Posts: 14692
GH, thank you for some really great writing. This is shaping up to a very exiting afternoon for our heros.
Posts: 46
wow, this is really good, character development and a plot in a genre thats is predominatly just wham bam spank you ma'am... anyway you have a gift, thanks for sharing it... Jenny12858
Posts: 125
hi GH,
I hope you are feeling better. I heard the golf courses in the area are going broke without you. as to the writing, just wonderful. this is still at the highest level even though you are not feeling your best. love how it seems we are right there in the story with them. take care
Posts: 3581
GH: As always.... you're the Master of the pen.  Thanks for sharing your erotic mind with us! Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 ................This is good 
Posts: 4050
Ajax, Timmy, cuck4one and lick buddy
As always thank you for your comments and encouragement.
Thank you for the kind words. Sometimes I get worried that I get too caught up in character development and forget to tell the story. I do think that while the cuckold life style is incredibly excitng it is also by nature filled with angst and insecurity for everyone involved, hot wife, cuck and bull. I try to make my stories reflect that truth.
I am feeling much better. Thank you for asking. I do think it's going to be quite a while before I feel like playing golf again. Thank you for the kind words about my story. By the time I get to proofreading I'm usually pertty tired and the words feel stodgy and cumbersome so your encouragement is appreciated.
All of you thank you again
Posts: 4050
#217 · Edited by: goodhusband
The tray was already set up in the kitchen. I filled the two cups with hot coffee, picked up the tray and returned to the living room.
Anne and Brandon were sitting on the couch. Anne was snuggled up to her boyfriend, her cheek resting on the side of his chest. Brandon's arm was around my wife. He was holding her tightly against him.
Anne was telling him about the merger of the two waste removal companies that she'd just completed. Brandon was listening intently. I remembered Anne telling me that one of the reamisters she enjoyed spending time with Brandon was that they had similar occupations so it was easy for them to understand the pressures and stresses that they encountered each day at work.
As I approached the couch Anne stopped her narrative and looked up at me. "Oh good, our coffee; just set it on the coffee table Sweet pea." And then she continued telling Brandon about the merger.
I carefully set the tray on the coffee table in front of them and waited.
After a moment Anne once again interrupted her narrative, turned to me and said; "Thank you Sweet pea. That will be all."
I'd been dismissed.
As I crossed dining room on my way to the kitchen my entire body started tingling with excitement. One of my most exciting fantasies was becoming a reality. My wife was entertaining another man and treating me like a servant.
Once I reached the refuge of the kitchen I sat down at the table and took several long slow breaths. I had to pull myself together. My submissive masochistic urges were boiling over and driving me into a frenzy of uncontrolled slavish lust.
I wanted to race back to the living room so that I could grovel at my wife's feet while she entertained her boyfriend. I didn't. I couldn't. I knew that it wouldn't be permitted and if I tried, my wife would very likely banish me to the den for the rest of the day.
No, I understood that I had to be cool and restrained. We were playing a game. It was an unbelievably exciting game, but it was also daring and unconventional. All three of us had concerns and apprehensions about what was happening and we each needed time ease into the situation at a comfortable pace..
Once again feeling calm and composed I stood up. I was ready to take a walk through the living room. If Brandon or Anne asked me what I was doing, I’d pretend that I needed something from the bedroom. Anne had encouraged me to do this. I was eager to see what the two of them were doing. I started walking slowly. When I stepped into the dining room I paused. I took a deep breath and then I stood up straight and strode purposely into the living room.
Having been warned not to stare, I limited myself to quick furtive glances at Anne and Brandon. They were kissing; no kissing wasn't the right word. They were making out. Their arms were wrapped tightly around each other, their lips were mashed together and their tongues were aggressively probing their open mouths. As they kissed I could hear both of them making low moans of pleasure and desire.
Totally engaged with each other, it appeared that they were completely unaware of my presence. I knew that I couldn't stop moving, but I dared to slow my pace and my furtive glances became more overt.
Suddenly Brandon's hand moved to my wife's breast.
I stopped.
Anne whispered something in Brandon’s ear. He pushed my wife’s elastic tube top down exposing her large breasts.
I willed myself to start moving again. I didn't want to do it, but I knew that if I stood there gawking I'd get into trouble.
As I stepped into the hall leading to the bedrooms and den I took one last quick glance over my shoulder. Brandon was now rolling one of Anne's nipples between his fingertips and Anne was unbuckling his belt.
I hurried into our bedroom and sat down on the bed. Suddenly I understood one of the purposes of the cock cage. I desperately wanted to pull my shorts down and masturbate, but the chastity device prevented me from doing it. I understood that refraining from making myself cum was the wisest course of action. This afternoon was going to be much more exciting if I maintained an edge of sexual tension.
I took several long slow breaths and gradually regained my composure. When I again felt calm and collected I stood up. It was time to return to the kitchen.
Trying to be as quiet as possible I walked slowly out the bedroom and down the hall to the living room. When I reached the entrance to the living room I stopped. The hem of Anne's skirt was up around her waist. Brandon was fingering cunt while he sucked and licked her breast. Anne had Brandon's belt unbuckled and his jeans unzipped. His erect cock was out and sticking straight up. It couldn't help noticing that it was much larger than my cock. Anne had her hand wrapped around it. She was slowly stroking her boyfriend.
I started walking through the living room. Feelings of envy, jealousy and shame mixed with my voyeurism and fanned the flames of my masochistic passions. I wanted to throw myself at Anne's feet and beg to be allowed to kiss and lick her asshole while she played with her boyfriend’s big cock. I didn't. I again maintained my composure.
Still fingering my wife's cunt, Brandon stopped sucking on her nipple and started kissing her again. Anne continued pumping Brandon's cock while she kissed him back.
I don't understand why, but watching Brandon kiss my wife was more painful and more exciting than watching him suck on her breast. I again had an almost overpowering desire to drop to my knees, crawl over to Anne and grovel at her feet while she kissed her boyfriend and played with his cock.
After powering myself to settle down, I hurried out of the living room. Once I reached the dining room I leaned on the back of one of the dining room chairs and took several more deep breaths. This was turning into one of the most thrilling experiences of my entire life. At times the excitement was getting so intense that it was almost excruciating.
After taking a minute to regain some composure I went into the kitchen, took a can of Diet Coke out of the refrigerator and opened it. As I was taking my first sip I heard a knock behind me.
I turned around. Anne was standing in the doorway. Brandon was right behind her. She smiled at me. "May we come in?"
"Of course, you’re the Mistress of this house. You don't need my permission to enter a room.
Anne shook her head. "I think I need your permission to enter this room, at least when we're playing this game. The kitchen should be your sanctuary."
"Thank you, I appreciate that."
Anne stepped into the kitchen. Brandon stayed in the doorway.
"Jamie, are you okay? Brandon and I saw you both times you passed through the living room. The second time you left suddenly. You hurried into the dining room and leaned on a chair. Brandon was worried that you're upset or maybe you don't feel good. We had to come in here and check on you."
Noting that Anne had called me Jamie rather than Sweet pea, I said; "Brandon, Annie thank you I appreciate your concern. I'm fine." And then I grinned at them. "Actually I'm too fine, that's the problem. This is turning into the most exciting experience of my entire life. The second time I walked through the living room I got so excited that I wanted to drop to my knees, crawl over to you Annie and grovel at your feet while you played with Brandon's cock."
Grinning at me, Anne said; "Oh my, that’s really very hot."
I looked at Brandon. "I'm sorry, I'm certain that hearing that shocks you, but that's who I am and I don't see any reamister to hide it."
Brandon shook his head. "Jamie an hour ago I think that might have shocked me, but not anymore. I agree with you. I also think this might be the most exciting experience of my entire life. I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist and I certainly never considered myself to be kinky, but when you walked through the living room those two times and I realized that you were watching me while I played with your wife, I nearly came. I pride myself on my control; unless I want it to happen, I almost never cum."
Anne nodded. "He's right; at times his control is amazing."
"Jamie, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Does it bother you that I got off on knowing that you were watching while I made out with your wife?"
"No, I got off on it too."
Brandon chuckled. "I guess we're just a couple of pervs."
I laughed.
Anne shook her head and said; "No we're a trio of pervs. I'm just as kinky as the two of you."
Brandon grinned at my wife. "We can be the three perveteers."
All three of us laughed.
After a moment, Brandon's expression became serious and he said; "Anne."
"Yes Brandon."
"If Jamie wants to join us in the living room as your cuckold slave and kneel at your feet while we play around, I think it would be okay with me."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah actually I think I am."
Anne looked at me. "Jamie, is the lunch ready?"
"Yes, The quiche is ready to come out of the oven and it really should be served at room temperature so after I take it out we have plenty of time. Other than that, all I have to do is set the table and bring out the food. I can do that while the two of you are cleaning up."
"Would you like to join us, not as an equal, but as my cuckold slave?"
"Yes, I'd like that very much."
"We're both going to be nearly naked, so you'll have to pull down your shorts and kneel at my feet. Will you do that?'
"Of course I will."
"Okay, we're going to go back to the living room. As soon as the quiche is out of the oven you can join us."
Bowing politely I said; "Mr. Grey, Mistress Anne; thank you for including me."
Both Brandon and Anne nodded to me and then Anne took Brandon's arm and said; "Come on studman, it's time for me to suck your beautiful big cock."
Posts: 1914
GH, You know on the rollercoaster ride, as it starts it takes a long time to climb to the top, you can look around, see the view, get excited, and then. You reach. The top ...
Good climb.
Posts: 14692
GH, I second Peak's comments.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 4050
Peak, timmy and lick buddy and all my other readers
Thank you for your support, but I regret to tell you that I am retiring. I'm tired. I also don't feel very appreciated. Last week I got jumped on pretty hard by Mr. Big Cuckold for doing what I think many people do. I posted some links to some stories. I've been posting original stories on this site nonstop for the past eight years. I've made well over 3000 posts. I don't care to post here anymore.
Posts: 3581
GH: I hope you have a change of heart about retiring. You have given so much of yourself to this site and the readers of your fantastic stories. It will be a shame to see you go....and you WILL be missed! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
I'm very sorry to hear that but I understand.
You will be missed. Your stories are what makes this a special place. You were the inspiration for me to attempt writing full length stories rather than just doing caption.
I hope and pray that one the muse will tempt you again once you've fully recovered from your health issues and you will resume your writing.
Regardless of what you decide, I will always consider you my friend and I wish you the very best.
Posts: 182
Well gh,
If you are going then so am I.
without you this site has very little to offer, I will check out other places that you have posted your stories.
Best of Luck and take care of your self.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Please let us know where you go after this ? We will follow  Mr.BIg Chuckold 
Posts: 111
GH You are one of the GREAT WRITERS on this board. To say you will be missed is an understatement!!!! I have totally appreciated your writing and your talent. You have brought many many hours of enjoyment to my world. You cannot be replaced. I for one will follow another site of literary works in hoping you will begin once again to post there. In the meantime take care of yourself and work up to hitting that little white round ball. You can take a lot of frustration out on the golf course or in my case create a lot of frustration.
I can assure you that you have been greatly appreciated and still are! JJ.
Posts: 4050
I'm sorry
My problem is not with this site. I was just looking for excuses. The problem is me. I'm tired. I also don't seem to be able to write a shorter story. Five Days In Florida was supposed to be a shorter story. It has turned into another one of my marathons.
I'm going to take some time and try to write short stories. I used to be able to do it (Louis Makes a Decision, Cowboy Steak and Beans, Concubine, The Party) but I seem to have lost the knack. I need to try to get it back. I don't know what to do about posting this work. I'm afraid that whatever I write will turn into more marathons that will probably go unfinished.
Anyway, thank you for all your support. I still enjoy writing, I just have to teach myself some new ways to do it.
From time to time I may come back and add to unfinishhed stories. I think I need to learn how to write sentences like the weekend was fabulous we had lots of hot sex. Right now I feel like I could spend 40 pages just writing the lead up to that weekend.
Posts: 1418
Your contributions to this site should allow you some latitude, or at the least a much less harsh condemnation for an innocent mistaken rule ***. I hope you master the shorter story concept, I and many others will look forward to reading them as we have your unabridged versions. Be well, you will be missed. You were, are, and will be appreciated by many...Z
Posts: 1459
Wow, now I'm depressed! To read the great additions to this story only to be followed up with news of your decision to retire was a shock, to say the least. If it is in any way related to your treatment at this site, I will soon follow you into retirement. If it's a permisteral decision based on your own health and current situation - as well as your enjoyment (or lack thereof) of the hobby - I can only respect that and give you my most heart-felt gratitude and appreciation for the many, many hours of enjoyment you've given to all of us.
It is time-consuming and at times difficult to write and post stories here, and you follow it up with editing and posting everything at Lit as well, a very tedious process which I have not found the time or energy to emulate. To me you are the epitome of class and talent in the writing of erotic literature, an inspiration and in many ways a mentor. Though we've never met, I consider you a friend and a part of my life. It is with a great deal of respect, but also a great deal of sadness that I say you will be sorely missed.
Godspeed and good luck in your future endeavors in the short-story genre - and please stop back here to let us know when and where you post them, when you do! Cuckold Place will never be the same.
Posts: 14692
this is just a thought. It is my hope and I think that many share this with me it that maybe in few months or so you'll manage to finish the Saturday afternoon and evening in this story.
In my mind, that would be enough to conclude it.
Use it as a test for a short story. View it as such, just one afternoon of "games" for our three heroes and a bit of aftermath after Brandon has left. The love between Annie and Jamie that you always express so well in all your stories.
Take care and all the best in what ever you do. Most importantly get completely well.
Posts: 4050
Storm I am not upset with the site in fact Mr. Bigcuckold sent me a very nice note. Please no one should see this as a reamister to leave the site. I'm not going to leave the site. I just don't have the energy to write long stories right now and I feel like I'm doing a disservice by starting stories I'm unable to finish.
I'm sure my surgery is a factor in all of this. I tire easily and at times the words come hard. I wrote this afternoon. I started a new story. It was fun, not posting it relieves a great deal of pressure.
Will I post again? Of course, I intend to do it as soon as it feels comfortable.
Posts: 1916
May I also chime in here and say how much you have contributed to this site and how much you will be missed if you truly decide to retire. I hope that you take some much needed time for rest and recuperation and come back stonger that ever! , but if not then take care and thanks for everything you have contributed to this site.
My wife and I have read many (if not all) of your stories on here and they have given us much enjoyment over the years(not to mention a few ideas for her to try out as she cuckolds me).
Take Care
Posts: 279
After all the wonderful contributions you have provided you deserve whatever break you want/need. All i can say is a huge thank you for your efforts, the time and energy you have spent and the enjoyment you have given to many on this site.
Thank you one again,
Posts: 492
Hello GH,
I'm actually glad to hear that you're going to retire/take some time off. Disappointed, but glad. From the sound of things, you went through some real serious stuff with your recent health problems and perhaps some real R&R will be just what you need.
Whatever the case may be, it has been a real treat to be able to sit and enjoy the tales you have spun for us over the last few years. IMHO, you have set the bar for this site, and at times, you have set it very high indeed.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please rest and take it easy. Go golfing if you're able. Enjoy the summer.
Take care buddy,
Posts: 1914
GH, The view from the top of the rollercoaster is spectacular but we have to get down somehow. You either tip it over and run it down the hill (as Timmy suggested) or we all get out and climb carefully back down the slope on the staircase. As it were.
I don't think the fat lady has sung yet on your career but maybe we all need to take a few beers in the interval. Quite a few perhaps! I'm not going to say how great you were / are because I have done that hundreds of times already. This site will not be the same without you though (and Big C knows it).
Recover, heal your soul and your body. Cherish Lisa. We will be ready for you when you pass this way again.
Posts: 274
I have just read all the comments about your intention to take it a little bit more easy in future! All I can say is "Thank goodness"!!! You are human. I have said it before, I have no idea how you have managed to produce such an amount of excellent stories and still managed to do it well. I know how taxing this can be and I decided that I will write if and when I want to. I am so pleased that you are taking the same decision. Get well soon and we will all look forward to reading your stories whenever you release them. You have many friends and followers on this site, I am sure they will all understand. Good luck and God bless.
G .
Posts: 1459
In all the years I've been coming here I don't believe I've ever seen the stories forum without a goodhusband post on page 1 - and it's no time to start now, so...BUMP!
Hope all is well GH, and that your recovery is moving along.
Posts: 4050
#238 · Edited by: goodhusband
Sorry Storm
I keep trying and I keep deleting what I wrote. I'm working on three separate stories right now and not making much progress on any of them. I'm sorry, the words just aren't there. I have two full segments written for this story, but right now I feel like I'm just baying at the moon.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 writers block 
Posts: 4050
I tried to get this segment posted last night, but I got hung up on a paragraph. Today I was able to make it work. Sorry about all the hassle. For a while at least, writing is going to be a slower process. I do understand that I'm leaving this abruptly. I will try hard to get the next segment posted as quickly as I can.