughing. Humiliated, I sat down.

Still laughing, Jeanne scoffed; "Poor baby, you need a little relief. Why don't you jack off for us?"

One of the men sneered at me. "Yeah cuckboy, jack off for us."

I woke up in a cold sweat. My pulse was racing. I wanted to cry. Not daring to risk relax and the possibility of continuing that nightmare; I slipped out of bed. Quietly pulling on my pants, I tiptoed downstairs. In the kitchen I poured a large glass of water, sat down at the table and tried to relax. While I knew that it was just a nightmare, I was having difficulty getting the image of Jeanne laughing at me out of my head.

"Michael honey, what's wrong?"

I turned. Mel was standing in the doorway from the dining room. She was wearing a terry cloth bathrobe.

"I feel foolish admitting this, but I had a bad dream."

Mel walked over to the kitchen sink, poured herself a glass of water and joined me at the kitchen table. As she sat down she said; "Why don't you tell me about it."

I nodded.

Just as I was about to begin Amy walked into the kitchen. She was also wearing a terry cloth bathrobe. "What's going on?"

Mel said, "Michael had a bad dream. He was about to tell me about it."

Amy poured a glass of water for herself. As she sat down at the kitchen table she asked; "Can I hear about it too?"

I said; "Of course you can, but it's kind of weird."

Smiling, Amy said; "That's the nature of dreams, especially bad dreams."

Amy and Mel both listened quietly while I told them about my nightmare.

When I was finished Mel asked; "Do you think you might actually want that to happen? I mean is it a fantasy you're trying to suppress, because if it is..."

"No it's not! It really isn't."

"Okay, I just had to ask because there's nothing wrong with having submissive masochistic desires."

"Believe me, I don't have those fantasies. I think I'd like to sit in a chair and watch Jeanne party with other men, but I don't want to be humiliated or belittled while it's happening, I really don't."

Taking my hand, Amy said; "Baby it's okay. We understand. This is a very confusing time for you. You're trying to adapt to an unconventional lifestyle. In the process you're having to overcoming a lifetime of conditioning"

Nodding, I said; "I am starting to enjoy it, but I still have this nagging fear that everyone is going to think I'm a wimp because I'm letting my wife relax with other men."

Mel asked, "Exactly who is everyone?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, everyone."

"Not Jeanne." Amy was staring at me. "Talking to her on the telephone this evening I got the impression that she would never think you were a wimp."

Sighing, I said; "You're right about that. I don't believe that Jeanne would ever have that opinion about me."

Mel said; "From what you've told us I can't believe that your flowers would ever think that about you either and your friend Ruth and her husband are avidly pursing the life style; so exactly who are you worried about?"

Shaking my head, I said; "I don't know, I guess I'm just afraid about what will happen to my reputation when people find out about Jeanne's lifestyle and I do believe they're going to find out."

Amy said; "You're worried about what people will think about you?"

"I guess that's right."

Mel smiled. "Screw 'em."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the cuckold wimp."

Raising her eyebrows, Mel said; "Are you suggesting that Amy and I are unfamiliar with derision and contempt? Michael, people call us whores. Politicians launch campaigns to put women like Amy and me behind bars. Even women's rights groups hate us. We're very familiar with living with disdain and disparagement because of our life style. We've been subjected to it for years."

"I'm sorry, I.."

Amy placed her hand on top of mine. "Baby it's okay. Mel's not mad at you, neither am I. We just want you to understand that we do understand."

"How do you live with it?"

Mel leaned over and whispered into my ear. "We have each other. We believe in each other. Regardless of what other people might say about us, we love and respect each other. That's all that matters."

Amy squeezed my hand. "That's right and Jeanne loves you. You know do know that, don't you."

Mel nodded. "Did you hear the anger in her voice when I called you cuckboy."

"Yes I did." I paused for a moment and then I said; "For a while I thought that she'd stopped loving me, but last weekend in San Francisco she convinced me that she still does."

"Damn right she does." Mel was grinning at me.

Shaking my head, I said; "I still worry about the men. I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it if one of them gets cocky."

Laughing, Amy said; "Good word choice."

"I'm being serious."

Amy said; "I know you are. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I get it. It was a funny description, but please understand that it is a serious concern."

Adopting a somber tone, Amy said; "Of course it is and we understand. Michael, you have to trust Jeanne. You're not living in one of those cuckold stories where the wife is blindly enamored with a rude and arrogant bull. Jeanne loves you. She'll weed out the assholes."

"What if she doesn't weed them out?"

Mel said, "That's simple. Talk to Jeanne. Tell her the guy is unacceptable. You're not a submissive wimp. You have as much say about this game as Jeanne does. She may get to play around, but you have a right to veto who she picks as a playmate."

"What if she doesn't agree with that?"

Shaking her head, Amy said; "Do you really believe that's a possibility?"

Laughing, I said; "Not really."

"Communication Michael, talk to Jeanne." Now Mel was being serious. "Tell her about your concerns. Hell, tell her about this dream. Jeanne doesn't want to hurt you, that's obvious. My guess is that she'll be even more selective about the men she brings home than you are."

Realizing that they were right, I smiled at Mel and Amy and said; "It really was a stroke of luck when I stopped at Danny's Lounge and met the two of you."

Amy said, "Serendipity Michael. It happens to people all the time. When we least expect it we stumble on good fortune. Mel and I happened to meet at an audition and it changed our lives forever."

Mel grinned. "Damn right it did. That day we both won the mega lottery."

"Serendipity, I like that."

Patting my hand, Amy said; "Do you think you're ready to go back to relax big guy? If the nightmares return, I promise that Mel and I will be there to protect you."

Smiling, I said; "Yeah, I think I'm okay."

Mel and Amy each took one of my hands and led me back upstairs. We got back into bed. With Amy on one side of me and Mel on the other I quickly fell into a safe and restful relax. Nothing fosters security and well being like love and friendship.


Posts: 14692
#333 · Edited by: Timmy27
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There is nothing like understanding friends. Thank you GH and please don't worry about the slow pace.
Writing is supposed to be fun - not a job and you are not on the clock.


Posts: 1914
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This is just so good. Masterful writing. Thanks.

The guide to GH stress free posting.
1. Listen to Peak. He has your best interests at heart.
2. Ignore all requests to speed up your writing and posting. As Timmy says, enjoy it.
3. If someone does try this, send them to me. See rule 1


Posts: 14692
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time for a bump


Posts: 182
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Hi GH.

You just take your time my friend and you can be sure your loyal readers will still be here for you.

take care.



Posts: 4050
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Timmy, Peak and Ajax

Thank you for your patience and support. It is appreciated.

I also want to thank the people who are sending me emails about this story through Literotica.



Posts: 4050
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Friday was spent at Danny's Lounge with Mel and Amy. I brought my laptop computer and devoted most of the afternoon to helping Candy and Raylene organize their finances. Both of them had well over $30,000 sitting in pass book savings accounts. Dancing at Danny's Lounge was clearly a lucrative occupation.

While I was helping them four more dancers approached me and asked if I'd be willing to help them too. I told them to bring their financial data on Monday.

When we got home Friday evening I checked my email and found two messages from Ruth. I immediately called Amy and Mel. Excited, they both hurried into the living room and joined me on the couch in front of the fireplace.

As they sat down Amy said; "I hope David had a good time."

Grinning, Mel said; "Me too."

I began reading the email aloud.

"Dear Michael.

I talked to Jeanne this morning so I know that you've already heard about our adventure at Brady's Saloon. I understand that it was your idea and I want to begin by thanking you. It turned out to be a good test to find out if David and I really would be comfortable pursuing the cuckold hotwife lifestyle."

Next to me, Mel said; "This is sounding positive."

Amy said; "It is. Keep reading."

I continued.

"When I talked to Jeanne she said that she'd already told you what happened in the bar, so I won't waste time rehashing that for you. I will only say that I now understand why Jeanne enjoys Brady's so much. It offers the opportunity for discreet sex without entanglements or commitment.

I'll start with what happened after David and I left the bar. When David reached the car I was inside anxiously waiting for him. I was scared that he was going to be angry or even worse, hurt. As soon as he was seated and the door was closed my concerns vanished. Grinning like a little kid who'd just left a toy store, David immediately launched a barrage of questions. Did I think Tony was handsome? Did he have a nice permisterality? Did I enjoy dancing with him? Was he a good kisser? Did I get a chance to feel his cock? Was he big? And the most important question of all, was I disappointed when David called me and ended our adventure?

I tried to answer his questions, but David was so excited that before I could answer one of them he was asking another one. I finally had to squeeze his hand and tell him to calm down. After making him take several long slow breaths I asked him to start the car and promised that that I would answer all of his questions as we drove home."

Mel said; "This is sounding very good."

Amy said; "Yes it is. Go on Michael."

"By the time we were leaving Brady's parking lot I felt assured that David had actually enjoyed the experiment. That bolstered my confidence and encouraged me to be frank. I'd found the experience unbelievably exciting. I actually was disappointed when David called. Tony was not only handsome and a good dancer, he was also a wonderful kisser and while his cock wasn't huge it was much bigger than David's.

I sensed that David could not only handle listening to me tell him that I'd enjoyed being with Tony, he was eager to hear me say it; so I started answering his questions honestly, very honestly.

I told David that I did think Tony was handsome and then I admitted that I'd enjoyed dancing with him, especially when he was holding me tightly pressed against his body. As I said that I watched David. He took a quick breath and bit his lower lip. It was obvious that he was aroused.

Reaching over, I felt his cock. He was hard. I commented on it and then I told him that he must have enjoyed watching me dance with Tony. He nodded. I told him to say it. He was quiet. I started to get nervous that I was pushing him too hard, but then he gave me a quick smile and admitted that he loved watching me dance with Tony. I told him that made me happy. He responded by leaning over and whispering that he'd enjoyed watching him kiss me in the booth even more.

I squeezed David's erection and told him that I enjoyed that too. Tony was an excellent kisser and then I added that while he kissed me he was touching me. David asked me where Tony touched me. I told him everywhere. That got him so excited that I thought he was going to cum in his pants.

By the time we arrived home we were both wildly aroused, David even more than me. After David stopped the car in the garage I unfastened my seat belt and leaned over. While I squeezed his erect penis I whispered to him that I wanted to suck Tony's cock. David's breath caught. I asked him if he wanted that too. He nodded. I told him to say it. I told him that I wanted to hear him ask me to do it.
I nearly orgasmed when David whispered; Ruth, I want you to suck Tony's cock."

Mel laughed. "Damn this is hot."

I nodded in agreement and then I continued reading.

"Michael I had to fight to maintain my composure. I wanted to scream out, Yes! Yes! I want that too! I didn't. This decision was going to forever alter the terms of our marriage. It was far too important to decide it during the heat of intense sexual arousal.

Instead I took several long slow breaths and made David do the same thing. Then we straightened ourselves and went into the house. We'd told Ben and Michelle that we were going to be late, so they'd already had dinner. Still we needed to sit with them and talk about school. Fortunately they're both teenagers. They were every bit as eager to retire to their rooms as David and I were to get to ours.

The moment we reached the privacy of our bedroom all of my rigidly imposed self-control vanished. The lust that had been burning inside me since we arrived at Brady's once again boiled to the surface. I turned back into a sex hungry slut.

Michael, it's funny. Before all of this started I never would have even uttered a word like slut, let alone use it to describe myself. Now it excites me. I suppose that's Jeanne's influence. She loves being a slut and I'm definitely beginning to understand why. It makes me feel so free. It's actually empowering. I no longer have to squash my sexual desires. Now I can enjoy them. I can revel in them and savor them."

Nodding, Amy said; "I understand exactly what she's saying. As young girls we're taught to deny our biological urges. Hell we're so brainwashed that many of us refuse to even acknowledge that they exist."

Mel said, "That's right and if we do get excited we're supposed to feel ashamed about it."

Smiling at both of them, I said; "I thought the sexual revolution was fought and won in the 1970's."

Shaking her head, Amy said; "Women have been fighting this battle since the beginning of time. It became a little more public in the last part of the twentieth century, but women who freely and openly enjoy sex continue to be castigated by most of our society. It still takes courage to admit that you're a slut."

Mel said; "Enough philosophy. Let's hear more about what happened with David and Ruth."

"Okay." I started reading again.

"Once we were inside our bedroom I was ready. I wanted to play a little and then I wanted some serious sex. I raised the hem of my skirt, sat down on the bed and opened my legs. I wanted David to see me. I wanted him to look at me and he did. While David was looking at me I brazenly slipped a finger into my pussy and asked him to tell me again what he wanted me to do with Tony. And then the strangest thing happened. David suddenly looked away. It seemed like all of his excitement vanished.

I asked him what was wrong. Without turning back to make eye contact with me he timidly asked me if I was ashamed of him. He was actually afraid that I thought he was a wimp because he was encouraging me play with other men. He confessed that he as worried that I was going to lose my respect for him as a man."

Mel said, "This sounds a lot like that nightmare you had last night."

I agreed. "It does, apparently David is also struggling with a life time of macho male conditioning."

Nodding, Amy said; "Our culture definitely does screw us up."

laughing, Mel said; "That's for sure. What did Ruth say to David?"

I started reading again.

"I patted the spot on the bed next to me and asked David to sit down. Once he was settled I picked up his hand and held it in mine while I reassured him that he would always have both my love and my respect. I explained that he had always been a wonderful husband and man and that was all that really mattered to me.

David knows I love him, so he didn't require very much reassuring. Once his self confidence was restored we started to talk about the game we were contemplating playing. We'd already spent hours discussing it so we both fully understood each others concerns and desires. Still I felt the need to remind David that his feelings were much more important to me than any thrill I might get from the game. If he had any doubts or concerns I didn't want to risk going any farther.

After thanking me, David told me that our visit to Brady's had heightened his desire to continue the game. Looking me in the eyes he told me that this weekend he wanted me to call Tony and make plans to meet him at Brady's early next week. He wanted to once again sit at the bar and watch, only this next time he hoped that he would get to see me go out to the parking lot with Tony.

I asked him if he was certain. Still staring at me, David said that he was absolutely certain. I told him if that was really true he should get down on his knees. He complied immediately. I was so excited that my heart was racing. I spread my legs and told David to kiss my pussy. Again he complied immediately.

Michael, Jeanne and I spend a lot of time talking to each other. She tells me what's happening with the two of you and I tell her about David and me. I know that Jeanne's new life style is starting to excite you. I also know that your interest is mostly based on your voyeurism. David is a voyeur too. He loves porn just as much as you do, but with him there's more. Jeanne told me that you've been reading cuckold stories on the Internet, so you know that for some men masochism and a desire to be submissive are also part of the fantasy. A good example is Tricia's boyfriend, Paul. From what Jeanne has told me I gather that Paul now lives as Tricia's celibate slave while she regularly enjoys sex with several men.

While those desires seem to be much more intense for Paul than they are for David, submissive masochism is definitely a part of David's fantasy. I recognize this and it not only doesn't bother me, I find it exciting. I mentioned earlier that for me, sex is a complex phenomena with a myriad of wonderful nuances. David and Paul's submissive masochism is one of those nuances. If they enjoy it, more power to them. Hell Jeanne and I are both discovering that we love being sluts. We're every bit as kinky as they are."

Mel interrupted. "Damn Michael, I really like the way Ruth thinks. I would love to meet her. I want to meet Jeanne too."

Smiling, I said; "When I get home you'll have to visit us. I also know that I'll be back and I'm hoping that Jeanne will come with me.

Amy said, "Michael, after you leave will you promise to keep in touch with us?"

"Amy, good friends are hard to find. I'll always try to maintain contact with the two of you."

Staring at me, Mel said; "Promise us Michael. Promise that you won't forget about us the moment you leave."

"Mel, do you really think I'd do that to you?"

Amy said, "Michael, men have been doing that to us for our entire lives. We're whores. Men are attracted to us because we're earthy and sexual. Unfortunately they eventually always get bored with us. When that happens they can't get away fast enough."

"I'm not attracted to you because of your profession. I like you because you're smart, kind and interesting. As far as I'm concerned we're at the beginning of a life long friendship."

Mel said, "Promise."

Grinning, I said; "I promise."

Mel said; "Okay." She was still serious, but then she winked at me and smiled.

I winked back. Amy giggled.

After a moment of almost awkward silence Amy said; "Finish reading Ruth's email."


Posts: 4050
#339 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I nodded and without further comment resumed reading.

"David was on his knees kissing and licking me. I could have let him continue doing that forever, but I had an even kinkier idea. Yes Michael, your prim secretary is really a kinky harlot. I make no apology; I love sex in all of its forms. When I was with Nick Granger I was a total slut and I enjoyed every minute of it. I only tell you this because I believe that you're now traveling a similar road with Jeanne. I not only hope that you're starting to understand our desire, but that eventually we can become fellow travelers on this exciting road. I would love to be able to openly share our mutual adventures with each other."

Shaking her head, Amy said; "Damn Michael, I think Ruth is hitting on you."

Mel said; "No Amy, I don't agree. Ruth isn't suggesting that she and Michael party with each other; I think she's hoping that they can reach a point where they can freely discuss this part of their lives with each other."

"Aren't they already doing that?"

"Not really. Right now Ruth is telling Michael about the efforts she and David are
making to adopt this new lifestyle. While their endeavor hasn't been filled with as much trauma and conflict as the ordeal Michael and Jeanne are experiencing, it's still been an emotional challenge for both of them. So far Ruth is just sharing the fears, difficulties, joys and excitement they're encountering with two friends who can empathize with them because they're in the midst of a similar journey."

Nodding, Amy said; "I get it, they're old friends with a new common interest."

Mel smiled. "That's right."

I said, "So you're suggesting that after I get home Ruth is going to come into work in the morning and tell me about the hot date she had the night before."

"Would that bother you?" There was an impish glint in Mel's eye.

Laughing, I said; "Hell no, I'm a voyeur. I'll love it."

Amy said, "There might be more. Since you were already close friends who enjoyed each other's company you might find a new ways to socialize."

"You mean Jeanne and I could go to Brady's with David and Ruth. David and I could sit at the bar together and watch. I think that would be fun."

"I'm certain that you will do that, but I was thinking of something else."

Looking at Amy, I said; "what is it?"

Amy answered, "Ruth and David still have youngren living at home. That makes it difficult for Ruth to entertain a man at their house. Your girls are living on their own and they're also fully aware of your new lifestyle. When you get home you may find that you're watching sports with David in your den while Jeanne and Ruth each entertain a gentleman in your living room or bedrooms."

I considered that. After a moment I said, "That might feel a little weird."

Mel asked, "Why?"

"It would be a lot like sitting in the den watching porn movies together."

"What would be wrong with that?" Mel was puzzled.

Embarrassed, I said; "David's a guy. It wouldn't seem right."

Mel rolled her eyes. "For heaven's sake Michael. It wouldn't mean you were going to start doing each other." She quickly added, "Not that there would be anything wrong with that if you both felt like it."

Shaking my head, I said; "I'm not interested in going there."

Amy said; "You don't have to go there. Watching sports with David while Jeanne and Ruth are entertaining men friends wouldn't be going there, but it might be a nice way to enjoy the experience. I'll also tell you this. If I was with you I'd want to be watching porn. Hell, why not? You're both ardent voyeurs. Watching two people fuck is a lot more exciting than watching baseball."

Nodding, Mel said; "Especially while your wives are both getting fucked in the next room."

"I don't know. I'll think about it. I do enjoy David's company."

Amy suggested, "You could start by going to a sports bar to watch a game while Jeanne and Ruth are entertaining at your house."

"I could easily do that."

Smiling, Mel said; "This is going to be so much fun. I wish I could be there with you."

I laughed. "Mel, that would definitely make it more fun for both David and me."

Mel grinned at me.

Amy said; "Let's hear the rest of Jeanne's email."

"Okay." I started reading again.

"Back to what happened last night. While David was on his knees licking my pussy I asked him if he enjoyed eating my cunt. Don't misunderstand me. I already knew the answer to this question. David loves licking my pussy. If I made him choose between going down on me, getting a blow job from me or fucking me I'm certain that he would pick going down on me every time. It appeals to his submissive nature. David is a man who firmly believes that it's better to give than to receive."

Giggling, Mel said; "I have to admit that I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment."

Amy chuckled. "That's good because in our profession we spend a lot more time giving than receiving."

Still giggling, Mel said; "Aint it great."

"It really is." Amy was giggling too."

Looking at my two friends, I asked; "Shall I proceed?"

Mel answered; "Oh yes, I think we're just getting to the really good part."

"I think so too." Amy was nodding.

I resumed reading.

"David looked up at me. His face was glistening with my moisture. Michael, I have to admit that I love seeing him like that. I guess that I have a little dominant streak. Anyway, David said, you know I do. I smiled and asked him if he'd like to eat me while I was sucking Tony's cock. David's eyes got big. I felt like I was asking a little boy if he'd like to go to the circus. He told me that he'd like that very much.

Deciding to push the limits of our new fantasy, I explained to David that if Tony and I decided to include him in one of our parties he would only get to participate as my cuckold. Tony would be my lover. Tony would be the only one getting his cock sucked and he'd be the only one fucking me. If I did allow David to lick my pussy it would only be to get me ready for Tony's big cock.

David stared up at me without saying anything. I started to worry that I'd pushed him too hard, but then he nodded and said; I understand. I promise that when you're with another man I'll always remember my place. Michael, David was even more excited than I was. I asked him if he was certain that he wanted to be my cuckold. He assured that he was. He told me that he wanted me to go on dates with other men. He wanted me to have lovers. I asked him again if he was sure. He answered that he was absolutely sure. Then he told me that in the morning he wanted me to call Tony and make a date to meet him at Brady's next week. I once again asked David if he was certain that he wanted me to suck Tony's cock. Staring into my eyes, he said; Next week I want you to meet Tony at Brady's, go out to his car with him and give him one of your really good blow jobs.

I pulled David up on the bed and sladyed him with kisses. I felt like we were two teenagers about to have sex for the very first time. David went down on me. He made love to my pussy with his lips and his tongue. It was amazing. After he gave me two incredible orgasms I went down on him. I sucked and licked his cock and kissed his balls. I let him cum in my mouth. As soon as he finished ejaculating I kissed him. We shared his semen and then I went down on him a second time. David was so excited that he immediately got hard again and then he fucked me. David has a small cock. I rarely cum during intercourse with him. Last night was different. Last night we were both so excited that I had two more orgasms while he was fucking me.

After David came inside me we cuddled on the bed for a moment and then we took a shower together. After we showered we put on our pajamas and robes, said good night to the kids and got into bed. We were both exhausted, but as we lay in bed David whispered that in the morning he wanted me to call Tony. I promised him that I would and as soon as I'm finished with this email I'm going to do it. Michael you cannot believe how excited I am right now.

I hope you're doing well. I want you to know that Jeanne and I both miss you and look forward to the day you come back to us. I will email again after I talk to Tony.

Love Ruth"

Mel said; "Damn that was hot. If either of you are in the mood I'm ready for a little tongue."

Amy said, "After that email I suspect all three of us could use a little tongue, but I think Michael told us that there were two emails from Ruth. Before we do anything else I want Michael to read the second email."

Both women looked at me.

I said; "There is a second email."

"What are you waiting for, open it." Mel could barely contain her excitement.

I opened the email and read it aloud.


Just a quick update on what's happening. After I sent you the first email, I called Tony. I'm meeting him at Brady's at six o'clock on Monday. He asked if I'd call Jeanne and ask her to come too. Bill wants to see her again. I called her. She's going to join us. I called Tony back and told him to call Bill and then I called David. He's even more excited than I am.

Jeanne and I will keep you posted.

Love Ruth

P.S. Jeanne is also excited about her date with Trent Peters tomorrow. I'm sure she'll try to call you this evening."

As I shut off my laptop computer Mel said; "Damn this just keeps getting better and better. It's definitely time to play for a little while."

Amy said, "I have a game I want to play."

Mel and I both looked at her. Mel asked, "What is it?"

"Let's call it cuckold and I want to be it first."

Mel said; "Okay, it's your game. You can go first. How do you play cuckold?"

Amy stood up and started undressing. "We all have to get naked."

Giggling as she stood up, Mel said; "I already like this game."

As soon as all three of us were naked Amy lay down on the carpet with her head by the bottom front of the couch. "I'm the cuckold. Michael, you're the bull and Mel you're my hot wife. I want you to sit on my face and suck Michael's cock while I lick your pussy and ass."

Mel grabbed my arm "Michael, this is going to be fun. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. I'm going to give you a sloppy nasty blow job and I want you to cum in my mouth so I can give my cuckold sweetheart a snowball kiss."

Laughing, I sat down on the couch.

Mel sat down on Amy's face and proceeded to give me an amazing blow job while Amy kissed and licked her pussy and ass. I was excited, so I didn't last long, but Mel still managed to have two orgasms before I came. When I did cum Mel kept me in her mouth. Once I was finished ejaculating she slipped off of Amy's face.

Amy was lying on her back giggling while she masturbated. Her face was covered with Mel's moisture. Mel bent over, gave her girlfriend a passionate kiss and then she sat up and looked at me. "Isn't sex fun."

I nodded. "Yes Mel, it really is."
Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
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Can't wait for Michael, Jeannie and ??? get together for Christmas! Bet a good time will be had by all.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 125
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hi gh,

I have been hiding under a rock lately and have not kept up with the story. I am really enjoying your new slant on the whole cuckold lifestyle. as in all your stories you show that honesty and communication are the most important parts of this. as they say our brain is our largest sexual organ......( unless we have really big boobs ).

p.s. if peak can't handle anyone send them to me I fight dirty.



Posts: 14692
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GH, again a couple of great segments. I am starting to think that this is your best story ever. Please continue at your own pace. Don't push it, just enjoy.

Please don't ever think that bumping you back is meant to put pressure on you to produce. It's just that that is where the story should be.

Thanks for taking the time to create some really enjoyable and most importantly believable characters.


Posts: 1914
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Still great, still glad you're posting it. Thanks


Posts: 152
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GH, way to go Dawg! The mentality of a scorned and reaccepted cuck who forgives the DIS (and hers was fully worthy of BTB if I remember correctly) is a perspective I have a hard time fathoming. Yet you explore it with such depth and nuance and liveliness that I am interested in trying to understand it more. That my friend, is a literary achievement!


Posts: 31
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Hello GH,

Thank for your stories, I know when I 'am about to read one of yours that it will be a positive one filled, with good vibes.


Posts: 81 Pictures: 1 
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Another set of great segments. Thanks on behalf of all of your readers.



Posts: 27
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GH, I have to say you are an exceptional writer. I am enjoying your story a lot. Looking forward to reading more of your work.


Posts: 492
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Awesome story GH, thank you for your time putting it together for us to enjoy.



Posts: 4050
#349 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks, I'm looking forward to that segment of the story too. I hope you will continue your own story. I was enjoying it.


As I've said before, one of the beauties of the written word is that it always waits patiently for us to find the time to read it. I always love hearing from you and I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

P. S. Big boobs are fun, but since many of the readers here are cuckolds or aspiring cuckolds we generally concede the enjoyment of them to others.


Thank you, I'm feeling good about the story too. As you will discover from my next posts it has a number of subplots which make it fun, but is also a little daunting. I fear that I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Right now I'm just trying to write in segments and plug away at it. I still like the story and there isn't anything else I'd care to be writing so I'm content. I am becoming increasingly convinced that this will be my last story.


Thanks, as I said to Timmy I continue to plug away. The story does seem to be well received and that helps


Thank you, that was a very nice compliment.


That was also a nice compliment. There's enough pain and suffering in the world. It seems to me that sexual fantasies should be positive and filled with good vibes.


I'm glad you're enjoying the story and thank you for letting me know.


I also glad that you're enjoying the story and I thank you as well. I have a number of completed stories. My habit is to write them here and then when they are complete I post them at Literotica. That is the best place to look for my older stories.

TrF2 (or is it now TrF1) You slipped in while I was posting this. As always, thank you for your kind comment.

Every one thank you again for taking a moment to tell me you're enjoying the story.



Posts: 4050
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We went upstairs and showered together. After we showered Mel and Amy put on their flannel pajamas and terry cloth robes. I put on sweat pants and a long sleeved tee shirt. They weren't sexy outfits, but we were friends living together. Trying to be sexy all the time isn't a comfortable way to live. Mel and Amy believed in comfort. I agreed with them.

Once we were dressed we went back downstairs and made supper. It was already 7:30 so Mel suggested salads and garlic toast. Working together, dinner was ready in less than five minutes. We ate in the kitchen. Again, comfort was more important than style.

We'd just finished cleaning up when my cell phone rang.

Amy said; "That must be Jeanne. Would you like to talk to her in private?"

"No, she likes you. I'm sure she wants to talk to the two of you too. If I feel like we need some privacy I'll tell you."

Mel said; "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go sit in front of the fireplace."

I answered my cell phone as we walked into the living room. Caller ID confirmed that it was Jeanne. "Hi Jeanne, how are you tonight?"

"Hi Michael; I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good too."

"I'm sorry I'm calling so late. I've been talking to Tricia and Jodie."

"That's all right, it's an hour earlier here and it's never too late for you to call."

"Thank you, I feel that way too. Are Mel and Amy there?"

"They are."

"Are we on the speaker phone?"

"Jeanne why don't you call us back on Mel and Amy's land line. That will be a better connection."


I gave Jeanne Amy and Mel's telephone number and switched off my cell phone.

Amy picked up the handset for their land line. We sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace; Mel on one side of me, Amy on the other. A moment later their phone rang.

Amy answered it. "Hi Jeanne, this is Amy."

"Hi Amy, are we on the speaker phone?"


"Hi Mel."

Mel answered, "Hi Jeanne."

Concerned about the reamister Jeanne had just given me for calling late, I asked; "Jeanne is everything okay with Jodie and Tricia?"

"I think so, but Jodie's worried about Paul."

"What's the matter with Paul?"

"Michael, you understand that Tricia and Paul have a different relationship."

"I guess so, you've told me that Tricia is dominant and Paul is submissive. That's really all I know."

"There's more to it than that. Jodie called me at work today. She was over at at Tricia's last night. She really likes Paul and she's concerned about how Tricia is treating him."

Mel said; "Jeanne, we're still here. Do you want to talk to Michael about this in private?"

"Thank you Mel, I appreciate your consideration; but I'd like you both to stay. You're sexually experienced women. I think Michael and I could use some advice about this."

Amy said; "All right, but if you change your mind and want us to leave you alone just tell us."

"Thank you Amy, I will."

I asked, "Why is Jodie concerned?"

"Paul has always been submissive to Tricia and she's always enjoyed being dominant. I think that's part of the attraction they have for each other, but lately those roles have intensified."

"What do you mean?"

"Tricia has started referring to Paul as her slave. She's treating him like a slave too and Paul quit his job."

"He was a lab technician. He told me that he loved his job."

"Yes he did. Jodie said that Tricia told her it was her idea. In San Francisco I told you that Tricia got a promotion at the ad agency where she works."

"Yes, she's now some kind of junior executive in the marketing division."

"That's right and when she was promoted she also got a huge jump in her salary. She's now earning well over six figures."

"Really? I had no idea."

"It happened just after you left. Anyway, since she's now earning a good salary she decided that Paul should quit his job so that he could spend all of his time serving her."

"Was he okay with that?"

"Jodie said that he seems to enjoy his role as Tricia's slave, but he's so submissive that it's really difficult to be certain."

"But Jodie is concerned."

"Yes, she told me that Tricia really is treating Paul like a slave."

"What's she doing?"

"Jodie had dinner with Tricia. During dinner Paul waited on them like a servant. When he wasn't serving them he wasn't allowed to join them at the table. Tricia made him stand in the doorway to the kitchen. Tricia bragged to Jodie that he does all of the household chores. She doesn't do anything."

"You said that you talked to Tricia. What did she say?"

"She told me that this is what Paul wants. She claims that he's never been happier. She said that she enjoys it too. Michael, all the success she's had at the advertising agency has gone to her head. These days she's a little full of herself. Jodie told me that Tricia told her that she feels that having a slave is one of the benefits of her hard work and success."

"She actually said that?"

"That's what Jodie told me."

"Slavery is illegal and immoral."

"I said that to Tricia. She told me that involuntary servitude is illegal. Paul is a voluntary slave so that makes it all right."

"It doesn't seem right to me."

"It doesn't seem right to me either, but Tricia says that this is the lifestyle they both choose. They're consenting adults and they're not hurting anybody so how they live is nobody elses business. Michael right now there are people who are critical of the lifestyle I'm choosing so I have to admit that I am
sympathetic to that position."

"It's different and it doesn't seem right to me, but I do understand what you're saying."

Mel said, "Would you mind if I offered an opinion?"

Jeanne said; "Not at all. Michael and I are clearly in a quandary about this."

I said; "I agree. We can use any advice we can get."

"Amy and I knew two escorts in Vegas who had slaves. One of them was older than us and very experienced."

Amy said, "You're talking about Tamara."


Amy nodded. "In many ways she was a mentor for us. She had wisdom."

Jeanne said; "But she had a slave."

Mel said, "Yes she did. His name was Edward. He was smart and well educated. He actually had a PhD in English Literature."

I asked, "Did he work?"

Shaking her head, Amy said; "No, he was Tamara's full time slave. He kept house for her and waited on her like a servant."

Jeanne said, "Just like Paul. Was he happy?"

Mel smiled. "He was one of the happiest men I've ever known."

"He really was." Amy was smiling too.

I said, "So you're advising us not to worry."

Both women were quiet for a moment. Finally Amy said; "No, I don't think that's what Mel was trying to tell you."

Nodding, Mel said; "It's not. Edward was happy because he was Tamara's slave. Tamara was a dominant sadist. She loved to push Edward's limits, but she was also wise and incredibly compassionate."

Amy said; "She loved Edward and Edward loved her."

Mel continued. "Tamara used to tell us that while a good dominant had to push her slaves limits, she was also responsible for his mental and physical health and well being."

Sighing, Amy said; "They both knew of slaves that had been crushed by overly zealous dominants."

Jeanne quietly said; "I see." And then she asked; "Are you suggesting that Tricia might be an overly zealous dominant?"

Shaking her head, Mel said; "No we're not. Amy and I don't know Tricia. She might very well be every bit as wise and compassionate as Tamara was. If that's the case you don't have anything to worry about. Paul is probably even happier than Tricia. We're just warning you that you might be right, there may be a problem."

Jeanne asked, "What do you think we should do?"

Amy said; "Michael told us that all of you are planning to spend Christmas together in San Antonio."

Jeanne said; "That's right."

"Will Paul be there?"

"Yes, when I bought our airline tickets I bought a ticket for him too."

Mel said, "That will be a great opportunity to observe them. By the time you leave San Antonio you should have a pretty good idea about whether or not you have any reamister to be concerned."

I smiled. "I think that's an excellent plan."

Jeanne said; "I think so too. Thank you."

Amy said; "You do have to remember that a different lifestyle isn't necessarily bad."

Clearly aware of that concern, Jeanne said; "Don't worry, I definitely won't forget that."


Posts: 4050
#351 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Mel said; "Speaking of alternative lifestyles, tell us what's happening with your big date tomorrow."

"I am so excited. Trent is such a good fuck. I can't wait until..." Jeanne suddenly paused. After a moment she quietly said; "I'm sorry Michael, I didn't mean to rub your nose in this."

"Jeanne, it's okay. I want you to be honest. Remember what we talked about in San Francisco. If you feel like you have to hide this part of your life from me we aren't going to make it. When I do get home I also have to be comfortable with the fact that you're dating other men. The only way that will happen is if we talk openly about your dating while I'm away."

"Michael, I love you. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have."

Mel said; "Jeanne, I don't think you have to worry about Michael's feelings."

"Mel, I don't want to hurt Michael. I really don't. I love him. My date with Trent tomorrow has nothing to do with love, but I'm still not sure that Michael believes that."

Amy said; "I think he's starting to believe it."

"Jeanne, I do believe it. You convinced me of that in San Francisco and Mel and Amy have reinpowerd that belief."



Mel said, "Jeanne you need to understand something."

"What's that Mel?"

"When you try to shield Michael from what you're doing you're actually depriving him of his opportunity to share it with you."

"What do you mean?"

"Michael is a voyeur."


"Your affairs excite him."

"I know, we've talked about that but it's hard for me to believe it."

Amy said; "Now your letting your own conditioning cloud your perception of what's happening. You want Michael to believe that this is just meaningless fun and games for you, but when he professes to enjoy it too you don't believe him."

Jeanne was silent.

Mel said; "Look at it this way. You know how much Michael enjoys porn."

"Yes, it used to bother me, but it doesn't anymore. Now I realize that it's just fun for him."

"Think of yourself as his permisteral porn star. Every time you go on a date your making a new movie for him. It's an imaginary movie, but for Michael it's still very exciting."

"You're trying to explain that when I tell Michael about my dates the movie becomes real for him. Michael is that a good thing? Is that what you want?"

"It makes me feel like a pervert to admit it, but yes that is a good thing and it is what I want."

Jeanne said; "Baby we're all perverts."

Mel said, "Fuckin A we are and I'll tell you right now that I'm damn proud to be a pervert."

Laughing, Jeanne said; "Michael honey, I love your new friends."

"I do too Jeanne and I can't begin to describe how much they've helped me."

"They've helped me too." Jeanne paused, after a moment she said; "Okay, I'm going to believe you. Yes, I'm excited about my date tomorrow. Trent is a really good fuck. Michael, you're a caring lover and you will always be my favorite sex partner."

Amy said, "Because you love him."

"That's right."

Mel said; "So why is Trent so good?"

I said, "I know the answer to that. Jeanne told me in San Francisco. He's assertive in bed and he treats her like a slut."

Giggling Amy said; "Oh yes, that is fun."

Jeanne said, "I wouldn't want to be married to him."

Nodding, Mel said; "That would be like having pizza for dinner every night. It would get old very quickly."

Amy laughed. "But once in a while a pizza tastes really good."

"Yes it does and tomorrow I'm going to have a big slice of pepperoni."

Mel said, "Michael do you understand what Jeanne is telling you?"

Amy jumped in. "You're her meat and potatoes and that's every woman's dream. Trent is a Coney Island with extra chili and cheese. Every once in a while they're really good, but if you eat too many in a row you get heartburn."

"Yeah, I think I've got the idea. Jeanne."

"Yes Michael."

"Tomorrow when you're with Trent I want you to be a really nasty slut for him."

Giggling, Jeanne said; "Are you sure about that?"

"I am and I intend to fantasize about it all night tonight and all day tomorrow."

Still giggling, Jeanne said; "Okay big boy, you got it."

"I'd also like you to call me as soon as he's gone."

Amy said, "Hold on! I have a cottage date tomorrow at three. I'll be back by 4:30. That's 5:30 your time. You can't call until then."

"Michael is it all right if I wait to call?"

"Of course it is. Amy is our friend. We have to wait for her."

"I think so too."

"Amy and Mel, I would love to really meet you. Could you join us for Christmas in San Antonio?"

Mel said; "Jeanne we would love to do that, but the week between Christmas and New years is the busiest week of the year at Danny's Lounge. The guys from the air power base all have days off. They need every dancer they can get. They're good to us. It wouldn't be right to let them down."

Amy said; "There's another problem. Our friend Vince always spends Christmas with us. He our oldest friend. We can't let him down either."

Jeanne said; "I understand. We still have to find a way to get together."

Mel said; "Don't worry, we will."

"Michael it's getting late."

"Yes it is and you have an exciting day tomorrow."

Jeanne giggled. "Yes I do. Would you mind if I say goodnight?"

"Not at all."

"Jeanne, before you say goodbye we have a concern that we want to discuss with you." It was Mel. Amy was nodding. They'd clearly planned something.

"Okay, what is it?" There was an anxious tone in Jeanne's voice.

I watched Mel and Amy.

Mel said, "Last night Michael had a nightmare."

Realizing what they were doing, I said; "Jeanne, don't worry about it. It was nothing."

Jeanne said; "No Michael, if Amy and Mel are concerned I want to hear about it."

Amy said; "It was upsetting enough to him to make him get up in the middle of the night."

"I definitely need to hear about this."

"As soon as Mel and I realized that he was up we got up and went looking for him. We found him in the kitchen. We sat with him and made him tell us about the nightmare. We think it's important that you hear about it too."

"Yes, it sounds to me like it's very important. Michael please tell me about it."

Feeling slightly ashamed, I stammered; "I um, it really wasn't that big a deal."

Mel said; "I'll tell you about it. It took place in your bedroom at home. Michael was sitting in a chair watching you entertain two men on your bed."

Jeanne said; "Oh my."

Mel continued. "All of four you, that includes Michael, were naked. You were lying on your back. One of the men was fucking you while you were sucking the other man's cock. Michael was watching. As soon as the first man finished fucking you they switched places. When the second man finished fucking you Michael stood up hoping to have a turn."

Amy said; "Jeanne we think this is the most important part of the dream."

Nodding, Mel said; "When Michael approached the bed you held up your hand in a stop gesture and ordered him to sit back down in his chair. You then told him that your pussy was reserved for men. Little wimps like Michael were only allowed to watch."

Jeanne sputtered, "I would never do or say anything like that to Michael."

"All of us know that Jeanne, even Michael. Let Mel finish."

"Okay, but Michael; please believe me I would never do that to you."

I said; "I know that Jeanne. I really do."

Mel continued. "In his dream you and the two men started laughing. Michael sat down. He was humiliated. As soon as he was seated you taunted him calling him your poor baby and telling him that if he needed some relief he could jack off while he watched. When they heard you say that the two men sneered at Michael and told him to jack off for them. That was when he woke up."

For a moment nobody said anything. Finally Jeanne whispered. "Michael, I'm so sorry. Please believe me when I tell you that I would never even dream of doing something like that to you."

"I know that Jeanne."

Amy said; "We know it too, but it does raise a concern. Michael is not a masochist. Humiliation doesn't excite him."

Jeanne said; "I understand that."

Mel said; "We know you do, but you have indicated that you have a taste for aggressive men who treat you like a slut."

"I do."

"We understand that too. Both Mel and I occasionally enjoy that same pleasure. Because you have that inclination you need to be aware that the playmates you're looking for are also the men most likely to take an arrogant, condescending attitude with the man they're cuckolding. They may even try to dominate Michael. That is clearly something he wants to avoid."

Mel said; "Even if Michael doesn't end up actually watching you there will still be times when he'll be home while you're entertaining a gentleman and it's very likely that they'll encounter each other.

Jeanne said; "You're telling me that in those situations it's going to be my responsibility to control the behavior of my playmates."

Nodding, Amy said; "If you don't you may have an ugly scene. Mel and I have only known your husband for a few days. While he's a gentle, loving man; it's clear to both of us that he would never tolerate being bullied."

"No he wouldn't. Michael honey, I promise you that if one of my gentleman friends is ever impolite to you I will immediately give him the boot."

I said; "Thank you Jeanne, I appreciate that."

"Mel, Amy; you were right to tell me about that dream. It's important that I be aware of this possibility. I never want to do anything that will hurt Michael."

Amy said; "We know that Jeanne. That's why we thought we should discuss it with you."

There was a pause in the conversation. Several seconds passed and then Jeanne said; "I love you Michael. Please don't ever forget that."

"I won't forget it. I love you too Jeanne."

"Tomorrow when I'm with Trent I'll still be thinking of you."

"Jeanne, try not to do that."

"Why Michael?"

"Think of me after he leaves, but while you're with him I want you to fully enjoy the experience. I want you to focus all of your attention on Trent Peters. Jeanne tomorrow afternoon I want you to be Trent Peter's slut."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Definitely, but after Trent leaves I want you to be my wife again. Will you promise me that you'll do that?"

"Of course I will."

"Don't forget to call us after he leaves. We want to hear every detail."

"I will. I'll call you at 5:30 so Amy will be there too."

Amy said; "Thanks Jeanne."

I said; "Now it is getting late. You'd better get some relax. Tomorrow afternoon you'll want to have lots of energy."

Jeanne giggled. "Yes I do."

"So it's time for you to say good night and go to bed."

"Okay, Goodnight Mel. Goodnight Amy. Thank you for everything."

Amy and Mel said, "Good night." And then Mel added; "Jeanne, have fun tomorrow."

"I will. I'll call you at 4:30 your time."

Amy said; "We'll be waiting."

Jeanne said, "Goodnight Michael, I love you."

I said; "Good night Jeanne, I love you too."

And then Jeanne ended the call.


Posts: 14692
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what a pleasant surprise. You made my weekend.

Thank you for another couple of great segments and great conversation.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I really love this one. Thanks for keeping it going!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 1914
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Outstanding again. You really do have this one nailed. Thanks
BD Icqicq


Posts: 65
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Hello, Paul.
Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
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Thank you GH, I do intend to get back to my writing, thanks for the encouragement. Your writing keeps my mind whirling; I wonder if Jeanne will meet Mel and Amy at Christmas, I wonder how Michael and Jeannes girls are going to play into the holiday events, I wonder what gift Michael will think of for Jeanne, and of course what she will have for him, I dream about the play room Jeanne was going to fix up (because I want a playroom of my own)... so many thoughts you have me wondering and dreaming about!!! Keep up the great work!
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 1916
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Thanks GH for another excellent installment!


Posts: 492
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My new favorite of yours GH. Looking forward to each new segment. Thanks so much for your time and effort.

Still TrF2


Posts: 31
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I agree with titsrfun2, it is your best story, not that your others are not good, you know that I'am one of your fan.
But this one is more complex, more challenging.
There is just the whole boyfriend thing that I do not get, having some fun with passing guy at brady's, why not, but a sort of lasting affair..
Anyway thank again


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I am a long time reader of GH, first time commenter. Thank you for sharing your efforts here. You have provided me with hours of entertainment. Most appreciated.

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