Posts: 47
I leaned forward and began to plant small kisses on her mound. I kissed the insides of her thighs and then gently kissed her right at the top of her slit. I slipped my tongue forwards and gently caressed the base of her clit with it. She groaned and thrust her hips further forward, seeking out my tongue. I spread her thighs as wide as I could and began to lap at her pussy lips, then I used my fingers to gently open her lips and found the tip of her clit with my tongue. She reached down and grabbed hold of my head, pushing my face into her pubic bone. He smell was intoxicating. Her juices filled my mouth, I could taste nothing else. I was savouring the roughness of her pubes against my face, my tongue darted around her clit. I closed my lips on the head of her clit and began to suck, bobbing my head up and down as if giving a blowjob. I pushed first one, and then two fingers into her hot hole. She was grinding her pelvis into my face now, her fingers entwined in my hair. I felt her entire body start to shake, and then she was gasping for breath. After a few moments, I felt her fingers relax their grip. I let my fingers slip from her tunnel, and sank down.
"Very nice. Was that part of the show, or do I have to pay extra for that?"
I span around. Neil was regarding us both with a mocking smile on his face. There was no way of telling how long he had been there, but he had clearly enjoyed the show.
Lin pulled her knickers up, but I noticed that she seemed in no hurry to do so. Her jeans followed. I stayed where I was, on the floor at Lin's feet.
"I just wanted a bit of relief, that's all. Why should you lot get all the fun!"
"Don't mind me, Lin. The two of you should feel free to carry on. When you're done, though, we need some more beers. Then the fun can start!"
My clit was now aching and throbbing. I could still taste Lin's juices, smell her scent. I desperately needed a release. Instead I got beers for the men and took them into the living room. Lin was already in there. I handed the beers out.
"Aren't you having one then?" Neil asked me when I handed him his. "I thought you'd be thirsty after all that work in the kitchen."
"What was that then?" Alan asked.
"She just licked Lin off in the kitchen, didn't you?"
I nodded. I looked across at Lin, who's face was red with embarrassment.
"Is that right?" Keith asked.
"Yes." Lin replied. "I needed a bit of relief, that's all. Like I said to Neil, why should you lot have all the fun?"
"Fuck, I'd like to watch that!" Keith said. The others nodded their agreement.
"Maybe later. If I'm in the mood." Lin smiled. "Now, I think it's time for some more fun. Do you want to fuck her now, or do you want to have a bit more fun with her first?"
"What have you got in mind, then?" Neil asked.
"Watch this." They were all seated in a semi-circle. Lin placed a plain wooden dining chair facing all of them and told me to sit in it. The wood was cold against my bottom and back, but I didn't move.
"Now. Start playing with yourself. Tits and fanny. Make it good, but you're not allowed to come."
I started to stroke and massage my breasts, tweaking my nipples, cupping each breast in turn. I dropped my other hand down to my pussy and began to stroke my lips. I could feel my juices leaking out. I slipped a finger between my lips and found my clit. I wanted to play with it until I came more than anything, but I remembered Lin's orders. Instead, I slipped my finger into my hot little hole, moaning out loud as I did so. The men made appreciative noises, enjoying the show. Then Lin's special *** started.
"You like doing that don't you? How old were you when you first started to wank?"
In spite of everything, I felt myself blush.
"I was about fourteen."
"Tell us all about it then?"
"I used to notice how nice it felt when I was in the shower or bath and I washed myself there. I remember being in bed one night, and I had an itch down there, I reached down to scratch it, and I remember thinking how nice it had felt when my hands were down there. I started to rub myself over my knickers."
"Go on."
"I remember it feeling really nice, and so I rubbed a bit harder. Then I put my hand down the front of my knickers and started to rub my pussy. I remember it felt really nice, and then I accidentally slipped a finger between them. I didn't mean to, but I'd become wet and it just slipped in. my finger touched my clit and the next thing I knew was that I was rubbing and tickling it. I felt myself getting wetter and stickier, and then I came. I'd never felt anything like that before, it was wonderful."
"And how often did you wank after that?"
"All the time. I did it nearly every night."
"Did you put anything up your fanny?"
I gasped. I had never been asked questions like this before. I could feel myself blushing furiously. The men were egging her on, laughing and joking. Drinking their beer while I wanked in front of them and revealed my most intimate secrets.
"Tell me."
"At first, I would just put a finger inside to see what it felt like. Then I would put two fingers in. It felt lovely."
"And then what?"
"Then one day I was looking for something in the garage when I found a candle."
They all started to laugh at this.
"What kind of candle?"
"It was one of those household ones. The plain wax ones. When I saw it I started to think about how it would feel if it touched me. I was wearing my school uniform at the time, and I lifted my skirt and rubbed its' length along my pussy over my knickers."
"How did that feel?"
"Oh God!, it felt fantastic! I rubbed it along my pussy for ages. I found that if I pressed it into me, my lips would part and it would rub against my clit. I did this for ages until I came. Then I took it up to my room and hid it in the bottom of my wardrobe. That night, before I went to bed, I brought it out of the wardrobe. I pulled up my nightie and took off my knickers. Then I rubbed the tip along my pussy. I opened my pussy with my fingers and put the tip inside. I started to push it in and out, going further all the time. Then I must have hit my hymen, because it hurt all of a sudden. I pulled it out and put it away quickly. I was scared that I'd done some damage, or that I wasn't a virgin anymore."
"So what happened next?"
"After a few days I started to think about it again. I wanted to try it again. I lay in bed one night, and pushed my finger up into me until I could feel my hymen, and I knew I hadn't broken it, so I decided to have another go. This time I was more careful, and I only pushed it in a little way. I loved the feeling of it inside me, and I started to move it in and out again, tickling my clit as I did so. And then I came, and it was really powerful. I remember turning my face into my pillow and crying out."
I had become incredibly aroused now. I could feel my juices flowing out of me, and the throbbing in my clit was maddening. I had started to pinch my nipples so that they hurt just as a way of holding off my climax. I started to beg.
"Please, can I come now? I'm so close, and I need to come so badly. Please let me."
"No. You can stop playing with yourself now, and stand up."
I was almost crying with frustration. I stood up, my knees shaking and my heart pounding.
"I think she's ready. Who wants her first?"
They all did, of course. Lin seemed to be in complete control of the situation.
"Well, Alan and Neil have had her before. Keith had a blow job this afternoon. Paul and Richard got to play with her in the car, so I think Andy should have a go."
There were groans from the others, and mild complaints. Andy just beamed, and started to open his trousers.
"No. Let her do that for you, and she can get you nice and hard before she climbs aboard." Lin ordered. "Get on with it then."
I knelt before Andy and started to open his trousers. I pulled them down and then began to tug on his boxer shorts. His half-erect cock sprang into view, six or seven inches of it, with a large purple, circumcised head. I took hold of it and began to wank it. I stroked his balls and then took the head of his shaft into my mouth. I was desperate to have it inside me, and sucked greedily on it, willing it to swell. Within a few moments it was standing proudly, the veins along it's side bulging.
"Now?" I asked, and he nodded. I stood up, squatted over him and lowered myself onto his organ. I shuddered with pleasure as the tip touched my pussy lips. I quickly guided it into the entrance to my hole, and then began to sink down onto it. Waves of pleasure swept over me. I had forgotten all about every one else in the room, even Andy. All I was aware of was the delicious sensations as the cock pushed deeper into me. When he was in up to the hilt I began to rock my hips back and forth. I could feel his entire length inside me, and his pubes tickling my sensitive inner lips and my clit.
He reached up and began to maul my breasts. Then he ran his fingers over my nipples and I began to climax. I cried out in ecstasy, grinding my pelvis down onto him, feeling him throbbing inside me. I was lost in a dense fog of pleasure, and then I felt him shooting hot jism deep into me, and this drove me on to even greater heights. I was aware of nothing at all except the intense waves of pleasure shooting through me. And then I collapsed onto his chest, panting and sobbing. My breath coming in ragged gasps. I opened my eyes and looked at him. His face was flushed and sweaty, his eyes slightly glazed. He was panting heavily too. We looked at one another and both smiled. It had been a good one for both of us!
I suddenly became aware of our 'audience'. Richard, Paul and Keith were all rubbing very obvious lumps in their trousers, Alan and Neil were grinning smugly. Lin, sitting behind them, had a curious look on her face. I noticed that she had one hand balled into a fist and thrust into her crotch. She was rocking back and forth, her nipples clearly visible beneath her top. As I started to recover from my climax she started to gasp, and her body went completely rigid. The men all turned their heads to look at her. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, her face obscured. When her body finally relaxed, her face was flushed and she too was gasping for breath.
There was a silence in the room broken only by the sound of the heavy breathing from Andy, Lin and myself. It was Alan who broke the silence.
"I think we could all use another beer. Alimister, go and get them, and clean yourself up while you're about it. We're not finished with you yet!"
I climbed off Andy and made for the kitchen to get the beers. After I had handed them out I made my way to the bathroom. I could feel Andy's cum leaking out of me and running down my thighs. I ran the shower until it was warm, then played the water onto my pussy, washing Andy's jism away. Then I patted myself dry and left the bathroom.
Lin was waiting for me on the landing. She motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen.
"My God!", she said, "That was fucking amazing. My knickers are soaked. Go and get me a pair of yours to put on, then come and sit down and have a take, you look like you could use one!"
I went to my bedroom, found a pair of knickers and went back to the kitchen. Lin had removed her jeans and knickers and dropped them in a pile on the floor. She turned as I entered and handed me a glass of wine. Then she went into the bathroom and I heard water running. She came back a few minutes later, drying her sweet pussy with a towel. Then she pulled on the clean knickers, but didn't bother with the jeans. She picked up her discarded underwear and tossed them to me.
"There you go. Souvenir for you."
We both burst out laughing at this, but as she turned away to collect her take, I couldn't resist having a quick sniff of the damp cotton. I was a scent I would remember forever.
"Well, I suppose we had better be getting back. Are you ready for more fun then?"
"You bet!" I grinned. JBS
Posts: 242
Joebull Thanks for sharing this excellent story! While some may not consider it to be "Main Stream" cuckold I have throughly enjoyed reading it. My two loves in stories are cuckold, and spanking. Throw in some humilation both public and private and for me you have a classic! I look forward to upcoming chapters.
Thank you
Posts: 819
Very Hot! Thanks. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 47
Chapter 12.
I followed Lin from the kitchen, noticing the attractive sway of her bottom as she walked. I couldn't help myself, I had to touch it. I reached out and caressed the swell of her cheeks. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at me.
"Enjoying yourself?"
I dropped my hand to my side, "Sorry Lin, I couldn't resist it. You've got a lovely bum!"
"Help yourself then!"
I ran my hand across her bottom, stroking and squeezing her firm cheeks. I slipped my hand inside her knickers and cupped one cheek. Then the living room door opened and I saw Neil standing there.
"Fuckin' hell! They're at it again. Look at this, she's got her hand in Lin's knickers."
He made us both walk into the living room, my hand still groping Lin's bum cheek. I loved the feel of it as she walked.
"Who's idea was this then?" Keith asked, a suspicious tone in his voice.
"Hers. She was walking behind me and then she started feeling my arse."
"Dirty little bitch. Come here you, I'll show you what I think of anyone feeling up my girl."
I removed my hand from Lin's knickers and walked slowly over to Keith. I stood in front of him and in one swift movement he pulled me over his knee. He immediately began to deliver swift smacks to my bottom. He wasn't playing around, they stung! I cried out as each blow connected. I was faintly aware of the others laughing and cheering him on, but I was pre-occupied with the hot, stinging pain I was now feeling in my bottom. Suddenly he stopped.
"Get up." He ordered. I stood before him, automatically reaching behind me to rub my burning bottom. Without warning he began to slap my breasts, making them swing as he did so. The others laughed even louder at this, but I wailed loudly as the pain in my breasts began to match my bottom. I put my arms up to try to protect myself but strong hands grabbed hold of them and held them behind my back, powering my breasts out towards my attacker. Then he took hold of my nipples, pinching them hard and causing me to yelp with discomfort. He twisted them and pulled on them making me stand on tip-toe.
"Say you're sorry."
"Oh God!, please Keith, I'm sorry, please let me go. I won't do it again, I promise, please Keith."
More laughter from the audience.
"Don't stop yet Keith, she can take much more than that!" It was Neil, urging Keith on. "She likes a bit of rough, especially on her tits, don't you tight arse?"
When I didn't respond he began to slap my legs and bottom. I tried to move to avoid his blows, but this caused me to pull against Keith who still had my nipples in a tight grip.
"I said you like a bit of rough, don't you?"
"Yes, oh yes I like it. Really I do. Please stop. I'll do whatever you want. Please stop."
"I think it's party time." Keith announced. He let go of my nipples, which were now throbbing with pain, and began to take off his jeans. The others did the same, and soon all six of them were standing in front of me, dressed only in T-shirts and boxer shorts.
"Now you can show me how sorry you are. Suck it." Keith ordered. He sat down in a chair and I positioned myself between his legs. I pulled his stiff cock out of his underwear and began to lick and suck it enthusiastically, whilst wanking it up and down. I didn't want to give him any cause for complaint, my bottom and nipples were still throbbing as a reminder of how much they were prepared to treat me as their property.
Within a very short space of time his cock was fully erect. "Right, now you can give me a good fucking. Make it a really good one, or you know what you'll get."
I straddled him and lowered myself quickly onto him. I took hold of his cock and steered it into my sopping pussy. In spite of the pain he had caused me, I shuddered with pleasure as his glans pushed my lips apart and started to enter me. I let out an involuntary groan as his shaft went deeper into me, then began to rock my hips back and forth.
Keith was looking at me with a lascivious grin on his face. "Faster." He barked. I rocked faster. "Harder." I ground my pelvis down onto his. His hands reached out and began to maul my breasts. I continued to power his stiff cock deep into my pussy. He pinched my nipples, still sore from his previous punishment. The pain emanating from them seemed to increase the pleasure in my loins. I began to move on him even faster, almost in a frenzy. I heard myself crying out "Oh yes, oh god yes."
Then someone started to smack my bottom. The stinging blows causing me to gasp out loud.
"Tell us all what a dirty little bitch you are." I heard Neil say.
"Oh God, yes. I am a dirty bitch. I want you to fuck me any way you want. I want you to punish me. I deserve to be punished."
Keith was still pinching my nipples and my bottom was still being smacked. I was loving every minute of it. I had never known such a stunning combination of pain and pleasure. I knew that at any moment I was going to have a massive orgasm, but I was trying to hold it off. Then I felt Keith start to twitch inside me. He gripped my nipples even tighter and I felt him shoot his jism deep into me. I ground my pelvis down onto him and screamed with pleasure as my own climax hit. The sensations were so intense that I almost ******, and I collapsed onto Keith gasping for breath.
I wasn't given time to regain my breath. Hands grabbed me under my arms and pulled me off Keith. I was dragged to a standing position, and then made to straddle Paul, who was sitting on another chair with his stiff cock in his hand. I lowered myself down onto him and felt him enter me. Hands pushed on my shoulders, powering me down onto him until he was in me up to the hilt. My brain was still recovering from my climax, and I felt Paul start to build his rhythm.
Then I felt fingers start to push at my anus. They were rubbing at my tight little hole, smearing in a lubricant. I felt first one, and then another digit penetrate me. I looked over my shoulder to see Richard poised to enter me. I was in no position to object. I shuddered with pleasure as I felt his cock start to spread my anus. I tried to relax my muscles to allow him in, and then he had pushed past my sphincter and I could feel him burying his cock deep in my bottom.
The two of them began to pound into my two holes. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the sheer pleasure of being used so thoroughly.
Richard was the first to climax. I heard him groan then shoot his hot seed deep into my bowels. He withdrew, leaving Paul still buried deep in my pussy, and then I felt another cock start to push at my anus. This one was much larger than the last and I looked over my shoulder to see Neil guiding his huge member into me. Again pain and pleasure combined as his organ stretched my tight hole. I was unable to move, sandwiched between them as they both pushed deep into me. Paul groaned and shot his load into me. Neil continued to pound away. I was lost in the pleasure of sheer depravity.
They continued on for what seemed like hours. Each of them must have enjoyed me at least twice. My pussy and bowels were filled with their jism, my jaws ached from having sucked so many of them, I could taste nothing but their semen. I had completely lost track of who had had me, and in what hole.
I was on my knees, sucking hungrily on the cock in my mouth, eyes closed, completely lost in the pleasure of the moment. I felt the cock twitch in my mouth and opened my eyes to see Alan looking down at me. He began to shoot into my mouth, but then pulled out and sprayed his semen over my face. The others cheered. I felt his hot seed on my face, running down to drip onto my chest. Finally, he was spent. I fell to the floor, completely exhausted. The silence in the room broken only by the music coming from the stereo.
I had never experienced such excess in my wildest dreams. Now I wanted only to drift off into relax. Lin however, had other plans.
"You look a total mess." She announced to the room. "I think you need a clean up, come with me."
Wearily, I got to my feet and followed her out of the room. The others came too, and we made our way to the bathroom. "Get in the bath" she ordered. I lay in the bath, almost as if in a dream.
"Ok boys, hose her down." I heard her say. I closed my eyes, expecting to be washed with warm water. Instead I felt several small streams of hot water hit different parts of my body and heard them giggling. I opened my eyes to see them urinating on me. All six of them were happily peeing on me, aiming the streams on my breasts, pussy and face. I couldn't believe how humiliating and yet thrilling this felt. I made no effort to avoid the streams, made no complaint. Instead I opened my legs to let them piss on my pussy, then reached down to spread my lips wide for them. They laughed and cheered at this, then six streams of urine hit my sensitive pussy lips.
I became aware of my own full bladder and simply allowed myself to pee in front of them all. Keith was the first to notice this, "Fuckin' hell, look! She's pissing too." They all laughed and cheered at this.
"Watch this." Lin said. She dropped her knickers and then squatted over me. Then she too was urinating on me, her pee hitting my face, soaking into my hair. I couldn't resist it. I put my face to her pussy and let her pee stream into my mouth before overflowing and falling onto my breasts.
They'd had their fun, and then I was left alone in the bath. As I lay there, soaked in their urine, my fingers crept down to my pussy and I stroked my clit whilst thinking about the smell and taste of Lin's pussy. I fingered myself to yet another climax, then turned on the shower and let the warm, clean water bathe my aching body.
I staggered from the bathroom and made my way to my bed. Exhausted, I fell into a deep relax almost at once.
I was woken by the sound of someone entering my bedroom. Too tired to open my eyes, I simply turned over in bed. Then someone got into bed beside me and I felt hands start to grope my breasts. I opened my eyes to see Paul beside me.
"We're going in a bit, but I wanted a quickie first. Open up then."
Without hesitation I opened my legs. His hand dived between my thighs and began to rub my pussy lips. My pussy was incredibly sensitive after the previous night's excesses, and soon I was squirming around in the bed as his fingers teased my clit, gasping and moaning.
"You are without a doubt the dirtiest little bitch I have ever met. You can't get enough cock can you?"
In reply I reached out and took hold of his stiffening cock, wanking it. He climbed on top of me and pushed inside me. He hadn't been joking about a 'quickie', after about a minute he groaned and I felt the familiar warmth inside me. He rolled off me and began to get dressed.
"I reckon we should take you back to that pub again next week, only this time we let them all fuck you stupid. Maybe that would be enough for you. What do you think?"
I smiled at him, "Maybe." I said.
He left the room still laughing.
Moments later Richard and Andy came in. Andy wanted to have me 'doggy' fashion, whilst Richard wanted a 'blow job'. I quickly got up on all fours and waited for Andy to enter me, then started to suck on Richard's stiffening member. They climaxed within a minute of two, almost simultaneously, then left without saying a word.
Keith and Lin came next. Lin's orders were specific. I was to lick her out while Keith took me from behind. She lay in front of me and spread her legs. I started to kiss and lick her pussy lips, slipping my tongue between them. I pushed my tongue into her pussy, then ran it up her slit until I found her clit. As I started to lick and suck at this she arched her back and let out a contented sigh. I felt Keith move into position behind me. My pussy was slick with the semen of Paul and Andy. He smeared this onto my bum hole, and then he pushed into my bowels.
He quickly built to a steady rhythm. As he entered me he pushed my whole body forward and this caused my tongue to push into Lin. She was already close to a climax and this caused her to clamp her legs onto my head. Keith continued to pound my bottom, powering me onto Lin again and again. She let out a low moan and began to shake. She grabbed my hair and powerd her pelvis onto my face. My senses were filled by her pussy, the smell, the taste, the feel of it, the sound of her breathing. And then Keith came inside me. All three of us collapsed in a heap, gasping for breath.
After a few moments we started to recover. Keith stood up and started to pull up his trousers. "Wait." Lin said. "I think she should clean you off before you get dressed." She turned to me, "Lick him clean then, and don't take all day about it." Keith looked at me with a stupid grin on his face as I started to clean his now shrunken member with my tongue. I knew I was tasting his semen, together with that of Paul and Andy, and probably my own faeces, but I didn't care. I licked along the entire length of his cock, sucking his glans into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it.
"My God!, you really get off on this don't you?" Lin said. "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. Don't forget to clean his balls as well." I dutifully started to lick Keith's scrotum.
"You might as well clean my arse while you're at it, Neil tells me you're good at that."
They both watched as I licked at his cock and balls, then Keith lay face down on the bed and I started to lick at his arse crack. As I had done with Neil that first time I was used by him, I gently pulled the cheeks of his arse apart and began to lick at his puckered hole. I could feel Lin's eyes on me, enjoying the spectacle of me humiliating myself. I pushed my tongue into Keith's hole, and he groaned with pleasure. I continued to lick at his arse for several minutes, pushing my tongue in or just running it round his hole. I slipped my hand between his thighs and started to stroke and caress his balls. He raised his hips up off the bed and I was able to reach round with my other hand and take hold of his cock, which was beginning to get hard again.
"Is that good honey?" Lin asked.
"Oh yeah. Neil was right, she is very good at this."
"I think she ought to suck you off one more time before we go."
"Oh yeah!"
He rolled onto his back and lay back to enjoy the experience. I began to suck at his glans, bobbing my head up and down on him. I continued to caress his balls, but now I also began to stroke and tickle his arse hole. He moaned with pleasure as I gently slipped a finger up his arse. After a few moments he groaned and started to shoot semen into my mouth. "Make sure you swallow it all." Lin ordered. I did as I was told, swallowing all of his salty cum until he stopped shooting into my mouth.
They both got dressed, ignoring me as they did so, then Lin said "Everyone is going now, so come and say your goodbyes."
I grabbed a dressing gown and followed them both into the living room. They were all there, Paul, Richard and Andy with coats on, ready to leave. Alan and Neil looking thoroughly pleased with themselves.
"I thought it would be nice if Alimister came and said goodbye, and thank you for such a nice time." They all chuckled at this. "Well, go one then." She said to me.
"Well, thanks for such an eventful evening. I can honestly say I'll remember it for the rest of my life." I said to them all.
"I told you you'd enjoy it, didn't I?" Alan said, smugly.
"What's next then?" Andy asked.
"I said we should take her back to that pub and let them all fuck her, she'd enjoy that. She didn't seem to mind the idea either, did you?" Paul asked.
"Well no, but I didn't think you were serious!" I joked. They all laughed.
"We'll think of something for her, don't worry. In the meantime, if any of you want to have some fun with her, just drop by any time." I couldn't believe what Alan had just said. This must have registered on my face as they all began to laugh again.
"That's right, Alimister. You seemed to enjoy yourself so much, I thought it would be nice for the guys to have some more fun with you. You don't mind, do you?"
"No" I said in a kind of daze, "I don't mind. Anytime at all."
There was a general murmuring of approval at this. And then they started to make for the door. As the first of them, Andy, passed me he reached out and pulled open my dressing gown, took a long lingering look at my breasts and said "See you again soon." They all took their opportunity to have a look and a feel before they went, and within moments I was stark naked again.
Alan and Neil went to the door to see them off, and then returned to the living room. Alan looked at me curiously. "How would you feel about going back to that pub and letting them play with you all night?"
"I don't know. There were enough of them feeling me up last night to last me a lifetime. I wouldn't want to have all of them taking me. I feel bad enough this morning after what the lot of you did to me, without a cast of thousands thanks very much."
"But you did enjoy it, didn't you? I mean in the pub, with all of them groping you."
"After a while, yes. It did get a bit much when that bastard had his hands in my knickers though. He put a finger inside me, you know, right there, in the middle of the redy pub."
"Come off it, tight arse. You loved it." Neil said with a harsh laugh. "You love being the centre of attention, that's why you do this. That's why you walked around in the street practically naked last night. That's why you let the old man from the paper shop have a good look at you. Admit it, you love being at the centre of things, don't you?"
"I suppose so. I have to admit, it was thrilling in a weird sort of way walking along in the rain with just a see-through T-shirt on and nothing else!"
"So if we took you to a pub or club, and told you to get screwed by some complete stranger, or gang of them, while we watched, you'd be up for it, wouldn't you?"
I felt as though I had been trapped. Neil clearly had something in mind, and I had just talked myself into going along with whatever his twisted little mind had come up with. "What have you got in mind?" I asked.
"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you? In the meantime Al, are you going to send her down to be nice to the old guy in the paper shop?"
"Good idea. Go and get cleaned up, then you can go and say hello to your new friend."
"You're not serious? You're not really going to let that horrible old bastard do anything to me, are you?"
"Sure, why not?" Alan was looking at me with his patronising smile. "I think it would be good for you to experience a mature man." Neil laughed loudly at this.
"Now get yourself cleaned up. And put on something nice and feminine for the old goat!"
My mind was still reeling at the possible consequences of our conversation as I made my way to the bathroom and ran the shower. Would Alan really send me to visit the old man? What was Neil planning? Was there anything I wouldn't do to please them?
I answered my own question whilst in the shower. As I ran my hands down to my pussy I felt my clit stiffen. I was turned on at the prospect of being used by them in whatever way amused them. There was nothing I wouldn't do for them.
I finished my shower, dried myself, then went to my room where I dried my hair, applied some make-up and chose my clothes for the afternoon. I slipped on my white knickers and bra, then put on a blue silk blouse, stockings and a flowing, three-quarter length skirt, also blue. Then I went back into the living room and presented myself for their approval.
"Very nice indeed." Neil said simply. "Lift the skirt, let's have a look at what's underneath." Naturally, I complied. "Excellent!"
"Right." Said Alan, "Go down there and be nice to him."
"How far do I have to go?"
"All the way. In fact, I'll give you a letter for him." And with that he produced an envelope. "You can open it and read what's inside if you like."
I opened the envelope with trembling fingers, unfolded the note and JBS
Posts: 47
I opened the envelope with trembling fingers, unfolded the note and read: " Dear Mr. Stuart, you may remember Alimister from last night, although she is wearing considerably more today! I know you have tried your best to make conversation with her in recent months, only for her to ignore or insult you. This was because she was a stuck up bitch! You'll notice that she has a much friendlier attitude these days, in fact, she will be happy to do anything which will please you. If she fails to accommodate any request you may make, please feel free to spank her bare arse until you feel she has been punished sufficiently. I guarantee she will be only too keen to please after this. Please enjoy her charms. Kind regards. A. Hughes. P.S. Please ensure that she returns to me by 5 P.M. today."
"Jesus, Alan! You can't make me give this to him, he'll have a redy field day. Please, can't I just flirt with him, maybe give him a quick flash, like I did with the Head?"
"No. You will go down there, do whatever he tells you to, and then come and tell us all about it. We'll be waiting."
I looked at my watch; 3 P.M. "Christ Alan!, you're going to make me stay there for two hours! Please don't make me do this."
"Shut up whining and get down there." And with that he turned to Neil and started talking.
I left the room, went to the front door and stepped outside. It would only take me a couple of minutes to walk to the newspaper shop. Every step took all my effort not to run away. I had no idea why I was allowing Alan to use me like this, I only knew that I couldn't resist. Even now, I could feel my pussy beginning to get wet at the thought of what that disgusting old man was going to do to me.
I stood at the entrance to the shop and composed myself. My heart was beating like an express train. I could see that there were a few customers in the shop. I waited until the last of them left before making my entrance.
As I entered the door the old man was studying a ledger of some sort. He must have been in his sixties; a thin stooped figure with a bald head and skin yellow with age. He looked up at the sound of the door opening and a lecherous grin spread across his face as he recognised me.
"Well, hello again. Did you enjoy your walk in the rain last night?"
"Yes, thank you." I muttered. "I have a letter for you, from Alan."
"Alan? Alan who?"
"Alan Hughes, he lives at flat 3B, remember?"
"Oh yes, I remember him. Let's have it then."
I handed over the letter. He opened the envelope and began to read. His eyebrows arched in surprise as he read down. "Yes, you certainly were a stuck up bitch weren't you……., anything which will please me?……………, spank her bare arse!" He looked at me "Is this correct?"
"Well then, you'd best come out the back, we don't want an audience, do we?"
He locked the door of the shop and put the 'closed' sign in the window. Then he motioned for me to follow him into the back of the shop. We went into a sort of storeroom, there were newspapers and magazines everywhere. He sat down in an old looking armchair and surveyed me.
"What's brought this on then?"
"I don't know what you mean." I stammered.
"For as long as I've known you, you've had your nose stuck in the air. Too good to give me the time of day. Now suddenly you're parading around naked, and turning up at my shop with a note from this Hughes fellow, telling me I can do what I like to you, and suggesting I smack your arse if you don't do as I say. What's going on?"
"Can't we just say that I've had a change of heart and leave it at that?"
He chuckled to himself. "OK, fine. If you don't want to say, why should I complain? A few times you've been in here I've managed to have a quick look down your blouse, did you know?"
"And you didn't like that, did you? Is that why you were always so snotty?"
"I suppose so, yes."
"Well then, why don't you give me a proper look at what you've got in there. Slip your blouse off, let's see what you've got on your chest."
I nervously began to fumble with the buttons on my blouse, holding it closed as each button was undone, as if to delay the moment of exposure. Finally, the last one was open. I took a deep breath and opened it, exposing my bra to him. I slipped the blouse off my shoulders and threw it onto a nearby shelf, which I noticed were filled with soft-porn magazines.
"Keep going." I looked at him, his eyes gleaming as I stood just a few feet in front of him.
I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I let it fall into my hands, then dropped it on top of my blouse. He sat looking at me for a moment or two, then got out of his chair and shuffled over to me. He reached out his bony hand towards me, his skin was sallow and wrinkled, dirt was clogged under his fingernails. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he ran his fingertips around my breast, but I could feel the roughness of his skin as he stroked my sensitive nipples.
He moved behind me, put both arms around me and began to cup and fondle both breasts. I could smell tobacco on his breath, his body odour was strong.
"Lovely. Very nice indeed. You've got a very nice pair of tits here young lady, haven't you?"
I didn't answer. He started to roll my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. In spite of myself, I felt them start to stiffen. My body was betraying me yet again as I felt myself responding to the touch of this old man. I felt my breathing start to quicken. He was cupping my breasts again, but this time he was running his thumbs around my nipples. I looked down to see his aged, yellowing hands sharply contrasted against my smooth, white skin. My nipples were standing firm and my aureole were becoming crinkly.
"Oh yes, these are very nice. And you like having them played with don't you?"
Again, I didn't respond.
"I asked you a question. I said 'you like having them played with, don't you?' Tell me how you like a man to touch them. Tell me now."
I drew in a ragged breath. "Yes, I do like to have them touched."
"Played with." He corrected. "Tell me how you like men to play with your tits."
"I like it when a man plays with my tits. I like to have my nipples played with."
"Like this?" He started rolling my nipples between thumb and finger again.
"Mmmm, yes. Just like that."
"Do you like showing your tits off to men?"
"I bet you didn't want to show them off to me, did you?"
"But you have to, because if you don't, I can smack your bare arse, can't I."
"Say it."
"I have to show my tits off to you, because if I don't you can smack my bare arse."
I was starting to enjoy myself again. The thrill of offense was coursing through me. I started to pant as my arousal increased, the sight of his old, gnarled hands groping and stroking my naked breasts, the smell of his body, the body of an old man, the stale tobacco smell on his breath. The thought of what he was going to do to me. I felt my pussy begin to moisten.
He let go off my breasts and returned to his seat, rubbing his groin as he did so.
"Did you enjoy that? Did you like me playing with your tits?"
I decided to go with the flow. "Yes. I didn't want you to see me or touch me at first, but then I felt my nipples getting stiff and I started to like it."
"And what about your pussy? Are you getting wet?"
"I think so."
"I'm going to see it, you know. I'm going to make you strip for me, right here, until you are stark bollock naked. Then I'm going to see that pretty cunt of yours you were so keen to show off last night. Do you want to show me your cunt?"
"No, but if you tell me to, then I have to."
"But you are getting randy, aren't you?"
"Yes, of course you are. You let me play with your tits for a few minutes and now you're getting all wet and randy. So you want someone to touch your cunt, don't you? You want someone to play with it, to make you wet. Or do you want to play with it yourself? Do you want to play with it, or do you want me to play with it?"
"I don't know."
"Would you like to lift your skirt for me? Show me your knickers? Do you want to do that?"
"No, I don't want to."
"But you have to?"
"Then do it. Lift your skirt right up so that I can see your knickers, you are wearing knickers aren't you?"
"Yes, I'm wearing knickers."
I began to lift my skirt, higher and higher until my stocking tops came into view. I saw him smile to himself, and he rubbed his groin again. He motioned for me to continue. I lifted my skirts until I was holding it high above my waist. Then he made me turn around and show him my bottom. He shuffled over to me again and I felt him start to caress my bottom cheeks. Again I was aware of his strong body odour. His fingers found their way under the waistband of my knickers and then carried on down until he was stroking my bare cheek.
"Lovely tight little arse. You've got a good little body here haven't you? Who would have thought that one day you would be standing here with your tits out, lifting your skirt so that I could get my hand into your knickers. You really are much more friendly now, aren't you?"
"Yes." I murmured.
"Turn around." I did so at once.
He began to stroke the inside of my thighs, getting higher and higher.
"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a school teacher."
"I bet the boys all love your lesmisters. Do you ever give them a flash of your knickers, just to keep their attention?"
"No!, Never!" I gasped.
"Pity. I bet they'd love that, or better still let them have a look down your top. Boys love to look down a woman's top. I bet if you let them see your tits, you'd make their dreams come true. Wouldn't you like to please so many young lads then? No? I can't say I'm surprised. You may have become more friendly, but you're still a stuck up bitch, aren't you. Do you like me stroking your thighs?"
"It feels nice, yes."
"I'm really close to your cunt now, aren't I? Are you looking forward to me feeling your cunt?"
"I think it's time for you to take that skirt off, don't you."
Without responding, I opened the fastening of my skirt, let it drop to the floor, then picked it up and put it with the rest of my clothes.
"Not much left now. In a minute I'm going to have those knickers off you. Then I'll be able to see your cunt. You want me to see it, don't you?"
His constant taunting and teasing was beginning to affect me. I found the sight and smell of him disgusting, but the fact that I was here with him, as his plaything, his to use, use and humiliate, was incredibly exciting. The way he kept telling me what he was going to do to me, making me answer his questions, was building the adrenaline in me.
"I said 'you want me to see your cunt, don't you?'"
"Yes, I mean no. I don't know. Just tell me what you want me to do."
"Is it hairy?"
"No hair at all?"
"No. I shave it."
"You shave it! So I'm going to see a bald little cunt in a minute, just like those cheap bitches in the magazines. Why do you shave it?"
"Alan likes it that way."
"Oh, so Alan likes it that way, so you keep it nice and smooth for Alan, is that right?"
"What else does Alan like you to do? Does he like to fuck you?"
"Does he like you to suck him off?"
"Take your knickers off."
"What?" His sudden change of tack had momentarily thrown me.
"Take your knickers off. I want to see your bald little cunt."
I pushed my knickers down over my hips, past my knees and let them drop to my ankles. I stepped out of them and went to put them with the rest of my clothes, but he stopped me.
"I'll have those young lady."
I handed them over, and he looked at them briefly, before stuffing them into his pocket.
"Now then, let's have a good look at you, shall we." He took a step back and surveyed me from head to toe. He pulled up a chair and sat down in front of me, then started a close inspection of my pussy. I knew I was starting to get wet, and hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Are you wet?"
"I think so."
"Shall I find out? Shall I slip my finger inside and feel how hot and wet it is in there?"
He stood up and looked into my eyes. His hands reached out again for my breasts, rolling my nipples as he had done before. I had never felt so completely exposed as I stood naked in the drab storeroom whilst this old man casually caressed my breasts and stared at my pussy.
"Stay there."
He moved behind me again. He stroked my bottom cheeks then ran his finger tips along the crack of my arse. His hand followed my crack until it made contact with the slit of my pussy. I groaned out loud as his fingers made the briefest contact with my pussy lips before returning to my bottom cheeks.
"You are getting randy, aren't you. Would you like me to touch your cunt now? Is it wet? Shall I play with your hot little cunt now? Do you want me to?"
My mind was spinning. I felt exposed, humiliated, disgusted by this horrible old man, and incredibly aroused.
"Yes. Yes I want you to touch my pussy, I want you to play with it."
"Ask me nicely, say 'please Mr. Stuart, please play with my cunt'"
"Please Mr. Stuart, please play with my pussy."
"Cunt. Call it a cunt. And beg me some more."
"Please Mr. Stuart, please play with my cunt. It's ever so wet and I'd love it if you would play with it for me. Please Mr. Stuart."
"I think it should be a man's right to feel any woman's cunt, any time he likes. Don't you agree?"
"Say it."
"It should be a man's right to play with any woman's cunt, any time he likes."
"Is it a man's right to play with your cunt, anytime?"
"Oh God, yes. Any man can play with my cunt, anytime he wants."
"Even me?"
"Yes. Even you. You can play with my cunt anytime you want to. Please play with it now Mr. Stuart."
I was losing the plot. My pussy was on fire, and the more he heckled me and used me, the hotter I became. I was desperate for him to touch me, I wanted to feel the mixture of pleasure and revulsion as his ancient fingers played with my hot slit.
"I think you're going to have to suck me first. Then I might have a little play with your cunt. Come over here and suck me until I tell you to stop."
He flopped down into the chair and I immediately sank to my knees between his legs. I opened his trousers and found he was wearing a pair of ancient Y-fronts, which had once been white, but were now grey. The front of them were stained yellow and he smelled of stale urine. God only knew when he had last washed them. I began to tug at the waistband of them and he chuckled to himself.
"Can't wait to get at it, can you? Hot little bitch. Ask me if you can suck my dick. Go on, ask for permission."
"Please Mr. Stuart, can I suck your dick please?"
"Do you want to lick my balls as well?"
"Yes please, Mr. Stuart."
"Very well then."
I pulled his underwear down to reveal his shrivelled member surrounded by a nest of grey pubic hair. I started to lick and suck at his glans, disgusted by the smell and taste of him. He smelled as though he hadn't had a wash in years. His wiry pubic hair tickled my face as I sucked him. Gradually, his cock began to swell in my mouth. After a few minutes of sucking him I started to wank him slowly and moved down to lick his balls.
It was then that I had my surprise. His balls were enormous! They were at least twice the size of any I had encountered in my life. His scrotum looked like old leather. The smell was almost unbearable, but I persevered, licking at the oversize ball bag, whilst wanking his cock.
"I think I'd like to play with your cunt now. Get up on that table and spread your legs. I want to have another hood look at you."
I was greatly relieved to get away from the smell of his body, and so I quickly lay down on the table he had indicated and spread my legs wide for him. He shuffled over to me again and I felt my pulse quicken as he peered between my legs.
"No, that's not good enough. Hug your knees up to your tits, then spread them as far apart as you can." I did as I was told, spreading myself obscenely.
"Oh yes, that's better. I can really see everything now. Do you like showing off your cunt?"
"But not to old men, eh? I bet you've never spread it wide for an old bastard like me before, have you?"
"How does it feel to be having to spread your cunt for a man who's old enough to be your grandman? Do you have a grandman?"
"Have you ever let him see your cunt?"
"No! Never."
"Why don't you just pretend that I'm your granddad then. Ask granddad if he'd like to feel your cunt."
For some reamister, I found this to be the most humiliating thing he'd done to me so far, and a massive thrill ran through my body.
"Would you like to feel my cunt granddad?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Oh yes please, granddad. Please feel my cunt, granddad."
"What? Like this?" And with that he ran his finger down the entire length of my slit, from clit to hot tunnel. The suddenness of the contact made me groan loudly. He slipped a long, bony finger into me then began to slowly finger fuck me. I closed my eyes as waves of pleasure and shame washed over me.
"You dirty little bitch. Imagine asking your granddad to feel your cunt like that." He now had two gnarled fingers buried deep in my hot pussy. His thumb started to press on my clit. I could feel a climax building. Suddenly he stopped, taking his hand away from my aching pussy.
"Oh no, please granddad, don't stop. Please don't stop feeling my pussy." I reached out to grab his hand, pushing it back between my legs, rubbing his fingers into my pussy. My orgasm hit me and I held his hand to my pussy until the waves subsided.
As my muscles relaxed he withdrew his hand from between my legs. I opened my eyes to see him sniffing at his fingers, which were slick with my juices.
"You keep your cunt nice and clean, I'll give you that. Did you enjoy that? Would you like granddad to finger you off again?"
I was too embarrassed to reply. I sat on the edge of the table and hung my head.
"I don't remember giving you permission to come. I think you need to be punished for being such a dirty little bitch. Stand up and bend over that table."
I did as I was told, opening my legs and thrusting my bottom into the air. He moved into position behind me and then I felt the first blow. I shrieked with shock and pain. It stung more than any other spanking I had received. I sprang upright, my hands rubbing at my bum cheeks. I turned to face him. He was standing with an old slipper in his hands, a delighted smile on his face.
"That made you dance a bit, didn't it? I bet you've never had the slipper before, have you? Stings, doesn't it? Now get back over that table, you've got a few more to take yet, young lady."
I reluctantly turned and bent over the table again. Almost before I was in position he was raining blows onto my poor bottom. I squealed and yelped in genuine pain and alarm, I wriggled my bottom from side to side, trying to avoid the blows. At times I couldn't help myself, I put my hands behind me for protection. He carried on, hitting my hands until I instinctively moved them away, and the blows fell on my naked cheeks again. He carried on for what seemed like minutes and minutes. I couldn't count the number of blows I received. My bottom stung with a burning pain.
Finally, he stopped. I could hear him breathing heavily from his exertions and smell his stale, sweaty body odour. Then he moved close to me and started to stroke my bottom. He cupped each cheek, then ran his hand over each one. He put a rough skinned hand on each cheek and pulled them apart, exposing my tight little anus. Then he slipped a hand between my legs and began to fondle my pussy lips.
Of course I was wet, both from my earlier climax and the chastisement. He chuckled to himself as he discovered this, slipping a finger between my lips and into my pussy. I squirmed and writhed around as he continued to explore JBS
Posts: 47
Finally, he stopped. I could hear him breathing heavily from his exertions and smell his stale, sweaty body odour. Then he moved close to me and started to stroke my bottom. He cupped each cheek, then ran his hand over each one. He put a rough skinned hand on each cheek and pulled them apart, exposing my tight little anus. Then he slipped a hand between my legs and began to fondle my pussy lips.
Of course I was wet, both from my earlier climax and the chastisement. He chuckled to himself as he discovered this, slipping a finger between my lips and into my pussy. I squirmed and writhed around as he continued to explore my pussy. He was teasing me maddeningly, rubbing my clit, pushing a finger into me, running his fingers along the entire length of my slit. Soon I was gasping with pleasure again.
"Still hot and randy then, even after I've given you a good hiding? I would have thought a good slippering would have taken the heat out of your tight little cunt. Apparently not. Do you like being slippered then?"
"Liar! Tell me the truth."
"I'd never been slippered before. It hurts. It's worse than being spanked."
"You've been spanked before then?"
"Call me Granddad. Who has spanked you?"
"Alan has spanked me on a few occasions."
"Anyone else?"
"'Yes Granddad'"
"Yes Granddad."
"Tell me who."
"Alan's friends Neil and Keith, Granddad."
"Did they spank your bare arse?"
"Yes, Granddad."
"And you liked that?"
"Yes, Granddad."
"Anyone else?"
"The headmaster at the school where I teach Granddad."
"Really? You were spanked by the head at school. Did he spank your bare arse?"
"Yes Granddad. He made me strip bare for him in his office, then he spanked me."
"And you liked that too, didn't you?"
He was still fingering me, teasing me. I was getting more and more aroused, both from his attentions, and from remembering and recounting past offenses.
"Yes Granddad, I liked undressing in front of him, letting him see my body, then lying across his lap while he stroked and smacked my bum."
"You really are getting very randy again now, aren't you?"
"Yes Granddad."
"You're not going to come again without permission are you? Because if you do I may have to cane you."
"No Granddad, I won't come again, I promise." The thought of being caned was enough to cool my pussy, and I knew that the old bastard would do it, given half a chance.
"Would you like Granddad to fuck your nice pussy?"
"Yes Granddad."
"Say it then. Ask me nicely."
"Please Granddad, will you fuck me please."
He made no reply. I wanted it now, wanted it badly enough to put on a convincing act for the old bastard.
"Please Granddad." I whined, "I want to be a good girl and please you. My cunt is all hot and wet and I need to be fucked. Please do it to me Granddad."
"Get on the floor then." He barked in a gruff voice.
I lay down on the cold, dirty floor of his store room and looked up at him as I opened my legs. He stood over me for a few moments, taking in the view, then started to unfasten his trousers. I had another look at the repulsive grey/yellow Y-fronts before he pushed them down to his knees.
His cock stood erect, proudly jutting out over his massive ball sack. He knelt between my legs and positioned his glans at the top of my slit. Then he slowly ran the tip up and down my slit, rubbing it against my clit. He pushed in between my lips into the entrance to my tunnel, then withdrew again. I moaned and thrust my hips up, trying to 'capture' his cock.
He lay on top of me and began to stroke my breasts, teasing my nipples. I was aware of his strong body odour, the smell of stale tobacco. Then he kissed me. His foul, rubbery lips were pressed onto mine and his tongue had powerd its' way into my mouth. He tasted vile, I almost gagged. I turned my head away, trying to evade this ultimate *** but at that moment he pushed into me up to the hilt. I gasped as his cock drove deep into me and his tongue entered me too.
He began to fuck me with strong deep strokes, every one felt like it was reaching the very top of my pussy and my body shuddered as his hips collided with mine. His hands were still tormenting my breasts and his vile tongue was exploring my mouth. I lay there fighting a growing nausea.
After a minute or two he stopped, propped himself up on one elbow and looked at me coldly.
"Are you going to lay there like a fucking corpse, or would you like me to use the slipper to liven you up?"
"I'm sorry."
He slapped me across the face, making me gasp with shock.
"You didn't call me Granddad." He laughed.
"I'm sorry Granddad. I'll try harder." I said in a little-girl voice.
He started to pump into me again. I began to thrust my hips up to meet his strokes; I stroked his back and bottom, tickling his tight hole. He pressed his mouth onto mine again, and I responded by opening my mouth and letting his tongue roam around my mouth at will. I stroked his tongue with mine and gasped and moaned as he enjoyed me. I reached down between us to stroke and tickle his outsize ball bag. He grunted appreciatively and increased the speed and strength of his strokes. And then he came in me. I felt stream after stream of hot semen being fired into me; he went completely rigid on top of me. After the first few spurts I expected the jets to diminish but he just kept on emptying those huge balls into me. I had never known a man dump such a load into me. It felt like he was never going to stop. Finally he shuddered and collapsed on top of me.
After a few moments he raised himself up and put his shrivelling member back into his repulsive underwear.
"Not bad. That wasn't bad at all. You can get your things on now and bugger off, I've got things to do. You come back soon though, and we'll do it again, right?"
I didn't reply. Alan couldn't make me do this again, could he?
"Come on! I haven't got all redy day you know. Get your dirty little arse up off my floor, get dressed and get out."
I got to my feet and started to gather my clothes. As I moved the semen he had deposited into me started to leak out. I could feel it seeping down my legs and into my stocking tops. I pulled my skirt on and began fastening my bra. I heard a voice calling from the back of the shop.
"Hey Granddad? Granddad where are you? How come the shop is closed?"
The voice was strangely familiar, but I couldn't put a name to it. I hurriedly pulled my blouse on, fastening the buttons wrongly in my haste, but no matter, I was no longer exposed.
"I'm in here Adam, come on through."
Alarm bells started to ring in my mind. It couldn't be, it just couldn't be…..
"What the hell's going on Gramps? Why have you closed up on a Saturday afternoon?"
"I've been entertaining a visitor. This is Alimister. This is my grandmister, Adam, say hello."
I turned to face the grandmister, but I already knew who it was. Adam Stuart, arrogant fifteen year old who always seemed to know how far to go without getting into trouble. I had had several incidents with Adam. My mind went back to the first day Alan had made me go into class without a bra or knickers. Adam had guessed my state of undress at once, and had enjoyed himself at my expense by suggesting that we all take off our jackets to keep cool. There was something about Adam that disturbed me, it was as though I knew he was beyond my control. Now he looked at me with a mixture of contempt and amusement on his face.
"Hello Miss. Fancy seeing you here!"
"Hello Adam. I just called in to say hello to your grandman and buy a newspaper." I stammered pathetically.
"Sure Miss, anything you say." He said, a dirty smirk on his face.
"You now each other?"
"This is my English teacher, Gramps. You remember, I told you about her, the miserable bitch."
The old man sniggered.
It was an outright challenge. Adam looked at me defiantly. Suddenly I needed to get out of there, I turned to leave, walking back towards the front of the shop.
"Hey!, wait a minute." The old man called. I stopped and waited for him to approach.
"Aren't you going to kiss Granddad goodbye?" he asked, grinning.
I looked nervously at him, then Adam, who had clearly guessed what was going on and looked thoroughly amused.
"No. Please." I said quietly. "Not in front of him."
"Don't worry about him. Now come on."
I turned to face the old bastard, then leaned in to give him the briefest kiss.
"No. I want a proper one."
I gave him a deep kiss on the mouth, feeling cheap and dirty as I did so. As I broke off he chuckled again and said. "Where are your manners? Say goodbye Granddad and thank me properly for a nice afternoon."
"Goodbye Granddad, thank you for a nice afternoon."
"I'll see you out."
He walked along beside me to the door of the shop. Before I was able to get out the door he deliberately reached out and stroked my bottom, squeezing one cheek with his old, bony hand. Of course Adam saw everything, and my last memory as I left the shop was of the smirk across his knowing face.
I stumred home feeling sick to my stomach. I could still smell and feel the old man on me. The tops of my legs and stocking tops were sticky with his jism. I was disgusted with myself for the way I had behaved, but worse, far worse, was the discovery that he was related to a pupil at my school. And a particularly vile and unpleasant pupil too. I knew it wouldn't be long before everyone at the school knew about me and Adam's grandman.
By the time I arrived home I was in tears. Alan and Neil were waiting for me, keen to hear all about the afternoon. When I told them about Adam they found the whole thing highly amusing.
"How can you laugh at this? That little bastard will tell everyone in the school about this. I'll be a laughing stock. Oh God, I feel so ashamed. What am I going to do? You've got to help me."
"Just keep calm." Alan said. "Who cares if the school knows, you're leaving in three weeks. What harm can possibly come of it?"
"Yes, but Adam Stuart, Alan. He's such a horrible little cuckolds brownie! I hate the thought of him knowing about this."
"Maybe you should 'buy his silence', you know, give him an incentive to keep his mouth shut" Neil suggested, a sly smile on his face.
The thought was instantly repellent. Adam Stuart was a fifteen-year-old young. A thoroughly obnoxious young, but a young non the less. It was simply out of the question. JBS
Posts: 12
Anymore ?? Please!!!
Posts: 107
please continue its the best story ever.................. everything in life is free
Posts: 819
More PLEASE! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 167641
woaaa super bravo 
Posts: 110
Very nice any more instalments please....
Posts: 102
is there no more?
Posts: 47
Sorry folks I have been busy. More to cum! JBS
Posts: 107
Can't wait its the best story ever.... everything in life is free
Posts: 110
JoeBull any updates? Tis a fabulous story
Posts: 47
Let's get back on track................... JBS
Posts: 47
For those of you that are new to this thread I recommend that you start from the beginning................ JBS
Posts: 47
Chapter 13.
I walked from the room to the sound of Alan and Neil's laughter. They were still enjoying my description of my time with the old man. They particularly liked the part where I'd been made to call him 'granddad'. Neil seemed to be very interested in the possibilities to humiliate me further by making me 'available' to Adam, the old man's fifteen year old grandson, and a student at the school where Alan and I taught.
I went and showered, marvelling at the sheer quantity of semen the old man had pumped into me from his giant-sized scrotum. The tops of my stockings were soaked and stained, and it was still running from my pussy. As I washed I could feel how much he had put into me. I had never known so much from one man.
I dried myself, put on a T-shirt and clean pair of knickers, poured myself a glass of wine and went back into the living room. They were both still there, watching T.V., but they switched it off as soon as I entered the room.
"Feeling better now?" Alan asked.
I shifted slightly in my seat, my bottom was still tender from the spanking I had received the previous night, and from the slippering the old man had administered. I said as much and they both giggled.
"Do you feel randy when you think about that?" Neil asked.
"A bit." I grinned. They both smiled back.
"So you'll be up for a bit of fun later then?" Neil asked.
"Depends what you've got in mind." I said, grinning again.
"We've been talking things over.", Alan said. "I want to make a few suggestions. Don't think about this too much, just go with your instincts, ok?"
"Ok." I said warily.
"Right, there's about three weeks left until the end of term, and you leave to set up with John right after that, yes?"
"That's the plan, yes."
"Right, so we've got just three weeks to have as much fun as we can. Then you go off to live happily ever after, and we forget you ever existed, right."
"Go on."
"So let's not waste any opportunities!"
"You still haven't told me what you've got in mind."
"Anything and everything!" Neil said bluntly. "We do anything we like between now and when you leave, anything at all."
"I don't know about this, you two can get a bit over excited at times, I don't want things to get too out of hand. If we are going to do anything new, then I want some say before it's set up. Right?"
"No deal. The excitement will come from not knowing what we've got in mind. You've just got to go with the flow."
"I don't like the sound of this." I said, warily. "What's to say you won't have me doing something totally outrageous?"
"That's exactly the point. We will make you do stuff that you don't want to do. That's the whole point, isn't it? Do you regret any of the stuff you've done in the last couple of months?"
"But you had your doubts about some of it, didn't you?"
"Sure, I had a few doubts, but couldn't you at least tell me what you've got in mind?"
"No. We won't give you any clues at all." Said Alan firmly. "All I want from you is your agreement that you will do whatever we tell you to do. Oh, you can object if you want, that's part of the fun for all of us, isn't it? But if we insist, you have to do as you are told. In return, we'll make sure that you'll remember the next three weeks for the rest of your life. You'll be wanking about this stuff for years, and so will we probably! What do you say?"
I hesitated for a moment. I didn't doubt that between them, they would come up with some mind-blowing stuff for me to 'suffer'. And I knew that I would find the whole thing fantastically enjoyable. I just had one, last, lingering doubt. One small part of me was still fighting against being dominated and used. One last part of the 'old me'.
I weighed up the odds. I knew I could trust them both to keep to their part of the deal. Once I moved away, they would make no attempt to contact me, do nothing that would jeopardise my new life with John. I also knew that their fantasies were not that different from my own, and so I was unlikely to find anything they wanted to do completely unacceptable. And yet....
There was still a possibility that I had misjudged them. I thought I knew Alan pretty well by now. Neil, however, was a different proposition. He enjoyed humiliating me in private as much as Alan did, probably more, but he was also really into the group and public stuff, and he was much more ******. His spankings really hurt, and he had been the first to ******* my nipples. He enjoyed seeing me in physical, as well as mental pain. How far would he go if given carte blanche?
A thrill of fear ran through me. In raising the doubts in my own mind, I had practically talked myself into agreeing with their proposition! I took a deep swallow of wine.
"OK. I'll go along with whatever you say for the next three weeks, just don't go too far ok?" I grinned at them both. They looked like ******** given free reign in a toy shop!
"So what's been the best thing for you so far then?" Neil asked.
"I don't know."
"Come on, I bet you've got a favourite. What's turned you on the most?"
I thought about this for a moment or two. "I really liked the first time, with Alan, when I undressed for him in my living room. I'd never done anything like that before. Then the next time, in my kitchen, when I had to strip for him again. I really didn't want to, but somehow I couldn't say 'no'. That was really sexy."
"I came in your mouth and on your face that morning didn't I?" Alan remarked. "Did you finger yourself afterwards?"
"Yes. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was covered in your semen. I lay on my bed and stroked my clit until I came."
"What happened next?" Neil asked.
"Later that day Alan spanked me for the first time because I hadn't shaved my pubes as he had ordered."
"And you enjoyed that, didn't you?" Alan asked.
"Yes. I'd never been spanked before, and I felt so ashamed as you put me over your knee then lifted my skirt. I remember my face burning as you pulled my knickers down and started stroking my bottom. Then you made me count each smack out loud, up to ten. It felt really painful and humiliating."
"I remember." Alan laughed. "I gave her a few light smacks and then slipped my hand between her legs. She was absolutely soaking. She'd loved every minute of it, do you remember me telling you about it?"
"I remember it well." Neil laughed. "Alan came into the pub that night and told us all how he had you stripping and sucking for him at the drop of a hat. Then he told us how Alison, the ultimate stuck up bitch, had a thing for having her knickers pulled down and her bare arse smacked. Jesus!, we laughed and laughed at that."
I had begun to blush at the memories of past ******, but I had also become very aroused. Now the picture in my mind of Alan telling them all about how easily I had surrendered had me squirming around in my seat. I slipped my hand between my legs and started to rub my pussy through my knickers.
"What about the worst then? What has been the worst thing you've done?"
I thought for a moment, "I really didn't like it when you both held me down and Neil did it to my bottom."
"But I bet you like the idea of that now, don't you?"
I thought about it for a moment, then I had to confess, "Yes, I suppose I do, really. The idea of being used, and ******, is a real turn on. It's like last night, when I had to let all those men grope me in the pub, and then Paul and Richard stripping me and playing with me in the back of the car, making me come in front of all those other men watching outside. And then being made to walk through the streets virtually naked, the old man having a good look at me. God!, by the time I got back to the flat I was about ready to explode! And then you all made me play with myself and tell all that private stuff. A few weeks ago I would never even fantasise about that stuff."
"Did you used to fantasise about being shamed?" Neil asked.
"Some times. I used to fantasise that I was being watched all the time. When I was dressing or undressing. When I was in the bath or the shower. When I was on the toilet. I would imagine that someone, a man, was watching me when I was making love to John, or playing with myself."
"You liked that?"
"Yes. Once I imagined that I was taking part in a medical research programme. I had to lie on a bed and bring myself off while a whole class of medical students watched. That was a good one! I brought myself off quite a few times with that one!"
"What started you thinking about that sort of stuff? When was your first fantasy?"
"When I was about fifteen. I told you how I used to rub a candle into my pussy? Well one night, I was in bed, my nightie pulled up and my knickers off. I was playing with my clit and pushing the candle into my pussy when my brother came into my room. He didn't knock, just opened the door and came in. Said he was looking for one of his books. I yelled at him to get out, and he did, but I never knew if he'd guessed what I was doing under the covers. I'd been pretty close, so I guess I'd been panting and gasping a bit, and my face would probably have been red, so he could have guessed what I had been doing. He never said anything though."
"So after that, I got excited at the thought of being caught playing with myself! I imagined doing it to myself and my mum or dad coming in and catching me. I used to imagine being told off for being so dirty and rude. Then I imagined my brother catching me at it and teasing me about it, threatening to tell mum and dad. I fantasised that he made me do it while he watched."
"So you really like it then when we make you do that for real?"
"It's really exciting, yes!"
"So how would you feel if I told you to wank yourself off while a bunch of total strangers watched?" Neil asked.
I shuddered at the thought, "That would be something else! Part of me is appalled by the idea, and another part wants to do it. Are you going to make me do that?"
"Might do, might not. You won't know until I tell you!"
"Are you getting turned on?"
"Yes." I breathed.
"Would you like me to fuck you?"
"Mmm, yes please!"
"Tell me."
"I want you to fuck me. I want both of you to fuck me."
"Shall I fuck you up the arse, like last night?"
"If you want to. You can do anything to me Neil, you know you can. I'll do anything you say, anything you want."
I could feel my pussy getting wet.
"Why don't you put on a show for us first? Dance around a bit, get your kit off, entertain me." He laughed.
I finished my wine then went over to the stereo. I turned on the radio and a slow, bluesy ballad filled the room. I began to dance and sway in front of them both. After a moment or two I slowly lifted my T-shirt until my breasts were exposed. I left the T-shirt bunched above my breasts, then began to stroke and caress my breasts whilst gyrating my hips. I was about three feet in front of them, and I could clearly see the swelling bulges in their trousers. I cupped my breasts, pinched my nipples, then peeled off the T-shirt and dropped it to the floor.
I continued to gyrate my hips, which caused my breasts to sway in rhythm. I grabbed the waistband of my knickers and pulled them up tight into my crotch. I felt them slip up into the crack of my bottom as my hips moved. I turned my back to them, wiggling my bum at them as I did so. I pulled my knickers up as high as I could, then bent over, giving them a perfect view of the mound of my pussy, tightly covered by the white cotton of my knickers.
I turned to face them again. I slipped my hand between my thighs and began to stroke my pussy through my knickers. I could feel the wetness there. I pushed the thin cotton into my slit and groaned with pleasure as my finger slipped over my hard little clit. I began to finger fuck myself in time to the music, caressing my breasts with my other hand. They were clearly enjoying the show as much as I was!
I turned my back to them again and started to ease my knickers down over my hips. I bent forward slightly and wriggled my bottom as I slipped my knickers down. I bent over completely as I pushed them down to my ankles, then spread my legs wide, exposing my hot, wet pussy to them. I slipped my hand between my legs and spread my pussy lips apart. I could feel how wet I had become and knew they would see this too.
I stood and faced them again. I brought my knickers up to my face and began to smell them. At the same time I slipped my hand between my thighs and began to rub my pussy. I thrust my hips forward onto my fingers to the rhythm of the music. I was soaking wet, my clit was swollen and super sensitive. As I ran a fingertip over it jolts of pleasure tore through me. I was whimpering with pleasure.
I looked down to see that they had both opened their trousers and were slowly wanking their cocks as they watched my show. I dropped to my knees between them and reached out for their throbbing organs.
I draped my knickers over Neil's cock and began to wank his over-size organ with long, slow, deliberate strokes. He sighed contentedly. I ran the tips of my fingers along the entire length of Alan's cock, watching it twitch as I stroked the head. Then I began to wank it, using the same rhythm for both cocks.
After a minute or two I noticed pre-cum on Alan's cock, and lifted my knickers off Neil's to see that he had deposited some on them. Looking into Neil's eyes I slowly brought them up to my face and smelled them. I could smell my own sex juices but also his aroma. As he watched, fascinated, I licked at the stain his pre-cum had left on the cotton. Alan groaned, and I felt his cock stiffen still further.
I dropped my knickers, took hold of Neil's cock and lowered my head towards it. I planted small, delicate kisses onto its' head, then ran the tip of my tongue along the hole, licking up more pre-cum as I did so. Neil grunted with pleasure. I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck, running my tongue around his circumcised glans. I let go of Alan's cock and began to stroke Neil's balls. I could feel the skin of his scrotum tighten as I did so.
I was incredibly aroused. I could feel the heat in my pussy, and I was giving Neil my all, sucking, licking and stroking his cock for all I was worth. I took his cock out of my mouth then moved closer to him. I put his cock between my breasts then pressed them together over his hot shaft. I began to move up and down, feeling his cock stroking the skin of my breasts. I began to kiss and lick at his belly, I heard him groan with pleasure.
"You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?" He said.
"Oh God, yes!" I moaned.
"Did you enjoy putting on a show for us?"
"Oh yes! That got me really hot. I love showing off to you like that, I love it when you can see all of me, when you order me to show myself to you." I shuddered with pleasure.
"Maybe we should sell tickets!" Alan said. Neil laughed. "We could sell tickets to watch you strip and finger yourself 'till you came. Would you like that? A whole room full of complete strangers and you would have to strip off and then finger yourself. Maybe you'd use a dildo, or a vibrator? You'd have to keep going, with them all watching you, until you came. Would you like that?"
My heart was racing. The idea was both appalling and hugely exciting at the same time. "Yes, oh God yes." I whimpered. "Would I have to ask permission before I could come?"
"Definitely. You would have to beg the audience to allow you to come. And if you came without permission you would have to be spanked by every man there, before showing them how hot and wet your cunt was. How would you like that?"
I groaned and panted, whimpered and moaned. They knew exactly which buttons to press now. I writhed around on Neil, my breasts still wrapped around his rock-hard cock. I was desperate for some release.
"Please can I put your cock into my pussy?" I whined to Neil, "Please Neil. I'm desperate."
"Help yourself. But you can't come until I say so."
I got quickly to my feet and straddled myself over him, then I lowered myself down onto his waiting cock. I almost came as I steered the head between my pussy lips, then I groaned as I felt his massive girth start to slide into me. I sank down onto him, relishing the feelings of ecstasy which coursed though my body. Finally, I had all of him inside me. I stopped for a moment to savour being so full, and then began to rock my hips back and forth. The sensations were fantastic! I cupped my breasts and began to stroke them, paying particular attention to my erect nipples. I could feel his pre-cum smeared between them. I rubbed this into my skin, then brought my fingers up to my lips and began to lick them. I dropped my hand down between my legs, slipped a finger between my pussy lips and began to stroke my clit.
I began to increase the pace, rocking my hips faster and faster. My fingers were busy on my nipples and my clit, I closed my eyes, threw back my head and ground my pelvis down onto Neil's massive shaft. I could feel my orgasm start to build.
"Neil can I come? Please let me come, please Neil. Can I? Oh God, please let me come Neil."
They both laughed. "No." He said flatly. I almost screamed.
"I want you to tell me what a good little girl you are going to be."
"Oh God! I'll be good Neil. I promise. I'll do anything you want, anything at all, I promise."
I took my hand away from my clit; the sensations were too much. Now I was pinching my nipples, trying desperately to avoid climaxing without permission.
"So if I told you to go to work as a stripper in a night club, you'd do it?"
A thrill of fear ran through me. Would he do that?
"I'll do whatever you say, Neil. I promise."
"You'd do that, if I told you to? Stand up in front of a club full of strangers, then dance around stark naked?"
I was already desperate to climax, and the thought of having to strip for the enjoyment of a club full of dirty, disgusting, ******* men was adding fuel to an already over heated fire.
"Please Neil. I need to come. Please Neil, please let me."
"Would you do it?"
"Yes! Oh my God, yes. I'd do it if you told me to, I promise."
"You'd have to go into the audience as well. Be nice to the punters. Let them have a bit of a feel. Imagine all those strangers feeling your tits, pinching your arse, maybe even slipping a finger or two up your hot little cunt. You'd love it, wouldn't you?"
"Yes!" I almost yelled. "Yes, I'd love it. I'd love being made to strip for all those men, dancing naked for them. I'd dance around for them, they could touch me, feel me, do anything they liked to me. I'll do it Neil, I promise I will, please let me come, Neil, please."
He groaned and I felt him twitch inside of me, then he was shooting his load into me. I ground my pelvis down on him as hard as I could, and pinched my nipples still trying to hold off my own climax. Despite my best efforts I felt my orgasm start to hit. My entire body shook as wave after wave of pure pleasure crashed onto me. I wailed and cried, gasped for breath and twisted my nipples painfully, imagining all those anonymous hands running across my naked body. I was lost to everything but the powerful feelings I was experiencing. My climax seemed to go on and on. I heard myself sobbing. And then it subsided and fell forward onto Neil's chest.
For a few moments all I could hear was my own ragged breathing and my heartbeat thundering in my ears. Then I was aware of Neil's breathing and the warmth of his body, his smell. Then suddenly Alan grabbed hold of my hair, pulling me off Neil, making me stand up. I cried out in shock and pain.
"You weren't given permission to come, were you? You were told that you were not to come without permission."
I was still gasping for breath. "I'm really sorry Alan. I couldn't help it, it was just too much. The thought of stripping off in front of a load of men, letting them use me, it just sent me over the edge. I'm sorry."
"You still came without permission. Now you'r JBS
Posts: 47
Chapter 14.
I woke momentarily next morning to the sound of the phone ringing. Before I could respond, I heard Alan answer it. After a moment or two it became clear that it wasn't for me, so I drifted back to *****. I was woken more ********** some time later by Neil, who was shaking me vigorously and barking "Come on, get up, you've got a visitor."
I fell out of bed, wearing only the knickers I'd worn the previous night. Still bleary eyed, I pulled on a T-shirt and some jeans and stumbled after Neil. I followed him upstairs to Alan's flat, my mind still foggy, trying to wake up. I had just about got my wits together to ask who the visitor was when we reached the door to Alan's living room. Neil stood back to let me enter first, a sly grin on his face as he said "After you." With mock courtesy.
I entered the room eyeing Neil suspiciously. I looked around and saw Alan, lounging in a nearby armchair, looking very relaxed as he sipped a mug of coffee. He was talking to a man who had his back to me. He looked immediately familiar, but I couldn't place him at once. And then he turned to greet me and I saw the old man from the newspaper shop. He grinned at me as we made eye contact, then winked. Ridiculously, I found myself blushing.
"Mr. Stuart has just come up with a brilliant idea, Ali***." Alan announced calmly.
"Oh yes?"
"Yes. He was just saying to me what a hot little bitch you are, and how we could all have some fun with you. He has suggested that we share you between us."
"Share me?"
"Yes. He suggests that most of the time you should stay here and serve me and Neil, together with whoever else happens to turn up, but the rest of the time you would stay with him. I thought it would be interesting for you. What do you think?"
My mind was spinning. It was one thing to have to spend a few hours with the dirty, smelly old bastard, but this was something else. How long would I have to spend with the old bastard?
"Alan, could we talk about this in private for a moment?" I smiled nervously at the old man, as if trying not to cause offence. Alan looked at me thoughtfully at me for a moment, then smiled and said "Sure, why not?" As if he were doing me a favour.
I followed him out of the room, and we went to his bedroom.
"What the hell are you playing at?" I hissed. "Are you really proposing to hand me over to that old bastard? Jesus, I thought it was going to be a one-off. I didn't think I was going to be his play-thing. I won't do it, Alan. He's disgusting. Christ, you should smell him close up. It's enough to turn your stomach."
"You will do it, because it's exactly the sort of thing you want to do. You like to be humiliated, remember? That's why you were running 'round the park with your arse hanging out last night! The more shameful, the better, that's what you like. So you will go round to his flat later today, and take what's coming to you. Right?"
I hesitated. I really didn't want to do it this time. He was disgusting. He smelt, he looked awful and the way he looked at me gave me the creeps. It wasn't like going with the head master, who was older but still vaguely human. This old man was genuinely foul. I didn't want him anywhere near me. I remembered what I had said to Alan and Neil yesterday. I would do what they wanted for the next three weeks or so, and they wanted me to do this. A deal was a deal. After a few moments, I nodded my agreement.
"Excellent! I'll go and let Mr. Stuart know. Now you go and get ready, and I'll let him know you'll be there in about half an hour. Oh, and you'll be stopping there overnight, just so you know."
I stood in stunned silence as he left the room. I was going to have to stay with him all night? I shuddered at what he might have in store for me.
I went downstairs to my own flat. I made my way to the bathroom and set the shower running. While I was waiting for the water to heat up I stripped off my jeans, T-shirt and knickers and sat down on the toilet for a pee. I heard footsteps on the landing outside the bathroom, and suddenly the door swung open. I had stopped bothering to lock the door after me weeks ago, often enjoying it when Alan or Neil would casually walk in on me when I was in the shower.
Now the doorway was filled with the shape of the old man. He stood there, watching me pee, the small room filled with the sound of my urine hitting the porcelain. I covered my breasts with my forearm, but was unable to stop the flow from my bladder. I heard him chuckle to himself as he stood and enjoyed the show.
"Well, I'll see you later then, Ali***." There was laughter from the other two.
I put my head down, trying to avoid eye contact.
My flow finally ceased, but he made no effort to leave. Instead he leaned against the frame of the door, as if making himself comfortable. I pulled some tissue from the roll, wiped myself as quickly as I could then looked around for my bathrobe. Of course I had left it in my bedroom! I resigned myself to yet more embarrassment, then stood and flushed the toilet. I turned my back on the old man as I checked the temperature of the water in the shower, then stepped in to the cubicle and under the warm, cleansing water.
I knew the old man was having a long, lingering look at my bottom, but I didn't care. I didn't doubt he'd see every inch of me within the next few hours, and I didn't doubt that I'd enjoy every shameful minute of it. I started to lather my body, losing myself in the act of cleansing myself. When I turned around some minutes later, they had all gone, but the door was still open.
I stepped from the shower, then went through the rest of my routine. I shaved under my arms, then carefully over my pussy. I massaged moisturiser into my skin, wanting to feel my best, even for the old man. I plucked my eyebrows, combed my hair until it hung long and straight past my shoulders, almost to my nipples. Then I made my way to my bedroom.
I had been given no instructions on what to wear. Last time, I'd worn stockings and suspenders, but my stocking tops had been soaked with the old man's semen, so I'd thrown them away. They'd been my only pair. I didn't think he'd be the type to appreciate tights, so I would have to be bare legged.
I found a dark blue, knee-length, wrap around skirt in my wardrobe and decided to wear that. I also found a loose fitting, cream coloured blouse, which went well with the skirt. The obligatory white knickers and a pair of strappy sandals completed the ensemble. I put on a little make-up and set off for Alan's flat.
I walked into his living room and Alan and Neil began to whistle appreciatively. Alan started to caress my breasts through my blouse, making my nipples harden. Neil lifted my skirt from behind and began to caress my bottom. "Who's going to get fucked by a rancid old bastard then?" He laughed. Alan laughed too. Amazingly, I found myself laughing with them.
"Stop it you two! It isn't funny! Really."
Nevertheless, we all had a giggle at the old man's expense. Then Alan said, "You'd better get off then. He's expecting you." I swallowed nervously. Then a thought occurred to me.
"What if Adam is there? Oh God! I don't think I could cope with that. What do I do?"
"Just do as you're told, and lie back and enjoy it." Neil laughed. Alan joined in and soon they were roaring with laughter at my discomfort. Irritated, I turned and left the flat. Their laughter still ringing in my ears as I walked along the street towards the old man's newspaper shop.
I reached the shop to find it closed. Of course, I thought to myself, it's Sunday. Finding a side door, I rang the bell. I heard movement behind the door, and it opened to reveal the old man. He held the door open for me and motioned for me to come in. As I walked past him I could smell his strong body odour. It was all I could do not to shudder or hold my nose.
"Straight up the stairs." He motioned.
I started to climb the stairs and he followed, enjoying the view up my skirt as he did so. The place smelled really bad. Old cooking smells mixed with body odour and general dirt. It looked as tough it hadn't seen new paint in a century. The walls were nicotine brown and the carpets a non-descript colour between red and brown. The light was poor on the stairs. As I reached the top I stood and waited for him to direct me. He slipped past me, his hand running across my bottom. "In here." I followed.
We went into a living room of sorts. The smell was awful, and it clearly hadn't been cleaned in a long time. "Living room." He grunted, and turned and left the room. I was clearly expected to follow him on his 'guided tour'. The next room was the bedroom. An ancient metal framed double bed stood in the middle of the room, with an old chest of drawers nearby. Discarded clothes lay in piles on the floor.
I stood looking at the mess, feeling disgust rising in me. I was lost in my own thoughts and hadn't realised he'd left the room until he yelled "Are you coming or not?"
I jumped and followed him, catching up with him in the kitchen. This was rea***ably clean, with a modern cooker. Clean work tops and even a washing machine. I was surprised.
"Right, time for you to get to work. I'm going out for a few hours, going to see my *** and his family. While I'm away, you clean the place, see? All of it. I want it spotless when I get back, right. You'll find all the stuff you need in that cupboard there. I want you to do the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Change the bed, wash the sheets and sort out all that washing that needs to be done. Oh, and you'll find the things for tonight's tea in the fridge. I'll be back about six thirty, have food on the table for six forty five or you'll be punished. Get on with it."
And with that, he grabbed a coat and left. I was stunned! The old bastard. Not only was he going to have his little fun with me later, but I was expected to clean his dirty, disgusting hovel for him too. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Huffing with indignation, I made my way down stairs to the front door, determined to leave. I was going to go home and tell Alan to forget it.
It's funny to think now. I'd happily comply with every perverted wish of every man I met, but the old man's orders for me to do what he clearly saw as 'woman's work' had revived all the old feminist instincts in me!
I stomped down to the front door only to find it locked. The old bastard had locked it behind him, and I was unable to leave. 'Fine', I thought, 'I'll phone Alan and he can come and get me out'. I went back upstairs to find that there was a lock on the phone. I couldn't get out, and I couldn't call for help either. I sat down on the stairs, furious, trying to figure out what to do next.
After about ten minutes or so I had calmed down. I looked at the clock, twelve fifteen. I had over six hours to wait before the old man got back. Resigned to a long wait, I decided to do a bit of tidying round, just to pass the time. I opened windows in the flat to let some clean air in, sorted out some of the filthy clothes which I now saw lay around in every room, and put a load in the washing machine.
I hoovered in every room, then made myself a cup of tea and sat down to think things through. Despite myself, I had quite enjoyed sorting through the flat, and I was pleased at the improvement. I still had several hours to go, and my thoughts turned to what lay in store for me when the old man finally did get home.
A thrill of revulsion ran through me. He'd already demonstrated that he could thoroughly humiliate me to the point of orgasm in the space of an hour or two, now he would have me for the whole evening and all of the night. The possibilities were endless. I slipped a finger into my knickers and felt for my slit. Sure enough, I was wet! Marvelling yet again at my seemingly insatiable sex drive I decided to play along with the old man.
I decided to play a little game of my own while I was waiting for 'granddad'. I opened several buttons on my blouse and slipped my knickers off. Then I set about cleaning the flat as thoroughly as I could, but all the time imagining him there watching me. I imagined how he would be able to see down my blouse if I bent just so...., how he might get a glimpse of my bare pussy if I allowed my wrap-around skirt to open too far. Whilst I was cleaning the bathroom and toilet I got down on my hands and knees, imagining him looking up my skirt and enjoying the view of my bare arse as I toiled away submissively.
I cleaned and washed determinedly all afternoon, then set about ironing his clothes and putting them away lovingly. All the time imagining how I would be showing myself off to him. I imagined him telling me to do certain tasks, knowing that when I did I would expose myself to him, then smiling slyly to himself. I was blushing with embarrassment, but becoming increasingly aroused at the same time.
I changed the bed linen, the existing sheets were disgusting, God knew when they had last been changed. As I was putting clean ones on I imagined him watching me. I rolled onto my back and spread my legs wide causing my skirt to open and expose my shaven slit. I slipped my hand between my legs and began to stroke my sopping pussy. My clit was already hard and fantastically sensitive. I began to stroke my hard nipples. I writhed around on the old bed, listening to the springs as they creaked and groaned under my weight, imagining the sound they would make as he took me later on. I pushed first one, then two fingers into my hot tunnel, finger fucking myself towards orgasm. As I climaxed I heard myself sigh "Oh granddad".
I recovered my composure, then set about more tasks around the flat. I looked at the clock; six o'clock. Half an hour and he would be back. I thrill of adrenaline shot through me. I hurried to the kitchen and began to prepare the meal. Al the ingredients were there and I busied myself enthusiastically. When the food was cooking nicely, I went to the bathroom and took off my skirt. I gently washed my sensitive pussy, savouring the coolness of the water.
Then I dried myself and, with a slight pang of regret, pulled my knickers back on. I fastened my skirt back into place, checked my make-up and hair in the mirror, fastened the buttons on my blouse, then went back to the kitchen to wait for Granddad.
He was right on time. At six-thirty precisely I heard the door open at the bottom of the stairs. I ran to the top of the stairs to greet him. He stood looking up at me. "Did you do as you were told?" He said, gruffly.
"Yes, Granddad." I said in a little girl voice. "I've done all the cleaning and the washing and lots of ironing, and I've cooked you a really nice meal Granddad."
He grinned openly. "You better have done it properly, my girl. I don't want any crap jobs."
"I have done it properly, honest Granddad. Come and see." I skipped down the stairs to him, took hold of his hand and lead him up the stairs. As I did so I knew he could see right up my skirt to my small, white knickers. I felt a tingle between my legs.
I took him into each room in turn, the living room, then the kitchen, then the bathroom, and finally the bedroom. I stood in the middle of his bedroom as he looked around approvingly. Then I showed him the shirts I had neatly ironed for him and the drawers full of clean underwear, socks and handkerchiefs. He smiled again as he stood next to me, then slowly reached out and patted my bottom.
"Good girl. You have done well. I hope you can cook as well as you clean?"
"I've tried my best Granddad."
"Well then let's find out, shall we?"
He sat down at the kitchen table and I waited on him. I served his food, then hurried off to get him a bottle of beer. I stood and watched him like a serving girl as he sampled the food.
"Not bad at all. You can have some too, if you like."
"Oh, thanks Granddad." I served myself a plate of the food and sat down to eat.
"I'm glad to see you know your place." He said after he had finished eating. "I can't stand stuck up bitches who think they're something special. You're not like that, are you?"
"No Granddad, I know my place."
"And where is that, then?"
"Where you tell me to be Granddad."
He grinned again.
"You used to be such a stuck up bitch though, didn't you?"
"Yes Granddad, but I'm different now."
"So I see. Well, you're not finished yet, young lady. Clear these plates away, then get on with the washing up. Oh, and I don't think you need a skirt on for that, do you?"
I felt colour rush to my cheeks. "No Granddad." I murmured. I untied the skirt, removed it and draped it over the back of a chair. Then I set about clearing the table and washing up while he sat and watched me, smoking cigarettes almost constantly.
I washed all the plates and pans, dried them and put them away, taking every opportunity to bend over and give him a good view of my bum. I could feel the heat building in my pussy. I hoped that whatever he had in mind for me, he'd do it soon.
"What shall we do this evening, Granddad?" I enquired, trying to sound innocent.
"Sunday night is cards night." He said.
"Cards night?" I echoed stupidly.
"Yes. A few of my mates come over and we play cards and have a few ******. Do that every Sunday. They'll be here in a bit. When they get here, I want you to make them feel really welcome. Get them whatever they want, show some hospitality, ok?"
I swallowed nervously. This was getting more and more bizarre. Firstly I'd been locked in his flat as a domestic slave and cook, then I'd been the after dinner cabaret, now I was to be some sort of hostess to a group of dirty old men.
"Are you going to do as you're told? I don't want any nonsense out of you. Any tantrums and I'll smack your arse, right?"
"Yes, Granddad. I'll be good, I promise."
"Good." He looked at me with piercing eyes which promised retribution if I put a foot wrong. At that moment the doorbell rang. I looked at him for instructions and he barked "Don't just stand there, go and open it. Show the gentleman in here."
I hurriedly put my skirt back on then scampered off to the front door and opened it. A squat old man stood there, waiting. He had a large pot belly which hung over the waistband of his faded jeans and pushed at the buttons of his grubby white / grey shirt. He was virtually bald, but what hair he did have left had grown long and straggly, stretched across his bald head in an apparent attempt to give the impression of a full head of hair.
"Are you here to see Mr. Stuart?" I smiled at him.
"That's right." He said. His eyes ran up and down my entire body, lingering on my legs and breasts. "And who might you be?"
"I'm Ali***, I'm a friend of Mr. Stuart's. Please come with me." I closed the door behind him then set off up the stairs. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my thighs as he followed me, enjoying the view up my skirt. I deliberately swayed my hips provocatively, giving him the best possible view.
When we entered the living room, Granddad greeted him. "Hi Barry."
"Evening Tom. Who's the skirt then?"
"Local bint. Used to be a right stuck up cow, now she can't do enough for me, if you know what I mean." And he gave a huge, theatrical wink.
Barry turned to look at me again, "You're kidding?"
"No, seriously. She's here to entertain us tonight. Isn't that right. Ali***?"
I felt my face flush with hot colour. "Yes Granddad." I muttered. Barry laughed out loud. "'Granddad'? he laughed. My God, she really is a little trollop, isn't she?"
"Yes, and she's the hostess for the night, so why don't you tell her to get you a ********
"Good idea. Right, you, take my coat, then get me a can of lager, and make sure it's cold."
"Yes, sir." I said in a small voice. I collected his coat, which smelled as bad as he did, took it into the hallway to hang up JBS
Posts: 47
Chapter 15.
After Alan left me I made my way to the bathroom and ran the shower. As I let the deliciously hot water run over me I closed my eyes and thought of the events of last night. I shuddered as I remembered stripping for the four lecherous old men, letting them examine every intimate inch of my body before I put on a show for them, masturbating for them and begging for permission to come. I remembered how they'd laughed and teased me, then how they'd used me, enjoyed me.
Then I thought about granddad. He seemed to have the uncanny ability to make me say out loud all those things I'd only ever thought to myself in the past. I found the way he humiliated me so thrilling. I amazed myself as I remembered how enthusiastic I'd been to please him, cleaning his flat, cooking for him, then doing my best to make him come in my mouth. I remembered how I'd lay back, spread my legs and played with myself for his amusement. Then I remembered the fantasy scene I'd created at his urging.
I shuddered again as I remembered fantasising about being a fourteen-year old girl again. Young, innocent and ready to be ****** by him. I'd become so aroused at the thought of being ****** as a ***** by him. And not just once, but twice, for I couldn't deny I'd enjoyed the fantasy while he had me that morning. I shook my head in amazement.
I opened my eyes to see Alan standing there, watching me as I showered. He grinned at me and I smiled back.
"Are you going to join me?" I asked.
"No, not today. What were you daydreaming of? You looked a million miles away."
"Oh, it was nothing."
"Tell me."
I sighed, then began to tell him about the fantasy. How I described the scene to granddad as I played with myself, and then later when he had me. I felt myself getting turned on again. My nipples began to stiffen despite the hot water running over them. Alan noticed this immediately, of course.
"You're getting hot about this, aren't you?"
I nodded.
"Well what are you going to do about it?" He laughed.
I smiled at him, then began to play with my breasts, cupping them, stroking them, circling my nipples with my fingers. I slipped a hand down to my shaven mound and began to tease my pussy lips. Then I spread them wide and brought my other hand down to stroke and tease my clit. I gasped as I realised how sensitive my hard little bud had become.
I looked up at Alan, who was enjoying the show. "Carry on telling me about how you get ****** as a schoolgirl." He said as he took a seat, watching me all the time.
I started to tell him, detailing the scene as I'd described it to granddad. I became more and more aroused as I stood under the warm water, playing with myself and describing my ***** at the hands of a dirty old man, while Alan sat and watched me. I felt my climax start and I sank to my knees in the shower, my gasps and moans echoing around the bathroom.
As I began to recover Alan turned off the water and held a towel out for me. I stepped from the shower and wrapped myself in the towel, then padded off to my bedroom. Alan followed and sat on my bed watching as I dried myself.
"You're incredible, you are. Just a few weeks ago you were a tight-arsed little feminist, now you're the ultimate sex toy. Available to anyone, for anything at anytime – maybe we should call you Martini, you know, anytime, anyplace anywhere?!" He laughed.
I laughed with him. "That sounds like a glowing recommendation to me!"
"Is there anything you wouldn't do, now? Anything at all?"
"Probably. I just can't think what it might be right now! I know I've got less than three weeks to enjoy myself before I go back to being a normal, sensible woman again, so anything you can come up with I'm game for."
He sat and watched as I dressed for work, a dark blue skirt and matching silk blouse. Naturally, I wore no bra, and just simple white knickers beneath. I didn't bother with stockings. I slipped on a pair of shoes then turned to Alan and said, "Will I do?"
"You'll do for me. Let's go."
We got in the car, it was my turn to drive. As we set off Alan said, "Are you up for a little game?"
"What kind of game?"
"Every time you stop at a red traffic light you have to open a button on your blouse. You up for it?"
I thought for a moment, then giggled. "Ok, you're on." I started to rack my brains, trying to think of the location of every set of traffic lights on our way to school. I thought I knew them all, and decided to take an alternative route, avoiding as many of them as possible.
I was starting to congratulate myself on outsmarting Alan, when I turned into a side street and came to an abrupt halt at a red light.
"First button." Alan said cheerfully. I dutifully opened the topmost button on my blouse. After a moment or two the lights changed and I set off again. After the next turning I again came up to a set of lights on red. Alan watched happily as I opened the next button. I was now showing a lot more cleavage than I was used to doing. I started to wonder if I'd been wise to take Alan up on his suggestion.
My thoughts were cut short as I saw another set of lights in the distance. They were showing green and I put my foot down, trying to get though them before they changed. My luck ran out when I was about fifty yards from them, and I groaned as I watched them change to amber and then red. As I drew to a halt Alan turned to me and said smugly, "That's one more button to go, please."
I opened the button and looked down to see that my blouse was now open to below my breasts. I started to feel flustered as I realised that anyone looking in to the car would be able to see straight down my top.
We set off again and Alan made a show of looking closely, the said, "I can see your tits from here, nipples and all. Very nice, very nice indeed!"
"Stop it!" I hissed, "You'll put me off my driving."
"Does this put you off then?" He asked as he slipped his hand into my blouse and began to stroke his thumb over my nipple.
A jolt of pleasure ran through me. "Christ Alan, pack it in, will you?" I giggled.
He laughed to himself, then left me alone for the rest of the journey. I was acutely aware of my state of exposure, and tried to cover my breasts with my arm whenever anyone seemed to be looking at me. I felt myself starting to become aroused as I felt the breeze from the open car window start to play on my exposed nipples.
By the time we arrived at school I was well and truly turned on, and slightly disappointed that I hadn't had to stop at any more traffic lights on the way! As I parked the car I remembered that the headmaster had told me to report to him for further punishment before school started. I mentioned this to Alan, before making my way to his office.
As I approached the door to the headmaster's office, his secretary, Jean, called to me. "Were you looking to see the head, Alison?"
"Yes, he told me to come and see him first thing this morning."
"I'm afraid that won't be possible, he slipped and broke his ankle during the weekend. He'll be away for the rest of the term, I'm afraid. He did ask that you sort out some files for him and do some summaries, I've got the list here. I've arranged cover for you while you do it. I thought a couple of days would be enough, is that ok?"
I looked at the list, "Yes, of course, this is fine. Yes, two days should be enough, thanks Jean." I couldn't believe my luck. The old goat was away for the rest of the term, I'd never have to see him again! I made my way to the staff room and made myself a coffee, then returned to the head's office and started to sort through the files. I worked steadily, and before I knew it the end of school bell rang. I made my way to the car, where Alan was already waiting, looking well pleased with himself.
"I've got the head of department job. I got a call at lunchtime from the head. Said he was sure I'd do a good job. Lots of work to do now though, I need to catch up with what's been going on. Come on, I haven't got all day!"
We drove home in almost complete silence. As soon as we got back to the flat Alan disappeared to his own rooms and that was the last I saw of him. I spent the evening marking some books, then watched tv for a while then took myself off to bed. It was the first evening I'd had no sexual activity for weeks, and I felt distinctly odd as I got into bed.
I couldn't *****. After about an hour of tossing and turning I started to think of some of the things I'd done since that first night with Alan. In just a few moments I was extremely randy. I toyed with the idea of going up to Alan's room and asking him to have me, but instead I started to play with my pussy, which was already sopping wet. I stroked and teased my stiff little clit until I climaxed. Only then could I get to *****.
The next day was almost identical. We drove to work in silence, Alan spending the entire journey reading reports. I went straight to the head's office and carried on working until the end of school bell rang, we drove home in silence and I spent the evening alone before bringing myself off in bed again.
The following day we drove to work in silence again, Alan still immersed in his reports. When we reached school I handed in the finished reports and went back to teaching. The classes were completely normal. As the lunch bell rang the students filed out and I started to tidy the room. I heard the door open and looked 'round to see Adam Stuart closing the door behind him.
"Adam, what do you want?"
"Granddad said to come and say hello to you. He said you'd like it if I came and said hello to you, said you'd think it was friendly. Said you'd be friendly back."
I looked at this horrible boy with utter contempt. I hated him more than I could express, and wanted nothing more than to slap his smug face.
"Well now you've said hello, you can go, can't you?"
"That's not very friendly, is it miss? Granddad said you'd be sure to be nice and friendly. Said you'd make me feel welcome."
His smug smile was a challenge. He was enjoying embarrassing me, I knew. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but before I could he reached out and groped my breast. "Granddad said you had a nice pair." He grinned.
I was too shocked to move for a moment or two. I just stood there, uncomprehending as this arrogant fifteen year-old boy pawed my breast. Then something snapped in me. I slapped him across the face as hard as I could. "Get out!" I yelled. For a moment the smile faded, then seemed to come back even more self-satisfied than before. "You'll be sorry you did that, bitch." He snarled before stamping out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I felt pleased with myself, I'd enjoyed giving him what I felt he deserved.
The rest of the day passed without incident, and I met Alan at the end of the day as usual. "Am I going to see anything of you this evening, or are you going to be locked away with your reports again?" I demanded.
In response he gave me a sharp smack to my bottom and through gritted teeth said, "Don't start to nag me. I'll come to you when I want to, right?"
I looked around hurriedly to see if anyone had seen my chastisement. There was no one around, and I quickly apologised to Alan, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to nag you, it's just that I've been alone for two nights on the trot now. I'm not used to it any more!" I grinned at him and he smiled back, then said, "Just get me home quick, I've got lots to do."
Another drive home in silence. Once again when we arrived back at the flat Alan disappeared upstairs. I stormed around the flat, slamming doors and generally making as much noise as possible. I sat alone, fuming for what seemed like hours, then decided I would make myself something to eat. It was while I was cooking that I heard the phone ring. Alan took the call before I could get to it, and after he'd hung up he came down to speak to me.
"That was Tom Stuart on the phone. He's as angry as hell with you, and he's on the way over here."
"What's the matter with him?"
"Don't play the innocent, you know perfectly well why he's angry."
"Alan, I promise you I don't."
"Tell me what happened at lunch time with Adam."
And with that I realised why granddad was so angry. I told Alan what had happened, how Adam had groped me, and how I'd slapped his face and told him to get out. I suppose I half expected Alan to back me up. Instead he was appalled.
"You did what?" He yelled. "When did you become such a puritan? You've been fucked by every man you've spoken to for the last few weeks, and now you become virginal. Who the fuck do you think you are kidding Alison?"
"Alan, are you serious? He's a fifteen year-old boy, who happens to be one of my students, and I can't stand the little *******
"Who gives a fuck about that? Granddad, or whatever the hell you call him, sent Adam to you. It was your place to give the kid what he wanted, not humiliate him."
"But it doesn't matter if I'm humiliated, does it?"
"No it fucking doesn't. You get off on that sort of thing, remember? You are supposed to oblige whenever and wherever, like Martini, right?"
"Alan, I can't do this, not with him. God! He's such an obnoxious little ****, honestly Alan, I just can't do it."
"Of course you can. This is what it's all about. Having it off with a load of blokes is easy if you fancy them. Getting your arse smacked is easy if it doesn't really matter who does it so long as they're older than you. But this is real, proper ***********, Alison. Imagine how it will feel when you have to submit to one of your students, and a particularly nasty one at that. You'll be wanking yourself off about this for years, I tell you."
"But Christ Alan, he's fifteen. If anyone finds out, I could get sent to prison."
"Who's going to know? Oh he'll tell his mates he's had his teacher, but no one's going to the police, I guarantee it. You just make sure the little bastard has a good time, in fact, you'd better make yourself available to him at all times from now on, got that?"
"I don't know. I really don't want to do this Alan."
"The other morning I asked you if there was anything you absolutely would not do, and you couldn't think of anything, remember?"
"Yes." I said, quietly.
"So this is your next big event. Enjoy it, tight arse!"
"Please Alan, don't make me do this." I begged. Of course, he knew exactly what to say to put me on the spot.
"I can't make you do anything, can I? Not really. But if you want to imagine I can, then I'm telling you straight: Alison, you have to take that boy to bed, and while you're at it, tell him you're sorry for slapping his face like that. Tell him he can do what he likes to you, whenever he likes. Got that? And you better make it convincing, because if you don't I'll make your arse pay for it, understand?"
I hung my head. This was what I needed to hear, to get me through this. "Yes Alan." I mumbled.
"Good. Now they'll be here any minute. Go and put on something nice. And remember, any nonsense and I'll smack your pretty arse."
"Yes Alan." I scampered off to my bedroom to get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. Could I really do this? It was one thing to be used and ****** by Alan and his friends. Even letting granddad have his fun with me was exciting, but this was something else. I was about to let one of my fifteen year old students have his way with me. I was scared. I knew that it was against the law for an adult to have sex with a *****, whether it was adult male, female ***** or the other way around. If this went wrong it would be more than a game.
The sudden raising of the stakes had an immediate effect on me. As I found when I changed my knickers for a fresh pair. I ran my fingertips over my slit, making sure I didn't need to shave, and found that I was extremely wet. I dried myself as best I could, then put on a fresh pair of knickers. I started to wonder, how would a fifteen year-old boy imagine his teacher to dress after school? I decided on an outfit of T-shirt and jeans. Naturally, I wasn't wearing a bra, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins made my nipples stand proud. I'd just finished getting ready when I the doorbell rang. I heard Alan going downstairs to answer it, and then I heard granddad's voice as he walked up the stairs. He sounded angry, and I braced myself for what was to come.
I noticed that they all went into my living room instead of going up to Alan's flat. I could hear then talking, but not what they were saying. Finally, my living room door opened and Alan called out, "Alison, get in here." I knew if I went into that room there was no going back, I would end up being used and ****** by Adam. I looked at myself again in the mirror and knew that I had to do this. I'd promised myself I'd do anything I could for the last three weeks of the game. Now I had to face Adam.
I took a deep breath. I knew this was going to be awful, but I also knew I'd be thrilled beyond belief by what was about to happen. I opened the bedroom door and made my way to the living room, where Alan, granddad and Adam waited for me. As I entered the room I saw Adam grin slyly, and granddad grinned too.
I looked at Alan. He was pretending to look stern. "Alison, Adam tells me you slapped his face earlier today. Is this correct?"
I decided to play angry, I thought it would make my eventual *********** that bit sharper! "Yes, I slapped his face. It was exactly what he deserved for what he did."
"And what exactly was that?"
"He took advantage. Started to touch me in a most inappropriate way. I won't have that behaviour from a student. He needs to know his place." I said haughtily.
"But you struck a student, Alison. Don't you know what that could lead to? You could be sent to prison. A teacher assaulting a student; that's a serious matter. If Mr. Stuart here decided to press charges, it would reflect very badly on you, but extremely badly on the school. I'm sure the headmaster wouldn't want the good reputation of the school to be threatened."
I tried to look contrite, concerned. "Well yes, I'm sure the headmaster would want to preserve the good name of the school, but I'm sure he wouldn't want his staff to have to suffer..."
"I don't think it is for you to assume what the headmaster would consider acceptable. I will decide in his absence what action needs to be taken here. Alison, I think an apology is in order. I think you should apologise to Adam, and perhaps that will remedy the situation."
I turned to face Adam. He grinned at me, like he knew he'd won. I played the part to the hilt, doing my best to look hesitant, defeated.
"I'm sorry Adam, I apologise. I'm sorry I slapped your face."
"I think you need to go a bit further than that, Alison." Alan urged.
I knew what I had to do. "Adam, I'm so sorry I was so unfriendly. I'd really like to make it up to you. There's no need for us to have a falling out over this, is there. Why don't we just make up and be friends? I'll be really nice to you, I promise. What do you say? Friends?"
He looked at me with disdain. "Well, I don't know. You made me feel pretty stupid this afternoon. I don't know if I'm ready to make friends."
Alan and granddad looked at me. I knew what to do next.
"Adam, why don't you come with me, and we'll talk about this?" I held out my hand, inviting him to take it. With a sneer he took hold of my hand, I had to exercise all my self-control to take it, when all my instincts were to shun him.
I lead him to my bedroom, closing the door behind us I tried my best to be seductive. "I thought we might get to know each other a bit better in private." I murmured. He just stood there, looking at me. "There's no need for us to be enemies, surely" I said.
"I'm waiting to see what you have in mind." He said, his self confidence was staggering. He looked at me like he owned m JBS
Posts: 47
Chapter 16. The following morning I was woken by Alan as he climbed into bed with me. He dragged my knickers off and started to rub my pussy lips. I groaned as the pleasant sensations began top radiate through me. I felt my pussy becoming moist and was soon sighing contentedly as he found my clit and began to stimulate it expertly. After a few moments he knelt next to my head, still stroking my pussy. I opened my eyes to see his hardening cock waving just a couple of inches from my face. I sighed again and took him into my mouth, feeling him shudder as I did do. I sucked on his rapidly swelling cock and began to stroke his arse, slipping a finger between his cheeks and tickling his tight hole. I tickled his scrotum, feeling it tighten as I gently stroked my fingernail along its' seam. He began to push his cock into my mouth, slowly at first, but increasing both pace and depth until I was ****** to put my hands on his hips to prevent his cock hitting the back of my throat. In one swift movement he threw a leg over me and was straddling my face, driving his hips forward, his cock deep in my mouth. Then he began to drive his cock into me with firm, determined strokes. I kept my hands on his hips, preventing him from ******* his cock into my throat. Instead he drove my head back into my pillow. I sucked and licked at his cock for all I was worth, wrapping my tongue around his sensitive glans, closing my lips tightly around his shaft. I tasted his pre-cum and knew he was close. And then he began to shoot into my mouth. Stream after stream of his hot, salty jism hit the back of my throat. I swallowed for all I was worth, savouring his flavour where I could. Finally, he collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath. He rolled away from me and his softening cock slipped from my mouth. He got up from the bed and looked down at me. Some of his come had escaped from my mouth, running down my chin. As he watched I scooped it up with my finger and returned it to my mouth, then I grinned at him seductively. He grinned back muttering, "You are a fucking gem, Alison, you know that?" "I aim to please." I smiled back. He turned and left my bedroom, leaving me with the taste of his come in my mouth, and a pussy still tingling from his attentions. I quickly slipped my hand between my legs and began to stroke and tease my little bud, gasping as waves of pleasure immediately began to wash over me. I remembered the previous night, being spanked by Adam, then being used by all of them, including my fifteen-year-old student. I remembered how Adam had stood watching me in the shower, a knowing grin on his young face, and then I remembered that I still had to face both him and Brian at school that day. The thought of what shame and *********** they might inflict on me was enough to drive me over the edge and I clamped my legs together on my hand as my orgasm washed over me. I took a few moments to recover before I got up and headed to the bathroom. After a quick shower and a check to make sure my pussy hadn't grown any stubble, I dressed simply, choosing a cream coloured blouse and light grey business suit for the day. Then I went and joined Alan, who by then was waiting on the stairs for me. It was my turn to drive that morning, and as we made our way through the traffic we chatted about all sorts of ridiculous, minor things. We could have been any other couple starting our day together, until Alan said, "Looking forward to entertaining all those black men, tomorrow then?" I glanced across at him. He was smiling. "I don't understand why you're enjoying this. I would have thought you'd be against a load of other men using me, especially when you won't even be there to see it." "Oh, but I will be there! I spoke to your dear granddad, and he's arranged for Neil and me to be on the guest list. We're going to watch you become the entertainment! Good, isn't it?" "Oh no! You mean you're going to just stand there and watch as they all have their fun with me? How can you do that?" "Easy! But we won't be 'just standing there', will we? You won't be the only bit of pussy there, you know. There'll be quite a few other bits of stuff for us to play with, so we'll be busy some of the time." "You've got it all planned, I see." "I like to think so. So, are you looking forward to it?" "I don't know, to be honest. When granddad took me to see Leroy he treated me like I was a piece of meat. He wasn't nasty, just handled me like I was just a commodity. I have to admit, that was a bit sexy!" "I knew you'd enjoy this! This will be the most extreme thing you've ever done. Think of it, you're going to be a willing toy for a whole party-full of randy men. They can do whatever they want to you, and you've got to oblige. How fucking cool is that? " I giggled, "Mmmm, well, if you put it like that!" We arrived at school and I walked to my classroom. I began straightening desks and preparing books when a familiar voice behind me made me jump. "Another fucking boring lesson, Alison?" I turned to see Adam smirking at me. "That depends on your point of view, Adam." I said curtly. "No it fucking doesn't. All your lessons are boring, right?" I didn't answer. "Right?" He yelled. "If you say so, Adam." "Say it then." I cleared my throat, nervously. "All my lessons are fucking boring, Adam." "You're fucking right they are! Now, for being deliberately boring, I think you should be punished, don't you?" He smiled, sweetly. "I, er.." "Yes. You know you do. You do boring fucking lessons on purpose, making us all suffer a lot of boring crap about Shakespeare and all that, and you should be made to pay for that, shouldn't you?" "Look, Adam, you can punish me at home, at my flat, you know that. I don't know what you had in mind, but not here, Adam, please, not in my own classroom. Please Adam, come 'round and punish me tonight, at my flat, yes?" I moved closer to him, smiling seductively. I reached out and stroked his upper arm, trying my best to appease him. He looked thoughtful. Then he reached out a hand, pushed my jacket open and began to fondle one of my breasts, almost absent-mindedly. I felt my nipple start to respond at once. "Tell you what I'm going to do. I'll come back here at lunch time and let you know what your punishment will be, right?" I heaved a sigh of relief. "Yes, ok Adam, whatever you say." "In the meantime, you have to be made to suffer as the poor bastards in your classes are going to suffer, right?" "Suffer? Adam, what do you mean?" "Take your knickers off." I glanced at my watch, "Adam, there isn't time, classes start in a minute or two, please. Please." "Oh, I'm not going to fuck you, at least not right now." He chuckled. "No, your punishment for being such a boring bitch is to have to go without your knickers for the morning, now give them to me." I knew it was a waste of time arguing. I reached under my skirt and slipped my knickers over my hips, then stepped out of them and handed them to my tormentor. He took them with a broad grin on his face, then stuffed them roughly into the inside pocket of his school blazer. "Give me a quick look at your arse, then." "Adam, please, classes are about to start." "Get on with it, for fuck's sake." I glanced around, checking we were still alone, then quickly lifted my skirt and turned around, bending slightly at the waist. He ran his fingers over my skin. "Is it sore after last night?" "Not really." "Perhaps I need to hit it harder then?" "Please Adam, have you finished?" "For now." He laughed, giving my bottom a playful slap. "But remember, I'll be back at lunch time. Until then, you enjoy having your bald little pussy almost naked. See you later, Alison." He said, turning and making his way out of the classroom. I hurriedly smoothed my skirt back into place, and found my hands were shaking as I did so, but shaking with what? Nerves? Stress? Excitement? I didn't have time to examine my feelings further as my first class of the day began to file in. Once again I felt tremendously vulnerable in front of my students as I was ****** to deliver lessons completely devoid of underwear. At morning break Alan came to see me. He picked up on my tension at once and wanted to know what was wrong. When I told him he laughed contentedly. "You should be enjoying this. Being made to hand your knickers over to a boy you hate, knowing that he'll be back to use and ***** you in just a short time. I thought this was the kind of stuff to have you on fire!" "Well, yes, but it's just that I don't know what he's going to do to me. I mean, he's such a nasty little ****, it could be anything." "Exactly. That's what got you going, right?" "I suppose so." "Go with the flow. Be as humble as you can, make him feel like he's putting you through hell. Let him enjoy himself, and do whatever he says. That way, you'll really enjoy yourself, ok?" "Easy for you to say." I grinned at him. He smiled back and sauntered from the room. The next lesson seemed to drag on interminably. I kept looking at my watch, but it never seemed to move. At one point I even tapped the glass to make sure that it hadn't stopped. And then suddenly the lunchtime bell rang. There was the usual shuffling of chairs and desks as the students stood and filed their way out, and then I was left alone. I sat at my desk, waiting for him to arrive. I didn't have to wait long. A few minutes later he strode confidently into the classroom, grinning at me. "Enjoy your morning?" He laughed. I shrugged. "Now, I was going to punish you for making us sit through boring lessons, wasn't I?" I didn't respond. "What do you think I should do to you, Alison?" "I really don't know Adam. Whatever it is, couldn't we please do it at my flat, instead of here?" "No, I don't think so. What classes do you have this afternoon?" Stupidly, I answered truthfully. "None, I'm free on Friday afternoon." I immediately regretted it as I saw his face light up. "Excellent!" He beamed. "Come with me." He marched from the room with me in pursuit. I had no idea where he was taking me, and he refused to say. After several minutes marching through empty corridors he stopped at a door, opened it, and motioned me to follow him inside. A moment later and I was standing in a large storage room. One wall was covered completely in shelves, which were full of boxes of books and stationary, the rest of the room could have been untouched for years, such was the state of it. "Welcome to my little getaway. Good, isn't it?" I opened my mouth to speak, but he held up his hand for silence. "You stay here 'till I get back, right? I won't be long." Without waiting for a response he left the room. I sat down on a pile of boxes, wondering what the little bastard had in mind. After about ten minutes he came back. He put his head 'round the door and said, "Close your eyes, I've got a surprise for you." "Adam, please stop this." "Close your fucking eyes I said." I closed my eyes. I heard him step into the room. There was some shuffling and then he said, "It's ok, you can open them now." I opened my eyes and saw Adam standing there, and right next to him was Brian. I gasped with shock and they both laughed. "I knew you'd be pleased." Adam laughed. "I thought that as you and Brian were already acquainted, and seeing as how he's had to sit through your boring **** too, he'd like to help me pay you back. Of course, he said he'd love to, didn't you Brian?" "Oh sure! When I think of all that poetry crap I've had to sit through, this was an opportunity I wasn't going to miss!" "Look, boys, you've had your fun, now it's time to stop this." I felt my pulse quicken. "Fun? We haven't even started yet!" Adam grinned. "Now, why don't you get your kit off and we can get started." "What? I, er, I mean, not here, Adam, I er, I mean, I couldn't. What if someone came in?" "They won't. No one even knows this place is here, look around you, most of this stuff is years out of date. No one ever comes here. There's only me and a few other people know about this room. Now get your kit off." I swallowed hard as the two of them watched lecherously. "Come on, you haven't got much to take off!" Adam jeered. "I made her take her knickers off and give them to me this morning before classes started." "Yeah? Cool!" Brian laughed. "Sure, here they are!" And Adam fished them out of his pocket, "You want them?" He tossed them to Brian. They both laughed again, "Thanks mate." Brian giggled, "But there's one thing more I need on these. Alison, come over here and write a nice message on these for me. Make it nice and sexy." I stared at him in disbelief; "You want me to write a love letter to you on my own underwear?" "Sure. Make it nice, now." They both laughed heartily. I shuffled over to them slowly, not believing how the situation was developing. Brian handed me my knickers and stood back to watch. "I don't have a pen." I said, feeling a thrill of shame tear through me. They laughed again, then Brian produced a ballpoint. I leant on some boxes of books and wrote on the front of my knickers, 'to Brian with lots of love' before scrawling my signature below. Then I handed them back to him. He stretched them between both thumbs as he read the message, then smiled. "Nice! They boys will be green with envy when they see this." Another lightening bolt ran through me. I hadn't thought of that, but of course he would show a trophy like that to as many boys as he could. What fifteen-year-old boy wouldn't? I felt my face flush as I imagined them all handling my underwear, reading the message, clapping Brian on the back, congratulating them. "Hey, maybe we could set up a bit of a business here?" Adam said excitedly. "How much do you think we could charge for a pair of her knickers, signed of course?" "Dunno. Could probably get five quid a pair, ten if she took them off in front of the punter!" I listened in growing shock and horror. They were planning to sell off my knickers to any boy in the school with enough money! "No! I won't do it! Enough is enough, and this has gone too far!" I shouted. Adam turned to me, completely unconcerned. "You'll do as you're fucking told, now shut up." "And what makes you so sure?" "Because if you don't we go to the local police and say we've been ******** by our teacher. We tell them how you lured us to this store room and interfered with us, isn't that right Brian?" "Dead straight my friend. We were told to report here to sort out some books, when we got here we were taken advantage of, and us such innocent young boys too!" They both laughed, loudly. "No one will believe you." I said desperately. "'Course they will. Hot little bitch like you, boyfriend away in Australia, they'll believe it alright. And the head master will back us up. He'll tell the world what a randy little cow you are, how he had to throw you out of his study when you came on to him." "What are you talking about?" "Well he's not going to admit to having fucked you in his office, is he? Have you seen his wife? Big woman! I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her! So you see, Alison, you have very little choice in this. You can co-operate with us in our little business venture, or you can have the police knocking at your door. Which will it be?" I looked at each of them in turn, not wanting to believe the situation I found myself in. I could think of no way out, and I knew better than to try to bluff these two hard cases. "Oh, have it your own way." I said finally. I saw smiles creep across their faces and turned away. "Good. Now we've got that sorted out, I think you can get your kit off now." I sighed in resignation, then slipped off my jacket. They watched in delight as I unfastened the buttons of my blouse. I hesitated briefly as I opened the final one, then I pulled the blouse open exposing my breasts to the two of them. I kicked off my shoes then reached for the fastening of my skirt. I slipped the zip down, opened the button and let it slip over my hips and fall to the floor. I picked it up and placed it on top of my jacket and blouse, then stood there completely naked for them. "Well now, that's very nice Alison, and I'm sure Brian and me will want to have a little play before we go home for the weekend, and I'm sure you'll do all you can to be friendly, but we came here for you to be punished. So...." He pulled an old school chair into the middle of the storeroom then stepped back. "Bend over, Alison." I shook my head. "Come on now, you know you love having that cute little arse of yours spanked. I mean, you practically begged me to spank your bare arse last night, didn't you?" He said sweetly, then his voice became hard, "So get over the fucking chair." I moved slowly forward and bent over the chair, pushing my naked bum up towards the two boys. I heard them move towards me, and then they were each stroking my bottom. I felt fingers wriggle between my legs, stroking my pussy lips. Inevitably, a finger slipped between my lips and they found out I was wet. "Feel this Brian, she's absolutely soaking!" "Fuck, yes! Hey, little miss prim and proper, you really do like having your pussy stroked, don't you?" "Wait 'till she gets her arse slapped, mate, she goes fucking wild! Watch." And with that Adam started to deliver stinging slaps to my bottom cheeks, I gasped with each blow. "Have a go, mate." Adam urged, and then Brian was slapping even harder, hitting my bottom but also the tops of my thighs. They were laughing happily as they tormented my bottom. Then I heard Adam mutter something to Brian and both of them were stifling more laughs. There was a pause in the blows to my bottom, and then a sudden, sharp, stinging slap reverberated around the room. I shrieked and leapt to my feet clutching my red-hot bottom and turning to see Adam holding a twelve-inch ruler which he had obviously just used on me. They both looked smug and pleased with themselves. "Not finished yet, Alison, back over the chair." "No, Adam, not with that, please. Please, it stings! Please Adam, no more." "This is proper punishment for all that boring ****. You'll remember in future not to be a boring bitch, wont you? Now get back over the chair." Reluctantly, I resumed the position over the chair. "And I wouldn't cry so loud about it if I were you. Unless you really do want us to be found. Is that what you want?" "N, n, no, Adam." "Right, so you'll take your medicine and shut the fuck up, right" "Yes Adam." They took it in turns for the next ten minutes to slap my bottom and the tops of my thighs with the rulers. I stuffed my fist into my mouth to muffle my gasps and cries, my hair falling forward to obscure my face from their view. Every now and again they would stop so that one of them could slip a finger into my pussy and tease me about how wet I was, giggling as I wriggled my bottom in response to their intrusions. Finally, they seemed to tire of tormenting me and I was allowed to stand upright again. I stood before them, tears running down my face, my bottom a fiery red. I looked down to see that my nipples were standing proud. I was rubbing my bottom, trying to ease the stinging there. "I wouldn't have believed she'd get that hot from having her arse smacked. Fucking amazing!" Brian said. "That's nothing, watch this." Adam replied. "Hey, Alison, lay on the floor and play with your cun JBS
Posts: 47
Chapter 17. I lay in bed on Saturday morning, remembering how excited I used to get when I was a little girl on the day of a party. I would always be ready hours in advance, then have to sit still in my party frock so as not to get it dirty. Frequently, when the time came to leave for the party I'd got myself so wound up I couldn't really enjoy myself. I felt a bit like that as I lay there that morning. I knew I was going to Leroy's party that night, and I knew what I was in for, and it was a lot different to the parties of my *********! I had never even imagined going to such an event before. I was going as the entertainment, there to amuse and pleasure any guest at any time. I shuddered at the thought. A vast expanse of unknown stretched out in front of me. I was gripped by a sudden urge to escape. I would refuse to go, it was as simple as that. I'd spend my Saturday evening like any other normal, twenty two-year-old woman. I'd watch TV, maybe read for a bit, then go to bed, alone! I decided, in a moment, that the game with Alan was over, I was ending it, right there and then. I was determined. Then I thought of how I'd engineered the situation where I exposed myself to total strangers, how I'd let myself get picked up by some horrible, middle aged man who stripped and ****** me and casually groped my body. I remembered how I'd come back to the flat to find Alan and Neil waiting. Waiting to be told every last detail, from what happened to how I'd enjoyed being exposed, shamed, humiliated, ******, used. I remembered how eagerly I'd pleasured the two of them, sucking their cocks, licking their arses. I'd danced for them, stripping naked as I did so, then masturbated as they watched, using the vibrator on myself as they snorted with amusement. Then I'd begged, begged, them to use me. Squeezing their cocks between my tits, coaxing them to full stiffness before I sank my grateful pussy down on their erections and rocked my way to orgasm after orgasm, all the time telling them what a dirty, hot little bitch I was, and how I loved obeying their every whim. Absent-mindedly I slipped a hand down to my bare pussy. As soon as I touched my clit electric jolts of pleasure ran through my body. I groaned and writhed around in my bed as I stroked my hot little bud. I cupped my breasts, suddenly remembering how Billy had repeatedly slapped them, feeling my nipples stiffen as I recalled Adam and Brian shooting their loads onto my chest, then watched in fascination as I rubbed their jism into my skin. I was approaching orgasm rapidly, my eyes closed, lost in the pleasure of my own body, when I heard the bedroom door open. I looked up and saw Neil standing there, wearing only a dirty pair of boxer shorts. He was grinning obscenely as he watched me. "I see you don't need a wake up call then!" he laughed, then pulled the covers from my bed, exposing my naked, and highly aroused body. He grinned again as he looked at my fingers working between my legs. He pushed down his boxer shorts, revealing his over-sized cock, which was visibly throbbing, then climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between my spread thighs. He carefully placed the head of his cock between my pussy lips, then took hold of both of my hands and ****** them above my head. He looked down at my naked body and snickered. "Hot little bitch, you're never satisfied, are you?" He grinned, then slowly sank his cock into me, not stopping until his pelvis ground against mine. I came immediately. The feeling of his hot shaft driving slowly into me, relentlessly, stretching me to the limit, was too much. I gasped then pushed my hips up to meet his as he started to pump his fat cock into me, grunting with each stroke. After my orgasm subsided he continued to plough into me, driving his cock deep into my pussy. He grabbed my bottom and pulled my hips upward to meet his own, ramming his shaft as deep as it would go. I was pulled and pushed around like a rag doll as he took his pleasure. Finally, I felt his cock twitch, then felt the familiar warmth inside me. He collapsed onto me with a gasp. I was struck by his body odour, stifling my breath as he covered me. After what seemed like hours, he rolled off me, smiling contentedly. "I'll see you later." He grinned, "At the party!" He picked up his boxer shorts and walked casually from my bedroom. I lay back on my bed and thought to myself, 'Alison, who do you think you're kidding!' I was confronted by worries I had pushed to the back of my mind in the last few weeks. How on earth was I going to be able to switch back to being 'old Alison' when I moved in with John, after all that I'd done since that first night with Alan? How was I going to resume a 'normal' life after being little more than a fully co-operative sex toy? And above all, what was I going to wear for the party that night?! I decided to get out of bed and make for the shower. Before I could do so though, Alan walked casually into my bedroom. "Give us a blow job, Ali, I've got a raging hard on this morning!" He opened his bathrobe to reveal a rampant erection, which I immediately took into my mouth. It took less than a minute before he shot his jism into my welcoming mouth as I swallowed every drop. Afterwards, he lay on the bed next to me, dozing, a ****** smile on his face. "Will you miss me when I leave?" I asked. "Too fucking right I will! Where am I going to get blow jobs that good when you're not here?" "Well, Sally will be back then, won't she?" "Yeah, but she doesn't go down on me half as well as you do." "Is that it? You'll miss me because I suck you off nicely?" He laughed. "You are the sexiest woman I ever hope to meet. You're up for everything! I never thought women like you existed, and yet here you are. And if I ever thought a nymphomaniac existed, you would have been the very last person I would have suspected!" "I suppose I was a bit intense, wasn't I?" I grinned. "We didn't call you tight arse for nothing! Now look at you. Fun, fun, fun all the way!" "I was wondering how I'm going to get back to normal, when I move in with John." "You'll be fine! You'll think of this as some sort of brief holiday – a quick escape from reality. Think of this as playtime between lessons. Once you're back with John you'll revert back to normal. Of course you'll wank yourself silly just thinking about what you've done recently, but that's no bad thing, is it?" I laughed at his candour. "Ten minutes ago I was ready to tell you that the game was off. I wanted no more, and I was going to refuse to go to the party tonight." "And now?" "Game on!" I said simply. "So what happened then?" "My memories of last night, and Neil's whopper!" Alan hooted with laughter, then he casually got to his feet and left my room. I could still taste his come. I slipped my hand down between my legs and began to stroke my pussy myself again, my fingers now sticky with Neil's jism. It took only a short time before I came again, then I slipped back to ***** contentedly. I awoke with a start. I could hear voices on the landing outside my door. After a moment or two the door opened and Lin poked her head in and said, "Come on ****** head, time to get up!" I smiled at her and started to get up. She glanced behind her, then slipped into my room. "You've been busy then?" She giggled. "What do you mean?" "What do I mean?" She laughed, "What with 'granddad' and Adam and that other student of yours, and the flashing in the shops and the van driver. Do I need to go on?" "Oh, I see what you mean." I giggled. "And now you're going to one of those parties! Jesus Christ I envy you!" "Really?" "Yes! You are going to be just pure sex for a whole night! How fucking cool is that? God it turns me on just thinking about it. All those men, their hands all over you, making you please them, doing whatever they want to you. Oh you lucky, lucky girl!" "You really think it'll be that good?" "Depends what you mean by 'good', doesn't it? If your idea of 'good' is being used and ****** by a bunch of strangers and made to do the most depraved things, then yes, I think it could be rather good!" She giggled. "I had my doubts." I confessed. "Just go for it!" She urged. "You'll never get another chance like this. You'll remember this when you're an old lady, trust me!" I grinned, reassured by her words. She looked at my naked body as I got out of bed. "You're going to be such a hit!" She laughed. "You think so?" She stepped towards me, then ran her hands over my boobs, stroking my nipples. I gasped with pleasure. "Oh sure!" She grinned. She glanced at her watch, then said, "Oh what the fuck!" She started too undress, pulling off her T-shirt then removing her bra, revealing her firm tits. She quickly pushed down her jeans and then her knickers before lying on my bed. I stood there and watched, fascinated by her lovely body. "Come on then!" She giggled, "I haven't got all day, you know! I need a bit of relief, right?" I nodded and lay down between her legs. I started to kiss and lick the tops of her thighs, drawing in her aroma. She sighed and opened her legs further. I traced the line of her slit with the tip if my tongue, savouring her taste, the feel of her blonde pubes against my tongue. She wriggled her hips appreciatively, then giggled again. "Look at us, like a couple of dykes! I never thought I'd let another woman do that to me, but then, you do it so well!" She laughed. I looked up at her and winked, then wriggled my tongue between the lips of her pussy, quickly finding her clit and running my tongue under its' hood. She gasped, then lay back and relaxed, enjoying my attentions. In no time at all she was sighing contentedly as I kissed and licked along her entire slit, paying close attention to her swollen clit. I slid a finger gently into her pussy. She groaned and arched her back, pushing her hips up to meet my finger as it penetrated her. I slid a second into her and she began to buck and writhe, grinding her pussy onto my tongue and fingers. She began to grunt in rhythm to my probing fingers. She cupped her breasts, squeezing her nipples, rolling them between her thumb and finger. And then she came. She gave a heavy sigh, then her body started to shake. She froze, her hips off the bed, my fingers buried deep in her and my mouth sucking on her slit. She stayed immobile for several seconds, her face contorted with pleasure, and then she relaxed, gasping for breath, giggling. "My God you are good at that!" She laughed. "If it wasn't for the fact that I like a good hard cock in me, I could get by on that alone!" I laughed too, still savouring the taste of her pussy. "I've never done that to any other woman." I confessed, "But I have to say you taste really nice!" I stood up and looked at her. She was still lying casually on my bed, legs apart, her blonde pubes wet where I had been licking, her pink nipples firm. She looked lovely! "Come on, time to go, we've got things to do before the party!" She got up and started to dress, pulling on her knickers and jeans, then fastening her bra and finally pulling her T-shirt back on. I pulled on my bathrobe and followed her to the living room of my flat. Alan and Neil were there, so was Keith. At sight of me he grinned lecherously. He walked casually over to me then reached out and pulled my robe open, exposing my breasts. He snickered to himself, then began to play with them, running his hands over them. He began to pinch and roll my nipples. He pinched and pulled, rolled and squeezed. He was too rough for it to have been pure pleasure, but stopped just short of pain. In moments I was gasping and moaning, hopping from foot to foot trying to ease the pressure on my nipples. He grinned at me, enjoying my discomfort. "Tell me about your van driver friend last night." I gasped again, then began to relate the story of Billy, and how he had used and ****** my body. "And he slapped your tits, yes?" "Mmm, yes." I groaned, fearing what might be coming next. "Maybe he should have slapped your arse as well?" The others laughed. He pushed my robe off my shoulders and watched as it fell to the floor, then he stood back and scrutinised my body. "You're going to be fucked stupid tonight, you know." He said with a laugh. "They'll be lining up to stick it up your cunt, up your arse or in your mouth. Think you can handle that, do you?" I looked him in the eyes and grinned, "I'll give it a go!" He grinned back then turned to Lin and said, "You don't mind if I have a quick one. Do you love?" "Go ahead, she's just done me!" "And me." Alan grinned. "Me too." Neil laughed. Keith took me by the hand and lead me back to my bedroom. As he closed the door he said, "Got any KY – I fancy taking you up the arse?" I smiled, the opened the drawer of my bedside cabinet and picked up the small tube of gel. He had already shed most of his clothes. As I turned back to him he dropped his trousers and boxers, stepped out of them and lay on my bed. I knelt between his thighs and began to suck his cock, which began to stiffen at once. In moments he was fully erect. I squeezed some gel from the tube and began to rub it onto his hot shaft, then as he watched I smeared more of it over my puckered little hole. I squatted over him my legs spread wide, then positioned the head of his cock against my back door and gently slid down, impaling myself on his stiff member. He groaned as he felt my sphincter grip his cock. I began to bounce up and down on his cock, pushing him deep into my bowels. He reached between my legs and pushed two fingers into my pussy. I gasped and groaned. He sniggered. "I never would have imagined you like this. When I think of what toffee-nosed bitch you used to be. So fucking high and mighty. Now here you are with my dick up your arse, and you fucking love it, don't you?" I shuddered as he began to play with my clit. "Oh God, yes. Yes, I love it. I love it. I love being dirty for you all. I love doing whatever you say. I love it when you come in me." "I'm going to dump my load up your arse in a minute, and then you're going to lick me clean, got that? You're going to lick my come and your **** off my dick, right?" I groaned, "Whatever you say, Keith. I'll do whatever you say." He grunted and then I felt him shooting into me. As his climax subsided I rolled off him, feeling his cock slip from me as I did so. He lay back grinning, then after a couple of minutes he said, "Get on with it then." I moved down the bed until I was level with his now flaccid cock. As I examined it, it didn't seem too bad. It glistened from the KY, but otherwise looked normal. I started to lick it, gingerly, then took it into my mouth and began to lick and suck. After a moment or two I felt it twitch and begin to swell. I stroked his balls, then slipped a hand under his bottom and felt for his arse-hole. He grunted as I started to gently tickle it, then I started to bob my head up and down on his cock, sucking and licking all the time. His cock stiffened and he grunted again as I began to swirl my tongue around his glans. A short time later and he was fully erect and throbbing in my mouth. I knelt between his thighs, then rubbed the head of his cock over my breasts. He grinned at me, then reached down and pinched both my nipples once more. I began to suck him urgently, tickling his balls and arse, bobbing my head up and down. I felt him tense, and then he shot his jism into my mouth. I swallowed all he gave me, then as he relaxed with a sigh I let his cock slip from my mouth. "Jesus fucking Christ you're good at that." "I know!" I winked at him then got up and made my way to the living room, where I recovered my robe. I went to the kitchen, and found the others ******** tea and chatting happily. "We've been discussing your outfit for tonight." Lin announced. "And I've got just the thing!" "Oh really, what's that then?" "You'll find out later!" She said with a giggle. Moments later Keith rejoined us. "Everything ok, love?" Lin asked, slipping her arms 'round his waist. He grinned happily, "Yeah, fine!" Keith, Lin and Neil left a short time after, all promising to return later that day. I was given my instructions for the day by Alan. I was to do some marking, finish some household chores, then start getting ready for the party at about five PM. I busied myself around the house, trying not to think about the party. Inside, I was the same little girl I'd always been, excitement steadily building. Just before five I ran a hot bath, then immersed myself in the deliciously hot water. Alan walked casually in as I bathed, urinated in the toilet and left with a grin. Moments later Keith and Lin were at the door. Lin grinned at me, "I've got your outfit. Hurry up and get dry, then come and see what you'll be wearing." I stepped out of the bath and began to dry myself, watched carefully by Keith. Then I carefully shaved my underarms, and then my pussy. As he watched me he casually rubbed his crotch. When I finished with the razor I applied moisturising cream all over my body, rubbing it thoroughly into my smooth skin. As I finished Keith groaned and said, "It's no good, you're going to have to suck me off again." He dropped his trousers and shorts then sat on the toilet, legs apart, his cock half-erect. I knelt between his legs and began to suck him again. As I took him into my mouth he put a hand on the back of my head, pushing me down onto his cock. He grunted, then took hold of my head with both hands and began to pull me down onto him roughly. His cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged, but he continued, lost in his own pleasure. I sucked at him frantically, desperate for him to come so that I could get away from him. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he groaned and I felt his jism hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed as much as I could, and then he sighed and let me go. I pulled away from him, coughing and spluttering, and looked up to see Lin standing in the door way watching. She grinned at me, blew a kiss to Keith then said, "Come on. Get a move on, you've got to be going soon." I followed her into my bedroom where she made me stand while she inspected me. She ran her hands over my body, making approving noises as she felt how soft and smooth my skin was. She paid particular attention to my shaven mound and pussy lips. "Good." She commented, "We don't want any sandpaper twats now do we?" She made me stand on tip-toe, then cupped my bottom, spreading my cheeks and running her finger over my back door. "I bet this will see some action tonight!" She giggled. Then she stroked my breasts, running her fingernail lightly across my nipples, grinning as she watched them stiffen. "Very nice!" Then she supervised me as I did my make up. I was only allowed to put on a tiny amount of this. "Don't want you painted up like a tart, just a little bit, ok?" I nodded my assent. When I'd finished with the make up she told me to make a start on my long, brown hair. She ordered me to put it into pigtails, which I did, and then she said I was ready for the outfit. She handed me a pair of knickers and I looked at her in astonishment. "You're not serious?" I laughed. They were 'little girl' pink, and had a pretty ribbon bow on the front. "Just put them on." She grinned. I wriggled into them with difficulty. "Lin, these are way too small, they'd just about fit an eleven year old." I complained. "They look ok to me." Was all she said. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked so young! The small amount of make up I'd been allowed hardly showed, and my pigtails gave my fac JBS
Posts: 877
Great story been reading all weekend, so hot and horny (quite a few accidents when reading) please keep posting.
Posts: 47
"They look ok to me." Was all she said. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked so young! The small amount of make up I'd been allowed hardly showed, and my pigtails gave my face an innocent look. My knickers, stretched tightly across my pussy, showed every contour of my body. As I turned and looked over my shoulder I could see that my bottom was displayed nicely by the pink cotton. Lin handed me a white blouse, which was also too small for me. As I fastened the buttons my breasts were squashed together and the pink of my nipples showed clearly through the thin fabric. I couldn't fasten the top three of four buttons at all. At Lin's insistence, I left them open, the blouse gaping open, my breasts only just contained within. Next came pair of white, knee length socks, and finally a small grey pleated skirt, like the ones used for games by the girls at the school where I taught. The skirt was ridiculously short, only just covering my bum. When I looked over my shoulder at my reflection again I discovered that even the slightest bend on my part showed the pink of my knickers. Lin took a long look at me. "You'll do nicely!" She grinned. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked about thirteen! "Come with me, let's see what the guys think." I followed her into the living room, to be greeted with whistles by the three of them. Neil walked up to me and casually lifted my skirt, "Ah! Look at the ickle girlies nice nicks!" He laughed, running his hands over my bum. The others laughed, then Keith joined in, groping my breasts. Neil thrust his hand between my legs, his fingers pushing my knickers into my pussy. Then Keith's hand stroked my bottom. They both grinned. At that moment the doorbell rang. They all looked at me. I shrugged and made my way to the front door. Granddad beamed at me as I opened the door for him, his eyes running up and down my body. I had barely closed the door before he ran his hands over my legs and up to my bottom. He stroked and squeezed my bum lovingly before running his fingers between my legs, tracing the lips of my pussy, which was already radiating warmth through me! He chuckled to himself as he looked up my skirt as we climbed the stairs, as we reached the top he ran his hand over my bottom again. "You're going to be popular tonight, I can tell!" He exchanged greetings with the others, his eyes lingering on Lin, who blushed slightly under his scrutiny. After a few pleasantries he said, "We'd better be going, Leroy likes his girls to be there in plenty of time so he can check them out." We made our way to the door, granddad refusing to let me wear any kind of coat. As the door opened I looked back at Lin, who grinned at me then reached out and began to stroke Keith's crotch. I stepped into the street feeling almost naked. The slightest breeze lifted my tiny skirt revealing my equally tiny pink knickers, my nipples hardened in the evening air, my breasts barely contained by my blouse. As we walked to the car a couple of young men, about my own age passed by on the other side of the road, their eyes fixed on me. I felt myself blush. We reached the car. I sat in the back with Neil, Alan drove, granddad sat in the front. The journey seemed to go so quickly. Before I knew it we were pulling up outside the large house where the party was to be held. Granddad rang the doorbell, and within a few moments the door was opened by a pretty brunette. She smiled at us then stood back inviting us in. The three of them looked her up and down in amazement. She was a little taller than me, and was maybe twenty-five. Her brown hair had been drawn back into a neat bun and she wore very little make up. The upper half of her body was dressed as a police officer, but most of the buttons had been removed from her blouse, causing it to gape open, revealing her ample breasts. Below the waist she wore black satin panties, stockings and suspenders and three-inch stilettos. She looked at me, "You wait here." She said simply, "Gentlemen, would you like to follow me please, ****** are this way." She walked slowly away, Alan, Neil and granddad followed. As they made their way through the door granddad turned and winked at me. I smiled back, still feeling my 'little girl' nervousness. The brunette returned a couple of minutes later, "Hi, I'm Jane." She smiled. "Alison." I said nervously. "All the girls are waiting in the kitchen. Leroy will come and get us when it's time. Meanwhile, we wait." "Nice costume." I said. "Thanks, except it's not a costume." "It's real police uniform?" "Yes, and I'm a real police officer." "Oh my God! Are you here undercover?" I asked stupidly. She looked down at her exposed breasts and stockinged legs, "Hardly." She said dryly. "I'm not here by choice, I can tell you. Twelve months ago I was seeing this guy, lovely bloke, kind, attentive, good in bed, great! Only thing was he liked some illegal substances, such as heroin. One evening he persuaded me to go and buy his stuff for him, and I agreed. I bought his deal, only to find that I'd been filmed as part of a **** squad operation, and I was for it, big time. My only bit of luck, if I can call it that, was that the guy in charge of the operation knew me, and offered me a deal. I came across in the bedroom, he kept the tape to himself." "And you agreed?" "Didn't have a lot of ****** choice, did I love? Next thing I know my charming boyfriend has done a runner, scared out of his mind, and I'm left servicing this dirty old bastard from **** squad. It didn't stop there, though. Pretty soon he started offering me to his mates. When I objected he asked me how I'd like to be doing time for **** dealing, so I shut up. Then he loaned me out to Leroy for one of these parties, and here I am." "You've done these before?" "Yeah, a few times actually. I fucking hate them, but I've no way out." "Are they that bad?" I asked nervously. "Maybe not for you, especially if you've chosen to be here. But I'm a police officer, and I hate doing this. They all know that so they take great fun in making me suffer." "What do they do to you?" "Never mind, you'll be ok. In here." I followed her into a large kitchen. There were seven or eight other girls in there. "Everyone, this is Alison. Alison, meet the girls." "Hi." We all chorused together. Some of the girls smiled at me, others didn't. I stood next to a woman who was a bit older then me, perhaps twenty-five. She had a slim face with fine features and bright green eyes. Her shoulder length, dark brown hair had been subtly streaked with blonde highlights. She had on a black string vest through which I could see her small, round breasts. I noticed that her left nipple had been pierced, a gold hoop glistened beneath her top. She also wore a pair of 'stars and stripes' knickers, which scarcely contained her plump bottom. She smiled at me shyly, "I'm Carol." She said. "Alison." I smiled. "How did you come to be here?" "My partner, Bonnie, thought it would be good for me, teach me a lesson she said. She likes to keep me under control, always making me do things I don't want to. I suppose I must like it, that's why I love her!" She said simply. She brightened, "Do you like my hoop?" She asked, pulling her top to one side and exposing her bare breast to show me her piercing. "I had it done for Bonnie, as a way of showing how much I love her. It's the one nearest my heart!" She giggled happily. "I don't understand." I said simply, "If you and Bonnie are, er.." "We're lesbians, yes. You can say the word, I won't be offended, I promise." She giggled again. "Right, so you and Bonnie are lesbians, so what are you doing here?" "I told you, Bonnie thought it would be good for me to do this. She said, 'You'll realise how good I am to you once you've had a couple of dozen men have their fun with you.', and so here I am!" She smiled sweetly at me. I wanted to know more, but at that moment Leroy came into the kitchen. "Listen up ladies. Most of the guests are here now, so you can go to work. Your job is to make my guests happy. Do whatever that takes and we'll get along just fine. Disappoint my guests and you'll be punished. To start off with I want you all to make sure every guest has a *****. So what are you waiting for, let's get going girls." He clapped his hands and we all started making for the door. He cast his eyes over each girl as they passed him. As I drew near to him he pulled me towards him and grinned, "Well if it isn't the school teacher! You look interesting this evening." He lifted my skirt and ran his fat hands over my bottom, then shoved it roughly between my legs, "How's that hot little cunt of yours? Brian tells me you're pretty tasty. Maybe you can do something for me later, but first I've got a little surprise for you. I'll let you know what it is later. Now you can go." He gave me a crisp smack to my bottom and pushed me out of the door. A few of the other girls had come in a costume of some sort, it was a bit like a really strange fancy dress party. In addition to my schoolgirl outfit, and Jane's police uniform there was a nurse, a cheerleader, one or two corsets and various other lingerie. The guests seemed to be made up of mainly black men, aged from late teens to fifty plus, but there were a few white men there, and I quickly spotted Alan, Neil and granddad, together with a few others. There was a buzz of conversation, some laughter and some gentle background music. I approached a group of four black men who were chatting casually. "Can I get you a *****, gentlemen?" I asked. Their eyes raked over me, then they started to grin. "Yeah, good idea. Fetch four large scotches over here little girl." "Yes sir." I made my way back to the kitchen, poured the ****** and placed them on a small silver tray to carry back to them. As I made my way back to them hands casually lifted my skirt and patted my bottom, laughter echoing around me. I delivered the ****** and one of the men reached out and opened a button on my blouse. It sprang open even more, my breasts almost escaping from it's confinement. I moved on, and quickly took another ****** order. Again, as I moved around hands roamed over my body freely. My bottom was patted, stroked and pinched, my breasts cupped, fondled, my nipples pinched. I began to get hot! I was on my way back to the party room with a tray of ****** when an elderly black man stopped me by putting his arm across me. "Just wait there, young lady, I need to make an adjustment to your dress." I stood, patiently as he slowly put down his ***** then turned to me. He reached out and opened another button on my blouse, causing both breasts to spill out. He chuckled to himself, folded back my blouse to make sure my breasts stayed exposed, then pinched my nipples and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers until they were stiff and swollen. "That's better." He grinned, "Now you can go." As I walked away from him he patted my bottom and winked at me. I returned to the group of men who had ordered ******, six black men in their twenties. They cheered and whistled as they saw me approach, my naked breasts swaying as I walked. When I reached them they all insisted in having a good feel as I handed them their ******, each pinched and rolled my nipples until they began to throb. I glanced around looking for guests who needed a ***** and saw a group of three young black men talking to Jane. She was shaking her head and looking apologetic, smiling at the men and trying to move away. One of them reached into her blouse, grabbed her nipples and pulled upwards. She gasped and stood on tip-toe, obviously trying to relieve the pressure. Another moved behind her and dragged her panties down in one swift movement. There was a cheer and laughter from the men around her, and she was quickly spun around, exposing her neatly trimmed bush to the other guests. She looked dreadfully unhappy. Then one of the men behind her reached 'round and began to stroke her pubic hair. She flinched and began to move her hips defensively, trying to prevent him gaining access to her pussy. She fought in vain. Moments later his large, black hand was buried between her legs, rubbing busily, and she had hung her head in shame as he reached up with his other hand and began to cup her breast. His companions were grinning happily, and as I watched she was handed to one of them, who immediately thrust his hand between her legs. I heard her gasp again, and then his face closed on hers and he was kissing her deeply. She tried to pull away, but he put a hand behind her head and ****** her to continue the kiss. Then she was passed on to the next man, who ducked his head down and took one nipple into his mouth, then also ****** his hand between her thighs. She began to writhe around and I suddenly noticed that one of the men behind her was doing something to her, I couldn't see what it was, but I guessed he was doing something to her bottom. It was clearly something she didn't like as she moaning gently, "Oh please don't, no please, please don't do that to me, ahh, no, please stop, it hurts, oh please don't..." They all laughed again, amused by her discomfort and distress. I turned away, ********* to watch any more of her torment. I fetched ****** for more guests, and when I returned I could see no sign of Jane. I wondered anxiously what was happening to her. I glanced around and saw granddad talking to Carol. She looked nervous, glancing around her as granddad spoke softly into her ear. I wondered what he was saying to her. Then I noticed that he was slowly stroking her bottom, caressing her cheeks almost tenderly. He grinned, then reached out with his other hand and calmly pushed her top aside, exposing her pierced nipple. He spoke to her again, and she responded, then he laughed loudly, turning heads. "Say that again." He demanded, "Tell everyone what you've just told me, go on." "I just said that I had my left nipple pierced to show my love for Bonny, my partner, because it's the closest to my heart." She flushed deeply as she explained, then dropped her head as those around he sniggered. "Imagine that." Granddad announced to everyone, "The little dyke thinks she's in love, and has her tits pierced to prove it! Priceless. Tell us what you and Bonny do together then. Come on." Carol looked around for a means of escape. Of course, there was none. Looking very vulnerable and small, she began to speak, her voice thin and wavering. "I er, well, we er, we kiss a lot, and we hug, and we do nice things to each other..." "Like what?" He demanded. "I'll stroke her back, or tickle her feet, things like that..." Her voice trailed away to nothing. "That's not what I want to hear about. Tell us what you get up to in bed. Do you lick her pussy?" "Yes." "Then tell us all about that." JBS
Posts: 47
She began to speak, falteringly. "When Bonny tells me to, I go down on her and lick the insides of her thighs. She likes that very much. And then I lick her pussy lips, and push my tongue into her, and I lick her clit until she comes." I watched as granddad slipped his hand down the back of her knickers, groping her bare arse. She swallowed nervously as she felt his hand intruding, her breast still being manipulated by his other hand. "You ever had a cock up your cunt?" "Yes." She said, a fearful tone in her voice, "A long time ago." "Did you like it?" "Not much, no." "That why you became a dyke?" "I suppose so." His hand left her breast and fumbled with the waistband of her knickers. Then he pushed his hand down into her knickers. I could see the shape of it as it delved deeper, making for her pussy. She gasped, her eyes widening with surprise, and then he was stroking her pussy lips. He grinned to himself as he watched her torment. "You know what I'm going to do to you in a little while?" She shook her head. "I'm going to take you into one of the bedrooms, strip you bare then fuck your lesbian cunt and your dyke arse. How does that sound?" "I, er, I just, er I mean... Oh!" She jumped with surprise. "Don't like a finger up your arse then?" He chuckled. She didn't respond. He pulled his hands out of her knickers, took her by the hand and led her out of the room without a word. She followed meekly. I wanted to follow, but as I started to move a large hand grabbed my arm. I looked around to see Leroy standing next to me. "Come on now teacher, it's time for your surprise." I followed him through the guests and up some stairs. We reached a closed door and he turned to me and smiled. "You're going to like what's in here, I just know it." He opened the door and pushed me in, then called out "Enjoy yourself boys." Before the door closed and I heard his laughter receding. The room was dimly lit, and I could just make out the shapes of some people. Then suddenly the lights went on and they all called out "Surprise!" In unison. I looked around, shocked, and immediately recognised Brian and Adam, and then to my horror saw that there were four more students from my school there too. "Hi Alison. My, don't you look nice in your school uniform. Nice tits!" Adam taunted. I quickly covered my exposed breasts with my arms. "Adam no! You can't do this to me Adam, you promised no one else from school until after next week. You promised me." "You promised me Adam, you naughty boy!" He mocked. The others laughed. "Well I lied. Get over it. We decided this was too good an opportunity to miss, so we got the boys here an invitation, for a small fee, naturally!" I was stunned. The little bastard had not only broken his promise, but had sold me to the highest bidder. I turned and made for the door. "Leaving so soon Alison? You don't want to do that, I can tell you. Have you forgotten about our possible trip to the police station?" His confidence, as ever, was intimidating. I froze, unable to take the step of opening the door. Instead I turned to face the six of them. Adam grinned openly, Brian smiled to himself, the others looked amazed. "Good girl. Now lets have some fun. Alison, why don't you give the boys an idea of what they'll be enjoying, mmm?" He motioned for me to lower my arms. I let them fall by my sides, defeated. There was a chorus of approval from my audience, "Yes! Excellent! Cool. Fuck me. Nice. Brill!" As I stood there Brian switched on a stereo, the music filled the room. "Why don't you give us a bit of a dance, then?" He asked, smiling. I began to shuffle around in front of them, swaying my hips in time to the music. "Come on, I bet you can do much better than that!" Brian urged. I gave in. I started to sway and move, feeling my breasts swing as I gyrated and swung my hips. I turned my back on them and bent from the waist, giving them a clear view of my pink knickers, then turned to face them again and stroked my breasts as I danced. They had all gone very quiet. A couple were openly rubbing their crotch. After a couple of minutes Brian stepped towards me and out his hands around me, dancing with me. I put my arms around his neck, feeling his hands settle on my waist. We swayed together for a few moments, and then his hands dropped over my hips and started to rub my bottom. He lifted my skirt and began to stroke my bum cheeks, then tried to push his hand inside my knickers, but found them too tight. "Take them off." He murmured in my ear. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and pushed them down. When they reached mid thigh they fell freely, I felt them reach my ankles and stepped out of them. Brian's hands resumed their caressing of my bum, this time he kneaded my bare cheeks, massaging them slowly, lifting my skirt as the rest of them looked on. He spun me 'round so that he was behind me and I was facing the others. "Who wants to see her pussy, then boys?" He laughed. They all cheered, including Adam. "How about having a better look at her tits first, yes?" More cheering. He opened the last remaining buttons on my blouse, then pulled it open, giving them an unobstructed view. He reached up to cup each one, tweaking my nipples. "Mmmmm, nice!" He announced to the gang, "Boys you are going to love playing with these, believe me!" "Show us her pussy!" One of them called. I felt him laugh, "What do you think then, Alison? Should I show your pussy to the boys?" I felt him push his pelvis against my bottom, I could feel the stiffness of his cock. The sexual tension had got to me and I groaned, "Oh yes, do it." He laughed again, then reached for my skirt. There was a moment of total silence, broken only by the music, as he took hold of the hem of my skirt and began to lift. I gasped as I felt it start to move, and then he lifted it high, exposing my naked pussy to the assembled students. A thrill of shame ran through me as they cheered and whistled. He danced around with me like that for a few minutes, holding my skirt high. I felt the air on my naked slit, my skin burning with shame. Then he let go of me, but opened the fastening of my skirt and let it fall to the ground. I stood before them effectively naked, wearing only my blouse, which was wide open and offered me no protection at all. Then they all wanted to play. First up was James, a small mousy boy. He stood in front of me and looked down at my breasts, then slowly reached out and fondled them, looking thoroughly delighted with himself. His fingers played lightly, almost reluctantly across my nipples, he was clearly nervous. I clutched his hands to my breasts, making sure he got a good handful! He looked up at me, a slightly amazed look on his face. "Give us a go, give us a go!" Another boy, Andrew urged hotly. James stepped back and Andrew groped my breasts roughly, urgently, making me wince as he pinched my nipples and twisted. "Go easy you prick!" Brian rebuked, "They're tits, not the dial on a fucking radio. They don't come off and you wont get Radio 1 on them either!" The others laughed nervously. Andrew blushed and stepped back, letting Colin have his chance. Colin stroked my breasts in a fascinated sort of way then stepped in closer, put his arms around me and began to caress my bum cheeks. His touch was surprisingly mature, not too hard, not too nervous. I smiled at him. "I've always liked looking at your bum, miss." He confessed, blushing slightly, "But I never thought I'd get to do this." I warmed to him at once. I wriggled my bum in time to the music, then very deliberately I took hold of his right hand and guided it between my legs. I could feel the tension in the room as the others saw what I was doing. I placed Colin's hand on my pussy lips, covered it with my own hand, and began to gyrate. His eyes widened with shock and pleasure. I brought his other hand up to my mouth, then took his index finger and gently sucked on it, licking its' tip. He gasped and then shuddered, then began to back away, rubbing his crotch. Brian and Adam laughed as they realised he'd come in his pants, the others were too busy rubbing their own crotches. Finally it was Gary's turn. A tall, red haired boy with surprisingly broad shoulders for his age, he stepped forward, slipped his arms around my waist and reached for my bum. Again I rocked and gyrated away, then pushed his hand over my pussy. By now I was becoming seriously aroused and his fingers slipped easily between my lips. He grunted as I started to thrust my hips back and forth on his hand. I reached down and stroked the front of his trousers, feeling the stiff cock within. His eyes rolled. I found the tab of his zip and slowly lowered it, then slipped my hands inside his trousers and stroked his shaft through his underwear. He groaned and then I felt the warmth of his come soak into his shorts. He staggered backwards, then sat down on a chair, pale faced. There was a brief pause, then Adam said, "Who wants to see her fuck herself?" Not surprisingly, there were murmurs of agreement, then Adam reached into a bowl of fruit which had been placed on a small table, selected a banana and tossed it to me. "You know what to do." He grinned. I sank to the floor, giving the boys my most sultry, seductive look. "Do you really want to watch me do that?" I purred. They all agreed readily that that was what they wanted. "Oh that's so rude, so dirty." I gasped. Six pairs of eyes watched me hungrily as I lay back and opened my legs, showing them my moist slit. I stroked my lips gently, then slowly inserted a finger, stroking my clit then pushing into my hot tunnel. I was already pretty wet, but with the audience I had my fingers were soon slick with my juices. I placed the firm, yellow banana at the entrance to my tunnel, then slowly pushed it in. The sexual tension in the room was palpable as my six students watched me start to hump my hips, slowly at first, then increasing in pace. "Enjoying the show?" I asked. Adam and Brian stared, open mouthed, James and Andrew were clutching their groins and gasping for breath, Colin and Gary were rubbing their crotches frantically. As I watched Colin closed his eyes and slid back in his seat with a gasp of "Oh fucking Christ!" Andrew slipped his hand into his trousers and rubbed frantically, then he too groaned and fell back in his seat. I was enjoying myself. I had turned the tables on my tormentors, who clearly expected to have a whale of a time at my expense. Now four of them were slumped in their seats, glassy eyed and spent! I looked at Adam and Brian, both of them rubbing their crotches. "Well?" I demanded, "What's a girl got to do to get some cock around here?" I had to stifle a laugh as they both jumped to their feet, looking every inch the school boys! Adam reached me first, almost falling over as he hurried towards me whilst trying to remove his trousers at the same time. I pulled the banana from my pussy and threw it aside, then lay back, my legs spread wide. He practically fell on me in his haste, pushing his cock in me up to the hilt on the first stroke. I pushed my hips up to meet him and stroked his arse. I murmured in his ear, "Come on then, fuck me. Do it to me. Shoot it up inside me, come on!" After just a minute or so he grunted then I felt him emptying his balls into me. He rolled off me and Brian immediately took his place. I groaned as I felt his longer, broader cock start to penetrate me. In moments he was pumping into me vigorously. I stroked his arse, licked his neck, whispered in his ears, "Fuck me, oh fuck me deep, I need it deep Brian, give it to me." He didn't last much longer than Adam, coming inside me with a loud groan, then falling on top of me. As he lay there, gasping for breath I heard a familiar voice. "I think that's just about time for you young boys now. Time to go now fellas, the party's over for you guys." I looked up to see Leroy sniggering in the doorway. Brian rolled off me with a sigh. Adam stood up, still fastening his trousers, the others stood obediently, covering their crotches with their hands to conceal the damp patches there. I stood up and all eyes turned to me. The boys looked slightly stunned, Leroy chuckled. "You give these boys a good time?" "I did my best." I grinned. He laughed, "You are something else, teacher, something else completely!" I fastened my blouse as best I could, leaving my breasts exposed, then pulled on my tiny skirt. I picked up my knickers from the floor where I had stepped out of them. There didn't seem to be much point putting them back on. I walked provocatively over to the boys. "Would any of you like these?" I purred. As if they were in class all put their hands up. Leroy chuckled behind me. I held them out to Colin, who took then shyly, avoiding the envious looks of the others. "OK Brian, time to get your friends out of here." Leroy announced. They all marched past him murmuring their thanks as Brian led them away. "You enjoying yourself?" "Yes, but I need to clean up a bit before going back in." He led me to a small bathroom where he watched as I washed my pussy, then gently dried it. I turned to him, about to say I was ready, only to see him lowering his zip, a lecherous smile on his face. "You enjoyed yourself with those young boys, didn't you?" "More than I thought I would!" I confessed. "I think they had a good time too, don't you?" He chuckled again. "Sure! Now it's my turn, come over here and say hello to my black cock." He pushed his shorts down to reveal a large, thick cock nestling among a wiry bush. I knelt between his thighs and started to suck. His cock very quickly swelled to something even bigger than Neil's, and I was secretly thankful that he wanted oral rather than straight sex, or God forbid, even anal. I sucked and licked away happily for several minutes, and then he groaned and began to shoot into my mouth. Almost immediately he pulled out of me, took hold of his shaft and began to spray his jism across my face, laughing as he did so. I gasped as I felt his hot semen hit my skin, and tried instinctively to pull away. However, he reached out and caught hold of one of my pigtails, holding me in place until he'd finished climaxing. He fell back against the wall, letting go of my hair. I sat back on my haunches and shuddered at the feeling of his semen on my face. I immediately stood and turned on the tap to wash it off. He laughed again as he watched me washing my face repeatedly. "You better get used to that, teacher. The brothers love to spray their love juice across pretty white faces. You're going to get a lot of that tonight. Like I say, get used to it!" As Leroy led me back towards the main party area we passed the doors to several rooms, most of which were closed. One or two were open however, and I caught glimpses of a variety of scenes as we passed by. In one I saw granddad and Carol and stopped to watch, as discretely as I could. She was naked, lying on a bed. He lay on top of her in a sixty-nine position, his cock in her mouth. He was playing with her pussy, grinning as he did so. As I watched he pushed two fingers into her. She gasped as she sucked on his cock, then moaned as he pushed a third finger into her. Then he withdrew his fingers and grabbed hold of her dark brown pubic hair between his fingers, pulling and twisting until she cried out. He turned his attention to her bottom, pulling her cheeks apart and ******* a finger roughly into her tight hole. She yelped and wriggled her hips, trying to evade his probing finger, but to no avail. As his finger sank slowly into her I moved on. I passed another room, this time the door was only open a few inches. I could hear someone, a woman, sobbing bitterly inside. I peered through the gap. I saw Jane, standing in the middle of the room, shoulders hunched in misery. Her hair had been freed from its' neat bun and now hung about her shoulders, straggled and untidy. There were a number of young black men in the room, all naked. They sat around the walls of the room casually, smoking and ******** as Jane stood before them, helpless. I glanced at her body and gasped. He bottom was a fiery red with purple blotches, and was criss-crossed with angry looking welts. "Tell us again, what you are." One of the men urged. "I'm a pig." She said simply. "Again." "I'm a pig whore. A fuck pig. I'm a dirty, lying fuck pig. I deserve to be fucked. I deserve to be punished." She sobbed again. "OK, give it to her, Sid." A large black man moved from the shadows and took hold of her arm, leading her across the room. She wailed in alarm. "Noooooo. Oh please no, no more, please. Pleeeeeeeese" I shifted my position slightly, I could still see what was happening. I wanted to leave, but the whole scene was captivating, I was unable to move. Jane was ****** to bend over a chair, her bruised and battered bottom high in the air. The man who had dragged her to the chair grabbed hold of her hair, jerking her head back savagely. She shrieked in pain. "Stay there until I give you permission to move, or else, got that?" Tears ran freely down her face, she coughed and sobbed, "Oh please don't do this to me, no please, no more, please." He let go of her hair and ****** her back over the chair. Her head dropped, she was still sobbing bitterly. As I watched the man produced a long, thin cane and took aim at her bottom, then he swung it in a wide arc, bringing it down on her flesh with ****** *****. It sang out as it descended, then hit her naked flesh with a sickening slap. She let out an intense scream. The men laughed. The man delivered another stinging blow, and another and another. As each blow connected Jane's body contracted and she leapt into the air with a heart-rending scream, only to drop back over the chair again. After a number of blows the man grinned and dropped the cane. As he turned in profile to me I could see he had an enormous erection, the most hideously over-sized organ I'd ever seen. He approached Jane, still hanging over the chair, still sobbing. There was a murmur of laughter among the other men in the room. He stood behind Jane, then squatted down so that he was looking directly at her bruised and battered behind. He pulled her cheeks apart and spat on her tight hole, she shuddered and moaned. He stood up and positioned his massive cock against her bottom. She grunted and started to lift her head, looking 'round to see what was being placed next to her back door. At that moment he began to push. She cried out, "Ahhh. No. No, you can't, it's too big, I can't take it, no stop." He paid no attention to her. He gripped the shaft of his cock to reinforce it and pressed harder. "No! No! Oh God, no! Please, not that, please. Oh dear God no, please, oh please, oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeee!" I stared in morbid fascination as he put all his body weight behind his huge organ and started to overcome her sphincter. I saw his cock breach her defence and start to inch into her. She screamed hysterically, begging them to stop, they only laughed. Finally, he was in her up to the hilt. She was breathing rapidly, still sobbing. "Now you look like the stuck pig you are." The man who was ****** her bottom joked. The whole room laughed heartily. Jane wept. He slowly drew his massive organ out of her, she shuddered. When he had just the last couple of inches in her he drove back in quickly, ******ly. Jane was thrown around like a rag doll. He grabbed hold of her hair, pulling her head back, then reached 'round and grabbed one of her breasts. He pinched the nipple and began twist it savagely. She shrieked again and began to twist and turn, trying to find some JBS
Posts: 47
The next thing I knew I was lying on the floor, surrounded by men who were laughing, grinning, joking and above all applauding! "Shit! Now that's what you call an orgasm!" One of them said. More laughter. "Let's give her some more." Another voice suggested. There was a chorus of agreement, and then I was picked up then placed over another stiff, black cock and lowered down onto it. This one was thicker than the last and stretched me more. I groaned as it penetrated me, and then strong hands took hold of my legs and under my arms and slowly lifted me up. I shuddered as I felt the cock slide up my hot tunnel. When there was just the tip left inside me I was driven down hard onto it again, ******* it up me to the hilt. I opened my eyes in shock as the sensations ran through me. I felt my eyes open wide and my mouth gaped open but I was unable to speak. I heard laughter around me, and hands stroked my breasts and nipples, making me gasp with pleasure. They repeated the joke several more times, lifting me up then ******* me down roughly onto the fat cock in my pussy. There was a general air of laughter around me, they were having fun. After a time they stopped driving me down onto the cock, the man beneath me started to rock his hips smoothly, causing a new range of sensations in my sensitive pussy. I started to rock in rhythm, putting my hands on my lovers' shoulders again to steady myself. Hands still casually ran across my breasts, occasionally pulling gently on my swollen nipples. And then I felt a finger run down between the cheeks of my bottom, over my tight little hole. It lingered, circling, teasing. I groaned. The finger was removed, then replaced moments later, this time with a lubricant. It slipped into me easily, and I shuddered, the men watching grunted their approval. It started to mirror the rhythm of the cock in my pussy, slipping into my bowels effortlessly. I sighed contentedly as warm waves of pleasure bathed me. I felt the blunt head of a cock nudge at my bottom and relaxed, waiting for the moment it penetrated me. It slid slowly into my bowels, gently pushing in as deep as it could, and then I had two of them in me, pistoning away as I gave myself over to the sheer, delicious pleasure. I'd closed my eyes to enjoy the pleasure, but opened them when I felt something nudging against my face. A large, black cock was being pushed towards me. With a gasp I turned my head and took it into my mouth. I sucked on it urgently, the men around me making comments about me as I did so. "This one can't get enough black cock, look at her, she fucking loves it." "She'll get all she wants and more tonight, won't she?" More laughter. I swirled my tongue over the head of the cock in my mouth. The cock in my pussy twitched, then I felt the warmth of it's jism inside me. My lover lay back gasping for breath and there was a cry of pleasure from behind me. I felt the cock in my bottom start to come, and then he pulled out of me, spraying his hot jism over my back. I shuddered as I felt the hot splashes hit my skin. The man I was sucking obviously liked what he saw as he began to shoot in my mouth, then pulled out and covered my face with a copious amount of gooey come. I was in the middle of a large group of men, mostly black but some white too. They were enjoying watching me being serviced. Whenever a cock in my pussy came I was lifted up briefly, then a new lover would take his place and I would be lowered onto a new hot, stiff shaft. I was made to work hard to pleasure them. If I stopped to rest for more than a second or two I was punished with a stinging slap to my bottom, my breasts or my face. The men having me, or watching made vivid, obscene comments about my body. "Look at the little teacher take that cock up her arse. Jesus! She fucking loves it!", "Listen to her yelp when I give her tits a pull, such a laugh." The men shafting my bottom or my mouth frequently emptied their balls over my back or my face, causing laughter among the watching men and prompting further comments. "Give it to her good, boys. Show the little bitch a good time!", "Her bald little cunt won't know what's hit it when we've finished with it!", more laughter. For long periods of time I was aware only of the cocks buried in me. When one climaxed it was quickly replaced with another. I was in a constant state of pleasure, almost a long, continuous orgasm. From time to time hands would slap my bottom to giggles of approval from the men watching, other hands would play with my breasts or tease my clit, and I simply lay back and let it happen, feeling deliciously dirty. At some point I was left alone. I lay back on a sofa, relishing the warm glow of pleasure covering my body. All I could taste was semen and my face was covered with the stuff. I simply lay face down on the sofa and waited for the pleasure sensations to subside. After a while I stood up, a little unsteadily, and shuddered as I felt the jism of all those men running over my skin. I wiped my face with the back of my hand, then took off my blouse, which was soaked with more semen. I wiped away as much as I could, then looked around me as I massaged the rest into my skin. Very few people were in the main party room now, but I did see Carol, standing on her own in a corner, still with her vest and stars and stripes knickers. I threw my come soaked blouse into the corner and walked, stark naked over to her. She smiled when she saw me. "Are you ok?" She asked, a concerned look on her face. I smiled back at her, "Never better, why do you ask?" "Well, it's just that all your clothes are gone, and I saw what they all did to you just now, and it looked awful." "Actually, it was rather nice! How about you, are you ok?" "I suppose so. Some horrible old man took me to one of the rooms earlier. He made me undress, then I had to do awful things. I had to suck him, and he lay on top of me to do it, and kept pushing his cock to the back of my throat. And he smelled awful, just awful. Then he put his cock in my pussy and went at me like that for ages, and all the time he was calling me horrible names. Then he started doing nasty things to my bum. He pushed his fingers up there, and pulled it apart, and then he ****** his cock up me and made me suck it afterwards. And then he came in my mouth, and there was just gallons of it, loads of it. I spilled some down my front and he made me rub it in. He was particularly insistent that I rub it into my nipple ring, you know, Bonny's ring. Dirty old bastard." I nodded in sympathy. "And was that it for you?" "Oh no." She groaned. After that there was a group of four black guys. They made me suck each of them off, but before I did." She looked around to make sure no one else could hear, "Before I did, I had to lick their arses." She whispered the last. "God! It was so fucking gross! And then there was this middle aged white guy. He thought it was funny to make me do myself with a beer bottle! He made me lay in front of him and do myself with a beer bottle until I came. And I had to tell him all the things I like Bonny to do to me, and all the things I do to her. And then he wanted to know how old I'd been when I lost my virginity, and who to, and who was the first woman I'd slept with, the whole ****** lot. All the time he had this other girl sucking his cock, and when he came he pulled out of her mouth and shot his stuff over me, then made her lick it off. Just awful!" "Carol, I need a *****. Would you like one?" "Are we allowed?" "I don't ****** well care, come on." I made my way to the kitchen, followed closely by Carol. We were groped a few times as we moved through the house, but otherwise we were untroubled. Once in the kitchen I rinsed my mouth with water and spat into the sink, before pouring a large vodka for each of us and handing a glass to Carol. "Well, have you learned your 'lesson' do you think?" She giggled, "Well, I know I don't like dirty old men, or dirty black men, or dirty middle aged men, so that's been worth finding out, hasn't it?" We both laughed. "How about you. I never did find out why you were here." She said. "Curiosity, I suppose. I'm moving away from the area soon. This is a kind of 'sowing my wild oats' sort of a thing." We finished our ****** and started back towards the main room. As we entered the main room I could see that something of a crowd had gathered. Someone was moving around within a circle of guests and girls. Carol and I moved closer to see. I caught my breath, it was Jane, but she was a shadow of her former self. Globules of semen could be seen in her hair, which was a tangled mess. Her face was streaked with tears, snot, make up and more semen. The word 'pig' had been written across her forehead in red ink. Her white uniform blouse was heavily stained with semen, and what I presumed from the colour and the smell to be urine. Her breasts were covered in angry welts and spring clips had been placed on her nipples. They had shaved off her neat pubic bush, and again written 'pig' across her bald mound. She was carrying a tray of ******, which she was offering to the guests. As she paused before each man she said, "I'm an ugly, dirty fuck pig sir. Please have a *****." Each man took a ***** and then turned and ignored her. As she made her way 'round the circle I caught a glimpse of her bottom. Red welts now ran from just above her knees to the small of her back. A trail of *****, semen and faeces ran down the back of her legs, and she looked highly unsteady on her feet. As she tottered 'round, one of her tormentors called to her, "Hey, officer, one of the guys needs your assistance." He laughed, as did his companions. She carefully put down her tray of ******, then tottered over to where the young black man stood. "How can I help you sir." She asked politely, making her tormentors giggle. "Well it's like this, constable." He began with a laugh, his voice loud enough to draw the attention of even the most ******* guest. "I've been *****ing beer and fucking you all night, isn't that right?" "That is correct sir." "I've fucked your mouth, I've fucked your cunt and I've fucked your arse, isn't that right?" "Yes sir." She said quietly. "And I've given you a good seeing to with the cane, isn't that a fact?" "Yes sir." "And why is that, constable?" "Because I'm a dirty, lying, corrupt bitch who needs to be taught a lesson, sir." She mumbled, her head dropping. "But now I find that I have a problem, and need the assistance of a female police officer." "How can I help you sir?" He swayed, *******ly and reached out a hand to steady himself, grasping her breast and making her gasp with pain. "Well, it's like this, officer. I need a piss, and I can't be arsed to go all the way to the toilet. What I need is a nice warm female police officer's mouth to piss in. Can you help me?" "Certainly sir." She said quietly, then sank sadly to her knees. There were grins on the faces of many of the men around her, enjoying her ***********. She knelt there for a moment looking up at him. He rolled his eyes theatrically, then said, "You don't expect me to get it out for you, do you? I mean, what do we pay our taxes for?" A ripple of laughter ran 'round the room as she began to fumble with his zip. Finally, she managed to get his trousers open, then reached inside with trembling fingers and brought out his flaccid cock. She took his organ into her mouth and a moment later began to swallow rapidly as he emptied his bladder into her. He sighed loudly, then smiled contentedly at the guests around him. "I've always said that the British police are the best in the world!" he announced, to more laughs. She coughed and spluttered, some of his urine running down her chin and onto her shirt. Finally, he had finished, and she gently put his cock back into his trousers and fastened them up again. She stood up, shakily. "Will that be all sir?" She enquired. "Thank you officer. I have no further use for you." He grinned. She turned to walk away from him and he swatted her bottom playfully. I saw her face contort in agony and her knees almost gave way. She steadied herself, then tottered over to the corner and leant against the wall, exhausted. I felt a hand on my bottom and looked around. It was Neil, grinning happily. "Had a good time?" "Yes, but poor old Jane there hasn't, has she?" He shrugged, "Too bad." He yawned. We think it's time to go, come on." "I can't. I can't leave her in that state." "Don't worry, she'll be fine." I looked around to see Leroy standing nearby. "She doesn't look fine to me." "No. But the guys have had their fun with her now. That was the final scene. She knows it, look." I glanced over to see Jane now covered by a bathrobe, and sipping from a large glass. She was being looked after by one of the other girls. She wailed with pain as the clips were removed from her nipples, allowing the ***** to flow back into them and restoring feeling, then she was *****ing deeply again from the glass in her hand. "She always gets the worst of it, every time." Leroy said, "But she always comes back for more." "She told me she didn't have a choice." I said. "Well, that may be true. But anyway, she'll be ok, Angela there will see to that. The brandy she's ***** will have taken some of the pain away. See?, she looks better already." As I glanced over again Jane was being helped from the room. As she walked past us she looked up at me and nodded. "I told you you'd be ok, didn't I?" She smiled at me, her voice weak and husky, then left, leaning on the other girl. As we made our way to the door I was handed a sheet which I wrapped around myself, then Alan, Neil and I made our way to the car. Granddad, I was told, had left earlier. "While you were centre stage." Neil commented. "You enjoyed yourself then?" Alan asked. "It was certainly memorable!" I grinned. They laughed, I settled back into the car seat, feeling exhaustion wash over me. I yawned and then felt ***** begin to take me. JBS
Posts: 47
I do hope that you are enjoying Alison's continuing adventures.......................... JBS
Posts: 819
I am loving this. Thank you. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 47
Chapter 18. I woke the following morning a little confused. The last thing I remembered was being in the back of the car as Neil and Alan took me home. I couldn't remember how I'd got to bed, and had no idea of the time. I moved to sit up and felt the full result of my night at the party. My body hurt everywhere. My hips and my back ached, my jaw felt as if someone had punched me repeatedly. My pussy and my bottom throbbed and when I put my hand down between my legs and touched my clit I found it was so sensitive I couldn't bear to touch it. My nipples also were too tender to touch. I reeked of sex. All I could smell and taste was semen; it seemed to coat the back of my throat. I felt sick. As I slowly got out of bed I felt the skin on my face and back stiff with more of it. Feeling thoroughly disgusted I pulled on a bathrobe and made my way to the kitchen. I rinsed my mouth several times, and spat into the sink. I moved slowly around, feeling battered and bruised. I made myself tea, then ran a hot bath. My body complained loudly as I lowered myself into the hot water. My bottom and pussy stung painfully, as did my nipples. I sank beneath the water and groaned. I had never imagined feeling this bad after a night of pleasure, I'd had better days when I'd been suffering from 'flu. I stayed in the bath for as long as I could, only leaving it when the water became uncomfortably cool. I patted myself dry carefully. My whole body seemed to be over-sensitive. I made more tea then went back to bed. As soon as I entered the bedroom I was assaulted by the smell of semen. I stripped the bed and put on new sheets and covers, put the old ones in a carrier bag and threw them in the bin, then eased myself gently into bed. I cast my mind back to the events of the previous night. I wondered how Jane would be feeling at that moment after her repeated beating and *****. I remembered how casual the men had been as they ran their hands over the body of any woman who came near. I shuddered at the thought of all those hands roaming over me, how they had invaded all my most intimate places. I remembered the man who had opened my blouse, making me walk around with my breasts fully exposed. I thought about how it must have looked as any number of men used my pussy, my bottom or my mouth, slapping me if I didn't appear 'lively' enough for them. Incredibly, I began to feel randy! I slipped my hand between my legs, but my poor clit was just too sensitive for even the most gentle play. Sighing with frustration I tried to take my mind off the sensitivity of my body by running through the arrangements for my moving to join John. In just over a week I would walk away from Alan, Neil, the flat and the whole, unlikely episode in my life. That was the plan, anyway. I got up after a while and began to do some routine tasks around the flat. There was no sign or Alan or Neil. I was enjoying the solitude when the doorbell rang. Wearily I made my way to the door and opened it to see Lin standing there with a couple of bottles of wine. "Right, I'm not taking no for an answer, I want to know everything, and I mean everything!" She said as she brushed past me. I followed her up the stairs and into my living room. I stood and watched as she opened the first of the bottles, poured into two glasses and handed one to me. Then she dropped into a nearby chair, took a mouth full of wine and smiled up at me. "Well? Don't keep me in suspense. Was it really good? What did they make you do? How many other girls were there? How many men had you? Did they use your arse or just your mouth and pussy?" I laughed at her urgency. "Give me a minute, won't you?" I sat opposite her and began to relate the events at the party. She watched in fascination as I described the scene, continually re-filling our glasses. I described how I'd been fondled, and exposed, and then related the encounter with my students. She giggled as I told her how I'd managed to get some of them to come in their pants. "Serves them right, dirty little buggers!" By the time I'd finished describing how I'd been used continually by countless men, she had started on the second bottle of wine and her face was flushed slightly pink. I told her about my continuous orgasm and she shuddered. I noticed that her hand had made its' way to her crotch, and now she was rubbing the knuckle of her thumb along the seam of her jeans. I told her how they would smack me if I slowed up at all, and her eyes widened with lust. "They just kept going at you?" "I lost count pretty quickly. They were having a great time, I could tell by all the laughing." "Oh my God, I am so jealous!" I told her about Jane. How she'd looked at the end, when she'd been made to kneel before her tormentor while he pissed in her mouth. Lin's eyes narrowed as she imagined the scene. She took another gulp of wine, then started to shed clothing urgently. "Oh Jesus fucking Christ, this is the hottest thing I've ever heard, and if I don't get these knickers off right away, I'm going to fucking explode!" In moments she was naked, then she fell back into her chair and spread her legs over the arms, exposing her neat blonde bush. Even in my exhausted state I could see her slit was swollen and wet, her nipples erect. A thrill of desire ran through me. I loved the look of Lin's body, and seeing her like this made me even more aroused. I still didn't dare touch my own super-sensitive clit, but I wanted to touch hers. "Would you like me to go down on you?" I asked. "No, I want you to keep talking!" She said hastily. "You can come and stroke my pussy if you like, though." I moved to kneel at the side of her chair, then started to relate bout the man with the beer bottle. As I did so I ran my fingertip along her damp slit. She looked at me, eyes wide, then slid further down in her seat, spreading her legs wider apart and pushing her hips up towards my finger. I gently slipped a finger between her folds, savouring her delicate scent and the warmth of her pussy. She groaned as I pushed the finger into her as I told how a complete stranger had backed me against a wall, ****** my legs apart and then pushed a bottle into me, fucking me with it then making me ***** its' contents. Then I told her about Carol, and how granddad had used and ****** her, including what I'd seen him doing to her, and what she'd told me later. When I told her about Jane's caning and anal **** I let my fingers slip out of her pussy and drop to her own back door. I pushed my thumb into her pussy then tickled her puckered hole with my fingers. She groaned and began to tease and stroke her nipples. Then she began to buck her hips, ******* my thumb into her hot slit, and then she sighed and began to come. She groaned and cried out as each wave of pleasure washed over her, then fell back into her chair, a half-formed smile on her pretty face. "You do that too well for your own good." She said ********. "What a fucking brilliant night. Christ! I'm amazed you can keep your hands off your pussy! If al that had happened to me I'd be diddling from now 'til doomsday!" I giggled in response. "I can't bear to touch myself today. I feel like I've been electrocuted or something, any part of me which doesn't ache is too sensitive to touch." "Really? Oh dear, perhaps I'd better give you some TLC. Come with me." She stood and crossed the room still stark naked. I followed, admiring her shapely bottom as I did so. She took me into the bedroom and made me lay face down on the bed. "OK, wait here, I'll be back in a moment." She said. She returned a minute or so later with a bottle of baby oil. "OK now just relax." She giggled, then poured some directly onto my back. Then she began to gently massage me, starting in the small of my back and climbing to my neck and shoulders. The feeling as she relaxed my tense, knotted muscles was simply wonderful. She sat astride me and I felt her pubes tickle my skin at the base of my spine. She moved lower, concentrating on my lower back and then began to massage my bum cheeks. I gave myself over to her skilful hands and let her stroke away my aches and pains. She stroked my hips and thighs, gently applying oil to the sensitive skin of my inner thighs, and then she ran her fingertip over my delicate bottom. I flinched as I felt her finger touch me there. "Relax." She coaxed, soothingly, "I won't hurt you, I promise." I settled back on the bed. She began to stroke the inside of my bum cheeks, just barely grazing my once tight back door. Gradually, she applied a little more pressure until she was massaging the baby oil directly onto my battered hole. She was so gentle that after a short time I began to enjoy her attentions, and much of my tension dissolved. Then she had me turn over, and she began to minister to the front of my body. She tutted to herself as she realised how tender my nipples were, "Oh you poor darling, they're really sore, aren't they? When will men learn to treat them gently instead of gripping them like pliers and twisting them off?" In moments she had covered them in oil, soothing them gently with her delicate hands. I closed my eyes and relished the luxury of being pampered. She worked her way gradually down my body until she came to my shaven mound. I tensed slightly as she began to run her fingers across it, but she spoke soothingly again, reassuring me, relaxing me. She eased my thighs apart and continued to massage my inner thighs, then she ran her fingers across my pussy lips. The sensations were sheer ecstasy, and I was soon sighing contentedly. I knew what was coming, but Lin was so gentle I had no fears at all. Slowly, methodically, she began to stroke from the very top of my inner thigh inwards, moving incredibly slowly. I held my breath as she reached the lips of my pussy, feeling them move under her attention. Then she gently parted them and ran her finger around the entrance to my tunnel. I gasped at the tenderness there, but she continued to stroke with the utmost gentleness. I began to respond, my pussy beginning to lubricate itself. She slipped a finger gently into me, stroking my delicate folds as she did so. As her fingers gently explored my innermost folds I felt the sensitivity ease and began to rock my hips against her long, slim fingers. She placed a finger of her other hand at the top of my slit and began to rotate it gently, drawing tiny circles on my skin. Almost imperceptibly, she began to move her finger lower, until it reached the base of my clit. I drew in a ragged breath as I felt the nerve endings in my little bud start to complain at the merest touch. And yet she was moving so slowly, and so gently that soon the jangling nerve endings were soothed and I sighed with relief. She kept on for several minutes, stroking her fingers into my pussy and gently stroking the base of my clit. I was in heaven! I closed my eyes and lay back, determined to enjoy every second of her wonderful massage. Then she began to move slowly towards the head of my clit. I was seriously aroused, and knew it would be poking out from under its' hood. I held my breath as she drew nearer and nearer. And then she touched it. Her touch was so gentle I couldn't be sure she had made any contact at all, but then I clearly felt her touch my most sensitive spot. I let out a long, low moan as she drew her fingertip slowly across my bud, and then she began to draw circles again. Beautiful, delicate waves of pleasure ran through me. I felt I had become liquid as she stroked and teased my clit and my pussy. I had never felt anything so erotic before and was almost ********** by the rhythm of her gentle fingers. I heard myself let out an anguished "Oh!" And then I couldn't stop. Wave upon wave of sensual pleasure ran through me as she gently caressed me to climax. I heard myself call sighing and calling, "Oh, oh, oh, oh..." as my entire being was consumed by my climax. I felt Lin carefully remove her fingers from me, then she lay next to me on the bed. When I had gone some way to recovery I turned to look at her. "I have never been handled like that before in my entire life!" I gasped, "You play me like a Stradivarius! Thank you so much for that." She giggled, "We're becoming a right pair of lesbos, aren't we? Perhaps we should run away together? Form a commune, or a women's group or something?" We both laughed hysterically. "Can you imagine if we told John and Keith, 'sorry guys but you're redundant! We don't need you anymore, you've been replaced by six inches of plastic and a couple of batteries! Take care now!' ****! Imagine the look on their faces!" We laughed and laughed, then fell into each other's arms. I had never felt so at ease as I did at that moment, naked, in bed with Lin, our breasts pressed together. I wanted to stay there forever, comforted by the warmth of her body, the delicate scent of her sex. I began to drift into a contented *****. Lin started to stroke my hair, planting the odd delicate kiss on my forehead. "I'm really going to miss you when you go." She said. She sounded almost surprised by the realisation. Then she laughed softly to herself, "Perhaps it's just as well though, I'm starting to look forward more and more to being in bed with you." "Really?" "Really!" She giggled. "All I could think about last night was what they'd be doing to you. Jesus I was turned on! Funny thing was though, when I got into bed with Keith I found I didn't want him, I wanted you! I kept imagining you stroking my pussy or going down on me. It was that that got me off! Keith has no idea, of course, but I came lots of times just imagining being in bed with you." "I, er, well, I don't really know what to say." I stuttered. "Don't say anything. In a little while you'll be gone. That'll be it, game over. I just wanted you to know, that's all" "I'll miss you too." I mumbled. Lin leant in and kissed me full on the lips. Her mouth was warm and gentle, and she tasted of wine still. I felt her tongue push gently between my lips and I opened them to allow her access. And then we were kissing with increasing passion, locked in each others' arms. She began to stroke my breasts, cupping them. She ducked her head down and began to gently kiss my nipples, circling the tip of her tongue over them. She moved lower and lower down my body, kissing my skin gently as she went. I sighed contentedly as she began to plant kisses on the sensitive skin of my inner thighs, and then she moved slowly up until I could feel her hot breath on my pussy. She began to plant the most delicate, gentle kisses on my pussy lips. I felt my heart racing as waves of pleasure began to run through me. She ran the tip of her tongue along my hot slit and I arched my back in pleasure as the waves built to sheer ecstasy. She gently pushed my legs further apart, then began to kiss and lick my pussy lips. I heard myself groan in pleasure and she chuckled to herself, her hot breath stimulating my super-sensitive clit still further. Her tongue wormed its' way between my pussy lips, circled the entrance to my tight tunnel, the slowly made it's way to my clit. I stiffened and held my breath as I felt her tongue reach out for my hard bud. I gasped and arched my back as jolts of pleasure ran through my entire body. This was the most erotic experience I'd ever had, not just physically sexy and pleasurable, but emotionally erotic. As I lay there, my legs wide apart as she licked and tickled my bud I felt warm waves of pleasure slip over me. I sighed contentedly, and then Lin shifted her position, moving around and straddling me in a classic 'sixty-nine' position. I was looking directly at her beautiful blonde pussy. I immediately reached out m tongue and ran it along her lips, feeling her shudder and her hot breath on my own pussy as she sighed with pleasure. I kissed and licked her most feminine place, I pushed my tongue deep into her, feeling her writhe around in pleasure. In return she did the most amazing things to me, bringing me to the brink of a massive orgasm time and time again, only to let me slip back from the brink every time. I became desperate, lapping at her pussy urgently, slipping my fingers into her warm, wet tunnel, playing with her clit. In the minutes we were in position we almost drove each other crazy with desire! And then she drove her hips down onto my face with a cry of delight. A thrill ran through me and I responded in kind, thrusting my hips up to her waiting mouth. As her orgasm started she cried out again, this time her cries were muffled by my own pussy and the feelings they generated in me drove me over the edge and I climaxed with her. As our orgasms subsided she collapsed on top of me, her sopping wet pussy just inches from my face, her head between my legs still. I had never felt so completely sated. A warm glow bathed my body. I reached out and gently stroked her bottom, she chuckled in response. We lay together for endless minutes, a delicious, erotic warmth between us. Finally, she moved, saying, "If I don't go now, I never will!" "Suits me!" "I have to meet Keith. We're going for tea at his mum's house. Can you imagine if they knew what we'd been up to! Fuck! She'd have a heart attack!" We both laughed, and then she surprised me by leaning over and kissing me gently on the lips. She pulled back and looked at me, seeming suddenly very vulnerable. I wanted her to stay with me. "Like I said, it's a good job you are leaving soon, or I might not let you go at all!" I smiled back at her, and then she quickly rose from the bed and started to dress. "Will we get to do this again, do you think?" I asked. "Oh Christ I hope so!" She grinned. "Me too!" She had finished dressing. She picked up her bag and made for the bedroom door. As she opened it, she turned and blew me a kiss, then left. I sank back into the bed feeling warm and contented, and a little sorry she'd had to leave. I grinned to myself then got up and pulled on a bathrobe. JBS
Posts: 47
I wandered around the flat, looking for something to do, but there was nothing. No marking of books because although there was still over a week of term to go, we had all but concluded our efforts to teach our brood of idiots for the year. It was all about getting through to the end of term now, something I was becoming increasingly keen to see. On one level I was having the time of my life and the best sex I ever expected to have, but on another level I was looking forward to ending the game. It had gone way further than I would ever have imagined, and I knew that the next few days would take me further still, but I wanted out now. I kept thinking about the house John and I were buying, and I was ready to make the break. But there was still the matter of seven more school days to see out, and the prospect of some extreme experiences. That evening Alan and Neil came back from the pub at about ten and decided that it was fun time. They made me dance for them again, slowly undressing as I did so, then playing with my body as they watched. Then they brought out the inflatable again, and I was made to entertain them, rocking my way to orgasm with its' appendages deep inside me as the little pad buzzed maddeningly against my clit. Then they took me in 'top and tail' fashion, Neil's oversize cock in my pussy while I sucked eagerly on Alan's cock. Neil drove into me furiously, ******* me forward onto Alan's cock, pushing it deep into my mouth. When he hit the back of my throat and started to gag and cough they laughed at me and jeered. Finally they were sated and I was allowed to go to bed. I fell at once into a deep, dreamless ***** and woke the following morning feeling refreshed and satisfied. And then I remembered that it was Monday. The start of yet another week of shame, *********** and debauchery for me. I shuddered at the thought of what the boys at school would do to me at first opportunity, but I had given my word to Alan that I would see out the game until the end of term. I showered and dressed, a white blouse and grey skirt with matching jacket, no stockings and my usual plain white knickers. On the way to school I confessed to Alan how nervous I was feeling. I had hoped for some support and understanding from him, but of course I was disappointed. "I should think you would be nervous, you're about to become the plaything of a bunch of fifteen year old boys! They're going to have the time of their lives with you over the next week and a bit. I bet by the end of term you'll have had more pricks than a pin cushion!" "Oh God, Alan don't, please." "What? You don't like the idea of a bunch of young boys with their hands in your knickers? You're not becoming a snob, are you?" "A snob? What the hell do you mean?" "You think you're too good for them, don't you? You think they're too common to be able to have you. That's right, isn't it? Stuck up Alison is just too good for local council estate boys, isn't that right?" "That's not it at all." I protested. "Then prove it! Give them what they want, make sure they have a good time. Be the dirtiest, sexiest randiest bitch they'll ever have. They'll remember you for the rest of their lives, you know." "That's what I'm afraid of. In case you'd forgotten, it's illegal for someone of my age to do anything to someone of their age. Christ Alan, what if someone finds out?" "Don't worry about that, you'll be fine. Just get on with entertaining them." I wasn't reassured by his words at all. He seemed disinterested in me that morning. As soon as we reached school he strode off, leaving me in the car park. As I made my way into school I saw a group of fifth year boys standing some distance away. I recognised one of them as Gary, the tall red-haired boy from the party. As he saw me he grinned and nudged one of the boys next to him. They all looked at me as I walked past, as I entered the school I heard them sniggering and felt my face flush. Where ever I went in school I seemed to see one or more of my tormentors. Chief among these of course was Adam, who seemed to be everywhere. My first class was a first year group, and I was grateful for their relative innocence. The lesson passed without incident, but at break Adam ****** his way through them as they were filing out and stood, grinning at me. "Hi Alison, how are you this morning?" He said, loudly enough for the last of the first years to hear. A couple of them stopped at the door and turned to watch us. "Get off to your next lesson." I barked at then. "But Miss, it's break time, Miss." They complained. "Then get off to the playground." I hissed at them. They turned and began to shuffle away. I slammed the door behind them. "You should have let them stay, they'd have enjoyed watching!" Adam chuckled. I glared at him, but said nothing. "Get your skirt up then." He said, casually. I lifted my skirt, exposing my knickers for his amusement. "Why do you always wear boring white ones? And no stockings either? Why do you do that?" "It's just what I like." I said simply. "Yeah, well it's dead fucking boring. Wear something more lively tomorrow, right?" "Yes, Adam." He walked over to me and thrust his hand between my legs. "How's your cunt this morning? Granddad tells me you had a load of black bastards fuck you on Saturday. He said you were taking them three at a time, one in your cunt, one in your mouth and one up your arse, is that right?" "Look, Adam, I don't think that's any of your business, do you?" "Too fuckin' right it's my business. I want to know, now is it right what granddad said?" I nodded. "Say it." "It's right, what granddad said, what he told you. I did let a lot of black men have me on Saturday night. It was like granddad said." "Cool! And how does your cunt feel this morning then?" He leered at me as he squeezed my pussy lips through my knickers. "Adam, please." "Drop 'em. Let's have a look at it." I looked around nervously, then pushed my knickers down and lifted my skirt high above my waist. He grinned lecherously, then pushed my legs apart and squatted in front of me, peering at my shaven mound. "And your arse-hole." He commanded. I turned, lifted my skirt and bent at the waist. He took hold of the cheeks of my bottom and pulled them roughly apart. I squealed in protest but he just ignored me. The he put a finger against my back door and began to push it in. "Does this hurt?" "No Adam." "You like it up your arse?" "Sometimes." "Let's see how you like this then." I heard his zip being lowered, then felt his cock pushing at my bottom. I consciously relaxed and let him penetrate me and in moments he was pushing his stiff cock deep into my bowels. He grabbed my hips, pulling me back onto him as he drove into me with hard strokes. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, could hear him grunting with each stroke. After a couple of minutes I felt his cock twitch in me then felt the familiar warmth. Then he pulled his cock from me. As I stood up he reached into my bag and pulled out a tissue. He wiped his cock and threw it into the paper basket in the classroom, then fastened his trousers and walked from the room, whistling cheerfully. I quickly pulled my knickers back on and smoothed my skirt back into place just as the bell for end of break rang and the first of my next class began to file in. All through the next lesson I was aware of his semen leaking from my bottom. I was desperate to get to a toilet to clean myself, but I couldn't leave my class unsupervised. I couldn't get comfortable at all. If I sat down I felt his wetness, and if I stood and walked I felt it leaking from me. I was feeling thoroughly miserable. Finally, the bell rang signalling lunch and as the pupils left I quickly gathered my things and made for the nearest staff toilets. I finally managed to clean myself, and returned to my classroom, not wanting to go to the staff room. As I approached the door I saw Adam and Brian waiting for me. They grinned when they saw me. "Come on, we've been waiting for ages. Get in here and get your kit off." Adam urged. "Yeah, get your tits out for starters, I want to have another look at them." Brian ordered. "Not here, please boys. Let's go somewhere more private." "No. Here's just fine, now get them out." Resigned to my fate I opened the buttons of my blouse, then opened it exposing my breasts to the two eager boys. In moments Brian was cupping one breast whilst sucking on the other. I gasped as his tongue circled my nipple, making it stiffen. Adam moved behind me, lifted my skirt and began to stroke my bottom. After a few moments he pulled my knickers down to my knees and pushed his hand between my legs, stroking my pussy lips. He quickly found my clit and began to pinch and pull at it, making me wriggle and squeal in protest. "You like having your clit played with, don't you? Makes you dance around, don't it?" He giggled. "Oh, owww, oh please stop that Adam, it's not nice, I don't like it, owww, oh , ahhh, no. No please, Adam." "Show us how you like to play with it then." They both stood back and watched as I lay down on the floor, spread my legs and began to gently stroke my pussy lips before finding my clit and gently teasing until it became stiff. "This is how I like it." I breathed, "Nice and gentle, see? You stroke it gently, and it gets stiff." "And that feels good?" "Oh yesssss! Oh it feels really, really good." "I bet you'd like a cock up you now, wouldn't you?" Brian asked, smiling. "Oh yes, oh I'd love a nice hard cock up me, right now. Would you like to have me, Brian?" "Get over the desk then." He ordered. I stood and bent over one of the school desks, lifting my skirt and spreading my legs wide, exposing my wet pussy for him. They both snickered, then Brian stepped forward and I felt his cock nudge against my lips. He eased his cock into me and I heard him gasp with pleasure as he started to build his rhythm. Adam came and stood in front of me and slowly lowered his trousers, exposing his semi-erect cock. I knew he'd had no chance to wash it since he'd had me at break time, and he grinned at me as he pushed his hips forward, his cock inches from my face. I sighed and opened my mouth, taking him inside and sucking gently. He began to stiffen at once and was soon throbbing in my mouth as I licked and sucked him. He reached down and took hold of me by the hair, pulling my face forward and pushing deep into me. "She likes a face fucking, watch this." He said to Brian, who was still driving into me. Adam began to thrust in and out of my mouth vigorously. I put up my hand to stop him pushing in to deep but he waved it away. The two of them were pounding into me, my body being thrown around like a rag doll. Finally Adam began to come, his jism hitting the back of my throat as he groaned and pulled me onto his cock. Then Brian started to come, his hot seed shooting deep into my pussy. As soon as he had finished, Adam pulled out of me and sat back on a desk, smiling. Brian stayed in me for a few moments before he too withdrew. I lay across the desk for a few moments, my breathing slowly returning to normal. As I stood up I saw Brian pick up my knickers and put them in his pocket, grinning at me as he did so. Then they both walked calmly out of the classroom. I quickly dressed and went to the toilets again. I had no classes that afternoon, so I started the process of hand over notes for the next teacher who would take my classes, then began to sort out my books and papers. All the time I was aware of Brian's semen inside me, and no mater how much water or coffee I drank I couldn't get the taste of Adam out of my mouth. Feeling thoroughly disgusted and ****** I drove home in almost total silence, although Alan did make me tell him of my exploits, even giggling when I told him how uncomfortable I felt. As soon as we got home I jumped in the shower, cleaning myself thoroughly. JBS