Posts: 4050
What can I say, I really like this story.
This is the first installment of "Sandra and Stevie". It took me about six months to write this story. When I originally wrote it, I posted it as a serial. I still believe that is the most enjoyable way to read this story. That is the way that I intend to present it here. At times you are going to have to wait to find out what happens next. Sandra and Stevie is a fantasy. That was my intention when I wrote it. There are many incredible things that occur in this story. Some of them may challenge plausibility. I make no apology, that's the nature of fantasies. This is a long story detailing the lives of several different people. It was written as an erotic story. Because of it's scope, there were segments that had to be written as non erotic plot development. For purposes of convenience I intend to post all of this story in the loving wives section of this web site. I hope that the people at will allow me to do this. This is a tale about people who are deeply in love with each other. It is a very romantic story. It is also a story of female domination. cuckolding, offense and sadomasochism.
My characters express their love for each other in ways that may offend some people. If you are bothered by this kind of story, I strongly suggest that you find something else to read. For those of you who have been enjoying my story "Brenda and Bobby" I want you to know that they eventually become principle characters in this story. * I opened the door to Tyler Cummings town house and looked inside. The party was in full swing. I already knew that of course, the blaring music that I heard as I walked up his front steps was good clue.
"Hey Stevie come on in." It was Tyler. He was an old friend from college. We'd graduated together two years earlier.
There were also several other guys from our graduating class here. We were a tight group in college and we kept in touch.
Tyler was in law school. Myself, I went to work as an investment counselor as soon as I graduated. I seemed to have a real knack for researching new companies. I was making a lot of money for both my clients and myself.
Tyler noticed the four bottles of French red wine in my hand. "Hey good, I'm glad to see you remembered to bring some wine. We have a keg, but I know you've never been much of a beer man. You'd better go open up one of those bad boys, then come on outside. Everybody is on the patio."
He pointed me to the bar. I plowed my way through the crowd. Every few feet I stopped to greet old friends. It was several minutes before I actually had a glass of wine in my hand.
I'd been hurrying all day, actually you could make that all week. It was Friday evening and as I took a sip of wine, I realized that this was the first chance I'd had since last Monday morning to stop and take a breath.
I leaned against the wall. I just wanted to relax for a moment before I moved into party mode. As I stood there I glanced around the room and surveyed the crowd. I was just thinking that I knew most of the guests when I noticed her.
She was a sultry dishwater blonde wearing a short denim miniskirt that just barely covered the cheeks of one very sexy ass. Her flimsy cotton crop top left her soft flat tummy fully exposed and just barely concealed her small breasts. I guessed she was about my age.
I watched her as she talked to the people around her. She was animated and alive. She liked to laugh. She seemed like a really fun permister.
I was completely captivated by her. I just stood there staring. I was a complete fool.
Suddenly I realized that she was staring back at me.
Now I have to tell you, I am not a big time ladies man. I am short, only 5'7" tall. I barely weigh in at 130 lbs. My foster lady and her sister have been reminding me that I would have been "a really cute girl" since before I can remember. I am hardly the big muscular jock that most beautiful women seem to be attracted to.
To make matters worse, I am not exactly well endowed in the genital area. I have a little 3 inch peepee that makes most girls giggle when they unzip my pants for the first time.
And that's not all. It gets even worse. I get kind of nervous when I get in the sack with a girl. I tend to have an orgasm quickly, I mean really quickly. Lots of times all a girl has to do is touch me and I shoot.
I only tell you this so that you can understand that I get kind of shy around women, especially beautiful women, women like the blonde who was now staring at me from across the room.
I wished that I could have been cool. I imagined myself giving her a sly wink and a little nod. I would have loved to have been able to walk over to her and say something really clever. Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon was my hero. He would have known how to approach her. Sadly that's not me. I'm not Sam Spade, I'm Stevie Wagner. I got nervous and stared at the floor. After a moment, I mustered up enough courage to look at her again. She was gone. I started to glance around the room looking for her when I heard a voice behind me.
"You're kind of shy aren't you?"
I turned around. It was her. Now I was terrified. I sort of managed to stammer an answer as I stared at the floor. "Yeah I guess so."
She laughed. "You really are shy." Then she took my hand. "Relax, I think you're cute. "I'm Sandra Monroe."
Her touch and soothing voice relaxed me a little. "Hi Sandra, I'm Stevie Wagner."
She playfully shook my hand. "Pleased to meet you Stevie. Hey, do you think you could rustle me up a glass of that wine you're takeing? I don't particularly like beer."
Sandra had a very easy going manner about her. Every time she spoke, I relaxed just a little bit more.
"Oh yeah, sure, I'd love to. Wait here. I'll be right back."
"I won't move an inch."
I got Sandra a glass of wine and we started to chat. She knew Tyler from law school. She was also in her second year.
As we talked we found out that we had a lot in common. We both grew up in the mid west. We liked watching football. We both played golf, we liked classical music and we loved reading mystery books. Her favorite mystery writer was Agatha Christie, mine was Rex Stout.
Time flew by. After awhile Sandra said, "Stevie, I'm having a really good time with you, but its noisy in here. Would you like to go somewhere a little quieter?."
"Yes, yes I would love to. I'm having a really good time with you to Sandra. Where would you like to go?"
"Do you have a place?"
"Sure, I have a little apartment near old town."
"Wanna take me there?"
This was dangerous ground. I started to get nervous again. "Yeah okay. umm sure."
Sandra realized what was happening. She laughed and took my hand. "Come on, I promise not to hurt you." She paused. "Can I ride with you? I came here with my roommate."
"Sure, of course. I would really like that."
"Promise you will get me home?" She was laughing.
I was relaxing again. "Yeah, I promise."
"Give me a minute. I have to find Julie and tell her where I am going. I'll be right back. Don't move, okay?"
"Don't worry, I'll stay right here."
I watched her weave through the crowd. She was beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.
As I waited for Sandra to return, I thought about the turn of events. I was stunned by my good fortune. I had just met a beautiful woman who not only seemed to like me, she actually wanted to go home with me.
As I thought about this, fear and nervousness crept back into my mind. There was still a potential for disaster. Sandra didn't as yet know how pathetic I was in bed. Secretly I was actually hoping that things might not get that far. Sex had become traumatic for me.
Sandra finally found a bleached blonde. I don't say things like this very often, but I have to tell you that she looked really slutty.
They both looked at me and talked for a moment. Finally, Sandra kissed her friend on the cheek and started back towards me.
When she got back, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. "Lets go."
As we passed the bar she reached out and snared an unopened bottle of wine. "You brought these didn't you?"
I nodded and said, "Yes."
"Good, then we can take one. Most of these people are beer takeers anyway."