Posts: 22
Forward: Having enjoyed reading here for some time, I am going to attempt to contribute. Hope you enjoy. Not sure I have the time or s******* to produce long complex stories, but I will do my best. Here is the beginning of my first story.
A couple cautionary notes: compared to some, my stories might seem a bit tame. The mental trumps the physical. And while I share most of the fantasies that revolve around cuckolding, the whole interracial thing leaves me cold. Not a turn-off, just a non-starter for me, so if you seek that particular theme, you will be disappointed.
While She's Out
“I'm going out tonight, Bobbie. I will have a special surprise for you later . .”
My wife breezed in the door as she came home from work, and made her way into her bedroom before I could respond. She did, however, give me a warm smile and a wink, letting me know she was in a pleasant and playful mood.
Cindy and I have been married nearly 20 years. High school sweethearts, we were each other's first love. For the first fifteen or so of these years, we were what you would call 'vanilla'. Not to say I didn't enjoy sex with her, I loved it! Several years ago, though, I stumred across the writings of someone named Elise something . .
“Honey, I sent you an email with your chore list. You might want to get an early start in case you have distractions . .” Cindy called this out from her bathroom, right before closing the door. Distractions? What distractions? What I hate most about her 'going out' nights is there is nothing to do except wait around and wonder where she is at and what she is doing. I am not allowed any TV or computer access – the only thing I have to keep me busy is the chore list . . . cleaning and dusting does nothing to take one's mind from racing.
She seemed to be baiting me. Perhaps she wanted me to approach her and get clarification. Well, I had one sure way to find out if that was her intention. Slowly, I approached the closed door of her suite. She had left the bedroom door open, and on the other side of her room, I could see the closed door to her bathroom. As I got closer, I could hear water running and a faint humming: she always hums as she applies make-up. Of course, I began to envision what she would look like when she emerged . .
I was zapped out of my reverie by a small but sharp shock to my balls. Damn! She obviously did not want me to follow. I scurried to the kitchen. I had already received and printed out the chore list she mentioned, and now I hurried to get something done before she noticed the red light on her remote.
One of her first conditions for entering a dominant role was that we told no one. Of course, at that time, she hadn't realized she would eventually take a lover. When one of those lovers turned out to be a handy fellow with electronic gadgets, she had him make a special chastity belt for me. That was the night I first knew with certainty that someone knew our secret – he had to know the belt was for me!
One night she got home from a date and immediately told me to “get in bed and get ready for me.” Once upon a time, that request meant I was going to get laid! Now, however, it means I strip down to my chastity cage and cuff my wrists to the bedposts, and wait. I didn't have to wait long, this night; Cindy came in a few minutes later, still wearing the tiny black dress she had worn on her date. Her stockings were missing, however, and when she pulled up her dress and straddled my face, I could not help but notice her panties were gone as well. Seeing the look on my face, Cindy giggled. “yes, I know dear, that's two weeks in a row I came home without panties. But I'm not as big a slut as you think, it was the same guy both times . . “ her voice faltered and her breathing quickened as she settled down and my tongue began it's magic. Damn she was wet! My cock hurt in it's cage as it attempted to bust free. “Oh, that's so nice, honey. Anyway, you would think one would be enough but he wanted another souvenir! And he already is pestering me about when I can see him again . . “ As I worked on her with my mouth, her ankles pressed against my rib cage. She was still wearing her high heels, and on her left ankle, I could feel her anklet pressing into my side. This anklet is always on my mind, because of it's dual function: It advertises her availability and it holds the key to my chastity. I redoured my efforts with my tongue and was rewarded with a shaking, trembling, gasping orgasm. My hopes soared – she seemed in a good mood, I had performed well, it's been over three months since she gave me any relief . .
“How many dates do I need to have with him before he is my boyfriend?” she asked out of the blue. Boyfriend! I couldn't keep the hurt and shock from my face. “ooh, poor Bobbie, why the sad face? This was all your idea. Don't you think it is hot that your wife has a boyfriend?” As she said this, she slid down beside me, planting soft kisses on my cheek and lightly stroking my exposed balls with her finger nails. She knows this drives me mad. “Besides, he likes you. He even got you a present . . “ she said this off-handedly, closing her eyes, looking like she was about to drift off to relax.
“He likes me! What do you mean 'he likes me!' What did you tell him!” to say I was alarmed was an understatement. Mortified, more like. “You said we would be discrete! No one could know! That was your rule!”
Cindy sat up and looked at me, with a look of annoyance and disappointment. It was a look one might give a puppy that was almost trained, but had a bad moment and pooped on the rug. “Are you done with your little snit, Bobbie? You asked – no, begged – me to take charge of you and our marriage. You were quite explicit that I should make all the decisions and that you would respect my judgement.” her voice was quiet, cold. “I am disappointed in you.” At that moment, I noticed that in her left hand (the one that had not been tickling my balls) she held her anklet; I had not noticed her removing it she rode me. Panic swept over me – she was ready to release me, and I screwed it up! At once I began to apologize. She passed her finger over my lips, an unspoken command to shut up; I shut up.
Gently, whispering: “Poor Bobbie. This is tougher than you thought, isn't it?” She tossed her anklet on the dresser beside the bed. “well, we won't be needing that little key tonight after all. I am still going to give you your present in the morning, though. Sweet dreams, lover . .”
Posts: 819
Please give us more! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 14692
Love it, please continue as you find time between the "chores"
Posts: 4050
An intriguing start. I look forward to more.
Posts: 22
#5 · Edited by: peaches
I was awakened early the next morning by sound of a hammer pounding in another room. I realized that Cindy had come in at some point after I finally dozed off and unlocked my cuffs. As I answered the call of nature (sitting down, of course) I could still hear her pounding away. I put on a robe and headed for the door of our bedroom suite (yes, this was back when it was still 'our' bedroom). I was brought up short by a note on the door:
“Good Morning bobbie! I'm sorry if you have been woken up by my preparations. Please be patient and STAY until I come for you. I can't wait to show you what Steve got you!”
Hmm . . so his name is Steve. I had been wondering of course, but now that I knew his name, I realized I really had not wanted to know. It was another reminder of how real he was – and I already had enough reminders!
Not for the first time, I asked myself, “what the fuck had I been thinking was going to happen?” The answer simple and stupid: I had hoped my wife would live out MY fantasies. And she tried to, but in the process they changed and became her own. Yes, I had fantasized about her having sex with other men. But, in my imagination they were young studs who would not even think to tell Cindy their name and would magically disappear after she had sex with them. Real people like Cindy aren't wired that way. I sat down on the bed and waited. After a moment realized I hadn't slept much, so I turned the light back out and dozed off.
Eventually the door opened. We have a natural skylight in the corridor outside the bedroom, and the light spilling into the dark bedroom was momentarily blinding, as I came awake. Focusing, I gazed at an angelic vision: Cindy was standing in the doorway, silhouetted, wearing only a simple night shift. She was making no particular effort to be sexy. The sunlight passed right through the shift, she might as well have been naked. It seemed I had been granted a glimpse of heaven.
It took me a minute to register the fact that she was talking. . . .”Hey!! mister! I will give you exactly one hour to stop staring at me that way!” I realized how silly I must have looked, and we both burst out laughing. Cindy motioned for me to move over and she slid into bed next to me, cuddling. I kept silent, afraid to ruin the moment.
Cindy propped herself up a bit so she could look me in the eye. Speaking of eyes -
Reader, please forgive my oversight in not describing Cindy earlier in my account. The unearthly beauty that is my wife begins with her eyes. The first time we met, it was the first day of tenth grade, in our chemistry class. I had looked up and caught her looking at me, and we locked eyes for a brief moment. In that moment, my soul was seared. Her green eyes – I swear, they change shades depending on her mood – still mesmerise me. With a lot of Irish red, she is fair-complected, tends to freckle, and she burns when she tries to tan. Her build is athletic. She was an athlete in school, and owns a collection of trophies from her high school volleyball days. To this day, she is still more disciplined than I am in many ways, including keeping up with her work out routine. Her diligence is rewarded every day by the turning heads of men young enough to be her misters.
“I have to admit, Rob, you were absolutely right. I doubted at first, but you were right.” I said nothing, I guess I was a bit taken back. She only calls me Rob when we are in public or when she wants to let me know it's OK to speak freely, as her equal. “how is that, dear?” I finally asked.
“When you first confessed your fantasies to me, you promised that chastity would reinpower your love and devotion for me. I have to admit, I thought it sounded like a sales pitch. But it's true, isn't it?”
“Cindy, I . .” my reply was cut short as she kissed me passionately. After a moment, she began to giggle. “I'm sorry bobbie, I made it hard for you to answer.” As she said this, her right hand slid down and lightly teased my swollen balls. “Of course, I like to make things hard for you. It's my job now, isn't it! I know you wouldn't have it any other way.” She continued to tease and tickle, touching me now with just the tips of her nails . . .
“Cindy I have always worshiped you. Now more than ever!”
“Ooh, bobbie, a girl could get used to being worshiped. Spoiled, even!” She laid back and parted her legs slightly.
I didn't need to be told twice. I slid down and went to work, worshiping my wife.
The oral service I provided Cindy that day followed a pattern which has become her norm: when she gets oral in the morning, she prefers her orgasms in pairs . .
As I go down on her for the first time, she goes totally quiet. Sometimes she will have me start her 'from scratch' – when she is barely awake and totally not aroused. It is always with her on her back, and me between her legs. Usually I have her juices flowing within a few minutes, and it usually doesn't take long for her to reach her first orgasm. She never talks before – or during – the first orgasm; as she cums, she holds me to her sex by my hair and raises her trembling hips.
When she releases her grip on my hair and relaxes, I take a few minutes to 'tend the garden'. Gently kissing and licking around her inner thighs and mound, I avoid her most sensitive parts for a few minutes.
When Cindy breaks the silence, that is my cue that she is ready for me to service her again in earnest and bring her to another orgasm. This second one always takes longer. Not so much because she already came, but because she resists! As I am diligently laboring to bring her off, she takes this time to bring me up to date on all the mundane events and concerns in our life. “did you see the Johnmister's are putting in a pool?” If it's a day I am off work, this is often when I get my 'honey-do' list for the day. It's also when I hear about the gossip where she works, what the neighbors are doing, and so on. It is a very humbling experience to perform oral sex on someone who acts for all the world like she is not even noticing.
Each time, however, I have my victory. In spite of her best efforts to delay and deny her own orgasm, at some point she becomes unable to speak any further, and I know she is close. From that point it's usually just a moment before I feel her body tremble and exalt. Sometimes she'll tease me with something like, “ooh, bobbie, you are so annoying! How am I supposed to talk to you when you distract me like that? Now hop to it mister, breakfast isn't going to cook itself . .”
So, back to the morning Cindy gave me my present from Steve. After she came on my face for the second time, she said “oh, honey, you are so good at that! I love you so much! No one else does that like you do . . I think my anklet is still on the dresser . . . fetch it for me?”
I tried (and failed) to act casual as I jumped out of bed to fetch the key to my chastity. As I handed it to her, she said, “thanks bobbie. Why don't you go ahead and fetch a bowl of ice water”. Again, my heart soared! She uses ice water in the process of re-locking me, which meant I was going to be unlocked! I was back a moment later with the ice-water, which I set on the nightstand.
“wow, such an eager boy you are! Are you excited about your present?” The truth was, I was terrified of the present. I couldn't imagine what my wife's lover would want to get me, but it couldn't be good. And the fact that she seemed to be enjoying it so much even made me more nervous. Of course, I couldn't say any of these things! So instead: “Yes, Mamm . . I am surprised and curious . .”
“Curious I understand, bobbie. But why are you surprised? I mean, think about what you gave him, isn't it natural he should wish to repay you?” As she spoke, Cindy gently pushed me down on the bed, and signaled me to raise my arms to the bedposts.
“I guess, mamm, I really don't know what to think. I didn't think you would even talk to him about me. And I guess I thought he would see me more as a . . “
“as a what, bobbie? A threat? A rival? I don't think so.” Cindy softly cuffed each of my wrists to the bedframe. “That ship sailed a while back, I think.” soft kisses around my chest and neck. “I mean, he is fucking me, and you are in a chastity belt – he doesn't seem very threatened, does he?”
I thought my heart would explode and come out my mouth. Cindy must have sensed by concern, because she covered my mouth with her own, giving me a slow lingering kiss. As she broke the kiss, she gave me small kisses around my eyes and cheeks. “there, there, bobbie. Let me kiss away your tears.” I hadn't even realized I was tearing up, but when she did this, the flood gates broke, and tears started pouring down my face. Cindy held me close for a few minutes, gently dabbing and licking away tears. As she did, her right hand once again slid down and began to stimulate me. It was maddening!
“I can tell you are struggling with the monster you created, and I am afraid it's not going to get any easier.” She held up the key to my chastity. “Is this a bad time to think about using this? We could do this another time.”
“No, no! Now is fine! I'll be ok! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, It's just that I love you so much . . “
Cindy laughed. “really? You love me so much that you talk me into finding a boyfriend? You are so confusing bobbie. But you know what, hun? I love you to, with all my heart, and I think it is time to tend to this. Time for little bobbie to get some fresh air.”
And with that, Cindy unlocked my chastity for the first time in over three months. “wow, whenever I take this off I am amazed how scrunched up you are in there. It must be so uncomfortable." As she removed the cage I began to have a glorious erection. She encouraged me, raking her nails now over my shaft as well as my swollen balls. “Another thing I get from you that I will never get from another man, bobbie. Balls this blue! Would you like to empty them?”
“oh my god, you know I would! Please!”
“uh oh, bobbie. That sounded a lot like begging for an orgasm. You know that is not allowed. You know the rules.”
“yes, mamm. Sorry, mamm.”
Cindy continued her light strokes. “I'll overlook it this time. I did kind of lead you on. Let's just relax a bit, and let little bobbie enjoy a little freedom.” With that she laid down next to me, her lips near my cheek, her hand still stroking and tickling ever so slightly.
Of course, the rules she had referred were very well known to me. The rules regarding my chastity and my orgasms are simple: I am not allowed to ask for release from the cage; when out of the cage, I am not allowed to ask her to provide relief. However, it was expected that I will make every attempt to ejaculate. I don't need permission or anything like that – If I can cum before she re-locks me, great, if not, oh well. It's about a 50-50 thing – about half the time I get freed I actually get to come.
She seemed to fall arelax, except that her fingers never quite stopped moving. Perhaps she has become such an expert cocktease that she can do it in her relax. While she dozed I struggled to remain still. It occurred to me that I could probably make myself cum on her hand if she just kept up what she was doing, but if I thrusted and moved around it would wake her up and she might stop. I willed myself to be still.
After a while she woke up. “ooh, such a good boy. Thanks for letting a girl get a little nap, you wore me out earlier . .” Her hand went to work in earnest, stroking me to full attention. “Now, we have some business to take care of.”
Cindy slid down and kissed the tip of my shaft. “you know what's coming!” she said with a giggle. Indeed, I did. It was kind of a standing joke. She was about to give me a 'blowjob', her way. After enough kissing and licking to make sure cock was aching and bobbing at full attention, Cindy began to lightly blow air on it. “see baby, I hate it when you say you never got a blowjob from your own wife! Here is your blowjob!” She thinks this is the funnies thing ever, and never fails to laugh at her own joke.
The reamister it hurts, is that it is true. I never have had a blowjob from my own wife. Although she enjoyed straight sex during the vanilla part of our life, and even allowed me to go down on her (with some trepidation, at first), she never performed oral on me. I tried to push the issue on our honeymoon, met fierce resistance, and never raised the issue again. Now that she has been sexually awakened, as it were, she no longer seems to hate the idea – but I am not allowed to ask for sex, so unless she does it on her own, it will never happen.
I have a pretty good idea she gives her dates blowjobs, though.
Eventually, she tired of her game. “Poor baby. Did you enjoy your blowjob?” She planted a wet kiss on my balls, and I was unable to respond. “I was kind of thinking of giving you your first real blowjob today, bobbie. But I think I am in the mood for your cock . . is that ok?” So saying, she straddled me, holding her pussy so that it just touched the tip of my cock. She looked deep into my eyes and wiggled. I thrust up and got maybe a half inch inside her.
“bobbie? I asked you a question.”
“oh, god yes, it's ok, anything you want is ok!!” I almost screamed, as I thrust about trying to penetrate her. She maintained her distance, just barely letting me get the tip in.
“wow, your little fellow is very eager! Let's warm him up first, shall we?” as she said this, she continued to slightly grind her hips, providing exquisite but limited sensation to the tip of my cock. “C'mon bobbie, be my stud. I need a good . . long . . . hard . . . thorough . . fucking.” It was more than I could take! As she said the word, “fucking”, the gates opened and I came, before she could even properly mount me! Three months of pent up frustration burst forth, but instead of coming inside her pussy, I came all over it.
I think at that moment I felt more conflicting emotions than I ever had before. The joy, the relief, the triumph of orgasm after so long a buildup. The frustration and offense of not finishing the job properly. The jealousy and angst of knowing that I had left her itch unscratched . . I feared she would be getting properly fucked soon, but not by me.
Cindy sighed, her eyes never leaving mine. “was it good for you?” she asked softly.
“Oh my god Cindy! It was great! It was terrible! I am so sorry! How about ano . .” I broke off, catching myself before I broke a rule.
“It's ok bobbie. I know you pop pretty easily when you've been denied for a while. Besides, it's not like I don't have other options . . . clean up time, now . .”
And with that she rose up, reversed herself and lowered herself onto my face. I began by cleaning all the residual sperm from the outside of her pussy, and then went to work on her, bringing her to her third shuddering orgasm of the morning.
And even though she had three orgasms this morning, I felt I had let her down.
Posts: 1289
I'm loving this story. Cindy is fantastic.
Posts: 4050
Very hot
Posts: 22
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. The feedback is greatly appreciated.
I promise that eventually, the title will make sense. It's just getting longer to get from here the there than I thought it would.
Posts: 22
“hmm . . . did you get it all, lover? You had quite a gusher there.” Cindy made a show of inspecting her loins. “I think you missed a spot 'round back . .” She got back on, facing my feet this time, giving my tongue full access to her ass. I knew there was no missed spot, it was all part of the game. I licked and kissed her eagerly and lovingly. “I am a lucky girl. How many wives get this kind of service.” As I continued cleaning her rear, she stroked my chest and belly lightly. “Wow, I am already getting a salute from you little partner down there, I guess he likes it too!”
Sure enough, I was erect again. “I guess I should have put you straight away, we wouldn't need to ice this down.” Cindy bent forward a bit, and then looked over her at me. “Hun, you don't mind a I take a moment and have a private conversation with little robbie, do you?” She lowered herself so that her mouth was near my cock and we were in a classic 69 position – at least it's classic if you consider the man on the bottom and cuffed to the bed to be part of how it should be done. “you just keep at your task, and don't pay any attention to the little talk I have with him. I am just going to whisper in his ear . .”
She began to blow slightly on the side of my cock, occasionally kissing and giving it quick licks. Then she began to whisper to my cock. Of course her 'whisper' was loud enough for me to hear. “how are you feeling this morning, little robbie?” She cupped my ball sack softly. “are you feeling better? It must have been so hard waiting so long to empty your poor little balls.” I couldn't respond, she had made it clear this was a one-sided conversation . . and my mouth was full anyway.
“you know little robbie, you might not believe this, but there are some cocks out there that get drained all the time! Some cocks belong to nice, normal husbands who fuck their nice, normal wives pretty much whenever they want!”
As she said this, her motion on my face began to pick up. She was really getting into it. I gave her a few long licks and then began to work on her clit.
“of course, you know all about that, don't you. That's the life you gave up. I just want you to know I appreciate your sacrifice, little one. Very noble of you.” She began to stroking my cock as she spoke. “And I'll let you in on a secret, little guy. I miss you so much. I miss having you inside me.”
“yes, I know you miss me to.” Cindy giggled. “You should have seen big robbie earlier, crying like a little girl. And you were so excited, you popped so quickly!” At this point I was seriously wondering what my devious wife was up to. Little robbie was now rock hard, and still she continued to stroke him. She is usually all about getting me right back in the cage.
“yes, I know you were excited. I know it was a long time. Poor baby. Mean wifey kept you all caged up for over three weeks.” That was more than I could ignore! Three weeks – it had been over three months, and she knew it! I couldn't help myself – I 'accidentally' gave her a tiny nip with my teeth. “Hey! What was that I just felt?” she tried to act angry but ruined the effort by laughing through it.
“sorry honey, I just got carried away! I'll be more careful!”
“You are so bad! You were eavesdropping on my private conversation! I can't even have a private word with your little cock without you interfering! Now let me finish my chat.”
She resumed her stroking of my cock. “I'm sorry for the interruption, little one. It seems big robbie up there is jealous of you. I can understand why he would be jealous of Steve, but why would he be jealous of his own cock? Anyway, little one, I need you to get ready for your present. Your training is coming along so well, you have endured so much . . but . .”
Cindy's speech faltered, and I knew she was close to coming. I was too, for that matter, if she just kept at for another moment I might . .
“. . but, you have a bit more training ahead . . . you want to be well trained, don't you?” And with that, little robbie let loose again. Almost immediately, Cindy's orgasm followed. “I'll take that as a yes” she gasped. Cindy climbed off my face and laid down beside me. She rolled me into a spoon position and cuddled up, bringing her hand – which had caught much of my spunk – to my lips, and I dutifully licked myself off of her. “so well trained . . good boy.”
I couldn't remember the last time I had cum twice on the same day. Certainly it was long before Cindy took control of our marriage. “Oh my god, Cindy, that was awesome, thank you so much . .”
“You're welcome, sweetie. I hope it was worth the wait. I am afraid it's time for me to clean you up, now.” Cindy headed toward to the bathroom and returned with a couple hand towels.
I knew what was coming next. She would soak a hand towel in ice water, and then compress it around my cock. When she was done, it would be a shriveled little thing, ready to meekly go back into it's cage. “Honey, I just came twice. I don't think I could get hard again if I wanted to. You don't really need to do that.”
“hmm . . . you may be right, dear. But then, I do a lot of things I don't need to do.” I could hear her sloshing one of the hand towels in the ice water. “Some things I do because they are part of your training, and if I skip them, even once, it sets back your training.”
“On the other hand . .” she continued, as she turned around. She was looking at my shriveled penis, looking thoughtful. “ . . some things I do simply because they are fun.” With that she applied the washcloth to my cock. I gasped in surprise and dismay. I tried to wiggle out of her grasp and escape the ice assault. “not smart, lover. I literally have you by the balls . . and anyway, you need to be cleaned up.” I willed myself still and let her finish.
“there we go, all clean. Now for the moment we have been waiting for.” Cindy got up and retrieved a small package from the top drawer of the dresser. It was wrapped in paper which would have been appropriate for a little girl, complete with a pink bow. And there was a card attached.
“hmm . . I know you taught me that you should always be cuffed when your cage is off, but I think I'll be safe if you have one hand free open your gift.” She uncuffed my right hand and handed me the package.
Immediately, I began to look for the seam in the paper, ready to rip it open. Cindy laughed out loud “Oh my god, your such a man after all! The card first, you brute!” I just wanted to get this over with. It's tough to open things with one hand. Cindy held the card so I could pop the seam and fish out the card. It was a thank you card, again with a girlie theme to it. I opened it up, and saw he had written something on the inside. Cindy saw this too. “ooh, he even wrote you a note! He is such a gentleman! When it suits him anyhow. Read it out loud!” She sat up and clapped. She was perched on my left thigh, and I could not help become aware of her bare sex against my skin. I tried to put it out of mind. “c'mon, c'mon, read it!” Cindy was literally bouncing up and down, straddling my thigh, naked under her shift. Even now, very distracting. I tried to focus on the card, and began to read:
“Dear Bobbie” I stumred. What was actually written looked like this:
Dear B bobbie,
I looked at Cindy. “you told him your pet name for me?”
Cindy shook her head in exasperation. “you just don't get it, do you? Why wouldn't I tell him? To preserve your ego – after what he has been doing? Seriously?”
I was silent for a bit as I digested this.
“we have been over this before. The fantasy in your mind – you know, the one where men and women hook up, have incredible sex, and then never care to see each other again? - that doesn't exist.
“why do you imagine spies are famous for using sex? Sex builds a bond, weather you intend for it to or not. People talk. Sometimes about things they shouldn't. Hurry up, finish reading!”
“Don't you already know what it says?”
“No, actually I don't. The card was his idea. But I knew he would spell your name wrong, I had to help him with that.”
“uh – why did he cross out the capital B?”
“because your pet name is all small letters. Just seems more appropriate for you. Steve got a bit of a chuckle out of that, actually. Now stop stalling! Read!”
“Dear bobbie,
I have been looking for a way to express my appreciation for what you have shared with me. Cindy is amazing, I must admit, I am smitten. She has made it crystal clear that she loves you as her soul mate and will never leave you. I must admit I am disappointed that she does not want a relationship, but I certainly respect her commitment to you.
You might find this odd, but I am actually a bit jealous of the close bond you have with her. The other aspects of your marriage – I wouldn't go there in a million years. Different strokes for different folks I guess but I think you are out of your mind. If she were my wife I would never let her out of bed ;)” -
“he drew one of those little smile wink things there”, I commented.
“oh my god, he is so romantic, isn't he? Go on.”
“when I mentioned to Cindy that I should get you gift, I must admit, I was thinking of something conventional, like a watch or a tie. I struggled with it, because everything I thought of, you already had. I asked Cindy, “what do you get the man who has everything?”
“She explained that I was thinking about it all wrong. She explained that I needed to realize that you weren't 'the man who has everything'; you were 'the man who gets nothing'.
“after that the plan just came together, and I realized what the perfect gift was. Hope you enjoy it. I love your wife, but she is just a little bit evil . .” Cindy let out a small gasp.
“Kindest Regards – Steve”
“Oh my god!” Cindy stood up and stalked around the room. “I can't believe he called me evil! He knows I am only doing this for you! Do you think I am evil?”
“Uh, Cindy, you might want to sit back down, there's more. And besides, my thigh misses you.
“there's more?” I nodded. She stood there. “well finish it!” I shook my head.
“not until you're back in position.”
“ooh, you ballsy bastard, trying to give me orders! See if ever let you double up again!” She hopped back on, but this time she sat directly on my cock. If it were erect, it might have slid right in. To give little robbie his due, he was at half-mast, trying to recover. “I never did finish warming him up . .” Cindy sat on my cock so that my cock was flat against my belly, trapped by her clit. She began to move slowly, warming my cock with her pussy, but not taking me inside.
“my god, what did I do to deserve such terrible men in my life? My husband ordering me about and my boyfriend calling me evil! NOW READ!”
“uh . . it says, 'PS: just kidding about the evil thing. Well, half kidding anyway. She hasn't been evil to me. When she saw me writing out a card I offered to let her read it, but she said she was going to have you read it out loud. So now I can tell her directly: yes Cindy, you are a bit evil, and both of the men in your life love you all the more for it.”
“hmm . . well, if I am evil, then I think your little guy is warmed up enough. He doesn't need my attention. Getting out of bed, Cindy took the card from my hand, tucked it back in it's pink envelope, and set it aside. She picked up the package and brought it to the bed. “I'm going to take the bow off myself so you don't destroy it. I'll be reusing that. Do you think I am evil?”
“uh . . .” now I know how the dear caught in the headlights felt.
“robbie, I asked you a question. I am getting tired of repeating myself.”
“uh, no, honey, I don't think you're evil at all. You just like to have fun.”
“hmm. A nice, safe answer. But you're right, I do like to have fun. It took me so long to accept that you actually wanted this. But now that I get it, I hope you're having fun, because I'm hooked. Are you having fun?”
I really did not know what to say. I felt like my heart had been ripped out, stomped on, stuffed back in my chest, and then sealed with a little kiss, just to make everything all right. “It's so intense.” I finally said. “More than I ever could have imagined.” Cindy waited.
“You know I imagined your other sexual partners would be one-time flings. I should have known that would never work for you. I almost wish . . that Steve was a flaming, arrogant asshole. Then you might have had your fun once and been done with him. But this guy seems decent . . witty . . and at the end of his note, he kind of told you he loved you. That scares the hell out of me.”
“I know it scares you, babe. That's the point, isn't it? But hear me again: I love you, only you, and I will never leave you. I love you more than ever because of the incredible sacrifices you are making as you lead me down this path. You have brought out a side of me I didn't know exist – and she is a bit evil, and she likes to have fun . .
“But Rob, simply say the word and I will stuff the evil bitch back into the dark corner of my mind she must have hidden in before you drew her out. Say the word, and I will give it up, and go back to being Mrs. Cindy 'vanilla' Birch.”
I pondered that for a moment. In spite of all the pain I had brought upon myself, I don't think I could go back. I'm not sure Cindy could, either – though I am sure she would try if I asked her to. “Could you please unlock my other hand?” Cindy shrugged and unlocked the other cuff. Freed from the bed, I dropped to one knee, pretty much the same way I did when I proposed to her.
“I am pretty sure neither of us want to go back, Cindy. There's no going back. I pledged to you that I would accept you as my goddess, and I stand by that.”
“That was before you knew how evil I could be . . . for that matter, it was before I knew how evil I could be. I scare myself sometimes.”
“Steve was right, Cindy. I love you even more because of that. Don't ask me why . .”
“You're sure?”
I nodded. She waited. “If you are so sure, you should answer me properly.”
“Yes Mamm. Cindy I am sure in my heart that I want to serve you all the days of my life, however you see fit.”
“I'm glad. I just had to be sure. I hope you don't have second thoughts after you open Steve's gift.”
She still had the small package, and she handed it down to me. Still on my knees, I ripped it open and found what I knew I would: a new chastity device. The first and most obvious difference was that it was bright pink. As I drew if out of the box, I saw the base – the part which circles the base of the balls – was a lot heavier and appeared to have some buttons on it. Only later did I learn that the chastity came with a remote.
One feature I did notice right off, was that the triple hasp. There were places to secure the unit with as many as three locks at once. I started to ask about that, but got shushed. “No questions right now, bobbie. This will be more of a learning-by-doing thing.”
One more encounter with the damned ice-water washcloth, and Cindy fitted me into my new cage. “Oh, you look so pretty in there!” she gushed. Then she took the pink bow she had saved and stuck it to the front of the cage. “you are so adorable!”
That day was about two years ago. The pretty pink bow is long since gone, but the chastity is my constant companion.
Posts: 22
I notice I lost a little detail when I copied my open office file to the webpage. At the beginning of the note, you were intended to see "Bobby" lined out.
I hope it was clear that Steve began to write, "Dear Bobby", with capitalization and masculine spelling, and then crossed it out after Cindy corrected him.
Posts: 1289
Brilliant. More please!
Posts: 218
Very well done and absolutely delightful. A superb read and I hope you will post many more times. Was the new pink cage any smaller?
Posts: 22
Today I stand in the kitchen preparing dinner, wearing the little frilly apron Cindy finds so amusing, while she is in her bathroom getting dolled up. She has told me she's going out. In all likelihood, that's all the information I'll get – at least until she gets home.
I'm preparing one of her favorite dishes, hoping to keep her pleasant mood . . and maybe buy myself some slack when she notices I tripped the perimeter alarm. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on her plate, I heard her come up behind me. She hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. “ooh, chicken alfredo! That smells wonderful.”
With Cindy wrapped around me and nuzzling my neck, I couldn't even smell the chicken. “the only thing I can smell is you. And you smell . . . delicious!” I turned around in her embrace, and saw that she was wearing her little black dress. Tried and true. I think she had dabbed some fragrance into her cleavage – too late, I realized I was staring. “Hey mister, stop eyeballing the goods! Those aren't for you!”
Through dinner, we chatted about this and that, as always. As I began to clean up . .
“Anyway dear, as I mentioned earlier – I have a surprise for you tonight. Something I think you will really enjoy.”
My mind raced. She had fulfilled pretty much every kink I had ever confessed. The ones that she hadn't were off limits for damned good reamisters. No unprotected sex, period. I knew she usually travelled to another city about an hour away when she was in the mood to go clubbing and maybe meet someone new. Cindy is a teacher – the consequences of our lifestyle becoming known would be devastating. We also kept our lifestyle secret from our college-age youngren, who must never know!
Cindy suddenly remembered something that happened in some staff meeting earlier that day, and proceeded to tell me all the details. The evil minx! She know full well I couldn't concentrate on that. But I listened politely, made a conscious effort to actually hear her. She mentioned one of her fellow teachers – Alice Crawford - who I had met once. I remembered how hot Alice looked – she had been wearing a tight little dress, especially for a teacher's meeting . . it reminded me of the dress Cindy was wearing now. I began to wonder what Alice did when she wasn't teaching . .
Out of the blue, Cindy slapped my face. And I don't mean a couple little pats to shake me out of head. I mean, a full power slap that meant business and, I'm sure, left a mark!
“Robbie! Where is your mind at? Am I boring you?”
“ . . um – sorry, I – uh . .”
“boy, you are really testing my patience tonight. I came home in such a good mood. And what do I get? You ignore me when I am talking to you. You were staring at my tits earlier. And you broke your perimeter.”
I knew anything I say at this time just makes it worse, except maybe, “I'm sorry, mamm.”
“hmm. Well you will be. We'll sort out your punishment later. I really want to indulge one of your fantasies tonight . . I need you on your best behavior.”
“yes, mamm.”
Cindy rose. Before she left the room she bent over and whispered, “and thank you for dinner, honey. It was awesome. Now make sure you get the kitchen cleaned up. You don't have much time. I have to finish getting ready.”
I gave her a questioning look, but she was already walking away. (Which of course, gave me an opportunity to openly ogle her perfect ass without her seeing! Hey, life's little pleasures.) I did notice that she took out her remote and fiddled with it for a moment. That's never a good thing, and I knew I better be were she expected me to be.
Just as I was drying the last of the dishes, the doorbell rang. Part of my household duties was to shoo away the occasional salesman or whatever that shows up at our door, but I wasn't sure where my boundary was at the moment. “Can you get that, dear?” Cindy called. She sounded cheerful, not annoyed, and I got a bad feeling this wasn't someone selling encyclopedias.
“Of course, hun, I got it.” As I walked to the door, my mind was racing. Surely she would not bring a man to our house . . she had made it plain that could never happen. The only exception had ever been Steve, and even then she used his cover as an electrician to make it look normal to the curious . . who could it be then?
I was tempted to use our security equipment to view them first, but decided against it. If it is someone Cindy expects, I can't keep him waiting. I opened the door.
It wasn't a him after all, it was a her. I think I lost my breath for a moment.
“Hiya, Mr. Birch!”
“uh, hi, Elizabeth – how nice to see you! How can I help you?” I hadn't seen this girl in years. Elizabeth – Lizzie – was our regular babysitter when our kids were younger. When she was a teenager she had been so ripe – and so innocent – I heard Cindy coming up behind me -
“Heya, Jailbait! bobbie, stop being a clod. Invite her in!”
“uh . .”
“bobbie, you need to step out of the doorway, so that Jailbait can walk through it. That's the way these things work.” She gently grabbed my elbow, and Elizabeth – Lizzie – Jailbait came in, a bundle of nervous giggles and jiggles.
Cindy was laughing and rolling her eyes in exasperation. “He has never had much in the way of social grace, as he? But he is a good hubbie.” As she said this she gave me a couple light pats on the head.
“now, run along and finish you chores, dear. I have a few things to go over with your babysitter before I go.”
Babysitter? Now what have I gotten myself into? I scurried off to the kitchen. I made a concerted effort to slow my breathing and collect my wits.
The most shocking thing of it all was hearing my wife call Lizzy 'Jailbait'. When she first began to sit for us, Lizzie was just that. She was maybe 16 years old, busting out all over, and utterly oblivious to the effect she had on men. At least it seemed that way.
When Lizzie would babysit for us, it had an effect on me. Lizzy hadn't a clue, but my wife could tell. One night we went to bed after coming home from a school function. Lizzy had babysat. Apparently she had dozed off herself after she put our kids to bed. I came home to a very compelling sight: Lizzy had fallen arelax on the couch, with a DVD playing. On the TV screen, Rose Dawmister posed naked on a sofa while Jack did a sketch. On my couch, Lizzy held the same pose . . except she was dressed, of course. Like a mirror image, she couldn't have staged it better.
That night I fucked Cindy like a man possessed. Cindy noticed the difference. “wow, stud, what got into you tonight?”
“I have been thinking about you all night. The dress you wore . .”
“Your a bad liar. But a sweet one.” and she drifted off to relax. I thought it forgotten until a couple weeks later.
Cindy woke me up from a sound relax, obviously feeling frisky. I tried my best to wake up and perform for her, but I wasn't hard as quickly as she liked. I began to stimulate Cindy by hand, trying to keep her motor running until I was ready. Her response was immediate: “Ooh . . Mr. Birch! You shouldn't touch me there! No one's ever touched me there! Oh, please stop, oh my god! I'll stop babysitting for you if you don't stop! I'll tell!” and so on. The effect was immediate and electric, I plunged into Cindy rock hard and fucked her brains out. All the while she whimpered things like, “you can't do this! Please Mr. B.! I'm a virgin! You can't! – I'm jailbait!”
After that I stopped worrying that Cindy would be upset if I admitted I fantasized about Lizzie. She was obviously ok with it – even amused. It was a watershed moment in our marriage – without it, I doubt I ever would have had the courage to share my other fantasies with her.
After that, it became a private joke between us; when we were alone, Lizzie's name was Jailbait.
But just now, Cindy had called her Jailbait! And Lizzie did not seem surprised. They've been talking.
And they're still talking. I snuck a peak out into the living room, where the two ladies were sitting, chatting. I couldn't hear them, but it was pretty clear that Cindy was giving instructions. She was doing most of the talking anyway. I recognized this – she was in teacher mode, and Jailbait was her student - nodding, absorbing. Good god.
I realized that from my vantage, they could not see me looking at them. I took the opportunity to really look them over. My wife had completed her 'going out' look, with some dangly ear rings, bright red lipstick – she had traded her comfortable shoes for her 'fuck-me' pumps. I couldn't help but notice the gold anklet she always wore.
Now I took a good hard look at Jailbait. She must be in her early twenties by now. She has filled out incredibly. Whereas Cindy is athletic, Jailbait has a more voluptuous build. She was dressed modestly – in fact, almost like a man. Blue jeans, a flannel shirt, tennis shoes. No make up – that I could tell. She had her long brown hair tied back in a pony tail. I found the whole package amazingly sexy, all the more so because of her apparent lack of concern for her appearance. What a contrast between the two!
I don't believe I ever felt more in love with my wife as I did at that moment. This was a masterstroke for evilsweet Cindy. Cindy must have said something funny, because Jailbait burst out in laughter, making her breasts strain the flannel deliciously . .
I let out a sudden yelp as an electric shock suddenly struck my balls. The women heard, and suddenly both heads turned my way.
“bobbie! Shame on you!” Cindy laughed. “get over hear this instant.” She turned back to Jailbait. “I knew he would not be able to resist spying on us, even when all we are doing is chatting. He is so excited to see you!”
I briefly considered running in the opposite direction, but of course, I obeyed.
“What is it honey?” I asked as I approached, trying my best to sound innocent.
“Tell Jailbait what just happened, bobbie.”
My face must have turned every shade of red. “well, I – uh – I got a small shock.”
“go on.”
“I got a small shock to my scrotum, mamm.”
“right. But I told you to tell her, not me. Look at Jailbait and tell her.”
I looked Jailbait in the eyes. Blue eyes . . looking – confused? I wasn't sure what emotion I saw there. “Uh . . Lizzie, I . .”
Cindy interrupted: “address her as miss Jailbait, bobbie.” Cindy looked back at Jailbait and I saw her mouth the words, “slow learner!”
Wow. “Miss Jailbate, I received a shock to my balls.” I made a point to look her in the eyes. The detached clinical part of my mind decided that what I saw was two thirds disbelief and one third amusement.
“why?” Jailbait whispered. I looked to Cindy.
“Go on, tell her, silly, I'm sure you have it figured out.”
I took a deep breath while the ladies waited patiently. “well, I imagine that Miss Cindy activated the motion sensor on my . . the motion sensor that I wear. If I remain still too long while it's on, I get a shock. It's to encourage me to keep working . .”
“Right it is, bobbie. It also discourages snooping, doesn't it?” Cindy pointed out. She was enjoying this way too much. Jailbait, however, kept staring at me, looking stunned.
“and you wear this because Ms. Birch tells you to?”
Cindy giggled. “Jailbait, you're all grown up now. I'm Cindy and he's bobbie. You don't need to call me Ms. Birch. You already know what he has always called you, I don't know why you want to be so formal.”
“wow. Yeah, I know, you told me, but I am still having trouble believing it. But bobbie did not answer my question.”
“Yes, miss Jailbait, I do it because she tells me to.” I thought for a moment and went on. “for that matter, I would do it even if she didn't tell me to, if I thought it would make her happy.”
Jailbait just stared at me for the longest time. “so your whole life revolves around making her happy?”
“That's right. And I am proud of it. Think about it – many people have wasted their lives chasing far worse goals.”
“ . . I guess . .” Jailbait certainly didn't sound convinced.
So I kept talking. The funny thing was, once I was past the initial embarrassment, and she knew our lifestyle, it became much easier to talk about. I mean, she already knows I am basically Cindy's submissive husband. I went on and told her how the whole thing had been my idea to begin with, and Cindy and I had found something that made us both happy.
After remaining silent for several minutes as I spoke, Cindy jumped up and exclaimed “That's it! I can't take it any more! She crossed over to me and literally seized me in a passionate embrace. Her mouth covered mine, and she kissed me hard and long. After a moment, she broke off, and took a step back, so she could look me in the eyes. Without breaking her gaze at me, she called softly, “Jailbait?”
For a moment I though Jailbait might have fled, but the soft answer came back - “yes, Cindy?”
“Whatever you may hear me say or see me do, never doubt that this is my husband, who owns my soul.”
“uh . . yes, Cindy . .” she sounded confused. Go figure.
“Although, he did smear my lipstick! Now I have to do it all over again. Another little thing we'll have to punish you for later, eh?” she was giggling now. My wife has several different modes, and happy/playful is my favorite.
“Anyway bobbie, be good while I am gone, and mind your babysitter. Make sure you finish your first chore list by 8:00 pm. If you do, you can relax until then, but you need to report to Jailbait at 8:00 pm. sharp. Is that clear?”
“yes mamm.”
“I'm off then. Have fun, you two!” and with that, Cindy was out the door.
Posts: 968
This sounds like a masterpiece in the making! Droopy and Miss
Posts: 4050
It seems that bobbie is in for an exciting evening.
Posts: 819
I love where this is going! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 22
Lizzy and I both stood and stared for a moment as Cindy got in her car and drove off – one of those times when neither one wants to speak first. I turned from the window and looked at her, standing there arms crossed, radiating nervous discomfort.
“I am sorry if we – or I should say Cindy – put you in an uncomfortable position. I understand why she didn't warn me this was coming . . but she shouldn't have blind-sided you like this.”
Lizzy raised an eyebrow, and seemed to relax a touch. “It sounds like you're criticizing your wife.”
I shrugged. “I suppose I am, if she let you walk in here without warning you about our relationship first.”
“Oh, she warned me. I can't claim I wasn't prepared. But . . I guess I wasn't prepared, if you know what I mean . . you and Cindy seemed so normal . . .”
She was staring off into space, talking to herself more than me. I felt my anger begin to rise. Angry at Lizzy for judging us in this manner, and angry at Cindy for inviting someone into our lives who clearly wasn't ready for it.
“So, when Ms. Birch called you out of the blue and asked you to babysit her husband, that seemed normal? No alarm bells went off? You didn't ask any questions? You weren't even a bit curious why Mr. Birch would require a babysitter? You're obviously a very trusting permister.”
That seemed to snap Lizzy out of her head-space. She turned to me, as if noticing me for the first time. Then she smiled slightly. “I'm picking up your sarcasm.”
“well I should hope so, 'cause I'm laying it on pretty thick.” What can I say, I know my lines.
“that's one of my favorite movies.” we were both still standing by the window; awkward. But the quote from Tommy Boy seemed to help her defrost a little bit.
“Are you allowed to sit on the couch?” She sat down on one end of the couch and motioned for me to join her. I sat on the opposite end, keeping a polite space - “of course I am allowed to sit on the couch. It's my couch.”
She laughed at this – she was relaxing - “of course, you'll have to forgive me. I made the silly assumption that a man with a shock collar on his balls might have some restrictions.”
By now, she seemed more comfortable than I did. “Look, most of the time, Cindy and I live normal lives. It's just that every so often we kind of play this game – usually on nights she goes out.”
“I see. And are you playing the game now?”
“The game started when she came home and let me know she was going out. And she gave me a chore list. Both of those are cues to me that she wants to play.”
“well, you don't seem to playing the game now at all. You know say she would want a report on your behaviour when she got home. Should I tell her stopped addressing me the way she told you to?”
I studied her, trying to unlock the code. Was this going where it seemed to be? “I'm sorry, miss Jailbait. Please don't do that.”
“why shouldn't I? I am being paid by Cindy, I think I owe her the truth. Don't you?” No mistaking it now, Jailbait was warming into her role.
“yes, miss Jailbait, you do.”
“Don't worry, I'm not trying to get you into trouble. At least not yet . .” she finished with a giggle. “It might take me a while to get used to having you treat me like this. The relationships I have had with men have been more . . conventional . .” She trailed off, and didn't sound happy.
Submission to Cindy has fine-tuned my empathy – I'm a better listener that I ever was before – at least where Cindy was concerned. But it turns out it's a transferable s******* – I could tell from what she said that her experience with men had been pretty bad. This is the kind of thing I wouldn't have picked up years ago.
“no boyfriend, then?”
“no, not at the moment.” She sighed, and her breasts seemed to sigh with her. “hey Buddy, I may not be as strict as Cindy, but c'mon. My eyes are up here.” I'm sure I looked alarmed, but she was smiling.
“why do you ask if I have a boyfriend? Are you interested in the job?”
“uh – no, I was just . .” As I fumred for words, Jailbait took one finger and touched my lips. Oh my god. I stared at her, silent for the moment.
“wow, Cindy told me that would work. I wonder if it's possible everything else she told me is true . .”
I waited. She had touched my lips. Cindy had told her how to shut me up.
“Anyway, to answer your question, no, I don't have a boyfriend. But – you have a wife. And she seems kind of controlling. I don't think I'd want to cross Cindy. Even if I was attracted to old guys who are . . .” I guess she saw the look on my face and decided that was harsh enough. “sorry. Didn't mean to be mean. Though, I am not sure if I should really be apologizing.”
I waited . .
“wow. You really won't say anything until I ask you a question or tell you it's alright?”
“that's correct, that's part of our game. And it's obvious she told you about it.”
“hmm. I bet you're wondering what else she has told me.”
“I have a pretty good idea your not going to tell me.”
Jailbait got up from the couch, but leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You're right, bobbie. Cindy's orders. Now you better get to that chore list. Your innocent little babysitter has homework to do.” As she spoke, she held her position bending over, giving me a wonderful peak at her treasures. “I don't want to see you until eight o'clock.”
The next couple hours passed slowly. I quickly finished the laundry, vacuumed the downstairs carpet, and cleaned Cindy's bathroom. This last task I did carefully and slowly; if Cindy inspected one thing, it would be the bathroom. Still, it wasn't difficult to get done, and I had some time to relax before eight o'clock rolled around. I went to my den and fired up the computer.
I was curious as to weather I would be able to log in. Cindy usually disables my password when she goes out. Similarly, every cable channel is locked out using the 'parental controls'. I remembered her explanation: “bobbie, I don't want you distracted from you chores, and even more important, on want you mind on what I am doing. We both have our job to do, bobbie. My job is to go out and have a good time, and your job is to sit home and think about me . . .”
I was a bit surprised when I was able to log in. I guess having a babysitter changed things. That train of thought led straight back to Lizzy, who was sitting at my kitchen table doing homework. I spent a couple minutes surfing around the internet and finally realized I was a lot more interested in looking at Jailbait.
Since I had been still for while just now, I was pretty sure my motion sensor was not active. I went upstairs where a hall that leads to bedrooms ends with a balcony overlooking the kitchen and family room. She was there in the kitchen, seated with her back to me. I spent the last few minutes I had studying her, as she studied her textbook. Just staring at her, fully clothed, from behind, was enough to cause me an uncomfortable level of excitement. Cindy had brought her here to tease me, and it was working too well.
At eight o'clock exactly I approached Jailbait. “Hey, it's eight o'clock. Just want to let you know I'm done.”
“thank you, bobbie. Right on time. Let's move on to your next task list, shall we? Fetch my purse, I think I left it in the living room.”
I groaned inwardly. Now what? I fetched the purse and presented it . . . “thank you, bobbie! I have been just dying to know what these little secret chores are!” She opened her purse and pulled out a stack of small pink envelopes. I was immediately taken back in time to the note from Steve; the stationary was similar.
“Cindy called these the fun chores. She said it is important to do them in order, so let's begin . .” She took the top envelope – marked “#1” - and opened it. She looked at it and read it before reading it to me. As she looked at the card I was looking at her; the reaction I saw was disappointment. “wow, bobbie, I hope these tasks aren't all boring. I think I would rather read my chemistry text . . well, here it is:
“bobbie, give miss Jailbait a tour - be sure she is aware of all the security features in the house.”
This was just like Cindy. She was exciting, kinky, but safe and practical at the same time. This was a sign that she planned on Jailbait being here more than once. I found I liked the idea. I dutifully led Jailbait through the house, showing her all the features of our state-of-the-art home alarm system. I shared the passwords, and even had her arm and disarm a few times to be sure she got it. “anything else you need to show me?” she asked.
“No, that's about it.”
“great, let's see if #2 is more fun for you.”
We returned to the kitchen, and she opened card #2. She held it up and we read it together:
“bobbie, did you remember all the security features? If you remembered to show miss Jailbait your permisteral panic button, expect a special treat tonight! If not, get to it!
I swear I could feel the red draining from my face. I was hoping against hope I wouldn't have to do this . . Jailbait was looking at me, amused. “permisteral panic button, bobbie? Whatever could that be?”
“It's a button on the bottom of my chastity belt, miss Jailbait.”
“aw, and you didn't want to show me?”
“It's a little embarrassing, I guess.”
“I should imagine so! I don't think most men would think it's something to be proud of.”
“anyway, there is a button hidden at the base of the ring, which overrides some of the other features and can also call outside help.”
“I see. Why don't you go ahead and read the card out loud, maybe that will help you retain the information better.” I noticed she was speaking to me as one might a small young. I picked the card up and read it out loud, as she asked.
“so have you figured out what to do now, bobbie?”
Yes, I had it figured out before now, actually, just trying to dodge my fate. No such luck. I took off my Jeans and boxers together, and stood before her utterly humiliated.
Jailbait squealed in delight. “Oh my god, it's so small, and so - pink!” it seemed she could not stop giggling. “Does it hurt?”
“Not usually, but I am quite uncomfortable right now.”
“why is that, bobbie?”
“you know what you are doing, don't you?” My cock was trying it's damnedest to break out of primister.
She smiled at me. “I have no idea, what you are talking about, Mr. B. Honest, cross my heart! I'm just ripe and innocent, you know.” As she said 'cross my heart', she thrust out her chest and made a crossing motion.
“cocktease!” I teased her back . . she looked at me for a moment.
“Cindy was right about that, too. You do have a lot of attitude, for a guy who's wife keeps him in a little pink cage. And you never answered my question.”
“does it hurt?”
“oh. Right now, as a matter of fact, yes.”
“I see. Would you like it off?”
My heart lurched. Surely Cindy wouldn't leave a key with Jailbait! But she is wild and unpredictable, that Cindy . . I couldn't stop myself.
“Oh my god, I would love it off!”
I took a step forward, suddenly motivated to allow her a clear view and clear access.
“are you going to show me the button, or just stand there?”
“oh, well, you can only actually from behind, I would probably have to bend over, it's on the very bottom kind of behind . .”
“well, what are you waiting for? It's taking you a long time to complete this very simple task. Bend over the table there.”
So there I was, bent over my kitchen table, with my babysitter inspecting my chastity. “I thought a man's balls were considered an erogenous zone. Why are they exposed? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a chastity belt?”
“well actually -” and that's as far as I got. I felt her hands on me and lost all ability to speak. I could feel one hand was feeling around the base of my chastity, probing around as she looked it over. The other hand lightly cupped my balls.
“I know why the balls are exposed, silly. Cindy told me. I was just teasing you.”
This didn't sound quite right. “what did Cindy tell you?”
“Oh, she was talking about how attentive you become when your balls are full. I understand you haven't had relief in almost a week! She explained that stimulating the balls helps the trapped fluids circulate and stay fresh.
“when she told me this should be done regularly, I didn't imagine myself doing it, that's for sure. But you are such a good sport you deserve a little help!”
I could hardly focus on her words, her hands were making me crazy. She continued to stimulate me, and I began to think maybe I would cum just from having my balls stroked.
“Hey, stay still, or I'll stop.” I hadn't realized I had been thrusting about . . I powerd myself to remain still. “uh, you said something about taking my cage off?” even as the words came out I realized how pathetic I sounded.
“Do you want it off?”
she raised her eyebrows and smiled.
“Yes, Please, miss Jailbait!”
“hmm . . Cindy was right, the cage does make you polite. But, no, I'm not going to take the cage off, I was just wondering what your feelings were.” With that, she stopped stroking and gave me a hard swat across my exposed ass. “Sorry, it was right there, too tempting to resist. Wow, I can see my hand print! Sorry bobbie . . go ahead and put yourself back together and let's move on . .”
Posts: 968
Simply amazing great stuff!! Droopy and Miss
Posts: 819
Wonderful. This is one that has me cuming back. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 4050
A great story and a great babysitter
Posts: 22
Shankely, Donna, Denied, BumNote, Timmy -
thank you all for your kind comments. I wasn't sure how my style would be received. I realize I am soft-core and slow-paced compared to some. My first story, the positive feedback is reassuring.
GH: I must say, you are my inspiration here, specifically in that you depict characters who could possibly exist. And you show how their kink could possibly fit into their lives without destroying it. And make it hot, all at the same time. That's my goal.
Oh, and Denied - when Steve made the chastity in home workshop, he was more concerned with function than size. I'm pretty sure the new cage has made bobbie miss the old one . .
Posts: 3581
Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 29
Awesome story. Please continue..
Posts: 506
Nice work! Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 1914
Story is a peach, Peaches. Thanks
Posts: 4050
I remember the movie, "Adventures in Baby Sitting". This wasn't anything like it. It must be the submissive cuckold version.
Thanks for another fun segment.
Posts: 22
#27 · Edited by: peaches
Sorry everyone. If the ending to the last segment seemed abrupt - it was. That wasn't the end of the segment. I just saw some of it got cut off somehow, I must have done something wrong. Here is the conclusion of the last segment: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________
I did as instructed, laying my bed in front of the coach. When I started the DVD player, the movie Titanic began.
“ooh, how romantic! Your Cindy sure knows how to set a mood.”
I don't have any particular infatuation with feet. But a while back I realized that I could have a foot fetish – but only if the feet were attached to Cindy. And now, I found that the feet on Jailbait worked just fine, too.
I knelt in front of her on my doggie bed as she laid back on the coach and got comfortable. “C'mon bobbie – my feet are waiting for you.” I took her feet, one in each hand. She had pink bootie-style socks, which I gently removed. I placed a single gentle kiss on each toe.
When I saw her little gold anklet, complete with a little key just like Cindy's, I wasn't surprised at all. By this time I had almost expected it. As I messaged her feet, I murmured, “you have a key.”
“oh yeah, I forgot.” She quickly tucked in her ankle and removed the anklet. “sorry, bobbie. Cindy told me your not allowed to touch that.”
“It seems like you knew this part was coming. Did Cindy tell you or did you read the cards?”
“curious boy. You have so many questions. If you keep quizzing me, I might have to apply Cindy's sex rule to questions . .”
“miss Jailbait! Why?”
Jailbait was laughing. “Oh my god this is funny. I think I will use the answer Cindy recommended for this situation: “because it amuses me”. Is that OK with you?”
My cock twitched in response, but I doubt Jailbait heard it. “you just made my jail cell a bit tighter when you said that.”
“Hey, you'll have to take that up with the head warden. I'm just the new guard on duty, and my shift is about over.” In response I used the only outlet I had – I began to make love to her feet with my mouth and my hands. “ah, that's wonderful”.
A few minutes went by in silence, as jailbait settled into watching the movie. She seemed to be enjoying my work.
After a while, out of the blue, she told me, “Cindy predicted that at some point you would start pestering me with questions. She told me to use my judgment but don't keep answering questions. She knows you so well. So knows that not knowing things makes the game more fun for you . . it's like another form of denial.”
Looking back to five years ago, when Cindy was Mrs. Vanilla Birch, seems like another lifetime. I have truly created a monster. Cindy accepted the role I asked he to and ran with it. She refined it, perfected it, turned it into an art form. And now she has taken an apprentice.
I had a brief image of Cindy in a Darth Vader helmet. It was funny enough to me that I let out a little laugh.
Jailbait glanced down. “hey asshole, the ship is sinking. What's so funny?”
I smiled at her. “Sorry miss Jailbait. I just had a funny thought.”
“tell me.” her eyes were closing. She muted the volume on the TV. “go ahead, I've seen this before. Pretty sure I know what happens.”
“nah . . . maybe not knowing will make it more fun for you.”
“maybe. Getting to punish you for that remark might be more fun than hearing about whatever made you laugh.” She tucked her left foot up and pointed to it. “just work on that one for a while. It needs extra attention.”
As I focused my attention on her raised left foot, her right foot slowly snaked down to my groin. I started to squirm as she gave my balls a toe job, tickling and caressing with her toes. When you've been chastised, a little stimulation goes a long way.
“Cindy was wrong about one thing though.” I didn't respond. I was in the process of giving each of her left toes it's own private blowjob. “she thought that this foot message would be a hurdle for me, to see if I could enjoy having your hands on me.
“she didn't tell me everything on the cards, butshe did tell me about the foot rub. She knew I was nervous. If I didn't want you touching my feet, I could just not give you the sixth envelope – just have you watch the movie with me.
“Cindy hoped that by this point, her husband would have at least seduced the babysitter enough to allow a foot rub. I have to admit, I wasn't sure it would happen. I guess we're ahead of the curve a bit, bobbie!
As I finished work on her left big toe, she switched feet so I could do the right foot. I performed slow, methodical, loving oral sex on her right foot.
“my god that's amazing bobbie. No one ever told me there's a direct line between my toes and my love button.”
I gazed up at her, the obvious question in my eyes. “not tonight, bobbie.” Jailbait was purring. “I'll just have to be strong for a while longer . .” Disappointment washed over me. We've come this far, why would she not let me please her?
And so it was that when Cindy walked in the door, she found me sucking Jailbait's right big toe, gazing up at her with worship in my eyes, as she caressed my balls with her other foot.
Posts: 506
 nailed it! Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 968
Looking forward to more? ? Droopy and Miss
Posts: 22
Thank you Alcabin. And frankly, Mr. Shankly, I am having a blast writing this, so here's more:
______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________
If Cindy found anything odd about me sitting at – and sucking on – my babysitter's feet, she gave no sign. In fact she didn't even seem to notice. After she hung up her coat she looked at Jailbait. “Looks like you have things under control. It's nice having a good babysitter. Give me a minute and I'll be ready to hear about your evening.” She sounded like she was discussing a grocery order.
Cindy motioned for Jailbait to follow her, so Jailbait got up and followed, after giving me a moment to kiss each foot and put her footies back on her, as Cindy watched, showing no interest or reaction.
Not certain what to do, I began to rise. Cindy looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. “Sit. Stay.”
They left the room together, Cindy acting as if this were the most normal thing in the world, Jailbait looking over her shoulder and giggling.
They sat and chatted in the kitchen for maybe ten minutes. It seemed like a long time, whatever it was. There was no question of disobeying. As I sat on my doggie bed in the living room I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could hear occasional laughter.
Finally Cindy came back in alone. She sat down on the couch in front of me.
Instinctively, I removed her shoes and began to rub her feet. Women don't wear fuck-me pumps because they are comfortable.
“you got a little revenge on me tonight, bobbie.”
huh? I am not sure what I expected but it wasn't that. “uh – how's that?”
“All this time I have been playing with your jealousy, your emotions . . when I walked in and saw you giving her that look . . I actually experienced a pang of jealousy. Surprising, unfamiliar . . but I am pretty sure that's what it was.”
“I sorry, mamm! She said you were OK with . . .”
Cindy touched my lips. “I know, I know. I did say that, and I am good with it. Delighted by it actually. I am not upset. It's probably healthy for me to get a small taste of what I serve you so often.”
I did not respond; my lips had been touched.
“So . . how are you, Rob? Did you enjoy tonight? Please speak freely . . I need to know you're OK.”
“Cindy, you never cease to amaze me. I was stunned when she walked in, surprised when she didn't walk out . . she seemed pretty uncomfortable at first.” I reconsidered. “that was at least partially an act, though.”
Cindy smiled. “It wasn't all an act. She was nervous. It took quite a while to persuade her to do this.”
“you did it all behind my back. Not complaining, just an observation.”
Cindy shrugged. “Kind of like a surprise party. For the most wonderful husband in the world. Do you mind?”
“No. Just the opposite, in fact.” I thought for a minute. “I know you told her not to talk to much, but she's not very experienced at keeping secrets. She basically told me you've been working on this for over a year.”
“Like I said, it took her a while to warm up to the idea. And even then, she insisted on no physical contact. Looks like she got past that, though.” Watching me, she laughed. “ooh, my boy is blushing. What happened? How naughty were you?”
“well . . we kind of 'made out' by the fireplace.” Cindy looked surprised! I felt a small sense of victory . .
“wow, you stud!” she said, laughing. “You seem kinda proud of yourself. Hope you didn't get her pregnant!” Before I could respond, Cindy went on. “I'm sorry honey, I shouldn't have said that. I do want this to be a serious discussion, not playtime. At least until I am sure how you feel and where we go from here.”
“What are the options?”
“well . . she says she enjoyed it more than she thought she would. Honestly, she seems like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Compared to when she got here. She was so nervous. She is willing to play some more. Eager, in fact.
“The first decision is weather you want her to go home now, or stay longer . . .”
“what happens if she stays?”
“same thing as always. I might even be a bit harsher than usual, since we have company. I don't want her to think I am soft on you.”
“well since were in timeout from play, I just have to ask bluntly – what's in it for me? Any treats in store for hubbie tonight?”
“I seriously doubt it. Whatever she sees tonight is going to leave an impression. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Most nights when I get home, you end up going without, and this will probably be the same way. No guarantees either way though. You know I don't really plan these things in advance.”
I just looked at Cindy and gave her a moment to realize how stupid that sounded. She still didn't seem to get it.
“So let me get this straight. You spent over a year recruiting and training Jailbait. But you don't plan in advance.”
She smiled, a bit embarrassed perhaps. “You're right. A little planning went into this. Back to your question about what's in it for you . . I'm sure you noticed she has a little key, like mine.”
duh. “I may have noticed.”
“Same rules apply. You don't ask to be released. If she does release you from your cage, you don't pester her to 'take care of you'. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. If you can figure out a way to get off, more power to you. Usually your dick and your hands won't be free at the same time.
“On the other hand, let me be perfectly explicit about this, before we go back to play time. When you shared your fantasies with me, the idea was that I would have sexual freedom and you would remain totally faithful. But you also gave me the right to make the rules, and I am.
“Rob, anything you want to do with her, that she let's you do, is OK with me. If she wants to ride you like a cowgirl until until you shoot off inside her, that's fine. If she decides to take your blowjob virginity before I get around to it, that's fine, too. Is that clear? You probably won't get many chances with her, so don't pass up the ones you do get.”
“you're sure.”
“I'm sure. After all . .” she trailed off. “so about tonight. Should I pay her and send her on her way? Or does she stay for playtime? It could be rough on you.”
“that's a no-brainer. I don't want her to leave.”
Cindy smiled playfully. “game on, then!” She patted me on the head. “Stay. Good boy.”