Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 1914
Jeez guys, give him a break. GH just gave us a huge update and we know that there is a finite resource there. Back the pressure off and we will all enjoy it more, and for longer.
Posts: 14692
Relax Peak, just keeping him on the front page. I don't care how long I have to wait. It will be worth it.
Posts: 4050
Ajax, Timmy, Kwazzee
Thanks for the kind comments, they are appreciated.
I also thank you for your kind comment. I do apologize for some of the breaks I'm taking. Lisa and I are now able to do some traveling and while we're traveling the time to write is limited.
Thanks for understanding.
Thanks for the bump and understanding too.
All of you, thanks again for your comments.
Posts: 4050
#215 · Edited by: goodhusband
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she laughed and said; "Okay, I'm a shameless, supercilious slut and you profess to love me."
Grinning, I said; "I certainly do."
"Can you explain why?"
"Sure, you're beautiful..."
"Are you saying that you wouldn't have married me if I was homely?"
Suddenly understanding what Jackie was trying to tell me, I said; "Okay, I get it. You like the inner me."
"The outer you is pretty cute too. Artie, in addition to being sweet and sexy; you're strong, reliable, loving and honest. You're a wonderful man and I am so thankful that you're willing to put up with a wife who's a cheating slut."
"You have a soft spot for scrawny, submissive, simpletons. I have an equally large soft spot for cheating sluts." I winked at Jackie.
Jackie hugged me. "Artie Hammond, I love you so much."
"I love you too Jackie Conners."
"Would you like to hear about the rest of my date or would you rather just make love and go to relax?"
"I want to hear about the rest of your date. One of the benefits of being married to a cheating slut is getting to hear about the fun she has with other men."
"Artie, I'm not sure there are many husbands who would agree with that statement."
"Just the natural born cuckolds and I happen to be one of them."
Laughing, Jackie said; "And I am so glad that I found you."
"All right, back to story time. If I remember correctly Mr. Taylor had just finished fucking your tits and you were sucking his cock again."
"Hearing you say that makes my pussy tingle." Jackie was giggling.
"Was your pussy tingling while you were sucking Mr. Taylor's big cock?"
Jackie gasped. "It wasn't just tingling, it was gushing. Artie, I was so turned on."
"You liked sucking him."
"Yes Artie, I did. I love cocks, I always have. I suppose that's one of the reamisters I'm such a slut. When I'm giving a blow job I feel like I'm communing with the essence of primal lust."
Jackie smiled. "When I'm sucking a man's cock, especially a really big cock; it feels like a transcendental experience."
"You're making love to his cock."
"I'm not making love to him."
"No, I understand that."
"But you may be right, I may be making love to his cock. Does that bother you Artie?"
"No, I don't think it does. In fact, it helps me understand just how sexual you really are."
"I am. I don't understand why I'm that way, but I am."
"I don't understand why I'm a submissive masochist. I just am."
Jackie nodded. "I guess we are what we are. Can you accept that Artie?"
"I think I can, but it might take me a little time. Our culture doesn't have much tolerance for either of us."
"Our culture doesn't have much tolerance for anyone who's different." Jackie shrugged. "That's their problem, not ours."
Admiring my wife's free spirited attitude, I nodded.
Jackie smiled, but then she paused. After a moment she said; "You're right, we do have to shield the girls from all of this."
"It's absolutely essential."
"What about Edie?" Jackie was asking about the widowed aunt who raised me.
I shook my head. "She's not an issue. I don't think Edie is in the least bit interested in our sex lives and she already knows that I do most of the household chores. She thinks it makes sense, my work schedule is much easier than yours."
"You're right. When Edie comes to visit I'll just have to be discreet about my extra fun."
"She comes to see the girls. While she's here they'll always be around, so you'll have to be discreet anyway." I smiled at Jackie. "We've gotten side tracked again, haven't we."
"I'm sorry Artie. I really do need to talk about all of this. I'm terrified that I'm going to do something that will hurt you and make you leave."
I smiled. "Feel free to talk as much as you want. Talking is a good way to make sure nothing like that happens. Besides, I'm still trying to figure all of this out too. I need to talk just as much as you do." Jackie smiled. "But you're right, it does get us side tracked. Let's get back to my date. Telling you about it is so much fun."
"I believe you were sucking Mr. Taylor's cock."
Jackie's smile turned into a grin. Giggling, she said; "Yes I was and I can't begin to describe how happy I am that you want to hear more about it."
"What can I say; I’m a natural born cuckold."
Lasciviously licking her lips, Jackie said; "And I love to party with other men and tell you about it."
My breath caught.
Jackie kissed me and then she said; "Artie, by that time Clayt's cock was hard again and when it's hard, it's huge. It's not all that long, maybe seven inches; but it's thick and it has this fantastic upward curve."
I looked down at my penis. It was sticking straight up, but it was just barely four inches, pencil thin and it didn't curve at all. It wasn't big enough to curve. Turning to Jackie, I said, "Seven inches is a lot longer than mine."
Reaching down and giving my cock a firm squeeze, Jackie said; "You're a little cuckboy, you don't need a big cock."
A thrill rippled through my loins. Jackie had just taunted me. It was subtle, but it was a taunt and it was the first time she'd ever said something like that. Yes, she'd called me cuckboy, but that was all she'd done. Now she was suggesting that I wasn't really a man. My masochistic desires erupted. Bursting with excitement, I stared at my wife.
There was a moment of silence and then, realizing what she'd just said, Jackie shook her head; "Artie, I'm so sorry. That just popped out. I didn't..."
Smiling, I gently touched my index finger to Jackie's lips. "No, don't apologize. It excited me."
"It did?"
I felt my face flush with offense, but realizing the importance of the moment; I took a deep breath and tried to explain. "Yes, it did. Jackie, I..." I faltered. I was overwhelmed with embarrassment.
Jackie stared at me.
Fighting to regain my composure, I took another deep breath and tried again. "Jackie, we've already talked about my masochism."
Suddenly understanding, Jackie nodded. "Of course; I'm sorry Artie, I'm usually more perceptive than that. You want me to taunt you, don't you?"
Once more, I felt my face flush with embarrassment.
Noticing, Jackie shook her head and said; "I'm not making this easy for you, am I."
I shrugged.
Jackie leaned over, kissed my cheek and whispered; "It excited me too."
I looked at her.
She smiled and said; "It really did."
I smiled.
She said; "Don't forget that I love you and this is just a game."
"I won't."
"If I go too far, will you tell me?"
"I'll try."
"Artie, this is important. Taunting you and hurting you would be a fun game, but I don't want to really hurt you."
Having read volumes of Internet stories about dominant women and submissive men, I immediately knew the solution. I said; "Time out."
Shaking her head in confusion, Jackie said; "Time out? What does that mean?"
"It's going to be our safe word. If either of us says or does something that makes the other one uncomfortable we call, 'Time out'."
"Can you do that Artie?"
"I think so. Can you do it?"
Jackie laughed. "I don't think I'm the one who's going to need a safe word; but yes, I'm sure I can." She thought for a moment and then she asked; "Artie, do you really think you can do that?"
"Yes, I think I can; having it as an established protocol makes it easier."
"Sweetheart, if you can really do that it allows me to relax when we play games. I won't have to worry about pushing you too hard."
"I want you to push me."
"Artie, are you sure about that?"
"Yes, I think I am; no know I am. There isn't any question about it."
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she smiled and said; "All right, let's try it. Remember you can always call time out."
"I won't forget."
"Okay, here goes. Cuckboy, why would a little wimp like you even think about comparing himself to a man like Clayt?"
Momentarily taken aback by the brashness of Jackie's question, I recoiled.
Jackie was watching me carefully. She noted my reaction immediately and tried to back track. "Artie, I didn't mean it, I was just playing."
My shock was only temporary. Quickly recovering, I said; "No, that was perfect."
"Are you sure?'
"Yes, I am." And then I remembered something from one of my favorite cuckold stories. It was just what we needed. I said; "Jacqueline, may I make another suggestion."
"Of course."
"When we're playing, 'time out' is the only phrase that should concern you. You should ignore anything else I say." I paused and then I said; "No, that’s not quite right. Anything else I say should be viewed as encouragement."
"I'm not sure I understand what you're telling me."
"Let’s try it again. Repeat what you said to me a moment ago."
"You're sure it's all right."
"I'm sure."
"Okay. Cuckboy, why would a little wimp like you even think about comparing himself to a man like Clayt?"
In my most submissive tone of voice I said; "Ms. Jacqueline, please don't call me a wimp."
"Are you telling me that it's okay to call you a wimp?"
Feeling both excited and embarrassed, I quietly answered; "Yes."
Jackie clapped her hands together. "Artie, that is so hot. I get it. When you really don't want me to do something, you'll call time out. I should take anything else you say as encouragement."
"That's right."
"That's really cool. Did you just think of that?"
"No it's in one of my favorite stories."
"I have to read that story. Do you have it?"
"Yes, I'll show it to you tomorrow."
"Okay, do you want to try that again?"
"Do you?"
Nodding, Jackie said; "I really do."
"Are you ready?"
"Cuckboy, why would a little wimp like you even think about comparing himself to a man like Clayt?"
"Ms. Jacqueline, please don't call me a wimp."
"Why not, that's what you are. You're a pencil dicked cuckold wimp..." Suddenly Jackie started giggling and added; "Who also happens to be the love of my life."
I laughed. "That last part does tend to detract from the overall effect of your taunt."
Jackie shrugged. "I don't know, I thought it added just the right amount of pizzazz."
"Yeah, pizzazz; you got a problem with that pencil dick?"
Grinning, I said; "No Ms. Jacqueline, I don't."
Jackie leaned over and kissed me hard on the lips. She was giggling. I was too.
Posts: 14692
GH, I love it. I love the conversation as the two "love birds" finding their way into their new relationship.
Posts: 943
GH.. tell Lisa to go out shopping so you can have "focus" time.....  Ok, Gh.. out of words to describe how good this thread is.. Thank you.
Posts: 4050
Timmy and cuckold_2
I assure that I try very hard to avoid telling Lisa to do anything.
Posts: 144
And he'd better never forget that.  Lisa
Posts: 14692
Fantastic. Another masterpiece. Thank you Sir
Posts: 1418
Very interesting
Posts: 1914
GH, Very clever writing the way you have escalated the exchanges between these two recently. Erotic without penetration, and great dialog. I wonder if you have a secret coach at home for some of that ...
After all, if she said it, it must be obeyed ..
Posts: 27
Your best story yet. I identify with this story because I am very submissive and I am married to a beautiful cheating wife. She makes similar comments about how boring sex with me is. She loves me, of that I am sure. But, she only gets aroused and wet for her lovers (she has two of them). My wife has a sadistic side as well. At the beginning of our relationship she had similar concerns. Over the years, she has allowed more and more of her sadistic and dominant side to emerge as she gained confidence that it did not push me away but in fact made me more submissive to her.
Keep going! I know how hard it is to write and I appreciate your efforts.
Posts: 22
I haven't yet read all of GH's stories, but it's hard to imagine one more compelling. Can't wait to see the interaction when Natalie and Connie get involved.
Posts: 4050
Timmy and Zinc
As always, thank you
You might say that I have a technical advisor with extensive field experience and yes, she is always obeyed.
For men like us there is nothing more exciting than a powerful woman who enjoys her position. Thanks for the kind comment.
Thank you
I'm looking forward to reading more of your story.
All of you. thank you again for taking the time to comment. It is appreciated.
Posts: 4050
#226 · Edited by: goodhusband
Shall we get back to my evening with Clayt?
"I'd like that very much. I believe you were sucking his cock."
"I was and I was enjoying it. I had both of my hands wrapped around Clayt's thick shaft while I kissed and licked the head of his cock. Cuckboy, some men have cocks with really big heads. Clayt's one of those men."
"Do you like cocks with big heads?"
"I do. Do you want to hear something funny?"
"Don't laugh at me."
"I would never do that."
Jackie smiled. "Good boy, it wouldn't be polite to laugh at your Mistress, would it?"
"No ma'am, it wouldn't."
Jackie squeezed my penis; "Very good." And then she asked; "Cuckboy, you know how a guy’s cock has that little mouth in the head."
"Yes ma'am."
When I'm with a guy who has a bigger cock, especially a cock like Clayt's, a cock with a big head; I like to close my eyes, wrap my hands around his stiff shaft and kiss that beautiful head. Artie I like to make out with the magnificent creature my stud keeps tethered between his legs."
“A creature tethered between his legs? You make it sound like a cock is a living thing, an independent entity.”
“My mom, my sister and I all feel the same way. We love cocks and I guess sometimes we do view them as living things.”
"You have a passion for cocks. “
“All three of us share that passion.”
Earlier you told me that for you sucking a cock is exciting."
"Very exciting, Artie for all three of us cocks are alluring, almost bewitching."
"Did you make out with Mr. Taylor's cock tonight?"
"I did."
"Did he enjoy it?"
"Yes, and so did I."
Jackie squeezed my penis again. "You're really hard cuckboy. You must enjoy hearing about me sucking other men."
Taking a deep breath, I said; "Yes, I do."
"I would think that knowing I haven’t been giving you that pleasure would make it difficult for you to hear about me doing it for other men."
"It does ma'am."
"But you still enjoy hearing about it."
"Yes ma'am."
“Even if it causes you pain.”
"You enjoy pain, don't you cuckboy."
"Yes." My voice was raspy with excitement.
Still holding on to my penis, Jackie reached over with her free hand, grabbed my nipple between her thumb and her forefinger and gave it a vicious twist.
I yelped.
Giggling, Jackie said; "And I love inflicting it on you."
Trying to maintain my composure, I took a deep breath and then I quietly said; "Thank you ma'am."
"You're very welcome. Believe me, the pleasure was all mine." Jackie smiled. "That's the way it should be, isn't it cuckie."
"Yes ma'am."
"Want to hear what Clayt and I did next?"
"Yes please."
Leaning over, Jackie whispered in my ear; "While I was making out with Clayt's cock I started thinking about how much I wanted to feel that big head pushing into my pussy. I wanted Clayt to fuck me cuckboy. I wanted him to pin me to the bed, climb on top of me and push his huge dick into my hot wet cunt."
Jackie squeezed my penis, my very erect penis. "What do you think about that cuckboy? Does that get you hot too?"
"Yes, yes it does."
"Lie back."
I complied with Jackie’s command without question. She straddled me again. This time she was facing my head rather than my feet. Moving up so that her cunt was directly over my face, she said; "I got a condom from my purse. It was a magnum. Clayt needs a magnum. A regular sized condom would never fit on a cock as thick as his."
I nodded.
"Look at my cunt cuckboy. Tonight another man fucked me. Actually he fucked me two times. Yes, Clayt came three times tonight. I sucked him off and then he fucked me twice. The second time he fucked me he lasted for over a half hour."
Jackie laughed. "A half hour cuckboy, do you think you could fuck a woman for a half hour?"
Shaking my head, I said; "No ma'am, I'd cum almost immediately. That's why you need to party with men like Mr. Taylor."
Jackie smiled. "I'm glad you understand that cuckie."
I nodded.
Jackie said; "The first time Clayt fucked me he was on top. That's my favorite position. I don't really know why. Well maybe I do. When a guys on top he's in control. He's doing the fucking and I love to be fucked."
"Did Mr. Taylor's big cock head feel good inside you?"
"I love having a husband who wants to know if another man's cock felt good in my cunt." Jackie was giggling.
I smiled up at her.
Jackie stopped giggling and stared down at me. Lewdly licking her lips, she said; "It felt wonderful cuckboy. Clayt has a magnificent cock and he knows exactly what to do with it."
"He was good."
"Clayt was very good. The first time, when he was on top, I came twice. The second time he wanted me on top so I rode him cowgirl. After about twenty minutes he rolled me off of him, pulled me up to my hands and knees and finished me doggie style. I love doggie because I can rub my clit while I'm getting fucked."
"Did you cum again?"
"Oh yes, I came once while I was riding Clayt and I came again while he was fucking me doggie. By the time Clayt got off the second time I was spent."
"You had a good time."
"Cuckboy I had a wonderful time."
"I'm glad."
"Are you Artie, are you really?"
Jackie grinned down at me. "Would you like to kiss my pussy?"
"Yes please."
"Are you sure? Another man just fucked me twice. I'm not messy down there, he wore a condom; but his cock was inside of me for almost an hour."
"Even if you were messy with Mr. Taylor’s cum I would still love to kiss and lick your pussy."
"That's good cuckboy. That’s the way it should be." Jackie slowly lowered her cunt to my face. "Go ahead, kiss me. Another man just finished fucking my cunt and now you get to kiss it and lick it."
I kissed Jackie's cunt lips and then I pushed my tongue into her and licked her. She was aroused, slippery with her own moisture. I closed my eyes and tasted her.
Jackie ground her dripping cunt into my face and growled, "Eat me cuckboy. Eat my just fucked cunt."
I responded by kissing and tongue fucking Jackie. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her pressed tightly to my face while I made love to her with my mouth.
Suddenly Jackie arched her back and screamed. Her orgasm was volcanic, but that didn't deter her. The entire time she was cumming she continued grinding her cunt into my face. As Jackie came her moisture gushed onto my lips, my mouth, my nose and my cheeks. I loved it, I reveled in it, and I cherished it. Jackie was my goddess, her cum was my nectar.
Jackie came again. I was amazed. Even in the fog of my own arousal I was still able to realize that I'd never before been able to make her cum twice in succession. Knowing that earlier that evening she'd had at least four orgasms with Mr. Taylor made it even more amazing. My wife truly was a sexual lioness and knowing that made me love her even more.
The second orgasm took its toll on Jackie. As its intensity diminished her movement began to slow. Finally, she stopped grinding her cunt into my face and leaned forward bracing herself on the headboard of what had once been our bed, but was now solely hers. For a moment Jackie stayed perfectly still and then she rolled off of my face and collapsed next to me with her eyes closed.
I waited silently, my face glistening with the moisture of Jackie's two orgasms. My penis was still erect, my loins were still on fire from my own unsatisfied lust; but I lay still. I didn't want to disturb my goddess's post orgasmic bliss.
Posts: 182
Wow GH,
That was a fantastic and very descriptive segment, absolutely great.
Posts: 1914
GH, The last few posts put you up there with Micky D as his best. That's pretty good in my book. It seems that all your experience in previous stories lately is being distilled into your latest work, this included. Plus, of course your secret weapon, or the technical advisor as we must now refer to her...
Once again, thanks.
Posts: 14692
WOW another hot segment. Thank you Sir.
Posts: 22
thank you GH
Two of my favorite characters - they feels so real
Posts: 4050
Thank you
That's high praise. My technical advisor and I both thank you.
Again, thank you.
I think you're discovering that creating fun characters is one of the primary joys of writing. For reamisters that will become clear in the next few days, last night I went back and reread the Donald Kline chapters from "Courtesan" Renewing my acquaintance with Kirby, Timmy, Elvira, Kelly, Tonya, Mandy and Keisha was fun. I ended up reading until the early hours of the morning.
Posts: 4050
Several minutes passed. I waited patiently. Finally I saw my goddess stir. Jackie's eyes opened. She looked at me and smiled.
I smiled back.
Her smile turned into a grin and then she sat up, leaned over and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss laden with love.
I kissed her back.
She giggled. "Your face is covered with my cum."
“You had a good time tonight."
Laughing, Jackie said; "A good time? Artie honey this was a fucking amazing night."
"Mr. Taylor was an outstanding playmate."
"Sweetheart, Clayt was just a good fuck. You were the reamister it was an amazing evening. I never realized that sex could be that much fun and believe me, that's saying a lot. I love sex."
Not certain about how to respond, I just smiled at Jackie.
She shook her head. "My lady and her friends have always maintained that the mind is the most important sex organ. I've never doubted that; I mean, I love imaginative sex, but until tonight I never realized just how mind blowing it could be. Artie you were incredible. While you were eating me I came twice back to back. That almost never happens to me."
Smiling, I said; "I know.'
"Artie, even when I'm with a really hot guy, that doesn't happen."
Jackie stopped. Realizing what she'd just said, she shook her head and tried to correct herself. "Artie, I'm sorry, that came out wrong. You’re a really hot guy. You're my hottest guy. What I meant to say was that even when I'm with a guy who has a big cock and knows how to use it, that doesn't happen."
"It's okay, I understand what you meant."
"Do you?"
"Thank you sweetheart."
I smiled at Jackie.
She started to smile back, but then she noticed my erect penis. "Artie honey, you haven't cum yet!"
I shook my head.
Sighing, Jackie said; "I'm sorry, I really can be a self-centered bitch."
"You're a superior, that's your prerogative."
"A superior?"
"It's a term they use in several of my favorite stories."
"Artie, are we still playing?"
"Is there any reamister we should stop?"
"I love you; I want you to be happy."
"Ms. Jacqueline, a few minutes ago you told me that you had an amazing evening."
"I did and it was because of you."
"It was amazing for me too."
"But you haven't cum yet."
"No I haven't and I would like to do that before we go to relax."
"Of course, I want that too. Sweetheart, I would love to suck your cock or you could fuck me that would be fun too." Jackie paused, after a moment she added; "Although after Clayt's big cock I might be a little loose for you tonight."
Jackie stopped herself again. Slowly shaking her head, she said; "Artie I'm sorry. Right now everything I say seems to come out wrong."
Deciding it was time for a serious intervention, I said; "Time out."
Jackie stared at me. "Artie, you really do want to keep playing, don’t you."
"I hope that we're going to always be playing."
"You mean?"
"Jackie, last night you proposed that this shouldn't be a game; but rather a life style for us. At that time everything was happening too quickly for me and I balked."
"I know. I pushed you too hard."
"Since then a lot has happened. You and I have talked. I talked with your mom and Nattie. I watched you meet Mr. Taylor in the bar and then after playing with him you came home and you still loved me."
"I do love you. I always will."
"I know that and I'm not scared anymore. Jackie this feels so right. Yes, I'm sure most people would think it was weird, but we're not most people."
"No we're not."
"Jackie, you're a superior and I'm a submissive. I want to serve you. I was born to serve you. I don't want this to be a game; I want it to be our life."
"People will find out."
"Yes and as long as we shield the girls from it that will be okay."
"I like being in control."
"I know you do and I enjoy serving you."
"Do you Artie, do you really."
"Yes, I do."
"That's hard for me to understand."
"Of course it is you're a superior. I'm a submissive. We view the world from different perspectives. I'm certain it's very difficult for you to accept or even understand that I might actually want this."
"But you’re telling me you do want it.”
"Yes, very much."
"Artie, I love you, sometimes I'm going to want us to make love like a husband and wife. There are going to be times when I want you to enjoy my body like other men enjoy it."
"And I'll look forward to those times too, but they should be special occasions."
"You're really offering to serve me for the rest of our lives?"
"Yes I am."
"Artie this isn't a game."
"Do you promise to love me, cherish me, take care of me and watch over me?"
"Of course I do."
"I promise to love you, cherish you, serve you, honor you and obey you."
"I promise to honor you too."
"Unless we're playing games and you're taunting me."
Jackie chuckled, but then she paused. After thinking for a moment, she said; "Artie, I want to make sure I understand exactly what you're proposing. I'm going to be your superior and you're going to be my servant. I'll rule our household and live a life that pleases me."
"And I'll serve and obey you and live a life that pleases you."
"You're okay with that?"
"I want that. Serving you is my ambition. I’m beginning to understand that it’s always been my ambition."
"I do promise to love you, cherish you and take care of you." Giggling, Jackie added; "Unless we're playing games and then I get to be as nasty as I want."
"I want that too."
"Artie, it might be hard to separate those games from real life."
"Are you afraid that you'll start being nasty to me all the time?"
"I don't know, maybe."
"I don't believe you're capable of that, but if it does happen we'll call time out and talk about it."
"Do you really think we can make this work?"
"In many ways I think we've been making it work for the past eight years."
Jackie nodded. "You've always taken care of the household and kids. I've become the primary earner for the family and I now make almost all of the financial decisions."
"All we're really doing is recognizing and accepting the life we've already been living."
Smiling, Jackie said; "Artie honey, a minute ago you said that this just feels right to you. Are you sure about that? I want to know, because it does feel right to me. It feels so very right."
"Yes it feels right to me and I'm glad it feels that way to you too."
"It does, Artie I want to do this."
"I do too."
Jackie sat up. "Artie, get down on your knees on the floor."
Understanding exactly what Jackie had in mind. I slipped to the floor and kneeled at the foot of the bed.
Jackie moved so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Once she was settled she looked down at me and said; "You belong to me now."
Nodding, I said; "Yes I do."
"You've already pledged to obey and faithfully serve me for the rest of our lives."
"Yes I have."
"And I've pledged to care for you for the rest of our lives."
"You have."
"And we've both pledged to honor and love each other for the rest of our lives."
"Grinning up at Jackie, I said; "Yes we have."
Jackie extended her right foot. "As a symbol of your obedience, kiss my toes."
I cradled Jackie's foot in my hands and reverently kissed each of her toes. When I was finished I looked up at her and said; "I am your loyal servant."
Smiling, Jackie answered; "And I'm your benevolent mistress." She reached down, took hold of my arm and pulled me to my feet. "You may rejoin me on my bed."
As I climbed back onto Jackie's bed every nerve in my body was tingling with excitement.
As soon as I was kneeling next to her Jackie said; "You've been a very good little boy tonight. You deserve a reward. Would you like to cum?"
"Yes ma'am. I'd like that very much."
"Before you do that, I think it would be appropriate for you to express your gratitude to me."
"Of course Ms. Jacqueline; anything, anything at all."
Jackie rolled over onto her stomach. "Kiss my ass cuckboy."
Posts: 1418
I love the evolution GH! Very nicely done. It's not easy to may what most see as a completely unacceptable balance of power seem realistic. You do it well.
Posts: 1289
Another great instalment. I can't wait for more 😊
Posts: 14692
Very nicely done - it looks like the ground rules are set. Life can go on.
Thanks you sir for another great segment.
Posts: 1914
GH, You know, you could end it there and it would still be brilliant.
Posts: 4050
#237 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you, that's a nice compliment. That's one of the things I'm trying to do.
I'm glad you're enjoying the stroy. Thank you for taking a moment to tell me.
Thanks for the nice comment. As you know in huiman relationships insecurity and doubt always hinder our self confidence, but with time and trust confidence grows.
You're right, I could have ended the story there, although I think a better place would be after my next two or maybe three posts. The second post isn't quite finished and I'm not sure how long it's going to be. You should see it tomorrow.
I'm not going to end the story there. When I started this story I told you that my intention was to write a short story. I know realize that I'm not really interested in doing that.
Yesterday in my comment to peaches I said that developing characters was the real joy in writing for me. It's hard to develop a character in a short story.
The night before last I stayed up quite late writing an actual short story. It's almost finished. If I do finish it I'll post it. Frankly, I think it's boring.
My previous stories have all had predefined plots with a beginning, a middle and an end. "Jackie and Artie" has a predefined plot, but it doesn't have a defined end. My hope is to finish my writing career spinning short stories off of this story.
I could try to do that with "Five Days in Florida" but it does have a defined end after a crisis and resolution.
When I conceived the idea of "Jackie and Artie" I was playing around with an outline for a story about a timid young English teacher who meets a young stockbroker in an upscale neighborhood bar. Of course the stockbroker is a sex loving slut. That story was also intended to produce spin off short stories. I chose to write Jackie and Artie instead because I'd never written a story about a wife led cuckold marriage in a family situation.
For me there is also a great deal of permisteral security it writing a story that I know I can easily end. Since Courtesan my track record for finishing stories hasn't been all that hot.
Of course that's also a function of posting stories as they are being written. I suspect that many writers have a score of unfinished stories, they just never see the light of day.
Thank you again for taking the time to comment.
Posts: 4050
While I'd been licking Jackie's ass since well before we were married, that evening we both knew it was going to be different. In the past it had always been unstated. It was simply something we did. Of course the fact that Jackie had never licked my ass should have spoken volumes. Since neither of us had chosen to acknowledge that detail it had been overlooked; until that night.
That night we both understood the significance of Jackie's instruction.
My naked wife lay on her stomach, her head resting on the backs of her hands. As I crawled between her parted thighs preparing to abase myself for her pleasure, Jackie whispered; "Cuckboy, I want this, I want this so badly."
"I want it too Ms. Jacqueline."
"Do you cuckboy?"
"Tell me why."
"I'm declaring my obedience."
"Is that all?"
"What else?"
"I'm acknowledging your superiority."
"Yes Artie, yes you are."
I spread Jackie's cheeks, exposing her tiny rosebud. For a moment there was nothing but silence. Neither of us moved neither of us spoke; both of us understood the significance of the moment.
I leaned forward. As I pressed my lips to Jackie's anus, she whispered; "Oh yes."
Closing my eyes, I kissed her.
In a hushed voice, Jackie said; "Yes cuckboy, that's what I want. Kiss my ass; show me that you belong to me. Show me that you'll do anything for me."
Unbelievably excited, I pushed my tongue into Jackie's asshole and French kissed her.
Giggling, Jackie said; "Artie, you've done this to me at least a hundred times, but it's never felt as good as it does tonight."
I wrapped my arms around Jackie's hips, buried my face between her cheeks and tried to push my tongue even deeper into her asshole.
Jackie cooed, "This is unbelievable."
Keeping her face resting on the mattress, Jackie moved up to her knees. This provided me with even greater access to her. I licked the entire length of the crevasse between her parted cheeks and then I pushed my tongue back into her anus again.
Reaching back with her right hand, Jackie massaged her clitoris. I sensed her excitement building. Closing my eyes, I made love to her rear. Jackie was my goddess; I relished this opportunity to worship her.
I felt the intense movement of Jackie's fingers on her clit. She was rubbing herself with a frenzy I'd never before seen. Her excitement fed my excitement. MY little cock was sticking straight out. I tried to push my tongue even deeper into her ass.
I thought about this woman whose ass I was licking. Jackie was a sexual lioness, but she was so much more. At Kelroy, Jackie had been elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated Magna Cum Laude. She was first in her law school class and after graduation she went to work for our cities most prestigious law firm. At the previous year’s holiday party several of her coworkers told me that she was on a fast track to a full partnership. My wife was a very special permister and I was fortunate to be able to serve her.
Thoughts of Jackie's evening with Mr. Taylor flashed through my mind. Of course she was going to enjoy the pleasures offered by a variety of men. Jackie was a superior. The freedom to fully enjoy all of the pleasures of life was a right that should be accorded to people of her station.
So was having a servant and I now understood that I was born to serve Jackie. As I licked my wife's ass I thought about how fortunate it had been that we'd found each other.
Suddenly I felt the muscles in Jackie's loins tighten. She gasped and then she arched her back and cried out, "Oh yes!" I sat up and waited patiently while my wife enjoyed her seventh orgasm of the evening.
Gradually the waves of pleasure subsided and Jackie collapsed on her bed, spent. I continued to wait. I was Jackie's servant. Disturbing her serenity wasn't an option for me. Several minutes passed. Finally Jackie rolled over and sat up. Looking at me, she smiled and said; "Artie, that was incredible. Having seven orgasms in one night is almost unheard of for me."
"Has it happened before?"
"Only a couple of times."
"Those must have been amazing evenings."
"They were, but not as amazing as this one."
"Will you tell me about them?"
"Of course I will but not tonight. It's getting late and you still haven't cum."
Incredibly aroused and overwhelmed with feelings of submissive masochism, I said; "Ms. Jacqueline, you've had a long, exciting day. You must be exhausted. I'm your servant; you don't need to worry about me."
"Don't you want to cum?"
"Yes, but I don't want to burden you. If you give me permission, I'll go to my room and take care of myself."
Jackie smiled. "You're still playing, aren't you Artie."
"I guess so, but..." I hesitated.
"But what Artie?"
"Ms. Jacqueline, I really do want to be your servant. I want this to be the way we live."
"I want that too Artie, but I don't want to live in separate bedrooms. I want you to relax here in my room with me."
Bowing politely, I said; "Thank you Ms. Jacqueline. That's very benevolent of you. I would prefer that too."
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said; "You really do want to live as my servant, don't you Artie."
"Yes Ms. Jacqueline I do."
"I'm sorry, I know you've told me that several times tonight, but it's kind of hard for me to believe it."
Suddenly feeling ashamed, I hung my head.
Jackie understood immediately. "Artie, I wasn't judging you." She smiled. "Actually I want it every bit as much as you do. It's just that it's hard for me to understand how you could want it."
"We're different."
"I know, we've talked about that."
"You may just have to trust that this is what I want."
"You're sure."
"Jacqueline, this was the most sexually exciting night of my life."
Jackie grinned. "It was for me too and I'm not talking about Clayt. He was fun but the really memorable part of the night was with you after I got home."
"For the past several years I've secretly fantasized about being your cuckold."
"Isn't it ironic that during all that time you really were my cuckold?"
"It is and it's a classic example of how our inhibitions, our insecurities and bad communication can cheat us. Jacqueline, I don't want to be cheated anymore. Tonight I became your willing cuckold and I hope your servant for life. I don't want to give that up."
"You don't have to give it up."
I smiled at Jackie.
She looked at me and asked; "Artie honey, are you sure?"
"I'm very sure."
"Okay." Jackie grinned. "This is going to be fun."
"I hope so."
"If I go too far will you tell me?"
"I'll call time out."
"Yes, I promise."
"All right, here goes." Jackie took a deep breath and said; "Cuckboy, it's time for you to cum. I could send you away and make you do it in private, but tonight it would please me to watch. As your mistress I believe that is my prerogative."
"Yes Ms. Jacqueline, of course it is."
"Sit at the end of the bed facing me."
"Yes ma'am."
I quickly moved into position. Once I was settled I looked at Jackie and waited. My tiny penis was sticking straight up."
"You may begin."
Suddenly struck by the utter offense of what I was about to do. I hesitated.
Recognizing my distress Jackie moved so that she was sitting next to me. She reached over, encircled my erect penis with her thumb and forefinger and slowly began stroking me. "Tonight I went to a hotel room with a man I just met. I sucked his cock and let him fuck me twice. You're my husband, the love of my life and my loyal servant. This is the least I can do for you."
"Thank you." It was lame, but it was the only response I could muster.
I closed my eyes. My wife's fingers felt wonderful.
Jackie silently stroked me, when she felt me relaxing she leaned over and whispered, "Can I tease you a little bit?"
I whispered back, "Yes please."
"It excites me when you say please."
"It excites me too." Jackie's ministration was rebuilding my confidence and my lust."
Sensing this, Jackie reached over with her free hand, picked up my hand and placed it on top of her fingers, the fingers that were stroking me. My hand was in between both of her hands, stroking my cock.
She whispered to me, if you'll masturbate for me, I'll masturbate for you."
I nodded, "Okay."
"Keep stroking your cock. Will you do that for me?"
"Yes, I will."
Jackie disengaged her hands and placed my hand back on my cock. For a moment she held it there, slowly moving it up and down and then she released me. "Keep stroking yourself Artie."
"Yes ma’am."
Jackie repositioned herself so that she was once again seated at the head of the bed facing me. She spread her legs, exposing her naked shaved pussy. "Watch me Artie, watch me masturbate."
Jackie placed two fingers in the moist cleft of her pussy and began rubbing herself.
I stroked my cock and watched.
"Do you like that Artie? Do you like watching me rub my cunt?"
"Yes, very much."
"I like watching you too. Tonight I'd like to just watch you. Can I do that Artie?"
"Yes, of course."
"Good," Jackie pulled her fingers away from her glistening cunt, but she kept her legs spread.
"Keep stroking yourself Artie. I want to watch."
"I will."
"Can I tease you a little bit while I watch you jack off?"
"Yes please."
"I really do like it when you say please."
I smiled.
Jackie reached over, took two tissues out of the box on the night stand next to her side of the bed and handed them to me. "Here Artie, when you cum you can use these."
"Yes ma'am."
"Men like Clayt and Ron get to cum in my mouth or my pussy or on my tits; but you're a little cuckboy, so you have to use tissues. You understand that, don't you Artie?"
"Yes ma'am, I do."
"Keep stroking your little peepee for me."
"Yes ma'am."
Jackie watched me for a moment and then she said; "We have to do something about that pubic hair. It just isn't right. In fact tomorrow evening all your body hair has to go. Body hair is sexy for men like Clayt and Ron; little cuckboys like you should be smooth and clean."
"I understand." I was vigorously pumping my little penis. My voice was raspy with building excitement. I wasn't surprised. I'd been on a sexual edge since Connie had called me after school that afternoon. Earlier, when I was licking Jackie's ass I nearly came without any contact at all."
"It sounds like you're about to cum any second now. Of course that shouldn't be a surprise. You always have been a minute man. Laughing, Jackie said; “I guess that really should be minute boy, shouldn’t it tiny dick."
Jackie studied me carefully. It was clear that she was still a little uneasy about taunting me.
I kept pumping my penis.
Jackie smiled and said; "Don't forget to use your tissue paper pussy. We don't want you to make a mess on my sheets, do we?"
Quickly shaking my head, I said; "No ma’am."
"Oh you are getting close, aren't you? Come on cuckboy, pump your little pecker for me. Make it spurt."
I felt the familiar preorgasmic tension building in my loins. I wrapped the tissues around the head of my penis, held them in place with my hand and masturbated myself with them. I noticed that my wife was watching with rapt attention.
The tension in my loins continued to build. Suddenly my first spurt of semen erupted into the tissues with a burst of intense pleasure. Carefully keeping the head of my penis wrapped in its cocoon of tissue, I continued pumping myself. Several more spurts of semen followed the first, but each one came with diminishing intensity. The ejaculations ceased. Knowing there would still be a cribble of cum, I kept the tissues in place.
Recognizing that I was finished, Jackie said; "Wow that was fascinating. I've never watched a guy jack off before. I've done it for guys lots of times, but this is the first time I've ever seen a guy do it himself. You’re really good at it."
My face flushed.
Jackie's smile suddenly turned into a frown.
I asked, "What's the matter."
"Artie, I'm sorry, I've been a lousy wife. I've neglected you and made you practice that s*******. I should have been sucking you off every night"
"It's okay, that's all in the past." I smiled at Jackie. "And believe me; I perfected that particular s******* long before I met you."
Jackie giggled. "While my method had to be different than yours; I perfected that particular s******* a long time ago too."
I grinned at Jackie.
She said, "Maybe some night we could do it together. You know, watch each other."
"I'd like that."
Moving so she was next to me, Jackie kissed me on the lips and whispered; "I love you Artie."
"I love you too Jacqueline."
"Go flush your tissues. It's time for us to go to relax."
Posts: 14692
GH another great segment - quite a night for those two.
Your comments about writing a story with a family situation caused a flash through my brain. What if one of the kids walks into the bedroom as they are liable to do as small youngren and Artie had his face buried in Jacquelin's butt.
Posts: 4050
Thanks for another nice comment. I guess Jackie and Artie should call a locksmith and have a lock put on the bedroom door. If he's a hot guy maybe Jackie could have a little party with him in her bedroom after he's finished installing the lock.