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I love Saturdays.

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I think it was his idea that I wear a pinafore when washing his car,but it was Ann who told me to.It amused her that any neighbour would be able to see me thus dressed,on the driveway,cleaning a car that wasn't mine.
There was no rush to complete the task.I could have it pristine inside and out in an hour,knowing that they would be upstairs in the bedroom for at least two and often longer.I didn't know much about him,only what Ann had deigned to tell me.His name is Brian,he works in the same office complex as Ann and that he is married.He's been her lover for almost seven months now,visiting our house every Saturday afternoon.
I've never regretted my takesen confession to Ann a year ago about my cuckold fantasy.I'm not even sure where it came from.Why would any man want his wife,who he adored and worshipped,to take another man as her lover?It dosen't make sense.It goes against the whole idea of love,marriage and nature.And yet,as those husbands afflicted by this weird kink will testify,the desire is overwhelming.
And so,on a sunny Saturday afternoon,this pinafored cuckold cleans the car of his wifes lover.My obsession has caused me to lose everything that most husbands hold dear,my wifes love and respect,our sex life,the chance of becoming a man,my own self respect and masculinity.And yet,as incredible as it sounds,I am where I want to be.I have found my niche, sought by only a tiny proportion of men, that of being a willing cuckold.
Some cuckold wanabees imagine their wives feeding them intimate details of sex with their lovers,or even letting them watch.Dream on.That may happen for those who swing or have an open marriage,but for a cuckold,his wifes sex life is her affair,not his.
A stark confirmation of this ocurred towards the beginning of Anns love affair with Brian.I,quite naturally,had been permanently excluded from the marital bedroom and slept in the spare.One afternoon,having just finished washing Brians car,I received a text message:"Bring refreshments,one white wine,one cold beer".Complying,I went upstairs with the takes on a tray and entered the bedroom.Big mistake!!
On going in,Brian was lying on the near side of the bed with his back to me, with a sheet covering him up to his waist and his head raised resting in his hand.On the far side,my beloved Ann was sat up,smiling at him and stroking his hair.The sheet was also up to her waist.In that split second,all hell broke loose.On seeing me appear,Anns smile disappeared, to be replaced with a look of horror in my direction.Swiftly,she grabbed the sheet and covered her exposed breasts.
"Don't you know how to knock on a door?",she shouted,wrapping the sheet more tightly around herself.
"But Ann",I grovelled,"I'm sorry..I..."
"Sorry?",she spat,"You will be sorry,you filthy,fucking pervert!"
I stood there,shocked to the core by her reaction.Although I knew I'd forfeited all marital intimacy after my confession,I was stunned at being berated for looking at my own wifes breasts.Slowly,Brian turned his head to face me.
"No more titty for you,cucky",he grinned,"No more titty,no more pussy".At that,he turned and drew a now smiling Ann into his arms.
"That's all mine now",he said,kissing her,"ALL mine".
As I quickly placed the tray of takes down and left the room,I was left in no doubt by his words and their embrace,that Ann was very much in love.As I went to my room I prayed,as I did every day,that Brian would remain in his marriage and be content to visit every week for sex and that Ann would continue to allow me to live in the marital house.With these two conditions in place,I could continue to live my dream,that of being a willing cuckold to my darling wife Ann.


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Please do carry on ... this is SOOOO hot!!!


Posts: 262
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The very next day,I gave Ann a grovelling apology for entering her bedroom unbidden and,after several days of angry silence on her part,we returned to something like normal life.
Despite the fact that the love in our marriage was now one-sided,a new kind of relationship developed between us.Knowing that my devotion to her was sincere,she grew comfortable with it and gradually lost a certain coldness towards me that had existed before.I soon learnt that whenever I mentioned Brians name,it made her happy and,as her happiness meant everything to me,I mentioned him often.
Most days she'd speak to him on the phone and,whereas before it was always in private,my proximity became less important.I was always carefull not to interrupt the calls or appear to be listening in and this began to pay dividends.Hearing snippets of what she said to him aroused and humiliated me in equal measure, feelings I loved.
One Sunday afternoon,we were both sunbathing in our garden and thus close together.Her mobile phone rang and it was Brian.Watching from over her left shoulder,I saw her snuggle down and writhe with pleasure at her lovers voice.I soon guessed that the call was about the previous days lovemaking.
"Mmmm,me too",she purred,"You make me feel all woman on Saturdays".
My cock stirred in my shorts and I felt like a guilty voyeur.
"Sunbathing",she told him,"In my new bikini".She laughed then and went on to describe it to him.Then she turned her head around towards me.
"Brian wants to know if you like my bikini?" she said,passing me the phone.Nervously I took it from her and placed it to my ear.
"Hello Brian",I said with a quiet,respectful tone.
"Is it as sexy as she says it is?",he asked without smalltalk.
"Err,it's very nice",I said,"very nice".
"I didn't ask you that",he replied abruptly.
"Sorry",I mumred,"Yes it is,very sexy,Ann looks lovely in it".Ann smiled.
"Now don't you start getting any ideas",he warned,obviousy grinning with amusement,"The goodies covered by that two-piece are for moi and moi alone,you know that don't you Buddy?"
"What's he saying?" Ann whispered,also grinning with amusement.I passed her the phone back and she listened while he told her what he'd said.
"MMmmm,too true loveofmylife",she replyed huskily,"Wish you were here now,playing with my goodies".
On hearing this,my little cock sprung to its limited but full extent and I hastily pulled a towel over my shorts to conceal it.After several more minutes of lovey-dovey chat,Ann hung up and asked me to fetch her a take.As I made to get off the sunbed,I kept the towel clutched to the front of my shorts,hoping she wouldn't realise anything.She did.
"What are you holding...Oh my God!",she said.It was a weary,knowing comment rather than an angry one.I just stood there,blushing with guilt.She sat up and stared at me.
"Do you know Tim",she said,"I've tried,I've really tried to figure you out.I've been reading about this...this thing of yours.I've even been on some of those..WEBsites".The word was almost spat and I knew the sites she meant.The sites I loved,the sites I could read and talk with men...with males anyway,with husbands like me.With weak,inadequate husbands who understood and shared my love of cuckoldry.
Then her tone changed to one of almost compassion.
"You're just a saddo,aren't you Baby?"she said quietly,"A saddo wanker?"
I tried to reply,but I couldn't because I was trying to stifle a weep.My eyes were cast down to my feet,the towel still clutched to my erection.
"Come and sit here",she said,patting half of her sunbed,"Come on,it's alright".I shuffled over and sat,not daring to look into her eyes.
"I don't understand it and never will",she said,placing her hand on my knee."No wife ever could,you know that,don't you?"I nodded.
"I'm not sure I understand it myself",I whispered.
"But this....obsession,it's more important than my love?"she asked.
"No",I said,"Just strong's just overwhelming...dominating.I love you so much Ann",I told her."None of it makes any sense,but it would make no sense at all if I didn't love you...adore you".
There was a longish silence then,after which Ann glanced around the garden.
"Take your shorts down",she whispered.At first I thought I was hearing things,but then she repeated it.
"If you say anything about this to anyone,I'll leave you,do you understand"?
Puzzelled,I nodded as I lowered my shorts.When my genitalia was exposed,I actually felt embarrassed in front of my own wife.Her hand moved from my knee,along my thigh and onto my balls,cupping them.The shock of Ann touching me there made me freeze.It was something I was certain would never happen again as long as our marriage lasted.All I could do was quietly moan her name.My cock was fully erect,but she didn't touch it yet.
"I didn't realise how small these were"She said,almost to herself as she fondled my now very tight scrotum."They're more like a boys,aren't they?"
"Are Brians..big?"I whispered,blushing like mad.
"Oh yes"! She said with a chuckle,"Very!".She then slid her hand onto my erection and stroked it gently.
"Most husbands would go limp hearing what I've just said,wouldn't they"?I again nodded and blushed.
"But not you,you've got harder,haven't you?"She said,now tightening her grip on my cock as she stroked.
"Your little boy....your cute little boy",she whispered.I groaned at her words,more aroused than I'd been for ages.
"Is Brians..."?I dared asking.
""Bigger"? she smiled,"Oh Baby,I've never felt so filled,so complete.It's all for the best,isn't it?What's happened.You want me to feel filled and complete,don't you Baby?Want me to have a real man?"
"Oh Ann yes...yes I do,I do...."At that,I gave a little shudder and my usual small amount of white stuff seeped from my little cock-head.Ann immediately let go of my spent cock and wiped her fingers on the towel.
"Good boy",she said curtly,"Now go and get my take".
I stood and pulled my shorts up,then mumred my thanks for wanking me.She lay down on the sunbed and put her sun-glasses on.
"I don't know what on earth you're talking about",she said.My knees weakened as I walked into the house,my mind a blurr.My darling Ann,my adorable wife had just relieved me sexually.I should have been the happiest husband in the world,so why did I feel troured?I soon realised why.My life as a submissive cuckold,the life I yearned for,was under threat.My wife had been unfaithful to her lover Brian!
As I walked out into the garden,carrying a tray with Anns take on it,I plucked up all my courage to speak.
"Ann",I said,holding the tray out for her,"Please don't be angry with me..."
"Angry"?,she said,looking up at me puzzelled,"Angry at what"?
"What you did,I....I don't think it was right for you wank me".
Ann looked up at me completely nonplussed.Her mouth opened,but no words would come out.She had taken pity and done what all men would want a wife to do and I was telling her she'd been wrong.Ann lowered her sunglasses and stared at me.Then she spoke,her words full of vitriol.
"You sad,perverted,inadequate scum,get out of my sight!!"


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YOU should really be kept a a cuck husband! Your wife Ann only has a man for sex and NOT a BULL or LOVER!
Have you ever confronted him? or threw him out?
Your wife Ann should have a REAL BULL and LOVER in her life as I proposed to you many times.I would be her BULL and LOVER and also MASTER! I would breed her with my baby and have her marked with my name on her.
You would be made to relax alone in your own room or a room made for you in the garage.
You would be just kept for domestic work,cleaning,shopping,cooking,washing clothes,while dressed as the faggot sissy boy you really are.Ann doesn't know what she really has there.You are NO husband or lover of any females.
You should also be kept in chasity with a double lock put on her and I would keep the key! NO jerking off for you ever also unless you earned that riht as a reward for doing something special.
You should also be marked as a cuckboy.
Your wife would no longer wear a wedding band or consider herself married to you,she would wear my wedding band and consdider herself married to me.Even take my last name as hers.
I would breed her with a beautiful baby and you would support it as yours of course.
Your wife should get rid of this brian character and find a REAL MAN AND BULL LIKE MYSELF TO ENJOY HER and give her the pleasure she needs.
You know I am a Dominant BULL and she could use some control of her own as well.
I would never allow her to work,only you!
Then you already know about the other 2 CUNTS I WOULD OWN TOTALLY AS WELL AND BE MARRIED TO ONE OF THEM.
all you have to do is talk to your wife and stop being so scared and get some balls or they should be removed also from you since they are not doing you any good.


Posts: 129
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Great stuff! More please and soon. (When does Tim's family, friends and colleagues find out that he is a cuck?)
Rating: 3, 3 votes.
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I love Saturdays.
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