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Jackie and Artie

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GH, what can I say?


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As always, thank you.



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As I switched off my cell phone I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 3:20, time to pick up the girls. After quickly locking the stack of student essays and my grade book in my file cabinet, I hurried out to my car.

As I arrived at the elementary school the kids and their supervising teachers were streaming out the front door. Some of the kids ran to the line of buses in the parking lot. Others ran to the cars waiting in front of the building.

I parked.

Cassie and Monica appeared. Cassie was holding Monica's hand. Jackie had taught her to do that. She said that Nattie had always held her hand when they were in leaving school. It made her feel safe.

They looked down the line of cars. When they spotted me they waved and ran down the side walk. After greeting me with a hug they strapped themselves into the back seat of my Ford Escape and we left for home.

On the drive home I explained that their lady had another late meeting. They were disappointed, but they were accustomed to Jackie's occasional long days so they understood. When I told them that Grandma Connie would be joining us for spaghetti their disappointment disappeared. The girls grinned and started telling me about everything that had happened at school that day.

Shortly after we arrived home my cell phone rang. The girls were in their bedroom playing with their doll house. I was browning a pound of hamburger for the spaghetti sauce. As I picked up my cell phone I glanced at the clock, it was just after four.

"Hello, Artie Hammond here."

"Hey Cowboy." It was Connie. She was gasping for breath. It sounded like she was exercising.

"Constance, are you at the gym?"

"No, I'm in my boss’s office." Connie was the office manager for a local insurance agency.

"You're boss’s office? You sound like you're out of breath. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Hell, I’m more than fine. I’m great. Jack's fucking me." Jack was the owner of the agency.

Shocked, I whispered; "He's fucking you? Right now, while you’re talking to me?"

Connie laughed. "Damn right. I'm bent over his desk. My skirt is pulled up around my waist and my panties are lying next to me on the desk. Jack is standing behind me. His suit pants and boxers are down around his knees and he's pumping his great big cock in and out of my hot wet cunt. It feels wonderful. "

Suddenly she barked; "Damn it Jack, quit rubbing my clit. I'm trying to talk to my mister-in-law."

In the background I heard Jack say; "Cum for me baby; cum while you're talking on the telephone."

Laughing again, Connie said; "Shit Jack you're even kinkier than I am."

"Do it baby, cum for me."

Connie gasped; "Oh yes, that's what I like. Fuck me hard and rub my clit."

There was a moment of heavy breathing and then Connie shouted; "Yes! Yes! "Oh yes! Do it! Do it hard! Just like that!" And then she screamed.

As the scream died off I heard Jack say; "Here it comes baby."

Connie said; "Pull out and cum on my ass. I have a date tonight."

"You got it baby." I heard Jack grunt and then the only sound was their combined panting.

A minute passed. I waited. Finally Connie said; "Jack honey, clean me up with that towel. I don't want to get my skirt messy."

After several more seconds, Connie said; "Thanks Jack, that was fun."

Jack said; "Hey cuckboy, did you enjoy our performance?"

Aghast that Jack had just called me cuckboy, I stuttered; "I ah..."

Recognizing my distress, Connie said; "Relax cuckboy, Jack is an old friend. He's very discreet. He won't tell a soul unless we okay it. Remember, last night you told Jackie that you wanted to start letting a few people know about your relationship."

"Artie, I have an open mind, I don't judge people and I love sex games. You don't have to worry about me."

Relaxing, I said; "Thank you."

Connie said; "Cuckboy, Jack is a superior. That should be thank you sir."

A little tingle of excitement ripple through me as I said; "Thank you sir."

"Damn Connie, this is hot. You have to have one of your dinner parties."

"We will, but if you're going to be my date we'll have to wait for a weekend when your wife is visiting her sister in Memphis."

"Yeah and she just got back so it'll be at least a month before she goes again."

"Then we'll do it in a month. Actually, that will be good. It will give Artie a little time to get used to his new role as a servant."

I gasped.

Connie heard me and said; "That excites you doesn't it cuckboy."

I whispered, "Yes Ms. Constance, it does."

"Sweetheart, I'm so glad that we can start including you in this part of our lives. It really is going to be exciting."

"Yes Ms. Constance, I think it will be too."

"Cuckboy, I'm going to put on my panties. While I'm doing that I want you to thank Master Jack for fucking me."

The part of me that was still insecure about admitting my submissive, masochistic desires wanted to balk, but I didn't. My confidence was growing and as it grew, my insecurity was rapidly diminishing. Taking a deep breath, I said; "Master Jack, thank you for fucking my lady-in-law. I'm sure she enjoyed it."

Jack laughed. "Cuckboy, I assure you that it was my pleasure."

I heard the rustle of clothing and then Connie said; "Jack, am I presentable."

"You'd better fix your lipstick. You smeared it while you were sucking my cock."

"You'd better check your cock. You wouldn't want your wife to find traces of my lipstick on it."

"Connie, you know very well that Maureen stopped looking at my cock several years ago."

"And her loss is my gain. How many women regularly get to end their workday with a good fuck?"

I heard the sound of kissing and then Connie said; "Jack, you're the perfect boss for a slut like me."

"And you're the perfect office manager for a horn dog like me."

"Artie, Jack has some work that he has to finish before either of us can leave. It will only take him a few minutes, but if I don't leave him alone he'll never get it done. I'm going to go back out to my desk and fix my lipstick. I'll call you right back."

"Okay Ms. Constance."


Posts: 492
#274 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Hey GH. Sorry, just no time to play catch up right now, dealing with family permisteral issues. Glad to see that you're doing OK and still writing. Hope you've got your clubs all cleaned up and are ready to go, if you haven't already. Nothing for me yet, although after watching the Master's all weekend, I'm raring to go. I hope to get out there real soon.

Take care, continued well wishes for happy and healthy days ahead for you



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Nice to hear from you. I live in Arizona now, so my clubs are always in service. I played this afternoon. I hope the permisteral family issues aren't serious.



Posts: 4050
#276 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I quickly checked on the girls. They were playing quietly in their room.

When I returned to the kitchen I poured the contents of a jar of premade spaghetti sauce into a pan and stirred in the hamburger that I'd just browned. I'd like to pretend that I made my spaghetti sauce from scratch, but who has the time to do that? Besides, some of the store bought brands are pretty good; especially if you dress them up with some hamburger or sausage and a few extra spices. I didn't add extra spices to this sauce. While our girls loved spaghetti, they preferred it to be a little bland.

I'd just finished adjusting the flame under the pan of sauce when my cell phone rang again.

I picked it up expecting it to be Connie. It wasn't, it was Jackie.

"Hi cowboy, how is everything on the home front?"

"Fine Ms. Jacqueline." The Ms. wasn't intentional, it just popped out. The phone call from Connie had left me both excited and feeling very submissive.

"Ms. Jacqueline? I gather that you enjoyed the little conference call you just had with my mom and her boss."

Chuckling, I said; "I found it quite exciting."

"You like to listen. That's an interesting discovery. The speaker on my cell phone may have just become a stimulating toy for us."

"Tonight?" My voice was filled with trepidation.

"Maybe, that really depends on Clayt. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it without his permission."

"But that would mean he would have to know about me and our relationship."

"I plan to tell him tonight. In fact I plan to tell him that he met you last night."

"You wouldn't."

"Why not? Last night you told me that you wanted to be somewhat open about our relationship. Clayt's from out of town. He doesn't know anyone we know. It seems to me that he's the perfect permister to tell."


"Sweetheart, if you're not ready just tell me and I won't say a word about you to Clayt."

"I don't know, I'm afraid."

"But it excites you too, doesn't it?"

"Yes." My voice was a barely audible whisper.

"Sweetie, Jack knows. That turned out okay, didn't it?"

"Yes, he was fine."

"And tonight Connie's friend Phil is going to know."

"I'm still worried about that."

"Don't be. I know Phil. He's a sweet guy. He'd never do anything to hurt you and he plays sex games better than anyone I've ever met."

"Have you done it with Phil?"

"Yes Artie, I have."

I was silent.

After a moment Jackie said; "Does that upset you?"

"No, it's just that I'm still getting used to all of this."

"I've done it with Jack too."

"Connie's boss?"

"That's right."


"Sometimes Connie has parties where everyone brings a date, but then we swap. Sometimes we swap several times in one night."

"And you ended up with Jack?"

"More than once and I always enjoy him. He has a big cock and he knows how to use it."

I was silent again. Jackie quickly asked; "Artie honey, are we pushing you too quickly?"

"No, but you may have to pat my hand once in a while."

Jackie laughed. "Don't worry sweetheart, Nattie, Connie and I all plan to take turns patting your hand. Oh, by the way; thank you for what you're doing for Nattie. You really are an amazing man. You only heard about Miltie yesterday and you've already got him in contact with Nattie."

"It was actually pretty easy. Did Nattie call him?"

"Oh yes."

"How did it go?"

"She wants to call you and tell you about it herself."


"Artie, how are the girls?"

"They're fine."

"Were they disappointed when they found out that I was going to be out again tonight?"

"They were, but when I told them Constance was coming over they cheered up immediately. Right now they're in their room organizing their dolls so they can show them to Connie."

"Don't forget that you have an assignment tonight. When I get home I expect you to look like a proper cuckboy."

"I won't forget Ms. Jacqueline."

"I love you Artie. Please don't forget that tonight."

"I love you too Jackie and I won't forget that you love me."

"Artie, I like that."

"I don't understand."

"When you told me that you loved me you called me Jackie. I like that. That's the way it should be. Artie I have to go. I have two phone calls that I have to make before I can leave the office."

"Have a good time tonight Ms. Jacqueline."

"Thank you cuckboy, that is exactly what I plan to do."

There was a short pause and then Jackie asked; "Artie, can I tell Clayt."

While part of me wanted to say absolutely not; another part of me, the adventurous part of me was screaming, yes! Adopting my most submissive demeanor, I said; "Ms. Jacqueline, if it would please you, you should tell him."

"No Artie, that's not enough, at least not this first time."

Understanding, I said; "Jackie, it scares me a little, but you're right, Clayt is a perfect permister to tell. You have my permission to go ahead." I stopped myself. That still wasn't enough. This was my fantasy every bit as much as it was Jackie's. Taking a deep breath I said; "Ms. Jacqueline, please tell him, please tell your playmate everything about your submissive cuckold husband."

"You're sure."


"Artie, this is going to be so much fun."

"I think so too Ms. Jacqueline."

"Bye cuckboy, I'll call when I'm on my way home, but I might also call you a little earlier. That depends on Clayt."

My breath caught.


Posts: 1914
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All that and the cooking tips for free! Thanks ..


Posts: 14692
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Another great couple of segments. Thank you sir.
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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This promises to be quite a ride now that it is out in the open


Posts: 1916
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Excellent as usual!


Posts: 4050
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Peak, Timmy, tef and subchard

Thanks for the comments.

Peak after I stop writing cuckold erotica I'm going to start writing cook books. I have a wonderful recipe for beans and weiners.

Gentlemen, thanks again



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After I shut off my cell phone I stirred the spaghetti sauce and then I started making four salads. Our girls loved salads. Actually they loved Thousand Island dressing, but that divine delicacy was only served as part of a salad.

I was chopping a head of iceberg lettuce when my cell phone rang for a third time. I answered it, "Artie Hammond."

"Hi Artie." It was Nattie.

"Hello Ms. Natalie."

"Ms. Natalie? Mom was right; you did enjoy that little telephone party she and her boss just put on for you."

"Does everyone know about it?"

"Not yet, but I understand it's going to be the lead story on the 5:30 national news."

Laughing, I said; "How did your phone call to Miltie turn out?"

"It was wonderful. I apologized for treating him so badly. He accepted my apology and then we had an honest discussion about why it happened. Artie, I don't think I've ever been that forthright with anyone. We talked for over an hour."

"That's a good start."

"Yes it was and guess what else."


"Tomorrow morning I have to fly to Chicago for a meeting. After the meeting my weekend is clear. I'm going to Albany, New York; that's where Miltie lives. He’s a librarian. He has to work Saturday morning, but he said I can hang out at the library with him. After that we'll have the rest of the weekend to ourselves. Artie, I'm going to suck and fuck that boy until his cock falls off."

"Nattie, you haven't seen him for ten years. You don't know what he looks like." Jackie, Nattie and Connie were all good friends. All three of them, especially Jackie, were also much more than that, but fundamentally, they were good friends. There were times that they were going to be Ms. Jacqueline, Ms. Natalie and Ms. Constance, but there were also going to be times when they were Jackie, Nattie and Connie. This was one of those times for Nattie.

"I don't care if he weighs five hundred pounds and he's covered with zits. Miltie is going to get laid and it's going to happen repeatedly."

"Is this going to be a mercy fuck or a guilt fuck?"

"No Artie, definitely not." Nattie paused and then she said; "Well it might be a little bit of a guilt fuck." She paused again, after a moment she said; "No damn it, it's not. Milton Craig cares about me and I care about him. I think that other than you he's the only man on this planet who does care about me. It's time for me to start caring about him too and damn it, this weekend I'm going to show him just how much I care about him."

"I'm not sure he wants that."

"You mean he wants to be my submissive cuckold rather than my lover?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think."

"We can decide that later, but first he's going to be my lover. This weekend I plan to suck his cock, lick his balls and let him fuck my pussy and my ass as often as he can get it up."

I smiled. "Okay."

"And guess what Mr. Smarty-pants. Tomorrow night Jackie plans to do exactly the same thing with you."

"She does?"

"That's right; she's going to try to fuck you into a coma."


"And you'd better let her do it or I'm going to come after you with my whip."

'I don't know Nattie that might not be the motivator you think it is."

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, if you let her do it I'll give you a little session with my whip and I'll wear thigh high black leather boots while I'm doing it."

"After every lash will you make me kiss the toes of your boots and beg for another stroke?"

"Damn right cuckboy."

"All right you're on."

"Artie honey, I think you and I might be the two biggest perverts in the western world."

"I think Jackie and Connie are right there with us and I'm pretty sure that Miltie would like to start taking lesmisters."

"And I really want to be his teacher."

"Nattie love him up this weekend; but play some domination games with him too. I think he'll be disappointed if you don't."

"Artie, what if I get excited and go too far?"

"Set up the time-out rule and be sure he always feels loved."

"I think I can do that."

"If you do, I'm pretty sure that you'll both have a wonderful weekend."

"Thanks Artie, thanks for everything. I wish I could come over and play with you tonight, but I have a date."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"His name is Peter Amundsen. He's in his early forties and very handsome. He's a real estate developer."

"Is he married?"

"Of course."

"Does his wife know that he parties with other women?"

"No, at least he doesn't think she does. She belongs to a book club, that's why we can get together tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"The King's Inn."

"That motel out by the freeway?"

"That's right."

"That's not much of a date."

"Yes it is, it's the best part of a date. Hell if I want to go out to dinner I'll call you, Jackie or my mom. Remember Artie, we're sluts. We like to fuck."

Laughing, I said; "Okay, so is he good?"

"Damn right he is, he has a big cock and pretty good idea about what to do with it. Ask Jackie, she loves partying with him."

"She does? How many times has she been out with him?"

"I don't know, maybe a half dozen. They usually meet at the King's Inn for a long lunch."

"Does Jackie do that very often?"

"You mean meet guys at a motel for a long lunch?"


Nattie was silent. After a moment she said; "Artie, I think this is a conversation you should be having with Jackie."

I quietly answered; "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Artie, are you mad?"

"No, it's just that sometimes finding out about all the secrets gets a little difficult."

"Sweetie, Jackie loves you. She didn't know what else to do. She was afraid that if you found out she was a total slut you'd leave her."

"I know."

"Please remember that for us sex is just fun. You're the only man Jackie will ever love."

"I know that and I love our new life, but it's going to take me a little time to fully adapt to it."

"And I'll do anything I can to help you."

"Thanks, I appreciate that. Hey Nattie, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"You're single. You live alone. Why are you going to a motel when you could go to your townhouse instead?"

"Artie that’s an excellent question and it might help you understand us better. I almost never let a guy come to my town house unless I know him really well. It's just too permisteral. I'm much more comfortable meeting my casual dates at a motel. The only exception is if I’m hosting a sex party, then everyone brings a date and sometimes it's fun to include a new guy. Jackie and Connie feel the same way,"

"Jackie parties with Ron at our house. That must mean she really likes him."

"Ron is her current fuckbuddy. I have one too. His name is Jim Strauss. I've been seeing him once a week for several months. After the first month I started letting him get together with me at my townhouse. I trust Jim and yes, I do like him; but only as a casual friend. I could never imagine myself in a serious relationship with him. Jackie feels the same way about Ron."

"Is Jim married?"

"Of course; Connie, Jackie and I all prefer partying with married men. It's much less complicated."

"Don't you ever feel guilty because you're helping them cheat on their wives?"

"No, why should we? None of us believe in that particular moral constraint. Some people in India have a moral restriction about eating cows. That's their prerogative, but it doesn't mean we should feel guilty every time we enjoy a hamburger. The men we party with are all adults making free choices."

"Jackie cheated on me."

Nattie sighed. "Yes she did and that was an ongoing dilemma for all three of us."

Suddenly realizing that I was about to reopen a discussion that I'd already had with both Jackie and Connie, I said; "I'm sorry Nattie, I do understand. It was a dilemma and Jackie made the right choice. At the time we were dating my submissive cuckold inclinations hadn't yet had an opportunity to take seed and grow. If Jackie had been honest with me it's likely that I wouldn't have married her and we wouldn't be where we are today."

"That's a good way to look at it Artie."

"Nattie, I love talking to you."

"I love talking to you too Artie and thank you for everything you did with Miltie. I really do appreciate it."

"You're welcome Nattie. Have a good time at the motel tonight and I hope you have a wonderful trip to New York. Call me this weekend and let me know how it's going."

"Thanks Artie, I will."

"Bye Nattie."

"Bye Artie."


Posts: 4050
#283 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'd finished making the salads during my telephone conversation with Nattie. After covering them with plastic wrap I put them in the refrigerator and made a quick check on the girls. They were still in their bedroom playing with their dolls.

As I walked back through the living room I glanced at the clock. It was 4:45. Realizing that I had a little spare time I decided to dust the living room.

Just as I was getting started my cell phone rang again. Smiling at my new popularity I walked into the kitchen and picked it up.

"Hi, this is Artie Hammond."

"Artie." It was Jackie.

"Hello Ms. Jacqueline, is everything all right?"

"I hope so. Artie I'm sorry, I really am. I was going to tell you I just hadn't had time yet. It was once a week. Sometimes it was twice a week but just as often it was once every two weeks. It really depended on my schedule at work."

"Nattie called you."

"Yes she did."

"You're talking about your lunch breaks at a motel?"

"Yes, Artie I'm sorry. I didn't want to lie to you, I really didn't."

"I know."

"Do you want me to come home so we can talk? I can easily cancel my date with Clayt."

"No, I definitely do not want you to do that. If you don't get together with Clayt tonight you can't tell him about your cuckold husband."

Artie, be serious."

"I am being serious."

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"When Nattie first told me, I was a little unsettled; but I quickly got over it. Jackie honey, once I learned about your passion for men I should have realized that you'd be doing something like this."

"But I lied to you."

"Yes you did and the night before last we established why you had to do that. That's all in the past now."

"Thank you Artie, I promise I won't ever have another lunch time motel date."

"Why would you do that? Don't you enjoy them?"

"Yes, but...Oh Artie, I don't know. This is also confusing."

"Jackie relax. Next week I want you to set up one of those dates."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do. I'd be a pretty poor excuse for a cuckold husband if I didn't want you to do that. Can you think of any hot guys who might be available?"

"Several, but Artie are you sure?

"I am sure, but you have to promise to tell me about it before it happens. I think it would be unbelievably exciting to be eating my lunch at school knowing that at that very moment you were in a motel room playing with another man."

"Artie that is so hot. Of course I'll tell you."

"And when you get home I want to hear all about it, every detail."

"Will you kneel between my legs and eat my pussy while I tell you?"

"You know I will."

"Artie, you really are the perfect husband."

"Can I ask you a couple of questions, just out of curiosity."

"Of course."

"Where do you find the guys? You told me that you never play with the men you meet at work and the trade show guys are all from out of town, so where do these guys come from?"

"Nattie, Connie and I play with about a dozen different men. It's an informal group and the size varies. We generally meet them in bars or at social functions. Nattie and Connie find most of them. When one of us finds a new guy we try him out. If he meets our criteria we start calling him. If we get tired of a guy or he starts getting possessive or demanding we stop calling him. If he tries calling us we don't return his phone calls."

"So you call the guys, they don't call you."

"That's right, but if a guy has a special situation like his wife is going out of town or something, it's okay for him to call us and let us know. If we can, one of us will try to get together with him."

"That makes sense. What are your criteria?"

"They're pretty simple. A guy needs to be reamisterably good looking and he can't have an obnoxious permisterality. Of course he has to have a relatively big cock and he definitely has to know how to use it. Most important of all, he has to be married. Married men are much less likely to become emotionally entangled. They're also more likely to be disease free and they're usually content with only getting an invitation every couple of weeks. Remember; Connie, Nattie and I enjoy variety. Also there are only three of us and we have busy schedules. Nattie and Connie see a couple of guys each week, but because I have a family I try to limit myself to one motel party a week."

"Nattie's having a motel party tonight."

"Yes, Connie and Nattie aren't married so they can be a little more flexible about when they can get together with a guy. Because I want to spend as many evenings as possible with you and the girls, I try to restrict myself to lunch time parties. The trade shows like the one last night and mom's sex club meetings are generally the only times I'll go out in the evening. You noticed that I party with Ron during the day."

"Yes, and I appreciate that."

"Artie, you and the girls have always been my first priority."

"I know that." After a brief pause I said; "I assume that Nattie's date tonight is part of this group of men you just mentioned."

"He is and before you ask, yes I've partied with him too, actually several times. Nattie's going out with him tonight because his wife belongs to a book club that meets one night a month. I'm pretty sure this is one of those nights."

"It is, Nattie told me."

"Artie, Peter is a nice guy and very good in bed. Because of that, we try to accommodate him."

"And you should. I gather that your parties with him have been at lunch time."

"He's a real estate developer. He has a flexible day time schedule."

"And you're an attorney, so you do too."

"Yes I do. Artie, are you're getting angry with me?"

"I'm sorry Jackie. No, I'm not; not at all. It's just that I'm beginning to realize that this is a big part of your extracurricular life. I'm trying to understand it and maybe I'm being a little too analytical. I'll try to back off."

"No, please don't do that. I want you to ask me about this part of my life. I want you to understand it. I want it to become part of your life. Right now I think I'm a little overly sensitive about your feelings."

"I understand."

"Will you ask me some more questions?"

"Okay, what about the motel?"

"We always go to the King's Inn."

"That's what Nattie told me, why?"

"It's the perfect place. It's a freeway traveler’s motel that doesn't have its own bar or restaurant, so there isn’t any reamister that local residents would want to go there. That makes it highly unlikely that any of us will run into someone we don't want to see while we’re there."

"That makes sense."

"The motel is clean and well run and the management is discreet and open minded."

"You mean they know why you're there and they don't care."

"That's right. Of course it's also a great financial deal for them."


"Most of our parties are lunch time parties. The Kings Inn is a freeway motel. Most of their guests are travelers. They arrive after 6:00 in the evening and leave before 7:00 the next morning. We usually arrive at 11:00, leave at 1:00 and pay full price. That allows them to clean the room we use and rent it again that same day."

"But you might come back?"

"If we were going to do that we'd tell them. Artie this is a mutually beneficial relationship. They can earn a little extra money from the rooms we use and we can trust them to be discreet about what we're doing. None of us want to mess up this deal."

"But you're not breaking any laws. Is their discretion that important?"

"We're not worried about the police. All of our playmates are married and so am I. Until this week I was very concerned about the motel's discretion."

"I see, but now that's not an issue for you."

"No it's not and I thank you for that; but because of our male playmates, we still have to be prudent. We don’t want to be part of a divorce scandal."

"And since it's financially beneficial for the motel to continue this arrangement; they aren’t likely to gossip or give out information to divorce attorneys or private investigators."

"That's our hope."

"I have to say that I'm impressed with the arrangement you've set up. It seems like the perfect win-win situation. Everyone ends up happy. You, Connie and Nattie have a safe, discreet group of playmates that you can enjoy at your convenience. I assume the men in your group are all happily married, or they would be more aggressive for you attention."

"That's true, they are happy with their home situations. All they're looking for is some occasional fun on the side. The men who want more than that are the men we weed out."

"And a little occasional safe fun on the side is exactly what these men are getting."

"Why do you say safe?"

"You use condoms, right?"

"Of course, the mere fact that these men are in our group makes them suspect."

"So these men are engaging in safe sex. They're not buying prostitutes and they're not picking up strange women in bars; at least not on the days they're partying with you."

Jackie thought for a moment and then she said; "I think that's true. Most of the men in our group seem to be content with the occasional diversion we provide for them; at least that's our hope."

I suspect you're probably right, which also makes it a win for their wives. Although they probably don't know that and if they were confronted with the situation they may not accept or even realize that it's a good deal for them, but it is"

"Artie, you're saying that occasionally playing with us is safer for their husbands than buying prostitutes or picking up strange women in bars."

"Wouldn't you agree with that?"

"Of course I would."

"The danger of emotional entanglement is also much less of an issue with the three of you."

"It isn't an issue."

"There are very few absolutes in life."

"All right, but the risk of emotional entanglement is much greater at work than it is with us."

"I agree and my point was that the risk of emotional entanglement when they're meeting women in bars is also much greater than it is with the three of you."

"So you're saying that we're doing their wives a favor too."

I am.

Laughing, Jackie said; "Artie once again I am in awe of your reamistering s*******s. You've just built a convincing argument that every time I let one of these men fuck me it benefits his wife."

"I think that's true, but it might still be advisable to keep the wives in the dark about this."

"Artie honey you really are a magnificent man."

I glanced at the clock on the wall next to the sink. It was 5:00. "Jackie, it's five o'clock. What time are you supposed to meet Clayt?"

"5:30, I'd better get moving. You're sure you're going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine. I think your lady is planning an interesting evening for me."

"She is, and I think you'll enjoy Phil."

"You know him?"

"Very well, he's a nice guy and he has a wonderfully creative imagination."

"I gather that you've played games with him."

"Several times and they have always been thrilling. Artie, when he arrives, relax and go with the flow. When it comes to sex games Phil is an artist."

"I'm a little worried."

"Don't be, Phil and Connie will push you, but they'll be gentle about it. Remember, you can always call time out. I'm sure both of them will respect that."

"Okay, I'll try."

"Artie you are about to have the most exciting night of your life." Jackie paused for a moment and then she suggestively added; "So far."

"I hope we both have exciting evenings."

"Oh I'm going to cuckboy. I'm going to have a very exciting evening. At five thirty I want you to close your eyes and imagine me kissing Clayt because that's exactly what I'll be doing."

My breath caught.

"And at 5:35 we're both going to be on his bed naked and I'll have his big beautiful cock in my mouth. Will that be all right cuckboy? You don't mind if you're wife sucks another man's cock tonight, do you."

My heart was racing as I anxiously said, "No Ms. Jacqueline, not at all."

"That's a good cuckboy. Don’t forget, you have an assignment tonight. When I get home, I expect your entire body to be clean shaven. You're my little cuckboy now and I want you to look like it. Oh and my lady has a present for you. I hope you'll enjoy it, I know I will."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise. When you've finished shaving she's going to inspect you. After you've passed her inspection she'll give you your present. Promise me that you'll obey her tonight."

"Yes ma'am, of course I will."

"Artie honey she's just leaving. She'll be at the house in a few minutes. I have to go. I may call you earlier, but if I don't I'll call you when I'm on my way home."

"Thank you Ms. Jacqueline; I'd appreciate that."

"Artie, tonight please remember that I love you."

"I will. I love you too Ms. Jacqueline."

"Bye Artie."

"Bye Ms. Jacqueline."


Posts: 4050
#284 · Edited by: goodhusband
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After ending the phone call with Jackie, I checked on the girls. They were playing with the set of puppets Jackie had bought for them a week earlier.

As I looked in on them Cassie said; "Daddy, we're going to put on a puppet show for Grandma Connie."

Smiling, I said; "She'll like that." And I knew Connie would.

I went back to the living room and started dusting again. I'd been working for about five minutes when I heard the back door open. A moment later, Connie walked into the living room.

She looked at me and smiled. "You really are the perfect husband."

Smiling back, I said; "Because I'm doing housework while my wife is on her way to a hotel where she’s going to meet a man who will soon be fucking her?"

Connie laughed. "Damn right Cowboy. That is exactly how a marriage should work."

Grinning at her, I said; "Ms. Constance, I wholeheartedly agree."

Connie walked over and gave me a hug. While she was hugging me, she said; "I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I didn't forget. Jackie and Nattie both wanted to talk to you too and I felt their conversations were more important than mine. By the time they were finished talking to you it was time for me to leave to come over here. I decided to wait and talk to you in permister."

"I always prefer talking to you in permister."

Connie snaked her hand down the front of my trousers and gave my penis a gentle squeeze. "I prefer talking to you in permister too."


She gave my penis another squeeze. "Aren't you supposed to be addressing me as Ms. Constance?"

Suddenly feeling very submissive, I whispered; "Yes ma'am."

"Oh I like that. My flower is doing an outstanding job of training you." And then Connie whispered; "Where are the girls?"

"In their bedroom playing with the puppet set Jackie just bought for them.

"Then it should be safe for you to give me a proper greeting. Get down on your knees and kiss my shoes."

Connie was dressed in a tight tee shirt that barely contained her large breasts, hip hugger jeans and a pair of black spike heeled pumps. I obediently dropped to my knees, bent over and planted a kiss on the pointed toe of each of her pumps.

Patting my head like I was a pet dog, Connie said; "Good boy."

I smiled up at her.

Connie said, "I'm going to go see the girls. Call us when you have dinner on the table."

Still on my knees, I watched Connie walk out of the living room. She hadn't offered to help, she didn't even say please. I smiled. It wouldn't have been appropriate. Connie was a superior, I was a servant. She wasn't expected to help or say please.


Posts: 1914
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Artie is lucky man to have this trio working with him. Wisdom and sex. A heady combination. This is a good story. Thanks again.


Posts: 1418
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Wow GH! It took me a bit to catch up, you've been busy. It seems this is going to be an epic tale. The additions of Miltie and Artie's acceptence of being publically exposed to the inner circle has opened many doors for you to guide us through. Looking forward to Artie's adventure. Thanks...


Posts: 14692
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Fantastic segments. They way you are producing new chapters, your Bride must be still out of town or I'm sure She would slow you down. Please don't overdue and push too hard. I'm concerned about your well being.


Posts: 4050
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Peak, Zinc and timmy

Thank you very much and now, as Timmy so wisely pointed out, I need to take a break. I'll be back in three weeks.

All of you, thank you again



Posts: 4050
#289 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Our girls love spaghetti, Thousand Island dressing and Grandma Connie, so dinner was a great success. After dinner Cassie, Monica and Connie returned to the girl's bedroom where they continued a game that had somehow managed to incorporate all of the puppets and most of the girl's dolls.

I cleaned the kitchen. As soon as I was finished I checked on Connie and the girls. All three of them were engrossed in their game so I quietly retired to the bathroom in Jackie's bedroom. I took off my clothes, started the shower, lathered my body and began to shave.

It wasn't that difficult. I didn't have much natural body hair and modern triple blade safety razors make shaving easy. I'd watched Jackie shave her legs many times; so emulating her, I sat on the edge of the bathtub and used the shower like it was a steam bath. Shaving my genitals caused me some initial concern, but I used a scissors to cut away my pubic hair. After that all I had to do was work slowly and carefully.

As I relaxed, the task actually became quite exciting. Knowing where Jackie was and what she was doing while I was shaving kept me on a sexual edge. That made the task even more exciting.

Once I was finished I rinsed off in the shower and then I looked at myself in the full length mirror in Jackie's closet. My body was as bare and smooth as a prepubescent boy's. I smiled. That was of course, the object of the task. By making me shave off all of my body hair Jackie was stripping me of my manhood. I was being transformed into a symbolic eunuch.

I fully understood what was happening. I could have protested. I could have refused. I didn't. I not only didn't protest, I carried out my own emasculation while my wife was enjoying the physical attentions of another man.

That night in my wife's private bathroom I willingly transformed myself into her submissive cuckold. When I was finished I was as excited as I'd ever been in my entire life. This was my destiny. I now realized that while I'd been ***ly aware of it for years, it had taken the events of the past few days to allow me to finally acknowledge and accept the truth.

After I was finished I dressed in a pair of thin cotton slacks and a tee shirt, I didn't put on socks or underwear. For the sake of the girls, I needed to maintain a semblance of modesty; but I'd just willingly abdicated my manhood and I wanted Connie to know it.

The door to the girl's bedroom was partially closed. I opened it and stepped inside. Connie was seated on the edge of Monica's bed reading a story. Both girls were just barely awake. I sat down on the edge of Cassie's bed and placed my hand on top of hers.

She whispered, "I love you daddy."

I whispered back, "I love you too Cassie."

This may be hard for some people to grasp, but in life we fill a variety of roles. We're mans and ladys, businessmen and business women, youngren to our aging parents and guides for our aging parents; all at the same time.

That evening I may have abdicated my masculinity in my relationship with my wife and her family, but when I walked into the girl's bedroom I switched roles. I was a man. The health, safety, well-being and happiness of my girls were all that mattered to me. If I had to do it, I would have battled dragons to protect them. The submissive cuckold husband in one of my favorite stories stated it well. He said; "I may be my wife's wimp, but I'm sure as hell no one else’s." When it came to my girls I would always be a pillar of strength.

By the time Connie finished the story the girls were sound arelax. We both kissed each of them goodnight and then we tiptoed out of their room.

Out in the living room Connie stared at me. After a moment she said; "Artie, you really are an amazing man."

"What makes you say that?"

"I've known a lot of men, more than most women."

I nodded.

"Many men work hard to create a macho image. They wear cowboy hats, drive big black pickup trucks, lift weights and get exotic tattoos. Sadly, when it comes to the important stuff, taking care of their family, supporting their kids when they're struggling and standing up in the face of permisteral adversity; they're total wimps."

I nodded.

Connie continued. "You, on the other hand deliberately project the image of a total wimp."

"Thanks Connie." I was being sarcastic.

"Please listen to me, I'm not done."


"Unlike those other guys, I do believe that in the face of adversity, you might be the toughest man I've ever met. Artie, there is an unmistakable air of strength about you."

"And that's why, at this very moment, another man is fucking my wife?"

"No, but it is the reamister that tonight, when she goes to relax, my flower will be lying next to you."

"Thanks Connie."

Grinning, Connie said; "And now the Artie admiration party is over. For the rest of the evening I'd prefer to play with the cuckold wimp whose wife is, at this very moment, enjoying another man's cock."

"He's right here; ready, willing and eager."

Connie smiled. “Okay cuckboy, it’s inspection time; but first I have a garment bag in my car. Fetch it for me. My car keys are in my purse on the dining room table. Oh and bring my purse. I'll need that too

Excited, I said; “Yes Ms. Constance, right away.”


Posts: 968
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Its getting hotter and hotter lol great work
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 14692
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A good place to take a break GH. Enjoy your time off.


Posts: 943
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Wait......wait...time off was cancelled, it was in the email.... Just teasing...enjoy and relax. !!!


Posts: 4050
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shankly, timmy and cuckold_2

Thanks for the comments.

Lisa and I took it easy this past weekend, so we did a little writing. It's a short segment, but it stands alone pretty well so I'm posting it.



Posts: 4050
#294 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The garment bag was hanging in the back window of Connie's Lexus. I unlocked the car with the keys I'd taken from her purse, removed the garment bag, relocked the car and hurried back into the house. As I passed through the dining room I grabbed the purse from the dining room table.

Connie was waiting for me in Jackie's bedroom. Still dressed, she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Her legs were crossed. One of her spike heeled pumps was dangling from her toes. As soon as I stepped inside she said; "Close the door."

I obeyed.

"Lay my garment bag on the bed and set my purse next to it." There was an unmistakable tone of authority in her voice.

It excited me even more. I carefully laid Connie's garment bag on the bed and set her purse next to it.

"Very good; now take off your clothes. I need to inspect you."

I quickly undressed. As I started to pick up my clothes Connie said; "Leave them. If we hear the girls moving around you'll need to get dressed quickly."

I nodded.

Connie stood up. "Stand still. Keep your head bowed."

"Yes Ms..."

"Silence, don't speak unless I ask you a direct question,"

I nodded and then standing naked in front of my lady-in law with my head bowed; I waited. After a moment she began walking a slow circle around me. From behind I felt her fingertips explore the inside of my thighs and then my butt cheeks.

"You're nice and smooth, just like a little boy. Jackie will be pleased."

I started to say, I tried; but then remembering Connie's admonition of silence I stopped myself.

Connie moved around so that she was in front of me. Reaching out, she caressed my face with her manicured, crimmister fingernails.

My breath caught.

She trailed her fingers down my neck, across my throat and down to my chest. She grasped my right nipple. At first she fondled it, but then she dug in her fingernails and gave it a firm twist.

I gasped.

"Does that hurt? You may speak."

"Yes Ms. Constance, it does."

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you."

"Yes ma'am."

"May I do it again?"


"Say please."

"Yes please."

She gave my nipple an even more vicious twist. I yelped.

Connie smiled and then she released my nipple and moved her hand lower. Her fingers traced playful circles around my stomach, my belly button and then my newly shaved pubic area. I bit my lower lip as the side of her hand brushed my erect penis.

Connie whispered, "I love seeing you bare and smooth down here. Little cuckboys really shouldn't be allowed to have pubic hair."

She cradled my tiny erection in the palm of her hand. "It really is cute. Jackie told me that it's just like one of those miniatures you buy in a hobby store. It looks like the real thing and even works like the real thing. It's just much smaller."

Connie winked at me. I smiled at the creativity of her taunt.

Her hand slipped between my thighs and cupped my balls. She gave them a gentle squeeze. "Do you enjoy this?"

I nodded.

"Men do too."

Connie's subtle barb made me grin.

She kissed me on the lips and said; "Cowboy, you did a very nice job. You look just like a little boy. Jackie will be pleased. As a reward I have a nice present for you. We'll need a bag of ice. Fetch me one from the kitchen."

Puzzled, I looked at Connie,"

She raised her eyebrows. "Was there something about my direction that you didn't understand?"

Connie's inspection had me feeling aroused and submissive. Not wanting to be disobedient, I said; "No ma'am."

"Then fetch me the ice."

"Yes ma'am."

As I started to leave, Connie barked; "Put your pants back on. One of the girls might be up going to the bathroom."

I quickly pulled on my trousers and scurried to the kitchen.

When I returned, Connie was sitting on the bed. There was an open package next to her. The label on the package said, CB6000s. The plastic pieces lying next to the package were unmistakable. Connie was reading a page of directions; directions that showed her how to assemble a chastity cage. A chastity cage meant for me.

I hadn't expected this. I stood frozen in the doorway, staring.

Without looking up, Connie said; "Come in, close the door and take off your pants."

Still flustered, I obeyed. Connie was a dominant. I was a submissive. Obedience was becoming second nature to me. I set the bag of ice on the floor, quickly removed my trousers and then stood naked in the center of the room, waiting.

"Pick up the bag of ice and hold it against your cock and balls. We can't possibly get that little peepee of yours locked up until we have it under control."

While I flushed at Connie's unabashed directive, I still complied. The ice was cold. Of course that was its purpose. My erection quickly shriveled.

"Come stand next to me."

Again I complied without argument.

After taking the ice bag from me, Connie fitted an open plastic ring around my cock and balls. She closed the top of the ring with two partial rings, one with three pins. She added a spacer to the middle pin; slipped the plastic cock sleeve over my penis; slid it on to the pins and asked; "Is that comfortable?"

Still completely overwhelmed, I said; "It's fine, at least it doesn't hurt."

"Good, you'll get used to it." She slipped a small brass padlock through a hole in the end of the middle pin, snapped it shut and said; "There, now you're properly controlled."

I stared at her. After a moment I asked, "How long will I have to wear this thing?"

"That's up to Jackie. I have some friends in my sex club who know quite a bit more about cuckolding than I do. They told me that they've met cuckold husbands who wear their chastity cages 24/7."

"All the time?" I was aghast.

Smiling, Connie said; "They also told me that most cuckolds only wear them while their wives are actually partying with another man. I think that's probably what Jackie's going to decide to do. Since she's with Clayt right now, it seems appropriate that you should remain locked up until she gets home."

Starting to get used to the idea, I nodded.

Connie ran her long, crimmister painted finger nails along the length of the plastic cage. Licking her lips, she said; "I love the symbolism. While your dominant wife is out partying with another man; you have to sit at home, prohibited from enjoying even the meager gratification provided by solitary masturbation."

Reaching up, she grabbed my nipple, gave it a vicious twist and said; "Cuckboy, I never realized how much fun sexual domination could be."

Wincing from the brief shot of pain, I breathlessly answered; "Yes Ms. Constance, I agree.


Posts: 1914
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That kept the plate spinning nicely, and a bit faster too. I liked the way it was Connie that introduced that, although the implication was clear that Jackie is aware of it. An implication clearly not lost on poor Timmy. I was going to say he won't know whether he's coming or going, but of course he isn't coming is he? Thanks for the juicy morsel and enjoy the rest of your break. You too Lisa, I continue to wonder just which bits you sneaked in ...


Posts: 14692
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Very nice segments. Thank you Ms Lisa and GH. It was a pleasant surprise.


Posts: 968
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Chastity at last lol let the torment begin.
Great writing love how this building up.
Droopy and Miss
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Superb! Outing, chastity, cuckolding.....could it get better?


Posts: 106
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Absolutely fantastic storytelling!! Please keep going. This is the most anticipated thread I have floowed in a long time!


Posts: 943
#300 · Edited by: cuckold_2 
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Ms. Lisa & GH,

Thank you, that was great..Like all who follows this thread, we are eager for more. Enjoy life.
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