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Jezza Mason


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Just awesome Rover68uk, thank you so much for your work........I've checked for new chapters every single day for as long as i can remember and it's just so exciting every time you post a new chapter. This storey absolutely epitomises what every cuck dreams of !!!


Posts: 4050
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Very good, well written and exciting.

Thank you for creating this story for us.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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More terrific work. Simply great descriptive writing!

More. Please.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Don't stop now!


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Your legion of fans is anxiously awaiting the next installment!!!


Posts: 6
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Back to the top. Please continue!


Posts: 1288
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Only just read the last section. More please amazing.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Put me down as begging for more as well.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 4050
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This story needs a bump


Posts: 17
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For the love of god finish the story please


Posts: 279
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Profuse apologies folks. Work and real life has taken over during the summer months and I have been getting neglectful and lazy. I hope that there are still some that are following, and thanks to those that dropped me a line trying to push me along, much appreciated. Just trying to get to where I want to before the anniversary of the start of this story comes around!!

Chapter 29

Progression - Reality

Those few steps she took from the bed, away from Leon, seemed to be in slow motion. It was all happening, becoming so real.

The games we had played were wonderful, had got us both so worked up and reinvigorated our sex life, indeed our whole marriage. Yet now the reality was setting in. The knots in my stomach were getting harder and harder to ignore. Despite my obvious arousal I was also actually starting to feel a little sick. A little unsure about this.

Yes I had wanted, I had played with the idea for so long, played with Ophelia, and yes, even played it out with the stud currently "educating" us but a few feet away, but that was different. The words of Ophelia, and those of Leon filtered through my mind and I did question whether this was wise. I did wonder what would happen once Leon got his cock in Cara. I thought back to all those stories I had wanked over where previous reluctant or unsure wives were transformed once they got their first taste of another cock. here I was on the point of seeing it happen.

My musings were interrupted by the reality of the situation and the sound of Leon instructing Cara to display herself for him. She was told to pose, then turn around and pout. Leon was in his element, controlling and trying to get into both our minds.

"Now my pretty little thing, and of course my Ohu (he said casting a glance at me)", as Cara is about to experience pleasure like she has never know before, I would like to see the toy that has been preparing her for me". This request was met with another of those girlish giggles that seemed to have become common from Cara.

Cara made a beeline for her case, eager to introduce Leon to Leon. Slowly walking back towards her soon to be lover, Cara played the bashful, sweet and innocent. A coy look on her face she made a point to hide the toy behind her back. Reaching the bed once again she cast her husband a quick glance before tilting her head coquettishly to one side and revealing her fake lover to her real lover. The scene and the way in which Cara followed Leon's instructions were playful and sexy yet also played the submissive well. Being the shy wife following orders.

Leon let out a roar. A deep roar of laughter as he saw Cara's small hands holding the darkness of the toy. "Well Ohu, it appears that you made a good choice when selecting something to please your wife" Fixing me with his stare he nodded at my still straining, yet free erection, "It is just a shame that you are powerd to do this due to lady nature failing to provide you with the means of satisfying a woman naturally".

Despite all the other indignities heaped on me already, the caging, and the subsequent release, waiting on Cara & Leon and the fact of being the only one currently naked in the room, these words caused my face to redden. Perhaps it was my nakedness or the fact that I had my hands tied, but Leon was subtly twisting the knife. Nothing so powerful as to risk having Cara come to my defence and break her out of his thrall, just enough to show his control of the scene.

Leon seemed to be playing this perfectly, but then as he had said, or as Ophelia had informed me, he had done this before. Leon had that broad smile on his face again, and why not, he was loving this. He fixed Cara with his eyes and began his seduction, or should that have been, induction?

"I think your husband was indeed very considerate of your needs, and he continues to be so by assisting you in getting to this point. Alas, it is indeed such a shame that such toys as this can never provide the true pleasure that a beautiful woman such as you deserve". Leon paused for a few seconds to ensure that his words sank home to us both.

"At least though they do inform a woman, they show them the joy they can have and they help an Ohu accept what will be. You are already able to see by the Ohu probably being harder than he has ever been before, that his acceptance and support is true". With that Cara cast me a quick glance, presumably pretty much as Leon wanted.

"Besides the physical thrill that your toy gives you I am sure it also filled your mind with ideas of giving yourself to one such as I. The idea was already there when the Ohu chose your lover, his wish to see your soft delicate hands, and maybe other things, surrounding the darkness of it". Leon was slowly revealing my (or Ophelia's) thinking in wanting a black dildo. Even if she didn’t think it before, Cara would be now thinking that this was my goal all along, leading her to the view that it was my wish for her to cuckold me with a black bull all along.

"So as you have both worked your way slowly to this point, I now think that before you get the honour of seeing what will make your dreams a reality, that I get to see this beautiful married lady in all her glory. As much as I love to see a lady dressed such as you are, there is nothing that quite beats having a wife reveal herself to me in front of her husband".

I noted how Cara's hands appeared to be gripping the dark fake phallus in her hand, and how she shifted her feet. The excitement and nerves certainly getting to her. All of a sudden the pause in Leon's words seemed to fill the room with tension. It had all been a game up to now. Well, a game as far as actual play with Cara.

Leon raised his hand and gestured to take the fake Leon away. Once passed to him he tossed it over to me. Luckily it missed hitting my own dick as I imagined that could have caused even more ache in my stomach. It came to rest across my thigh, once again contrasting skin tones and highlighting the difference between what I could offer and what "fake" Leon provided.

Leon noted the image and obviously took a degree of satisfaction from the unplanned offense. Chuckling he then instructed Cara to begin. She shot me a nervous glance before again making eye contact with her soon to be lover. As that ache in my stomach became more noticeable I was also aware that my dick was straining even more. Despite the straining I still failed to get anywhere near the size of the dildo so awkwardly positioned next to my erection.

There was dryness in my mouth as I watched Cara raise her hands. She took the halter neck of her dress and slowly extricated herself from that deliciously sexy dress. It appeared as if Cara was moving in slow motion. As she removed the dress slowly she shook her hair out, despite the support of her lingerie her breasts swayed provocatively. The Pandora necklace remained in place nestled in her cleavage.

The material and Cara's hands slowly lowered. It was obvious she had removed the straps from her new basque so as to not be noticeable under the relatively flimsy dress. The bareness of her shoulders adding to the thrill as if she were naked beneath. My thoughts suddenly came back to the fact that she was partially naked beneath as my eyes alighted on the delicate panties that lay beside Leon on the bed.

There they were, within only a second, although it felt like alot longer, Cara's lace encased breasts were revealed. Slowly the delicate lace and silk material of the basque was reveal, shaping her body and revealing why the dress looked so exquisite on her, her midriff toned by her time at the gym and hours on her feet on the ward simply shaped by the material. A slight indent where her belly button was behind that soft material, something that had only been seen by me for years and years and then a glimpse of lace as the suspenders leading from the embroidered hem came into view. Where they should have been hidden by the panties covering her smooth mound, I was suddenly reminded of my previous task. As slowly Cara's bare flesh came into view.

That broad grin on Leon's face was still there but there was also a look of excitement, knowing that Cara was revealing herself for him. Each slow movement and wiggle of her hips brought the dress lower and lower.

I thought I detected a slight pause as Cara realised she was at the point of no return, of revealing herself in front of someone other than her husband. I saw that little bite of her lip once again and then the descent of the dress continued. Ever so slowly her soft smooth pubic mound appeared and then, as the dress passed her hips and all resistance was gone, it suddenly fell to the floor.

That deep red material pooled around her feet. The shapely ankles and that teasing anklet remained visible due to the height of the heels. The material on the floor held my attention for a split second before its significance and Cara's nakedness returned to the forefront of my mind.

My own gasp as the deed was done was accompanied by something of a growl from Leon signifying his approval and satisfaction at the view that now presented itself to him.

"MMMMMM Yes, yes very pretty", I wasn’t sure whether to be pleased that Leon found Cara sexy or "pretty" or annoyed at his assured almost arrogant attitude. The way he spoke made it appear as if what was happening was normal, something that was a common occurrence. Still, my natural cuck desires overcame this questioning and maintained my own erection. It fuelled that sickness in my stomach yet played to my mind.

"Ohu, you are a truly lucky boy, to have caught such a fine lady, and indeed it follows that she is a lucky lady to have met you in that she is able to have a devoted little husband who realises that he is unable to offer a real woman what she needs". All the while he had that huge grin on his face.

Casting a glance at Cara, she was stood before him, obviously still a little unsure of the scene. Her hands clasped in front of her trying to keep a degree of modesty. This idea in itself was almost comical considering the lead up...and what was about to happen.


Posts: 281 Pictures: 10 
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Mmmmm, lovely, very erotic. Can't wait to hear more and more and hopefully hear how it is to clean up his wife's creampie......


Posts: 4050
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I'm very curious to see how this plays out.

Thank you for writing



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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OMG. Absolutely the sexiest writing. Thank you!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 279
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Chapter 30

Progression – Reality cont’d

"Cara, no need to be bashful", Leon appeared to be in charming considerate mood. "A beautiful woman such as you should be proud of her body, proud of the effect you can have on men and proud of the pleasure that can be provided to yourself and one such as I".......with a slight pause and another deliberate look over at me..."if it is treated correctly and adequate tools are used".

The brevity even brought a smile to my face, but it appeared to ease Cara's nerves as she slowly moved her hands. The reveal of her wonderfully smooth pussy. Although it didn't seem possible, but this sight caused Leon's grin to become even bigger. I became aware that it had an involuntary effect on me as my dick twitched.

"Now, as I have had the pleasure of seeing that which will provide me with pleasure, It is only fair that Cara, and the Ohu (nodding to me) get to see what will be providing you with pleasure". I had to admire his confidence. His whole manner was of the knowledge that he had us both hooked and that his cock would soon be demonstrating that the confidence was well founded.

"So Cara, I think you should now come and kneel before me, you have an important and pleasurable task to undertake". Leon reached out his hand to bring Cara before him. As she stepped forward those delicately and exotically painted toes came into view. They revealed themselves from beneath the folds of her dress that had pooled around her ankles.

Cara took Leon's proffered hand and with his lead took that one step forward before sinking to her knees. Guided by the subtle dip of his hand. Once again my dick twitched and nudged against "faux" Leon. The image of my otherwise confident and self assured wife kneeling before the man who I had imagined her with for so long.

That delightful, yet powerful scene changed once again as Leon moved. He shifted his weight before standing. The bulge in his trousers became ever more obvious. Only inches from Cara's face.

"You know what to do now". He needed no more words, it was an instruction, it was obvious, and almost as soon as he uttered those words, Cara's pale hands, tipped with scarlet reached upwards and began to work at his belt. In only a matter of seconds, the belt hung down, and then the clasp and Cara was slowly working on the zip.

She appeared transfixed, lost in the moment. However, Leon was not lost. That grin was now well and truly from ear to ear. He looked over at me, almost gloating, reveling in his control and his mastery of this new couple. As I had watched Cara's dress fall and pool at her feet, so I watched as Leon's trousers pooled at his. This revealed a pair of pristine looking white trunks. The bulge evident and also now the outline and shape of what was to be his gift to Cara on her birthday.

"...And the trunks", once again the tone made this an order. Cara bit her lip once again, that sign that showed her excitement. Her hands reached upwards and took hold of the waistband of the trunks before slowly applying pressure and helping them to meet his trousers on the floor.

After only a couple of inches Cara let out a small gasp as the head of the monster was revealed. With each second, or half second more and more of Leon's manhood was revealed. Leon was watching Cara, enjoying the mixture of expressions upon her face. Reading her thoughts. Although he had by his own admission been here before, it was apparent he delighted in seeing the fear, the lust, the awe, the surprise and the excitement that his cock produced in a wife (and cuck). Cara's hands assisted with the trunks movement, but once passed the grand bulge and the resistance that it provided, they too fell to the floor.

With the monsters new found freedom came a movement; it was Cara flinching almost automatically to avoid it hitting her directly in her face. The flinch brought about a deep rolling laughter from Leon. He was delighting in the shyness of Cara, how this woman who was kneeling before him, so prim yet almost naked and prepared to ignore her marital vows.

I was taken with the contrast. Cara kneeling so demure, well at least in my eyes. A case of me having that image of her as a lady in public, yet here she was about to be the whore in private. So pale and crisp and clean and perfect. The body that had been all mine for so long contrasting against the larger darker frame of Leon. Cara kneeling, Leon standing, commandingly above her, with me seated, naked, bound and hard as a rock. Forget stereotypical images, this was hot as hell and had me twitching. Most of all though it was the fact that Leon's cock was stood fully to attention. A small feeling of pride came to me. Knowing that it was Cara that had produced the full on erection that Leon sported.

The laughter subsided after some seconds. During this time Cara gazed upon Leon's cock. The thoughts of how she was ever going to accept that in her pussy must have been running through her mind. She must also have been comparing what was immediately before her to that which she had sampled for the last few years. Or maybe she was now thinking it was what she had "put up with" over the last few years?

"Now Ohu, this is the bit I am sure you have been looking forward to, I know I have, and by the look on your lovely wife’s face, I think she certainly has". Even before the instruction came, Cara's hands were reaching to take hold of his cock. As Leon told her to feel, to sample the goods he stopped as the scarlet tipped fingers encircled his shaft. Cara's eagerness had even surprised Leon and once again proved to be of amusement to him.

"That's it little one, stroke the cock that will make you feel like a real woman, appreciate its size and think how it is going to feel". It looked as if Leon was having a tender moment as he reached out his hand and moved Cara's golden locks from the side of her face. He gently caressed her cheek before smoothing her locks behind her ear. However, his hand remained on her head. It rested at first but then appeared to tense ever so slightly. At the same time came his instruction for Cara to kiss him.

It was obvious from the kneeling position that this was hardly practical and that he in fact required Cara to kiss his manhood. "Yes Cara kiss that cock, show me and the Ohu how you appreciate what is before you, show me how much you appreciate what I am about to give you and what pleasure my cock will provide for your body and mind. Show your husband how much you want to make him happy and how you are more than happy yourself to make him a happy cuckold.

......and then she did it!!!!! Cara moved her head. She didn't have to move it that far, but she moved it forward and delicately kissed the head of his cock. Oh my fucking god, she did it, I did it, we did it, Oh fuck, she was actually going to suck and fuck Leon. I sorry tested my bonds. The movement once again caused my own erection to knock against that of fake Leon and send tantalising shivers through my own body.

Taking my eyes off my own now apparent small dick, I saw Cara wasting no time in turning a kiss into something more. Aided by the slight pressure on Cara's head, her face was pulled closer and closer to Leon's groin. It became apparent that the tender moment was in fact another show of strength from Leon. The hand that had so softly caressed her cheek now held her head firmly in place to allow that monster to be worshipped. It also allowed for her hair to be kept out of the way and to allow me the full picture of my own wife as she began to suck on that Bulls cock.

After the kiss I watched as those lips that were once solely mine parted, as if in slow motion. Cara's tongue appeared to snake slowly out of her mouth and then made its first contact with Leon's dark cock. My eyes moved for an instant to take in Leon's face. Despite the knot in my stomach from the fear and excitement of the scene, I also strangely wanted to see Leon satisfied. I wanted Cara to be good for him, to please him. God, what fucked up logic was this? I wanted acknowledgement from him, and to be proud of her sucking another mans cock.

Back to the important scene. Cara's tongue slowly ran itself around that large cock head. It circled it a couple of times before alighting on the underside and licking slowly from back to tip. I heard Leon exhale deeply, the response filled me with the affirmation I looked for but also added to that knot in my stomach.

I saw a slight tensing of his arm as he applied a little more pressure to Cara's head. Once again he smoothed her hair allowing me the view that was keeping me fully hard. My excitement, mixed with a degree of shame that I was getting all I wanted. That I had let this happen and that another man was pleasuring my wife, where it should be me.

With the added pressure Cara responded. Her mouth opened ever more and I slowly saw Leon's cock head pass those bright red lips. Cara's hands continued to grip his shaft. They slowly worked back and forth. As she did so she slightly rotated her wrist allowing me to see that she couldn't even get her fingers to meet around his shaft.

She had almost been able to do this with the fake Leon, but now it was even more evident that the toy we had been playing with would be something that would only be a part preparation for the real thing. As I watched her hand stroking that dark thick shaft I saw how it got closer and closer to her lips. Demonstrating that subtle pressure on the back of her head was slowly pushing that cock deeper into her mouth.

Cara's lips could now be seen to be as wide as they could go. Her mouth now gripping that thick shaft. The pale white skin or her face next to the bright lipstick and then the darkness of that cock. With each millimeter it looked as if her eyes were getting wider and wider. Her chin slightly tilted upwards causing her eyes to cast their gaze towards the man who was now invading her mouth.

"That's it my Yemi, take as much as you can, you will have plenty of opportunities to work on taking it all". I had to marvel at his bravado. He had only just got his cock in her mouth, he hadn't even got it in her pussy yet, and here he was saying that she would be getting used to deep throating him. Marveling at his cheek I also felt that desire to see it happen, for Cara to develop her s*******s and prove that she was able to do as Leon wished.

For the next few minutes I shifted in my seat, near squirming, horny as hell. I watched as Cara continued to work her hand up and down Leon's shaft. I noted that all the times Cara had sucked me, not that there had been that many she could grip my shaft and have the fingers meeting, she was also unable to really move her hand up and down the shaft and suck at the same time. Leon was demonstrating both to Cara first hand, and to me by the kind holding of Cara's hair, the difference between the "Ohu" and an "Oba".

Although the music I had put on prior to the happy couple returning to the room had been subtle, it was now almost complete lost by the sounds of passion coming from both Leon & Cara. Leon was grunting and moaning and exhorting Cara to use her mouth and tongue to please her Bull. He was making it plain what he wanted to be and the position he wanted to take in our marriage. At the same time Cara's sounds lacked clarity and took the form of moans, grunts and slurping. The sounds that were not pretty or sweet, but were the sounds of someone whose mouth was being used, was being stretched, someone who was doing their best to pleasure another.


Posts: 1914
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Glad you decided to get back to this story. Thanks for posting more for us.


Posts: 755 Pictures: 3 
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Yes, welcome back! Your words and style paint such an exquisite picture of the passion and eroticism of those moments when your beautiful and proper Cara chose the path your futures would follow. You have placed me right in your positions of husband and cuckold, arousal and frustration and desire and fear. How I wish i were truly in you situation and seeing my lovely wife pleasuring and being pleasured by a real man, right in front of my wide open eyes.
Please continue!!!
tef fulton


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Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I have gotten off to this six times already imagining myself in Cara's place!

Thank you soooo much. Can't wait for the next episode.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 1288
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Brilliant work. I'm loving this story. Please keep up the good work 😀


Posts: 247
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Thanks Rover68uk. Excellent writing.
Jezza Mason


Posts: 143 Pictures: 1 
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Thank you Rover68uk......continued brilliance !!!


Posts: 281 Pictures: 10 
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Posts: 279
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Sorry to get your hopes up that this was next section.....but abit of a problem to day and was absolutely gutted.
Had the next 2.5k words ready to go, had just spell checked and PC crashed before had saved...Lost the lot!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
So sadly don't think I will make my 1 year time as had planned/thought. Hope may have next section re done within the week. Sorry people.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I just shed a tear. Thank you for all of your work.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 279
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Progression – Cuckold/Cuckoldress/Bull

As the contrast of the bodies joined by mouth and cock filled my vision, there started to form a rhythm, the movement of Cara's hand trying to grasp that cock and prevent it going too far down her throat combined with the regular metronomic back and forth of Leon’s hips. Occasionally Cara would sort of shake her head. It appeared at first that she was almost trying to say "No" to Leon. To get him to stop, and stop the bulging of her cheeks as his cock filled her mouth again and again.

I wished it was me, I tried to picture me as the stud, Cara devouring my cock, but I knew that my lack of size meant that I could never fill her or control her as Leon was doing. The knot in my stomach was still there but the feeling had been dulled by the eroticism of the scene in front of me.

I wasn’t sure that the scene could get any hotter until I realised that the shaking of the head by Cara was only to heighten the pleasure of her stud. Cara was trying her damndest to be the best she could for Leon, she was getting into her role. The role-play was becoming real and all the talk was coming true. Her passion was there to see as I saw her free hand cup her breasts and then move slowly over her stomach and reach her pussy.

As I watched Leon's cock slide in and out of her greedy lips and mouth, her hand gripping and wanking her studs cock, she started to play with her pussy. This wasn't fair, Leon was getting his cock serviced, Cara was playing with her pussy and I was left there only able to watch, my dick waving in the air.

I was filled with pride at the way she was dealing with Leon's monster, but also shame at the same time. Shame that it wasn't me or that I wasn't able to illicit this sort of behaviour and response from Cara.

Cara's hand slowly began to rub her pussy, to probe the folds of her labia and try to ease the pent up self imposed frustration that she had. It was Ok for her being able to do something about it, but with my tie preventing any play with my own dick, my frustration and desire continued to build. Despite the cock in her mouth Cara let out a moan and I saw her eyes close briefly signifying that her fingers had reached her clit.

Leon appeared to appreciate this sound as approval of his fucking Cara's mouth and appeared to move his hips forward with greater vigour. Once again he smoothed her hair back to afford me a prime cucks view of the cock sucking. The moaning and soft grunts from Leon filled the room and my mind. I shifted in my seat which resulted in fake Leon, which had been nestling yet dwarfing my own dick, falling onto the floor with a thud. This noise broke the trance like state that Cara and Leon were in. It caused Cara to turn her head, Leon's cock still deep in her mouth. The movement of her head causing it to stretch her cheek obscenely. Even my accidents heightened my cuck angst! There was my own wife, cock in mouth looking deep into my eyes. Almost telling me off for breaking her concentration with his cock.

Cara looked at me and saw my dick straining. The realisation that I was as into this as she, was completely evident. The excitement of our self imposed celibacy, combined with that imposed on me since we got to Amsterdam, could be seen by a small pool of pre cum that sat in the small well created by my foreskin. Although my dick was as hard as it had ever been, the foreskin still hadn’t been pulled fully clear of the head of my dick. This due to the lack of inches required for this to happen. A small trickle had overflowed and was slowly trickling down my dick. Evidence that I wanted Cara to be the best she could for Leon.

Cara acknowledged my leaking dick with a smile, although it was a crooked smile corrupted by that black cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she knew she had total freedom to play. As if she didn't already know that!

Those deep dark tones of Leon's voice once again caused us to break our eye contact and focussed Cara on the task at hand. The hips began to sway back and forth again, but Leon seemed to be holding Cara's head at the angle so that she could look across at me. As one particularly deep hip movement caused that cock to go a little further than Cara was expecting, she gagged and chocked slightly. Leon could only chuckle and tell Cara that she needed to relax enjoy and let herself focus on his cock. The gagging caused his cock to leave her mouth. As it did so I could see strands of saliva running from his shaft and cock head back to Cara's mouth. Despite the discomfort it had so recently caused, Cara licked her lips. It was sexy and slutty at the same time and she knew it.

During most of the time we had all been together it had been Leon that had done most of the talking, or should that have been did most of the instructing? Cara had meekly gone along appearing to be under his smooth spell. However now it appeared that the play starting was bringing Cara out of whatever shell she may have been in. That combined with plenty of holy water, a big black cock and a restrained husband right by her side.

As Cara took a deep breath in after the cock had denied her air for a second, that smile appeared once again. “It really is Happy Birthday to ME! and the cock disappeared back in her mouth. The desire in her voice and the fact she was playing up to both Leon and I made it even hotter and I could feel my dick tingling with the cuckold delight.

Sucking on his cock for a few more seconds Cara then slowly let it go with a "pop" that was clear above the music in the room. The"pop" was followed by an appreciative moan from Leon, and a twitch from my dick. Cara then appeared to grip Leon's cock even more firmly. She slid her hand up and down it shaft, pulling the skin with it and almost polishing it. The lights from the room glinting of the slickness of her saliva against the dark background of the shaft. She pushed his cock upwards until it was flat against his abdomen. The head just reaching past his navel. She then looked at me and winked before tilting her head upwards. She turned her eyes to gaze at Leon and seek his recognition. Bringing her head slightly forward, her tongue snaked out and made contact with those large heavy balls. She appeared to tickle them with her tongue before flattening it. She then, all the while keeping eye contact with Leon, slowly brought her tongue up his shaft. It was as if she was lapping at an ice cream on the beach.

It was sexy and nasty at the same time. Her tongue as far out as it would go, flat against his thickness. Her eyes fixed on Leon and her hand still slowly and rhythmically giving herself pleasure. Ever so slowly she brought that tongue upwards along that thick shaft until she reached the flared head. Her tongue darted back into her mouth to refresh its slickness before reconnecting with the underside of Leon's cockhead. The flat tongue changed into a more pointed shape which allowed her to lick around the head and bring about another grunt from Leon.

Cara had shown her devilish side and now used her hand to pull his cock downwards and back into her mouth where she appeared to devour it as if she was a starving woman. Well, certainly starved of decent cock since we had been together! The sucking and slurping noises resumed as did the appreciative grunts and groans from Leon. I also thought I could hear the sound of Cara's wetness as she played with her pussy. Both Cara & Leon were getting more and more into their play and more and more horny. Leon's pelvic thrusts and Cara's fingering demonstrated this. And then there was me, living the cucks dream, wanting to get off on seeing my wife with a stud, wanting to get myself off but realising that my pleasure was not a high priority.

The whole cuckolding paradox and wanting pleasure yet being denied pleasure was really hitting home. I don't think I had ever been as horny before. This was obviously helped by the fact that Cara & I had abstained from any relief prior to our trip, but I also started to get a little worried. As turned on as I was I wondered how I would feel about this new reality if I came too quickly. Looking across at the vigour with which Cara was sucking that cock I felt the knot in my stomach being overwhelmed by the excitement welling up in my dick and balls.

The pre cum also welling up on the head of my dick was starting to trickle down my own shaft more and more. I could feel it starting to slip onto my balls. Any movement caused my dick to sway and the trickle to overflow its own little crater both back and front. The glistening on Leon's cock caused by his own pre cum mixed with Cara's saliva was not exactly being matched by my own passions and emissions.

My excitement was causing me to shift and squirm in my seat, pretty much as Cara was squirming on her knees with her own pleasuring. I shifted so I could try and get comfortable but this made it look like I simply wanted to get a closer view. Leon chuckled and pointed this out to Cara. "Look my pretty one, your husband appears to need to get a closer look at your s*******ful mouth". Without breaking from the rhythmic cocksucking Cara cast me a sideways glance and moaned softly. The turn of her head was corrected and Leon's hand pressured her to resume her upwards gaze to stare at the assailant of her mouth.

As one hand controlled Cara's head, ensuring that she maintained the ideal cock sucking position for Leon, his other hand moved to caress her shoulders. It then slowly moved its way up and down her arm. Gently stroking her skin showing a delicate almost loving side to Leon's character. It then moved over to her chest. He stroked her chest with the back of his hand and then cupped her chin in his palm. This limited Cara's movement and returned us all to the realisation of what was happeneing and who was in control. Releasing her chin his large dark hand snaked its way over her chest and down to her cleavage. Leon then roughly massaged Cara's lingerie encased breasts. The massaging or kneading as it was more precisely lasted only a matter of seconds before the cups of the basque were powerd downwards.

Cara's breasts were now revealed to Leon for the first time. The hands returned to them instantly. Leon still controlled Cara's sucking with one hand whilst he almost mauled her breasts. Stroking, massaging, kneading. He chuckled to himself and moaned as Cara responded to his hands by sucking harder. Cara's nipples were solid, hard standing proud they allowed Leon an easy target. He was asserting his control, showing Cara who was in charge and what he could do to her to grant her the pleasure of sucking his cock. First cupping her then stroking them softly. Then changing to be more powerful and pinching her already sensitive nipples. The appreciative moans of Leon were met with moans of slight discomfort from Cara. Despite this and in line with some of the play we had prior to coming here, Cara seemed to be getting off on being submissive and enduring a little bit of torment from her stud. The busy fingers in her pussy continued to get ever more coated with Cara's sweet pussy juices despite the assault on her mouth and breasts.

Having taken charge of Cara it appeared Leon once again wanted to demonstrate to Cara his ability to tease me. Having shifted so much in my seat and having knocked fake Leon onto the floor our stud took his chance. "As the Ohu seems so keen, maybe he should kneel beside his Yemi?" The tone with which he said this had changed from the softer tones he had used previously. This was definitely more of an instruction. As horny as I was and as deep into my cuck mindset I didn't need any more instruction and as if in a trance I shifted forward and knelt by my chair. Joining the fake Leon on the floor my dick was now horizontal causing the pooled pre cum to slowly drip towards the carpet.

"See how the Ohu complies with my wishes, it is good that he knows what to do just as his sweet Yemi knows how a real mans cock should be treated". The nasty sucking and slurping noises seemed to get louder. Cara's efforts on her pussy also appeared to increase in speed. Indeed it appeared we were speeding ever faster towards the moment of truth. Leon suddenly ceased his pelvic thrusts and again spoke. "The Yemi truly is a great cocksucker, although I think there is still some room for improvement, but I do not want to give her the gift of my seed just yet. For this first time there is only one place that gift is going to be received, a real birthday present for a sexy lady". I knew exactly what he meant and instinctively responded, "Yes Sir", this show of deference must have taken Cara by surprise as she moved her head and looked at me. My acknowledgement and acceptance of Leon's position and what was about to happen obvious to all. The acceptance that our role play was to become reality and the roles of cuckold, cuckoldress & Bull were about to be confirmed.

"Ahh yes very good my little Ohu, very good indeed, it is now time for what I am sure we have all been waiting for, at least the lovely Yemi here who has had to wait a long time, even before your wedding day". Leon let out another of his deep laughs. As he did so, he took a step back towards the bed again causing his cock once again to "pop" out of Cara's mouth. A look of almost disappointment came over her face, although the fingering of her clit and pussy continued.


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Wow. Wow. Did i ever rub one out to that!

Thank you sweetie!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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Thank you!!
Anxiously looking forward for the next installment to cum!!
Can HARDly wait!!
Find myself (like the Ohu) dripping with excitement!!
tef fulton


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Great stuff, don't stop now!
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