Posts: 4050
#391 · Edited by: goodhusband
I listened to the messages. The first was from Anne.
"Jamie, this is all a misunderstanding. I didn't have a chance to tell Brandon about our conversation this morning. He didn't realize that you already knew that people at the conference were under the impression that he and I were married."
Anne paused. After a moment she said; "Baby, please call me. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about telling Brandon that I loved him while we were with Jack and Gail. I really didn't think about it. They're a wonderfully affectionate couple, especially after they have a couple of glasses of wine. It just seemed natural to act the same way with Brandon. Jamie, I promise you that you will always be the central man in my life. Please call me."
The message ended.
Brandon didn't know about my conversation with Anne that morning. He thought I'd just found out from Gail. Suddenly his comment, "Jamie knows" took on a different meaning.
The next message was from Brandon. I listened to it.
"Jamie, this is a terrible misunderstanding. I wasn't trying to hide anything from you. Anne and I have enjoyed playing a little fantasy game while we were here. That's all it was, a game much like the games the three of us play. I've never been married and I firmly believe I never will be, so it was fun to be able to pretend for a few days. It wasn't something we planned. It just happened, but once it started we both enjoyed it. We should have told you right away, but we didn't and I apologize for that. We did intend to tell you, we really did. It was just a game."
Brandon paused for a moment and then he said; "Please believe me when I say that it has never been my intention to try to steal Anne from you. Even if I wanted to do that, I'm sure that I wouldn't be successful. You are Anne's number one man, the center of her life. I will never be more than a very close friend. Yes she does love me and I do love her, but Jamie her love for me will never approach the intensity of her love for you. I also value your friendship and I sincerely hope that this hasn't damaged that friendship."
He paused again and then he added; "Please call Anne. She is absolutely distraught about the possibility that she might lose you because of this."
The message ended. I set my cell phone down and sat back in my chair. Brandon had called it a fantasy game, one in which he and Anne were husband and wife. Earlier I'd asked myself if I could be content living as Anne's servant while she was married to another man. I'd decided that I couldn't do that, but could I do it if it was just part of a game? I had to admit, the idea was exciting. Still, there were so many unanswered questions. Would Anne and Brandon want to include me in this game? If they did invite me to join them, would I really want to get involved in it? This game had the potential to be dangerous? I could be playing with fire. What if Anne and Brandon decided that they enjoyed the game so much that they wanted to turn it into a permanent reality? That would be devastating.
I smiled. The danger, the risk, was also part of the excitement. I was a submissive masochist. Having my wife leave me for another man was the ultimate offense. Of course that offense was self-destructive and only enjoyable as a fantasy. As a reality it would be unbearably painful.
But as a game it could be unbelievably exciting. Did I dare even consider it? Could I trust Anne? I already knew the answer to that question. I've always trusted her. All successful relationships are based on trust. They have to be. Because of the nature of our relationship trust has been even more important. Yes at times, today being a good example, that trust has been tested. That's part of growth. Eventually I have always chosen to trust Anne and she has never used that trust.
Slowly I was coming to the conclusion that I was not only willing to play this game, I wanted to play it. Taking a deep breath, I tried to quell the excitement building in my loins. It was difficult. I kept imagining Anne cuddled on the couch next to Brandon watching television while I waited on them and cleaned the house. I really did feel as if I'd been born to serve a strong powerful woman and this seemed like the ultimate fulfillment of that destiny.
Of course I was smart enough to understand that many dreams are better left as fantasies. Reality often has consequences that can turn the fondest dream into a nightmare. This however, was not going to be reality; this was going to be a game, a game very much like other games we were already playing.
I looked at my cell phone. I needed to call Anne; but first I had to listen to the other two messages, the one from the mystery area code and the second message from Anne.
Suddenly it dawned on me, the unknown area code had to be New York. It was Gail Chalmers. I pushed in the number for my voicemail and waited. The mystery area code was the next unheard message. I listened.
"Jamie, this is Gail Chalmers."
I was right. I kept listening.
There was a moment of hesitation and then Gail said; "Jamie this is quite unsettling. Usually I'm a discreet permister, but during our earlier conversation I was a complete ditz. The only excuse I have is that talking to you about your life style while I watched your wife suck my husband's cock was unbelievably arousing. Unfortunately it appears that my exuberant comments led you to believe that Anne is planning to leave you for Brandon. Jamie, nothing could be farther from the truth. Anne loves you. Yes, she has feelings for Brandon too, but when you listen to her talk about you it's clear that you are the apple of her eye."
Gail paused. After a moment she said; "Jamie I'm a divorce attorney. I spend my workdays interviewing a seemingly unending line of couples whose marriages are faltering. During the course of my career I've become quite adept at recognizing women who have fallen out of love with their husbands. Please believe me Jamie, Anne is not one of those women. Yes, you do have an unorthodox relationship and while she does have feelings for Brandon; her love for you far outweighs any feelings she has for him. Oh and he knows that and claims to be content with the situation."
There was a second or two of silence and then Gail said; "Jamie, Anne is distraught over what's happened today and she's terrified that she's going to lose you. Please call her."
The message ended. Realizing that I really had acted rashly and feeling more than a little chagrined about it, I quickly listened to Anne's second message.
"Jamie, I kept secrets from you. It was a terrible thing to do and I feel awful about it. I should have told you right away that everyone at the conference thought Brandon and I were married. I don't really know why I didn't tell you. It wasn't my intention to try to hide it from you. I guess I never really thought about how significant it might be. As far as Brandon and I were concerned, it was just another game we were playing. I also should have told you more about what was happening with Jack and Gail. They're so affectionate with each other, especially after a couple of glasses of wine. It really is nice and I guess it was just too easy to get caught up in it."
Anne paused. After a moment she said; "Jamie I love you. I enjoy sex with Brandon and I do care about him, but you will always be the most important man in my life. Please call me. I'm terrified that I'm going to lose you because of a silly misunderstanding and that possibility is so horrible that I start crying every time I think about it."
There was silence. A second or two passed, Anne whispered, "Jamie please call me." And then her message ended.
I saved the message; I couldn't bear to delete it, then I closed my eyes and thought about everything that had happened. I’d acted rashly and hurt the permister I care most about in this world. Yes maybe Anne had made some mistakes, but that’s all they were, mistakes. I’d also encouraged her. Hell, I gave her permission to tell Brandon she loved him and I didn’t put any restrictions on that prerogative. This was just a misunderstanding that I’d blown way out of proportion. All I could think about was how much I loved Anne and how awful it would be to lose her. Managing to pull myself together, I took a deep breath and picked up my cell phone.
Posts: 1914
GH, As ever, the truth will set you free.
Thanks for the update, quality as ever doesn't come cheap, I'm grateful that you continue to pay the price..
Posts: 1418
Twists and turns, anger, pain sadness, regret, relief, and understanding and thats just in the last two segments. You out did yourself.
Posts: 279
GH, Love always, we think it all may come crashing down just as Jamie did, then we get lifted again. Good things come to those that wait...and I shall be waiting for the next chapter. Many thanks R
Posts: 4050
#395 · Edited by: goodhusband
Peak, Zinc and Roveruk
Thanks for the comments. Hopefully I'll be able to post one more segment this week.
Posts: 4050
#396 · Edited by: goodhusband
Anne picked up on the first ring. "Jamie!"
"Yes Anne, it's me."
"Jamie this was all a stupid mistake."
"I know that Anne, I know it. I was stupid."
"No Jamie, I was the one who was stupid. I should have told you about everything as it was happening."
"And I should have trusted you."
"Jamie, can you forgive me?"
"I already have. Can you forgive me?"
"For what?"
"For being a dork and not trusting you."
"Jamie you're not a dork and I spent the week pretending I was married to another man. I don't blame you for not trusting me."
"Anne do you love me?"
"Of course I do, I'll always love you."
"Are you going to leave me for Brandon?"
"Certainly not! Brandon is a wonderful man and I really do love him, but I love you even more. Jamie you're the perfect man for me. No one will ever be able to replace you."
"Then I should have trusted you."
Anne laughed. "All right, you should have trusted me. Do you want me to punish you when I get home?"
"Mmmmm, now there's a plan that deserves some serious consideration."
"You're a perv."
"Yes, but so are you and Brandon. That's how we got into this mess in the first place."
Still laughing, Anne said; "Jamie, you make me feel so good."
"Yeah, I like you too Anne."
"Jamie, I miss you, do you think we could leave our phones on and kind of relax together tonight?"
I paused. Anne's suggestion was incredibly romantic. I was about to say, yes; but then I stopped myself. This was the last night of Anne's vacation with Brandon. They'd spent a week playing a game, a game in which they were husband and wife. It was only a game, but it was a game they'd obviously enjoyed. Frankly, I was now at a point where I was also enjoying it. Tonight should be the grand finale for their game and I didn't see any reamister to put a damper on that fun. Suddenly I realized exactly what I needed to do.
"Anne I think I have a better idea."
"A better idea? I don't understand."
"Put your phone on speaker."
"On speaker? Why?"
"Because I want Brandon to be part of this conversation."
"All right." There was a momentary pause and then Anne said; "Okay we're on speaker phone."
"Brandon can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear Jamie. Hey Jamie, I'm sorry. I really didn't..."
"Brandon, it's okay; don't worry. I want to forget about all of that and play a game."
"A game?"
"Yes, a game that I think all of us will enjoy?"
"Jamie, are you upset? Is this some kind of a trick?"
"No Brandon, it's not. Now just relax, I think you're going to enjoy this."
"Okay," There was a guarded tone in Brandon's voice.
I ignored it and said; "Anne."
"Yes Jamie."
"The white baby doll nighty that I gave you, would you please put it on."
"Anne please humor me."
"Jamie, tell me what you're doing."
"If you and Brandon are going to be husband and wife you really should have a wedding."
Brandon laughed. "Now I get it. Anne, Jamie's not upset about our little game, he thinks it’s exciting. I’m fairly certain that he's trying to give us permission to play it for one more night."
"Jamie, is that true?"
"Yes Anne, that’s exactly right."
Anne was silent. After a moment she whispered, "Jamie, that's really hot."
"I think it is too."
"But why the white baby doll nighty?"
"Anne honey, it's your wedding dress." Brandon was clearly amused.
Giggling, Anne said; "This is going to be a very naughty wedding."
Brandon eagerly said; "I hope so."
"You're right Jamie, he is a perv."
"That's why we both like him so much."
"That and his big cock."
"And you just called me a perv."
"Okay, you're right. I have a thing for big cocks."
"So why did you marry me?"
"Because I have an even bigger thing for cute submissive guys with teenie weenies."
"That would definitely be you Jamie." Brandon was starting to play our game. It was clear that he was relaxing. That was all right with me. I was already excited. I wanted to play too.
Still worried about everything that had just happened, Anne said; "Brandon, take it easy."
"You just told him he had a teenie weenie."
"Yes I did, but we play like that all the..."
"I play those games with him too."
"Both of you stop. It's okay, it's over. All three of us made mistakes and we've forgiven each other. Let's not let it destroy what we had. In fact let's use it to make what we had better."
Anne said, "You mean a new fantasy game. One in which Brandon and I are husband and wife."
"That's right."
"Are you sure you're okay with that game Jamie?" It was Brandon.
"As long as we keep it a game I think it will be great fun."
"I can do that."
"So can I", said Anne.
"I can too, so let's start playing. For the purposes of tonight's game I will not be Jamie the cuckold husband."
"Who will you be?" asked Brandon.
"The honorable Reverend Teenie Weenie, you may refer to me as Reverend Weenie."
Brandon started chuckling. I was grinning, but of course we were on a speaker phone so they couldn’t see me."
"Reverend Weenie?" Anne's voice was completely dead pan. Her uncanny emotional control had allowed her to effortlessly slip into the flow of the game."
"Yes Ms. Royce."
"If this is going to be a wedding aren't we required to have witnesses?"
"Do you think the Chalmers would enjoy this game?"
"Jamie honey...I mean Reverend Weenie, they would love it. It will also give them a chance to get better acquainted with you. I'd like that."
"Are they readily available?"
"Their room is just down the hall. Brandon can call them." Anne paused for a moment and then she asked, "What should we tell them to wear?"
Brandon answered, "I'm going to wear my sports jacket."
"Your sports jacket! This is a sex party. I'm going to be wearing a see through baby doll nightie. You can't be fully dressed."
"This is probably the only wedding I'll ever have. I want to look my best. Besides, I won't be wearing anything else."
"Oh, well that's okay then."
"That means you can't wear the panties that came with your nightie."
"That means the entire wedding party will be able to see my cooch." Anne's voice was filled with feigned shock.
"That's right, but of course the wedding party is going to just be Jack and Gail and they'll love it." Brandon added, "I'm quite certain that after the ceremony Gail is going to want to spend a little time kissing the bride's cooch."
"Mmmm, I'm sure she will and the bride will love it. Next to Reverend Weenie, Gail is the best cooch kisser I've ever met."
"Okay, back to business. I'll tell Jack to bring a sports jacket. Their room is just a few doors away so they can wear their robes when they come over. What should I tell Gail to bring?"
"I have an idea. Jamie, would you mind if Gail wore the other nightie you gave me? I think it would make a perfect brides maid dress."
Brandon quickly interjected, "She can't wear the panties either."
Laughing, Anne said; "Don't worry pussy man, I'm certain she won't want to wear them."
Ignoring this interchange, I asked; "Will the nightie fit her?"
"Yes, we're about the same size and I'm sure she wants to wear it. I wore it when we partied last night. She was quite taken with it. Jamie she thinks you have excellent taste."
"Then I agree. It will make an excellent brides maid dress."
Brandon said; "Great, I'll call them."
While Brandon was calling Gail and Jack, Anne said; "Jamie, I was terrified that I'd lost you."
"I was pretty upset too Anne, I'm sorry I didn't trust you."
"No Jamie, it was all my fault. I have to remember that our life style requires complete honesty and constant communication. This week I forgot that."
"And I have to remember that on my part it requires trust. Anne, fortunately we worked it out, we're still together. I think we can learn from this and in the future it will make us stronger."
"I think so too Jamie."
"They're on their way over." It was Brandon. "They don't exactly understand what's going on, but they're eager to do anything that might help the two of you stay together."
"I don't think we need any more assistance on that front. Now what we need are a couple of open minded game players."
Brandon laughed; "Jamie my bud, I don't think we could find two more open minded game players than Jack and Gail."
Posts: 1914
GH, Wonderfully inventive as ever. Thanks for continuing this great story.
Posts: 3581
Sounds like my kind of wedding! Wonder who will get the first taste of the wedding cake? Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
thank you for a wonderful couple of chapters, just what the doc ordered after being in the hospital for 10 day.
You know I'll always be around, no matter how long in between segments.
Enjoy life.
Posts: 14692
Time for a bump
Posts: 242
Keeping it bumped up!!
I don't know how you do it GH, story after story and everyone a master piece. Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying life! I look forward to your next chapters!
Thank you
Posts: 242
Keeping it bumped up!!
I don't know how you do it GH, story after story and everyone a master piece. Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying life! I look forward to your next chapters!
Thank you
Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 114
still one of the best stories
Posts: 4050
#405 · Edited by: goodhusband
Everyone, thanks for the kind comments.
Sometimes when I'm writing I deviate from my outline and go off on a tangent. That happened with this story. I wrote several pages about Jack Chalmers and his Lesbian sister, before I realized that it was dull and irrelevant. After that it is often difficult for me to back track so I set the story aside.
The other day Lisa was reading it and suggested that I just go back, delete all of that and pick up the story again. My productivity is still going to be slow and I still intend to continue wrirting Jackie and Artie, but here's a little more of five days.
Posts: 4050
Anne and Brandon spent the next few minutes preparing for the mock wedding. I heard both of them taking of their clothes.
When Ann put on the nightie Brandon said; "Damn baby, you sure make that look good."
Anne sat down to comb her hair and fix her makeup. While she was doing that Brandon put on his sport jacket and asked, "Do you think I should wear a tie?"
Laughing, Anne answered; "No, a tie isn't necessary. This is going to be an informal wedding."
"That's a relief; I'd feel a little uncomfortable showing up at a formal wedding without my pants."
Still laughing, Anne said; "Especially when you're sporting a monster erection."
"You know you could do something about that."
"No way buster, not until after the wedding."
"My, my, my, haven't we suddenly become prudish."
"Brandon I remind you, there is a minister listening on the phone."
"Reverend Weenie? He's a good friend of mine and I happen to know that he's a very open minded preacher."
Just as I was about to add my two cents worth to this silly conversation there was a knock at the door.
Anne said; "That must be Jack and Gail. Brandon honey, get the door."
"What if it's not? I'm not wearing pants."
"Neither am I, use the peep hole."
A second later Brandon said; "It's Jack and Gail."
And then I heard the door open and Gail Chalmers voice. "Anne what's going on? Have you heard from Jamie? What's all this talk about a wedding? You're not really planning to divorce Jamie and marry Brandon, are you?"
"No Gail, I'm not planning to divorce Jamie and marry Brandon and yes, I have heard from Jamie. In fact, he's listening on the speaker on my cell phone right now."
"Really? Where's your cell phone?"
"On the bedside table."
"Why is Brandon wearing a sport coat? And why did he tell Jack to bring his?"
Deciding that it was finally time for me to get involved again, I said; "Hello Ms. Chalmers."
"Jamie, is that really..." She stopped herself and said, "Of course it is. Jamie is everything all right? I truly am sorry about being a lame brain earlier this evening."
"Forget about it Ms. Chalmers, you weren't being a lame brain, I doubt very much that you're capable of being a lame brain. You were caught up in the moment and jumped to some conclusions that probably should have been valid considering the situation. I also overreacted. I should have trusted Anne and taken the time to get a better understanding of the situation before I leaped to my own conclusions."
"I certainly am beginning to understand why Anne is so taken with you. You're level headed, forgiving, insightful and quite a diplomat."
"I'm not sure Anne would agree with your assessment."
"Oh yes I would and don't you forget that."
"So what's going on? Why did you ask me to bring a sport coat? Brandon, why are you wearing a sport coat and nothing else? Damn buddy, you've got to do something about that hard on before it bites somebody." He laughed. "Oh I see what caused it. Annie, you are absolutely *******ing in that nightie. Shit, I'm gonna pop a chubby too." It was a man's voice. I assumed it was Jack Chalmers.
Gail said, "Jack, Jamie's on the speaker phone."
"Oh yeah! That's great. Annie, did you guys patch things up?"
Anne answered him. "We did, in fact we're about to play a kinky game, that's why we invited the two of you to come over."
"A kinky game! You invited the right couple. Hey Jamie, can you hear me?"
"Yes Mr. Chalmers, very clearly."
"Mr. Chalmers? Jamie, I've spent the last three nights fucking your wife. I think it would be okay for you to call me Jack."
Brandon stepped in. "Jack, that's part of Jamie's cuckold game. He gets off on being submissive to his wife and the guys who are playing with her."
"Does he call you Mr. Grey?"
"He does when we're playing games."
"Damn, that's hot. Hey Jamie, I think you might be almost as kinky as I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm not submissive myself. In fact I have a strong preference for the opposite side of the street; but I do have an open mind. I've had it ever since I was eighteen. I understand that lots of people wind there clocks with different keys. The only people I worry about are the prudes who don't seem to be able to wind their clocks at all."
"Jack I think you might be overwhelming Jamie."
"Oh sorry Jamie, sometimes I come on a little too strong. When that happens, Gail's real good at pulling in my reins just a little bit."
"That's okay Mr. Chalmers, I'm enjoying this conversation. I hope we get to meet some day."
"I'd like that too Jamie. Hey Jamie you know what might be fun?"
"What's that?"
"When we get together you could lick my wife's ass while your wife sucks my cock. Now that would be kinky."
"Jack calm down, you just met Jamie." Gail was trying to intervene again.
"Sorry Jamie, did I offend you?"
"No sir, you didn't. Actually I think the idea's kind of hot."
Anne giggled. "Kind of hot? Jamie, be truthful. You'd love to lick Gail's ass while I suck Jack's cock."
Gail said, "Mmmm I like the idea too."
Brandon chuckled. "I think we've got the right group for this kinky game."
"Brandon honey, you are so right. Okay, let's get this organized." It was Anne. She was taking charge. I always liked it when she did that. "Gail I would like you to be my bridesmaid."
"Bridesmaid? Annie, what's going on?"
"Anne is about to become my temporary wife and her wimpy cuckold husband”; Brandon paused and said; "No offense buddy."
Laughing, I said; "None taken sir."
"Holy cuckolds brownie!" Jack was clearly amazed.
Brandon continued. "Jamie is going to play the part of Reverend Weenie, the preacher who's going to marry us."
Jack said; "Damn, I thought I was kinky, but you guys are making me look like a rank amateur."
"That's why Brandon is wearing a sport jacket and that's why we asked you to bring yours. You're going to be Brandon's best man." Anne was still trying to get things moving.
"And I suppose I'm not going to be allowed to wear pants either?"
"Does that bother you Jack?"
Chuckling, Jack said; "Not really Annie, especially since you're also not wearing any."
"And Gail won’t be either."
"Me? Why not?"
“Because you’ll be wearing your bridesmaid’s dress.”
“My bridesmaid’s dress?”
"Are you willing to be my bridesmaid?"
"Of course."
"Then you have to wear your bridesmaid's dress." I heard movement and the rustling of clothing.
"The other nightie, that's perfect." Gail was laughing.
"All right, let's get ready. Reverend Weenie is waiting to start the ceremony." Anne was getting everyone back on task.
I heard movement and the sounds of people undressing.
Gail said; "Jack we have to tell Don and Melinda about this."
Jack answered, "Hell, we have to get these people together with Don and Melinda, especially Jamie."
Laughing, Gail said; "Oh yes, we most certainly do. Jamie, are you there?"
"Yes Ms. Chalmers."
"You have to meet our friend, Melinda. She's a six foot tall beauty. She played college basketball and loves submissive men."
"Is her husband submissive?"
"No, not at all. She views submissive men as toys. She would never marry one."
Starting to get excited, I asked; "How do you know that?"
"We all belong to a private sex club in Manhattan. Several of the members are extremely submissive."
"Are they all men?"
"No some of them are women."
Still chuckling, Jack said; "And Melinda enjoys playing with all of them."
Anne giggled. “Jamie, would you enjoy spending an evening as a sex toy for a six foot tall amazon?”
I gasped.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 nice ...I just got caught up on this . I've been reading another called adams joureny . Not sure i'll ever catch up on that one . I'm only on pg 28 . lol Love the pathyou have taken with this 
Posts: 111
GH, This is another great segment. I was concerned when Jamie refused to answer the phone a few weeks ago, but I should trust the author to bring it all together. I read whatever you write and I have to admit that I missed Jackie and Artie until tonight. I was gone for 10 days last month and when I came back I looked for the stories I normally follow and just did not pick up on this new story. That was a big mistake because it is shaping up to be another outstanding story. I really appreciate you writing and do follow what you write. I also have another question regarding [u]“Jack Chalmers and his Lesbian sister”[/u] did I miss something? A Big Thank You! jj.
Posts: 4050
#409 · Edited by: goodhusband
lick buddy
Thanks for the comment. "Adams Journey" is a classic. You have a lot of fun reading ahead of you and you're going to meet some wonderful charachters.
About a week ago I did add another small segment to Five Days In Florida and I am working on another segment. Even though I do write from an outline, I often take off on tangents. I did that with "Five Days." I ended up writing and extended narrative about how Jack Chalmers grew when he discovered that his older sister was a lesbian. After reams of writing I realized that I was preaching (something else I have a tendency to do) so I deleted the entire segment and started over. Also Jack is a relatively minor character in that story, so giving him depth is a waste of time. In short, you didn't miss anything.
Thank you both for your comments
I really am getting old. I just posted on the wrong story.
Posts: 1914
Going downhill quickly GH. Good to see you posting here though - even if it is by mistake!
Posts: 14692
bumpity bump
Posts: 114
Hope you haven't stopped writing FIve Days. The story needs to continue
Thanks for all your stories
Posts: 14692
what was it GH with that old Ford on the bumpy rod?
Posts: 14692
Time for a bump
Posts: 14692
booster at work
Posts: 14692
keeping it on the front page
Posts: 114
Good Husband Please continue this story
Posts: 4050
I will, but right now I only have the stamina for one story and it's Jackie and Artie. I will try to finish this story too.
Posts: 14692
Bump time
Posts: 14692
Hump Day bump