Posts: 1914
Ditto, but Monday !
Posts: 14692
Great segment. Thanks GH
Posts: 492
Howdy GH,
Once again, guilty for being absent. Can't seem to get off of this merry go round called work and permisteral family life problems. As usual, you're producing more segments than I can possibly read at one sitting, but I promise to try my best to get caught up.
Thanks for taking the time to write such a great story.
Posts: 4050
Ajax and Peak
Good morning.
When the time comes and the spirit moves you. Until then focus on work and your permisteral life.
Gentlemen, thank you;
Posts: 4050
#125 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as they were gone Nattie stood up and said; "Come on Cowboy let's get you home. Connie is waiting for you. She wants to have a little fun tonight too."
I stood up. "By all means."
Nattie took my arm. "Let’s go tell Traci to have them bring your car around."
We walked over to the bar. Traci was standing there talking to the bartender. As we approached her she turned and looked at us. "What can I do for you guys?"
Nattie turned to me. "Cowboy, let me have your ticket."
I fished it out of my pocket and handed it to Nattie. She handed it to Traci along with a folded up five dollar bill.
Traci said, "I'll take care of it right away." She disappeared into the entrance hallway. A moment later she returned and said; "They're bringing Cowboy's car around right away."
Nattie said; "Thanks Traci."
Traci smiled "We try to take good care of our favorite people" And then she looked at me and said; "Cowboy, I'm sorry I didn't get to spend a little more time with you tonight. We got kind of busy. Please come back again. I really would love to get to know you. I have a soft spot for little cuckboys."
Nodding, I said; "I'd like that Traci."
Nattie said; "Don't worry Traci, he'll be back. I'll see to it." And then she added; "I'm going to go home with cowboy so I can ride back with Connie. We should be here in about an hour. Save a couple of hot guys for us."
I looked at Nattie. "You’re going to go home with me?"
"Why not? The ride to your house will give me more time to talk to you and I haven't seen Connie for several days. The ride back will give me a chance to talk to her."
"Artie honey, Connie and I are both single. We don't have families waiting for us at home, we can stay out later then Jackie can. The night is still young. We'll both have plenty of time to find a playmate and have some fun."
"Okay, I'll enjoy your company."
"And I'll enjoy yours." Nattie took my arm and guided me out of the bar.
By the time we reached the front door of the restaurant my car was idling at the curb. The valet held the car door for Nattie. Once she was seated I handed him a ten dollar bill, walked around the front of the car, slipped in on the driver’s side, put the car in gear and pulled away from the curb.
As soon as we were out in the traffic flow, Nattie asked; "Artie did you have a good time tonight?"
"I did."
"How do you feel right now?"
"Okay, I guess."
Nattie put her hand on my thigh. "By now they should be in Clayt's hotel room. Cowboy, at this very moment your wife is probably sucking Clayt’s cock." Her hand moved to my erect penis.
Excited by Nattie's intimation, I took a deep breath and said; "Yes, I suspect that you're correct." My voice cracked as I spoke.
In a delightfully seductive whisper, Nattie said; "My sister loves to give blow jobs." And then laughing, she added; "Connie and I do too."
Suddenly feeling deflated, I gave Nattie a quick glance and said; "I know." My voice was tinged with sadness.
Nattie noticed. For a moment we rode in silence and then she said; "This evening, on the way over to the restaurant, Jackie told me about how she'd been neglecting you. Artie, it wasn't intentional."
"I wasn't exactly at the forefront of her thoughts."
"Oh, I think you were. It's just that even though you weren't discussing it or even acknowledging it, you were both already moving into the life style you're now embracing."
Nattie paused. She was waiting for a response.
I said; "Go on."
"Artie you were fantasizing about being her cuckold. I looked at the web sites and read your favorite stories. When you and Jackie had sex you were doing exactly what both of you wanted. Jackie thinks you're an artist with your tongue. She loves it when you give her head. You love giving her head. It fits right into your submissive desires. Jackie loves you; she was paying attention to what made you happy and trying to give it to you. Sweetheart, you weren't getting blow jobs from your wife because she was neglecting you; you weren't getting them because you didn't want them and she was ***ly picking that up."
Nattie smiled at me. "Last night when you finally did acknowledge your mutual desire for a submissive cuckold husband, dominant hot wife marriage; what was the first rule you suggested?"
I chuckled. "That blow jobs should be reserved for Jackie's stud lovers."
"That's not a huge sacrifice for you, is it Artie."
I shook my head.
Nattie laughed. "If you really do want to make a sacrifice, try giving up eating Jackie's pussy. That would send both of you into a deep depression."
"You're right, it would." I was grinning.
Ignoring my grin, Nattie said; "So cuckboy, don't feel hurt because your wife loves to suck cock, but never sucks your cock. She's doing that because that's the way you want it."
"You don't cut a guy much slack, do you?"
"Not when he's lying to himself and that lie has the potential to hurt two people that I happen to love."
"Nattie, thank you for riding home with me tonight."
"Even if the man I hook up with later tonight turns out to be the greatest lover of my life, this will still be the highlight of my evening. Cowboy, I cannot begin to express how much I want you and my sister to be happy."
We both smiled.
It was 8:15 when we pulled into the garage at Jackie's house. Yes, I did understand that it was also my house, but at that moment I was finding it exciting to think of it as my wife's property.
As I was shifting my Escape into park Nattie squeezed my cock and whispered, "You do realize that Clayt's fucking her right now."
My breath caught.
Nattie giggled and said; "Think about it cuckboy, think about his great big cock pumping in and out of your wife's cunt."
I froze. I couldn't move. I didn't want to move.
Nattie continued. "Clayt's on top, my sister has her legs tightly wrapped around his thighs. If he's any good he's fucking her slowly, long powerful thrusts and your wife is bucking her hips to meet every one of those powerful thrusts."
"What makes you say that? Jackie could be on top riding him like a cowgirl."
"Maybe later; but not the first time. When your wife's with a guy she's never had before, the first time he does her she always wants him to be on top."
"Yes, ask her."
"I'm hoping she's going to tell me."
"Don't worry Artie, she's going to, believe me she's going to tell you everything." Nattie winked at me. "And I'm willing to bet a fortune that she'll be sitting on your face while she's doing it."
"I hope she is."
Nattie gave my cock another squeeze. "Artie honey, you really are the perfect husband."
I grinned.
Posts: 182
Another perfect start to a winter morning, you set the scene perfectly in my mind.
Thanks GH
Posts: 14692
Great segment - Thank you GH
Posts: 1914
GH, You really are getting into the cuckold head space here like no other story so far. Although your other stories have told a similar tale, they have often assumed a little more of what you are now explaining so patiently in detail. The answer to the simple question, "But why on earth would a man want to do that?" Of course it is because the true cuckold is like the rich, he is simply not like his next man.
A wonderful story. Thanks once again for giving it to us.
Posts: 4050
#129 · Edited by: goodhusband
Ajax, Timmy and Peak
Thank you and good morning again. I may need to take another break in the near future, but right now I'm enjoying writing. I am a little worried about the lady-in-law sister-in-law issue. Lisa says it's not a big deal. Let me know.
Why do we do what we do? That is the question. I think it's because we are who we are and that's all that matters. As long as we love each other and try not to hurt each other, everything is okay. I think in "Courtesan" that theme became central to my thoughts. I reget not finishing "Illicit desires". That story carried the theme even farther. With that story, I made the mistake that I just accused Daniel Q Steele of making on another thread. I lost sight of the story. I'm trying not to do that with this story, but I am worried that I'm muddying it with the in-law thing.
Anyway, thanks for the observation
Posts: 4050
#130 · Edited by: goodhusband
When we walked into the kitchen Connie was seated at the table with her Kindle open in front of her. She was reading. There was a cup of coffee next to her Kindle. It was apparent that she was preparing herself for a late night.
Connie looked up as we walked through the door. She immediately noticed the small tent in the front of my trousers. Looking at Nattie, she asked; "What did you do to Cowboy? Why does he have an erection?"
Nattie smiled. "Before we came into the house we were having a short discussion about what Jackie and her playmate for the evening were doing right now."
"That caused Cowboy's erection?"
"I may have been giving him a little extra stimulation with my fingers."
Connie laughed. "I'll bet you were." She paused, after a moment she asked; "Cowboy is Jackie's husband, do you have her permission to play with him?"
"Yes mom, I do and so do you. Jackie is concerned about him feeling neglected."
"She should be concerned. She's married to a prince and she did neglect him."
Connie stood, walked over to me and put one hand around my shoulder. With the other hand she reached down and lightly touched the tent in the front of my pants. "Did you enjoy watching your wife this evening?"
Excited and a little disconcerted by all the feminine attention I was receiving, I nervously stammered out; "Yes, I had a very good time."
"Tell me about the man Jackie selected. Was he handsome?" Connie had her hand pressed against the tip of my penis. She was moving it in a slow gentle circle.
I swallowed hard and said; "Yes, he was very handsome."
"Could you hear any of his conversation with your wife?"
"Yes, we were only two tables away from them. We could hear almost everything they said."
Connie turned to Nattie. "We?"
Nattie nodded. "Yes, Jackie and I decided that it might be easier for Artie if I sat with him while he watched her get to know her date."
"Did that help you cowboy?"
"Yes ma’ I mean Connie."
"It's okay cuckboy, I like it when you call me ma’am. Actually I think you should call Jackie and Nattie ma’am too. After all you are a little sissy wimp, you really should show us some respect."
"Nattie honey, relax. Artie and I have talked about this. A little verbal use excites him."
"Sweetheart, we're not going to make the mistakes you made with Miltie. We're going to talk all the time and all three of us are going to make sure that Artie knows he's the most loved man in the entire world."
I smiled at Connie and then I walked over to Nattie and said; "Ms. Natalie?"
Nattie looked at me with a puzzled expression.
I kissed her cheek and said; "Thank you for caring, but don't worry. Tonight I learned to trust you and your lady too. Sometimes for me, being a sissy cuckold wimp is fun."
Nattie smiled at me. "I just don't ever want to hurt you Artie."
"And I don't believe you ever will."
Nattie shook her head. "You trust me more than I trust myself."
Connie said; "Don't worry sweetheart. Artie's a very strong man. He'll let us know if we're going too far. That's the purpose of all the open conversation."
I nodded. "And this evening, when you were with me, supporting me; you demonstrated that you're a perceptive, warm, caring permister. When you made that mistake with Miltie, you were young. When we're young we make stupid mistakes, we all do."
Connie chuckled. "I certainly did."
"Nattie, you may not trust yourself, but I trust you and if we're going to have fun together I want you to feel free to let yourself go. If you go too far, I'll let you know. That's my responsibility."
Nattie smiled. "Promise?"
"Yes, I promise."
Connie stepped up behind me, put an arm around my waist, slipped her hand inside my belt and waist band and down the front of my trousers. As she wrapped her fingers around my bare penis she said; "You must not cum. Promise me that if you feel yourself beginning to lose control you'll tell me so that I can give you a chance to regain your composure."
"I will." I was just barely able to fetish out the words.
"You understand that Jackie wants to be the only one who makes you cum tonight. This is important to her. Nattie and I want to keep you excited, on edge; but we can't make you cum. would you like to play with us?"
"Will it be all right with Jackie?"
Nattie said; "Yes, I'm sure it will."
"Then yes, I would very much like to play."
Connie asked. "Are you sure you'll be able to control yourself?"
"If you promise to help me; yes, I'm pretty sure I can,"
Connie stroked my cock twice.
I took a deep breath and said; "I don't think I can control myself if you do that."
I felt her let go of my erection. As Connie pulled her hand out of my trousers, she said; "Someday I would like to make you cum. Will you let me do that Artie?"
"Only if Jackie says it's all right."
Connie's hand moved up to my waist. She pulled my shirt tail and tee shirt out of my trousers, slipped her hand underneath and reached up to my chest. As she grabbed my bare nipple between her finger nails, she said; "You really are a good little cuckboy. I'm so glad that you understand that even though another man is fucking your wife at this very moment, you still have to have her permission before you can allow another woman to touch your tiny little pee pee."
Connie let go of my nipple and turned me around so I was facing her. She gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and said; "Was that all right Artie? Did it excite you?"
I grinned at her. "Yes, very much."
"Tonight I'm going to a bar where I plan to meet a man who's going to spend several hours fucking me. Would you like to help me get dressed?"
I glanced at Nattie; she was watching, she was smiling.
I looked back at Connie. She was smiling too.
All three of us knew that helping your wife get dressed for a date with another man was one of the most popular fantasies on the cuckold web sites. While Connie wasn't my wife, this was real and close enough to be unbelievably exciting.
I laughed. "Hell yes!"
Connie and Nattie laughed too and then Nattie grabbed my arm and said; "Come on cuckboy, it's time for us to have some serious fun."
Posts: 182
Hi GH,
That was great! very hot, as for the lady in law/sister in law thing, that is a hook for a lot of us as guess their are many of us who would have loved to play with their in laws so please keep it in the story as it is so so hot.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Wow! This would be a dream cum true for all of us~!
Posts: 20
Such a good one ! Making warm even our cold north european winter. Thanks a lot for this story. Spip2
Posts: 1914
GH, I see no problem with the MIL/SIL issue as yet. Jackie had an unusual upbringing and a very powerful female influence growing up. Her lifestyle needs a strong self belief system and herself, her sister and mom act as a unit in supporting each other. Artie is privileged to be given the insight he now has to this team, so far it is clear that they have no intention of stealing any of the love he has for his wife, only supporting it in their unique way. For most people this may well be unhelpful and even intrusive, but Artie is not most people and he can see the benefits so far. If you are worried if it works, it may be because you are taking it towards the incesx place in future episodes (in which case I would say you are crossing a line), but so far all I can say is, it works for me and even makes sense, given the characters.
In short what I'm saying is, listen to Lisa, she's always right anyway (see rule 1).
Posts: 14692
GH, please make sure you take the break when you need it and don't overdo.
I'm with Peak on MiL and SiL situation. So far no problemo.
Thanks for keeping it rolling while you're in the mood.
Posts: 14692
Posts: 18
this is a fantastic thread, please continue Jim
Posts: 106
The MiL and SiL element, IMHO, is a necessary component in that they keep Artie on the edge and excited while Jackie is playing. Using non-family characters would broaden the sexual scope for Artie which could lessen the cuckolding impact of the wife playing outside the marriage while the cuckold cannot. Also the fantasy of a sexual encounter and offense coming from the knowledge of the wife's infidelity is more intense with immediate family members of the wife. Having said that, I think a scenario with Traci has potential for some excitement. As I said this is only my opinion and I am grateful for Goodhusband's talent and eagerly await another installment.
Posts: 14692
back to the top
Posts: 4050
Thank you for your comments. They are appreciated. I'm sorry that there is so much time between installments. These days real life is filled with obligations.
Posts: 4050
Connie shook her head. "No Nattie, Cuckboy is now a slave. He needs to be treated with disdain. We can love him up later." She turned to me. "Unless you'd prefer that we did this differently."
I smiled. "No Ms. Constance, I know my place. I should be treated accordingly."
Connie nodded.
Next to me Nattie whispered, "Holy cuckolds brownie, my panties are already soaked."
Connie and I both ignored her. We were already immersed in the scene. She was a haughty aristocrat. I was her flower's lowly slave.
I stood in front of her with my head submissively bowed.
Connie said, "Slave fill my coffee cup and bring another cup for Ms. Natalie. We're planning to have an exciting, but late evening. Bring them to your wife's boudoir. We'll be there waiting for you. Don't forget to use a tray. And there's a garment bag in my car. Fetch it for me."
"Yes Ms. Constance, right away."
Turning to Nattie, Connie said; "Come Natalie, let us adjourn to the comfort of Jacqueline's private chambers."
As they left the kitchen I wondered if Connie was referring to Jackie's private office or our bedroom. While I still had some mixed feelings about it, part of me was hoping that she was referring to our bedroom. This evening was turning into the most exciting night of my life and I was beginning to think that maybe I really would like to spend the rest of my life as Jackie's slave.
As I walked out to Connie's car her words echoed in my mind; Jackie's private chambers, your wife's boudoir. It seemed so appropriate. A mistress really should have a boudoir and her slave should definitely be quartered in the basement. Of course I knew Jackie. She loved me. I'd end up spending most nights relaxing in her bed. Her bed, I liked that, the bed where she slept and at times entertained her lovers.
The girls were and issue. They were youngren. We had to take great care to shield them from our new life style. Separate bedrooms shouldn't be an issue. Many proper couples slept apart and when the girls were around it was unlikely that we would be relaxing apart. If Jackie was entertaining a man the girls would be at either Grandma Connie's or Aunt Nattie's. The girls were also already used to Jackie having a private office and since the basement bedroom doured as my office, they were accustomed to me spending time there.
The garment bag was hanging in the rear window of Connie's BMW. I retrieved it and started back to the house.
The previous night I'd balked at Jackie's suggestion that we make our new life style public. Now I was beginning to reconsider that position. Yes, having people know that Jackie slept with other men and I was her servant, would be embarrassing, but it would also be exciting. Still, it wasn't necessary for us to declare it to the world. It was our permisteral life and nobody else’s business, maybe we just wouldn't worry about hiding it.
I imagined what it might be like the next time Jackie entertained her friends Trudy and Laurie. The three of them had been best friends since high school. We had them over for dinner at least once a month. Jackie would certainly want to tell them. They were both married, but we rarely socialized with their husbands, I only saw them at parties or an occasional dinner out. I suspected that both women knew all about Jackie's private life and I wouldn't have been at all surprised to discover that they also regularly partied with other men.
I laughed as I realized that future dinners with them wouldn't actually be much different than the past dinners. I already prepared and served the meals. Hell, I served cocktails before the meal too. The only difference would be that as Jackie's servant I wouldn't be permitted to join them for either cocktails or dinner.
If Trudy and Laurie did cheat on their husbands I wondered if Jackie would start inviting men to join them for dinner. My entire body tingled with excitement as I imagined waiting on my wife and her friends while they entertained their lovers. Of course on those evening the girls would have to go to Connie's or Nattie's.
The girls, for their sake we'll have to be discreet with the neighbors. People gossip and gossip gets around. If we're not careful the girls will eventually start getting questions from their friends; questions that could confuse them and create anxiety. Children shouldn't be put in a position where they have to defend or even address their parent’s life style.
Back in the kitchen, I set Connie's garment bag on the table, found a tray, refilled Connie's coffee cup, took two more cups out of the cupboard and filled both of them. Hoping that this was going to be a late night, I took a long sip from one of the cups and set it on the counter. Then after placing Connie's cup and the cup for Natalie on the tray, I picked it up and carried it to Jackie's bedroom.
The door was closed.
I knocked.
From inside, Natalie said; "Come in."
As I opened the door and entered my wife's bedroom my entire body surged with excitement. This was my first overt act as an acknowledged submissive. While it was with Jackie's lady and half-sister rather than Jackie herself, it was still exciting. It was my first real taste of my new life, my life as Jackie's servant, a life that I now knew that I wanted and a life that was my destiny.
I stood in the doorway surveying the room. Natalie was seated on the bed. Her legs were crossed, her spike heeled pump dangled from the toes of her right foot. Connie was absent. Her jeans, blouse and panties were lying on the bed next to Natalie. I glanced at the bathroom door. It was half closed. And then I heard the shower.
Natalie looked at the tray with the two cups of coffee and shifted her gaze up to me. She studied me for a moment and then she smiled. "You like this, don't you?"
I did, but it continued to be difficult to admit it. Still, I knew that I wanted to admit it. In fact, I needed to admit it. Taking a deep breath, I said; "Yes, very much."
"I like it to, so do my sister and my lady."
"Yes." I was so excited that it was the only response I could manage."
Nattie pointed to Jackie's makeup table. "Set our coffee over there."
Thankful that Nattie was taking control, I carried the tray of coffees over to the makeup table. As I was setting it down, Nattie asked; "Did you forget Connie's garment bag?"
I shook my head, "No Ms. Natalie. I couldn't carry the bag and the tray at the same time."
"Fetch it."
It wasn't a request, it was a command. While Nattie's tone wasn't mean spirited, there wasn't any hint of politeness either. It was simply a direction from a superior to a servant.
Bowing politely, I said; "Yes, Ms. Natalie, right away."
I scurried out of the room and hurried to the kitchen. In the kitchen I had to stop for a moment. My heart was racing. I had goose bumps. Every nerve in my body was pulsing with electric excitement. I leaned against the counter and took several long slow breaths. Gradually I began to regain my composure. I took a sip of my coffee and then with a huge grin, I picked up Connie's garment bag and returned to Jackie's boudoir.
Nattie was still seated on Jackie's bed, but now both of her feet were on the floor, her skirt was pulled up to her hips exposing her garter belt and nylon stockings, her legs were spread and she was slowly massaging her pantie covered pussy.
I stood in the doorway and stared. I couldn't help it.
Nattie looked at me with a lascivious smile and said; "Cowboy, are you enjoying this as much as I am?"
Chuckling, I said; "Yes, Ms. Natalie, I am."
"Why don't you take off your clothes. When a slave attends a lady in a boudoir he really should be naked."
We both turned. Connie was standing in the bathroom door. She was naked and holding the bath towel that she'd just used to dry herself.
I gawked. While Connie was a middle-aged woman who'd given birth to two youngren, she'd kept herself in excellent condition. Her large breasts still stood firm and proud. Her stomach was flat and her hips and thighs were trim and smooth.
My eyes drifted to her shaved pussy. Like Jackie, her slit was long and extended well up her pubic mound. Her labia barely peeked out of her outer lips and her clit was pierced and adorned with a gold ring.
"Cowboy has to stay dressed so he can attend to the girls in case one of them wakes up. That's why I waited to shower and dress. I didn’t want them to see their grandma looking like a slut."
Connie smiled. "But cowboy, I'm very happy to have you see me looking like a slut. Do you like what you see?"
Nervously, I answered; "Yes, very much."
"Do you like my ring?"
"Would you like to kiss it?"
"Yes, but I think I need Jackie's permission before I could do anything like that."
"Good answer cuckboy, you're now your wife's property. You need her permission before you can do anything."
Connie walked over to Jackie's makeup table, picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip. As she set it back down she said; "Unpack my garment bag cuckboy."
"Yes Ms. Constance."
"Cuckboys should be seen but not heard. Unless we ask you a direct question I expect you to remain silent. Natalie and I don't want to be bothered with your silly prattle."
"Ye..." I caught myself and nodded.
"I'm waiting, unpack my garment bag and be quick about it. Natalie tells me that the Goldenrod is filled with handsome men. I'm anxious to meet one of them."
I quickly opened Connie's garment bag and laid a emerald green cocktail dress, a matching green lace garter belt and stocking set and a pair of green lace thong panties on the bed.
Connie moved so that she was standing next to the bed. "Get down on your knees and put the garter on me."
I dropped to my knees. Nattie handed me the garter belt and asked; "Artie do you know how this works?"
I looked at it for a moment and then I nodded.
Connie said; "Cuckboy, she asked you a direct question. You can answer her."
"Yes Ms. Natalie, I see the hooks in the back."
I placed the garter around Connie's waist. As I was fastening it her gorgeous rear end was at my eye level. While I knew it was wrong, I longed to be able to bury my face between her sumptuous cheeks and worship her with my lips and my tongue.
Sensing my desire, Connie said; "Maybe someday cuckboy, but not tonight."
Fully aware that Connie was right, I refocused my attention and quickly finished fastening her garter belt. As soon as I was finished she sat down on the edge of the bed and said; "Very good cuckboy, now fetch my stockings."
The stocking were on the bed next to Connie. I stood, walked around her, picked up the emerald green nylons and handed them to her.
Smiling, Connie rolled up one of the stockings, placed it on her toes, extended her foot and unrolled the stocking up her leg. As she was rolling on the other stocking, she said; "Most men really do seem to go gagga over a woman wearing nylon stockings. Wouldn't you agree Natalie?"
Nattie laughed. "Stockings drive most men wild."
I remembered that Jackie had been wearing stockings in the restaurant and wondered if Clayton Taylor was enjoying them. I assumed that he was.
Once Connie was finished putting on her stockings she stood up. "Cuckboy, get back on your knees and fasten the suspender clips of my garter belt to my stocking tops. Be sure that they’re straight."
This was something I'd never done before, so it took me a couple of seconds to figure it out. I was also nervous so my fingers fumred as I was doing it. As soon as I had the first suspender fastened, I realized that it wasn't straight.
Nattie stood up and moved so that she was standing next to Connie and me. She unfastened the clip. As she refastened it, she said; "Like this sweetheart."
Connie said; "Don't worry cuckboy, you're going to get plenty of opportunities to practice. When she has a date you're wife almost always wears stockings."
I smiled at Connie. She winked at me.
Nattie said; "Now you do the next one."
The second strap was easier. When I was finished it was perfectly straight.
Nattie whispered, "Very good cuckboy, you're going to become a wonderful valet for your wife."
Chuckling, Connie said; "I think maid might be a better term."
"Nattie, calm down; all three of us read his favorite stories. We know exactly what gets him going."
I hung my head in embarrassment.
Connie reached down and patted me like I was a puppy. "It’s okay cuckboy, there's nothing to be ashamed about. We all have our kinks. Just relax and let yourself go, we're going to have fun."
I smiled up at her.
She winked at me and said; "You're going to be a wonderful chamber maid for my flower, aren't you."
Taking a deep breath, I slowly nodded. I was embarrassed, but at the same time my entire body was tingling with excitement."
Next to me, Nattie said; "Damn this is so hot."
Posts: 4050
Connie said; "It's getting late; fasten the other two clips to my stockings. We need to get going."
I quickly fastened the two remaining suspender clips. As soon as I was finished, Connie said; "Fetch my panties cuckboy."
I stood and retrieved Connie's thong panties from the bed next to her.
As I tried to hand them to her she shook her head. ""No cuckboy, get back on your knees and hold them for me."
So excited that I felt like I was about to burst, I got down on the floor and held Connie's panties for her while she stepped into them.
"Now pull them up."
As I pulled them up, Connie laughed and said; "A little later tonight a man I've never met before is going to be pulling them down. Artie, sex is so much fun. For the life of me, I can't understand why people are so uptight about it."
I grinned at Connie.
Reaching down, Connie pulled me to my feet and in a gentle voice said; "Help me with my dress."
I picked up the emerald green cocktail dress and stood, unsure about what I should do next.
Connie took the dress from me. "I'd better do this." She unzipped it and slipped it over her head. Once it had fallen into place she said; "Zip me up cuckboy."
The dress was tight, zipping it up took a little bit of effort. When I was finished I looked at Connie. She had a gorgeous body and the dress just barely concealed it. At that moment my thoughts were far from honorable.
Nattie caught me ogling her mom. "Sorry cuckboy, she is gorgeous but that body is for men only."
Connie laughed. "It's okay, cuckboys can always look; they just have to understand that they never get to touch."
I smiled sheepishly.
Connie stepped over to Jackie's makeup table. As she sat down she said; "Nattie, I'm going to give my makeup and hair a quick touch-up and then it's time for us to go. We don't want to miss the fun."
"Don't worry mom, the Goldenrod was full of cute guys."
Connie was silent while she added some mascara to her eye lashes and then she said; "I'll bet Jackie's having a good time right now."
Laughing, Nattie said; "I'm sure she is. She picked out a real hunk. At this very moment she's probably pinned to the bed under that big muscular body of his."
"That would be my Jackie. Cuckboy, your wife loves big jocks."
Remembering that from our college days, I smiled.
Connie continued. "When she's with one, she loves having him on top. It allows the guy to take control."
Nattie nodded. "For many women, getting fucked by a powerful man can be incredibly exciting."
"As long as he knows what he's doing. He still has to have a little style. Rammers and jammers can be unpleasant." Connie was brushing her hair.
Nattie said; "Yes, it is a fine line. Jackie's man was a little older. I suspect he knows what he's doing. Younger guys tend to be the worst rammers and jammers."
Connie stood up. "Cuckboy, do you understand what we mean by a rammer and Jammer?"
"I guess so."
Nattie grinned. "It's a guy that sticks it in and fucks as hard and fast as he possibly can."
Connie shook her head. "They're not fun, but most of them are teachable."
Nodding in agreement, Nattie said; "And if you can teach them, they generally have the energy to be unbelievably exciting."
"Occasionally we enjoy going to a college bar." Connie laughed. "Training a twenty year old cock can be an invigorating experience, especially for an old broad like myself."
Connie's demeanor abruptly changed. Snapping her fingers she pointed at her high heels and said; "Cuckboy, get down on your knees. It’s time for you to put my shoes on for me."
Already excited by their brazen conversation I fell to my knees. Feeling like a servant I earnestly picked up each of Connie’s stocking clad feet and placed her shoes on them.
When I was finished Connie patted my head and said; "That was very good cuckboy. You really are going to be an outstanding servant for my flower."
I beamed with pride.
"Now stand up and pick up my clothes. I expect you to launder them tomorrow."
Nodding, I quickly picked up Connie's jeans, blouse and panties. After putting them in the dirty clothes basket, I turned back to Connie and Nattie.
Connie was staring at me. After a moment she walked over and hugged me. As she was hugging me, she whispered; "Artie, any time you ask I'll wash your clothes, iron your shirts and vacuum your house for you. I love you, please don't ever forget that."
"I won't Connie."
"Yes, I promise."
"We're going to leave now. I would guess that Jackie will be home in about an hour. Are you going to be okay?"
"I’ll be fine."
"Are you sure? We can stay with you."
I stepped back and grinned at Connie. "And have you miss out on all the fun? I wouldn't dream of it. Don't worry, I really will be fine."
Turning to Nattie, I said; "Thank you for sitting with me tonight. It did help; in fact you turned it into a memorable evening for me."
Nattie smiled. "Thanks Artie, it was fun. I'm glad you're involved in this part of our lives now."
"Me too."
Posts: 182
Hi GH,
thanks for my fix, I could almost smell Connie's mature well used pussy, it would be so hot if she picked up a twenty year old well hung stud at the trade fair and he fucked the cuckolds brownie out of her all night.
Posts: 14692
GH, thank you for making this Friday special.
Enjoy your weekend.
Posts: 4050
Ajax and Timmy
Thank you, I appreciate your comments
It appears that I may have turned this into a longer story. Well, so be it. As Aunt Edie would say; "If you're going to do it, do it right."
I do intend to finish this story. When it's complete I intend to finish "Five Days" When "Five Days" is finished I plan to finish "Illicit Desires" and then I'm going to retire.
Posts: 4050
#146 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as Connie and Nattie were gone I checked on the girls. Once I'd ascertained that they were both relaxing soundly, I went down to my basement bedroom, got my laptop computer and brought it back upstairs. The girls were relaxing, but I still wanted to be near them in case they woke up and needed me.
I glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantel. It was five minutes to nine. Not knowing how long it would be before Jackie got home, I sat down in the living room and turned on my computer. Passing the time was going to be difficult and I thought reading a cuckold story might help.
While the story was good, it wasn't enough keep my thoughts from constantly drifting to Jackie and Mr. Taylor. I couldn't stop imagining them together on his hotel room bed. He was naked; Jackie was wearing nothing but her garter belt and nylon stockings.
Nattie had said that Jackie enjoyed having a strong powerful man on top of her. Since that description fit Clayton Taylor to a T; I assumed that my wife was currently on her back. Her stud for the evening was on top of her, pumping his big hard cock in and out of her sopping cunt while she cried out in ecstasy.
A myriad of emotions coursed through me. Envy, jealousy, heartache, intense arousal, shame and offense were all part of the mix. The offense resulted from the awareness that at that very moment, my wife was giving another man pleasures that she denied me; pleasures that were supposed to be my marital right. The shame arose from the realization that I was aroused by that knowledge. My shame was magnified by my desperate desire to take out my tiny penis and masturbate like a teenaged boy while another man enjoyed my wife.
I didn't. Jackie had expressly forbidden me from doing that and I was not about to disobey her.
Finally, I gave up on the story and tried some captioned pics. While they didn't demand as much attention as the story; they still didn't keep me from thinking about Jackie and her date. Realizing that I really didn't want to be distracted from what was happening in Mr. Taylor's hotel room; I shut off my computer, set it on the table next to my chair, leaned back and closed my eyes.
I immediately understood that my preoccupation wasn't only caused by what was happening in that hotel room. The past thirty-six hours had brought a whirlwind of unbelievable change.
While I may have had suspicions, yesterday morning I was still laboring under the delusion that I had a faithful wife. Now, I not only knew that my wife was regularly relaxing with other men, I'd actually spent the evening watching her meet a new playmate while her sister sat with me holding my hand.
Nattie, wonderful Nattie; prior to tonight we'd only carried on superficial conversations during special occasions like our wedding or Christmas or Thanksgiving. I thought she was tough and hard. She scared me. Tonight I learned that she was warm and caring and fragile. The toughness was a facade and underneath that facade was a very sweet girl.
And Connie, always a loving lady-in-law and grandlady; now I learned she's also a professor emeritus of kinky sex.
For several years I've fantasized about being Jackie's submissive cuckold husband. Suddenly I find myself confronted with the possibility that my fantasy could actually become reality. No, that's wrong. I've been confronted with the fact that my fantasy is real. The only remaining questions are whether or not I'm willing to accept that reality and if I am, to what degree?
I knew the answers to both questions, but they scared me. If I followed my desires, I was about to embark on a highly unconventional life style; one that would make me a laughing stock in the eyes of some people. Of course Jackie would also be branded as a slut, but that appeared to be a choice she was willing to make.
The knowledge that a limited number of people would actually know about our lifestyle gave me some consolation. For the sake of the girls that was a necessity. At all cost, Cassie and Monica had to be shielded from our unorthodox marriage. Still, if we were careful to be discreet that wouldn't be difficult, especially since we had Connie and Nattie to help us.
In my mind the question was already resolved. I was Jackie's submissive cuckold husband. I had been since the day we were married. It was true that prior to yesterday I only suspected it, but now that I knew it was a fact; I was willing, no I was eager to recognize, acknowledge and accept that status. I was also willing to allow Jackie the pleasure of sharing my status with her close friends and lovers.
Pangs of apprehension and ripples excitement coursed through me as I thought about what might happen when Jackie entertained Ron on Saturday afternoon. Taking a deep breath I admitted to myself that I wanted him to know the truth.
This was going to be difficult, that was obvious; but I now understood that in addition to Jackie, I also had Connie and Nattie on my side.
My parents died when I was seven. I was raised by my man's sister, Edie. Edie was a fount of wise proverbs. One of her favorites was, "Nothing of value comes easily."
My thoughts shifted to Natalie Reid. It was clear that she cared about me. She demonstrated that tonight when she sat with me while I watched Jackie meet a new lover. She didn't need to do that; she could have been meeting a man of her own. While she did eventually go back to the Goldenrod so that she could find a man, she offered to forego that fun and stay with me until Jackie returned home.
As I sat in my living room waiting for my wife to come home from a date with another man, I made a resolution. I was going to find Milton Craig and when I found him I was going to do everything I could to reunite him with Nattie. He might not be willing to go that far, but at least I could try to give Nattie an opportunity to make amends for the transgression she made on that evening a long time ago.
Posts: 182
Hi GH.
That was great, and a wonderful birthday treat for me, this is developing into a superbly crafted tale.
Well done.
Posts: 14692
Very nice GH, thank you
Posts: 968
Great story so far!! Will there be chastity? ? Droopy and Miss
Posts: 4050
Happy birthday and thank you for the nice comment.
As always, thanks
I'm quite sure that Connie will take care of that detail in the very near future.
Gentlemen thank you for your comments