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Ohhhh, please don't leave me hanging too long. Unngh. Unngh.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Great segment.....I too hope the next bit will come very soon


Posts: 81 Pictures: 1 
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This story is well on the way to becoming a classic!

Can't wait for the next chapters.


Posts: 182
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Yes I agree with Donna don't keep us hanging on.

and Donna now you know how hard it is for me waiting for your update.

Ohhhh, please don't leave me hanging too long. Unngh. Unngh.



Posts: 4050
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Yeah, I'm right there with Donna too. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

This continues to be a great story, thanks

tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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I know how hard it can be to write these stories....but PLEASE keep it cuming!!!!


Posts: 1288
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Absolutely brilliant. Can't wait for the next chapter 😊


Posts: 279
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Got the next couple of bits done. Apologies if they go into a little detail. Do wonder how you can wrote a "short " story, and hats off to thsoe that can get to the point quickly!
Written on night shift downtime, so please forgive if it not up to rest of it.

Chapter 25

Progression – Trapped

Those few short words in a text message told me what was about to happen. I was panicking now, yet was also aroused. I thought that I must have been like so many hubbies who had been faced with the moment their marriages would change.

I tried to convince myself that Cara was still toying with me. Maybe it was she who had put the note in the box, but that was fucking silly, as she would know that I hadn't done it so what would be the point. I thought I must have been going mad, as I realised that was a stupid thing to think of. But her texts could have been all part of our game. She could just be teasing me. Coming back to the room by herself. That redy card though, that made it so real, too real. Oh God, she was going to do, and with that smug bastard Leon.

At that moment, as my dick tried to harden and betrayed my fantasies, I cursed ever having visited Ophelia. It was almost as if I had set myself on this path, albeit unwittingly, a long time ago. As if each visit got me deeper into this. That woman had got all my desires and secrets out of me. She had teased me and pushed me to this point. I thought more and started to think that the whole thing with the pictures she took, the memory card, it was all a plan to trap me! All a plan to give Leon the chance to seduce Cara, get a free run at her pussy. I recalled his email, his threat, and the way he took the piss, waving that fucking memory card in my face.

Stories and ideas about dominant demanding Bulls had always turned me on, but those were just fantasies, and other guys, other wives. This was me, I didn't want to go down the path of being totally humiliated in front of Cara. Play was one thing, but I started to worry exactly how Cara would react to me after Leon had, I didn't want to think it. I was scared. I realised I was almost trembling. I wasn’t sure if it was with anticipation or fear. It was certainly not the room temperature, as I had made that conducive to comfort and comfort for fucking.

I started to recall Ophelia telling me of Leon's, or Olu's reputation, of the pleasure he took in claiming other men’s wives. Cara had hinted at it too when she told me about the whispers around the gym. Oh my God, I thought that I could become the subject of gym gossip. Cara would be looked at, there would be the little looks and the whispers between others. Looking at Cara and calling her a slut, knowing that she is married, knowing that she is another conquest of Leon. Those thoughts, although shaming started to feed my cucky desires.

I was torn as to what I should be thinking. This wasn't how I had planned things. I wanted to retain control. That little note, those few words had stripped me of that and opened the door for Leon to come charging through. No doubt like the proverbial, or more literal, Bull in a china shop. The note and that little memory card that he had delighted in waving in my face. They had effectively trapped me and left me with no option. Well, either confess to Cara about my long held perversions, about visiting Ophelia or intervene and object and risk having Leon show her the images contained on the memory card.

Whilst I sweated over my predicament there was a knock at the door. I wondered whether this was another little tease of Cara's, or Leon for that matter. Did they want me to open the door. To welcome them into our suite, to show my presentation. That surely was twisting the knife and something that Cara wouldn't have come up with by herself.

I walked to the door with a sense of foreboding yet my dick had other feelings and struggled in its tiny primister. Cara & Sabine had certainly made me appreciate and understand what it meant to be locked away.

As I opened the door I expected to see Cara & Leon embracing, rubbing my nose in their planned infidelity, yet I was shocked and relieved that it was simply room service with the champagne I had ordered. Signing for the tray and tipping the young lad I returned to the room and placed the tray on the table in front of the sofa. I had pictured Cara & I reclining on the bed, naked and excited at our play. Laughing at our kinkiness and touching, stroking each other. These sexy images then faded and were replaced by the same image, but of the toned Adonis that was Leon taking my place. Leon smiling at his conquest, naked, champagne flute in hand as he caressed Cara. I also pictured Cara by his side, still semi clad in her new lingerie, looking like the cat that got the cream. Both of them reveling in the roles of cuckoldress & Bull.

This imagery was short lived as the sound of a keycard sliding into the lock caused my panic to return. Despite all the play, all the arousal, all fantasies at that moment I felt lost, and out of control. I didn't want this. I didn't want to risk losing Cara. I may have got off on the idea of passing control of the sexual side of my marriage to dom Bull, but this was a real possibility. With two people just the other side of a hotel door.

I think as the door seemed to open in slow motion, I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. Seeing the handle start to dip and a crack of light from the corridor, I also caught the sound of giggles, or Cara in full flirt mode. There was also the sound I dreaded...... a man’s voice! Leon's voice!

Then it happened, Cara, the love of my life came gliding into the room, well, it wasn't quite gliding as it is hard to glide when entwined with a rather large Nigerian guy.

Cara's face was glowing, she appeared happy and there was that twinkle in her eyes. One I recognised from all the play of late, a look of lust and of contentment. I caught the waft of her perfume as she entered, probably refreshed on her trip to the ladies earlier. Her hair was still styled and cascaded down to her shoulders. As she moved, so her hair moved and I thought I noted a redness on one side of her neck. My cuck ideas automatically pictured Leon roughly and passionately kissing her neck. A deer trapped in the headlights I may have been, but my dick in its own trap was making its own efforts to show how much I was enjoying this situation.

Cara took her eyes from her escort and made eye contact with me. Her smile went from ear to ear as she moved to disentangle herself from Leon. As Leon turned to close the door, Cara walked slowly and sensuously over to me. She reach out and her hands came to rest on my cheeks. Her face drew close and she planted and huge kiss on my lips. A kiss of love and passion. The smell of her perfume filled my nostrils, mixed with the scent of a few G&T's and the added aroma of a man’s more heavy aftershave. Leon had already marked his territory!
Breaking contact with my lips Cara hugged me and as she did so her mouth came to rest beside my ear.

"Thank you Robbie, thank you for giving me this freedom, for making the leap to reality". Those words filled my head and took away any lingering doubts I may have had about where we were headed, about how she had interpreted that note in the box.

Cara then broke our embrace and part turned to her beau for the night, "Leon, this is robbie, robbie this is Leon, but then of course you met earlier today".

With that basic introduction Leon stepped forward from where he had been watching a husband and wife embrace, and reached out offering his hand. Something so normal and every day, had an almost unreal feel to it. A man coming to our suite with all parties knowing, for one purpose.
As Leon approached Cara extricated herself from my embrace to allow me to shake hands with the man who would plant those horns on my head. With a girlish giggle, she turned and made for the bathroom. "You boys get better acquainted and I shall be back in a tick".

Leon watched as Cara disappeared and as she did so our hands met. What would have been a cursory handshake was held firmly by Leon as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"Well, Ohu, isn't this a great situation? I think you never thought this day would come, well I shall do my best to ensure that we all get what we want......even if you are not sure exactly what it is YOU want at present".
Opening my mouth to speak Leon cut me short. "Ah, ah, ah, now little boy, remember what I said", and with a pause for effect and a change to a more assertive tone, "and remember NO obstructions, NO interference, it is for Cara to say no and believe me Ohu, I shall be going all out to ensure that doesn't happen".

As those last words came from his mouth Cara called from the en suite, "You guys making yourself comfortable, oh yes, and robbie get the takes going".

These words finally caused Leon to loosen his grip on my hand and allowed me to move and suggest we move to the seating area in our suite. Despite the threat of exposure from Leon my dick remained pressed uncomfortably against the bars of the jailbird. The initial fears stemming from the discovery of the note and the texts from Cara had dissipated, and had transformed into feelings of excitement. Yes, I still wasn't sure exactly how far this would go, would Cara take me, or should that have been Ophelia? at my words from the note, or would she flirt, smooch and then ask Leon to leave?

Who was I kidding? Cara would never have brought Leon back to the room if she didn’t intend on taking her first black cock. That realisation brought me to my senses again. The ache in my stomach that had been there for so long today, since we had first encountered Leon, became more noticeable. An uneasiness tinged with excitement fed by my desires and eased by the knowledge that I was trapped.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Wow. This keeps getting better and better.

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 97 Pictures: 3 
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YES it is...
wife would rather have cock left over than room for more!!!!


Posts: 163 Pictures: 6 
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Great story. Been away for a while and good to be back. Looking forward to the next big 'installment.'


Posts: 4050
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A great story




Posts: 279
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Next bit here. Getting there!

Chapter 26

Progression - Possibly the best...

I realised, as I offered Leon a seat on the brightly coloured fabric of the oriental style seats, that I had fantasized about losing control, of having no say in my role of being a cuck hub. The sick feeling in my stomach told me that fantasizing about being powerless was one thing, but actually having no control over who your own wife fucks was another thing completely.

My musings were cut short as the love of my life once again glided into sight. The bright red of the "date dress" lighting up the room, fitting in perfectly with the ornate decor of the room. Cara spied the ice bucket and champagne bottle and let out a little squeal.

As she moved to the seats, she once again passed by me and ran her hand lovingly across my cheek, before seating herself next to Leon. Leaning her body in and crossing her legs so they partly rested over Leon's.

"Now Robbie, I think you are being very naughty in not having that bottle already opened, although I am sure that Leon is as appreciative as I am that you have decided to mark this special occasion with some champers".

Leon, let out a deep chuckle and clapped his hands together before allowing one of them to rest on Cara's knee. As he did so he seemed to deliberately stare at me, almost challenging me for the first time to put a stop to the events. "Yes be a good boy and sort out the champagne will you, I think it will add a celebratory note to the evening".

I felt those two conflicting emotions, excitement and fear, as I heard those words and their meaning sank home.

What do I do, go along with Leon, not object or try and scupper his plans and so allow him to seduce Cara? (as if he needed to from their time together in the bar earlier) Or do I risk the wrath of Cara if Leon were to expose my visits to Ophelia and the fact that I had already met Leon? One would lead to me officially becoming a cuckold and allowing Leon to take whatever role in our marriage as he wished, or I could put a stop to it and risk losing Cara's trust. Who was to say that even if I stood up and tried to throw Leon out, that Cara wouldn't think it an act or wouldn't seek to punish me for going so far and then stopping her. Denying her what we had worked up to for so long now.

As Cara and Leon began whispering to each other I did as I had been bid. I had imagined it would mark our years of marriage and Cara's birthday, yet now it appeared it would indeed be used to toast another momentous event in our marriage.

Popping the cork, I received a little cheer from Cara & Leon. I filled the two flutes that sat by the ice bucket and passed them to the "happy couple". Turning back I suddenly realised that I would be unable to join in the toast due to the lack of a third champagne flute. This left me to go to the mini bar and pick out a Carlsberg. Opening the bottle I returned to the seats and for the first time realised that I was going to be sitting watching, facing the entwined couple.

Leon, took the lead, I supposed it was his natural way, something he had done before, and raised his glass, "A toast?" he almost instructed but also phrased it as a question.

Cara grinned, looked at me and met his question, "To a kinky night and may we all get what we truly want". The feeling in my stomach at this point began to come to the fore, taking over in power from that feeling in my dick. Leon quickly added, "And may it be the first of many". As the words came from his lips Cara turned to gaze at him. Her head turning towards him, was met with Leon dipping his head and kissing her deeply. He was playing his role, going into his assertive seduction mode. Displaying his ability to get into a woman’s mind. Showing me exactly what he could do, once again challenging me to stop him.

I watched as his free hand moved up and ran itself through Cara's hair. Taking hold of her head and pulling her onto his eager lips. Displaying his passion and desire to claim her. The lips locked together seemed to last an age, as if I wasn't there. Those first feelings of cuck angst began coursing through me. Watching my beautiful bride, so sexy tonight in presents that I had selected to make her as desirable as possible, and yet here with someone else.

After what must have only been 20 or so seconds Leon & Cara came up for air. Broad smiles on their faces, they turned to sip from their glasses and look at me sitting across from them beer in hand.

Raising his glass, Cara followed Leon's movement and as one they said, "To tonight". I had no choice but to raise my bottle and join the toast. At this Cara noted my take and turned to Leon and with a devilish grin she nodded towards my bottle, "And if Carlsberg did cuckolds they would probably be the best cuckolds in the world".

The laughter filled the room from Cara & Leon, but the joke was somewhat lost on me. Taking another swig from my bottle, I marveled at how easy Cara appeared to be finding this. But of course she had just spent the last hour or so takeing AND in Leon's company!

As the laughter died down and I watched how my wife and Leon interacted, Leon spoke, deciding it was time to move things forward.

"So Robbie, I gather you want Cara to make you a cuckold?", there it was, out there, Leon bold as brass. The words spoken by him, and in the presence of Cara sent a shiver of shame and excitement through me. I sat there dumbly looking at him. I thought to myself that he looked larger than I recalled. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me and fulfilling my ideas as to what a Bull should look like.

I realised that he was making this easy on me, and being true to his word, in making out that we had not met before. I was thankful for that, but then realised he was likely to drag this out and shame me even more in the process.

"Now, I hope that you appreciate what this means, what it means for you, for Cara and your marriage in general. Once the act is done there is no undoing it. You will forever be a cuckold". At that he paused for effect, took a long slow take from his champagne before turning his head to kiss Cara.

Looking at Cara I saw a mixture of excitement and uncertainty on her face, She still had that glow about her, but I could sense she was hanging on every word that Leon said.

"Well Ohu, what have you to say?" My lack of an immediate response was met with him clarifying his words.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should explain, Ohu, is a word that I often use to refer to the husbands that I have cuckolded, Yes Robbie you will not be the first and I doubt you will be the last". I thought that with this I saw Cara adjust herself and lick her lips in excitement and anticipation. "An Ohu is a small dicked white guy such as yourself, so if tonight turns out, as I very much hope, not to be a one off, then make sure you answer to your new title".

Leon seemed to be in his element with these words and ran his hand over Cara's legs making her skirt ride ever higher up her thigh.

"Cara has told me a little about your play over the last few weeks and I do indeed feel honoured that I was able to assist you both in your sexual pleasure, but I think you both need to realise that your play was one thing and the reality is and I hope will be very different".

Another pause for a take and he continued. It was as if he knew what we wanted or needed more than we did. "I am also so pleased at how lucky I am to have been in the right place at the right time". These words were said as he looked me directly in the eye, daring me to admit or challenge his assertion that the meeting was down solely to luck.

"The moment I saw you both in the lobby, saw that anklet and the key dangling from it", Leon's gaze moved downwards towards my crotch and a smile came to his face again. It was also noted by Cara who gave him a playful slap on the leg and called him cheeky.

"......the moment I saw you in the lobby I knew that Cara needed something, well to be more precise needed me to show her the fun she could and should be having and I knew that you were here to explore and play".

Leon looked to Cara at this point and a little nudge from him caused Cara to speak. "Yes, robbie, Leon & I have discussed this and our play and after I saw your note wanting to make this real I realsied how much I wanted it aswell, how much I needed it after all the build up over the last few weeks".

Leon stopped Cara at this point having got her to tell me that this was down to me he resumed his slow subtle offense of me, "So there you go, there are lots of facets to this idea, it isn't just about me making love to a wife as I hope you will both come to understand, for me it is about taking the lead, about showing a husband, ...erm sorry, an Ohu, that I am bigger and better than him, about taking the wife to sexual highs she has never known before and cannot hope to ever get from the Ohu. So Ohu, you need to realise that once you, or we start down this path I will not be asking you for approval again, as for me and maybe for Cara, this is about my pleasure first and foremost, along with that of Cara".

Leon then fixed me with a look, it was more of a glare. It was meant to challenge me, subdue me, make me understand that he was in control, "I need to know from you now, in front of your beautiful wife, are you prepared for this? Do you want me to make your fantasies come true? Do you want me to make you a cuckold for real?

Feeling myself blushing and my hands slightly shaking, I felt a discomfort from my compressed dick. Betraying my answer, I had to shift and adjust myself from the ache from its restriction. I could see Cara waiting for my answer, for confirmation of the note that she believed I had written. I thought again, admit I wanted it under duress or risk destroying all trust between Cara & I if Leon exposed me.

Despite the repeated takes from my now empty bottle my mouth was now so dry, bright red cheeks, "Yes Leon".

"Yes what? Ohu?"

"Yes Leon, I think I am prepared. I want you to fuck Cara for me". Leon was still glaring at me, daring me to say otherwise. I Looked at Cara, how beautiful she was tonight, knowing how horny she was after our weeks abstinence. I suddenly thought of myself, how this could ruin me getting out of my own chastity supported abstinence!

"No Ohu, that’s not quite enough, you need to realise it is not just about me fucking Cara". God he was delighting in making this hard for me.
I knew what he wanted to hear. Taking a deep breath, "Leon please make me a cuckold for real.

As soon as those words came out of my mouth Cara let out a little gasp and her face flushed even more. Almost immediately that deep almost sing mistergy accent took control again.

"That will be my pleasure Ohu, well my pleasure AND Cara's, but don't worry you will derive your own pleasure from your new position. Now get your Bull and your wife another glass of champagne so we can toast this officially".


Posts: 247
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Superb Rover68uk! Enjoyed

The plot is so well contructed, this last part particularly so. It adds so much to the credibility and enjoyment. A fantastic work. Thanks for taking the time and effort. I appeciate it.


Posts: 4050
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Very nicely written



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Unngh. Unngh. I can't wait for you to pull that BBC out for her to enjoy.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Jezza Mason


Posts: 143 Pictures: 1 
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Magnificent Rover68uk !!! Thanks for your efforts !!!
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Wonderful .....hope it never ends!


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I agree with jeb. More. PLEASE!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 6
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Waiting for the next great installment. Please continue!!
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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PLEASE. We are begging begging for more like Cara is begging for Leon's BBC.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 279
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Thank you for the continued support and apologies for taking so long over the next bit.
Have two chapters done and just messing about with the next bit before posting over next day or so. Hope I still have a couple of people following.
Cheers again

Chapter 27

Progression - No Return

Getting up and fetching the bottle, I turned back to see Cara being almost devoured by Leon. Leon's hands for the first time having reached her thigh and exposing her stocking tops. But also seeing Cara's hand resting on Leon's crotch.

I felt as if I was almost invisible to them as I stood beside Leon and Cara. I watched almost like an experienced cuck, waiting for the lustful couple to break their passion. Standing bottle in hand to serve them I started to get an excited feeling that conflicted with the previous dull ache that was in my stomach. I was also becoming aware that the ache was also possibly due to my restricted dick and balls.

Over a week of abstinence and the erotic thrill of Amsterdam had built up my desire and brought about an almost constant erection, well not that I could get an erection in the jailbird. I knew I wasn't the biggest bloke in the world in the dick department, but I hadn't fully realised how much the cage would restrict. Not being able to get hard in the cage was powering my erection inwards, pushing the cage forward and causing more discomfort for my balls. This was starting to concern me, and I started to hope that Cara may release me so I could get some pleasure at the same time as her and Leon.

Not wanting to stand there for ages I tried one of those polite coughs, done solely to gain attention. It had the required effect and the couple came up for air. Despite my fantasies, the sight of Cara locking her lips passionately with another man was something I wasn't quite prepared for. It seemed almost more intimate than the idea of Leon fucking her. Something that was meant to be reserved for tender moments between a couple.

Leon had that broad grin on his face, and Cara seemed almost out of breath. She was obviously totally wrapped up in the moment and fuelled by her own weeks worth of pent up desires.

Leon decided he would assert his power again, "You know I do love this moment, the calm before the storm, those moments before the deal is sealed, the excitement that can be felt in the air before a wife finally gives herself to me".

Looking at me he told me that of course it would never be a feeling that I would experience, and to add to his growing power he held his gaze as he slowly moved his hand higher on Cara's thigh. Revealing that soft pale flesh above her stocking top. He was delighting in my mixture of emotions.

"Now I gather that you and Cara have been playing with chastity". He caught sight of my glances at Cara and again smiled as he sensed my unease that Cara had revealed so much. "I thought as much when I saw a key on that lovely chain I gather you gave this beauty for her birthday, and Yes my Ohu, Cara has told me all about how wet it made her in the shop and I bet seeing your little boys dick struggle in vain against your cage will make her even more eager for my cock".

A little pause once again to let his words sink home before he continued, "There is also the fact that it feeds my desire to be in control, and knowing that Cara has you safely locked away certainly helps that".

I don't know what I was taken aback by the use of the word "wet", but it did seem he was trying to gauge any reaction, or in fact provoke a reaction. He continued, slowly stroking Cara's thigh as he did. Cara wriggling occasionally in her seat and intently listening and watching her prospective lover tease her husband, "She has also told me about the toy you bought her and about the name that "You" gave it, I have to say that was such a coincidence wasn't it? You two really have done wonderfully well and it seems that there has been a steady progression to your play, a progression that will reach its peak in a few moments".

I watched Cara bite her lip and shift her position in the seat as he said this. "Now, I think we need to move this whole thing forward and being as considerate as I am, I am willing to help you both in making your fantasies come true".

With that, he lifted his hand from Cara's thigh and pulled her skirt back down. This covering Cara was unexpected and I wondered what he would do next. Rising from his seat he walked across the suite, watched intently by Cara & I, before turning and sitting himself on the edge of the bed.

"Cara, I want you now to stand and undress the Ohu, I want him to stand before his wife’s Bull naked. I want to be able to see, and to show you exactly how much your cucky husband enjoys this, and how his trapped little dick gives away his inner most desires". Cara giggled and rose from her seat before approaching me.

It took only a few seconds before she had removed my shirt and I had moved to help her take off my shoes and socks. Then came my trousers until I stood only in my boxers. As Cara took hold of the top of them prior to pulling them down, she stood with her back to Leon. She whispered into my ear, she told me how much she loved me and how grateful she was to me for agreeing to this.....and with a little pause and bite of her lip, how horny she was. As I felt the boxers begin to be pulled down she whispered, "God Robbie, I am so so wet, and I so need his cock in me". The words stung but also caused a surge of red to my dick as it strained against its cage in vain.

I closed my eyes partly to imagine the scene I was part of and partly to stop the sight of the huge grin that was undoubtedly on Leon's face. I knew I couldn't keep them shut for long. Opening them, my thoughts were proved right as I noted Leon beaming from ear to ear, as he saw (another!) husband naked before him, another husband allowing himself to be controlled by the man about to claim his wife. My boxers pooled around my ankles directly next to Cara's ankle and that symbol of my presentation, the key on the chain.

"You see Cara, you see how he is straining against his cage. An Ohu's dick tells a Bull and wife exactly what he wants, it shows us exactly how we are doing, the harder he gets, the more he strains, the more discomfort he receives from his little primister, its shows us how much he wants to see you give yourself to me". Then with a mischievous grin he added, "As of course, as Bull & wife we do have a responsibility to consider the wellbeing of the Ohu....if only in passing".

Cara looked down and saw that Leon was right. No matter what conflicting ideas were going round in my head, whatever butterflies were in my stomach, there was no mistaking my excitement from the redness that stood out as my dick pushed against its primister. My balls, swollen from a weeks worth of teasing and a few hours of confinement contrasted with my otherwise pasty white skin.

Leon then continued with his instruction, "Now Cara, I am sure that the Ohu has come prepared to dress smartly, and will have a tie with him. As we have no cuffs with us at present this will have to suffice. So I want you to go and find it so that we can restrain the Ohu. You see, as much fun as it is to know a cuck is unable to get hard, it is equally fun to watch them unable to do anything about it on the on occasion they are released"

"You see Cara, it is good for you to see the desire and frustration of your husband, to show you how much he craves this and how wonderful he thinks it is seeing you receiving the pleasure you deserve".

Cara simply giggled as she heard this before she offered me some sympathy, "Ahhh poor robbie, I think Leon may be right about this, as left to your own devices I know that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself playing with your dicky".

As Cara rummaged around in my bags I turned as I heard Leon rising from the bed. The scene seemed almost surreal to me. Here I was stood naked, save for my chastity belt, before a man who was about to fuck my wife. Whilst that same wife was searching for something to bind my hands. Leon approached me, that by now familiar grin on his face. As he got closer he spoke in more hushed tones so that Cara would be unable to hear.

"Well cucky, looks like you are about to get your wish, and your straining down below shows Cara just how much you want this". With that he reached into his trouser pocket and removed what I recognised to be the camera memory card.

"Now I was going to keep this safe, but I think Cara has demonstrated how much she wants this, and you my dear Ohu, are amply demonstrating how much it turns you on", as he gave a little nod down to my dick.

As he moved closer he dipped down and I watched as he placed the memory card into the pocket of my recently removed trousers, rising and still in hushed tones he spoke again, "Now as we are doing so well, I don't think we shall be needing that, I think, Cara is so ready for this, especially with that little nudge from Ophelia". There it was, the confirmation that it was Ophelia’s doing. That she had brought this about. OK I accepted that it was me that set the dominos tumbling, but it was Ophelia who had made sure they were all in line and would fall correctly.

"And once you are free and watching the passion I am able to produce in your wife, you will know this was meant to be, and most importantly Cara will see form your dick how happy you are at your new life". With a low chuckle he turned and returned to his position on the bed just as Cara returned with the tie.

I looked at her stood beside me and saw the excitement in her face at what we were doing and felt a happiness and satisfaction that she had embraced the ideas we were now playing out. I wondered why I had ever doubted her and worried what she would think of my desires.

Whilst appearing to wait for instructions with regard to my unlocking Leon spoke again. "We can all appreciate how excited the Ohu is and how obvious that is, but I think it important that a wife’s lustful ideas are also demonstrated". I think at that point Cara & I both had a lost look on our faces as we waited to have the words further explained.

"I want Cara to remain where she is and I want you Ohu, I want you to kneel before your wife and remove her panties", these words brought about a small quiet gasp from Cara as she experienced the thrill of the moment. I too, got a little jolt of excitement as I thought of the symbolism of what Leon was asking me to do.

"You will then, on your knees bring them to me", again I heard Cara's intake of breath and as I knelt before her I saw her biting her lip.

"That's it Ohu, now carefully and respectfully reach under that lovely dress you so kindly bought for Cara and remove those panties". As I reached under her dress I once again looked at her face, it was one I had gazed upon many a time before but it appeared to be even more beautiful to me, the excitement apparent for both Leon & I to see.

I ran my hands up Cara's legs, delighting in the feel of her stockings and particularly the moment I felt the lace tops and then the smooth soft skin that marked my approach to my goal. My hand followed the path indicated by the straps of her suspender straps until they disappeared under the delicate new panties.

My reverie was broken by Leon telling me not to linger and to make sure that I didn't take any liberties with my hands. I marveled at his cheek, him telling me not to take liberties with my own wife!!!

My fingers moved slowly up the outside of Cara’s thighs, despite the cheek of what Leon had said I obeyed his instructions and worked my way slowly upwards until I felt the soft silky material of the new lingerie. My memories of it in the shop were tinged with a mixture of shame that it was another man who she had dressed for and another man who would be enjoying Cara in them (and out of them).


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Ohhhh. Unggghhh. Ohhhh.

I have to rub one out.

Thannnnkkkkk. Youuuuuu.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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#115 · Edited by: suntzuson
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A year later and I am still waiting and hoping for the last chapters of this wonderfully erotic story. Please don't allow it to end here. Cara is every cucks dream wife.
tef fulton


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Please don't dissapoint us Rover. This is too exciting. We have to know how this evening and your lives progressed from your sliding her silky, moist panties down he long, shapely legs, all the while sniffing the the arousal of her perfect pussy.


Posts: 755 Pictures: 3 
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Just have to hear if Leon directed Cara to remove he sexy dress and then you had her remove her bra and soaked panties leaving her standing before him in her suspenders, nylons and heels.


Posts: 279
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Thanks Sun, Jeb, Tef (love "Caught":up2 & Donna.

Busy over next few days and haven't even started the next chapter, but will try and move this on as soon as possible..


Chapter 28

Progression – Final Countdown?

With a deep breath I hooked my fingers into the waistband of the panties and slowly started to pull them down. At the same time I looked up caught Cara’s excited expression. The nerves, the passion and the love were all on her face to see. I noted how her breathing was deep as I saw her breasts rise and fall, her fingers and those painted nails interlocked , interlocked and holding one of my ties whilst pressing into her tummy to contain her excitement.

Ever so slowly I pulled the delicate garment downwards, each inch taking us deeper into our game and bringing closer the reality of the moment. I was aware of each little movement made by Cara as the material of her dress gently swayed. And then as the panties approached her knees they came into view. Soft and sexy, as I recalled them from the shop, delicate, cool to the touch yet with a slight warmth transmitted from her body.

As I continued and neared Cara's ankles she moved her hands from her tummy and rested one of them on my head. She steadied herself as she raised first one foot and then the other to allow me to fully divest her of her intimate apparel. As she lifted her foot I noted with an almost shiver how the panties passed over the anklet and its attached key.

"Very good work Ohu, you are doing well, I am sure you appreciate the symbolism of what you have just done, not only your own actions, but those of Cara also. The way that the two of you, husband and wife have played out your fantasies, the way you have followed my instructions and the way you have now removed one of the last barriers to accessing your wife". The realisation and eroticism of the situation sank home as I knelt in front of Cara. A kneeling husband, naked save for a chastity device holding his wife’s panties and all the while another man sat close at hand waiting to claim that wife as another conquest. Leon was almost toying with us, slowly leading us deeper into our own fantasies.

"Now Ohu, bring those dainty little panties to me", Although we had played this scene out so many times in the privacy of our own bedroom I was aware of my reddening cheeks and how my kneeling position and my task appeared. The excitement and shame combined and all of a sudden I didn't feel able to look at Cara as I made the short and awkward hobble on my knees over to Leon.

Handing them over to Leon sent another surge of adrenaline through my body, adding to my discomfort of being locked away. This was heightened as Leon slowly and deliberately brought the panties up to his face. The crudeness of sampling Cara's scent from them was over ridden by the moment. Again the symbolism, the control of Leon delighting in his position, of knowing he was about to be the first permister in years to sample the charms of Cara's body, and in particular, her pussy.

As he inhaled deeply I turned to look at Cara. I wanted to see her reaction to something that she would ordinarily rail against. There she was appearing to be transfixed by his bravado, the fact that he was so clam and in control. The clear look of excitement on her face indicated that Leon had already managed to get into her head.

Leon had obviously taken this route before and was confident that his actions would lead him to his prize. Taking the fragrant item away from his nose revealed that huge grin again, a sign that he was reveling in his role. His next action was to take delight in demonstrating to me exactly how much Cara was loving this scene. Slowly and all the while staring at me, he turned the panties round and revealed the gusset to me. Breaking Leon's gaze for a second I looked at Cara who realised what the stud was doing. Her cheeks reddened slightly as her excitement and horny state was rubbed in my face.

"You see Ohu, you notice how your sweet Cara is excited, how she is as horny as she has ever been, and horny you understand for her first black cock". My eyes shifted from Cara and returned to the bed and the sight of that delicate material darkened by Cara's pussy. There was no doubting that Cara was excited, the evidence was there for us all to see, just as my dick straining against its cage showed Cara how turned on I was.

"Now that we all know exactly how you both feel about this situation I think we can proceed". Leon was again delighting in the moment as he instructed Cara to continue with her duties with my tie. Leon told me to stand in order to make this easier and to put my hands behind my back.

Cara returned to my side and was then instructed to bind my hands. As she did so Leon told her that this would enhance the experience, that it was hard for husbands to contain themselves when they witnessed the eroticism of their wife being truly pleasured and that it was really for my benefit as it would make the moment of my release so so much better.

Cara responded that she thought it so hot that I was doing this and that she agreed that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from wanking and cumming so quickly so the tie was a good idea. As she expressed this view it dawned on me that Leon was already getting Cara to go along with things, to agree with what he wanted, to listen to his reamistering.

I had to admit to myself that the scene played to my sub ideas, and play with Ophelia except now I was playing with my wife and Ophelia's cousin. The ideas fed my sub fantasies and added to the sweet discomfort felt by my chastity. Pretty much as Leon had suggested, my dick showed what I wanted and what I enjoyed. Its lack of size is what led me to this position and its hardness was what would confirm my desire to those before me.

Safely secured with my tie, Leon called Cara to him. It seemed to be in slow motion as I watched her shapely body sashay towards him. The skirt moving seductively as her hips moved. The knowledge that under the skirt was nothing but a bare pussy, wet and waiting to be filled by Leon. Those great legs shaped by the height of the heels and highlighted by her anklet.

Leon took her hand and rose to his feet to embrace her and plant another deep kiss on her lips. He then resumed his position at the end of the bed and told Cara to lift her leg. He patted his own knee to signal where he wanted it placed. Cara gave me a seductive look over her shoulder as she lifted her anklet adorned leg bringing the sexy shoes to rest on Leon's knee. I then watched as Leon removed the key to my tiny primister before handing it back to Cara.

Leon then took her hand again and moved Cara round until she was facing me. A vision of beauty in my eyes, the birthday Pandora necklace resting in her cleavage, the sexy dress encasing her curvaceous body. I think the moment added to my love and desire for Cara as I thought how damn sexy she looked. My own private thoughts were revealed as both Cara & Leon giggled as they saw the jailbird twitch.

Leon handed the key to Cara and with his other hand guided her towards my viewing point. "Cara, I want you to release the poor Ohu, he looks like if he gets any more excited he may even break out of that thing, and we wouldn't want that as it is such a new toy".

God it was so sexy, a vision, I thought back to that hotel room following that first visit to Ophelia, warmth, comfort and here I was again, another hotel, another room, yet this time WITH Cara....AND a bull. I watched intently as the woman I had exchanged vows with walked towards me with the key to my chastity dangling between her fingers. A sly sexy smile on her face. Swinging her hips and making the dress skirt float from side to side.

I looked her up and down and had my love renewed and reinpowerd.

...And then Cara knelt before me. I closed my eyes imaging the scene but also trying to control myself, knowing how turned on I was and the fact that Cara was touching my dick, well touching my cage! In the darkness my mind picked up the rustle of Cara's dress, her breathing and the occasional sounds coming from Leon as he sat on the bed. All these sounds added to the image and occasion of what was taking place. Then I heard the unmistakable sound, a click as the key turned in the small padlock. Releasing me, or at least releasing the lock, as my dick as hard as it was allowed to get in its tiny primister. As soon as the lock was removed I was at last able to grow a little yet the end of my dick remained caged. I opened my eyes and looked down. There before me was Cara kneeling smiling up at me. Grinning at the sight of my stiffness still restricted. The strength of my erection keeping the cage in place.

As Cara & Leon laughed I simply wanted the thing off me. My hands tied behind my back meant that the option of doing it myself was out, and it appeared that Cara wasn't minded to help me out. In my haste to try and allow myself a full hard on I swayed from side to side. This action brought about further laughter as the cage swung from side to side, hitting each thigh with the movement of my hips.

It took a couple of seconds before Leon took pity and suggested to Cara that she help out "the poor Ohu" as Leon continued to call me. Once again responding to his instructions Cara obliged. I noted that the strength of my erection had caused the bars to almost dig into me. This made the removal less than entirely pleasurable even though it was the first contact that Cara had had with my dick for some time.........and then I was free.

The bars of the cage had left impressions on my dick which Cara rubbed a couple of times, but sensing how turned on I was and noting how my eyes closed with her touch, the tender touch of my loving wife ceased far too soon, "Sorry robbie, but we don't want to spoil your pleasure by getting you off too early, that would spoil the whole thing wouldn’t it?" Cara rose to her feet and gave me a peck on my cheek before turning and walking to the bedside table where she placed the infernal device before returning to sit beside Leon.

"Note how turned on the Ohu is, how much he loves the power that you have over him, and how much his dick shows he wants this, and so so cute having him shaved, very appropriate, and necessary to make sure we can actually see it". This sleight to my manhood was met with a playful slap to his leg from Cara who told him to not be so mean.

Leon turned and kissed Cara at this point before pointing out that it was hardly mean if I was enjoying it, and enjoyment was certainly being demonstrated by my twitching erection and the first signs of pre cum glistening in the subdued light of the suite.

At this point Leon suggested that I go and sit in one of the chairs by the window. Being so considerate, he suggested that this was to make myself comfortable, or as he joked as comfortable as I could be in such an excited state. As I tried to make myself comfortable with my hands behind my back and dick pointing skywards he turned his attentions to Cara.

"Now little lady, I think it is about time for the main event, I would like you to stand and give us, or should that be ME, a twirl", a little look over to me and Cara blew me a kiss before rising and taking a couple of paces away from the bed.


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your descriptive and imaginative writing s******* cannot not be beat. I feel as though i am right there as the Ohu watching and waiting for the passionate ravishment of my beloved Cara is about to take place and continue all night as she gets the big cock penetration that every woman deserves and desires.
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