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Wife and teenager across the road

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Mark wanted his 34 year old wife to bed the 16 year old boy across the road (It is the legal age for sex in the UK where they lived). Mark has encouraged his wife to fantasy about younger men and teenagers for some time, and they have role played in the bedroom, and he has read the cuckold stories with similar themes with his wife. Now he wanted to act, and the teen across the road was the most obvious candidate.

Mark had seen the teen (Daniel) with girlfriends, and reckoned that he was a bit of a stud. He was seen frequently hanging around with girls his age and flirting with them. Mark was as straight as they come, but he could not resist looking at Daniel’s crutch and seeing his bulge reckoned he was packing. No doubt, Mark figured, this teen has had more pussy then him. Mark had only had 2 serious girlfriends, and one he married (Julie). The ultimate fantasy for most young male teens is to bed an older woman, and Mark figured that Daniel would be no different. Mark longed for Daniel to live out his fantasises, and to do this Daniel needed to fuck Julie!

When Mark mentioned his idea to his wife, she was against it, and told him in no uncertain terms! Mark as a result became grumpy, withdrawn, and uncommunicative. Julie was not the dominate type and hated to argue or upset people, and seeing her husband like this was distressing for her. In the end she decided, for peace of mind, to discuss it further with her husband. Mark had spent ages planning the whole thing, and when his wife agreed to discuss it, he assumed she was saying a big yes!

Mark’s plan was simple, as he explained to his wife. He would mention to Daniel that Julie needed some work done, but that Mark could not do it due to time commitments. Then Julie would seduce him. Now Julie was not the cougar type and nor had she ever seduced anyone before; so she was apprehensive and anxious about the whole thing. Mark tried to reassure her, but then he dropped another bombshell – he wanted his wife to be had by Daniel in their marital bed with the windows and curtains open –that way there would be no doubt that Daniel had fucked Julie! Julie was appalled and once more shied away from the idea and stated her opposition to it. Mark again became moody and less then receptive to his wife. This upset Julie greatly, but once more, to keep the peace, she relented.

She agreed to let Daniel have her with the curtains and windows open but it had to be at night with the lights out. Mark disagreed and told her that it would be done in the afternoon when their neighbours and passer-bys would realise that Mark was being cuckolded and Daniel was studding his wife! Julie was not sure and had real reservations about it, but then Mark dropped a second bombshell! He wanted his wife to be videoed prior to Daniel having her, and Mark would provide the text. Julie was unsure but agreed as Mark was becoming very instant and argumentative. Hopefully, Julie reamistered, once done things would get back to normal.

Unbeknown to Julie, Mark had arranged to have a vasectomy, and one day Julie was in the kitchen preparing their evening meal when Mark arrived walking like he had riding a horse for a week! Julie was concerned but was shocked when Mark told her what he had done! The screams from Julie were loud and she was crying so hard. But this was part of Mark’s plan, and he seemed distant and switched off from Julie’s distress. Julie could not bear to be around her husband for the rest of the day, but the next day she had calmed down and needed to speak to Mark. The conversation was long and issues regarding – did he love her, did he not want to have youngren with her - raged for hours. As much as Julie was angry, equalled she was confused, and Mark seemed like he was holding something back. For Mark this was another piece to him being the cuckold he wanted to be. Mark never realised how painful it would be having a vasectomy and for the next 5 days he was in some discomfort. Julie by now had calmed down enough to be sensitive to his needs and concerned that Mark was in pain. For a further 5 days, Mark was in less discomfort and started to masturbate as often as he could – he needed to get rid of his sperm for his plan to work! Soon after he received the news from his doctor that he was not now ejaculating sperm. He was ecstatic! Mark had made a big play about his vasectomy to all their neighbours, to make sure that everybody knew that if his wife became pregnant it must be Daniel’s, the 16 years old boy’s, baby!

One day, Mark asked Julie when she was most fertile and without thinking she replied it was in roughly 2 days times. Mark told her that then Daniel would bed her. Julie was shocked; did Mark, her husband, really want to give Daniel the opportunity to impregnate her? It was a thought that made her feel sick, and she stated again in no uncertain terms that she would not go to bed with Daniel! But Mark persisted, and made it clear that he would leave her if she did not do what he wanted. Julie was hurt and torn, but once more, for the last time, agreed to do what Mark had planned.

The day before Daniel would finally get to fuck an older, married women, Mark set up his camcorder on a tripod and got his wife into their bedroom. Julie sat on the bed. Mark had made text cards for his wife to read while she was being filmed. This was Mark’s cuckold story video –and he had never felt so horny and excited!

As the recording began, Julie looked into the lens and began to read the text: “Hello, I am Julie and I am married to Mark. I am 34 years old. Mark and I have been married for 4 years and have no youngren”. Mark’s voice could then be heard saying; “tell them the plan”. Julie looked nervous but continued; “ Daniel is a 16 year old who lives across the road and I am good friends with his lady – I am planning to let Daniel bed me, and to give recognition to his stud ways, let the neighbours know he is having me”. Mark could again be heard –“go on tell them how”. Julie looked away, she was distressed by being made to do this, but regaining her composure she continued. She patted the bed and said; “ Daniel will have me in our marital bed tomorrow afternoon – it will be bareback and I will not be on birth control. Our bedroom windows and curtains will be open so allowing our neighbours the chance to hear Daniel getting my pussy”. Mark then asked –“wow Julie! Does that mean that Daniel could get you pregnant”. Julie replied in the affirmative –“yes”. Mark then signed off by saying –“Julie will let you know how it goes, won’t you Julie”? She looked into the lens and nodded her head.

The next day was a bright and sunny one. Mark was like some teen boy on his first date, but Julie was less enthusiastic. Daniel was standing at the front of his parent’s house talking with a male friend. He was in a good mood judging by his smiles and laughter. Mark looked out of his lounge window and turned to his wife –“now is a good time”. Julie could only nod. As agreed, Julie went upstairs and undressed; off came her dress, panties and bra, and she instead put on her dressing gown.

Coming down the stairs Mark saw her and asked –“ did you do it”? She nodded and opened her dressing gown, showing her husband that she was naked underneath. Mark was so hard by now, and decided to put his plan into action. Walking out the door he approached Daniel and looking around. He noticed that the elder male neighbour next door was watering his grass, and that Daniel’s parents had come out to tend to their front garden. Perfect Mark thought; Daniel had noticed that Mark was approaching and let out a big friendly “Hi Mr Whitten”, Daniel replied, – “hi Daniel” replied Mark. Daniel’s parents then joined in; “alright Mark”, said Daniel’s dad –“Hi Matt”, Mark replied.

Then started the conversation that would seal his fate as a cuckold. “Daniel I am going out soon, so could you help my wife with something” –“Sure thing… now?” Daniel asked –“yes now please” Mark replied. Turning around and looking up he noticed his wife opening their bedroom windows and as she disappeared from sight the curtains were wide open. Daniel’s parents wanted to chat with Mark as Daniel went over to help Julie. Looking across the road, Mark noted that elderly male neighbour had been joined by his wife. Now there was at least 4 neighbours who would see and hear his cuckolding by Daniel! Mark then watched as Daniel knocked on his front door, and soon it opened and he entered. Mark did not hear what Daniel’s parents were saying as he had started to imagine everybody seeing Daniel and his wife making out in the marital bedroom and hearing the sounds of them fucking! Mark was so overjoyed with that image that he started to become hard again –at last he was going to live as an outed cuckold, like so many of the stories he had read!


Posts: 401
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A great new begining. I've enjoyed all of your earlier stories and look forward to seeing this one unfold.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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And then?
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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wow thats cool so far
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


Posts: 50
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another good one Brainbox1


Posts: 373
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mmmmmmmmmmm, loving it. can we have more please


Posts: 1019
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Fantastic, so good to let young bulls unload up your wife!


Posts: 614
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WOW WOW this man really Knows how to tell a story, and make you wanting more.


Posts: 336
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Please post the rest of the story


Posts: 126 Pictures: 3 
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Brainbox! Great Story, hope to read more soon!
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger


Posts: 17
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great story


Posts: 17
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great story


Posts: 2117
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This could be the video that resembles what happened!

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Posts: 614
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Very nice


Posts: 12
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a start to another masterpiece


Posts: 12
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a start to another masterpiece


Posts: 62
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Excellent story. Loved it.


Posts: 187286
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You started another story earlier... very hot... then just up and changed it... not near as good and then dropped it..... where does this one stand?


Posts: 86
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Great story!!!

Is there any update available?
I would like to hear what happened afterwards.

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 2117
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This was just a one off story - not sure if it will be added too


Posts: 968
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Please!! Please add more
Droopy and Miss


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Posts: 12
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Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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It was nice, but I like the saga of your now pregnant wife better. We need an update on her adventures.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 17
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Great. more please.


Posts: 2
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very nice story


Posts: 1019
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Very erotic!
Rating: 21, 7 votes.
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Wife and teenager across the road
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