Posts: 4050
When I left the den to get another beer for Brandon and me Anne excused herself and followed.
Once we were in the kitchen she asked; "Is this going too fast for you?"
"No everything is fine. Brandon's nice, that helps."
"Were you okay while we were in the guest bedroom?"
"Yeah, actually it was pretty exciting, but I did find one thing a little frustrating."
"What was that?"
"I had trouble hearing."
Anne laughed. "The next time Brandon comes over I'll leave the bedroom door open."
"Do you think he'll be okay with that?"
"Brandon's a smart man. He now understands the score. He can have my pussy any time he wants it, but he has to play by our rules."
"Do you think he'll be willing to do that?"
"I don't have any doubt at all. Brandon's every bit as kinky as we are. All he needs is a little time to come to terms with the realization that you're enjoying this arrangement just as much as he is. Actually, right now I'm a lot more worried about you than I am about him."
"What do you mean?"
"That little speech you just gave in the den substantially advanced our timetable. You admitted to Brandon that you're a submissive masochist and you live as my slave. It was said quickly; but believe me, Brandon is sharp. He never misses anything. Right now I'm certain he's sitting in the den considering the ramifications of your admission."
"I thought you'd already told him."
"I've alluded to it, but there's a big difference between a few veiled references by me and a frank admission from you."
"Is he going to get pushy?"
"No I'm sure he won't. That's not Brandon's style. I do think that he's going to be very interested in exploring the potential benefits of the situation."
"Should I be worried?"
"No, but I think you should prepare yourself."
"For what?"
"I don't think it's going to be long before you’re living the complete submissive cuckold sex fantasy."
I stared at Anne.
She smiled and said; "Relax sweetheart, I will never get you into a situation you’re not ready to accept and enjoy."
"Is anything going to happen this afternoon or evening?"
“Absolutely not, I think the three of us should spend today becoming friends. Jamie, you and Brandon were having a very good time watching the game together. There isn't any reamister the three of us can't continue doing that. We’ll have a few beers, watch the games; maybe get some Chinese takeout for supper, have a few more beers while we watch the evening games and then we’ll call it a night."
"Will Brandon be satisfied with that?"
"Honey, Brandon's a workaholic like me. He doesn't get many opportunities to relax and have a good time. He might enjoy this even more then the sex we had earlier."
I smiled. "Okay."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you? I imagine that listening to Brandon and me earlier was rather stimulating. Are you sure you wouldn't like a little relief?"
"I ah, well yeah but..."
"It will be okay."
"What about Brandon?"
"I'll just tell him."
"You'll tell him?"
"Sure why not? You waited in the den while he did me. He can certainly wait a few minutes while I give you a blow job."
"Yes but, I mean..."
"You did it with him, I mean really did it with him at least three times."
"You're saying that I let Brandon fuck me three times today."
"You're right, so what?"
"It will be embarrassing when you tell him all I'm getting is a blow job."
"I see." Anne paused. After taking a moment to think, she said; "Jamie honey, have I ever neglected you?"
"What makes you think I will now?"
"You just said."
"That I'm going to give you a blow job."
"That's just to give you a little relief right now, but that's not all you're going to get. Tomorrow is going to be your day and I guarantee you that you and I are going to have just as much fun as Brandon and I did today."
"But he won't..."
"He won't know that?"
"I'll make sure he does."
"How are you going to do that?"
"Just leave it to me. That's the easy part."
Posts: 182
Hi gh, it is getting better and better by the post please keep the updates coming.
Posts: 32
This is a great story. The development of the story line and the characters is interesting. It makes both people seem real, and I can't wait to see how they advance emotionally and physically.
Posts: 1914
GH, You're lucky to have an Anne in your life. Oh sorry, you just invented her, never mind.
To write, perchance to dream ..
Posts: 14692
Another segment from the master
Posts: 111
GH, It's a great story! I'm here to stay. JJ.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Can't wait to see where this ends up ! 
Posts: 20
Again a great story , Goodhusband.Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Spip2
Posts: 506
Is there a 'cinderella' story in the making?? must stay tuned... Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 1459
goodhusband: I'm sure there are those who would argue that the baloney and cheese sandwich and bowl of chips negated any possible positive effects of the V8 Juice. To those people I say, go eat a salad and leave me alone. I could have had a diet soda with my sandwich and chips. Wow, great sexy stories and the wisdom of life as well! Truer words were never spoken. I'm really enjoying this story GH - guess I'll have to deal with missing 'Illicit' for awhile. Love the pace at which you're bringing it along, very real and well thought-out, almost as if it was based on a true story... Thanks for bringing it to us!
Posts: 152
Hi GH. when I was young I lived both sides of dominance and presentation, and I have been reverse cuckold, and been played. I am also one of the lucky ones with a very passionate and loving marriage (PREMIUM vanilla) for multiple decades. It is good to read your stuff because your characters give life to so many of the thoughts and fears and hopes and fantasies we "youngren of the kink" have. You also have a knack for showing more than one facet of the permister, and I appreciate that. When I first realized I also had a dominant side, I was HORRIFIED. It took one sweet little gal I had spanked spilling her guts to me about how she had felt empty her whole adolescence and adulthood until I spanked and used her to get me to accept myself. I then reazlized that Getting off on that did not make me a monster. She pointed out that in real life outside the "scene" I would never take advantage of anyone. Hell I could have read one of your stories and figured it out in 5 minutes. Course there was no internet in the 70s. LOL
I also like the fact a story like this describes all the loving feelings they have for each other. Until I met my wife, I was the odd "bull" out a few times, and was jealous of the deep love between my trystettes and their hubbys! I hope I dig the other pages as much as this one, and hope you never stop sharing. Like the misterg says: 'I'll take romance" !
Posts: 4050
#72 · Edited by: goodhusband
Ajax, rub, timmy, jjthom, lick buddy, smeyfd, alcabin, storm, oldbearswitch
Thank you for your kind comments, I appreciate them.
Edited by Lisa. We only do fantasy.
I apolgize that these new posts have taken so long. I had a bad case of writers block this week. When I get writers block I try to write myself out of it. Sometimes that leads me off on tangents that aren't productive. I wrote several segments that I eventually deleted. It''s kind of like writing a story about a guy who has a bump on his nose and then spending 40 pages describing how he got the bump. It's not productive story telling.
Gentlemen, thanks again for the kind comments.
Posts: 4050
When we returned to the den I handed Brandon his beer. While I was setting mine on the table next to my chair, Anne said; "Brandon, Jamie and I are going to take a short break. When you and I were playing in the guest bedroom we made quite a bit of noise. Jamie overheard us and right now he's a little overstimulated. I'm going to take him into the bedroom and give him some relief."
"Maybe I should leave." Brandon started to stand up.
Anne quickly said; "No please stay. Both Jamie and I really would enjoy your company while we watch the games. This is just going to be a short break. You wore me out earlier so Jamie's not going to get his real turn until tomorrow."
Frozen in a half standing half sitting position, Brandon said; "Are you sure. I don't want to impose."
Anne shook her head. "You won't be imposing at all."
Looking at me, he asked; "Are you sure it won't bother you if I stay here?"
"I was in here while you were in the guest room with Anne. Did that bother you?" As soon as I asked the question I realized it may have been imprudent. The fact that I was Anne's husband added a dimension that raised a series of questions; complicated questions that none of us were yet ready to address.
Brandon stared at me for a moment and then he said; "Actually, I was mostly concerned that our activities might be bothering you."
Laughing, Anne said; "The elephant seems to be joining the conversation again."
Brandon and I both grinned.
Anne said; "Guys, trust me; the moment anyone starts to feel uncomfortable, I'll make sure we stop and work it out. Right now I don't actually think that's happening."
She looked at me. "Other than the concern you have for everyone's feelings and your worry about what Brandon is thinking about all of this; are you uncomfortable with the situation?"
I shrugged. "Not really."
Clearly puzzled, Brandon asked; "You're saying that you weren't bothered by what happened a little while ago in the guest room?"
I was about to answer, but Anne cut me off. “Brandon, that's a very complicated question, a question that should be saved for an evening when the two of you can discuss it at length over several glasses of good whiskey. For the time being I think it will suffice to say; no, Jamie was not bothered by what happened today in the guest room."
Brandon looked at me.
I nodded.
Shaking his head, Brandon said; "That's difficult for me to understand."
"Brandon, while that may be true, I'm not sure that it's important."
"What do you mean?"
Anne smiled at him and then she turned to me. "Jamie, are you having a good time this afternoon?"
Realizing where Anne was going, I said; "Yes, as a matter of fact I am."
Anne said, "So am I." And then she looked at her boyfriend and asked; "Brandon, are you having a good time this afternoon?"
Chuckling, Brandon answered; "Hell yes, I've got a good bottle of beer in my hand, I'm watching the basketball games with two people I like and I just got laid. If I claimed I wasn't having a good time, someone should slap me silly."
"So all of us are having a good time; isn't that really all that matters?"
Slowly nodding, Brandon said; "Yes, I guess it is."
"Will you stay and watch the basketball games while Jamie and I are in the bedroom? Please say yes. We'll only be gone for a few minutes and when, we get back the three of us can spend the rest of the evening watching basketball together. It will be fun." And then Anne winked at Brandon and added; "If you do stay, I'll make sure that you get an extra little reward right before you go home."
Brandon shook his head. "Jamie, your wife is the best negotiator in the upper Midwest. When she's trying to close a deal she has an uncanny ability to sense the perfect moment to sweeten the pot."
Realizing that in this case the pot sweetener was a blow job, I said; "Yes, I can see that."
Not allowing herself to be distracted, Anne pressed; "So you'll stay?"
Brandon sat back down in his chair. After he took a sip of his beer, he said; "Yes, I'll be right here watching the game."
Anne smiled. "Thank you." And then quickly taking my arm, she said; "Come on Jamie, we have business to conduct in the bedroom."
Posts: 4050
Anne led me to our bedroom. As soon as we were inside she closed the door and started taking off her jeans and sweatshirt. While she was undressing she explained; "For the time being the guest room is going to be the bedroom that I share with Brandon. The master bedroom will still be exclusively our room."
Acutely aware that my wife had started that statement with the words, for the time being; I obediently said; "Yes Mistress Anne, I understand."
Noting the submissive demeanor I'd taken, Anne said; "You're really enjoying this, aren't you Jamie."
"Yes I am."
"Would you like me to be a little creative?"
"Yes please."
Anne smiled. "All right, get undressed." It was an order not a request.
While I was undressing Anne took off her panties and lay down on the bed with her head on a pillow and her thighs spread apart.
As soon as I was naked, she said; "Look at me cuckboy." She was lasciviously fingering her exposed sex."
I stared. I couldn't help myself. Anne's cunt was an object of adoration for me.
"You love my pussy, don't you cuckboy?"
I nodded.
"Would you like to kiss it?"
"Yes Mistress Anne, I’d like that very much."
"Are you sure? Less than an hour ago another man was fucking me."
"I understand."
"And that doesn't matter to you?"
"No Mistress Anne, it doesn't."
Anne smiled. "Jamie, we have so much fun together. Come here and kiss me. Show me how much you love me. Show me that you'll kiss my cunt right after another man fucked me."
I climbed onto the bed, crawled between Anne's thighs and pressed my lips to her pussy. She was wet.
When she felt my lips touch her sex Anne shuddered with excitement and breathlessly whispered, "Yes Jamie; That’s what I want; kiss me, kiss me hard."
I closed my eyes and kissed my wife with passion.
"Use your tongue Jamie, French kiss my cunt, lick me."
I licked the moist cleft of Anne's pussy and then I pushed my tongue into her.
She gasped. "Yes, yes! That's exactly right. Lick me there. Fuck me with your tongue just like Brandon fucked me with his cock."
Anne's comments were driving me wild. At that moment I would have done anything to please her. I pushed my tongue as deep into her cunt as I possibly could.
"Can you taste him Jamie? Can you taste Brandon's cock?"
Of course, we both knew that I couldn't. Brandon had worn a condom. That didn't matter to either of us. One of the many reamisters that Anne and I liked each other so much was our mutual ability to fantasize while we played.
I looked up at her. "Yes, I can taste him."
That made Anne giggle with delight. "Yes, I want you to taste him. I want you to taste my lover's cock cuckboy!"
I tried to lick Anne even harder. She responded by grinding her cunt into my face. For a moment time seemed to stand still. We were both lost in haze of sexual frenzy. Suddenly Anne grabbed my hair and pulled my face up. "Suck my clit cuckboy! Make me cum! Make me cum all over your face!"
Eager to please my wife in any way she desired, I sucked her engorged clit into my mouth and began licking it with my tongue.
Anne laughed hysterically. "Jamie, you always know exactly what I want. Do it! Suck me! Make me cum!"
Anne was in a frenzy of excitement. When she gets that aroused she doesn’t want to be teased, she wants to cum and she wants it to happen immediately.
I did know exactly what to do. Still sucking on her clit, I slipped first one and then two fingers into her cunt and started finger fucking her while I sucked her.
As soon as she felt the presence of my fingers Anne started wildly bucking her hips and cried out, "Oh yes! You always know what I need."
The next few seconds were a tempest of unrestrained ecstasy. Anne was uncontrollably laughing and writhing while I madly sucked her clit and fingered her cunt. Then, without warning she stopped moving and every muscle in her body seemed to lock. Knowing what was about to happen I kept sucking her clit and finger fucking her cunt.
Suddenly Anne screamed and her entire body began to shake. I slipped my fingers out of her cunt, pulled back and waited. I was very familiar with Anne's orgasms and knew that once they began she preferred to be left alone so that she could fully enjoy them. As I watched her I wondered if Brandon had to abide by the same rule.
After a few moments Anne's body calmed and her cries of ecstasy turned into soft whimpers of contentment. I pulled myself up so that I was lying next to her. Looking into her eyes, I whispered, "Hey princess, how’re you doing?"
Yes, Anne was my dominant mistress and I was her slave, but we were also close friends and lovers. There were times, actually many times that we set our sex games aside and simply enjoyed each other. During those times Anne was my princess and I was her sweet prince or she was my kitten and I was her tiger. I'm sure this sounds hokey, even unbelievable to many people, but it was reality. Anne and I were many things to each other, but first and foremost we were lovers in the truest sense of the word.
Smiling at me, Anne said; "Mr. Sweet Prince, I feel wonderful."
"Mr. Sweet Prince? That's a very formal title."
"Oh yes, and one that you richly deserve. You do know that you will always be my main man."
Laughing, I said; "You just keep me around because you know I worship you."
Anne stared at me for a moment and then she said; "No Jamie. I keep you around because I worship you. We play games, amazingly exciting games, but they're just games. Jamie, you will always be the man of my dreams, my Adonis."
"Your Adonis?"
"My Adonis."
"What about Brandon?"
"He's a good friend and a great fuck, but he will never be my Adonis."
Grinning at Anne, I said; "I’m an Adonis, maybe I can get a permisteralized license late for my car. "
Shaking her head in exasperation, Anne punched my arm and said; "Don't let it go to your head cuckboy."
"Whew! Now there's an abrupt change; Adonis to cuckboy."
Poking me with her finger, Anne said; "And never forget just how quickly that can happen.” And then smiling at me, she added; “Now, would my tiger like a blow job?"
"That would be wonderful."
Anne fluffed up several pillows. "Lay back and relax, a tiger should always be very comfortable while his kitten is sucking his cock."
I lay back. Once she was certain I was comfortable Anne went to work. My wife may have a dominant permisterality, but she still enjoys giving head to a man. Actually she doesn't just enjoy it, she savors it.
Since I viewed oral sex as a mild act of presentation this seemed to be a strange inconsistency to me. Anne has always disagreed and explained that as far as she's concerned, giving head is just another form of sexual interaction. To her a penis, especially an erect penis is an object of wonder and fascination. Sucking, licking and fondling these mystical entities is indescribably exciting and that's all that matters to her. Since I have exactly the same feelings about a woman's pussy, it was easy to understand that position.
Anne contended that kissing her feet and her ass were the real demonstrations of my presentation to her and it would be unseemly for her to even consider performing those acts for me. Enjoying the clear definition of our roles, I happily agreed with her.
My wife is a bright woman who strives for excellence in everything she does. This propensity governs all aspects of her life including her sexual practices. Anne is great in bed and she gives an amazing blow job, so it didn't take her long to get me off. The events of the day also had me unbelievably excited. While my wife is s*******ed enough to prolong a blow job almost indefinitely, we both knew that Brandon was waiting in the next room, so she took care of me quickly and efficiently.
While Anne loves me and she does occasionally allow me to cum in her mouth, we both enjoy our power games so generally she reserves that pleasure for the exclusive enjoyment of her stud lovers. Instead, when she senses that I'm on the verge of ejaculating, she takes my cock out of her mouth, makes me get on my knees and masturbate myself to orgasm while she watches. When I cum it’s generally on her feet, her ass or her breasts and as soon as I'm finished she immediately makes me lick up all of my fresh semen.
That day Anne allowed me to cum on her breasts. As I was licking her clean, she said; "I let Brandon cum in my mouth today. He enjoys it when I suck him while he's ejaculating and I love the feel of his huge cock throbbing in my mouth." She was deliberately taunting me.
Fully enjoying my role as a submissive, I momentarily stopped licking my semen off of Anne's nipple and looked up at her. "You're lucky to have such a powerful lover."
"Yes cuckboy, I am. Now finish cleaning my breasts. We're neglecting him. We need to get back to the den."
Nodding obediently, I said; "Yes Mistress Anne, I understand."
As I went back to licking my cum off of her breasts, Anne giggled. "Tiger, you have to be the most fun man in the entire world."
I kissed each of Anne's nipples and said; "We do know how to have a good time, don't we."
Posts: 182
Hi gh,
Once again great stuff, I was rather surprised to see an update to the story this weekend, what with the Masters in full swing in Augusta, I am loving it and I am watching it all.
Keep them coming when you can.
Posts: 14692
you sure got over your writer's block with a bang. I hope that you get to enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.
Again many thanks for a true master piece.
Posts: 1914
This is great fiction GH. Lovely story. Thanks ..
Posts: 4050
#78 · Edited by: goodhusband
I did watch some of the Masters and I did play golf. It was a good weekend, but I still found some time to write/
Thank you, I's sure you understand the frustration of writer's block.
Fiction non fiction, the line is so thin.
Gentlemen, thank you
Posts: 4050
#79 · Edited by: goodhusband
I followed my wife back to the den. Her boyfriend was still seated in her recliner. His half full bottle of beer was on the table next to him.
Anne kissed his cheek and said, "How you doin big guy?"
Smiling, Brandon said; "Just fine, it's a pretty good game." And then looking at me, he said; "Wisconsin is up by three. There's four minutes to go in the game." There wasn't any evidence of a smirk. He didn't make any comments like, it sounded like the two of you had a pretty good time, or you’re wife gives a great blow job, doesn't she. He made a genuine attempt to bring me up to speed on the game and nothing else.
I was impressed. As I sat down I said; "That's good news. How's your beer?"
Nodding towards his bottle, he said; "I'm okay."
As I look back on it, that interchange was the beginning of our friendship. Brandon was fucking my wife, but he clearly didn't try to flaunt it. He also knew that I was a submissive who chose to live as a slave to the woman he was fucking. It was a situation that many men would have tried to exploit. Brandon didn't. He was astute enough to determine that Anne and I compartmentalized our lives. At times we played incredibly exciting sex games and at other times we were simply two people who enjoyed each other's company. Smart enough to realize that he didn't understand the rules that governed our interactions Brandon chose to conduct himself like he was just a guy watching a basketball game with two friends. It was a wise choice and one that I greatly appreciated.
The three of us settled in and watched the last few minutes of the game. Florida State ended up making a last second desperation basket and beat Wisconsin by one point.
We took a couple of minutes to discuss the game and then Anne said, "It's almost 5:30. The next game is scheduled to start at 7:00. I think we should take advantage of this break and get something for dinner."
Brandon nodded. "That's a great idea, I'm starved."
Laughing, Anne said; "I'm not surprised. That workout we had in the guest bedroom gave me an appetite too."
Brandon flushed and then he nervously took a quick glance at me.
Anne noticed and said; "Brandon honey, stop being so nervous. Jamie knows your fucking me and he's not only okay with it, he's just as excited about it as you are."
Brandon turned and stared directly at me. His stare didn't appear to be judgmental and it certainly wasn't an attempt to intimidate me. It seemed more like he was just trying to make sense out of an unusual situation. While I had to agree that it was a strange situation, his stare was still making me feel uncomfortable.
Anne intervened. "Brandon, Jamie may not care that you're fucking me, but staring at him is going to upset him."
Shaking his head, Brandon said; "I'm sorry Jamie, I wasn't trying to hassle you. Please believe me, that's the last thing I want to do."
I smiled at him and said; "I'm starting to figure that out."
Brandon smiled back at me.
Anne said; "Good, that's progress. Now I'm hungry and I'm thinking Chinese would be good. What would the two of you think about a platter of egg rolls, shrimp toast, won tons and pot stickers along with a big bowl of fried rice?"
Grinning, Brandon said; "That would be great."
I nodded. "I agree."
Anne stood up. "Good, I'm going to call the Hunan Dragon and place an order. Jamie you're going to going to pick it up and you’re also going to stop and get a twelve pack of Tsing Tao beer."
"All right."
She turned to Brandon. "And while he's gone I'm going to give you a blow job."
Brandon stared at Anne with alarm.
She smiled and said; "Would you rather wait until he gets back?"
Brandon shook his head.
I went into the bedroom, grabbed my wallet and hurried out to my car. I suspected that my wife was planning to take her time with this blow job. I didn't want to dawdle.
The Hunan Dragon not only had good food, it was an efficiently run operation. I stopped for the beer first, so by the time I got to the take out window of the restaurant our order was ready.
Thirty-five minutes after I left the house I was driving my car back into our garage. I stopped in the kitchen to set the food on the counter and put the beer in the refrigerator. Once that was done I walked quietly to the den.
When I entered the hall I heard Brandon. "Damn Anne, that feels wonderful, but you have to quit playing around. Jamie could get back any time now."
Stopping in front of the den door, I listened.
Anne answered, "So what?"
"So what? You're sucking my cock! What if he walks in and sees us."
"Like I said, so what? Are you afraid to let Jamie see your cock?"
"That's not the point."
"Okay, what is the point?"
"You're his wife. You're sucking my cock. He'll be pissed."
"He already knows I'm sucking your cock. Before he left, I told him I was going to do it. You do remember that, don't you?"
"Yes, I remember; but damn it Anne, we can't just throw it in his face."
"We already did that. While you were fucking me this afternoon he was in the next room. He heard everything we said and did."
"Anne, I like Jamie. I like him a lot. I don't want to hurt him."
"You won't be hurting him; trust me, Jamie would love to walk in and see me sucking your cock."
"Shit Anne, what kind of pervert is he?"
There was silence. After a moment Anne said. "Brandon you just told me that you like Jamie and want to be his friend, but you're also telling me that you want to have sex with me, his wife, behind his back. With that attitude I think you might want to be very careful about calling anyone else a pervert."
There was more silence. Finally Brandon said; "Yeah, you're right." There was another brief pause and then he added; "Anne I don't know what to do."
"You don't have to do anything. Just lay back and enjoy the blow job I'm giving you. Jamie will be home soon. When he walks into the den let me handle everything."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive."
There was silence.
I waited a moment and then deciding that it was time to make my entrance, I took a deep breath and walked into the den.
Brandon was sitting in Anne's recliner. It was in the up position. His feet were on the floor. His very large erection was sticking out of his unzipped pants. My wife was kneeling between his legs. She was holding Brandon's cock with both of her hands and sucking on the head. Their eyes were closed. It was obvious that both of them were enjoying themselves.
I stood in the doorway. When I realized that neither of them were aware of my presence, I said; "I'm back."
Both of them opened their eyes. Anne smiled at me. Brandon looked at me with obvious apprehension.
Anne said; "Did you get the food and beer?"
"Of course."
"Is the beer in the refrigerator?"
"Good, we're going to be a little longer here. Would you like to watch?"
Almost as nervous as Brandon, I said; "Yes, if that would be all right."
"It will be all right; but you can't just be an observer. You'll have to be a participant."
Confused, I looked at Anne with a puzzled expression. She was giving Brandon a blow job. For a second I didn't understand how I could be a participant; but then it dawned on me. Horrified, I stared at my wife.
At that same moment Brandon popped up and yelled, "No fucking way!"
Clearly perplexed, Anne looked at both of us. After a moment she started to laugh. "No, you both misunderstood me. Jamie, I don't want you to help me suck Brandon’s cock; I want you to sit on the love seat and masturbate while you watch me suck his cock. I want you to try to cum at the exact same moment he cums in my mouth."
Now I have to admit that this was one of my submissive cuckold fantasies, but the jump from fantasy to reality can often be difficult. In this case the situation was further complicated by the fact that the man who was getting his cock sucked had just called me a pervert. Yes it was true that Anne wasn't actually asking me to help her suck Brandon's cock, but at that moment what she was asking me to do wasn't a whole lot better.
Humiliated beyond belief, I turned around and fled from the room. My car keys, wallet and cell phone were sitting on the kitchen counter where I'd left them. I picked them up, ran into the garage, got into my car and hurriedly backed out into the street.
As I shifted my car into drive Anne came running out of the garage crying, "Jamie wait, please don't go, I'm sorry."
At that moment I was so mortified that I couldn't even begin to imagine facing Anne and her boyfriend, so I stepped on the gas and sped down the street.
Several minutes later my cell phone began to ring. I looked at the screen, it was Anne. Still horribly embarrassed I switched it off.
Posts: 182
Hmmmmmmmmm, The tension, the tension, hurry back or your food will get cold.
super writing.
Posts: 14692
WOW - another superb chapter covering Jamie's emotional roller coaster ride.
And yes I know all about RB - got one right now. LOL
Posts: 4050
Ajax, Timmy
I've taken off on a little tangent. It's one that I've enjoyed, so please humor me and be patient. I promise I'll quickly get back on track
Posts: 4050
After about twenty minutes I found myself in an older section of the city. Realizing that I was hungry, I pulled into the parking lot of a small convenience store. It wasn't a new chain store. It was an older establishment, reminiscent of the ma and pa corner stores that were prevalent when I was a young.
I parked in front of the store. The old building was in desperate need of a coat of paint and the parking lot was riddled with potholes. The sign over the front door identified the store as Kirby's Quick Stop.
I got out of my car and went into the store. There were four people inside. Amazingly all four of them appeared to be employees.
Three of them were holding clip boards and seemed to be taking inventory. One of them, a large man in his fifties, his arms covered with tattoos; was on his knees counting cans of soup. In the other aisle a frail older woman with an absolutely enchanting smile was counting boxes of cookies. A few feet to her right, a slender young man was counting candy bars. A middle aged blond who radiated sexuality was standing behind the cash register.
When I walked into the store all four of them stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Feeling a little self-conscious I took a can of diet Dr. Pepper out of the cooler, grabbed a bag of Doritos off the shelf and walked up to the counter.
Shaking her head, the blond said; "Not a very good dinner."
I shrugged. "No, but sometimes a diet soda and a bag of chips are all you need."
The blond smiled took my money and gave me my change.
As I was walking out of the store the old lady stepped in front of me. We stared at each other for a moment and then she said; "Young man, soda and chips may satisfy your immediate hunger, but they won't sustain your soul. Trust me, I know. I once tried to live on saltine crackers and tea. I was slowly withering away until that beautiful man over there power fed me a combination of hot soup and love." She was pointing at the large man with tattoos on his arms.
Not certain about how to respond I just nodded.
The blond behind the cash register said, "She's right, before we met each other we were all trying to get by on our version of tea and crackers. In my case it was tenderloin steak and Caesar salad. It was an expensive dinner, but it was lonely and didn't provide the nutrition I needed. You look like a man who's used to being well nourished, yet now you’re in here buying chips and a diet soda. It's obvious that something happened to you today. Whatever it was, don't let it drive you to a life of loneliness, melancholy and sorrow."
Smiling at all of them, I said; "I'll be okay, I think this is just a temporary loss of appetite."
The old lady grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes. "If it's not, please come back and see us. Will you promise me that you'll do that?"
"Yes, I promise."
She grinned at me. "Okay, go take your diet soda, eat your chips and take a little time to soothe the pain that drove you here. All of us have to occasionally wallow in misery. Just don't wallow too long and if you realize that you're loss of appetite might be permanent, come back and see us, all right?"
I nodded. "I'll do that." And then I left the store.
As I drove out of the parking lot I wondered about the four people I'd just encountered. The blond was clearly out of place. Her hands were manicured, her hair was expertly coiffed. She wore a casual blouse and jeans, but they were designer clothes. The kind you'd buy in an expensive boutique rather than a discount store.
The young man was quiet and reserved, yet there was a glimmer in his eyes that reminded me of many of the students I knew at Kelroy. Why was he taking inventory in a rundown convenience store?
The big man with the tattoos looked rough and intimidating, but I wondered about that. There was a benign gentleness about him that made me question my first impression.
And then there was the old lady. Occasionally we encounter a truly remarkable human being and fail to realize it until much later, if at all. I suspected that the old lady was one of these people.
In any case, I now felt reinvigorated. I did need some time. What was it the old lady told me? "Take some time to soothe the pain that drove me there. All of us have to occasionally wallow in misery. Just don't wallow too long." I did need to wallow and then I needed to think. I wouldn't need much time, but I did need some. After that I would contact Anne and try to work through what was starting to look like an unfortunate misunderstanding and nothing more.
Posts: 182
Hi g.h.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Courtesan revisited!
Posts: 14692
GH any tangent is fine with me. Now I'm wondering if we will run into more old friends of yours.
Posts: 4050
Ajax and Timmy
Sometimes it's fun to revisit old friends.
Posts: 4050
For a while I drove around aimlessly. I didn't know where to go. While part of me wanted to go home and see Anne; another part of me, the injured part of me, was urging me to check into a motel.
Good sense finally won out. I drove home.
When I turned on to our street I was lost in thought, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to Anne. By the time that I noticed that Brandon's car was still parked next to the curb in front of our house I was only a quarter of a block away.
Shocked, disappointed and hurt; I drove by the house, pulled over to the curb and stopped. This was a development that I hadn't anticipated. I'd assumed that after I left my wife would send her boyfriend home. It appeared that I was wrong. Apparently my absence was irrelevant to their plans for the evening. I imagined them sitting in the den, eating egg rolls and takeing Tsing Tao beer while they watched the next basketball game.
Suddenly angry, I picked up my cell phone and called Anne. She picked up after the second ring. That surprised me. I'd thought that she might be so busy laughing and talking with Brandon that she wouldn't even notice her phone was ringing. I'd also wondered if once she saw my name on her caller ID she might not bother to answer her phone at all.
She did answer. "Jamie, where are you? Please come home so we can talk." There was a frantic tone in Anne's voice that surprised me.
It didn't matter. I was angry and hurt. "I was going to come home, but when I saw that your lover's car was still parked in front of the house I changed my mind. I wouldn't want to interrupt your little basketball party."
"Jamie, Brandon stayed because he wanted to talk to you."
"Why? So he can call me a pervert again?"
Anne was silent for a moment and then she asked; "Jamie, how long were you standing out in the hall?"
"Long enough to hear your lover call me a pervert."
There was more silence. Finally Anne whispered; "And then I tried to make you sit on the love seat and masturbate while you watched me suck Jamister's cock. Jamie, I'm so sorry. I don't blame you for getting mad. Please come home."
"I'm sorry Anne, I can't; especially after driving by the house and discovering that he's still there."
"When will you come home?"
"I don't know."
"Where will you go?"
"I don't know."
"Jamie, Brandon said something stupid and then I compounded it by trying to do something stupid. I don't want to lose you because of a stupid mistake. Please, can't we talk?"
"Anne, I told you I was worried that this might happen."
"I know you did and I was trying to go slowly, but everything seemed to be progressing so nicely. It was just a game, a game I thought you'd enjoy. I didn't know you'd heard Brandon call you a pervert."
"Yes but you knew what he said."
"Yes I did and if you heard him call you a pervert, you also heard what I said to him."
"And I thank you for that, but then you turned around and deliberately tried to humiliate me. You know that getting to cum in your mouth is a rare treat for me."
"I know that, and I also know that denying you that pleasure is part of the game we're playing, a game you enjoy just as much as I do."
"That's true, but then you tried to make me jack off while you gave another man that pleasure, a man who'd just called me a pervert and now when I try to come home I find that he's still there. I'll bet the two of you are having a good laugh about all of this. No Anne I'm not coming home. Right now I'm not sure that I'm ever coming home."
I ended the call, switched off my cell phone and tossed it on the seat next to me. Then I shifted my car into drive, pulled away from the curb and sped down the street. At that moment I was embarrassed, angry and hurt. All I wanted to do was put some distance between Anne and her lover and me.
Posts: 1914
GH, Sometimes that line you talked about gets a bit thicker .. This is a really great tale, I'm enjoying it immensely, as I suspect you are by the writing. Or at least you should be. Thanks
I noticed earlier that you gave an editing credit to Lisa. Hadn't seen you do that before. She seems to bring out the best in you. Lets leave it at that.
Posts: 4050
I haven't been this excited about a story since Sandra and Stevie and you know how I feel about that story. I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I am.
As far as the Lisa comment goes, I made a mistake and she jumped on me. I responded to oldbearswitch's comment with a very permisteral and lengthy response of my own. Because of early problems on this site Lisa and I deliberately avoid permisteral stories. When she saw my comment she intervened.
Posts: 4050
#90 · Edited by: goodhusband
Not knowing where else to go, I drove to the Mississippi River and pulled into a park not far from Anne's old townhouse. It was early March, so it was getting dark and it was cold. That didn't matter; I needed to think, so I got out of my car and started to walk.
I began by trying to review the events that got me there. That made my anger flare again, but then I remembered the old lady's words. "All of us have to occasionally wallow in our misery, just don't wallow too long." Chuckling to myself, I realized that I'd already wallowed far too long.
I started over. This time I tried to look at things from Brandon and Anne's perspective. Yes, Brandon had called me a pervert, but then I remembered how much difficulty I'd had coming to grips with my submissive masochistic desires. Hell, I used to think I was a pervert too; sometimes I still do. Suddenly I realized that was one of the reamisters I was so sensitive. I still wasn't very confident about my sexual inclinations.
I remembered how nice Brandon had been when I returned to the den after getting my blow job from Anne. He could have made snide suggestive comments, but he didn't. Actually he'd been a complete gentleman for the entire day. He made one slip and I overheard it. I could have made the choice to cut him a little slack and ignore it, but I didn't. I was too insecure about my role in what was happening.
Of course Anne's premature attempt to push us into an intense cuckold offense scene had been a big part of the problem. Was that entirely her fault? That's a reamisterable question. There isn't any doubt that Anne finds scenes like that exciting, but she knows I do too. She deserves at least a little credit for trying to include me in her games with Brandon. Hell, they could have spent the day at his apartment and left me watching the basketball games all by myself.
I began to realize how petty I'd been. Yes, maybe Anne and Brandon had made mistakes too, but I was certainly a major player in this fiasco. Suddenly aware of the chilly north wind that was blowing down the river gorge I hurried back to my car; I was cold, but even more important I needed to call Anne.
As soon as I reached my car I started the engine. I was freezing and I needed heat. Once the engine was running I switched on my cell phone. I had four messages from Anne and one from Brandon.
I started with the messages from Anne.
"Jamie, Brandon just left. Baby, we weren't laughing at you. We would never do that. You're the love of my life and believe it or not you're already probably the closest male friend Brandon has. As soon as he realized how angry you were with him he left. I didn't ask him to leave. I would have, but I didn't have to, he did it on his own accord. Please come home or at least call me. Jamie, I love you so much. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
I moved on to the second message.
"Jamie, please come home. I promise to suck your cock and let you cum in my mouth every day for the rest of our lives."
That made me smile.
The third said:
"Jamie, Brandon and I made mistakes today. They were stupid mistakes, but they were still just mistakes. You have to give us another chance."
The last one was short.
"Jamie, please call me. I love you and I'll do anything to make this up to you."
Feeling horribly ashamed of myself, I played Brandon's message.
"Jamie, I may be a relatively successful attorney, but when it comes to sex I'm an unimaginative oaf. You and Anne lead an amazingly uninhibited life style. I admire your ability to feely act out your most secret fantasies. I can't even imagine having the confidence to do that. Today, when I called you a pervert it wasn't as much a criticism of your sexual desires as it was an indictment of my own lack of sophistication. Please forgive me. I really do hold you in the highest esteem and earnestly desire to be your close friend."
I sat back in my car seat and shook my head. At that moment I felt like the king of foolish overreaction. I needed to call Anne and then I had to figure out a way to contact Brandon. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to say to them, but I knew it was going to include a heartfelt apology.