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Jackie and Artie

Rating: 90
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Posts: 1914
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Show time indeed. I know you now. Writing extra bits just so that you don't have to write the sex scene just yet! Just poking fun... This really is pure gold at the moment. Lovely story, lovely characters, just great. Thanks.


Posts: 125
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this is another beautiful story that tells 2 tales. wonderful written and very erotic. also a how to for younger people in this lifestyle.



Posts: 4
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Am I the only guy who thinks this mirrors the literary style of one of those lightweight "romance" novels, aimed at prudish single the mid west? (I once read a novel wherein a beautiful southern debutante was *******ped off a sailing ship in the Atlantic. By pirates, no less! They sell her into slavery to a sultan in saharan Africa. He had a harem of 100 wives, but naturally prefers to keep this one a virgin and just play chess with kidding. You can't make this stuff up!) Nice writing if you're shooting for that. Admittedly, straight dialogue (with no narrative voice) is difficult to pull off in prose (it's the meat and potatoes of screen and stage plays). Whenever they make a movie from a Stephen King novel, I always enjoy it. But reading his prose is like a trip to the dentist for me. It takes him 4 or 5 pages to get the protagonist off the front porch.
On a more positive note, very good spelling.


Posts: 4050
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At this site nearly all of us are amateur writers. I certainly feel I fall into that category. I write because I enjoy it. Over the past several years it has become clear to me that a few other people also enjoy my stories. That knowledge encourages me to continue creating stories.

I know that my stories don't appeal to everyone. I will also acknowledge that not every story posted at this site appeals to me. When I do encounter a story that doesn't interest me I ignore it and look for something else to read. In the rare situation where I feel the need to express a negative opinion I have the good grace to do it in a private message.

On a more positive note I was quite impressed by the scope, depth and detail of the three paragraph story you just posted on the site. It must have taken you months to conceive and produce a tome of that magnitude.

baron ochs


Posts: 89
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I totally agree with goodhusband.
If you don't care for the story, newcuckcuple, move on. That's what most of us would do.


Posts: 114
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Goodhusband, I think I have read every story you have posted. Problem is finding others as good as yours


Posts: 943
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I never understood why there is a need to post a negative comment on someone else's thread ? like another poster said if you don't like it "move-on"

There was no need to be passive-aggresive when you felt the need to point out the "very good spelling" part of your comment.

We all hope you do move-on and find what your looking for on this site or another.



Posts: 1289
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I love your stories. I appreciate the time and effort you must put into them. Please don't ever stop your good work.


Posts: 182
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I agree with the others who have commented, if you don't like the story move on without comment, I have read all of Goodhusbands work and love every one.



Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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I certainly don't see much effort on your part to provide "THE PERFECT STORY". You been a member what 9 months and have only contributed a 2 paragraph minute story.

I have noticed that most negative comments come from really new members or people that don't contribute. There was an old saying my mom taught us growing up, it worked well back then and still works well today,
"If you don't have something good to say, then don't say anything"


Excellent story!! as with all your stories you provide detail and information rather than just a short sex scene. I think by the number of positive comments you get and by the number of views, you know your stories are the best.


Posts: 4050
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All of you, thank you for your support and kind comments. I appreciate them



Posts: 4050
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In the middle of the living room Jackie suddenly stopped and said; "Artie, I can't open the door dressed like this. The neighbors might see me. You'll have to do it."

I looked at her with an uneasy expression. "But..."

Immediately understanding, Jackie interrupted me. "Don't worry; I'll be five feet behind you. I'll do all the talking. You won't need to say a word. All you'll have to do is open the door."

"Okay, I can do that."

The doorbell rang again.

Taking a deep breath I resolutely walked to the front door and pulled it open. The man I'd seen in my bed on top of my wife the previous Tuesday afternoon was standing on the stoop.

Ron Clark was a handsome man. At least six foot two, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist; he still had the body of an athlete. He was clean shaven and wore his light brown hair combed straight back. His deep blue eyes and rugged, masculine facial features reminded me of a matinee cowboy. It was easy to see why my wife was attracted to him.

Behind me Jackie said; "Hi Ron, please come in."

Ron stepped into the foyer and stopped. He was staring at Jackie. I couldn't blame him. With her heavy eye makeup, scandalously revealing nighty and four inch heels my wife radiated lascivious sensuality.

As soon as I closed the front door Jackie walked up to Ron, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips. He returned the kiss. While they kissed Jackie slipped her right hand under Ron's shirt and found his left nipple. As her fingers pulled and twisted it he slid his hands down Jackie's back to her rear. While he cupped her right cheek with his left hand, Ron nestled his right hand into the crack of Jackie's ass. I couldn't be certain, but it looked like he was fingering Jackie's anus.

I was beginning to wonder if they were going to start fucking right there in the foyer when Jackie pushed Ron back and breathlessly said; "Whew, before we get too hot and heavy we need to make some formal introductions."

Stepping back Ron looked at me and said; "Yes of course."

All three of us glanced down. Ron's erection was making a huge tent in the front of his trousers. It was difficult to ignore it. He looked mildly embarrassed. I tried to look away.

Jackie giggled, "It certainly looks like you're happy to see me."

Obviously feeling a little chagrined, Ron shook his head and made an awkward attempt at an apology. "I ah, I'm sorry. Jackie you look so good in that nighty and..." And then he suddenly turned to me, threw up his arms and said; "Ah cuckolds brownie Mr. Hammond, I'm sorry, I really am."

Slipping her arm around Ron's waist, Jackie said; "Honey it's okay. You came over here today to fuck me. All three of us are well aware of that. Just relax. We're going to have fun."

Ron looked at me.

Smiling sheepishly, I shrugged.

Jackie said; "I think it's time for formal introductions and a quick discussion."

Relieved, Ron and I both nodded. Jackie had clearly taken control of the situation.

She stepped away from Ron and said; "I realize that the two of you met on Tuesday, but that was an awkward moment and you weren't actually introduced to each other. Let's take care of that right now. Ron this is my husband Arthur Hammond. You should call him Artie. Artie, this is my boyfriend, Ron Clark. You should call him Mr. Clark."

Clearly taken aback by Jackie's last instruction; Ron looked at Jackie, then at me and then back at Jackie again. I was certain my face was crimmister with embarrassment, but I was also aware that my tiny penis was throbbing with excitement inside my cock cage.

Jackie asked; "Ron did you have a chance to look at those Internet stories I suggested?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Did you enjoy them?"

"They were pretty hot. I was a little amazed at first. I guess I'd heard that there were guys like that, but I'd never really thought about it before."

"Artie is one of those guys."

Ron looked at me and slowly nodded. While my embarrassment was growing quickly, I understood that Jackie needed to do this. If Ron Clark was going to understand our situation Jackie was going to have to explain it to him.

Jackie continued. "My husband is a submissive. I guess you could say that at times he gets a thrill out of being a second class citizen."

"I don't understand. How..."

"Ron you don’t have to understand. I don't fully understand it either. I doubt that either of us will ever be able to fully understand it. We're not submissives. In fact in this life style people like you and I are called dominants or superiors. You might say that Artie was born to serve and we were born to be served."

Looking at me, Ron said; "No cuckolds brownie?"

Still embarrassed, I looked away.

Jackie quickly said; "It's all true, but it's also all new to us. While I think both Artie and I have been subconsciously aware of our respective permisteralities for a long time, the event that occurred last Tuesday has turned out to be a catalyst that spurred us to actually recognize and acknowledge those permisteralities."

Ron nodded. "Okay."

It was clear that he was trying to understand. That calmed me and eased my embarrassment just a little bit.

Jackie continued. "Because it's so new, you and I have to be careful. While Artie's position excites him, he's still a little insecure about it; especially with you."

Smiling at me, Ron said; "I can understand that. Hell, all of this is a little scary to me too."

I smiled back.

Jackie said; "So until we're all a little more comfortable with this situation, I think it would be better if I did most of the talking with Artie."

"Are you asking me not to talk to Artie?"

"A little polite conversation will be all right; but at least for the present I'd like you to limit you're interaction with Artie to only that."

"I don't understand. What else is there?"

"Artie and I are playing a little game. It's a game that allows us to indulge our kinkier fantasies. In the game Artie is my servant. Today you'll hear me give him orders."

"You're telling me that I shouldn't try to get involved in your game?"

Shaking her head, Jackie said; "No you will be involved, you'll have to be. Artie is going to be in the house while you're fucking me. You'll be aware of his presence and he'll be aware of ours. He'll certainly hear us and it's likely that he'll see us. We may even choose to let him watch."

"Does he want to watch?"

"He hasn't decided yet, but if he does decide that he'd like to do that he'll still have to have our permission. We're superiors, in this game our pleasure is all that matters."

I found it interesting that while I was standing right next to them, they were talking about me like I wasn't in the room. It made me feel like an insignificant servant, which inflamed my submissive masochistic desires. Suddenly excited by my role I hung my head in a deliberate display of subservience.

Out of the corner of her eye, Jackie noticed and smiled.

Ron didn't notice. He was thinking about what Jackie had just told him. After a moment he said; "Okay, let me see if I have this straight..."

Jackie interrupted him. "Ron, don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. Artie is my willing cuckold husband, you're my boyfriend. You get to keep fucking me and you get to do it with my husband's full knowledge and consent. We also get to do it in the privacy and comfort of my house. The tradeoff for you is that my husband will sometimes be at home while you're fucking me and when he is at home I would occasionally like to let him watch."

"Okay, I'm fine with that. Hell, why wouldn't I be? This is a no lose deal for me. I get to keep on fucking you and I don't have to worry about Artie blowing the whistle on me with my wife."

Ron paused. After a moment he asked; "But what about that other stuff? The dominant submissive stuff. Are you worried that I'm going to get ugly with Artie? Jackie I'm not an asshole. I hope you know that."

Jackie said, "Ron I do know that, but..."

Suddenly Ron looked to me and asked; "Artie, are you afraid that I'm going to judge you?"

Shaken by this turn in the conversation I shrugged and stared at the floor.

Ron said, "All right, I don't blame you. You don't know me from Adam and you're admitting to some fantasies that narrow minded people would be quick to condemn."

Attempting to intervene, Jackie said; "Ron please..."

"No Jackie let me finish. Frankly you don't know me very well either. We rarely talk when we're together. All you really know about me is that I'm a new car salesman with a big dick. Please listen to me."

Jackie nodded. "Okay, but don't you dare hurt Artie."

"Jackie, believe me; that's the last thing I want to do." Ron turned to me. "Artie, I don't have any business judging anyone else's sexual behavior. I'm married to the finest woman on this planet. I love Carol dearly. She's totally devoted to me and I'm totally devoted to her, but I still cheat on her. How fucked up is that?"

Ron paused. Jackie and I both watched him. After a moment he said; "Carol and I met while we were seniors in high school. We got married the summer after we graduated. We were both virgins." He looked defiantly at Jackie and me. "Yeah, you heard me; I was a virgin when I got married. I was a hell of a stud, wasn't I?"

Jackie picked up Ron's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "It's okay."

He smiled and then he continued. "Since we were both virgins sex was awkward. Carol was also repressed. Her lady had taught her that sex was shameful. It was something that had to be tolerated. I was inexperienced, but the first time we made love I realized that sex was maybe the greatest thing in the entire world."

Jackie and I both grinned.

"Anyway, even though I loved sex, Carol continued to be inhibited. She was even ashamed of her body. When we did make love the room had to be dark. She came to bed wearing a robe and took it off under the covers. She would reluctantly allow me to touch her and rarely touched me. Of course oral sex was unthinkable."

Still holding Ron's hand, Jackie said; "Baby you never told me any of this."

Ron shrugged. "Having a wife who has little or no interest in sex isn't exactly something a guy wants to brag about."

I asked, "So you started relaxing with other women, how did it happen?"

"The guys from the dealership like to occasionally stop at Brady's Saloon for a take after we close. One night I met a girl there, her name was Amber. We started flirting. An hour later we were rolling around in the back of my SUV. We were both naked. She let me play with her pussy. She sucked my cock. It was amazing. That night when I went home to Carol I felt awful. She was the love of my life, my best friend and I'd just cheated on her. It didn't matter. Sex with Amber was an irresistible temptation. Two days later I met her at the King's Inn. After that we met once or twice a week for five months."

Fascinated by Ron's story, I asked; "Why did it end?"

Jackie answered. "It had to end. Ron didn't love Amber, he loves Carol."

Ron nodded. "That's right and as much as I like Jackie, we'll eventually part ways too. I have Carol and Jackie has you."

"But you found another girlfriend."

"Yes I did. She was one of Amber's friends. Her name was Gail."

"Was she married?"

"Yes she was and so was Amber. They were both happily married. Neither of them wanted to leave their husbands, they just wanted a little extra action on the side."

Looking at me, Jackie said; "Artie it's not all that uncommon."

"I believe that."

Ron said; "So Artie, if you're worried that I'm going to judge you, you can stop. You're twice the man I am. You can actually stay faithful to the woman you love."

"But I still can't satisfy her."

"Actually you can and are. Jackie's like me, she craves variety and adventure. This game you're playing has the potential to be an amazing adventure. Artie, your wife loves my cock, but she'll eventually get bored with it. It's big, but it's still just a cock. The really exciting sex organ is the imagination and Artie; you seem to have a wildly creative and intricate imagination."

Laughing, I said; "Are you telling me I have a dirty mind?"

"Damn right I am and I'm envious of it. Artie, I crave sexual adventure. You and Jackie are beginning an incredible game. It now appears that I might have an opportunity to become part of that game. I ask; no, I beg you to trust me and allow me to join you."

Ron and I stared at each other. His story was credible and seemed honest. I was inclined to trust him. As I considered his request I realized that I had everything to gain and little to lose. My only risk was the potential for some mild embarrassment and I was certain that I had enough self-confidence to weather that.

I glanced at Jackie. She was watching me intently. I winked at her. She smiled.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to Ron and said; "Mr. Clark, welcome to Ms. Conner's home."

Grinning, Ron said; "Damn this is going to be fun."

Laughing, Jackie said; "Yes, it certainly is."

For a moment the three of us smiled at each other. While we were excited, we were all a little unsure about how to get started. Finally Jackie said; "It's time for the games to begin." Turning to Ron, she said; "Honey, would you like a beer?"

"You know me; I'll never turn down a beer."

Jackie looked at me. "Artie, my boyfriend would like a beer and I'll have a Diet Coke."

"Yes ma'am." I made a polite bow and then I turned and hurried to the kitchen.

As I passed through the dining room I heard Jackie say, "Come on big guy let's get comfortable on the couch."


Posts: 1916
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Excellent segment GH, thank you so much. It's also very realistic as it reminds me of some of the conversations my wife, her lover and i have had in the past!


Posts: 182
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Well that was a super segment that sets this encounter up perfectly, I can Hardly wait.
well done GH.



Posts: 14692
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Another first class segment. Thank you for your efforts.


Posts: 114
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Let the Games Begin. Looking forward to the next segment. As always thanks for your efforts


Posts: 506
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And the roar of the crowds go on and on as the ball goes over the fence...HOMERUN!
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 1418
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A picture well painted. Thx GH


Posts: 943
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...........and it continues to get better.... how is that possible... pls. continue.


Posts: 4050
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subchard, Ajax, Timmy, Racingdon, alcabin and zinc

Thanks for the comments. It helps to know that people are enjoying the story.



Posts: 1289
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Better and better with every section. As always, thank you for your time and effort 😊


Posts: 125
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beautiful taking their time the first time out. how humiliating to take down your shorts and show another man you are in chastity. this should be a thrill for all of them.



Posts: 4050
#473 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thanks for once again taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.


It's nice to hear from you. Your comments are always insightful


Both of you, thank you again



Posts: 14692
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Posts: 125
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wow....what Timmy said times 10



Posts: 182
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Absolutely great GH, absolutely great!!.



Posts: 4050
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Not much interest in this story anymore.

I will finish it. Sallyann, timmy, ajax pm me and I'll email it to you



Posts: 18
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Please continue the story. I think there is alot of interest in the story. The story just keeps getting better.


Posts: 186
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I am a long time follower and a card carrying member of your fan club. Please keep doing what you do so well.


Posts: 12
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I completely agree, a fascinating story. You have helped me to answer a number questions that I have been asking of myself for a number of months. Please continue
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Jackie and Artie
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