simon softlad
Posts: 1012
A few tales from my past. Some true, some exaggerated, some fantasy. Hope you enjoy.
Yeah that’s me. A wimpy whiteboy with a tiny whiteboy dick. It sounds like a tragic thing to say but I kind of like it. I like knowing what I am and where I fit in. No pressure see. No need to pretend to be something I’m not. No bullcuckolds brownie macho posturing. And I’m more than happy with a life of jerking off watching bigger, better guys getting the pussy. Black guys mainly in my experience.
I always knew I was a bit of a softy compared to other boys- especially black boys - but I’ll never forget the day it all started to fit together. I’d come home early from school upset because I’d just seen a girl that I had a huge crush on – Zoe was her name(much more of whom later) - snogging with one of the black lads. To make matters worse it was a guy that pushed me around a bit and who I hated. He knew I liked her too – everyone did – and the way he smirked straight at me as he put his hand up her top to give her tits a squeeze was a *******er. It was hot as well though and it gave me an instant hard-on which – at the time - I couldn’t understand.
My family had not long moved into an old house that needed a fair bit of work done. Dad wasn’t much cop at that kind of thing so we’d got a couple of builders in. One was an old guy who spent most of his time in the pub or the bookies leaving most of the actual work to his assistant Dean, a black guy in his early 20s. Dean was the kind of guy that always intimidates me, good looking, fit, with a real cheeky up for it attitude. He was a hard worker all right but was always chatting up my sisters and my mum. They loved it too and whenever he was giving it some chat it was like me and Dad just faded into the background. I could tell that Dad found him intimidating too but he said nothing. Anyway I expected to find Dean working away when I got in but the house was empty so I headed upstairs to my room. As I passed my older sister Rachel’s room I stopped dead. Her bedroom door didn’t always shut properly unless you slammed it and sometimes would swing back open as it had now - not by much but enough for me to see a reflection in the mirror on the back wall. What I saw will stay with me till the day I die; Dean was lying back on the floor with my sister kneeling over him, wearing only the tiniest t-shirt and little panties, her head bobbing back and forth on his huge cock. This was just unbelievable. My sister was sucking cock! Black cock at that. I’d heard of blow jobs of course, some of the guys at school talked about them all the time and which of the girls could be persuaded to give one, but I always assumed it was just sluts who did it, not nice, well brought up girls like my sister. I had so much to learn. Rachel has always been a bit of a looker but she kind of knew it and could sometimes be a bitch to the many guys who tried chatting her up. Basically she was a prick tease but this guy had her on toast.He was in charge all right and just to prove I heard him growl.
‘C’mon then girl show Deano them big titties of yours.’
I watched in amazement as she sat back and obediently lifted her top. Wow. I mean wow. I was obviously aware that she had a good figure but I could not believe the size of my sister’s tits. They were incredible and, judging by the big cuckolds brownie grin on his face, Dean thought so too.
‘Fuckin’ sweet’ he said reaching out a big strong hand for a good feel of her abundant flesh.
That was enough to send me scurrying to my own room to pull out my own dick for a very fast, very intense wank my head filled with images of Zoe and my sister and the two black studs who were filling their boots. I crept back to the bedroom door a couple of more times which sadly had been pushed tight shut but I heard enough of his gruff, commanding voice and her soft moans to get me going again. No doubt about it Rachel was getting fucked senseless. As I jerked off again (and again) I couldn’t help comparing my own skinny body and small cock with Dean’s hard, muscular physique and the powerful monster he had between his legs. I actually thought that maybe that’s how I would be when I got a bit older. Needless to say that never happened.
The very next day I came home early again hoping for a repeat performance. I got there just too late as Dean was coming down the stairs as I hurried up. He was doing up his shirt and I got a good look at his hard, muscular body as we passed on the stairs him giving me a smug little smile. I still wanted to see Rachel, to catch her post-coitus as it were and just to look at her as if to say – ‘I know what you’ve been up to.’ She wouldn’t want to see me of course, her annoying little dweeb of a brother but tough. Her door was shut tight so I knocked. Nothing. I knocked again. Still nothing so I pushed open the door but the room was empty. Strange I thought as there really was no other reamister for Dean to be upstairs and he’d definitely had the look of a guy who’d just gotten his end away. Just then the door opposite opened and out came Mum. She was totally shocked to see me and got all flustered. ‘Oh Simon. It’s you. I wasn’t expecting you home so early.’
I just stared at Mum as it slowly dawned on me what this unexpected turn of events meant. He’d had her! The cocky bastard that had fucked my sister had seduced my mum as well. And fucked her! In her and Dad’s bed! Mum blushed furiously, looking down at the floor. It was a weird, weird feeling. Part of me was shocked and appalled but I just couldn’t help thinking about that big, black cock I’d seen Rachel sucking and that hard, strong, body. And Mum. Spreading her legs to get it good and hard from the virile, young stud. For once in my life I was grateful for my small cock. It meant she couldn’t see that I had a full on erection.
I was there when Dean came to collect the money for the work. Dad queried an amount on the bill marked ‘sundry extras’ which Dean said were for ‘a couple of extra jobs’ he’d done around the place. The cheeky bastard even winked at me. Just for a moment I thought he was going to pursue it but I saw it, the barely perceptible clench of muscle by Dean, and Dad totally backed down and paid up. Poor Dad. He never did know that he’d just paid for his wife and flower to get fucked. I knew it then; black guys were cooler than us. Better than us.
For a long time after that Mum would disappear for a few hours every now and then. If I asked Dad where she went he would just say she was meeting an old friend. When I asked how it was we never met this friend he would go red, shuffle uncomfortably then change the subject. I have long wondered how much he knew.Nothing? Unlikely. Did he suspect but turn a blind eye? Or did he know everything, maybe even encourage her? Get off on it? Did Mum come home and tell him all about it? I doubt it but you never know. I had often wondered how they had even ended up together. Dad was a kindly, gentle soul but – I’m afraid to say - he was a bit of a wimp. Mum was a good 10 years younger and good looking – an older version of Rachel really - and lively and fun whereas he was quiet, bookish and cerebral. I worried that this would all end in divorce but nothing ever happened. In fact, if anything, things at home got better. Mum could sometimes get uptight and short tempered but now she seemed so happy all the time, so relaxed. I had learned something; a bit of black dick on the side wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Posts: 247
Wow Simon - hot story! If even half was a faithful portrayal of real events, it seems inevitable that you would turn out a wimpy whiteboi. Amazing experiences in your formative years to shape you as a wanker recognizing the superiority of the real men. BBC rules! Nice  Thanks so much for writing this up.
simon softlad
Posts: 1012
If that was my first lesmister school was proving to be an on-going eye opener. Greenwood Comprehensive really was the arse-hole of the educational world whose main purpose seemed to be churning out a long line of burger flippers for our fast food restaurants chains and not much else. For a would be whiteboy wanker it was providing a very different kind of education. I’d only been there for a few months since the family had moved from a rural English village to the big city. My dad worked for the Church and up till now all his parishes had been out in the shires in the idyllic English countryside which had given us kids a comfortable, safes upbringing. That had suited me just fine but he got it into his head that he would be doing more useful working with the poor and disadvantaged of the inner-city. So we moved to London the thought of which terrified me
‘Oh don’t worry about it sweetie’ Mum said when I told her of my fears.
‘Maybe it will do you good to see some real life. You know, toughen you up a bit.’
That was all well and good except I didn’t really want to ‘toughen up’ and even if I did I wasn’t entirely sure I was up to it. It was OK for Mum, she was a London girl born and bred and I think she couldn’t wait to get back to the bright lights and the buzz of the city. Now I knew why!
Well the school was the scariest place I’d ever set foot in but kind of exciting too. It covered two large, sprawling inner-city estates and to my eyes the kids were unbelievably tough. And I couldn’t believe the number of black kids there were. Like a lot of middle-class family we had been brought up to be completely anti-racist without us ever actually knowing or even meeting any black people. It was a bit overwhelming. There was a gang of black guys that I soon learned ruled the roost. It was more about bravado and swagger than anything but it was enough. You definitely didn’t mess with them. I’d made up my mind to try to make the most of it, to try to fit in. I’d never really had much with the girls in my last school so –who knew - maybe my luck would change. There was certainly plenty of cute girls around. I was really nervous but had decided to try to act cool & confident, sort of fake it to you make it idea. That was a mistake. I tried too hard and probably came across as a bit of an annoying prick.
The main men, in my year anyway, were a guy called Tyrone and his ever present best mates Danny and Leon. I got my first indication of how thing worked very early on. I was chatting to a couple of girls when I felt a stinging blow to my ear. The girls melted away and I turned to see Tyrone looking me up and down, sizing me up, then nodding at me like – first warning. I found out later that he, Danny and Leon were regularly shagging both the girls. Next day they stopped me and roughed me up a bit. Nothing too bad but enough for me to learn my place in the school hierarchy which was right down at the bottom. I wonder if I’d just kept my head down things would have been different. I doubt it. I was different see, well-spoken, polite and respectful which in this world meant one thing. Weak. And any weakness got exploited.
Not long after that my mum dropped me at the school gates one morning just as a big group of the lads, Tyrone included, were piling in. I always found it embarrassing having a young looking attractive lady and never got used to knowing loads of guys fancied the arse off her. At the worst possible moment she had leaned out the car window to give me some money giving the guys an eyeful of her ample cleavage. I’d closed my eyes and looked to the heavens trying to ignore the whistles and crude comments. As usual mum had no idea what she had just done, driving off blissfully unaware of my total embarrassment.
That your mom then’ Tyrone said. I nodded
‘She some kinda slut? Showin’ them big titties to all the boys’
I knew it was a test, fighting talk to see if I’d the balls to stand up for myself and the reputation of my mum. The trouble was I’ve never been any good at confrontation and always back down if challenged. I was aware that all eyes were on me to see how I would react. I did nothing. My legs started to shake and my throat went dry so there really was nothing I could do but just stand there and take it.
Tyrone put his face right in mine and laughed.
‘Tell your mom, next time she cum down here she gonna get fucked. Slut’s gonna luv that.’
Now everyone was laughing and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me up. That was my card marked in a very public way. I was a wimp, a pushover, the guy you could say or do anything to and he’d do nothing about it.
That day went from bad to worse. It was already the day I had been dreading; my first PE class but as it turned out it was football (it was always football) which I thought might not be too bad. Back in the village I’d played a bit and even fancied I had a little of talent. That was soon knocked out of me when I saw the speed and power these guys played at which left me breathless. On the few occasions I touched the ball I’d be instantly tackled, beaten and left in a crumpled heap on the turf. At the end I trudged wearily back to the changing rooms knowing the worst ordeal was still to come, the thing that wimps the world over dread; the showers.
I was already self-conscious about my build, tall and skinny as I was and of course with a pathetically small dick but comparing myself to them, the black boys, just crushed my ego even more. They were all so strong looking and the number of cocks that hung down thick and long between their muscular thighs just about took my breath away. No doubt about it; they were men while I was still a boy - if even that! The weekly P.E. classes and showers were always an ordeal for me. My poor physique were a source of endless amusement, especially to the black kids and they saddled me with a new nickname – ‘Dickweed.’Tyrone was particularly impressive with big muscles and – it almost goes without saying – a horse like cock. I actually wondered if he was the top dog because he had the biggest dick and got the most pussy. Or did he get the most pussy because he was the top dog with the biggest dick. All I knew was he got loads of pussy. Already the guy was a legend. On one occasion Tyrone asked me if I’d ever fucked a girl. I had to admit that I was still a virgin much to everyone’s amusement.
‘Ever seen a pair of tits? And Mommy’s don’t count.’
Again I had to say no. He laughed
‘Fuckin’ hell what a loser. Last night Dickweed, Carole Metcalf, Susan Smith, Maria Cassidy.’
Oh God he’d just named three of the cutest white girls in our year.
‘Came round mine with Danny and Leon here. Got their tits out and sucked our dicks. What d’ya think of that?’
I never have had much control over my dick and the thought of those three cuties and their big, hard dicks well, you can guess.
‘You like that eh? You gonna be wankin’ over that tonight loser?’
Take it from me, I did.
The black lads – those three in particular - definitely ruled the roost at the school and certainly in my year. I learned that there had used to be an equivalent gang of white kids which caused a fair bit of tension between the two until things came to a head with a big fight Apparently the white guys took a real hammering and now they kept their heads down. That must have been a sore one because as far as I could see the black boys got the pick of the best looking girls - black and white. The prize of the victors I guess. Put it this way I saw plenty of white girls with black lads but in all my time I don’t think I ever so a black girl going with a white boy. It must have awoke something deep in me because every time I saw a pretty white girl with a black guy getting kissed or groped – which I did, a lot – it gave me a little stiffy. Some of the graffiti around the place really intrigued me. ‘Boyz get the pussy’, ‘whiteboys suck my dick’, ‘Janet Miller takes my black cock up the arse.’ It was everywhere and it sure made me think. Certainly gave this whiteboy plenty of wank fuel.
I don’t think the girls were complaining much either – they all seemed to love a bit of black cock, even the ones who pretending they didn’t. One day we were all going into a class when an older girl Melanie Hart was walking down the corridor. She was well known as one of the hottest girls in school – Melanie Melons they called her for obvious anatomical reamisters – but with a reputation for being a bit stuck up. Tyrone and the lads were always going on about what they’d like to do to her. Just as she passed us Tyrone stepped out and slapped her arse. She turned angrily to face him.
'What the hell do you…’ she started to say but Tyrone coolly gave her large breasts a tweak.
‘You bastard’ she yelled.’ You cocky little cuckolds brownie.’
He just laughed.
‘Yeah and you fuckin’ luv it dontcha girl? ‘Want some of this do ya? he said rubbing his crotch up and down
She was about to slap him but before she could react he planted a kiss full on the lips. She struggled a bit but as he mashed and ground into her she was definitely succumbing and when he finally broke she was breathing real hard. Tyrone smirked at her.
‘Bet that little cunt o’ yours is twitching now ain’t it?’
Melanie turned bright red as some of the other boys whistled and cheered. She looked like she might say something but just turned on her heels and trotted quickly away.
I thought he’d gone too far. Melanie was like a head girl, well in with the teachers and I fully expected Tyrone to get pulled up for it. He didn’t seem concerned though as he laughed with his mates at what he’d just done.
‘Gonna be fuckin’ that bitch soon boys’
’Just a couple of days later I saw them together – Tyrone and Melanie – walking along the canal tow path I use on the way home from school. I followed form a discreet distance noticing he had his hand on her arse again but she wasn’t complaining this time. They veered off up a small hill towards a thick clump of trees. Even I knew what went on up there; shagging. I stopped at the bottom and agonised. I wanted to go up and spy on them, to see if they were doing what I thought – what a sight that would be – but I was also scared at what Tyrone would do to me if he caught me. After a while curiosity got the better of me so I crept up to and hid behind a tree. Tyrone’s boast had come true, he had Melanie on all fours banging her hard from behind, her big titties swinging wildly to his hard thrusts. She was loving it too moaning and groaning and urging him on. I watched him boss her around for a good while then shoot his load deep inside her.
‘Where’s my bra? Where’s my panties?’ she said afterwards desperately trying to get dressed quickly.
‘Christ Tyrone where are they? Shit I’m meeting my boyfriend in like 10 minutes.’
‘Dunno’ he said laughing as she scrabred about looking for them until she gave up and got dressed as best she could. It was pretty obvious that she was braless as she ran off and she was going to have some explaining to do to her boyfriend. I just hope he wasn’t planning to go down on her. Actually what am I saying? I hope he was!
As Tyrone walked off he passed close by me taking her bra out of her pocket and throwing it at me.
‘You can jerk off into these’ he said and walked away.
Posts: 2117
IMO we need more stories on this site, so thanks Simon for writing a new and readable one.
simon softlad
Posts: 1012
Thanks guys. Here is another bit.
That was Tyrone all over- shagging everything that moved. I -on the other hand was getting nothing – and there didn’t seem to be much chance of that changing. I was hanging about with the other nerds, misfits and losers – the guys the hot girls don’t give a second glance. Or if they do it’s to laugh at. There was only one girl I thought I had a chance with – Zoe.
Zoe was a bit geeky herself, with thick glasses and mousy hair but she was kind of cute as well and you could tell that under the old fashioned, shapeless clothes she usually wore that she had really smoking, little body. She lived near me as well in one of the few nice areas in the neighbourhood. Most of the kids nearby got sent to private school so basically it was just me and Zoe. Being from a ‘posh area’ set us slightly apart – we weren’t ever entirely to be trusted – so that kind of strengthened the bond between us. I really liked her and as we spent more time together walking to and from school my crush grew and grew. I knew well enough by now that I was never going to have much success with the opposite sex but Zoe seemed different to the other girls being quiet, studious and thoughtful. If it was going to happen with anyone it would be her. The more I thought about it the more I decided I would ask her out. What was the worst that could happen? She might turn me down but she would do it gently, she was much too nice for anything else, not like some of the girls who wouldn’t think twice about crushing a loser. And maybe she wouldn’t say no. We got on well enough and she did seem to like me OK. Nor was there any sign of any other boyfriends on the scene. Maybe I’d actually have myself a girlfriend. Maybe I’d finally get laid! What a thought that was.
I steeled myself to do – to ask her out on a date - walking to school one morning. It was a beautiful summer’s day and for once Zoe was wearing a light shirt which gave tantalising hint at the delights that surely lay beneath. Once or twice our bare arms touched which was enough to get my horny cock throbbing. It was all perfectly set up but my bottle failed me at the crucial moment so the question remained unasked. Definitely later on the way home I thought. Maybe I would have if it hadn’t been for the events of the day. Tyrone had been really winding me up for days giving me verbals whenever he got the chance and he really laid it on thick that day. I’d told my mum about him and how he picked on me and she had said to try standing up to him.
‘He’s just a bully’ she said. ‘And bullies always back down if you stand up to them.’
People are always saying that and let me just say it is utter horsecuckolds brownie! Guys like Tyrone love conflict, they are good at it and when I tried to answer him back it just made things worse for me. We were moving between classes when he grabbed me in front of three girls from our class. I tried to struggle free but he was just too strong and I was stuck fast in his grip. I gave up just hoping that whatever he had in mind would be quick as the girls looked on with interest, always ready for a bit of drama. Just at that moment Zoe came round the corner.
‘Oh please don’t hurt him Tyrone’ she said which somehow made the situation all the more humiliating like I needed a girl to protect me. He laughed mocking her middle-class accent then looked her up and down maybe noticing for the first time that she was a bit of a cutie.
‘OK sugartits I won’t hurt him but you girls wanna know why we call him dickweed.’The three bitches giggled and nodded. Oh God, I could see where this was going and struggled again but it was no use, it was going to happen. He pulled on my trousers and tugged them down then in one swift move my pants were pulled down exposing my tiny cock which in fear had shrivelled to about the size of a peanut.
‘Oh my God’ said one of the girls. ‘It’s fucking tiny. My baby brother’s got a bigger one than that’
‘What a loser. You’re never gonna get laid with that. You gonna die a virgin boy.’
Tyrone had me tuck my cock between my legs and proclaim:-
‘I’m a little girl. Look at my little pussy’ which caused hysterics. Even Zoe put her hand up to her mouth to suppress a giggle.
It was a horrible experience but I admit, part of me enjoyed it. I enjoyed being exposed, ridiculed and humiliated particularly in front of Zoe. There was absolutely no question of me getting my hands on her now or any girl for that matter as my ‘little’ offense became common knowledge throughout the school. The bit that everyone found funniest was that I hadn’t been able to hide that -at some level- I’d found it exciting if you get my meaning. Yes, after a bit everything I had to offer had been on show to the girls. Trust me they weren’t exactly forming a queue after that. What did happen was Tyrone started to pursue Zoe, never missing an opportunity to show me up as a wimp in front of her, until that fateful day I saw them kissing. It wasn’t long until he was fucking her.
Zoe started to change. She got new trendy slimmed down glasses, a sleek bobbed hairdo and started wearing bolder, more revealing clothes. Just as I suspected she was hot, really hot, which just increased my frustration at blowing my chances with her. At least I managed to stay friends with her. She seemed happy enough to still hang out with me but made it perfectly clear - I had no chance. She even suggested that I could be her sort of platonic boyfriend as long as I accepted that Tyrone would be calling the shots between her legs. I happily accepted. After all there was zero chance of me ever getting any pussy so at least I could be around real, genuine hotty even if it was frustrating as hell. It suited her to have a nice, safe boyfriend she could take home to throw her over-protective parents off the scent. So that’s what happened. Everyone at school got to know that Zoe was my ‘girlfriend’ but Tyrone made sure that everyone also knew that I never actually got to shag her whilst he – the school stud – was having her whenever he liked. Sometimes he would feel her up in front of me and others which I found so humiliating but also extremely arousing. Once he even flashed her bare pussy to me and some of the other geeks just to show that he could. I guarantee that there wasn’t one of us who didn’t jerk off hard that night.
We were walking home together through a park when we came across Tyrone and the ever present Danny and Leon. I was sure that they were both shagging her as well when Tyrone gave the OK. That’s what tended to happen with his white girlfriends – they got passed around all the boys. Predictably he took her off me and they started fooling around. He was really going to town feeling her tits when she said to stop it.
‘Not in front of him’
‘Why not. He’s lovin’ it. He jerks off every night ‘bout this.’
‘Ain’t that right dickweed. You’re little dick getting’ all hard?’
It was true. I had a hard-on. He laughed as did Danny and Leon.
‘Watch this dickweed’.
He eased out her breasts.
‘What d’ya think of these then’ he said fondling them right in front of me. They were beautiful not the biggest ever but big enough on petite frame and so pert with perky nipples growing hard under his expert touch. Zoe began to moan softly which set me off. I swear I shot my load there and then without even touching myself.
‘C’mon baby’ he said. ‘Forget this loser’ and the four of them walked off leaving me to clean myself up.
Posts: 247
The following parts surpass the hot introduction. Well written, imaginative, and with good pace and plot. Ace! Enjoyed  Thanks Simon.
Posts: 195
Posts: 50
Please do continue. It is a hot story can't wait to read more.
Posts: 50
Please do continue. It is a hot story can't wait to read more.
Posts: 274
Great story!!! Very well written, Simon, can't wait for the next instalment. Well done.
Posts: 50
Are you going to add anymore? I really enjoyed what you wrote so far and would love to read some. Thank you,
Posts: 129
Brilliant! Bravo! I'm going to be late getting to work - again 
Posts: 81
We need more of this.
Posts: 247
Agreed. A hot story that shines a light on the world of the contemporary whiteboi and the dilemma he faces now. Top work.
Posts: 335
Wimps like us can all relate. Continue so we can jackoff some more.