Posts: 1418
“You really loved it, didn’t you?”
“Being Mark’s whore? Of course I did. Couldn’t you tell?”
“You made that clear enough, but I meant all of it. Jim, Mark, being punished, worshiping his cock, getting fucked by someone else, taking it in the ass, taking his load, and then the coup de grace, rubbing every detail of what you did in my face.”
“Don’t twist things Eric. You knew what I was going to do, or at least you knew as much as I did. It was your fantasy even before it was mine. It was your choice to have your little guy locked in a cage and let him satisfy me. You texted him, you booked the suite for him to fuck your wife. You even paid for him to fuck me. I did what I did, but don’t start denying your part in it.”
“I’m not trying to do that, it’s all so damn confusing. I knew you’d like being with him, being his whore. I guess I wasn’t expecting you to enjoy get off on shoving it in my face the way you did. You knew what the details would do to me, emasculate me, make me feel like less of a man, you said so yourself. I knew it would too, but I needed to hear what you had to say, I needed to know the truth and now I do. I just asked you if you loved it, all of it?”
I suddenly felt like I’d said too much, pushed too hard. I was concerned that I’d hurt the man I loved, but I knew I couldn’t put this genie back in the bottle. For a second I considered lying, perhaps even suggesting I made all or parts of the evening up to tease him. Fortunately, I found it impossible to be dishonest with Eric and came to my senses. “With Mark it has always been simple, I get to be a submissive slut and he gets to fuck me like one. I didn’t plan what happened with Jim and I don’t think Mark did. He put me in an environment where I could let happen and I did. Spreading my legs for a stranger was as much of a watershed moment for me as I thought becoming a cuckold would have been for you. I’m not taking anything away from Mark, the man is blessed with a huge cock and has dominating me with it down to an art form. I’m comfortable with him and I trust him. But that night taught me something about myself that I never would have alone in the room with Mark. I always thought my repressed need was just about being with Mark again. My hour in the lounge made me realize that my real need is to be a submissive slut, a piece of feminine meat who occasionally needs to be taken and used. Mark isn’t the only man who can do that, he’s just the only one who had before that night. The next day I was more than a little sore, my hangover didn’t help. I could have easily spiraled into the abyss that usually consumed me, but I didn’t because of you. Despite what you knew I’d done, you wanted me, I could feel your intense desire for me every time I talked to you. I focused on the men I was with that night, but ever day since my focus has been on you. Sure some of the time it was purely sexual. I just got really hot picturing you here in your cage filled with lust, but it was your unwavering and seemingly growing love that affected me most. You seemed so happy, like you’d fallen in love with me all over again. I felt more self-confident than ever. Your reaction to becoming my cuckold allowed me to accept desires within myself that previously had left me wallowing in feelings of self-degradation. It was your love for me that made everything I did and what I’ve come to accept about myself. Admitting my true feelings about what I did to you tonight is harder. I did know what my graphic confession was doing to you. I knew it would be emasculating for you and that it would make you feel like less of a man. I didn’t do it just to excite you, the truth is that I did it because it excited me. I completely understood the erotic rush slutty wives get from making their cuckold husbands lick up the mess left inside them. I envied them Eric and I came on your face imagining that I was making you do that for me. I heard the way you were groaning and I am pretty sure I understood how you felt. I’m not suggesting you liked what you heard or even trying to diminish any pain that it might have caused you. I know I hurt you, maybe I even meant to, but I also know I’m right about what being a cuckold does to you. If you weren’t under lock and key you might have squirted all over yourself just from hearing what I did and what I want to make you. You may not like being powerd to accept that you are more of a cuckold than a real man, but you know its true and you couldn’t stop it from getting you off. Eric my answer is yes, I loved it, all of it.”
Our faces were inches apart throughout my long winded explanation. I knew this man better than anyone on earth, but I had know idea what he would say next and I was well aware that my whole world hung in the balance.
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“Some things are difficult for any male to admit. I’m ashamed and embarrassed, but the truth is, is the truth and you deserve to hear it as much as I did. After your last text, all I could think about was my wife dressed like that a whore in a bar. I knew men would hit on you and given what you were wearing I was sure they be very open about their desire to fuck you. I knew how horny your were, I even considered that you might actually give a lucky guy a blowjob or even a quick fuck before Mark could even get there. I never even considered that you would do what you did, but I’m not surprised. By midnight I knew you were with him and I knew you were in your own sexual heaven doing anything he wanted. I never thought I’d cheat on you, even with myself, but I would have wanked it raw that night if I could. It would have made me feel even more pathetic to settle for my own hand while I knew you were letting him use your whole body at will, but I know I couldn’t have resisted if I had a choice. I envied him the way you must have envied those other wives tonight. I was glad when it was over. I wasn’t angry or even upset, I was far to horny, but I was glad he was gone. I wanted to show you your were mine, not in the same way you were his, but in the only way I knew you could be mine more than any other man. I just wanted to shower you with my love. I couldn’t compete with his cock, I knew my own strengths and limitations. It was agonizing to stare at the picture you sent, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it. While staring at your face cover in his spunk I didn‘t dare think about making love to you. I knew that would only accentuate my inadequacy. Self-gratification as my only means of relief would be an intense offense after what you’d given him, but at least in that I’d escape the embarrassment of failing miserably to compare to him. I saw the way you still reached for his cock with your tongue. You were covered in his cum and I knew even then you still wanted more. It was also obvious he was huge. I felt like a your little boy compared to him, I still do. It was apparent why you could never get enough of him, I could hardly blame you. As I lay here alone in the bed, I kept thinking about what you said you’d make me do if I was there, I hate the thought. I can’t imagine licking up another man’s cum, but now I know being powerd to eat his would be especially bitter for many reamisters. That said, I also realized as I stared at your picture that I’d do anything to reclaim you as wife. It’s very humiliating to admit, but I would have licked you face clean if you asked, just for permission to cum in my own hand. I guess that doesn’t make me much of a man, but I hope it shows you that I love you enough to do anything.”
“I think that is the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me, but there is more to being a man than having a cock the size of my forearm. You are a submissive little boy, but that doesn’t really less of a man. Most of the time you are perfect for me, helping you realize your comparative inadequacies is just another way to peak your need to be submissive. I think we both know now that you could never refuse to allow me to cuckold you with more dominant men and that I will periodically have the need to do so. I will make you feel like less of a man when those urges arise because it makes me feel like more of a woman, but I’ll never for one minute let you think you are any less loved. You willingness to be a loving cuckold has allowed me to become the woman I’ve always wanted to be. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but if anything I love you more than ever. We both dreamt of this, fantasized about it, I just hope the reality of making you a cuckold is as good for you as it is for me. Now I think it’s about time to unlock that little prick and let you put it where Mark had his.”
Unlocking Eric gave me almost the same rush that caging him did. The feeling of owning your husband’s balls is difficult to express in words. I sent Eric to the bathroom to clean himself up for me. He returned fresh and rock hard. I spread my legs wide, lewd and whorish. Eric bottomed out without resistance due to my excitement rather than any other reamister, but I allowed him to think what he would. “Don’t even try to please me with it Eric, just squirt quick like good little cuck. Eric came more than any man I’d ever seen. It almost seemed painful for him, maybe it was.
It didn’t take much to get Eric into the position I wanted him. He knew what I wanted and I’m sure he was acutely aware of what I was thinking while he consume what seemed like an endless flow of cum that drained from me. Eric either remained hard from the long denial or regained his desire as he saw how much I enjoyed what I was imagining him doing. We made love again after he finished, slowly this time, a cuckold and his wife, re-united and very much in love. ********************************************************************** **********************
I’d made my confession while riding the high of my own infidelity and new found control, Eric had made his clearly clouded by the erotic haze of denial, the mental and physical state we were in loosened our inhibitions and our tongues, but neither of us was so impaired that we were less than truthful. I’d suggested we talked after we made love last night. Eric persuaded me just to enjoy the moment, but acknowledge that we did need to talk.
After Eric provided me a wonderful orgasm the following morning we decided we would talk when he got home. I was vulgarly honest with Eric about what had occurred and felt comfortable answering any remaining questions he might have about my night of infidelity. It was the discussion of our future that concerned me.
We settled onto the sofa after dinner, each with a glass of wine. I didn’t know where to begin, Eric did.
“I’m married to a slut.”
It wasn’t a question, but it did break the ice. “I guess so.”
“So now what, you start fucking every guy that you come across who has a cock big enough to make you feel like a slut?”
“Of course not! I never said that. I’ve let six guys fuck me and given blow jobs to about that many more, that hardly qualifies me as a tramp.”
“Last night it sounded like you telling me all that was about to change dramatically.”
“I hate when you start talking like this was all about me and you got nothing out of it. Look, I get it. Last night you were high on denial, you hadn’t cum in a month and your wife had made most of your cuckold fantasies come true the first weekend you gave her the chance. Now here we are after you got all that pent up cum out of you balls and you’re feeling bad about yourself. You went against all socially accepted norms, it turned you on to be in chastity while your wife got fucked, you were envious even jealous of the Mark, but you weren’t angry or mad that your wife had been his whore, you were so turned on by it you‘d have lick up his cum just to play with yourself just for a few seconds of pleasure and to do is show me how much you love me. Now you’re feeling like crap for enjoying what turns you on, I used to do the same thing. Being my cuckold gets you off, just like being a slut does it for me. I can accepted my desires because I’ve seen what it does to you. I knew it on the phone, but after the way you greeted me at the airport I knew I could finally be comfortable being honest with myself about the wife I wanted to be. If you see how happy I am and how much I love you for it, I think you will be able to accept what you really want too.”
“I know your right, but it’s not easy. It’s not normal for a husband to want his wife to be like that.”
“You aren’t the only cuckold husband in the world Eric. There are plenty of men who dream about what you have.”
“I know, I was one of them. So what now?”
“Let me at least tell you what I think I would like if I could have it all my way, but before I do I want you to know that for me it only works if I have your consent. Without that I’d just be a cheating whore and that would put me right back in the hole I just climbed out of with your help. I’m not asking you to condone me spreading my legs like my pussy is a revolving door for every guy with a big cock. I don’t need or even want that. I do have a need, one I think I’ve made clear. I’d occasionally like to be a slut and that would involve me letting other men fuck me. I’d always want you not just to know what I was doing, but to be an important part of it. I need to be used, but I need feel loved too and I only get that from you.”
“So I get the full picture, it’s not just about fucking Mark anymore?”
“It could be, if that’s what you wanted. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to have me show up begging for it more often and he’s more than capable of fulfill my need. It safe with him, no strings attached, and he certainly doesn’t want anything more than what I’m willing to give.”
“What did you tell him about me?”
“Nothing really, he doesn’t ask many questions and he never ask about you.”
“So you didn’t tell him his cock was bigger or that he fucked you better than I ever could?”
“Oh that. Yes, I did say both of those things. It just kind of went with the conversation. He likes hearing how I can’t get enough of his big cock so now that I’m married it was natural for me to compare you to him.”
“And I didn’t measure up obviously. Did you tell him you had your poor cuckold’s little cock locked up in a cage to stroke his ego that must be as oversized as his cock.”
“No Eric, why would you even ask that. I love you, my purpose was not to run you down to him. I’ve always talked about his cock, its just normal for us.”
“Then what did you say when he saw the key?”
As stupid as it now seems, I’d never even thought about the fact that Mark was quite versed on bondage and domination and therefore would certainly be aware of the potential meaning of a key on my anklet. It was only then that his intentional increased marking of my body made sense. He knew, he must have. I felt myself getting wet at the thought. “He never asked Eric. I don’t even know if he noticed. If he did, he kept it to himself.”
“I thought about that all night. The thought that you’d share that with him about *******ed me.”
“Well I didn’t, so no harm done. Mark was the perfect guy to cuckold you with, big cock check, dominant check, stamina check, you get the picture. I learned from what happen with Jim that there is a special excitement in occasionally being with someone new. I could go either way, but if you only want me to be with Mark, just say so.”
“I’m not sure. God Lori, this is the weirdest conversation ever, do I want you to fuck multiple other guys or just fuck Mark? That’s one hell of a choice for me to make. You’re right about a lot of what you said, it did turn me on like nothing else, I have fantasized about it for a long time and even though reality was way more intense than I imagined. I’ll have to always know I’m the most important man in your life and I certain wouldn’t want the whole world to know I was a willing cuckold, or even that you needed to fuck other guys to get off. When it comes to Mark it worries me that if you were with him more often things could get out of hand. I know you did have feelings for him in the past and I’m not sure you could control them.”
“I think I could Eric and I’m sure he would never want anything more than a hot whore, but I do see your point. Like I said before you aren’t the only cuckold husband, it seems to be a growing trend. The internet makes it easy. All we’d have to do is post and ad, or if that makes you uncomfortable I could find some sort of a lifestyle club if you wanted to go that way. Or we could always just take a weekend trip and I could try my luck at another hotel lounge. Either way someone closer to home and that would provide us some additional opportunities.”
“You seem to have the slut in a bar thing down pat and I’m not even going to ask about the other opportunities you have in mind. If your really okay with it being an occasional thing, can we just figure the details when the time comes?”
“That sound perfect to me, but I need to know you’ll still be okay with it when the time does come. I need to know I’m always free to cuckold you anytime I want, with your prior knowledge of course. It’s really important to me that is settled and understood by both of us. To be honest it’s really going to be hot for me to know I could meet the next guy I’d let fuck me anytime.”
“I can see why you’d like that. I can’t promise I’ll ever look forward to it happening, but when it does I’m sure I’ll get just as turned on as I did this time and in the heat of the moment I know I’ll end up right where I was. I know I should despise the thought, but I also realize that I don’t. I’d categorize myself as more the reluctantly willing type. If you can live with that I’ll be your cuckold husband and give you freedom to let any man fuck you anytime you want, provided I to know in advance. I’m not ready to have you come home and tell me out of the blue about some guy that banged your brains out.”
I interrupted him almost before he finished his sentence, “Deal.”
“Not quite so fast my slutty wife. There is one more thing and it is a deal breaker. If I ever feel like I’m playing second fiddle to any guy, then you move on, no questions asked.”
“Can you explain what that means exactly?”
“I’m not saying he can’t have a bigger cock or that he can’t fuck you better. You’re free to love his cock and what he does to you with it all you want. You can even come home and rub that in my face to your hearts content, I didn’t like it at the time but it was damn hot. But if I ever feel like it’s more than his cock that you are falling for, he’s toast and you’re out of there.”
“No questions asked. I’ve fallen for the only man I ever will nothing will ever change that, but I’ve got a feeling that big cocked studs aren’t that hard to come by for a woman who just wants to fuck, so you say the word and that will be the last piece of this married pussy he ever gets.”
When we made love in the weeks that followed it was tender, loving, and passionate, but Eric never dared to aggressively fuck me again. I think he felt that by entering me only as a gentle loving cuckolded husband he could avoid my direct comparimister of sex with my husband and sex with a more dominant man. He continued gratifying me each morning with his tongue and our periodic evenings of passionate loving intercourse were very satisfying. We took walks together and he hung on my every word when we talked regardless of the topic.