Posts: 192
I have read so many hot stories on this site that I thought I should do my part. Please bear with me, it's my first try at writing a story and English is not my first language. Anyway, I'm a cuckold at heart, and here is the beginning of a story that I grew in my mind for several weeks now. This story will have several parts, and carry on for quite some time depending on the level of appreciation it receives. Please do not hesitate to make any suggestions about variations in the scenario. This will help feeding my imagination. Thanks in advance for your reading.
An Upper Class Cuckold Couple Part 1
My name is Wayne. I am a 56 years old executive in a prosperous publishing company, more precisely the CEO. My wife Beth is 45 years old. She is a university teacher and researcher. Her field of work is history, her specialty being the history of black people in America. She is considered as an authority on that subject in North America and worldwide. Beth is quite busy teaching, doing research, delivering conferences and guiding several graduate students who work on their master degree or Ph.D. thesis. So we both lead busy and enlightening professional lives.
Beth and I met 12 years ago at a conference organized at our alma mater. One thing leading to the other, given our physical and intellectual affinities, we met again and soon fell in love. We got married 8 months after we first met, despite our 11 year age difference.
We soon began to lead a rather wealthy life, having found highly paid positions shortly after graduating. Not long after our marriage we bought a large house in a lush LA suburb, and we are still living there, after about a decade. This is a rather large ranch-style property with five bedrooms and a three-door garage housing our silver CL-class Mercedez and our black Cadillac Escalade. In the basement is a full-equipped fitness room, a sauna and a jacuzzi. The back French doors give way to a large patio leading to the pool and the backyard, which is well secluded with a lot of trees and hedges.
We wanted to have at least one or two kids but soon found out that this would not be possible, due to my sterility. This was a great disappointment, especially for Beth, who has been longing to have a young. But we gradually managed to get over it, with the help of our busy professional lives.
We had nevertheless a satisfying sexual life, having intercourse several times a week. Our sex was “standard” most of the time with some spice once in a while, but never kinky. Beth had a submissive tendency but, unfortunately, I was far from being the dominant type. So she reluctantly buried that submissiveness in the deepness of her mind and libido. Then, after a few years, for some reamister, I lost almost all my stamina, so that I was not able any more to satisfy Beth as she deserved to be. After a while, my penis kind of shrunked to a 1-2 inch long flaccid sack, and would now get “hard” only when I have fantasies about Beth cuckolding me. For some time, we tried to manage things with a dildo and a vibrator. But this soon proved to be insufficient as Beth’s sexual needs were higher. She needed real sex with a real man. She needed to make her libido bloom like a woman in her 40’s was entitled to. Having a rather open relationship, we would freely discuss our issues in a civilized manner.
I must admit that I had cuckoldry fantasies for quite some time, even before we married. Thus, with my sex issue, those fantasies came up more often in my mind. So much that, after some hesitation, I decided to talk Beth into indulging in a cuckold lifestyle. She had always been very candid with me about her preferences in men: she was attracted to black men, and preferably young ones. In her work, she dealt with black males every day, given her field of study. So being with black people did not embarrass her at all, on the contrary.
After a few open conversations about the possibility of looking somewhere else to satisfy her sexual appetite and find fulfillment, we agreed that she would give it a try. In a matter of two years or so, she had dates with two black men and had intercourse with them. But those were short-term affairs due to the lack of special “connection” with her lovers. In particular, one of them was a nephew of Amanda, our 52 years old black maid. Beth and her have developed a nice complicity over the years, Amanda being aware of my wife’s taste for young black men. After a few weeks however, Beth put an end to the affair, her young lover lacking maturity and, most of all, lacking the controlling and dominant qualities she was looking for. Her deep desire was to meet a young, dominant - but not utterly macho - black man who would also be more than a lover, someone who could certainly fulfill her sexually but who could also understand her and be a true friend deserving her complete confidence. And I kept encouraging Beth and telling her that she would find the “rare pearl” some day.
Weeks and months went by, and my cuckold inclinations would not diminish, nor Beth’s inner dream of finding the right lover-friend. Until a new young black gentleman by the name of Joshua joined her group of graduate students. He had just brilliantly got his master degree in history at Columbia. Given his intention to carry on and get a Ph.D., and given Beth’s high reputation, he had applied to be under Beth’s supervision and guidance. After reviewing Joshua’s credentials and interviewing him, she gladly offered him to join her group, with the possibility of earning some revenue as her assistant eventually. Beth was always willing to accept brilliant and promising students anyway.
Beth had told me that Joshua was a handsome, polite, well-dressed and clean young man. And his warm but quiet permisterality would soon earn him acceptance in Beth’s group of six graduate students. Furthermore, he is a brilliant and quite knowledgeable permister pursuing his history research and studies very seriously. No wonder that the female members of the group were attracted to him, including Beth. My beloved wife was a middle-aged woman but was sure up to par with the young female students. She had kept the look and figure of a young woman despite her 45 years; Beth is a 5 feet 7 inches tall redhead, slightly plump just enough, with full, lightly sagging breasts. I consider her body as perfect, with very sexy long legs and buttocks just protruding enough. Men would notice with pleasure her very elegant clothing but she would never be overly sexy. They were not treated with a cleavage view or extra high-heeled shoes; they could nevertheless feel her sensuality through her demeanor. Her voice and her demure manners give her a special charm and make her attractive in her own way.
When we had nothing special on the agenda in the evening, Beth and I would usually extend our dinner at home and remain at the table with a glass of red wine chatting and talking about our day at work and various other subjects. For some time, I had noticed that my wife would talk about Joshua more often than one could expect in a professional relationship between a university professor and a graduate student.
One night, while sipping wine in her company, I suggested that she invites Joshua for dinner with us at home. I immediately saw her blushing and avoiding to look at me in the eyes. She turned to me and said:
“Yes honey, that’s a good idea. This way you will get to meet him. You will see that he is a real gentleman despite his young age.”
“How old is he, sweetheart?”, I asked.
“Oh, he is 24…”, Beth replied.
“Nice. I can’t wait to meet him. Of course, I am sure that you guys will talk ‘work’, won’t you?”
“Well, no, I’ll try not to. We are so deeply involved with our scholar work that it’s nice sometimes to get away from it all. And, knowing you by now, I’m sure that you’ll try to discover his permisterality to see if it fits with your beloved wife’s”, Beth added with a wicked smile on her face.
“Well, agreed. Let’s invite him for dinner on Saturday. I’ll give an advance notice to Amanda [our live-in black maid].”
“You’re a sweetheart”, said Beth. Being ever a woman, she added: “I wonder how I should dress for the occasion…” This had the immediate effect of hardening my tiny penis.
“Honey, I’ll help you pick the right clothes if you want”, I replied with a slight lift in my voice that didn’t go unnoticed by Beth.
To be continued… Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 2117
Please continue
Posts: 192
I will certainly do. You are my inspiration! I follow your story since day one. Please continue too! Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 1914
Good start sweetdaddy. I wonder where this will go now ..
Posts: 126
Posts: 182
very nice, please keep it going, I feel that this story could be hot.
Posts: 3581
YES, YES!! I too am enjoying your story!  Looking forward to hearing more of her adventures. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 192
Upper class cuckold lifestyle
Part 2
“Hi honey. What a surprise! I’m not used to get phone calls from you at work. What’s up?” was Beth’s answer.
“Hmmmm… I was just wondering… Were you able to ask Joshua if he’s available on Saturday?”
“You couldn’t wait, did you? Yes Tim, I did. He readily accepted. He said that he was honored. I told him that you would pick him up on the campus.”
“Oh, nice! I’m glad that he accepted our invitation, and I can’t wait to meet him. So, honey, I’ll go back to work now. I have a meeting in about 10 minutes. I was just calling for that.”
“You know, Tim, I’m also very happy that Joshua can be with us this coming Saturday. I can’t wait either to introduce him to you. I’m sure you’ll like him.” added Beth.
“I have no doubt about that, darling”, I said before ending the call. “See you tonight.”
This was on Tuesday, the day after Beth and I had decided to invite Joshua. For me, the rest of the week felt like a decade. The thought of seeing Joshua at home with Beth fed my fantasies, so much that my diminutive prick kept throbbing and oozing pre-cum almost continuously.
After an agonizing week, the D day (or should I say the J day…) finally arrived. In the morning, after our breakfast served on the patio by our maid Amanda, Beth asked her to prepare her bath with her usual preferred scented foam.
“I’ll go in the pool a little, darling. Would you like me to wash you up in your bath, say in about half an hour? This will give you time to relax.”
“Hmmmm… I don’t know. Why such a thing, honey? You haven’t done that for ages. You know that I’m not used any more to be touched by you. Well… given that it’s a special day, I’ll say yes… But this will not be a habit.” Beth said.
“OK, sweetheart. I’ll see you later in the bathroom. After, I could help you gather the appropriate clothes for tonight. Remember my offer the other day?”
“Yes Tim. I do remember. Don’t you recall that you have been my “dress advisor” before each date that I had with those two black men? Is this a coincidence or could it be a harbinger of a whole new future?” Beth stated with her contagious smile.
“Uh… I don’t know, honey. Whatever… you know that my outmost wish is that you be happy.” I answered with a trembling voice, my heart beating hard and my tiny penis throbbing.
This being said, I rushed to remove my bathrobe and dove right away into the pool, trying hard to hide my embarrassment.
After some time in the pool and a shower, I joined Beth in our bathroom. She was lying in the tub, her eyes closed, like if she was dreaming. Without saying a word, I stayed put for a moment just to look at her short page-cut jet black hair and perfect face. “You’re so beautiful, and I love you so much” I uttered in a low voice, at which time she opened her pretty green eyes and smiled.
“You better wash me now, honey. The water is not so hot any more.”
“Yes darling. Here I am.” I said, now on my knees, and I started to wash her body thoroughly, without touching her vagina and rectum. Those intimate parts of her body were no man’s land for about two years now, since we stopped having sexual intercourse.
“Honey, we should dress casually tonight, don’t you think?” Beth said before coming out of her tub for me to dry her up.
“Yes, I agree. The weather forecast is promising; we should ask Amanda to serve the dinner on the patio. With nice soft music and low lights in the pool and around.”
“Mmmmmm. Yes… So what will I wear then?” Beth asked.
“I thought about it, and I would suggest that you wear your cute white summer dress with the spaghetti shoulder straps and the black belt. This will be very appropriate given that we will have dinner outdoors tonight. To this, you could add your white medium heeled mules and adorn your white casual bracelets and necklace. What do you think?”
“Your advice has always been good when I had my dates, honey”, Beth replied with a coy smile, “and it is again this time.” And, looking at her toes, she added: “My nail polish sure needs to be freshened up, would you help me with that?”
“Sure, sweetheart. Do you want to put your shiny black polish on your toe and finger nails, just as we did the last time you prepared for a date? Remember, we thought that black would be fitting and assorted to black skin”, I commented with a smile.
“Yes, indeed. That would be perfectly appropriate this time again, honey”, Beth said, giving me tender kisses on the cheeks.
When we finished pampering Beth it was almost 4:00 p.m. Amanda told us that she would cook a lamb roast and asked me to pick the wine in the cellar. I chose the two 2006 Roda Rioja Reserva bottles that I had kept for a special occasion like this one.
Going back to Beth, I noticed that she was somewhat nervous – just like me – at the idea of having Joshua with us in our home, which had not been the case with the two young black men before. Without having to say anything we knew well that it could be the beginning of a new love affair for Beth and, who knows, of a new life for us if there was the right connection between her and her eventual new boyfriend. Our adrenaline level was quite high. We tried to relax ourselves a little with a margarita or two.
We had agreed that I would go pick up Joshua at his room on the campus and that Beth would stay home waiting for us. It was 5:30 when I left with the Mercedez.
It didn’t have any problem finding the right building and Joshua’s room. I couldn’t wait to see him in permister. Gathering all my composure, I knocked on the door. After what felt like an eternity, the door opened. I saw a handsome young black man about 6 feet tall, greeting me with a smile. We readily shook hands and introduced ourselves.
“Please come in, Mr. Andermister”, Joshua said. I entered his two-room apartment. I saw right away that the place was quite different than our lush suburb monster house. Obviously, the young man had limited financial means.
“Please call me Tim”, I answered. “I’m sure that we are already friends, Joshua. Beth told me so many good things about you. I was eager to see you and to get to know you more.”
I smiled when I saw him get a fresh flower bouquet – a dozen of white roses – and a bottle of wine. He also grabbed a small sports bag. “I am brining a few things, such as my bathing suit”, he said. Mrs. Andermister told not to forget that, just in case I would like to enjoy your pool” “Yes, Joshua, of course. You are certainly free to dip in our pool tonight”, I answered. The flowers and wine were a nice mark of attention on his part, especially given his low income. We then left right away and walked to the car. I noticed Joshua’s expression when he saw the Mercedez; he was obviously impressed.
On our way back home we talked about his work in Beth’s team. He spent the whole time sharing his admiration for her great knowledge and expertise in their field of study and telling me that he didn’t regret his move from New York to work on his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of such an authority, and on top of that, such a nice lady.
I soon saw that how much Joshua was an assertive and self-confident individual despite his mere 24 years. No doubt that he could be in charge in any situation or relationship. No wonder that he had done such an effect on my rather submissive wife. My heart beating like mad, I hoped that she could find happiness this time with this man who seemed to be just the right type for her.
To be continued… Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 3581
Posts: 14692
Posts: 192
Thank you for your nice comments. It's much appreciated. I invite you to stay tuned as there will be a gradual increase of the hot, sexy and kinky content later on. Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 144
I read this to GH while we had our second cup of coffee this morning. We both enjoyed it and are looking forward to more.
Thank you
Lisa and GH
Posts: 192
Upper Class Cuckold Lifestyle
Part 3“Hi darling”, I said loudly as we opened the front door. It was obvious that Beth had been waiting for us impatiently as she joined us in a matter of seconds, strutting on the tile floor with her white mules. “Hello Joshua! I’m so happy that you accepted our invitation”, Beth said, moving her head forward to receive his kisses on each cheek. He immediately handed her the dozen of white roses, as I took his bottle of wine. Beth blushed at the attention and called Amanda. She was certainly flattered and excited. “Amy, look at those gorgeous flowers. I would like to introduce you to this nice gentleman, Joshua, the young student I told you about. Joshua, this is Amanda, our beloved maid.” “Dear, could you please find the right pot for those beautiful flowers and put it on the table outdoors?” Beth added. “Yes Madam, with pleasure. Would you like to have something to take on the patio?” “Yes Amy, thank you. You might as well open Joshua’s bottle so we can cheer to his success in the near future with his Ph.D.”, Beth replied. Arriving on the patio, I noticed with pleasure that Amanda had thought of using the small round glass table with three chairs for us to be more intimate, just in the shadow of the house so that we wouldn’t suffer too much from the heat. She also had poured three glasses of Joshua’s red wine. We then set to chat. The conversation lasted for more than one hour non-stop. We asked Joshua to tell us about his origins in NY and the circumstances that lead him to study history. He was the fourth of a family of eight youngren in a lower-middle class black family. For his parents, school was a must. They wanted their mister to have a good life. He began to read stories about the fate of black people in America, so much that this subject became his strong point at school. He wanted to become an authority, it was a way for him to honor his race. Besides, his family, including himself, were muslims. Traditionalists but not fundamentalists. His parents were open to modernity but had raised their youngren in their faith in Allah. And Joshua told us about his long religious journey. For instance, he had long questioned himself as to his field of study, looking at one time at the possibility of studying muslim theology. But he changed his mind eventually, after reading many books about the origins of the black slaves in America. “I don’t regret my decision whatsoever”, he said, “especially now that I have the honor of working under the direction of the most internationally renowned specialist on the history of Black people in America.” Beth blushed a little after this laudatory declaration, and readily followed up by saying that Joshua was the best grad student she never had to supervise in her whole career. It was easy for Beth and I to notice that this young man would go far. He is the assertive, self-confident, dominant type. We were sure that he would work his way. And I could notice that Beth was more and more attentive to him. She told us again that Joshua was the best grad student that she ever had to guide and that he would become her private assistant. This was a real thrill for me to see and feel. Could it be that Beth might find here the young man that she had always longed for? It didn’t take long before we finished Joshua’s bottle. Beth was gradually relaxing. I saw her remove her mules to be more at ease, noticing by the same way that Joshua was paying a lot more attention to her than to me. It was apparent that he was enjoying what he saw: her legs, her black painted toe and finger nails contrasting with the white of her cute dress, her face, shoulders and upper chest. It was almost like I wasn’t there anymore. They would laugh and giggle every now and then. At one point, Beth told him: “Joshua, you call me ‘Mrs. Andermister’ at the office but here, please call me Beth,” did she say. He then immediately reacted by saying: “You too, Beth, please call me Josh”, with a warm smile and bright eyes. My heart was throbbing more than ever. “Hey guys, I said. Why don’t we spend a little time enjoying the pool before dinner? That would do us so much good with this hot weather.” “Yes, honey. Let’s go”, Beth replied. “Josh, you can go inside to change. Amanda will show you where to go.” While he was entering the house Beth and I looked at each other. Without having to say a word, we knew that this was an exciting moment for her. She was so cheerful, so happy. I couldn’t resist; I hugged her and kissed her tenderly, whispering in her ear: “I love you, darling. Be happy.” She understood perfectly what I meant. A few minutes later the three of us were in the pool, enjoying the cool water on our bodies. Joshua had put his red Speedo tight brief that emphasized his perfect athletic and muscular body. Beth was wearing a white strapless one-piece swimsuit [ like the one in the picture below]. She had kept her several white bracelets and her white necklace. We continued chatting in the pool for a while, until I decided to get out, before saying: “I’ve had enough. I’ll go change. You guys can remain in the pool for as long as you want.” Which they gladly did, almost ignoring me. Once in our bedroom, I could hear them laughing and playing around in the water. They were like two kids enjoying a pleasant afternoon under the sun. I removed my swimsuit and saw without surprise that my little penis had oozed precum. I went right away to the window to look at them. I could see Beth extending her arms toward Joshua, inviting him to come closer, noticing that she was talking to him but in a low voice. To my disappointment, I couldn’t hear anything. He headed toward her and took her inviting hands and spread her arms apart in order to make her come closer. They repeated this play several times, laughing, and Beth still talking in a low voice, almost whispering. Until they stopped, now very close to each other. Beth then made her lips available, bending her beautiful head backward somewhat, her neck more exposed than ever. Joshua, keen as he is, was more than happy to oblige. They exchanged a few kisses on the lips. I was sure that Beth was moaning. At this point in time, Amanda passed by. She saw them and noticed that they were in their own world by themselves, and smiled. Amanda’s presence did not bother them whatsoever. They kept kissing, until Joshua took Beth by the waist and kind of made her dance in the water. She was acting very sensual and more and more provocative. Joshua then left her and came out of the pool, grabbing a towel. Beth immediately followed him, almost running. At that time, I had no doubt in my mind as who was the one would wear the pants. One thing leading to the other, we had our dinner at the small round glass table, Beth and Joshua now sitting closer to each other. I could see partly through the table glass that they were indulging in bare foot play, smiling at each other. Josh eventually put his hand on Beth’s lap after a while. I have to say that with all this wine, we all were in quite a cherry mood. And I was permisterally very excited with all this. “Guys, Beth said after sipping the last drop of our second wine bottle, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you something.” “Please do, sweetheart”, I replied. “As you know and as I told you already, the annual convention of the Historical Society of America will be held in two weeks. This time, it will be held in Memphis. I was invited to deliver a talk on my discoveries about the first arrival of African slaves on the continent. I have the opportunity to be accompanied by one of my grad students. I had not decided yet who I would select, and I was weighing the choices I had. By Monday, I must give the organizers the name of the student who will be with me. Given the high quality of Josh’s (she had readily responded to his invitation to call him this way) work, I decided to invite him.” Without even waiting for me to say anything, she looked at him with inviting eyes and asked: “Josh, would you like to come with me?” “Well, Beth, it depends”, Josh replied. “This is a bit embarrassing for me. For two reamisters. First, I just recently joined your team, and there is certainly someone else who deserves more than me to team up with you at the convention. Second, I don’t have great financial means and I’m afraid that I can’t afford the expense.” “Mmmmm, Josh, let me reassure you. First, it’s quite obvious that you’re superior academically to anyone in my team. There is no way that this can be refuted, and even your team members would admit it. Second, all expenses are paid, half by the Society as I’m a guest speaker, and half by our university. So…?” “Well, now. I need to know something else”, he replied. “Tim, what’s your feeling about this”, he added, looking at me straight in the eyes, with his hand still on Beth’s lap. “Joshua, please don’t worry. Beth is a true professional and she knows her field a lot better than I can ever know. Besides, she’s a grown-up girl now”, I replied with a grin. “OK then, I accept”, he said. “I am very honored that you picked me up to be with you at the convention, Beth. I am convinced that this will be a great experience for me. Thank you so much”, he concluded, before to put a prudish kiss on her lips. The food and wine had put us in a high mood. It was now almost midnight. We continued discussing in a relaxed and cheering atmosphere. “Honey, I told Beth, as we are quite tipsy now, I don’t think that it would be safe for neither of us to drive, don’t you think? Why wouldn’t you stay here tonight, Joshua? We have two guest rooms ready at all times anyway.” “Your suggestion shows your wisdom and prudence, Tim”, Beth replied right away. I think you should take up that advice, Josh. You would be more than welcome.” She then looked at Joshua, who was a bit taken aback, without letting his embarrassment show too much however. He then nodded to show his acceptance. After a nightcap, and with the cool night falling on us, we finally decided to go in. As Amanda had already excused herself and gone to her room for the night, I offered Beth to show Joshua the way to the guest room, an offer that she readily accepted, as I was expecting. It was so elated to look at them walk in the hallway, both bare feet, hand in hand, like a young couple. Only then did I notice that Beth was about 6 inch shorter than him. Amazingly, she looked rejuvenated, and younger than her new love, although being 21 years older than him. To be continued…  Beth was wearing a white swimsuit similar to this one.
|  |  |  | Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 4050
Very hot, I'm loving this. I can't wait to read more.
Posts: 192
goodhusband Thanks very much, GH, for having taken time to comment. I'm very honored, especially that this comes from an accomplished author like you. I pm'd you a couple of days ago. I began to read "Brenda and Bobby" on Literotica. I love it. Will keep you posted, and will post more of my story later on.
Kind regards Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 2117
A great story please continue
Posts: 192
brainbox1 Thanks brainbox. Much appreciated. I can't wait for you to continue yours as well! Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 192
Upper Class Cuckold Lifestyle
Part 4
Just out of the shower, I was more than surprised when I heard Beth enter our bedroom, barely 5 minutes after taking Joshua to the guest room. After those years together, I knew that she would tell me everything on what happened, just like she did before about her affairs with her two short-term lovers. She knows the excitement and arousal I get from her confessing her extramarital love adventures. She knows that I am now a true, willing cuckold. We didn’t say a word. She came to me, gave me a tender kiss on a cheek and went right away in the restroom to take a shower. I lied down on our bed and waited for her to come beside me.
After Beth lied down alongside me, she took my right hand and made me probe her chest. “Do you feel my heartbeat, honey?”, she asked in a low, sultry voice.
“Yes, indeed, Beth darling, you are exhilarated, aren’t you?”, I said.
“Yes, very much, Tim. Josh literally knocked me out. He’s so manly, so considerate and mature. The more I see him, the more I want to be with him.”
“Yes, and it shows, honey”, I added. “Could it be that you found the right man, at last?”
“It could very well be, sweetheart”, she replied, still holding my hand.
“Now, tell me what just happened…”, I asked, with a somewhat trembling voice.
“Yes, honey. Would you like us to masturbate at the same time?, she asked with lust in her voice, each on our own, of course?”
“Mmmmmmm, yesss, honey”, I replied. Please go on.”
“We didn’t say a word all the way to the room. We just held hands and walked, slowly. I stopped once we were at the door, we faced each other and Josh put his arms around my waist. I came close to him and put my head on his chest. I could feel his heart beat rapidly. I raised my head to look at his beautiful blue eyes. Then we kissed.”
“A French kiss? I asked. “Yes a long French kiss. It was so good. We tightened our embrace. I was so well in his arms, feeling his strength, his power, his extraordinary masculinity, all this in such a young man. Such a beautiful black young man…”
“What happened then?” I asked, impatient to know the rest.
“I knew that Josh would have loved me to enter the room and spend the night with him”, Beth said. “He knows that you would not have had any objections. But I resisted, whispering in his ear that I wanted to remain pristine and virgin for him, that it would be better for both of us to wait, that it would be all the better later, after a hard-to-sustain wait. After a last French kiss, we set apart, and I said: ‘Good night my love’.”
All the while, Beth was fingering herself and I was masturbating my now hard, albeit short, cock. Almost fainting with arousal, I finally spurted a little cum on my lower belly. Unable to keep my tongue in my mouth, I whispered to Beth: “This trip to Memphis will be like a honeymoon for both of you.”
“Yesssssss!” Beth uttered, also coming.
After cleaning ourselves, we went back to bed, exchanged a tender kiss, and cuddled gently. Before to turn the light off, my lovely wife commented about the dozen of white roses that Amanda had cleverly put on Beth’s bedside table. “It was hard for me to leave Josh, but those are such a wonderful reminder of his kindness”, she said.
“Yes, absolutely, honey. I wish that you have unforgettable dreams. Good night”, I answered.
To be continued… Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 4050
sweetdaddy: I whispered to Beth: “This trip to Memphis will be like a honeymoon for both of you.” I love scenes where the cuckold husband encourages his wife. Thanks GH
Posts: 192
goodhusband Thanks again for following my story and for your comments. I'll be back with part 5 tomorrow. Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 126
Great Story Sweetdaddy,
Can't wait for the next segment Please keep up the good work !! IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 192
TheCuckoldOne Many thanks for your appreciation. Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 192
Upper class cuckold lifestyle
Part 5This was Sunday morning. A morning to linger in bed, which was welcome. However, as I woke up, I turned on Beth’s side and noticed that she was up already. “Beth, you didn’t wait for me?”, I asked loudly, thinking that she was in our adjoining bathroom. No answer. Right away, I knew where my wife could be. I looked by the window and, indeed, there she was with Joshua, playing in the pool. They were laughing cheerfully, involved in pursuits, him trying to catch her and her always escaping. Once in a while she would let him grab her and give him a reward for his catch, a long French kiss. Beth had traded her yesterday’s one-piece swimsuit for her turquoise bikini [ like the one in the first picture below] that I found so gorgeous on her. All the while Amanda was setting the table for a late breakfast on the pool patio under the pergola, looking at them every now and then with a knowing smile. My heart was pumping like mad. This had the effect of waking me right up. Sometime later, I was sitting sideways on a chaise longue beside Beth and Joshua, who were lying down on each of their own, side by side, and holding hands, with their sunglasses on. We chatted like this for a while, and then decided to eat something. Joshua got up and Beth presented him her hands for him to lift her up, which he did readily, so much that she hit his chest. He then rapidly lifted her in his arms and brought her to the table, her right arm resting on his shoulders. “What a beautiful day, isn’t it, lovebirds?”, I commented with an engaging smile. “Yes, Tim. A very beautiful day”, Joshua replied. “I’m so hungry! Aren’t you also, darling?”, looking at Beth. “Yes, I’m starving”, she replied, already biting into a huge croissant. “Tell me, Joshua. Do you have anything scheduled on your own for today or this evening?” I asked. “Nothing special, Tim. I had planned to continue reading a Ph.D. thesis on the influence of islam in the Black population in the western world, very interesting by the way, and I also intended to read a bit of the Koran. But the Holy Book, I have read four times already”, he answered. “So why don’t you stay with us for the rest of the day and relax here again tonight? This way, you and Beth could go directly to the university together tomorrow morning.” I proposed. Beth’s eyes were wide open with joy at my idea: “Yes, yes, Josh. Please stay!”, she pleaded. “Ok then. It will be with pleasure. You greeted me so well, I will be grateful forever to you, Tim, for your great kindness. “Agreed, we are keeping you with us then”, I concluded. Beth and I spend a good part of the day discussing with Joshua about his origins and younghood in New York City as well as his faith. As mentioned in a previous part, he was of modest origin and member of a large family of eight youngren. His parents had made enormous sacrifices to provide their youngren with a good education; this was among their highest priorities. Two of his brothers were attorneys and he had a sister who was a registered nurse and another, a teacher. He felt privileged to have been able to pursue his education up to the Ph.D. and, most of all, to be under Beth’s expert supervision. Furthermore, Joshua was fluent in the Arabic and German languages beside English. Beth questioned Joshua further about his muslim faith. Again, he talked about his parents, who brought them up in this religion. However, they were not fanatics and even less fundamentalists. They had melted very well in the American society. Joshua was going to the weekly prayer every Friday at the mosque (close to the university, and he had talked with the local imam several times) and adhered to muslim laws related to the Ramadan. Although we already had an idea about this special month (there were several muslim employees on staff at my company), he explained us that this is a month where practising muslims abstain from sexual intercourse, masturbation and eating every day from dawn until sunset. The fasting rule is not mandatory for youngren under seven, and old or sick people. As well, the pregnant woman is allowed not to fast if she fears that harm would come to her or her baby from her fasting. And the breast-feeding woman is allowed not to fast if she fears harm would come to her or her baby from her fasting. This part seemed to particularly attract Beth’s attention. “Glad that Amanda served us lamb yesterday”, I commented with a smile. Joshua laughed out loud at that remark. “Yes, I try to observe the muslim prescription forbidding to eat pork. But I wouldn’t die over it, no pun intended”, he said with a wide smile. “In any case, you can be assured that we will observe the prescription here from now on, do you agree Tim?” Beth said. “Absolutely, honey. This is a perfectly appropriate mark of respect for your boyfriend. He deserves much respect, even devotion, I am sure that you’ll agree, Beth”, I answered, invaded by an overwhelming desire to bow to his superiority and to confirm my self-acceptance of my inferior, cuckold status in front of this real man. Obviously, Joshua was a very mature individual for his young age. The more we talked with him, the more we liked him, especially Beth. We also were in a position to discover his much asserted permisterality, his good common sense and the power that emanated from him. During the day, again on the subject of his faith, Joshua confessed that he had filed a formal request to change his first name. He wanted his new name to better reflect who he was and his deep beliefs. This again was of great interest to my dear wife. “And do you mind telling us what will be your new name, darling?” did she ask quickly. “In a couple of weeks at the most, my official first name will be Faisal”, he replied. “Oh, very nice!” Beth added. “Is there any reamister why you chose this particular name?” “Yes, Faisal is an Arabic name that means ‘The one who decides, who is in charge’. I have been notified that my request had been granted but that I could not change all my IDs before receiving the official certificate. This, as I said, should come in a matter of two weeks at the most.” “This name is particularly appropriate. Indeed, it reflects perfectly your specific qualities”, I said. “It reminds me of King Faisal.” “Yes, I agree completely”, Beth added. But tell me, I would like so much to call you by your new name! May we?” “Yes, of course, you may. And thanks for your nice comments”, Faisal concluded. The three of us were so much involved in this captivating conversation that we had not seen time pass. We were now in mid-afternoon and the sun was hitting hard. I asked Beth and Faisal to excuse me, as I wanted to take my usual Sunday afternoon short nap. “Very well, Tim”, Faisal said. “Why don’t we go for a long walk in the neighborhood, Beth darling? I’m interested to look at those beautiful houses and front gardens, and I think I saw a large park not far away on our way here yesterday.” “It’s a great idea, Faisal. I’ll show you around. I’ll change first”, Beth said. I had mixed feelings about this. On one side, I was afraid of the reaction of the neighbors at seeing my wife walking hand in hand with a Black young man. On the other side, this mere perspective was a great excitement. Again, my tiny prick was pulsating with lust. And I concluded that, in any case, if I was to fully assume my cuckold condition, I had to accept that people around us know it. Obviously, Beth was in a different mood. She was like a teenage girl with her first lover. We both went in our bedroom while Faisal remained on the patio, chatting with Amanda, who liked him very much by now, just like if he was her own mister. She was very happy that things had turned out that way for this new born couple. Beth undressed and looked for some sport clothes. She finally set her choice for a pair of short shorts and a loose crop tank top [ like in the second picture below] and then put on white low-cut socks and her sneakers. She was prettier than ever, like she was twenty years younger. “You are in love, Beth, aren’t you?”, I asked her, already knowing the answer. “Yes, Tim, tremendously”, she answered right away. “Even more than I was with you… I’m sorry, please excuse my candidness. I mean… I love you tenderly, affectionately, just like a brother now. With Faisal, it’s way more. We didn’t make love yet, but I know in advance that he will fulfill me as a woman. I have never had such a feeling in my adult life. And I’ll do anything to keep him…” Inhabited by a bit of sadness but much arousal an excitement, I hugged my wife and kissed her tenderly on the cheeks, telling her that I agreed completely with all this. I also confided that I just hoped that I could remain in her life and that I could let my cuckold voyeur wishes and fantasies come true. I told her that I worship the ground she walks on and that I would also worship the ground Faisal, and both of them, walk on. “Honey, you remain my husband and I have no intention of letting you down”, my wife said. Especially that you are the one who, in part, opened up this treasure chest for me. And, so far, it looks like Faisal does not mind if you are in our presence. I’ll talk to him about this watching and listening aspect of your cuckold experience anyway. And also about our submissive temperament. Don’t worry.” All my cuckoldry fantasies of those years back were now culminating in an extraordinary reality for both of us. “Sweetheart, before you go, I wanted you to know that I intended to let you spend the night with Faisal in the guest room tonight”, I told her. “Honey, you’re so nice and understanding of my deep desires and needs. I appreciate very much what you just said. But I would have gone anyway. My love is so great, so hard-pressing, that I could not have resisted any more”, did she say in a decided voice. This drove me crazy with lust. I made sure that I could see them walking away in our long, winding driveway, be it only to savor this blessed moment where my beloved wife, dressed so pretty, was cheerfully strolling with her lover, holding his hand nonchalantly. On a Sunday like this, some neighbors would certainly see them… To be continued…  Beth was wearing her turquoise bikini, just like this one.
|  The outfit that Beth had picked for her stroll with Faisal
|  |  | Everything is better in black and white
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I"m continuing to enjoy this and look forward to every post
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goodhusband Thanks a lot for following my posts. This is a great encouragement for me. Everything is better in black and white
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great story
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sweetdaddy Your story is exciting and enjoyable to follow. Thanks for sharing with us! Cuck who loves a creampie.
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cuckold4one Thanks very much for your appreciation. This keeps me writing. Everything is better in black and white
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Such a great read! I loved it
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Upper Class Cuckold Lifestyle
Part 6As soon as they were away, my mind started racing with a mix of fantasies and hopes. First, I brought the white roses bouquet from our bedroom to the guest room, on one of the bedside tables. This would be most appropriate, I thought. While there, I immediately saw a wonderful opportunity arise… the intercom on one of the bedside tables. I turned it on and raised the volume, not too high, just enough so that I could hear. My whole body was shivering just at the thought of being an “acoustic lurker”. I felt privileged to be able to live on this coming evening what was one of my most vivid dreams. Beth and Faisal came back rather late, at 6:15 p.m. They had walked for about an hour and a half and wandered in the park, after which they lied down on the grass, watching families and kids play. “We had a very restful stoll”, Beth said. “And we got to know each other more. Faisal expanded my knowledge of male-female relationships as per the Islamic precepts. I would be very interested in going to the mosque with him some day. This will be very enlightening.” “Oh… this is very interesting indeed”, I commented. “It opens up our perception of the Islamic world. What love cannot do!” “Very true, my dear”, Beth added, while looking at Faisal straight in the eyes. “I love you darling”, she told him, ignoring me. Most naturally, they kissed. “Would you guys like me to prepare a little meal for you, as Amanda took her afternoon off”, I proposed. “I am not very hungry, Tim”, Faisal replied. “And you, my little one?” “I guess that I could have just a light salad”, Beth said. “Can you prepare us just that, please?” “Yes, of course. With a glass of cool white wine. That would do you good. Permisterally, I don’t feel like eating, so I’ll pass.” In no less than half an hour, I served them their salad and wine at the kitchen bar, where they were sitting right alongside each other. They thanked me, and Beth told me: “You may dispose now. If we need anything more, we will call you. Oh, by the way… After this, we will go to Faisal’s room to take a shower and then retire for the night. Oh, I was forgetting… Tomorrow morning, Faisal and I will go to the university with the Escalade, you can use the Mercedez. We will leave at around 7:00. It would be appreciated if you could prepare our breakfast, honey, because Amanda only starts working at 9:00, as you know. Please wake us up at around 6:15.” “Certainly, Beth, I’ll do that. Thank you, Beth. Thank you Faisal. I wish you a very good night”, was my answer. I was simply ecstatic! Beth knew – and Faisal certainly knew as she must have told him with some details about our cuckold relationship – that it was exactly the treatment I was striving for. In this state of mind, I went directly to our master bedroom, where I would relax alone in the king size bed tonight. Well… relax is a big word, as I would certainly not relax much. I was looking forward to having a tremendously hot experience. Right away, I took a shower, trying to cool off my temper. It did not help much for that matter, but at least I had cleaned my precum on my lower belly and thighs. I then set the alarm clock to get up at 6:00 the next morning, after which I lied down on the bed, turned up the volume on my intercom station and turned the light off. After forty minutes or so, it’s with great joy that I heard Faisal’s room open then close. The volume level was just right. I made a point not to touch myself during the whole time. I wanted to avoid coming and therefore lose my excitement. As well, I considered this “fasting” as another way to confirm my presentation and deprivation of sex. So far, I was barely hearing swishing sounds… the bed sheets being opened, I guess, and the clothes being removed. Then I clearly heard Beth moaning quietly and then more loudly. After this, silence. I explained it by the fact that they were in the walk-in shower adjoining the room. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally heard them close to the bed. Swishing sound again, and not long after, Beth was moaning with contentment and Faisal groaning. I could also hear whispers and the sound of kisses. “Mmmmmmm it’s goooood…” Beth uttered in a rush of lust. “Please fuck me, my love. Fill me up. I want you in me sooooo muchhhh!” This was simply flabbergasting. My short cock was erect as it has not been for ages. But I refrained from touching it. After hearing many self-explanatory sounds that drove my imagination wild, I heard Beth again: “Faiiiiisallll! Oh my God, you’re fucking me so well!!! Your cock is so huge… I have never been filled that much in my whole life!!! Aggghhhhh!”[ see the first picture below] “You’re so good, so delicious, my princess”, Faisal said in a low voice. “You’re just like a ripe fruit ready to be taken, my love… Mmmmmm. I love your face, I love your body, I love your scent, I love your age. You’re my only one…” After this vocal demonstration of mutual love, I was able to hear groans and moans again, lots of them, for a long while. The culmination arrived not long after I had heard Beth scream and cry with lust. Both produced loud sounds in unimister. They had come. My only hope was that Faisal was wearing a condom… A long silence followed. I imagined that they were cuddling on top one of each other, just resting. I heard kisses again.[ see the second picture below] “You made me come as I never came, my love”, Beth said quietly. “You gave me such pleasure, darling. Did you like it?” “Mmmmmmm, yessss, my princess”, said Faisal. “I love your mature body, yet so young-looking, I love your fullness, your roundness, your softness. You make me so happy, Beth darling.” “Your husband never satisfied you, did he?”, he added. “No, by far.” Beth admitted. Early in our married life, I thought that this was good sex, but tonight, I know it was not. And I don’t want to be deprived of your superior love, never, darling. I will do anything to keep you mine!” “I will give you all the pleasure you deserve, my princess.” was Faisal’s reply. “I’ll make you discover a whole new sexual world, a whole new erotic treasure land. I’ll make you experiment things that you never thought could be possible. Do you want to follow me on this journey?” “Mmmmmmmm, yesss, my love!!! I want to follow you anywhere you will take me!!!” Hearing this, I was filled with overwhelming lust. I couldn’t believe it yet. This was a great gift that was given to Beth and… I. On the other hand, I was greatly interrogative as to what would be those “things that she never thought could be possible”… I could now hear Beth begging her lover like a bitch in heat. “Faisal, my love, my Master, please use me, fuck me hard, own me! Pleaassse! My only wish is to belong to you, to be your sex toy, your fuck bitch. Fuck me fovever!!!” And he certainly did take ownership of her, if only according to the breathtaking moans that I heard Beth utter… At that point, I came without touching myself, in the dark of our bedroom, my throbbing cockette spurting on my belly. I cannot tell at what time I finally fell arelax. I can only say that I heard my alarm clock at 6:00. Surprisingly, I didn’t have any problem getting up. On the contrary. Full of joy, I took a shower and dressed for my workday before to go wake up the now tightly bonded lovers who were cuddling under the bed sheets. It was a wonderful sight that I’ll always remember. “Good morning, Beth. Good morning Faisal”, I said. “You must have had a good night, I’m sure. I’ll go prepare your breakfast, this will leave you time to get ready.” All I got as an answer was a series of low grunts and moans. I left the room. To be continued… Everything is better in black and white