Posts: 4050
#1 · Edited by: goodhusband
For my friend Peakmb, a consummate critic of cuckold erotica.
Jackie and Artie
"Hi Artie, I have my bag. I'm in front of door three on the arrival level."
"I'll be right there."
I set my cell phone down, put my Ford Escape into gear and pulled out of the cell phone waiting lot. Jackie, my wife of eleven years was returning from a continuing legal education course in Atlanta. She'd called me twenty minutes earlier to let me know that her plane had landed. Of course, she still had to retrieve her bag from the baggage area.
As I drove onto the arrival level I looked ahead to door three and spotted my wife. She saw me too and waved.
Jacqueline Conners was a beautiful woman. At thirty-three regular exercise and a sensible diet had helped her stave off the physical ravages of two pregnancies and an intense, pressure filled legal career. She took pride in the fact that eleven years after graduation her weight was exactly the same as it was the day she started her senior year in college.
I pulled up to the curb. Jackie opened the back door. After tossing her bag onto the back seat, she opened the front door, slipped into the passenger seat, leaned over, kissed my cheek and said; "I missed you."
Smiling at my wife, I said; "I missed you too." And then I shifted my Escape into gear and pulled away from the curb.
As I accelerated into the traffic lane, I glanced at Jackie out of the corner of my eye. She was dressed in blue jeans and a tight fitting top that accentuated her large bust. My wife had a fabulous figure and she loved showing it off. Her auburn hair was casually pulled back into a pony tail. A light touch of lip stick and eye shadow highlighted the classic features of her pretty face. Jackie really was a beautiful woman and I wondered, as I often did, why she was attracted to a skinny little runt like me.
I'm Arthur Hammond, everyone calls he Artie. At five foot seven inches and one hundred forty-five pounds, I'm hardly the broad shouldered linebacker type that one would expect to see with a woman as desirable as my wife. I'd like to tell you that I was rich, but I'm not and I never will be. In fact Jackie makes eight times as much money as I do.
Immediately after graduating from college, Jackie and I got married. The following fall I took a job teaching English at Benjamin Franklin Senior high school. I had to do it, six months after we were married Jackie gave birth to our first flower, Cassandra. Yeah, everyone else did the math too. Our second and final young, another girl, Monica was born a year later.
Jackie had always wanted to be an attorney, so a year after Monica was born she started law school. Every morning Jackie dropped the girls off at her lady's house on her way to the law school and every afternoon I picked them up on my way home from Franklin Senior High. Since I had more free time, I became the de facto homemaker for our household.
A good student, Jackie graduated at the top of her law school class. Heavily recruited, she accepted a position with a prestigious local firm. While her starting salary was noteworthy, so were her hours. Because of her demanding schedule, the only reamisterable course of action was for me to continue as de facto homemaker.
That is exactly what I did. I cleaned, did the laundry, cooked meals and took care of the youngren while my wife pursued her law career. Don't get me wrong, Jackie has always been a good wife and lady. When she did have time, she always tried to help out. If the girls or I needed her, she would always be there for us. Still, there was never any doubt that her career took priority over mine. I didn't mind. I've always been proud of my life. I'm a good teacher and our girls both seem to be happy, well adjusted youngren; so I believe I'm also a good parent and homemaker.
Once we were moving with the traffic, Jackie asked; "Who's taking care of the girls?"
It was 4:00 pm on a Monday, a school day. Our girls were now in the fifth and sixth grade. While they were growing up quickly, they still needed someone to watch over them after school was over. Usually that was my responsibility, but of course, that day I was picking Jackie up at the airport.
"Your lady picked them up after school. She's taking them to a movie and then out for pizza. They're staying with her tonight. She'll bring them to school in the morning."
Jackie flashed me a lascivious grin, "So we're alone tonight."
"That's good, because I'm in the mood for a little pampering."
"Did you have a rough night last night?"
"I wouldn't call it rough, but it certainly was rigorous."
"I gather you met someone at the seminar."
"Of course, that's why I love these trips so much."
"Was he handsome?"
"Yes he was."
"Was he good?"
"He was fabulous. Artie, last night he wore me out."
"I'm impressed. Men who can wear you out are rare."
"Yes they are and you know me, when I find one I like to take the time to fully enjoy him."
My wife has always been a passionate woman. She appreciates life and all the pleasures that come with it. That includes sex, sex with a variety of partners. She also admits that she's a size queen. She relishes a big cock. Since I'm not only slightly built, but slightly endowed as well; that admission came as both a shock and a concern.
When I met Jackie, I knew she had a reputation. I didn't care. After we started dating regularly, I continued to hear rumors that she was still partying with other guys. Again, I didn't care. Jackie was an independent, free spirit. That was one of the reamisters I found her so attractive. While we never talked about it, I always felt confident that the other guys were just fun and games and I was the only man she loved.
At our wedding we both made the traditional vow to forsake all others. I chose to assume that meant that Jackie was finished playing around. I wasn't positive that I actually believed that and frankly, I wasn't certain that it mattered to me. I really did believe that I was the only man Jackie loved. If she was continuing to party with other guys I was confident it was still just fun and games. That said, Jackie did make the promise at our wedding and I preferred to assume that she was being truthful. That position made life much less complicated.
Six years later I was confronted with indisputable evidence that Jackie wasn't keeping the promise she'd made at our wedding. I still clearly remember that day. Just after lunch a fight broke out in the classroom across the hall from mine. I rushed over, grabbed one of the combatants and wrestled him to the ground. Unfortunately his opponent had punched him in the nose and he was reding profusely. During our struggle I was covered with his red.
After the fight was ended and the two students had been brought to the office, the principal arranged class coverage for me so that I could go home, take a shower and change clothes.
When I arrived at my house I opened my garage door and was surprised to find Jackie's Mercedes parked in her stall. Even more surprising, a black BMW was occupying my space. Hoping that there was an innocent explanation, I parked my Escape behind my wife's car and went into the house.
As I entered the living room, I heard the familiar coos and moans Jackie makes during sex. The sounds were coming from the bedroom area of the house. Now fully resigned to what was happening, I walked down the hall. The door to the master bedroom was ajar. I opened it wider and looked inside. Jackie and a strange man were on our bed. They were both naked. The man was on top of my wife. He was fucking her.
Posts: 4050
#2 · Edited by: goodhusband
Fascinated, I watched. This may be hard to believe, but my first reaction wasn't anger. Instead, I was struck by how beautiful Jackie was and how much she seemed to be enjoying herself. I also have to admit that I was aroused, incredibly aroused.
During our engagement, I'd heard enough rumors to convince me that Jackie had been actively playing around; but I'd never actually been confronted by it, so it had been easy to pretend it wasn't happening.
At our wedding, Jackie did make a vow of fidelity; but I always felt that it was unlikely that she was keeping that vow. Again, having never been confronted with hard evidence, it was easy to pretend ignorance.
Still the suspicions lingered in the recesses of my consciousness. Over time, they became seeds that sprouted fantasies about Jackie and other men. At first I tried to fight them. Getting aroused by the thought of another man fucking your wife seemed perverted and it certainly wasn't macho.
Despite diligent efforts to purge myself of these fantasies, they not only persisted, they grew. Gradually the ever increasing excitement I felt when I pictured Jackie with another man completely sladyed any reticence I had about the inappropriateness of what I was imagining. It wasn't long before I was freely day dreaming about being Jackie's cuckold husband.
During that time, my wife graduated from law school with honors and accepted a highly paid position with a prominent local law firm.
While she was doing that I was taking full responsibility for all of the household chores. Over time my domestic duties made me feel less like Jackie's husband and more like her servant. Surprisingly, I found that I was not only willing to accept that role, I relished it. It excited me. Apparently, our marital situation had uncovered a submissive streak in me and while I was sure it was *** and she didn't recognize it, a dominant streak in Jackie.
Like the cuckold fantasies, I initially tried to suppress my submissive inclinations; but again the excitement they created was so intense that it wasn't long before I was freely dreaming about being Jackie's slave.
So that day, as I stood in the doorway to our bedroom watching my wife and fantasy mistress enjoying herself with one of her stud lovers; my initial reaction was an overwhelming desire to take out my tiny cock and masturbate. I didn't. Suddenly feeling that it wouldn't be right, I stopped myself. I was an interloper. I didn't have an invitation to this party.
That realization squashed my excitement and two less welcome emotions, hurt and anger quickly replaced it. I wasn't angry because Jackie was cheating on me, I was upset because she'd lied to me and I was hurt that she'd chosen to hide this part of her life from me. Why couldn't Jackie have been honest and shared it with me? Why couldn't I have been an invited guest at this party? But Jackie hadn't chosen to share this part of her life with me and I wasn't an invited guest at this party so my hurt and anger grew.
I could have continued watching them. They were both so engaged in what they were doing that they were totally oblivious to my presence. I couldn't do that anymore. I felt like I was intruding on an intimate moment that wasn't supposed to include me. Overwhelmed by hurt and embarrassment, I thought about leaving. I didn't. My anger was rising and it took hold of me. This was my bedroom. I had a right to be there. This strange man was the intruder. I was in the middle of a permisteral emergency, I needed to take a shower, change my clothes and get back to work.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the bedroom and said; "Excuse me, I had a crisis at work. I need to take a shower and change my clothes." Now when I think about it, I realize that was an odd initial comment, but it was accurate.
The man reacted first. He stopped fucking my wife, looked over at me and stared. After a moment he asked; "Who the fuck are you?"
His question made my anger boil over. The mister of a bitch was actually trying to intimidate me in my own house. Of course his question and aggressive demeanor were due more to shock and surprise than a desire to intimidate, but at that moment I wasn't in the mood to give him the benefit of the doubt. In a voice dripping with venom, I answered; "This is my fucking bedroom and I think the real question is, who the fuck are you?"
As the reality of the situation began to sink in, the man's face turned gray with fear and concern. At the same moment the noise and activity in the room roused my wife from her stupor of lust.
Seeing me standing in the doorway, Jackie screamed; "Artie, what are you doing at home? You're supposed to be in school." And then she started trying to push the man off of her so she could sit up.
"I helped break up a fight in Mel Bronmister's room. The student I grabbed was reding. I'm covered with his red. I need to clean up."
"Are you hurt?" There was genuine concern in Jackie's voice.
"No, I'm okay. I just need to clean up."
The man was now off of my wife and sitting up. He started to say something, but Jackie quickly cut him off. "Ron, be quiet. Please just get dressed and go."
Noting the desperate determination in Jackie's voice, he nodded and then without making further attempts to comment, stood, picked up his underwear and pants from the chair by the side of the bed and started to get dressed. I couldn't help noticing that his remarkably large cock was still partially erect.
Posts: 4050
#3 · Edited by: goodhusband
Looking at Jackie, I said; "As soon as I'm cleaned up I have get back to work, so he might as well stay. That way you can finish what you were doing." I didn't make any effort to mask the hurt and anger I was feeling.
"No Artie, you can't go back to work. We have to talk."
"I don't have any choice. I have to go back. I only have class coverage for one period and I'm running out of time."
I held up my hand and barked, "Later!" And then, shaking my head, I hurried into the bathroom and started stripping off my clothes. I didn't shut the door.
From the bedroom, I heard the man say, "Jackie, are you going to be okay?"
Jackie answered; "Yes, I'll be fine. Artie's mad and my marriage may be in trouble, but I don't believe he'd ever hurt me. Please hurry, you absolutely have to be gone by the time he gets out of the shower."
"Will you call me?"
"Yes, tomorrow morning."
"When can I see you again?"
"Ron, be serious. My marriage is about to collapse. We had a good time, but that's all it was. Artie is my husband. I love him and I don't want to lose him. This has to be the last time for you and me."
"I see, well I'm sorry; I'm going to miss our little get togethers, but if that's the way it has to be, then that's the way it has to be."
"Ron, if Artie divorces me, it's likely that you'll be named in the suit. If that happens...."
Gasping with horror, Ron interrupted Jackie. "My wife will find out! Jackie, I'll be ruined! You have to talk him out of doing that!"
"Do you still want to see me again?"
"No, no of course you're right. We can't ever see each other again. Jackie, I'd better leave. I shouldn't be here when he gets out of the shower."
Smiling at the smug s.o.b.'s sudden change of heart, I stepped into the shower.
While I showered my anger at my wife began to dissipate. Based on what she'd just said to Ron it was clear that despite her lies and infidelity, Jackie still loved me.
Nonetheless, we were going to have to talk. Jackie had lied to me. She'd also deliberately hidden a part of herself from me and now that I'd been confronted with indisputable evidence that I could neither deny nor rationalize away, I was angry. No that wasn't correct, I wasn't angry, I was hurt by Jackie's deceit. Also I felt cheated. Call me a pervert, but I would have enjoyed knowing about her infidelity while it was happening. I would have preferred to have been a knowing cuckold rather than an ignorant one.
As soon as I finished my shower I returned to the bedroom. Jackie was busy putting clean sheets on the bed. I started getting dressed. Clearly on edge, Jackie watched me. She was waiting for me to say something. I didn't.
Finally she said, "You must be incredibly angry with me. I don't blame you. I feel awful about what just happened."
I looked at her. "What do you mean? Why do you feel awful? Because I came home unexpectedly and caught you? Or because you did it?"
Jackie thought for a moment and then she said; "Both I guess."
"And I'm not angry."
"You're not?"
"No, but I am hurt. Jackie, you deceived me. You deliberately hid part of your life from me."
"I had to hide it from you. How could I possibly tell you that I was cheating on you?"
"I can't talk about this now. I have to get back to work."
"Yes, I understand, but can you tell me something before you leave?"
"Do we have a chance? I promise that Ron is history."
"Jackie, I love you with all my heart and soul; so yes, we do have a chance."
"I love you too Artie. If you do give me another chance I promise I'll make this up to you."
"We'll talk tonight."
"Thank you Artie."
I picked up my wallet and car keys.
As I left the bedroom Jackie called after me. "Artie I really do love you."
Posts: 4050
I have quite a bit more to post and hoped to post more of it tonight, but I had trouble with my word processor. I suspect that it was a case of operator error. It's now late. I'm tired. If what I posted doesn't flow properly, let me know. I will post more tomorrow.
Posts: 14692
GH, the making of another classic. Thank you.
Posts: 3581
Very exciting start! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1289
Love it! More please 😊
Posts: 1914
GH, I am humred by the dedication, although I suspect I know why you did it. Thanks.
I think Timmy has it on the money, although I also think you mean it this time and it will be a short story so maybe its progress will be different than he thinks. I hope so, you have been meaning to really complete something for a long time. Start. Middle. End. It was always easier in school that wasn't it ..
Great start anyway. Looking forward to the middle.
Posts: 4050
#9 · Edited by: goodhusband
First a note. When I started this story I originally had it as flashback from a much older couple. Unfortunately that created an anachronism for me. As you will see, cuckold sites on the Interent come into play in this story and in my original time frame the Internet and those sites didn't exist in the form we know them today.
In the segments I posted last night I missed a reference to the girls being grown up. Since in the current time sequence they're 11 and 10 that may have been a bit confusing. I did go back and correct the mistake this morning. If I missed any similar errors, please let me know.
Timmy, Cuck4one and Peak
Thanks for the comments.
Peak - I hope I can keep this as a short story. We'll see.
Gentlemen, thank you again
Posts: 4050
#10 · Edited by: goodhusband
After my school day ended I picked up the girls at their elementary school. When we arrived home Jackie's Mercedes was gone. I assumed that she’d gone back to work. I would have been surprised if she hadn't. The law firm that employed Jackie paid her a generous salary, but in return they demanded diligent effort. My wife was expected to be an extremely industrious attorney.
Once we were in the house I got the girls settled at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons and then I started a load of wash. After that, I turned my attention to making dinner.
I'd just finished cutting up some raw carrots when I heard Jackie's car pull into the garage. A moment later the back door opened and she walked into the house. After greeting the girls she turned and looked at me. For several seconds we stared at each other. The tension between us was palpable.
Finally Jackie said; "I'm relieved to see that you're still here. I was afraid you'd be gone."
"I told you I'd be here." And then I added, "I don't tell you lies."
Closing her eyes, Jackie sighed and said, "Yes and I'm ashamed to admit that you're the only one here who can say that."
We were both silent. After several seconds I said; "I don't want to alarm the girls. Let's try to follow our usual evening routine. We can talk after they're in bed."
Jackie nodded. "That's a good idea." And then looking into my eyes, she said; "Artie I love you, I really do."
"I know, I love you too Jackie."
"Do you Artie, even now?"
"Yes, even now."
"I hope that's true."
The four of us sat at the kitchen table and had a normal dinner. After dinner Jackie and the girls watched cartoons on television while I cleaned the kitchen. As soon as I was finished Jackie and I told the girls to get ready for bed. Once they were in their pajamas and in bed we read them a story. As soon as they were arelax we tiptoed out of their bedroom into the living room.
Jackie sat down on the couch.
I asked her, "Would you like a glass of wine?"
"That would be nice."
I went to the kitchen, poured two glasses of red wine and returned to the living room. As I handed Jackie her glass of wine, she patted the spot next to her on the couch and said; "Sit here next to me?"
Shaking my head, I said; "No not tonight." And then I sat down in the chair across from her.
Jackie slowly nodded. My response had sapped her of any remaining confidence she might have had. Now clearly anxious, she watched me.
Not finding any joy in her obvious discomfort, I set my glass of wine on the table next to me, took deep a breath and asked; "Was this the first time?"
I knew it wasn't. Jackie's conversation with Ron while I was getting into the shower had made that perfectly clear. I'd also noticed things, signs that suggested that Jackie had been playing around with other men for several years. That and the gossip I'd heard while we were engaged had me convinced that Jackie had been unfaithful to me since we met.
Jackie didn't know that I'd overheard her conversation with Ron and insomuch as I'd never mentioned my suspicions about her behavior since we were married or the rumors I'd heard before we were married; Jackie didn't know how much I already knew. My question was an attempt to establish whether or not she was now willing to be truthful with me.
Alarm flashed through Jackie's eyes and then she looked down at the floor. It was apparent that she was trying to avoid my gaze while she decided just how much she dared to admit.
Not wanting her to fail this test, I decided to help her. "Jackie, I already know more than you think I know. I believe I can forgive your infidelity. Lying is much harder to forgive."
Looking up at me, Jackie said; "If I tell you the truth I know you'll leave me."
"That may or may not be true, but if I discover that you're continuing to lie to me you can be certain that I will divorce you."
Jackie considered that. After a moment I saw her eyes light up with a glimmer of hope. Staring at me, she said; "You wouldn't dare divorce me. This is a no fault divorce state. I'm the girl's lady; I'll get custody of the youngren. You'll have to pay young support. I remind you that you're just a teacher. The payments would bankrupt you."
Both shocked and hurt that Jackie would take that position, I stood up. Barely able to contain my anger, I said; "If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I never would have believed that you cared so little about our marriage or our youngren that you'd threaten me like that. All I was asking you to do was tell me the truth. Apparently that's something you're not capable of doing. I'll move down to the basement tonight. You get your lawyer and I'll get mine. I suspect that you may learn that your position isn't quite as in*** as you seem to think it is. I remind you that I worked and took care of the girls while you were going to law school. I may be just a teacher and not a big time lawyer like you, but I believe that it's very likely that the courts will view your law degree as our community property. I can also easily establish that I have always been and continue to be the girl’s primary care giver. When it comes to the question of custody, that may be a more important issue than our respective genders."
Seething with anger, I turned, stormed out of the living room and walked directly to our bedroom where I began gathering together my clothes so that I could move to the small guest bedroom we'd built next to the basement recreation room.
I'd just finished packing my socks and underwear when I heard a knock on the door. I turned. Jackie was standing in the doorway.
She asked, "May I come in?"
"What's stopping you? This afternoon you clearly established that this room is your permisteral playground." My voice was dripping with sarcasm.
Jackie winced.
We stared at each other.
After a moment she said; "I want to apologize for what I just said to you in the living room. It was a stupid threat. Please believe me when I say that I didn't mean it."
"Then why did you say it?"
"I was desperate. Artie, I've been a terrible wife. When you learn the truth, I'm sure you'll divorce me immediately."
"So you were trying to avoid having to tell me the truth?"
"Yes. Artie I love you and I do understand and appreciate everything you've done for me. I would never try to hurt you in a divorce and I would never dream of doing anything that would separate you from our girls."
Smiling at Jackie, I said; "I believe you. That's why your words were such a shock. You may have been unfaithful to me, but I can't believe that you would ever try to hurt either me or the girls."
Jackie shook her head. "I wouldn't, I couldn't."
"I know that. I could never do anything that would hurt you either and no matter what you've done or what happens to us, I will never try to keep the girls away from you."
"Thank you Artie." Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "Artie."
"I wasn't trying to denigrate your profession when I said you were just a teacher. I really wasn't. I was only trying to make a point about your ability to make young support payments. It was a stupid point. I so wish I could take those words back."
"It's okay; I understand why you said them. I've already forgiven you."
Smiling at me, Jackie said; "Thank you again Artie."
I smiled back at Jackie and sat down on the bed. "So, are you ready to tell me the truth?"
Jackie's smile vanished. "Do I have to?"
"Yes, you have to." I patted the spot on the bed next to me. "Sit down, it's time."
"Artie, you'll hate me."
"I might be angry with you, but I'll never hate you."
"I promise." I patted the bed again. "Now come over here and sit down."
"Okay." Jackie sat down next to me.
There was silence.
Finally I said; "It's time."
"This is hard."
"So was walking into our bedroom and finding you with that guy this afternoon."
"You're right. Okay." Jackie took a deep breath. "Artie, I'm a..." She stopped herself in midsentence and then after a brief pause she continued; "Let's just say I'm a woman who freely enjoys men."
Posts: 4050
#11 · Edited by: goodhusband
I nodded. "Go on."
"So are my lady and my sister. It seems to run in our family. You know that my lady's been divorced twice."
"My dad and her second husband both threw her out because she kept cheating on them."
"I didn't know that."
"We don't talk about it very much."
"I suppose not."
"My sister has never married because she knows she could never be faithful to one man."
"So what about you? You did get married."
"Yes I did."
"Do you really have to ask?"
"Today I think I do."
"I fell in love."
"But you still cheated on me."
"Yes, I did."
"When did you start?"
"That's not a fair question."
"Why not?"
"It happened gradually."
"I don't understand."
"Well, at first we were just dating and I kept seeing other guys. It didn't seem like a big deal."
"When you say seeing other guys, don't you really mean you were fucking them?"
"Yes. Artie, that's exactly what I was doing and that's all I was doing. I was just fucking them."
"Please explain that."
"To my lady, my sister and me; sex is nothing more than a form of recreation like golf or tennis."
"Golf or tennis?"
"Yes, it's just a physical act."
"For many people sex is an intimate expression of love between a man and a woman."
"So is kissing and I've seen you kiss your Aunt Edie's friend Myrtle. Do you love her?"
"That's a ridiculous analogy."
"Is it? When we sit on the couch together watching television late at night you often put your arm around me and hold me. I think that's one of the most romantic things we do. We're just watching television, but we're in love so watching television together becomes a wonderfully romantic act. Artie, watching television on the couch isn't romantic; the fact that we love each other is what makes it romantic."
"But being in love is what makes sex special."
"Of course being in love makes sex special; being in love makes everything special. Being in love makes watching television special; but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy watching television with someone you don't love. Watching television with someone you just met can be fun too. It isn't as much fun as watching television with someone you love, but it's still fun."
"If you're in love with someone, why would you want to watch television with someone else?"
"Variety is one reamister. Watching television with someone new is not just fun, it's exciting. Also some people are extremely talented at watching television. They may not necessarily be good mates, but they're outstanding television partners. Occasionally it's fun to watch television with one of those people."
"I think it's time to drop the euphemisms. You're telling me that you enjoy having a variety of sex partners and that some partners are better than others."
"Yes, I'm sorry Artie, but that's exactly what I'm saying."
"Don't you think you should have told me that before we got married?"
"If I'd told you, would you have married me? Be honest."
I looked into Jackie's eyes and said; "I'm not sure, probably not, but maybe I would have. I did kind of know."
"You kind of knew, what do you mean?"
"There was an overlap in our circle of friends. People dropped hints."
"Yes, I never thought about that, but now that you say it I realize it was true. We did have some common friends and I'm sure they did talk. Why didn't you ever confront me about what I was doing?"
"Because then I would have known for sure. That would have made it much harder for me to ignore it. I've always loved you and I've always wanted to be with you. It was easier to pretend I didn't know."
"That must have been difficult for you. I'm sorry I put you in that position. I was stupid. I never really thought about the consequences of my actions."
I shrugged.
Jackie thought for a moment and then she asked, "Do you really think there was a chance you might have still married me if I'd told you?"
"Yes, but actually it's more likely now than it was then."
"Tell me."
This was going to be difficult, but I knew it was something I both had to explain and desperately wanted to explain. Closing my eyes, I took a moment to gather my courage and then I said; "While I chose to ignore the rumors I heard during our engagement; they did create suspicions, suspicions that were difficult to ignore."
"Yes, I'm sure they did. Artie I really am sorry about that. I was stupid and narcissistic."
"It's okay, it was just as much my fault as yours. I could have confronted you."
Jackie shook her head. She didn't fully accept that assertion.
I hesitated.
Noticing, Jackie asked; "Artie, what's wrong?"
"This is kind of hard to admit."
"Sweetheart, you don't have anything to be ashamed about. You've been a prince. I'm the one who's acted badly."
"That isn't completely true."
"What do you mean? Artie did you cheat too?"
"No, of course not."
"Then what did you do that you think was so bad?"
Ashamed and overwhelmed with anxiety, I stared at Jackie. She met my gaze and smiled. It was a gentle reassuring smile.
Her smile gave me enough confidence to proceed. I said; "The suspicions I had while we were engaged were hard to ignore."
"Artie I really am sorry."
"No, it's okay; it really is, just let me finish."
"When we were apart, I kept picturing you with other guys."
"Artie, that must have been awful for you. I'll never be able to forgive myself for being so callous."
"No please, it really was okay." And then I blurted it out. "Jackie it excited me."
"What? I don't understand."
"Imagining you with other guys excited me."
Jackie stared at me. After a moment she said; "Really?"
"Yes." And then I quietly added, "Admitting that to you is unbelievably embarrassing."
Jackie continued staring at me. Finally she said, "Yes, I imagine it is." Her tone of voice was devoid of emotion giving her a statement a sense of detachment or even worse, distaste.
Already embarrassed by my frank admission, I interpreted Jackie's words as an expression of pity and disgust. Utterly shamed, anger welled up inside of me. I stood. Lashing out in defense, I said; "Yes, well now that you know that you're married to a pervert wimp, you can feel free to dump me without guilt." And then I turned. As I stormed out of our bedroom I called back to Jackie; "You're a lawyer, get it done quickly and in the future please spare me your pity and disgust.”
Posts: 1418
Excellent GH...I look forward to seeing how this one evolves
Posts: 14692
The true master at work. Thank you Sir for a great Thanksgiving present.
Posts: 3581
goodhusband: "Imagining you with other guys excited me." Mmmmmm.... we all know that feeling sooooo.. well! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1914
GH, Very well done. Original. Refreshing. In virtually no other cuckold story would you see dialogue like this last section, but it is exactly what makes them both so human and real. Again you show either a rare sensitivity to the area or just a hint of some experience of your own here. Thanks either way ..
Posts: 4050
zinc03, Timmy, cuck4one and Peak
Posts: 4050
I retreated to the spare bedroom in the basement. As soon as I was safely inside my refuge I closed and locked the door, sat down on the bed and buried my face in my hands. I was utterly humiliated. I was also convinced that I'd lost Jackie. It was clear to me that I was now an object of ridicule to her. I cringed as I imagined her laughing hysterically while she told Ron about my pathetic confession.
As I sat on the bed wallowing in my misery, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Realizing that it was Jackie I waited, bracing for more use.
After a moment there was a knock on the door. I didn't respond. There was a pause and then Jackie tried opening the door. Finding it locked, she said; "Artie, please let me in, please let me talk to you."
Jackie waited for me to answer. When I didn't she said; "Artie, you misinterpreted what I said. When I told you that I understood that your admission was embarrassing, I wasn't judging you, I was only trying to commiserate with you. I was trying to let you know that I understood how difficult that admission must have been for you. Sweetheart, I do not pity you and you certainly don't disgust me. Artie honey, you are the love of my life. I can't bear the thought of living without you. Please let me in so we can discuss this.
I understood immediately. I had totally misinterpreted Jackie's comment and now that I did understand I felt foolish. Too embarrassed to speak; I stood up, walked over to the door and unlocked it.
Opening the door, Jackie walked directly over to me, threw her arms around my shoulders, pulled me tightly to her and said; "Damn it Artie, I love you. You are the man of my dreams and you always will be. It now appears that we're a couple of perverts, me more than you, but so what! We love each other and as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters." Stepping back, Jackie looked into my eyes and asked; "What about you?"
Laughing, I said; "I think I may be a bigger pervert than you are, but yes I do love you and all I want out of life is to be able to stay with you, so if you're willing to put up with a husband who's a pathetic wimp, I'm yours."
Jackie laughed. "Can you tolerate being married to a shameless slut?"
"Tolerate it? Hell, I can't think of anything I'd like more."
Staring at me, Jackie paused for a moment and then she asked, "Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Absolutely positive."
Jackie grinned. "Artie I'm so sorry I lied to you and hid part of my life from you."
"You didn't know. I do understand why you were afraid to tell me and honestly I have to admit that if you had confessed everything seven years ago, I'm not sure how I would have reacted. We might not be married and we wouldn't have Cassandra and Monica."
Suddenly a question occurred to me and I blanched. It was a question of staggering importance.
Recognizing the apprehension in my eyes and understanding immediately, Jackie said; "Yes, they are yours."
"How can you be sure?"
"I was always certain about Monica. At the time she was conceived you were the only one." Looking at me Jackie said, "That really is true Artie."
I nodded.
Jackie continued. "Cassandra worried me, but not a lot. When she was conceived you were the only one who was doing me bareback. The other guys all had to wear condoms."
"Thank you for that consideration."
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"I'm sorry, getting used to all of this is going to take a little time."
Jackie nodded.
I smiled and then I asked, "You said you were worried, why?"
"Condoms aren't perfect."
"I see, so actually we don't know for sure."
"Yes we do. I had to be positive. Artie I really do love you. The fear that Cassandra might not be your young was tearing me apart. A year ago I brought her to her doctor along with a lock of your hair and asked for a genetic test. They weren't surprised. Apparently this is a common request. Anyway, Cassandra is definitely your flower. If you'd like to see it, I still have the clinic report."
"No that's okay, I believe you and thank you, I do appreciate your concern and your effort."
Jackie stared at me.
I watched her, after a moment I asked; "What?"
She said, "This is going to take some time, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Artie, I love you more than anyone on the face of this planet. You shouldn't have to thank me for my concern or my effort. That should be assumed."
Grinning at Jackie, I said; "I just admitted to being a pervert and you just admitted to being a slut. It doesn't matter, I love you every bit as much as I've always loved you and I want to believe that you love me just as much as you've always loved me. The problem we face is that we have to convince ourselves of that fact. It's going to take me some time to believe that you're still willing to love me when you know that I'm really a cuckold wimp."
"And it's going to take me some time to accept that even though I'm a lying slut, you still love me."
"I have a suggestion."
"What is it?"
"New pet names, maybe not in front of the kids, but when we're alone."
"What are they?"
"Mine should be wimp."
Understanding, Jackie laughed and said; "And mine should be slut."
Posts: 93
This was a wonderful story, void of the sexual acts and the vivid details of the sex. This is more of a true love story then one of cuckolding. Of two people that are in love with each other. Two people who are no different than the couple next store. Having, sort of been that situation, with my wife. She was having guilt feelings about just thinking about having an affair with her boss. What made it strange was that I was trying to find the courage to talk to her about wife swapping. This was back in 1966 and I had just returned from Vietnam. It is a long story, but we did end up swinging until 1985 and then we quit, but today we are still married and will be celebrating out 50the wedding anniversary in December. Again I LOVED your story. Sissy Cynthia
Posts: 4050
Thank you, I can't explain why, but I have been enjoying writing this story more than anything I've attempted to write for a very long time. I actually find myself composing dialogue in my head while I doing chores or playing golf.
It will become a cuckold story and there is quite a bit of sewx coming. Sometimes I think the sex is better if you set the stage a little bit.
Thanks again for the comment.
Posts: 4050
Jackie sat down on the bed and pulled me down so I was sitting next to her. Once we were both settled, she asked; "So what do we do now?"
Smiling, I said; "I think we have to spend a little time getting to know each other's secret side."
"If we do that, we're going to have to trust each other. If I tell you about everything I've done I'm terrified that you'll leave me."
"And I'm afraid you'll be disgusted when you find out how much of a wimp I really am."
Jackie laughed. "I think that was a good start."
"What do you mean?"
"We’re both afraid and a little ashamed about revealing our kinkier sides. Admitting that to each other is a good beginning."
"You know what's funny?"
"I think we complement each other perfectly. Getting together was the luckiest thing that's ever happened to either of us."
"Tell me."
"You were born to be a hot wife and I was born to be your cuckold husband."
"Hot wife and cuckold husband, you say them like they're common terms."
"In the cuckold fantasy world they are."
"The cuckold fantasy world? What's that?"
"On the Internet."
"On the Internet? Really?"
"Yes, there are a number of sites devoted to the cuckold hot wife life style on the Internet."
"I've heard the word cuckold before."
"Yes, in college. It's used in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"."
"Isn't it archaic?"
"It was, but not anymore."
"So exactly what does it mean?"
"It's the name for a man whose wife relaxs with other men."
"So you're a cuckold."
"And you don't object to that title."
"Now we're getting back into embarrassing admissions again."
"You're the one who demanded the truth."
"Okay,no; I don't object to the title, in fact it excites me."
"Please don't get mad. I'm not judging you when I say this."
"Okay..." There was a tone of guarded skepticism in my voice.
"Artie, I'm really not, but you have to understand that it's a little hard for me to believe what you're telling me."
"Do you think I'm lying to you?"
"No, no! Not at all, it's just that...Well I don't think most men would react that way."
"At first it was a little difficult for me to accept it too. I tried so hard to squash those feelings. It didn't matter, they kept coming back. Jackie, I can't explain it. I know it's not natural, but that is how I react. I've learned to accept it and if we're going to stay together you're going to have to learn to accept it too."
Slowly nodding, Jackie said; "A moment ago I told you that I wasn't judging you and I'm not." She laughed. "Hell, I'd be a fool to do that. This makes you the perfect husband for me."
I grinned at her.
She grinned back and then she said; "I'd also be a fraud. Who am I to judge you? I'm a slut, a married, cheating slut with the finest husband in the entire world. Why do I keep taking my panties off for other guys? Explain that one."
Shrugging, I said; "I can't, so I guess we're just going to have to accept each other the way we are."
"Can you do that Artie? Can you really accept having a wife who's a tramp?"
"You have to promise to be totally honest with me. You can't keep any secrets; I have to know everything about this part of your life."
"I'll try, but that might be difficult for me."
"Why? Don't you trust me?"
"I do trust you Artie."
"So why can't you be honest with me?"
Jackie stared at her feet. She was silent.
"Jackie, you can trust me and total honesty is essential if this marriage has any chance of working."
Slowly nodding, she said; "I know, it's just that sometimes I can be kind of adventurous. Sometimes I can be so adventurous that I'm ashamed of myself later. Artie, I've done some really bad things"
"Have you ever hurt anyone?"
Jackie looked at me. "No, never, absolutely not!" But then she hesitated. After a second she said; "Maybe you."
"Because you lied to me and cheated on me?"
"That's not what I meant. That's a separate issue and we're working that out. What I meant is have you ever hurt anyone. Have you intentionally injured someone? Were you a thief or a con artist?"
"No nothing like that."
"So you really haven't done anything that was bad."
"You're telling me that if it's between consenting adults and no one is getting hurt, it's not bad."
"That's exactly what I'm saying."
"I believe that too, but the commonly accepted norms of our culture are a bit more rigid than that."
"You mean like husbands who allow their wives to date other men."
Jackie laughed. "That's exactly what I mean."
I smiled at Jackie. "We're adults, we get to set our own moral standards and I think both of us have strong enough moral compasses to be able to do that prudently."
Grinning, Jackie shook her head and said; "Artie honey, how was I ever lucky enough to find you?"
"As I said, we complement each other perfectly."
Posts: 4050
"Yes we do and I am very curious to learn more about this cuckold hot wife life style you've been talking about. You said there were web sites."
"Lots of them."
"I'd like to look at some of them and you mentioned stories."
"Yes I did."
"Could you show me several of your favorites? I'd like to read them."
"I will; but when I do that I'll be revealing quite a bit about my secret side."
"Is that bad?"
"I'm still worried about how you're going to react to some of what you’re going to learn about me."
"We're going to have to trust each other.”
"Right now I'm the only one doing any trusting."
Slowly nodding, Jackie said; "Okay, do you have any suggestions."
"Maybe you could answer a few questions first."
"You mean about my secret side."
"That's right."
"Why don't we start with one."
"Okay." I thought for a moment and then I said; "You just told me that you've done some things that later made you feel ashamed."
"What's the most shameful thing you've ever done?"
"You mean sexually?"
"Of course."
Jackie grinned. "You're asking for the big tuna right away. Maybe we could start with a little easier question and gradually work our way up to that one."
"I'm sorry, of course you're right. It's just that you mentioned it and now I can't stop wondering."
"I understand, it's all right; in fact I'm the one who should be apologizing. That admission had to be a real bomb for you. I'm sure you're imagining me in all kinds of outrageous situations. I'll tell you everything, I promise I will; but if you don't mind I'd like to build a little more trust before I answer that question."
"Okay, I'll be patient."
Jackie smiled. "Can you think of an easier question?"
Smiling back, I said; "Sure, I have lots of questions."
"I'm certain you do." And then Jackie sighed. "Artie, I really do wish that I'd been honest with you, but if I had I'm afraid that..."
"I might not have married you?"
"And that's a valid fear. At the time, I'm not sure I was ready to accept being your cuckold."
"Your cuckold, when you say it like that I feel like I'm being awful to you."
"It doesn't have to be awful. If you're open with me and share this part of your life, I think it will be fun for both of us."
"I still don't get that. I understand how it will be fun for me. I'll be getting all the guilt free sex I want, but what about you? You told me that you don't want to play around with other women."
"If that was what I wanted, could I do that?"
"I'd be pretty hypocritical if I said no. Do you want to do that?"
"Actually I don't."
"So I don't get it."
"I think looking at the cuckold web sites might help you understand, but first you have to tell me a story. I'd like to hear about the first time you cheated on me after we got engaged. In my mind that was the moment I actually became a cuckold."
"Do you promise you won't get mad?"
“Yes, I promise.”
Posts: 22
Great story and it's captivating because it's true to life. It's the true characteristic state of many relationships. Just like humor is at it's best when it portrays real situations. A narrative is at it's best when it's describing a completely believable situation that many of us find ourselves captured in..
Posts: 14692
Another journey into the complex relationship of a cuckold marriage.
Thank you GH
Posts: 4050
Without and Timmy
Thank you, alot of cuckold stories create the impression that this type of relationship is easy. In fairness, most of the stories are written as masturbation stimulators and nobody really wants a jerk story filled with conflict and depth.
That said, these stories can give the impression that this type of relationship is easy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While all relationships are difficult and require effort, these relationships can be particularly challenging; especially at the beginning.
I guess in my old age I've chosen to try to write stories about the complexities of cuckold/hot wife relationships.
Anyway, thanks for the comments. As always, they are appreciated.
Posts: 4050
"Do you remember Ricky Tyler?"
"Sure, the basketball player, a tall slender black guy."
"That's right. The night after we got engaged you were studying for a test so you stayed at your apartment and I stayed at mine. About nine o'clock that night Ricky called me and asked if he could stop by.
"I didn't know the two of you were friends."
"I deliberately avoided mentioning him to you."
"I see, so you were friends."
"Yes, we had a history. We'd been fuck pals for more than a year."
"Fuck pals?"
"Now everyone uses the term fuck buddies. We occasionally got together for some amazingly hot sex. Ricky had a beautiful big cock and he knew how to use it. Artie, are you familiar with the term, size queen?"
"Sure, it's a woman who likes men who have big..." I paused and then looking at Jackie, I asked; "Are you telling me that you're a size queen?"
"I have a small cock, if you're a size queen, why did you marry me?"
"Because you're smart, sweet, considerate and loving. As soon as I got to know you I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."
"With my small cock you had to realize that you never could have been satisfied with me."
"Honey, I love variety. Even if you had a twelve inch cock I still wouldn't have been satisfied with only you."
"I see."
For a moment we both stared at the floor. Finally, I said; "So I assume that when Ricky dropped by your apartment he ended up seducing you."
"He really didn't have to seduce me. When he called I knew exactly what he wanted and when I told him that he could come over I'd already made up my mind that I was going to let him fuck me. Artie, when he arrived I answered the door wearing nothing but my panties and bra."
Suddenly looking worried, Jackie asked; "Artie, is that too much detail?"
I smiled. "No, that's exactly what I want to hear."
Jackie laid her hand on my thigh and then she slowly moved it over until it was resting on my crotch. "You're hard; you are enjoying this story, aren't you."
"Yes I am." The combination of Jackie's touch and the mental image of her letting Ricky Tyler into her apartment while she was wearing nothing but her panties and bra had me breathless with excitement."
Fully aware of my arousal, Jackie leaned over, brushed my ear with her lips and whispered; "As soon as Ricky was inside my apartment he pulled me into my arms and kissed me hard on my lips."
"Did you resist?"
"No, I melted."
"What happened next?"
"Ricky pushed me to my knees, unzipped his pants and took out his cock."
"And you let him do that?"
"Artie, I would have begged him to do that."
"I don't understand, you'd never let me do that."
"You've never tried." Jackie paused for a second. She was thinking. Finally she said, "Artie I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won't get mad, at least not until we've had a chance to talk about it."
"All right."
"Okay, I promise."
"Even if you did try, I don't think I'd let you do that."
"Remember, you promised we could talk about this before you get mad."
"Okay, but why?"
"Artie I married you because you're sweet, loving and gentle. I feel safe with you, you always treat me with dignity and respect and you're always concerned about my feelings."
"All right."
"Ricky was a nice guy and I know he never would have hurt me; but in bed he could be a callous brute. He took what he wanted."
"And you liked that."
Jackie smiled. "Artie, it was so hot. He used to make me suck his cock and lick his balls and when we fucked he'd toss me around like I was a toy."
"I could try to do that."
"No you couldn't, it's not in your nature and I don't want it to be in your nature."
"I don't understand, you said you enjoyed it."
"I do; but remember, I like variety. You're a sweet, gentle caring lover. You're the man I want as my bread and butter. You're the staple of my life. Men like Ricky are the spice."
Jackie sighed, "Ricky made me do things for him that I would never do for..." Suddenly she stopped herself. She didn't finish her sentence, but it was too late. We both knew what she was about to say.
We stared at each other. After a moment Jackie said; "Artie, I've done things with other men that I've never done with you. I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry. I was never consciously trying to deny you anything. Please believe me; I'd never do that intentionally. I guess I never really thought about it. There were just some things I did with some men that I didn't do with others. Now that I realize that, I feel awful. You're the love of my life, how could I do things for other men that I didn't do for you?"
Slowly nodding, I said; "You've never licked my balls, in fact you almost never suck my cock anymore."
"That's not true! I do it all the time. I just did it..."
"Five weeks ago on my birthday." I finished Jackie's sentence.
She looked at me in horror. "No, that can't be true."
"It is true. Even when we get into a sixty-nine position you almost never suck me anymore. Sometimes you'll kiss the head of my cock, but mostly you stroke me with your hand while I lick your pussy."
"That's because you're so good at licking my pussy. I like to be able to focus all of my attention on the pleasure you're giving me." Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "That makes me sound awfully selfish, doesn't it?"
Not knowing exactly what to say, I just shrugged.
Jackie shook her head. "Artie, I never really thought about what I was doing. Well maybe I did." She looked at me. "Artie, when I suck your cock you tend to cum quickly. When I use my hands it's easier for me to control your level of arousal."
I nodded. And then a question occurred to me. I realized that it wasn't a kind question. Jackie already felt bad enough that she'd been doing things for other men that she hadn't been doing for me, but I was still smarting from her deceit so I had to ask. "Jackie, I have a question?"
"Did you suck Ron's cock today? That was his name, Ron, right?"
Jackie stared at me. She looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Immediately regretting asking the question, I said; "I'm sorry, that was out of line."
Still fighting back tears, Jackie said; "No, you're my husband. Of course you get to ask me that question." She paused and then in a voice barely above a whisper, she said; "Yes, Ron is his name and yes, I did suck his cock today."
Now more curious than anything else, I asked; "How long have you been getting together with him?"
"About two months."
"How often?"
"Once a week."
"Do you always suck his cock?"
Suddenly Jackie's eyes flared. Throwing her arms in the air she screamed, "Yes, I do it every time we get together! I'm sorry, I'm an awful wife! Hell, I'm an awful permister! I warned you that you'd hate me after you learned the truth. Look at what’s happened, I've just started confessing and you already hate me." And then she started to cry.
I slipped my arm around her shoulder, pulled her tightly to me and whispered; "I don't hate you and I don't think you’re either an awful wife or an awful permister."
Through her sobs, Jackie said; "But I do things for other men that I don't do for you."
"Yes you do and now it's my turn to confess something."
"Hearing that excites me."
Jackie turned and looked at me with a puzzled expression. Tears were running down her cheeks. "Artie I don't understand. How can..."
I kissed her cheek and said; "I think it's time to look at the cuckold web sites."
Still sniffling, Jackie said; "Okay."
Posts: 4050
Standing up, I took Jackie's hand, pulled her up from the bed and led her back upstairs. My lap top computer was in the dining room where I'd left it when I arrived home from work with the girls. Jackie's was in her office.
We lived in a three bedroom house. While I suppose the bedroom I'd built in the basement technically made it a four bedroom house, I suspect that in the eyes of most Realtors it was still a three bedroom house.
So far our girls have expressed a preference for sharing a bedroom. Jackie and I both understand that eventually the girls will reach an age where they'll want their own bedrooms. When that happens we'll most likely have to move to a larger house. The third bedroom has always been Jackie's office and after I built the basement bedroom I moved a desk into it and it became my office. The offices are a luxury to which we've become accustomed, so I don't think either of us would be willing to give them up.
We went to Jackie's office. She sat down at her desk and started her computer. I stood next to her. While we waited for it to boot up, I glanced around feeling slightly uncomfortable. This was Jackie's private domain. Other than when it needed to be cleaned, I rarely entered it.
As soon as Jackie was on the Internet, she looked up at me and asked; "Okay, where to now?'
I gave her the address of my favorite cuckold web site. A moment later it opened up.
Giggling when she saw the cartoon figure of a man wearing a set of horns at the top of the site, she said; "Would you like to wear horns like that?"
I laughed and said; "I think I already am."
She smiled at me. "Artie, I'm getting really excited about this."
"I am too."
"I want to read your favorite stories; I want to read all of them."
"I have a lot of favorites, let's start with three." In law school, Jackie learned to be an amazingly fast reader. For her, three was an easily manageable number.
I directed her to the story section and found three stories that I liked and also felt were representative of the kind of cuckold lifestyle that interested me.
Jackie opened the first story. Just as she was about to start reading she stopped and looked up at me. "Why don't you get your lap top and sit in my leather arm chair. That way we can read the stories together."
Jackie's office was luxuriously furnished with a set of mahogany book shelves, a mahogany side table, an enormous mahogany desk, a large padded leather desk chair and a matching leather arm chair and footstool.
I looked at her with a skeptical expression. "Are you sure?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"This is the first time you've ever invited me to join you in here. I've never sat in that chair."
Jackie stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head and sighed. "Artie, I know I keep apologizing, but I am sorry. This evening is turning out to be a real eye opener for me. I really have been a thoughtless bitch."
Smiling, I said; "I think you're being a little too hard on yourself and I point out that I never objected to our lifestyle."
"What do you mean?" Jackie looked puzzled.
"Read the stories. I'll get my laptop."
I left. When I returned with my laptop I stopped in the open doorway to Jackie's office and knocked. As I knocked, my penis throbbed with excitement.
Looking up at me with a puzzled expression, Jackie asked; "The door is open, why did knock?"
In a serious tone of voice, I answered; "I think it's appropriate."
"Read the stories."
Jackie chuckled. "All right."
I continued standing in the doorway. After a moment I asked; "May I have permission to come in?"
Chuckling again, Jackie said: "Of course." And then gesturing to her arm chair, she added; "And please sit down and make yourself comfortable."
Nodding, I walked over to the arm chair. As I sat down, I said; "Thank you."
Jackie looked at me for a second and then she shook her head and returned to the story she'd been reading.
Posts: 943
GH, Please continues !!! you can't stop now !!!!! 
Posts: 4050
I will continue. I am going to take a break, but I have three more segments to add before that happens and I think you will be content with where I leave the story.
Thanks for the comment.
Posts: 4050
#29 · Edited by: goodhusband
I settled into Jackie's arm chair and turned on my computer. While I waited for it to start up I watched Jackie. She was hunched over her computer, reading intently. I tried to discern a reaction to what she was reading, but couldn't. That wasn't a surprise. One of the s*******s that made Jackie an outstanding attorney was her ability to withhold judgment while she was gathering information.
Once my computer started I opened up the same web site Jackie was on and found one of the stories that I'd suggested to her. I tried to read, but it was difficult. My attention kept drifting back to Jackie. Images of Ricky Tyler pushing her to her knees so that she could suck his cock or Ron, on top of her in our bed, pumping his huge cock in and out of her cunt while she cooed with pleasure; kept insinuating their way into my mind.
Both excited and anxious, the time passed slowly. I was excited because my cuckold fantasy was on the verge of becoming a reality and I was anxious because I still feared that Jackie might be disgusted by my perverted proclivities.
Finally, after about an hour, Jackie sat up. Pushing her chair back, she turned so that she was facing me. I waited with bated breath. She smiled at me. Relieved, I smiled back.
Jackie said; "Because of the time, I only skimmed the stories."
I nodded.
She continued. "I enjoyed them. They're surprisingly well written and I have to admit, incredibly erotic."
Shrugging, I said; "I like them."
"Do you?" Jackie was watching me, carefully gauging my reaction.
Fully aware that this was a crucial moment, I took a deep breath and said; "Yes, they're my favorites."
Jackie considered my answer. After a moment she said; "All three of them describe marriages in which the husband is clearly submissive to his dominant wife. The husbands are responsible for all of the domestic chores while their wives rule their households and pursue their careers. The wives openly relax with other men while their husbands remain steadfastly faithful. It is clear that all of the couples are deeply in love, but the husbands treat their wives like goddesses, while the wives treat their husbands like servants."
Looking at me, Jackie asked; "Is this the life you..." Halting in mid-sentence, she froze. After a moment she said; "Oh my god, that's the life we've been living."
And then looking down at the floor, she quietly said; "But I've been unbelievably selfish. While I was reaping all the benefits of this life I completely ignored your needs. You must hate me. I've cheated on you and taken advantage of you without giving you anything in return."
Looking up at me again, Jackie said; "I need to ask. Am I right? Is this what you want? Do you want to have a relationship in which I'm acknowledged as the dominant partner and you're submissive to me?"
And there it was. Jackie was offering me the choice to retreat or go forward. I was scared, but I'd dreamed of this moment for several years. I wasn't about to retreat. Taking a deep breath, I nodded my head and said; "Yes, that's exactly what I want."
"Now I understand why you knocked on my door and waited to be invited into my office."
"Yes, considering our respective positions I think it's appropriate."
Jackie smiled at me and then she was silent. I waited. After a moment she said; "Artie, your stories scared me."
Shocked and unsettled by this reaction, I stared at Jackie with a puzzled expression.
Recognizing my disquiet, she said; "Artie, the problem isn't you, it's me."
"I don't understand."
"Sweetheart, I loved your stories. They were exciting, unbelievably exciting, shockingly exciting and that's what scares me."
"I'm afraid I might like being your dominant wife a little too much."
"Do you love me?"
"You know I do."
"I do know that and because of that, I trust you."
"Artie, I don't think I can do this as just a game."
"You're telling me that if we do this it's going to be a way of life."
"Will you still love me? Can we still watch television together? Can we still relax together?"
"Yes of course, but there may be nights when I have a guest."
"And on those nights I'll relax in my room in the basement."
"Are you willing to do that?"
"Yes, but what about the girls?"
"On the nights I have a guest they can stay with my lady or my sister. They both love the girls and the girls love them. It also won't be that often. I prefer to date married men. They're rarely able to stay out all night."
"You prefer to date married men?"
"Yes, it reduces the potential for emotional entanglements. It also makes it easier to end an affair."
"I see."
"Does my dating married men bother you?"
"No, in fact your reamistering makes sense, I just never thought about it."
Jackie nodded and then she said; "Artie, it's important that you understand something."
"What is it?"
"If we do this I don't want to have to hide our lifestyle."
"What does that mean?"
"I won't advertise that I'm a dominant wife and date other men or that you're my submissive cuckold husband, but I won't try to conceal it either."
"What about our jobs?"
"I don't date men associated with my law firm, so that shouldn't be a problem and I'll apply that same stipulation to your coworkers at your school."
"Thank you."
"But that will be the full extent of my limits."
"So your lady and sister will know."
"Absolutely, in fact I plan to call both of them tomorrow morning and tell them all about it. Artie I really am excited about this."
"And our friends and neighbors?"
"I won't make any effort to hide it from them."
"So they'll eventually figure it out."
"Yes, I imagine that they will."
"And your male friends?"
"I intend to be straightforward with them. Knowing that we don't have to hide what we’re doing from you will make it easier for us to get together."
An image of Jackie and Ron laughing about me, her pathetic wimp husband, formed in my mind and I rankled. Suddenly overwhelmed with anger, I said; "I'm sorry, but this won't work." And then I turned and stormed out of the room."
Posts: 4050
I once again retreated to my room in the basement only this time I didn't cry. This time I sat on the edge of the bed seething with anger.
Jackie had assumed too much. Yes, I wanted to submit to her, but we were determining how we were going to spend the rest of our lives. I think I deserved a voice in that discussion.
I heard Jackie's footsteps on the stairs and bristled.
She knocked on the door. "Artie, may I come in?"
"Yes." My voice dripped with resentment.
The door slowly opened and Jackie stepped into my bedroom, but just barely. "Artie, I don't understand. What happened? Why are you so angry?"
"You went too far. You pushed too hard."
"But I thought you wanted to..."
"Surrender my life to you?"
Now obviously unsure of herself, Jackie said; "Yes, I guess so."
"I did, but don't you think I deserve to have a say about the terms of my surrender?"
Jackie stared at me for a moment and then she sighed and said; "Yes, of course you do."
Several seconds passed. Neither of us uttered a sound. Finally Jackie said; "This is why I was scared. Power excites me, I like being the dominant partner."
"And I want to be the submissive partner, but it is my life."
"Yes, of course it is."
"Before I surrender, I'd like to be able to spend a little time discussing and negotiating the rules that I'm going to have to follow."
"I thought that was what we were doing."
"No, you were dictating."
Jackie sighed. "Yes I was. Artie, I'm sorry. I don't know why I do that."
"Because you have a dominant permisterality; it comes naturally to you. I’m beginning to understand that it's one of the reamisters I'm so attracted to you."
"Because you're naturally submissive."
"Yes, and I suspect that's one of the reamisters you're attracted to me."
"It's not the only reamister."
"I know that and your dominance isn't the only reamister I'm attracted to you."
Jackie smiled and then she asked; "So if you like being dominated by me, why did you balk when I took control?"
"Because we're determining the rules that are going to govern the rest of my life."
"Earlier you said you trusted me. What made you change your mind?"
"I still do trust you, but..." I hesitated.
"Artie, please tell me. You were the one who said that if this is going to work we have to be totally honest with each other."
"Okay, I want to trust you, I really do; but you have to remember that it was only a few hours ago that I learned that you've been lying to me for almost eight years."
Nodding, Jackie said; "Yes, of course."
"Jackie, after you finished reading the stories you began laying down some very strict rules. It was exciting, but it was also scary. You have to understand that I'm the one who's surrendering control, not you. Everything started happening too quickly. When you informed me that you didn't have any intention of trying to hide our relationship from our friends, relatives and neighbors; I began to panic. Jackie, I'm about to formally accept status as a sissy cuckold wimp who can't satisfy his wife and you suddenly inform me that most of the known world is probably going to find out about it. Yes, I admit that the idea does excite me, but it's humiliating and while that excites me too, it's also damned frightening."
I paused to take a breath.
Jackie said; "I'm sorry Artie, I didn't consider any of this from your perspective."
"Just a minute Jackie; before we start talking, I have something else that I need to say."
"At that point I was nervous and afraid, but I was still holding it together and then you dropped a bomb."
"I informed you that I intended to tell my male friends about our relationship."
"That's right."
"Why did that bother you? I would think that would be part of your fantasy?"
"As soon as you told me that, I imagined you and Ron lying in bed together laughing about your pathetic wimp husband."
"Artie I would never belittle you with one of my boyfriends!"
"Once you tell them about our relationship it might be hard to avoid it. Imagine that you're in bed with Ron. You're sucking his cock. You're excited and he asks you if you suck your wimp husband's cock. What are you going to say?"
Jackie smiled, "It's already happened and I told him to never talk about you."
"But now I've acknowledged that I'm a sissy cuckold wimp and you've told him that. You're in bed, you're both naked and you're sucking his big cock. Are you sure that you wouldn't get a little extra thrill out of belittling me with him."
"This is my punishment for lying to you for eight years, isn't it?"
"I'm not sure that punishment is the right word, but losing some of my trust is certainly a consequence of lying to me."
"Artie are we going to make it? Will you ever be able to trust me again?"
"Yes Jackie, I'm sure I will. Remember, it was just after noon today when I walked into the bedroom and caught you with Ron."
"A lot's happened since then, hasn't it?"
"Yes it has and Jackie, I'm glad it happened."
"You mean catching me with Ron?"
"That’s right."
"I am too. Now I can stop lying to you."
"I can stop lying to you too."
"How have you been lying to me?"
"I've been living as your submissive cuckold wimp husband without telling you."
Jackie grinned. "It's funny, I love you and you love me, but we were both afraid to tell each other what we wanted out of our marriage.
I nodded. "And it's ironic that it now appears that we both want the same thing."