Posts: 4050
Shankly, Peak and Zinc
Thank you
Peak knows that the first segment I posted caused a great deal of concern for me. I actually wrote three separate drafts.
Anyway, it's nice to be writing and posting again.
Thanks again
Posts: 4050
As I dropped to my knees I looked up and saw two hickeys on Jackie's right breast and another one on her left breast.
"Mr. Taylor marked you tonight."
"Yes he did. Some men like to do that." Jackie paused. After a moment she asked; "Is that all right?"
"Actually, I think it's kind of exciting."
"So do I, it makes me feel slutty."
"You like that, don't you. That's your kink."
"Yeah, I guess it is."
"This is the first time I've ever seen hickeys on your breasts. “
"Artie, I've had to be very strict with guys. I couldn't let them do it. Think about how you would have reacted if you'd spotted a hickey on me."
"You're right."
"It still happened a couple of times."
"It did? When?"
"Are you sure you want to hear about this? I had to lie to you. I didn't want to do it, but I didn't really have any choice."
"I understand."
"It only happened twice. Both times I got sloppy and didn't pay attention to what the guys were doing."
"Please tell me."
"Do you promise you won't get mad at me?"
"I promise."
"The first time it happened was near the end of the spring semester of our senior year at Kelroy."
"We were engaged."
"Yes Artie, we were. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. We've already resolved that issue. Who was the guy?"
"Are you sure you want to hear this?"
"I'm fine. I really am. Actually it's kind of exciting."
Jackie giggled. "And that's your kink."
I grinned at her. "You got that right."
"Do you remember Greg Felton."
"The linebacker on the football team? Yeah I remember him." Suddenly angry, I asked; "Did you really let Greg Felton fuck you?"
"Artie, you promised you wouldn't get angry."
I stood up, turned my back on Jackie and walked away from her. "Yeah but Greg Felton? How could you have possibly let him fuck you?"
"You're right, Greg Felton turned out to be a jerk. Hell, that's how I ended up with the hickeys. When he asked me out, I didn't realize that. I have a thing for strong powerful men. Greg Felton was a strong powerful man and at the time that was all I knew about him. I thought he was attractive. Damn it Artie, I'm a slut. I love variety and I'm always looking for guys who might be fun. Sometimes I pick a loser and you're right, Greg Felton turned out to be a loser."
I turned and stared at Jackie. "You actually let that mister of a bitch fuck you?"
"Artie, what's the matter? You obviously hate Greg Felton. Please tell me why."
"Do you remember Ricky Parker?"
"Yes, of course I do. He was one of your good friends. He was a little guy, into computers. He loved to play Dungeons and Dragons."
"That's right and he didn't have a mean bone in his body."
"I liked him. He was a real sweetie. How is he related to Greg Felton?"
"It was while we were sophomores."
"That was before we met."
"Yes it was."
"What happened?"
"It was late at night. Ricky was walking home from the mathematics department computer lab. Greg Felton and two of his buddies ran into him behind the science building. They were on their way home from a bar. They were takes and decided to have a little fun with Ricky. By the time they were done he had three broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder."
"Oh my god! Nobody heard about that, Why?"
"Felton's parents were wealthy. They spread a lot of money around and made it go away. They actually bought off Ricky's parents. They paid all of Ricky's medical bills, picked up his expenses for the rest of the time he was at Kelroy and gave his parents enough money to pay off the mortgage on their house."
"Artie I'm sorry. If I'd known that, I never would have let him do me."
"I know."
Jackie walked over and put her arms around me. "Please forgive me. I really didn't know."
"It's okay."
"Sweetie, I'm attracted to strong virile men. Because of that I sometimes end up with guys who aren't very nice."
"Yeah, I understand."
Jackie hugged me. "You know if you're willing, you could help me."
"You could help me screen my dates."
"I could do what?"
"When I meet a new guy you could help me decide if I really want to let him do me."
"How would I do that?"
"I'll tell you about him and we can decide together."
"What about one night stands? What about the trade shows?"
"Maybe we won't always be able to do it, but I'll bet we can do it most of the time. You told me that you enjoyed going to the Goldenrod last night."
"Yes I did."
"The next time we go, won't you want to go with us?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"You could help me pick my playmate."
"How would that work?"
"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe you could sit an adjacent table. We'd be close enough so we could talk."
"Everybody would figure out that we were together."
"Would that really be so terrible?"
"It might discourage the men."
"If I'm sending out the right signals the only men who would be discouraged by your presence would be men I'm not interested in anyway."
"I don't know, it would be kind of embarrassing."
Jackie walked over to me and put one arm around my shoulder. With her free hand she reached down and started massaging my balls. My penis strained against the confines of the chastity cage.
In a seductive voice Jackie whispered, "It would be embarrassing, wouldn't it. Everyone would know that you're my little cuckboy."
My breath caught.
Smiling at my obvious excitement, Jackie continued. "Maybe I'll make you sit right at the table with me. Think about that. You'd be sitting on one side of me while my new man was sitting on the other side. He'd have his arm around me. I'd be cuddled up to him. Everyone in the bar would know that we'd arrived together. Everyone would know that this other man was now taking me from you."
I stared at the floor.
Jackie gave my balls a gentle squeeze. "Admit it cuckboy that would excite you, wouldn't it."
"I ah..."
"Don't be afraid, tell the truth."
Looking up at Jackie, I blurted out my answer; "Yes, you're right, it would excite me. Just thinking about it is driving me wild."
Jackie kissed me hard and said, "Artie we really are going to have fun playing together."
We grinned at each other.
Posts: 4050
#363 · Edited by: goodhusband
After a moment, I asked; "Would you really make me do that?"
"You mean sit at the table with me while I pick up another man?"
"Not until you're ready. We should gradually work up to that. I think you should sit in the bar and anonymously watch a couple more times. When you feel comfortable you can sit at an adjacent table. Eventually, when you're feeling confident about all of this you can sit at the table with me, but not until then. Sweetie, I really don't want to hurt you. Does that make sense to you?"
"Yes it does." I smiled. "When is the next trade show?"
Giggling, Jackie said; "I've created a monster."
I blushed.
Jackie kissed me and said; "It's three weeks away, but there are always men on the prowl at the Goldenrod and there are several other pickup bars in the city that cater to the married but available crowd."
"Could we go to one of them?"
"I'd love that, but we have to line up a baby sitter first."
"You were going to call Eunice Grady."
"I’ll call her tomorrow and see if she's willing to babysit. Artie, if we go to one of the other pickup bars we may have to get a motel room."
"Is one of these pickup bars located anywhere near the Kings Inn?"
Jackie smiled. "The Diamond Club is less than a block away."
"I assume that you've been there."
"Of course I have, but not very often. The Diamond is a night club. I always tried hard to limit my evening activities. I wanted to be home with you and the girls."
"We are going to have to be careful about getting carried away with all of this. We don't want to start neglecting the girls."
Nodding, Jackie said; "You're right and while The Diamond Club would be fun it will be a long evening, at least for me. If we're going to pay for a motel room I'm going to want to use it for a couple of hours."
"Maybe the guy will pay for it."
"He might, but he'll want to get his money's worth too. There's also another problem. Once we leave the club you'll be on your own until I get home. Most guys won't be willing to let you to join us."
"Yeah, you're right. Still once in a while it would be fun to watch you meet a guy and leave with him like last night."
"That was fun, wasn't it?"
"I have an idea."
"What is it?"
"We could go to Brady's Saloon."
"That sports bar?"
"Artie, it's not just a sports bar. It's also a pick up bar for the married and cheating crowd."
"It is? Is there a motel around there?"
"No, at Brady's you don't need a motel. They have a secluded back parking lot."
"Are you telling me that people fuck in their cars?"
"That's exactly what I'm telling you."
"That can't be very much fun."
"It's okay if a guy has a big SUV and he puts the back seat down."
"What if he doesn't?"
"Artie, do you promise you won't get mad?"
"Yeah, I'm done being angry. I got upset when I found out that you let Greg Felton fuck you, but I think you understand why reacted that way."
"Yes I do."
"So what are you going to tell me?"
"Artie, I wasn't sucking your cock because I didn't enjoy doing it."
"I know, your mom and I had a long talk about that. I think I understand."
Jackie smiled. "I really do want to hear about that conversation."
"Tomorrow night."
"Okay. Anyway, the problem is, I really love sucking cocks."
"I've figured that out. I also now understand that you have a passion for sucking really big cocks."
"Artie I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I understand."
"It doesn't mean I don't love you and it doesn't mean that I don't love sucking your little cock."
"I know that."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive."
"Good, because it's the truth."
"So how is this related to Brady's Saloon?"
"Once in a while, after a late night at work, when I know the girls are already in bed, I'll stop at Brady's."
"I'll meet a guy and go out to his car with him just so I can give him a blow job."
"You don't let him fuck you?"
"No, you were right. Fucking in a car really isn't all that much fun."
"Doesn't the guy get upset when he finds out he's not going to get to fuck you?"
Jackie smiled. "Artie, most guys are pretty happy with a blow job. That's especially true at Brady's."
"Why at Brady's"
"Most of the guys are married. They have to get home to their wives. All they want is a little quick fun. I let the guy play with my tits and my pussy while I suck his cock. He couldn't be happier."
"What about you? What do you get out of it?"
"A little while ago you correctly pointed out that being a slut is my kink."
I smiled. "Giving a guy a blow job in a car parked behind a bar is pretty slutty."
Grinning, Jackie said; "It really is."
"So what are you suggesting?"
"If we go to Brady's you could wait in the bar while I'm out in the parking lot. A blow job only takes about fifteen minutes."
I stared at Jackie.
She studied me. After a moment she asked; "What do you think?"
"The first time could we go in separately so the people in the bar won't know we're together?"
"Of course."
I laughed. "How soon can we go?"
"I'll call Eunice Grady tomorrow. If she's available we could go Monday after the girls are in bed."
"I can't wait."
"Will you eat my pussy when we get home?"
"I'll beg for the privilege."
"Will you want me to suck your cock or would you rather be my little cuckold for the entire evening."
"You'll get to indulge your kink. I'll want to indulge mine too."
"All right cuckboy, you'll wear your chastity cage for the entire evening. When you're finished pleasuring me with your tongue I'll take it off and allow you to masturbate into a tissue paper pussy. While you're jacking off like a little boy, you can imagine the fun I had with the man who took me out to his car."
I gasped.
Giggling, Jackie said; “I gather you like that plan cucky.”
“Yes ma’am, I do.”
Jackie leered at me. “Cuckboy, I sucked a man’s cock tonight. He also got to fuck me.”
“Yes ma'am, I know that.”
“Don't you think it’s time for you to get back on your knees and finish undressing me.”
“Yes Ms. Jacqueline.” I dropped to my knees and reverently kissed each of Jackie’s bare toes.
Posts: 14692
Really great segments. You are truly a master at this. If this is the time for you to take another break. Enjoy.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Lovin this!
Posts: 968
Great work and always appreciated Droopy and Miss
Posts: 4050
Timmy, shanly and Tef
Thank you for the comments. As always, they are appreciated.
Posts: 4050
Staring down at me, Jackie licked her lips and commanded; "Remove my slacks cuckboy."
The tone of stringent authority in her voice sent a shiver of raw excitement rippling through my loins. Adopting my most servile demeanor, I looked up at her and whispered; "Yes Ms. Jacqueline."
Jackie unfastened the clasp on her slacks. I obediently pulled them down to her ankles and held them while she stepped out of them.
Now wearing nothing but a lacy white thong, Jackie said; "Hang them in my closet and then put my blouse and brassiere in the dirty clothes basket."
"Yes ma'am."
I stood up. As I quickly attended to the tasks I'd been assigned Jackie sat down on the foot of her bed and watched. As soon as I was finished I hurried over to her and stood at rigid attention obediently awaiting her next command.
Jackie smiled. "You really do enjoy serving me, don't you Artie."
"Yes ma'am."
"That's hard for me to understand."
I sighed.
She quickly added; "Don't misinterpret what I'm saying; I enjoy it every bit as much as you do, maybe even more. I just find it difficult to understand why anyone would willingly accept a subservient role."
"It's just the way I am."
"I could never do that."
"I know. You like to be in control. You don't want to serve, you want to be served."
"That's true."
I smiled. "We're a perfect match for each other."
Smiling back, Jackie said; "We are. We're lucky we found each other."
"And we're even luckier that we found out the truth about each other."
Jackie shook her head. "I'm sorry I lied to you Artie, I really I am."
"I know, but I think I now understand why you did it and that helps. In a way I lied to you too. I think I also lied to myself."
Nodding, Jackie said; "I think we've both been aware of the truth for a long time. We just couldn't admit it to each other or even to ourselves."
"I believe you're right."
"Artie, do you trust me?"
"Yes, I do." I answered without hesitation.
"Even though I lied to you?"
"You weren't trying to hurt me with your lies."
"I was trying to deceive you."
"You thought that was the only way I'd stay with you."
"Thank you for understanding."
I shrugged.
Jackie said; "I love you Artie."
"I know. I love you too."
"Were you jealous tonight, because I was with Clayt?"
"No I wasn't jealous, but when I thought about what you were doing with him I was envious."
"You were envious of Clayt?"
"Yes, of course I was."
“I suppose that’s inevitable. Did it bother you or did you enjoy it? You understand what I'm asking you."
"My masochism."
"It bothered me a little, but mostly I enjoyed it. It excited me."
"What excited you the most?"
"That you were sucking Mr. Taylor's cock."
"Artie my lady said that you wanted us to push you."
"Is that really what you want?"
"Yes it is."
"Tell me exactly what you want."
Taking a deep breath, I said; "I want to be your submissive cuckold husband."
"What does that mean to you?"
"I want you to be your servant; even your slave if that would please you."
"There are times when it might, but mostly I would be satisfied if you were my servant. Tell me more."
"I want you to freely enjoy other men. I want you to enjoy them and do things with them that you refuse to do for your servant."
"Won't that hurt?"
"Is that what you want? Do you want me to hurt you?"
"Sometimes maybe a little, but I need to know that you love me too."
"I do love you Artie. I'll never love any another permister as much as I love you."
"I believe that. What do you want Jackie?"
Jackie smiled at my use of her informal name. She understood. This had become a serious conversation. We were now two adults discussing our future relationship.
"Most of all I want to love you and be loved by you."
"I want that too."
"Sex is very important to me. I want to enjoy other men. I want to be a slut for other men."
I grinned. "That excites me."
Giggling, Jackie said; "I can't begin to describe how happy that makes me."
"What else do you want?"
"The idea of owning you, controlling you, dominating you is incredibly exciting to me."
"That makes me happy."
"I suspected it would."
We smiled at each other for a moment and then Jackie asked; "Artie a moment ago you said that you maybe wanted me to hurt you a little?"
Suddenly embarrassed I looked down at the floor."
Recognizing what had happened, Jackie said; "No Artie, don't be ashamed. I think it's exciting too."
I looked up at Jackie. "You do?"
"Yes, but it's also a little scary."
Chuckling, I said; "That's for sure."
"If we're going to do this were going to have to be extremely honest with each other and we have to communicate. You also have to promise to call time out if I do something that really hurts you. Artie I don't ever want to do anything that would actually cause you either emotional of physical harm."
I nodded. "Thank you."
Jackie thought for a moment and then she said; "You're going to have to trust me."
"I understand. There are times when you're going to be saying and doing things that might make me question the sincerity of your love or even your concern for me."
"That's right. You're going to have to always remember that my love for you is beyond question."
"I'll try. There may be times when I'll need you to reassure me."
"I'll need to do that too. Expressing our love for each other makes me happy. I can't imagine living in a relationship where we can't do that."
"Neither can I."
"We're going to have husband and wife nights."
"Nights when we love each other as equals."
"That's right and on those night I'm going to do all the things for you that I do for my playmates."
"I'll look forward to those nights."
"So will I and we're going to have our first one tomorrow night."
"I have a request."
"What is it?"
"On the nights when we're not equals can we pretend that the husband and wife nights don't exist?"
"You mean you want me to taunt you about all the things I do for other men that I refuse to do for you."
Shaking my head, I said; "I guess that's kind of perverted."
Jackie laughed. "Damn right it's perverted, but it's also unbelievably hot."
"Do you really think so?"
"Yes Artie, I do."
We smiled at each other for a moment, but then Jackie sighed. Her smile disappeared and she looked away.
I asked, "What's wrong?"
Jackie didn't respond. Several seconds passed. I waited. Finally she looked at me and said; "Artie you have some sexual inclinations that many people would consider unorthodox."
After all of our discussions Jackie's statement took me by surprise. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, I said; "I'm sorry, I thought..."
Jackie interrupted me. "Artie, I wasn't being critical. I love your kinks. They're exciting and I'm so happy that you trusted me enough to tell me about them."
Sensing that there was more, I quietly said; "Okay."
Artie, you trusted me. Now I'm asking if I can trust you."
"Of course you can trust me."
"No Artie, this is a serious question."
"I'm not sure I understand what you're saying."
Artie, you admitted that you enjoy being a submissive masochistic cuckold; telling me that had to be difficult for you."
"It was."
"You trusted me. You shared your secret desires with me. I very much want to share some secrets with you, but I'm scared. I'm worried that when you hear them you'll think less of me."
"I doubt that it can be worse than acknowledging that you’re a submissive pansy who gets off on hearing about other men fucking his wife."
"Artie, I love that you're a submissive pansy who gets off on hearing about other men fucking me."
"That's because you love me. I love you too. I don't believe you're capable of doing something that would make me think less of you."
"Artie, you get off on being a submissive wimp. I get off on being a nasty slut."
I smiled. "And I absolutely love having a slut wife. We feed into each other's fantasies."
"Yes, and that's exactly what I want; but..." Jackie's voice trailed off.
I pressed her; "But what?"
"Artie the night before last you asked me to tell you about the worst things I've ever done. I was afraid. While I didn't want to tell you then, I do now. I'm still afraid, but you're living your fantasy and I want to live mine."
"Why are you afraid?"
"I'm terrified that when you learn the truth you'll hate me."
"I repeat what I said to you earlier. I don't think you're capable of doing anything that would make me hate you."
"I don't know Artie."
"Have you ever ***ed anyone or ***d puppies?"
"Artie, be serious."
"I am being serious. Jackie, I trusted you. Now it's your turn to trust me. Do it Jackie, right now. Tell me the worst thing you've ever done."
"You promise that you won't hate me?"
"Jackie, ten minutes ago I was kissing your feet and admitting that I was willing to be your slave."
Smiling, Jackie said; “It was pretty exciting too."
"Yes it was and now it's your turn. Open up, prove you love me."
"I do love you."
"Prove it. Tell me your deepest secret."
"You promise you won't hate me."
"I promise."
"All right, you asked for it."
"Yes I did, now trust me."
Posts: 4050
"Artie, you remember Ricky Tyler."
"Sure, He’s the black basketball player who fucked you the night after we got engaged."
"Artie I really am sorry about that."
"You don't have to be sorry. It's in the past and frankly now I think it's pretty exciting."
"I hope so because there's more."
"That spring, after the Kelroy basketball seamister was over Ricky got into a three on three league at the YMCA. His teammates were two friends from his high school team, Billy Hudmister and Ray Ford. The games were on Thursday night and they ended around nine o'clock. After their game Ricky, Billy and Ray always went to Benny's Saloon for a couple of beers and a plate of French fries."
I nodded.
Jackie continued. "About a month after we got engaged I ran into Ricky outside the fine arts building. We talked for a few minutes and then he asked me if we could get together again. I told him I was free that night. You were doing something with a couple of your friends."
Jackie looked at me. She was a little nervous. She'd just admitted to making a date with another guy a month after we got engaged.
I smiled at her.
Relieved, she said; "Ricky told me about his game and invited me to meet him at Benny's at 9:30. It sounded like fun so I told him I'd be there. I got to Benny's at a quarter to ten. Ricky, Ray and Billy were already there. They had a pitcher of beer and a plate of French fries."
"Benny's had good French fries."
Smiling, Jackie said; "Yes they did. Ricky introduced me to his friends. They poured me a glass of beer and we ate the French fries. Artie, Ray and Billy were both tall slender black men; but they weren’t just handsome, they were also funny and charming."
"You liked them."
"Yes I did."
"How long did you stay at the bar?"
"Just till we finished the pitcher of beer and the fries."
"You and Ricky wanted to get back to his place."
"I'm sorry Artie, but we did."
"That's all right, I like being a cuckold."
Jackie giggled. "That's good, because you most definitely are a cucko..." She stopped. Shaking her head, she quickly said; "I'm sorry Artie that was rude."
"No, that was the truth and I'm finding the truth to be unbelievably exciting."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I really am."
"I'm so glad."
"So am I, but right now I want to hear the rest of this story. You finished the beer and the fries and you were leaving the bar. What happened?"
"On the way out of the bar the guys started talking about basketball. The Spurs were playing the Lakers that night and apparently it was a big game. Ray and Billy didn't have cable, Ricky did. They asked if they could come over and watch the game. Ricky looked at me. I didn't care. By then I was pretty liberated. It didn't matter to me if there were people in the next room while a guy was fucking me."
"It was also a little slutty."
Jackie flashed me a sly grin. "Yeah it was."
I smiled.
Jackie continued her story. "On the way to Ricky's the guys stopped at a convenience store and bought two six packs of beer."
"Were they getting you takes?"
"No I had two glasses of beer at the bar and a can of beer at Ricky's. That's not very much."
"It's a lot for you. You've never been much of a takeer."
"Holy Water isn't one of my vices." "Actually I'm pretty sure that sex is your only vice."
"Damn right cuckboy."
"So what happened when you got to Ricky's?"
"Ray and Billy turned on the basketball game while Ricky and I went into the kitchen to put the beer in the refrigerator. The moment he closed the refrigerator door Ricky started kissing me. I was in the mood, so it was only seconds before we were making out hot and heavy."
"Did you suck his cock in the kitchen?"
Jackie stared at me for a moment and then she laughed and said; "No, but I did have my hand down the front of his pants and he did have his fingers in my pussy."
I grinned.
Giggling, Jackie said; "I'm glad you're enjoying this story."
"I am."
"That makes very happy."
"So what happened next? Did Ricky fuck you in the kitchen?"
"He wanted to, but I wouldn't let him. I wanted to do it in his bed."
"Damn right."
"So you moved to his bedroom?"
"We did, but we had to cross the living room to get there."
"Where Ray and Billy were watching the basketball game."
"That's right and we didn't fool them. My hair was mussed. My lipstick was smeared. Ricky's shirt was unbuttoned and his big dick was making a tent in the front of his trousers that could have housed a circus."
I smiled.
Jackie said; "We tried to brazen it out, but as we were walking into Ricky's bedroom Billy laughed and said, Ray and I are going to flip a coin to see who's next."
"I gather you didn't ignore him."
"No, by then I was pretty excited and feeling really slutty, so I turned to Billy and Ray and told them that I was eager to find out who wins the toss."
"You didn't."
"Are you angry?"
"No, but I am a little amazed."
"I'm sorry Artie."
"Why are you sorry? This is a wonderful story."
"You do know what's going to happen, don't you."
"Of course I do, but I still want to hear you tell it."
"You don't hate me?"
"No, why should I. You're just reaffirming the fact that you're a sexual free spirit."
"Artie, that's a euphemism. Tell the truth, what am I?
Smiling, I said; "Okay, you're a slut."
"What kind of a slut?"
"A dirty nasty slut."
"Damn right cuckboy and you are my husband, my wimpy tiny dicked cuckold husband."
I laughed. "Enough flattery, tell me the rest of the story."
"Okay cuckboy, as soon as we got into his bedroom Ricky and I were all over each other. That's when I sucked his cock."
"I'll bet you did and I'll bet he loved it too."
Jackie grinned. "Believe me cuckboy, he did."
"Did you make him cum?"
"Not while I was sucking him. He wanted to fuck me."
"Did he?"
"Of course he did."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes Artie, I did. Ricky had a big cock and he knew how to use it."
Posts: 4050
"So what happened after he fucked you?"
"Are you sure you want to know?"
"Jackie, I think I already know. I just want you to tell me."
"There’s several reamisters. It's a fun story and it's something you did. I love you. I want to know about everything you've ever done."
Jackie smiled.
"But there's a much more important reamister."
"What is it?"
"You said it earlier. You want to tell me. I understand why and I agree. I'm getting my fantasy. You have every right to get yours too. We'd be pretty stupid if we didn't foster each other's desires. While the fact that I love you and you love me is reamister enough for us to be encouraging each other, our particular inclinations just happen to complement each other perfectly."
Grinning, Jackie said; "They do, don't they."
"Yes they do."
Jackie stared at me. We were both smiling. After a moment she asked; "Do you want to hear how it happened?"
"Very much."
"It was sort of an accident."
"You encouraged the two guys when they made the joke about flipping a coin."
"Not really, I was just being silly and they knew it. They hadn't taken me seriously."
"Okay, so how did it happen?"
"When Ricky got done fucking me I was feeling pretty relaxed."
"The beers probably helped that too."
"Maybe, but they definitely had another effect. I had to pee. I actually had to go pretty bad. I'd been to Ricky's several times. I knew where the bathroom was, so I jumped up and ran. The bathroom was off the living room."
"And you ran right into the two guys watching the game."
"I'd forgotten they were there. I was naked."
"I'll bet they were surprised."
"They were. I had to go bad so that I didn't stop. When I was finished peeing I realized that I was trapped. My clothes were in the bedroom."
"What did you do? Call for Ricky?"
"Artie I couldn't do that. My pride wouldn't let me. You remember what I was like when I was a senior in college. I was in to being a free spirit."
"Yeah, I remember. Isadora Duncan was your hero. What did you do?"
"I decided to brazen it out. I walked right back into the living room."
"What did the guys do?"
"Ray had a coin out. As soon as I stepped into the room he tossed it. Ricky was with them. They were teasing me."
"Who won the toss?"
"Billy did and when he won the toss Ricky said, I guess I'll sit out here and watch the game. They were all laughing, but Billy didn't move."
"They were still just teasing you."
"Yes they were, so I decided to have some fun too. I looked at Billy and said, What are you waiting for? Let's go.”
“That was a challenge.”
“I realized it as soon as I said it.”
“How did the guys react?”
All three of them stared at me. They were totally amazed. Actually I was too. I couldn’t believe that I’d really said that.”
“You’re saying that it was a little impulsive.”
What happened?”
“Billy turned to Ricky and asked him if he was cool with this."
"What did Ricky say?"
"If I was cool with it, he was cool with it. Billy stood up. As soon as I saw that I realized that unless I backed down it was actually going to happen. Artie, my pride wouldn't let me back down. Deep down inside I also I wanted to do it. Anyway, a minute later Billy and I were making out on Ricky's bed. It all happened really fast. At first I was just going to give Billy a blow job, but he had a beautiful big cock and he was a sweet guy. When he stopped to put on a condom I didn't want to say no."
"You let him fuck you."
"Was he good?"
"Artie he was wonderful."
"Better than Ricky?"
"Not really better, just different."
Jackie smiled. "You know I love it."
"After Billy was finished did Ray come in?"
"Yes he did and he was really cute. He actually knocked on the door and asked if he could have a turn too."
"You let him."
"I couldn't really say no. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I also wanted to do it. Artie, I love sex and this was an amazing experience."
"So all three guys fucked you."
"Actually all three of them fucked me twice. When Ray was finished Ricky came back and asked if he could have another turn."
"And you let him."
"Artie, by that time I was so turned on that I would have taken on the entire basketball team."
"And when Ricky was finished Billy came back for seconds."
"And then Ray knocked on the door again."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"It was amazing. All three guys were really good lovers. The variety was exciting too. Most of all, it made me feel so free and so slutty. I think that night was the first time I really understood how exciting it felt to be a slut."
"Did you ever do it again?"
Jackie hesitated. After a moment she sighed and said; "The very next week. We made a date before we left Ricky's that night. I'm sorry Artie, I really am."
"There's no need to be sorry. I'm glad you told me. I want you to share this side of you with me. I want to be able to enjoy it with you." I took a deep breath and quietly added; "I want you to taunt me about it."
"Yes, and I want to say something else.”
“What is it?”
“I wish I could have been there that night handing out condoms to the guys as they went into the bedroom to take their turn."
Jackie laughed. "At the time, I don't think you were ready for that; but I have to admit it's a really hot idea."
"Did you get together with them more than just those two Thursdays?"
Jackie's smile disappeared. She stared at me.
"It's okay, you can tell me."
"We got together every Thursday for the rest of the semester."
"Was it always the same three guys?"
"Yes, we called it our secret club."
"Did they know about me?"
'Did you ever talk about me with them?"
"Ricky brought you up a couple of times. I told him that you were off limits. If they wanted to talk about you I'd refuse to see them anymore."
"Thank you."
"Artie, I've always loved you. I won't let any of the other men bad mouth you. I never have and I never will."
"I appreciate that."
Jackie smiled and then she asked; “Are you in the mood for a little perverted fun right now?"
"Yes please."
"So am I." Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said,"Cuckboy, who am I?" Her voice dripped with arrogance and disdain.
Every nerve in my body tingled with excitement as I answered. "You're my mistress Ms. Jacqueline."
"And who are you?"
"I'm your lowly slave cuckboy."
"What was I doing earlier this evening cuckboy?"
"You were entertaining a man in his hotel room."
"Take my panties off cuckboy."
Jackie raised her hips. I pulled her panties down and slipped them off her feet.
"Put them in the dirty clothes. I won't need them anymore tonight
Posts: 7
Great story
Posts: 1914
GH, I continue to love what you are doing with this story. I'm glad the higher power allowed your release (just realised that has two meanings - it would be an interesting bonus system). I hope you are balancing your energies a bit better now. Selfishly, I'd like you continue for an awful lot longer. Thanks again ....
Posts: 14692
Wonderful segments. Just love these conversations. Thank you GH.
Enjoy your next break.
Posts: 18
This is a great story. Please continue.
Posts: 4050
bugs195, peak, Timmy and count
Thanks for the comments. I'm going to try to continue plugging away at the story.
Posts: 4050
#376 · Edited by: goodhusband
I hurriedly took Jackie's thong to the closet and tossed it into the dirty clothes basket. As I walked back to the bed she spread her legs and began playing with her shaved pussy. Her lips glistened with the moisture of her arousal.
I gawked.
Smiling, Jackie said; "You like looking at my slutty pussy, don't you cuckboy."
"Yes ma'am."
"It's too bad that all you get to do is look at it. I'm a slut, I let lots of men fuck me, but only men. Little cuckboys like you never get to fuck me."
I slowly nodded.
Jackie continued. "Tonight I let a man I barely know fuck me. I sucked his cock too. When was the last time anybody sucked your wimpy little dicklet cuckboy?"
Humiliated and loving every minute of Jackie's use, I stared at the floor.
She laughed. "It's probably been so long that you can’t even remember when it happened. It's not hard to imagine why. I can't believe any self-respecting slut would be interested in sucking that little cocktail weinie you try to pass off as a dick."
Pausing for a moment, Jackie studied me. She was trying to gauge how I was reacting to her use.
I winked at her.
She grinned and said; "Little cuckboys never get to fuck a slut's pussy, but if they're obedient, respectful and well-behaved they might get to lick it. Would you like that cucky? Would you like to lick my slutty pussy?"
"Yes please."
"Are you sure? A man just finished fucking me."
"Yes, I'm very sure."
"Very sure? I'm not certain I know exactly what that means, but I think I know a way to find out. Let's see just how much you want to lick my cunt. Beg cucky, I want to hear you beg for the privilege of licking my slutty cunt."
I stared up at Jackie. She was pushing me hard and I was loving it. She stared back at me, waiting."
I took a moment to gather my courage and then after taking a long slow breath, I whispered; "Please Ms. Jacqueline, please allow me the honor of licking you?"
"Louder cucky, I didn't hear you." Jackie was toying with me.
My excitement bolstered my courage; I repeated what I'd just said, only louder. "Please Ms. Jacqueline; please allow me the honor of licking you."
"Licking me? I don't understand. Where do you want to lick me?"
"Your pussy Ms. Jacqueline, I'd like to lick your pussy."
"You mean my slutty pussy, don't you? You'd like to lick my slutty pussy? Is that what you want cucky?"
"Yes please."
"Say it."
"I want to lick your slutty pussy."
"A very handsome man just fucked me and you still want to lick my cunt?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Why Cucky?"
"Because you're my goddess. Being allowed to lick your cunt is an honor."
"An honor, I like that cucky. You want to lick my slutty cunt because you adore me, is that correct?"
"Yes Ms. Jacqueline."
"You're going to have to earn the right to worship my cunt cucky."
"How can I do that ma'am?"
Jackie pulled herself all the way up on to her bed, fluffed up a pillow, rolled over on to her stomach and laid her head on the pillow. "Get up here and kiss my ass cucky, worship my slutty ass."
I climbed on to Jackie's bed. As I positioned myself between her parted thighs and separated her full round cheeks my heart was pounding with excitement. I'd done this many times before, but this was the first time that Jackie had ever been so direct about why I was doing it.
There are Internet stories in which people talk about ass licking for sport. For Jackie and me I firmly believe that it has always been a expression of my presentation to her and her dominance over me. In the past that understanding had always been left unvoiced. Now Jackie was brazenly stating it and her overt declaration had me wildly excited.
While it was true that Jackie had licked my ass the previous evening, she'd only done it because she was desperate to prove that she would never again deny me anything. It had definitely not been meant as an expression of presentation. What I was about to do was going to be a demonstration of my subservience and both of us were eagerly anticipating the mutual thrill it was going to create.
I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to Jackie's tiny anus.
Cooing with delight, she whispered, "Yes Artie, that's what I want. Kiss me, kiss my ass. Worship me."
Jackie's words inflamed my lust. I wrapped my arms around her hips and buried my face between her ass cheeks.
"Lick me Artie, lick my asshole. Show me that you’ll do anything for me."
As I pushed my tongue into Jackie's anus she hissed, "Yes that's what I want. That's exactly what I want." At the same time she reached back between her legs and began madly rubbing her engorged clitoris."
Trying to abase myself for Jackie's pleasure I pushed my tongue as deeply into her as I possibly could. This made her rub her clit even harder.
In a desperate, but futile attempt to pleasure myself, I tried to rub my plastic encased penis against the mattress. The realization that only Jackie was permitted to enjoy actual physical gratification spurred my masochistic urges and further inflamed my passion.
Jackie madly rubbed her clit and pressed her rear into my face while I continued licking her asshole. We were working ourselves into a frantic fervor. Suddenly I felt Jackie arch her back. Every muscle in her body seemed to tense. There was a moment of absolute stillness and then Jackie screamed and her entire body began to shake. Her orgasm was volcanic.
I kept my face buried between her cheeks.
After a moment Jackie’s screams of pleasure turned into low cries. Gradually the cries became soft whimpers that eventually disappeared altogether.
I sat up and watched. Jackie lay perfectly still. Her breathing was slow and easy. I waited.
Finally she rolled over, opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Artie honey that was the most powerful orgasm I've ever experienced. You don't ever have to be concerned about your s******* as a lover. Baby you're the best."
"What about Mr. Clark or Mr. Taylor?"
"Sweetie, Ron and Clayt are just fucks. They're both good fucks, but they're still just fucks. They can give me orgasms, but they can't give me orgasms like that last one. You're the only one who can do that."
"The fact that they're both fucking you does enhance our fantasy."
Laughing, Jackie said; "That is true, but it's our fantasy, not theirs. Sweetie, on the way home tonight I was absolutely gushing over what we were going to do when I got here."
"It turned out to be a pretty hot scene."
"It was a sizzling scene."
"Alliteration, I love it; how about a seamy, sizzling, scintillating sex scene."
Jackie rolled her eyes. "God help me, I'm married to an English teacher."
Posts: 943
Wow, please more....this is wonderful.
Posts: 14692
Very nice Thank you GH. Got my Saturday morning off to a great start. Now I can go and play with my trains.
Posts: 79
Posts: 106
Great...just great!!
Posts: 506
Best post ever! Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 968
Smoking hot. Droopy and Miss
Posts: 1914
GH, It could be worse. She could have been married to an English Man!
Wonderful. Again. Don't know how you do it. Thanks.
Posts: 1418
Well done! goodhusband: Laughing, Jackie said; "That is true, but it's our fantasy, not theirs. Sweetie, on the way home tonight I was absolutely gushing over what we were going to do when I got here." Permisterally, I like that it remains the loving couple's fantasy first and foremost.
Posts: 18
Posts: 4050
All of you, thank you for your kind comments. Lisa and I have been traveling. I've done some writing, but my time has been limited.
Posts: 4050
We both laughed, but then well aware that we weren’t finished, our laughter died.
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said; "Darling?"
During the course of our relationship Jackie had used many different terms of endearment for me, but I never remembered her calling me darling. Puzzled, I stared back at her.
Jackie smiled. I had the feeling that she was enjoying my confusion. A second or two passed and then she again said; "Darling," Her tone of voice was aloof, bordering on arrogant. "I'm still feeling adventurous. Are you still feeling adventurous?"
My excitement reignited by Jackie’s superior demeanor, I said; "Yes ma'am, very much."
"Good, I haven't finished telling you about my date with Clayt. Would you like to hear more about it?"
"Yes please."
Pushing the pillows at the head of her bed away, Jackie said "Lie down on your back cucky. I want to sit on your face while I tell you about it."
As I lay down every nerve in my body was tingling with excitement.
Smiling at my eager compliance, Jackie turned so that she was facing my feet. As she swung her leg over my head and sat down on my face, she said; "I really do love how you obediently follow my every direction."
I kissed her sopping pussy. Jackie responded by grinding it into my face. At the same time she reached down, grabbed my nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each her hands and gave them a vicious twist."
I winced from the pain.
Jackie giggled. "That was fun."
I felt her fingers tracing the edges of my chastity cage. “What an interesting device. It prevents you from having any fun at all, doesn't it cucky."
I nodded.
Cupping my balls with her hand, Jackie gave them a firm squeeze and said; "Of course that isn't how you have fun, is it cucky. Your fun comes from knowing that I'm having fun.
I tried to answer. I tried to say, yes ma'am"; but Jackie's cunt was pressed into my face so the words came out as an unintelligible grunt."
"Don't try to speak cucky, just lick my pussy and listen."
I nodded again.
I did have fun tonight; in fact I had a wonderful time. Clayt really is a fabulous lover. I already told you about how he had my blouse and bra off seconds after I got into his hotel room. Cucky, the man was an absolute natural, sucking, licking and biting my tits. I did enjoy it, so I let him do it for a little while, but only for a little while. You see, I wanted to suck his cock, his magnificent cock.”
Sighing, Jackie said; "You really are married to a slut. I love to suck big cocks. I can't seem to get enough of them."
I gave Jackie's clit a little flick with my tongue."
She giggled. "Ooo! That was nice. Are you telling me that you like having a slut wife who loves to give head?"
I gave her clit another flick with my tongue."
Laughing, Jackie said; "I'll take that as a big yes." And then she added, "If we knew Morse code this could be a very interesting conversation, at least for me."
I gave her clit a long slow flick followed by a quick short one.
"Artie, you devil, you're driving me crazy."
I gave Jackie's clit two long slow flicks.
Jackie cried, “Stop!” And then she slid her hips forward so that her ass was over my face. "I can't tell you about my date if I'm on the verge of having an orgasm. Lick me back here while I collect my thoughts."
Smiling, I pushed my tongue into Jackie’s ass.
Jackie didn't move or speak. After a moment she slid her hips back so that her pussy was once again pressed into my face. "Okay, now just kiss me and gently lick me. Stay away from my clit until I've finished telling you about my date. Is that clear?"
I nodded.
"Anyway, I wanted to suck Clayt's cock; so I stepped back and told him to take off his clothes. While he was getting undressed I took off my slacks and panties. As soon as we were both naked I told him to lie down on the bed."
"Cucky when Clayt lay back on the pillows, his beautiful cock stuck straight up like an erotic tower. I nearly swooned. It was magictic. I kneeled on the bed next to him. At first I just stared at his erection, but only for a moment. I wanted to play with it and most of all I wanted to suck it."
As I lay there with my penis confined in a plastic cage and Jackie's dripping cunt pressed into my face; I remembered that prior to Wednesday night it had been months since Jackie had sucked my cock. I started to once again feel hurt and angry, but then I remembered Connie's explanation of what had happened and Jackie's efforts to atone for her neglect. My feelings of hurt and anger disappeared and were immediately replaced by a flood of intense masochistic cuckold desire. I closed my eyes and imagined Jackie playing with Mr. Taylor's erection.
Above me, Jackie said; "Cucky when I bent over and put that beautiful monster into my mouth I nearly orgasmed. There's something about the taste and feel of a large cock head that drives me wild."
Jackie started slowly rocking back and forth on my face. Realizing what was happening, my already rampant arousal mushroomed. My wife was telling me about sucking another man's cock. Recounting the incident was so exciting for her that she'd ***ly started fucking my face while she was telling me. I responded by trying to lick Jackie with even more intensity.
Gasping, Jackie said, "Cucky, I sucked and licked Clayt's big cock and then I stroked it and squeezed it while I kissed and licked his balls. I love licking a man's balls while I play with his cock."
Jackie mashed her dripping cunt into my face. I pushed my tongue as deeply into her as I possibly could. Suddenly she yelled, "Suck my clit cucky. Suck me just like I sucked clayt. Make me cum like I made him cum."
I knew exactly what my wife wanted. This was something I’d been doing for her since we met in College. I eagerly sucked her engorged clitoris into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue."
"Yes, that's what I want. Suck me cucky! Suck me just like I sucked Clayt. I made him cum cucky and when he came he shot his hot cream all over my tits. I loved it!”
Suddenly Jackie arched her back and started to scream. She was having another intense orgasm. While she was cumming she continued fucking my face. My lips, my nose and my cheeks were slick with her moisture. I kept her clit in my mouth, but stopped flicking it with my tongue. Jackie had taught me to do that when she climaxed.
As her orgasm subsided the rocking of Jackie's hips gradually slowed and then stopped. I waited with the full weight of her body still pressing down on my face.
Jackie relaxed. I obediently continued to wait. Several more seconds passed. Finally Jackie sighed, rolled off of me and lay quietly on the bed.
My penis was still locked in its plastic primister. I hadn't yet been permitted any release. On edge, I lay silently waiting; well aware of Jackie lying next to me naked and satisfied.
Posts: 4050
Several minutes passed. Finally Jackie whispered, "Artie, are you okay?"
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I think I got a little carried away when I was telling about how much I enjoyed sucking Clayt's cock."
I smiled. "You were certainly excited."
"I like big cocks. I'm sorry, I really am."
I sat up and looked at Jackie. "Why would you be sorry about that?"
Jackie sat up. As she sat up she glanced at my caged penis.
Understanding immediately, I said; "You're a size queen with a tiny dicked husband."
Shaking her head, Jackie said; "No! Well maybe; Oh Artie, I don't know."
I smiled at her. "It's a good thing your tiny dick enjoys being a cuckold."
Relieved, Jackie grinned. "Yes it is."
But then she sighed and said; "I'm still concerned. I don't want my wonderful husband to start worrying that I might not love him because he isn't as well-endowed as some other men. I need to be certain that he knows that I think he's a magnificent man, that I'll always love him and that I can't bear the thought of going through life without him."
"You're telling me that you married him for reamisters other than the size of his genitals."
Jackie laughed. "Yes Artie, that's exactly what I'm trying to say."
"It took him a couple of days, but I think he now understands that."
"Does he? Is he sure?"
"There may be times when he needs a little reassurance; but yes, he’s sure."
"I'll happily give him all the reassurance he wants."
"He'll like that, but not tonight. Tonight his wife was with a big dicked lover and he'll find it much more exciting if she rubs his nose in it."
Giggling, Jackie said; "I think I just did that."
"Yes you did and it was exciting."
"For both of us."
"Do you feel like rubbing his nose in it again?"
"Artie honey, I had a big night. That last orgasm wore me out. Would you mind if I just told you about the rest of my date?"
"That would be fine."
"Thank you." Jackie hesitated.
I waited. She just looked at me.
After a moment I said; "Is something wrong?"
"Artie, I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you if I tell you the truth."
"You had a good time with Mr. Taylor tonight, didn't you?"
"Yes I did. I'm so sorry,"
"I want you to have a good time. That's what this is all about. When you're out with another man I want you to be enjoying mind blowing sex. Every time you meet a new playmate I hope you end up having the best experience of your life."
"Artie, are you sure?"
"Yes, that's part of being a cuckold."
Jackie smiled. "Clayt was good."
"Tell me."
"Promise you won't be hurt."
"I promise."
"Okay, after Clayt finished cumming on my tits he got a towel from his bathroom so I could clean up."
"If I'd been there you wouldn't have needed a towel." The words had popped out. As soon as I realized what I'd said I started to get embarrassed. I was trying to think of a way to make it into a joke when I stopped. I was a cuckold. In my fantasies Jackie wouldn't have needed a towel. Now we were now being honest with each other. I decided not to try to turn it into a joke. Instead I just smiled.
Jackie looked at me for a moment and then she asked; "Would you have really done it Artie? It was fresh and Clayt would have been watching."
"Maybe, I don't know. The idea excites me. Connie pushed some of Mr. Harper's cum into my mouth when she kissed me tonight. That was all right."
"That was from Connie. With Clayt you would have been licking it up."
"It would be humiliating."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Embarrassed, I sheepishly answered; ""Yes."
Jackie kissed me. "Don't be embarrassed sweetheart. It's just fun. I think it's hot."
I smiled at Jackie.
She said, ""Can I make you do it Saturday while Ron watches? I'll make sure he doesn't laugh or make fun of you."
Suddenly this fantasy had become a potential reality. I considered it. After a moment I said; "I'll try. It's a little scary. I may get cold feet and back out."
"I'll have a towel with me. I'll tell you to clean me up and if you decide that you can't go through with it you can use the towel instead."
"I like that idea."
"I do too. Artie, I'm looking forward to Saturday. Including you in this part of my life is going to be so much fun."
"You're already including me in it."
"You mean by telling you about it."
"That's right and part of telling me about it is letting me know how much you enjoy it."
"I do enjoy it Artie. I love sex."
"I know, so tell me about the rest of your date."
Jackie smiled. "Are you really sure you want to hear about it? Clayt was a wonderful fuck. He drove me absolutely wild with his big beautiful cock."
"Now you're teasing me.
"Yes I am. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, I like it. I want you to tease me."
"Do you want me to tease you about how much fun I had with Clayt tonight?"
Grinning, Jackie said; "Clayt fucked me. He did it twice and both times were wonderful."
"Ms. Jacqueline?"
"Yes cucky." We were now clearly back in full game mode.
"May I ask a question?"
"Of course, but be respectful."
"Yes ma'am."
"What would you like to ask me?"
"You just said that Mr. Taylor fucked you. Didn't you just finish sucking his cock? Didn't he need some time to recover?"
"Yes cucky, of course he did."
"So tell me."
"Mind your manners cucky. For a submissive you're being a little too demanding."
"I'm sorry, please tell me."
"That's better. After I cleaned his cum off of my breasts we spent a few minutes lying on his bed talking. I told him about you."
"Everything. I even told him that he met you at the Goldenrod last night."
"Really? What did he say?"
"He was uncomfortable talking about our relationship. Artie honey, that's going to happen. Some men are going to have trouble understanding our new life style. Clayt was one of those men. That's why I didn't call."
Concerned about how I was reacting to this, Jackie watched me.
I shrugged. "It's okay. Sometimes I'm not sure I understand our new life style either."
Jackie laughed. "But you are enjoying it, aren't you."
"Yeah, I really am."
"So am I."
"So what happened after you talked?"
"While we were talking I kept my hand on Clayt's cock. I wasn't stroking it or anything like that. I was just idly playing with it. I like to do that with guys. It's fun and I can also tell when they're starting to get hard again."
"It's also a bit of an incentive."
"Yes I suppose it is." Jackie reached over and laid her hand on my plastic encased penis. "Is this an incentive too?"
"It is, but it would be even more of an incentive if I wasn't wearing the chastity cage."
"But you're my good little cuckboy and we both know good little cuckboys are expected to wear chastity cages. You do want to be my good little cuckboy, don't you?"
"Yes." While my excitement was evident in my voice, there was also a twinge of disappointment.
"Don't worry sweetie, at the end of an exciting evening I believe in rewarding my good little cuckboy. I'll make sure you have some fun tonight too. Maybe not as much fun as Clayt had, but you'll get to have a little fun.
Posts: 968
Fantastic please keep writing Droopy and Miss
Posts: 14692
GH, great couple of segments. Thank you.
Enjoy your travels.