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Birthday Wish

I really wanted to do something extra special for my husbands 30th birthday. I wanted him to remember it forever. I believe that I accomplished that and then some. This is the story of his 30th birthday but before we can get to that we need to know what led to my decision to have such an amazing birthday and for that we must go back a bit in time.
It all started one night that we were supposed to have a threesome with a friend of mine. We were all ready, hot and ready to go, but we couldn't get it to work. The positions just didn't work out like we hoped so I told Rick to just fuck me. He did a quick glance at Trey, then back to me and said, "Julie are you sure you want me to fuck you in front of your husband?" I quickly replied, "yes fuck me good and hard he can watch." That is how our lifestyle got started, from that point on he was my Cuckold and I was his Cuckoldress. He lived to watch, listen, and hear about all the men and women that I fuck. You see I can be with whomever I want whereas he is only with me and that is only when I let him.
Trey likes to help me with my dates. He helps me get ready to go out by helping picking out my sexy clothes and giving me his opinion on my make up. I tell him all the time when I am getting ready that I need his help because he is really a gay man that is in deep denial and that is why he is so good with fashion. He tries to deny it but when he does I have a special punishment for him. After he gets me all ready I tell him that he earned the privilege of being locked in the device until I return. This immediately makes him sorry for back talking me and disagreeing with my opinion. I am always right and he knows this but back to the device. It is a little creation I had an engineer friend of mine create. It is a chastity device, a small fucking machine, and an electronic stimulator all in one. How it works is that he puts the chastity device on but it is a bit more complicated. Not only does it have a cock ring to keep it on but attached to that is a reinpowerd bar that connects to the fucking machine. I call it a fucking machine but really what it is is a dildo that has a extending and retracting feature. There are only two speeds, I call them love speed and whore speed. If Trey has been really bad I will make him wear it on whore speed the whole time. By the time I get home if it is on that mode his ass is so raw he cries when he goes to the bathroom for weeks. I am sadistic but I only do that sparingly. But the last feature is the real bitch anyway. Every time that the dildo extends it sends a small electronic stimulating shock to the prostate which makes him want to have a constant hard on; however since he has a chastity cage on he can't and he is constantly getting his cock and balls squeezed by the cage while his faggot ass is being pounded like he secretly loves. It always makes me so happy to keep him locked in this for hours. Knowing that while I am getting brains fucked out so is he but I am the one enjoying it all!
This is life on a consistent basis with Trey, the only thing he really looks forward to is when I let him watch me and my lover fucking. You see this is what turns him on more than anything else in the world. He loves to see that cock enter my pussy and see the facial expression I have as I feel every inch slide into me. Trey always asks if I will fuck someone without a condom and let them cum inside me. I have had one lover that I got to this point with and Trey was able to lick his cum out of me and ever since then it is all he can think of. I never do it of course, but not because I like having sex with condoms better, but mostly because I don't want to give him the pleasure of getting his way. Also I like to play safely since I don't always know my fucks very well. Lots of times I meet someone in a bar or online and I don't chance my health on a one night stand.
This is what got me thinking though. Trey doesn't ever ask for anything for his birthday. He always tells me that he would rather me do something special for him rather than buy him sometime he doesn't really need. We are pretty simple people in our vanilla lives. One day he was telling me about this fantasy that he had and at first I thought he was going crazy because I know him well and I know that his fantasy would most likely push him over the edge of that fine line between joyful offense play and psychological damage. The problem is that even though I thought this he would keep bringing it up every time we talked about offense play. His fantasy was to see me get fucked by a man while all dolled up in "our" wedding dress. I say our because he doesn't want just any wedding dress he wants the one that he saw me walk down the aisle in when we got married. To me this even seems like going to far. That day is a special day that shouldn't get mixed up in this type of offense but he keeps asking for it and one day I decided enough was enough. He wants it I will give it to him and I will put my own special Sadistic touch to it.
Months before Trey's 30th birthday I went into preparation mode. I had a lot of work to do if I was going to pull this off. I put up an add online that said I was looking for men with above average cocks that are disease free to go on a date. I was in search for specific types of men. I went on a lot of dates and had a lot of fun. But never lost site of why I was doing this. Each time I fucked a guy I told him that I would like to keep his condom full of cum. I needed to have sex with 30 different men before the 26th of August and it was already the last week of July. I told each man to keep that date open and that I might need their "help" on that day. Trey was starting to get suspicious of all my increased dates. I simply let him know that I miss being fucked like I was in my 20's and still single. I told him that he can't please me with his useless fucking dick and because most of that is totally true he bought it. The condoms full of cum I kept in a special freezer that I bought and put in the garage. I had a special ice tray made so that each condom full of cum could be frozen into a nice oval shape. This shape was specific for a special new toy I had my engineering friend working on for Trey's birthday.
The day was close and I had a few more preparations. I made sure to get the same photographer signed up for Trey's birthday that did our wedding shoots. Luckily he is a friend so it wasn't to difficult. I also had a CD made up that had all of our mistergs from the wedding on it. The misterg that played as I walked down the aisle is on there three different times because I know that just that misterg playing along bring Trey to a very emotional state. I want him vulnerable because this is going to be the most humiliating day of his life! All the plans were coming together nicely.
The biggest day was here and the party only a few hours away. The men were lined up, the cake was ready, the new toy was ready, Trey was excited because I told him I had a surprise for him today, and last but not least I am getting all done up as if I were getting married again. I got my hair done, nails done, now getting my make up on and then I will just need to get dress and we will be all set up for the party.
I told Trey to be at the house at exactly 4:00 pm. The party wasn't going to start till 6:00 pm but I had some fun planned. He came to the door and I told him to get on his knees and close his eyes. I saw him do so through the peep hole. I quickly opened up the door and put a pitch black leather hood on him with a mesh hole at the mouth to breath. I told him that I had a surprise and that he had to wear this as to not ruin the surprise. I brought him into our bedroom and put him on what could be thought of as a massage table but it is so much more than that. It was the new special toy that I had made. I wrapped him up to it naked and with his back laying against the padding. The wrap was tight so that Trey could not move and the only thing not covered was his cock and balls. I did not turn on the toy on yet I just let him lay there thinking all those crazy thoughts that his imagination comes up with. He was there for roughly 45 minutes before he started calling out to me wondering what was going on. I did not call back to him all I did was smile a small evil grin and continued to get ready. The time continued to pass and Trey continued to call out sounding more and more nervous until he heard the door bell. When that sound came ringing through the house all was quiet because he knew that he might be in for much more than he originally thought.
The guys started to show up one by one and every time that door bell rang I know that Trey was going out of his mind wondering what the hell was going on. He would know soon enough. I went up to get the toy turned on because the show was about to being. When I walked in the bedroom I heard Trey softly mumbling to himself saying I can't believe she is doing this to me on my birthday. If he only knew is the only thought that popped into my Sadistic mind. I walked over to him but then turned back to give the go ahead look to Alex our photographer. He started taking pictures of me turning the toy on. First I took a knife and cut holes in the wrap so that his nipples were exposed as well seeing as I forgot this part of the device because it was a last minute add for extra torment. This attachment is for Trey's nipples, see he loves to have his nipples licked and sucked on and this mimics that feeling but will not stop. Upon putting them on Trey's cock instantly got hard. That is exactly what I wanted. I then went to the painful part which pretty much a punching arm that would be connected to his balls. Every three seconds the toy would pull his balls tight down in his sack and then punch them with varying powers. It was set up to never have the same power two times in a row. But the best part I saved for last. He has been able to take pretty big dildos in his ass recently so I got a big one that is just a little to much for him. He can take a 9 inch cock with a thickness of about 2 inches in diameter. This one is a 12 inch cock by 3 inches. If that wasn't enough there is a special channel that goes through the dildo that is made for a special "shot." I hope we all remember the cum filled ice cube trays. Well the genius behind this toy was that every time I took a load inside would Trey but his would not be warm it would frozen and melt inside his ass! I started the cock fucking his ass and he was already begging for me to stop because he said the new toy was to much. Again if he only knew I thought.
I called the men up and then slowly took off Trey's hood so he could see the fun. After taking off the hood I asked him how I looked and tears started to roll down his face. He managed to squeak out, "you look so gorgeous Julie." I then replied with, "I hope you like your birthday party!" I lifted my left had up to his face and asked him, "which ring do you want in which hole?" He looked stunned, I then informed him that the rings that showed the world that we were in a relationship with each other and were sacred to marriage were about to go in my pussy and my ass. He would not talk or couldn't I am not sure so I chose. I think that the engagement ring should go in my ass and the wedding ring for my pussy. As I laid on the bed to get my rings put into my pussy and my ass I had one of the guys cue the music. The first note of the misterg and Trey went into totally shock and started to shake and struggle to get out of the restraints. It was then that I knew he would never forget this night. The night went on as planned I got fucked in every position in every hole for hours. My favorite part of the whole night though is when I took the first load deep in my ass and I looked straight into Trey's eyes as he just took his first shot of cum deep in his ass and said, "I love you honey and happy birthday. I hope this is everything you hoped for and more!" All he did was start to tear up again and I went back to sucking all those beautiful cocks. When everyone had cum and had enough they got dressed and left the room. I stopped the machine and cut Trey out. He was so weak from everything and I told him very sweetly that it was time for him to clean me up like a good boy. I knew everything was just fine because he got that first taste of cum and his smile was as big as it has ever been.
After being cleaned up I told him that there was still his cake. He looked nervous but I told him how can I mess up cake? We proceeded downstairs and he saw that his birthday was not done yet. All those men had a couple things in common; obviously they all had big cocks but besides that they were all bisexual. Without a word Trey got down on his knees and started sucking all those cocks. I knew he was secretly gay!
Miss Janine's cuckold


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LOVED your story!!!! Very HOT and erotic!

I like how your wicked mind thinks.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Good story!


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Thank you. I am trying to put some of my ideas out there. Thinking of possibly writing some short stories like this for fun. Just wanted to see if there are enough fans out there.
Miss Janine's cuckold


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OH hell yes!

Just loved it... short....kinky and to the point.

Look forward to hearing more from you....
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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You did yourself proud as an author, it was a great story.

Hope to read more from you soon!
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger


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Thank you for your comments. I am working on my next one now and hope to have it up shortly.
Miss Janine's cuckold
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