Posts: 182
Hi Lisa and gh,
Thanks for the update, I was wondering how gh was doing, I am sure I speak for a lot of the followers of this story and his many others when I say that he is very special to us and I for one hold him in the very highest regard.
Take good care of him and I am sure that you will do that and please be sure that I and I am sure many others will wish him and indeed pray for a full and speedy recovery.
Love and best wishes.
Posts: 111
Lisa, I read with interest your reply to Timmy. I had started to write several times and just could not without being negative. While it is a great story it does create some deep thoughts. I appreciated your point of view. It is special that you and GH read and discuss these stories together. A very special relationship! I know you will take good care of GH and I am sure you will have trouble keeping him down. I think you have the toughest job.
GH, You need to pay attention to Lisa and follow directions. Take it slow and steady and enjoy the little things each day. You’ll be back in no-time. Take care and we will be here to read when you are up to writing. We will be thinking of both of you. JJ.
Posts: 125
Lisa and GH ,
my thoughts and prayers are with you. please take care of him and I wish you well. please keep us updated on how everything is going......we will be looking for your updates.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Get better GH , thank you so much lisa for the up date
Posts: 114
Take good care of goodhusband and we pray for a speedy recovery
Posts: 492
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery GH. Thankfully it sounds as if the surgery went well, and that's a good thing. Please do as the doctors tell you and remember one thing, the mind is a powerful healing tool. Stay positive, no matter what. I learned that from our mister's brush with disaster several years ago.
Take care Buddy and thanks, Lisa, for keeping us posted on how GH is doing.
Posts: 1418
Thank you for the update Lisa. I wish you a full and speedy recovery GH. Take all the time you need, your health is your most important comodity.
Posts: 3581
Thanks for passing on the news.
I too hold our friend in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
I thank everyone for their kind comments. It's going to take a while for me to fully recover from my surgery. Writing is difficult and I'm sure you can understand that writing erotica is even more difficult. I can't tell you how many hours I've stared at my computer screen unable to think of anything to write. I've even written a good chunk of a non erotic cheating wife story. I'd post it, but I doubt that anyone wants to see another unfinished story.
Anyway, here is the next section.
Posts: 4050
Monday Anne had a dinner meeting and didn't get home until after ten. She was exhausted. I met her at the door with a glass of red wine, bathed her and gave her a gentle massage. Once she was relaxed we sat on the love seat in the den and sipped a second glass of red wine together.
As Anne cuddled up to me she said; "It's going to be a long hard week."
"Is this the merger of the two trash collection companies?"
"You mean waste removal; they're very sensitive about that."
"Okay, waste removal."
I thought the negotiations on that deal were due to start getting serious fairly soon.
Anne looked at me. "Really? Tell me why?"
"It's been nearly three months since you first mentioned that project to me. The preliminary negotiations on a simple two company merger rarely take more than three months.
Shaking her head, Anne said; "You really have developed a keen understanding about what I do in my job, haven't you?"
"I listen when you talk about your work."
"I know you do, and it's one of the qualities that make you so wonderfully endearing."
I shrugged.
Anne was silent. After a moment she asked; "Do I pay close attention to you when you talk about your work?"
"I don't think I talk about my work as much as you do; I mean it's kind of hard to get excited about another lecture on the collected works of John Steinbeck."
"But you love John Steinbeck."
"And so do you."
"Yes I do."
"And you and I have *******ed several bottles of expensive wine talking about his books."
"We have, haven't we." Anne was smiling.
"Yes we have."
"Jamie, sometimes you worry about students. When that happens I try very hard to listen to you."
"Yes you do and I appreciate that."
"I just want you to know that I care about your job just as much as you care about mine."
"I know Anne."
"This week you're going to get short changed."
"What do you mean?"
"This merger is going to occupy most of my time. Right now I have night meetings scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and I could end up needing Friday night too."
"That's okay, I understand. This was part of our original agreement. Your career is paramount."
"I know, but that's not all."
"What else?"
"I'm still planning to spend Tuesday night with Brandon."
"I see, your only free night this week."
"Yes." Anne's voice was quiet, her tone subdued.
Several seconds of silence passed, finally Anne looked at me and implored; "Jamie, I have to do it. It's my only opportunity to talk to Brandon before Saturday. We're planning to dump a lot on him when he comes over. I need to spend some time preparing him for what's going to happen."
I took a moment to consider Anne's explanation. She was, of course, correct. If all of her plans for Saturday did come to fruition, Brandon was going to be confronted with some exciting, but potentially disquieting sexual situations. A little bit of prepping might very well be the only way to avoid another disastrous afternoon.
Leaning over, I softly kissed her cheek and said; "Don't worry, I agree. It is absolutely essential that you get together with Brandon tomorrow night."
Anne smiled. "Thank you Jamie."
As my wife smiled at me, I realized that I'd just given her permission to spend the one free evening she had this week with another man. My breath caught as my masochistic desires flared.
Noticing my surge of excitement, Anne grinned and then slowly licking her lips, she said; "The idea that Brandon is going to get my only free evening this week excites you, doesn't it Jamie."
"Yes." My voice was barely audible.
"I could just have dinner with Brandon, talk about our plans for Saturday and come straight home. Would you like me to do that?"
Realizing that Anne was playing with me, I excitedly answered; "No I wouldn't."
"Really, why should I stay? If we've already had dinner and finished our discussion about Saturday, what else could we possibly do?"
I winked at Anne and said; "You could suck Brandon's cock. I'm sure both of you would enjoy that."
It was taking all the self-control that Anne and I could muster to maintain our mock serious demeanors.
Pretending to give my suggestion serious consideration, Anne rubbed her chin. After a moment she said; "Yes, I do believe you're correct about that. Brandon and I would both enjoy a nice slow blow job."
"You've told me how much you enjoy sucking his cock."
"Yes I do. Brandon has such a nice big phallus, especially when it's erect."
"It's a classical term. Remember, I am a goddess. Do you have a problem with my word choice?"
Openly grinning, I held up my hand and vigorously shook my head; "No, no, not at all; in fact as an English Professor I think it adds great deal of sophistication to this conversation."
"This conversation can use as much sophistication as it can possibly get." Anne was giggling.
"I would agree."
Anne took a second to restore her businesslike attitude and then she asked; "So, how long?"
"How long?" I was confused.
"Yes, how long?"
"I think you know more about that than I do. I've only seen it one time and it was in your mouth."
That made Anne giggle again; "No silly, I'm not asking you about the length of Brandon's cock. I'm quite well informed about that. I'm asking you how long you think I should suck him."
I answered with a deadpan expression; "I suppose until he cums. That's usual in blow jobs, isn't it?"
"Of course it is, but you know very well that I'm capable of manipulating the amount of time it takes to get a man off."
Anne had pulled herself back together and her manner was once again every bit as serious as mine.
"How silly of me. Your s*******s in this area are well established." I again winked at Anne.
She nodded politely and then repeated her earlier question. "So how long?"
"You should certainly take enough time so that the two of you can fully enjoy yourselves."
"I see, does that mean that after I suck Brandon's cock and he cums in my mouth I should wait around until he gets hard again and then let him fuck me before I leave? I mean that really is the best way for the two of us to fully enjoy each other."
"Just once?"
"I don't understand."
"Doesn't Brandon usually fuck you at least twice in an evening?"
"A blow job and two fucks is usually the minimum for us. Is that what you want? Do you want me to suck Brandon's cock and then stay with him until he's fucked me at least two times tomorrow night?
"Two would be good, but I think three would really be best."
"You want him to wear me out." Anne was giggling.
"No, I want you to have a good time. Especially during a week like this one when you're going to be busy and stressed."
Anne stared at me. After a moment she said; "You're not playing with me anymore, are you?"
"No, I love you and I want you to be happy."
"You know what would make me really happy right now?"
"Giving you a nice long blow job."
"Could I eat your pussy first?"
"Say please."
Grinning at Anne, I asked; "Please Mistress Anne, before you suck cock may I be allowed to lick your pussy?"
"Do you promise to make me cum?"
"As many times as you'd like."
"Just once, tonight I'm tired and that will be plenty."
Anne stood up and extended her hand. "Come on lover man, we have work to do in the bedroom."
I took Anne's hand. She pulled me to my feet and led me into the bedroom. I made love to her with my tongue and she sucked my cock. We each had one wonderful orgasm. As soon as we were finished we cuddled up in each other's arms and fell blissfully arelax.
Posts: 328
Hey GH Just a breif Hey and wanted to tell you again you hit a home run with this story  Can not wiat to see how the friendship bewteen Jamie and Brandon develop meijer
Posts: 14692
GH, a superb effort. Thank you and I'm glad you are well enough to write at least once in a while.
Please, please take it easy and don't stress yourself.
Posts: 506
GH, Take all the time you need to rest and recoup....we will await your updates however long it takes.... Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 3581
Welcome back GH!!  Nice segment.....but don't push yourself too much. We would hate to see Lisa hide your key pad till she feels you're back to par. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 182
Welcome back gh,
thanks for the update and it was great as usual, but whatever you do don't overdo it, just little by little and take all of the time you need.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 HI , So happy your back and on the road to recover ! 
Posts: 1459
Great and touching segment - you crazy idiot! What the hell are you doing sitting at your computer when you should be lying around and letting Lisa wait on you hand and foot, as I'm sure she would be more than willing to do as you recover. Stop it now, and go sit in the sun for awhile!
I had not been here for awhile, and was shocked to hear about your surgery. I sincerely hope that all is progressing well for you and that you'll soon be back up to speed, but please, please don't push yourself on our account. If you have to write (and I know you do) dabble for awhile, take it easy, and come out swingin' when you're ready. Lisa and peak said it best, don't expect too much too soon. We certainly won't!
Posts: 4050
Thank you for your kind words. Writing is still a slow process, but I continue to plug away. I hope to post two segments today.
Posts: 4050
#169 · Edited by: goodhusband
At twenty minutes to ten Tuesday evening I was watching television while I waited for Anne to get home from her date with Brandon.
The telephone rang. I picked it up.
"Hi Jamie, I just left Brandon's apartment. I should be home in about fifteen minutes."
"Did you have a good time?"
"Damn right I did, Brandon was in outstanding form."
"Really, how many times?"
“Listen to you, how many times.” Anne was laughing.
“I want to know if you just had a good time or if you had a really good time.”
“I had a really good time.”
“A really good time; so how many times is that?”
"You mean besides the customary opening blow job?"
"He was in good form."
"Jamie, I have a special surprise for you tonight."
"What is it?"
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."
"Okay, I guess I can wait."
"You don't have any choice."
"That is true."
"Jamie, I have a request."
"Of course, what is it?"
"When I get home I want you to be naked."
"Really? You must be feeling a little kinky right now."
"A little kinky doesn't begin to describe how I feel."
"Should I be afraid?"
"Not unless you intend to disobey me."
"Mistress Anne, you know that I would never intentionally disobey you."
"I know, but that might be tested tonight."
My entire body started to shiver with excitement. Suddenly feeling overwhelmingly submissive, I asked; "Should I draw a bath for you?"
"No thank you cuckboy, maybe later; for the time being I just want you to get naked and turn down the bed."
"Mistress, your wish is my command."
"Jamie honey, I'll see you in a few minutes."
"I'll be waiting."
"I'm sure you will." Anne ended the call.
Excited, I ran into the bedroom, quickly stripped off my clothes and turned down the bed. Once that was done I returned to the kitchen, sat down at the table and waited for Anne.
Less than five minutes later I heard the garage door open and the sound of Anne's Mercedes pulling into her garage stall. My excitement was mushrooming. The garage door closed. Anne's car door opened and then it closed.
Still feeling unbelievably submissive I got down on my knees and waited in the middle of the kitchen, naked. My wife was coming home from a date with her lover and this seemed like the appropriate way to greet her.
The door to the garage opened and Anne stepped into the kitchen. Seeing me kneeling in the middle of the floor, she stopped and stared. Slowly a haughty smile crept across her face and she said; "From now on, this is definitely the way I want to be greeted when I come home from a date."
She walked over to me. Pointing at her black low heeled pumps, Anne said; "Kiss my feet slave."
I bent over and reverently pressed my lips against the toe of each or her shoes.
Above me, Anne gasped and said; "Jamie, you have no idea how much that excites me."
I looked up at my goddess and smiled. "Welcome home Mistress Anne, I hope you had a good time with Mr. Grey."
Anne's haughty smile turned into a broad grin. She bent over, took my hand, pulled me to my feet and said; "Come on loverboy, let's go into the bedroom. It's obvious that both of us are primed for some serious fun."
Posts: 4050
#170 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as we were in the bedroom Anne started undressing. Quickly taking off her suit jacket, she handed it to me and said; “Hang this in the closet slave boy."
My hands were trembling with excitement as I took Anne's jacket. I felt like I was living in a scene from a cuckold short story. I was naked and attending to my wife while she undressed after returning home from date with her boyfriend.
I hung Anne’s jacket in her closet. When I turned back she was holding her skirt. I took a second to look at her. Wearing a white blouse with a lace ruffle in the front, white garter belt, beige nylon stockings, and a pair of white bikini panties trimmed with lace; Anne looked incredibly sexy. When my wife started dating she traded her panty hose for stockings and a garter. She said that they made her feel much sexier. I certainly didn't argue. I thought they made her look much sexier. They did require hand washing, but of course, Anne had a slave to take care of that detail, so it was of little consequence to her.
Anne handed her skirt to me and started unbuttoning her blouse. After quickly hanging the skirt in her closet, I turned to watch as she slipped her blouse off of her shoulders. My wife is a beautiful woman, but when she’s wearing nothing but a skimpy white lace brassiere, a garter belt and nylon stockings and white lace panties she becomes a breathtaking sex goddess.
Anne tossed her blouse to me. I dropped it into her laundry basket. While I was doing that, she unclasped her brassiere. When she handed it to me I couldn't stop myself from staring at her beautiful breasts.
Anne noticed and said; "You like my big tits, don't you Jamie."
"Yes Mistress Anne, I do."
"Brandon does too. He likes to bite them." She held one up. "You can still see the marks."
"Does it hurt when Mr. Grey does that?"
"A little, but it's exciting too. I'm quite certain you understand that. I like to bite your nipples and you definitely seem to enjoy it."
"I do. Does Mr. Grey bite your nipples as hard as you bite mine?"
"No, I don't enjoy that much pain, not like you do."
Anne handed me her brassiere. I tossed it in the laundry basket with her blouse and turned around again. She was stepping out of her panties. She handed them to me. I tossed them into the dirty clothes with her blouse and brassiere.
When I stepped back out of the closet Anne was seated on the edge of the bed unclasping her stockings. That made me sigh with disappointment. I loved eating Anne's pussy while she was wearing her lingerie.
She heard me and said; "Yes Jamie, I know you love going down on me while I'm wearing my garter belt and stockings, but I've decided that I'm not going to let you do that anymore."
I looked at her with an expression that was part hurt and part confusion.
"I'm sorry baby. Maybe I'll wear my lingerie for you on special occasions like your birthday or our anniversary, but most of the time I'm not going to do it. Sweetheart you have to understand. You're my slave. When we have sex it's supposed to be for my pleasure. Your pleasure is secondary. I really like being naked when you eat me. It's easier for me to relax and enjoy what you're doing for me."
Both disappointed and excited by this new edict, I nodded and said; "I understand." But then I looked at Anne and asked, "Mistress may I ask you a question?"
"Of course you can Jamie."
"Are you still going to wear your lingerie for Mr. Grey?"
Anne stared at me for a moment and then she said; "Yes Jamie, I am."
"I see." My voice was a subdued whisper.
"Jamie, you're my slave. You serve me. It's a life you chose and it's the life you want, at least that's what you've told me. Brandon is my boyfriend, we're equals. When we have sex it's for our mutual pleasure. Because of that, there are things I'm going to do for him that I won't do for you. Last weekend you got upset because you found out that I let Brandon cum in my mouth when I gave him a blow job and I'd stopped doing that for you. Because I love you, I relented and Saturday night I sucked your cock and let you cum in my mouth. I’ve decided to change my mind on that. From now on, blow jobs are going to be rare for you. When I do give you one I will let you cum in my mouth but they aren’t going to happen very often."
Confused and disappointed, I stood in front of Anne with my head hanging.
"Jamie, this is not because I don't love you and it is certainly not because I love Brandon more that I love you. Baby, you're my slave, I'm your mistress. This is the relationship we both want. I love you more than life itself, but I get an unbelievable thrill out of knowing that I'm the dominant partner in our relationship. You also happen to be a masochist. Jamie, you thrive on pain and offense. I'm a sadist. I know it sounds fucked up, but I enjoy inflicting a little pain and offense on you. I'd never really hurt you and part of the fun for me is in knowing how much fun it is for you."
Picking up my hand, Anne held it tightly between both of hers and said; "Jamie, I love you. I'm pushing you hard right now because I think we have a golden opportunity to enjoy some adventures that we'd both like to experience. I have a lover who, if we take it slow, is willing to try playing some very kinky games with us. He likes you and he's beginning to understand our life style. This is our chance to actually live the cuckold fantasy."
Anne watched me for a moment and then she said; "Last night you reaffirmed your desire to be my complete cuckold. I would love to have that happen, but not at the risk of losing you. Jamie you are the love of my life. You asked to be my servant and that is the relationship I prefer for us, but it isn't essential. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I will do it as your mistress or as your equal. The choice is yours. I'm hoping you choose mistress. If you do make that choice, we still have another option. We could decide to just play at that life style as a game. That isn't my preference. I'm hoping that we decide to completely commit ourselves to the lifestyle so that we can both fully experience and enjoy the roles we were born to live, but I’m willing to accept the lesser alternative."
I knew that Anne was right, in fact I was quite certain that I wanted this as much or even more than she did. Still, it was scary. While Anne was offering me unbelievable excitement and sexual adventure, she was also offering pain, offense and sacrifice. "Jamie I have an idea. “
“What is it?”
“Actually it’s two ideas.”
"Okay, what are they?"
"I guess one is a request and the other is a suggestion."
"What's the request?"
"Once or twice a month, I want us to have a husband and wife night. It would be a time for us to enjoy each other as equals." Anne smiled. "On those evenings I'll wear my sexiest lingerie just for you and do everything for you that I do for my boyfriends."
"I'd like that. I’d like that a lot.”
“So would I.”
What's your suggestion?"
"When you need me to be your wife and your friend rather than your Mistress, I want you to call me Annie. At all other times you should call me Anne or Mistress Anne."
"That's makes Annie kind of a safe word."
"Yes, I guess it does. It can be our permisteral safe word."
I nodded and then we were quiet. I think both of us understood that this was a major decision point in our relationship and we were carefully considering the ramifications of our decision.
Finally Anne asked. "Jamie what do you want me to do? Should I leave my stockings on or should I tell you to take them off?"
The question was a wonderfully creative way to ask for my decision. I knew the answer, there was never any doubt. The life style Anne was proposing was the life style I’ve wanted for most of my adult life. I looked at Anne and smiled. "Mistress Anne, I'm your slave. Your lingerie should be reserved for your boyfriend."
Grinning at me, Anne held up her leg and extended her foot. "Then it appears that it's time for you to take my stocking off, isn't it slaveboy."
Posts: 1914
Gulp. I'm thinking that a bit of surgery helped to focus the mind a little GH. I really like how you are keeping this so real. Anne and Jamie are really zooming in on their real issues here. I'll bet you could almost feel the pain as he got down waiting on his knees. Wonderful communication. Great story. Thanks.
Posts: 1418
Don't over work yourself GH, but let me say I found those two segments particulary fantastic. I do love the emotional psycological drama. Thanks...
Posts: 14692
Couldn't have said it any better than Peak.
Thank you Sir GH, Knight of Erotica
Posts: 4050
Occasionally Microsoft Word gets away from me. I have clumsy fingers and often hit the wrong keys, Sometimes when that happens the program makes unwanted changes. I think that's what happened with the last segment.
When I'm about to start writing a new segment I will often go back and reread the last one to maintain continuity. When I reread this last segment it was a little jumred. I think I have successfully made the necessary corrections. If you are so inclined, you may want to reread the last segment.
Posts: 1459
I believe that Anne is doing what's called 'upping the ante'. That was a very intense segment, and a fun and thought-provoking read. Jamie's confusion and angst, tinged with excitement, was very well done! Thanks GH!
BTW, when I read it, after you had made your edits, it was entirely coherent. Gotta watch those pain meds my friend, they don't seem to mix well with Scotch - not even the good stuff!
Posts: 125
I thought those segments were wonderful. this type of lifestyle is very emotional for both parties and you are able to put these into words. most cannot. hope you are feeling better and do not push to hard.
Posts: 182
Hi gh,
these were great segments, as usual you have the knack of making it so real that we are there by your side sharing the experience.
Take it easy friend and don't push too hard,
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Great section! Love the dialogue and the surrender/acceptance!
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 4050
Once again thank you for your kind comments and encouragement.