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Alison's Story

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Hello cuck community, a friend of mine e-mailed this ‘novel’ to me in ‘word’ format. I am not sure of its origin, but it is certainly worth a read.
As it is so long I will post it a chapter at a time – happy reading.
I have identified some tags for the story, but I am sure you guys will identify more as the story build momentum.
Cuckold (of course) Humiliation, Public, Teacher (English), Forced, Consensual. – That’s a ‘starter for ten’ (for you fellow ‘Brits’)


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Chapter 1

I can't believe that I am actually writing this down after so many years. I am now a ‘respectable' married woman of 38. Happily married to John, with two lovely kids, mortgage, the works. Sixteen years ago I was a newly qualified secondary school teacher. I had left college with an overdraft and no job. Worse than that, I had no where to live. That's where John helped out.

We had been together for over a year, and things were going well. I had met all of his friend, and generally got on well with them. Especially Sally, we always seemed to hit it off. Sally had a boyfriend, Alan. They lived together in a large flat above a tailor's shop. The flat was really two flats, on two floors, and they had talked of getting someone in to rent the first floor, while they stayed on the top one.

When I found myself with nowhere to live, John asked them if they would consider splitting the flat. They agreed, and so I had found my place to live. The next thing was to find a job ! Alan was able to help with this, as he was a teacher at a local comprehensive, and had been there for about four years. He had a quick word with the head, and I was installed as the new junior English teacher.

At first everything was great. I had a fine time spending my new salary on furniture and fittings. I got on well with Sally, and we had lots of girly nights in takeing wine while John and Alan went out to the pub.

I should say something about Alan at this point. He was 26, the same age as John, about six feet tall, very dark hair, brown eyes and slim build. He and John had been at school together and were really close mates. I had never actually had any kind of argument with him, but I always felt uncomfortable alone with him. He gave off the impression that he thought women were beneath him. Now in those days, I was a very ‘right on' feminist, and so his attitude really irritated me. I suspect that he knew this, and played on it. He was the kind of guy who liked to get a reaction. He was also the kind of guy who made you feel that he was undressing you with his eyes, something else I hated ! I could really have done without him, but he was John's best friend, and my new land lord, and so I put up with him

Though I say so myself, I was a bit of a looker in those days. Although I am only five foot three inches, I had long dark brown hair, which almost reached my hips, 34B boobs, and a tight arse, which John always said was my best feature. I liked to dress in stylish clothes for work, which always got the attention of the 14 and 15 year olds I was teaching, and when at home I would generally slop around in jeans and t-shirt.

One evening I was up at Sally's place, and we were getting very takes! She told me of a friend of hers, Lin, who had gone away with her boyfriend Keith for a week at a county cottage. I knew Lin, or so I thought, and so I was stunned when she told me of the kind of activities they were planning on getting up to. “Lin likes to be dominated” Sally said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, she likes to be completely dominated. I mean totally. All week. She has to do what ever Keith says, the moment he says it. If she doesn't, he spanks her. He's made her do the most humiliating things in the past, like go to a pub and deliberately let some man see her boobs. On one occasion he made her wear a really short skirt, and no knickers. Then he made her go to the supermarket and keep bending over for things on the bottom shelf. God knows how many blokes had a look at her snatch that day. She said she absolutely loved it !”

I was stunned! “But Lin isn't into anything like that” I protested, “She wouldn't let a man treat her like that, she's got too much pride as a woman !”

“That's what I said to her” Sally replied, “But she said that it was really exciting not knowing what she was going to have to do next. She said that she is always on the verge of a huge orgasm whenever she and Keith play their game. And she said I shouldn't knock anything until I've tried it !”

We talked about this for ages afterwards, on the sort of things we would imagine them doing. Then we talked about the sort of things we would hate to be made to do. Of course, what we were really talking about was the sort of things we would secretly love to be made to do. I realised this when I went to the loo and found that my pussy was absolutely soaking. I hadn't been that randy in years ! John and Alan came back from the pub soon after, and we made our way to our own beds. John got the shag of his life that night, and even now, after we have been married for ten years, he still mentions it. He has no idea why I was so hot that night, or what was to happen over the next few months !

Two weeks later, John dropped a bombshell ! His company was starting a new operation in Australia, and as a junior manager, he was going to have to work there for six months. I was furious ! “Can't they send someone else? Why you?” I yelled. “Yes they could send someone else”, he said, “But my career would be finished. If I can't do this, then I've no chance of promotion, now or in the future. I'll be pushing bits of paper around for the next few years until they find a reamister to make me redundant.” He said. We argued for hours, but he eventually made it clear that he was going, and if I wasn't prepared to support him then he would go it alone. Reluctantly, I agreed. I loved him, and didn't want to lose him.

A short time later, John went to Australia. It wasn't until after he had gone that I realised how much I was going to miss him, and how much I loved him. I was all for leaving my job and going over there, but he said no, he was moving around too much and we wouldn't see anything of each other anyway. I was stuck !

Sally and Alan proved to be great friends during the first few weeks after John went. They spent a lot of time with me, and we got takes a lot. I even began to soften my opinion of Alan ! one night, as we were putting away a few more bottles of red wine Alan mentioned Keith and Lin. I looked quickly to Sally, and we both grinned ! What I didn't know was that Alan had seen this.

An hour or so later, and Sally was well and truly hammered ! As she started to fall arelax in the chair, Alan carried her upstairs and put her to bed, and then came down for some more take. We talked about nothing much for a while and then he said “So you know all about Keith and Lin's game then Alimister?” I was pretty takes myself by this time, and said “yes, and it all sounds a bit stupid to me. I mean, what's the big deal in letting some man make a complete fool of you, and then tell all his mates? I'm assuming that all you blokes know about it ?”

“Oh yes, we know ! Keith makes a point of telling us everything he gets Lin to do. We even suggest things for him. Last month we suggested that he take Lin shopping for underwear, but when she went into the changing room to try them on, she would have to leave the door slightly open, so that anyone passing could see in. And guess what I saw when I went shopping last weekend?” He said with a smile. “Surprise me” I said coldly, “Lin stripping and flashing all her bits for all to see, changing room door open by about a foot ! She drew quite a crowd I can tell you. Nice tits !”

“I think you're sick, and Keith is the sickest.” I said.

“Yes, I knew you wouldn't like the idea. It's too much of a challenge for you isn't it?” He said.

“What do you mean ‘challenge'?” I said, “Where is the challenge in letting some man control you completely, humiliate you, make you do the most degrading stuff. Where is the challenge?” I was getting pretty angry about it all by now, but Alan just sat calmly, smiling a little smile, infuriating me further!

“Well let me put it like this”, he said, a patronising tone in his voice. “Lin really enjoys herself. She really gets off on it. She knows that we all know, but the unspoken rule is that we never mention it in front of her. That way she can have her fun, so can we, no-one gets hurt, and no-one thinks any less of her for it. In fact, she's being really masculine about sex, none of this emotional cuckolds brownie, she just sees it as a way of having a good time. And she knows Keith loves her to death. He wont even look at another woman, and she knows that too. But you couldn't cope with something like that. You have to be in control all the time, and the stupid thing is that you think we all respect you for it ! You're a real little tight arse, Alimister, you think you can do anything, but you couldn't cope with grown up stuff the way Lin does. That's why I said it would be too much of a challenge for you. Admit it, you couldn't give up control of your life for a second, never mind a whole week. You just don't have the nerve or the maturity for it”.

By now I was very takes and very angry. Now the take began to talk.

“Of course I could do it” I said, “I could easily let myself be controlled, there would be nothing to it.”

“Prove it”


“Go on, prove it. You're always saying that there's nothing you can't do, well I'm calling you on it ! Prove to me that you could cope with not being in control for once in your tight-arsed life.”

“OK, so how do I go about proving it idiot!, in case you hadn't noticed, John is 10,000 miles away. Who do you suggest I get in as my Svengali? You?” This last was said with so much sarcasm, even he couldn't miss it.

“I wouldn't want to be bothered with you” he said, smiling “like I said, you wouldn't be able to do it, you'd cry off or something”

As if in a dream I heard myself saying “I could cope with anything you could come up with, and more besides. You think Lin is so cool because she lets herself be played with by all of you, but I could easily do that too”

“OK” he said, “Like I said – prove it”

“Right”, I said, “Try me !” I had seriously underestimated how takes I was, I was in a towering rage, and I wasn't going to let this smug bastard get the better of me, or so I thought ! The idea of playing with him appealed to me. I would let him think he was controlling me, and then at the vital moment I would pull the plug on his little scheme. I was also enjoying the sexual tension in the room, which was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

“Right then. Show me your tits” he said, still with that thin, patronising smile on his face.

I knew he was trying to provoke me, to make me refuse to play along, so that he could smile triumphantly and say "I told you so". I wasn't going to let him win so easily. I was going to prove to him that Lin was probably playing a game, and on her terms, not Keith's or any of his seedy mates.“Is that the best you can come up with?” I taunted, as I stood up, staggering slightly as I did so. I pulled my T-shirt up and off over my head, threw it onto the floor and stood in front of him, hands on hips, triumphant !

He laughed !, the bastard. He just sat there and laughed !

“What's so funny?” I yelled.

“I've seen lots of bras, Alimister. I said show me your tits!”.

Without thinking, I unhooked my bra, took it off, dropped it onto the floor next to my T-shirt and stood there just three feet in front of him. His expression didn't change, he didn't move. I was ready to ******* him ! I shook my tits from side to side, cupped them in my hands and squeezed my nipples at him.

“Is this good enough for you then” I said.

“That's nothing”, he said, “I've seen Lin do much more than that! You'll have to do a lot more to convince me that you could handle as much as she does. Much more in fact ! Are you ready to convince me that you could do that Alimister?”

“Go on then”, I said. I was seething. There was no way I was going to let him win, whatever it took, I would do. I was more takes than I could ever remember being, and the take had removed any inhibitions I might have had.

“What colour knickers have you got on?”, he said, still calm, still smiling.

“White” I said.

“Show me. Take your jeans off.”

I didn't stop to think, didn't hesitate. I unzipped my jeans, opened the button, and eased them down my thighs. I left them bunched just above my knees.

“That's no good” he said, “I said take them off. You'll have to learn to do exactly what you are told if you're going to do this properly”

I was now burning with anger, and determined to show him that just because I did 'what I was told', I was still in charge. Telling myself that I was setting the rules, and that I could stop this nonsense at any minute, I sat down, took off my trainers and socks, then removed my jeans and stood up in front of him, this time moving a little closer. He looked me up and down, like I was a peice of meat. He told me to turn around slowly so that he could get a good look at me. He told me to swing my tits again, then turn around and bend over to touch my toes. I knew he was having a good look at me, but I didn't care. I had shown him I couldn't be intimidated, and now I was up for it ! I was standing in front of him in just my knickers, bent over, with my legs slightly apart, while he ran his eyes over every part of me. I curious feeling came over me, I was enjoying myself! I realised with a shock that I had become very turned on, I could feel my pussy getting moist. I was suddenly aware of how long it had been since I'd last had sex. It had been over a month, and in that time I'd only brought myself off a couple of times. I remembered that whilst I'd been touching myself, I had been fantasising about being dominated, like Lin. I had imagined doing the things I knew she'd been told to do, like letting complete strangers look up my skirt, or being spanked by some Headmaster figure.

“Stand up", he said. I stood and faced him eye to eye. "I think you're enjoying this”, he said. I said nothing. “Well, are you ?”

Still takes and angry, but now also very aroused, I couldn't help myself. “Yes” I said.

“Tell me how much you are enjoying this. Tell me how you like being made to strip in front of me, being made to show yourself off to me. Tell me how turned on you are by all this.”

I could feel my pussy throbbing, I looked down and saw my nipples like bullets, my heart was beating fast. I was like a bitch in heat. I didn't need to tell him how turned on I was, it was blatantly obvious! “You're right, I am enjoying this, I am getting turned on. Are you happy now?" The truth was that I had never felt so aroused or excited. I was thrilled to be showing myself off to this arrogant bastard. But I still felt like I was in control. His next words almost made me groan out loud.

“I bet you'd like to take your knickers off and show me the rest, wouldn't you? I bet you love the idea of standing in front of me and just peeling them down. Look at the way you jiggled your tits for me, I bet you'd love to go the rest of the way, wouldn't you? Answer me!, wouldn't you like to be completely naked in front of me right now Alimister?”

Part of my brain was yelling at me to get out of there, but I was too takes, and by now too randy to hear it ! I desperately wanted some relief. He had planted the idea in my head that what I wanted to do most was to stand in front of him stark naked! The thought of him seeing all of me was, at that moment, the most exciting thing I'd ever known. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, and said “Would you like me to take my knickers off Alan?”

His expression didn't change. I'd expected him to show at least some interest! By now I was breathing so fast I was pacticaly panting! He leaned back in his chair, looked at me over the rim of his wine glass and said "I couldn't give a fuck Alimister, what do you want to do?"

I gulped. I wasn't expecting this total indifference. Some how the positions had changed. I had started out playing with him, now he was playing with me, teasing me, goading me. I couldn't take any more. I wanted to strip for him. Of course I could just have gone ahead and done it, but it had become important to me that he wanted me to do it. I wanted him to want me. To my amazement I heard myself say “I'd like to take my knickers off for you Alan”.

"Yes, I bet you would", he said. "Trouble is Alimister, its getting late and I really don't know if I can be bothered ! And besides, what about Sally and John? How would they feel about you dropping your knickers?"

"They wouldn't know" I said hurredly, "I wouldn't tell, and neither would you. It would just be our secret!" I tried to sound seductive, but it came out sounding desperate!

"I really don't think I'm that bothered Alimister. Perhaps if you were to ask me nicely, I might stay and let you show me what you've got. But to be honest with you, if I wanted to see a nice pussy, I could always have a look at Sally's right now, or wait and see Lin's !"

Now I was becoming desperate ! Without thinking, I blurted out "I've got a nice pussy! Really, I have! It's at least as nice as Sally's or Lin's, and I've got a really nice bottom! You could see them now Alan. You could look at my pussy and my bum, you could do anything you want to me, anything at all. Everyone says I've got a really nice bum. You can see me naked now, Alan, without having to leave the room. Just take a seat and let me show you all I've got. I know you'll like me Alan, I promise!" I couldn't believe I had said all of that, but the truth was that I was now consumed with the need to undress for Alan. I was determined that he would see me naked, and so here I was practically begging to strip for him.

"Well, if you want me to stay, you'll have to ask a lot nicer than that! Say please!" he sneered.

I summoned up my most seductive voice, pouted my lips and said “Please Alan, please can I take my knickers off and show you my hot pussy?” I had shocked myself. I had never spoken to anyone like this, not even John. Now here I was, naked except for a small pair of white knickers, in front of a man I didn't like, shaking my tits for him, bending over for him, turning around for him, getting hotter and hotter. And I had just begged him if I could take my knickers off and show him my most intimate place ! I felt humiliated and gloriously sexy. Something had changed. Now I was no longer in control, and I was brought almost to the point of orgasm by his indifference. I no longer wanted to teach him a lesmister, I wanted to be controlled by this horrible man. I wanted him to shame me. I wanted to please him.

His next words stunned me. “No, Alimister. I don't think I want to see your pussy tonight. You didn't ask nicely enough”. He made as if to stand up. I was seized by desperation. He couldn't leave!

“Please Alan, I'm sorry I didn't ask nicely enough. I'd really like to show you my body. I know you'd like it, no-one will ever know, and I so much want you to see me, want you to see my pussy. Please let me show you Alan, it's really nice, I promise.”

I was whining, begging like a small young. All that mattered to me was that Alan saw me in all my glory! I had never wanted to please a man as much as I did now. I saw him stop, as if in thought.

“And when I've seen you Alimister, what then. When you've shown me your tight little arse, and your hot little pussy, what then? What will you do for me?”

“Anything !" I said breathlessly, "Oh Alan, I'll do anything for you, I promise I will, just say what you want me to do and I'll do it right away. You can do anything you want to me, I promise, please Alan”.

I was completely gone. Lots of red wine, a few weeks without sex, a little bit of anger, and here I was begging this man to do me the honour of letting me show him my most secret places. I was promising him anything in return for this ‘honour', and I meant it ! I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life. He was the most important thing in the world at that moment. I would have done anything to please him.

“Alright then Alimister, I'll let you show


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I'll let you show me your pussy. When I've seen it I want you to give me the best blow job you've ever given in your life, is that clear?"

"Oh yes Alan!, I'll give you the best blow job you've ever had. I'll do anything you want, I promise you, You wont regret it, I promise." I was babbling now! I would have promised him anything at that moment, even oral sex, which I hated doing !

"Right, then, get on with it!" he commanded.

He sat down again, in my arm chair, in my living room, takeing my wine, while I stood just a short distance in front of him. I drew another deep breath, hooked my thumbs into the waist band of my knickers, and slowly pushed them down over my hips. I felt like the sexiest woman in the world. I was going to show my pussy to Alan, the centre of my universe! I was looking into his eyes, waiting for his reaction. I felt the top of my pubic bush spring up over the top of my knickers. I pushed my knickers down further, and felt cool air touch my aching labia. I let them slip down my legs to the floor, kicked them off, and then stood in front of him with my legs slightly apart. From where he was sitting I knew that he could see right the way along my labia. I could feel the air on my clit, and knew that he could see this too. I kept looking into his eyes, which were looking at my pussy. I could have come right there and then.

He stood up and moved towards me. I was trembling with nerves and excitement. Slowly, he reached out and cupped my left breast, running his thumb over the very tip of my nipple. I gasped with pleasure, and almost came on the spot! He walked around and stood behind me. I could feel his gaze on my naked skin. He placed his hands on my hips and then ran his hands down over the cheeks of my bottom. He moved close to me, I could feel his hot breath on my neck. His right hand now slipped over my hips and ran around to my belly. Very slowly, his hand began to decend towards my now sopping pussy. I felt his fingers slide into my bush. I leant back against him, his left hand snaked around and began to tease my nipple. I opened my legs slightly, and pushed my pelvis forward as his fingers inched their way towards my most secret place. My skin felt as though it was on fire ! His cool, slim fingers gently touched the lips of my labia causing me to groan out loud and breathe almost inaudibly "Yes, oh yes!". One of his fingers slipped between my lips. I could feel how wet I was down there. I could smell my own sex! His finger entered me and my knees almost gave way ! Then his finger travelled along my aching slit and touched the very tip of my clit. Bolts of pleasure shot through me like electricity, I was wimpering and pushing my pelvis forward onto his finger. I was so close to climax, and was lost in the delicious sensations he was producing in me.

And then he stopped and walked away from me! I was so surprised by this that I almost fell over backwards as he moved away! I turned to him with a puzzled look on my face, but before I could ask him why he had stopped he picked up his wine glass, emptied it in one and dismissed me with a gesture.

“Not bad Alimister,but I've seen better, and you've got all that horrible hair all over it. I don't think I'll bother with the blow job, the sight of that fucking bush has put me right off !”

I was crushed. He had led me to a place I had never though to go. I had been desperate for him to look at me, had begged him to do so. I had felt sure he would like me, would enjoy the show, and now this. I had been left teetering on the brink of an enormous orgasm. My desperation and sorrow grew. Something in my brain told me that I had to please him. I started to cry with frustration.

“Please Alan, don't be cruel to me. Let me please you, let me give you that blow job, you don't have to look at my pussy again, I promise. Just give me one more chance, I wont disappoint you Alan, please, please”. I had been reduced to a pathetic, whining young. I was on my knees, stark naked in my own home in front of this man. I had stripped and humiliated myself for him, and now I wanted more than anything in the world to please him further. Without speaking he undid his trousers and pushed them to his knees. His knob was hanging limply to one side. I was saddened further. All that I had done for him and he didn't even have an errection!

I crawled over to him on my hands and knees. I took his member between my right thumb and fore finger and closed my lips around the head. I savoured the warmth and smoothness it, swirling my tongue around it and sucking gently. My left hand caressed his balls, stroking and tickling. My right hand closed around his shaft and I began gentle up and down movements. He groaned slightly, and I felt triumph, he was swelling in my mouth!

Within a few moments his member was hard and throbbing in my mouth. I continued to stroke his shaft up and down, tickling his heavy balls all the time. I swirled my tongue over his glans, and tasted pre cum on the tip. I was in love with his knob. It was beautiful, it was hard, it proved I had affected him. I wanted him to come in my mouth, I wanted to taste him.


I looked up stunned. “But you haven't come yet!” I protested. I felt cheated, surely he wouldn't take it away from me. He wouldn't be that cruel, surely !

“Get down on your hands and knees” he said. I immediately did so. He knelt behind me. I felt the tip of his member touch the entrance to my still aching pussy. I felt elated, he was going to enter me! I arched my back to enable him to enter. And then I felt him pushing into me, deeper and deeper. He reached to the very top of my pussy, slowly withdrew and then pushed in again. He started to push into me with strong steady strokes, gradually increasing in speed but always pushing in to the hilt. He reached forward to grab hold of my tits, tweaking the nipples, making them harder still. His hands moved down my hips and pulled apart my bottom cheeks, exposing my puckered little hole. His fingers played with it, teasing and tickling it. One hand reached round and stroked my clit. I felt my orgasm building. It felt as though it was starting at my toes and rushing through my entire body. I began to fight for breath as the intense feeling ripped through me. I reached between my legs and stroked his beautiful, heavy balls, and then he was shooting deep into me. It felt like gallons of the stuff. I came again, this time collapsing in a sobbing heap after he had pulled out of me.

I drifted off to relax, more satisfied and contented that I had ever been before. When I awoke some time later, Alan had gone.


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As promised - here is the next chapter.

Chapter 2.

I woke up the following morning with a massive hang-over. Good job it was Saturday, no work. It was also the first day of a two week school holiday. I remembered this as I climbed out of bed and put on my dressing gown. The thought pleased me, two weeks to myself, bliss !

I made my way to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I couldn't hear any sounds from upstairs. Alan and Sally must be having a lie in I thought. It was then that I began to remember the events of the previous night. I felt sick. I ran to the toilet and threw up, retching violently. After a few minutes, I composed myself, and made my way to my living room. There was the evidence of last night's events. My bra and T-shirt thrown on a chair, my socks and trainers in a heap on the floor, my jeans discarded also, and finally, my knickers, still on the floor where I had kicked them off.

I picked the items up. When I picked up my knickers, I could feel they were still wet from last night. They reeked of my sex. I ran to the bathroom, stuffed my clothes in the washing basket, and threw up again.

I sat in silence in my kitchen, trying to remember every detail. Finally, I thought I had remembered it all. I ran a hot shower, and began to wash every inch of me as though it were contaminated with something horrible. No matter how much I washed, I still felt dirty. And I had another problem: how was I going to face Sally, my friend and flat mate. How was I going to face Alan, who I hated even more now?

I was half way through some stupid idea about running away to Australia, when I saw the short note on the dining table. It was in Sally's handwriting, and said simply "Gone down to Cornwall for a few days, back Tuesday, hope the hangover isn't too bad ! Love, Sal"

I heaved a sigh of relief. I wouldn't see either of them for a few days. This at least gave me time to get my head straight.

Over the next few hours I kept going over the events of Friday night. I wondered if Alan had put something in my take to make me behave that way, but in my heart I knew he hadn't. He had just pressed the right buttons at the right time. Lying in bed that night, picturing myself standing in front of him, begging to let me show him my pussy, begging him not to leave, to give me one more chance etc., I knew that I had given in to some kind of long suppressed need. Half arelax, my hand drifted down between my legs, I woke up with a start. My pussy was soaking! I slipped a finger between my folds, ran it up to my clit, and gasped as wave after wave of pleasure shot through my body. It took less than a minute to reach a shattering orgasm. I fell into a blissful relax.

I awoke in the middle of the night breathless, heart pounding. I had been dreaming of Alan, of surrendering to him completely. My pussy was on fire again, I had to have some relief. For the second time that night I stroked my clit to a mind blowing climax !

The next couple of days were much the same. I couldn't get Alan out of my mind. When I was in the shower, I imagined him watching me, with that patronising smile on his face as he told me which parts of my body to wash. I climaxed again. I deliberately walked naked from the shower to my bedroom, and imagined him standing there watching me again. I was on fire for a man I literally didn't like! I felt like I was losing my mind, but it was a delicious kind of insanity ! I had more orgasms that weekend than I'd had in the last six months.

Monday night came. They would be back tomorrow. I still had no idea how I was going to face them, face him! I made up my mind that I was going to pretend that it had never happened. If I didn't mention it, perhaps he wouldn't either. And if he did, I was going to be firm. It was a one off, brought on by take and missing John. There was to be no repeat. Ever!

They arrived back around lunch time. Sally popped her head around the kitchen door to say hello. She looked good, in fact she looked as if she'd been given a redy good seeing to ! My thoughts immediately went to Alan's cock, and his beautiful heavy balls. I felt a tingle in my pussy, and desperately tried to think about anything else ! I heard Alan's voice from up the stairs calling "Hi Alimister". I called back "Hi Alan", trying to sound as normal as possible.

Sally said they were going out for a meal that evening, and invited me to come with them. I cried off, saying I'd made other arrangements, and she left with a smile. A short time later, Sally was back, saying she was going out to get some food things, and did I need anything. Again I said no, and I heard the door close behind her. I was alone in the flat with Alan ! I sat and waited, expecting him to come to me, but he didn't. I had prepared my speech, and wanted to deliver it, but my audience didn't show! Sally returned, went upstairs, and I heard music coming from their rooms.

I made a point of being in bed when they came back. I didn't want to see him. Their bedroom is directly above mine, and a short time after they returned from their meal I heard them moving around in their room. It didn't take much imagination to figure out what they were doing. Sally and I often joked about the noise she made at critical moments during their love-making, but tonight she seemed to be having an especially good time! I lay there, confused, envious and randy as hell. When Sally reached her climax, I had mine too.

Wednesday morning, I got up, went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea. I was lost in my own thoughts when there was a knock at the kitchen door. It was Alan.

"Hi Alimister. Have a good weekend?" he said, the familiar smile in evidence.

"Fine thanks, where's Sally?"

"At work, silly! Only us lucky teachers get two weeks off, the rest of the world is back at work!"

I made up my mind to say my speech. "Look, Alan, about Friday night…"

"Yeah, you really got into it real quick didn't you?!" he said, cutting me off, the smile getting broader.

"Look, Alan…"

"Let me guess, it was a one off, you were takes, you missed John, it's never going to happen again, right?"

The bastard, he was making this as difficult as he possible could. OK, so be it. "That's right" I said, "A one off, best forgotten. Lets pretend it never happened, ok?"

"Except, we both know that you enjoyed the experience, don't we?"

"Look, like I said, I was takes, I miss John, you wound me up. Lets just forget it, right?"

He smiled, that infuriating smile of his, sat himself down at the table like he owned the place, and then said "It took me less than an hour to turn you from a hard-line, ball-busting feminist who thinks giving a man a blow-job is demeaning, to a subservient little bitch who was begging me to allow her to take her knickers off and show me her pussy. You even begged me not to leave, pleaded with me to let you give me a blow-job, and made so much noise when I screwed you that I thought you'd wake the street, let alone Sally. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you didn't enjoy it? Come off it, you loved every minute of it"

"Like I said, I was takes…"

"Tell me that you didn't enjoy it. Tell me that you hated begging me, that you never want to do anything like that again. Go on, say it"

I couldn't. The truth was that once I had gotten over the shock of having done those things, I had been enjoying every moment of re-living that night. I had wanked myself stupid over the weekend, and been deeply jealous of Sally the previous night.

He saw my hesitation. "You can't do it can you? Face facts, love, you really got off on that stuff didn't you?"

"Yes" I mumred.

"Didn't hear you"

"Yes! I enjoyed it, ok. satisfied now? But that doesn't mean it will ever happen again, because it won't, right?"

"I think you want it to happen again. I think you enjoyed it so much you'd be prepared to beg all over again. What do you say, tight-arse, am I wrong or what?"

I tried to deny it, but the words wouldn't come. He had called my bluff, and it was just that, a bluff. I had never enjoyed sex as much as I had on that Friday night, and I couldn't bear the thought of never having that high again.

I tried to negotiate. "Supposing I did want it again, what then? There would have to be ground rules, it would have to be on my terms. No-one else would be able to know, right?"

"You mean, you'd only do as you're told when it suits you? The rest of the time you'd be back to being a tight-arsed feminist? No deal. You want this more than me. You'll do it my way, or not at all. Take it or leave it!"

I was cornered. I tried to reamister with him. "But please, Alan, I couldn't bear the thought of you all laughing about me the way you laugh about Lin. What if John found out? It would destroy him. Please, can't we just keep it to ourselves?"

"No deal. Besides, the lads already know, I phoned Neil on Saturday when Sally was in the bath. They'll all know by now. I'll get ten out of ten for bagging the tight-arse! As for John, who cares? No-one likes him anyway, he's too much of a smart arse. You make a good couple, the smart arse and the tight-arse !" He laughed at his own joke.

I was mortified. They all knew. All of John's mates, Neil, Andy, Richard, Paul, Keith ! All having a laugh at John's expense. And mine.

I hung my head in shame. I had lost all my dignity, everything I had held dear. I was no longer an equal in their group, I was the "Tight-arse" Alan had bagged.

"So now we've sorted out the 'ground rules', Alimister. There are none. You'll do as you're told, when you're told, and without hesitation or question, right? Any stalling on your part and I'll spank your tight little arse, is that clear?"

"Yes", I mumred again. I was broken now. I had no more resistance left in me. I was his, to do what he wanted with. I felt my pussy getting wet again, as a thrill of fear ran through me.

"I didn't hear you, speak up, bitch"

"Yes" I repeated.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I'll do what you say".

"Right, that's settled then" he said, as if we were discussing something of no importance at all, rather than my complete surrender to him. "Now then, why don't you lose that dressing gown, and let me see what I'm getting. No excuses about being takes this time my little tight-arse! It's 9 in the morning, and we're both stone cold sober. So lets cut the crap, and let me have a look at the goods!"

I started to undo the belt of the dressing gown, my hands shaking, head bowed. "Stand up and do it, I want to have a proper look, tight-arse !"

"Please stop calling me that, I don't like it" I said.

"I'll call you anything I like, bitch, now get that gown off !"

I stood up, and in the middle of the kitchen, I began to nervously untie the belt. I did so slowly, knowing that once I took this step, there was no going back.

"Get a move on" he barked. This made me even more nervous, and I fumred with the knot. Eventually, it was open. I took a deep breath and in one swift movement, I opened the gown and let it slip off my shoulders to the floor. I stood there in just a pair of knickers for his inspection. Instinctively, I folded my arms across my breasts.

"Get your arms down" he ordered.

I lowered my arms to my sides, and stood head bowed. He stood and walked towards me. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, he reached out and fondled my left breast, making the nipple harden. "Not bad at all, Alimister. You've got quite a nice pair here, I can see I'm going to have fun with these !" He reached out and stroked the other breast, taking his time, as if he had all the time in the world. "Chin up" he commanded. I raised my head. He then walked around me, looking at me as though I was some prize piece of meat. I could feel his gaze running up my legs, to my bottom and back down again.

He pulled the waist band of my knickers, and let it snap back against my skin, saying "I think its time to lose these, don't you?". I nodded dumbly, and once again I found myself hooking my thumbs into the waist band of my knickers while standing in front of this arrogant, patronising man. This time, I didn't feel eager to lose them at all. I felt small and insignificant, and I felt that he was laughing at me all the time behind his unmoving smile.

I pushed my knickers down over my hips, and let them fall to the floor. This time I didn't kick them away, but left them where they had fallen. He continued to walk slowly around me, appraising my naked body. I jumped as I felt his hand cup first one, then the other of my buttocks. Then I felt his hand slide between the cheeks just touching the lips of my pussy. I gasped half in shock, half in pleasure. His fingers were long, and slim and cool on my burning skin.

He smacked my bare behind, which made me squeal in protest, "Better not put on any more pounds here darlin', or I'll have to give you an exercise regime!" I could have screamed. I know I have very few extra pounds on my body, and I was insulted by his words. He then walked round to face me. His eyes fell to my pubic hair. I had remembered his words from Friday night, I thought I knew what was coming, some remark about 'fucking bushes'. Instead, he reached out, slipped a finger between my legs and began to run it along my already wet slit. He slipped his finger between my pussy lips and ran it along the entire length of my pussy. He reached my clit, and began gentle back and forward movements, causing it to harden and poke out from under it's hood. I groaned and began to rock my pelvis in time with his finger. I was in ecstacy! I could feel my climax beginning and I closed my eyes and put my head back. Suddenly, Alan took hold of as much of my pubic hair as he could between thumb and forefinger and pulled, hard !

My pelvis jerked forward instinctively, and I cried out. I opened my eyes to see his angry face close to mine. "Get rid of this fucking horrible bush, right?" he barked at me, "Do it today. Shave it clean and keep it that way. I don't even want to see any stubble ok? If I catch you with a sandpaper twat I'll smack your fat arse so hard you won't sit for a month. Got it?" Through tears of shame and offense, I nodded my understanding.

"Right, now that we understand each other, you can get down on your knees and suck me off. Make it good or you fat arse will pay for it"

He dropped his trousers, sat down in a chair and leant back, waiting. I dropped to my knees between his thighs and took his cock into my mouth. As I had done before, I stroked and tickled his balls whilst moving his shaft up and down and swirling my tongue around his glans. He obviously hadn't showered because I could smell and taste Sally on his cock and balls from last night. For some reamister, I found this wildly exciting. I tried my best to please him, even pushing my hand underneath him so that I could tickle his arse hole. After a few minutes he groaned, grabbed hold of my head by the hair and sprayed hot salty jism into my mouth. I swallowed as rapidly as I could, not wanting to spill any, but after a few spurts, he pulled my head back so that his cock came out of my mouth. Stream after stream of hot jism spurted across my face and ran down onto my breats.

Eventually, he subsided. "Not bad for a first attempt Alimister, but I'm sure you can do better if you really try." I stood up. "Where are you going?" He demanded. "I'm going to clean my face" I said. "No, I want you to rub it in, rub it all in" he said. A thrill of offense shot through me like a lightning bolt, as I began to rub his jism into my face, down my neck and onto my breasts. "Make sure you rub it into your nipples" he commanded, and I did so. On my knees in front of him, I massaged his seed into my breasts and nipples, which were now so hard they were painful. "That's better", he said, "Fucking hell Alimister, you look a right sight, look at yourself". I went to a mirror in the hall and almost cried. Stark naked, clitoris clearly visible poking out from my labia, my face and chest shining wet from his jiz. I looked a complete slut. Alan emerged from the kitchen, zipping up his trousers. "Right, get yourself sorted out, and get that bush shaved, or else." He slapped my behind again before going upstairs to his own flat, leaving me frustrated, standing naked in the hall way.

I went to my bedroom where once again I stroked my clit until I came, this time to an orgasm which left me sobbing for what seemed like hours afterwards. I hadn't heard Alan go out, but when I emerged, he was nowhere to be found. I was left alone to contemplate how my plan to finish this once and for all had gone so badly wrong.


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Absolutely fantastic story.... thanks.... looking forward to see where it goes.


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As you asked here is:

Chapter 3

I had no idea where Alan had gone, or when he would be back. I showered and dressed, then set about cleaning the flat. After a while I heard the front door open and heard him return. I was in my bedroom tidying up. He walked in without knocking, as though he had every right to do so, sat down on the end of my bed and watched me as I moved about the room.

"Come and stand in front of me", he said. I walked over to him.

"Lift your skirt up". I lifted my skirt almost to the tops of my thighs.

"Higher, bitch, get it up." I lifted the skirt high above my waist. He looked at me and laughed. "What the fuck are those?" he said, pointing at my poly cotton, leopard skin print knickers.

"They're knickers, what else?" I said.

"Don't get smart with me bitch" he warned, "They're awful, get rid of them, and never let me see you wearing anything so fucking cheap again, right?".

I nodded. He reached out and took hold of a couple of the stray hairs which were escaping around the leg band. He pulled them, making me squeal, "Owww !"

"I thought I told you to get rid of this, why is it still here?"

I started to whine again, like a small young, "Please, Alan, I haven't had time. Please don't make me do that, I really don't want to, I'd feel so uncomfortable. Please, Alan, give me a break, please! There's a lot for me to get used to here. Just give me a bit of time, I'll do anything else you say, just not that, please!".

He smiled back at me. For a moment I thought he was going to agree, then he said, "I told you the rule. You do as you are told, when you are told. If you hesitate, or question me, your arse will suffer for it. I told you this morning to get that horrible beaver shaved, and you've done nothing about it. You've had plenty of time; there's no excuse. I can see I need to teach you a lesmister. Get over my knee, NOW".

My heart was beating fast, my brain seemed to have difficulty reacting to my situation, I couldn't speak. As if in a trance I moved to the side of him and leaned over onto his lap. "I'm going to show you what happens when you disobey, you little slut". And with that, I felt my skirt being lifted. Higher and higher, until I could feel cool air on the top of my thighs. I felt him tucking the hem of my skirt into my waistband, then felt his fingers grasp the waist band of my knickers and pull them down, over my bottom, past my hips, and down to my knees. I blushed furiously, my skin burning, as he ran his hand over my bottom, stroked the inside of my thighs.

One of his arms was now holding me firmly around my waist. "Not a bad arse, Alimister. I wonder how it will look after it has been smacked?" I groaned, shame flooding through me. "I'm going to give you ten this time, and you're going to count them" he said. "If you don't call the number, it doesn't count, understand?". I was crying now. "Yes" I sobbed.

And with that he brought his hand down smartly on my right buttock. I had never been spanked before, not even as a young, and the pain caused me to jerk up violently. His hand came down again, this time on my left, again causing me to buck violently. "You're not counting" Alan, said, clearly enjoying himself. The next time his hand fell, I was just able to call out "One!"

By the time I reached "five", my bottom felt like it was on fire. In between smacks I was begging him to stop, but he carried on relentlessly. Finally, I managed to count ten smacks, but I must have received about twenty in all, because I kept forgetting to count out loud in my misery and discomfort.

Assuming that the 'lesmister' was over, I tried to get up, but he still held me firmly, "Stay still, until I tell you to move", he said. I lay across his lap, his hand stroking my blazing cheeks. I felt his hand move inside my thighs, move up and start to stroke my pussy lips. A jolt of pleasure ran though me, followed my a wave of horror – I was wet !

"You really do get off on this don't you? You're absolutely soaking, you little bitch. I bet if I were to stroke your clit you'd come all over the place, wouldn't you?" I could do nothing to hide my shame, or my excitement. "Wait till the lads hear about this! To think that little tight arse feminist here gets off on having her arse smacked! Who'd have thought !!"

I squirmed away from him "Please, no, don't tell them, they don't need to know, please Alan, no, I'm begging you, don't make me look stupid in front of them. I've done everything you've told me to do, don't tell them, please !"

I should have known better.

"If you don't shut up winging, I'll give you another ten, and invite them round to watch. Now shut up, and go and stand in the corner facing the wall, like a naughty little girl."

I was now completely broken. It had taken just a few short days for me to change from being a strong, independent woman, to Alan's toy, his plaything. His to do whatever he wanted to. I stood in the corner, face into the wall, hands on my head while he sat and admired his handy work. My skirt was still tucked up, my knickers around my knees, my bright red bottom on display for him, and my clit throbbing madly.

After about half an hour, I was allowed to re-arrange my clothes, and stood in front of my ***r again.

"Now, the next time I tell you to do something, perhaps you will pay attention. Have you learned your lesmister, bitch?"

"Yes, Alan, I'm sorry". I still can't believe that I was apologising to him, after all he had done to me, but by now I was so under his control, I didn't care anymore.

"Are you going to do as you are told I future?"

"Yes Alan, I promise"

"Then you know what you have to do tonight then don't you?"

I nodded.

"Say it then!"

"Shave my pussy", I mumred.

"Right, so get on with it. I'm going out with the lads tonight, I'll be back late. Be in my living room at ten o'clock sharp tomorrow morning for an inspection, and if there are any spiders legs crawling out of your knickers you're going to get a right hiding, understand?"

"Yes" I said. He reached out with both hands and mauled my breasts, pinching the nipples until I cried out. The he laughed to himself, and left. I fell onto my bed and cried. Why couldn't I break out of this, why was I allowing myself to be shamed, used, humiliated and used by this horrible bastard? I answered my own question, as I slipped my hand into my knickers, found my aching clit, and brought myself to yet another climax.

Some hours later, I was still on my bed, sobbing to myself, when I heard Sally come home from work. I could hear them laughing and joking together, obviously enjoying each other's company. Then I heard Alan, and then Sally leave. Both out for a good time, I thought. Then I thought of Alan telling his crowd of friends about this afternoon. About how he had spanked and humiliated me, about how I had gotten wet. I began to cry again. Would he really invite them over to watch if I didn't 'behave' myself? The thought horrified me, but at the same time I felt the now familiar throbbing of my clit. Did I really want him to do that? How far was I prepared to go on this roller coaster ride that had already seen me do so many things I would never have dreamed I could do?

I dragged my self out of bed, and set off for the bathroom. I had never liked the idea of shaving my pubes, even though John had asked me to on several occasions. To me it seemed a demeaning thing to do for a woman. Making herself into something she was not, just to please a chauvinist, misogynist bastard. And now I was about to do exactly that, just to please a chauvinist, misogynist bastard !

I locked the bathroom door, and undressed. There was a can of Alan's shaving cream in the cabinet, and I squirted some onto my hand, and then worked it into my pubes. I took the razor, and after several deep breaths, I set to work. I was surprised how easy it was, and how quickly I transformed myself. I found a small hand mirror, and squatted over it so that I could get every hair between my legs. When I was sure that I was completely done, I showered and headed back to my bedroom.

I rubbed moisturiser into my newly shaven skin. I used to do this when I shaved my underarms, and so it seemed the natural thing to do. When I looked in the mirror I was intrigued. I looked like a little girl again ! But I most certainly didn't feel like one! I ran my finger along my slit, enjoying the new sensations. I stood there in front of the mirror, gently masaging my pussy, eyes closed, fantasising about Alan. When I opened my eyes, I got the shock of my life ! I was visibly aroused. My lips were swollen and my clit was erect, jutting out from under it's hood. I ran to my bedroom, and colapsed onto the bed. I spread my legs as wide as I could, and stroked my pussy, slowly, gently. Sometimes inserting a finger, or two fingers, other times just stroking my clit. When my orgasm came I clamped my legs together, clutching my hand which was pressed hard against my lips. I curled into a ball and drifted off into a blissful relax.


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Here in is:

Chapter 4

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. I switched on the bedside lamp and looked at the clock, 5.45 AM. I leapt out of bed, grabbed a dressing gown and dashed to the phone. It was John. "Hi love!, how are you?". His voice sounded distant, but then he was 10,000 miles away !

"I'm fine my love, how are you?"

"Well", he said, "I have some good news, some great news, and some bad news !".

"OK, give me them in that order then !" I said.

"First the good news, I'm coming home early. I'll be back for good at the end of July ! Now the great news, I'm being promoted to assistant manager!". He sounded on top of the world. If he only knew what I'd been doing with his best friend in his absence. "That's fantastic love, brilliant !, what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that if I take up this promotion, we'll have to move. The job is in Kent. I know you've just got settled Ali, but this is a good move for us. The job will even pay our rent for the first six months, we can't lose. What do you say, will you come with me?"

My answer cane out in a rush, "Of course I'll come with you, I love you, you idiot! This is what we've wanted for so long, and I'll find another job soon enough. But what about you? All your friends are here, won't it be hard to leave them?"

"To be honest love, they're not really friends at all. I know we go out takeing with them and that, but since I've been out here, not one of them have phoned or written. Not even Alan. Its like I just dropped of the planet as far as they are concerned." I immediately thought of Alan's words, "no-one likes him, he's too much of a smart arse".

"Well if you're sure, John, then yes, lets go. When do you start?"

"Mid July. I've just got off the phone with the boss, and he wants me as soon as I can wrap up here. That's why I phoned you at such a stupid time, I just had to tell you ! So you're really ok with this then?"

"I'm better than ok! I start back at work on Monday, I'll hand in my notice then. Just think, only one more term to go, and then we'll be together for good. Now I want you to go out and have a few beers to celebrate. I'll join you with a cup of tea here ! Bye, love, speak to you soon."

I put the phone down and made my way to the kitchen. I had just been handed my escape route! By the end of July, I would be over two hundred miles away from Alan. And from the way John was talking, we'd never see or hear from him again! I looked at the clock, ten past six! It was ridiculously early, but I knew if I went back to bed, I wouldn't relax, so I just sat and let my mind wander, takeing tea.

After a while it hit me. I was going to miss Alan. In just a few days, I had experienced sexual highs I didn't know existed. Just the thought of the things I'd done brought a warmth to my pussy. Absent mindedly, I slipped my hand into my knickers, and was brought to my senses with a jolt. My newly shaven quim ! Not being fully awake, I had forgotten about my transformation, now I was back to reality with a bang! I opened my dressing gown, and looked down the front of my knickers. There was my little girl slit, smooth as silk. I let my fingers glide over my mound, savouring the sensations. I gently stroked and tickled my pussy lips, feeling them start to swell with excitement. I gently pushed a finger into my pussy, and found it to be warm and wet. My breathing was becoming faster, as I slowly drew my finger up to my waiting clit, and groaned out loud at the waves of pleasure which erupted as I stoked my hot little button. Over the last week I had become practiced at pleasing myself, and I did so now as the waves of pleasure built to a crescendo with a fantastic orgasm.

After I had got my breath back I showered and dressed, then sat deep in thought. I knew I wanted John, but I wanted the thrill of being controlled by Alan too. Something had to go. I decided to tell Alan that our 'game' was over. This time I was determined, he wasn't going to win this time.

I waited until I heard Sally leave for work, then went upstairs to see Alan. I knocked on the flat door, and heard him call "Come in". Summoning up all my nerve and courage, I pushed open the door and walked in. He was sitting on the sofa wearing a bath robe. He looked at his watch, "You're keen, tight arse, its only 8.30. You're not due here for another hour and a half yet."

"Alan, its over. I'm calling a halt to this nonsense. I had a phone call from John this morning. He's coming home in July, he's got a new job in Kent, and I'm going to join him. I'm handing in my notice on Monday."

"And what's John going to think if I tell him how you've been behaving since he's been gone? You didn't think of that did you? Supposing I phone him, and tell him how you stripped for me, how I shagged you stupid? Or how you sucked me off in the kitchen? Or how I spanked your bare arse in your own bedroom, and then felt you sopping wet pussy right afterwards? I think that would put paid to your plans of a new life, don't you?"

"You wouldn't !", I cried, "You wouldn't be that mean. Anyway, John wouldn't believe you."

"I wouldn't bet on it, tight arse. I'm his 'best friend' remember?"

"That's not what he told me this morning. He said he didn't mind the thought of never seeing any of you again. Seems he's got the measure of you, you bastard!"

He thought for a moment, and then said "Fair enough. I won't miss him either, like I said, he's too much of a smart arse. I tell you what I'll do, I'll offer you a deal. We carry on as we have been up until July. Then its over. If you agree to this, I guarantee that John will never hear anything about our little game. But if you agree, you have to do whatever I say, no questions. How about it tight arse? Do you want to get this out of your system, before you settle into married bliss? I know you do, you just have to admit it to yourself. Well; are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

The bastard had done it again! I was right on the hot-spot. It was almost as though he could read my mind. His 'deal' would give me the chance to explore this side of me, without hurting John, and giving me a final way out. The idea was appealing, and I felt myself getting wet at the thought of six weeks of debauchery.

"You swear, if I go along with this, it will end in July. You won't say anything to John. He'll never know?"

"Sure. Why would I lie? I'd have nothing to gain by breaking you two up, and I know John can be an evil bastard if he's crossed. We'll have some fun until July, then goodbye for good. Deal?"

My mind was racing. Just seven days ago, none of this had happened. Now I was seriously considering giving myself to this man for three months ! I hadn't sat down when I entered the room. Now I was beginning to wish I had, my legs were shaking, so were my hands. "What if I don't agree?" I asked.

"Then, nothing", he said, "Like I said, I don't fancy picking a fight with John, I'd probably lose anyway. If you want to stop, we stop. But I think you want to go on. I think you enjoy it too much, and want to push it a bit further. Believe me, if you agree, I'll push you further than you would ever want to go, but you'll love it. I tell you what, go and think about it. If you want to carry on, be back here at ten, like you were supposed to be. If you're not here, I'll know its off."

I left and returned to my own flat. I already knew what I wanted to do. I'd never had such a thrilling time, and the thought of Alan pushing me further was exciting me even as I sat and thought about my options.

The time seemed to race by. Before I knew it, it was almost ten o'clock. Decision time. I had no idea what he had in mind for me, but I knew it would be humiliating and thrilling. I had no choice. At ten exactly, I began to climb the stairs to Alan's flat.

I walked into the living room, and stood in the middle of the room my head bowed, and my hands clasped in front of me, looking every bit like a naughty young sent to the head master's office. Alan was still sitting in the same position, still wearing his bathrobe. "I knew you'd be back tight arse", he said, a note of triumph in his voice. "Did you do as you were told yesterday, or am I going to have to teach you another lesmister?"

"No, Alan, I did it".

"Well let's have a look then"

I lifted my skirt, took hold of the waist band of my knickers, and pulled them down. I felt his gaze on my mound. I had never felt so naked and exposed. "That's much better! Come and stand in front of me so I can get a good look"

I moved to within about six inches of his face. He was looking directly at my bald pussy. He reached out and stroked my mound with the back of his hand, then ran his fingers along the entire length of my slit. "Very nice, Alimister, very nice indeed. Now I want you to sit back in the chair, spread your legs and show me every inch of what you've got. But lose the clothes first."

I felt my face burning, as I slowly undressed in front of him again. T-shirt, bra and skirt were soon on the floor, my knickers still half way down my thighs. I pushed them off also, and sat in the chair opposite him. I opened my legs as wide as I could, and pushed my bottom forward in the seat so that he had a clear view of my most secret place.

"Spread you lips for me, I want to see everything" he commanded. I lowered my hands, placed them either side of my pussy, and gently pulled my lips apart. Nothing was hidden from his view. My nipples were hard and crinkly, my pussy oozing juices.

"Now play with yourself until you come", he ordered. I gasped. I had never let anyone watch me touching myself. With nervous fingers I found my slit, slipped a finger inside, and then started to massage my clit. As I did so, I began to stroke my tits, massaging them, tweaking my nipples. I was panting like a bitch in heat, sweating, groaning, writhing. When I came I could hear shouting and screaming in the distance. It was me. I collapsed in the chair sobbing from the most powerful orgasm of my life.

"Come with me", he ordered. We went into his bedroom. He took off his bathrobe, and was naked underneath. His cock was standing proudly, eight inches or more of it. He lay on the bed. "My turn", he said. "I want you to bring me off in the best way you can. You're on top".

I crawled onto the bed between his legs. I planted kisses all the way up the inside of his thighs, until I reached his balls. I folded my hand around his hard shaft, and pumped it up and down whilst licking his balls and tickling his arse hole with my other hand. I kissed and licked his shaft, then took the head of his cock into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, swirling my tongue over its head. Then I wrapped my tits around his cock, squeezing them together, while I kissed and licked his belly. I moved slowly up and straddled him. I positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to my hot slit, and gently sat down on it. I could feel him going deeper and deeper into me. Finally, I felt his pubes tickling my shaven pussy lips. I began to rock backwards and forwards, feeling his cock deep inside me. I leaned forward kissing his neck, his face, licking his ears. I reached down and stroked his balls, then leant back so I could reach between his buttocks. All the time I kept up a constant commentary. "Oh Alan, you feel so good, your cock is so hard, so big. It is so beautiful. Your balls feel so full, so heavy. Please empty them into me. I want to feel you shooting up inside me. I want to be your dirty little slut. I won't be a tight arse any more Alan, not for you. You can take me whenever you want. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it. I'll do anything for you, I promise. I'm glad you made me beg. I'm glad you spanked my arse, Alan, I deserved it. I'm glad you know how much I enjoyed it. I'll try to be a good girl for you Alan, I really will. I'll do my best to please you. Anything for you Alan, anything. I promise."

He reached up and grabbed my tits, squeezing them, pinching my nipples. I groaned and moaned, driving my pelvis down onto his cock, grinding myself onto his pubes. He took hold of my hips and began to push and pull me back and forwards, increasing the pace all the time. I could feel him getting close to his orgasm. I was close also. I was almost breathless with pleasure. I moaned "Oh please Alan, please Alan, please Alan" over and over as my orgasm grew closer. Then he tensed and I felt him twitching and shooting deep inside me. I screamed as my orgasm hit, and I collapsed on top of him.

After what seemed like hours, I felt my consciousness returning. I opened my eyes and saw Alan half arelax next to me. I moved closer to him, intending to snuggle into him, but at that moment, he got up and put his bath robe back on.

At once I felt at a disadvantage. All of my clothes were still on his living room floor where I had left them. He turned and looked at me. "Go and get yourself cleaned up, bitch", he ordered, "And mind you don't make any mess on the floor". I ran to the living room with my hand over my pussy, grabbed my knickers and pulled them on. I was still dressing when he came into the room. He came up behind me and smacked my behind, hard. I squealed, "What was that for ?" I complained. "I felt like it " he replied. "I can do anything I feel like to you, whenever I want to, isn't that right tight arse?"

I lowered my head again like a naughty schoolgirl. "Yes Alan" I replied.


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One word; WOW!


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Come on fellow cuck fans - comments please!

Ch 5

After I finished dressing I left Alan's flat without speaking to him. I returned to my own flat, and showered. I wasn't expecting Alan to come in, but I left the door of the bathroom unlocked anyway. I was now totally immersed in the 'game'. I was eagerly looking forward to the next installment.

When I cam out of the bathroom, it was just in time to hear the front door close. Thinking Alan had gone out, I was surprised to meet Sally as she made her way upstairs.

"You're back from work early, is everything ok?", I asked.

"No, not really. I had a phone call at work from my mum. She's had a really bad fall, injured her back, and she's in traction. I'm going to have to stay with her for a while, until she's able to look after herself".

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Sal. Where does she live?"

"Edinburgh." she said flatly.

"Christ Sally, that's three or four hundred miles away! What are you going to do about work and everything?"

"My boss has been really good, she's given me a four week unpaid leave of absence, and we'll see how things are then."

"Right, so when do you leave?"

"Right away, basically. I just need to pack some clothes, and then I'll be off. Alan is not going to be pleased at the thought of me being away for that length of time, but what else can I do? Will you do me a favour, while I'm away?"

"Anything Sal, what is it?"

"Look after Alan for me, he's hopeless on his own!"

I tried to keep my face straight, and my voice as normal as possible, but it had dawned on me that Alan and I would be alone together for the next four weeks at least. My mind immediately began to race through the possibilities.

"Are you ok Alimister?". Sally was looking at me with a concerned look on her face. "When I asked you to look after Alan, I only meant keep him company you know, I wasn't asking you to do his dirty washing or anything !"

I laughed. "Well that's all right then."

Sally made her way upstairs, and I heard them both talking. Some time later, I was in my bedroom when I heard the familiar sound of lovemaking from upstairs. "One for the road Sally?" I thought to myself.

About an hour later, Sally and Alan came down stairs. She had packed three bags, and I offered to help carry them to her car and see her off. "Thanks Ali" she said.

We loaded the car, and I gave her a hug. Then Alan gave her a romantic kiss, and came and stood by me as she got in and started the engine. As she drove away, I felt Alan's hand gently stoking my bottom. I jumped! This was in broad daylight, in the street, and before Sally was even out of sight. Even so, I didn't move away. As Sally's car turned a corner and disappeared from view Alan said "Go to your room, take your clothes off and wait there for me, I'll be there soon." I hesitated for a second, and was rewarded with a crisp smack to my bottom. The sound was so loud that people passing on the other side of the street turned to see what the noise was. I quickly ran to my room, undressed, and waited. I could hear him on the phone upstairs, but couldn't make out anything he said. A few minutes later the door opened.

"Right then, I want to see the entire contents of your underwear drawer, tight arse. I want to be sure that there are no more horrible knickers like the ones you had on the other day. Come on, get on with it."

I opened the top drawer of my dresser, and stood back to allow him to see. "That's no good, get them all out, and put them on the bed."

Feeling deliciously exposed, I did as he had ordered. Soon, all my 'smalls' were arranged on my bed for his inspection. There were about four or five pairs of knickers which he didn't like, most of them had prints like the earlier ones. "You have got some really ugly knickers here, haven't you?" he said. He had thrown several pairs on the floor. Now he pointed to them. "I want that lot in the bin, now. The rest you can put back. Go out and buy some more this afternoon. I want you in plain white ones. No pictures, no prints, no pretty flowers, got it?" I nodded. "And get yourself some plain white bras while you're at it. No wonderbras or cuckolds brownie like that, simple plain white, ok? Let me know when you've got them". And with that, he walked out. "My god, now I really am under his control" I thought. "I strip when he says, and now I'm taking orders on what kind of underwear to have". But even as I though this I was busy dressing, in a hurry to get to the shops as soon as possible.

It was late in the afternoon when I got back. Alan heard me coming in and came down to see me. "Did you get them?" he asked. In reply, I opened my shopping bags and showed him the packets of plain white knickers and bras I had bought. "Good girl!" he said. "You'll get a chance to show them off tonight, tight arse, I've invited Neil round for a few beers. He's looking forward to the entertainment."

"You mean I'm supposed to…, I mean, he's part of the game too now?"

"Absolutely, my little feminist! You'll do what Neil tells you, in exactly the same way as you obey me. Got a problem with that?"

"Alan, I don't think I can go through with this. I mean, Neil's a nice enough bloke, but he's fat and ugly !" It was true. I quite liked Neil socially. He was always funny, always a good laugh, but he was a good three stone overweight, and he wouldn't win any beauty contests.

Alan laughed. "I'll tell him you said that, he'll smack your arse red raw. You wanted to carry on the game. I told you the terms, and you agreed. He'll be here at about eight. Be ready." And with that he turned and left.

I thought about the prospect of being the entertainment for both Alan and Neil. I didn't like the idea at all. I toyed with the idea of telling Alan I wouldn't do it, but then I remembered that all my previous attempts to defy Alan had ended up with me stark naked. I decided that I would go through with it this once, and then I could tell Alan that I really didn't like it, and he'd have to listen then, wouldn't he?

I showered, shaved my pussy, (I didn't want to be spanked in front of fat-boy Neil for having a "Sand paper twat"!), and started to dress. I put on a pair of my new knickers. They were a snug fit, and showed off my bum and mound. I put on a new bra, did my make up and then went to my wardrobe. Alan hadn't said what he wanted me to wear, and the chances were I wouldn't have my clothes on for long anyway, but I decided on a summer dress with buttons up the front. Then I sat and waited.

Just before eight, the doorbell rang. "Get that Alimister", Alan called. I opened the door, and there was Neil. Dressed as usual in battered jeans and an old T-shirt, he was holding a four pack of beer in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. Without being invited, he walked past me and stood at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the two flats, obviously waiting for me to go first. I started up the stairs, and he followed closely after me. I suddenly realised why he had been so polite – the bastard was looking up my skirt! I looked round at him and said sarcastically, "Enjoying the view?" "Yes thanks", he replied, without blinking, "And I'm looking forward to seeing much more. How's your arse now? Still sore, is it? I bet it's not as tight though, is it?" I was too stunned to reply. Neil had always been ok towards me. I had thought he was one of the more likeable of John and Alan's group. Now he was looking at me with pure lust, and was speaking to me like I was cuckolds brownie.

We found our way to Alan's flat. I was told to get them both beers, and they sat down and began to talk. "So she's still up for it then?" Neil asked. "Oh yes, she's up for it all right. Shagged her stupid this morning. She'll drop her drawers any time you like, wont you tight arse?" I blushed as they both turned to look at me as I brought them their beers. "I said, you'll drop your drawers any time, won't you?", Alan said. They both waited for my reply. The offense was almost too much to bear, but I was also thrilled and very turned on by it. "Yes, Alan. That's right" I said.

Neil looked me up and down with a gleam of lust in his eyes. "About time we had a look at the goods then. I've wanted to do this for ages. About time someone took this bitch down a peg or two."

I stood in the middle of the room, my heart beating so hard I could hardly hear. "Come on then, show us what you've got" Neil urged. My fingers tremred as I reached for the top button of my dress. I opened it, and moved on to the next. When I had opened them all, I slipped the dress of my shoulders, let it drop to the floor and stepped out of it.

"I've always thought she'd have great tits, you know. Now I'm going to find out. Get the rest off then, or I'll give your arse something to think about"

I unclipped my bra, let it fall onto my arms, the removed it completely. The two of them cheered and whistled like they were in a strip club. Neil made me jump up and down to make my tits bounce, then I had to stand in front of him while he ran his fat grubby hands over my thighs, my bottom and then my tits. He was twisting and pinching my nipples, making them hard. Then he looked me in the eyes and said "Alan tells me you have a new 'hair do', why don't you show it to me" At this, Alan started to laugh. I felt close to tears, and for a moment, I was unable to move. "Do you want me to take your knickers down and smack your arse Alimister?", Alan said. "No, please. I'll do it, I'm sorry!" And there I was apologising again. I quickly took hold of my knickers, and pulled them down. Neil said "Give them to me", and I handed them over. He put them to his nose and sniffed. "A bit fishy" he said, "You should wash more". Again, Alan almost fell off his chair laughing. I though this was rich coming from this overweight, smelly bastard, but I said nothing.

Then Neil's hands were everywhere. He grabbed hold of my bottom, mauling and pulling, making me come closer to him. He shoved his hand roughly between my legs, squeezing my pussy lips and pushing a fat finger into me. The he returned to my bottom, pulling apart the cheeks and trying to push a finger into my bum. I yelled at this, and he laughed. "Tight arse hole, Al. Got any plans for this ?" I froze. I had never even considered anal sex. I just couldn't do it.

Then I had to entertain them. I had to sit in the arm chair again, spread my legs and play with my pussy. But I was under orders not to come, and so I spent many minutes trying to contain my building orgasm, whilst at the same time giving them the show they wanted. As I wanked in front of them they would call out instructions to me, "Push your tits together", "Spread your lips wider, I can't see" "Put two fingers up you".

Finally, Alan said "I think that's enough now. Why don't you take Neil to the bedroom and show him how hospitable you can be?", he turned to Neil, "She really is the hostess with the mostest, you know", and they both laughed.

Neil didn't move. He was obviously waiting for me to invite him ! I looked at Alan, and his look told me that if I didn't do this, the game was over. I swallowed hard, and said "Would you like to come to the bedroom with me Neil?". "Sounds good to me!" he said, and walked over to me. As we walked the short distance to the bedroom, Neil whispered to me "Alan tells me you give very good head. I hope you don't disappoint me!"

He closed the door behind him and began to undress. His body odour was more noticeable in the smaller room. He peeled off his T-shirt to reveal rolls of fat, then he dropped his jeans and stood there in an ancient pair of boxer shorts. "You can do the rest" he said. I knelt down in front of him, and pulled the shorts down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. His cock was enormous! It must have been six inches long and two inches thick, and it was still flacid! I had never seen one so big. Fascinated, I began to stroke it and massage it the way I had done to Alan's. The monster began to stir, growing rapidly in length and girth. I put my lips to the purple, circumcised head, and began to lick and suck. I stroked his balls, and wanked his shaft. I felt his hand on my head and looked up to see the smug grin on his face. He was enjoying every moment, "You know what I'd like you to do now?", he said, "Lick my arse!"

The idea was repulsive, but I didn't see what choice I had. I stood and followed him to the bed, where he lay down on his front. I took a deep breath and began to place small kisses on his fleshy buttocks. I reached the base of his spine, and began to lick down his crack as he groaned with pleasure. The smell was bad, but the taste was far worse, I felt like I was going to be sick at any minute. And yet I continued, wriggling my tongue into his crack, moving in and out. I put one hand on each of his cheeks and pushed apart. There was his puckered hole, thankfully looking clean. I began to kiss and lick all round it, and then finally, I did what I knew he was waiting for me to do, I pushed my tongue right into his hole. He pushed his fat arse back into my face when I did this, powering my tongue deeper into him. I reached round and stroked his massive cock, now throbbing with pleasure. I continued to kiss and lick his arse for what seemed like hours, pushing my tongue in, running it round the hole. Finally, he turned over and motioned me to resume on his cock.

I now had both hands on his shaft, side by side, and there was still a respectable length for me to suck on. I was beginning to get hot at the thought of having this inside me. I was revelling in the offense of all I was doing to this mass of blubber. "I think it's time to bury the bone", he said, indicating that the 'foreplay' was over. I rolled off him and lay on my back, my legs slightly apart. He positioned himself between them and guided his cock towards my slit. He pushed my lips apart with the head, and began to rub it up and down my pussy. The sensation was amazing, and I groaned with pleasure. Then he placed the head at the entrance to my tunnel, and pushed. I felt like I was going to split. I had never had anything so big in my life. I spread my legs as wide as I could to try to ease the pressure inside me, feeling him drive ever deeper into me.

I was fighting for breath. The monster inside me was pushing in and out at an increasing speed, as it reached the top of my tunnel it sparked sensations I had never felt before. The head was battering me from the inside, and I was in ecstasy! I felt my climax begin "Oh God, oh God, oh God" I called and then he was emptying his balls into me, I felt spurt after spurt shoot up into me, still it kept coming, I felt full to capacity. And then he collapsed on top of me, a sweating, smelly mess.

After a few moments he heaved himself off me. I was completely shattered by the intensity of my climax, and so I just lay there on the bed, gasping for breath with my legs spread wide apart and my gaping pussy leaking his cum. Neil stood at the end of the bed looking at me, "Alimister, you never looked classier!" he said, and began to laugh loudly. I turned on my side and curled up into a ball. I was disgusted with myself, how could I have enjoyed being with him? How could I have enjoyed licking and kissing his arse, spreading my legs for him, taking his huge member inside me? And yet I had! Despite my need to deny it to myself, I couldn't. I had enjoyed every humiliating, shameful minute of it. I even enjoyed the thought of him looking at me spread out on the bed. Without thinking, I turned back onto my back, spread my legs and began rubbing my fingers into my wet slit. I put my fingers, wet with my own juices and his cum, into my mouth and sucked and licked until they were clean. Neil watched, a fascinated look on his face. Then an idea seemed to strike him. "Seeing as how you like the taste of it so much, you can lick me clean" he said. I immediately sat up on the bed as he walked towards me. I took his cock into my mouth and licked and sucked all along his shaft, then I licked his balls until they were clean also, finally, he turned around and 'allowed' me to lick his arse until it too was clean.

"I think you'd better go and get cleaned up. We're not finished with you yet!", he said, and left the room. With my heard pounding at the thought of more shame I went to the bathroom and ran the shower. I didn't think to lock the door. After I had been in the shower for a few seconds, the door opened, and Neil and Alan were standing there watching me wash. Neil walked over to the shower, and said to Alan, "Watch this !"

He took hold of the shower head and began to play the jet onto various parts of my body, making me turn around, or bend over as he wished. I had my back to him, and so didn't see him reach for the temperature control. Suddenly I was hit between my bottom cheeks with a jet of freezing cold water. I screamed and tried to turn away from the jet, but the bastard was playing it all over my body. "No please, Neil, stop, please, its too cold, please Alan make him stop" I pleaded in vain as the two of them laughed out loud at my discomfort. He made a point of firing the icy jet at my nipples, making them stand out painfully. After a few minutes of this, I was shivering and crying. Finally, he turned the water off, and they both left. I was ordered to get dry and go back to the living room straight away. I gratefully reached for the warmth of the towel, dried my self off, and then walked stark naked into the living room.

They were sitting looking very relaxed, takeing a beer each. Alan said, "Did you enjoy being with Neil then?" I could have denied it, but Alan always seemed to be able to tell when I was lying, and so I had to swallow my pride, and said "Yes, Alan. I did enjoy it".

"You didn't think you would though, did you? What was it you said to me when I told you Neil was coming round?, "He's fat and ugly", wasn't it?", she wasn't keen on letting you join in at all you know mate. Perhaps she thinks she's too good for you, is that it tight arse?, are you just too good for the likes of him?"

Neil was watching with interest. I tried to negotiate my way out of this "No, its not that I think I'm too good, honest, its just, well, I was, er, I mean he, er…." My attempted explanation tailed off into nothing. "Fat and ugly am I?" Neil said. "I think a rude little bitch like you needs to be taught a lesmister, even if it is one you'll enjoy. Come here and get over my knee, I'm going to spank your tight little arse".

I slowly made my way over to him and positioned myself over his knee. "Now, you're going to apologise for being rude, and I'm going to keep smacking you until I believe you are truly sorry, understand?"

"Yes", I said, "I am sorry, really I am, I'm sorry I spoke about you that way Neil. I wont do it again I prom owww!" His hand had come down on my bottom with a loud crack, and a sharp pain had shot through my body. "Please Neil, forgive me, I'll make it up to you, I'll owww!"

"Oh God, Neil, please don't hurt me any more, I really am sorry" Smack!

"Please Neil, please. I'm so sorry". Smack. And so it went on. I lost count of the number of smacks I received, but it was far more than when Alan had spanked me, and Neil's smacks were much harder. After a while I was sobbing like a school girl, and begging him to stop, promising him anything, pleading with him to let me make it up to him. My backside was ablaze, and the pain was like nothing I had ever experienced before.

Finally, he seemed convinced by my pleading apologies, and the smacks stopped. "Right, lets see if she liked that one", Neil said. I felt his fingers probing my pussy lips, and then felt one of his fat fingers slip inside. "Fuck Al, you were right, she does love it, she's absolutely soaking!" I felt my face flush crimmister. My body had betrayed me once again, and feelings of natural pleasure were now coursing through me as Neil continued to explore my sensitive hole. "I tell you what", "he said, "Show us how much you enjoyed that. Get down on the floor and wank yourself off, while you tell


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us how much you like to have your tight little arse tanned !"

I lowered myself to the floor gingerly, as my bottom was still stinging. I spread my legs wide and let my fingers start to caress my shaven pussy. Everything was open to their gaze. I didn't care. I was hot again ! as I stoked my clit, and pushed my fingers deep into me, I kneaded my breasts, pinched my nipples, brought each breast up and licked it. I was behaving like a total slut, wanting them to watch me, wanting to please them. "I love it when my arse is smacked", I breathed. "I love being taught a lesmister. I love being shown who's boss. I love it when I'm so exposed, and you can see everything. I want you to see me. I want you to touch me. I want to be yours. I'll do anything for you, anything you say. Oh god!, I'm coming, I'm coming…." I groaned and writhed on the floor in front of them. My fingers were a blur as I frantically rubbed my clit and pushed them into my raging hole. I fell back, shattered from my climax.

Before I had chance to regain my breath Alan ordered me to stand and bend over the back of a chair. I was expecting another spanking, and wondered if I could take any more, but to my surprise he began rubbing some sort of cream into my bottom. He gradually got closer to my crack, and then he was massaging the cream between my buttocks, and into my little rose bud anus. I felt one of his long slim fingers penetrate my bottom. He moved it around in circles inside me, and kept applying more cream. The feeling wasn't unpleasant and I arched my back to allow him easier access. I was beginning to enjoy the feelings stirred up inside me, and then I felt a second finger enter me. I had relaxed enough not to find this uncomfortable, and began moving my bottom back and forward pushing his fingers in further. Then he withdrew them completely. He continued to tickle my tight hole, and then I felt something much thicker pushing at my opening. I turned to look over my shoulder as the 'something' pushed into me. Alan had his cock up my bottom! I froze. The idea of anal sex had never appealed to me, and I'd always assumed that the pain would be too great. And now here I was bent over with his hot spear in my anus. Sensing my fear he said "Just relax, it'll be ok". I was in no position to argue, and so I turned my head away, and tried to relax. I felt him push into me very slowly, then withdraw. He pushed in a little further, and then withdrew again. The pain I expected didn't come, and I relaxed still more. The more I relaxed, the more I enjoyed the sensation. After a few moments, I felt Alan's pubes against my bum cheeks, and I knew he was fully inside me.

He began to pump into me, slowly at first, but increasing speed all the time. I could feel my sphincter muscle gripping his cock. He grabbed hold of my hips and began to increase his speed. He was pushing in harder now, building and building. I felt him twitch, and felt him flooding my bowels with his cum. He was gasping and panting, and then collapsed on my back.

"And that's your arse cherry gone Alimister. You just don't give a fuck anymore do you?" Neil was standing, watching, a dirty smirk on his face. I blushed, I had forgotten he was even there. "To think I'd be standing here watching Alan stuff his dick up your tight little arse! I bet there's nothing you wouldn't do now. You've turned into a complete slut haven't you?" He and Alan smirked at each other as Alan picked up my discarded knickers and wiped his cock on them.

Neil was right. It had been exactly a week ago that Alan and I had got takes, and I'd ended up stripping for him. In just seven days I had found a side to me that I didn't know existed. I would do anything now.

Alan threw my soiled knickers to me, "Better wash those, they're filthy" he said. Again the two of them laughed out loud.

I was exhausted. I'd had two shattering climaxes, and the nervous energy I'd used up had left me shattered. "Can I go to bed please" I asked. The two of them considered my request, and Alan said "OK, but we might want another shag tonight, so don't be surprised if you get a visit."

I gathered the rest of my things together and went back to my bedroom. I pulled on a T-shirt and a clean pair of knickers, and fell gratefully into bed. I was arelax in moments.

The next thing I knew, someone was coming into my bedroom. I had no idea what time it was, but I could see daylight through the curtains. "Just fancied a quick one before I go", it was Neil. He pulled the cover from my bed, grabbed hold of the waist band of my knickers and pulled them off in one swift motion. Then he pushed my T-shirt up to expose my tits. He pushed my legs apart, and began to lick and suck at my pussy. In spite of myself I began to respond. Then he positioned himself between my thighs. I could smell beer and cigarettes on his breath and the odour of his body. I felt his cock nudging at my pussy lips, and felt my pussy getting wetter. Once again he was pushing his massive organ into me. His weight was pressing down on me so I was unable to move. As soon as he was in me all the way, he began to pump furiously. I felt the head of his cock battering against my cervix. He was pumping so hard the bed was banging against the wall. He began to squeeze my tits roughly. Then he groaned and shot his load into me once again.

He lay there panting for a few moments, then pulled his deflating cock out of me. As a final insult, he took hold of my T-shirt, and wiped his cock on it. I was disgusted, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Thanks for an interesting night Alimister. I can't really call you tight arse any more can I? Not after last night anyway!" And he left, still laughing to himself. I rolled onto my side, curled up into a ball and fell back to relax.

Some time later the bedroom door opened again. Before I could move, Alan was lying next to me. He began stroking my bottom, moving ever closer to my crack. Then I felt his fingers start to probe my anus again. After a few moments he told me to get onto my hands and knees, and began to smear something slick and slippery into my bum hole. His fingers were again pushing into my bowels, and I knew what was coming. He slowly pushed his member into me and I groaned with pleasure. He began to increase his pace, and as my pleasure built I reached down and began to finger my pussy, which was still leaking Neil's cum. I ran my fingers up and down my slit, tickled my clit, and pushed my fingers inside my love tunnel. I could feel Alan's cock through the thin membrane, and this only increased my pleasure. I felt my orgasm begin to start as Alan started to twitch inside my anus. As waves of pleasure began to wash over me, I felt Alan shooting streams of cum up inside me. He collapsed onto my back and lay there panting. Then without saying a word, he got up and left the room. A week ago, I had never even considered anal sex, and now I had not only done it twice, I had thoroughly enjoyed it! There was nothing I wouldn't do now, and I was excited at the possibilities. There was no telling what Alan would make me do next, and that uncertainty was thrilling beyond belief!


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Very nice writing. I definitely had a nice one from it.

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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Ch 6

I woke some hours later to find that Alan had gone but had left me a note. "Neil will be coming over for more fun tonight. Get yourself cleaned up and be ready for eight". Dutifully, I cleaned my flat, changed the sheets on my bed, showered and washed my hair, shaved my pubes and then went out to stock up on beer for Alan and Neil. At about seven, I put on clean knickers, a new bra, a clean white T-shirt and some loose fitting jeans. I knew that they would both like the T-shirt and jeans look, and by now all I wanted to do was to please them ! I found myself getting excited at the thought of more excesses, and wondered what they would have me doing before the night was over. I slipped my hand into my knickers, and sure enough, I was well lubed up, and that was before they even got here.

Just before eight, I heard Alan and Neil coming back. I stood by the door of my bedroom, waiting like a 'good girl'. Neil walked straight past me carrying some sort of package, Alan said "Go and make us something to eat, and call us when it's ready. Don't come into the living room until I say you can. Now go", and with that he gave me a playful smack on my bottom, and disappeared into my living room, closing the door behind him.

I went to the kitchen and began making sandwiches for them. I was desperate to know what they were doing, but knew that if I went in there I would get a spanking. This made it all the more tempting as I thought of myself over Alan or Neil's knee with my jeans and knickers down ! I decided to provoke them into spanking me, and walked to the living room door. Before I could open it however, Alan appeared. He saw me waiting close to the door, and called out "Hey, Neil, she can't wait to get in here. Talk about gagging for it ! OK, tight arse, come on in, we've got a surprise for you." And with that he swung the door open letting me see inside.

Neil was standing in the midle of the room, with a broad grin on his fat face. He was standing next to what looked like a large red blow up cushion. Sticking out of the middle of this was what looked like a six inch cock ! I was fascinated, and went to have a closer look.

"Do you know what this is?" Neil asked

"No" I admitted. They both laughed.

"Fuck, talk about a sheltered life. Have you never seen a vibrating cushion before?" Neil asked.

I blushed, even now after all they had done to me, they could still make me feel like I knew nothing. Neil called me closer and began to explain. "Right, this goes up your pussy", he said, meaning the six inch phallus. "There is a small pad that goes up against your clit, and this smaller one at the back will go up your arse ! Then, if you're a good girl, and we feel generous to you, you get this.." he pushed a button on a pad he held, and the whole thing began to vibrate, slowly at first and then faster as he manipulated the control in his hand. I was wildly excited at the thought of trying this, and looked at them both for them to tell me what to do next.

"Would you like to get on board Alimister?" Alan said, the familiar smile back on his face.

I said nothing, but began to take my T-shirt off. "Stop!", Alan commanded. "If you want to play with your new toy, you have to get our permission".

I knew how to play the game now, and with my head bowed low I said quietly "Could I play with my new toy now please Alan". He just smiled and said "Neil bought it for you, why don't you ask him?"

I turned to Neil, who could barely conceal his amusement. "Could I play with the new toy please Neil"

"What do I get in return?" he asked.

"Whatever you want" I replied.

"Really? What if I want to fuck you up the arse? Are you up for that?" I hesitated, Neil's cock was a lot bigger than Alan's. I wasn't sure I could take it, and I said so.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll cope. So, do I get to cruise the hershey highway?" he laughed.

"I'll try" I said nervously.

"Right then, get your kit off and climb on board !"

They both watched as I took off my T-shirt and unhooked my bra leaving my tits to swing free. Then I pushed my jeans off and dropped my knickers to the floor. I crosed to the cushion, straddled it and began to lower myself onto the phallus. I had never used a dildo or a vibrator in my life, and I was nervous as the tip made contact with my pussy lips. By now I was soaking, and so the plastic cock had no difficulty in sliding into my tunnel. As I sank deeper onto it, Neil positioned the smaller phallus at the entrance to my anus. I drew a deep breath and then lowered myself onto this also. Finally, I was sitting on the cushion, six inches of plastic up my hot little hole, another thick finger of plastic up my bottom and a small soft pad pressing against my clit. It felt strange but very nice, and I was quickly getting used to the sensations. I had almost forgotten that Alan and Neil were in the room, but then one of them set off the vibrators. I looked round to see the two of them sitting on a sofa watching me.

"Well give us a show then" Neil commanded.

I began to rock backwards and forwards on the cushion, savouring the sensations in my clit, pussy and bottom, which were like nothing I had ever experienced before. Then Neil turned the vibrations up high. I groaned out loud and my eyes rolled back. This was pure ecstasy ! It was obvious to them that I was enjoying myself, and they were clearly having a good time, if the bulges in their trousers were anything to go by.

I had been positioned right in front of the TV screen, now I found out why. Neil switched on the TV and started a video playing. It was hard core porn, of the sort I had always condemed in my 'former life'. A young girl, perhaps 18, was sucking on the cock of a man who must have been about fifty. He was groaning with pleasure, and so was she. Before the man could come, she moved over to another man. This second man was about fifty also, naked and with a cock almost as large as Neil's. The girl began to suck this enthusiastically, and I could see it grow still bigger under her attention.

The vibrations between my legs were really getting to me, my breathing had become fast, and I had begun to stroke my tits as I continued to rock on the cushion. The girl on the video now squatted over the man she had been sucking, and lowered herself onto his now rock hard cock. She shuddered with pleasure as she slid down his enormous pole, and I shuddered with her ! Then the first man appeared, stood behind the girl, bent over and began to slide his cock into her bottom. I froze. I could not believe what I was seeing. This young girl, who was smaller and slighter than me, was being fucked by two cocks at the same time, and seemed to be enjoying every minute of it judging by the way she was moaning and groaning. I was very close to the edge. I ground down onto the cushion and was mauling my tits, twisting and pulling on my nipples. The men in the video were pumping into the girl with increasing pace. Suddenly, the one in her pussy groaned and tensed, the girl almost screamed with pleasure. Then the one in her bottom withdrew his cock and began to spray jism all over her back. She turned and opened her mouth inviting him to spray onto her tongue, which he did. She swallowed all she could, and then began to massage the spunk on her back into her skin, while the man in her pussy licked and sucked her breasts. It was too much for me, my orgasm hit me like an express train I was moaning, sobbing screaming as a truly massive orgasm shook me to my core. I fell from the cushion and colapsed onto the floor a quivering, sobbing mess.

As I regained conciousness I became aware of the two of them applauding, whistling and cheering as they did so. I blushed furiously and felt my face burning with shame.

"What was it that got you so hot, was it the buzzing down below, or the sight of that little girl getting sandwich fucked?", Neil asked, laughing as he did so. I couldn't answer, my shame was so great. I had just brought myself to a huge orgasm, with vibrators in my pussy and bottom, a vibrating pad on my clitoris and a hard-core porn video playing in front of me, while the two of them watched and cheered. I could not believe I had done such a thing. My mind was in total confusion. How could I have become such a toy to them both in such a short time? I felt light headed from my climax, and completely bewildered as to why I was prepared to do al of this.

I wasn't allowed to dwell on my situation for long however. Neil walked over to me, grabbed me by the arm and powerd me to stand. Then he calmly re-took his seat, and motioned for me to stand in front of him and Alan. I did so, trembling slightly.

"I asked you a question, tight arse. What was it that got you so fired up?" I just stood there, dumb, unable to speak.

"Was it the cushion?", Neil asked. I nodded.

"But what about the video?", Alan asked, "I think you liked that didn't you? Tell us how you enjoyed watching that girl take two pricks at the same time. Answer me, or I'll smack your arse until you do!"

I finally found my voice. "I'd never seen anything like that before. I'd never even imagined that sort of thing. I couldn't believe how she was able to take them both, and still enjoy it."

"And did you imagine yourself doing the same?" Alan asked. I felt my breath catch in my throat. How had he known? Had I become that much of a slut that he could predict that I'd like that sort of thing? I felt my face colouring again.

"Fucking hell, she did!", Neil shouted. "She got off on the thought of the two of us fucking her like that. I never would have imagined that such a prissy, tight arsed little snob would get off on the thought of two blokes shagging her up the arse and up the twat at the same time!". He seemed triumphant, revelling in my shame, embarrassment and misery. "I want to hear you say it out loud", he said. "Tell me how you liked it. I want to hear every detail. In fact, I want you to sit in the chair and play with yourself while you tell us how much you enjoyed it. Go on, do it now."

Reluctantly, I sat in the chair in front of them, opened my legs and began to stroke my still sensitive pussy. I stroked and squeezed my breasts at the same time, and began to re-live the sensations for them as they watched.

"When I first got onto the cushion I enjoyed the feelings I felt when I pushed down onto it. I liked the feeling of the big one inside me, and the smaller one in my bottom. Then you stared the vibrations, and I felt the pleasure run through my body, especially through my clit. I enjoyed the feelings, and felt the need to stroke my breasts as I rocked back and forward on the cushion. I liked the fact that you were watching me, and that you were controlling the vibrations."

"How did it make you feel", Alan asked.

"I felt really dirty, and really randy", I replied. "I wanted to put on a show for you both. I wanted you to see me playing with myself. I wanted you to see how dirty I could be. Then the video started. I watched as the girl sucked first one man, and then the other. I imagined sucking both of you, moving from one to the other, running my tongue over your shafts."

I was beginning to get hot all over again as I tickled my clit, and pushed fingers into my pussy. I could see them watching me closely, and I knew they were getting turned on by my show. I wanted to please them further. I wanted to be absolutely wanton and dirty. I carried on with my monologue, all the time playing with my pussy and caressing my breasts. I could feel myself building to yet another orgasm.

"Then she sat down onto that hard prick. I heard her groan with pleasure, and I groaned too. I imagined how it would feel as one of you pushed into me, going deeper and deeper. Then the other man started to push into her bottom. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had never imagined such a thing before. I heard her groan with pleasure. Then they were both having her at the same time. I saw her rocking backwards and forwards as they had her. I heard her moans of pleasure. I imagined it was me being taken like that. I could feel the vibrator in my bottom buzzing. I knew you were watching me. Then the one in her bottom pulled out and began to shoot all over her back, and she turned her head so she could get some into her mouth. I wanted to be her. I wanted to feel the hot jizz shooting over me, I imagined how it would feel, and then I came."

Another orgasm was building, I felt my fingers moving faster in my pussy, and I was squeezing my breast and nipples hard. I gasped and cried out "Oh please do me like that, I want you both to have me, please, Oh please", and then I was coming again.

As my orgasm subsided I closed my legs, squeezing my fingers into my pussy. I sighed, and sagged into the chair in front of them.

A few moments passed. I opened my eyes to see them looking at me like two predators. They both had huge bulges in the front of their trousers, and almost in unimister, they opened their trousers and pulled out their hard members.

"Come over here and suck me Alimister", Alan said. Without hesitating I got down on my knees in front of him and took his glans into my mouth. I began to swirl my tongue around his head in the way I knew he liked. I stroked his shaft and caressed his balls, relishing the groans of pleasure coming from him. Then Neil said "My turn", and I shuffled over to kneel between his legs. His shaft was as big as I had remembered, and I cautiously took him into my mouth. I didn't want him to hit the back of my throat. I closed my eyes and began to savour the taste and feel of him in my mouth. By now I was so randy, and so focussed on sex, that the building could have burnt down and I wouldn't have cared!

I felt Alan move in behind me and I turned to watch as he positioned his shaft at the entrance to my pussy. Then I went back to sucking Neil's throbbing glans, running my tongue up and down the length of his shaft.

Alan entered me and began to pump into me with strong, rhythmic strokes. Neil groaned with pleasure as I sucked and licked him, caressing his heavy balls and rubbing my breasts against his upper thighs. Then Alan withdrew, and Neil motioned for me to stand up.

"Why don't you show me what a good ride you can be Alimister", he said. I straddled his legs and slowly lowered myself onto his shaft. I shuddered as I felt him going deeper and deeper. I spread my legs as wide as I could to accomodate his huge girth, and then began to ride him, pushing my hips back and forth, feeling him deep inside me. He began to stroke my breasts and tease my nipples. Then he put his arms round me and pulled me close into him. I was unable to move, pinned to his chest. Then I felt Alan slowly pushing into my bottom. I looked round to see him straddling Neil's legs and slowly pushing into me. When he was in up to the hilt both he and Neil began slow, rhythmic motions. Back and forward. I felt like I was on fire. Sensations I had never felt before were radiating out from the very centre of my body. My mind was racing, and I found myself trying to push myself onto each of the shafts impalling me. Neil continued to tease my nipples. Unbelieveably, I began to come again. As my third orgasm of the evening began to break I felt Neil shoot deep inside of me, followed moments later by Alan spraying his seed deep in my bottom.

We all collapsed panting and gasping for breath. After a minute of two I felt Alan slip out of me, and I rolled off Neil, onto the floor, and lay there gasping for breath. The next thig I knew, Alan had brought me a glass of wine. He handed it to me saying "I think you could use this, you've certainly earned it !" I drank it down, almost in one go, and felt my head begin to clear.

I held out my glass for a refill, and Alan duly obliged. I drained the second glass just as quickly, only for it to be refilled again. After a few minutes I began to feel the efects of the wine. I felt warm, relaxed and contented. I sat back on the sofa, stark naked and with a silly grin on my face. I still couldn't believe what a complete slut I had become, but I really didn't care! I was enjoying the best sex of my entire life, I had never had so many orgasms, and both Alan and Neil seemed willing to experiment further. As I lay there in a sort of haze, I vaguely wondered what they had in store for me next. I didn't have to wait long!

Alan lay down on the floor and told me to get to work with my mouth. I eagerly got down on my hands and knees and began to kiss and lick his balls and his shaft. I could taste myself on him, and as his shaft started to harden I felt my own loins start to warm. I continued to lick and suck him until he was gasping with pleasure and his glans was throbbing in my mouth. Then I felt Neil caressing my bottom. He slipped his hand between my legs and started to slowly stroke my clit. I shuddered with pleasure as he coaxed the head out from under its' hood and began to stroke it in small circular movements. I was still soaking from earlier on, and my juices mingled with his jizz to make my hot little slit feel slick. Then his fingers moved up to my bottom and he insterted first one, then two fingers and began to spread my tight hole. I tried not to tense, as I knew what was coming. Neil's price for allowing me to use the cushion was about to be paid.

Suddenly, I was gripped by fear. I was sure that Neil's member was too big and too wide for me to take, it was bound to hurt. I started to get up, but Neil put his hand firmy into the small of my back and pushed me back down. At the same time, Alan grabbed hold of my shoulders and pushed them down to the floor. I was trapped. I called out "No, please stop! Please, I can't take that in me. Please stop". They said nothing. Instead, I felt the tip of Neil's member pushing at the entrance to my bottom. As he pushed harder I felt my sphyncter give way, and he started to slide into me.

I tried to struggle free, but they were holding me too tight. As my hips wriggled to try to get away from the intruder I felt sharp stabs of pain. The only way to survive this, I knew, was to try to relax and keep still. I began to pant, trying to relax as the huge member continued to push into me. I felt him stop, and then slowly withdraw until only the head of his shaft was still in me. Then he pushed into me again, further this time. Gradually, he eased his entire length into me. I felt full to bursting, longing for this to be over. He began to increase the speed and depth of his thrusts, grabbing my hips for extra purchase. I could feel his hot breath on my back, and his wiry pubes against my bottom. I felt like I was going to split in two as he pounded into me for what seemed like hours. And then I felt him shooting his hot seed deep into my bowels. He seemed to be producing gallons of the stuff, and his climax seemed to go on for ages. And then he collapsed onto me, a heaving, sweating mass. Finally, he rolled off me. I fell onto my side, curled up into a ball and sobbed.

They lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom. I was put into the shower and a delicious jet of warm water was played onto my aching body. They soaped my entire body and then rinsed me off. I was wrapped in warm towells, and carried back to the living room where I was given more wine.

As the full impact of what had happened sank in, I became angry. I turned on the two of them. "You bastards!", I yelled, "That was ****, no other word for it. You knew I didn't want to go through with that, and you made me. Well from now on, the game's off. I don't want anything else to do with you, ever. Go and get your fun somewhere else you bastards". I tried to get up, but holy water and sheer fatigue seemed to be holding me down. Alan spoke first.

"Right the way through this, right from the first night when it was just you and me, you've been reluctant to try things. At least you've said you were reluctant, but it hasn't stopped you doing it has it? Just think of the things you've done this evening alone. Are you really going to try to act the innocent now Alimister? O.K.


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hummmm vivement que le cocu rentre


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Ch 7 coming soon!


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Chapter 7

I woke the next morning, Sunday morning, with a dull hangover and an aching body. I felt as though I had 'flu or something, but I knew that my body was paying me back for last night's excesses.

I slowly got out of bed, and realised that I couldn't remember getting into bed last night. Alan and Neil must have carried me to my bedroom. I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. No outward signs of the nymphomaniac I had become, except of course for my shaven pussy. I turned around and examined my poor, sore bottom in the mirror. My tight little hole was red and painful to the touch, but there was no obvious damage. "Thank you very much fellas.", I thought as I remembered the battering my 'back door' had taken the previous evening.

I wandered around my flat as I waited for the kettle to boil. In the living room my clothes were where I had left them last night, in a pile on the floor. The cushion, with its' additions, was still in front of the TV. The memory came back to me, of the young girl taking the two men. Of how I had been so fascinated and aroused by the images on the screen. I felt a slight warmth between my legs and marvelled at my own seemingly insatiable apetite. I had never had so much sex in my life before, nor had I enjoyed it so much. I began to wonder of I really could go back to simply being John's girlfriend. We had always enjoyed a good sex life, but nothing, and I mean nothing, like my activities of the past couple of weeks. Perhaps I had become addicted, or possibly I should get out of this unbelievable game before I did.

I made my way up to Alan's flat. It was empty. He had left no note to tell me where he had gone or when he would be back. Still pondering on the events of the last few days, and wondering what on earth I should do, I went back to my own kitchen and made tea. I quickly found that this simple pleasure was denied to me, as I couldn't sit confortably. My limbs ached, and my bottom was sore. I decide to run myself a nice hot bath.

A few minutes later I was lowering myself gingerly into the warm, soapy water. I felt my aches and pains start to melt away, and even the initial stinging in my bottom soon eased. I immersed myself and tried to come to a decision. I was still mentally making a list of pros and cons when I heard the front door of the flat opening. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs to my flat, and then Alan was caling my name.

"I'm in the bath." I called back. It was then that I realised that by accident or design, I had left the bathroom door unlocked.

Without knocking, he calmly walked into the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to the bath.

"How are you this morning?", he asked. I noted that he had tried to keep the tone of his voice normal, but couldn't hide the hint of anxiety. It was decision time for me. If I gave him the cold shoulder now our game was over. On the other hand, I could let him know that I was OK with our understanding, and things could continue as before.

"I feel like I have been run down by a train.", I said, a slight smile on my face. "And not only that, but it feels like someone tried to park a car in my bottom!"

He laughed, clearly relieved that I wasn't going to bear a grudge over last night. Now that the tension had been diffused, I needed to make my point. I sat up in the bath. Alan's eyes immediately fell to breasts which were covered in soap bubbles, my nipples just showing through.

"To be serious Alan, I don't like being treated like some kind of toy for the amusement of you and your fat friend, right? If we're going to continue, then this has to be fun for me too, and being held down while some bastard shoves something the size of a baseball bat up my arse is most definitely not!" Alan looked suitably shocked. I had not been so assertive towards him since our first encounter, and I didn't normally swear either, so my words had the desired effect. I lay back in my bath water, and waited for him to respond.

"Fair enough. Like we said last night, if you don't want to do something, I wont make you. But you do want to continue, don't you?", he smiled.

"Yes, I suppose so.", I conceded. "Just no more rough stuff!"

"Fine by me.", he said immediately, and smiled again. He was still sitting on the floor by the bath. Now he moved closer, leaning against the bath and letting his right hand dangle in the soapy water. Without thinking I moved my leg closer to his hand, and his fingers began to gently caress my thigh.

"Are you saying that you don't want Neil in the game anymore?", he asked, moving his hand to the inside of my thigh and allowing his fingers to stroke the sensitive skin there. "I only ask, because you seemed to enjoy most of last night, and if you are going to limit this game to just the two of us then we might be missing out on some interesting possibilities."

"What kind of possibilities?", I asked, moving lower in the water as I did so, and causing his hand to slip further up my inner thigh.

"We could have a party for the boys. Invite them all round, and you would provide the entertainment.", he said. His hand was now almost at the top of my leg, and the familiar longing was back between my legs.

"I'm not having all of them do what you and Neil did last night." I said immediately. "In fact, I don't want it up my bottom any more. I don't like it that much anyway."

"Relax, Alimister. If you don't want that, then that's fine." His voice had become soothing and gentle. His fingers had reached the top of my legs and began to stroke the lips of my pussy. I opened my legs a little further to allow him access, and he continued to speak to me in a gentle murmer.

"Whatever you say. All I had in mind was a small party for the boys. You would be waitress for the evening, bringing us whatever we wanted. Of course, you would have to be properly dressed for the occasion, but I'll sort that out for you. Naturally, some of the boys might want to take liberties. There's no telling where their hands might go, and you'd have to accept that. But I promise you no-one will try to persuade you to take it up the bum again. If you feel you want to do that, then that's your choice."

His fingers had now opened my pussy lips and were teasing the entrance to my hot tunnel. As he spoke I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the waves of pleasure spreading out through my body from wherever his fingers touched me. The thought of being humiliated and used by a group of men who, until recently, I knew only as John's friends had begun to appeal. I could just imagine them touching me, looking at me, ordering me to do shameful things. I would be unable to object or refuse. If I did, I could end up over their knees with my knickers down, my skirt hitched up and my naked bottom on full display. They would spank me until my cheeks were hot and red, and then laugh out loud when they slipped their hands between my legs to discover the wetness there.

Alan's fingers now inched up my slit to my clit. I gasped out loud as he ran his finger tips over my hot little bud. He continued to murmer to me as he brought me higher and higher towards a peak of pleasure.

"Just imagine, Alimister. All of us there, ordering you around in your own living room. You'd be fetching us beers, and generally waiting on us hand and foot. Maybe we'd want you to dance for us. Can you dance, Alimister? We might want you to dance naked, put on a show or just stand there stark naked. You would have to do whatever we said. We might even want to see you on the cushion again. Can you imagine doing that in front of all of us? Just imagine how that would feel, with your tits and arse, and even your bald little pussy on show to all of us."

This drove me over the edge and my orgasm pulsed through me like electricity. I clamped my legs together on Alan's hand and rocked my hips back and forward until the waves subsided.

When I had finally got my breath back, Alan said "Shall I go ahead and invite the boys then?"

"When did you intend holding this party?", I asked, a little nervously.

"How about next Friday? It might be a long night, and we wouldn't want to be late for work next day, would we?", he smiled.

I smiled back, though still nervous about the whole idea. I took a deep breath to summon up courage, and said, in a voice that sounded more confident that I was, "Friday it is then."

Alan smiled, stood up and left me to my bath. I lay back in the now cooling water and wondered, not for the first time, why I couldn't break this spell. What was it that made me so hot when ever I was around Alan? What was it inside me that made me enjoy such depravity? Just a few short days ago I had been a 'normal' woman. I had never shown myself off so casually, never had sex so casually, and never dreamed of doing the sort of things I had allowed Alan and Neil to do to me. Now I had just let Alan finger me to another climax, and agreed to allow any number of his friends to have their fun with me. Once again, I wondered if I was losing my mind.

Later that day Alan came into my living room and suggested that as we both worked in the same school it would make sense for us to share the same car to go to work in. I thought this made sense too, and it was decided that we would travel in his car. "See you in the morning then.", he said, and left me alone. I didn't see him again for the rest of the day, and spent my time getting ready for the new term.

I woke on Monday morning with the usual feeling of dread that everyone has on their first day back after a break. I had my breakfast, and the showered, (And shaved!). As I was coming out of the bathroom Alan appeared. "Show me what you're wearing today.", he said, and so I motioned for him to follow me into my bedroom. I had already laid out my clothes for the day. Charcoal grey business suit, (jacket and skirt, the female students at my school were not allowed to wear trousers, and so neither were the staff). A purple silk blouse and black 'sensible' shoes completed the ensemble. Alan surveyed my choice. "Not bad.", he said. "What are you wearing underneath?" "Kickers, bra and a pair of tights." I said.

He thought for a moment, and then said "No bra. And no horrrible tights either. Stockings and suspenders only from now on, right?"

I nodded, I could feel my pulse quicken as my excitement built. Alan left me to get ready. I slipped on my knickers, rolled on my dark stockings and fastened them with my suspenders. Then I slipped the silk blouse on and fastened the buttons. The silk was cool against my skin and I felt small waves of pleasure begin to radiate from my nipples as the soft material brushed against them. I hardly ever went out without a bra, and I had most definitely never stood in front of a class without wearing one. Today was going to be another first. I stepped into my skirt, put on my shoes and jacket and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked no different to the way I usually looked. It was not apparent that I wasn't wearing a bra, and my suspenders left no visible line on my skirt. Satisfied, I went to my living room to wait for Alan.

He joined me a few moments later. "Did you dress as I said?", he asked. "Yes, of course.", I replied. "Lets have a look then.", he smiled.

I smiled back this time, as I slowly lifted the hem of my skirt. I reached my stocking tops, but didn't stop there. I lifted my skirt up to my waist, so that he was able to inspect my knickers, plain white ones, naturally! Then I turned round so that he could have a good look at my tight little bum. I was really starting to enjoy myself now, and the knowledge that I had some degree of say in what went on was helping me enjoy things even more. Having been given Alan's approval, I smothed my skirt back down and made for the door.

"What about the rest?", Alan said, still with a smile on his face. I stood in front of him and opened my jacket, offering my breasts for his inspection. He ran his fingers gently along the sides of my breasts, then cupped each one in his hands, before finally running his thumbs over my nipples, which were now hard. I could feel myself getting wet, and was about to suggest that we both phone in sick for the day, when Alan said, "Right, lets go!"

The drive to the school were we both worked usually took about 20 minutes. We had been driving for about five minutes when Alan said "Lift up your skirt and stroke your pussy for me. Don't put your fingers inside your knickers, and don't come!"

I toyed with the idea of objecting, but decided that I would 'go with the flow' as it were. Wriggling in my seat, I managed to lift my skirt high up my thighs until it was bunched just above my hips. I slid down in the seat, opened my legs slightly, and began to gently stroke my pusy lips through the soft cotton of my knickers. It felt gloriously wanton, not to say dirty. Driving along in broad daylight with my skirt up and my hand busy between my thighs.

Alan didn't seem to be paying much attention to me, although to be fair, he was driving at the time. I soon realised that his mind was on me however. Without looking at me at all, he casually asked "So tell me, how old were you when you lost your virginity?"

My legs instinctively closed together. I couldn't believe he had asked me such a permisteral question! I was unable to speak for a moment, but he didn't give me much time to think. "Come on, I want to know all your little secrets. Tell me about the first time. Tell me who, where, when. Tell me everything about it, and keep stroking your pussy while you tell me. But remember; you're not allowed to come."

I took a deep breath and launched into my answer. I started to tell him all about my first time, all the time my fingers were gently stroking the lips of my pussy. I could feel myself getting hotter, and I could also distinctly feel the fabric of my knickers getting damp. The traffic outside became a blur as I continued to unfold the story of my first time to Alan. Of how I'd been just past my seventeenth birthday when I'd gone camping with my then boyfriend, Joe. ("Seventeen?, Christ Alimister, you left it late didn't you. Were you saving it up for your old age or something?!") I told him how it was the first time I'd spent the night with a boy. How he'd been the love of my teenage life. We'd been together for over two years, since we'd been at school together. ("Ah, school sweethearts, how romantic. Did he carry your books home from school every day?") I told him how we'd got into our relaxing bags on our first night, and how I'd been so nervous. We'd started to kiss, and then he'd started to stroke my breast. ("Was he the first boy to touch your tits then? No? You can tell me more about that later. Carry on.")

I'd let him touch me over my T-shirt, and then let him put his hand up inside. I'd let him touch me there before, but this time it was more than a quick fumble. He could roam at will! After a few minutes, his hand had slipped down over my hips. I was on my side, facing him and we continued to kiss passionately. ("Tongues as well?") I didn't object as his hand began to stroke my bottom, and then I let him roll me onto my back. I'd let him put his hand between my legs. I'd only been wearing a T-shirt and a pair of knickers, and I'd continued to kiss him while his hand explored the warmth between my thighs. ("Was he the first to touch your pussy then? You can tell me how it felt to have Joe put his hand in your knickers for the first time later as well.")

I had gasped as his fingers had found the waist band of my knickers. And then his hand was in, and moving ever lower. He had run his fingers through my pubic hair, and then gently pushed my thighs apart. Then he had stroked my pussy. I had always enjoyed the sensations, and let him go further this time. I'd let him put a finger inside of me. It was then that he'd asked me "Can I make love to you Alimister?" ("He said that? I bet you went for that in those days didn't you? Go on.")

I had agreed to make love, and Joe started to unzip our relaxing bags. He had started to slip his trousers off, and I had pushed my knickers down to my ankles and then took them off and placed them under my pillow. Alan had laughed out loud at this. "Under your pillow? Were you expecting the tooth fairy or something?"

Joe had rolled a condom onto his hard cock and then moved on top of me. I'd felt the hardness of his cock as he'd placed it at the entrance to my pussy. I told how I had put my arms round his neck and held him tightly, waiting for the moment when he entered me. Expecting it to hurt, holding onto Joe like a drowning sailor, and then feeling him slowly pushing into me. Of how there had been no pain, just a sort of stretching feeling and then something had given way and he was in me up to the hilt. I'd held on tight to Joe right the way through it, even though I'd begun to relax as he'd built up a steady rhythm. And then he'd gasped and I felt him twitching inside of me. Then he'd collapsed on top of me breathing heavily, and I had been unable to move. Finally, he'd rolled off me, and that was that! "So how long did he last then? I bet no more than about a minute. I bet he only needed about half a dozen strokes before he shot his load into you. Did you enjoy it?"

"I don't know. I was glad I'd done it. I was glad it hadn't hurt! I don't know if I enjoyed it or not, to be honest."

I had been stroking my pussy whilst I'd been relating my story to Alan. I could feel the heat building inside of me, and my knickers were not damp now, they were positively wet. I became aware of my surroundings. We were almost at school. I began to pull my skirt back into place. "Stop.", Alan said. "Take your knickers off."

"Alan, I can't! I just can't. We're almost at school, someone might see."

"Take them off, and give them to me."

I reached under my skirt, grabbed the gusset of my knickers and pulled them down over my knees. We were pulling into the staff car park now, and my pulse was racing. What was he going to make me do next? I took my knickers off and handed them to him. He put them to his nose and inhalled deeply. "Mmm!, essence of Alimister, my favourite fragrance." I had smoothed my skirt into place, and was looking round nervously, anxious in case anyone had seen anything. He calmly put my knickers into his inside pocket and then turned to me. "You're going to go all day without underwear today. I know how hot this will make you feel, but you're not allowed to sneak off to the ladies for a quick diddle, right. If you behave, I'll give you a reward later. Got that?"

I nodded. My pussy was throbbing still, and my nipples were super sensitive. As we got out of the car a cool morning breeze caused the silk of my blouse to mould itself to my breasts. My nipples were obvious to anyone with eyes to see. The breeze also found its' way past my stocking tops to the lips of my shaven and sensitive pussy lips. I could have come on the spot. With my pulse still racing, and my mind buzzing, I made my way into school and tried to act naturally.

I collected my timetable from the main office and headed to the staff room for a quick cup of coffee before lesmisters began. I was feeling very exposed and vulnerable in my state of near undress. One of the male teachers, David Evans, who taught games and sports, seemed to be paying particular attention to me. He had always been a lecherous sod!, now he looked at me with barely supressed lust in his eyes. How could he possibly have known about my lack of underwear? Possibly his practised eye could spot my state, or perhaps I was unwittingly giving off signals. Whatever the reamister I felt most uncomfortable and left the staff room as quickly as I could.

I got to my class room and checked my timetable. Fouth year remedial English first, followed by fifth year after morning break. The two most difficult groups back to back! It was warm in the classroom, and without thinking I took off my jacket and left it on a chair at the back of the class. I began to write instructions for the class on the blackboard, and immediately noticed how


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looking forward to more!


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A segment was lost at the end of Chapter 7.....


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Ch 7 - The missing section - Sorry folks

I got to my class room and checked my timetable. Fouth year remedial English first, followed by fifth year after morning break. The two most difficult groups back to back! It was warm in the classroom, and without thinking I took off my jacket and left it on a chair at the back of the class. I began to write instructions for the class on the blackboard, and immediately noticed how my bra-less breasts brushed against the silk of my blouse. I intended to finish my writing on the board and then retrieve my jacket before the first class arrived. I had misjudged the time however, and before I knew it thirty noisy fourteen year olds were crowding into the classroom.

I knew this group all too well. About twenty boys, the rest girls. All of them barely able to read or write, not one interested in learning how to do so. The challenge for any teacher was simply to occupy them for the duration of the lesmister. They settled themselves into their seats and reluctantly opened their work books. I explained the instructions on the black board, pointing at each instruction as I did so. Something was different. The boys were apparently fascinated by everything I had to say, whilst the girls were giggling between themselves. Then I realised what the difference was. The boys were totaly focused on my chest. I glanced down and saw that my nipples had become hard again, and were clearly visible through the fabric of my blouse. I looked around for my jacket, and then realised that it was still at the back of the class where I had left it. With all their eyes on me I walked as quickly as I could to the back of the class. This caused my breasts to sway and bob. A few of the boys actually reached down to rub their groins, the rest continued to stare intently. The few moments it took me to get to my jacket seemed like an eternity. Finally I reached it and hurredly slipped it on. I looked around at the class. I had never felt so intimidated in front of a class. I could feel myself blushing, I felt hot and embarrassed, and was tempted to leave the room. But then the questions started. Could I repeat the instructions please? What was the second one again? What is that word on the fourth line down, I can't read your writing. And on and on.

I found myself at the front of the class again, explaining what they had to do, pointing to each line and explaining. I tried not to make my embarrassment look too obvious, and so I didn't fasten my jacket. Consequently, every time I pointed at the board the jacket opened, and they would get a glimpse of my breasts. They were having a fine time at my expense, and I felt as though they were playing with me. Finally they settled down to some work, and I sank gratefully into my chair behind my desk. The lesmister passed without further incident, but as they all filed past me on their way out the boys had lecherous grins on their faces, whilst the girls looked at me like I was little more than dirt.

News had obviously travelled fast, and as the next class filed in the boys all took the front seats. I began the lesmister feeling nervous. It was still warm in the classroom and I began to perspire. One of the boys, Adam, raised his hand to get my attention. He was an unpleasant, surly sort of boy. He always gave me the impression that he had been up to something that hadn't been discovered yet, and he tended to speak to staff members in a way which just stopped short of being disrespectful.

I nodded to him, "Yes Adam."

"Miss, it's really warm in here, can we take our jackets off please?" There were sniggers from various sections of the class before he followed up with "You look hot too Miss, why don't you take your jacket off as well?" I felt the colour begin to rise in my face again, and began to feel very hot and uncomfortable.

I glared at him and snapped "Just get on with your work." He looked my straight in the eye and shrugged, a half smile on his face. I managed to get through the rest of the lesmister, and as the lunch bell rang they all got up and filed out. Adam looked particularly pleased with himself. After the last of them had gone I gratefully took off my jacket and began to fan the front of my blouse in and out to get some cool air around my body. I turned to pick up something from my desk and jumped as I saw Adam still standing in the doorway watching me intently. "I said you looked hot, didn't I? You should have done that in class, it would've been better than that cuckolds brownie we had to work through." He smiled at me, challenging me. "Get out!", I yelled. He shrugged again and shuffled off down the corridor still smiling.

I was seething by the time Alan came into my class a few minutes later. When he asked what was wrong I told him what had happened. He found the whole thing highly amusing. He even suggested that perhaps I should show a little more flesh to keep their attention. "Just fuck off", I yelled at him.

"I think part of you liked it this morning.", he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Didn't I just tell you how uncomfortable I felt? Didn't I explain how that was the worst experience I have ever had in front of a class? How could you possibly think, even for a moment, that I enjoyed that. Christ, you are a twisted bastard at times Alan."

"Listen to me you mouthy bitch. Over the last two weeks you've done stuff you never would have believed. You've been stripped, spanked, fucked, buggered. You've begged, wanked, sucked, obeyed. This morning you willingly told me some of your closest secrets and then gave me your knickers which are still wet from the frigging you did in the car on the way here. Don't call me twisted, and don't try to play the innocent with me Alimister, I've seen you do too much, remember?"

I looked around nervously in case anyone had heard. "Alright", I whispered, "But keep your voice down".

"Keep your voice down please".

"OK, keep your voice down please." I muttered.

"Fine. Now you can apologise for insulting me, and then I want you to lift up your skirt, bend over the desk and get ready for ten smacks."

I was appalled. "Alan, please, I can't do that here. What if someone caught us? Please, can't it wait until tonight when we get home. Please Alan?"

"No chance. Do as you are told and get over that desk. Any more delays and I'll make it twenty smacks."

My heart felt like it was in my mouth, I was trembling all over, but I was also raising the hem of my skirt. I pulled it up over my hips exposing my shaven mound to his gaze, and then bent over my desk, with my bottom towards him and waited for the punishment. He stood behind me, relishing the view.

"Haven't you forgotten something?", he said.

I was confused for a moment, and then realised. "Alan, I'm really sorry I spoke to you like that. It won't happen again I promise." I gasped as the first blow hit my bottom, and called out quietly "One".

"Good girl.", he cooed between smacks. "Now you're learing. From now on you'll do exactly as I tell you, both inside school and outside, is that clear? If I tell you to strip stark bollock naked in front of a whole class, you'll do it. Got that?"

He had given me my ten smacks, and now his fingers had wormed their way between my legs to caress the lips of my pussy. His thumb slipped inside my wet tunnel, whilst his long fingers found my clit and began to tease it, making it harden.

"Did you hear me bitch? I said you are to do anything I say to anyone I say from now on. Do you understand?"

"Yes Alan.", I moaned, waves of pleasure washing over my body from my aching clit.


"I'll do anything you say, I promise. Only please don't make me do anything in front of the pupils Alan." The idea of being made to undress in front of those horrible boys was both apalling, and fantastically exciting.

"I may save it up for an end of term treat. You could arrange for the girls to be elsewhere, and give the boys something to remember you by. Something like a strip, or even a blow job. How would you fancy sucking twenty randy fifteen year olds off into your mouth?"

The idea drove me over the edge, and my orgasm left me gasping for breath as I bent over the desk. When I had recovered Alan told me to give him a blow job, "A nice slow one. Make it last, we've still got half an hour of lunch break!"

And so, with my skirt still bunched around my waist I knelt down in front of him, opened his trousers and pulled out his hardening cock. I stroked and caresed it, easing the foreskin back and forth. I licked along its shaft before running my tongue over the head. A tiny drop of clear liquid seeped from its' hole and I kissed this with my lips before taking the large purple head into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head, the way I knew he liked, and began to suck gently, bobbing my head up and down. He groaned with pleasure and his cock grew still further in my mouth. I continued to suck and lick for what seemed like ages, my jaw ached and my nostrills were filled with the smell of his body. Suddenly, he tensed and then his hot salty jism was hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed every drop, and then gradually he began to subside, shrinking in my mouth.

I stood up, licking my lips instinctively. He looked me up and down. "You're getting pretty good at that. Must be all the practice you've been getting." And he smiled at me. I smiled back. When I felt this way, there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. He made me turn around so that he could examine my bottom. His hands cupped my buttocks and then stroked them appreciatively. Finally he said "OK, you can cover yourself up again now, but remember, you do as you're told from now on."

I smoothed my skirt back into place and nodded, "Yes Alan"., I murmered.

The rest of the day passed without further embarrasment on my part, probably because I was teaching first and second year students in the afternoon. After the end of day bell rang, I collected my things and headed off to find Alan, eager to get home and end what had been a difficult day.

I found Alan near the main office, talking to the Head Master. As I approached they both looked in my direction and I got the distinct feeling they were discussing me. The Head looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my breasts as I walked towards them. I could feel my breasts moving around as I walked, my nipples brushing gently against the silk of my blouse. I knew my nipples were becoming erect, but I knew that if I fastened my jacket I would only draw attention to them further. I made my way towards them and nodded to the Head in acknowledgement before saying to Alan "Hi. Ready to go?", in as matter - of - fact way as I could.

Alan's reply made me inwardly groan. "I'm going to be a while, there's some marking I need to do. The Head Master here was just saying that there's a whole load of filing he needs doing in his office. I said you would be happy to help out whils you waited for me to finish. That's ok isn't it?" "Great!", I thought, "Now I get to spend time in the office of that old letch while I wait for Alan to collect me". Instead I smilled at them both and said "Of course, no problem at all". I was too new at the school to refuse, plus I knew what I'd get if I didn't do what Alan told me.

"Excellent Alimister." the Head murmered. "I'm really grateful. And it will give us a chance to get to know each other. Come on in when you're ready." And with that, he went off to his office.

"Why am I doing this Alan?", I whispered to him. "You know he gives me the creeps, always looking at me as though he's undressing me. Why do I have to spend time with him?"

"Because", Alan said, obviously relishing the moment, "He's looking to appoint a new head of department at the end of this term. I know he fancies you, and so when he was whining on about his filing, I offered your services. He was most grateful, so just don't go upsetting him right? I'm well into his good books for this, and I want it to stay that way. Now go to the loo and put these back on." He handed me my knickers from that morning. "Make sure he gets to see your stocking tops, and just a couple of flashes of these.

I was appaled. "You mean I have to let that old bastard see up my skirt, just so that you can get a better job?" I was about to object, about to tell Alan that I wouldn't do it, when I remembered my promise. I would do anything he told me to do. I had to trust him that it wouldn't go too far, and that I would enjoy it into the bargain.

"How long will you be?", I asked.

"Only about half an hour. Just long enough for him to get a few quick flashes! Oh, and if he tries to touch you up, just treat it as a joke, ok?"

"Some redy joke!" I replied. So that was the game. Alan let the Head play with me for a bit, and in return he was front runner for the departmental job. I resigned myself to a half hour with a dirty old man and slipped off to the toilets. I went into one of the cubicles, lifted my skirt and slipped an experimental finger between my pussy lips. Sure enough, I was soaking wet. The idea of prostituting myself had got my motor running yet again. I made my decision there and then. Alan obviously knew what would turn me on better that I did myself. I drew a deep breath and then told myself "OK. Whatever he wants from now on, I'll do at once. No questions, no doubts."

I pulled my knickers back on, left the cubicle and checked my make up in the mirror. "Better make myself look good for the old goat" I told myself. Then I looked at myself in the full length mirror and on an impulse I opened a couple of buttons on my blouse. I was now showing quite a bit of cleavage, and bent forward to check my theory. Yes!, if I bent over just so, he would be able to see right down the front of my top, would catch the odd glimpse of my bra-less boobs!

I left the toilets and went directly to his office. No one else was around. I knocked at the door, and without waiting for a response, I opened it and went inside. He was sitting behind an impressive oak desk in an old black leather recliner chair. He looked up and smiled at me. "Do come in Alimister. I really appreciate your help with all these files, you're sure you don't mind?"

"No, not at all Head Master.", I replied, sounding a little breathless. "I'm happy to help in any way I can Sir". I added the "Sir" bit thinking he would like this. I was not disappointed, he positively beamed at me.

He was probably in his mid fifties with a middle age paunch and a full head of steel grey hair neatly slicked back. Pale blue eyes looked me up and down lingering on my stocking clad legs and then on my chest. "Where would you like me to start?" I enquired. He indicated a large pile of files on his desk, and directed me to file them in alphabetical order in the filing cabinet on the other side of the office. To do the filing I would have to stand with my back to him, and wondered how I was going to comply with Alan's instructions to 'give him a couple of flashes'

I moved towards the desk, and said "Would you mind if I took my jacket off please Sir?" "Yes, of course Alimister. Make yourself comfortable."

I slipped my jacket off my shoulders and placed it on the back of a chair. Then I leant over his desk to pick up a bundle of files. As I did so I saw his eyes drop to the front of my blouse which now opened invitingly. I went to the filing cabinet and began to file. I could feel his eyes burning into me, and made sure that whenever I had to place a file in the bottom two drawers I bent over from the hips, so that he had a perfect view of my bottom. After a few minutes he stood up and walked over to me. He stood beside me, looking through some papers which had been left on top of a nearby table and began talking to me, apparently making small talk. Did I like working at the school. Had I settled in alright. How long had I known Alan. Did I have a boyfriend.

All the time he was clearly enjoying the view. I would bend over to put a file in a drawer, giving him a clear view of the top of my breasts. I knelt down to put a file away, letting my skirt ride up to expose my stocking tops. Then I 'accidentally' dropped a number of files. Being the perfect gentleman, he bent down to help me retrieve them, and that was when I let my knees part just a fraction, giving him a clear view of a the small white triangle of my knickers. After a few minutes of this, his face had become quite red! I was beginning to enjoy myself and was trying to work out how to give him another flash, when Alan appeared at the door. "Ready when you are", he said, and immediately left again.

"Would you excuse me now please Sir", I said in a little girl voice.

"Yes of course Alimister. Thank you very much indeed for your help."

"Perhaps I could come back tomorrow afternoom to finish?" I enquired.

"Oh yes, that would be splendid." He said.

I walked past him to retrieve my jacket, which again I 'accidentally' dropped. "Oh dear"., I said "I seem to be dropping everything this afternoon." The double entendre was not lost on him as I saw his eyes narrow, like a predator as he looked at me. I bent to pick up my jacket, again letting my legs part and giving him another tatalising glimpse of my underwear.

I took my time putting my jacket on, pusing my breasts out to meet his gaze as I slipped my arms into the sleeves, then I bent over again to straighten my stockings, feeling his eyes peering down my blouse.

"I'll come back tomorrow then Sir?"

"I shall look forward to it Alimister.", he cooed. He walked beside me, accompanying me to the door of his office. He put his hand around my waist as he did so , and I made no effort to move away. Then, as I reached for the door handle his hand slipped from my waist, over my hips and stroked my bottom. I turned to look at him. He was watching me intently, trying to guage my reaction. I smiled at him and said "Goodnight Sir", as I slipped out of his officet.

Once we were in the car Alan wanted to know everything that had gone on. I told him in the minutest detail, leaving nothing out, even confessing that I had enjoyed myself.

"I bet you're all wet now aren't you?", he asked.

I slipped a finger into my knickers, found my hot little slit and felt the slick juices which coated not only my pussy, but also the top of my thighs. "Oh God Alan, I'm soaking. Can I come please? Oh Please Alan, please let me come, I've been a good girl today. I've done everything you've told me to do. Please let me come Alan".

To my dismay, he told me I had to wait until I got home. It was the longest 20 minutes of my life made all the worse by that fact that I had to relate to Alan my first sexual experiences. He wanted to know when I had first started to masturbate, who had been the first boy to touch my breasts, who had been the first one to see them. Who had been the first to touch my pussy, to see it. When had I first seen a penis, when had I first seen one hard. Who had I given my first blow job to. All of my secrets were revealed, one by one. By the time we got home I was on fire with burning, humiliating desire. He told me to undress, then to undress him. Then I had to lick his prick until he was hard, then lick his balls, lick his arse. I had to bend over in front of him, pull my pussy lips apart, stroke my clit. Then he made me lay across his lap and proceeded to give me twenty smacks onto my bare bottom for being "A naughty, brazen, dirty little girl. First you show yourself off to the Head Master, then you spend the whole journey home talking of nothing but sex. Tell me what a dirty little bitch you are."

And I did. As Alan's fingers began to stroke the lips of my pussy, I declared myself to him. "I am dirty Alan. When you told me to go into the Head's office I wanted to say no, but when I went to the toilets I felt how wet I was I knew what a hot little bitch I've become. I want you to use me Alan. I'll do anything you want, I promise. I wont argue Alan. Anything. Oh God Alan". I was consumed by a massive, shattering orgasm. The latest in so many, and with so many more to come.


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And - The end of Ch 8!

Suddenly, Alan appeared in front of me. He knelt in front of me and reached out towards my pussy. Then he began to stroke my pussy lips, pushing them apart, spreading them. Hot waves of pleasure began to wash over me. Alan had found my clit. Was running his finger aroung it in tiny circles. My brain was confused, my heart pounding. I sighed, and sank down fully onto Neil's Shaft, now deep in my bottom. The pain and the pleasure mingled inseperably. I continued to move up and down on Neil's shaft with increasing urgency as Alan continued to tease and flick my hard little button. Then I felt Neil twitch and begin to shoot hot jism into my bottom. I clamped my legs together onto Alan's hand and came again.

I was lost in my own little world. Waves of pleasure were radiating through my body as my orgasm subsided. I could feel my nipples throbbing with both pain and pleasure, and I could still feel my tight little hole gripping Neil's now shrinking member. I slid to the floor and lay there trying to catch my breath, enjoying the fading embers of pleasure. Neil's voice brought me back to the real world.

"Lick it clean.", he commanded. I was disgusted. His flacid organ had obvious signs of where it had just been. I hesitated for a moment. Could I do this? What he was telling me to do made my stomach lurch. And yet, even as I thought this I was moving onto my knees. I moved between his legs and bowed my head into his lap. I took hold of his cock, closed my eyes and silpped his purple head into my mouth. I knew what I was tasting. Mingled in with the taste of his jism and the lubricating gell was a different taste. It was bitter. I could smell my own faeces, taste it. I looked up at Neil. He was clearly enjoying himself immensely. I continued to lick around his cock until the taste had gone. As I did so he began to swell again. God!, was he never satisfied?

"Enjoying yourself?" He said, a broad grin on his face. I nodded, sucking harder on his glans. The truth was, I was enjoying every sordid minute of it. It seemed that nothing was too much for me now. I would do anything, and enjoy doing it. I was never more than a minute or two from full arousal these days, and I was loving every minute of it.

"Stand up, Alimister." Neil ordered.

I stood and looked at him.

"Hands on head, like the naughty girl you are." I obeyed instantly.

He stood, pulled up his jeans over his half erect member and fastened them. Curiously, I felt disappointed. Was that it for the evening then?

"I think you should be punished for being so disgustingly randy. How cheap can you get? Letting Alan strip and finger you while you talked nonsense to poor old John, half a world away." (I couldn't help but marvel at this - he'd had great fun laughing at John while he used me like a peice of meat. I could see the way this was going, and my heart began to beat faster in response.)

I hung my head in apparent shame.

"Don't you think you should be punished?"

"Yes Neil, I mean, if you think so Neil." I stammered in my most contrite voice.

"Right!", he barked. "Marching on the spot. Begin."

Feeling more than a little strange, I began to march on the spot. "Faster. And get those knees up higher. HIGHER". He yelled. I frantically pushed my knees as high as I could. He stood there, watching, smirking. Alan sat back in his chair with the familiar smile on his face. After a minute or so, I was breathing heavily, but I kept going.

"You're going to keep marching until I tell you to stop. And while you march, I'm going to punish you. Understand?"

"Yes Neil." I panted.

And then he began to rain smacks on my bare bottom. I squealed with each blow, and soon he began to hit the back of my legs. My backside felt like it was on fire. Still he kept on, still I kept marching. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. The blows stopped for a second, but I continued to march. Then my eyes shot open with pure shock. Neil had begun to slap my breasts! The sudden pain collided head on with the pleasure mounting in my pussy and I almost came on the spot. Instead I let out a piercing scream. Another slap. I groaned. Then another, and another. I was sobbing now with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Stop!", Neil commanded.

I stood motionless, tears running down my face, my breaths coming in ragged sobs, making my breasts heave. I could feel the wetness between my legs.

Neil stood in front of me, a sly grin on his face. He ran his hands over my belly, down towards my pussy lips. "Now what do you think I'll find down here now?", he chuckled to himself. Alan laughed too. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. To think of all I had done to them, for them, and I was still embarrassed at them knowing how much I enjoyed being punished. His fingers reached the top of my pussy lips. I held my breath. He ran the tip of a finger along the lips, I opened my legs further to allow him access. He lifted the finger to his nose and sniffed. I could see it wet from my juices. He put his hand back between my legs and spread my lips with his index and third fingers, and then began to stroke between them with his middle finger.

I groaned out loud, and realised that I was no longer just resting my hands on my head, my fingers were entwined in my hair, gripping tightly. His finger slowly penetrated me, slipping effortlessly into my sopping tunnel. I could feel my juices running down my thighs. And then he withdrew his finger and ran it along my pussy until he reached my clit. My little button was now hard and errect. The moment his finger touched the sensitive tip I began to groan and moan. My fingers gripped my hair still tighter and I began to move my pelvis back and forward. Neil didn't move at all, he just left his hand there and let me gyrate on his fingers.

"Would you like to come now Alimister?", he murmered.

"Oh, God Yes!" I almost screamed. "Please Neil. Please let me come."

"You mean you want to bring yourself off, right now. On my hand. In front of Alan. Is that what you want?"

"Yes. Oh Yes. Oh Please Neil."

He paused for a moment. I continued to rub his finger over my clit.

"OK, Alimister. You can come now." He grinned. And of course, I did. I screamed, I moaned. I sobbed, and I came, massively.

I fell to my knees, my breath coming in ragged gasps, sobs racking my entire body. After what seemed like hours, my breathing returned to something like normal.

"Stand up, Alimister." Neil commanded.

I slowly got to my feet and stood in front of him. I was nervous about what he would do next. He turned to Alan, who was watching from the comfort of an arm chair.

"Have you told her about the weekend yet Al?"

"No. I was going to keep it as a surprise. See how she took it."

"What do you mean about the weekend?", I stammered. "I thought you were inviting the boys over for a 'party'".

"Oh we are, don't worry about that. You're going to get shaged stupid this weekend, tight arse! But we thought it was time to have a bit more fun with you first. You're going to come out to the pub with us all first, and you're going to be very friendly, all night. Got that?"

"What do I have to do?" I asked, my heart beating madly. There was no telling what this sadistic bastard would put me through.

"Anything we say! And when I say 'we' I mean all of us, not just Alan and me. Andy, Richie, Paul, Steve, they'll all be there, and as a special treat Keith will be there, and he's bringing Lin."

"Lin!", I yelled. "You mean she knows all about this?"

"Absolutely!" Neil was grinning all over his face. "I had a take with Keith and Lin last night and filled them in on all the details. 'Course, Keith knew most of it, like the rest of the lads, but Lin Knew nothing. She was very surprised to say the least, but when I asked her if she fancied joining in and giving you a bit of stick herself, she was well up for it!"

I was shocked. For a moment I had imagined both Lin and me servicing the boys. Now it was clear to me that she would be dishing it out with the others, and I wasn't happy about it at all. It was one thing to be humiliated by a bunch of men, it was something else to suffer at the hands of another woman.

I tried to get off the hook. "Look, Neil, I don't think I want to do this. I don't think I can do this. i never imagined another woman involved. This changes things. I don't think I can...." I trailed off. Already the thought of being humiliated so totally had caught my imagination. Neil looked at me, still grinning. He had guessed what I was thinking.

"I bet if I felt your pussy now, you'd be wet!" He said. "I bet you'll love it, cos you are a dirty little bitch aren't you? If you are really good, I might let you lick Lin out while we all watch. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"I've never been with a woman." I said quietly. "Please don't make me, Neil. Alan, please don't let him make me do this. Please Alan."

Alan shook his head. "You'll do it, because you want to really. You can't get enough of this. Believe me, licking Lin out on Friday is the least of your worries. You don't know what else we've got in mind yet!" And they both began to laugh.

I started to ask what he meant, but they both turned away from me, and left the room, heading for Alan's flat upstaris. Before they left Neil turned to me, winked, and said "See you Friday then!"

I sank into a chair, and tried to gather my thoughts. I knew I couldn't refuse. I knew I didn't want out yet. I was theirs to command.


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Plenty of chapters to go!

And plenty more games for Alimister


Posts: 281 Pictures: 10 
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Hmmm, so glad Lin is going to be involved. Natural progression really, endless possibilities.....


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I was actually wondering if John knew everything and Lin had been sent to take care of him in Australia for a few weeks while his fiance was being trained back home...


Posts: 102
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We neeed more chapters!!!!!
want to know what happens next!


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Well you did ask --------------------

Chapter 9

The next couple of days passed in a blur. My routine had become quite settled. I would get up, shower, shave my pubes, breakfast and then ask Alan what he wanted me to wear that day. It was always Alan's decision what my clothing would be, including my underwear. I had to show him that I'd complied with his orders. Then we would head off to school in his car. Always the same. I would be made to lift my skirt or dress, play with myself as we made our way through the morning traffic. Always the intimate revelations. What were my fantasies. When had I first started to masturbate. Who had been the first to see my boobs, my pussy. When had I first touched a prick, seen one, kissed one, sucked one.

We would reach school with me in an advanced stage of arousal. I was not allowed to come during the journey. I would get out of his car with my nipples hard and my pussy wet and aching for relief. I passed my days in an agony of frustration, desperate for relief.

Sometimes Alan would come to me at lunch break. He would spank my bare bottom and order me to suck him off, or I would be ordered to strip in the empty classroom before straddling him and pushing his hard cock into one or other of my waiting orifices. Then I would energetically screw him until he shot his load deep into me. Immediately after school had finished for the day, I would go to the headmaster's office to 'help with his filing'. There I would make some pretence of working diligently whilst waiting for my opportunity to flash my knickers for the old man. Every day as I went to leave he would thank me, escort me to the door, and take the opportunity to have a quick grope of my bottom before I left. He was becoming more and more confident, even blatant about this, and each time he ran his hand over my bum I would turn and look into his eyes and smile. These were Alan's instructions. I was to give him every encouragement. This would advance Alan's career, and I was so besotted that I was happy to comply. After we got home Alan would make me undress and play with myself for him, making me relate all of the details of my time in the Head's office.

"He wants to have you, you know", he said to me one afternoon. "I've seen the way he looks at you, and I've mentioned you to him a couple of times."

"What did you say?", I asked anxiously.

"I told him that you found him attractive. That you liked more mature men, and you find his air of authority particularly impressive. I told him that you were the sort of permister who gave the impression of being strong and independent, but that really you need some authority figure in your life, a man figure if you like."

"A man figure?", I yelped. "I don't need some dirty old bastard to manipulate me, thank you very much."

"I don't care what you want. You do as you are told, remember? Anyway, it really appealed to him. I could see he took to the idea of the young feminist needing to be taken in hand and reminded of a woman's' place. He was really grateful to me, I could tell. So much so that I think that head of department job is mine for the taking. Just make sure you don't fuck it up for me right?"

I felt like a cheap whore. I would hand myself to the old bastard and suffer any manner of indignities at his hands, just to get Alan a better job. A thrill of expectation ran through me. "I'll be good Alan, I promise.", I breathed, and I meant it!

And then it was Friday.

I awoke with a start and quickly realised the significance of the day. I had no idea what lay in store for me that night, but a thrill of expectation ran through me. Alan had not let me come while he had me for a day or two, and such was my now heightened libido that I had taken to bringing myself off last thing at night, something I hadn't done for years. As I gradually roused I was aware of a warmth in my pussy, clearly my body was anticipating the events of the day to come. I gently stroked my clit, which was already as hard as a bullet, fantasising about the shame and offense which I would be suffering later that night, until I came. But however powerful my self delivered climax, it could never match the pleasure I felt whenever I was used and used by Alan or Neil. Tonight, I knew, I would be subjected to new shames and offenses. All of John's friends would be there, plus Lin. And who knew what special 'pleasures' she would have in store for me.

I went through my normal routine, and then asked Alan what I was to wear that day. He chose a summer dress which buttoned from bodice to waist, and which had a figure hugging skirt. The skirt was such a slim fit that I couldn't raise it above my hips to show Alan my clean white knickers, nor could I lift it to play with myself during our car journey. Alan didn't seem to mind this, but still made me talk about my previous sexual activities. It didn't seem to affect me either, as I still arrived at school aroused to the point that I could easily have climaxed with very little coaxing.

I went into school and found my way to the staff room where I made myself a coffee and picked up my post for the day. As I was about to leave, Alan approached me and drew me into a corner where we could speak without being overheard.

"Your timetable has been changed", he said nonchalantly. "After lunch you will be working with the Headmaster to finish this filing. Be sure to do a good job. I want him happy, it's the head of department interviews next week."

"Yes Alan." I said. The message had been received and understood. I was to 'pleasure' the old man, and keep him sweet for Alan. Well so be it, I thought.

The morning passed in a haze of expectation. Even fifth form English, with the lecherous fifteen-year-old Adam leering at me for a straight hour didn't disturb me. I was ready to get Alan his head of department job, and was busy working out ways to create a situation with the Head in my mind.

Finally the lunch bell rang and the class of fifth years filled out. Now it was time.

I gathered my things and made my way down to the Head's office. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A familiar voice from within called back "Enter". I turned the door handle and pushed the door open.

I was confronted by both the Head and Alan, who stood looking at me like I was the most junior of pupils. "Ah, Alimister, do come in my dear", the Head breathed. Alan gave me a knowing look.

"I've told the Head that you're his for the afternoon", he said lightly. "Be sure not to disappoint now, wont you?"

I took the bait immediately, "Oh, I'll do whatever it takes to get this done", I said slightly breathlessly. I then turned my attention to the Head. "I'm sure I can get this all finished today Sir. Where would you like me to start?"

He indicated a large pile of papers on a table by the filing cabinets. "Why don't you make a start on those my dear. I just have a few things to sort out with Mr. Hughes here", and he nodded towards Alan.

I went over to the table, turned my back on them both, and started to sort out the papers. I made sure to bend over at regular intervals, giving them both a good view of my pert little bum encased in the tight fabric of my dress. I could hear the murmur of their conversation, but couldn't make out anything they were saying. I just carried on sorting papers. After a few moments Alan said to me "I'll be off then Alimister, I've got work to do."

"OK, fine, I'll see you later then", I said as casually as I could. Alan had his back to the Head as he left, and again gave me a knowing look. The door closed behind him. I was alone with the old bastard. I continued to sort papers. I knew I had to provoke some sort of incident which would give him the opportunity to 'take me in hand'. I had gathered quite a pile of papers on top of a filing cabinet by now, and I 'accidentally' knocked these, causing the whole pile to fall to the floor, brownietering them over a wide area of carpet. I shouted out "Oh fuck it!" and immediately bent down and started to gather them up. I let my thighs open so that he could see straight up my skirt from where he was behind his desk, and continued to curse at the now chaotic pile of papers. "Bastard fucking things. Fucking typical. Oh cuckolds brownie, this will take fucking hours to sort out. Bastard, bastard bastard!"

It gave him his opportunity, and he took it at once.

"Alimister that is scandalful.", he bellowed at me. I froze. "Not only have you been careless with my valuable papers, which will now have to be re-sorted, you have made my office look like a waste paper basket. And I don't believe I have ever heard such disgusting language from a member of my staff."

I stood, placed my hands in front of me and hung my head like a naughty schoolgirl. "I'm really sorry Sir", I stammered, "I just didn't think. I'll sort out the papers Sir, I'll clean this up, I'm really very sorry Sir."

"That's all well and good young lady, but it does not atone for the quite appalling profanities you have yelled in my office. I am left wondering if you are the right sort of permister to have on my staff. Perhaps we should end your contract at once rather than wait for the end of term?"

"Oh no Sir, please don't do that. I don't normally use language like that Sir, I was just annoyed that I had undone all that good work. I wont give you cause for concern again Sir, I promise." I whined like a small young.

"If I heard a pupil use language like that, particularly a young lady, I would punish her severely, possibly even expel her completely. I hold my staff to a higher standard, and you expect me to just ignore that kind of conduct?"

"No, Sir", I stammered. Head still hung.

"Then what do you suggest I do about it, Alimister?"

I could feel my cheeks turning red as I blushed. This was the moment. I looked into his face. He was clearly relishing every moment. I shuffled slightly, and then muttered "Punish me Sir."

"I beg your pardon. Speak up girl."

"You should punish me Sir."

"And what form should this punishment take do you think?"

"Any form you think fit Sir. I will accept any punishment from you, only please don't dismiss me from the school."

He looked at me with a look of triumph on his face. "Very well. As punishment, I will spank your bare bottom until I feel you have suffered enough. Do you have a problem with that Alimister?"

"No Sir." I muttered. My nervousness was not entirely feigned.

"Right then," he barked, "Skirt up and bend over my desk at once."

I started to lift the hem of my skirt, and then realised that it was too slim a fit to enable me to lift it over my hips.

"I can't Sir", I stammered, "My skirt is too tight. I can't lift it that high."

"Then take it off you silly girl". He really was enjoying himself now.

My fingers were trembling as I started to undo the buttons on my dress. I had not been allowed to wear a bra that day, and as the Head stood and watched me opening my buttons, more of my flesh came under his scrutiny. I knew he would see all I had that day. I knew I would let him do whatever he wanted, and I could feel my pulse quickening. I could also feel my pussy beginning to respond.

I opened the final button on my dress and hesitated. "Come on girl. I haven't got all day!" he barked.

I pulled open the dress revealing my breasts to him and began to push the dress over my hips. I let it fall to the floor and then bent to pick it up. I stood there with it bunched in my hands while he scrutinised me. He was takeing in the view of me standing in the middle of his office dressed only in a pair of white knickers. My head was still bowed as I tried to look as contrite as possible. I could feel his gaze move from my face to my breasts. He took his time, obviously enjoying himself immensely. Then he told me to put my dress on a chair over by the filing cabinet. This meant I had to turn and walk over to the chair, and then walk back to him, giving him an excellent view of my body as I did so.

He made me stand for a few moments longer before he said "I think I'll put you over my knee for punishment, Alimister. I think that would be much more appropriate, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. Whatever you say Sir.", was all I could manage in reply. My mouth had gone strangely dry in the last few moments. I felt more nervous than I expected.

He positioned a chair in the middle of the room, sat down on it and then called me to him. "Come here and take your punishment Alimister." Feigning reluctance, I walked slowly over and stood in front of him. He stared at my breasts, and then his eyes travelled down until they came to rest on my cotton-covered mound.

"I said I was going to spank your bare bottom, Alimister, and that's what I shall do." And with that he reached out with both hands and took hold of the waistband of my knickers. He slowly began to ease them lower, staring at my slim mound as he did so. He was clearly expecting to see some pubic hair, instead, as my knickers went lower and lower there was only smooth pink flesh. Finally, the top of my moist slit came into view and I saw his eyes widen for a moment. Then he puled my knickers down over my hips and let them slip down my legs to my feet. Without being told to, I stepped out of them and stood before him stark naked. I let my arms fall to my sides, giving him an unobstructed view.

He took hold of my wrist and l pulled me onto his lap. As I settled into position I could clearly feel the stiffness in his trousers as it pushed into my soft flesh. He paused for several moments, obviously having a good look at my pert little bottom. And then he began to stroke my bottom cheeks. My breathing began to grow shallow as the sensations from his stroking and the sexual tension in the room began to transmit to my pussy. I shifted positions slightly, allowing my thighs to part as I did so which gave him a view along my entire slit. I felt his cock twitch beneath me.

"And now for your punishment." He announced.

The smacks which he delivered were enough to sting, but were nothing compared to what Neil, or even Alan had given me. Nevertheless I squealed with each blow, sounding still like a naughty little girl. I started to sob with each blow, and before long my eyes had begun to water. Tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Tell me how sorry you are, Alimister"

"Oh I'm really sorry Sir.", I sobbed. "I'm sorry I messed up the papers Sir, and I'm so sorry I used such bad language Sir. I won't do it again Sir, I promise. Please Sir, no more. Please Sir, it hurts."

"What hurts more Alimister, your bottom or your pride?" He said, a clear tone of amusement in his voice.

"My bottom Sir. I'm ashamed of my behaviour Sir. I promise I'll be good Sir."

"You had better be my girl, or you'll be over my knee again do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, I will be good Sir. Thank you Sir."

He had stopped spanking me now. I could feel the warmth in my bottom from his slaps, and knew that my cheeks would be pink from his punishment. I assumed that it was all over, and he'd had his fun and started to stand up.

"Where do you think you're going?", he snapped, "I'm not finished with you yet."

"Sorry Sir.", I said and settled back into position.

"You think that's it do you? I need to be sure of something first." And as he said this he began to stroke my bottom again. His hand slipped down to my leg and began to stroke first the back of my thighs, and then the inside of them. I opened my thighs a little to give him access, and then he said, "I've heard of girls like you who actually enjoy being punished. Are you one of those dirty, disgusting little girls Alimister, who like to be spanked? Well, are you girl?"

"No Sir." I lied.

"Well let's make sure shall we." And he slid his hand between my legs and began to stroke the lips of my pussy.

"Oh no Sir, please don't. I've said I'm sorry, please don't do this to me Sir." I was playing the part well, and I knew it. His fingers started to probe between my lips. I knew I was wet. I continued to moan and whine, but now I also started to squirm around on his lap. This caused my legs to open further giving him easier access to my most private parts. I felt a finger penetrate me. It slipped in easily to my well-lubricated hole.

"Well what do we have here, Alimister?"

"I'm sorry Sir." I whispered.

"It seems to me that this was no punishment at all. I really do believe that you've enjoyed the whole experience. Is that right, young lady?" His finger continued to penetrate my hot little hole sending sparks of pleasure shooting through me. I was already very aroused, his gentle probing of my pussy was causing my brain to fog.

"Yes Sir, er, I mean no Sir.", I stammered. "I really can't help it Sir. I'm really sorry Sir. Please forgive me Sir."

Suddenly, his finger slipped from my hole, and travelled along my wet slit. The moment it touched my clit I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure and spread my legs further to prolong the pleasure.

"You really are a disgusting little girl aren't you?", he said, his finger still stroking my clit. "I would never have believed it of you Alimister. First the bad language, and now this. I really don't think you are the sort of permister I want working in my school. I think I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Oh, please Sir, no. Don't make me leave Sir, this is my first job and I desperately want to stay. I'll do anything if you let me stay Sir, I promise." His finger had brought me to the very brink of a powerful orgasm, and my offense at begging him in such a way drove me over the brink. I moaned as my climax started and clamped my legs together onto his hand. I bucked my hips, rubbing his finger against my clit, I began to cry out loud "Oh God, I'm coming. Please Sir, don't stop, oh please Sir, please Sir." My body shook with the strength of my climax. And then I collapsed over his knee, sobs racking my body as the waves subsided.

I began to regain my breath, and started to rise from his lap.

"Yes, stand up Alimister. Stand up, and then hands behind your head and feet apart while I consider what I am going to do with you." I did as I was told, standing a few feet in front of him, my hands clasped behind my head, pushing my breasts towards him. My feet were shoulder width apart, which gave him a perfect view along my swollen, wet slit.

He stood up and began to slowly walk around me, examining each part of my body as he did so. First he focused on my face, pink and tear stained from my climax. Then he stood behind me examining my hair, my back and my bottom, still pink from the spanking. Then he stood in front of me and ran his eyes up and down my entire body.

He reached out and began to fondle my breast. Stroking the nipple, making it harden, then cupping the weight of my breast.

"So you are desperate to stay to the end of term, are you?"

"Yes Sir."

"And you'll do anything to be allowed to do so, is that correct."

"Yes Sir. Anything."

His hand now left my breast and began to stroke my soft belly. He moved a step closer, and then looked directly into my eyes before pushing his hand between my legs once more. I drew in a deep breath, and looked away from him.

"If I allow you to stay, it would be on the condition that you come to me for further correction at any time I see fit. Understand?"

"Yes Sir." Alan would be most pleased at this, I knew. The prospect of further offense for me seemed to delight him.

"And the correction would be in a manner of my choosing."

"Yes, Sir."

"Very well then. Bend over my desk."

I immediately went over to his desk and bent over it feeling the cool of the varnished surface on my hard nipples. I pushed my bottom up as high as I could, giving him the perfect view of my bum and pussy. I heard him move behind me, and then I heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being lowered.

"You have had your fun today Alimister, I think it's only fair that I have mine, don't you?"

"Yes Sir", I said into the surface of the desk.

He pushed my legs further apart, and then ran his hands over my bum cheeks


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He pushed my legs further apart, and then ran his hands over my bum cheeks, before placing a thumb on each side of my pussy and spreading my lips apart. Then I felt the tip of his cock touching my pussy. It was thicker than Alan's, almost as thick as Neil's. I braced myself, hoping that it wasn't as long as Neil's, and waited for him to enter me fully. He put his hands onto the small of my back and pressed down, causing my bum cheeks to swell. And then he started to enter me. Instinctively I arched my back pushing my pussy up to meet him. He grunted with pleasure as the walls of my tunnel constricted, gripping his member. He continued to push into me, slowly, as if relishing the feelings. I began to respond, groaning loudly. And then he was in fully. I felt full, but not stretched, as I did when Neil had taken me. I began to relax more.

He slowly withdrew and I heard myself moaning with pleasure. I hadn't come with a prick inside me for several days, and the feelings were beginning to build within me. He began to build up a steady rhythm, still pressing on my back and pumping into me with long, powerful strokes. He would grunt as he reached the top of each stroke. The he reached forward and grabbed hold of my breasts, mauling them and gently pinching my nipples. I could feel another climax building, and began to thrust my bottom back onto him as he pushed in. And then I felt him coming inside me, hot splashes of jism shooting up into me. I felt my pussy contract onto his prick as my second climax grabbed me, I heard him grunting with pleasure, and then he stopped, and I could hear his heavy breathing and feel his hot breath on my back.

After a few moments he withdrew. I made to stand up, but he pushed me down saying "No, stay there until I give you permission."

I remained there, my own breathing still ragged, bent over his desk, legs apart. I could already feel his jism beginning to run out of my pussy. I thought what a sight I must be! I heard him zip up his trousers, and then he told me to stand up.

I did so and turned to face him. "You will come here every morning before school and I will decide if you are to receive any discipline that day. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." I said, head bowed. I had played the part pretty well this far, and I wasn't going to give the game away now.

"Now you can leave."

I decided to give him one last quick thrill. "Can I put my clothes back on please Sir?" I said, with a nervous tremble in my voice.

"Very well. But be quick about it. I'll see you first thing on Monday morning. Don't be late." He barked.

"No Sir, I mean yes Sir. Thank you Sir." I stammered as I quickly pulled on my knickers, retrieved my dress and pulled it on, fastening the buttons incorrectly as I did so. When I looked up at him he had gone back to his desk and appeared busy reading papers. I made my way out of the office, and headed for the nearest toilet. Once there I looked at my watch. There was nearly an hour left until end of school. I settled myself into one of the cubicles, and waited for the bell to ring. I started to think about what the evening might hold, and was amazed when I started to feel randy again!

I heard the end of school bell ring, and made my way to the staff room to meet Alan. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, and paused momentarily to adjust my clothing. In the staff room Alan gave me a questioning look, "Been busy, have you?"

"Just a bit", I said meaningfully.

We left school straight away, and once in the car I had to relate the entire story, from the moment he had left the office. I felt myself blushing as I retold the story. Alan was delighted. "That job is definitely mine now.", he crowed. "And he wants you back on Monday? The dirty old bastard! I told you he fancied you didn't I? You carry on humouring the old git until the job is definitely mine, got that?"

"Yes Alan", I said. I was now totally hooked. I craved the thrill of being humiliated, of being used and used. My mind turned to the coming evening. "Are we still going out tonight?" I asked.

"Oh Yes", he said. "Neil, Keith and Lin are meeting at our place, and we'll meet up with the others later. You're in for quite a night tightarse!"

He was as good as his word. Once we got home I just had time for a quick meal, and then headed for the shower. When I came out of the bathroom in my bathrobe Neil was standing there waiting for me.

"All set for tonight then?", he asked. Anyone would have thought that we were talking about an ordinary night on the town, rather than an evening of shame and offense for me. I nodded in response.

"Alan tells me you've had quite an afternoon. Are you sure you're up to it then?"

"That depends on what you have in mind" I joked.

"Very good", he laughed. "Open up and let me have a look."

Naturally, I did so without hesitation.

"And the back."

I let the robe drop to the floor and turned round for his inspection.


The doorbell then rang, and I turned to look at Neil.

"Well you're not expecting me to get that are you?", he laughed.

"No. Of course." I said. I hurredly put on my robe and went to the front door. As I expected it was Keith and Lin.

Lin was about the same age and height as me, but there the similarity ended. She had a fuller figure than me, with 'D' cup breasts, a small waist and full hips. Her yellow blonde hair was cut short, almost boyish, and her face was dominated by high cheek bones and large blue green eyes. Tonight she was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Usual attire for her. Keith was unremarkable in just about every way. Average height, average build, average looks, and on a good day, average intelligence. I had never really taken much notice of him. He didn't have much of a permisterality to speak of.

I opened the door wider to enable them to come on, and they made their way up to my flat, where Alan and Neil were waiting for them. I heard them greeting each other, and the sound of laughter coming from my living room. It didn't take much working out what they were laughing at.

I heard Alan calling out to me, and went into the living room, still in my bath robe. "Keith and Lin want to have a look at you. Take your robe off", he said without looking at me. I looked at them both. They were both waiting expectantly. Keith with a lecherous look on his face, Lin was openly gloating.

I hesitated, momentarily, then my nervous fingers were busy untying the belt of my robe. I took a deep breath and then pulled it open and let it fall to the floor. Even now, I wanted to cover myself up, and it took a great deal of will power to let my hands fall to my sides. They both began to giggle. I instinctively lowered my head, causing my hair to fall across my face, hiding my shame.

"Fucking hell!", Keith exclaimed. "I never would have fucking believed it. I thought you were having me on. When you said this toffee nosed bitch had been put in her place, I thought you were having me on. So you mean to say all that stuff you told us about was right then? About her taking it from both of you, up the arse and everything?"

"All true", said Neil triumphantly. "She'll do anything you tell her to do, wont you tight arse?"

"Yes Neil", I replied. I could hear my heart pounding, I felt completely humiliated, standing there stark naked in front of the four of them. I had never felt so aroused or excited.

"Oh, I've got to have some of this!" Keith exclaimed. He turned briefly to look at Lin, who said casually "Help yourself, love".

Then Keith walked over to me. He reached out both hands and began to maul my breasts roughly. "These aren't bad." he said to no one in particular, then made me turn around so that he could look at my bottom. I was expecting another mauling, but instead he gave my bottom a hard smack, which caused me to squeal and elicited a guffaw of laughter from them.

Then he said to me "I always thought you were too high and fucking mighty, too fucking stuck up. Not so fucking posh now, are you?" I hung my head in shame. He began to grope my bottom, then turned me round and thrust his hand between my legs. "Open 'em", he ordered, and I shifted my position, parting my thighs as I did so. Soon his fingers had prised apart the lips of my pussy, and he had found the wetness there. He ran a rough finger along my slit, and then began to tease my clit. My breathing began to quicken almost immediately, and he laughed out loud.

"You'll never believe this, but she's getting off on this, the dirty bitch."

"She loves it mate", Neil said. "I've had her fucking my finger until she came off before now. Wait 'til you see what she's like when she really gets going, I tell you, there's no stopping her. The more blatant the better."

"Does she give good head?", Keith asked,

"Yeah, pretty good. Why don't you try her out?" Neil said, sounding for all the world as if he were talking about test driving a car or something.

"Think I will." Keith murmured. "You don't mind do you love?" He asked Lin. She grinned. "Do what you like, you'll probably end up shagging her before the night is out anyway!"

Keith opened his jeans and sat down in an armchair. "Right then. Suck me off, and make it a good one"

Alan, Neil and Lin all took seats and settled down to watch the show. I knelt between Keith's legs, took hold of the waistband of his jeans and pulled them and his underpants down to his mid thighs. His cock was half-erect, about the same length as Alan's, but circumcised. A deep purple head was swelling, and the veins along the side looked full. As I had done so many times to Alan and Neil, I took hold of his shaft and lowered my head onto his glans. I felt him shudder with pleasure as I began to work up and down on him with my tongue, stroking his balls with my free hand. Before too long I could recognise the signs that he was about to come, and then he shot streams of hot salty jism into my mouth. Without thinking I swallowed his load, and looked around for my next instruction.

Alan and Neil were smiling, amused by the look on Keith's face as anything else, but there was a strange look on Lin's face. I couldn't tell what emotion she was feeling.

A soon as Keith had regained his composure, Alan said "I bet you could do with a beer now, right?"

"Fucking right mate."

"Alimister, go and get Keith a nice cool beer, and don't forget to say thank you." He laughed. Everyone else laughed too.

I stood up, said "Thank you Keith.", and went and fetched him a can of beer from the fridge in the kitchen. I brought it to him, still stark naked. He took it without even thanking me, instead, he opened the can, turned to Alan and Neil and said "Cheers!"

I was sent to fetch beers for Alan and Neil, and then asked Lin if she wanted one too. "No. You and I have got to get ready. Come with me."

I followed her into my bedroom and stood waiting for her to tell me what to do.

"You really enjoyed that didn't you?", she said. "Being told to do that to Keith. You really get off on this don't you?"

"I thought you did too?" I said.

"Yeah, kind of. It's more for Keith than for me. But you love it don't you?"

I couldn't deny it. "Yes. I suppose I do" I said.

"Right. Here's the rules for tonight then. You do exactly what I say, no matter what that is, right."


"No questions, no stalling."


"Fuck me, this will be good! If this goes well, you might be ordering me about next time. Fucking hell I'm hot!" As she spoke she started to remove her T-shirt. She had a low cut black bra on underneath, which she soon shed. Her breasts looked firm but heavy, and were capped with small brown nipples. Then her shoes, socks and jeans joined the pile on the floor. She stood there wearing only a pair of dark blue knickers.

"Take my knickers off.", She said.

I froze. I had never even thought of being with another woman. I didn't know for sure what she had in mind, but I was very uneasy with this new situation.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I want you to kneel in front of me and take my knickers off. Do it now."

I knelt down in front of her and reached up to the waistband of her knickers. I took hold of them and began to ease them down. Her blonde pubes soon came into view, and then her slit, which looked swollen and moist. I pulled her knickers down until they fell to the floor. Then she lay down on my bed, opened her legs and began to stroke her slit.

"Have you ever licked a woman?"

"No. Never."

"First time for everything then. You brought Keith off, its only right I get one as well. Get started."

I moved onto the bed, and between her legs. I had never seen a pussy this close up before, and I have to admit, I was fascinated. Her pussy was neat and tidy, the head of her clit just visible, her inner lips concealed. Her bush was neatly trimmed, and her lips were swollen with arousal. I breathed in the scent of her, and found that I was attracted to the aroma. I tentatively put out my tongue and licked along her slit. She groaned with pleasure and pushed her hips up to meet my tongue. I planted little kisses all along her slit, making her squirm with pleasure, then I took the plunge and pushed my tongue between her pussy lips and into her hot tunnel. She writhed around, groaning. I was starting to enjoy myself. I let the tip of my tongue glide along her slit, over her little pee hole, and found her clit, which was already hard and jutting out from under its' hood. She went rigid and began to clutch at the bed covers. I slipped the middle finger of my right hand into her tunnel and began to slowly finger fuck her, then I sucked on her clit like it was a small prick, running my tongue over its' sensitive tip. Her hips began to buck wildly, and she grabbed hold of my hair and began to grind her pussy into my face. I was excited by her scent and by the faintly metallic taste of her juices. Then she clamped her legs together on my head and wailed as her orgasm hit. I was close to coming myself, and slipped a finger between my lips, stroking my clit for a few moments before I too reached climax. Then we collapsed together, sobbing and gasping for breath.

After a few moments I looked up at her. She looked at me and we smiled at each other. This was going to be a memorable night.


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mmmm, lovely....


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And another Chapter ---------

Chapter 10.

Lin and I lay on the bed for several minutes, recovering from our respective orgasms.

"That was a good one!", Lin smiled.

"Me too." I said quietly.

"You can do that again, some time soon."

"I'd love to." I murmured. Then Lin did something totally unexpected. She leant down and kissed me full on the lips. I was a little shocked, but found myself returning her kiss with a surprising passion. Her lips parted, and her tongue found its' way into my mouth. I returned the compliment, snaking my tongue into her mouth. She tasted sweet. Her skin felt warm and soft against mine. Her hand started to caress my breasts. I groaned out loud. This was a new sensation for me. The gentleness of her feminine caresses were so different from the roughness of Alan, Neil and the others, that they quite literally took my breath away. Before too long I was panting and moaning, my hands found her firm breasts and began to cup and stroke them, I felt her nipples hardening beneath my touch. I was aware of her scent, delicate and pleasing. The warmth and smoothness of her skin were intoxicating me. My head was spinning. I was more aroused than I could ever remember being, I wasn't hot, in the way I was when Alan or Neil were having their way with me, but truly aroused. I was aware of far more than just my own body. I could hear her breathing, taste her breath, feel her pulse.

Suddenly, she broke the kiss. She too was breathing heavily. I could see her beautiful breasts rise and fall rapidly. She looked at me with a meaningful look and said, "We'd better stop this now, or we'll never leave the room! Come on, lets get you ready for tonight, we can do more of this later."

We both stood up. Lin pulled on her knickers, and I felt a small pang of disappointment as her blond bush disappeared from my view. Then her bra, T-shirt and jeans were back on, and she stood looking at me as she had before, with a superior air.

She stood and watched as I brushed my hair and applied a little make-up, still completely naked. The she selected my clothes for the evening. White knickers, (naturally, I had no other kind left), blue jeans, trainers, but no socks, and a white T-shirt. I wasn't allowed a bra. A blue denim jacket completed my outfit for the evening. We went back into the living room where Alan, Neil and Keith were still waiting, takeing beer.

"Are you two finally ready then?" Neil asked irritably. "Only you've been in there ages."

"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." Lin retorted, ignoring the looks which passed between the three men. "Come on then, lets go."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Neil mentioned a name, I'd never heard of it.

"Where's that?"

"It's a village about 15 miles from here." Lin explained. "No-one will know you there. It's got a great little pub. The others will meet us there."

We all got into Lin's car, which wasn't a big one. Lin was driving, Keith in the front. I was in the back between Alan and Neil. The car hadn't reached the end of the road, before they were at me. Neil had his hand up my T-shirt and was squeezing my breasts and pinching my nipples, while Alan had his cock out, and had wrapped my hand around it, making me wank him off as we went along. After about five minutes of this they changes over, and my hand was then wrapped around Neil's rapidly swelling organ. As we stopped at some traffic lights Keith and Lin both looked round at us and grinned.

"Enjoying yourself?" Keith asked no-one in particular. Alan and Neil both laughed. I didn't respond. We had reached the outskirts of the city now, and the traffic was much thinner. As the car picked up speed, Neil decided that it would be fun for me to 'show some flesh' as we went along, and so my T-shirt was lifted to reveal my breasts. Keith turned round at this to have a really good look. I felt my face start to flush, and I marvelled again at my transformation. As if I hadn't already done enough out of character, I was now travelling along in full public view with my breasts exposed, and two men happily playing with them as we went along.

The journey continued for perhaps another ten minutes before we started to enter a village. By this time, my nipples were as hard as bullets and I could feel dampness between my legs. Neil and Alan both opened their windows and the cool evening air made my nipples even harder. We pulled into the car park of a large pub, and everyone started to get out. I pulled my T-shirt down as I did so, and was sharply rebuked by Lin. "Don't ever do that again without permission, got that?"

"Yes Lin, I'm sorry."

"When we get inside, you will do exactly as I tell you. Got that?"

"Yes Lin."

I followed them as they led the way into the pub. As the door opened I felt a wave of hot air, smoke, the smell of lots of people and loud music all wash over me. My heart was racing. This was going to be the most extreme evening of my life…. so far.

We made our way through the crowded bar, and found the others seated at a large round table in one corner. As I had been promised, they were all there. Andy, a small weasel of a man was sat furthest from me. I had never liked him and as he surveyed me with his small dark eyes, I started to feel uncomfortable being around him. Richard was different again, a great bear of a man, with powerful arms, a head of dark shaggy hair and a half-eyed, relaxy look that gave the impression that he was not all there. Finally Paul, who pretended to be a Hell's Angel, but who really lived with his mum!

They all said hello in their usual way, before looking first at me, and then at Alan, Neil, Keith and Lin. It was Keith who broke the silence first.

"You'll never believe this, but it's all fucking true lads. I went round to Al's this afternoon and she stripped off in the middle of her living room, gave me a blow job and then thanked me and got me a beer! Fucking brill."

Andy looked sceptical. He turned to me "Is this right then?"

My face flushed. I nodded.

"So, you're up for anything then, like they've been telling us?"

I nodded again. I couldn't look them in the eyes, and so kept my gaze down to the wooden floor boards of the bar.

"So is everything they've told us right then?" Paul asked.

"Like what." I asked.

"Did you shave your twat when Alan told you?"

I nodded.

"Did he put you over his knee and smack your bare arse?"

I nodded again.

"And did you really get off on that?"


Then the questions came in a stampede.

"Did they both fuck you up the arse?"

"Did you wank yourself off while they watched?"

"Did you let Neil finger fuck you until you came?"

"Did you really let that dirty old bastard you work for look up your skirt?"

"Oh it got better than that today lads." Alan cut in. "She stripped for him, let him see the lot, then he smacked her arse and fucked her. Didn't he?" He looked at me. They all did.

I nodded yet again, unable to speak. Feeling totally humiliated, and fantastically sexy.

"And now we get to have some fun with you then." Andy had joined the conversation. "What made you change from being such a stuck up bitch to such a fucking toy then?"

"I don't know." This was entirely true, I had no idea what had made me throw away every principle and shred of dignity I'd had.

"She just loves a good fuck" Neil said. The others laughed, including Lin.

"Well she's come to the right place then, hasn't she." Andy said. More laughter.

"Right. Get off to the bar then and get us some takes." Neil ordered.

"I can't." I said, "I don't have any money."

"Ask nicely, and I'll give you some." Andy said.

"Can I please have some money Andy."

"Show me your tits first." They all roared with laughter at this. I just sat there, unable to move until I felt a jab in my ribs and turned to see Lin next to me.

"You heard him, show him your tits. Come on, we don't have all redy night."

I took a deep breath, and quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching. No-one seemed to be, and so I took hold of my T-shirt and quickly lifted it to expose my breasts to their hungry eyes. They cheered, making other people in the pub look round. I quickly dropped my shirt back into place.

"Not bad. Not fucking bad at all." Andy laughed. He handed me a £20 note and said "Get me a pint of bitter."

The others all gave me their orders, and I stood up to go to the bar. Lin pulled me back and said "Anyone gropes you, just ignore it, right."

I made my way to the bar, but had to fight my way through the other customers standing three deep. I'd made it to the bar, and was waiting to be served, when I felt a hand sliding across my bottom. I flinched and looked round to see a middle aged man standing there with a takesen grin on his face. "How are you then sweetheart?"

"Fine, thank you." I turned back to the bar, but he kept on groping my bum, squeezing each cheek in turn. I gritted my teeth, knowing that Lin was probably watching, and enjoying, my shame.

I managed to get served, but there were too many takes for me to carry on my own, so I had to make several trips. On my second trip, the same takes took his opportunity to have a good feel of my bum, smiling at me as he did so. When I started back towards the table, he was there again, only this time, he reached out and pinched my left nipple with his thumb and finger. He was obviously in a group, because several of the men around him started to laugh and egg him on. "Good on yer, Rog. I reckon you've pulled there mate." I managed to get away from him, and returned to the table to find them all laughing themselves silly at my predicament. I had one more trip to make to get the last of the takes, and I was dreading it. As I approached my takesen friend one of his mates called out "Look at this Rog, she can't get enough of you!".

Roger was having the time of his life now. As I went past him he put his arms around me and grabbed both my breasts. I couldn't move because of the press of bodies, and so I had to stand there for what seemed like ages, while he squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples which were still stiff from the car journey. Finally, I was able to shrug him off and got to the bar to collect the last two takes. I held one in each hand and pressed my arms into my breasts as I started back past him, but this didn't deter him. This time he thrust one hand between my legs, and the other reached round to grab my bum again. I felt his fingers wriggling around in my crotch, whilst his other hand pushed my hips forward. I knew he could feel the lips of my pussy, and what was worse, I could see he knew it too.

I finally managed to get away from him, and as I did so, his friends were laughing and cheering, clapping him on the back and shaking his hand, like he was some sort of hero. By the time I made it back to the table I was on the verge of hysteria.

I turned to Lin and said "I don't think I can go through with this."

"You don't have any fucking choice. Now shut up and take your beer."

I sat in silence and drank.

A short time later, and it was time for another round of takes. This time Paul was providing the funds, and I had to lift my shirt again for his amusement. My head was spinning now, and I was dreading going back through the crowd at the bar. As I left the table however, I could see that my tormentor had moved away to another part of the bar. I quickly made my way through, ordered the takes, and was lucky enough to get a tray this time so that I could carry all the takes in one journey. Feeling pleased and relieved, I turned to head for the table with the tray in both hands only to come face to face with the groper again.

"Hello darlin'. Have you missed me?" His friends laughed again, and this time I noticed that they had formed a line on either side of me, four or five men long. As I pushed past he caught hold of one of the belt loops on my jeans, pulling me back. Then his free hand was on my bum and was pushing between my legs. I could feel him groping my pussy lips again. He enjoyed himself for a few seconds before passing me on to the next man. Then there were hands everywhere. My breasts were mauled and my nipples pinched, hands were thrust between my legs, and one even pinched my pussy lips through my jeans, which made me yelp. My bottom was stroked, squeezed and pinched until finally, there were tears of anguish and frustration running down my face, which was now bright red with embarrassment.

Finally they let me go, and I returned to my seat with a sob. I was just about ready to walk out when Lin said, "Come with me to the toilet."

I stood and followed her, giving the group at the bar a wide berth. Inside the cubicle she dropped her jeans and knickers and sat on the toilet. I had a brief glimpse of her neat blonde bush as she did so. Then the cubicle was filled with the sound of her urine hitting the porcelain.

"We brought you here because no-one will know you here. You'll never see them again. I don't see why you're getting so upset at this. After what Alan, Neil and your boss have done, I'd have thought this was nothing. So what, some takesen bastards gave you a bit of a goosing. It's nothing to what Neil's done to you, is it. Or Alan. Or any of the rest of them by the end of tonight. What's your problem? You like being humiliated, admit it. That's why you are here tonight, of your own free will, and not sat at home marking books or watching TV."

"It's alright for you, you weren't the one being mauled by that bunch of bastards while the rest of them, and you lot, looked on and laughed."

"Yes, but part of you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I stopped. I certainly didn't feel like I'd had a good time, but then I wasn't completely used to being a total submissive. Now that I stopped and thought about what had just happened to me, I couldn't deny the thrill of offense that was coursing through my veins.

"Well?" Lin asked.

"Yes, I suppose so, but it all felt so out of control. There was nothing I could do to stop them. Supposing they'd started to undress me or something?" I'd meant this to sound as if it was the worst thing that could have happened, but the idea of being stripped by a bunch of total strangers was an immediate turn on. Lin could obviously see this from the look on my face.

"See what I mean? It depends on how you look at it. If you think of it as your fun too, then it's ok. Right?"

"Right." I was powerd to admit.

"I had to do what you've just done once. It was just Keith and me. We came to a pub like this one, and he made me go to the bar every time. I complained at first, but he just told me to enjoy it. By the end of the night I was going to the bar on the slightest pretext, buying peanuts, crisps, takes, anything I could think of. It was the most fantastic, dirty feeling I've ever known, having all those men groping me. At the end of the night Keith made me take off my knickers and give them to the barman. They all stood and watched as I slid them down, thank God I'd been wearing a dress! The whole pub cheered when I handed them over, and the barman pinned them up for all to see, right over the bar. I get hot every time I think of that night, and I can't remember the number of times I've relived it in my mind. It was fantastic!"

"Jesus!, you really enjoyed it?"

"Cross my heart and hope to be spanked!" she giggled.

I considered my feelings. I'd been anticipating this evening all week. I knew I'd be humiliated, that was part of the fun. But I'd been expecting just John's friends, the ones I knew, not a whole pub full of total strangers. Nevertheless, I had to admit, if only to myself, that the thought of the mass-groping I'd just endured was a turn on. If I'd fantasised about what had just happened I'd have climaxed in seconds. Now I had a chance to do it all, and more.

"OK, so what's next?" I asked.

"Great! I knew you'd be up for it. You'll just have to wait and see what comes next!"

She had finished urinating, and wiped her pussy with some tissue before standing and pulling up her knickers as she did so. Again I had the briefest glimpse of her blonde honey pot before it was hidden by the blue cotton of her underwear.

She started to pull up her jeans, but must have noticed the look on my face and paused.

"What's the matter, you want a better look or something?"

I blushed. "As a matter of fact, yes" I said.

She smiled at me, dropped her hands to her sides and said "Help yourself".

My mouth had gone dry, and my fingers tremred slightly. I knelt in front of her and took hold of the waistband of her knickers. I started to pull them down, and felt a thrill of pleasure as her bush came into view. I pulled them down until they were half way down her thighs, then I just looked at her lovely quim. It was very neat. Her bush was neatly trimmed, and her outer lips fitted together perfectly, hiding her inner flower. Her clit was just barely visible at the top of her slit. I wanted to kiss it, lick it, push my tongue between those delicate folds. I could smell her, and this sent my pulse racing again. I was about to put my lips to hers when she pulled up her knickers, and then her jeans.

"That's enough for now. I might let you have another look later. Come on. We need to get back."

"No, wait, I need to go."

"You can't. I won't let you. Come on back with me now."

Feeling a little puzzled, I followed her back to the bar. We re-took our seats, and found someone else had bought the next round of takes. I sipped mine, thinking of the conversation we had just had.

The conversation buzzed around me but I didn't take much part. I was still a bit shocked, not only by my treatment at the hands of so many strangers, but also by my reaction to it. I definitely felt randy now, and uppermost in my thoughts was the image of Lin's pussy.

"Come on, get that take down, we're all waiting for you to finish so you can get another one in." It was Alan this time. They seemed to be taking it in turn to goad me tonight. They had insisted that I had takes pints of beer all night, and I still had over half of mine left. Plus, I could feel the pressure building in my bladder.

"I'll be fine. I don't want another one yet" I said.

"You don't have the choice. Drink that down now, and get off to the bar."

I powerd the remainder of the pint down and asked Alan for some money.

"What's the password then?" He laughed.

I lifted my shirt again, and they cheered again. I took the money and made for the bar. The pub was much more crowded now, and there was a great mass of bodies between me and the bar. I'd pushed my way through until I was almost there, enduring any number of gropes to my breasts and bottom as I did so. My old friends were there again, although more takes this time. Two of them caught me in between them sandwiching me and preventing me from moving forwards or backwards.

"We think you must like it here, love." One of them slurred.

"Please, just let me go to the bar would you."

"Not until we get a feel of your tits. We've seen you flashing them for that lot all night, now we want a quick feel."

Without waiting for a reply, one of them began to tug at the hem of my shirt. "My God!" I thought, "They're going to strip me!"

I struggled to get away, but they each had a firm grip on me. The one at my front had now got his hand inside my T-shirt and was pushing up. His hand closed on my left breast and began to squeeze it painfully. I squirmed and tried to get away, but his friend, who was behind me had now also got a hand inside my T-shirt and was busily groping for my right breast. They were both laughing now, and mauling my sensitive breasts. Just as quickly as they had started, they let go of me.

"Lovely pair of jugs you've got there love, really lovely. Come back later and let us have another feel, yes?"

I rearranged my shirt and went to the bar. Again, as I waited, some takes started to grab my bottom. I didn't move, or look round, until the hand wound round my waist and began to find its


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I rearranged my shirt and went to the bar. Again, as I waited, some takes started to grab my bottom. I didn't move, or look round, until the hand wound round my waist and began to find its' way between my legs. I turned instinctively to see who it was and came face to face with my earlier ***r, Roger. As I made eye contact with him he smiled and winked at me. I tried to push his hand away, but he was persistent. I tried to move away, turning and trying to evade the invading fingers. Then I felt his hand move up to the button of my jeans and begin to fumble with it. I felt the button pop open, and became desperate to get away. At that moment, the takes order came, and I had to stay to pay for it. His hand continued to grope around my waist band, clearly feeling for the zip. I felt my heart race with alarm. I tried to push his hand away again, without success. The barman was taking an age to come back with my change, and all the time this stranger's hand was trying to undress me. I turned to him and said "Don't, please.", trying to look appealing to him. He just smiled again and said "It's only a little feel love. Nothing to worry about, is it?"

Finally I saw the barman returning. I held out a hand for the change, whilst trying to fend of the hand at my waist band. I took the change at the same moment I felt the fingers find the tab of my zip. A surge of adrenaline shot through me as the zip began to slowly descend. I grabbed the tray of takes and turned sharply, causing my assailant to lose his grip. Now all I had to do was get back to the table without some other bastard trying the same trick. I tried to barge my way through, but they were too many for me and so I was reduced to calling "Excuse me please." Some moved to let me through, some recognised me from earlier and stopped me for a quick feel. All the hands went to my breasts, bottom or crotch, and then one with a familiar feel to it reached for my zip. I looked round anxiously, and was alarmed to see Roger again. By now, he looked seriously takes, but his face was contorted with concentration as he fumred to open my jeans. "That's it, love. Just a quick feel of your goodies. I know you wont mind" he slurred. A large group was in front of me, blocking my way back to the table, and paying no attention to me at all. Roger had found what he was looking for, and I heard the red pounding in my ears as I felt the zip begin its' slow descent.

"There we are then. Nice and easy. You just stay there while I have a quick fumble, love. Won't be a minute."

When it was about half way down he let go and began to insert his hands into my jeans. I looked about frantically for an escape, but could see none. I called out to the group in front of me "Will you please excuse me.", but they either didn't hear or didn't care. All the time the invading fingers were pushing into my jeans. My only bit of luck seemed to be that the zip had held instead of lowering further. However, Roger had still got his hand into the position where he was pushing his fingers under the waist band of my knickers. I was desperate.

"Please let me go. Please don't do this. Please."

"It's just a bit of fun, love. Just a quick feel of your bits. I know you like it, come on, let me have a feel."

I tried one last time to lurch forward without success, and then I felt the fingers slip down, over my shaven mound, in one swift movement, and between my legs. I heard him grunt with satisfaction behind me and felt him pushing his body into mine.

"Oh, there we are. Lovely. Shaved it I see. Very nice."

His fingers started to rub at the lips to my pussy, and then suddenly, one had slipped between my wet lips and found my clit. Waves of pleasure and offense swept through me. My knees almost collapsed. I wanted to scream, but knew I couldn't. Instead I stood there while a complete stranger rubbed my clit. Then he slipped his hand down further and I felt a finger penetrate my tunnel. I was unable to move at all, as he pushed his finger in and out of me.

"See, I told you you'd like it. Lovely and wet aren't you. Must be all that attention we've been giving you all night. I knew you liked it. You can tell, you know. Now lets have a quick feel of those lovely jugs of yours my darlin'."

His other hand now reached round and pushed under my T-shirt. Stupidly, I held on tight to the tray of takes, and even lifted it out of the way of his ascending hand so that I wouldn't spill anything. His hand climbed quickly until he was able to cup first my left and then my right breast. He pinched my nipples again. Then he licked at my neck. I was absolutely paralysed.

"You're a bit tasty you, aren't you. Nice tits. I love a shaved pussy."

His fingers now returned to my clit and began to rub in long, even strokes from my clit to the entrance to my tunnel, and back again. My brain clouded as the sensations surged through me.

Then suddenly, I felt him withdraw his hands from my pussy and breasts. I was free to go.

"Thanks for that love. Lovely. Come back any time you want a quick feel won't you."

I staggered back to the table, trying to cover my half-open jeans with the takes tray. When I finally did make it back Alan and Neil told me off for taking so long.

"What kept you? We've been waiting hours. Move your fat arse next time."

"What happened?", Lin asked.

I told her, briefly.

"What, he fingered you right here? Hands down the jeans and everything? Dirty old bugger!" and she giggled again.

"Lin, I need to go to the toilet really badly now."

"Yes, ok. But not the ladies. You have to use the gents. And not the cubicle, either. You have to stand at the urinal."

"Jesus Christ Lin. I can't do that. What if someone comes in?"

"Oh, they're bound to, it's really busy in here now. You've just got to do it, or else wet yourself."

The pressure in my bladder was building rapidly. I'd takes quite a lot of liquid during the evening. I didn't want to suffer the indignity of wetting myself in front of them all, and so I reluctantly stood and started to make my way to the gents toilet on the other side of the bar. Lin caught hold of my arm before I could leave.

"And make sure you drop your jeans and knickers to at least your knees. I want your audience to have a good view. And make sure you ask permission to use the urinal.

My mind was racing as I made my way to the toilets. I had just been ordered to put on a pee show for anyone who happened to wander in. My body was still recovering from having my most intimate places played with in a public bar, and now I was off to show them to anyone and everyone.

I stopped a few feet from the entrance to the gents. I could still go back. I could sneak into the ladies and relieve myself. But then if Lin found out, what other form of *** would she think up for me?

I took a deep breath and made my way to the door. I pushed it open and was hit by the smell of urine and the sound of voices. There must have been six men in there. They turned round to look in my direction as I went in.

"Fuckin' hell. What are you doin' in 'ere love?"

"Could I use the toilet please?" I stammered.

"Help yourself darlin'"

With my heart pumping like an express train I went to the urinal, turned my back to it and began to open my jeans. "If I'm going to do this, then I might as well make a real show of it.", I thought.

I pushed my jeans down, past my knees, to my ankles. Then I took hold of my knickers and pushed them down too. There was a stunned silence in the toilet as they all watched intently. I squatted down so as not to pee in my own jeans, then I let my muscles relax, and I started to pee. I could hear the flow as it struck the porcelain and I sighed out loud at the release of the pressure inside me. For a moment, I had forgotten my audience, but then one of them said. "Fuck me, she's shaven. Come and have a look, her cunt's completely bald." They all gathered round watching me pee into the urinal, making various lewd comments about my body. Finally, I had finished. I quickly pulled up my knickers and jeans, and practically ran from the toilets. I quickly made my way back to the table, and rejoined the group.

"Right, finish your take, we're going." Lin said.

"Going where?"

"Back to your place, stupid. The night's just getting started."


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