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Jackie and Artie

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Posts: 4050
#151 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Seconds after making that resolution I heard the door between the garage and kitchen open and then there was the unmistakable click of high heels on the stone tile floor. Jackie was home. I glanced at the clock on the mantel. It was five minutes past ten.

Excited, I stood up and hurried to greet her. We met in the dining room. Both of us froze. For a moment we just stared at each other. Jackie looked good, surprisingly good. She'd just spent two hours enjoying hot sex in a man's hotel room. I'd expected her to be a disheveled mess. She wasn't. Her hair was combed and her dress and makeup were as perfect as they'd been at the Goldenrod.

I also couldn't help once again noticing the silver necklace Jackie was wearing. In the restaurant I'd assumed that it had to have been costume jewelry, but now that I was getting a closer look at it, I had to question that assumption. While I certainly wasn't an expert the workmanship appeared to be much too fine for costume jewelry. If the silver work was as expertly hand crafted as it appeared to be, then it followed that the stones might also be real diamonds. If that was the case, Jackie's necklace had to be worth a small fortune.

I was about to ask Jackie about it when she asked; "Artie, are you okay?"

Her question shifted my attention back to the current situation. My wife had just arrived home after spending two hours in a hotel room having sex with a man she'd met in a bar. I was her husband, she was worried about me.

I remembered the fears and anxiety I'd felt a few minutes earlier while I was alone in the living room waiting for her to come home. I looked at Jackie; I could see that the concern in her eyes was real. Her tone had been soft and caring.

The fears and anxiety that had nagged at me while I was waiting for her vanished. I relaxed; Jackie was still my loving wife. Smiling, I said; "Yeah, I'm fine."

Jackie nodded. There was more silence. It became apparent to me that Jackie was even more apprehensive than I'd been. After a moment she asked, "Are we okay?"

I smiled at her again and then I walked over to her and took her in my arms. As I hugged her, I whispered; "As far as I'm concerned we're better than ever."

Jackie stepped back. Looking in my eyes, she said; "Really?"

"Yeah, really."

"Artie, I was worried that you were going to hate me. I never should have gone to the Goldenrod tonight. It was too soon, I pushed you too quickly. I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

"No, it wasn't too soon. The timing was perfect. It gave me my first taste of life as a cuckold. I needed the experience. Also, having your sister there and being able to talk to your mom when I got home really helped."

"It did?"

"Yes, Nattie and Connie were both very nice to me."

Jackie laughed. "I'll bet they were."

I shook my head; "No they weren't that nice although your sister did have a pretty firm hold on my penis the entire time we were sitting at the table."

"I know, I told her she could do that. Did you enjoy it?"

"I did" and then I nervously asked, "Was that okay, I mean that I enjoyed it?"

"Artie honey, I just left a hotel room where another man spent two hours fucking me. It would be pretty unfair if I objected because another woman played with your penis tonight."

Deciding that this was as good a moment as any to start establishing the ground rules of our new relationship I took a deep breath and said; "Ms. Jacqueline, I don't want things to ever be fair."

Jackie thought about what I'd just told her and then she smiled and asked, "Artie are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"

Grinning at my wife, I dropped to my knees and looked up at her. "Ms. Jacqueline, tonight I realized that other than being able to raise our youngren, there is nothing I want more in this world than to spend the rest of my life serving as your willing slave and cuckold."

"Artie, are you sure?"

"As sure as I've ever been about anything in my entire life."

"Artie, I love you so much."

"I love you too Ms. Jacqueline."

"Just Jacqueline Artie, but I want you to call me that all the time, even in front of the girls."

"And you'll still call me Artie."

"Of course and everyone else will still call me Jackie. Do you agree to that?"

"Of course I do Jacqueline and I promise to faithfully serve and obey you for the rest of my life." And then I bent over and kissed each of the toes of her high heeled shoes.

Jackie gasped. My demonstration of subservience had clearly aroused her. Of course her reaction had a similar effect on me. Knowing that my wife was excited by my presentation excited me.


I looked up at Jackie.

She said; "I promise that every day for the rest of our lives I will try to make you the most well cared for and loved slave who ever lived."

I smiled at Jackie.

She smiled back at me and then she reached down and gently pulled me to my feet. "Come on; let's go check on the girls. After that I want to go to our bedroom and show just how much I love you."

"You mean your bedroom, don't you?"

Jackie stared at me.

I said; "Your private boudoir. After all you are the mistress of the house. You should have your own private bed room."

"Artie, are you saying that you don't want to relax with me anymore."

"Of course not; I will eagerly accept every invitation to spend the night with you in your private chambers, but my official quarters should be in the basement. Jacqueline, there may be times when you'll be sharing your bed with someone else."

"Artie, are you sure about that?"

Yes, as my dominant hot wife that should be one of your prerogatives."

"What about the girls?"

"I assume that they'll be spending those nights with their Grandma Connie or Aunt Nattie."

"How about you Artie? If I start entertaining men in my bedroom aren't you afraid that they'll start asking questions that will be difficult to answer without telling them the truth?"

"Jacqueline, I know that last night I objected to some of the rules that you attempted to establish, but since then I've had an opportunity to think about all of this. As my Aunt Edie used to say, 'In for a penny, in for a pound'"

Jackie laughed. "Your Aunt Edie always did have a proverb to fit every situation."

I nodded and then I continued. "If I'm going to be your submissive cuckold husband I don't want to fool around. We'll be cheating ourselves. Let's try for the full experience."

"Again, I ask; what about the girls?"

"They're our one big limitation. In fairness to them we have to do everything we can to shield them from our lifestyle. That means being discreet with our neighbors. If the neighbors start to gossip it could easily get back to the girls."

"If that's the case, how can I possibly entertain other men in the house?"

"If I'm at home we'll be entertaining a male guest together, at least that's what the neighbors will think. You will have to avoid overt displays of affection outside."

"You mean I can't make out with a guy in a parked car in the front of the house."

"Or in the backyard."

"Okay, that shouldn't be all that difficult."

"I point out that you've already been entertaining Ron in the house during the day while I was at work. You managed to be discreet about that."

Jackie nodded. "And now I don't have to worry about you coming home in the middle of the day and catching us."

I smiled, "You mean like yesterday."

"Artie, I'm so sorry about that."

"I'm not."

"You're not?"

"Of course not. If I hadn't come home and caught you with Ron yesterday, tonight wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

Jackie laughed. "Artie, you should buy presents for the two boys who fought yesterday."

Shaking my head, I said; "I'm not sure I'd go that far."

"No, I suppose not. So, who can I tell?"

"Your lady and sister already know. Let's try adding your lovers and close friends and see what happens. They'll all have to understand that they have to be discreet."

"My close friends? You mean..."

"Yes, Trudy and Laurie."

"Really?" The excitement in Jackie's voice was unmistakable. "Can I call them tomorrow and tell them?"

"I can't think of any reamister you shouldn't. You will have to stress that they need to be discreet around the girls."

"Artie they won't have any trouble being discreet. They have just as active an extracurricular life as I do."

"I suspected that was the case."

"Artie, some night could we have a...well, you know, a dinner party?" There was a reticence in Jackie's voice. It was clear that she was hesitant about asking me the real question.

I helped her. "You're asking if you can host a dinner party for Trudy and Laurie and three male guests."

Jackie quietly answered, "Yes."

"Trudy and Laurie’s husbands won't know, will they?"

Sighing Jackie said; "No I'm sure that they wouldn't understand."

"That's what you thought about me."

"I know and now I know that I should have trusted you. Artie, Trudy and Laurie love their husbands, but they occasionally like to have a little variety. Rick and Frank aren't like you. They're both kind of macho. I don't think they would understand."

"Jacqueline, answer one question for me."


"Do you think that Trudy and Laurie are neglecting Rick and Frank’s needs?"

"Like I was neglecting your needs?"

"That's right."

"I don't know; it's possible. I promise to talk to them about it. If they can assure you that they're taking care of their husbands could we have a dinner party?"

"I want you to make them promise that they won't do anything with their dates that night that they haven't already done with their husbands earlier that week."

Jackie thought about that for a moment and then she said; "Artie, I don't think that's reamisterable."


"Sweetheart, one of the reamisters women cheat is because they want to do things they don't dare do with their husbands."

"I don't understand."

"Do you remember my telling you last night that occasionally I enjoy being treated like a nasty slut."


"I'm not the only woman who has that fantasy; in fact, I believe it's shared by a fairly large number of women."


"Artie honey, lots of women have trouble admitting that to their husbands. Many men have their wives up on pedestals and most wives don't want to risk doing anything that might tarnish their image."

"I see."

"I happen to know that both Trudy and Laurie occasionally enjoy anal sex, but they would never admit that to their husbands."

"So other men get to enjoy that pleasure and Trudy and Laurie get to enjoy that pleasure, but the men they profess to love are left out in the cold."

"When you put it like that it doesn't seem very reamisterable." Jackie sighed, "I'll talk to them."

"Thank you, if you do that; I promise to put together a dinner party for six that you'll never forget."



"Will you be my slave during the party?"


"Even in front of the three guys."

This was it then. Taking a deep breath I said, "Yes, even in front of the three guys."

Jackie grinned. "Damn, that is going to be so hot. Can I tell Trudy and Laurie?"

"Yes, but they still have to fulfill their end of the bargain."

"Oh, I think they will." Jackie paused for a moment and then she said; "Artie?"


"What about with Ron on Saturday? Will you be my slave then too?"

I wasn't surprised by the question; in fact I was expecting it. Looking at Jackie, I said; "I want to say yes, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to handle it if he starts giving me a hard time."

"That might happen with the three guys at the dinner party too, although I will promise to try to protect you."

"I know, but I’ll have a little time to get used to being your slave before the dinner party. Ron is coming over on Saturday. Also I didn't catch those other three guys fucking my wife yesterday."

"Does that matter?"

"Yeah, I think it does."

Jackie considered that. After a moment she said, "If I promise that I can control Ron on Saturday will you be my slave in front of him."

"How will you do that?"

"Sweetheart, Ron loves fucking me. He doesn't want to stop. All I have to do is make it clear to him that if he isn't kind and respectful to you, he can forget about ever getting my pussy again."

"Do you think you can do that?"

"I don't have even the slightest doubt."

"Okay, you can tell Ron the truth."

"Artie, on Saturday can I make you serve Ron a beer while we're lying naked together in my bed."

My breath caught. Jackie and I stared at each other for a moment and then I smiled and said; "Yes Jacqueline, of course you can. If I refused to do that I'd be a pretty lousy slave."

Jackie grinned. "Artie we are going to have so much fun together."


Posts: 1914
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What wonderful things can be done in the worlds we control ourselves, and when did we stop thinking that the government actually worked for us so that this could be done more generally. If only ..

Lovely story. Thanks.


Posts: 14692
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Another great segment GH. Thank you.


Posts: 27 Pictures: 6 
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Excellent story. Thank you for your time and effort. I am very sub to my cuckolding wife. I am enjoying where this story is headed.



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You found me out. For me writing is simply a vehicle for creating a world filled with people I'd likd to know. Sadly, governments attract people who are obsessed with power. I can't control them, so I'm just going to keep writing stories about people I like. That makes me happy.


Thanks, and I hope we don't have to wait very long for your next story.


Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

All of you thanks again.


I wasn't going to post again today, but I had a little inspirational assistance from my friend, Johnny Walker, so here's the next segment. It make not make everyone happy, but as Aunt Edie liked to say, "You can't please all of the people all of the time."


Posts: 4050
#156 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Jackie took my hand. "Enough serious conversation for one night; let’s check on the girls and then go to my room for some serious fun." She'd put extra emphasis on the word "my". It made my cock twinge.

The girls were sound arelax and looked like two little angels. Jackie leaned back against me. I put my arms around her and held her tightly to me.

As I held her she whispered, "I think I might be the luckiest woman in the entire world."

Nodding, I said; "And I might be the luckiest man."

"Do you really mean that Artie; after everything that's just happened."

"Yes, we have these two girls and I have you and that's all that matters to me."

"You do have me Artie, you know that don't you? No matter what happens you will always have me. The Clayton Taylors and Ron Clarks of this world will never wrest me away from you."

"You mean you won't leave me for a big cock."

"Hell no and I spent a lot of time thinking about that today. If you ever ask me to do it, I think I could give up the other men."

"But you would miss those big cocks, wouldn't you."

"Damn right I would."

"And I'd miss hearing about them."

"What are you talking about? This is the first time you're going to hear about one of them."

"So why are you making me wait?"

Laughing, Jackie took my hand. "Come on big guy, it’s story time."

Jackie pulled me to her bedroom. Once we were inside she said; "Okay buster, tonight I want to make you happy. Who do you want to be, studman or cuckboy?"

"That's an easy question, I'll take..."

Holding up her hand, Jackie stopped me in midsentence. "If you pick studman I'll suck your cock and lick your balls and then you’ll get to fuck my butt."

"Is this my only chance to be studman?"

"Hell no, in fact you can even change your mind in the middle of the evening."

"That's good, because tonight I really have my heart set on being cuckboy."

Jackie smiled. "Oh good, that's what I want too."

"So why did you offer me the choice to be studman?"

"Artie honey, right now my main concern is making sure that you know just how much I love you and care about you."

I smiled. "When I finally do pick studman I think it's going to be an incredibly hot evening."

"Damn right it is Cowboy." Jackie paused. She was thinking. After a moment she said; "Artie take off your clothes."

"Are we starting?"

"Yes, but I want to begin with a little surprise."

Excited, I quickly stripped off my clothes. At the same time, Jackie walked over to her makeup table, took off the silver necklace she'd been wearing and set it on the table top. I was about to ask Jackie about it when she unzipped her red cocktail dress, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it.

I gawked as she bent over and picked up her dress. My wife has a gorgeous body and now she was wearing nothing but her high heeled shoes, her red nylon stockings, the matching garter belt and of course the small silver bracelet that adorned her right ankle. Her panties were conspicuously absent.

I wanted to ask about the necklace, the ankle bracelet and Jackie's missing panties; but I was too excited to speak. This was the first time I'd ever seen my wife wearing a garter belt and stockings.

Jackie laid her dress across her makeup table and turned. My eyes first focused on the exposed lips of her shaved cunt. I loved Jackie's pussy, I was enslaved by it and I was anxiously waiting for the moment when I could kneel between her legs and worship it with my lips and tongue. The fact that another man had recently enjoyed it made it even more alluring to me.

Jackie walked over to me, pushed me down on the bed and dropped to her knees between my legs. When she picked up my erect penis I realized what she was about to do.

Shaking my head, I said; "No, I told you I wanted to be cuckboy tonight."

Still holding my cock, Jackie said; "And you will be, but first I need to do something." She looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Artie please, this is important to me."

Finally understanding, I nodded. "Okay."

"if you feel like you're getting close to cumming, tap my shoulder so I can stop and give you a break. If you do cum that will be okay too, but I think it will be more fun if you can hold off for a little while."

"I'll try."


Jackie leaned forward. I shuddered with excitement as I felt her warm moist mouth envelope my erection. I closed my eyes and thought about Clayton Taylor enjoying these same sensations earlier in the evening.

Jackie sucked me for several minutes. Her efforts were slow and methodical. Occasionally she would stop, giving me a chance to regain my composure. It was magnificent, the best blow job I'd ever had in my entire life. Of course that really wasn't saying very much.

Finally Jackie pulled back and looked up at me. "Did you enjoy that Artie?"

"Yes, very much."

"I'm sorry that I haven't been doing that for you every day since we met."

I shrugged. "I didn't press you for it either."

"You're very kind Artie."

I shrugged again.

Still holding my very erect cock, Jackie said; "Lay back baby, lay back on the bed and relax."

"Jackie, what's going to happen?"

"Just lay back baby."

As I lay back I wondered if Jackie had said those same words to Clayton Taylor and Ron. I quickly squashed that thought. It wasn't productive. At that moment my job was clear, enjoy what was happening to me.

Jackie raised my cock and then I gasped as I felt her suck my right testicle into her mouth.

She stopped and looked up at me. "Do you like that baby?"

I laughed. "Yes, yes I do."

She sucked my ball back into her mouth and then she teased it with her tongue while she slowly stroked my penis. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. The sensation was maddening. Suddenly I realized that I was about to lose control. I tapped Jackie's shoulder. She relaxed her grip on my cock and stopped licking my ball.

For several seconds neither of us moved. Finally Jackie whispered, "Are you back under control?"

I was. I nodded.

Jackie once again started teasing my testicle with her tongue while at the same time she slowly stroked my cock. The sensation was incredible. After a minute or two, she sucked my other ball into her mouth and still slowly stroking my cock, she began rolling them both around with her tongue. It was even more amazing.

I whispered, "Holy cuckolds brownie.'

Jackie pulled back and looked up at me. "Do you like that Artie?"

I laughed. "Yes, I like it a whole lot."

"Anytime you ask, I'll do that for you, anytime at all. Do you understand me?'


"Now I want you to roll over onto your stomach. Keep your feet on the floor."

"What are you going to do Jackie?"

"Don't ask questions; just do as you're told."

I chuckled, somehow this didn't seem like the moment for a display of dominance, but what did I know? I rolled over.

Jackie spread my ass cheeks.

Alarmed, I said; "Jackie, what are you going to do?'

"Shhh, just relax and enjoy this."

"Jackie..." And then I felt her press her lips to my anus. I tried to protest. "No Jackie, I should be doing this to you."

"Hush, I need to do this for you. It's important to me."

I tried to relax, but then I felt Jackie's tongue pushing into my anus. My entire body went ridged with tension.

For several seconds Jackie probed my ass with her tongue. I didn't particularly enjoy it. In my mind this was a pleasure that I was supposed to be giving to her. Still, I understood why she was doing it, so I didn't stop her.

Finally Jackie pulled back and climbed up on the bed. As she lay next to me she whispered, "I've never done that for anyone else and I never will; but any time you ask, I will do it for you. I love you Arthur Hammond. I love you more than life itself."

"I love you too Jacqueline Conners. I will always love you."


"Yes, I promise."

Jackie giggled. "Artie, I'm going to hold you to that promise."

"No problem, no problem at all."

“Are you ready to play cuckboy?”


“Me too.”


Posts: 182
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Hi GH,

Well if you get that inspired by your friend Mr Johnnie Walker ( Red Label I trust) then perhap's you should consider the two friends I have spent the last couple of days with as well, Mr Jack Daniels and Mr Glen Morangie and not forgetting Mr McAllan.

Loved it



Posts: 14692
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a great segment that will go a very long way assuring Artie that he is truly loved.

Thank you Sir.

I've started a new story but I'm not sure if it will make it here. Right now I'm kind of stuck and unless I get over that hump, it will not see the light of day.


Posts: 4050
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As you can see from my next post some of those gentlemen might not be as helpful as they seemed to be at the time.


I understand. I hope you will keep plugging at it. I am eager to read another one of your stories.



Posts: 4050
#160 · Edited by: goodhusband
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No longer an editing error



Posts: 152
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You MFer, you made me tear up agin, that was so sweet !


Posts: 22
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I am one of those many who lurk and read and enjoy and fail to show their appreciation, so I want to thank everyone who writes her for their efforts.

Timmy, I know you will read this even though it's in GH's thread - Clarrisa's story is extremely well written. I suspect that the reamister you have been slow getting back to it has to do with the fact that the story grew in the telling - and changed, to the point where it is impossible to make the current state of affairs match the beginning.

I just want to say, I don't give a hoot about that issue, and I imagine i speak for thousands. Ignore it, or post a redo, like GH did. Please continue! I find the characters at least as compelling (and more believable) as 50 shades, which had some commercial success . .


Posts: 943
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Ok, i believe we all want more .....just great !!!!


Posts: 38
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Fantastic story! My wife and I are still new to this but we both have enjoyed your stories and want to thank you for your time and effort, which you so freely share with all of us!

You are a very s*******ed writer and we agree that your work is as good as or better than many "professional" writers! This is our first post here and I'm glad it's giving you well deserved kudos - please keep up the great stories!



Posts: 4050
#165 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks, I guess both of us are romantics.


Thanks, I loved Timmy's story too. At times writing is easy and at other times it becomes very difficult. sometimes we also write ourselves into corners that it's hard to get out of. At this site most writers post stories as they are writing them. It's fun, but occasionally it can also present problems for both the writers and the readers.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to make a comment and thank you for the kind words to Timmy. He put a lot of time and effort into an excellent story. He deserves some thanks.


Thanks, I'm trying.


Thanks for the kind comment. I hope my stories inspire you and your wife to try playing some fun games.

Everyone, thank you again for your comments and taking the time to read my story.



Posts: 4050
#166 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I grinned at Jackie.

She gave me a playful poke in the side and said; "It's time for you to get off my bed and kneel on the floor."

My gut churning with excitement, I rolled over, sat up and slipped to my knees on the floor.

Jackie sat up. Extending her right leg, she pushed her high heel into my face and said; "Take off my shoe cuckie boy."

I looked up at her. She was smiling. I smiled back and obediently removed her spike heeled pump.

"Now kiss my toes."

Reverently cradling Jackie's stocking clad foot in my hands, I leaned forward and kissed the underside of her big toe.

"Oh yes, I like that."

Jackie's words excited me. I eagerly kissed each toe and then the bottom of her foot.

As I was kissing her, Jackie said; "Cuckie boy, would you like to hear about my evening?"

I stopped kissing Jackie's foot and looked up at her. "Yes please."

Jackie pulled her right foot back and extended her left leg. "Take off this shoe and kiss this foot."

I removed her shoe. As I kissed her foot, she said; "You saw Clayt in the restaurant. He was a very handsome man. The moment I saw him standing at the bar I knew I wanted him. I loved his broad shoulders and long wavy dark hair and I was impressed by the way the other men standing at the bar seemed to defer to him. Yesterday I told you that I like powerful men, Clayt definitely appeared to be one."

Jackie mashed the soul of her foot into my face. "Of course I also have thing for submissive little cuckie boys." She laughed. "Variety really is the spice of life."

I smiled at Jackie.

She winked at me and continued. "Anyway, Clayt was hot and I wanted him. It wasn't hard to get him over to my table. I caught him glancing at me several times while he was talking to his friends. All it took was a smile and a little lip licking from me."

"You're a beautiful woman. I'm sure that most men would be eager to meet you."

"Thank you cuckie boy, that was very sweet.

“I also saw you licking your lips. It’s not a subtle message.”

Jackie grinned. “It’s not supposed to be. You should see my mom do it. She can make a guy break into a cold sweat. “

I laughed. “I’m sure she can.”

Jackie continued, “Clayt was also easy because he's a confident man. Confident men aren't as worried about being rejected. Less secure men require a little ego building before they’re convinced that they won't be shot down when they come over and ask to join me at my table. Of course that also diminishes my interest in a guy. I have a preference for confident men."

"Like Clayton Taylor."

"Yes, just like Clayton Taylor."

Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "Artie flirting with Clayt while you were sitting in front of me just two tables away was so hot. Did you see him put his arm around me?"


"Did that excite you?"

"Very much."

"After Clayt put his arm around me you weren't the only man in the bar who was getting a cock massage."

"I assumed that was the case. Did he have a big cock?"

"Yes he did. It wasn't really long maybe seven or eight inches, but it was very thick."

I laughed. "Seven or eight inches is a lot longer than my four and a half."

"Yes it is and that's one of several reamisters that you’re a cuckold." Jackie giggled. "Of course the main reamister you're a cuckold is that you married a slut."

"I know, and I love it."

"Do you Artie, do you love having a slut wife? I hope so, because tonight I was a very naughty slut wife."

Looking up at Jackie I grinned and said; "A very naughty slut wife, I like the sound of that. Tell me, tell everything; I want to hear all the details."

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to hear about your wife being a naughty slut for another man."

I took a deep breath and said; "Yes, yes please."

"Mmmm I like it when you say please."

Suddenly feeling very submissive I started kissing Jackie's feet again.

"Mmmm I like that too, keep doing it."

I kissed and licked each of Jackie's toes again.

"Oh yes, that's very nice. Keep doing that.” Jackie took a deep breath and then she said; "After we left the restaurant we walked across the street to the Calvert Hotel. That's where Clayt is staying."

I looked up at Jackie. "That's supposed to be the nicest hotel in the city."

"It is."

"Have you been there before tonight?" I smiled. "I guess that's a stupid question. You've probably been there lots of times."

"I have. Would you like to see it? We could spend a night there together. It would be fun."

I considered Jackie's offer. The Calvert was a grand old luxury hotel. It would be fun to spend a night there. I also knew that Jackie could easily afford it. Her law firm paid her a generous salary. Just as I was about to say yes, I would love to stay there, I had another thought. Shaking my head, I said; "No, I think luxury hotels like the Calvert should be reserved for getaways with your stud lovers."

Jackie thought for a moment and then she said; "Artie, that's an amazingly hot idea; but I won't do it. For the past five or six years I've been a selfish bitch. While you were staying at home taking care of the girls, I've been enjoying evenings at gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels with other men. I fully intend to continue doing that, but from now on I'm going to make damn sure that you and I also get to spend an occasional evening enjoying those same restaurants and hotels. Artie, As soon as possible, we are going to have dinner at the Kensington Grill and after dinner we're going to spend a night in a luxury suite at The Calvert Hotel."

I smiled. "Okay.”

Jackie laughed. "I love having a submissive husband. Life is so much easier when I get to make all of the decisions."

Jackie and I stared at each other. We both knew that Jackie had been joking, but we also recognized that she'd just described the relationship both of us wanted.

Just as the silence was about to become awkward, Jackie said; "Wanna hear what happened when we got to the hotel?"

"Yes please."

"As soon as we left the restaurant Clayt put his arm around my waist and immediately let his hand slip to my butt."

"So when you walked across the street to the Calvert he had his hand on your rear."

"Yes he did and I didn't make any attempt to stop him."

"You were being a naughty wife."

"Yes, and I was just getting started."

I smiled.

Jackie continued. "When we walked into the hotel lobby Clayt moved his hand back up to my waist. The Calvert is a proper hotel. They expect their guests to behave accordingly, at least in the lobby."

I smiled again.

"Clayt's room was on the seventh floor. The moment we were alone in the elevator he pulled me to him, wrapped his big arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips. I melted. Artie, I really do love being held by a strong powerful man..."

Jackie stopped. For a moment she was silent and then she said; "Artie, I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Being held by a big strong man is a thrill, but it doesn’t compare to the wonderful feelings of love and security that I have when you hold me...Oh cuckolds brownie! Artie, you are a strong man. I, I, oh I'm just completely screwing this up."

I patted Jackie's leg. "It's okay, I understand. I'm not a big man and my arms can't envelope you like Clayt's can and yes, I do believe that you enjoy it when I hold you. Don't worry; I know you love me Jackie."

"I do love you Artie, I really do."

"I know."

We both grinned. After a moment Jackie said; "Want to hear more about what happened at the hotel?"

"I want to hear every detail."

"Come up here and sit next to me."

I looked at Jackie with a puzzled expression. "But..."

Winking at me, Jackie said; "Sweetheart, we can only have so much fun with you on your knees."

I laughed and climbed up onto the bed. As soon as I was settled next to her she Jackie reached over and wrapped her fingers around my erect penis.

I gasped and then I said; "No, I'm supposed to be giving you pleasure now."

Jackie placed her index finger on my lips. "Shhh, I'm just following our rule."

"Our rule?"

"Yes, from now on I won't do anything for another man that I'm not already doing for you."

I nodded. "And you played with Mr. Taylor's cock in the elevator."

"Well I did, but that's not the main reamister I'm doing this for you right now."

"I don't understand."

"If the rule applies to me, it's only fair that the rule should also apply to you."

"Okay, but..."

"Didn't Nattie get to play with your cock while she was sitting with you in the bar?"


"So now I get to play with your cock or are you going to start doing things with other women that you not doing with me?"

Jackie stared at me for a moment and then we both burst out laughing.


Posts: 1418
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Wonderful additions GH. Although my time online has been less, I always look forward to getting caught up. Thank you for you contributions.


Posts: 4050
#168 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks for the support. Real life does occasionally get in the way, it does for all of us.

Thanks again,



Posts: 4050
#169 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Jackie kissed me hard on the lips and then she pulled back and said; "Arthur Hammond I love being with you."

"As much as you loved being with Mr. Taylor?" It just popped out and as soon as I'd said it I regretted it.

Jackie looked at me. "Artie, are you jealous?" But then she sighed and said; "Yes, I suppose you are. I imagine that's inevitable." She shook her head. "If you were fucking other women I think I'd probably be jealous too."

"You would?" I was shocked by that disclosure.

"Yes, at least some of the time. It might be easier for me because I have such a strong belief that love and lust are separate emotions."

"I keep trying to remind myself that you believe that. I think I believe it too, but I'm a little newer at this than you are."

Jackie picked up my hand and held it in hers. "I'll try to remember that and when you do start to feel jealous, I want you to tell me, all right?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Artie, please remember this. I don't party with other men because I'm looking for someone better than you. You are the best. You're the best husband, the best man, the best friend and yes, you're also the best lover."


"What's nonsense?"

"That I'm the best lover."

"Artie, that's not nonsense. I mean that. No, you may not be the best fucker, but you are the best lover. You're sensitive, unselfish and caring and when we make love you always make sure that I cum three or four times."

"But you said you like a powerful man."

"I do Artie, I like variety. You're a gentle lover so when I want something different I look for a more powerful, aggressive man; but if that was all I had I'd quickly get bored with it."

"You got bored with me."

"No I didn't."

"You stopped having sex with me."

"Not completely, but I was neglecting you. Artie, I've been thinking about that constantly since you pointed it out to me yesterday. I do love you and I do enjoy sex with you. No one eats my pussy like you do and I love playing with your little cock." Jackie giggled. "I love playing with your cock while you eat me."

I smiled.

She continued. "I do wish you were better at fucking, but a lot of that is my fault."

"It's not your fault that I have a tiny cock."

"Artie honey, your tiny cock isn't the problem. As long as I haven't just been with a well hung stud your cock feels fine in my pussy and when we finally do it I suspect that it's going to feel wonderful in my butt. No Artie, the problem is that you cum too quickly and that is my fault."

"Why is that your fault?"

"I became a selfish lover with you. Artie, almost all guys cum quickly the first time. This evening I gave Clayt a blow job as soon as we got into his room. I did it so that when we finally did start fucking he could go for a long time."

I nodded.

"Sweetheart, it does take you a little longer than most guys to get hard again, but I haven't put as much effort into getting you hard again as I should have. You love giving me pleasure and I love what you do to me, so I let you do it. Not long after we met, I fell into the habit of letting you give me orgasm after orgasm until I was exhausted and then I would finish by giving you one little quickie."

Jackie shook her head. "Eventually I even stopped sucking your cock. All you were getting from me was a handjob. Hell, I was so thoughtless that I’m surprised that I didn't start making you jack yourself off."

Grinning at Jackie, I said; "Actually that might be kind of fun."

Jackie laughed. "I agree, it would be fun; but if we decide to do that we're going to make a game out of it. We're going to make it fun. We're not going to do it because I'm a lazy self-centered bitch."

"I think you're being a little hard on yourself right now."

"I'm sorry Artie. I need to be hard on myself. You're the man I love and I was neglecting you. I have to make sure that I never do that again."

I leaned over and kissed Jackie's cheek. "I still love you."

"I love you too Artie, but what I just told you only explains why I'd become such a selfish lover. It doesn't explain why I was partying with one or two men a week and only having sex with you once a month."

"I know."

Jackie smiled. "You are the brightest man I've ever met. You could have been a great lawyer, but after we got married you chose to support me so that I could have my dream career."

"Are you suggesting that I didn't get my dream career? Jackie you made some mistakes and if it makes you feel better you can spend some time beating yourself up about them, but that wasn't one of your mistakes. I do have my dream career. I love teaching high school English."

"I'm sorry Artie. Sometimes I get confused and start thinking that everyone has the same dreams that I have. You're a magnificent teacher, you love it and I know that. Please excuse me. The events of the last thirty-six hour have gotten me completely discombobulated."

"Discombobulated, now there's a word worthy of the wife of an English teacher."

"Artie, are you making fun of me?"

"No, I'm trying to love you and tell you that I understand and I want to make you smile."

"Thank you Artie." Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "I do have some thoughts about why I was partying with other men a couple of times a week, but only having sex with you once a month.

"Would you like to tell me?"

"Could I? I mean we're supposed to be having hot sex right now."

Smiling, I said; "Hot sex is pretty high on my agenda, but our relationship will always be higher. I can wait for the hot sex."

"Thank you Artie."

"Okay, so why have you been boinking other guys, but not me?"


I shrugged. "I don't see any reamister to mince words."

"Are you getting angry?"

"No Jackie, I'm not getting angry. I actually have some thoughts about this question too. I just thought that it might help if we begin by stating the question succinctly."

"That definitely was succinct."

"You're the one who said I would have been a good attorney."

"Okay, can I start?" Jacking was giggling.

"I think that's a good idea."

Jackie took a few seconds to collect her thoughts and then she said; "It's kind of complicated."

"I'm certain it is." I tried to make my voice both serious and compassionate.

"Over the last several years life has gotten increasingly demanding. The law firm pays me a generous salary, but they also demand long hours and most of my energy."

"I know, I try to help you as much as I can."

"And you do, I don't know what I'd do without you. When I am at home I try to spend as much time as I can with you and the girls and Artie, you are a rock for me. You're my best friend, my confidant, my emotional support and my true love."

"But not your lover."

"Artie please, I'm trying to figure this out."

"I'm sorry, that was a cheap shot."

Jackie whispered, "One that I deserved."

For a moment we were both silent. Finally Jackie said; "We both just turned thirty."

"I know."

"It’s bothered me for a couple of years."

"Tell me."

"I know it sounds shallow, but I've always been hot."

"Yes you have."

"In college I sometimes had three or four offers a day for dates."

"You were popular."

"I'm ashamed to admit it, but that was a big part of my identity. Artie, this makes me feel so superficial."

"Jackie, it goes beyond that. Today I learned a lot about your family. Sex is a huge part of your life. Being sexually desirable has to be a huge part of your identity."

"It is Artie."

I nodded. "So Suddenly, you're about to turn thirty, you have two youngren, you work sixty hours a week and you're married to a teacher. I'm surprised they didn't make you trade in your Mercedes for a minivan."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No Jackie, I'm not. If I sounded like I was I apologize. That wasn't my intention."

"You are right; subconsciously I think that was what I was thinking and being sexually desirable is important to me."

"So seducing men became a way to bolster your confidence about being sexually desirable. That makes sense, except that your lady is over fifty and she's still unbelievably desirable."

"I heard that you saw her naked this evening."

"How did you know that?"

"I called Nattie on my way home."

"I did see her and she is still hot. Jackie, with your family’s genes you're still going to be hot when you're ninety."

Laughing, Jackie said; "while that may be an exaggeration, I understand what you're trying to tell me."

I smiled.

Jackie said; "But Artie, you have to understand something. I'm the baby in a family of sexual artists. You talked to my lady today, she's a..." Jackie paused for a moment and then she said, "I don't know how to describe her, but she's amazing."

"She's a sexual guru."

"Yes, that's exactly what she is. And my sister is a big time slut stock broker who fucks millionaires."

"She fucks millionaires?"

"Yes, all the time. Guys are always taking her to the French Riviera or Venice, or Las Vegas or Hawaii or some other hot vacation spot."

"And you're a successful attorney with a husband and two lovely youngren. I can't count the number of times today that your sister and your lady told me how much they envy you."

"I know, it doesn't make any sense."

"But that's the way families are; everyone envy’s everyone else."

"I'm sorry Artie, I was really stupid."

"So you started fucking lots of different guys as a way to reestablish your own sexual desirability."

"I think that's part of it."

"But you weren't fucking that many guys, just one or two a week."

"Artie, that's a lot. I have a demanding job, two youngren and a husband I love."

"Okay, so why did the husband you love get shut out?"

"Time and energy and you were also already fulfilling some more important needs for me. Artie, I love you, but as I said earlier, you're also my best friend, my confidant and my emotional support. When I was with you I was focusing on other needs."

"Everything but your sexual needs."

"Artie, I don't know what to say; I was shallow, self-centered and stupid."

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to sound bitter."

"You deserve to be bitter."

"Bitterness won't help us move on."

Jackie laughed, "I'm hoping that hours of penance on my knees with your cock in my mouth might help."

I grinned at her. "I'd prefer hours on my knees licking another man's cum out of your cunt."

"Artie, that's not much penance for me."

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Who cares?"

Jackie giggled.

I said, "I do have one more question."

"What is it?"

"I understand why you were devoting your small reserves of time and energy to partying with a lot of different men, but what about Ron? How does having a boyfriend fit into that equation?

"Ron's not my boyfriend."

"He's been fucking you at least once a week for how long?"

"Okay, he's kind of a boyfriend. No, that's exactly what he is."

"So how does having a boyfriend fit in?"

"Artie, this is all about staying young. Ron is the shallow, not very smart, handsome, well hung stud that I dated all the way through high school and college."

"Are you going to leave me for him? I mean it's clear that you're more concerned about his sexual needs than mine."

Suddenly angry, Jackie stood up and yelled, "Artie, I'm sorry. I fucked up, I fucked up bad. I ignored the most wonderful man I'll ever know while I played around with a moron. Ron's a good fuck, but that's only part of the reamister I spend time with him. During the few hours each week that we’re together I can pretend that I'm still a witless college freshman without a care in the world. Am I going to leave you and marry him? Hell no! When we're getting dressed after we're done fucking, I get bored making small talk with him."

Jackie and I stared at each other. After several seconds I said; "While I think I understand why you did what you did, you have to understand that I'm the one who was neglected. You can tell me that you fucked up, you can tell me that you were stupid, but I'm the one who paid the price for your mistakes."

I stood up. "Jackie, I love you and eventually I will forgive you, but it's going to take some time. It's late and right now all I want to do is go to bed."

As I turned to leave Jackie's bedroom, she said; "What do I have to do to convince you that I love you. Artie, I licked your asshole tonight."

Turning back to Jackie, I said; "Every time we've made love for the last eight years I've licked your asshole." And then I turned again and walked out of Jackie's bedroom.


Posts: 182
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Absolutely wonderful, another superb two segments from the Master.

thanks GH.



Posts: 14692
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Fantastic! This is getting better and better.

Thank you Sir


Posts: 4050
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Ajax and Timmy

As always, thank you

This next segment is short, but it felt right to post it.



Posts: 4050
#173 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as I reached the security of my basement room I sat down on the edge of my bed and started to shake my head. Why did I have to react like that? Jackie explained why she was dating Ron and it made perfect sense to me. Ron was typical of the guys she dated while we were at Kelroy.

My wife had been a popular beauty in college and now that she'd just turned thirty she was afraid of turning into a middle aged house wife. Jackie really didn't have any reamister to be afraid. Her lady was still gorgeous, her sister was gorgeous and I suspected that Jackie was still going to be gorgeous when she was a great grandlady.

Jackie was a bright, sophisticated, well-educated woman with a charming permisterality, a successful law career and two lovely flowers. Eventually she would realize that for her, there wasn't any reamister to fear age. She was a woman of substance. While she did have the fine facial features, gorgeous hair and sensuous body of a glamour girl; she had more. She had heart and soul. She had a core of inner beauty. As she matured, that inner beauty would begin to radiate outward and like a fine wine she would become more intoxicating, complex and alluring with age.

This was what had happened to Connie and there wasn't any doubt in my mind that it would also happen with Jackie and Nattie.

While I could see that Jackie was beginning to understand all of this, I realized that I had to be patient with her. Insecurity was malady that plagued all humans. Like most illnesses, the strong could survive an occasional attack, but recovery always took time.

Still, Jackie had tried to explain that neglecting me had been nothing more than an inadvertent side effect of her reaction to her fears about getting older. She already had substantial insight into one of the causes of our problems.

Of course my own insecurity was another cause. Rationally I knew that as long as Jackie was partying with guys like Ron I had nothing to fear. In college she'd had a bevy of those guys constantly sniffing at her heels. Yes, she did give her pussy to most of them, but that was all she ever gave them. When she wanted a serious relationship she rejected all of them and chose me. Unfortunately, I was beginning to understand that a man requires a considerable amount of self-confidence to be able to bear the knowledge that his wife is regularly getting fucked by other men, without constantly being nagged by the fear that he might lose her to one of them.

I smiled. Insecurity seemed to be the lot of the cuckold.

And then I heard Jackie's footsteps on the basement stairs. I waited. After a moment she appeared in the open doorway to my room.

Jackie was still wearing her garter belt and nylons, but she'd put on a white satin baby doll nightie. It was short; the hemline reached just an inch or two below her waist and did nothing to conceal the lips of her shaved pussy. The low cut top of the nightie was made of loosely woven lace. Jackie's large nipples were clearly visible through the gaps in the weave. It was an incredibly sexy piece of lingerie and modesty was clearly not its purpose. I also knew that I'd never seen it before.

She didn't come inside my room. Instead Jackie stood in the doorway and knocked on the door frame.

Sitting on the edge of my bed still naked, I said; "You're the mistress of this house. You should never have to stop and knock before you enter a room."

Jackie shook her head. "Until I've learned to be a benevolent mistress, I shouldn't be allowed to wield power."

"The ability to learn from mistakes is one of the qualities of a wise and benevolent ruler."

"And I've made plenty of mistakes."

"As have I."

"You? How? As I see it, you're guiltless."

Smiling at Jackie, I said; "Alas poor cuckold, insecurity is thy name."

For a second Jackie stared at me and then she started to laugh. "Artie honey, did you just make that up?"

"Actually it's a paraphrase of two quotes from Hamlet."

Giggling, Jackie said; "Oh the joy of being married to an English teacher."

"You are a lucky girl."

Jackie grinned. "And that Artie Hammond is one of the many reamisters that I will never leave you for another man."


Posts: 182
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thanks again GH,
I am beginning to run out of superlatives, once again perfect.



Posts: 21
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You are a very talented writer! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!


Posts: 14692
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you are right. It needed to be posted. Now take a well deserved rest or not - does not matter. We will be here to enjoy an applaud your superb prose.

Thank you.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Just brilliant. Thank you for your work.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 4050
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Ajax, celticman, Timmy and Donna

Thanks for the comments, they are appreciated.



Posts: 4050
#179 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I smiled at Jackie.

She said; "Artie, can I come inside?"

"Of course you can. Would you like to sit with me?"

"Yes, that would be nice." Jackie walked over and sat down on the bed next to me."

Once she was seated I said; "I like that nightie."

"I was hoping you would."

"Is it new?" Immediately regretting the question, I said; "I'm sorry, that's none of my business." Shaking my head as I realized that had been an equally inappropriate comment, I said; "I'm sorry Jackie, every time I open my mouth I seem to be determined to stick one of my feet in it."

Jackie snuggled up to me. "It's okay sweetheart, right now I'm feeling a little awkward too."

We sat together in silence. After several seconds Jackie said; "It's not new and yes, I have worn it for another man. I'm sorry Artie. Last night I promised you that I'd bring some of the lingerie home that I was keeping at my lady’s so you could enjoy it too. That's what I'm trying to do."

"Thank you, I appreciate that. You look very beautiful in it. And I'm glad that you told me the truth. It's okay that you've worn it for another man."

"I promised not lie to you anymore and I won't."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

"Artie, what do you want me to do about Ron?"

"Keep seeing him."

"Are you sure?"

"Is there any reamister you shouldn't keep seeing him?"

"If my seeing him upsets you there is."

I looked at Jackie and said; "Alas poor cuckold, insecurity is thy name."

She smiled at me. "You're telling me that sometimes you're just going to be insecure."

"Yes, I think that goes with the territory."

"Is there anything I can do to help you feel more secure? I'll stop seeing any guy that makes you nervous. If you want me to do it, I'll break it off with Ron tomorrow. Just tell me."

"No Jackie, if this is going to work I have to trust you."

"And I have to be considerate of you."

"But not to the degree that I can start dictating who you can see or can't see. If I sense that you're becoming emotionally involved with another man we'll talk about it. If I start to feel neglected because you're spending too much time with another man we can talk about that too. I think the key to making this relationship work is communication. The conversation we had upstairs was stressful for both of us and it didn't end harmoniously, but I think it was productive."

Jackie nodded. "I think it was too."

"I feel like I have a better understanding of why some of the things that happened during the past year occurred. When I learned that you spent more intimate time with Ron over the last several months than you did with me, it bothered me. No, it hurt me. Now at least I have some understanding about why that happened."

Next to me, Jackie said; "I am so sorry it happened. I promise to try very hard to make sure it never happens again."

"I believe you. I believe it was an inadvertent mistake and I believe you will try hard to make sure it never happens again."

"Thank you Artie."

"Jackie, we're both human and we both make mistakes. If our marriage is going to work we have to be able to forgive each other when we do make mistakes."

"I agree Artie."

I put my arm around Jackie. She laid her head on my shoulder and cuddled up to me. We sat together enjoying the close touch of each other's bodies for a minute or two and then Jackie said, "Artie there's something else I want to discuss."

"What is it?"

She sat up and looked at me. "I'm concerned that you're worried that I might fall in love with one of my playmates. Artie that’s the word I want to use to describe the men I'm meeting for sex. They're not lovers. Love isn't involved in anything we do. We fuck, we don't make love. You're the only man I make love to."


"As to the possibility that I might fall in love with one of my playmates, I don't think it's very likely."


"That's not how it happens. Almost all the men I play with are married and they aren't interested in leaving their wives or disrupting their families; especially not for me."

"Why especially not for you?"

"Because they know I'm a slut. They know I'll cheat on them and most men want a wife who will be faithful to them. Their egos can't handle infidelity. That also makes me lousy wife material for my single playmates."

"I see."

"I might fall in love with another man."

I looked at Jackie.

She quickly added, "I think it's even more likely that you might fall in love with another woman."

"I won't."

"Artie, you’re so naive that you won't even realize it until after it's happened."

"No, that's not true."

"It will happen like this; a first year English teacher will be assigned to the classroom next to yours. She'll be young, pretty and single. Being a kind and considerate man, you'll help her get started. At first you'll get together in her classroom after school so you can assist her with her lesmister plans or give her advice about classroom management. It won't take long before you'll be meeting in one of your classrooms just to unwind and talk. Your conversations will last longer and longer. You'll start finding excuses to stay at school later and later. One afternoon you'll kiss. It will happen spontaneously, but it will be the beginning of the end of our marriage."

"You kissed Clayt tonight and I'll bet you kiss Ron too."

"I did kiss Clayt and I do kiss Ron, but that isn't the kind of kiss that I share with them. I only share that kind of kiss with you. You know what I'm talking about; a kiss filled with love, tenderness and emotion. There wasn't any tenderness or love in the kisses I shared with Clayt tonight. They were all kisses of lust. They were nothing more than a form of foreplay."

"Okay, I understand." I took a moment to think about what Jackie had just told me and then I said; "I won't do that, I won't let myself fall in love with another woman."

"I'll try not to do it either, but that is how married people fall in love with other people."

I chuckled. "Our marriage is probably less likely to end in divorce than a conventional marriage."

"As long as we're honest and we keep talking to each other, I think that's probably true. Our marriage came dangerously close to ending yesterday, but that was my fault. I wasn't being honest with you and I wasn't paying attention to your needs."

"I also wasn't assertive enough about getting my needs met."

"No Artie, that's my responsibility."

"Your responsibility, why?"

"Artie, we have a wife led marriage. I'm the dominant partner and primary breadwinner. You're my obedient spouse; you’re responsible for the household chores and raising our youngren. I'm the family manager. I make all of the important decisions and make sure that all of our family’s needs are being met. That includes yours." Jackie stared at me.

Every nerve in my body was tingling with excitement. Jackie and I had discussed this the previous night, but then we were trying to deal with so much. Now we'd had an opportunity to address most of the key issues. Trust had been restored. At the Goldenrod I'd had a taste of life as a cuckold and I liked it. Twenty-four hours earlier we were discussing fantasies. Now Jackie was proposing a new way of life and I knew I wanted it.

Slipping off the bed and onto the floor, I kneeled at my commander’s feet. Looking up at her, I said; "I pledge my life to your service."

Jackie said; "I expect you to honor and obey me."

"I promise to do so with unwavering devotion."

"And I promise to reward your devotion with kindness, benevolence, consideration and firm guidance."

Bowing respectfully, I said; "Mistress, I am your slave."

Shaking her head, Jackie said; "No I don't want a slave, I want a loyal servant."

I understood the distinction and I liked it. Nodding in agreement, I said; "Jacqueline, serving you will be an honor."

"Artie, you honor me with your service."

I bent over and kissed Jackie's feet. She patted my head like I was a puppy and then she stood and pulled me to my feet.

Grasping my erect penis with her fingers, Jackie whispered; "Artie let's go back upstairs to the comfort of my private chambers. I want to consummate our new bond."


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Hanging on to my cock, Jackie led me upstairs. As soon as we were in her bedroom she let go of me and turned. "Artie take off my nightie. I want to wear it for Ron on Saturday, so I expect you to hand wash it when you get home from work tomorrow."

Incredulous, I stared at Jackie.

Staring back, she said; "A few minutes ago you pledged to serve me for the rest of your life. Now you're balking at my first direction. Did I misunderstand your vow?"

Still taken aback by Jackie's first order, but not wanting to fail her, I said, "No, not at all, I...It's just that, well for Ron?"

"Artie honey, A little while ago I offered to break it off with Ron, you said no. Then I offered to cancel our date for Saturday. You told me not to do that either. If I am going to continue seeing Ron I'd like to do everything I can to make our dates fun and exciting. He loves nighties and like you, he's never seen this one. I'd like to wear it for him on Saturday and I point out that this time you did get to see it first. Now, if you don't want me to wear it for him, I won't; but if you really do want to be my servant, you're eventually going to have to stop placing restrictions on me."

Feeling chagrined, I quietly said; "I'm sorry, I'll have the nightie ready for Saturday."

"Artie, I don't want to push you too hard. If it bothers you I won't wear the nightie with Ron."

"No Jackie, I mean Jacqueline. Sorry."

Jackie smiled.

I continued. "We both want this life. I want it as much as you do."

"Do you Artie?"

"Yes, I really do."

"I'm glad."

"Anyway, if this is the life we want to live, then we need to get started. That said, I do think the transition is going to be more difficult for me than it will be for you."

Nodding, Jackie said; "I'm not the one who's surrendering power and I'm getting to fuck other guys. I agree with you, my role is going to be easier than yours. I think it's okay for us to take our time."

"No it's not."


"Say that we decide that you should take a month off from seeing other men."

"I can do that."

"I'm sure you can, but it would be a mistake."

"Tell me."

"Jacqueline tonight was a great help to me. I watched you flirt with another man and I enjoyed it. I'll never again be worried because you're going to the Goldenrod to meet a playmate. Rationally I understand that Ron isn't a threat to me either, but you're going to have to have a few dates with him before I'll be able to completely relax about that. You could stop seeing Ron, but I don't think that would solve the problem.

"Why not?"

"Because I think you need to have a Ron. I think you need to have a boyfriend. I think you need to have a steady fuck."

Jackie shook her head.

I said, "Jacqueline, earlier tonight you told me that you were attracted to Ron because he reminded you of the guys you dated while you were in high school and college. You said that he made you feel young."


"That may be partially true, but it's only partially true. I think that Ron fulfills a much more important need for you.'

"Explain that."

"Sweetheart, may I still call you sweetheart?"

"In private." We both grinned.

"Sweetheart, between work and your family obligations you have a demanding schedule. Having a stud boyfriend with a big cock assures you that you'll get at least one good hard fuck a week. That takes some pressure off of you."

Jackie slowly nodded. It appeared that she agreed with my assessment, but then she suddenly looked at me and asked; "Artie, are you giving me permission to have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, but at least initially, I think it might be easier if we refer to him as your fuck buddy."

"I like that; it's a more accurate description. Okay, so right now, Ron is my fuck buddy and you're okay with that?"


"Do you really think you can you live with that situation?"

"I can unless he turns out to be an asshole."

"I'll make sure he doesn't. If he does, I'll find a new fuck buddy."

"That works for me."

Jackie raised her eyebrows. "That works for you? That's rather casual."

"Isn't that the attitude you want me to have?"

"Yes, but..." Jackie paused and then she started to laugh. "Yes Artie, that's exactly the attitude I want you to have."
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