Posts: 1459
Finally had a chance to get caught up on my two favorite stories, and wow! Both were great! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the understanding of their roles develop between these two, it was done so well and so believably, and the little oral sex scene a chapter back was perfect - sexy, hot, wet, loving, caring and most of all fun; in short, everything sex between lovers is supposed to be!
At risk of damning you with faint praise, you sure do know how to weave a tale!
Posts: 182
Roll on Saturday, I can hardly wait, great stuff gh
Posts: 32
I love the reality of the emotional ups and downs for both characters. As we have progressed through more intense scenes, there have been times when my wife was more uncertain than I was, and it is really a never ending journey for both of us. What can be done, what should be done, where do we go from here, or do we just stay in this comfortable spot. It is all mind boggling, and I appreciate seeing the struggle in a quality story.
Posts: 1914
A very good insight into just how deep the bond is between these two GH. Scary it might be at times, but as you say, that's what makes it work sometimes. Doesn't stop people mountain climbing does it. This little tale really is one of your best I think. Thank you very much for sharing with us.
Posts: 492
Like Stormy, I just now caught up with this wonderful story of yours GH. I certainly agree with Peak once again, definitely one of your best works to date.  Thank you for all your hard work. TrF2
Posts: 1418
I love the psycological ups and downs GH. Thank you for your time and effort!
Posts: 218
#127 · Edited by: denied
This is the best that you have written. Just excellent. Thank you very much.
Though I wish she would change her mind and decide to give her lover first and exclusive use of her sweet bottom. He deserves it and hubby will always wonder.
After all as a woman, and more particularly, as a dominant wife, it is her prerogative to change her mind.
Great writing.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
wow , the asshole again . Makes me want to eat my wifes . Somethig i have never done ............... 
Posts: 4050
#129 · Edited by: goodhusband
Timmy, alcabin, storm, ajax, rub, peak, TrF2, zinc, denied and lick buddy
Thank you for the comments. My response to you is going to be brief. I have three posts to make and another segment that I want to get written and posted tomorrow. After that I will be unavailable for a while.
Some of you may think this next segment is a bit redundant. I have included it because I believe it's necessary. This is turning out to be the edgiest story I've written since "Louis Makes a Decision" In both stories I have tried to tackle the same issue, an issue that I frequently feel is left unaddressed in many cuckold stories. Why doesn't the cuckold husband just leave? What is he getting out of the relationship? This is an especially important question in a cuckold relationship with sub/dom and SandM undertones.
I hope you will bear with me.
I also wish to alert you, I am having some health issues and will be unavailable for several days. I hope to get in at least one more post tomorrow.
Everyone, thank you for reading my stories.
Posts: 4050
Anne rolled over. I reverently spread the cheeks of her lush backside, pressed my lips against her anus and began probing her with my tongue.
Cooing with delight, Anne said; "Jamie that feels so nice. While you do that I'm going to close my eyes and dream about Brandon."
When I heard those words my heart nearly stopped and pangs jealousy tore at my soul; but then I remembered our last conversation. Anne loved me. She assured me that I would always be her first love. I would always be the center of her universe and she would always be the center of mine.
And then suddenly I understood. Anne and I loved each other, but our relationship was unconventional and it couldn't be evaluated using conventional criteria. I was Anne's willing cuckold and her loyal slave. I lived to serve her. This was the role that I'd always wanted. Anne was my Mistress. While she loved me, we both understood that in our unconventional relationship her needs were paramount. It was the role she wanted.
My mistress had now taken a man, that was her right and as her slave it was my duty to support her. I had to understand that occasionally Anne needed the company of a man who was as powerful and dominant as she was, a man who could challenge her, a man who could take her and ravish her when she needed to be ravished. As her slave, it was my duty to understand her needs and desires and do everything in my power to help her fulfill them.
Yes, there would be moments of jealousy, but I had to try to control them. Anne had assured me that I would always be the most important man in her life. If I was going to be an outstanding slave for her, I had to believe her, I had to trust her and I had to have faith in her. Of course trust and faith were the pillars that supported all relationships, conventional or not.
Now realizing what I had to do, I stopped licking Anne's asshole, looked up at her and said; "Mr. Grey is a very handsome man. You're lucky to have found him."
For a moment Anne lay perfectly still and then she rolled over, sat up and stared at me. "Jamie, what did you just say?"
This was difficult for me, but I knew I had to do it. Taking a deep breath I again said; "Mr. Grey is a very handsome man. You're lucky to have found him."
Anne stared at me for several more seconds, finally she said; "Jamie, are you testing me?"
I smiled. "No not at all."
"Then I don't understand what you're doing. It almost sounds like you're encouraging my infatuation with Brandon."
Very quietly, I said; "I guess I am."
Puzzled, Anne asked; "Why would you do that? A few minutes ago you were telling me that this was scary for you. I was hoping that you could eventually learn that my feelings for Brandon weren't a threat to you."
"I've decided that I have to trust you."
"Jamie, I just told you that when I'm around Brandon I intend to treat him like a boyfriend, or even a husband. I understand how stressful that had to be for you. I want you to know that it's okay to be anxious about it. I appreciate your effort to be stalwart, but it's not necessary. I realize that I'm pushing your limits and I fully intend to go slowly and work to constantly reassure you. I do have to start talking about Brandon with you. It's necessary. He's my lover and my boyfriend. At least for a while, he's going to be a big part of our lives and I have to try to get you used to the role he'll be playing."
"I understand and I appreciate what you're doing. Now I'd like you to try to understand what I'm doing."
"All right."
"Four and a half years ago we had our first dinner together in the Kensington Grill."
Anne smiled. "Yes, I'll never forget that dinner."
"Neither will I. During that dinner, I told you that my aspiration was to spend my life serving a strong willed, ambitious woman."
"Yes you did and you've been a wonderful servant."
"Thank you, I try very hard."
"I know you do and I appreciate it."
"That aspiration hasn't changed. I still want to spend the rest of my life as your loyal servant."
"And I want to spend the rest of my life as your loving Mistress."
We smiled at each other.
"As your loyal servant, I feel it’s my duty to do everything in my power to promote your welfare and happiness. All I ask in return is your love."
"You have my absolute and unconditional love. That will never change."
"I believe you, but because of the unconventional nature of our relationship, that can at times be easy to forget."
Anne nodded. "I understand, especially now that I'm talking about falling in love with Brandon."
Shaking her head, Anne said; "Love was maybe a bad word choice. Infatuation, strong sexual attraction and close friendship are all probably better choices."
"I don't think it matters. We're talking about a strong emotional attachment to another man."
"Jamie, my emotional attachment to Brandon will never approach the intensity of the attachment I have with you. Do you want me to stop seeing Brandon? I will. All you have to do is ask. That will always be true."
"No, that's not what I want, that's not what I want at all. I now understand that you need Brandon. He fulfills a number of needs for you that I can't fulfill. I can try to be a strong, powerful man, but..."
"Jamie, you are a strong powerful man."
"Not in the bedroom."
Anne smiled. "That's true, but you are fun."
Chuckling, I said; "I know that you enjoy what we do in the bedroom, but I also realize that you occasionally like to be taken by a strong powerful lover."
"You understand me very well." Anne was grinning.
"I do and because I do, I know that you occasionally need Brandon and not just as a casual sex partner. You need him as a friend, a lover and for want of a better word, a heart throb."
"Actually, that might be a very good word."
"There you have it."
Anne stared at me for a second and then she shook her head and said; "Jamie, you don't have to do this."
"I know that and knowing that makes it much easier to do it."
She laughed. "You know, you really can be a very exasperating man."
"I do that without trying."
Still laughing, Anne shook her head; but then her smile disappeared and she asked; "Jamie are you really willing to do this?"
"I think so; but for clarification, tell me what you think 'this' means."
"You really would have been a good attorney."
"I like being an English Professor. It suits my demeanor."
"Yes it does.’This' refers to you supporting and encouraging me to fully enjoy my relationship with Brandon."
"Fully enjoy?"
"I can't think of another way to describe it."
"How about treating him like you love him?"
"That's a scary word."
"It is, but if you love Brandon, will it diminish your love for me?"
"Not at all, never!"
"Then I have to believe that. I have to have enough faith in you to believe that I will always be your true love."
"You will."
"I'll still need a lot of reassurance from you."
"You'll get it and I also promise that I'll never neglect you."
"Then the answer is, yes."
"Yes, I can do this. Yes, I'm willing to do this. Yes, I want to do this."
"Jamie, you are an amazing man. Meeting you was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much."
"I love you to; but in all honesty I have to admit that there's something in this for me too."
"What is it?"
"I'm a masochist. Watching you fawn over Brandon will be deliciously painful."
"Deliciously painful, I love the way that sounds." Anne giggled. "I can't wait to inflict a little delicious pain on you."
"What's wrong with right now?"
"What an excellent idea." Anne rolled back over on to her stomach and ordered; "Get your tongue back in my asshole cuckboy."
Posts: 4050
Excited, I slid down the bed and positioned myself between Anne's spread legs.
As soon as Anne felt my lips touch her anus her breath caught and she said; "Yes Jamie, that's what I want. That's the perfect way for a slave to demonstrate his devotion to his Mistress."
I pushed my tongue into Anne's ass. She responded by getting up on her hands and knees, reaching back between her legs and massaging her clit.
I tried to push my tongue even deeper into Anne's ass.
Now breathless with excitement she said; "That's right slave, kiss and lick my ass while I fondle myself and dream about my lover. He's so handsome. The first time I saw Brandon, I knew I wanted him. There's an aura of power around him that makes him irresistible to me."
I stopped licking Anne and instead made a point of kissing her with passion.
Anne stopped rubbing her clit, pressed her rear into my face and started slowly rotating her hips. For a moment it was almost like we were making out.
Then, bursting with excitement, I wrapped my arms around her hips, pulled her even more tightly to me and pushed my tongue back into her asshole.
Anne gasped and then she madly started rubbing her clit again. "Jamie, I'll never forget the first time Brandon took me to bed. He has a beautiful cock. It's so big and when it's hard it has a nice upward curve. I really like it when a man's cock does that. It makes it look almost menacing. I sucked him for a long time. I couldn't stop myself. I licked his balls too. When he came I kept him in my mouth and he produced so much semen that I nearly fetishd." Anne's voice cracked from excitement.
She took a moment to regain her composure and then she said; "After Brandon finished ejaculating he put his arm around me and held me. He's so big and strong. Lying cuddled up next to him, our naked bodies pressed together, I felt safe and secure. With his free hand he fondled my breast and played with my nipple. His fingers felt so good, I wanted him to touch me everywhere."
Anne's voice was now quiet and controlled. Her fingers were still in her cunt, but they'd slowed. Now she was gently massaging her clit. There was a pleasant cheeriness about her that gave me the impression that she was recounting a fond memory.
Pangs of jealousy tore at my gut, but my tiny cock was rock hard. I couldn't remember ever being as aroused as I was at that moment.
Anne continued. "I reached down and was surprised to discover that Brandon was already erect again. Cuckboy, my lover is a sexual dynamo. When I realized he was hard I was so excited that I couldn't stop myself. I wrapped my fist around that beautiful big dick, started stroking him and slid down his body so I could take him in my mouth again."
Deciding that it was time for me to join this conversation, I raised my head and said; "You enjoy sucking a big cock, don't you Mistress." Then I returned to kissing and licking Anne's asshole."
Nodding, she answered; "Yes cuckboy, I really do; but Brandon stopped me. As I was starting to kiss the head of his cock, he picked me up like a doll and rolled me over on my back. He didn't ask, he didn't apologize, he just did it. It was one of the hottest things a man has ever done to me. Then, as he climbed on top of me he told me that he loved getting sucked, but now it was time for us to fuck."
I could feel Anne shiver with excitement. "Jamie, he held me down. He'd taken control. I spread my legs for him. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down the soaking wet cleft of my pussy. When he touched my clit I very nearly came. And then..."
Anne paused so that she could take a deep breath and organize her thoughts. After a moment she continued. "He started to push the big head of his erection into me. He moved slowly, so slowly that it was almost excruciating. The sensations his cock created as he gradually penetrated me were exquisite, but the anticipation was maddening. He was teasing me and I didn't want to be teased, I wanted to be fucked. I didn't want him to play with me. I wanted his big cock inside me. I wanted him to take me and use me. He didn't care. He was in control. I was now his sex toy and he was using me for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. He was using me just the way he wanted to use me."
I'd never before heard my wife talk like that. I was jealous and envious, but most of all I was excited.
"Suddenly I realized that he wasn't moving any more, all of his monster cock was inside me. He stopped and waited. I was on pins and needles. And then he started to fuck me. Jamie it was magnificent. I'd never felt anything like it. At first he moved slowly, but as he pushed his huge cock in and out of me he gradually increased his tempo until he was fucking me like he was a rampaging savage and I was his conquest."
Anne was frantically rubbing her clit. Her voice was raspy, her speech was clipped. Suddenly she arched her back. As her orgasm erupted she screamed, "That night Brandon took me and now he owns me! There isn't anything I won't do for him!"
Pulling back, I watched as the waves of orgasmic pleasure rolled through Anne's body. I waited, the torrent of ecstasy began to subside and then Anne slumped to the mattress and lay still, enjoying the sweet afterglow of her climax.
I continued to wait. Several seconds passed before Anne stirred. I kept watching her. She tilted her head. She seemed to be thinking.
Suddenly she rolled over and sat up. Smiling she said; "You own me too. You'll always own me and there will never be anything that I'll do for Bandon that I won't do for you."
I grinned at Anne. "That's reassurance, isn't it?"
Grinning back at me, she said; "Damn skippy it is."
"You do realize that mistimed verbal reassurance may quell the mood we're trying to create."
Anne shook her head. "Hey, I'm just trying to do what you asked me to do." And then she quickly added; "And I need the reassurance just as much as you do. Jamie, I love you so much and when I say things like the stuff I just said about Brandon I'm worried that I might be tearing you apart."
"I'm a masochist, I want you to tear me apart and you're a sadist, you should get off on tearing me apart."
"I do, but; you just told me that you need reassurance and frankly I do too. Jamie slapping you with a horsewhip is easy; tormenting you with jealousy is much more difficult."
"I know and I appreciate that, but it's also more fun."
Anne laughed. "Yes it is. That was one of the most exciting sex scenes we've ever played."
"I agree."
"Do you?"
"Even with everything I said about Brandon?"
"That's what made it so hot."
"So how am I going to reassure you without destroying the mood?"
"I don't know, maybe we'll have to have designated reassurance times."
Anne winked at me. "Those could be a lot of fun."
"Not as much fun as that game we just played."
"We really are a couple of pervs, aren't we?"
We both laughed.
Posts: 4050
Anne Pushed herself down the bed so that she was sitting next to me. Slipping her arm around my shoulders, she reached across with her free hand, wrapped her fingers around my erect penis and observed; "Someone is definitely ready for action."
I smiled at her.
Squeezing my cock, she asked; "Want to help me learn to butt fuck?"
"I like the way you said that. It feels like you're only letting me do this to help you get ready for your lover."
"You know that's not true."
"I know that and that makes me feel good, but it's still fun to pretend."
Giggling, Anne said; "I'm not sure which of us is kinkier."
"I think we've both attained to such a high degree of excellence in that arena that it no longer matters."
"Oh I like that; Jamie Walsh and Anne Royce Professors emeritus of perversion and kink."
"It does have a certain ring to it."
Leaning over, Anne lasciviously licked my ear. "Dr. Walsh, are you ready to start coaching me in the fine art of anal sex?"
"I think I prefer Sancho Panza to Dr. Walsh."
"And that makes me Don Quixote; yes, I like that." But then Anne shook her head and said; "I don't think Sancho Panza ever fucked Don Quixote in the butt." Anne was grinning.
"And I'm quite certain that Don Quixote never sucked Sancho Panza's cock."
Anne nodded. "If that had been in the story, I think I would have remembered it."
"Me too."
"Maybe we should use permisteral coach."
"I'm kind of partial to slave."
Leering at me, Anne said; "I like that one too." She flipped over on to her stomach. "All right slave, it's time for you to help your Mistress get ready to let her boyfriend do her in the butt next Saturday."
"I've already licked you there, what else do you want me to do.""
"I don't think licking me is enough. Besides, Brandon doesn't lick me back there, so we’ll need to use a lubricant. I bought some Friday; you'll find it in my purse."
"Maybe next Saturday I could lick you back there, you know to get you ready."
"Brandon would be there, he'd see you do it."
Grinning, I said; "I know."
Anne turned back around and sat up again. "Damn Jamie, that is so hot. Would you really do that in front of Brandon?"
"When you say it like that, I'm not so sure. Would he laugh at me? If he did that I'd feel really bad."
"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't laugh at you, Brandon doesn't laugh at people. It's not in his nature. He might be a little amazed."
"I think I could handle that."
"I want to make you do it, can I?"
"The two of you will be in bed naked; will Brandon be okay with my being there?"
"That might be a problem. Brandon has made it very clear that he's not interested in a three way with any other guy including you. I think he's a little homophobic."
"Hey, I'm not interested in messing with Brandon either. Can you just make that clear to him?"
"That's not the only problem."
"Tell me."
"When he's with me, he doesn't want to share. He wants to know that I'm his for that time. He understands that I love you and he doesn't have any problem with anything we do when he's not around..."
"But when he is with you, he wants to be confident that you're with him and only with him."
"That's right. Is that a problem for you Jamie?"
I thought for a moment and then I said; "Actually it's not, I guess I more or less assumed it would be like that."
"I've told him that we have to find a way to include you or were quits, but I'm not sure he's taking me seriously on that. I don't think he believes that you really want to be in the room while we're doing it."
Chuckling, I said; "It's hard for me to believe that too."
Anne rolled her eyes. "Who are you trying to kid. We both know that's not true. You'd do anything to be able to watch while he's doing me."
"Yeah, you're right." I looked at my wife. "So what do we do?"
"I have an idea, but I'm not sure you'll like it."
"What is it?"
"You know those stories we've read where the husband wears a chastity device?"
"They sell them at that adult store on the edge of downtown."
"You're talking about Sex Land."
"That's right."
Suddenly I realized where this was going. Shocked, I said; "Hold it, are you suggesting that..."
"It would only be while Brandon is in the house."
"While he's in the house? Are you telling me that anytime he's here I'll have to have my dick locked up in one of those contraptions?"
Anne smiled. "Actually, I think the idea is pretty hot."
I stared at Anne. While I stared at her I considered what she was proposing and started to get excited.
Sensing the change in my attitude, Anne pressed; "A few minutes ago you told me that being an outstanding servant for me continues to be your primary aspiration in life. I think this would be an excellent way to demonstrate your devotion.
"If Brandon laughs at me, I'm gone." While I still had apprehensions, I was seriously considering Anne's proposition.
Anne quickly answered, "I promise you that he won't." But then she paused and stared at me. After a moment she said; "Maintaining your dignity is very important to you, isn't it?"
I nodded. "Yes it is."
"It's good that I know that. I'll make sure Brandon knows it too."
"That might be kind of embarrassing."
"Trust me, I know how to be subtle.
I smiled. "All right."
"Does that mean you'll do it?"
"No that meant that I'll trust you to be subtle; but yes, I will do it."
"Thank you Jamie, it's going to be fun and I'll make sure Brandon is always very considerate with you."
Anne once again rolled over on to her stomach. "Now go get that lotion from my purse. It's time to try a little butt fucking."
Posts: 1914
GH, Ok, you have me leaning forward on my seat in eager anticipation. If I could hand him the lotion, I would..
I understand your need to hit target before you go off my friend, but don't bust a gut in the process. We'll all still be here when you get back. This is too good to leave.
Posts: 14692
GH, another superb set. Please be careful with your health. Don't push to hard. Your fans are not going any place. We'll be right here.
My thoughts are with you as you're dealing with what ever needs dealing with.
Posts: 3581
 BRAVO!!! Your story is top shelf and always a pleasure to come back to. Thanks again for all that you give. Hope you have a speedy recovery...... take care of your health first and keep your hobby on hold till better days return. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 182
as always gh these latest updates are superb!,
take care of yourself.
Posts: 4050
Peak, Timmy, cuck4one and Ajax
Thanks for your kind comments and kind words. I am enjoying writing this story and while I will be out of commission for awhile I really do want to get back and continue it as soon as possible.
Thanks again
Posts: 4050
As soon as I opened Anne's purse I spotted a deep indigo bottle. I took it out, the label read; Exotique Sex Lubricant, water based and edible. The fact that it was edible made me smile. Anne thought of everything.
After closing Anne's purse, I hurried back to the bedroom. Anne was still lying on her stomach naked. I took a second to gaze at her. My wife was an amazingly beautiful woman.
Realizing what I was doing, Anne giggled; "Stop dawdling and get on the bed. This is going to be fun."
I kneeled on the bed next to Anne. Once I was in position she got up on her hands and knees and said; "Squirt a little bit of the lotion on my asshole."
I squeezed out a few drops of the clear liquid.
"Use more, it's water soluble. It'll be easy to clean up."
I added a few more drops.
"Now work the lube into my butt with your finger."
I pushed my middle finger into Anne's asshole. With the lube it slipped in easily. I pushed it all the way in to the second knuckle and then I started working it in and out of her.
Sighing, Anne said; "Jamie, that feels really nice. Push another finger into me."
I added my index finger.
Anne gasped, but then she said; "Damn Jamie, that really does feel good."
Staying on her knees, Anne rested her head on the two pillows that were in front of her. This freed her hand so that she could reach back between her legs and massage her clit with her fingertips. I kept working my fingers in and out of her asshole.
After a moment, Anne said; "Jamie, why haven't we ever done this before? This feels wonderful."
Shrugging, I answered; "I guess we never thought of it."
Nodding, Anne said; "I enjoy having you lick me back there so much that I never even considered doing anything else."
Suddenly, Anne started to giggle. I asked, "What is it?"
"I was just imagining how much fun it would be if you could do this to me while Brandon is laying next to us naked." and then she added, "And if you're wearing a chastity cage it would be even hotter."
Breathlessly, I said; "I’ll do it. I'll do anything you tell me to do."
"I know you will and I can't begin to describe how powerful that makes me feel."
"I love you Mistress Anne."
I love you to Jamie."
I was still working my two fingers in and out of Anne's asshole. She was still rubbing her clit. Both of us were wildly aroused.
"Are you ready to fuck me?"
"I'm ready too, let's do it."
I got up on my knees. As I leaned forward and attempted to get the head of my cock lined up with Anne's anus, I realized that I wasn't tall enough. "I think we need to try this in a different position."
"Why?" Anne was on her knees face down on the bed. She couldn't see what was happening.
"I'm not tall enough to do it like this."
"This is the way Brandon's going to want to do it, so this is the way I'd like to practice it."
"He's taller than I am and he has a longer cock."
Anne lifted herself up so she was on her hands and knees. Looking back over her shoulder she said; "Stack up two pillows and try kneeling on them. That will make you taller."
Her change in position had also lowered her rear. I said, "If you rest on your hands like you are now it will also make it easier."
I grabbed two pillows, stacked them and climbed on top. "This will work."
"Good, go for it."
"All right."
I placed the head of my cock on Anne's anus and started to push. Anne pushed back. Suddenly I was inside her.
Anne yelped. "Oh my!"
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, it just feels funny. Don't move I need a moment to get used to this."
I waited. Several seconds passed.
Finally Anne said; "Okay, push your cock all the way in."
Concerned about hurting Anne, I moved slowly. Once I was completely inside her I stopped.
Anne said, "That actually feels nice."
Chuckling, I said; "I think it's supposed to."
She giggled. "That is the point, isn't it? Are you ready to try fucking me?"
"Can you reach the lotion?"
"Pull your cock almost all the way out, squirt some lotion on it and push it back in."
I picked up the bottle and squirted some lotion on my cock.
As soon as I set the bottle back on the bed, Anne said; "Ready?"
Giggling, Anne said; "Okay cowboy, let's rodeo."
As I started fucking Anne, we were both laughing; but our laughter quickly turned to arousal and we both focused on the sex. I pushed my cock in and out of Anne's ass in a slow easy rhythm. While I was doing that, she balanced her weight on her left hand, reached back with her right and started rubbing her clit again. Our excitement quickly grew.
After several minutes Anne said; "Jamie, this is wonderful. Why haven't we been doing this all along?"
"I don't know, I guess we had too many other kinky things to try first."
We both laughed, but only for a moment and then we once again focused our attention on fucking.
Our rhythm intensified. Anne was madly rubbing her clit. Breathlessly she said; "Jamie, I can't wait to find out what it feels like to have Brandon fucking me with his great big dick."
And then she cried out; "Fuck me Jamie, fuck me rough, fuck me like Brandon fucks me."
I tried. I started vigorously thrusting my cock in and out Anne's ass.
Anne kept madly rubbing her clit. Suddenly she cried, "Yes! Yes!" And then her entire body began to shake.
At the same time I felt the familiar warm tingling building in my loins and then with a burst of pure pleasure I started cumming in Anne's ass.
We kept fucking for several more seconds, but then I felt Anne's body relax. As she collapsed onto the bed my cock slipped out of her ass and I collapsed next to her.
For several minutes we lay quietly together, both enjoying the warm glow of post orgasmic contentment. Finally Anne turned so that she was facing me and said; "That was wonderful, but you do understand that you’re not done."
I smiled. “Clean up?"
"Yup." Anne rolled over onto her stomach.
I positioned myself between her thighs and spread her cheeks. Anne's slightly stretched asshole was coated with my fresh semen. I leaned forward.
As I started licking her, Anne said; "Saturday, after Brandon fucks me I want to make you lick his cum out of my ass. Will you do that for me Jamie? Will you lick my lover's fresh cum out of my asshole?"
Excited, I looked up and asked; "Will he be watching?"
"Ummm, I hope so. That would be horribly humiliating for you, wouldn't it?"
I whispered; "Yes, yes, it would."
"Will you do it?"
"Will it please you?"
"Then of course I'll do it."
"Jamie, I love you so much."
"I love you too Anne."
After I finished licking my cum out of Anne's asshole we cuddled for a few minutes and then we showered together and got dressed.
We spent the rest of the day watching the basketball games on television. For supper I made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It was a simple favorite for both of us.
When the games ended we went to bed. I ate Anne's pussy and she gave me a hand job. After that we cuddled together and fell arelax. It had been a wonderful Sunday.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 14692
a great point for you to take a break for your health needs. As I said before my thoughts are with you.
Posts: 1418
Take care of your health GH. I enjoyed your latest segments.
Posts: 3581
WOW!!! That was HOT!!! It's nice knocking on the back door at times... and the thought of Jamie being told to clean Brandon's cum from her ass is even more exciting.  May you have a speedy recovery....... Our best wishes are with you. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 182
Thanks for another great segment, take care and I hope everything goes well.
good luck.
Posts: 1916
Thanks for another great segment! May i also wish you a speedy recovery from whatever ails you.
Posts: 1459
Great story GH, just very, very enjoyable! You know how much we all care about you and want only the best for you. Take care of yourself (I know Lisa will insist on that!) and we'll see you again soon.
Posts: 20
Great chapter , GH. Really exiting ! And so well written.Thanks a lot. Spip2
Posts: 144
To all of my husband's readers.
Last Wednesday the man you know as Goodhusband underwent major surgery. He was on the operating table for over five hours. It was a difficult surgery with the potential for serious complications, particularly infection. Everything went well.
He came home Sunday. Since the surgery the strong narcotic pain *******ers he's been taking have kept him in a fog. Yesterday he was switched to a milder pain *******er. This morning he actually sat at his computer and started typing the next chapter of "Five Days". Everything has slowed down. It may be awhile before you see any more story. He is trying, but I will not let him overwork himself.
Posts: 14692
Ms Lisa,
thank you for the update. Please take care of YOUR man. We can wait.
My thoughts for a speedy and full recovery are with the two of you.
Posts: 3
We all want your husband to be all right again. Best wishes
Posts: 1914
Lisa, It would appear that your dear partner is mad, bonkers, unrealistic, obstinate and driven. He's also a writer. I'm sorry that your pain (and no doubt his) is our gain but there it is. I'm sure that some of this complexity is partly why you are with him. I worry for him but I'm glad he's back on the road to recovery.
GH, You know I recently went through a similar trauma. I would just say expect (painful) progress but not every day, and some days you will go backwards. Don't let the rate get you down. Listen to your body, it knows better than you think it does. Obey Lisa.