Posts: 1914
GH, It may feel like an exorcism to you, but to me it's just an extremely good story. At some point we all realise we are some way inside our last 10,000 days, maybe not sure where, but you begin to have to make choices about what you are going to do with them. I really appreciate that Jackie and Artie can talk to us through you. It's a conversation that will end someday. Hopefully when we can see them happy and waving to us from the next section of their complicated lives.
Posts: 14692
thank you for another fantastic couple of segments.
Those conversations are like a "cuckold relations for dummies 101"
I nominate you for "Nobel Prize" for cuckold stories.
Posts: 114
Cant wait for the next installment. Excellent story
Posts: 18
Posts: 182
Hi GH,
That was absolutely fantastic, take your time and enjoy yourselves and do not feel under any pressure to perform for us.
Posts: 4050
monstrol. Bd Icqicq, Zinc, BumNote, Peak, Timmy, Racingdon, count and Ajax
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it.
You scared the piss out of me when you told me that I was down to my last 10,000 days, but then I did the math. I'm okay now.
All of you thanks for your comments
It may be age or it may simply be that I should be riding the little bus rather than the big bus, but I realize that I have created some redundancies and inconsistencies in this story. I am trying to correct them. If you spot them, I would appreciate it if you would pm me. When this story is complete I would like it to be as good as I can make it.
Posts: 4050
"That's a good question." Jackie paused. It was apparent that she was thinking about the situation. Finally she said; "I'm the one who's going to have to carry the ball on this one." She smiled at me. "The guys at the office use a lot of sports metaphors. I guess I've acquired the habit."
"They've become part of our culture."
Jackie nodded and then she continued; "For you, I think the issue is not so much what you do, but rather what you don't do. You can't lose your cool."
"Are you afraid that might happen?"
"Artie tomorrow morning, unless you withdraw to your room in the basement, you are at the very least going to see Ron kissing and fondling me."
"Two nights ago in the bar I saw Mr. Taylor put his arm around you."
"Yes you did and while that was a valuable experience, this will be different. Tomorrow morning we won't be in a public place, we'll be in the privacy of our own home. Clayt and I had to be subtle. I'm hoping Ron won't be subtle and I know I won't. Artie, if this is going to work I have to convince Ron that the sex we have with you present will be just as hot or even hotter than the sex we had when we were alone."
"That makes sense."
"I intend to be very aggressive with Ron tomorrow and I'm going to have to completely ignore you. I'll be treating you like a servant. I'll be subtle about it, but all of my attention will be directed towards Ron."
"He's your boyfriend, when you're entertaining him he should be the object of your attention."
"Artie, do you really mean that?"
"Ms. Jacqueline, if I didn't believe that I wouldn't be a very good cuckold." We grinned at each other.
Jackie moved over so that she was sitting next to me. Picking up my hand, she held it in hers and said; "Artie when we're having a serious discussion, and this is a serious discussion, I'd like us to be equals. You're a bright, intuitive man with good reamistering s*******s. When you're in your submissive permistera I'm afraid that you might have a tendency to defer to me. During discussions in which we're trying to make a plan or solve a problem I want you to be fully involved. I want to know that I'm hearing all of your thoughts and concerns. We're a team Artie. We've always been a team. While I'm the captain of the team, you are a key player and I always want your full input."
"I'm glad that you recognized that you'll still be the captain of the team. That's the way I want it, that's the way I always want it. While I agree that during a serious discussion I should disengage myself from my submissive mindset so that I can freely offer my thoughts and opinions, I will always accede to your right to make the final decision.
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said; "You really are the perfect mate for me."
"And Jackie, you're the perfect mate for me."
Smiling at my use of her less formal name, Jackie said; "Okay, let's get back to discussing what's going to happen tomorrow. You have to keep it together."
"I will. Knowing that you're deliberately focusing all of your attention on Ron will help. I won't feel like you've forgotten about me."
"Artie if this works I will forget about you. Sweetie, I love sex, Ron does too. When we're together it gets pretty intense. That's one of the reamisters I enjoy him so much"
"I'm glad we're having this conversation. Knowing all of this going to help me."
"There's more." The concern in Jackie's voice was evident.
Cautiously, I said; "Tell me."
"Artie, we both have our kinks. Yours is being my submissive cuckold."
Suddenly understanding, I said; "And yours is acting and being treated like a slut."
"That's right. Ron enjoys that too and he's very good at it. It's another reamister that sex with him is so exciting for me."
"So tomorrow I'm going to see a side of you that I've never seen before."
"I'm sorry Artie, it's hard for me to act like a slut when I'm with you."
"That's okay, I don't think I have what it takes to bring it out of you either."
"No baby, you don't; but even if you did I wouldn't want that from you. You give me tenderness and love. You make me feel good about myself. That's so much more important to me. Ron is more like a thrill ride. He's exciting, but nobody wants to live at the amusement park."
"That's a good way to describe it. I'm really starting to look forward to tomorrow. Watching you ride the roller coaster is going to be fun. If it turns out that I don't get to watch, that's okay too. At least I'll be able to hear you riding it."
Jackie squeezed my hand. "Artie honey, that might be another problem. When I'm with Ron I say things to him that you might misunderstand."
"Do you tell him that you love him?"
"No, but I do tell him that I love his big cock and I love the way he fucks me."
"That won't bother me."
"I also tell him that nobody fucks me like he does. It really excites him when he hears that."
"Do you tell him that he fucks you better than your husband?"
"No Artie, I don't. I've never said that to him. When I'm with Ron you're always off limits."
"Once he learns about the true nature of our relationship that might be a difficult rule to enpower."
"I'll still try."
"Let's discuss that."
"The other night I said that I was worried about you and your playmates laughing about me."
"Artie, please believe me, I'd never do that."
"Don't worry Jackie, I do believe you."
"Thank you Artie."
I continued. "Since that first night I've had several intense conversations with you, your mom and Nattie. I've also had a chance to do quite a bit of thinking. I now have a much clearer understanding of everything. Jackie I fully understand that the other men are just playmates and I'm confident that you both love and respect me."
"I do Artie, I really do. "
"I believe that and because I believe that I'm going to suggest that you should feel free to talk about me when you're with your playmates."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm very sure. Jackie I'm a masochist. A little offense is fun."
"Artie, I'm a sadist. Tomorrow when Ron is fucking me I'm going to be excited. We talk a lot while we fuck. I could easily go too far. Baby I don't want to hurt you. Let's work into this gradually. How about if tomorrow I just tell Ron that he fucks me much better than you do."
"You mean as opposed to telling him that he fucks you much better than your dinky dick husband."
Jackie giggled, "That's exactly what I mean."
"Okay tomorrow you're going to tell Ron that he fucks you much better than your husband ever could."
"And you'll be all right with that."
"Hell, I'm looking forward to it."
"Artie, tomorrow is going to be a fun day. I think we have a good plan."
"I'm glad we took some time to talk about it. That's going to help me a lot."
"I am glad we talked about it too. Do you have anymore questions?"
"A couple."
"How should I address the two of you."
Nodding, Jackie said; "That's a very good question." After taking a moment to consider it, she said; "We talked about this two days ago."
"I remember."
"At the time we were both pretty excited. You said that you'd call Ron Mr. Clark or sir."
"Yes I did."
"Of course that was two days ago. It's much easier to make promises about things that are going to happen in the future."
I laughed. "That's very true."
"Now that it's going to happen tomorrow do you think you can still do it?"
"I don't know. I hope I can. I guess it kind of depends on how he acts with me."
Jackie nodded. "I think we can make a plan that will address that concern, but before we do that we have another issue to consider."
"What is it?"
While you and I have several agendas for tomorrow, we have to remember that Ron is coming over for only one reamister, to fuck me."
Grinning, I said; "I'll bet he's hoping to get a blow job too."
Jackie laughed. "You're right about that, only he's not hoping he's certain. He knows just how much I like to suck his..." Jackie stopped herself in mid sentence. Sighing, she looked at me and said; "Artie, I'm sorry, I didn't think about what I was saying. I wasn't trying to taunt you."
I gave Jackie's hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, I know you weren't trying to hurt me. You were just being honest. As far as I'm concerned the issue of my not getting blow jobs was laid to rest last night. Before we go to relax tonight I'm actually hoping that you'll tell me just how much you're looking forward to sucking Mr. Clark's cock tomorrow."
"Yes and I also hoping that you'll make me lick your ass while your telling me."
Jackie's breath caught. "Can we start right now?"
"No, you haven't answered my question yet. How should I address the two of you tomorrow?"
Slowly nodding, Jackie said; "You're right, before we get to play we have to finish planning for tomorrow." She paused for a moment and then she said; "Okay, we want Ron to have a very good time. That means we have to keep the focus on sex; but you and I need more than that. When he leaves we also want him to have a good understanding of our relationship."
"You mean that I'm a submissive cuckold husband and you're my dominant hot wife."
"Are you okay with that?"
"Yes, if this is going to work he has to know that."
"I agree, so tomorrow I think you should address Ron as Mr. Clark and me as Ms. Jacqueline or ma'am. Can you do that?"
"It would help if you could be there to introduce us. I'm afraid that the first time I call him Mr. Clark he'll laugh at me. If he laughs at me I can't guarantee that I'll be able to control my temper."
"Artie, Ron's a big guy."
"Jackie please, give me some credit. I don't need to hit him. I'll just tell him to get the fuck out of my house and I'll warn him that if he doesn't leave I'll call the police. Unless he's a complete moron the moment he sees me pick up the telephone he'll bolt for the door."
"I'm sorry Artie, sometimes I forget just how smart you are. Don't worry, tomorrow I'll answer the door when Ron arrives. That way I can handle the introductions. If he laughs at you, I'll be the one who tells him to get the fuck out of our house."
I smiled at Jackie. "All right."
"So are you okay with calling Ron Mr. Clark?"
"Of course, he is a superior."
"Yes he is."
"So what are the two of you going to call me?"
"How about if we just call you Artie. I don't think either Ron or you are ready for Cucky."
I nodded.
"Do you have any other questions or concerns?"
"What should I wear tomorrow?"
"Your normal Saturday clothes. A pair of khakis and a knit shirt will be fine" Jackie paused. After a moment she added; "And of course your chastity cage."
I stared at her.
Jackie said; "You did agree that you'd wear it whenever I'm entertaining another man. That's what I'll be doing Tomorrow."
"Ron will never know. This is just for me."
"He won't know? You're sure about that?"
"I can't think of any reamister he would. I won't tell him and you certainly won't be taking off your pants. This is not going to be a three way."
"I understand that."
"So will you wear it?"
Smiling, I said; "Yes, I'll wear it."
"Thank you, it will make the day more exciting for me."
"Actually it will make it more exciting for me too."
"Having to watch or listen to Mr. Clark enjoying you while I'm not even allowed to get a full erection is going to be incredibly humiliating. You know that will excite me"
"Artie, you are a masochist."
"Are you're telling me that's not the reamister you want me to wear the cage?"
Jackie laughed. "You caught me. Yes, I'm a sadist. Knowing that you're going to have to listen or hopefully watch Ron fuck me while you can't even touch yourself is amazingly exciting."
"I'm glad you're a sadist."
Giggling, Jackie said; "And I'm glad you're a masochist."
"Tomorrow is going to be fun."
"I think so too."
Posts: 182
Another terrific segment GH, keep it coming at your own sweet pace, I am enjoying it and I am sure Jackie will as well.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Great stuff.... Can't wait to see what happens next 
Posts: 106
Good work!
Posts: 1289
Another great instalment. As always, thank you.
Posts: 14692
GH, great stuff. Can't wait 'til Saturday - of course when ever that happens on your time table.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Posts: 18
Saturday will be fun for all of us!
Posts: 4050
#434 · Edited by: goodhusband
“I don’t have anymore questions, are you ready to play?”
“Hell yes.” Jackie swung her legs on to the bed and rolled over so she was lying on her stomach. “I believe you made a promise about what you’d do while I described to you how much I enjoy sucking Ron’s cock. I’m ready.”
I got on the bed and positioned myself between Jackie’s parted thighs. “I’m ready too.”
“I’m going to do a little teasing.”
“I hope so.”
“All right, here we go. Jackie paused for a second and then she said; “My boy friend has a magnificent cock. You don’t mind that I have a boy friend, do you cucky?”
“No ma’am, I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’m pleased that you have a boyfriend.”
“You’re pleased, tell me why?”
“I know how much you enjoy sex. Your boyfriend can satisfy you much better than I can.”
“Why can’t you satisfy me cucky?”
“My wee wee is too small.”
Jackie giggled. “Your wee wee? Little boys have wee wees. Are you a little boy cucky?”
“No ma’am, but I do have a little boy’s cock.”
“My boyfriend doesn’t have a little boy’s cock, does he cucky?”
“No ma’am, I saw it on Tuesday. He has a great big cock.”
“A great big beautiful cock.”
“Yes ma’am, a great big beautiful cock.”
“Allowing me to have a boy friend is very considerate of you. Most husbands won’t let other men fuck their wives.”
“I want you to be happy.”
“Having a boyfriend does make me happy. What else will you do to make me happy cucky?”
“Anything ma’am, anything at all”
“Anything? Oh my you really are a devoted husband, aren’t you?”
“I try ma’am, I try very hard.”
“I know that and I do appreciate your effort.”
“Thank you ma’am.”
“Do you know what would please me right now?”
“Yes ma’am, I believe I do.”
“Tell me.”
“You’d like me to kiss and lick your ass while you dream about sucking your boyfriend’s great big beautiful cock.”
“Will you do that for me cucky?”
“Yes ma’am, of course I will. I love kissing your ass.”
“Tell me why.”
“It’s a way for me to express my total devotion to you.”
“If you’re willing to lick my ass while I dream about sucking another man’s cock you must be very devoted to me.”
“I am ma’am.”
Jackie grinned. “Okay cucky, it’s time. Do it; kiss my ass. Do it right now.”
“Yes ma’am.” Moving slowly and deliberately, I spread Jackie’s gorgeous cheeks and exposed her tiny anus. I took a moment to look at it and then I bent down and gently kissed it.
“That’s right cucky kiss me, kiss me right there; kiss my ass.”
Jackie’s encouragement spurred my excitement; I closed my eyes, pressed my lips to her asshole and kissed her with passion.
“That feels wonderful. Now use your tongue, give my ass a French kiss.”
Keeping my lips pressed to Jackie’s anus I pushed my tongue into her.
“That’s it, that’s what I want.” Raising up onto her hands and knees, Jackie pushed her rear back into my face. “Lick me cucky, lick my asshole.” At the same time she shifted her weight to her left hand, reached back between her legs with her right hand and started rubbing her clit with her fingertips.
Mad with desire, I tried to push my tongue even deeper into her asshole.
Savagely grinding her ass into my face while she frantically rubbed her clit, Jackie said; “Cucky, I love cocks. I love all of them; big, small, white or black, they’re all wonderful. My boyfriend has a magnificent cock. It’s big, at least eight inches long and thick too. I can’t even come close to wrapping my fingers all the way around it.”
We both knew that Jackie could easily wrap her fingers around my little penis. She was telling me that Ron’s cock was not only much longer than mine it was also much bigger around.
“Artie honey, Ron’s cock also has that nice upward curve that I like so much. It really is a thing of beauty. Sometimes I just lie next to him in bed admiring it and playing with it.”
As she spoke Jackie began panting with excitement. It was clear that she was quickly losing control. Still she managed to continue. “Ron has amazing self control. I can play with his cock, stroke it, even suck it. It doesn’t matter what I do to him, Ron won’t cum until he knows I’m ready for him to cum. He can do that while were fucking too. Artie, Ron can fuck me for thirty, sometimes even forty minutes before he cums. He’s like a machine. I love having him on top of me, my legs wrapped around his muscular thighs, while he pounds his magnificent cock in and out of my cunt.”
Jackie was still madly rubbing her clit and I was still furiously kissing and licking her asshole. I could feel the tension building in her body. I knew that an eruption had to be imminent.
It was. Jackie arched her back and cried, “I love Ron’s cock. I love playing with Ron’s cock. I love sucking Ron’s cock and most of all I love getting fucked by Ron’s cock.” And then she shrieked and her entire body started to shake. Jackie’s hand, the hand that had been rubbing her clit, dropped back to the mattress. She needed the support.
I sat up and waited while the waves of orgasmic pleasure rolled through her body. Gradually the convulsions subsided. When the storm finally passed Jackie slumped to the bed and lay still, enjoying the euphoria that always follows an intense climax.
I continued to wait patiently.
Eventually Jackie rolled over and smiled at me. “Artie honey, nobody but you can give me an orgasm like that one.”
Shaking my head, I said; “I think Mr. Clark had a pretty significant role in that orgasm.”
Jackie was silent. After a moment she frowned and said; “Artie, I’m sorry. I got carried away. The combination of the games we played tonight and the anticipation of the fun we’re going to have tomorrow had me so worked up that I said some things I probably shouldn’t have said.”
“No, you didn’t say anything wrong. In fact this was good. You warned me that you might say things tomorrow that I might misinterpret. This was a preview. I’m now better prepared for tomorrow.”
“Jackie all you said was that you love Ron’s cock. You love playing with it, sucking it and getting fucked by it. You didn’t say that you love Ron.”
“I would never say that. I don’t love Ron. I love you Artie.”
“I know that Jackie.” I smiled at her. “I love you too and because I love you I’m glad that you’ve found a cock that you love.”
Jackie giggled. “He really does have a nice cock.”
“And you’re going to get to enjoy it tomorrow.”
Jackie stared for a moment and then she said; “Artie, I need to do something tonight and I won’t take no for an answer.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Come lie down.” She fluffed up a pillow. “Rest your head on this pillow.”
“Jackie, what are...”
“Artie, I told you to rest your head on this pillow. Are you going to disobey me?”
“No ma’am.”
While I was getting settled Jackie took the key to my chastity cage out of the drawer in her night table. After unlocking me, she set my cage on the table and turned back to me. We both looked at my penis. It was already erect.
Giggling, Jackie said, “Once he was released it certainly didn’t take your little soldier long to snap to attention.”
“He’s been getting quite a bit of motivation this evening.”
Jackie gently wrapped her fingers around it. “I’m about to give him a little more motivation.”
She leaned over. As Jackie started licking the head of my penis I said; “I thought you were going to be my dominant mistress tonight.”
"I am. As your dominant mistress I get to do whatever I want. Right now I want to suck your cock. Are you going to argue with me cuckboy?"
“No ma’am.”
“Good, then relax and enjoy this.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Jackie giggled and then she slipped my penis into her mouth and started sucking me.
It was a wonderful blow job. That wasn’t a surprise, Jackie was an expert. She was careful, so I was actually able to last for several minutes. When I finally did reach my climax Jackie kept my penis in her mouth and continued sucking me while I ejaculated. Cumming in a woman’s mouth while she’s still sucking you is an unbelievable thrill.
Once I was finished Jackie lay quietly next to me. A minute or two passed and then she rolled over onto her side so she was facing me, laid her arm across my chest and asked; “Did you enjoy that sweetie?”
“It was wonderful.”
“I thought it was too.”
“You didn’t kiss me afterwards.”
“That’s right, I didn’t.”
“Why not? I thought you wanted to teach me to enjoy the taste of semen.”
“I do, but tonight I was greedy. Tonight I wanted all your cum for myself.” Jackie giggled. “If you’ll let me, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. I’ll share all of Ron’s semen with you.”
Laughing, I said; “I’m overwhelmed by your generosity.”
Jackie leaned over, kissed my cheek and whispered; “You should be cuckboy, I like Ron’s cum almost as much as I like yours.”
I rolled over so that I was facing Jackie. “You really are a slut, aren’t you?” I was grinning at her.
Grinning back, Jackie said; “Baby I was born to be a slut just like you were born to be a submissive cuck.”
“It’s a good thing we found each other.”
“Damn right cucky.”
We kissed and then we held each other. For several minutes we lay quietly in each others arms. Jackie finally broke the silence. “Artie.”
“Yes Jacqueline.”
Jackie paused. After a second she smiled and said; “I like hearing you call me Jacqueline. I think I still prefer it to Ms. Jacqueline.”
“I’ll try to remember that. Sometimes when I’m feeling really submissive it’s hard not to call you Ms. Jacqueline.”
“I understand. When I’m feeling really dominant I get a thrill from hearing you call me Ms. Jacqueline too.”
“Tomorrow, when Mr. Clark is here do you want me to call you Jacqueline?”
“Actually I think that would be better, but you should still call him Mr. Clark.”
“Of course. Jacqueline, a moment ago you were going to say something. Was it important?”
“It is to me.”
“Tell me.”
Posts: 4050
#435 · Edited by: goodhusband
“Artie I loved sucking your cock two nights ago and I loved sucking your cock again tonight. I enjoy playing kinky sex games with you, but I don’t want to give up sucking your cock.
I stared at Jackie. “Please don’t do this.”
“Artie, I don’t understand. I’m trying to say something nice to you. What’s wrong?”
“Jackie, you can tease me, you can taunt me, you can even neglect me; but please don’t ever patronize me.”
Jackie bristled “I’m not patronizing you.”
“You just spent the last two hours extolling the virtues of Ron Clark’s cock. No that’s not right, it was his big beautiful cock. Tonight when you orgasmed you screamed out, I love his cock, I love to play with his cock, I love to suck his cock and most of all I love to get fucked by his cock. A little earlier you told me how amazing my little wee wee was. You called it a miniature toy that looked like a real cock and even worked like a real cock. Don’t tell me you’re not patronizing me when you try to tell me that you might actually enjoy sucking my little wee wee.”
“Artie, those things were said in the context of our game. I told you that I was afraid that I might get carried away and go too far. Apparently that’s exactly what happened. I’m sorry.”
I knew Jackie was right, but I was hurt and angry. I wasn’t yet ready to be mollified. I continued glaring at her.
Not willing to be deterred, Jackie said. “As to my comments about Ron’s cock; yes, I do find it exciting. It is magnificent, but even though I do love playing with it, sucking it and getting fucked by it; that doesn’t mean that I don’t love your cock even more. It’s true I love cocks that are big, stiff and curved. They really are wonderful, but the character of the man attached to the cock is much more important to me then the cock itself. Artie, you have a beautiful cock because you’re a beautiful man. You make me feel safe and loved. You’re a great man for our youngren and a wonderful mate for me. I have complete faith that you will always do everything you can to take care of us. Those are the things that really matter.”
Jackie paused. After a moment she said; “Ron is fun guy. He has a big beautiful cock and knows how to use it; but that doesn’t mean he knows how to love. I doubt that his wife feels either safe or secure. Ron is a carnival ride. While he’s a lot of fun, when the fun stops there isn’t much there. So yes, during our games tonight the immature hedonist in me cried out my love for Ron’s cock, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t understand that the cock of substance in my life belongs to the man of substance in my life. Artie, that man is you.”
“So why is he your boyfriend?”
“Artie, Ron is a carnival and I love a carnival.”
Smiling at Jackie, I said; “Okay, this is difficult, but I think I understand.”
“Artie, that’s not all.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s another reamister I want to suck your cock every night for the rest of our lives.”
“Tell me.”
“In our game your role is entirely oriented towards expressing your love and devotion to me. Artie, I love you every bit as much as you love me. When do I get to express my love and devotion for you. Damn it Artie, in our game I’m supposed to be a cold evil bitch. I love you. I don’t always want to be a cold evil bitch.”
I said, “This is going to take some work, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is.”
As I listened to Jackie I realized that everything she was telling me made sense. She was offering to give me blow jobs because she loved me and that was a way for her to express that love. That should be all the reamister she needed. I smiled at her. “Jackie I was wrong. I shouldn’t have questioned your motives. I love you and any time the spirit moves you I would love a blow job.”
“It’s okay, I understand. Right now we’re both going through a period of adjustment. We just have to keep talking.” Jackie grinned. “And I’m quite certain that the spirits going to be moving me every day.”
Chuckling, I said; “Well I guess I won’t have to jack off in the shower any more.”
Jackie stared at me. “Artie, what did you just say?”
Realizing what I’d just admitted I was momentarily embarrassed, but then recognizing the absurdity of that reaction I looked at Jackie and said; “Considering what’s occurred during the past several years I think your disapproval is inappropriate.”
“Artie, I wasn’t being critical, I was surprised. Of course that reaction was just as stupid. Considering how I’ve neglected you I should have realized that you had to be getting yourself off. Hell if I’d been in your position I would have been doing the exact same thing. Artie I feel awful. I’ve been getting all the hot sex I wanted while you had to get your relief jacking off in the shower. Shit, because you’re such a wonderful husband you couldn’t even do it while you were looking at porn on the Internet. You were too busy taking care of the girls and me.”
Not having any idea how to respond, I just shrugged.
“That settles it! Whether you want it or not you’re getting a blow job every day for the rest of your life. You’re my one true love, I’m a blow job queen and you still had to resort to Rosie and her five friends to get relief. I will be eternally ashamed about that.”
“I think you’re blowing this out of proportion.”
Damn it Artie, I am not! You’re married to a slut who absolutely adores you. I fucked up, for several years I neglected you; but baby you can bet your sweet ass that it won’t ever happen again.”
Laughing, I said; “This is going to put a crimp in our cuckold sex game.”
“Maybe, but maybe not. We’re both smart. I’ll bet we can figure out a way to play the game and still keep you satisfied. We had a good time tonight, didn’t we? You ate my ass while I taunted you about Ron and then we finished the evening with a hot little blow job for you. What’s wrong with that?”
Still laughing, I said; “Absolutely nothing, it was a wonderful evening and I would love to repeat it as often as we can; but...”
“Artie, I’m still going to date other men and we’re still going to have a wife led marriage. I’m just going to be making sure that my sweet little servant is always happy and content. That will be okay, won’t it?”
“That means we won’t be playing any denial games.” The disappointment in my voice was evident.
“Denial is one of your masochistic fantasies, isn’t it?”
I nodded.
Jackie shook her head. “Artie, this is hard. I want to show you how much I love you and sometimes I want to be your slut; but you do have a right to your fantasies.” She smiled. “Want to know a secret?”
“Denial is one of my fantasies too. I am a sadist.”
“But right now your more concerned about atoning for your neglect.”
“No Artie, that’s not true. I need to be able to express my love for you and sometimes I want to be your slut.”
“You said that even if I could make you act like a slut you wouldn’t want me to do that. You told me that I give you love, safety and security.”
“That’s true and I don’t want you to make me act like a slut, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t choose to act like a slut for you.”
Grinning, I said; “Okay, I understand.” I was about to say, so what do we do? when I had an idea. “Jackie, I might have a solution.”
“What is it?”
“You usually date twice a week, right.”
“Sometimes only once a week and once in a great while three times in a week, but that’s rare. Because of work obligations and family obligations three dates in a week create a lot of pressure. Twice a week is perfect.” Jackie winked at me. “Especially now that I’ll be getting a little extra action at home.”
“I propose a rule.”
“I’m listening.”
“The morning of the day before you have a date you lock me in my chastity cage and I wear it...”
“Until I get home from my date.”
“That’s right.”
Jackie smiled. “When I get home from my date I’ll unlock you, but since I’ll have just had a session of hot sex with a big cocked playmate you’ll have to settle for jacking off into a tissue paper pussy.”
“Will you let me lick your pussy first?”
“I won’t let you do it, I’ll make you do it.”
“Will you make me lick your ass or kiss your feet while I’m jacking off?”
“If you don’t I’ll lock you back in your chastity cage and make you wait to cum until after I get home from my next date.”
“This sounds like fun.”
“Yes it does.”
“The next night, the night after your date will be slut wife night.”
Jackie leered at me. “And I get to be as nasty as I want.”
“And I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”
“Artie this is a great plan. During an average week I’ll get two dates with other men and three slut wife nights with you and you’ll get four days of frustrating denial.”
“And on two of those days I’ll know you’re partying with another man.”
“And on two of those days you’ll know I’ll be partying with another man the next day.”
“Are two dates a week enough for you?”
“Between my work schedule and family responsibilities I don’t have time for more than two dates a week.”
“And it’s our schedule so we’re not bound by it. If something special comes up like one of your mom’s sex club parties or a trade show we can always renegotiate the plan for that week.”
“Yes we can. Artie, can we do this?”
“I’d like to try it.”
“I would too.” Jackie thought for a moment and then she smiled and said; “I have a motel date with Phil Harper on Tuesday. That means that on Monday morning I’ll have to lock you into your chastity cage before you leave for work.”
“That’s right.”
“Monday night when we go to bed you’ll still have to eat my pussy, but you won’t get to cum. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
“I’m not just okay with it, I’m excited about it.”
“And Tuesday evening after the girls are in bed we’ll go into my bedroom where you’ll go down on me again. While you’re doing it I’ll tell you about my afternoon with Phil. After I’ve had as many orgasms as I want I’ll unlock you and make you kiss my feet while you jack off into a tissue paper pussy.”
I grinned at Jackie.
She winked at me and said; “On Wednesday night, after the girls go to bed, I get to be a nasty slut.”
“You’ll suck my cock.”
“And you’ll fuck my ass. You can fuck my pussy too, but I really want to feel you in my ass. I think you may have the perfect cock for anal sex. Artie, this is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait until Monday.”
“Why are we waiting until Monday? Why can’t we start right now?”
“Ron’s coming over tomorrow.”
“Yes he is, so you’d better lock me up before we go to relax.”
“Artie if we start this tonight it means that after Ron leaves tomorrow you won’t get to fuck me.”
“I’m hoping that by the time Mr. Clark leaves tomorrow you’ll be so worn out that you won’t want me to fuck you. A little pampering from me will be just what you need.”
“A little pampering, I like that Artie.” Jackie smiled. “Yes, after spending the afternoon as Ron’s slut I’ll definitely need a little pampering.”
“I’ll give you a bath and a massage.”
“You’ll have to go down on me. Ron has a big cock. My pussy will need a soothing tongue massage.”
“Of course and being a considerate servant once I have you pleasantly relaxed I won’t want to bother you.”
“So after I unlock you you’ll have to take care of satisfying your own needs by yourself. Understand that I will want to watch and while you’re doing it I’ll still require you to entertain me by kissing my feet or my ass.”
“You should expect nothing less from your loyal servant.”
“Your obedience is appreciated.”
Nodding, I said; “Ma’am it is an honor to serve you.”
Jackie grinned. “On Sunday night your loyalty and devotion will be rewarded. On Sunday night you’ll get to enjoy all the benefits of being married to a slut.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
“You should be, I guarantee you it’s going to be memorable.” Jackie flashed me a playful smile. “Of course you’d better enjoy it because on Monday morning I’ll be locking you up again and on Tuesday Phil Harper will be enjoying those same benefits.”
“And I will be profoundly envious of him.”
“Artie, this is going to be so much fun.”
I glanced at the alarm clock on Jackie’s dresser. It was 11:30. “It is going to be fun and while we’re both excited about it, it’s getting late. We have a big day tomorrow and it will be more fun if we get some rest tonight.”
“You’re right.” Jackie sat up, reached over to her night table and picked up my chastity cage. “I’d better lock you up right now.”
“Yes, of course.”
Because I was tired and because I don’t recover quite as quickly as some other men, my penis was still soft from Jackie’s blow job. That made it easy for her to slip my chastity cage back on me.
As she snapped the lock shut Jackie smiled at me and said, “I never would have guessed that the simple act of closing a lock could be so exciting.”
“Does it make you feel powerful.”
“Yes, it really does.”
“You enjoy power, don’t you.”
“Power and control, I like to be in charge.”
“And I enjoy serving.”
“We really are perfect for each other.”
“Yes we are.”
Jackie slipped under the covers. “Come on baby, it’s time to go to relax.”
I got under the covers next to Jackie. She kissed me and said; “Good night cucky.”
“Good night Jacqueline.”
I put my arm around Jackie. She cuddled up next to me. It had been a long, eventful, exciting and at times stressful week. Both of us were exhausted. We fell arelax immediately.
Posts: 152
Dude, I LOVE you like a brother, because you keep the love in kink, and while your cucks are servile and adoring, they are also human and push back some times !!!
Posts: 33
Thanks for another work of art GH!
Posts: 182
Another masterpiece GH.
Roll on Ron and his magnificent pork sword squirting his man cream everywhere for Artie to lick up.
Posts: 14692
Classic GH,
sure it's the story but to me these good people are quite real and that's what makes such a great read.
Posts: 4050
Timmy just sent me a pm suggesting that there might be a segment missing. He was correct. The segment prior to the last segment was missing. I don't know if the site dropped it (that does occasionally happen) or if I just screwed up (That frequently happens). In any case the last segment doesn't make much sense without the preceding segment.
I went back and reentered the segment using the space I used to respond to the earlier comments. My apologies to those commenter my thanks are no longer on record.
If you are following this story I suggest that you go back to post 437 of this story and make sure you have read that segment.
Posts: 182
Hi GH.
It would appear that it is a good thing that we comment then isn't it, the missing segment was not apparent to me at first, but having gone back and read it again with it inserted it now flows even better.
Lets hope Ron's semen flows just as well into Artie's mouth.
Posts: 4050
Thank you, that's a nice compliment. That's exactly what I'm trying to do in my stories.
Mykey, Ajax and timmy
Thanks for taking a moment to comment. I always appreciate it.
Thanks again for catching and pointing out the omitted segment.
In the process of writing, editing and posting it is very easy to make mistakes. It helps me if readers point them out when they occur.
All of you thank you again
Posts: 4050
While the next morning was a Saturday, I didn't take the opportunity to relax in. I was much too excited, I had a busy morning ahead of me and I had two young flowers who soon be up racing around the house in excited anticipation of their day with Grandma Connie.
At 6:15 I was in the shower. I smiled as I washed my plastic encased penis. My morning shower soirees with Rosie and her five friends were now part of the past.
By 6:30 I was shaved and dressed. Jackie and the girls were still arelax. I took the opportunity to complete a task. Thursday afternoon I'd hand washed the white lace baby doll nighty that Jackie had worn for me after she'd returned home from her first hotel session with Clayton Taylor. After I'd washed it I'd hung it up to dry in my basement bedroom, but I still hadn't ironed it. I wanted it to look nice when Jackie wore it for Mr. Clark so I hurried downstairs and quickly pressed it.
As soon as I was finished I carried the nightie upstairs and hung it in Jackie's closet. She was still arelax.
I had chores to do in the kitchen. As I crossed the living room, I could hear movement in the girl’s bedroom. It was just after 7:00. Connie wouldn't be picking up the girls until 9:30 so they would need something to tide them over until they had their late breakfast at the IHOP. I set two bowls of cereal and milk and two small glasses of orange juice on the kitchen table.
I'd just finished making a pot of coffee for Jackie and me when the girls burst into kitchen. "Morning daddy." They were both still in their pajamas.
Picking both of them up at the same time, I gave them a tandem hug and then set them down again. "Grandma Connie won't be here for a couple of hours so I put out some cereal and juice for you."
Cassie said, "Okay daddy." Then she took her younger sister's hand and said; "Come on Moni, let's eat our cereal."
I was pouring a cup of coffee for myself when I heard Jackie behind me. "I definitely married the right man."
I turned. Jackie was standing in the dining room doorway. She was dressed in a navy blue cotton tee shirt and a pair of gray sweat pants. She still looked ravishing.
Smiling, I said; "Morning Jacqueline."
"Morning Cowboy."
In unimister the girls called, "Morning mommy."
Jackie walked over to them and said; "How are my two darling flowers?"
Grinning, Monica said; "We're having two breakfasts today."
"Yes you are. You're very lucky."
Monica nodded and went back to her cereal.
Cassie asked, "Mommy can we color while we eat our cereal?"
"I can't think of any reamister you shouldn't. Are you going to color in your 'Madagascar' books?"
"Go get them."
The girls got up and raced out of the kitchen.
As soon as they were gone Jackie turned and sauntered over to me. I'd just poured a cup of coffee for her. I handed it to her. She took a sip and said; "You seem to have things well in hand this morning."
Shrugging, I answered; "Just your normal Saturday."
Jackie whispered; "Until my guest arrives, then I expect it will become an extraordinary Saturday."
"Are you excited?"
"Very, aren't you?"
"It's all I can think about."
"It's going to be a fun day. By the way, thank you for washing and ironing my nightie. It will be appreciated."
Grinning, I said; "By all three of us."
I nodded. "I keep imagining you dressed in that nightie kissing Mr. Clark."
"Does that image excite you?"
"Very much."
"Good, because you're actually going to see it happen today." Jackie reached over and gently caressed my caged penis. "Of course all you'll be allowed to do is listen and watch, but that's okay with you, isn't it cuckboy. You like to listen and watch"
"Yes ma'am, I do." Jackie and I were both smiling.
We heard the girls racing back through the living room. Realizing that our private moment was about to end I quickly asked, "Do you want me to take care of the girls while you start getting ready for your date?"
Jackie shook her head. "No, it's just Ron. Mom and the girls will be gone by 10:00; Ron's not going to get here until 11:00. An hour will be more than enough time to get ready." Jackie smiled. "Especially if you help."
"Will you let me help?"
"You are my servant. I expect you to help."
Bowing politely, I said; "Jacqueline, I am at your service."
The girls walked back into the kitchen carrying coloring books and crayons. As they set them on the kitchen table, Jackie whispered; "Artie, I'd like to sit with the girls for a little while. I haven't spent much time with them this week.
"I think that's a good idea. It will also give me a chance to get a few household chores done."
"Artie, do we have any beer in the refrigerator?"
"We have a full six pack. We also have some ham and cheese. If you and your visitor get hungry I can make sandwiches for you."
Jackie kissed my cheek and whispered; "Thanks, you really are a wonderful servant." And then she joined the girls at the kitchen table.
I glanced at the clock. It was 8:30. Connie would be here in an hour and Ron Clark was due to arrive in two and a half hours.
Posts: 4050
Saturday was the day I generally did the laundry; so I gathered all the dirty clothes from the upstairs bedrooms and carried them to the laundry room in the basement.
While I was sorting them into washer loads the telephone rang. I heard Jackie walk across the kitchen to answer it, so I continued sorting clothes.
I was putting a load of whites into the washer when Jackie called down the stairs; "Artie, it's Nattie she wants to talk to you."
Eager to hear about Nattie's evening with Milton Craig I hurried into my basement bedroom and picked up the telephone. "Hello?"
"Hi Nattie, are you in Albany?"
"Yes, I got here at suppertime yesterday. Miltie picked me up at the airport. I took him out to dinner. Albany is a beautiful city. It's filled with interesting old buildings and the state capitol is amazing."
"I'm still here too. I want to hear every detail. How was your dinner date?" It was Jackie. She was still on the kitchen telephone.
"It was wonderful. The food was excellent and we talked for hours. Miltie and I have a lot of common interests. That's one of the reamisters we became good friends so quickly."
I said, "That's a good basis for a relationship."
"It is. Artie I'm already in love with him again."
Jackie asked, "Where did you stay last night?"
"At his apartment."
"Did you let him fuck you?"
"Jackie, I'm your sister. Of course I did."
I smiled.
Jackie said; "You're right, that was a silly question. How was he?"
"It's like you an Artie. He has a tiny dick and he cums quickly; but I love him, so that makes it wonderful. I also taught him to eat my pussy and he loves to lick my ass. I had about a million orgasms last night."
Jackie laughed. "That's a lot."
I asked, "Where's Miltie now?"
"He's sitting right next to me. Would you like to talk to him?"
"If you wouldn't mind, I would like that."
"I wouldn't mind at all and I know he wants to talk to you."
There was a pause and then Miltie said; "Hi Artie, I really want to thank you for what you did. Last night was the best night of my entire life."
"I'm glad I could help. Miltie, have you talked about everything?"
"You mean the fantasy stuff."
"If you're going to be with Natalie I don't think much of it will be a fantasy."
"I know, last night she made me get down on my knees and beg to be her slave."
"Did you do it?"
"How did you feel about that?"
"I don't think I've ever been as excited as I was at that moment."
"Did you talk about other men?"
"Artie, I know Natalie is going to cuckold me. I want her to do it. Tonight we're going to go to a local dance club. We're going to sit at a table together, but she's going to flirt and dance with other guys."
"Do you think other guys will actually ask Natalie to dance if you're sitting at the table with her?"
"I wondered about that too, but Natalie told me they will if she sends out the right signals."
"Is she actually going to hook up with one of the guys?"
There was a pause and then Natalie was on the telephone. "No Artie I'm not. I'm here to spend the weekend with Miltie. I'm not going to waste any of it letting some stranger fuck me in a hotel room. Miltie is coming to see me next weekend and I was thinking that I might get one of the guys from the sex club to come over to my house and fuck me while Miltie watches."
"Is he ready for that?"
"He's nodding his head, yes; so I guess he is. Hey mom told me that you're party is still on for today. Are you two excited?"
Jackie said, "Damn right we are. Artie even washed and ironed my white lace nightie for the occasion."
"Good boy Artie, an obedient cuckold should do everything he can to make sure his wife's boyfriend has a good time when he comes over for a party."
I smiled.
Jackie said, "Last night we spent a lot of time talking about today. I think we have a pretty good plan."
Nattie asked, "Artie are you still a little nervous?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Just remember that you're the only man Jackie loves."
"I think he's okay with that, it's Ron he's worried about."
"I'm sure you'll be able to keep him under control."
"I'm sure I will too, but this is Artie's first time. He's still nervous about it."
"That’s really not hard to understand. This isn't just some guy from a club. Ron is your regular fuck buddy."
"Actually we're using the term, boyfriend now."
"That is hot, but that probably makes him even more nervous. Artie honey, you're still the only man Jackie will ever love and the fact that she knows Ron so well should make it even easier for her to control him."
"That's right, if he's rude to you he's history and I'm going to make sure he know that."
I said, "Don't worry, I know that and I'm actually not all that nervous anymore. I think it's going to be fun."
Nattie said; "That's the spirit Artie, it is going to be fun. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Today you're actually going to live one of those cuckold stories you showed us."
"Thanks Natalie, that's a good way to look at it. Don't worry; I'm going to have a good time."
"That's good Artie. Hey, I have to go. Miltie and I are going to take a drive down the Hudmister River valley. He told me that it's incredibly beautiful. You two have fun today."
Jackie said, "Enjoy your drive and have fun at the club tonight. Call me Monday. I'll want to hear everything about your weekend."
"And I'll want to hear everything about your date today."
"Bye Nattie, tell Miltie good bye too."
"I will. Bye Jackie, bye Artie."
"Bye Natalie, have a good rest of the weekend."
"I will." Nattie hung up. Jackie and I did too."
Posts: 4050
Jackie enjoyed expensive lingerie. It was all attractive and very sexy, but it had to be hand washed. That was my next project. I was rinsing her panties when I heard the girls yell, "Grandma." Connie was here.
After quickly hanging Jackie's panties on the drying rack I went upstairs to say hello.
When I entered the kitchen Jackie, Connie and the girls were seated at the table. The girls were now dressed and ready to go with Connie. Jackie and Connie were paging through the two "Madagascar" coloring books. While they were doing that, Cassie and Monica were both carrying on a running narrative about what they were looking at.
For a second I stood in the doorway and watched. In the complex, high stress world we're all powerd to negotiate it's rare to encounter unfettered happiness. At that moment it was occurring in front of me.
Cassie was the first to notice me standing there. "Daddy come look at our coloring books. We know all the naturals."
Monica turned. When she saw me she exclaimed, "Grandma's taking us to the movie."
Smiling I said, "Yes she is and since you know all the naturals it will be even more fun for you."
Both girls nodded.
Jackie and Connie stood up. Jackie said to the girls; "Cassie, Monica it's time to leave. I want you both to go potty right now."
Cassie said, "Okay mommy." Turning to her sister, she said; "Come on Moni, let's go." The girls raced out of the kitchen. Both of them were giggling.
After they were gone Jackie and Connie walked over to me. Connie said; "Hi cowboy, how ya doin this morning?"
"I'm okay Constance."
"Are you a little nervous?"
I paused to consider Connie's question. After a moment I said; "I think I'm more anxious than nervous."
"That word has several meanings cowboy."
"Yes it does and I think I'm feeling all of them."
Jackie and Connie both smiled. Connie said; "Relax and have fun today. I know my flower. She'll keep things under control."
"I believe she will too."
Jackie said, "You're trying to keep busy right now, aren't you."
"Yes I am."
Connie asked, "What are you doing in the basement?"
Shrugging, I said; "The laundry, I just finished hand washing Jacqueline's lingerie."
Connie looked at me for a second and then she turned to her flower. "Jackie honey, you treat this man right. You don't want to lose him. He is the perfect husband for you."
"I know that mom. In fact Artie and I had a long talk about that last night."
"Constance, you don't have to worry. Jacqueline is stuck with me. You see she's also the perfect wife for me. We were destined to be together."
Reaching out, Connie grabbed my wrist and held it firmly in her hand. "Promise me you'll remember that today."
"I will."
"Jackie's friend is a casual playmate and nothing more."
"Mom, we talked about that last night too. I think Artie understands that."
Connie looked at me.
Nodding, I said; "I do."
"I hope so, because for Nattie, Jackie and me this really is nothing more than recreation."
"I know that Constance."
"Good. By the way, thank you again for what you did for Nattie. She called me this morning. She was absolutely giddy with happiness."
Jackie said, "She called us just before you got here. I agree with you. She did seem genuinely happy."
At that moment the girls raced back into the kitchen and ran directly to Connie. Cassie said; "Grandma, we're ready to go."
Connie released my wrist and put an arm around each of the girls. "Okay, let's go have some breakfast."
As they turned to leave Jackie said; "Girls be good today. Listen to your grandlady."
Cassie called back, "Don't worry mommy, we're always good." And then they disappeared out the door.
As soon as they were gone Jackie and I both looked up at the clock on the wall. It was five minutes after ten. Taking my hand, Jackie said; "Come on Cucky, my boyfriend will be here in less than an hour. It's time for me to start getting ready."
Posts: 4050
Once we were inside Jackie's bedroom she let go of my hand and said; "Undress me."
I quickly pulled her tee shirt over her head and then I untied her gray sweat pants and pulled them down to her ankles. Jackie hadn't bothered to put on panties, so as I kneeled to help her step out of the sweat pants I couldn't help staring at her smoothly shaved cunt.
Jackie noticed. "Cucky, today my body is available to Ron, but not to you. Because you're my servant it's necessary for you to see me naked, but staring is impolite."
Feeling unbelievably submissive, I answered; "Yes Ms. Jacqueline, I understand. Please forgive me, it won't happen again."
"Cucky, remember what I told you last night. A good servant can peek but he shouldn't get caught staring."
"Yes ma'am, I'll remember that."
"That's a good boy; now take care of my things. When you’re finished I want you to take off your clothes, go into my bathroom and prepare my shower. Come and get me when the water is at the proper temperature."
Jackie lay down on her bed, closed her eyes and waited. After depositing her tee shirt and sweat pants in the dirty clothes basket, I undressed and then I hurried into her bathroom and turned on her shower.
As soon as I had the water adjusted to the proper temperature I stepped into Jackie's bedroom and announced, "Ma'am your shower is ready."
Jackie stood up. As she followed me into her bathroom she said; "Very good cucky."
For a submissive cuckold husband bathing his wife is always an exciting activity. When the bath or shower is part of her preparation for a date with another man, that excitement is magnified tenfold.
I gave Jackie a thorough bath, but realizing that time was at a premium I worked quickly. When I was finished Jackie stepped out of the tub and waited while dried her with a large bath towel.
Once that was done Jackie said, "Clean up in here. When you’re finished join me in my bedroom."
"Yes ma'am."
I quickly rinsed the tub, dried myself and hung the towels up to dry. As soon as I was finished I joined Jackie. She was already seated at her makeup table applying eye shadow.
Without turning around, Jackie said; "Cucky, brush my hair."
I was actually quite adept at brushing Jackie's hair. I'd started doing it while we were still in college. Smiling as I realized that this was one of our first dominant submissive acts, I picked up Jackie's brush and began making the long smooth strokes she enjoyed so much.
Finished with her eye shadow, Jackie began applying mascara to her eye lashes. As I watched her I realized that she was applying a great deal more eye makeup then she generally wears.
I commented. "Mr. Clark must enjoy eye makeup."
Jackie smiled. "You noticed."
"Yes ma'am, you're putting it on much heavier than usual."
"Ron gets excited when I look like a slut."
"I'll bet that excites you too."
"It does cucky, it really does."
"What perfume are you going to wear for him?"
Jackie sighed. "I wish I could wear perfume, but I can't."
"Why not?"
"It's not worth the risk. Ron's married. Wives are quite adept at detecting the presence of another woman's perfume."
Finished with her eyes, Jackie started applying her lipstick.
"I imagine you have to be careful with lipstick too."
"I use lip gloss, it doesn't smear nearly as much as lipstick. I still have to be careful. We try to get Ron's shirt off as quickly as possible and when we're finished I always check him over for any stray marks."
"Dating married men has its complications."
"Yes, but the advantages far outweigh those complications."
"Yes, I suppose they do."
Handing me a small white scrunchie with a tiny bow attached to it, Jackie said; "Pull my hair back into a ponytail. Fasten it with this scrunchie."
This was also something I'd done many times for Jackie. I pulled her hair back into a ponytail, slipped the scrunchie onto it and adjusted the bow so it was on top. Once I was finished I said, "I like it when you wear your hair in a ponytail."
"I know you do."
"Does Mr. Clark like it too?"
"Cucky, he loves it."
"Today you're doing this for him, aren't you?"
Jackie turned and looked at me. "Yes Artie, I am. Baby this is his day. Everything I do today will be for him. Are you going to be okay with that?"
Smiling, I said; "I'm not only okay with it, it excites me."
"I was hoping it would." Jackie stood up. As she walked over to her full length mirror, she said; "Be a good boy and bring me the nighty and my white marabou slippers."
I hurried into Jackie's closet, removed the nighty from its hanger and looked around for the slippers. While I wasn't exactly certain what marabou slippers looked like I spotted a pair of white open toed slippers with a plume of feathers adorning the top. They were lying on the floor in the corner of the closet. I picked them up. They had at least four inch heels. Assuming that these were the marabou slippers I brought both them and the nighty out to Jackie.
As soon as she saw the slippers Jackie smiled. "Good, you found them. I wasn't sure if you've ever seen a pair of marabou slippers."
"I haven't, but when I saw these I assumed that's what they were."
"They were at my ladys. I brought them over here after work on Thursday. I have several pairs. I wear them at the sex club parties. I thought these would look good with the nighty."
"They will. I'm sure Mr. Clark will appreciate them."
Licking her lips, Jackie smiled and said; "I'm sure he will too."
"You're getting excited, aren't you?"
Jackie looked at me. Suddenly her smile disappeared. "Artie, I haven't worn these slippers for you, have I?"
I shook my head. "No you haven't, but..."
"Baby, I'm so sorry. Put them away. I'll wear them for you tomorrow night."
"No, it's okay. They'll look good with the nighty. You should wear them."
"But Artie, I promised you that I'd never wear anything for another man that I haven't already worn for you. I've never worn these slippers for you."
"Jackie," The use of her casual name was deliberate. "I'm not sure that it's either necessary or practical to hold you to a literal interpretation of that promise. I don't mind if you occasionally wear things for other men that you haven't worn for me. Sometimes, like today, it’s even necessary. I just want to be able to enjoy some of your sexy outfits too."
"Artie I want you to be able to enjoy them too. Would it be all right if I wore these slippers or maybe a similar pair for you tomorrow night? It will be slut night."
"They don't have to be a similar pair. You don't even have to wear slippers. I'll be happy if you wear any sexy outfit tomorrow night."
"I'll go over to my mom's tomorrow. I have a nice selection of outfits there. I'll pick one you'll like." Jackie smiled. "Some of them are really slutty."
"I'd like that."
"Would it be all right if I still wear these slippers today?"
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't"
"Thank you Artie, I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow night."
Chuckling, I said; "I suspect you're going to make it up to me today."
Jackie looked at me with a puzzled expression. "I don't understand."
"Jacqueline, I'm a submissive masochist. Knowing that you're wearing something for Mr. Clark today that you've never worn for me is going to be exciting."
Jackie laughed. "Artie honey, it really is going to take us some time to figure all of this out, isn't it."
"We have our whole lives to do that, but we still want to be able to have fun right now. If that's going to happen were going to have to relax and trust each other today. I love you and you love me. We both know that. I suggest we call that truth number one."
Don't forget it."
"I won't, I'll never forget that."
"Okay, let's move on to truth number two. You love Ron Clark's cock and you love the way he fucks you. We both know that."
"Artie, I'm sor..."
I held up my hand. "We have neither the time nor the need for self-recrimination and apologies. It's okay that Ron's a great fuck. That's why we’re doing this today. If he wasn't a great fuck you'd be wasting your time."
Jackie started laughing.
I continued, "You're wearing a pair of sexy slippers for him that you've never worn for me. So what? You've got a great fuck coming over today. You'd be a fool if you didn't try to do everything you can to get him as excited as possible. That includes wearing those slippers. I'm your cuckold. I want the same thing as you do, so I'd also be a fool if I did anything that might dim Mr. Clark's ardor. Jackie, I'm committed to this. The only way I'll have fun today is if you have fun today. In order for that to happen you have to stop worrying about me, relax and let yourself go."
"Are you sure you'll be okay if I do that?"
"Yes, of course I will. All I have to do is remember truth number one."
Jackie said, "And that will make it okay." It wasn't a question; it was a statement of recognition.
"Of course it will. Truth number one is really all that matters."
"It is all that matters." Jackie was smiling.
I glanced at the clock on Jackie's dresser. It was one minute to eleven. I picked up her nighty. "It's almost eleven. We'd better finish getting you dressed. How do I put this on you?"
Jackie took the nighty from me. "Let me do it. It will be quicker." She pulled the nighty over her head, let it fall into place and then after adjusting it she twirled around and asked, "How does it look?"
I'd seen the nighty three days earlier. It was enchanting then and it was still enchanting now. A fascinating article of clothing, it created the illusion of modesty without actually covering anything. The brassiere cups above the nighty's empire waist were made of lace so loosely woven that they didn't even conceal Jackie's nipples. The nighty's shockingly short skirt was made of nearly transparent silk. It didn't cover much and what it did cover was for all practical purposes still fully exposed.
I said, "Wait a minute." I got down on my knees, picked up the marabou slippers and held them while Jackie slipped a petite foot into each one. Then I stood up, stepped back and looked at her. Smiling, I said; "You are unbelievably gorgeous. When Mr. Clark sees you he's going to be overcome with lust."
Jackie asked, "Is that okay?"
"Is it what you want?"
"Then it's what I want too."
"Artie, I love you so much."
"I know and that's why this is going to work."
Jackie smiled, but as she smiled she glanced at the clock on her dresser. It was after 11:00. Panicking, she said; "Artie, get dressed. Ron is due to arrive at any minute now."
I quickly put on my underwear, slacks, knit shirt and socks. As I was tying my shoes the doorbell rang. I finished and stood up.
Jackie looked at me. "Are you ready?"
Nodding confidently, I said; "Yes I am."
She grinned. "Let's go, it's show time."
Posts: 114
cant wait for the next chapter. What a great story
Posts: 18
This is amazing. The story gets better and better.
Posts: 14692
GH, you are on a roll. Just hope that you are not overdoing it.
Or is it that it is just to damn hot to play golf. It sure is here.
Posts: 968
Hot hot hot its getting a real now Droopy and Miss