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Five Days In Florida

Rating: 89
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Posts: 182
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Superb gh,

what a story this is, especially how you write about your feelings and the places you went to try to calm down,

Mississippi river?

In one of your other stories you alluded to living in the north central USA and in in another reply to someone you said you lived in MN. In my mind that is Michigan and that to me means Detroit, does the mighty Mississippi rise as far north as Michigan?

Thanks again for your time and efforts.

lick buddy


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Posts: 1459
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This story strikes me as some of your finest writing yet, GH - and that's saying something! It's just so thoughtful and involved, the emotions so real and, at times, raw. It all has a very real ring of truth to it. Also enjoyed your little sojourn to Kirby's place, that was nice reminder and an unexpected treat!

I have to say, as disappointed as I was over the break in "Illicit", you made a good decision. This is really very enjoyable!


Posts: 14692
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A rough ride on the emotional roller coaster for Jamie.

GH, I am really glad that you are having fun writing this marvelous piece of prose. Thank you sir.


Posts: 1418
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This is a really great story GH! Storm said it very well, I echo his sentiments.


Posts: 1914
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Communication. That seemingly easy thing really is the most difficult isn't it. Its a wonder us humans haven't wiped each other out by now. Oh yes, we already have, almost. Message sent, message received. Not always the same thing ..

I have to say that was a searingly honest and clear deconstruction of Jamie's state of mind. Very well done. Nothing left out, nothing surplus left in. Brilliant. Thanks.


Posts: 32 Pictures: 2 
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It's a great story, and I love how you deal with the relationship of the couple, and the separate relationship with the lover. It is something we struggle with all the time, too many guys have read too much BS and think being a bull means being an ass. Thankfully we found a guy that realizes it's just sex, and he is not in charge. This relation is going to be interesting to watch unfold.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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We just got back from our honeymoon, (will post about that on a new thread), and your story was the first on my list to catch up with.

Great twist and turn of events with your story..... and nice to see that Kirby and the gang are still working the store!

Thanks again for sharing with us..... as always, I look forward to reading more.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
#99 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I've been driving all day and my dog and I are now camped out in a New Mexico motel room. I'm very tired, but i have another segment ready to post.

Thank you for all the comments. I really do appreciate them, right now I'm just too exhausted to respond to each of you individually.

Thank you,



Posts: 4050
#100 · Edited by: goodhusband
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For a moment I stared at my cell phone and then I took a deep breath and called Anne.

She answered on the first ring. "Jamie, thank you for calling me; I'm so sorry about what happened."

"I am too Anne. I overreacted. I was too sensitive."

"No Jamie, I pushed you too hard."

"Anne, I want to come home. Would that be all right?"

"Yes, of course it would be all right. I want you to come home. Please come home. Please come home right now."

"I will."

"Jamie, where are you?"

"Mendota Park."

"Is that the park on the river by my old townhouse?"


"That's your favorite place, isn't it?"


"I should have guessed you'd go there."

"I am kind of predictable."

"Jamie, come home."

"I'm coming now. I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye Anne."

"Bye Jamie."

When I pulled my car into the garage Anne was waiting for me in the kitchen doorway. As soon as I got out she ran to me, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me hard on the lips.

I kissed her back.

After a moment she broke off the kiss, but continued hugging me. "Jamie, I'm so sorry I embarrassed you. I didn't mean to do it. I was just trying to play with you."

"I know, I'm sorry I got upset. I'm still a little insecure about the role I play in our games, especially when someone else is watching."

"I understand. I pushed you too hard. I need to exercise more patience." Anne released me, stepped back and took my hand. "Come on, let's go inside."

Once we were in the kitchen she stopped and asked; "Are you hungry? We still have all of that Chinese food."

"Didn't you and Brandon eat it?"

"No, after you left we were both much too upset to eat."

"I could use a small bowl of fried rice and a beer; how about you?"

"That sounds good. Let me get it."

Shaking my head, I said; "Definitely not. I am still the slave in this household and my Mistress does not wait on her slave."

Anne laughed. "Fine, but there is one item on tonight's agenda that is not negotiable."

"What is it?"

"Before he goes to bed tonight the household slave is going to get a blow job from his Mistress and he is going to cum in her mouth."

"Anne, you don't have to do that."

"Yes Jamie, I do and I'll explain why; but first let’s get our fried rice and beer. I'm hungry."

"I have to call Brandon too."

Surprised, Anne said; "You have to call Brandon, why?"

"I want to apologize to him for being overly sensitive and I want to invite him to come over next Saturday and watch more basketball with us."

"Jamie, are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yes I am. Anne I understand what you were trying to do today and I think it's a good idea. Brandon and I weren't ready to go as far as you tried to take us, but that doesn't mean we should abandon the endeavor. We just have to take our time and let things develop."

Anne giggled. "Endeavor, I love being married to an English Professor."

"Hey are we going to have a discussion or are you just going to make fun of me?"

"I'm sorry, I enjoy you so much that it's hard not to tease you." Anne paused for a moment and then in a serious tone of voice, she said; "I pushed too hard and screwed things up."

I smiled, "You really are good."

"What do you mean?"

"You shift permisteras so effortlessly."

"Now who's teasing?"

"Me, and I agree, I also enjoy you so much that it's hard to resist teasing you."

Anne shook her head. "Jamie, you really are the most fun man I've ever met."

"And you've completely lost your train of thought, haven't you."

Anne's face flared with anger. "Damn it Jamie!"

"Not good for Gotham City's ace negotiator."

"Jamie, what are you....Gotham City? That's out of fucking Batman. Why are you..."

"Seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Damn it Jamie, you're deliberately baiting me."

"Yes I am."

"You mister of a bitch!"

"Hardly a reamistered response."

Anne started laughing. "Jamie Walsh, you may very well be the most exasperating slave a dominant mistress has ever had."

"Is that bad?"

Still laughing, Anne said; "No, in fact it's absolutely wonderful." And then she kissed me.

I kissed her back and then we held each other. All of the emotion from the frustration, pain, agony and self-doubt that both of us had felt over the past several hours was expressed in our embrace.

Finally Anne said; "Jamie can you forgive me? I really did screw up today."

Smiling at her, I said; "Actually, I don't think you did. In fact I think you might have made things better."

"Why would you say that?"

You were a little too ambitious today and pushed Brandon and me a little farther than we were willing to go."

"Yes, we've already established that. What’s your point?"

"It's now no longer uncharted territory. The next time we get together it will be easier because of what happened today. I also think that all three of us are now acutely aware of each other's feelings. Today was a good growing experience."

Anne thought about that for a moment and then she smiled and said; "Jamie I work with a group of highly paid attorneys who pride themselves on being insightful, but I don't think any of them are anywhere near as insightful as you are."

"You're telling me that my cocksmanship wasn't the only reamister you married me."

"Actually, I think it was more your tonguesmanship, but yes, I guess I am telling you that."

"Is tonguesmanship a word?"

"It’s every bit as good a word as cocksmanship." And then Anne stuck out her tongue, put her thumbs in her ears and wiggled her fingers at me. "See."

"I wish I had a video of that."

"Be careful slave boy, I own a whip."

"Believe me that knowledge lurks constantly in the recesses of my brain."

Anne winked at me and then she said. ""Are you really going to call Brandon?"



"How about right now?"

"Do you have his number?"

"He left me a message, so it's in my call log."

"Can I listen?"

"I can't think of any reamister that you shouldn't."

"Oh good, this is going to be a very interesting conversation."

I took my phone out of my pocket and called Brandon.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 14692
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I didn't think that you could top Courtesans but you are well on your way. Hope you had a good night's rest and safe travels for the rest of your trip


Posts: 1914
#103 · Edited by: peakmb
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GH, For a tired man that was quite an update, though it was a bit unfair on you calling your wife a dog. You should have shared the driving more ..

By the way, for what its worth, that was my 1000th post on this site. It isn't coincidence its on this thread. Thanks for all yours.


Posts: 111
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I just got caught up from this past week and this story is outstanding. For some reamister I had trouble getting into it originally maybe it was the “cell phone lot” or something, but I should have known that with writing, you would build a fantastic story. Everyone needs a “little old lady” with sound advice from time to time. Too bad we seldom listen. I am looking forward to each additional episode. I truly appreciate you writing and I hope your trip includes the little white ball and eighteen flags in the distance. Enjoy!


Posts: 4050
#105 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Lick Buddy

Always, thanks


I'm home, well rested and happy that you're making a good recovery.


For my own safety and well being, don't even joke about that.


I'm glad that you're enjoying the story and I appreciate the kind comments, but I have to warn you. Eventually we will be returning to the cell phone lot.


Thank you again for your kind comments. They are appreciated.



When I posted the previous segment I was too tired to properly answer you. The Mississippi River begins in Lake Itasca which is in the northern part of the state of Minnesota. Mn is the postal abbreviation for Minnesota. Minneapolis, the largest city in Minnesota, is the first major city that the Mississippi river flows through. The river separates Minneapolis from the state capital of Minnesota, St. Paul. Because of the close proximity of the two cities they are often referred to as the Twin Cities.

My stories are all fantasies and take place in a fictitious urban area that could easily be confused for Twin Cities. Unfortunately if you were to visit the Twin Cities you could not dine at the Kensington Grill or the Goldenrod Supper Club. You couldn't stay at the Calvert Hotel. You wouldn't be able to walk across the campus of Kelroy College. A cab driver couldn't take you to Baxters and if you knocked on the door at 1211 Oak Grove Drive Sandra Monroe and Julie Gordon wouldn't answer the door. I can't tell you how much I wish they would because Oak Grove Drive does exist and I know where it is.



Posts: 4050
#106 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I went to my call log, found Brandon's number and called him. Suddenly feeling a little nervous, I waited. Brandon's phone rang; once, twice and then a third time.

After the third ring he answered. "Jamie?"

"Yes Brandon, it's me. I got your message."

"Are you okay? I mean is everything cool between you and Anne?"

"Yes, we're cool, at least I think we are."

I looked at Anne. She nodded.

"Yes we're cool."

"Hey Jamie, I'm sorry about that pervert crack. I didn't really mean it. It just popped out."

"I know, in fact that's why I called."

Misunderstanding me, Brandon bristled. "Hey man, I said I was sorry."

"No, no; I'm not calling to confront you about it; I'm calling to apologize for being overly sensitive."

There was a moment of silence and then Brandon said; "I was the one who was out of line. I'm the only one who needs to apologize."

"I don't agree. All Afternoon you worked hard at being polite to me. You made one mistake and I pounced on it."

"I should be polite to you. You were my host. And my one mistake was a doozy."

"Anne was your host, not me."

There was another moment of silence. Finally Brandon said, "Jamie, I'd like it if you were also my host. I was hoping that maybe you and I could be friends too."

"The fact that you're fucking my wife does add an unusual dynamic to our relationship."

"Yes, I understand." Brandon's voice was quiet, even subdued. But then he said; "You and Anne have a unique relationship. I was hoping that might make a difference."

"So now you want me to be a pervert."

"No, I mean...Aw cuckolds brownie Jamie, this is all pretty fucking confusing."

"I totally agree with that."

"Jamie, what the hell are we going to do?"

"I assume you'd like to keep fucking my wife."

Brandon's voice faltered. "Well yeah, but..."

"That's okay, Anne and I do have a unique and sometimes complicated relationship and your involvement makes it even more unusual and complicated."

"I won't disagree with that."

"All three of us are reamisterable, intelligent adults who appear to want to make this work. In order to do that I believe we have to be up front with each other and admit three basic premises."

"Which are?"

"You want to continue having a sexual relationship with my wife. She wants to continue having a sexual relationship with you and I'm agreeable to your doing that."

"Jamie, let me have the phone."

I looked at Anne.

She said, "Please."

I handed the phone to Anne.

She pushed the button putting it on speaker phone, laid it on the table in front of us and said; "Brandon, there's a fourth premise and it's not negotiable."

"What is it?"

"I want Jamie to be involved in the sexual part of our relationship."

"You mean like a three way?"

"No, I don't think he gets to be an equal partner, at least not very often." Anne looked at me.

I nodded my agreement.

In a guarded voice, Brandon said; "I'm not sure I know what that means."

Anne was about to answer, but I held up my hand.

She nodded to me.

I said; "I'm not sure we do either and that's why I called you. I think we have to take our time and work out something that's mutually agreeable to all three of us."

Anne said; "Brandon."

"Yes Anne."

"If Jamie asks me to stop seeing you, I will comply with his wishes."

I looked at Anne. She smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

"I thought you were a dominant wife who did whatever pleased her."

"Yes and nothing pleases me more than making my husband happy."

"So you're telling me that it's your way or the highway."

Anne was about to answer, but once again I held up my hand and again she nodded.

"Brandon, the whole point of this phone call was to attempt to open a dialogue that would help us find common ground and avoid ultimatums."

Brandon laughed. "You know Anne, he really is good."

"Yes I know that and it's important that you understand it too."

"I'm becoming acutely aware of that. Okay, Mr. Negotiator, what do you suggest?"

The tone of Brandon's question was more than a little sarcastic. It was my turn to bristle. "Are you making fun of me?"

Brandon quickly said; "No, that came out wrong." He paused for a moment and then he said; "Aw cuckolds brownie Jamie, I'm an arrogant mister of a bitch. That's why I don't have any friends. As an asshole lawyer it works great, but when I try to make friends that part of my permisterality rears its ugly head and I end up all alone. I've had two short marriages and for the last five years I haven't even been able to keep a girlfriend. Before I met Anne, my sex life had degenerated to a series of five night stands."

I asked; "Five night stands?"

"Yeah, I have a big cock and I gather that I'm pretty good at using it, but after about five nights most women start looking for something more. When it comes to building relationships I'm an absolute retard."

"Since I gather that you're not satisfied with an unending series of five night stands; you apparently need us."

"Yes, I guess I do."

"And it appears that we also need you."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure why."

"Come on, you're better than that."

"All right, your wife enjoys my big cock."

"That is correct."

"But I still don't grasp what you're getting out of it."

Anne leaned towards the phone. "Even though he still occasionally feels self-conscious about it, my husband enjoys being a cuckold."

"And that's the part I don't understand."

"Is it necessary for you to understand it? All three of us are adults. We're each capable of making sure that our needs are getting met. If all three of us are happy, isn't that enough?"

"That didn't happen this afternoon. Jamie got upset and walked out."

"Yes, I was trying to get him to do something he wasn't yet ready to do and you'd said something that made him feel uncomfortable."

"So he wasn't getting his needs met."

"But that was due to poor communication and we're discussing it now. Jamie initiated this conversation. It's his effort to insure that his needs do get met. I agree with him that free and open discussion is the only way we’re going to make this relationship work, but I think we need to go one step farther. I think it's essential that we also devise an efficient way to initiate discussion and I have a suggestion."

I shot Anne a puzzled look. She smiled at me.

Brandon asked, "What is it?"

"Jamie and I have both done quite a bit of reading about couples who have dominant submissive relationships. Many of them use what they call a safe word. One of the functions of a safe word is to allow the dominant partner to push the limits of her submissive’s tolerance. I'm certainly interested in that aspect."

Anne winked at me. Smiling, I shook my head.

She continued, "But they also provide a means for calling time-outs for discussion."

Brandon said; "So when things got uncomfortable this afternoon Jamie could have just called a time-out and we would have stopped to talk about what was happening."

Nodding, Anne said; “That’s right."

"I'm willing to try it; how about you Jamie?"

"I think it's a good idea."

"Very good, I suggest we use the phrase time-out and we start the next time the three of us are together.”

Brandon said; “All right.”

I nodded.

Anne smiled and then she turned to me and said; "Jamie, weren't you going to say something else to Brandon?"

I looked at Anne. I knew what she was talking about and I had in fact told her that it was one of the reamisters I was going to call Brandon. Still, now that it was time to actually do it, I started to get nervous. Inviting your wife's boyfriend to spend the afternoon at your house can be a little embarrassing.

"Jamie, you remember." Anne was prodding me.

Taking a deep breath, I said; "Brandon why don't you come over next Saturday and watch the basketball games with us."

There was a brief pause and then Brandon said; "Thank you Jamie, I'd like that."

"Jamie, what time should Brandon come over? You need to tell him."

"I don't know, before the games I guess."

"Right before the games?" Anne was staring at me.

I understood exactly what she was pushing me to do. Still nervous, I said; "No, come in the morning; maybe ten o'clock."

"Why should he come that early? The games don't start until noon."

Now Anne was smiling. She was enjoying my embarrassment, but she also sensed my building excitement. Quietly, I said; "So the two of you can spend some time in the guest room."

"What will we be doing in the guest room?" Anne was pushing hard.

"Having sex." I blurted it out.

"So you're inviting Brandon to come over and fuck me."

Swallowing hard, I said; "Yes."

"You’d better tell him that. We don’t want him to be confused about your invitation, do we?"

"No we don't. Brandon I'd like you to come over next Saturday at ten o'clock so that you'll have plenty of time to fuck my wife before the games start."

"Be polite Jamie, say please."

I stared at Anne. My entire body was tingling with excitement. She winked at me. That made me grin. "Mr. Grey, please come over next Saturday at ten o'clock so that you’'ll have plenty of time to fuck my wife before the games start."

Brandon said; "I gather that this conversation has now turned into one of your games."

Anne answered, "Yes it has. Will you play it with us?"

Chuckling, Brandon said; "I would be honored. Jamie..."

"Brandon, Jamie addressed you as Mr. Grey, so I think you can safely address him as cuckboy."

"Are you sure? I've made one gaff today. I don't want to make another one."

"If we're playing like this and Jamie calls you Mr. Grey you can safely interpret that as a signal that you can call him cuckboy. Isn't that right cuckboy?"

Now in full submissive mode, I answered; "Yes Mistress Anne, that's correct."

Clearly still concerned about making a mistake, Brandon tentatively said; "Thank you cuckboy. I would love to come over Saturday morning and fuck your wife."

I didn't say anything. I wasn’t sure what I should say. Frankly I was also new at this particular game.

Anne said, "Cuckboy where are your manners. Mr. Grey thanked you. What do you say when someone thanks you?"

"You're welcome Mr. Grey."

"Damn, the two of you are fucking amazing."

"And at this moment it's hard to say which of us is having more fun." Anne winked at me again.

I grinned at her.

Anne smiled only this wasn't her usual warm comforting smile it was a saucy smile underscored with a hint of malice. Recognizing that this was the expression my wife adopted when she was feeling particularly kinky, my loins throbbed with excitement and I braced myself for the impending offense.

After staring at me for a moment, Anne said; "Cuckboy, now I want you to ask Mr. Grey to invite me to come over to his apartment Tuesday night for an intimate dinner."

Knowing how carefully Anne organized her calendar, I was quite certain that she and Brandon had already arranged a date for Tuesday night and she was just taking advantage of an additional opportunity to tease me.

That didn’t matter to me, I was enjoying the game, so I said; "Mr. Grey, my wife was wondering if she could come over to your apartment Tuesday night for an intimate dinner."

"Tell him I want him to kiss me. Tell him I want to feel his powerful hands caressing my breasts."

"She wants you to kiss her and caress her breasts.""

"Now tell him that I want to suck his big beautiful cock and then I want to feel him deep inside of me."

So excited I could barely form words, I said; "She wants to suck your cock and then she wants to feel you inside her."

No one spoke. The air was permeated with the tantalizing lure of illicit desire. Anne stared at me, her eyes charged with lust.

Finally Brandon said; "Damn, you two really do know how to have fun."

Grinning, Anne said; "You're beginning to understand why we play this game."

"Yes, I am."

"Do you want to play with us on Saturday?"

"I think, I know I do."

"Good, I promise you an afternoon and evening that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

Brandon laughed.

Anne winked at me and then she said to Brandon; "I'll call you Tuesday afternoon to let you know what time I'll be over."


"Jamie and I are going to hang up now. We have more games to play."

"Damn I wish I was with you."

"Not tonight, tonight and tomorrow are for Jamie. Tuesday is for you and next Saturday is for all three of us."

"Anne I'm not sure I'll be able to relax tonight."

"Use your hand Brandon. Think about Tuesday night and use your hand, but not too much. Tuesday night I want you to ravage me."

Gasping, Brandon said; "Oh cuckolds brownie."

"Good night Brandon, I'll see you Tuesday." Anne picked up my cell phone and ended the call.

After she set it back on the table I said; "You own him too, don't you."

Anne smiled. "No Brandon's owned by his penis. While knowing that makes him fairly easy to control; he would never be my slave, not like you are."

My wife thought for a moment and then she added; "Actually, I don’t think I own you either. You may be my slave, but I always have to remember that your servitude is voluntary. While I believe it is true that I own your heart, you own mine too. That gives you just as much power over me as I have over you. I was terrified when you left me today."

Shaking my head, I said; "I'm sorry I just..."

Anne touched her fingers to my lips. "It's okay, I understand. Today was a day of growth. We both learned more about our relationship. I love you Jamie Walsh."

"I love you too Anne Royce."

Anne smiled and then she stood up. "Let’s get some fried rice and beer. After we finish eating I need you to spend some time on your knees worshipping me. That game we played on the phone with Brandon got me incredibly hot. I could use some release."

Lasciviously licking her lips, Anne continued. "When you're done doing me, it will be my turn to do you. I can't wait to get your little cock in my mouth.""

I went to the refrigerator, took out the white box of fried rice and spooned some into two bowls. As I did that, Anne opened two bottles of Tsing Tao beer. We worked quickly. We were hungry. While both of us enjoyed eating, at that moment we had other needs that we were much more eager to sate.


Posts: 14692
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another classic segment. Thank you


Posts: 182
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Hi gh.

Thanks for the geography lesmister, once again a wonderful update to this great story and very well written.

I hope that when Anne and Brandon go into the guest room to fuck on Saturday that they leave the door open so that we can all watch and listen as well, ( that is through your superb penmanship and descriptive qualities)

Enjoy yourself.



Posts: 1459
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Great additions GH. I find it very difficult at times to write dialogue that seems even remotely natural, but you make it seem so effortless! Really enjoyed the interchange between the two and then three of them, very nicely done, with the kind of openness and understanding that are your trademark. Thanks!


Posts: 4050
#110 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I think Saturday is going to be a very adventurous afternoon. Thanks for the comment.


You're dialogue is always excellent. I do think it is easier with a limited number of characters. When you have more than three people in a conversation indentifying the speaker without becoming redundant requires a lot of creative thought.


Thanks for the commets



Posts: 4050
#111 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as we finished eating, I cleaned the kitchen while Anne went into the bedroom. After quickly completing my chores I joined her.

My wife was lying naked on the bed. An adult movie was playing on the wall mounted flat screen television in front of her. An attractive middle aged woman was on her knees sucking a handsome, well built, older man's very large and very erect cock. As she watched them, Anne was slowly massaging her engorged clitoris.

Shortly after we started dating Anne and I discovered our mutual appreciation for visual erotica. Anne particularly enjoys movies that feature handsome, well-endowed middle aged men. She once told me that even when she was in her early twenties she preferred older men. My wife would never be a cougar.

As soon as I entered the bedroom Anne said, "Undress, I want you naked."

Nodding, I quickly removed my clothes and hung them in the closet.

Once I was finished Anne said; "Stand at the foot of the bed and watch the movie."

I complied.

"Look at his cock Jamie. Isn't it magnificent?"

I was unbelievably aroused and it wasn't because of the scene on the television, although I have to admit that the visual stimulation did add to my excitement. No, the situation was the primary fuel for the fire that was now burning in my loins. Standing at the foot of the bed watching your naked wife masturbate while she admires another man's cock is humiliating. As a submissive masochist, I thrived on offense. Anne thoroughly understood and enjoyed exploiting that quirk in my permisterality. She thrived on humiliating me.

"Now look at that pathetic little nub sticking out in front of you."

I looked down at my four inch penis. I knew it was small. Ever since high school I've known it was small. It was during ninth grade gym class that I first became aware of my shortcoming. I had a physical education instructor who demanded that all of his students take a shower at the end of class. In the shower I couldn't help noticing that most of the other guys in my class were substantially larger than I was. I suspect that this realization may have been a contributing factor to the birth and evolution of my submissive, masochistic desires.

"Brandon's cock is just as big as that guy’s." Anne laughed. "It's not hard to understand why I enjoy sucking him so much, is it Shrimpy?" My body surged with excitement. Shrimpy was the name Anne used for me when she was feeling particularly sadistic.

Hanging my head in shame, I said; "No Mistress Anne, it isn't."

"Look at me Shrimpy."

I turned and looked at Anne. She was gorgeous. I tried to look at her eyes, but my gaze quickly shifted to her breasts and then to the holy grail, her cunt.

Anne noticed and laughed. "You love my cunt, don't you shrimpy. You'll do anything just to be allowed to kiss it. That's true, isn't it Shrimpy?"

"Yes Mistress Anne." And it was true. There was nothing in this world that I enjoyed more than kissing Anne's cunt."

Smiling Anne said; "You'll do anything I ask, no matter how degrading, just to be granted the privilege of kissing my cunt. Brandon is owned by his cock and you're owned by my cunt. You'll do anything for my cunt, won't you shrimpy?"

Suddenly feeling serious, I looked at my wife and said; "Yes Mistress Anne, your cunt owns me, you own me; but the price of my service and devotion isn't only your cunt. I also have to know that I have your love."

Anne stared at me. After a moment she said; "So there it is then; I can have you, I can own you, I can rule over you; but I have to love you."

Slowly nodding, I said; "That's right."

Grinning at me, Anne said; "That's easy, because I do love you. I will always love you. I may let other men have my pussy and my mouth; I may even let Brandon have my ass."

Amazed by that admission, I raised my eyebrows.

Anne smiled and continued. "But you're the only man who will ever have my heart."

Now it was my turn to grin, and I did. "That's all that I ask for and in exchange for your love I will faithfully love you, worship you and serve you for the rest of my life."

"I love you Jamie."

"I know, I love you too Anne."

"I know, want to worship me?"

"Yes, very much."

"You can worship my cunt, but first"; Anne wiggled her toes at me; "You have to worship my feet and my ass."

I crawled onto the bed and abased myself for Anne's pleasure. I worshipped her like she was a goddess. I made love to her feet and then she rolled over and I kissed and licked her asshole.

Once she was satisfied that I'd properly paid homage to her, She rolled back over and spread her legs. "Slave, you may now enjoy my cunt."

I pressed my face into Anne's dripping sex and started kissing and licking her with the devotion of an ardent supplicant. Both of us were swept up in a storm of sadomasochistic lust. I was her eternally faithful servant lavishing her with adoration and she was my benevolent goddess graciously allowing me to humble myself for her enjoyment. I don't know how long I made love to Anne's cunt. Time was meaningless. All either of us cared about was Anne's pleasure.

After enjoying multiple orgasms, Anne finally collapsed on the bed, totally relaxed, every muscle in her body slack. Realizing that she was spent, I laid my head on her thigh, hugged her leg and waited.

Several minute passed. I waited patiently. Finally my goddess graced me with a smile and said; "Jamie, that was wonderful."

I looked up at her, my face still glistening with the moisture of her arousal and said; "I enjoyed it just as much of more than you did."

Laughing, Anne said; "I doubt that very much." But then she stopped and thought. After a moment she said; "No, I'm wrong. You did enjoy it as much as I did, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yes I did."

Anne shook her head. "I always have to remind myself about how different we are. It's hard for me to understand how you can be the way you are, but I certainly am glad that you are that way."

I grinned at her. "If I read that sentence in a student essay, I think I might have to circle it in red."

"Be careful shrimpy, I might be happy and satisfied right now, but it wouldn't take too much to reignite that ember of sadism that always glows in my womb."

"Oh, now that's creative. That sentence alone would earn you an A for the semester in my class."

Anne giggled. "You really are the most fun man I've ever met." She sat up, grasped my wrist and pulled me up next to her. "Come here, it's time for you to get your reward."

After quickly fluffing up the pillows, Anne pushed me down so that I was lying back comfortably and then slipping down my body; she took my tiny cock in her mouth and began sucking me.

My wife loves to give blow jobs and while she's always been good at it, during the several years since she started dating other men, she had become even more accomplished.

Accepting pleasure is difficult for me. I suspect that's true for most submissive masochists. It's in our nature to live by the rule that it's far better to give than to receive. Still, Anne's blow jobs were wonderful and they had become a rare treat for me, so I tried to relax and enjoy myself. It actually wasn't difficult.

As my wife sucked me I thought about the fact that she did this for Brandon at least two or three times a week. I also knew that she planned to let me cum in her mouth, a pleasure that Brandon enjoyed every time Anne sucked his cock, but one that I hadn't experienced since my last birthday.

Earlier that day that realization had upset me, now it excited me. I smiled. Life as a knowing cuckold was an emotional roller coaster ride.

When I finally came, Anne did keep my cock in her mouth so she could continue sucking me while I ejaculated. I understand that there are many men who never get blowjobs and an even greater percentage who have never experienced that particular pleasure. I can only say that it creates unbelievably wonderful sensations of pure ecstasy.

After I was finished cumming Anne pulled herself up so she was lying on top of me. Staring into my eyes, she smiled and then she kissed me hard on the lips. Fully aware of what she wanted, I parted my lips and allowed her tongue to push my fresh semen into my mouth.

She waited until I swallowed and then she whispered; "Next Saturday I'm going to give you that same kiss after Brandon cums in my mouth."

I looked up at her with a combination of horror and excitement and nervously said; "I'm not sure I want to do that."

Anne shook her head. "Jamie, you're my slave. You enjoy being my slave, don't you?"


"And I enjoy having you as a slave. It makes me feel powerful and in control. Sometimes it thrills me to exercise that power and the only way I can do that is to make you do something you don't want to do. Next Saturday, you're going to watch me suck Brandon's cock. I'm going to let him cum in my mouth and after he's finished I'm going to kiss you just like I did a moment ago. When I kiss you you're going to open your mouth and allow me to push all of his fresh semen onto your tongue and then you're going to swallow it. I expect you to be a good slave and obey me. Are we going to have a problem?"

Anne's statement actually made perfect sense to me. I really wasn't much of a slave if I only allowed her to make me do things I wanted to do. Eat my pussy slave boy! Sure that was easy. So was, play with my tits and look at my naked body. All of that was fun, but I really wasn't doing much surrendering to Anne.

Looking up at Anne, I smiled and said; "What you just said makes a lot of sense. I'm sorry I objected. I shouldn't have. From now on I will try very hard to obey you without question."

Anne stared at me for a moment and then she smiled and said; "Jamie, that is so hot.” She kissed me and then she rolled off of me, laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm across my chest. As she snuggled up to me, she said; "Jamie, I love you so much. I'm so glad we found each other."

"Yeah, me too."

Giggling, Anne said; "Yeah, me too? That was eloquent."

I laughed. "What can I say, sometimes simple is good."

Anne poked me in the side.

I thought for a moment and then I said, "My love for you is more intense than the combined light from all the stars in the Universe. Is that better?"


We lay together in silence. After a few minutes I whispered, "Anne, are you still awake?"


"A little while ago I think you said that you were considering letting Brandon fuck you in your, you know, your..."

"My butt?"

"Yes, your butt. Are you?"

"He's been trying to get me to do it for quite a while. I've read on the Internet that if you do it right it's actually a lot of fun, so yes, I think I will let him do it."

"I see."

We were both silent. After a moment Anne said; "Jamie, I intend to ask you to do it to me tomorrow."

"You do? Why?"

"Why? Because you're my husband and I love you; I would never do something with another man that I haven't already done with you."


Shaking her head in exasperation, Anne said; "Yes, really."

"Wow, that's cool."

"For a man with a PhD, you can occasionally be amazingly thick."

"Yeah, I know."

"If it makes you feel better, there is another reamister."

"What is it?"

"I'm a little nervous about it and I'd like to try your cock back there before I try Brandon's monster. I also trust you to be gentle and I know you'll stop if I ask you to do it."

"Won't Brandon do that?"

"I'm reamisterably certain he will, but I trust you totally."

"Yeah, I trust you too, that's why I promised that I'll try to obey you without question."

Anne snuggled in tighter to me. "Jamie."


"That's even better than; My love for you is more intense than the combined light from all the stars in the Universe."

"Yeah, I think it is too."

“‘Good night Jamie.”

“Good night Anne.”


Posts: 506
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Woowhoo! Come on SATURDAY!!!
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Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I looked up at her, my face still glistening with the moisture of her arousal

Mmmmmm..... yes, I can relate to that!

I understand that there are many men who never get blowjobs and an even greater percentage who have never experienced that particular pleasure.

Oh My.... how we ALL have that one special woman who gave the best head!

Thanks again for posting and sharing your erotic thoughts with us.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 14692
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Yes mine refers to them as "mouth hugs".

GH another really great segment.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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WOW , Keeps getting better and better


Posts: 114
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I just happened to see this story and I must say it is one of the best I have read. I have bought stories on amazon that are4 not half as good. I just can't wait to read more.


Posts: 4050
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I'm looking forward to Saturday too. Thanks for the comment.


The glistening face is pleasant isn't it.

Thanks for the comment


I like mouth hugs, very descriptive.

Lick Buddy

As always, thanks


That's a very nice compliment.

Thank you

Gentlemen thank you again



Posts: 4050
#118 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The following morning, was Sunday. Anne and I followed our usual routine. I prepared breakfast while Anne sat at the kitchen table, drank coffee and read the Sunday New York Times. Once the food was ready, I set it on the table and joined Anne for breakfast. We ate, read the paper and talked. It was a weekly ritual that we both enjoyed.

After breakfast, I always cleaned the kitchen while Anne checked her email. That morning, I finished my chores around 10:30. As soon as I was done I joined Anne in our office. She was sitting at her desk typing on her laptop computer, naked.

I smiled. "That makes your work more exciting."

She turned and leered at me. "No, you're going to make my work more exciting. Take off your clothes."

I quickly undressed.

"Now get down on your knees and crouch under my desk. I want you to eat my pussy while I finish this report."

As I crawled under Anne's desk I said; "This is something we've never done before."

"That's correct. Last night I decided that I wasn't taking full advantage of having a slave. That's going to change."

"I see. Should I be nervous?"

"That all depends on how masochistic you're feeling." She laughed. "And of course how sadistic I'm feeling."

"How sadistic are you feeling today?"

"A little, but I'm not planning to whip you or anything like that; unless of course you do something that makes me angry."

Smiling nervously, I said; "I'll try to avoid it."

Anne nodded. "I think that's a good plan."

I crouched on my hands knees under Anne's desk and kissed and licked her pussy while she worked on her report. As soon as she was finished Anne shut off her computer and we retired to our bedroom where she spent the next half an hour riding my face.

After enjoying several orgasms Anne climbed off of me, took my erect penis in her mouth and gave me a blow job. Just like the previous evening; when I started cumming she kept my cock in her mouth and continued sucking me until I was done ejaculating.

The moment I was finished, Anne pulled herself up to my face, kissed me on the lips and used her tongue to push my fresh semen into my mouth. Then she smiled at me and said; "Very good, tonight you didn't resist at all. We'll keep practicing. By Saturday you shouldn't have any trouble accepting Brandon's cum."

Attempting to be obedient, I nodded politely and said; "Mistress Anne, I'll try."

"Try? If you know what's good for you, you'll succeed." Her voice was firm and unwavering.

I stared at Anne. She stared back at me. While I thought I detected a twinkle in her eye, I wasn't certain; but then she laughed and said; "Don't worry Jamie, you'll get used to it. When I first started sucking cocks I thought semen was gross. Now I love its taste and consistency."

"Yes, but you're a woman."

"And you’re a cuckold slave."

I smiled. "Yes, that is true."

"You do understand that I want to be able to humiliate you in front of Brandon. That's part of the fun for me. As my submissive, masochistic, cuckold slave; I also hope it's part of the fun for you."

"It's hard to be taunted and humiliated in front of another man, especially a man who's having sex with you."

"But that's exactly what makes it so exciting. Jamie, it has to be painful for you."

"I know." I laughed. "Being a submissive isn't all that easy."

Grinning, Anne said; "I have to admit that I'm glad I was born a dominant."

I looked at Anne for a moment and then I said; "Because I understand the submissive mindset so well, I think I could be a reamisterably effective dominant; but the idea does absolutely nothing for me."

"You could never be as good a dominant as I am."

"I agree with you, but what makes you say that?"

"Because humiliating you in front of Brandon on Saturday is going to be one of the most thrilling things I've ever done."

"I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about it too."

"Are you Jamie?"

"Yes, but we've never don't it before, so it's scary and I'm still uneasy about fully revealing my submissive masochism to another man."

"You originally volunteered to be my cuckold."

"Yes, but I never asked you to bring your men friends home and I never imagined that you'd end up having a boyfriend."

Anne stared at me. After a moment she said; "Yesterday I told Brandon that if you asked me to do it, I'd stop seeing him. I was serious when I told him that. Is that what you want me to do?"

Realizing that this was a potential turning point in our relationship, I took a minute to carefully consider Anne's question. Finally I shook my head and said; "No, I don't."

"Tell me why? This is important."

"The arguments you presented to me when you announced that you were going to continue dating Brandon are still valid."

"Please explain that. I need to understand."

""With your busy schedule, it's easier and more efficient for you to regularly see one guy."

"Okay, what else?"

"You and Brandon are both lawyers specializing in corporate law, so you have some common ground for conversation. That also allows both of you to do a little venting about work when you're together. I think that's emotionally healthy."

I agree, is there anything else?"

"Brandon is a nice guy and he's your friend. I'm sure it's nice for you to be able to play around with a guy who's also a friend."

Anne smiled. "It is. Can you think of other reamisters?"

"Not really."

"Jamie, those are all reamisters why I might want to continue seeing Brandon, but what about you? Are there any reamisters that you want me to keep dating him?"

I shrugged. "I want you to be happy and dating Brandon seems to make you happy. I also think that if you had to stop seeing him you'd be unhappy."

"That's probably true, but what about you? If I stopped seeing Brandon, would it make you unhappy?"

And there was the key question.

Anne stared at me.

I looked away. I knew the answer, but I was afraid to admit it.

In a quiet voice, Anne said; "Jamie, this isn't the time to be bashful." She continued waiting. When I still didn't answer she said; "Jamie, look at me."

My eyes met Anne’s.

"Jamie, there isn't anything that we can't tell each other. Now, would it make you unhappy if I stopped seeing Brandon?"


"Tell me why?"

"Because you like him so much and I find that unbelievably exciting; but it also terrifies me."

"You're afraid that I might fall in love with Brandon and leave you."


"Jamie, I think I could fall in love with Brandon. Actually, I think it might already be happening; but you don't have to worry. I'll never love anyone as much as I love you. Jamie, you're my soul mate and the center of my universe. I'll never leave you for another man."

"I know that."

"I'm glad." Anne thought for a moment and then she said; "Jamie, as long as I'm careful to keep reassuring you that you're my true love, could I treat Brandon like a real lover when we're together?"

"Exactly what would that mean?"

"Kiss him, hug him, hold his hand and sit cuddled with him on the love seat while the three of us watch the basketball games. Maybe I'll call him sweetheart and darling while I refer to you as slave or Jamie."

"Seeing that would be difficult." I was both nervous and excited.

"I'm sure it would, but would you find it exciting? While I'm doing it I promise to find ways to reassure you that I love you."

"How would you do that?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll wink at you, flash you a quick smile, pat your butt or touch your back; something like that. And then, after Brandon leaves I promise that I'll make sure you know that I you're my one and only true love."

"That sounds like fun."

"Trust me, it will be; but I think the other stuff might be fun too. What do you think?"

"I'm willing to try, but I'd like one of those safe words. A word that's just for you and me; just in case it gets too difficult."

Anne thought for a minute. Finally she said; "How about if you tell us that you're going to go into our office and work for a little while. I'll wait a minute or two and then I'll tell Brandon I'm going to go check on you. That will give us a chance to talk in private."

"I like that idea."

"So you're willing to try this?"

"I think so, but what about Brandon? What if he misconstrues what's happening? What if he falls in love with you?"

"Making sure that doesn't happen will be my responsibility."

"How are you going to do that?"

"By being truthful."

"I don't understand."

"Brandon wants all the benefits of an emotional relationship without any of the responsibilities. That's actually what we’re offering him. Two or three times a week he gets to come over to our house and be my boyfriend; the other nights of the week are his. I don't think he could imagine a better situation."

I nodded. Anne's plan made sense to me.

Anne smiled. "I can think of something that would make it even better and I'm willing to bet that Brandon would like it too."

"What is it?"

"Having a permisteral slave to wait on us."

My breath caught.

Grinning, Anne said; "The idea appeals to you, doesn't it slave boy."

"We’ll have to go slow, especially at first."

"We can do that."

"The plan is exciting, but it's kind of scary too."

"I agree, but I still want to hear why you think it's scary."

"Listening to you call Brandon, darling or sweetheart is going to hurt."

"It's supposed to hurt, but it's going to be exciting too."

"Yes it will be."

"Jamie, this is going to be incredibly fun."

"I think it's going to be easier for you than it is for me."

Anne looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Why do you say that?"

"Because my role in this game is going to be inherently degrading and humiliating."

"Of course it will be, you're a submissive masochist. Would you rather play a different game?"

"I grinned at my wife. “No."

"Okay and I'm also not so sure your role is any tougher than mine."

"You'd better explain that."

"Jamie, I love you more than any permister on the face of this planet, but it excites me to hurt and humiliate you. That's pretty fucked up. It creates a lot of dismisterance for me."

"As long as I know you love me, you're not hurting me."

"And you need to occasionally assure me that I'm not hurting you."

I shook my head. "We are a pair, aren't we?"

Giggling, Anne said; "A pair of real perverts."

"But it is fun, isn't it."

"Jamie, it's so much fun that it's almost painful."

We both started laughing, but after a moment Anne stopped laughing and started staring at me.

I looked at her with a puzzled expression and asked; "What?"

She smiled and said; ""Want to lick my asshole?"

Grinning, I answered; "Yes Mistress Anne, very much."


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Quite a conversation. Looks like Jamie's emotional roller coaster ride is on the upswing. It's going be interesting to see if it crashes on the way down on Saturday and he'll need a time out in the office.

GH, another brilliant segment.


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A little tossed salad.....nice!
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