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Five Days In Florida

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Posts: 182
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Hi GH.

Once again another great story, I always look for yours first.



Posts: 4050
#32 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Peak Timmy, cuck4one, lick buddy and ajax

Thank you for the comments.

That was not the end of the story. I do understand the confusion. These days I'm trying to write in segments. It gets too frustrating otherwise. Those last posts were one segment of the story. I wrote intensively for two days. When I finished I felt like I was drawing a chapter to its conclusion. I think the final paragraph reflects that. I did consider going back and revising the beginning of the story and making it into a short story that ends at that point.

I'm not going to do that. I really like this outline and I want pursue it. Lately I have been longing to do a little more direct cuckold writing. My recent stories have gotten deeply into the charachters. That was very true of both Illicit Desires and Courtesan. Hopefully I will be able to keep this story centered on cuckolding. It is also a story with only three primary characters. That will make it much easier. I'm sure that Storm will agree that when you add characters to a scene the difficulty grows exponentially (my thesaurus site says that's not a word, but I contend it's the adverb form of exponential. I would be curious to hear other opinions.


Thank you for the comments. Here's more story



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We fell into a nice routine. Anne enjoyed her affairs, but she took great care to avoid emotional entanglements and never gave me any reamister to question her love for me. Four years after her first date with Derek Bogler that changed.

It was noon. I was in my office at the college eating a bag lunch. My telephone rang. I picked it up. It was Anne.

"Hi slave boy."

"Hello Mistress Anne. How's your day going?" The titles were now as much terms of endearment as acknowledgements of our relative positions in our relationship.

"Actually very good; we're getting close to an agreement on the Banning Electronics buy out."

"That's good news. You've been working on that deal for months."

"Yes I have, it will be nice to finally get it completed. Jamie, I don't have very much time."


"I called to tell you that I have a date tonight."

"Is it someone new?"


"Oh, who is it?"

Anne hesitated. After a moment she said; "Brandon Grey".

"Really? This is your fifth date with him, isn't it?"

"I um, yes I guess it is." Anne was clearly nervous.

"You're violating your rule."

"What rule?"

"You've never had more than four dates with a guy."

"That's not a rule. I've just never met a guy who I wanted to go out with more than four times."

"Until now."

"Yes, until now."

"He must be special."

"He is, he's very special."

"I see." The concern in my voice was evident.

"Jamie, this isn't a big deal."

"It isn't? You're calling to tell me that you're going out with a guy for the fifth time. That's something you've never done before. And then you tell me that he's special. No, actually you said he's very special. Anne, I think this is a huge deal."

"Damn it Jamie, remember your place. You're the slave and I'm the Mistress. If I decide that I want to date a guy a thousand times, then I'll damn well do that and I'll expect you to smile and bow politely every time I go out."

"Really? This is the first time you've ever taken that position Anne."

"Well get used to it slave boy, because from now on that's the position I'm going to take."

"I see, well then I guess we don't have anything else to talk about, do we. Good bye Anne, I've already taken up too much of your time with my silly concerns. Have a good time with your new sweetheart tonight."

After I hung up the telephone I closed my eyes and sighed. This was bad, very bad. What bothered me the most was Anne's attitude at the end of the call. She'd never before taken that position with me.


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I glanced at the clock. It was 12:20. I had a freshman English class at 1:00. I was upset, but I had to suppress my emotions and get through the day. I took out the class folder and started to review my notes. The plan for the day was a discussion of the second act of Shakespeare's "King Lear".

I was organizing the discussion questions when my telephone rang again. I picked it up.

"Jamie?" It was Anne.

"Yes Anne." My anger was still evident in my voice.

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I don't blame you for being angry with me. I did a very poor job of handling that last telephone call. Four years ago when I called to tell you I had that date with Derek Bogler we started arguing. When we finally cooled off a little, you asked if we could start over. That was a good suggestion. Today I messed up with my first phone call; I was wondering we could do that again. Would you let me start over?"

I wasn't convinced it was going to help, but it certainly wasn't going to hurt either, so I said; "Yes Anne, that would be fine. Let's start over."

"Thank you Jamie." Anne paused. After a moment she said; "As you know, I've been dating a man named Brandon Grey. I've now been out with him four times. I know we have a rule that I won't date a guy more than four times, but I was wondering if we could talk about waiving that rule."

Anne's attitude had softened. Our relationship was certainly based on a mutual belief in female supremacy and in many ways I did live as Anne's slave, but there had always been an unstated understanding between us. While Anne made virtually all of the decisions pertaining to our daily lives, issues regarding our relationship had always been discussed and resolved cooperatively. In her previous telephone call she had clearly deviated from that position. Now she seemed to be returning to it.

Relieved, I said; "Yes, we can discuss that."

"Thank you Jamie. I understand why we have the rule. Both of us want to avoid the possibility that my trysts with other men might lead to an emotional entanglement that could damage our marriage. I don't think we have to be worried about that happening with Brandon."

"In your last telephone call you told me that he was very special to you. I think that's a huge cause for concern."

"Yes and I can understand why you'd think that. It was a poor choice of words on my part."

"All right, tell me what you meant to say."

"Brandon is a friend. Jamie you play golf with eight or ten different guys, but there are two you enjoy playing with the most."

"Sure, Mark and Paul."

"Why is that?"

"I think I have more in common with those two guys. It makes conversation easier while we're playing."

"Would you want to live with either one of those guys?"

I laughed. "No, especially not Paul; he's a slob."

"But he's your favorite golf partner, isn't he."

"Yes he is."

"That makes him special to you, doesn’t it?"

"Yes, I suppose it does."

"You'd hate to have to stop playing golf with him, wouldn't you?"

"Yes." It wasn't hard to see where Anne was going with this.

"Like me, Brandon is an attorney specializing in corporate law. We work for different firms, so we have to be careful about what we say to each other, but it's nice to be able to talk to someone who understands the day to day stresses we both face at work."

"I see."

"When I date other guys it's pretty much take off our clothes, fuck like rabbits and then get dressed and go home. With Brandon I actually get to spend some time verbalizing the pressures and frustrations I'm experiencing in my job. I do that with you too, and you're a wonderful listener, but Brandon is another attorney. He understands. It’s easier for him to commiserate with my feelings."

"That helps me understand why you want to continue dating Brandon, but I'm not sure it makes me feel any better."

"I could never fall in love with Brandon, at least not in the same way that I love you."

"You'd better clarify that statement."

"Okay, could you ever fall in love with Paul?"

"He's a guy."

"I'll rephrase the question. Do you love Paul like a brother?"

"Not really, I mean I like him, I like him a lot. He's a good friend and anytime he needs me I'd try to be there for him, but I don't love him. I think that if I had to see him every day I'd quickly get very tired of him."

"I feel the same way about Brandon. I like him, I like him a lot. I'm starting to view him as a good friend, but he has some permisterality traits that I have to work to ignore. I know I could never be married to him or even live with him." Anne laughed. "Actually I think he may be a little too much like me."

"How about Brandon, is he going to fall in love with you?"

"I don't think so. He's been married twice and both marriages ended because he cheated. He claims that he's now a confirmed bachelor and I believe him. He's also very dominant and like me he's committed to being a successful attorney. If he ever were going to get married again, it would have to be to a female version of you."

"You mean another submissive."

"That's right."

"I assume that he does know that you're married."

"Yes he does."

"Does he understand the nature of our relationship?"

"You mean that I'm your dominant mistress and you live as my slave?"


"Yes, he does."

"I see."

"Jamie, you know very well that I’ve never felt the need to be discreet about that."

"When you're together, do the two of you laugh about me?"

"Jamie, how could you even think that? I love you and respect you. I would never laugh about you with anyone and I would certainly never allow one of my lovers to make fun of you."

"Okay, so how do you see your relationship with Brandon developing?"

"I'm hoping that we'll end up as friends with benefits."

"Will you continue to see other men?"

"I don't know. I wouldn't want to rule that out as an option, but I doubt that it will happen very often. Brandon and I work long hours. This is also about convenience. Being available to each other as fuck buddies will simplify our lives."

I had to admit that Anne had presented a solid case. Of course, I should have expected that. She was a professional negotiator.

I took a moment to consider everything she'd said. When I realized that I couldn't think of any serious objections, I said; "Okay Anne, I still have some misgivings, but I'm willing to give it a try."

"Really? Thank you Jamie; thank you so much. I promise that you'll never regret it."

"One thing Anne."

"What is it?"

"If I feel like you're neglecting me or I sense that we're drifting apart, I reserve the right to reopen this discussion."

"Of course you can, but you aren't going to have to do that. If anything this will simplify our lives and give me more time to spend with you."

"We'll see."

"Jamie, I love you and you don't have to worry. You're the only man I'll ever love."

"I love you too Anne." I glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes to one. "Anne, I'd better go. I have a class in ten minutes."

"And I have to get back to work too."

"Where are you and Brandon going tonight?"

"His apartment."

"Will you be late?"

"No, that's one of the advantages of this arrangement. We already know each other so we don't have to waste any time getting acquainted."

I laughed. "You can just rip off each other's clothes and start fucking like a couple of bunnies."

Anne giggled. "No, first we'll talk about our jobs while we have a glass of wine and a little dinner and then we'll rip off each other's clothes and fuck like bunnies."

"What time can I expect to see you?"

"I should be home by ten."

"Have a good time tonight Anne."

"Do you really mean that Jamie?"

"Yes I do."

"Thank you Jamie, thank you very much."

"Good bye Anne, I love you."

"I love you too Jamie. I'll see you at ten." Anne hung up.

After I set my phone back on its cradle I sat back and shook my head. My wife now had a boyfriend and I had to admit that I found the idea amazingly exciting.


Posts: 1459
#35 · Edited by: stormydog
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As so often seems to be the case, Lisa was right. Anne with depth is shaping up to be the type of woman that any masochistic submissive with strong cuckold tendencies could love! (Or is that submissive cuckold with strong masochistic tendencies?)
Not totally up to date yet, but I am very much enjoying the story. This one starts out pretty hot and then just gets hotter!


Posts: 1418
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I have to agree with Storm, Anne is a winner in my book. To date she has demonstrated the ability to achieve the fine balance of a dominating cuckoldress and a loving wife. That is a difficult balance to ever achieve and it is even harder to maintain it. I'll enjoy reading about Anne's future success or failure in doing so. Thx GH


Posts: 1914
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Very good GH. I still think you know Anne better than some of your other heroines ! It seems that another advantage of fewer characters is that the plot can advance quicker. This is a great story. Thanks.


Posts: 125
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hi GH,

this is shaping up to be another winner. the raw emotions you show in your stories are just glossed over in a lot of the others. keep up the good work.

lick buddy


Posts: 277
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love it


Posts: 14692
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Just getting better and better. Again thank you for a great story


Posts: 4050
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Storm, Zinc, Peak, sallyann, lick buddy and Timmy

Thank you for your kind comments. Yes I also like Anne, of course I've always been attracted to strong women. Peak of course has an inkling that I will neither confirm nor deny.



Posts: 4050
#42 · Edited by: goodhusband
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We settled into a pattern. Anne spent two evenings a week with Brandon, two evenings a week with me and three evenings a week working. Anne's job would always be her primary love.

On the evenings she spent with Brandon Anne did arrive home earlier, often by 9:00 or 9:30. She was also able to schedule her dates with Brandon as much as a week in advance which allowed me to make plans for the nights she'd be out with him.

After five weeks I was beginning to believe that my wife’s affair with Bandon Grey really was an improvement to my life. I was content and could have easily spent the rest of my life with the status quo.

On the second Saturday in March the situation changed. It was the opening week of the NCAA Basketball tournament. For those of you who aren't fans of American college basketball, the NCAA tournament is the culmination of the winter seamister. It pits the top sixty-four college basketball teams against each other; win and you advance, lose and you go home. Thirty-two games are played on the first Thursday and Friday. The thirty-two survivors play on Saturday and Sunday. By Sunday night the field has been reduced to sixteen. Another round of games is played at the end of the follow week. On Thursday and Friday the field is reduced to eight and by Sunday night there are only four teams left, the final four. The first two games of the final round are played on Saturday. The teams take Sunday off. Monday night the losers play first for third place and then the winners play for the national championship.

The tournament field is largely made up of teams from large universities, but the conferences made up of smaller Universities and large colleges are guaranteed at least one entry. That means that the first round frequently features matchups between the large University teams and the teams representing the smaller colleges and Universities. Because basketball is a game of only five players the smaller schools are occasionally able to shock one of the powerhouse teams. This potential for David and Goliath upsets is one of the reamisters for the tournaments popularity.

Anne and I are both basketball fans. That year she was able to arrange her schedule so that she could be home on the first Thursday and Friday nights of the tournament. That allowed us to watch the evening sessions of the opening round together.

We had a wonderful time. Thursday night we ate pizza and drank beer while we watched the games. Friday night I made tacos and Margaritas. Both nights, as soon as the games were over we retired to our bedroom and made love. I ate Anne's pussy and ass. Once she was well satisfied Anne sucked my cock for a few minutes and then we fucked. After I ejaculated Anne made me go down on her a final time to lick my cum out of her pussy. Once I was finished we fell arelax in each other's arms.

Saturday morning Anne had to go into her office for a few hours. It was the price she had to pay for being home to watch the games Thursday and Friday nights.

I got up to make breakfast for her. As she was eating her sliced fruit, granola and yogurt, she said; "I'd like to spend a few hours with Brandon this afternoon."

Shrugging, I said; "Go ahead, I'll be here watching the basketball games."

"I want to watch the basketball games too."

I smiled at Anne. "Life is an unending series of choices."

"Don't be flippant. I still have a whip."

"Hey, I say the same thing to my freshman English classes."

"I don't necessarily have to choose. I might miss the early games, but I could still watch the second half of the late afternoon games with you."

"How could you do that?"

"Brandon could come to our house."

I stared at Anne. "Here? You want him to come here?"

"Sure, why not?"

Incredulous, I said; "Because I'll be here."

"So what? You'll be in the den watching the games. Brandon and I will be in the bedroom."

"Our bedroom?"

"If you'd prefer it, I'll take him to the guest room. There's a queen sized bed in there. That's all we need. We're just going to fuck."

"The den is just down the hall from the guest room. I'll hear you."

"Is that a problem?"

"It'll be kind of distracting."

"Jamie, all you’re doing is watching a basketball game."

"He'll know that I know."

"You mean he'll know that you know he's fucking me?"


"He already knows."

"Yes, but if he comes over he'll really know. Right now he just sort of knows."

"Jamie, you're being silly."

And of course I was. I smiled at Anne. "Yes I know that, but you have to understand that by bringing Brandon into our house you’re kicking my cuckolding up a notch."

"Is that bad?"

"I don't know, I guess that depends on Brandon."

"What do you mean?"

"He could be a real asshole to me."

"He's not an asshole."

"Not to you, you're his playmate. You're also a strong willed attorney and my dominant mistress. I, on the other hand, am your submissive cuckold husband. That puts me in an extremely vulnerable position."

Anne nodded. "I understand your concern." She thought for a moment and then she added; "I'm reamisterably certain that it won't be an issue."

"You could just keep us apart. I'll stay in the den while he's here."

"That's just a short term solution. Jamie, Brandon and I are becoming friends and I'd like it if you were friends with him too."

"The guy who's fucking my wife?"

Anne smiled. "Yes, the guy who's fucking your wife."

"Anne, I don't know; that might be tough."

"Jamie, I know that the cuckold fantasy excites you, but I also understand that it scares you a little bit. Still, we've come a long, way haven't we?"

I nodded.

"You were scared when I started dating, weren't you?"


"But that doesn't scare you any more, does it?"

"No it doesn't"

"You were also worried when I told you about Brandon. That's true isn't it?"


"But now knowing that your wife has a boyfriend actually excites you, doesn't it."

"I uh..."

"Jamie, be truthful. Mutual honesty has always been one of the strengths of our marriage."

"Okay, yes."

"Yes what?"

"Knowing you have a boyfriend excites me."

Anne smiled. "Jamie, that's good. I'm glad you can admit that. Inhibitions between us are counterproductive."

I stared at my wife.

"Jamie, if you trust me, all of you deepest cuckold fantasies can come true."

"That's scary."

"Only because you're afraid of losing your dignity and my respect."

"And your love."

"Yes and my love. Jamie, none of those things are going to happen. They're not going to happen because I'm in control of the situation and I'm not going to let them happen. I love you Jamie and I'll never allow anything to occur that will harm either you or our marriage."

"I don't want Brandon to think I'm a wimp."

"If he gets to know you he won't think you're a wimp because you're not a wimp. Jamie, if things develop with Brandon in the way that I hope they will, there may be times when he does treat you like a wimp. If and when that happens, it will only be allowed because it's part of a game; our game Jamie, a game that you want to play every bit as much as I do."

Pausing for a moment, Anne watched me. When I didn't say anything she continued. "Jamie, I'm reamisterably confident that eventually Brandon will be willing to let you watch. Think about that Jamie. Think about how exciting that will be. Imagine kneeling at the foot of the bed and watching while Brandon fucks me with his great big cock."

My breath caught. Watching Anne with another man was of course one of my most intense fantasies.

Anne smiled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, but that’s also a little frightening."

"You mean actually seeing another man fuck me."

"Seeing how much you enjoy it might be difficult."

"That's why we’re going to take small steps. Today you're going to meet Brandon and after you meet him I'm going to take him into the guest room and close the door. That way you'll just barely be able to hear how much fun we're having."

"But I will be able to hear it."

"Just a little, just enough for it to be exciting; but not enough to cause you any distress."

I smiled at Anne. She had an amazing ability to alleviate my fears.

Anne stood up and walked over to me. Gently kissing my cheek she said; "You know that I would never intentionally do anything that would hurt either you or our marriage."

"I know."

"May I invite Brandon to come over here this afternoon?"


"When he gets here can I bring him into the den for a minute so the two of you can meet?"

"Yes Anne, I’ll meet your boyfriend."

Anne grinned. “Thank you Jamie.”


Posts: 182
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Once again you have set the scene perfectly gh, I cant wait for the next update.



Posts: 14692
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Anne sure has Jamie's number and knows how to push his buttons. He is going down but going down gently.

Very nice
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 1914
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I suspect Timmy may be right about Jamie going down but not quite in the way he meant it ! You are writing this extremely well my friend. I can't tell whether Anne is pushing Jamie gently deeper into his cuckoldry or whether Jamie is leading Anne to go further. Or maybe a bit of both. Very, very good. This all seems very real to me ..


Posts: 4050
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Ajax, Timmy, Lick buddy and Peak

Thank you

Timmy I agree with Peak, Jamie will be going down and it's frequently going to be after Brandon's visits.

Peak I think the two of them are holding hands and skipping down the primrose path together.

Gentlemen thankyou again for your comments



Posts: 4050
#48 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The first game started at just after noon. I was in my chair with a baloney and cheese sandwich, a small bowl of potato chips and a big glass of V8 juice. Neither Anne nor I were particularly fond of vegetables, so about a year earlier she decided that both of us needed to take a glass of V8 juice every day with our lunch. It was okay with me, I actually liked the stuff. I'm sure there are those who would argue that the baloney and cheese sandwich and bowl of chips negated any possible positive effects of the V8 Juice. To those people I say, go eat a salad and leave me alone. I could have had a diet soda with my sandwich and chips.

It was six minutes into the first half of the game. I was just finishing my sandwich, chips and juice when I heard the door from the garage to the kitchen open. I listened. As usual the familiar tapping of Anne's spike heels on the kitchen linoleum followed; but this time the sound was accompanied by the sound of another set of footsteps, a much heavier set of footsteps, the footsteps of a large man.

I waited. After a moment a man's voice said; "Are you sure this is going to be all right? I really don't want to do anything that might upset him." The man was in the dining room. He was trying to keep his voice low, but I could still hear him. A spy he was not.

Anne answered. "Jamie and I talked about it this morning. Just be nice to him and everything will be all right."

"I can't imagine why I'd be anything but nice to him."

"There are guys who wouldn't see it that way.""

"That's not my style; I'm not one of those guys."

"You wouldn't be here if you were. Come on let's go see Jamie and then you and I have some business to attend to in the guest bedroom."

More footsteps and then they were standing in the den doorway. Anne was in the lead. Brandon was right behind her.

He was a tall man, at least six feet three, maybe even six four. I guessed that he was several years younger than me, which would make him about the same age as Anne. His form fitting open collared business shirt accentuated his broad shoulders and well-muscled torso. He wore his long wavy dark hair combed straight back and he had deep steel blue eyes. The combination created the distinct impression that he was a man of substance.

Brandon would have had an almost foreboding appearance if it hadn't been for his smile. He had the warm, affable smile of a ten year old boy who was almost always in trouble. It wasn't hard to understand why my wife was so taken with this man. Brandon Grey was amazingly handsome.

Anne and Brandon stepped into the den.

I’d already decided that as long as this was going to happen anyway, I might as well try to carry it off with aplomb; so I stood.

Anne smiled, "Jamie, this is my friend, Brandon Grey. Brandon, this is my husband, Jamie Walsh."

I stepped towards Brandon with my hand extended. "Brandon, it's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our house."

Brandon took my hand and shook it. He had a firm grip but not excessive. Clearly his handshake wasn't intended as a demonstration of his dominance, it was just a greeting. "Thank you Jamie, I appreciate your graciousness." And then, glancing at the television he asked; "How's the game going?"

"UCLA is up by six, but it's only half way through the first half. They hit a couple of quick threes right after the game started. Since then Arkansas has been matching them basket for basket."

"Sounds like it could be a barn burner."

"I hope so, close games are fun."

Taking her lover by the arm, my wife said; "It's time for us to adjourn to the guest bedroom." While the introduction had gone well, Anne understood that this could quickly become awkward and she wasn't about to let that happen.

As she pulled Brandon out of the den Anne looked at me and mouthed the words; "Thank you Jamie, I love you."

I nodded.

Brandon gave me a quick wave and said; "It was nice to meet you Jamie." And then he disappeared out the door.

I sat back down in my chair. I needed a moment. Meeting Brandon had been easier that I'd imagined it would be, but adrenalin was still pumping through my body and my heart was racing. I had to take a breath and relax.

I sat quietly for a few minutes. I tried to watch the basketball game, but my attention kept drifting to what was happening in the next room. Finally, feeling the need to move around, I gathered up my lunch dishes and carried them into the kitchen.

As I stepped into the hall I glanced at the guest bedroom door. It was closed. I imagined Brandon and Anne sitting on the edge of the bed kissing. My wife's blouse was unbuttoned, her brassiere unclasped. Brandon's hand was under the loose hanging cup of Anne's bra. He was rolling her erect nipple between his fingertips. I knew my wife loved that and I was certain that by now her lover knew it too."

Taking a deep breath I composed myself, carried my dishes into the kitchen, rinsed them off and placed them in the dishwasher. After that was done, I poured myself a glass of diet Dr. Pepper and returned to the den.

When I reached the den door I stopped and listened. Pangs of jealousy stabbed at me as I realized that I could hear the soft murmuring of hushed voices coming from behind the guest room door. My wife and her lover were whispering to each other. They were either sharing secrets or endearments. I wasn't sure which one was more heart rending. Of course I also had to admit that I had an erection.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I'm enjoying your story and thank you for sharing another action packed adventure with us.

I bet Jamie will be standing at that door again with his stiff pecker in hand!

Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
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Thanks for the comment. As to Jamie's behavior at the door, absolutely.



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I went into the den and sat down. For the next two hours I tried to watch basketball while at the same time listening intently for every sound coming from the room immediately on the other side of the wall.

At times it was really quite noisy. When Anne is approaching orgasm she tends to be extremely vocal. Brandon turned out to be a grunter. He was also amazingly vigorous. The queen-sized bed in the guest room has a high quality frame and box spring. It's supposedly very stable and shouldn't be subject to creaking. Despite those credentials it wasn't solid enough for my wife and her lover. That afternoon they apparently had a three round bout and as each round approached its climax the bed creaked and thumped with a vigor that left me in awe of Brandon's prowess.

The third round was the longest and noisiest. As I listened to it build to its crescendo I completely forgot about the basketball game and closed my eyes. It was easy to imagine Brandon on top of my wife. Both of them were naked. Brandon's well-toned buttocks were rhythmically moving up and down as he pumped his enormous cock in and out of my wife's very wet cunt. Anne’s legs were wrapped around her lover's thighs enabling her to meet each of his powerful thrusts with an equally powerful counterthrust of her own.

Listening to Anne's cries of pleasure and Brandon's savage grunts as they relentlessly hammered at each other; my own excitement grew. Unconsciously I began rubbing my erect penis. The sounds and mental images of sex in the next room were arousing in their own right, but I was a submissive masochist. The knowledge that another man was usurping my marital rights with my wife while I listened helplessly in the adjacent room made the situation unbelievably thrilling.

Suddenly Anne screamed. I recognized the sound. I'd already heard it several times during the previous two hours. I'd also heard it frequently while I was giving her oral pleasure. Anne was having another orgasm.

The sounds of thrashing on the bed intensified. Anne continued to cry with pleasure. And then Brandon emitted a savage grunt and suddenly there was silence.

Breathlessly I waited, listening. There was only silence. Five minutes passed and then ten. Finally I heard movement and the murmuring of soft voices.

After several more minutes, the guest bedroom door opened and a second later Brandon was standing in the den doorway. We stared at each other. Both of us felt the need to say something, but neither of us seemed to have any idea about what it might be.

The situation was beginning to get awkward when Brandon suddenly asked; "How did the UCLA Arkansas game come out?" He was choosing to ignore the elephant in the room.

Relieved, I said; "UCLA won with a last second basket."

"Sounds like it was a good game."

"It was."

Glancing at the television, he asked; "Who's playing now?"

"Wisconsin and Florida State; Florida State's up by four. It's still the first half."

"How much time is left?"

"Just over five minutes."

"Mind if I sit down and watch until half time?"

I gestured towards Anne's recliner. "Have a seat."

Anne dashed by the door while Brandon was sitting down. She was naked. She hurried into the master bedroom without making eye contact with either of us.

There was another moment of awkward silence. Finally Brandon said; "I got my BA at Michigan and I went to law school at Michigan State, so I'm an ardent Big Ten fan."

"I graduated from Iowa and I got my PhD at Northwestern so I am too."

"Anne told me you're a college professor."

"Yes, at Kelroy. I understand that you specialize in corporate law like Anne."

Brandon chuckled. "Yeah, I'm devoting my life to helping rich people get richer."

Grinning at him, I said; "Their kids all go to Kelroy, so I'm devoting my life to making sure that their families hang on to their wealth."

We both laughed. I said; "Can I interest you in a beer?"

"Are you going to have one?"

"Yeah, I thought I would."

"I don't want to overstay my welcome."

"I think you have time for a beer."

"Thanks, I'd love one."

I stood up. "I have Michelob Ultra and Heineken."

"A Heineken would be great."

"Would you like a glass?"

"No, a bottle or a can is fine."

I went into the kitchen, took two bottles of Heineken out of the refrigerator. After I opened them I carried them back to the den and handed one to Brandon.

A soon as I was seated he held up his beer and said; "To the Big Ten."

Grinning I held up my own bottle and said; "Yes, to the Big Ten."

"Hey I want in on this too. I'm a Big Ten girl. I got my BA from Illinois and I went to Law School at Purdue." Anne was standing in the den doorway. Showered and wearing fresh makeup, she looked gorgeous in her jeans and Purdue sweatshirt.

She walked over to the love seat that was against the wall to the right of the two recliners Brandon and I were occupying. As she sat down she asked; "What's the chance of getting one of those beers?"

Standing up, I said; "I happen to know that we have an ample supply in the refrigerator; Do you want a Heineken or one of your Michelob Ultra’s?"

"Michelob Ultra, I have to watch my girlish figure."


Posts: 14692
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LOL - I'm surprised that Jamie knew the score.

Couple of great segments


Posts: 4050
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Yes, I think we both understand that difficulty

Timmy, as always, thanks for the comment



Posts: 4050
#54 · Edited by: goodhusband
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When I returned with Anne's beer she and Brandon were clapping and cheering. Wisconsin had just gone on an eight to zero run. They were now up by four with two minutes left in the half.

After handing Anne her beer I sat down and focused on the game with them. All three of us shook our heads in disgust when Florida State hit back to back unanswered baskets to tie the score. After that the two teams started trading baskets. When Wisconsin scored, we cheered. When Florida State scored we watched in silent agony.

Two minutes in basketball time is more like ten minutes in real time, especially at the end of either half. Those ten minutes were enough time for us to forge a basketball bond.

When the half ended I noticed that Brandon had finished his beer. Smiling, I said; "Can I get you another Heineken?"

He politely answered, "No, I'd better be going. I really don't want to overstay my welcome."

Shaking my head, I said; "We're planning to spend the rest of the afternoon and all of the evening watching the games. If you don't have anything else to do, you're welcome to join us."

Brandon's smile attested to his interest, but he still hesitated. The elephant in the room was clearly a concern for him. He looked to Anne for guidance.

She just shrugged and said; "Jamie invited you. He isn't prone to saying things he doesn't mean, so I have to believe his invitation was sincere. I certainly enjoy your company. If you'd like to watch the games with us, you should accept the invitation."

Brandon turned to me. "Are you sure? I mean, you know, it could be awkward."

I smiled. "I think you just woke up the elephant in the room."

Grinning, he said; "I guess I did give it a little poke in the butt, didn't I?"

"A little poke in the butt? Hell, you just jabbed a fucking stick up its ass." Anne was laughing.

Chagrined, Brandon said; "Sorry Anne, you know I've never been as patient as you are."

Smiling, Anne looked at me and said; “Jamie, my friend Mr. Grey tends to be an aggressive negotiator. He likes to power the issue."

Shrugging, I said; "I'm an English professor. I'm not a negotiator. My job is to clarify, interpret and explain."

Anne said; "Brandon, listen carefully. You are about to be shown why I'm so madly in love with this man."

Ignoring Anne, I said; "Let's start by laying out the facts. First of all, you just spent two hours in the next room fucking my wife."

Brandon looked at Anne. She shrugged and said; "He's a college professor. He has no master; that allows him to be totally frank. You and I have clients. We've had to learn to temper everything we say. Brace yourself buddy boy, I know my husband and I'm quite certain that he's just getting started." Anne winked at me.

I winked back at her and then I said; "Some men would have stormed into the bedroom with a shot gun and blown both of you away. More temperate men would have taken photographs and contacted a divorce lawyer. I did neither. Instead I sat quietly in this room trying to hear everything you were doing."

Now obviously disconcerted, Brandon stared at me.

I continued. "Mr. Grey, I'm a submissive masochistic cuckold who lives as his wife's slave. I offer neither explanations nor apologies. It is simply who I am. If you can accept that as fact without judgment or condemnation I offer you the full hospitality of our household. If you cannot, our friendship is doomed."

Brandon continued staring at me. After a moment he turned to Anne and said; "He's not just good he's fucking amazing." Turning back to me he added; "Mr. Walsh if you ever decide to become an attorney my firm will hire you the minute you finish law school."

Anne laughed. "You'll find yourself in a bidding war with my firm." But then with a serious expression, she said; "He won't be interested in either of our offers. You see, while you and I are motivated by power and greed; Jamie cares only about truth and self-realization. Power and greed are meaningless to him. Serving me makes him happy and that's all that matters to him. I believe he was serious when he told you that if you can accept that fact he will embrace you as his friend and if you can't, you may as well leave right now."

"I'm not sure what you expect from me."

"Accept who we are without judgment and act accordingly."

"That may take me a little time."

"Jamie is even more patient than I am. We'll wait." Anne glanced over at me. I nodded. She smiled.

Brandon said; "Okay, I understand that, but I'm not sure what you want from me right now. I mean, this afternoon."

Shrugging, I said; "Just answer my question."

"What question?"

"Do you want another beer?"

All three of us laughed and then Brandon said; "Yes, I would love another beer."


Posts: 182
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Hi gh, I absolutely fucking love it, more more more.



Posts: 1914
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GH, I don't know how you do it .. but I'm really glad that you do.


Posts: 111
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I started this story the first couple of days that you posted and stopped. After the first couple of posts I was deep in thought, again. (I know I’m not supposed to do that because I could hurt myself.) Sometimes the concept is gut wrenching. I just went back and caught up. This is a great story so far. It just took reading further into it for me to get with the program. Thank you for writing, it greatly is appreciated!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Grinning I held up my own bottle and said; "Yes, to the Big Ten."

Now for some reamister I thought this was going to lead to the size of his cock.

I think you missed a great chance to make that long shot and score.

I'm enjoying your story......thanks for sharing!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1916
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Great story GH, as usual of course!


Posts: 4050
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Ajax and Peak

Thank you


Glad you started reading it again. I hope I don't disappoint you.


I did miss one there. (Good thing they didn't go to Big Twelve schools) I am certain that the size of Brandon's equipment will eventually be a subject for discussion


As always, thanks


Thank you again for taking the time to comment

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