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Posts: 4050
#1 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'm not certain that this story belongs on this site. I'm posting it here because I post all of my stories here first.

Right now I'm supposed to be editing "Jackie and Artie" for Literotica, but all I can think about is this story. I keep writing it in my head. I've been composing it for the past several months.



Posts: 4050
#2 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Jeanne, my wife of twenty-seven years and I had just finished doing the supper dishes. We didn't need to wash them by hand, we had a dishwasher. We chose to do it because it was a habit, a pleasant habit. For years Jeanne and I along with our flowers, Jodie and Tricia had done them every night together.

Jodie and Tricia were now gone. They'd graduated from college, Jodie a year ago and Tricia two years ago. Both of them had good jobs and nice apartments. They were on their own and Jeanne and I were now on our own.

For Jeanne and me, washing the dishes together was one way to relive the fond memories of the past.

Don't misunderstand what I'm telling you. We weren't wallowing in despair because our flowers were grown and gone. We were both only forty-nine years old and leading full vibrant lives. I ran a small but very successful accounting office and Jeanne was a legal secretary for one of our city's most prominent law firms. I managed to play eighteen holes of golf three times a week and Jeanne belonged to a fitness club and worked out almost every day.

Still we were growing older. I had a middle aged paunch and my hair was thinning. While Jeanne was still a very sexy and beautiful woman, she was starting to find an occasional gray hair and lines and wrinkles were beginning to appear around her eyes and mouth.

After we finished drying and putting the dishes away we wiped off the counter tops and cleaned the sink. Once that was done Jeanne turned to me. Taking a deep breath, she said; "Micheal, I'd like to talk to you in the living room."

The serious tone of my wife's voice concerned me. Suddenly worried that something was gravely wrong, I said; "Yes, of course."

We walked quickly into the living room. Expecting that Jeanne would sit next to me, I sat on the couch. She surprised me and sat in the arm chair across from the couch. This heightened my anxiety.

For what seemed like an eternity, but was most likely only a few seconds, Jeanne stared at me. Suddenly feeling apprehensive, I waited.

Finally she began. "Michael, I suspect that what I'm about to say is going to shock you and probably upset you. I'm asking, no begging you to please hear me out before you respond."

Now even more concerned, I nodded and said; "All right, I'll try."

"Thank you." Jeanne smiled and then she took a deep breath."Michael, I'm going to have an affair."

I looked at my wife with a shocked expression and said; "What did you just say?"

Obviously trying to maintain her calm, Jeanne repeated her statement. "I'm planning to have an affair."

"I don't understand? Are you telling me that you're in love with another man?"

Vehemently shaking her head, Jeanne answered; "No absolutely not! It's just going to be sex."

"Just going to be sex? You're telling me that you're planning to start fucking some other guy just for the fun of it?" I was starting to get angry.

Jeanne said, "Michael try to control your temper. Please listen to me."

"Control my temper! Shit Jeanne, you're telling me that you're going to cheat on me."

"No I'm not."

"You just told me that you're going to start fucking another man. That's cheating."

"No it's not. It's only cheating if I do it behind your back."

I stared at my wife for a moment and then slowly shaking my head, I said; "Jeanne, what's gotten in to you? This is crazy. You're going to tear my heart out if you do this."

"Michael, you're taking this all wrong. I still love you. You're the only man I'll ever love. This is just something that I need to do for myself. When we got married I was a virgin. You weren't. You've experienced other women. I've never experienced another man. I've decided that's an experience I'd like to have. If it's going to happen I have to do it now while I'm still young enough to attract another man."

"Jeanne, what are you talking about? You lost your interest in sex at least tens years ago."

"What do you mean?"

"It's been ten years since you've shown any desire to have sex, at least with me."

"Don't be silly, of course I've been interested in sex."

"Really? When was the last time you initiated sex? When was the last time you gave me a blow job? When was the last time you let me eat your pussy? When was the last time we made love in any way other than the missionary position? When was the last time you even let me see you naked?"

My questions struck home. Clearly shaken, Jeanne stared at me. The silence was deafening. Finally she quietly said; "I'm sorry Micheal. I know I haven't been the best wife in this area for a while. I guess that sex for us just grew stale."

"Stale? Who's fault is that Jeanne? How many times have I suggested things we could try that might spice up our lovemaking. I'll tell you how many. Lots of times, I've done it lots of times and every time I did it you shot me down."

"Michael, don't you understand? That's what I'm doing now. I'm doing this for us. This is going to rekindle my interest in sex. When this affair is over, I'm going to be your loving wife again and you're going to get more blow jobs than you can possibly imagine."

"But another man is going to get them first, isn't he Jeanne."

"Micheal, please understand. I need this."

"You need this. You know what Jeanne, you're not the only one who could use some extra sex. How about if I go out and get a little on the side too?"

"Don't be silly. Look at you Michael. You're losing your hair and you have a middle aged paunch. What woman would want you?"

Appalled by that statement, I stood up. "Well then, there we have it. Apparently I don't do it for you anymore, do I Jeanne? I think this conversation has come to an end."

I turned and started to walk out of the room, but after a few steps I stopped and turned back to my wife. "Jeanne, when is this affair going to begin?"

Clearly upset and having to work to hold herself together, Jeanne quietly said; "Tomorrow night, I have a date."

"A date, tomorrow night; so you've already selected the lucky guy."

"Yes." Jeanne answered in a whisper.

"So who is he?"

Jeanne stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head and said; "No Michael, this has nothing to do with you. This is for me. Who he is is none of your business."

"What! None of my business? Tomorrow night my wife of twenty-six years, the lady of my two flowers, is going to cuckold me with another man and you have the audacity to tell me that his identity is none of my business! Jeanne I apparently no longer know who you are." On that note I turned and and stormed out of the room.

Woodworking is one of my passions. I have a shop in my basement. I took refuge there. I was building a coffee table for Jodie, my youngest flower. I was setting a piece of wood that was going to become a leg into my lathe when I sensed Jeanne's presence. I froze.

In a whisper, she said; "His name is Derek Fisher. He's a lawyer, but he works for a different firm. We've had several lunches together. He's married."

I turned. "He's married?"

"Yes, I think it's better that way. It reduces the chances for emotional involvement on his part."

"It also means that you're not only going to defile our marriage, you're also going to defile his."

"Michael, why can't you understand this?"

"Oh I do understand. I have a belly and I'm losing my hair. You're not attracted to me anymore."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It came out wrong. Michael, I still find you very attractive. You're the man of my dreams."

"If I'm the man of your dreams then why are you going to fuck someone else tomorrow night?"

"Please understand, this is an experience I need to have."

"Jeanne, I have been faithful to you for the entire twenty-six years we've been married and my intention was to remain faithful to you until the day I died. I will never understand what you're doing."

"Michael, I have to do this."

"Then I don't think we have anything more to talk about, because I will never give you my blessing."

Slowly nodding, Jeanne said; "Very well." And then she turned and walked back up the stairs."


Posts: 4050
#3 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The next day was Wednesday. I supposed that Mr. Derek Fisher had to take my wife out on a week night rather than a weekend so that he could tell his wife that he was at a meeting of some sort.

I'd been much too angry to even consider sharing a bed with Jeanne so I spent the night in Jodie's old room. As it turned out I was too agitated to relax. I tossed and turned all night and finally gave up at 5:00 am. After a quick shower I dressed and was out of the house by 5:30. I admit I was trying to avoid Jeanne.

My anxiety about what was going to happen that night made it difficult to focus on my work. The minutes crawled by. I passed some of the time by trying to figure out what I was going to do if Jeanne really did carry out her threat to go out on this date.

Unfortunately I had one account who's file I absolutely had to update that day, so I was powerd to try to focus my attention and complete that task.

By the time I was finished updating the file it was almost 5:30. I didn't really want to see Jeanne before she went out, but I knew that wasn't a choice. If I didn't see her I was going to have to spend the evening wondering if she really did do it.

Since I didn't actually know what time Jeanne was planning to leave, I hurried home. I pulled into our garage at 6:05. I was relieved to see that Jeanne's Honda was still parked in her stall.

I went inside. As I approached our bedroom I could hear Jeanne bustling about. Not having any desire to watch my wife get ready for a date with another man, I retired to the living room and tried to read the newspaper.

At 6:25 Jeanne emerged from the bedroom. When she walked into the living room and saw me, she stopped. Obviously startled by my presence, she said; "You're home."

"I generally try to come home after work."

"Yes, of course."

Jeanne looked absolutely ravishing. She was wearing a black cocktail dress that I'd never seen before. She'd obviously had her hair done. Her makeup was perfect and she was wearing her favorite string of pearls. They'd been a present from me on our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

"You look very nice tonight."

"Thank you, I tri..." Suddenly realizing that I wasn't likely to appreciate a description of her efforts to look nice for another man, Jeanne stopped herself in mid sentence. After a short pause, she just said, "Thank you."

"Is that a new dress?"


The tone of my wife's voice made it clear that this conversation was making her feel uncomfortable. That didn't bother me at all. What she was doing was making me feel uncomfortable.

Continuing, I said; "I see that you got your hair done."

"Yes, this afternoon."

"You must have left work early."

"Yes, I did."

"It's been a long time since you bought a new dress and got your hair done for an evening out with me."

Closing her eyes, Jeanne sighed and said; "Michael, please don't do this. Please don't make a scene."

"What prompted you to say that? Considering the situation, I think I'm being incredibly well behaved."

Jeanne nodded. "Yes, actually you are."

"What time are you going to meet him?"

"I'm not going to meet him. He's picking me up here."

"He's picking you up here! What time?"

"6:30, in just a minute or two."

"Jeanne, it's August. It's still broad daylight outside. What are the neighbors going to think when they see you get into another man's car obviously dressed for a night out on the town. Are you trying to humiliate me?"

A look of absolute horror flooded Jean's face. "Michael, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." Grabbing her purse, she said; "I'll call him on my cell phone."

I glanced out the window. A black BMW was pulling up to the curb in front of our house. "Jeanne, don't bother. It's too late. Your boyfriend just arrived."

"Michael, he's not my boyfriend."

"Well he sure must be something because It's been years since I've seen you put this much effort into your appearance."

"Michael, I have to go."

"Jeanne, please don't do this."

"Michael, I have to." She turned and started for the front door.

"Jeanne, aren't you going to kiss me good bye?"

My wife froze. Slowly turning back to face me, she said; "I'm sorry Michael. Please forgive me. Of course I'm going to kiss you good bye. I'm just nervous and a little disconcerted right now."

Jeanne hurried back to me, kissed me on the lips and said; "Micheal, I love you, I really do." And then she turned and walked quickly back to the front door.

As she opened it, I said; "Jeanne, I won't be here when you get home."

Jeanne stopped. She thought for a moment and then she turned to me and said; "Don't be silly, of course you'll be here when I get home. You're my husband and I'm your wife. You live here with me."

"Wives don't go out with other men."

"Actually Michael, many of them do. They just don't tell their husbands about it. Now I really do have to go. I'll be late, so don't wait up for me." And then Jeanne turned and hurried out the front door.

I walked over to the window and looked out. Derek Fischer was standing on the curb next to the passenger side door of his BMW. He was a tall man, at least four inches taller than me. He was fit, ruggedly handsome and had a full head of dark wavy hair. It was easy to understand why my wife was attracted to him.

As soon as he saw Jeanne coming down the front steps he opened the passenger door and stepped towards her. When she reached him he greeted her and then to my utter amazement, he put his arms around my wife and kissed her full the lips. As I watched Jeanne kiss him back my heart broke. They held their kiss for several seconds and then Jeanne suddenly pushed him away and stepped back.

After exchanging a few brief words Jeanne turned and looked nervously towards the front window. Since it was still broad daylight, I wasn't certain whether or not she could see me. At that moment I actually didn't care. As far as I was concerned our marriage had ended with that kiss.

Jeanne stared at the front of our house for a moment and then she turned and slipped into Fischer's car. As soon as she was settled he closed her door, walked around the car and got in on the drivers side. A second later they pulled away from the curb and disappeared down the street.

Once Fischer and my wife were gone I retrieved a suitcase and a garment bag from a storage cabinet in the garage. I brought them up to the bedroom and quickly packed enough clothing for a week. I carried the bags back down to the garage and placed them in the trunk of my Lexus. As soon as that was done I went back into the house, found a pen and a note pad, sat down at the kitchen table and wrote a note to my wife.

Dear Jeanne,

Thank you for twenty-six wonderful years and two beautiful flowers.

While I will always love you, I will never agree to share you with another man.


After I finished the note I placed it in the middle of the kitchen table and took a long slow walk around the house. As I moved from room to room I tried to focus on the wonderful memories around me, but I couldn't stop imagining my wife laughing and flirting with Derek Fischer.

Eventually I gave up. Returning to the kitchen, I stared at my note for almost a minute and then with a sigh, I closed my eyes, took off my wedding ring, set it on the table next to the note and walked deliberately out to the garage. Trying not to think, I got into my car and pushed the button that opened the garage door. As I backed into the street I took one last look at the house where I'd spent the most important years of my life and then I shifted my Lexus into drive and accelerated down the street.

I drove to a motel near my office. On the way, I made two stops. The first was at a MacDonalds where I bought a cheese burger and an order of french fries. The second was at a cuckold water store where I purchased a liter of very good scotch. I didn't get takes that night, but I did have three stiff takes.

The takes helped. At 10:30 I turned off my cell phone, went to bed and actually fell arelax.


Posts: 4050
#4 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I woke up at 6:30. As soon as I realized where I was and why I was there I was overwhelmed by a deep sorrow.

I could have easily spent the entire day lying in that motel room bed wallowing in my misery. I didn't. I knew that it wasn't healthy and I also understood that I had to go to work. Regardless of how lousy my life was, I still had a business to run.

I willed myself out of that bed and into the shower. The shower and a shave helped. Feeling stronger, I put on a shirt, a necktie and one of my business suits and left for work.

It was still only 7:15 and I was hungry, so I decided to stop at Lyle's cafe to get some breakfast. While I was waiting for my eggs, sausages and toast; I turned on my cell phone. There were three messages. Predictably, they were all from Jeanne.

The first one was left at 12:14. Jeanne had gotten home earlier than I'd expected. I listened to it:

"Michael, please call me. You're taking this much too seriously. My fling with Derek is just for sex. He means nothing to me. You're the only man I love. Now quit being youngish and call me. I want you to come home. We belong together."

I moved on to the next one. It was left at 12:40:

"Michael, stop being foolish and call me. If we talk I'm sure we can work this out. I love you and I love only you. Baby, please call me."

The third message was left at 1:10. It was clear that Jeanne had waited exactly thirty minutes before she called me again.

"Michael, you're scaring me. Please call. I don't care if it's four in the morning, just call me. We have to talk. I don't want to lose you over something as insignificant as this. It really isn't that important."

I deleted all three messages and shut off my telephone. I wasn't yet ready to talk to Jeanne and based on her messages, she wasn't ready to talk to me either. Jeanne kept saying that her affair with Derek wasn't a big deal. She was wrong about that. It was a very big deal.

I walked into the reception area of my accounting firm's office at 7:58. My secretary and office manager, Ruth Wilkins was already at her desk. Ruth made it a point to always be at her desk before her day officially started at 8:00 AM.

When she heard me come in, Ruth looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning Mr. Nolan."

Smiling back, I said; "Good morning Ruth."

As I passed by her desk on my way to my office, Ruth said; "Mr. Nolan, your wife just called. She sounded upset. I think you'd better call her."

I stopped. After taking a second to consider what Ruth had just told me, I said; "Ruth, Jeanne and I are in the midst of a major disagreement. For the time being I would prefer to avoid talking to her. I'm certain that she's going to call again. When she does I want you to tell her that I'm unavailable."

Ruth stared at me for a moment, but then she nodded and said; "Certainly." Ruth wasn't only a good secretary, she was a good friend.

I went into my office and closed the door. As I was taking off my suit coat, the door opened and Ruth walked in.

"Michael I've been your secretary for eighteen years. Our families have taken vacations together. Your girls used to babysit for my kids. Jeanne and I are like sisters. If you're having a disagreement with her you have to try to resolve it. The only way to do that is to talk to her."

Shaking my head, I looked at Ruth and said; "I don't think this problem can be resolved."

"Of course it can. Everything can be resolved. You just have to try."

"Ruth, last night Jeanne went out on a date with another man."

Ruth stared at me for a second and then she said; "You mean a business dinner. So what? You sometimes have to entertain female clients."

"No Ruth, this was a date. They had sex."

"What? I don't believe it. Jeanne wouldn't do that."

"Believe me, she did exactly that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, her boyfriend picked her up at our house at 6:30 last night. Before they got into his car, he actually kissed Jeanne on the lips in our front yard."

"Are you sure?"

"I watched from the front window."

"Why didn't you stop her?

"I tried. I asked her not to go and when she did go I told her that I'd be gone when she got home. Ruth, I'm not going to physically restrain Jeanne. She's an adult. She gets to make her own choices, but so do I. If she wants to date other men, she's going to do it without the man she's been married to for twenty-six years."

"She really did that?"


"When she calls again, can I talk to her?"

"I can't think of any reamister that you shouldn't."

"All right; when she calls, how do you want me to handle it for you?

"Do exactly what I instructed you to do earlier, tell her that I'm unavailable."


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Ruth returned to her desk. I sat down at mine and tried to work. It was impossible to concentrate. Setting my work aside, I focused my attention on the problem that was monopolizing my thoughts. My wife was relaxing with another man. What was I going to do about it?"

I started my search for solutions by trying to brainstorm possible options. The first of course was to cut all ties with my philandering wife and never talk to her again. That was one extreme. The other was to accept her fling and continue living with her, trying to be oblivious to what she was doing.

I thought about those two choices. The second wasn't an option. There wasn't any possibility that I could sit at home patiently waiting while my wife was out having sex with another man.

The first choice wasn't much more palatable. I loved Jeanne. We'd spent twenty-six wonderful years together. She was the lady of our youngren. The thought of spending the rest of my life without her was devastating.

There had to be third option. I stared at the wall, thinking. Why was Jeanne doing this? Was she in love with this Derek guy? Was I a dud in bed? Had I been a terrible husband? Had she decided that she didn't love me anymore? Was this some kind of midlife crisis? It could have been any of those reamisters and there were probably other explanations too. I didn't know and that disturbed me. Finally I came to the conclusion that I didn't understand. I needed to know more and there was only one way to get more information, talk to Jeanne.

Just as I was reaching that conclusion, Ruth walked back into my office. "Michael, I just finished talking to Jeanne."

I looked at her.

Shaking her head, she said; "I don't know what's gotten into that woman. Somehow she's decided that having sex with another man isn't a big deal."

I sighed. "Now maybe you understand the agony I'm going through."

Ruth nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry. If David started relaxing with another woman I'd be devastated."

"Thank you."

"What are you going to do?"

Smiling, I said; "Believe it or not, I'm going to try to talk to her."

"You are?"

"Yes, I might be crazy; but before I can do anything I need to try to understand what's happened to our lives."

"Actually, that does make sense." Ruth was slowly nodding. "What can I do to help?"

"Get her on the phone."

"Right now?"

"Can you think of any reamister to wait?"

"No I can't, I'll call her."

Ruth left my office. A minute later my phone rang.

I picked it up. It was Ruth. "Mr. Nolan, I have your wife on line one."

I said, "Thank you Ruth" and then I pushed the button for line one and said, "Hello Jeanne."


"Yes Jeanne, it's me."

"Michael, you're blowing this way out of proportion. Now grow up and come home."

I hung up.

A minute later my phone rang again. I picked it up. "Yes Ruth."

"Your wife on line one."

"Thank you Ruth." I pushed the button for line one.


"Yes Jeanne."

"How dare you hang up on me."

I hung up again only this time I dialed Ruth's extension. "Ruth?"

"Yes Mr. Nolan."

"If my wife calls again tell her I'm unavailable."

"I gather you didn't make much progress."


"Gonna try again later?"

"Of course, but she needs a little time to put things into perspective."

I waited. After two hours I called Ruth. "Have you heard from Jeanne."

Laughing, Ruth said; "Just every ten minutes."

"Sorry about putting you through this."

"Michael, you're a great employer; not just for me, but for everyone who works here. Right now you need some help. I'm just glad that I'm in a position to give it to you."

"Thanks Ruth, I won't forget this."

"Don't even think about it. You've done plenty for David and me. Hell you loaned us the down payment for our house. Now, what do you want me to do about Jeanne?"

"The next time she calls put her through."

"You got it boss."

Five minutes later my telephone rang. I picked it up. It was Ruth. "Mr. Nolan, your wife's on line one."

I pressed the button for line one. "Michael Nolan."

"Michael, please don't hang up."

"Are you going to keep yelling at me?"

Jeanne yelled, "Are you going to start being reamisterable?"

I hung up and immediately dialed Ruth. "Give me another hour."

"She's still not ready to talk?"

"Apparently not."

After an hour my telephone rang again. It was Ruth. "Mr. Nolan, your wife's on line one."

"Thanks Ruth, put her through."

When my phone rang I picked it up and said; "Yes Jeanne."

"Michael are we going to talk about this?"

"Whenever you're ready."

"I've been ready for hours. You haven't been willing to talk to me."

"No Jeanne, you've spent the morning telling me to grow up and accept what you're doing. Clearly, I'm not willing to do that."

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne asked; "Why, I've made it clear that I still love you."

"If you still love me, why did you choose to humiliate me in front of the neighbors last night."

"Micheal, I'm sorry about that. I never should have let Derek pick me up at the house. That was wrong. I don't know what I was thinking. I apologize. We've already talked about it. From now on I'll meet him."

"Jeanne, you let him kiss you on our front lawn and don't try to tell me that it was just a kiss on the cheek. I saw it. He took you in his arms and kissed you like a lover and you kissed him back."

There was another moment of silence and then Jeanne said; "You saw that?"

"Of course I saw it Jeanne. A man came to our house to pick up my wife for a date. Did you think I wouldn't be watching from the front window?"

"No, I...Michael I don't know what I was thinking."

"Jeanne, you made out with him on our front lawn."

"I'm sorry Michael. That was another mistake. I was excited and when Derek kissed me I kind of lost my cool."

"That wasn't the first time you kissed him like that, was it Jeanne?"

My wife was silent again.


"No." She answered in a barely audible whisper.

"I see. Well, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. This didn't just come out of the blue."

"Micheal please understand, it's just a silly little fling. It doesn't mean anything."

"Are you trying to tell me that the kiss on our front lawn wasn't romantic?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to tell you." Jeanne's voice sounded hopeful.

"Okay, so tell me about your date."

"Michael, it wasn't a date. I keep trying to explain that to you."

"So you just went straight to the motel."

"Well no, of course not. We had to get something to eat first."

"So, where did you go, Denny's?"

"Certainly not, I was all dressed up."

"Yes, I noticed that. You even got your hair done and bought a new dress. It's been a long time since you did that for me Jeanne."


"What Jeanne?"

"Why are you making this so difficult."

"Me making it difficult? You're the one who's dating another man."

"I'm not dating Derek, this is just a harmless fling."

"I don't know Jeanne. You got your hair done, bought a new dress and he took you out to eat. It sure sounds like a date to me."

"Okay, maybe it was a date, but so what. It wasn't romantic."

"Okay, so it wasn't romantic. If he didn't take you to Denny's then you must have gone to MacDonalds."

"Of course not, don't be silly."

"So where did he take you?"

There was a pause. After a moment Jeanne asked, "Why is that important?"

"I think the restaurant he chose says a lot about his intentions."

"That's ridiculous. Derek knows that we're just getting together for a fling."

"If that's the case, why are you hesitating to tell me where you had dinner."

"Okay, if you must know, he took me to the Kensington Grill."

I hadn't expected that. I paused. The Kensington Grill was the fanciest and most romantic restaurant in our city. Jeanne and I went there once a year, but only once a year. It was where we celebrated our wedding anniversary.

After a moment I said; "The Kensington Grill? You and I go there once a year, don't we Jeanne."

Realizing the significance of what she'd just told me, Jeanne quietly answered, "Yes."

"What occasion do we celebrate there?"

Sighing, Jeanne quietly said; "Our wedding anniversary."

"And you didn't think his restaurant choice was significant?" Starting to get angry, I pressed. "What did you talk about during dinner Jeanne, baseball?"

"No, of course not."

"So what did you talk about?"

"I don't know, I guess our jobs and our families."

"Did you talk about me? Did he talk about his wife?"

"Yes." Jeanne's voice was nearly a whisper.

"Did you hold hands during dinner? You know, like you do with me?" During a fancy dinner my wife loved to hold my hand while we talked."

Again, in a whisper; "Yes."

"And you're telling me that I shouldn't be jealous?"

"Please Michael, you're blowing this way out of proportion."

Jeanne, I know you think I'm too fat and ugly to ever attract another woman..."

"Michael I apologized for that."

Ignoring her I continued; "Just for the sake of conversation let's pretend that I could attract another woman. How would you feel if you walked into the Kensington Grill and saw me sitting at a table holding hands with her?"


"How would you feel?"

"It didn't mean anything."

"How would you feel?"

"Damn it Michael, this isn't fair!"

"How would you feel?"

"Michael why can't you understand?"

"How would you feel?"

Jeanne screamed; "Fuck you Michael! Fuck you!" And then she hung up.


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looks like another good story is beginning. was hoping you would start again. I am selfish that way and I know hundreds of others did to but just won't post a comment. lets light this up with comments fellow readers it will only take a minute.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Another epic adventure has begun!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 182
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Hi GH,

Well it looks like this is shaping up to be a very good story and I am enjoying it so far, especially with these meaty segments, it was like reading the opening chapter of a very good book.

Welcome back and thank you for your effort's, they are much appreciated.



Posts: 6
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Another great story. I am really looking forward to where you will take this one.

Thank you


Posts: 6
#10 · Edited by: dragonfire
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double post


Posts: 14692
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thank you for starting another story. Looks like a good one.


Posts: 1914
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This has matured a bit hasn't it. Damn fine story. I don't know which way you are going on this but I guess you saying you're not sure about it being on this site means dear old Michael isn't going to roll over and start eating cream pies anytime soon. At least not Jeanne's. Very good start, good characters. You now have me (and I'm sure others) on the edge of my seat wondering what happens next. Fine wine. No need to rush it. Thanks.


Posts: 60
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Thanks for another nice story. I really liked the starting and wondering where it will be going.....Hope you will post the next update soon.....again thanks for starting a new story....


Posts: 968
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Great story again so far. Any chance this mistress being cruel?
Droopy and Miss


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One of the reamisters that I keep posting stories is that it's the only way I can maintain contact with wonderful people like you.

Thank you


You always take the time to comment on the stories you enjoy. Everyone who posts stories here should appreciate you.

Thank you

Hi Ajax

I don't know, this story is a little different. I'm very excited about it, but it may disappoint some readers. I hope not. In any case thank you for your confidence and support.


I hope I don't disappoint you. Thanks for taking a moment to comment.


I promise that as long as you keep writing stories I will too.



You saw this story in it's earliest stages. I was excited about it, but showing it to someone else was premature. It has been refined and I am enjoying writing it. It is different, but I think it will be a good story. I think I've told you before that Matt Moreau is my favorite erotic Internet writer. While this is my own story, if you know Matt's stories you should be able to see his influence.


Thank you, I will try to post at least twice a week. I do have some permisteral obligations looming on the horizon so I may not be able to keep that promise, but I will try.

Thank you for taking a moment to comment.



I'm sorry, I don't do cruel mistresses very well. I have tried. Read "Louis Makes a Decision" "Cowboy Steak and
Beans" and "Roxanne and Willy"

All of you, thank you again for taking a moment to comment. I do appreciate it.



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I was up at 6:00 the next morning. Amazingly, I'd slept through the night. Feeling somewhat revitalized; I dressed, stopped at Lyle's Cafe for a quick breakfast and went into work.

I was in my office at 7:15. As soon as I sat down at my desk I took out my cell phone and turned it on. It was time to reopen communication with the world. I had six messages. The first three were from Jeanne. They were all pleas to call her so that we could talk some more. I deleted them.

The fourth message was from Tricia, my oldest flower. "Dad, mom just called me. She was frantic. She said that you left her and she's sure you're going to divorce her. Dad, that can't be true. You love mom. I know you do. You could never divorce her. Please call me."

The next call was from Jodie, my youngest flower. "Daddy Tricia called me and told me that you left mom. I called mom. She's distraught. I think she's having a nervous breakdown. Please call us. You have to talk to mom. You have to try to work this out."

The last call was again from Jeanne. It was another plea for me to call her.

I set my cell phone down. I knew that I had to call my flowers, but I wasn't certain how much I wanted to tell them. Jeanne was responsible for this mess. It was up to her to explain the situation to our flowers."

Deciding that my best course of action was to call Jeanne before I called Tricia and Jodie, I picked up my desk telephone and dialed her cell phone. It was 7:30. I knew she'd be up getting ready for work.

After four rings Jeanne answered. "Michael, thank you for calling."

"Hello Jeanne."

Clearly uneasy, Jeanne quietly answered; "Hello Michael."

"Jeanne, Tricia and Jodie both called last night."

There was a long pause. Finally Jeanne said; "Yes I'm sure they did. What did they tell you?"

"I haven't talked to them yet. As you know, I had my cell phone off last night. They both left messages."

"Are you going to call them?"

"Of course, they're our flowers. They're concerned and they deserve an explanation."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"I'm not going to tell them anything. Jeanne you created this mess. You're going to call them and explain the situation."

"I did call them last night."

"Yes, but you only told them that I left you. You didn't explain why."

"Michael, that's not true. I told them everything."

"Nonsense, you wouldn't dare tell them the truth."

Jeanne sighed. "Michael why are you creating such a fuss? You're making a mountain out of a molehill. This is just something I have to do. Once it's over I'll be the most loving wife you've ever imagined. I'll spend years expressing my gratitude."

"Jeanne, do you remember yesterday when I asked you the question that made you swear at me and hang up the telephone."

"Yes Michael, I really am sorry I did that."

"I'm going to ask that question again."

"No Michael please don't"

"Jeanne if our marriage is going to have any chance to survive I have to ask it and you have to give me an honest answer."

Resigned, Jeanne said; "Okay."

"How would you feel if you walked into the Kensington Grill and saw me sitting at a table with another woman and I was holding her hand?"

Jeanne started crying.

I waited for a moment and then I said; "Jeanne, answer the question."

After a few seconds Jeanne screamed; "Damn it Michael, I'd feel awful. I'd feel absolutely devastated."

"And that's how I feel right now."

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne quietly said; "But I shouldn't feel that way."

There was more silence. I waited. Finally Jeanne said; "Micheal I'm sorry. I was stupid. I did a lousy job of preparing you for this. I thoughtlessly dumped it on you all at once and that was unforgivable. I should have made sure that you felt loved and desired before I broached this with you and then I should have waited. I should have given you some time to get used to the idea. It all happened so fast. I was excited. I stupidly ignored your feelings."

"Jeanne, what are you talking about?"

"Michael, what I did with Derek was just sex. It had nothing to do with love. You have to believe me, you're the only man I'll ever love."

"Yeah well last night this Derek guy got a whole lot more sex than the man you love has gotten in a very long time."

"I know Michael and I'm ashamed about that."

"Are you Jeanne? I'm a bald headed, overweight, old man that other women would never find attractive. Why would you possibly be interested in sex with me?"

"Damn it Michael, I'm sorry I said that. I'll regret those words for the rest of my life."

"But you did say them."

"Yes I did, but I didn't mean them. Michael, you cornered me and I lashed out at you. The truth is, I'm terrified that another woman might steal you away from me. You're a smart, strong willed, affluent man who also happens to be kind and loving. There are a slew of good looking divorced women our age who would love to get their hooks into you. If you want to get laid, all you have to do is start sending signals that you're available."

"Like you did with your stud."

"Yes, like I did with Derek. That's true Michael, but there's a difference. Derek doesn't want to steal me from you. He just wants to have sex with me. Those women want you, they want all of you."

"But you gave Derek something that you weren't giving to me."

"Yes, I did do that and I regret it. Michael if you'll just let me do it, I'll spend the rest of my life making that up to you."

I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say. While part of me wanted to believe Jeanne, another part of me was writing this off as more bullcuckolds brownie.

Jeanne waited. After a few seconds she said; "Michael say something, please say anything."

"I don't know what to say."

"Michael, have I destroyed our marriage?"

"I don't know, it's possible."

"Please don't say that. There has to be a way."

"Jeanne you still haven't told me that you're going to stop seeing Fischer."

"Do I have to? Michael you have to believe me, it really is just sex."

"Sex that I've been denied."

"That will change, I promise."

"You mean that when you're not partying with your stud, you'll favor me with an occasional mercy fuck."

"A mercy fuck? Of course not. They won't be mercy fucks and they won't be occasional either."

"Jeanne you haven't condescended to have sex with me for several months. Why would I believe that you suddenly find me desirable?"

"Michael, you're not hearing me. My indifference to sex had nothing to do with you. It was about my own insecurity. I felt old and ugly."

"You called me an overweight, bald headed old man who could never attract another woman."

"God Dammit Micheal, I didn't mean that!"

"You said it!" I sighed. "And I can't stop hearing you say it and I can't stop seeing Fischer kissing you on our front lawn."

"Michael I screwed up. I screwed up badly. I made a mistake. It was a big mistake. We all make mistakes. You have to forgive me."

"Are you going continue seeing Fischer?"

There was a long pause. Finally Jeanne said; "No of course not. I really don't want to lose you over this."

"But you'd like to keep seeing him."

"Michael, what do you want me to tell you? Do you want me to lie?"

"No, but that last statement makes me believe that I can never again trust you."

"Michael, I promise I'll stop seeing him. As soon as we're finished talking I'll call him and tell him that."

"And then you're going to call Jodie and Tricia and explain what's happened."

"They already know about everything."

"I don't believe you."

"Michael, call them."

"They really know?"

"Call them Michael."

"All right."

"Michael will you please call me after you talk to them."

Still disconcerted by the discovery that my girls might actually know what Jeanne was doing, I said; "Yeah sure, of course I will."

"I have a busy morning. Will you call me after lunch?"

"Sure, right after lunch."

"Michael, this doesn't have to be the end of us. Talk to the girls, they'll help you understand."

"I will." I was feeling morose. My voice reflected my mood.

Jeanne said; "Michael I love you."

"Do you Jeanne, do you really?"

"Yes Michael, I really do."

"Right now I find that hard to believe."

"Michael call the girls, they'll explain everything."

"Okay, good bye Jeanne."

"Good bye Michael. I really do love you."

I ended the call, set my telephone back on its cradle, sat back in my chair and closed my eyes. I was confused. Jeanne seemed to be suggesting that the girls not only knew about her transgression with Derek, they approved of it. I didn't understand. How was that possible?


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As I sat at my desk thinking my cell phone rang. I picked it up. The caller ID said it was Tricia.

I pushed the button. "Hi Tricia."

"Hi daddy."

There was an awkward silence. Finally I asked, "Did mom call you?"

"Yes she did." Tricia paused. After a moment she said, "Daddy?"

I waited.

Suddenly there was another voice. "Daddy, I'm here too." It was Jodie. "Daddy, I don't understand. Why are you acting like this? Mom loves you, I know she does."

"I don't know Jodie. Right now she's certainly not acting like she loves me." I told them about what happened when Fischer picked Jeanne up at the house.

Tricia said, "She told us about that dad. She regrets doing it. Now she realizes that she needs to be more discreet."

"She needs to be more discreet?" The statement puzzled me.

Jodie said, "Of course daddy, lots of people have fuck buddies; but almost everyone tries to be cautious about revealing it. Being indiscreet isn't cool."

"Are you telling me that the two of you have these", I paused for a moment and then I said, "You know, buddies."

"Yes daddy, we do."

"Tricia, you do too?"

"Yes daddy, you know him. It's Randy Parkman, we've been getting together since the summer after we graduated from high school."


"Yes, we're good friends and we enjoy doing it with each other. It's just fun."

"Tricia, you're engaged. Does Paul know about Randy?"

"Of course he does. I love Paul. I would never lie to him."

"And he's okay with it?"

"Yes daddy, Paul understands that I don't love Randy. It's just a little sex on the side."

"Does Jeanne know about Randy?"

Jodie said, "Mom's cool, we talk about this stuff all the time."

"Apparently I'm not cool."

"It's a little harder for a flower to talk about sex with her dad."

While I realized that Jodie was right, I also now understood that my flowers had most likely been the source of Jeanne's desire to experiment with other men. Suddenly feeling totally demoralized, I said; "I have to get back to work. Thank you for talking to me about this."

Picking up the change in my mood, Jodie said; "Daddy, we need to talk about this some more. It's really not that big a deal."

"Jodie, I'm sorry. I can't do that right now. Maybe we can talk again later."

"When daddy?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry, I really do have to go. Say hello to your lady for me." And then I ended the call and shut off my cell phone.

I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes. For the first time in twenty-seven years I felt like I was alone, all alone.

Two minutes later my desk telephone rang. I picked it up.

Ruth said; "Michael, your flower Tricia is on line 2."

"Ruth, I can't talk to her right now. It appears that she and Jodie actually encouraged Jeanne to have this affair."

"Michael, I'm so sorry. I'll take care of it. I'll tell them you're in a meeting and can't be disturbed."

"Thank you Ruth." I paused for a moment and then I said; "Ruth I need a break from all of this. For the rest of the day I just want to be an accountant. I have several files that require my attention. I'd like to work on them without being disturbed by anyone."

"I'll take care of it Michael. If there's a problem I'll pass it to Jamister."

Jamister Ridner was a very able accountant. He'd been with me for eleven years. I knew that he was capable of handling any problems that might arise. "Thank you Ruth, I appreciate this."

"Don't worry Michael, Jamister and I are both in your corner."

After I hung up my telephone I wondered just how much Jamister knew. As I sat back in my chair I decided that he most likely knew everything. Jamister, Ruth and I were not only coworkers we were also close friends. If Ruth knew I had a problem she would have to tell Jamister. That was all right with me. The support of two good friends would make it much easier for me to weather this crisis.


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Ruth mounted an effective defense. I was left alone until the end of day.

At a quarter to five there was a knock on my door. "Hey boss, it's me Jamister. Can we talk for a minute?"

Realizing that this conversation was inevitable, I said; "Sure Jamister, come on in."

My door opened. Jamister stepped into my office but stopped just inside the door.

"Jamister please come in and sit down." I motioned towards the chair in front of my desk."

He smiled and sat down, but it was clear that he was still nervous.

"Jamister relax, we're friends. I assume you already know what's happened between Jeanne and me."

Nodding, Jamister said; "Boss, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you, it's been difficult."

"I'm sure it has. Is there anything Barb and I can do to help you? If there is please tell us. I called Barb this afternoon and told her what happened. She's absolutely distraught. Boss, I think Barb may love you even more than she loves me."

Barb was Barbara Ridner, Jamister's wife. She was a wonderful woman and totally devoted to Jamister just as Jamister was totally devoted to her. They had the kind of marriage that until the past two days I'd believed Jeanne and I had.

Oh and Barb did love me, but not anywhere as much as she loved Jamister. About a year after Jamister started working for me he came to me and confessed that he and Barb had made some imprudent decisions regarding their credit cards. They had five cards maxed to the limit. The monthly payments were *******ing them. Jamister was doubly ashamed because he was an accountant and felt he should have known better.

I resisted the temptation to lecture Jamister. Instead I sat down with him and worked out a plan that would get them out of the mess they'd fallen into. I also financed the plan which allowed them to escape from the obscene interest payments they were being powerd to make. Eighteen months later they were out of debt and Jamister and Barb never forgot what I did for them. There wasn't any doubt in my mind that Barbara Ridner did love me.

I laughed. "Jamister, Barb will never love anyone as much as she loves you."

Jamister nodded. "Yeah boss, I know that; but she does care about you."

"And I know that."

"So will you come over to the house for dinner tonight? After dinner we can have a few takes and if you're too tired or too spiffed to leave you can stay in our guest room. What do you say boss? Barb is ready to put a pot roast in the oven."

"Jamister I can't tell you how much that invitation means to me and if you offer it again in a week I'll happily take you up on it, but tonight I need to be able to think. Tonight it would be better if I stay at my motel and try to figure all of this out."

"You know that might be easier if you let your friends help you." Ruth was standing in the doorway to my office.

Nodding, I said; "Yeah Ruth, you're probably right; but this is a problem that permeates to the core of my existence. The decisions that I make right now are going to have a dramatic impact on the rest of my life. I need to make those decisions by myself."

"Okay boss, I understand. What do you want us to do?"

"Go home and have a wonderful evening."

Ruth looked at Jamister. He nodded to her. She turned back to me and said; "We understand. We'll give you your space, but we need you to understand something too. We're your friends and we want to help you get through this. If you need us you have to promise to call. We don't care if it's three o'clock in the morning, we want you to call. Michael, you are not alone. Will you promise to call?"

"Yes, if I need you I'll call. I promise; but tonight I really do need to sort this out by myself."

Jamister said; "We understand boss." He stood up. He looked at me. I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back. When he saw me smile he nodded and then he turned and walked out of my office. As he passed my secretary he took her arm and said; "Come on Ruth, right now this is a battle he needs to fight on his own."

Ruth held Jamister's arm and said; "Just a minute.” She turned back to me. “Michael."

"Yes Ruth?"

"Don't forget that the Montgomery's are coming in at 10:00 tomorrow morning."

Charles and Edith Montgomery were my two most important clients. Charles Montgomery's family started a trucking company in 1929. Montgomery Freight was now one of the largest shipping companies in the United States. Edith Montgomery was born Edith Chalmers. Her great grandman, Benjamin Chalmers was a blacksmith who in 1921 realized that the emerging auto industry was desperately in need of precision metal parts. Chalmer's Tool and Die was now one of the largest automobile parts manufacturers in the world. Managing their financial interests alone was enough to keep my firm in black ink.

Charles and Edith were also friends. Jeanne and I had dined at their house and they had dined at ours. When their grandyoungren were born we were present at the christenings. When our girls graduated from high school Charles and Edith attended the receptions. Our relationship was far more than just business.

If I had a meeting with the Montgomery's at ten in the morning, I would be there. Permisteral problems would have to move to the back burner. Nodding, I said; "Don't worry Ruth, I'll be here."

Smiling, Ruth said; "I'll be here too. I know just how much the Montgomerys mean to this firm."

As she turned to leave. I said; "Thank you Ruth, I appreciate that."

She stopped. "Boss, we all appreciate everything you've done for us." And then she disappeared out the door.

I spent the next two hours reviewing Charles and Edith Montgomery's files. When we met in the morning I wanted to be certain I was up to speed on their financial situation.

By seven o'clock I was confident that I understood their current status, so I closed their folders and locked them in my file cabinet. Once that was done I sat back and started thinking about my permisteral life. It was a mess. Jeanne was seeing another man and my flowers, the center of my universe, were encouraging her to do it. I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut.

I contemplated divorce. While it was an ugly prospect I was in an untenable situation. I was beginning to feel like I didn't have a choice. That thought alarmed me. I was taught to believe that there was always a choice.


Posts: 14692
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another couple of great segments. Listening to his flowers probably hurt almost as much as seeing her kissing the other guy.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I am loving this one. It has everything to keep me interested and titillated.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 60
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Thanks for the update and the comment hopping the next update will not be long...............


Posts: 182
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Hi GH,

I don't think you will ever disappoint me with one of your stories and this one is as wonderful as ever, I am really enjoying it.



Posts: 1914
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Michael is not the accepting sort so far, nor is he built to cut and run probably. Not an easy one, but then I'm sure that is what you wanted to explore here. I feel his pain. Good writing on this one my friend. I trust the steering committee is helping too ...


Posts: 22
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I love this story - i can feel the fear, the pain, the agony just as it wold be my own feelings.

GH, you are a incredible good writer, thank you for your stories!


Posts: 4050
#25 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As always, thank you


I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thank you for taking a moment to tell me.


I'll try to post as often as I can, but if you ask my wife she'll tell you that I'm a demented old fucker


I'll try not to disappoint you and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm enjoying it too. I have a number of segments written but I have to parcel them out because I have a number of permisteral obligations looming in my future. I've also been neglecting editing new posts of Jackie and Artie for Literotica. I also have a ton of emails from there that I haven't answered.


The steering committee is actively involved and loving this story.

I don't think you remember, but you were actually the catalyst for this story. You once asked me to write a story about a middle aged couple that was having difficulty. It may not be what you imagined, but this is it. As I do with all my stories I began by imagining the opening scene. In this case it was the scene where Jeanne tells Michael that she's planning to have an affair. I write my outline from there. I was only able to complete the outline about a month ago. when I complete an outline I get excited and start writing. Hence the appearance of this story before I completed posting Jackie and Artie at Lit. The steering committee will tell you that's a no no.

She was out of town when I started posting this story and I suffered my penance when she got home. Punishment is such a bittersweet experience.


thanks for the kind comment. It's gratifying to hear that you enjoy my stories.

All of you

Thank you again for taking a moment to tell me you're enjoying my stories



Posts: 4050
#26 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as Jennifer was gone I finished my scotch and said goodbye to Jerry the bartender.

It was 10:45 Friday night. When I stepped out of the Cosmopolitan First Avenue was bustling with activity. It was a warm August evening. People were leaving theaters and restaurants and walking to night clubs and cocktail lounges. Traffic in the street was almost as congested as it was at mid day.

I walked over to a bus bench, sat down and took out my cell phone. As I pressed the speed dial number for my home telephone I wondered whether Jeanne would be at home or out on another date with her new boyfriend. While that afternoon she'd assured me that she was going to stop seeing Derek Fischer, I was skeptical.

Jeanne was at home. She picked up on the third ring.

"Michael, thank you for calling." Caller ID had identified me.

"Hello Jeanne."

"Where are you? We have to talk."

"I agree. I want to talk too. That's why I called."

"Come home, I'll make a pot of coffee."

"Jeanne I can't come home tonight."

"Why not?" The disappointment in Jeanne's voice was evident.

"I have a meeting at 10:00 tomorrow morning with Charles and Edith Montgomery. I need to get some relax."

"A meeting with the Montgomerys; yes of course, that is important. You do need to get some relax." While Jeanne was still disappointed, she understood. She knew just how important the Montgomerys were to my business.

"I'm sorry, but I do. The Montgomery account is important for both of us."

"I know Michael. When can you come home?"

"I'm sure I'll have a few details to attend to after the meeting. Why don't you plan on seeing me around 2:00."

"Okay, will you want some lunch?"

"I doubt that I'll have time to eat so a sandwich would be nice."

"I have some ham. I'll have a nice ham and cheese sandwich for you."

"Thank you Jeanne."

"Michael, I really am sorry about everything that's happened."

"I am too Jeanne. We'll talk about it tomorrow afternoon."

"I'm so glad you're coming home. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

"Michael, I'm hoping that tomorrow afternoon you'll give me a chance to show you just how much I love you."


"Baby, I've neglected you. I don't understand why, but I promise you that you'll never again be neglected."

"We'll talk tomorrow."

"Yes of course."

"Jeanne, it's late. I need to get back to my motel and go to bed."

Once again deflated Jeanne said, "Yes of course. I understand. We'll talk tomorrow afternoon."

"We will. Good night Jeanne."

"Good night Michael. I love you."

"I love you too Jeanne."

"Do you Michael? Do you really?"

"Jeanne, considering everything that's happened I think I'm the one who should be asking that question."

There was a moment of silence and then Jeanne said; "Yes you're right. Michael I really am sorry. I can't tell you how ashamed I am about the way I handled all of this."

"Good night Jeanne. We'll talk about all of this tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes of course, you need to get to bed. Good night Michael."

"Good night Jeanne."

"Michael I really do love you."

"I know that Jeanne. I love you too. Good night."

"Good night Michael."

I ended the call, put my cell phone away, walked quickly back to my office and got my car. Once I was in my motel room I stripped off my clothes, brushed my teeth and got into bed.

As I was falling arelax I recalled something that Jeanne said during our telephone conversation. "I can't tell you how ashamed I am about the way I handled all of this." That bothered me. She didn't say that she was ashamed about what she did; she said that she was ashamed about how she'd handled it.

Realizing that there was nothing that I could do about it at that moment, I put it out of my mind and closed my eyes. I was tired. Sleep came instantly.


Posts: 6
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Great edge of your seat story. Really looking forward to the next chapters. You can't write them fast enough.

Take care


Posts: 14692
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A classic GH story. Thank you sir.

Looking forward to further chapters and shout out to Peak for planting the 'seed'


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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The only word I can think of for this is "epic".

Thank you GH. And I'll bet you are a GH!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 182
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Thank GH,
I would like to echo dragonfire's words, you are a superb writer.

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