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Five Days In Florida

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Posts: 4050
#241 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I removed the quiche from the oven and set it on a rack on the counter so that it could cool. Once that was done I took a deep breath and nervously left the sanctuary of the kitchen to join Brandon and Anne in the living room. I was both anxious and excited. I felt like I was about to step into a cuckold fantasy, only this wasn’t an internet story, this was real life.

When I reached the door to the living room I paused and looked inside. Brandon was seated on the couch. He was still wearing his golf shirt, but from the waist down he was naked. His jeans and boxer shorts were in a pile on the floor to his right. The coffee table had been pulled away so there was now plenty of open space in front of the couch.

Anne was sitting next to Brandon. She was wearing nothing but her thigh high stockings. Her denim mini skirt, white tube top and high heeled shoes lay brownietered on the floor in front of the couch.

Brandon had his arm around my wife. Anne had her hand wrapped around his impressive erection. She was slowly stroking him. It was apparent that they were waiting for me.

As soon as she saw me in the doorway, Anne said; "Don't be shy. Come in, we're waiting for you."

Still nervous, I slowly advanced into the living room. I couldn't take my eyes off of Brandon's enormous cock.

Anne noticed and winked at me. "It is magnificent, isn't it?"

I nodded.

Brandon smiled, but it didn't seem to be a condescending smile. It appeared to be more of nervous reaction. I had the impression that he was just as anxious about what was happening as I was.

"Take off your shorts." This wasn't a request from my wife, it was an order.

I stopped, pushed my shorts down to my ankles and stepped out of them.

Brandon glanced at my caged penis and said; "Damn that sure looks uncomfortable."

Anne asked; "Sweet pea, is the chastity cage bothering you?"

"No Mistress Anne, I'm already used to it. I can feel that it's there, but it's not uncomfortable."

"Do you mind wearing it?"

"Not if it makes you happy Mistress Anne."

Anne said; "I love it when he's like this."

"What do you mean?" Brandon looked puzzled.

"When you're aroused you get demanding and aggressive. Jamie, on the other hand becomes delightfully obsequious. I can make him do anything."


"Anything at all. When we first started exploring this life style we did quite a bit of experimenting. I made Jamie submit to some very kinky degradations."

"Like what?"

"Use your imagination."

"That might be worse than hearing what really happened." Brandon was shaking his head.

Anne said; "I don't think so."

"Wow." Brandon paused, after a moment he asked; "Did you enjoy doing that?"

"Actually, I did. I guess I'm just as kinky as Jamie."

"A few minutes ago I suggested that we could be called the three perveteers. I'm starting to realize that wasn't a joke." Brandon was chuckling.

Anne looked at him. "Do you really think you can be kinky?"

"I'm definitely a novice, but I'm willing to learn." Brandon laughed. "Hell, I don't think I'll ever find two more qualified teachers."

"Would you like to try?"

"Right now?"

"Is there something you have to do that's more important?"

"You were going to give me a blow job."

"I still am, but if we do it correctly I think your first lesmister in sexual domination might make that blow job even more fun."


"I know it will for me and if I'm uncontrollably excited I'm sure you can imagine what will happen when I get your cock in my mouth."

Laughing, Brandon said; "Damn woman, you certainly do know how to motivate a guy."

Anne squeezed her boyfriend's cock and said; "I also know you. If you can relax and let go of your inhibitions I'm pretty sure this will excite you just as much as it does me."

Brandon took a deep breath. He was obviously aroused. "Okay, I'm convinced. I'll try. What do I have to do?"

"It's all about attitude. You and I are kindred spirits. We're both motivated by power and sex. We appreciate wealth, but only because it can buy us symbols of power."

"Luxurious cars and handmade suits."

"That's right. Jamie is different. He's not motivated by power. He could care less about power."

"So what motivates Jamie?"

"Sex for sure, but something else as well." Anne looked at me.

I smiled at her.

She smiled back and then turned to Brandon and said; "I think it maybe love."

"Are you saying that you and I don't love?"

"Of course we do, but not like Jamie. You've been divorced twice. Why?"

Brandon grinned. "Because my career always comes first and I have a little trouble saying no to a beautiful woman."

Nodding, my wife said; "I have the same problems, but for me of course, it's handsome men. Before I met Jamie I was convinced that I would never be able to make a marriage work."

"That's how I feel"

"I know, but then I met Jamie. I'd never dated a man like him. He didn't try to control me or mold me into something I wasn't. He accepted me as a strong willed woman. In fact I sensed that he found that attractive. I was also struck by the effort he put into learning about my likes and dislikes. Pleasing me was important to him."

"I've never tried to mold you into something else."

"No, but you're also not particularly worried about pleasing me."

Brandon looked hurt.

Squeezing his cock, Anne said; "It's okay, I'm not very concerned about pleasing you either. We're both rough and demanding in bed. For us, sex is like a wrestling match. That aggressiveness seems to make both of us happy."

"I like it."

"I know you do and I love it when you overpower me and take me."

"So I am pleasing you."

"I never meant to imply that you weren't. If you weren't pleasing me, I wouldn't be dating you. I just said that we don't spend much time worrying about pleasing each other. Jamie does."

“Tell me.”

“I think I fell in love with Jamie the first time we met. I was immediately captivated by his interest in my needs and desires. He also listened to me. When I was talking he avidly paid attention to everything I said. Later I realized that this was part of his insatiable desire to please. This was well before he confessed his submissive desires to me.”

Anne paused to think. After a moment she said; “He does need to know that he's loved. I think that if I ever gave him a reamister to question the sincerity of my feelings for him he'd leave me." She gave me a quick glance.

I was watching her. I'd never heard this assessment of me before. I did have to admit that as I thought about what she was saying it made sense. I was also incredibly excited by the way she was telling her lover about me without regard for my presence. It made me feel like I was a pet dog or yes, a real slave.

Anne continued. "Of course that's not a problem. I do love Jamie. I love him with all my heart and soul. I go to great lengths to make sure that he always knows that and I'm confident that as long as he does know it, he'll do anything he can to please me."

"Smiling at Brandon, she added; "It certainly does help that he's a masochist. He thrives on offense and degradation. I don't understand that at all, but apparently I’m a sadist. I enjoy humiliating and degrading him just as much as he enjoys my doing it and I don't understand that either."

Anne shrugged. "The why doesn't really matter. It's just the way we are and we're lucky that we found each other. You're lucky too because you get to have me and you get to do it without commitment."

Then she paused and looked at Brandon. After a moment she said; "No, that's not true. Nothing happens without commitment, but I think this is a commitment you can handle."

"Tell me."

"You have to accept us for who we are."

"I think I've already started to do that."

"I think you have too."

For several seconds all three of us stared each other in silence. Finally Brandon said; "Okay, where do we go from here?"

"We have to include Jamie in our fun."

"I've already agreed to that."

"Yes you have and we're going to let him watch."

"I thought that's what we were doing."

Anne sighed. "I'm sorry, this is paramount for me. The two of you are the most important men in my life. Hell, you're the only men I've cared about for a very long time. Brandon, you're getting my pussy and I think that's what you want. I have to make sure that Jamie's getting what he wants too."

For a moment Brandon stared at my wife and then he shook his head and said; "Anne, I love your pussy. I love fucking you. You're a beautiful woman and a she devil in bed. You're maybe the best fuck I've ever had, but that's not why I'm here tonight. Yes, you are great in the sack, but it's not hard for me to get laid. I'm an eminently successful attorney with a substantial amount of disposable income. Gorgeous women call me for dates. Damn it Anne, I love your pussy, but I'd give it up in a flash if it kept the three of us from being friends. Shit, this seems to be bare your soul day, so here goes. I'm lonely and you and Jamie are the closest thing to friends that I have. I'll gladly play any game the two of you want to play. I don't care how kinky it is. All I ask is that you include me."

I looked at my wife and said; "Annie?"

Nodding, Anne said; "Yes Jamie, I think you should respond."


Posts: 1459
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GH, please, please do not take my bump of your story as pressure to post more! It was anything but, just a comment on how odd the site would seem if you were not on page 1 of the stories!

Take all the time you need to recover - post if you want and when you feel like it (lord knows I'm stuck and blocked on my own story right now, so who am I to talk?) - and if you choose to move on to something else, you know we will follow. I did not intend to prod you, only to acknowledge your long-standing contributions to our pleasure.

That said, thanks for the great new segment!


Posts: 111
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Periodically I comment about being deep in thought. And yes it does hurt. Your stories generate a lot of thought which I think is good. Maybe you missed your calling as a sociologist. I appreciate your efforts and encourage you to do anything and everything that you enjoy. The writing probably needs to further down your list if it does not produce the enjoyment it once did. Take care of your health both physically and mentally. By the way your writers block sure didn’t effect what you just wrote above. We will be here when you write ready to enjoy what you produce.
Take Care!


Posts: 14692
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thank you ever so much for your supreme effort. Please relax and don't worry. We'll be here when ever you're ready to continue.


Posts: 1914
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Good to see you back, albeit for a short time maybe. You have not lost your touch either. Thanks for staying with us. Thanks for a great story.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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All I can say is Ditto to what was already said in the replies before me.

Good to see you back.....thank you!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
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Don't worry, I didn't take your bump as pressure. I'm sure that you, more than anyone understand my state of mind right now. I'm going to try to write when I feel like writing. My short break has rekindled my interest in this story. I'm sure that I'll need more breaks. I also have two other stories that I'm working on and I write on each one as the spirit moves me. I may go back and take another look at Illicit Desires too. I'm finding that if I write for an hour on a story and then go do something else the writing is easier and more fun.

Anyway, thanks for the concern.


Thanks, As I've gotten older, the question of why has become a bigger issue for me. When I read cuckold stories, especially the ruthless ones (which I do enjoy) I often ask why would any mentally healthy permister put up with that. I started addressing this question in Roxanne and Willie and The Party and pushed it further with Louis Makes a Decision. I believe there has to be love, care and concern. Cukolding and domination without those elements is just use.

Timmy, Peak and cuck4one

As always, thanks

Again, all of you

Thank you



Posts: 4050
#248 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I took a moment to collect my thoughts and then I quietly said; "You're being invited into a very private world. Annie and I are going to be exposing our deepest and most guarded sexual fantasies. Some of our fantasies deviate from the accepted norms of behavior in our culture. At times, Anne is going to act like a nasty bitch and I'm going to appear to be a pathetic, simpering wimp."

I laughed. "Hell, I'm already doing a pretty good job of that. You're sitting on the couch with your arm around my naked wife while she's playing with your cock. I'm standing in front of you with my penis locked in a chastity cage. Lots of people would argue that I've already buried the needle on my pathetic meter."

Brandon and Anne both smiled at me.

"Of course Anne and I both know that if we start earnestly playing this game it's going to get even more outrageous. That my new friend brings us to the two central issues; can I trust you and can you separate Sweet pea from Jamie?"

Brandon considered my two questions for several seconds. Finally he said; "Explain the trust issue."

Anne said; "I can do that."

Brandon and I both looked at my wife.

"Jamie knows that I love him. He also knows that I admire him. He trusts that I understand that the submissive cuckold wimp guise that he adopts during our sex games is nothing more than a role he chooses to play. Can he trust you to make that same distinction?"

Nodding, Brandon said; "I'll try. Now that the issue's been raised I'll be aware of it, so it's more likely that I'll be able to do it." Brandon paused. He thought for a moment and then he asked; "But can I trust Jamie?"

"Why are you concerned about that?" Anne was looking at her boyfriend with a puzzled expression.

"I'm in this game as a stud. I'm supposed to be a red hot lover. That puts pressure on me to perform, pressure that Jamie doesn't have. When he allowed you to lock his cock in that plastic cage he abdicated any claims to the role of a stud. He doesn't have to perform and that leaves him in a position to sit in judgment like a theater critic."

While I didn't think Brandon's concern had much validity, it did appear to be an issue for him, so I was trying to formulate a response.

Fortunately Anne answered. "Brandon honey, you're not here because of your ability to perform. Yes, your cock is a lot bigger than Jamie's and you do have better staying power than he does, but Jamie has a nice cock and if I help him a little bit he can last long enough to get me off. And of course there is also his tongue. My sweet babydoll is an artist with his tongue."

Brandon chuckled. "You're telling me this to make me feel better? You're putting even more pressure on me."

"No Brandon, listen to me. You're not here because of your ability to perform. Don't misunderstand me, you are good in bed and I do adore your big cock, but you're here because of your attitude. While I love the way my husband dotes on me and focuses on my pleasure, sometimes I want to be taken and ravaged. Our wrestling matches are thrilling. I go absolutely wild when you finally overpower me, pin me to the bed, climb on top of me and fuck me. I enjoy making love, but sometimes I want a good fucking and Brandon, you know how to fuck a woman. Jamie can't do that. It just isn't part of his makeup.

Slowly nodding, Brandon said; "okay, I think I'm beginning to understand the roles Jamie and I are playing. I'm the savage brute and Jamie is the simpering slave, but what about you Anne?"

My wife smiled. "I'm the sadistic bitch who gets tamed by the savage brute."

All three of us laughed.

After a moment Brandon grinned at us and said; "Okay, I'm finally starting to understand this game and I think it's going to be fun. Are you to ready to play?"

Anne looked at me. "Jamie?"

"Yes, I'm ready" I was nervous and incredibly excited.

Turning to Brandon, she said; I'm going to take the lead."

He nodded. "I'd appreciate that. I'm still a novice player."

"Okay, let's get started." Anne took a deep breath and turned back to me. Her demeanor had abruptly changed. She was now a haughty aristocrat. In a voice dripping with arrogance, she said; "Slave you are in the presence of your superiors. Get down on your knees!"


Posts: 1914
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Artful way of getting the scene set there GH. Now who's feeling the pressure to perform!

I know you know I agree with you about the love care and concern bits. I'm not wired for the use anyway so it makes sense internally too. I am sure though that some (probably very few) do actually get off on some use and others get off on providing it. In real life it must be enormously difficult to agree boundries here and then tread the line whilst getting more and more sexually excited during a 'scene'. Timmy2 is showing some of this problem both in Clarissa's actions and a little in his writing staying on plot! use of any kind can lead to physical and emotional damage that can take a long time to heal. Few writers can get close on this edge, maybe Wayne C Rogers did it a few times, I'm sure you can name some too but most just get unrealistic which ruins it for me.

The great thing about this though, is that I can imagine myself sitting there, in either the Brandon or the Jamie role, and saying much what they are. That, is good writing in my view.


Posts: 182
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Hi gh,

I have just returned from vacation and what a wonderful and unexpected surprise it was to find these two wonderful segments.

Thanks for your wonderful efforts and please be assured that I am quite willing to wait as long as it takes for each instalment, but your health comes first, so take your time, the morsels are all the tastier for the delay.

Take care.



Posts: 111
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LOVE, trust, respect, honesty and understanding!
Ok now let have some fun!
It works for me!
Another great segment.
Thanks GH


Posts: 14692
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I fully agree with you on the love part. Any D/s relationship involves a huge amount of trust for the sub and responsibility for the Dominant partner not to use that trust.

Thank you for another great segment. Like many others here I'll be looking for the next chapter when ever the muse strikes you.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 1418
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Some of the best segments yet GH...block clearly overcome for now


Posts: 4050
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Peak, Ajax, JJthom, timmy, lick buddy and Zinc

As always, thank you. I appreciate the comments



Posts: 4050
#256 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I obediently dropped to my knees.

Anne licked her lips. Her grip on Brandon's cock seemed to tighten. She was excited and her excitement fed my excitement.

"Crawl over here slave and don't you dare to make eye contact with either of us."

Prudently keeping my eyes down, I crawled over to Anne and Brandon. When I reached my wife's feet I stopped. Careful to avoid meeting Anne or Brandon's gaze I took a quick glance up. Anne was now slowly stroking her boyfriend's erection. Her thighs were spread apart. Her cunt was glistening with the moisture of her arousal. It was obvious that she was enjoying this.

Extending her bare foot, Anne said; "Show my lover just how submissive you really are. Kiss and lick my toes while I play with his big hard cock."

Reverently cradling my wife's foot in my hands I leaned forward and kissed her big toe.

Above me, my wife sighed and cuddled up to her boyfriend. "I love it when he's like this. It makes me feel so empowered. I know that makes me weird. Hell Jamie thinks he's weird too. It isn't that I don't love him. I love him more than life itself. He's the center of my universe. We both just enjoy this."

Brandon chuckled. "You do realize that it's rare for a cheating wife to spend much time telling her lover how much she loves her husband."

"I'm not a cheating wife. I'm not cheating on Jamie. I’ve never cheated on Jamie. I've never been with another man when he didn't know about it."

"All right, but you know what I'm saying."

"Yes I understand, but I do love Jamie."

Looking up at my wife and her lover, I said; "Annie honey, I have nothing but admiration and awe for your social acumen, but I'm afraid that I have to agree with Mr. Grey. When you're sitting on a sofa with another man, both of you are naked and your stroking his erect cock; telling him how much you love your husband may be a breach of the accepted protocol.”

All three of us grinned.

After a moment Anne said, "I guess I'm not doing a very good job of being a dominant hot wife, am I."

Brandon said, "Actually I think you're doing a very good job of it."

Anne shook her head. "No I'm being kind of a wuss right now. I don't understand it. I've never had any trouble playing this game before."

Smiling at Anne, I said; "That's because before today it was always just you and me. You're having the same problem I was just having. When you add a third permister it's harder to play our designated roles."

"You mean simpering slave and sadistic bitch."

"Don't forget callous brute. That one's not any easier."

Anne and I both smiled at Brandon.

I said, "I think part of the problem is that we've been given our designated roles for a reamister."

Nodding, Anne said; "I think I understand. We each have some of those traits inside us. All our lives we've been taught to control them, to keep them locked away where no one can see them. Jamie, you and I have been together for almost five years. We've grown comfortable enough with each other that we can now freely reveal our most shameful quirks and actually play with them and enjoy them."

Anne turned to Brandon. "Sweetheart, Jamie and I both like you a lot and I think you like us too."

He nodded.

"But you and I have only been dating for six weeks and you've only known Jamie for a week. I think it may take a while before the three of us can relax enough with each other so that we can freely play this game together."

Brandon smiled. "Slowing down a little won't bother me a bit. I was willing to try. Hell, I'm still willing to try; but I have to admit that I was feeling a little uncomfortable."

Anne looked at me. "Jamie, why don't you come up here and sit next to me?"

I shook my head. "Nope, while I agree that we were going too fast and slowing down will make all three of us more comfortable, I don't think we have to stop altogether. I should continue to be your slave, Sweet pea. I'm still going to serve lunch to the two of you and I believe that you were about to give Mr. Grey a blow job."

Anne thought about what I'd just said. After a moment she nodded. "You're right; we don't have to stop completely. In fact we shouldn't. We just have to slow down. It will be fun to have you serve us lunch, but I'm not sure what we should do about the blow job. While I want to include you I don't any idea how we can do that."

She turned to Brandon. "Would it be all right with you if Jamie just watches?"

"Of course, I want to try to include Jamie too."

Turning back to me, Anne asked; "Would you like to watch?"

I smiled. "Very much, but I have a better idea. One that I think will be fun for all three of us."

"What is it?"

"I'll lay down in front of Brandon and you can sit on my face while you suck his cock."

Anne stared at me. A wicked smile slowly crept across her face.

I winked at Anne. "Now there's the devilish bitch that I've come to know and love."

She giggled. "This does sound like fun." Turning to Brandon, she asked; "Is this okay with you?"

Grinning, he said; "Hell yes, getting a blow job from a beautiful woman while her husband is licking her pussy? That has to be one of the top ten fantasies for a callous brute."

Laughing, Anne said; "Jamie's going to have to lay with his head between your feet. Are you going to be okay with that?"

"Sure, just as long as you're the only one who's sucking my cock."

I held up my hands. "You can rest assured about that."

Brandon nodded. "I know I can." He spread his feet apart. "Make yourself comfortable."


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I quickly positioned myself so that I was lying on my back with my head between Brandon's feet.

Anne slipped off the couch, but when she started to try to straddle my face she said; "This won't work. Jamie you have to move back a little bit."

I scooted back so that the top of my head was just outside Brandon's feet. Anne slung her leg over my head. Once she was resting on her knees she lowered her cunt onto my face.

As she relaxed she said; "Oh yes, this will work, this will work very nicely."

And then it was like my wife suddenly caught fire. She started mashing her sopping wet cunt into my face. The weight of her entire body was pressing down on me. I was still able to breath, but I was concerned. It could quickly become a problem if she changed position. As a precaution I placed my hands on her hips. That way if I started to *** I could pinch her and get her attention. We were having a good time, but I was quite certain that neither Anne nor I wanted this game to culminate with my death.

Above me, I heard Anne say; "This is fabulous. I love having my pussy licked while I play with your beautiful cock."

"I want to feel what it's like to have my cock sucked while you're getting your pussy licked." Brandon was also now clearly into this little game we were now playing.

"Having your cock in my mouth while my husband is eating my cunt is a pretty exciting idea, but before we do that I want to try something."

"What's that?"

"I want to feel my husband’s tongue in my ass while I play with your cock."

"Will he do that?"

"Damn right he will and he'll love it, watch."

Anne slid her hips forward. Suddenly her anus was directly over my mouth. Pressing her ass into my face she said; "Lick my asshole Sweet pea. Lick my asshole while I play with my boyfriend's cock."

"Now as excited as I could ever remember being, I pushed my tongue into my wife's rear while I imagined her playing with Brandon's cock."

Brandon said, "Damn he's really doing it."

Anne giggled. "Yes and it feels so good."

"Stop jerking me for a minute. I'm afraid I might cum and I don't want to do that yet."

"I not ready for you to cum either. When that happens I want you in my mouth."

Her hands temporarily free, my wife started rubbing her clit.

"Shit, I've never seen anything hotter than this. Hell, I've never imagined anything hotter than this."

Anne laughed. "Brandon honey, we're just getting started,"

"How long will he do this?"

"As long as I want him to do it. Right after we got married I used to watch television like this."

"No way!"

"I'm not lying."

"Damn, why did you stop?"

"The novelty wore off. Sometimes I make him do it while I'm talking on the phone."

"Have you ever done that while you were talking to me?"

"Several times."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know you well enough. We've let you in on a lot of secrets today."

Anne's voice was getting raspy. I could feel her excitement was building, so was mine. My wife was sitting on my face. I was licking her asshole while she masturbated and carried on a casual conversation with were boyfriend who was actually watching us. This was a submissive, masochistic cuckold's wet dream.

Anne was obviously enjoying this scene as much or more than I was. She was rubbing her clit with an intensity that was almost violent. Suddenly I felt her body tense. I braced myself and waited. A moment later the dam burst. Anne screamed and then her entire body started to shake. For several seconds she sat so hard against my face that I couldn't breathe.

I held out. I knew that Anne would relax before I actually ***d and to be perfectly honest, being sladyed under a beautiful woman's ass while she climaxed was another submissive wet dream.

The waves of orgasm ravaged my wife for a moment or two and then she started to slowly relax. As her body calmed she leaned forward and rested her head on her boyfriend's muscular thigh.

Suddenly freed, I took several desperate breaths. When they heard me gasping for air Anne and Brandon both looked at me with alarm.

Anne scooted back so she was sitting on my chest, her thighs spread, her legs on each side of my head, her dripping cunt inches from my face. "Jamie honey, are you all right? I didn't mean to slady you. I got carried away. I'm sorry, I really am."

I smiled at her. "Don't worry, I'm okay. I had my hands on your hips. If I'd felt like I was really in trouble I would have started pinching you extremely hard."

Anne laughed. "I'm sure you would have, but I still have to be careful."

"I don't know; if I have to go, being sladyed under your gorgeous ass would be one of my first choices."

Rolling her eyes, Anne said; "I'll remember that when you’re a hundred and seven and lying comatose in a hospital."

Brandon said, "In the meantime I'll keep a watchful eye and make sure you don't get in trouble again."

I grinned at him. "Thanks, but I know my wife. She's eminently s*******ed at distracting a man. I hope I won't offend you if I still keep my hands on her hips in ready pinching position."

Grinning back at me, Brandon said; "Nope, I sure won't be. I firmly believe that a wise man always has a backup plan."

Anne gently stroked my hair. "Jamie, are you sure you're all right. We can easily take a break."

"That's right; we can even stop for lunch."

Shaking my head, I said; "Nope, I'm just fine and we have a plan. Let's stick to it. Anne, it's time for you to get back in the saddle and continue the rodeo."

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Damn straight."

Smiling Anne said; "Okay, then I guess it is time for me to mount up again and get down to some serious cock sucking."

Brandon laughed. "I want to both of you to know that I totally support this plan."


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Anne slid forward so that she was once again sitting on my face. At first she sat up straight and played with Brandon's cock while she enjoyed the sensations I was creating as I kissed and licked the slippery cleft of her aroused cunt.

This went on for a minute or two and then she said; "It's time for me to get this big beautiful cock in my mouth." She leaned forward. When she did that, her engorged clitoris slipped into my mouth.

At first I just kissed it. I was paying homage to it. Much like a man and his cock, my wife views her clitoris as the center of her sexuality. As her slave, it was an honor to be allowed to worship it.

My wife enjoys being worshipped and there are times when she will allow me to kiss her feet, her anus or her clit for hours without stopping. That afternoon wasn't one of those times. Anne was sucking her lovers cock and my job wasn't to worship her, my job was to make her cum.

Having her clit sucked and licked is Anne's favorite indulgence. She considers it to be the female version of a blow job. Fully aware of how much she relishes sucking a big cock like Brandon's, I was certain that being able to enjoy the two pleasures at the same time was going to be an unforgettable thrill for her.

I eagerly sucked Anne's engorged clit into my mouth. She gasped. I flicked it with my tongue. I felt her muscles tense. I started sucking and licking her clit like it was a tiny cock. Anne giggled with delight, but it was a muffled giggle. I knew why. My wife now had another man's cock in her mouth.

That intensified my own excitement. My wife was sucking another man's cock while I ate her pussy. I closed my eyes and thought about the pleasure she was giving Brandon, pleasure that was rightfully mine.

Anne enjoyed sucking cocks, especially big cocks. She was a bright woman who was driven to excel at everything she did, so she’d paid attention and learned what excited a man. While she knew that many men wanted to be deep throated she understood that it was more of a visual and mental thrill popularized by the porn industry than a physical gratification. The real carnal pleasure of a blow job came from sucking, especially the head. There was a reamister they called it cock sucking. She’d also learned that her hands could make the pleasure she was giving even more intense. Stroking or squeezing the shaft of cock while she sucked on the head drove most men wild.

Anne did believe in variety. She could deep throat a cock, even a big cock and she generally included it as part of every blow job she gave just for the mental and visual thrill it provided. She also loved to suck and lick a man's balls while she masturbated him and she always did that too. Still, using her hands and mouth in concert to suck and stroke a cock was the essence of my wife's blow jobs and they weren’t just good, they were great. Men loved them and she loved giving them.

I imagined the incredible pleasure Anne was giving Brandon. At the same time I thought about my own cock, imprimistered in a plastic cage and completely forgotten by her. While that realization overwhelmed me with pain and offense, it was also incredibly exciting.

Wildly aroused, I wrapped my arms around my wife's thighs and pulled her even more tightly down on my face. Sensing my escalating passion Anne began mashing her flooding cunt into my nose and lips. Fully aware that she was madly sucking and stroking Brandon's cock, I held Anne tightly while I frantically sucked and licked her clit.

Suddenly I felt Anne's muscles tense and then I heard a muffled scream. She was keeping Brandon's cock in her mouth while she came. The thrill for both of them had to be amazing.

As Anne was shaking from the tremors of her climax Brandon cried out, "Oh cuckolds brownie! This is fucking unbelievable!" There was a brief pause and then he yelled, "Damnnnn!" And I knew he was cumming.

I waited. I was a bystander, a cuckold. My wife and her lover were enjoying the pleasure of a shared orgasm and I wasn't allowed to be part of it. My tiny cock was locked in a plastic cage.

Seconds passed, I felt Anne relax. Finally, she sat up. I imagined her releasing Brandon's softening cock from her mouth. When she sat up Anne’s hips slid forward and her asshole was again over my lips. I kissed it; I kissed it with passion. I was trying to express all the unreleased excitement and lust that had built up inside me.

For a moment my wife allowed me to make love to her anus, but then she slid back so that she was straddling my stomach. She looked down at me with a lascivious smile. Her tightly sealed lips glistened with the remnants of Brandon’s orgasm. I noticed a dribble of his fresh semen at the corner of her mouth. Realizing with a combination of horror and excitement what she was intending to do, I stared up at her.

Our eyes met. Anne waited. She was giving me an opportunity to object. I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't want to object. I was Anne's cuckold husband. This was my lot in life. Eating another man's fresh semen while he watched was going to be humiliating and degrading, but that was my role in this game. It was a role that I'd chosen, a role that I'd fantasized about for most of my adult life. Now that it was really happening I wasn't going to back away.

I nodded to Anne. Smiling at my acquiescence, she slowly leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. I felt her tongue powering its way into my mouth. Yielding, I parted my lips. Anne's tongue, coated with her lover's slimy seed pushed its way into my mouth. I obediently accepted all of her offering and then I kissed her and licked the dribble of cum from the corner of her mouth.

Once I was finished Anne gently kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you Jamie, I love you so much."

I whispered back, "I love you too Annie."

Grinning, she sat up, playfully slapped my face and said; "But right now you’re just my cuckold slave and my lover is here. You’re in my way, move back and get on your knees."

I obeyed without question.

As soon as I'd moved back Anne sat down in the space between Brandon’s legs, put her arm around his knee, hugged his thigh and asked. "Did you enjoy that sweetheart?"

Brandon laughed. "It was amazing. I've never had a woman orgasm while she sucked my cock. I've never cum in a woman's mouth while she was cumming. All of this was incredible."

He looked at me. "Jamie, this game may be a little kinky, but it's also unbelievably fun and exciting. I hope this is just the beginning for the three of us."

Nodding politely, I said; "Thank you sir, I'd like that too."

Anne smiled at me and then she said; "Sweet pea, I'm sure my lover is hungry. We're going to go into the guest bedroom and freshen up. As soon as we're finished we'd like our lunch."

I stood up and said; "Yes Mistress Anne, I'll have everything ready for you when you return." And then after bowing politely I turned and hurried out of the living room.


Posts: 14692
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GH, I think that you've been cured from what ever ailed you.


Posts: 1914
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You are the daddy. Thanks.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Anne's tongue, coated with her lover's slimy seed pushed its way into my mouth.

Mmmmmm..... WOW!!!! That's one hell of a hot thought!

Very well told GH...... thanks for keeping us on edge once again.
Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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LOve it ......................


Posts: 182
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Once again as per usual, Superb!

I almost felt as if I was sitting on the floor beside you watching.

Thanks g h.



Posts: 111
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Just one word!
Thank You,


Posts: 30
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You're the master of kinky fantasies.
This was an incredible segment.

Thank you for feeding our greed so excellently.



Posts: 4050
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I'm trying something new. I keep my computer on and when I'm working around the house I write paragraphs as they come to me. For me part of writers block comes from the pressure of saying, I'm going to sit down now and get this segment written.

Peak, cuck4one, lickbuddy, ajax, jjthom and kraut_47

Thanks, I appreciate your comments. Writing a sex scene is very difficult. I am always in awe of Storm because they seem so effortless for him.

Anyway thank you again for taking a moment to comment.



Posts: 4050
#267 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Most of the lunch preparations had already been completed so there really wasn't much for me to do. Assuming that Anne and her lover would want to sit next to each other; I set two places at the dining room table, one at the head of the table where Anne always sat and the other at the first chair to her right. My usual place was to Anne's left. It was the closest place to the kitchen. That way I could easily ferry food and dishes back and forth during a meal.

Once the table was set I hurried back to the living room, put my shorts and tee shirt on and cleaned up the coffee service. After that I filled the water glasses and put a fresh carafe of coffee on the dining room table. I was just bringing two salads out from the kitchen when I heard the door to the guest bedroom open.

A moment later Brandon and my wife entered the living room, they were walking next to each other. Anne had her arm hooked in Brandon's arm. She was hugging him as they walked.

My wife was wearing a full length sheer white lace dressing gown. Nearly transparent, it did very little to conceal the lush curves of her voluptuous body. On her feet she wore a pair of high heeled white marabou bedroom slippers. The outfit was both elegant and sexy.

I noticed that underneath her robe Anne was wearing a white garter belt and a pair of white nylon stockings. I remembered Anne's edict earlier that week that she would no longer wear lingerie for me while we were making love. I was her slave; sexy lingerie was now reserved exclusively for her lovers

Brandon was wearing a burgundy satin robe with the initials BG embroidered on the left breast. His feet were clad in a pair of glossy black leather slippers.

As they crossed the living room the two lovers evoked images of a sophisticated couple from a 1930's romantic drama.

As soon as they entered the dining room Anne gestured towards the chair at the head of the table, the chair she generally occupied and said; "Sweetheart, you should sit here."

Giving Anne a quick nod, Brandon pulled out the chair to the right. He held it for her while she sat down and then he took his place at the head of the table. I was still standing in the doorway to the kitchen holding their two salads.

Once my wife and her lover were seated, Anne looked at me and said; "Sweet pea, we'll have our lunch now."

I quickly set the salads in front of them and hurried back to the kitchen to get the quiche. When I returned to the dining room Anne said; "Just set it on the table in front of me. I'll serve it."

After that I stood against the wall by the kitchen door watching my wife and her lover eat, chat and flirt with each other like two newlyweds having lunch together in the dining room of a Niagara Falls honeymoon hotel. As I looked on feelings of jealousy, envy and excitement surged through my loins. I was becoming quite familiar with this tumultuous reaction. Apparently it was the standard cuckold emotional cocktail.

After they finished eating I poured a cup of coffee for both of them and then I cleared away the lunch dishes and carried them into the kitchen.

From the kitchen I could hear the conversation in the dining room.

Brandon said; "That was a wonderful lunch."

Anne answered. "If you're going to have a slave, you might as well get one who's a great cook."

"And one who enjoys being a cuckold."

"That's even more important." My wife was giggling.

Then I heard Brandon move his chair back. "Come here baby."

There was more movement, and then Anne said; "What can I do for you big guy?"

"How about this."

"Ummm yes, that's very nice." My wife's voice was soft and dreamy.

I hurriedly finished cleaning the kitchen. As soon as I was done I moved to the dining room door. Anne was sitting on Brandon's lap. They were locked in a passionate embrace, their lips pressed together. Brandon’s hand was inside my wife’s dressing gown. He was fondling her nipple.

Once again filled with those familiar feelings of jealousy, envy and excitement, I watched. My hand slipped to my caged penis. I wanted to stroke myself, but of course I couldn't.

After a moment my wife broke off their kiss and whispered, "I think it's time for us to move into the bedroom."

Brandon nodded. "I think that would be more comfortable.”

As Anne stood up they both noticed me standing in the kitchen doorway.

Brandon said, "It appears that we have an audience."

I was immediately embarrassed.

Noticing my discomfort, Anne said; "It's okay cuckboy, we want you to watch."

Brandon stood up.

Anne parted her lover's bathrobe and exposed his erect penis. Wrapping her hand around his stiff shaft, she said; "We're going into the guest bedroom to fuck. Why don't you join us? I think you'll find the show very exciting."

And then she gave her lover’s cock a gentle tug and said; "Come on sweetheart, let's go have some fun."

Brandon put his arm around my wife's waist. As he guided her out of the dining room he said; "I think that's an excellent idea."

I followed the two lovers to the guest bedroom like a little puppy dog. They didn't pay any attention to me. They were in their own world. They had their arms wrapped around each other and were kissing and flirting the entire way.


Posts: 1914
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Make that two little puppy dogs, I'm right behind Jamie ..


Posts: 14692
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Peak, you are wrong. GH make that three.

GH, I'm glad you found something that works for you. Unfortunately I don't think that it will work for me. Most of my ideas come to me at night as I'm in bed trying to fall arelax either right after going to bed or in the middle of the night when us old folk need to take care of a certain thing and then have trouble falling arelax again.

In the mornings I try to resurrect those thoughts and then put them down more or less in short sections because of the ongoing issue with nerves in my right hand.


Posts: 4050
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From one puppy dog to another, thanks.

I had this finished yesterday, but the night before last we had a storm that resulted in an all day power outage. It's amazing how dependent we've become on electricity.


I have to say that your system is working extremely well. Your story is a masterpiece.

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