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Jackie and Artie

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Posts: 4050
#31 · Edited by: goodhusband
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"Do you still want that Artie? Do you still want to be my submissive cuckold husband?"

"Very much, do you still want to be my dominant hot wife?"

"More than you can possibly imagine."

Leering at Jackie, I said; "I have a pretty good imagination."

We both laughed, but as our laughter subsided an expression of concern crept across Jackie's face.

I asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you think we can do it? Do you think we can make it work?"

"We have to slow down a little. We need to spend some time discussing what we both want and I think we both need to learn a little more about this life style. If we do that, yes, I think we can make it work."

This whole time Jackie had been standing in the doorway to my basement bedroom and office. Now she raced into the middle of the room where I was standing, threw her arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back and then we held each other. After several seconds Jackie whispered, "I love Arthur Hammond."

"I love you too Jacqueline Conners."

We held each for another moment or two and then Jackie stepped back, grasped my hands in hers and asked; "So what do you think we should do next?"

Smiling, I said; "I think it's time to go to bed, but I don't think that's what you meant."

"It's not."

"Okay, tomorrow we should both try to do a little more reading."

"I may not have much free time, but I'll try."

"We should also think about what we might do that will get us started. I think it will be simpler for us if we move into this life style gradually. Some of it will be easy, I already do all the housecleaning, laundry and cooking."

"Yes you do and that's not about to change." Jackie was grinning at me.

Grinning back, I said; "I also think you should call your lady and sister and tell them everything."

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"It's not only okay; I think it's an important first step. It will give us a relatively nonthreatening way to gauge how other people are going to react when they learn about our new relationship."

Jackie nodded. "That makes sense. I'll call them both in the morning. I think they'll be excited."

"I have one more suggestion."

"What's that?"

"Tomorrow morning you should call Ron."

Jackie sighed. "I already told him that we can't see each other anymore; but I did promise him that I'd call him in the morning."

"I know, I overheard your conversation while I was getting undressed in the bathroom."

"You did?"

"Yes, that's one of the reamisters I still feel like I can trust you."

"Thank you Artie."

"It's all right, but let's get back to Ron."

"Why? You already know that I told him that I'm ending it with him."

"Yes, but he's afraid that he's going to be named in a divorce suit. You need to tell him that he doesn't have anything to worry about."

"You're right, I'm sure he's terrified right now."

"And I think you should set up a date with him for next week. It's perfectly okay with me if you keep meeting with him here while I'm in school."

Staring at me in shock, Jackie said; "But...."

I smiled at her. "I can't be a cuckold husband if you're not dating other men and Ron does seem to be your current flame."

"Artie, are you sure?"


"How will I explain it to Ron? I mean you were very clear that you're not ready to allow me to tell my boyfriends about our relationship."

"For the time being you can tell him that you've convinced me to try an open marriage."

Shaking her head, Jackie said; "Artie, that's brilliant."

I shrugged. "It just seems like a simpler way to start."

Jackie kissed me and then she said, "It's time to go to bed."

Grinning at Jackie, I said; "Ms. Conner's may I please be allowed to join you in your bed tonight?"

Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said; "Will you promise to eat my pussy?"

"Nothing would make me happier."

"If you do a good job, I'll reward you with a long slow blow job." And then while lasciviously licking her lips, Jackie let go of my hands, reached down and began rubbing my stiff penis."

Excited beyond belief, I breathlessly answered; "I would like that very much, but now that we've established that you're my superior I think blow jobs should be reserved for your equals, men like Mr. Ron."

Still rubbing my cock, Jackie said; "While that is incredibly hot, please never forget that, as far as I’m concerned, men like Ron will never be your equal."

"I won't, but it is fun to pretend."

Jackie laughed. "Artie, we're going to have so much fun." And then she grabbed my hand and said; "Come on cuckboy, let's go upstairs. Your mistress wants to feel your tongue in her cunt."

That night I ate Jackie's pussy for over an hour. She had at least five orgasms. When she was finally exhausted she sat next to me on the bed and gave me the sweetest handjob I've ever experienced. After we were finished we cuddled up under the covers and fell arelax in each other's arms.

To be continued in about three weeks.


Posts: 1914
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Nice people, great story. Not sure about short though!

As Winston Churchill said, "This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it might be ... the end of the beginning."

Thanks GH. I know you put out a lot in a short time. I appreciate it.


Posts: 1914
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ps Three weeks would be about perfect ..


Posts: 14692
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GH that was fantastic. I just love the way the story develops. I'm with Peak. Not sure if it will stay short.

Enjoy your time off. I'll be here when ever you get around to post another chapter.


Posts: 281 Pictures: 10 
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This is a great story.

My wife and I have this type of trust but a different dynamic.


Posts: 1418
#36 · Edited by: Zinc03
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Fantasitc story GH! The chemistry between them and the conflict is shaping up nicely. I look forward to reading more when you have time to endulge my lust for the pleasure.


Posts: 39
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G Hthis is a marvelous start to an awesome story!!!


Posts: 1289
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Another classic is under way 😊


Posts: 943
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Not fair GH,what a fantastic story ! Please continue !


Posts: 281 Pictures: 10 
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Yes, please continue


Posts: 14692
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Time for a bump


Posts: 492
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You know, GH, you are making it very difficult for me as a part time reader/lurker to keep up with all your writing. You are amazing.

Another great one, thanks. I'm going to have to make an effort to spend more time on here.

lick buddy


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Posts: 1459
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GH, truly great story, really just reminds me that the master logs in as goodhusband! Once again you've created the best characters in the most compelling story - which somehow I totally missed until now! I'm starting to question my powers of observation, but I can't tell you how glad I am that I somehow managed to finally find it despite how well you apparently kept it hidden. I look forward to seeing where you go when you continue - and to seeing if you manage to keep it short. I've heard that can be problematic...


Posts: 4050
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Now I'm on the correct story.

Everyone, thank you for your kind comments

I'm sorry about the delay in this post. You are about to meet a new character, Connie Reid, Jackie's lady. I think she's a fun character, but after I wrote several segments I started to become concerned about the appropriatness of what I was writing. I guess I'm kind of an old prude which is an odd admission for a man who posts stories on a kinky web site. In any case, I struggled for a while and finally went back and rewrote the segments. I didn't really delete anything, I just tried to add some definition to the developing relationship between Artie, Connie and Nattie.

I hope this isn't confusing. When I post my stories here they're works in progress. Sometimes this happens.



Posts: 4050
#46 · Edited by: goodhusband
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By the time Jackie and I had finally gone to relax it was after midnight. It didn't matter. We were both still up by 6:15 the next morning. We didn't have any choice. It was a work day for us and a school day for the girls.

When necessity demands it, Jackie and I can be a very efficient team. By 6:45 we had everyone dressed, fed and ready to go.

My first class was at 7:30. I had to be at school by 7:00, so I always left first. Since both law offices and elementary schools start their days a little later than high schools, Jackie and the girls always had a few extra minutes before they had to leave. Jackie generally spent that time reading the newspaper and takeing a cup of coffee while the girls watched cartoons.

In a public high school Mondays and Fridays are the most difficult and least productive days of the week. On Monday everyone is tired and cranky from the weekend. On Friday everyone is antsy to start the weekend. This was a Wednesday, so it was a quiet day. My students were focused and diligent.

Still the day dragged. While I like my job and I like to believe I'm good at it, on that particular day my attention was focused elsewhere. I kept thinking of everything that had happened on the previous day; which meant that I kept imagining Jackie with Ron or Ricky Tyler.

Two o'clock, the end of the school day, did finally arrive. After powering myself to spend another hour organizing and grading my student’s daily work I left to pick up the girls at their elementary school.

By the time we arrived home, it was 3:45. I'd just gotten the girls settled at that kitchen table with coloring books and crayons, when the telephone rang.

I answered it.

"Hi Artie."

It was Jackie's lady, Connie Reid. Jackie is of course, Jackie Conners. Gary Conners was her man. After Gary and Connie were divorced Connie reverted to using her maiden name. She was never happy with the name Connie Conners. He second husband was Dexter Cumbs. Horrified by the idea of being Connie Cumbs, she opted to continue using her maiden name. It didn't really matter, three months after their wedding Dexter filed for divorce.

"Hi Connie, I gather that Jackie must have called you today."

"She did and I believe she told me everything. She said she had your permission to do that."

"Yes, she did."

"First of all Artie, I want to apologize.”

"Apologize? Why?"

"I encouraged Jackie to lie to you."

"I see."

"Artie, she loves you so much, but the women in my family all seem to have giant sized libidos. We like men and saying no is difficult for us."

"Jackie told me that last night."

"Did she tell you that both of my marriages ended in divorce because my husbands got tired of my chronic cheating?"

"Yes, she did tell me that."

"Artie, during my second honeymoon, Dexter went on all day deep sea fishing trip. While he was gone I got together with a guy I met at the pool. We spent the entire day fucking in our hotel room."

"Did Dexter find out?"

"Not exactly, I mean he didn't walk in on us or anything like that, but even though I'd tried to straighten up the room as best as I could, it still reeked of sex and I'm sure I looked like the cat who swallowed the canary. Dexter didn't know for sure, but he certainly had to have had suspicions."

Connie paused. After a moment she said; "I think our marriage really ended that evening. Certainly Dexter never trusted me after that. Two months later he hired a private detective. I don't know why he waited so long. During those two months I was regularly seeing three other men. I guess he didn't really want to know."

Sighing, Connie continued, "Dexter got the report from the private eye three weeks later. He filed for divorce the next day. I felt terrible about the way I'd treated him so gave him everything."

"Last night Jackie told me that the day after we got engaged she got together with one of her fuck pals."

"Yes, I know about that. She called me the next morning. Artie, she felt awful about cheating on you; but she couldn't give up the sex. She didn't want to give up the sex." Connie quickly added. "And before you say anything, it has nothing to do with her love for you. Believe me Artie, she loves you with her heart and her soul. I know because I felt exactly the same way about Jackie's dad, Gary Conners. He was the love of my life, my soul mate; just like you're Jackie's soul mate."

"But you still cheated on him."

"Yes Artie, I did. I can't explain why, but every time I meet a handsome man I have an irresistible urge to experience him."

"I gather that Jackie has that same irresistible urge."

"Yes, and Nattie does too."

There was a pause in the conversation and then Connie said; "Artie, Jackie told both Nattie and me everything."

"Yes, as I said earlier, I encouraged her to do that."

"I mean Nattie and I both looked at the web sites and read the stories."

Suddenly filled with a strange combination of apprehension and excitement, I was speechless. When I told Jackie that she could tell her lady and sister everything, I hadn't considered the possibility that Connie might actually call and engage me in a conversation about it. I guess I'd imagined that it would become one of those unstated understandings that people have.

There was a moment of awkward silence and then Connie asked; "Artie are you upset that Jackie told us about the web sites and stories?"

"No, it's just that..."

"It's all right Artie. We're not shocked, we're not upset and we're certainly not judging you." Connie laughed. "It would be awfully hypocritical for Nattie and me to start judging other people's sexual inclinations. Actually, both Nattie and I are envious of Jackie and you. It appears that you complement each other beautifully."

"Thank you, I ah, I mean, yes...I'm sorry Connie I'm not really sure what I should say right now."

Laughing again, Connie said; "Sweetie you don't have to say anything and you certainly have nothing to be shy or ashamed about."


"You want to be your wife's submissive sissy cuckold slave, so what? Hell, right now both Nattie and I are wishing we'd met you first."

"Connie this is all very embarrassing."

"Isn't it supposed to be? Isn't offense part of the thrill for you Artie?"


"Artie, while I may be your lady-in-law, I also happen to be a sexually sophisticated woman. Believe me, there a lots of people in this world who have kinks that make yours look like a game that could be played at a Sunday school picnic."

"That may be true Connie, but this is still kind of embarrassing."

"That's my point, it shouldn't be; at least not with Nattie and me. Life will be so much more fun if we're open and honest each other. Artie, when you're around us; both Nattie and I want you to feel free to be yourself and we want to be able to be ourselves too."

"Connie, I ah...I don't know. You're my lady-in-law and Nattie is my sister-in-law."

"Oh don't worry Artie, we'll maintain some boundaries. Hell you're a cuckold. You're not even getting it from your wife anymore. You sure won't be getting any from Nattie and me."

Connie paused. After a moment she said; "I'm sorry Artie, I think that was maybe a little too frank. Jackie told me about everything that happened last night. She really did feel bad when she realized that she hadn't been giving you regular blow jobs..."


"Artie get a grip. Nattie, Jackie and I are passionate women. We enjoy talking openly about sex. You get to be yourself and so do we. Can you accept that?"

I was beginning to grasp what Connie was trying to explain. She wasn't attempting to get me involved in a physical relationship with either her or Nattie. She simply wanted all four of us to be able to feel free to be ourselves when we were together. Since sex was clearly a large part of Jackie, Connie and Nattie's lives I had to be able to accept listening to frank discussions about it when I was with them.

I was also beginning to understand that while I wanted to be discreet about our new relationship, it might be more enjoyable if we didn't have to hide it from everyone. It would be nice if a few select people who we trusted could be aware of the true nature of our marriage.

When Jackie and I first started dating most of her friends and many of my friends couldn't understand what she saw in me. Prior to me, Jackie had generally dated athletes and wealthy fraternity boys. I was a skinny poverty stricken wimp. I had the impression that most people who knew Jackie thought that she was wasting her time with me.

Connie and Nattie never seemed to hold that opinion. They have always been welcoming and gracious towards me and I’ve never felt that they questioned Jackie's interest in me. Because of that, I’ve always liked both of them and now I was inclined to trust them.

Taking a deep breath, I said; "Yes Connie I can accept that. It might take me a little while to get used to it, but I'm willing to try."

Connie laughed. "I have the feeling that the three of us will quickly get you desensitized."

"Okay." I was laughing too.

"Artie can I ask you a question?"

"Connie, a minute ago you said that life for all of us will be much more fun if we're able to be open and honest with each other. I'm beginning to understand what you meant when you said that and I have to agree; so yes, you can ask me anything."

"Thanks Artie, you can ask me anything too."

"Connie, it might take me some time to build up enough courage to do that."

Laughing again, Connie said; "Artie honey, I think you might be the most endearing man I've ever met. My flower is lucky to have found you and believe me, she knows it."

"Thanks Connie, what was your question?"

"Oh yeah, Artie are you really going to be okay with only getting an occasional hand job? Jackie is really worried about this and frankly, so am I. We both love you and we both want you to be happy. I looked at the web sites and I think I understand. The denial is a form of masochism, isn't it?"

"Connie, you really do know how to get right to the heart of the matter, don't you."

"Artie, this is important. Jackie already feels bad that she's been doing things for other men that she hasn't been doing for you. She loves you Artie and she never meant to deny you anything. I understand how it happened. It's the reamister that having a variety of lovers is so much fun. You do different things with different men. I also know about your tendency to cum quickly and I'm sure it is easier for her to control what's happening with you when she uses her hands instead of her mouth."

"I can't believe that I'm having this conversation with my lady-in-law."

"Get used to it Artie. You married into a family of sluts. We love sex and were not ashamed to talk about it. You shouldn't be either and now that everything is out in the open you can expect lots of frank discussions."

"Okay Connie." I was grinning.

"Good, now back to my question. Are you going to be okay with only getting an occasional hand job from your wife when you know that other men are getting a whole lot more? We're worried that this might become a source of anger and resentment for you that could grow and fester into a problem that eventually destroys your marriage."

Connie paused. After a moment she said; "I'm also not sure Jackie can do it. Artie she loves you. Now that she realizes that she's been inadvertently neglecting you while she freely played with other men she feels awful. You may have to occasionally give her an opportunity to show you just how much she loves you."

"Last night Jackie told me that for her sex wasn't an expression of love."

"Artie, I wasn't there, but I suspect that what she really said was that for her sex didn't have to be an expression of love, it could also just be fun."

Of course that was exactly what she'd said and I knew it. For some reamister that I didn't understand, I'd decided to be petulant.

I was about to admit that to Connie when she said; "Look at it this way Artie. Imagine that Jackie made great apple pies, but she only gave them to other men. The man she loved never got any."

I laughed. "Connie I understand. I'm sorry; I don't know why I was being difficult."

"I do, yesterday you found out that your wife was giving apple pies away to every man she met and you were only getting an occasional sliver. I'd be a little petty about it too and that's exactly what we're worried about."

Sighing, I said; "Connie, you're right, but..." I hesitated. I was suddenly embarrassed.

"It's okay Artie, I understand. You get a masochistic thrill out of the denial. You don't have to be embarrassed about that. We all have our quirks. I have several."


"Oh yes, I love it when a powerful man treats me like a nasty slut. Does that shock you Artie?"

"No Connie, it doesn't. Last night Jackie kind of implied that she enjoys that too."

"She does and so does Nattie, but Jackie also gets excited when she thinks about dominating you. Frankly I do too. Face it Artie, your wife, your lady-in-law and your sister-in-law are three kinky perverts."

I laughed. "I guess that makes four of us."

"Artie, welcome to our family."


Posts: 1914
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The Munsters they are not. I like the way you set this up. Deep stuff needed to be discussed and yet the MIL actually does the talking. Nice. You also left us hanging not knowing how much Connie will persuade her flower to do (and how often) with poor denied Artie. A master at work. Again.

Thanks for posting, and not giving up on us.


Posts: 14692
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glad you are back. The wait was well worth it. Like I said earlier this is getting very interesting and most enjoyable.

Thank you for posting and if the next installment takes three weeks - No worry, I'll be here reading it.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Thanks for this. Great segment!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 4050
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Peak, Timmy and Donna

Thanks for the comments.

A short post before I leave for the golf course.



Posts: 4050
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There was a pause. I was grinning and I suspect Connie was too. I was beginning to understand that in the world of eroticism my lady-in-law was a full professor.

After a moment my new mentor asked "So are you ready to tell me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never answered my question."

"Which question?"

"The big one."

"Which one is that?"

"Is the thrill you get from denial a form of masochism?"


"Artie I thought we agreed to be open with each other."

"Right now I'm the only one who has to be open."

"I told you about cheating on Dexter while we were on our honeymoon. I'm terribly ashamed about that."

I was silent.

Connie waited for several more seconds and then she prodded me. "Artie; Jackie, Nattie and I live our fantasies every day. We can help you live yours too, but before that can happen we have to be certain that we know what they are."

I remained silent. While I realized that what Connie was saying made sense, I still hadn't actually admitted to myself that I was a masochist. Now she was asking me to make this admission out loud to her.

After waiting for several more seconds, Connie said; "Artie I'm going to ask you one simple little question. If you answer yes all of your cuckold fantasies can come true. If your answer is no, well, that's okay too. It will keep Jackie from hurting you and we both know that she doesn't want to do that."

Several more seconds passed. Connie was giving me a chance to prepare for the question. Both excited and terrified, I waited.

Finally she asked, "So Artie, answer me. A simple yes or no will do. Are you a masochist? Does the pain caused by the knowledge that your wife denies you pleasures that she freely gives to other men excite you?"

I was afraid, but I knew that I not only had to answer the question, I wanted to answer it. Up until yesterday I'd been a closet submissive. I'd lived the life without letting anyone know about it including myself. This was my chance to step out of that closet and I knew that I didn’t want to miss it. I took a moment to gather my courage and then I blurted it out. "Yes!"

"Yes what Artie?"

My entire body was throbbing with excitement as I answered, "Yes, I'm a masochist."

"And what does that mean Artie?"

I was now putty in Connie's hands. Breathlessly, I said; "The pain I get from the knowledge that my wife denies me pleasures that she freely gives to other men, excites me."

"Do you want Jackie to continue seeing other men?"

"Yes, very much."

"Even if you know that she's giving them pleasures that she refuses to give to you?"

"Yes, even then."

"Are you willing to help Jackie get ready for her dates?"


"You'll be making her even more desirable for the men she's meeting."

"I understand."

"And you're still willing to do that."

"Yes." I was now unbelievably excited.

Sensing my arousal, Connie pressed me. "When Jackie gets home from her date will you eat her pussy; the pussy that another man just finished enjoying."

Connie was asking me if I'd be willing to eat another man's cum out of my wife's cunt. While cream pies certainly were part of my cuckold fantasy, this was also a whole new level of admission. I balked.

Noticing my reticence, Connie said; "Artie, it takes place in every one of your favorite stories."

"I know, but it seems kind of..."



"But you're not gay Artie. We know that. In fact you just might be the antithesis of gay. You're enslaved by your wife's pussy. That's true, isn't it Artie."


"And even if you were gay we wouldn't care. I've been with other women and so have Jackie and Nattie."

"You have?"

"Yes, I have."

"And Jackie and Nattie too?"

"Yes Artie. All three of us prefer men, but we love sex and sex with other women is still fun. It's also different and variety is fun. Oh and Artie, in case you're wondering, we're not an ********** family. That's a line we've never cared to cross. Sometimes we do party with other men together; but even then when things start to get intimate we withdraw to private places. While we certainly are sluts, in some ways were still a little prudish."

I laughed. "Connie, I don't think the word prude can ever be applied to you."

Connie laughed too and then she said; "All right Artie, back to my question. Would you like to lick Jackie's pussy when she comes home from a date?"

My confidence buoyed by Connie's forthright attitude, I said; "While I wouldn't say that I'd like it, in fact I'm sure I wouldn't; I think it would be incredibly exciting."

"You want Jackie to make you do it, don't you?"


"It's part of the masochism."

"And my presentation."

"Artie, I think I understand and I have to say that it's unbelievably hot. When Jackie comes home from a date you literally want her to rub your nose in it, don't you."

I grinned. "Connie, I've never really thought about it like that; but yes, I think that's exactly right."

Giggling like a school girl. Connie said; "Artie, isn't sex fun."


Posts: 943
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Just awesome !! please keep going !


Posts: 1418
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Thanks GH. I have really enjoyed this one. I didn't see this twist coming (no surprise), but I think the additional character may complicate your desire to 'keep it short'. I guess short, in this and all things is a relative term.


Posts: 1914
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Very good, thanks. I'm sure Jackie will still power herself upon Artie from time to time because SHE wants it that way. In a way that would only be a denial of Artie's desire for denial wouldn't it ..


Posts: 437
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Absolutely fantastic! Please keep going!


Posts: 14692
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This getting HOT!!!

Thank you GH


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Very hot!!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 1459
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Both great segments GH, very erotic, but also it really opens up the story. The paragraph about Jackie and Connie's names was very funny. I enjoy the way you use your subtle (and somewhat odd) sense of humor throughout your stories, it makes them fun reading to go along with the heat.

Regarding the censored word, isn't it odd that you can post the most graphic of erotica here, but you can't say certain words you might hear on an evening newscast, such as ******, or ****, or possibly even *********. I think that ***** and ********** might also be banned, but I'm not sure.

(P.S. Don't bother trying to figure out the words - I'm mostly just screwing with you!)


Posts: 4050
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cuckold_2, zinc, peak, herboy, timmy, donna and storm

Thanks for the comments.

Zinc - I am getting involved in the characters again which is the trap I always fall into, but I think this story can actually be mostly a series of cuckold scenes which I think will be fun. I'm obviously leading up to one right now.

Storm - Most people think I'm somewhat odd so if you're just restricting that assessment to my sense of humor I'm feeling pretty good.

Everyone thanks again



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"Yes Connie, it really is."

"You're excited about being Jackie's cuckold, aren't you?"

"Connie, I've been excited about that for several years now."

"Are you ready to start?"

"Actually, I think I've been you're flower's cuckold for quite some time."

"I mean her knowing cuckold, her willing cuckold."

"As you already know, we talked about that last night and we're going to talk about it again tonight."

"Yes, I know that's your plan, but why wait?"

"I don't understand."

"You could start tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"Would you like to watch Jackie with another man?"

"Connie, I couldn't do that without the other man knowing that I'm a sissy cuckold wimp and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet."

"Artie, I'm a slut. Say it Artie, say Connie, you're a slut."


"Say it Artie."

"Okay; Connie, you're a slut."

"Yes I am Artie and I'm proud of it. Now you say, And Connie I'm a sissy cuckold wimp and I'm proud of it too."


"Say it Artie."

"Connie, this is..."

"Say it Artie."

"Okay, I'm a sissy cuckold wimp and I'm proud of it too."

"That's a good cuckboy. And now you say, Thank you slut."

I started laughing.

Connie said; "Say it cuckboy."

"All right, Thank you slut."

"Very good; now cuckboy, would you like to watch your wife meet a man for sex tonight?"

"You keep calling me cuckboy, like it's my new name."

"I hadn't really thought about that; but now that I do, it really is appropriate, isn't it. Yes, I think that should be your new name. Is that all right with you?"

I thought about this for a moment. While it was exciting, I was still concerned about what other people would think. Cautiously, I answered; "Yes it will be fine, but only in private, all right."

"No, I think we should use it all the time, although for discretion's sake we should call you C.B in public."

"Not in front of the girls."

"Of course in front of the girls. We'll just tell them it's an affectionate name for you."

"But Cassie will ask what it means."

"Yes, I suppose she will." Connie paused to consider this, after a second she said; "We'll tell them that it stands for cowboy. We'll explain that you're our favorite cowboy. Maybe we'll even start calling you cowboy. Since all four of us will know what it really means, it will be just as good."

"Relieved, I said; "Thank you Connie."

"You're welcome Cowboy. Oh I do like the sound of that."

While I was incredibly nervous, I had to admit that I liked the sound of it too.


"Yes Connie."

"A little verbal use gets you excited, doesn't it?"


"Come on Cowboy, don't start being shy now. If we're going to enjoy this fantasy with you we have to know what we can do and what we shouldn't do."

Sighing, I said; "Okay Connie, yes a little verbal use will excite me."

"Oh you are a naughty little wimp, aren't you?"


Connie laughed. "Don't worry Artie; we'll only say things like that in private."

Mildly relieved, I said; "Thanks Connie"

"And Artie."

"Yes Connie?"

"While we are doing this because it's exciting and it allows Jackie to continue to lead a life that she enjoys; we're also doing it because we love you and want you to be happy. Artie, Jackie loves you and both Nattie and I are extremely fond of you. You're a wonderful husband and man. The day Jackie found you she struck gold. This fantasy is just icing on the cake."

"Icing on the cake?"

"Yes Artie, Icing on the cake. You married into a sexually adventurous family. While our promiscuous life style is a fun and exciting way to live, it's always had a major drawback. Our attempts to have a serious relationship with a man have continually ended in disaster. All three of us, Jackie included, had given up on trying to have a meaningful relationship with a man and then you entered our lives and we fell madly in love with you."

"Connie, I..."

"Artie, you are a prince. Jackie recognized it immediately and when Nattie and I met you we did too. After your second date Jackie was sure she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you, but she also realized that she could never be faithful to you. She was despondent. She loved you and while she didn't want to give you up, she also didn't want to cheat on you or lie to you. Three weeks after you met, she nearly broke things off with you."

"I'm glad she didn't."

"Are you Artie?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'm so glad. I've always been terrified that you'd find out about Jackie's infidelity and divorce her. Now we discover that our family's weakness for men and sex is actually a bonus for you. Artie, if your fantasy really is to be a sissy cuckold wimp you accidentally stumred across three women who are not only eminently capable of helping you live that fantasy, but eager to do it as well."

"Connie, I am enjoying this, but I have to tell you that it's also incredibly scary. Everything seems to be happening so quickly. It was only yesterday that I learned for certain that Jackie was seeing other men."

"Down worry Artie, all we're doing right now is laying the groundwork so we can all start having fun together. I promise you that we'll go slowly. We have our entire lives to work out the details. When Jackie called me this morning, she told me that last night she got excited and pressed you harder than she should have. I explained to her that this is a situation that requires baby steps and that's what we're going to do Artie, we're going to take baby steps."

As I said earlier, I liked Connie and Nattie too. They'd both always been hospitable and considerate towards me. Now I found Connie's words comforting and reassuring. She was also a beautiful, mature woman. The thought that she was going to be helping to guide Jackie and me through this change in our life was exciting. My confidence bolstered, I said; "Connie, I am eager to do this."

"Are you Cowboy?"

Smiling at my new name, I said; "Yes Connie, I really am."
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