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Cuck Sitting

Rating: 18


Posts: 235
#1 · Edited by: Herpleezer
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By herpleezer

The following story is based upon facts....i am a cuckold and my Wife is a mature escort and Dominatrix. She does see about 3 or 4 guys a week when She is not working. She does in fact have me "cuck sitted" but usually by one of Her fellow professionals who live nearby. We only started calling it "cuck sitting" recently.

Princess Loren is fantasy, but most of the story is true.

As those of you who have followed my writing know, my Wife is a mature escort and Dominatrix. She also has a very active private love life and prefers black Bulls of any age and young, hung white Bulls. When She is not working, She normally sees about 3 or 4 guys a week. Sometimes i am allowed to watch and other times, She prefers to see them privately.

Like many cuckolds, i am given chores to do when She is seeing a Bull. It may be housework, but we are self-employed and many times, it is just boring clerical work which She assigns me. Well needless to say it is very difficult to keep my mind on business knowing that She is with a Bull. Lately She has become angry with me for not getting enough work done while She is out. Three nights ago She really gave me hell "What have you been doing while I've been on my dates"? She asked. "Well I don't know, I guess I've been trying to keep my mind on business." I replied. "I know what you've been've been masturbating haven't you...well haven't you"? She yelled. "Yes, Milady...but i always think of you, no one else, I swear" i replied meekly. She calmed down "Now that's sweet honey, but I would expect You to only think of me. That doesn't make it any better does it?"She asked. "No, Milady" i answered. "Well i think i have a solution to this. i tried putting you in chastity when Lady T was here but your "Little pee pee" was just too small and your scrotum was too thick. You know that, don't you"? She stated in a quite businesslike manner. "Yes, Milady" i murmured as i hung my head. "Well i think i know what to do about this." She said and didn't say another word that night. i went to bed wondering what She meant.

The next morning She made a few calls in private and then had me sit down next to Her....i was naked, as i normally am at home and She was dressed. "I have found a solution to your masturbation problem. Do you want to know what it is?"She asked. I thought it would be another type of chastity device or something. "Well i don't know what it is Milady"? i asked. Now most of Her Female friends are in the sex business also - escorts, masseuses, dominatrixes, etc. and they all know i am a cuckold. So She said "Until i can trust that you are doing your work properly when I am with my Bulls, I have decided to have a cuck sitter for you.” She said in a matter-of-fact way. “A cuck sitter”? I asked, “what do You mean Milady”? Well just like a young would get in all sorts of mischief while his Mother is out, you play with your little pee pee all the time I am out. Is this not correct” She stated. I was aghast at the thought but my little pee pee did get hard right away. “See, you like the idea, don’t you”? She asked “Well I don’t know Milady” I replied. “Well you may not feel that way tonight when I go on my date” She said. “This time you will get some work done. Honestly the thought of you playing with that little thing while I am on a date stops me from truly enjoying myself. You don’t want that do you”? She asked “No Milady, You deserve to enjoy yourself to the fullest” I replied. “Good boy. Now tonight I will introduce you to your first cuck sitter” She said.

I had to wait all day to see what would happen. I assisted Her bathing and getting dressed. This was something I always loved to do and of course it got me aroused. “I see Mr. pee pee is already aroused. It’s a good thing your sitter will be here tonight” She laughed. I expected one of Her many sex professional friends to be my sitter. That would have been humiliating enough, but when the doorbell rang, She told me to answer it naked as normal. All of Her friends had seen me naked many times, so that would not be a big deal. However when I answered the door, I could not believe my eyes… was a young girl, about 20 years old! “You must be the cuckold” She smiled and asked. I was in shock and said “Yes, yes I am Miss”. “Well are you going to keep me waiting by the door all day?” She said as She immediately took control and had me apologize to Her right away “I am so sorry Miss..please, please come in” I stammered. I was totally caught by surprise. Now I had served many Dominant Women and was used to being humiliated, but this was something new. I had never served a young Woman of Her age.

She entered the house and said “Lovely place…I guess the Mistress of the house is getting dressed for Her date”? She stated. “Yes, yes Miss” I murmured. “Well do you have a place for me to sit and maybe a take”? She asked haughtily. “Of course Miss” as I showed Her to the chair Milady usually sits in and got Her a take. Just then Milady entered the room, “Well you must be Loren…your lady told me so much about you and you’re just as lovely as She said".

I was instructed to leave them alone as they chatted and then was told to come into the living room and to stand at attention and listen. Milady stated “This is Lady K’s flower Loren, She will be your sitter tonight. I tried to have Lady K sit you, but She had a date also. Fortunately Loren is back from college on break right now and She has graciously offered to fill in.” I was flabbergasted and didn’t know what to say. “You will treat Her just as you treat me…with respect and obedience. Do you understand” She asked “Yes, Milady of course” Good, now you will cook and serve Her dinner and then do your work. I have told Her that I am maintaining an “open door” policy with you from now on in regards to use of the toilet. From now on whenever you use the toilet, you will leave the door open so that I or your sitter know that you are not masturbating. You see I have filled Her in on your masturbation problem. Do you understand?” She asked. Now I have suffered many offenses over the years, but this was something new. “Do you mean even if I have to have a bowel movement Milady:”? “Yes, how else can we know that you are not masturbating”? “Oh my God” I thought..what have I gotten into?

My Mistress went on “Now I know this is very humiliating for you, but it is for your good. Just because I date a few times a week, should not mean that you don’t do your work. If your little pee pee was of a normal size and your scrotum skin wasn’t so thick, we could fit you with a chastity device. The only other solution would be to have you pierced and I don’t think you want that do you cucky?” No, Milady I replied softly. “Then this is best solution. Now I have told Loren that if you are a good boy and get your work done, I may have a treat for you when I come home. Would you like that”? She asked “Oh yes Milady..i’ll be good” I replied hopefully. “Well we shall see. Now Loren, you are in full charge here. I know your Mom well and I know She raised You to be a Domme also, so this will be good practice for You. Enjoy Yourself..You have the run of the house and cucky will be here to serve You. I will be home around 2 am. “ She said and left.
Part 2 to follow


Posts: 22
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one of my favorite themes - very nice - thank you


Posts: 235
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peaches, my pleasure...i am working on part 2


Posts: 235
#4 · Edited by: Herpleezer
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By herpleezer
Posts: 125
#1 Posted: Yesterday, 22:00 · Edited by: Herpleezer
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The door closed and Miss Loren and I were alone. “This is going to be fun” Miss Loren giggled. “Come over here cucky and let me take a good look at you” Miss Loren said. “My Mom told me a little bit about cuckolding and I want to learn from you what this is all about.” She was all smiles as She made Herself comfortable. She was a beautiful young Lady and She was dressed very plainly with no makeup. “Usually I like to dress up kinda slutty with a lot of makeup, spike heels and a short skirt, but my Mom told me to behave myself too, because I am here to see that you do your work and not play with yourself. Oh, let me take a look at that little thing….Mom told me it was small, but that’s smaller than any cock I have ever seen…and I’ve seen a lot of them! What does Milady call it? She asked. I hung my head and whispered “little pee pee or little Wilbur” She busted out laughing. “Oh my God! That’s the funniest thing I ever heard. Wait til I tell my girlfriends! But actually it does look like a pee pee on a little boy doesn’t it” she laughed. “Yes Miss Loren it looks like a little boy penis”. I stood in front of Her while she looked me over. She had me turn around slowly…her Mom had told Her this is good way to break in a sub….the offense was intense as I slowly turned. “Bend over and spread em”! She ordered.

I now knew that this was going to be more than just “cuck sitting”. “Your ass isn’t much to look at either. I love rimming a guy but I would think you don’t get that too often, do you?” she sneered. “No Miss” I said while still facing the other way. “What I can’t hear you”? “No Miss”….”Well I can see why”.”Ok let me take a good look at that pee pee” She said. “I turned around beet red, but hard and as big as I could be. “It really is the tiniest cock I have ever seen…it does nothing for me and I can see why your Wife needs real men….can’t you”? I looked down and said “Yes Miss”. She didn’t touch it but she had me turn right and left and pull it aside. She then said, “These balls are tiny too. My Mom said that She and your Mistress tried to fit you in a chastity device. Is that right?” Yes, Miss ..a CB6000.” She laughed and said “Yes I have seen them. Do you have it to show me?” Once again all I could say is “Yes, Miss”. “Well then get it for me”! “Yes, Miss it’s in my bedroom” I replied. “Do you mean you don’t relax in the same bedroom with your Wife” she asked. “No Miss…I have my own small room, so that Milady can have privacy when She has a Bull here”. “That’s fantastic…I have to see it”

So I showed Her my little bedroom. It is really just a small guest room or young’s room. It is sparsely furnished with a bed, a chair, dresser, table and computer. However the thing that caught Her attention were the photos on the wall...all of black men. “Well isn’t this a cute little room. Now just who are the handsome black men in the photos?” she asked. I hung my head and said that they were ten of my Wife’s favorite and current Bulls. She did not laugh as I had feared. Instead She said “You know this cuckolding is a wonderful idea. This way you are always reminded of the real men She enjoys.” “Yes, Miss” was once again all I could say.

I handed Her the CB 6000 and She examined it closely. She held it up to my little cock but made sure not to touch it. “It’s so cute. Too bad it doesn’t work. But then again if it worked I wouldn’t be here would I”? “No, Miss” I mumred. “Ok cuck, you get to work on your computer and I will check in on you from time-to-time. “Yes, Miss”

I sat down and stared at my computer…my little cock was aching to be masturbated, but I knew I could not. I didn’t want to ask what the consequences of attempting to jerk off would be….


Posts: 14692
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Much better - easier to read. Thanks for making the changes. Looking forward to the next part


Posts: 235
#6 · Edited by: Herpleezer
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By herpleezer
So I sat at my computer and tried to get my mind on business…there would be hell to pay if I didn’t get any work done tonight. I sat there, naked with my little cock aching. I stared at the screen for what must have been ten minutes. Suddenly I heard “cucky, I need a take”! I scurried inside to find Loren lounging on the couch with her shoes off and talking on her cell phone. It was obvious that she had already called at least one of her girlfriends and was talking about me. “It’s so tiny and you won’t believe what it’s called - “little pee-pee” she giggled and I could hear the girl on the line also laughing. She made me stand there in front of her as she went on “yes, his wife is out with one of her black lovers and he is here serving me” she laughed while I stood there with my head down and naked. “Well what do you want”? she said “I wish to get you your take but I don’t know what you want” I said “Make me a Mai Tai” and I answered “Yes Miss” and I went to the bar area to begin mixing her take. She continued on the phone like I wasn’t even there. “Well I have been doing mostly white guys but I have never really been pleased with their cocks. Some are ok but I think I want bigger. I am going to ask his wife to set me up with some of them. Why not, I am 20 now and it’s time to really try some of this BBC I hear so much about”.
I gave her her take and she waved me off and said “get back to work cucky” and I did. An hour later I heard “cucky come in here”! I almost ran inside. “How long is it since you got laid”? “About 2 years Miss” I replied as she stared at my cock. “Well I can see why” What do you do to make sure your Wife has the sex She needs”? Well I serve Her as Her private secretary and help Her to find Bulls and I suggest outfits to wear and help her prepare for Her dates. I am also a good masseur and give her an “Avant massage Miss”. “What is an “avant massage” she asked. “Well avant in French means “before” and I concentrate on limbering her up and especially her anus because She loves anal sex and I open her up Miss” “Now that’s a really wonderful idea!” She exclaimed…”I like that!” she laughed.

“I see and what do you when She has a bull come to the house”? I greet the Bull and serve them takes, put out condoms and stay out of their way, unless they want me to be present Miss. If they go out, I make reservations for them for dinner if they wish and sometimes I drive them Miss”. “That is really a wonderful service to your Mistress. What do you do after She comes home or if the Bull leaves”? She asked. “Well I help to undress her and put her clothes away and then I run a bath for Her and give her an “Apres massage Miss…”après means “after” in French Miss” I added. “What exactly is an “après massage though”? she asked. “Well I soothe her. Many times Her anus and vagina are swollen and Her breasts are sore from biting Miss” “Oh so your Mistress likes rough sex with her Bulls?” she asked. “Yes Miss many times she has bite marks on her body also” and I put cream on the marks Miss”.

Miss Loren was very impressed. “You know I thought that this cuckolding was just some kind of a game but I can see that it really provides a great service. I think I might start thinking about getting one myself. I know at least two white guys at school who are crazy about me. They don’t appeal to me at all, but maybe I will have them start serving me. I know when my roommate and I are done fucking our boyfriends, our room is a mess. I could have these wimps over to clean up…hmm..not a bad idea. If I did what do you think they would want from me cucky?” “I don’t know Miss, maybe a chance to wash your underwear or to kiss your feet would be enough” I guessed. “That’s all? Shit I could that for these wimps. Maybe I will have them buy my books too!” she exclaimed “I am sure they would Miss. They would do anything just to stand naked before you” I added.
I was then sent back to my room and called for whenever she needed anything. She smoked and every time she needed a light, I was called. She also had me stop calling her “Miss” and instead I had to call her “Princess” and she truly acted like one.

After a while I had to pee and I asked permission and this was also a new offense. I asked her “Princess may I urinate”? “Oh okay but I have to watch you in the bathroom. I told your Mistress I wouldn’t let you in the bathroom alone. “

So She followed me to the toilet and I sat down. “Why are you sitting down “? She asked. “Because my Mistress makes me sit down because my little pee pee sometimes misses the toilet” I answered red faced. “Oh my God! I have got to tell my girlfriend..stay there” and she took a photo of me and sent it to her friend. They laughed and laughed. I went back to my work.

There were constant interruptions...”cucky I need a take, light my cigarette, empty the ashtray, get me a snack” She used the bathroom a few time and never flushed. “cucky flush the toilet” she would yell.
I got a bit of work done when I heard the door open, my Mistress had finally returned. She was a mess, as She always was when she came home after a date. Her stockings were off and her hair was messed and her face was red. “Oh what a fucking he gave me…what a man”! she told Princess. “cucky have you been a good boy”? “Yes Milady…I did everything Princess Loren asked” I replied. “Princess Loren..that’s wonderful…you must like being a cuck sitter!” she laughed and Princess replied “oh yes, I want one of my own!” “Well you deserve one. Did he get any work done”? “I think he did..did you cucky?” Yes Princess I did get the project done Milady assigned me”. “Well then I think you deserve a reward. Thank you Loren I will tell your Mom what a good job you did and I would like you to cuck sit again if you wish”. Princess Loren replied “Anytime and I learned a lot from cucky too”. Milady also gave Princess the phone numbers of three of her bulls.

Princess left and Milady began dropping her clothes on the floor in the bedroom. “ I am going to need a bath and an “apres massage”...he really did me hard tonight. However before you start my bath I have something for you cucky”. My little cock was stiff and Milady said “aw…how cute it is. Ok get under the Queening Throne and my heart raced…maybe She would allow me to clean Her up. But I didn’t get my hopes up because she always has her lover wear a condom.

“Get comfortable under there…no not by my pussy…move to my ass”…my heart pounded…..”my bull broke his condom the last time he fucked me, so I decided to give you a rare treat. Pucker your mouth all around my asshole and get good suction”. This had never happened before and it was totally unexpected. Soon gobs of cum began to slowly drop into my waiting mouth. “Are you getting it all cucky? I hope you enjoy it. I told my bull I would let you have it. He fucked my ass raw so be gentle cucky” She sat there for about 20 minutes…”Oh that’s so good..lick it gently. He was in there for over an hour and when he frogfucked me he pounded me and then the condom broke and I could feel it was huge load…so enjoy..dont swallow right away…keep it in your mouth and enjoy it”

She sat there and I was in heaven but wondered if this was something new…she told me before she left that she would have a treat for me…..did the condom really break or did he not use one?

I would love to hear comments....


Posts: 14692
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Very nice. Now Mistress needs to check your work and see if you got enough done.


Posts: 1914
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Big turnaround in style. Thanks for a good effort so far.


Posts: 235
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My pleasure "peakmb". I just wish I would get more comments!


Posts: 14692
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Herpleezer, don't worry about it. It's the nature of the beast. If you enjoy writing the story, that is enough.
I don't get many comments either. The ones that comment are always the same.
Speaking of comment, I don't recall you commenting on my stories (dig


Posts: 247
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Hot story Herpleezer. Thanks

It is an unusual but fascinating plot line. I hope for more please.


Posts: 235
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I have added the following at the beginning of the story:

The following story is based upon facts....i am a cuckold and my Wife is a mature escort and Dominatrix. She does see about 3 or 4 guys a week when She is not working. She does in fact have me "cuck sitted" but usually by one of Her fellow professionals who live nearby. We only started calling it "cuck sitting" recently.

Princess Loren is fantasy, but most of the story is true.


Posts: 106
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Fascinating story! Please keep going. It is appreciated!


Posts: 235
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Thanks for the encouragement "monstrol"!


Posts: 1289
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Great work. Really enjoyable. Thank you.


Posts: 235
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I want to thank all of you who have written and said you enjoyed the story. I will continue when I have a chance.


Posts: 14692
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Time for a bump


Posts: 235
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I agree Timmy27....I have not had the time, but I will start working on the next chapter.


Posts: 235
#19 · Edited by: Herpleezer
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BY herpleezer
Milady sat over my face for a few more minutes and told me to continue licking Her anus…”Easy, gently….it’s so sore. Who do I have coming over tomorrow?” “Bull T will be here tomorrow Milady.” I replied. “Oh good, it’s been a few weeks since I was with him but I am concerned….he always fucks my ass so hard and he is so thick. I am going to want an “Apres Treatment” tonight. “I had anticipated that She would require a massage and had everything prepared. “It is all set up for You Milady” I mumred. “Good, get up and start soothing the rest of me”!

I got up and felt a little dizzy. I didn’t even have time to wipe Her Bull’s cum from my face. “Leave it on there….that’s another way you can share in my dates”. “Thank You Milady” I said as She lay on the table. I have a small light I use and I could see that Her ass was red. “Bull U was so rough tonight…he even spanked me a little. So be gentle and use lots of cream.” For about 10 minutes I gently rubbed her bottom. I concentrated on massaging the rim of Her anus, but of course never going inside. I have actually developed a way to do this because so many of the Ladies I serve engage in very hard anal sex. I apply oil and then slowly and gently rub all around the rim of the anus.

Mistress K called to see how the cuck sitting went with Her Daughter Princess Loren. “It went very well…he even calls Her Princess Loren” She laughed. “Yes, I think that cuck sitting may become more popular among us Ladies. It’s a great solution to keeping the husbands docile when we date. I bet my hubby is not the only one who masturbates when he should be getting chores done”. Mistress K agreed and said that it was indeed a great solution, though most of Milady’s friends’ husbands were in chastity. “Yes, even though he’s in chastity, this assures that he can’t just fuck off or try to rub his little pee pee”.

As I was massaging Her and She spoke on the phone, She began to touch my aroused cock and kind of flick it. “Ah, you should see it now…all hard and getting wet. He will have to learn that just because he gets a little hard on, that does not mean he is going to cum. OK, well I have T coming over tomorrow and I better get some relax. Good night, K” she said “Okay, run my bath and then put me to bed.”
I already had Her bubble bath poured and assisted Her in getting in the tub. I sat on my knees as I gently washed Her back. “You do realize that since you no longer have sex and that your masturbation is now under control that my goal for you is to be in effect a eunuch servant? Yes, I have been doing some reading on eunuchs in ancient Rome and that is really the best role for you. Now eunuchs are castrated but of course that’s not even something to discuss...I love you and would never have you castrated. However I think it would be best if you became my eunuch but with your little balls intact. We will accomplish this simply by ignoring them. They’re so tiny no one can even notice them. So we are going to treat you as a eunuch. What do you say to that?” I hung my head and said “I knew this was coming, it was only a matter of time. However I do know that if I cannot masturbate at any time, I will become more and more docile and that way I will become a better servant to You Milady”. “Exactly and you will begin to take more joy in my pleasure and in serving me. I asked Mistress K if She would be available to cuck sit you tomorrow. She is that She is supposed to see Lady T for dinner tomorrow night. So I volunteered your services to the both of them. You will prepare takes and cook for them. They may also want massages or other services.”

This was a statement – not a request, I would serve two Women. I had been with both many times, but not together and not without Milady. “I will be honored to serve the Ladies, Milady” “Of course you will. You have been such a good servant tonight that I am going to give you another treat” I thought that She might allow me to touch Her vagina, but She had something else in mind” “You know how I usually give you a little good night peck before you tuck me in ? Yes I said “ Well I spent a lot of time rimming him tonight and I thought before you pour me my mouth wash, that I would give you a proper good night kiss and you can enjoy his fragrance. What do you have to say” Oh thank You Milady, thank You! She kissed me right on the lips for longer than She had since I became Her cuckold servant. I could taste the musky smell of Her Bull’s asshole and my little cock was standing straight out. “ Now see what I have done? I can’t trust you yet not to masturbate when you go to room. So you can relax on the floor next to me tonight. You can even have a blanket, but see that I am not to be disturbed! Do you understand boy? “Oh yes Milady thank You”. She got into bed and I handed Her the vibrator. I listened while She moaned and after about five minutes She came and dropped the vibrator. It took me hours to get to relax.

After serving Milady Her breakfast in bed, I got busy cleaning the house and preparing everything for the Ladies who would be cuck sitting me that night. I also had to spend time cooking for them while meanwhile preparing Milady for Her date. “I think it’s wonderful that Princess Loren is such a Domme at a young age. When I was young, very few Women understood their potential. Now Women like us can have it all…a loving husband who serves us and supports our lifestyle and we also have all the sex we want from our Bulls. I can’t wait to talk with Loren to discuss cuckolding in more detail. “

The hours seem to fly by. I continued preparing for dinner and also managed to give Milady Her “avant” (before) massage and assisted Her in bathing and selecting Her outfit for the night. It was a revealing dress which was very low cut and short….there was no doubt She intended to have sex. She wore only a tiny g string under it and Cuban stockings and garter belt. I only had to bathe myself and shave my face and my groin in preparation for the Ladies…once again I would naked, except for my collar, for them.
Lady K arrived first and I greeted Her at the door and bowed. She didn’t even look at me and just walked by and kissed and embraced Milady. “I am just thrilled that Loren is becoming such a wonderful, young Domme. It is great that She has your cuck to practice with.” Yes, it’s a win-win all around for you, for me, for Loren and him. You know that Loren is getting to understand cuckolding and getting used to be being spoiled and I know that my eunuch will not try to touch himself while I am with my Bulls!”

The door bell rang and I scurried over and opened the door for Lady T. Now I have served Lady K a number of times, but I have served Lady T countless times and have been intimate with Her for many years. “Hello cucky” she chimed “Hello Lady T I am honored to serve You tonight” “Of course you are cucky!” She laughed and kissed Milady and Lady K long, slow kisses. “Oh you look so hot…which of the Bulls are you seeing tonight? “ “Bull T”…She said as She got a big smile on Her face. “Oh you are going to be sore after tonight!” Lady K said…”.he just did me the other night and I could hardly walk afterward” Lady T exclaimed “Oh yeah he’s not only hung but can he fuck ass! Oh my God! “ Milady agreed and said “Well fortunately I have my cuck here to sooth me afterward”.

I was going to serve them takes when Milady surprised me….”cucky I have a present for you and now is the perfect time to give it to you”. “What is it Milady”? “Close your eyes and feel….I could not make out what was in the package…oh okay…you can open your eyes and unwrap it. As I opened the package I really didn’t know what to expect. Then to my mortification I saw that it was a slave tray…the type that attaches to a collar by two chains and a tray sticks out from the slave’s waist. “See cucky….this will help You serve takes or snacks or condoms to the Ladies. What do you have to say? I gulped and before I could say anything, the Ladies burst out laughing….but Ladies I know you think it’s funny but it’s also practical. “Here cucky, let me attach it to your collar….that’s it….you look like a complete Ladies’ servant. Thank You Milady, Thank You…I am sure the tray will allow me to serve better”…I mumred being even more humble than before. “He is such a good slave and cuckold….I have to train mine better” said Lady K. “Yes and you will experience tonight how he serves two Ladies for the first time. I know he will make me proud….won’t you cucky?” Milady said as She flicked her finger on my little cock and laughed.

I stood there under their gaze as they laughed from the couch they were sitting on. “Let’s try it out…go get the Ladies some wine”…I walked off into the bar area with my head hung low. When I returned the Ladies were all smiles as I served them their wine off the tray. This may have been the lowest point I had ever hit. “why do you look so glum cucky…don’t you like your gift”? Milady asked cruelly “Well yes I like it Milady but it’s so humiliating” That got me a slap in the face. “Let’s settle something right now and right in front of these Ladies. I told you that you are in fact now not only a cuckold, but a eunuch…did I not?” I could not believe She was saying this in front of the two Ladies. “You have to realize that you are in fact no longer a man in the true sense but a eunuch. Therefore you should be beyond being humiliated by serving. This is your role…your “little Wilbur” there is not ever going to have sex again and they are here to be served and to make sure you don’t masturbate!” Lady K exclaimed “little Wilbur”..i love it! “Yes the only role he has is serving and pleasing Women. “ Turning to the Ladies, She said “Look tell him honestly what you think about his “little Wilbur”. Lady K was the first to answer…”Well I for one am glad to finally take the issue of his little thing off the table once and for all. For all the years that we have known you I have known you, I have never been able to be honest about it. Now it’s over…I consider you to be a eunuch…you little cock and balls don’t interest me in the slightest. I have been looking at those tiny things for years and I am sick of you getting little hard on's and asking to cum”.

That was bad enough but I knew far worse would come from Lady T, who is a non-nonsense pro Domme and very tough, whom I had served countless times. “Stand here in front of me….i am going to be vulgarly honest with you….i looked down…NO LOOK AT MY EYES WHILE I TELL YOU THIS! I am glad to finally be able to say this…you have served me very well many times, but you are always whining that you want me to allow you to jerk off. Well that’s over…to tell you the truth, your little cock and those tiny little peanuts disgust me….that’s right I find them disgusting. I have never really considered it a cock…just some ugly little bit of skin. So there will be no more whining or hinting about masturbating. You are here for only one purpose…to serve”! “UNDERSTAND?”

I looked right in Her eyes but I wanted to just crawl away….my eyes were tearing up a little. “Yes Lady T I understand “ I said softly. Milady said “In time you will forget about sex completely. Serving and pleasing women will be your reward. You will see” Yes, Milady I murmured. “Now I have a hot date and he just texted me to be outside. We are going to dinner and dancing and then back to his place. I won’t be back until the morning…be a good cuck…no a good eunuch tonight! Bye! “

The door closed and the two women sat on the couch and just stared at me. I knew not to speak..they just sat there and stared…I only wore my collar and the tray. I hadn’t realized that Milady was going to spend the night with Bull T. That meant that the Ladies would be relaxing at our home and I knew it would be a long night. All of the Ladies I served were bisexual and I knew that Lady T and Lady K had not recently been in a private setting to have a chance to make love….



Posts: 14692
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You kind of went backwards. Needs a lot more "daylight" in the text. Very hard to read. Sorry but I gave up.

There should be a break every time the speaker changes. I think it's a good story but just too hard to read and I don't have the time or inclination to to copy it and try to fix it.


Posts: 235
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Well Timmy27, Though I do have a Master's degree, I was a little excited and didn't write as if I was in an English class, so don't bother correcting it....I am sure many others will enjoy it.


Posts: 373
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I liked it


Posts: 235
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Thanks Johnboy


Posts: 235
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I knew tonight would not be easy and it would be a long night as well. "What are we having for dinner tonight eunuch?" Lady T asked "I have prepared salads, steaks and vegetables for You" I replied.
"Very well eunuch....I have to get used to calling you eunuch, I am so used to calling you cucky" She said in a serious manner. " Lady K and I will continue having our takes first, so you may go back to the kitchen, of course you will not be dining with us, just serving us. Your Mistress said She uses a bell when She requires your service, where is it?"
I scurried off and returned with a bell we had purchased in Prague...
"Milady usually keeps it by the Her bed Lady T"
"I see, well tonight we will keep it with us and we expect you to respond quickly".
"Yes, Lady T" I said humbly.
Lady T continued "you will also keep out of our way...we haven't had time together in quite a while. You will speak only when addressed and keep your eyes down unless you are told otherwise".
"Yes, Lady T" I replied again. "Oh and anytime you are not directly serving us, you will be cleaning or making yourself useful. I will not tolerate a lazy servant. You are not here to are here to serve us!
After about 15 minutes the bell rang and I hurried in with my servant tray on and my collar and nothing else. "We need refills and have dinner waiting for us in 10 minutes. I expect that you have been trained in how to serve properly?" asked Lady K.
"Yes, Milady has trained in proper etiquette. Lady K"
"Good go away". I noticed that the Ladies were sitting very close together and were touching each other. I have been trained not to notice such intimacies and I pretended not to see them and I scurried off.
Ten minutes later the Ladies were laughing as they entered the dining room. I helped each one of them get seated. I poured wine for both of them and served them their first courses. I then went to the corner and stood there with my eyes downcast. They laughed and talked about bull after bull they had been seeing recently. What was so humiliating was that they talked about the various bulls' penises like it was a sport.....this one was so big, this one was perfect because it hooked and it Lady K's g-spot, but the hardest thing to hear was how much size meant to both of them. I realized that any guy who thinks that size doesn't matter is truly just kidding himself. It was obvious that these two Ladies were far more sexually active and far more sexually selective than I had ever realized.
Just hearing Lady T talk about the bulls She had done in the last week, I realized She must have had at least five, not counting Her clients. Lady K also spoke almost continually about sex and her bulls. I stood there with my head bowed and only responded when I was told "more wine" or "more steak". They were getting high on the wine and Lady K called me over as She was talking about Her most recent Bull who She had seen earlier that day "I mean he is hung.....i wish I could show you here with eunuch but it's not fair...Bull B must be 10 times his puny size" I swear my little cock shrunk even more when hearing that.
I served dessert and awaited their pleasure. "Go inside and prepare Milady's bedroom for us. It's been a long time since we have made love. We both love cock but there's nothing like a woman to really get me going" Lady T barked "Be sure there is a variety of dildos...oh yes, put out the double headed one. We don't need them, but they might be fun to get us squirting."
"Yes, Lady T!" I answered.
I went to the bedroom, put on the fireplace, soft lighting and erotic music. I pulled back the sheets and put on the squirt sheets. I knew that both of the Ladies were squirters when they had Bulls, but didn't realize that they might squirt with just the two of them.
After a while, they entered the Milady's bedroom...I stood in the corner with my slave tray. "Well eunuch it looks like you did a good job. Have you put out lube too? I was asked by Lady K.
"Yes Lady K and I will go and get you some more takes if you like"
"Yes, get us some more wine and then you can leave us" she replied. I had expected this. But to my surprise she said "After you get the wine, stand outside the door in case we need anything"
I was thrilled to be able to at least stand outside the door. By the time I returned from fetching the wine, the two ladies were making out and Lady T had her brassiere off and Lady K was playing with her massive breasts...."good now leave us"!
I could hear them kissing and moaning as I stood outside. After about 30 minutes I heard "come in here eunuch!" I entered to find them in a 69 position with Lady T on top. "Take a good look at what two real women can do for each other.....i saw them licking each other and both about ready to cum....suddenly they both began to moan and both began to orgasm.....when they were done they sat up...I had the torment of seeing them both naked except for their stockings....."That was wonderful...get us some more wine eunuch" Lady T ordered. I came back to the room and stood respectfully in the corner. "Don't you think we need to have some towels to freshen up?" Lady K barked.
"Of course Lady K" and I got the towels. "come over here and wipe us have got to learn how to serve two Women together." I had the pleasure of gently wiping both of their vaginas....they were soaking...but I didn't think either of them had squirted. "that was only round one!" laughed Lady T.
I returned to the corner. Lady K asked "So how does it feel to know that your Lady is being pleasured by one of her bulls tonight while you are here serving us"? Lady T asked.
"I consider it a great honor to serve you Ladies and I hope Milady is having wonderful sex with Her bull" I replied.
They snickered but said "It really is wonderful having a cuck like you to serve us and to humiliate. Come over here....i see your "Little Wilbur" hasn't even gotten hard watching us" Lady T remarked as she playfully flicked it a little. "No Lady T, I have been trained not to react so as to not embarrass a Lady and that She may feel totally at ease with in my presence".
"Good because we have been looking at that double dong and I think we are going to use it next and I want you to hold it while we back into it and I don't expect any reaction from you!"
"Of course not Lady T" I replied. I backed up and waited as they relaxed and drank their wine. "Get that double dong greased up" which I did as both Ladies turned away from each other and began to slowly back up. "Hold that steady!" I was told and I did and watched it disappear..."now get out of here and go do the dishes"! I left and knew I would witness no more.
I could hear the sound of orgasms even though I was in the other end of the house. After about 30 minutes I heard "go in the bathroom and get a shower ready for us"
"Yes Lady K" I replied as I passed them and saw the mess on the was a good thing I had used the squirt sheets...they were sopping. "I got the shower to the right temperature and announced it.
"You have been a good eunuch and we are both exhausted so you may wash us now" I was thrilled as I joined I removed my tray and stepped into our large shower. They acted like I wasn't even there...they kept kissing and giggling a bit. I gently washed them all over and made sure that my hand did not touch their skin....then was shocked to hear...."I have to pee...get down there on the floor" Lady T announced. It was not the first time I had served her as She peed, but previously I had simply wiped her after She used the toilet. This time would be different....."Open wide"! She peed for what seemed ten minutes and then Lady K took a turn. "I am sure Milady wouldn't mind if you we gave you a treat"
I swallowed as much as I could, but some of their Golden Wine spilled out.
I dried both Ladies and then prepared the bed for relaxing. "We will not be needing your services anymore tonight eunuch. You have served us well. We will see you in the morning".
The next morning I awoke to hear Lady T screaming from the toilet...."eunich I need you here now! I have no intention of using toilet paper while I am here. I know you have been properly trained for toilet service. Show me what you can do!.
I immediately put my face between her legs....Lady T sat back and relaxed....."oh that was so good" and begin to pee. She then got a call from Her Daughter "What a wonderful night we had and we had the services of Lady M's cuckold...I am going to make your man a better cuckold" She continued on talking with my head between Her legs and She held my head down. Finally she said "wipe me" not with toilet know how to wipe me....use your tongue"!
I served the Ladies breakfast and just then Milady came home....


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