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Jackie and Artie

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Posts: 182
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OH My, I am loving where this is heading, once again excellent.

Thanks Ajax.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Another great segment. Thanks again.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 14692
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you are on a roll. Great segments. Thank you


Posts: 38
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Great additions as usual GH! Thanks for the update and keep up the fantastic story!


Posts: 4050
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Ajax, Donna, Timmy and kwazzee

Thank you.



Posts: 4050
#186 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"So it's okay with you if I go ahead and have my date with Ron on Saturday afternoon?"

"It's not just okay; I want you to do it."

"And you won't be upset if I wear the nightie?"

"I'll not only wash it for you, I'll iron it too."

"Artie, that nightie is made of silk and lace. You can't iron lace."

"So what should I do with it?"

"Hand wash it and lay it flat on a towel to dry. Once it's dry you can turn it inside out and press the silk with a warm iron."

"I can do that."

"I know you can."

"Jacqueline, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"You might think I'm prying."

"Artie, I promised you that I wouldn't have any more secrets. I think that also means that you should always feel free to ask me anything, anything at all. Earlier we did agree that good communication is essential if this marriage is going to succeed. If you have questions it's better to ask them and get them answered than to wonder about the answers."

"Thank you, I think that's true too."

"Okay, so what's your question?"

"Earlier, when I asked you about the nightie, you told me that you'd worn it for another man, you didn't say that you wore it for other men?"

Jackie smiled. "You're wondering who that man was and why I bought a nightie to wear just for him."

I nodded.

"Artie, this is a good example of why you need to ask me about anything that causes you concern. I did buy the nightie for a particular date with one man, although there wasn't actually anything special about him. I have several nighties at my lady’s house. Most men enjoy seeing a woman in lingerie. Nighties are nice because they don't take up much space and they're easy to put on and take off."

"That makes sense."

"I prefer nighties made of lace and silk. They make me feel sexy and I enjoy the touch of silk on my bare skin. Unfortunately they're fragile and excited men aren't particularly gentle during foreplay."

I laughed. "I'll bet that's an understatement."

Jackie grinned and then she continued. "So my nighties don't last very long. It's rare for me to get more than three dates out of one of them. That means that I have to frequently replace them."

"So it's not unusual for you to have a nightie that you've only worn for one other man."

"That's right, and I never wear new or nearly new nighties for Ron."


Shrugging, Jackie said; "I don't know. I guess since I see Ron regularly I take him for granted. I think you were right when you said that his purpose is to guarantee me a hard fuck at least once a week. You might say that Ron is my bread and butter big cock. Men who I've just met or see rarely are much more exciting playmates. Remember, variety is the spice of my sex life."

"So where do I fit into your sex life? I don't seem to be part of the equation you just described."

"Of course you are. Artie, you're my ultimate spice. All my other playmates give me physical pleasure, but that's all they give me. When I'm with them we fuck. You and I make love. Sex with them is fun, sex with you is not only fun, it's emotionally fulfilling."

Jackie shook her head. "I forgot that for a while. No I didn't forget it; I was just busy focusing on the other needs you fulfill for me."

"Other needs?"

"Earlier I told you that for the past year I've been stressed, tired and feeling old. During that time you've been my crutch. You supported me. You took care of me when I was tired, you buoyed my spirits when I was down and you inspired me when I was frustrated. I now understand that I was a very needy wife."

"That’s what husbands do."

"Some of them; wives should be doing that too, only I forgot about your needs."

"My needs?"

"Yes, particularly your physical need for sex. I was so busy letting you take care of me that I forgot that I need to take care of you too. Sex by itself is just a physical need, one that can be easily satisfied by casual partners. My playmates were doing that for me, so I wasn't worried about sex. After putting the girls to bed you and I almost always sat together on the couch cuddling while we watched television. When I'm cuddled next to you and you have your arm around me I feel safe and loved. I feel special. I'm getting my need for intimacy fulfilled by you.

"I enjoy that too."

"Yes, but you weren't getting mind bending sex a couple of times a week."

I smiled. "No I wasn't."

"Well I've come to my senses and now I understand that while sitting on the couch cuddling is nice, I’ve missed making love with you. I long to feel your tongue in my pussy and my ass. I can't wait to enjoy the amazing sensations I experience when you suck on my clit. Artie, I love it when you give me head. I want to play kinky mind games with you. I want to make you kneel at my feet and jack off on my toes and then I want to watch you lick up all your cum. I want to come home after being with a lover and make you lick my just fucked pussy." Jackie leered at me. "I'm getting wet just thinking about the fun things we can do now that we know about each other’s secret fantasies."

"I'm getting pretty excited too."

"Artie, it's only a quarter past eleven. It will be a late night, but we could still fool around a little before we go to relax."

"Could I eat your pussy while you tell me more about your date with Mr. Taylor?"

"Can I be a little nasty with you?"

"Yes please."

"I love it when you say please. Let's get on the bed."

"Before we do that, you still haven't told me about the man you were meeting when you bought the nightie."

Smiling, Jackie said; "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be evasive. He really isn't very important. His name is Paul Wyler. He lives in Buffalo, New York. He's married and has three youngren. He's a salesman for a company that makes insulation. I met him at the Goldenrod a year ago. He was fun and reamisterably good in bed so I gave him my cell phone number, He calls on his accounts in our city several times a year. When he knows he's going to be in town he calls me. If I have time, I get together with him in his hotel room for a couple of hours. The last time he was here I had a little extra time at the end of the day so on my way to his hotel I stopped at Donaldmister's Department store and bought the nightie."

"Do you often give your cell phone number to the men you meet at the Goldenrod?"

"Under the right circumstances I will?"

"What are the right circumstances? I'm just curious; I'm not trying to control you or anything like that."

"I know, I'm glad you're asking. The more you know about this part of my life the better it will be for both of us. First of all, the guy has to be fun and good in bed."

"Of course."

"He has to be from out of town. I rarely give my number to a man who lives in this city. There are just too many complications."

"What about Ron? He lives here."

"When I met Ron he was dating Trudy. She got tired of him and passed him on to me. When I get tired of him I'll probably pass him on to Laurie."

"Will Ron be okay with that?"

"Artie, all Ron cares about is getting safe pussy."

"Safe pussy?"

"Discreet pussy, clean pussy, unencumbered pussy; pussy that won't get him in trouble with his wife."

"I get the other two, but what do you mean by unencumbered pussy?"

"Women who aren't looking for anything other than sex from a man."

"You're talking about women who are looking for commitment, marriage."

"Mostly, but sometimes it's money or gifts like cars and expensive jewelry."

"That happens?"


"Yeah okay, I can be a little naive."

Jackie laughed. "If we start going to clubs together like we did tonight; you know, so you can watch; I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on you. There are women out there who will eat you alive."

I stared at Jackie.

She looked at me and said; "What?"

"Could I do that?"

"Do what?"

"Go to a club with you again and watch. I promise I'll stay out of your way."

"Artie, I would love that." Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "You do realize that if we do that again Nattie won't be sitting with you holding your cock. She'll be busy getting her own date."

"I know."

"We also need to find a baby sitter. My mom was nice and took care of the girls tonight, but next time she's not going to want to miss out on the fun."

"Constance went to the Goldenrod with Natalie. I'm sure she's with a guy right now."

"I'm sure she is too, but don't you think it would have been more fun if all of us could have been there together. Artie, now that you're involved I can actually be out later. The four of us could have dinner together before we start man hunting."

"That would be fun."

"We have to find a baby sitter."

"What about Penny Barnes?"

"You mean Jack and Tricia Barnes flower?"


"She's only fifteen"

"That's old enough."

"No, she's too young to be out on a week night."

"Why does it have to be a week night?"

"Because married men have to stay home with their wives on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and most men who travel for business try to be home during the weekends."


"Eunice Grady might be a better choice."

"The retired lady who lives on the corner?"

"That's right. She's a widow with two misters and three grandyoungren. She lives on a pension. I'll bet she'd be eager to earn a little extra cash."

"If she's interested, she'd be an excellent baby sitter."

Jackie said; "I'll call her tomorrow."

"Shouldn't I do that, I am your servant."

Jackie shook her head. "No, lining up a baby sitter is something a lady generally does. It's not a big deal, but we want to do everything we can to down play our relationship with the neighbors. I also think Eunice will be more comfortable if I call her."

"When can we do this?"

"Oh my, you are eager."

I grinned at Jackie.

She laughed and said; "Why don't I try to set something up for next Tuesday."


"Why not, I'm sure I'll enjoy it."

I gasped.


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"So, are you ready to play around a little before we go to relax?"

"Yes please."

"Take off my stockings and garter. They were for Clayt, not you." Jackie watched me. She was carefully gauging my reaction to her taunt.

Smiling at her, I said; "Yes Jacqueline, of course." There was immediate relief in her eyes.

I quickly unhooked the stays that held up Jackie's stockings.

Jackie said, "That was very good cuckboy. If I didn't know better, I'd think that you had some experience taking off a woman's stockings."

"This evening I put Constance's garter on her and fastened it to her stockings."

Jackie laughed. "Really?"

"Yes Jacqueline."

"So earlier this evening you had a close look at my lady's pussy; did you enjoy it?"

"Your lady is a beautiful woman."

"Did you want to kiss her pussy?"

"I tried not to think about it. I knew I wouldn't be allowed to do it."

"Why is that cuckboy?"

"I didn't have your permission."

"That was a very good answer."

"Thank you Jacqueline."

"Cuckboy, I think you need a title of respect for me other than my name."

I waited.

"I don't like mistress; it feels a little freakish to me. Ma’am would work. Yes, I like that. From now on you should refer to me as ma’am. You should also use that title with my lady and my sister."

Bowing politely, I said; "Yes ma’am."

"Oh I do like that."

I finished unfastening Jackie's stockings and then I unhooked her garter belt and set it on her dresser.

Jackie sat down on the edge of her bed and extended her leg. "Cuckboy, roll my stocking off. Do you know how to do that?"

"Yes ma’am, I think I do." I carefully rolled Jackie's stocking down her leg. As soon as I was finished Jackie extended her other leg and I rolled that stocking off too. Once I was done I placed Jackie's stockings on the top of her dresser next to garter belt.

As I was doing that, Jackie said; "Cuckboy tomorrow after you finish washing my nightie you can wash my stockings. Hang them on the towel bar in your basement bathroom. When they're dry you can bring them up to my room and put them away. I think I might like wear them for Mr. Clark on Saturday."

"You mean Ron."

"Cuckieboy, to you he is Mr. Clark. As my servant I expect you to address all of my guests respectfully."

I looked at Jackie. I knew she was serious. I also knew that this was part of the submissive cuckold husband fantasy. I had to admit that I was torn. While part of me was excited by Jackie's demand, this was still Ron Clark, the man I'd caught fucking my wife in my bedroom the previous day.

I thought about that. There really wasn't any reamister to hold a grudge against Ron. He hadn't actually been rude to me. When I walked into the bedroom I startled him and maybe scared him a little too. I was also well aware that Jackie had most likely seduced him. This evening She'd talked about Ron being passed from her friend Trudy to her and when Jackie was bored with him she was planning to pass him on to her other friend, Laurie. Ron was just a guy with a big cock who liked to fuck.

Jackie was studying me. I was fairly certain that she was afraid that she's pressed too hard. I was quickly coming to the realization that she hadn't.

I was about to tell her that when she said; "Artie, maybe on Saturday you could avoid any terms of address with Ron. Actually, I'll be the one doing most of the talking anyway."

"Thank you Ma’am, I appreciate that; but it's not necessary. You're right; Mr. Clark is going to be a guest in your house. He deserves my full respect. I will address him as either Mr. Clark or sir."

"Are you sure?"


"I promise that I'll control his behavior. I won't let him laugh at you or talk down to you."

"I'd appreciate that."

Jackie smiled and then she patted the spot next to her on her bed. "Come sit next to me Cuckboy. It's time for me to tell you more about my wonderful evening with Mr. Taylor."

I sat down next to Jackie. As soon as I was seated she reached over, gently curled her fingers around my erect penis and held it.

I put my hand on her thigh.

Jackie shook her head. "Artie, I'm your superior. You need to ask permission before you touch me."

"Yes ma’am." I immediately withdrew my hand.

Jackie gave my cock a gentle squeeze. It was a reward for obedience. She was training me.


Posts: 14692
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great segments. Thank you


Posts: 1916
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Very nice GH, thanks


Posts: 943
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hello GH, please continue.. no other way to describe this but...THIS is HOT !!!


Posts: 182
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Thank's GH,



Posts: 943
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One more today?


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Nice again!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 506
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Great teaser.....
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 4050
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Timmy, subchard, cuckold2, Ajax, Donna and alcabin

Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it.



Posts: 4050
#196 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Without making even a cursory comment about what had just occurred, Jackie said; "When I left off, I believe Clayt and I were making out in the elevator."

"Yes ma’am."

Jackie gave my cock another squeeze. There wasn't any doubt. I was being conditioned. A thrill rippled through me as I realized that a few weeks of this would make me an even more eager servant for my wife.

"Clayt was an natural."

"Jacqueline, may I make comments while you're telling me about your evening?"

"Yes Cuckboy, of course you may; but thank you for asking. A good servant should always be careful about overstepping his bounds." This time Jackie actually gave my cock two strokes.

"Thank you ma’am; you told me that you enjoy aggressive men."

"I do Cuckboy and Clayt definitely turned out to be an aggressive man."

I smiled at Jackie. She smiled back and said; "While he was kissing me he was fondling my breast with one hand and rubbing my ass with the other. He actually raised the hem of my dress and pressed his fingers into the crack of my butt."

"Weren't you wearing panties?"

"A thong, he slipped his fingers under it."

I thought about Mr. Taylor fondling the crack of my wife’s ass and asked; "Did you enjoy that."

Jackie laughed. "Hell yes, my pussy was gushing."

"Weren't you afraid that the elevator would stop and someone would get on it?"

"A little, but that was also part of the thrill. Nobody did and when we got to the seventh floor we took a second to try to put ourselves back together before we stepped out into the hall. It was kind of pointless. There really wasn't much we could do. I pulled my skirt down, but my hair was mussed, I'm sure my makeup was smeared and Clayt's cock was making a huge tent in the front of his trousers."

"The two of you must have been quite a spectacle."

Grinning, Jackie said; "I’m sure we were, fortunately we didn't run into anyone in the hallway."

"Someday, if you meet a man who's willing, I hope you'll allow me to accompany you during one of these parties."

"Do you wish you could have been there Cuckieboy? Would you have liked to have been walking down that hallway behind Clayt and me?"

Breathlessly I whispered, "Yes."

Jackie squeezed my cock. "Maybe I can arrange it. My lady has some friends with very open minds."

"Her sex club."

"Yes, how did you know about that?"

"Nattie told me."

"Of course."

"She said that maybe I could go to the next party as your slave."

"Would you do that Cuckboy? Could I put a collar and a leash on you and take you to the party as my pet?"

"Yes please."

"Could I have a date at the party, a tall handsome man? I'd flirt with him on the couch while you kneel at my feet like a pet dog."

"I would want you to do that." I was so excited that I could barely fetish out the words.

"And then we'd retire to one of the bedrooms where I'd make you kneel on the floor at the foot of the bed and watch while I partied with my handsome date. Would you enjoy that Cuckboy?"

"Yes ma’am, very much." My voice was a barely audible whisper.

Jackie gave my cock another squeeze. "Artie, that is so hot."

I smiled at Jackie. She leaned over and licked my ear. "Want to hear what happened when we got inside Clayt's room?"

"Yes please."

Jackie squeezed my cock again. "I like it when you say please."

I nodded.

"As soon as we were inside his room Clayt grabbed me and started kissing me hard on the lips. I kissed him back. While we were kissing he unzipped my dress. I wiggled my hips and let it fall to the floor. Before I could step out of it Clayt attacked my breasts with his mouth. Artie he was an natural. He savagely chewed and sucked on my nipples. That's when he gave me most of the bite marks and hickeys."

"Did it hurt?"

"A little, but mostly it made me feel slutty and nasty."

"Did you like that?"

"You'd better believe I did. I loved it.

I smiled at Jackie.

"Cuckboy, do you remember when I was talking to you at your table in the bar? Clayt was in the men's room."

"Of course I do."

Jackie reached over, grabbed my nipple between her fingernails and gave it a vicious twist. I yelped from the pain. It hurt. "Of course I do? That wasn't a very polite way to answer me. Why don't you try it again and be a little more respectful."

"Yes Jacqueline; I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful." After a quick pause to catch my breath, I said; "Yes ma’am, I remember it very well."

Jackie squeezed my cock. "That's much better Cuckboy. Now do you remember what you wanted me to do to Clayt as soon as we got into his room?"

"Yes Ma’am, I do."

Jackie squeezed my cock. "What was it?"

"I asked you to give Mr. Taylor a blow job."

Jackie gave my cock another squeeze. "I'm pleased that you referred to my playmate as Mr. Taylor."

"As your servant it's my duty to treat your men friends with respect."

Jackie stroked my cock several times. "Very good Cuckboy. It's clear that you're beginning to understand your place."

"I'm trying hard ma’am."

"Yes you are and that pleases me. You do want to please me, don't you Cuckboy."

"Yes ma’am, very much."

Jackie gave my cock two more strokes. "That's a good boy."

I don't think I’ve ever been as excited in my entire life as I was at that moment. In an effort to maintain my composure, I took a long slow breath.

Leaning over, Jackie licked my cheek and whispered, "Clayt had me so turned on. I just had to have his big cock in my mouth so I dropped to my knees and did exactly what you told me to do."

"You gave him a blow job."

"A nasty wet sloppy blow job; I devoured his big beautiful cock. I licked and kissed his balls and then sucked on his cock some more. Clayt went wild and so did I. Tonight I was a cock sucking slut for another man. Was that okay Cuckboy?"

"Did it give you pleasure?"

"Yes, I loved it. I loved every second of it."

"Your pleasure is all that matters to me."

"Good answer Cuckboy. My pleasure should be all that matters to you." Jackie stroked my cock several times and then she leaned towards me. Pulling my face to hers, she said; "I want you to kiss me and while you're kissing me I want you to imagine Clayt's cock in my mouth. Think about it Cuckboy, think about how much fun he had while I was sucking him."

Jackie pressed her lips to mine and pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. While we made out I did exactly what she’d told me to do, I pictured her sucking Mr. Taylor's huge erection. The maddening image drove me insane with a combination of lust and cuckold angst. I was on fire.

After a moment Jackie broke off our kiss, pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Did you like that Cuckboy? Do you enjoy kissing your wife when you know that just a few hours earlier she had another man's cock in her mouth?"

I wanted to scream, yes! I've wanted this for years, but I didn't. Instead, barely maintaining my composure, I managed to say; "Yes ma’am, I always enjoy kissing you."

I gasped as Jackie gave my cock another firm squeeze and then she laughed and said; "Artie, you're so much fun. Are you enjoying this as much as I am?"

"Yes ma’am, I think I am. I might even be enjoying it more than you are."



"That makes me very happy."

I smiled.

Jackie lasciviously licked my face and then she said. "Scoot back; I want you lying on the bed."

I pushed myself all the way onto the bed and lay on my back.

Jackie climbed on top of me and positioned herself so that she was straddling my waist, facing me. Licking her lips, she said; "This feels so right. I belong on the top and you belong on the bottom, don’t you agree Cuckboy?"

"Yes ma’am, I do."

"I'm glad that you feel that way. Would you like to hear more about my party with Clayt?"

"Yes please."

Jackie gently massaged my nipples with her index fingers. She knew I loved that. Apparently it was going to be my new reward for obedience. "Clayt and I were both incredibly aroused, so it didn't take me long to make him cum. Clayt was an natural, but he was also a gentleman. When he realized that he was about to orgasm, I was sucking him. He was polite enough to warn me and I appreciated it. His warning gave me an opportunity to take his cock out of my mouth and jack him off with my hands."

"I don't understand, I thought you liked having a guy cum in your mouth."

"I do, but I have to know a guy really well before I'll let him do it." Jackie shrugged. "My lady and sister feel the same way."

I nodded.

Smiling at me, Jackie said; "Clayt came all over my tits. It was his first orgasm and it was huge. He made a real mess."

Leaning forward so her weight was resting on her hands and forearms, Jackie rubbed her large tits into my face. "Another man just shot his cum all over my tits and now you get to kiss them and lick them for me. You’re a lucky little boy, aren’t you Cuckie.”

I answered her; “Yes ma’am, I am.” And then I closed my eyes.

Just as I was about to kiss her right nipple Jackie pulled back. With a mischievous grin, she said; "Where are your manners Cuckboy, shouldn't you say please."

Breathless with excitement, I said; "Jacqueline, may I please be allowed to kiss and lick your beautiful breasts."

"They're special tonight Cuckboy, why are they special?"

"Another man ejaculated his cum on them."

"And now you want to kiss them and lick them?"

"Yes please."

"You're a very good little Cuckboy, aren't you Artie?"

"I try to be ma’am."

"Since you're so polite, I give you permission to enjoy them."

Jackie leaned forward. As I started kissing and licking her nipples I felt her shudder. I was reamisterably certain that she had a small orgasm.

For a few minutes Jackie silently leaned over me, her eyes closed, her large breasts pressed into my face while I eagerly kissed and licked them. Finally she pulled back and asked, "Did you enjoy that Cuckboy? Did you enjoy licking my tits after another man came all over them?"

Nodding, I said; "Yes, Jacqueline, I did. Thank you for allowing me the privilege."

Gently kissing my lips, Jackie grinned and said; "The pleasure was all mine."

We both burst out laughing.


Posts: 14692
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Damn that was HOT!!!


Posts: 182
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Wow that is excellent stuff! please keep it Cumming.

Thanks GH.



Posts: 18
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This really is a great story. Please continue. do you have any other stories posted on here as well?


Posts: 152
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Hi GH, I dont think I will fully understand true cuckolds. I am too Dominant , Mexican, independent, and pansexual to cleave and surrender so much.

But your writings show the synergy and harmony between those who would diminish their role in physical love for a chance to enhance their loving by cherishing and supporting the Lady who has captured their being.

It can be a gorgeous and fulfilling thing, as misunderstood as showing your faithful GF you love her by taking 100 lashes !! Thanks for showing us who are kinky and love women, an insight into an unusual way to chrish and fulfill HER !!


Posts: 125
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wow !! this is turning into a classic. any help from the little lady in this ? wonderful



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Again, very nice!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 1914
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Wow, I go away on holiday and it takes me two days to catch up! Wonderful scenes GH. Simply stunning, you really have cranked the feeling up a notch lately. Almost like a sculpter carving away until you finally create the perfect loving cuckold story. Just don't forget the fun is in the journey. And thanks once more ..


Posts: 1418
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Thanks GH. You describe the interaction between the loving couple like on one else.


Posts: 4050
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As always, thanks.


I'm enjoying writing it. Thanks.


I've written a number of stories. My general pattern is to post them here as I write them and when a story is finished I give it another editing and post it at I do that because Literotica has a cataloging system that allows readers to easily find older stories. At this site stories quickly get lost after they're completed. While I love this site, Literotica is the place to read my older stories. If you go to Literotica, find the seach members section and enter goodhusband. You will be taken to a list of my stories. I recommend that you begin with "Brenda and Bobby." It's my first story and contains some glaring grammatical errors, but it seems to be very popular. The twelve chapters have been viewed well over a million times. "Sandra and Stevie" comes after "Brenda and Bobby." That will always be my permisteral favorite.

You will find some unfinished stories at this site. Sometimes I get discouraged with a story and give up on it. I don't think that will happen with this story.


Thanks, I try to write cuckold love stories.


Thanks and yes


Thank you


I'm glad to hear from you. I hope you had a nice holiday. Yes, I am enjoying this one immensly.


That's a nice compliment. That's what I'm trying to do.

Every one

Thank you again



Posts: 4050
#206 · Edited by: goodhusband
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After a moment, Jackie asked; "Do you want to hear more about my party?"

"Yes please."

"I was hoping you would. “Jackie paused. After a second, she said; “A soon as Clayt was finished cumming I excused myself and went into his bathroom. I had to clean his semen off of my breasts. I used a damp wash cloth.” She winked at me. “I didn’t have my little cuckboy there to lick them clean for me.”

We both laughed.

Jackie continued. “When I returned to his bedroom, Clayt had stripped the covers off of his bed creating a nice playground for us. He'd also taken off all of his clothes. As soon as he saw me he lay down on the bed and asked if I'd like to join him. Of course I told him that I'd love to."

Grinning at me, Jackie said; "I pulled off my panties and jumped into Clayt’s arms. For a moment we giggled and rolled around on the bed like a couple of kids and then he pinned me. Artie, it was so hot. He took complete control of me."

Pangs of jealousy stabbed at me as I imagined Jackie playfully romping naked on a bed with another man. When I heard her excitement as she described being overpowered by Clayt, my envy and jealousy magnified. Remembering that jealousy was the lot of the cuckold, I fought to keep my emotions in check. In an effort to cover my feelings, I quickly asked; "Was he hard again?"

Too excited to notice of my emotional distress, Jackie shook her head; "No cuckboy, even studs like Clayt need a few minutes to recover."

"I see."

"Artie it was amazing, once Clayt had me pinned to the bed he straddled me just like I'm straddling you right now. He was so strong that even if I'd wanted to do it, I couldn't have wiggled free. Of course I didn't want to get free. Clayt had taken control and I was loving every second of it."

"He turned out to be the strong powerful man you hoped he'd be."

"He did, he really did."

"What did he do next?"

"Clayt's a boob man and he loved mine."

"You have beautiful breasts."

"Thank you cuckboy."

I smiled at Jackie.

Jackie grinned and said, "Wait until you hear what he did too me."


"His cock was starting to grow again. He laid it between my tits and then he pressed them together and started fucking them. While he was doing that he flicked my nipples with his thumbs. Artie, it was so hot."

Jackie's narrative was arousing my cuckold passion and quickly squelching my petty feelings of jealousy. I was still envious of Clayt, but now that envy was inflaming my masochism. Excited, I said; "I'll bet you loved that."

"Cuckboy, I did. I kept straining to move my head forward so I could kiss the tip of his cock."

"Was he fully hard again?"

Jackie laughed. "It was like a pole."

"Were you able to kiss it?"

"Even better, when Clayt realized what I was trying to do he asked me if I wanted to suck him some more."

"Of course you said, yes."

"Damn right I did. I loved his big cock."

"What did Mr. Taylor do?"

“He rolled both of us over. Suddenly, I was on the top and he was on the bottom and then he gently pushed my head down and told me that he loves a lady who knows what she wants.”

Jackie looked at me. "Artie, he was right, that was exactly what I wanted. I wanted his cock. I wanted his great big dick and I wanted to suck it like a nasty slut."

"You really do enjoy that, don't you?"

"When I'm with the right guy I do. Some guys will misinterpret what I want and get crude and abusive. I don't like that at all

"I feel the same way about being dominated."

Jackie considered what I'd just told her. After a moment, she said; "You want me to control you, you want me to take power away from you, you want me to humiliate you; but while I'm doing all of that, you need to know that I love you."

I nodded.

"And I enjoy a guy who can make me act like a nasty slut, but I still want to feel safe and valued. I don't want to be mistreated or degraded.

Giggling, Jackie said; "Artie, aren't we a pair. I'm a slut and you're a submissive."

"You're a slut and I'm your submissive."

Jackie stared at me. "Sweetheart, that is so hot."

"I think so too."

We smiled at each other. After a second I asked; "Ma'am, may I ask you a question?"

"Certainly cuckboy." Jackie flicked my nipples. I was still being conditioned.

"You mentioned that sometimes guys misinterpret what you want and get mean and abusive. Does that happen very often?"

"Are you worried about my safety?"

"Yes, I guess I am."

"Don't worry, it almost never happens. You saw me tonight. I always take a little time to get to know a guy before I go to his hotel room with him."

I nodded. She had done that with Clayt.

"When I do go out to pick up strange men I'm either with Nattie and my mom or Trudy and Laurie. I’m careful to always make sure that the guy knows I'm with them and that they saw him."

"That makes sense."

"I also carry a canister of pepper spray in my purse and I'd never let a stranger tie me to the bed."

Shocked by that disclosure, I asked; "Do you let men tie you to the bed?"

"Once in a while, not very often and like I said, never with a stranger. I'm not really into bondage, but occasionally, with the right people, it can be fun."

"Does Ron ever tie you up?"

Jackie laughed. "Ron? I'd never let him do that. He's just a good fuck."

"So who would you let do it?"

"There are a couple of older couples in my mom's sex club that are extremely s*******ed at bondage. Sometimes I'll play with them. They understand my desire to be treated like a slut and they're wonderfully creative with fantasy games. I suspect you might enjoy playing with them too."

"Would you let me do that?"

"Of course I would. Actually I'd like to watch, so would Nattie and my mom."


Nodding, Jackie said; "Most likely the entire club would want to watch."

"The entire club? How many is that?"

"There's usually a couple dozen people at the parties."

"Have you ever, you know, done things in front of the whole group?"

"Lots of times; Artie honey, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. Having an audience really gets me off."

"Will you tell me about some of the things you've done while other people are watching you?"

"Of course I will, but not tonight. It's getting late and I still haven't finished telling you about my date with Clayt."

Suddenly bothered, I stared at Jackie.

She looked at me. "Artie, what's the matter?"

"Jackie, I don't understand." Neither of us paid any attention to the fact that I'd just called her Jackie.

Instead she asked, "Sweetheart, what don't you understand?"

"I'm beginning to realize just how sexually sophisticated you really are. I mean, you've slept with I don't know how many men, you go to swinger's parties, you've played bondage games with older couples and I don't know what else. Hell I'm sure there has to be lots more. Just look at that necklace you were wearing tonight. Jackie, I may be a yokel, but I can still recognize an expensive piece jewelry when I see one."

Jackie rolled off of me. For a moment she lay silently next to me. Finally she said; "Yes, I suppose you could say that I am sexually sophisticated. Apparently that's bothering you."

"Yes, yes it is."

"Artie it shouldn't. I love you, all the other stuff is..."

"Jackie, that's what I don't understand."

"What do you mean?"

"How could a sophisticated woman like you possibly love a scrawny little simpleton like me?" I shook my head. "A submissive, scrawny little simpleton."


Posts: 182
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Man you are some writer!, you paint such a vivid picture in my mind.

thanks again.



Posts: 14692
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Just love that conversation. Thank you GH


Posts: 38
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As usual another fantastic addition to the story! Thanks again GH, we eagerly await more!



Posts: 943
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OK, i give up..asking for another update ??-------great, just great GH.....Can you get another one out today ? LOL.... you have a great talent.
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