Posts: 281
I'm loving this story.....
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Great story....can't wait to see what's in the package!
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Bump! I gotta know what is in the package!! 
Posts: 177
What a great Story Great Job! Tell us more!
Posts: 279
Many thanks, sorry for the delay, shifts are a pain and on nights at moment so hope to get back to it in couple of days. As GH has said it seems to be a paragraph at a time at present!
Posts: 279
As I drove home I mulled over my recent session with Ophelia. I loved the whole Ohu, Yemi & Omolara idea and marvelled once again at her inventiveness. I also cast my mind back to her clever use of the idea that Leon would have a picture of Cara and would be able to identify her at the gym. My initial shock at the idea of what she claimed to have done faded and I thought that every husband must have a picture of his wife in his wallet. So it wasn’t something that would have been too wild a stab in the dark. Even so. It was a nice touch and something that fitted Ophelia's devilish mind.
So it was in a relatively calm frame of mind that I pulled the car into my driveway. Now only a couple of lesser matters to explain away. “Hi honey, how was your trip? You get much done thinking about your sexy little wife at home?" What else could I say, I approached her from behind as she was doing the dishes in the kitchen and reached round to cup her breasts. Being away for 3 nights after all the play we had done, all the chat from Ophelia making my fantasies seem so real, well they had me constantly horny. Pushing my crotch into her as I made for her nipples. Easy to find under her lycra top, even if she did have one of her sports bras on.
Holding Cara close I wondered was I mad to be getting so enthralled with the ideas that Ophelia was planting in my head. Those thoughts which had got me into this current tricky situation. Here I was the devoted husband returning home to his sexy wife and yet Ophelia had rendered me not only impotent but also looking like a little boy with my bald pubic area.
As I snuggled into Cara and claimed my beautiful bride I rationalised that it would be best to simply admit to my wanking, to getting off thinking of my sexy woman at home. With part of my dilemma resolved we passed the next hour going over our days. As per usual I complained about my boss, the stroppy customers and the traffic, whilst Cara listened, made appreciative or pacifying comments where appropriate, all the while going about her business, gliding around the kitchen in her jogging pants and that tight lycra top.
Normally the sight of Cara in such attire and the hint of a nipple would get me excited, yet due to Ophelia’s torments, little Robbie could not respond. Still it was great to be back with her, close to her and to bond again. After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine we were relaxing on the sofa with Cara leaning in to me. The warmth, the food and take combined with the knowledge that the weekend was upon us must have brought us to our senses at roughly the same time. I moved my arm, which had been around her shoulder resting on her arm, and moved my hand upwards towards her breasts. Almost at the same time Cara twisted round slightly and moved her hand upwards towards my crotch.
The timing brought a smile to both of our faces as our eyes made contact and we realised that we both wanted to play, although we possibly had differing motives or ideas as to how it would play out.
Cara’s had continued upwards and cupped my face and she reached her face upwards to kiss me. Locked like that, almost as new young lovers, I hoped my dick would be able to work, but feared that Ophelia had indeed rendered me impotent for the night.
Breaking the kiss I told Cara how much I loved her and how exciting our love life had been over the last few weeks. I also told her that I had a confession to make. A slight worried look came across her face, which I eased by another tender kiss. “Don’t be worried, it is just that whilst away I was thinking about all that sexy play we have had over the last few weeks, about hot it has both got us”.
With that, Cara smiled again and kissed me as she slowly rubbed my crotch. Alas the usual result of this rubbing was not forthcoming, something that Cara noticed. “I will be getting worried if all that talk and all your imaginings don’t manage to get your cock working dearest”, she said as she continued to rub me.
A little embarrassed and still worried how she would take this I confessed. “Well all that talk and being away from you, stuck in hotel rooms, meant that I was a bit of a bad husband and I couldn’t stop myself from wanking myself imagining you being eyed up at your gym”. The smile returned to her face once again, the slow rubbing continued and Cara asked me to tell her more of my naughty thoughts.
“Well, it is a little embarrassing, especially as I couldn’t stop myself from doing it so many times, but I hope I can make it up to you tonight and reclaim that naughty married pussy”. Another kiss and a stroke of her breasts was met with a playful slap on my chest from Cara. “And to make it up I have bought you a little present that I thought we may open together upstairs”. Cara’s smile became a huge grin at the prospect of what she assumed would be a kinky present, coming so soon after my admission and the fact that the present needed to be opened upstairs.
It was only after I had said this and told Cara about the present that I suddenly started to worry as I realised that I had no idea what Ophelia had given me, or how I was going to explain it if it was something way out. I suddenly realised that I would have to have my wits about me in the next few minutes.
At the prospect of some fun and coupled with the idea that there was a present waiting for her Cara ceased her rubbing and leapt up. “C’mon then big boy, let’s get upstairs and see what this present is”. With those words she rose and took my hand and led me upstairs to the bedroom. It was only whilst climbing the stairs and looking at her shapely ass in her joggers that I recalled I had another less easy to explain away problem, namely my now bald dick and balls. I thought that the only way I could make a sensible case was to tell Cara that I wanted it to look as big as possible and not be hidden by any hair. I would leave it to Cara to decide if she liked it and wanted me to keep it that way. Deep down though I loved the idea, I suppose Ophelia realised it also, that I was bald and looked less of a grown man now.
Entering the bedroom Cara ushered me towards the bed, “I’ll be right back big boy, you just get yourself comfy on the bed and your hot little wife will freshen up a little”, and with that she disappeared into the en suite telling me that she was all excited to hear about what I had been up to and whether I had been thinking of her whilst I was away, and of course telling me that she was excited to see what this present was.
In my haste I had almost forgotten this, so quickly nipped to the study to retrieve the tall square well wrapped gift so generously, or was that mischievously, provided by Ophelia? Hearing the sound of running water on my return I stripped off and made myself comfortable on the bed, although I was so aware of my hairless state that I kept re positioning myself to try and hide it , so that it wouldn’t be the first thing that Cara would see when she emerged from the bathroom.
As the seconds passed and I listened to the running water in the bathroom, thoughts flashed through my mind as to how the next few minutes may go. As my apprehension increased, needless to say, so did my excitement. I started to wonder if I was pushing things too fast. After all it had only been a couple of weeks ago that we had played through our first ideas of Cara taking another cock, and now here I was reclining on our marital bed, looking like I did when I was about 10 from the waist down, feeling slightly exposed, and about to hand my wife a present that really came from the woman who had been playing with my own hidden fantasies.
It was as this apprehension and fear that maybe Ophelia would really try and humiliate me for my kinks, that I started to think about hiding the present and making out it was all a joke. I made a move to get off the bed, to nip back to the study, but just as I did the taps were turned off and I heard Cara returning to the bedroom. There was no escaping now. I had to play this through and trust in Ophelia once again.
Next, stood before me, framed by the light from the en suite stood my sexy lady. Slowly walking seductively towards the bed. I marvelled at the woman I married and how she had kept herself in shape. The 39 years sat easily on her and I gazed upon her still firm breasts and the curve of her hips, the small landing strip leading down to her sweet pussy. Reaching the end of the bed she climbed up and approached cat like with a huge smile on her face. A smile that got bigger as she noted the gift wrapped package by my side of the bed. "Mmmm I can see my surprise there lover" she said as she reached the head of the bed and reclined beside me. Cara's hands ran over the top of the covers as she maintained eye contact with me. Slowly her hand came to the top of the covers before disappearing beneath them. I realised that she was about to find another surprise from my time away!
I wasnt sure at this point which surprise would be met with more of a response, my baldness or the gift. I did not have to wait long as her hand reached the area where she should have encountered hair. I could feel her fingers exploring and at the same time see her expression change as her fingertips relayed the news to her brain. As the realisation dawned on Cara the smile once again returned. "Ooooo we have been a little kinky haven’t we, come on then big boy let’s see what you have been up to whilst away", and with that she pulled back the covers to reveal little robbie in all his de fuzzed glory, although glory was probably still not the word as he was still feeling the effects of the draining.
The response to the sight before her eyes was similar to that shown by Ophelia, the head thrown back, the clapping of hands and the laughter, all signalled delight at the state of my crotch area. The laughter stopping she took a more studied approach and ran her hands over my smoothe skin. Back and forth she went, around my dick and balls, feeling the softness and delighting in the new found vulnerability. "We were a busy little boy", she seemed to emphasize the last two words and gaze ever more deeply into my eyes. "You did a very good job, for one not used to that anyone would think you had help it is so smoothe", again she continued her stroking and appeared to be trying to bring little robbie to life. "Ahh, and so smoothe it feels like you moisturised aswell".
"So what brought this idea on then?", well there it was, pretty much the question I had anticipated and prepared for. The lie came easily to my lips and I explained that I had enjoyed our recent games and that our talk about the size of guys and particularly the guys she had mentioned at the gym, had made me want to try an appear as big as was possible. I also admitted that it was this previous discussion that had also got me excited and resulted in my almost constant jerking in my hotel. Cara continued to slowly massage me, attempting to bring me back to life, to be able to consummate our mutual lust in the idea of her enjoying a well hung stud.
"And if you were playing with yourself so much, and spending so much time fantasizing about me being a toy for some hunk, I presume that your other surprise for me will help in our games?" This really had me, despite all my worries about what I was going to say and how Cara would respond to my admissions, and my current hairless condition, she had taken it all in her stride. What little concern I had held with regard to the contents of the gift from Ophelia slowly ebbed away. I had taken a leap of faith previously, so why should I not continue? After all, Ophelia was simply assisting me in living out my fantasies, in heightening my desires and bringing new spark to my, to our, love life.
With Cara's continued velvet touch playing over little robbie, I had managed to attain a small degree of firmness. It took nothing to twist my upper body and grab the package and bring it into view. I wondered what to say, but realised not knowing what was inside could cause problems, after all the gift was from me. I hoped that with Cara taking well to my new found kinkiness, that she would think nothing of what would undoubtedly be something that Ophelia would consider as "helping me" with my fantasies.
Sadly the provision of the gift wrapped box caused Cara to cease her stroking. An eager look of delight came across her face as she took hold of the package and began to unwrap it. He eyes flicking from the new task at hand to my own face. I hoped that I was not giving away the fact that I too had no idea what was inside. It seemed to take an eternity, but in reality it took no more than 10 seconds before a broad smile came across her face. I was pleased to see that she liked what she saw, and was even more pleased when it registered with me exactly how Ophelia had intended to further my fantasies.
As Cara twisted the box to read more about the contents I was able to see the picture on the front. An image I had often fantasized about for Cara, but in plastic/latex form. The packet advising of the great pleasure that the "Jungle King" could provide.
Posts: 281
Mmmmm, please continue
Posts: 12
Rover68uk Another great chapter. Well done. I am looking forward to the next one with 'growing' anticipation.
Jezza Mason
Posts: 143
Great storey Rover68uk.......hangin on every chapter
Posts: 279
Progression-Explanation cont’d
"You have been a kinky little devil haven’t you?" I could only nod and smile and begin to stroke her arm, to try and instigate some more play form Cara. However, she seemed more intent on sampling her new "friend" and was already opening the box. "I guess our play and my mentioning of Olu at the gym hit a chord with you eh?" "I wonder if this is as big as him, it certainly looks to be a little bigger than little robbie there". With that she gave me a brief stroke and then returned her attentions to her toy.
As it came out of the box I blurted out that I had thought that maybe we should call it Leon, and explained that I had been at school with a guy of that name who was on the large size, and thought this a safer bet than naming it after someone she met at the gym. "Ahhh don’t be worried Robbie, I wouldn’t want you to feel threatened by your little wife enjoying the pleasures provided by one of her gym buddies". This was once again met by one of those sexy sweet giggles that Cara did so well. “But if it makes you feel a little more secure Leon it is”.
With that Cara proceded to examine her new friend, running her hands up and down the shaft, feeling all the bumps and veins moulded into it. The dark brown colour of the shaft and balls contrasting slightly against the lighter more pinky head. “So from your recollections, does this look like the real thing? And more importantly do you think my pussy will be able to take it all, I mean, and no offence Robbie, it is somewhat bigger than I am used to”. At this point she was gazing into my eyes and she moved her hand to stroke little Robbie. The next thing she did though played out all my sub cuckold fantasies as she lowered “Leon” until it was next to my semi hard dick. “Wow, it really does seem that black guys have one over on white guys, but then you obviously love that idea don’t you, or why else would you have got me this, eh?” The last bit was said with a playful tone in her voice. “Well as you have been ever so nice as to bring me a new friend to play with, I think he least I could do is try him out don’t you? But before we do I think I am going to need to be a lot wetter than I am now, you know what I am used to and this thing is wayyy bigger”. With that she gave me a playful poke and lay back on her side of the bed and started to play with her nipples.
The dutiful and considerate husband that I am, I of course scooted down the bed, running my hands over her tummy, mound and thighs. I started kissing her legs as I knelt between them slowly loving my way towards her wonderful pussy. A pussy that I now realized was about to get its first taste of black cock. It may well have been a fake one but the ideas played out so many times in my head were flooding back. A sort of soft focus close in shot of her pussy and the cock slowly sinking into her soft folds.
“Now make sure you do a good job down there Robbie, I’m not sure your naughty wife has ever taken anything this big, in fact I can’t believe we are about to do this”. “Our play lately has been so hot and this is just taking it to another level”. With that she placed the toy on the bed and reached for me, taking my face in her hands she pulled me towards her and kissed me with a passion that had come from her learning to love our play and feeling free enough to be open and honest.
We kissed like boyfriend and girlfriend, like we had when the passion between us was new, was raw and like we knew that we were expanding our previously limited sex life. Well a sex life that we thought had been great but that was slowly blossoming.
After minutes of our lips being locked together Cara broke and looked into my eyes. “Now lover, lick me, lick me and get me wet for my new friend”. Again ever the gent, “Your wish is my command sweet lady”. Slowly bowing my head I kissed ever downwards, her neck, her chest, each beautiful breast. A quick glance up and her eyes were closed and her lips ever so slightly parted. Moving ever downwards I kissed her lovely tummy, her belly button and then planted a soft kiss on her small patch of hair. I shifted my position which meant I was part on and part off the bed, my dick rubbing the sheets, semi hard as I gazed at her pussy. Cara’s legs splayed, her pussy in plain view and soft white thighs, my eyes drawn to her beautiful pussy, her lips just showing the signs of her arousal and just the smallest of hints as wetness.
Again, after surveying my prize, I leant in and kissed her thighs. I felt her muscles twitch as I planted soft kisses slowly moving towards her pussy. I next kissed the centre of her pussy and lingered to inhale her scent. Feeling the warmth from her I kissed each thigh and then the very top of her slit, placing pressure on it to try and transmit my passion to her clit. My tongue came out and I tried just soft light upward motions from top to bottom of her pussy.
With each lapping motion I placed more pressure to slowly open her lips and prove to me how turned on she was by displaying how wet she was. I felt her hands once again being run through my hair as she pulled her knees to allow me better access. I could also hear soft moans coming from above me which changed in intensity if my tongue ran over her clit of made a particularly nice swirl!
“Mmmmmm lover boy is doing well, anyone would think you are trying to compensate for being a bad boy and wanking whilst you were away, but then again”…..the words stopped for a second and were replaced by a moan and an arching of her back as I circled her clit with the tip of my tongue. Letting up, I kissed her now blossoming bud, and told her how much I love eating her, that I could spend hours there tasting her delicious pussy. Cara ruffled my hair and then simply said, “I want Leon”. Hearing those words as I felt the new toy being pushed down by my face, got me so hard. The words I had almost wanted to hear, yet had also feared. My position at the end of the bed allowed me to rub my dick against the edge of the bed. The milkings had stopped me a little but this play was bringing me back to life.
As I took hold of the large base, the balls of the new toy, of “Leon”, I wondered how on earth it would fit, would it hurt, I even started to wonder whether it would really replace me, replace the real thing. All the thoughts that rushed through my head were wonderful scary at the same time, yet I still looked at her pussy and wanted to see it sliding home, inch by inch. I even had to have a little chuckle to myself at the idea that it was sliding “home”, I wondered if that was how Cara may come to see it, her pussy a home for a black cock?
I kissed her pussy once again, wondering if this really was the start of me kissing her pussy goodbye. The I told her, “Leon wants this pussy, he wants to make little Cara a slut for black cock”. In that instant I wondered if I had gone too far but the movement of her pelvis told me she was eager to try. He eyes were closed and I slowly moved the pinkish tip of the dildo up and down her pussy lips. Slowly putting more pressure on them, and then it happened, her lips parted and “Leon” made his first small entry into Cara. She flinched ever so slightly at the contact with her inner lips and her clit, and then she moved her hips again which caused the head to sink that little bit deeper.
“God Cara that looks so beautiful, your pussy pale pink and soaking wet against Leon”, my words brought a moan from Cara who seemed lost in the moment, and Leon wasn’t even fully penetrating her.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Great Stuff! Do continue!!
Posts: 279
Sorry for delay any of you still keepign with me on this!
Chapter 11 continued...again!
Leaning in I kissed her clit hood and moved the toy up and down slightly, it made a slight sound, as her lubrication came into contact with the softness of toy. The rocking of her hips now made Leon push deeper with every upward thrust and that was even without me really trying. I was mesmerized by the ease with which she seemed to be taking to this. Something that I had only given her a few minutes before.
Cara had taken to the idea so well, all the talk and role-play over the past few weeks had obviously primed her for this idea. The stories we had read on Literotica had gotten her excited and filled her head with images of couples like us exploring this idea, even making it actually happen. I continued to move the shaft, it bending slightly as the pressure between my hand and her body increased. I could tell that she was really turned on and getting even more so as I could see her pussy getting ever wetter.
The moans continued and then she said it, “Stop messing me about and fuck me with that thing, I want Leon inside me, please Robbie fuck me, give me that black cock”. I knew she was into it and I had fantasized about being there and watching as she said that, but the reality sort of shook me. It shook me only for a second though as my ideas and fantasies took hold once again and I pushed ever so slightly harder. He pussy gave in return and the head pushed past her first defences. It met a brief bit of resistance and then sort of shot past her muscles. This initial invasion by her first black cock caused her head to be thrown back into her pillow her mouth open and was accompanied by a moan deep and long.
As it slowly ever so carefully edged home, I went in to kiss her clit, placing an ever so soft kiss and whispering, “thank you, thank you for trying this”, in an instant her hand came up and ruffled my hair again and pulled my head closer, insisting on me kissing her thighs and clit once again. “No Robbie, thank you for letting me try this” she said breathlessly and then urged me on to push Leon further.
I was so close I could feel the heat coming from her pussy, see her lips glistening with her juices at the point where latex and skin came together. With each movement and slight withdrawal I could see a thin sheen on Leon. The sights and the sounds were having the effect I had hoped and were starting to really bring Robbie back to life. If Ophelia had thought that she had rendered me completely useless to Cara tonight, then she had made a mistake. I thought that I would be able to get hard. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to produce anything and was worried that even if I was able to cum then it may prove to be less than pleasurable due to being dry. I also knew that it was liable to be sore due to the attentions from earlier in the day, but that was not relevant as I was witnessing what I had longed for, a black cock in Cara’s pussy.
After my thoughts had got in the way I resumed my slow shallow pushing motions, trying to get Leon deeper into Cara, to see how much she could take, and hopefully to get her off , to make her remember her first black cock. The first 2 inches went in fairly easily, and the 3rd not too bad. I ensured that I took my time and whispered how sexy her pussy looked, trying to reassure her how much I wanted to see this and how hot it was seeing her take a “real cock”. As the next couple of inches slowly made their way into her, I was almost fully hard. Cara’s body was moving in unimister with my movements. Looking up I could see one hand playing with her right breast, pinching her nipple and the other gripping the bed clothes by her side.
“Do you love Leon’s cock” I asked, wanting Cara to become more verbal, to tell me what she loved, for me to hear her enjoying another cock, and for it to feed my own cuck fantasies. “Mmmm , yesssss, Leon’s cock feels soo good”. As I slowly applied more pressure allowing more movement in and out, I could see Cara gripping Leon on every out stroke. “Fuck me baby, help Leon fuck me” and with the next inward thrust Cara came out with the words that I had wanted to hear, to feed my need to be recognized as an inadequate husband, to feel the cuckold horns being planted on my head, “Yes Robbie, Leon is wonderful, thank you honey for giving me his big black cock, God he feels so big, ahhhhhhh yes”. This had to be at 6 inches and there was still a couple to go! “Yes Cara, tell Leon how much you want his cock, tell him how good he feels”, I was in my element, getting off on my own words but hoping to hear them back at me from Cara’s beautiful lips.
“Oh God Yes, Leon’s cock is so good, Robbie he is soo deep, deeper than you have been, god he feels like he is stretching me…….” Cara trailed off at this point as she arched her back and then pushed it down onto the bed, powering more of Leon into her, Her hands both gripped the sheets now and my now steady movements were more long strokes now, getting Leon almost entirely inside her. I could believe that she had managed to take it all. It had taken a good 20 minutes I guess but I couldn’t be sure.
Cara’s clit stood proud above the dark shaft of the dildo, occasionally I would pull it out far enough just to catch a glimpse of the pinkish head, the shaft completely coated with her juices as Cara was now lost in the action. I could see a flush starting to appear on her chest and neck and then I resumed my attention on her pussy. Continuing to move Leon, to orchestrate her orgasm, to get her off on her new lover.
I once again kissed her thighs, aware of how close I was to Leon as he sawed into her. Cara’s hand came up and grabbed my hair, more powerfully than she had ever done before, just as I was about to kiss her clit once again. She pulled my head up and sort of pushed it away at the same time. Telling me “No!!, I want Leon’s cock, just fuck me, fuck me hard, I need that big cock in me”. Initially I felt a little put out that I was trying my best to please her and she was pushing me away, almost denying me what I loved to do, to lick her pussy and taste her, but I realized this was almost my dream. For Cara to be lost in a cock, moreover, another mans cock, a big black cock.
I was so turned on by this I had to alter my position, from being passive and simply lying on the bed, I moved up so I was knelt between her splayed legs. With one hand I continued Leon’s assault on her pussy and with other I took little Robbie in hand and jerked as I gazed at my wife being fucked by a big black cock.
The breathing was becoming deeper and more labored and Cara now seemed to glow from a thin sheen of sweat covering her body. My arm and her body seemed to be working together and I could tell Cara was getting close to cumming. She was moaning loudly, talking but not making any sense, or not that I could tell. Then all of a sudden her breathes became shorter, her muscles in her legs tensed and she began bucking. Her hands came up and tried to stop the in out action and just held Leon deep inside her. Her head came up and was powerd back down into the pillow. It was almost like that scene from the diner with the faked orgasm, yet this was real.
Cara continued to move her hips as I sat back on my haunches just on the point of cumming myself from the sheer eroticism of the scene before me. With Cara still almost shivering Leon still deep inside her she was still, her breathing deep but steady, small moans coming from her. Post orgasmic bliss for her, and yet here was I still on the edge, even after cumming 3 times for Ophelia and then being milked. I wanted to, I needed to get off now. This fantasy had been wonderful. Cara had loved it and there was no way she was going to be able to deny it judging by how her body had reacted.
It was then that I lost sight of my cuckold desires and feelings and just wanted to be buried deep in Cara’s pussy, or as deep as I could go. I moved forward on my knees and took hold of the balls that were flush with her pussy and slowly started to remove Leon from her. This was met with a flinch and a small moan. Cara obviously tender from her new lover. Yet I didn’t care at that point, wanting my own satisfaction.
Leon dropped out onto the bed sheets, coated with a thick liquid, Cara’s pussy had aided its own ***. Her previously tight pussy looked different, but even that excited me and I continued to scoot forward on my knees, my right had working feverishly on my dick. I got almost to the point of entry when Cara’s hand came down and blocked my access. “No lover, I can’t take anything else today, please, I am so tender, I can still feel like he is inside me. Please just lick me”
I was just shocked, crestfallen, I was so horny and yet Cara had denied me. She had got what she needed and I was being left high and dry, dry being perhaps the more operative word for me. Even with the denial though, I started to relive some of the last few minutes, the sights the sounds, that combined with some of the words of Ophelia, about being careful with this idea as I may not always be in control.
It was with those thoughts and the sight of Cara’s pussy still seeming to more and twitch ever so slightly, that I managed to achieve another orgasm, but as expected it was not entirely pleasurable as the physical result was there but without the cum.
Almost immediately the post orgasm blues washed over me. I looked over and caught sight of myself in Cara’s dressing table mirror. Kneeling on the bed, naked with my shrunken dick in my hand, and Cara content in her own little world after her own amazing orgasm. And there on the bed between a prone Cara and a kneeling husband was the dark shape of Leon. 8inches of man made rubber that had denied me access to my own wife’s pussy.
That night we cuddled again like we had when we first got together, aware that we had shared an intense experience, one that had taken our sex life to another level. We seemed to be ramping the ideas up all the time now. It was the same over the rest of the weekend. Cara & I playing with Leon, or as it happened, mostly Cara playing with Leon by herself as I watched. Leon would never fail, as I came to realize I had done on so many occasions. He always brought her to shattering orgasms and I was left to masturbate.
To some extent it seemed right, for me to kneel by Cara’s side as she basked in the glow of orgasm after orgasm, as I played with my dick. Occasionally she would reach out and cup my balls. She would smile at me and tease me with soft words. There was always a look of love in her eyes as she urged me on. Always gentleness in her touch as she urged me on, telling me to cum, telling me how good Leon had made her feel and thanking me for my gift.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Can't wait to see what his Mistress has planned next!
Posts: 4050
#44 · Edited by: goodhusband
When you first began posting this story I must not have been in the right mood. I was a little put off by the pro domme scenario. I don't know why, I don't have any objections to visiting professionals for sex or sex professionals. As I see it the negative aspects of the sex trade all come from the fact that it's illegal. Pimps and the exploitation of minors are repugnant, but both situations arise from the fact that the business is illegal. If it were legalized it would be much easier to control those negative aspects of the business.
Anyway, I was pressed for time and stopped reading the story. As I watched this story develop, I began to wonder if I was missing something, so I tried it again. I'm glad I did. You are an excellent writer. I just finished the third segment and I am eagerly looking forward to finding out what happens when Rob confesses his desires to Cara.
Thank you for writing and I apologize for my unfounded early doubt.
Posts: 279
Tef, Jeb, Jezza, brisbane, snoops & GH (thanks for giving me a 2nd chance!  ).......Many many thanks, your feedback is much appreciated and has kept me at this when I thought I was just waffling away and thinking of stopping. It is all well and good starting with the intention of [i]trying[i] to create a story that isnt simply for a quick jerk, but I realised after the second chapter that I had gotten myself into something that could go on for quite a while. It is also difficult as GH has said, reading something back and thinking it is complete bollocks, so I guess you guys will act as my editors should it become tedious! Hope to have next bit done in couple of days.
Posts: 279
Progression – Like a Duck to water!
That first weekend with the “fake” Leon seemed to really open Cara’s eyes….and her pussy! Besides the fact that she was using her present a couple of times each day, she had watched me wank my dick to the sight of her doing so many times. It must have made her appreciate how much I enjoyed seeing her so well satisfied, and how much I enjoyed the thrill of seeing another cock in her beautiful pussy.
In order to keep her on the path to fulfilling my fantasy I always made sure I told her how sexy she looked and how much it turned me on. In turn she thanked me for giving her such a gift and we cuddled so much. The presence of a new toy had brought back the spark to our love life. Our play before had been great but it was onto another level now. Cara seemed to love going round almost naked. Many times over the course of the weekend and indeed, the next week, I found my lovely wife reclining on the sofa in some sexy little bra and panty set I had bought her, or watching TV or surfing the net whilst in a flimsy baby doll just before bed. Well I say just before be, but really just before Leon came out of the bedside locker!
It seemed that our openness had brought back Cara’s confidence, her pleasure at knowing how sexy I found her, the knowledge that even after our years of marriage she was a desirable woman. It also resulted in her realising that I got off on the whole idea. As she cooed after her own orgasm she often talked about how great Leon’s cock was as I wanked by her side. She even on the odd occasion really teased me by placing it alongside my dick and commenting on the difference. Of course she noted how this caused me to twitch and smiled as she saw me close my eyes and then stare at her recently filled pussy.
“You’re as such a bad hubby, getting off wanking that small dick as your wife takes a huge black cock”, Those words simply added fuel to the fire. She had turned me on no end when she had practically begged me to fuck her with Leon on that first night, but now she seemed to be developing on her own. Almost like a switch had been flicked on. She realised how the idea worked. She got all the pleasure she wanted and I assisted and watched most of the time.
It must have been almost a week on from that first night that we unwrapped the present that I fully realised how much of the idea Cara had taken on board. I was a little late getting home from work after being snarled up in traffic. On my entry all seemed normal, the house was its usual warm welcoming place. The smell of food wafted from the kitchen and Cara had some music playing. However, Cara was not about downstairs. Climbing the stair s and nearing the bedroom I could hear the unmistakable sound of an approaching orgasm!
I seemed to time it perfectly as I reached the door I saw a truly beautiful sight. Cara was splayed on the bed, the sheets all crumpled. Although she only had the bedside lights on I could see her eyes closed, one nipple standing proud, the other being massaged and tweaked by her delicate hand. The other hand rhythmically moving back and forth, using Leon to take her over the top to her own delight.
It appeared that she had been drawn to play with herself, to play with “Leon” as by her side on the bed lay her laptop. I could only assume that she had been browsing some kinky site and had felt an overwhelming desire to cum.
I stood at my own bedroom door watching a truly beautiful sight. The woman I had married some years ago becoming the woman of my dreams. Not that I had not adored her and worshipped her before, but the development with Ophelia’s aid, the progression in our play had all helped, had all added to my love for her. It was a bizarre scene, like I was a stranger in my own house, standing almost secretively in the doorway, half hidden, watching an intimate moment.
Cara’s hand kneaded her breasts, tweaked her nipples and roamed over her body. Her other hand continued to move “Leon” in and out. Cara’s body was undulating, her back arching and as she worked she drew her knees upwards to allow her to lift her hips upwards. Needless to say my own dick was now becoming uncomfortable and I had to open my flies. The sight before me was one of my dreams, albeit with Cara using a toy rather than it being a real man.
As her toy bottomed out and Cara held it firmly in place she bucked once more and uttered the single word. A word that despite the fact that I had only a couple of seconds before, started playing with my dick, caused me to spurt instantly. With her breathing deeply and body glistening with a sheen of perspiration, Cara called out…”Leeeonnnn”, and with that her hips sank back onto the bed, her hands, more easily now moved across her breasts, caressing them now. Her eyes closed as she was lost in her post orgasmic thoughts of Leon’s big black cock. In the soft lighting of our marital bedroom my beautiful wife was slowly coming down from an amazing orgasm.
Meanwhile, me her wannabe cuckold husband, was standing in the door way, dick hanging limply from the flies of my trousers. My own cum partly on my fingers, and looking down I could see the majority of my issue slowly sliding down our bedroom door. Whilst Cara lay comfortably on our bed , still feeling Leon’s hard cock in her, still feeling his albeit artificial presence, I stood there and started to feel shame, guilt and a degree of fear. I felt like a peeping tom. I had spied on Cara’s intimate moments and had cum in a matter of seconds.
I watched as Cara slowly allowed the toy to slip out of her. From my vantage point I could see it shine in the light of the bedside table. Slick with her pussy juice, I was instantly jealous of that piece of plastic, jealous that it had been able to go so deep inside Cara, deeper than I had ever managed, and performed better than I had ever managed. It slipped out and Cara exhaled and I could see her body sort of shiver as it exited her pussy. For an instant I could see her pussy, open exposed, reddened form the play, but open none the less. I had seen pictures online of pussies that had been stretched open by large cocks, and had often played with myself picturing it being Cara. I wondered whether it would look the same if the real Leon got inside her?
Still intently gazing at my wife, I realised that despite my shame my cum covered fingers were once again playing with my dick. The image in front of me had me excited again. The shame of getting off on Cara masturbating was added to by my shame as I saw her puffy lips and wondered, almost wished that I was seeing her lovers cum slowly oozing from her stretched pussy.
My finger and thumb were all that were needed to start work on my hard on. Even with the pinch grip I had they slid slightly, lubricated by the cum left on my fingers from the most recent jerking. Cara reclining on the bed, her hand running smoothly over her breasts and in her blissful state her other hand slowly rubbing her tummy and slipping ever closer to her pussy. It moved past her belly button and then reached the top of her small patch of hair before alighting just at the top of her slit.
As her left hand sneaked down and her index finger slowly started to apply pressure to her clit I continued to tease my own little button. Once again as she played her knees rose to afford her more movement. It was only then as I focused on her legs and feet, that I felt that I had been smacked across the face. I must have let a gasp out of me as Cara stopped her teasing and rubbing and looked up.
I was caught! Although I was partly in darkness, she would have been able to see me, and see that I had been spying on her.
“Come on in my little pervert” she said with a girlish giggle. All of a sudden the shame that had been there before was intensified a hundred fold as I pushed the door open and revealed myself. My proud 4 ½ inches standing out in front of my pants. The tip reddened and slick from my furtive masturbation.
“Mmmmm I can see someone has been a naughty boy and been watching a real cock at work!” I could only offer a week smile as I walked towards the bed, and tried to mutter an apology for being sneaky. As I neared the bed, the shock factor was evident. I stared at her face, then her pussy and then my eyes were drawn to her feet, and her hands now. I think I had been so mesmerised by her pussy and the toy that I had missed what was right and bright in front of me.
Cara saw the path of my eyes and wiggled her toes. “You like lover?” She lifted her hands as my eyes met hers, and waved them in front of me. “I didn’t know you had such a thing for bright red nail polish, if I did I would have had them all done like this long ago”.
I think Cara mistook my hard dick and almost mute countenance for complete arousal. Little did she know that in those last few moments I had been transported back to Ophelia's chambers and was recalling her words…….. ……“as it will be a sign that she wants to please her stud…I don’t think I had mentioned that Leon loves to see his wives with nicely painted nails”. Oh my god! Cara had never done this before, never appeared to want to be so flash and have such bright nails, and here it was, ideas that Ophelia had played with, ideas that she said Leon liked, and here was Cara now flaunting them and getting off on a fake Leon! “I’m sorry Robbie, but I couldn’t help myself”, she said as she propped herself up on one elbow. Her red painted and manicured nailed hand reaching out and touching the end of my dick as I reached the side of the bed. Stroking it, making it as hard as it had ever been she simply mmmmm’d. “So is it my nails you like or was it seeing your naughty wife taking a big black cock whilst you could only watch from the doorway?” The slight thrust of my hips told her I loved it. “And did my lil cuck hub shoot all over his hand watching that big black cock so deep in his sweet lil wifey”. Cara seemed to be covering new ground all the time. Her words were spoken in soft seductive tones yet almost also mocking. It was not lost on me that she also seemed to be emphasising the words, big black cock! Cara, stopped her stroking, and gripped my dick and pulled me towards her, down onto our bed. She pulled me close and kissed me deeply and passionately. I could only respond and take my beautiful sexy wife in my arms. Sinking to the bed, we held each other our lips remained locked together for what seemed like ages. The passionate snogging like our dating days was only broken by Cara, who simply looked into my eyes and smiled. “Lick me now robbie, soothe my pussy and show me how much you love this idea”. With that I felt one of her hands on my shoulder, helping me on my way down to her recently ravaged pussy. Again my cuck dreams, all the stories I had read had prepared me for this. They had me hard as a rock at the idea, and even though I knew there was nothing waiting for me down there I was still filled with trepidation. The sheer symbolism of Cara knowing that she had just been using “Leon” and was now having me go down on her now. Of course, I complied, willingly, wanting to see Cara’s recently filled pussy, wanting to lap away symbolically at it. As I reached my goal, I had to move “Leon” as he was sitting there between Cara’s legs, still shiny with her wetness. Picking him up, I handed him to Cara, “Somehow I think you have taken to Leon like a duck to water”. “Mmmmmm, it sure was an excellent present, surprising, but excellent none the less, and it sure has made me feel so so sexy, but less of the talk lover boy, get that s*******ed tongue of yours working, I want a wonderful orgasm from my husband, not from some toy”. Cara’s hands smoothed my cheeks and combed through my hair before slowly, gently but also firmly pulling my face towards her reddened recently filled pussy. “I love you Robbie” was all I heard before her thighs moved around my ears and cut of the rest of her sentence. I planted a delicate kiss on her pussy before slowly bringing my tongue upwards lapping from top to bottom and producing an appreciative movement of her hips and hands. The initial ardour of my tonguing and the grip of her thighs subsided as I steadily worked my way around her pussy. Her lips, her clit, her open pussy which it felt like I could fit my whole tongue into. As she held my head in place and cooed, and moaned she started telling me how I had come to find her in that position. “You see lover boy, I was at the gym and a few of us girls were working out and watching some of the hunks”, the idea that one of them could be Leon caused me to speed up, something that was not lost on Cara!
Posts: 279
Progression- Like a Duck to water ….Cont’d "Mmmmm you like that idea don't you....mmmmm, keep going and I shall tell you more", well what else was I going to do? This was playing to all my dreams again, having my wife teasing me, playing with my mind and getting off herself. "Yes, we watched them working out, watched their muscles, their toned bodies, the bulges in their pants". Cara's hands held me firmly in place and told me she was revelling in this moment, and her slickness aided by my tongue showed her pussy loved it aswell. "The girls I was with told me that the Olu, the black guy had already seduced one of the other female members", at this point I became aware that Cara's breathing was getting deeper and her words slower and more laboured, "and you know what robbie........mmmmmmm......she was........mmm....mmmarrieddd". It seemed that the last idea, the last word along with her play with the fake Leon, had all combined and sent Cara over the top. She was lost in the moment, in the intensity of one long hard orgasm. She must have forgotten herself as her hands gripped my hair, gone was the playful fondling, stroking of my hair. This was about her and her pleasure. She gripped my hair tight, pulling it almost painfully as her hips bucked. This in itself caused her now sopping pussy to be pushed roughly into my face, my mouth, my nose. For a good 30 seconds or so she flexed, moaned, her body moving out of control until the release of my hair signified her calming. After a couple of moments Cara had settled and I slowly moved my way up the bed until I was next to Cara. Holding her, running my hands over her body she embraced me and brought her lips to mine. Despite thoughts of Olu getting her off we reconnected. As our lips locked and Cara's tongued snaked into my mouth I suddenly realised what was happening. Cara was passionately kissing me! this may have appeared to be perfectly natural given what had just happened but I realised that she was doing so straight after me eating her pussy. She had always shied away from letting me kiss her immediately after I had done this before, yet here she was seemingly intent on ensuring she tasted herself on me! Breaking our kiss Cara looked lovingly into my eyes and simply mouthed, "thank you", she then looked down and saw my dick standing to attention. Running her hands down my body and over the small hairs indicating it had been a week since Ophelia had balded me, she reached my dick. Gently she ran her hand over it, around it, cupped by balls and slowly teased me. I think I was as hard as I had ever been. "You love all the talk don't you robbie, you love the idea of watching me take a well hung stud into my pussy". Her teasing hand continued its devious mission as she said this. "Your little dick tells me this and shows me you love it as much as I do". there it was, out of her sweet lips came her admission that she loved the idea. "Can I tell you something?, can I tell you something really naughty about your sweet wife?" The moan that escaped my mouth told her she had me the first time she asked the question. "With all the talk from the girls, finding out that Olu is something of a stud I couldn't help myself at the gym, you see I had to have a little play with myself there, It felt so naughty and sexy" Cara, was taking her time telling me this. Speaking ever so slowly, allowing every word to sink into my mind. For them to be processed and the ideas transmitted down to my dick. It was there that she was getting her answers. "The girls at the gym told me, and I couldn’t help myself, they told me how Olu liked to seduce married ladies in particular, how he liked to get into their minds and how he liked to cuckold the poor unsuspecting husbands". Was it me or did she place a special emphasis on the word cuckold? Or was that just my perverted mind? Either way I didn't quite care as my own orgasm was quickly approaching. "One of the girls also told me that Olu loves his women to prepare themselves especially for him, he loves to have them do things that appear normal but show that they want to please him". Cara's hand, well her first two fingers and her thumb to be precise, slowly worked themselves up and down my dick, trying to coax my orgasm from me, teasing me with the idea that Cara could be that woman that had been seduced. "Mmmm look at my hand on your dick robbie, does that look good? Do you like my soft hands stroking you talking about hung studs and married ladies? "I think you love the idea, or why else would you have given your sweet innocent little wife such a naughty present?" Cara, could tell by my breathing that it wouldn’t be long before she worked her magic, "Look at that hand, look at those fingers stroking that small dick". As instructed I watched, focussing on her hand and what it was doing, on the nails, dismissing the use of the word small, as it was lost in a moment. "and do you know what he lovely little thing he likes his women to do for him? Can you think robbie? mmmm he likes them to have their nails painted bright red". Well that did it, I immediately exploded all over my stomach and Cara's hand. Even though I had spilled my cum over the door some minutes earlier, I seemed to twitch and jerk as much as a usual first cum. It was the idea of Cara having painted her nails FOR Olu, or Leon or whoever, the fact that she had done so to play with me. It took me over the edge and it was the last image I saw before I closed my eyes and was lost to one of the best orgasms ever. Well with both of us having had amazing orgasms the next hour or so was spent in a sort of fog. We simply cuddled and bonded. We smooched like teenagers again and dozed in a loving haze. An hour or so later we began to relive the recent events. We now giggled and laughed together about how kinky we were and how respectable middle aged married couples shouldn’t behave in such a manner. That though didnt stop Cara from fondling my dick! In our playful mood Cara explained that some of what she had told me had been true, that she had heard whispers about Olu and other ladies and that he liked to have them apply the nail polish. However, he had no actually been at the gym today, and it was Cara surfing that had got her so horny. She told me she had been surfing the net a little since we had started our play, and especially since the toy had come on the scene. She told me that she had discovered a story site called Literotica and alot of other sites which showed that we were not the only couple that got off on the whole idea. I laughed and called her a naughty little wife and tried to feign ignorance of the existence of some of the sites she mentioned. She had sure been busy, and the reading went a long way to explain her sexy attire and actions over the past week. A little food and some wine made for a fine evening following a more than fine home-cumming! ...and once again Cara headed off to bed before me as I did the final nights lock up routine. On reaching the bedroom, as if I had not had enough surprises that day, I was faced with a smirking Cara sitting on the bed brandishing a razor and a can of shaving cream. "We can't have you getting all untidy down there now can we, after all you went to so much effort to make him appear nice and big for me...come on chop chop, lets get you all spick and span". Within minutes I was watching the almost surreal sight of Cara kneeling before me in our en suite as she first lathered up my privates and then delicately removed the small traces of stubble that had built up over the last week. It was a satisfied and smirking face that looked up at me once she had towelled me dry. "there now, just as a dutiful hubby should be, all nice and tidy for his wife, now come on lover boy lets get to bed". A quick couple of playful tugs of my dick and Cara was away and bouncing on the bed leaving me to clean my teeth before joining my little minx. After both of us having busy weeks and after our earlier physical exertions I wasn't sure if Cara, or I for that matter were up for yet more play, but the recent shaving, yet another first for us, suggested otherwise. As I joined my sexy lady in bed she flicked the television on and shifted herself over so she was cuddled in close to me. Positioning herself on her side, and nestled into me, my arm around her shoulder her hand once again started to roam over my once again smoothe body. With her other hand she flicked through the channels and alighted on some travel programme. This must have caused her to connect our recent bedroom antics with the previous discussions about her forthcoming birthday and conference. "Just think robbie, after all the fun we have had of late, all the playing in bed, we could maybe try and be even more naughty when we go away for my birthday". I smiled and gazed into her eyes when I heard this and realised that although we had discussed the idea of going away prior to her conference, we had not hinted at doing anything vaguely kinky whilst away. I know that had been high on my to do list for the trip, but it was great to hear Cara vocalising it also.
"Yes, I had thought the same thing, and had in fact already got you a little treat for the event", Cara perked up at this and that beautiful smile came to her face once again. "Well lover boy, if it is anything like the last treat you bought me we are going to have a fun time". With that she once again leant in and kissed me lovingly and deeply. As she snuggled in close to me and turned the television off she reaffirmed her love for me and ran her hands over my body, giving my freshly bald pubic area some attention. With that final act of titillation I settled for the night and closed my eyes.
Thinking that was it for the night, after some terrific play, some shame in being caught spying and jerking and especially after the shock and fear induced by the sight of the new crimmister nails Cara sported I was pretty spent both physically and emotionally. Warm in bed thoughts of the intensity of our play ran through my mind. I marvelled at how first Ophelia and now Cara were able to really heighten this idea by messing with my mind. Those mental ***s whilst sweet & delicious were also extremely painful. I thought back to how I felt when Cara had almost ordered me to fuck her with the fake Leon, to how Ophelia had played me over the gym membership and then the coincidence of the nail colour. It was after these thoughts that I came to the decision that this really had to stay a fantasy between Cara & I. I had felt the shame earlier in the night with a simple toy, and thought how many more times that shame would be intensified if it really were to happen and the real Leon were to have the chance to seduce Cara. Yes, I would contact Ophelia in the coming days and thank her for her broadening my, no our horizons, but that she had crystalized my thoughts and feelings and roleplay it would stay.
A feeling of calm contentment settled over me and I started to drift off to relax. However, it appeared that whilst I was having these thoughts over my development and future position, so had Cara. My calm contentment was shattered as she whispered to me, "Mmmm I forgot to tell you of an amazing coincidence that I discovered at the gym today, it was amazing really, it seems that Olu, is actually short for Oluwaleon, which is almost Leon....imagine, now what are the chances of that"!!!!!
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Great addition!!!! Loved it! 
Posts: 819
Excellent. Thank you for the orgasm you just gave me! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Jezza Mason
Posts: 143
Excellent new chapters Rover68UK
Posts: 211
great story.keep it coming i just so happen to have bought my wife a big black dildo and to top it off, today she has her fingers and toes painted red 
Posts: 12
Another fantastic chapter!! A very well written story, I can't wait for more.
Posts: 4050
I'm finally caught up and I have to say that I'm loving this story. You're an excellent writer and story teller. I eagerly await the next epsode.
Thank you
Posts: 17
Please finish
Posts: 211
Yes, please do... Everytime I see my wife's red painted fingernails and toenails I think of your story and imagine what could come next.
Posts: 279
Cheers guys for the feedback...have to get down to it now the Christmas hols are done with. Already have part of next chapter written and will see if I can get it sorted over weekend. ...and of course a Happy new Year to you all
Posts: 279
Progression - Best to keep it as fantasy? It was a fitful night’s relax following all the eroticism of the recent few hours. My dreams were filled with erotic images of Cara lost in passionate embraces with Leon. Leon tossing her about and taking her to heights of passion that I could never achieve. Images of Cara's moans and words coming from her mouth that would never have been spoken prior to me opening Pandora's box. Waking was little better as I would gaze at the ceiling wondering what the hell I had unleashed. I would look at the beautiful face beside me and marvel how lucky I was to be married to her and question my sanity for introducing the role-play into our bedroom. I could see her breathing softly, possibly lost in her own dreams of Olu, or Leon or whoever. I could see her soft hands resting on the pillow beside me. The newly painted crimmister nails almost taunting me as to my inadequacies and foolishness in starting down this path. At the same time "little robbie" would come to life and I would be consumed with ideas of Cara & I submitting to Leon. I would reach down under the covers and play with my hardness. Of course I would also feel my now smooth pubic area and be reminded of how it came to be done, who did it and when it was last done. As so many different feelings ran through me I realised that I had nobody but myself to blame. It had been me that had first visited Ophelia, me that had confessed my desires and me that had returned knowing I was being taken deeper into the idea. I also realised that I was feeling what probably so many husbands before me had felt. That I had exhibited ignorance and almost an arrogance in thinking that this idea was mine and that I could control it. Thinking back about that first session where Leon had attended, all the talk, the teasing about Leon visiting Cara's gym, that all was leading me to it becoming reality. Jeez, the stupidity of not realising that Ophelia may well have gone through my wallet whilst I was otherwise switch offd in session when she talked about Cara's picture in my wallet. It all seemed just like she was messing with my head. As I slowly stroked myself I came to a decision. I had to stop this going any further. I had read enough stories and visited enough forums to know if we went further, if I allowed Cara to meet Olu/Leon in a more relaxed setting, one more conducive to taking this further, then I could lose any power to stop it at all. That thought, and the realisation that I was really playing with fire, the flames of which were being ably fanned by Ophelia, made me stop toying with myself and resolve to tell Ophelia that I would not be visiting her again. I had to steel myself, control my urges and be happy with what I had at home. Ophelia had helped in making me realise I could trust Cara with any ideas I may have. I drifted off to relax after once again glancing at my beautiful wife and her crimmister nails. Content that I could and would regain control of this situation. That we could play with it in the privacy of our own home. Maybe even play with it on our imminent trip to Amsterdam, but that it would stay as OUR game and one that we would not invite others into. The idea of Cara opening her new lingerie box and us having an incredibly sexy time in Amsterdam was what allowed me to finally drift off to relax. The following morning I woke to the wonderful feeling of my dick being stroked. It was one of those delicious feelings, slowly emerging from a relax and feeling sexy and alive yet safe knowing you are in your own bed. My eyes were still shut but I acknowledged the ministrations by lifting my hops to meet the slow hand movements. I felt Cara move closer to me and start nibbling on my ear. She gently blew into it and continued her hand movements. Her other hand slowly ran over my chest, gently teasing my nipples. “Morning lover boy”, she whispered into my ear, “After all your wonderful attentions over the last week, I realised that maybe I was not paying my little hubbie enough attention, after all I don’t want you wandering off with some other little strumpet do I?” Those tender words whispered into my ear caused me to open my eyes as I turned my head to gaze into her eyes. I reached in to kiss her and lingered there thinking how god damn lucky I was to have this woman. A woman who had accepted my little kinks, who had seemed to embrace them and yet was paying me attention, thinking of MY needs. “Lie back and relax lover boy, I want to pay little Robbie some attention”. She sure was sexy and whilst she had reverted back into the speak with the “little Robbie” comment there was no way I was gonna complain as her hand slid up and down my dick. Still it would allow me to push the idea of us playing some games when away in Amsterdam but also to reinpower the point that I didn’t really want her to make me a cuckold in reality. As we broke the kiss Cara once again began her whispering in my ear. “Thank you Robbie for letting me experience the pleasure of a nice b i g b l a c k c o c k”, she took her time with this and sensed my pleasure as I responded and stiffened in her hand. “That toy and our new found ardour has made me feel so sexy”. Again I closed my eyes and let her words wash over me as her hand griped my dick more tightly. “I hope that we will have a great time in Amsterdam and have some sexy ideas about how we can play with each other, I bet you will love that won’t you?”. The ideas and the play, and indeed all my reluctance to continue with the idea was ebbing away as I mmmmm’d my approval. “Good, good, I am so glad to hear that, this whole idea gets me so worked up and I have so many naughty ideas that I think we can play out. Those story sites really do open girl’s eyes to some fun”. Her rhythmic hand movements continued in silence for a couple of seconds before she continued, “well maybe that should have been, opened a slut wife’s eyes?”. With that my eyes snapped open to see her beaming smile. My gaze was returned by her blowing me a kiss. “Mmmmmm Robbie, you love all this, now have a look at your dick, see how hard it is, excited that your naughty wife may actually get to sample some hung stud in the sin city of Amsterdam”. Well, this was one hell of a wake up, I felt so so hard, and turned my gaze away from my bride, to my dick. Needless to say I had briefly forgotten her newly painted nails. It was wonderful to see yet also tinged with worry as the ideas that she had done this solely for Leon came to mind. But Cara was far to sensible to go too far, we had discussed this and had decided that we had to agree to going any further than role-play……and I was definitely not going to risk losing Cara, or access to her pussy to anyone, let alone a stud like Leon. The talk and the hand movements combined with my own mind focussing on those nails had me on the edge. I could feel my legs starting to tense and my hips starting to twitch with Cara’s teasing. “Mmmmm I can tell you are close lover, are you thinking of your naughty wife taking some big stud at our hotel? Are you imagining these lovely painted nails wrapped around some large cock? Do you think my stud will love that I did it for him? Do you think Leon will love it?” That final bit did it for me, Cara, using Leon’s’ name, making all so real, linking the fantasy and the reality. My hips rose as Cara stopped her hand movement yet still held my dick firm. Whether she did it by accident or design I didn’t know, but I shot my first jet of cum as she ended her sentence about Leon. At the same time as I felt that surge of passion, the surge of my cum escaping from my dick I closed my eyes lost in the moment, but not lost for long. My eyes opened again as I felt my own cum hit my chin! I heard a laugh from Cara as she let go of my dick just as my second shot issued forth, this time simply landing on my stomach. For some reamister, the eroticism of the moment, of all the talk seemed to die away quickly as my final spurt joined the small pool by my belly button. The first shot slowly fell from my chin and started to slide down my neck. I think I was in a state of shock. The orgasm was amazing, intense and wonderful, yet the scene now was far from it. Cara was giggling away and yet I felt uncomfortable. I know I had eaten my own cum from Cara on more than one occasion, but this seemed so different, so strange and so wrong. The fact that Cara was laughing at it also somewhat took the edge of it. "You bad boy, look at the mess you have made thinking of your wife taking a lover!", and with that she raised herself up and bounded off the bed disappearing into the bathroom. As I looked around the room for something to clean myself up I had a sudden realisation of what Cara had just said. We had played with the idea of another guy, had played with the toy but had never talked about a lover, A LOVER! The idea of it being a regular thing. Perhaps I was reading too much into an off the cuff comment, maybe this was cuck angst or paranoia, either way, I was thinking too much about simple things, almost obsessing about small matters. Then again, it was my obsessing that had got me this far. Cara returned from the en suite with some tissues and assisted in my clean up. All the while cooing away and chuckling about the power of my ejaculation and saying how impressed she was that I had almost reached my mouth. As she finished and headed back to dispose of the tissues she cut me once again. "I reckon Leon would have had no problems hitting his face, after all there would be less distance to shoot!". With that she was gone, wrapped in her dressing gown, down the stairs to sort out breakfast. I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling thinking more and more about events. I realised that I did love and get off on the sort of comments that Cara had just made. the idea of her rubbing it in that he was a bigger and better, the idea that he was such a stud and could command a woman. That said, it hurt, some of the comments cut me, the sight of the fake Leon on the bed between her legs coated in her juices. The fact that she had had her nails done "for him". They got into my mind and made me appreciate, or at least think that I could appreciate how a husband who was cuckolded for real would feel. As Cara pottered around down stairs making the breakfast I resolved that I would ring or email Ophelia to tell her of my current mindset and thank her for her help but also say that I thought it best that I not visit her again. I suppose this was down to the fear that she had taken me on a journey of fantasy but had brought it ever so close to reality.
Posts: 4050
A wonderful segment. Fantasies are so exciting as fantasies, but when they become reality it can be very scary. The old axiom, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it, comes to mind.
Great story telling.
Thank you
Posts: 819
The hottest segment yet to a very hot story. Thank you. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 211
...bring on the trip! cant wait.