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Five Days In Florida

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Posts: 4050
#361 · Edited by: goodhusband
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We were up early the next morning. Anne's plane left at 10:15. We had a forty minute drive to the airport, so at 8:00 we were in my car backing down the driveway.

The Saturday morning, the traffic was light. I dropped Anne at the airport a little after 8:35. She was planning to meet Brandon at the gate. They had adjacent seats in first class.

From the airport I went to Kelroy. Large amounts of paperwork always accompanied the start of a new semester. I spent the rest of the morning getting caught up and organized.

After lunch I went to the football game. Since Kelroy was a small college I knew most of the players. That made the games even more interesting. There were a number of faculty members at the game. We sat together and after the game everyone went out for a beer. Six of us ended up having dinner together and it was after 8:00 by the time I got home.

Of course, throughout the day Anne and Brandon were constantly in my thoughts. I knew their itinerary. Their plane was scheduled to land at Boston Logan airport at 1:45 eastern time which was 12:45 central time. Claiming their luggage and picking up their rental car would take about an hour. It was a two hour drive from the airport to the resort on Cape Cod, so I assumed that they would arrive at around 5:00 pm. Checking in and unpacking would take another hour. After that Anne would want to freshen up; which would mean a shower. I was certain that she’d invite Brandon to join her and that would of course lead to a little fooling around. By the time they were finished the cocktail hour would be starting in the lounge and then of course, it would be time for dinner. I expected that Anne would call me shortly after they returned to their room, but I didn't think that was likely to happen until at least ten, which was nine o'clock my time.

Knowing that I probably had at least an hour to ******* I decided to take my shower. While I showered I thought about how much Brandon was going to enjoy the two nighties I'd bought for Anne and I got excited. That made me smile. Only a masochistic submissive cuckold could understand that reaction.

After my shower, I dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt, turned on my computer and logged on to one of the popular erotic story web sites. I was halfway through a new story by one of my favorite cuckold writers when the telephone rang.

I picked up the telephone; "Hello."

"Hi cuckboy."

It was Brandon. Smiling, I answered; "Hello Mr. Grey, how are you?"

"Cuckboy, I couldn't be better. At this moment an absolutely gorgeous woman, dressed in a sexy white baby doll nightie, is giving me a magnificent blow job."

"At this very moment?"

"That's right."

"And it's a magnificent blow job?"

"The very best, you should know cuckboy; your wife is giving it to me." Chuckling, Brandon added; "But then again, I guess you don't know. I've heard that when you get off the only help you get is from Rosy Palm and her five friends."

I laughed. "Brandon my buddy, you are definitely in fine form tonight."

He laughed too. "Jamie, everything I know I learned from you and your stories."

"Have I created a monster?"

"Only during our games. Hey Jamie, Anne wants to talk to you."

"Hi Jamie."

"Hi Mistress Anne."

"Mistress Anne, oh like that. I think this is going to turn out to be an exciting phone call."

"I think the two of you have already established that."

"What do you mean?"

"You had Brandon call me while you were sucking his cock."

Giggling, Anne said; "I thought you might enjoy that."

"Oh I did, maybe even as much as you and Brandon."

"Sweet pea, it was fun." Anne was giggling even harder.

"If it was fun, why did you stop?"

"I didn't really stop."

"Are you telling me you're talking with your mouth full? I always assumed you had better manners than that."

"Cuckboy, you know I take pride in my etiquette. I would never talk with my mouth full. Brandon's cock isn't in my mouth anymore, now it's in my pussy. I'm riding him cowgirl."

"I thought you didn't like cowgirl."

"Sweet pea I love riding you cowgirl"

"Yes, but when you do that with me, you're riding my face not my cock."

Brandon chimed in; "You're right Sweet pea, usually she does prefer having me on top, but you know what they say; variety is the spice of life and right now I have to admit that I'm thoroughly enjoying the variety."

That got all three of us laughing again.

Anne said; "Sweet pea, I wish you were here kneeling at the foot of the bed watching us. Since you're not I thought you might enjoy a little cuckold phone sex."

"Cuckold phone sex?"

"Yeah, Brandon and I have sex while you listen on the telephone."

"Okay, cuckold phone sex; what should I do?"

"Have you taken your evening shower?"

"Sure have."

"So you're wearing your usual sweatpants and tee shirt."

"That's right."

"Take them off."

"Okay." I quickly undressed.

"Are you naked now?"

"I am."

"Is your little pee pee hard?"


"Play with it while you listen to us, but try not to cum, okay."

"I'll do my best."

"Hey Jamie."

"Yes Brandon."

"Your wife looks really hot riding me while she's wearing that sexy little nightie you bought for her."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Holy cuckolds brownie! Jamie, she just pulled her tits out of the top. Damn they look fabulous. It's like the nightie's straps make a frame for them."

"You like Anne's tits don't you Mr. Grey."

"Like them, hell cuckboy; I love them. This is great! I can look at them and play with her nipples while she rides my cock."

"Sweet pea." It was Anne.


This is a beautiful resort, but it's old. The bed creaks, can you hear it?"

All three of us were quiet. I listened. After a second I heard the rhythmical creaking of the bed. "Yes Mistress Anne, I can hear it."

"I want you to stroke your cock in time with the creaking." Anne paused. After a second she asked. "Are you doing it sweet pea? Are you jacking off in rhythm with our fucking?"

"Yes Mistress Anne, I am."

"Close your eyes Sweet pea and imagine how much fun Mr. Grey is having fucking my pussy and playing with my tits while all you get to do is listen and jack your little dicklet."

As I mentioned earlier, over the previous year Anne, Brandon and I had polished our respective roles in the cuckold hot wife game. All three of us had become quite adept at improvising delightfully hot fantasies. At that moment Anne was doing an outstanding job of demonstrating her s*******s.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. While I listened to the creaking of the bed, I tried to picture what was happening in that Hotel room on Cape Cod. As I listened I began to hear the sounds of labored breathing. Both Anne and Brandon were getting increasingly aroused.

I was getting excited too. In an effort to keep from cumming I bit my lower lip. Not hard enough to draw red, but enough to distract me a little bit.

Suddenly my wife said; "Enough! I need you on top. I need you to take me."

I heard movement as they hurriedly changed positions.

Brandon said; "Take that nightie off. I want to feel your naked breasts underneath me while I'm fucking you. Sorry Jamie, I love that nightie, but its purpose was to get me going and now that I'm there it's just going to get in the way. If Anne keeps it on I'm afraid I'll rip it apart."

I laughed. "That's okay Mr. Grey. I understand."

There was a pause followed by more movement and then Anne hissed; "Oh yes, that's what I want. Push that big monster into me. I'm ready, give me all of it."

Another pause and then Anne exclaimed; "Yes! Yes! Yes! Now fuck me, fuck me hard you big mister of a bitch!"

Brandon laughed and the bed started to creak again, only this time the creaks were louder and faster. Anne often talked about how powerful Brandon could be in bed. This was clearly an example.

I madly pulled on my cock while I listened to Brandon fuck my wife. For a few minutes time lost all meaning. There was just the creaking of the bed and the heavy breathing of the two lovers as they fucked; but then I heard Anne gasp and start to laugh.

I recognized what was happening. My wife was building up to an orgasm. I stroked my cock even harder.

Anne cried; "Jamie, I'm about to cum and I think Brandon is too. Cum with us Jamie, cum in your hand while Brandon cums in my cunt."

And then Anne screamed as the pleasure of her orgasm overwhelmed her. At the same time Brandon grunted. I recognized the grunt. I'd heard it many times. Brandon was ejaculating into my wife.

Feeling the pleasure building in my own loins I kept pumping my cock. The burst of ecstasy came quickly as the spurts of semen exploded into my hand.

Silence followed. No one spoke, no one moved. All three of us were enjoying the euphoria that accompanied our post orgasmic contentment.

After a moment I looked at my hand. It was covered with semen. My arousal had been suppressed by my orgasm. While I didn't want to do it, I knew that Anne expected it of me. I was also certain that she would ask. I suppose that I could have lied, but lying to your hot wife simply isn't part of the submissive cuckold manifesto. Instead I was a good cuckboy and licked my hand clean.

A minute or two passed and then I heard Anne say, "Jamie."

I answered, "Yes?"

"Did you have fun?"

"I did."

"We did too. I wish you were here so that all three of us could cuddle together."

"I'm not sure Mr. Grey and I want to cuddle with each other."

Brandon laughed. "It would be okay as long as you promised to stay on your side of the bed. Anne could act as a wall between us."

We all laughed. Anne said; "Jamie, it's been a long day and Brandon and I are tired. We need to go to relax."

"I'm tired too Anne."

"We signed up for a whale watching trip in the morning. When we get back I'll call you and tell you about the resort and everything that's happened."

"I'd like that Anne. I'll be at home. I plan to spend the day working on my lectures for the week while I watch football."

"That sounds like fun. I wish we could be there with you."

"No Anne the two of you are on Cape Cod. You can watch football anytime. Tomorrow you need to go whale watching, walk on the beach and eat fresh seafood."

"I wish you could be here with us Jamie."

"I wish I could too; but I can't so you and Brandon should relax, take advantage of this opportunity and enjoy yourselves."

"Jamie, I love you."

"I know that Anne. I love you too."

"Good night Jamie."

"Good night Anne."

I was about to hang up when Anne said; "Jamie."

"Yes Anne."

"Tonight before we go to relax I'd like to tell Brandon that I love him too. Is that all right?"

This was something that Anne and I had discussed extensively over the course of the previous year. We both understood that it's nearly impossible to maintain an ongoing intimate relationship with another permister without developing an emotional attachment. Throughout our discussions Anne has steadfastly assured me that I would always be her first love. I chose to be content with that.

I understand that there are those who would contend that her assurance isn't enough. I shouldn't just be her first love; I should be her only love. Of course, those people aren't trying to live the cuckold lifestyle. Realistically, if you're a voluntary cuckold to a hot wife who has a boyfriend, first love has to be enough.

Still, we play a dangerous game. Emotional attachments are not always rational. For a willing cuckold, the risk of losing his true love is an ever present peril. Of course, so is driving a car on an expressway and we do that regularly without thought or worry. Life is an unending cascade of risks and we generally choose to ignore them. We have to do that. If we didn't we'd be terrified every time we left the security of our houses.

With those thoughts in mind, I apprehensively said; "Yes Anne, that's all right. We've talked about this, I understand."

"Thank you Jamie, I love you; I love you so much."

"I love you too Anne, and now it's time for you to cuddle up to Brandon and go to relax."

"Good night Jamie."

"Good night Anne; and Brandon, good night to you too."

He laughed. "Thanks Jamie, good night to you."

I switched off the telephone, set it down on the table next to me, sat back in my chair, closed my eyes and sighed. I'd just given the love of my life permission to tell another man that she loved him. I was reamisterably certain that I really would always be Anne's first love, but of course there would always be lingering doubts. How could there not be? Alas, that was the lot of the cuckold.


Posts: 182
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Hi GH,

That was a simply wonderful piece of writing, you so expertly paint the picture.



Posts: 14692
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WOW! That was hot. Thank you very much.

I really don't care how long I have to wait for another segment. I know it will always be worth the wait.


Posts: 1916
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Great segment, thank you very much. It's always a pleasure to read your updates and this one was great.


Posts: 1459
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Wow - very hot scene, but what a huge leap of faith! Not sure many could handle that step. It makes a permister think, as your stories so often do. Very tough to contemplate that change.

By the way, stop that! I try very hard not to think on my time off, it just makes my head hurt.

Thanks for the great addition, and as for the sporadic posts, I wouldn't worry - we'll be here.


Posts: 1914
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But then there is the flip side of danger. The quickened heart, the emotional releases, the adrenelin when the peak drops away sometimes. How dull would life of any kind be without it. I think you just wrote a perfect balance of three people getting exactly what they wanted and needed out their evening my friend. Few could have done it as well. Good things take time to prepare, but then they are always worth waiting for. Thanks.


Posts: 4050
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Ajax, Timmy, subchard, storm and peak

Thank you



Posts: 4050
#368 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Sunday passed quickly. Watching professional football while I worked on my upcoming lectures was just enough of a diversion to keep me from continually thinking about Anne and Brandon all day.

Anne called at about 4:00. The luxury resort where they were staying had been built in the early 1920's. While it was old it had been beautifully maintained and when necessary, updated. They'd actually seen several whales during their whale watching trip. (Apparently it was common to not see any at all.) While they were on the boat they'd met another couple, Jack and Gail Chalmers. They'd spent most of the trip talking and when the boat docked they'd made a dinner date for the evening. Jack and Gail lived in New York City. They were both attorneys. Jack was a contract negotiator like Anne and Brandon. Gail was a divorce attorney. They were also staying at the resort and were attending the same CLE conference as Anne and Brandon.

After Anne and I finished telling each other about our days Brandon joined us for another session of cuckold phone sex. Anne wanted to get it done before they met Jack and Gail for dinner because she suspected that they might end up having a late evening. She didn't want me to be sitting at home feeling neglected while she and Brandon were out having fun. The phone sex wasn't quite as exciting as the previous night's session, but it was still fun and it finished with another happy ending for all three of us.

The next morning Anne called me while they were on a break. It was 10:00 their time and 9:00 my time. Anne knew that my first class didn't start until 9:30. She told me that she was tired and a little hung over. After dinner the four of them had gone to a dance club not far from the resort. They’d had a good time, but they didn't get back to their room until almost 2:00 AM.

Even though she was tired and hung over, Anne was excited. It had been a wonderful evening. The dinner was outstanding. When Jack and Gail suggested they go to a dance club Anne said that both she and Brandon were skeptical, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. The club played a wonderful combination of old and new music and Jack and Gail were excellent dancers. They gave Anne and Brandon some quick lesmisters and then the four of them spent the rest of the evening dancing. I told Anne that I was glad she'd had a good time. She quickly asked me how I was doing. I told her that I was fine and then we ended the call. She had to get back to her class and I had to prepare for mine.

Anne called me again at 5:30. It was 6:30 on the east coast. They were meeting Jack and Gail in the dining room at 8:00 so they had some free time. We chatted for a little while and then we had another session of cuckold phone sex.

Once again the phone sex was fun and of course I enjoyed talking to Anne and Brandon too, but afterwards as I sat alone in our den I felt strangely disquieted. I couldn't actually identify the source of my anxiety; it just felt like Anne had been uncharacteristically reserved. She seemed to be holding something back, something that she found unsettling.

After contemplating this for several minutes I decided that I really didn't have any concrete evidence for concern so I chose to squelch my fears and prepare my dinner. After dinner I poured myself a stiff scotch, watched some television and then I went to bed.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday followed the same pattern. Anne called me during her break in the morning and then again in the late afternoon before they met Jack and Gail for dinner. During the afternoon phone call we always took a few minutes to tell each other about our days and then we had a session of hot cuckold phone sex.

As the week progressed it became increasingly clear that Anne and Brandon were developing a friendship with Jack and Gail, a friendship that seemed likely to continue after the conference. That made me wonder how forthright Anne had been about our permisteral life. Did Jack and Gail know that she had a husband? If they did know, did they understand that her husband was not only fully aware of her relationship with Brandon, but actually approved of it?

Also, throughout the week the nagging impression that Anne was withholding something from me persisted. It continued to be just an impression and I couldn't identify its cause so I tried to ignore it. Still it lurked in the back of my mind creating a mild anxiety.

Friday was the last day of the conference. Anne and Brandon were flying home Saturday afternoon. I missed Anne and by Thursday I was eagerly awaiting her return.

At 9:00 Friday morning I was sitting at my desk in my office when my cell phone rang. I answered it immediately. I'd been anticipating Anne's call since I got up that morning.

"Hi Jamie."

"Hi Anne, how are you this morning?" During our morning telephone conversations we didn't play sex games. We were just husband and wife.

"I'm wonderful; last night was an incredible evening."

"Really? Tell me about it."

"I will, I want to tell you all about it; but you're going to have to wait until this afternoon."

"What do you mean?"

"It's kind of complicated and I think it would be better if you heard everything at the same time."

"Anne, can't you at least give me a hint? The suspense is going to ******* me today." I paused for a moment and then I added. "You're also scaring me a little bit."

"Jamie, it's nothing bad, at least I don't think it is. I mean it's just complicated. Oh Jamie, I shouldn't have said anything at all. I should have waited until this afternoon. I'm sorry, I’m excited. I had an amazing evening and I can't wait to tell you about it."

"But you also seem to be concerned about how I'll react when I hear it."

"Yes, maybe a little. Jamie, you don't have to worry. I'm not talking about anything serious. It's nothing that will change our relationship. Mostly it's about Jack and Gail."

"Mostly? That means there's something else. It must involve Brandon too. Anne, now you really are scaring me."

"Okay Jamie. I'll tell you a little right now, but I have to get back to class so it has to be a quick explanation."

"Thank you."

"Jack fucked me last night and Brandon fucked Gail."

"Wow! Did you spend the night with Jack?"

"No of course not."

"So did you go to Jack and Gail's room while Brandon and Gail went to your room?" I really didn't understand why I was asking about these details. I guess I was surprised and I didn't know what else to say.

"No, we all stayed in Jack and Gail's room."

"Did all four of you fuck in the same bed at the same time?"

"No, that would have been a little crowded. Besides, we wanted to watch each other."

"Watch each other?"

"Yes, Brandon and Gail watched Jack and me and then we watched Brandon and Gail."


"Jamie, are you mad at me?"

"No Anne, of course not. You know that I think it's exciting when you're with other men. I just want to hear about it."

"I thought you'd feel that way."

"Of course I feel that way. Why were you worried about telling me?"

There was a moment of silence and then Anne said; "There's more."

"More? Tell me, it's okay."

"All right, when we started Gail ate my pussy while Brandon and Jack watched."

"That's the first time a woman has ever done that to you isn't it?"

"Yes." Anne's voice was a whisper.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, she's almost as good as you are."

I laughed. "Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was meant as one."

"Did you return the favor?"

After a momentary pause, Anne answered; "Yes I did."

"Did you enjoy doing it?"

"I really did. Jamie, please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad, but I would like to hear more about it."

"And I promise to tell you all about it this afternoon, but right now I have to get back to class."

"Okay Anne, thanks for giving me the hint. Now I don't have to spend the entire day fretting about what you're going to tell me."

"Jamie, there is one more thing."

"What is it?"

"I told them about you."

"You mean you told them that you have a husband."

"Yes, that's how all of this got started. Jack and Gail have become good friends and during dinner we started making plans to get together again. We're talking about trying to meet for a vacation."

"You wanted to be honest with them and so you felt that you needed to tell them that while Brandon was your boyfriend, you also had a husband at home."

"That was kind of it, but..." Anne's voice trailed off.

"But what Anne?"

"They sort of had the idea that Brandon was my husband. Jamie, I'm sorry but when we got to the conference I forgot to take off my wedding and engagement rings. Since I wear them all the time I don’t notice that I have them on. These days lots of married couples have different last names, so when everyone at the conference saw my rings they assumed that Brandon and I were husband and wife. Once Brandon and I realized what had happened it was too late to try to correct that impression without creating a scandal, so we decided that it would be easier to simply let everyone continue believing that we were married."

I chuckled to myself. It was easy for me to understand exactly how that had happened and now that I knew about it I also understood the feeling of uneasiness that I'd had all week. This was what Anne had been holding back.

"Jamie, please don't be mad at me. It really was an accident."

"It's okay Anne, I do understand."

"Thank you Jamie, thank you so much."

"Anne, I know you have to get back to class and my class starts in ten minutes, but I'm curious about how Jack and Gail reacted when you admitted to them that you were cheating on your husband?"

"I didn't tell them I was cheating on you. I told them the truth."

"The truth? How much did you tell them?"

"Everything Jamie, I told them everything. Was that wrong?"

I paused. I had to think. Part of me was humiliated, but another part of me was wildly excited. After a moment I asked, "How did they react to what you told them?"

"They both think it's incredibly hot. Jamie, they really want to meet you, especially Gail. She is fascinated by the idea that you're my slave."

I was speechless.

Anne waited for a second and then she said, "What's a matter Sweet pea? Cat got your tongue?"

I still didn't respond. After a moment Anne said; "Relax Jamie, they're not judging you. Jack and Gail are the two most open minded people I've ever met. Also, think about this; now that they know the five of us can vacation together. I think that Gail has the potential to be quite dominant.

I gasped.

Anne giggled and then she said; "Jamie, I have to get back into class and yours is about to start. I suspect that you might need a minute or two to collect your wits before you walk into your class room."

Laughing, I said; "Thanks Anne, I think that's excellent advice."

Still giggling, Anne said; "Goodbye Jamie, I love you. I call you this afternoon."

"Good bye Anne, I love you too and I guarantee you that I'm going to spend the rest of the day looking forward to that call."

"Me too, sweet pea; me too." And then Anne ended the call.

I switched off my phone, took two deep breaths, picked up my lecture notes and slowly walked to my classroom. I did need a minute or two to collect my wits.


Posts: 279
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Wonderful turn of events GH, great stuff as ever


Posts: 1914
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A vacation could raise all sorts of possibilities. Just so long as they don't decide to take a houseboat on Lake Powell, that could make life terribly complicated for them ...

Nice posting, by the way. Again.



Posts: 14692
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You just kicked things up at least a couple of notches Thank you for another really great segment.


Posts: 1418
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Fantastic GH, as always!


Posts: 120
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A great update yet again GH, with new twists


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Loved the new turn of events and the new playmates to explore everyones sexual bliss.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 111
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I love the story and it is getting more interesting as the conference week concludes. It appears that Jamie is in for quit a ride. I can’t wait for each additional segment. You are a master and your talent is greatly appreciated. A BIG THANK YOU!


Posts: 1459
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Fun new turn of events, and a whole world of possibilities opening up! Not sure if you meant to or not, but you just potentially made this story a lot longer and more complicated. Trust me.

Oh, and that's not a bad thing by any means, at least not from my perspective!
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 4050
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Rover68uk, Peak, Timmy, Zinc03, Turnstone, cuck4one, jjthom99, storm and lick buddy

Thanks for the comments, they are appreciated.

Peak, I promise that there will be no houseboats in this story, Storm has the houseboat franchise at this site. Storm, I have created some new characters and they may be used in the future, but I am wrting from an outline and I do hope that I will be able to stick to it (Hope being the operant verb)

I have gotten into a little trouble with the outline. The original time scheme is not quite working so I am going to have to go back and make some changes to the early segments. That's the beauty of writinng and posting at this site. I retain that freedom. Otherwise I would be powerd to complete a storyin its entirety before posting it. (based on my occasional unifinshed stories there are those that might say that would be a plus)

Anyway thanks for the comments



Posts: 4050
#379 · Edited by: goodhusband
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My last class of the day ended at 4:00. As soon as the class was over I went straight to my office, filed my lecture notes, grabbed my brief case and left for home. I pulled into our garage at 4:25. Fifteen minutes later my suit was hanging in the closet and I was sitting in the living room wearing a pair of casual slacks, a tee shirt and moccasins reading the newspaper.

I'd just finished reading the sports page when the telephone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Jamie?" It was a woman's voice, but not Anne’s.

"Yes, who am I speaking to?"

"Jamie, I'm Gail Chalmers. I believe your wife has mentioned me."

"Yes she has. I gather that you and your husband have become friends with my wife and her boyfriend."

There was a moment of silence and then Gail said, "So it is true."

"You mean that I'm aware that my wife has a boyfriend?"

"Yes and you approve of it."

I paused. My entire body was tingling with excitement, but I was also apprehensive. I'd only discussed my sexual inclinations with three people, Anne, Brandon and my ex-wife. Quietly, I answered; "Yes."

Picking up on my apprehension, Gail said; "Jamie, I'm not judging you. I would never judge you. As a divorce attorney, I've encountered this fetish several times. This morning I also did some internet research on submissive men who are willing cuckolds. Honestly I think it's quite exciting."

"Is your husband interested in the lifestyle?"

Gail laughed. "Jack? Absolutely not. He's one of the most dominant and assertive men I've ever known."

"But you'd like to experiment with a submissive man."

"Yes, I think I would like that."

"Will your husband agree to it?"

"Jamie honey, we're swingers. Right now I'm watching your wife suck my husband’s cock. And by the way, she appears to be thoroughly enjoying it."

"I don't doubt that. Anne loves a big cock."

"Don't we all. I'm playing with Brandon's while I talk to you."

"Ms. Chalmers..."

"Ms. Chalmers? Considering the situation, I think you should call me Gail. I've been calling you Jamie."

"Ms. Chalmers, you should feel free to call me Jamie, or Sweet pea or any other name you might choose, but you're a superior. It would be disrespectful for me to call you anything but Ms. Chalmers."

Gail's breath caught. After a moment she said; "Jamie, I cannot begin to tell you how much those words just excited me."

"Ms. Chalmers, may I speak freely."

"Of course you can Jamie."

"I understand that last night your husband fucked my wife while you and Brandon watched and then Brandon fucked you while your husband and my wife watched. Is that correct?"

"Yes, does that bother you?"

"No, not at all; but it does mean that your husband, regardless of how dominant and assertive he may be, is technically a cuckold."

Gail took a moment to consider what I'd just told her. Finally, she laughed and said; "I'm beginning to understand why Anne is so taken with you and believe me Jamie, she is."

"Yes, I do believe that."

"Clearly Jamie, you're an intuitive man. I really am looking forward to meeting you. Now back to your statement. Yes, I suppose that technically my husband is a cuckold and if you extend that argument, I am too."

"But that's not the cuckolding you were thinking about, is it."

"That's right."

"You're interested in me because I'm a submissive masochist."

"Yes, but..."


"That doesn't make me feel very good about myself. Jamie, I'm not a mean permister or at least I like to think that I'm not."

"Anne isn't either. Ms. Chalmers, human beings are complex entities. We harbor a variety of desires. Some of those desires conflict with our perception or society's perception of the permister we should be. In my case I at times enjoy being a submissive wimp who is willing to endure almost any pain, offense or degradation that pleases and excites my dominant wife. Anne, on the other hand, enjoys knowing that she has total control over another human being and gets a thrill out of occasionally exercising that power."

"These desires do influence our daily lives, but that daily influence is subtle. My wife openly dates other men and currently has a steady boyfriend with whom she has an emotional attachment. While I don't actually live as my wife's slave, I am responsible for all of the housecleaning, laundry and cooking. At the same time, Anne handles all of the household finances and is the primary decision maker on key household issues."

"And you're happy with that arrangement?"


"But you contend that you're not Anne's slave."

"That's right, I maintain some financial independence. I have my own job, my own retirement plan and a permisteral savings account."

"A permisteral savings account? Why do you have that?"

"Anne insisted that each of us have one. They serve as an insurance policy. In the event that something should happen to either of us, we both have those accounts to fall back on until settlements are reached."

"Your wife is a very smart woman.'

"Yes she is."

"And she cares about you."

"Yes she does."

"But she loves Brandon." Gail said it casually, like it was an established fact."

Caught off guard, I blurted out; "What do you mean?"

"I've heard her tell him that several times this week. You certainly knew that, didn't you?"

While I knew that my wife had a deep affection for her boyfriend and that occasionally she expressed those feelings in private by telling him that she loved him; I didn't realize that Anne was now openly professing her love for Brandon in front of others. To suddenly hear this from a woman all of us had just met was disarming. No, that's an understatement. It was shocking and terrifying.

I'm certain that some of you think I was being picky. It was true that I had given Anne permission to tell Brandon that she loved him, but it was done with some apprehension and to me there's a big difference between saying something in private and openly declaring it to the world.

I was silent.

Gail, being an intelligent and perceptive permister quickly grasped the reamister for my lack of response. "You didn't know that, did you?"

I quietly said; "I knew Anne had an emotional attachment to Brandon and she occasionally expressed those feelings in private. I didn't know that she was announcing her love to the world."

"Jamie, I..."

In the background I heard Brandon say; "Anne you'd better get over here. I think there's a misunderstanding that's spiraling out of control."

"What? What's the matter?" It was Anne. Her voice was filled with confusion.

Brandon answered. "Jamie knows."

When I heard those words my heart sank. With shaking hands, I ended the call, set my phone on the table next to my chair and started to cry.

As I sat in my chair Brandon's words echoed in my head. "He knows. He knows." As I heard the words over and over again I kept asking myself, what did I know? I could only imagine the worst possible answer to that question. Anne had decided that she was in love with Brandon and was planning to leave me.

My cell phone rang. I switched it off. I knew that it was most likely Anne, but even if it wasn't I didn't feel like talking to anyone at that moment.

Our land line rang. I went into the den where we kept the base phone and unplugged the telephone connection. I really didn't want to talk to anyone.

I returned to the living room, sat back down in my chair and closed my eyes. My imagination was running wild. I pictured Anne, Brandon, Gail and Jack toasting Anne and Brandon's engagement. As I imagined Anne looking into Brandon's eyes and professing her undying love for him I wondered what life without Anne would be like. The thought was unbearable.

My depression was reaching rock bottom when I thought about the games we'd played the night before Anne left. Had she been aware of her feelings for Brandon then? I thought it was likely. Anne was not an impetuous permister. Could it be that all the talk about my living as her permisteral assistant was more than a sex game? Was she preparing me for a new relationship? One in which she was Mrs. Brandon Grey and I was James, her permisteral assistant.

Could I be satisfied with that? When I thought about the conservative night gown I'd purchased for her to wear when she was with me and the salacious baby doll nighties I'd purchased for her to wear with Brandon; I realized that I'd certainly given her reamister to believe that I would.

I'd always made it clear to Anne that my life's goal was to serve a strong, powerful woman. Was there any reamister that she couldn't be married to another man while I was doing that? Of course if Anne did marry Brandon that would mean that the intimate husband and wife nights that both of us seemed to love would end. I knew that I would miss those. Even more, it would mean that someone else would now be the focus of Anne’s love and attention. While I might still be part of her life, Anne would certainly value her new husband’s love and attention more than mine.

All of that was beyond my control, I understood that. I even realized that I was at the very least partly responsible for creating this situation. I'd given Anne my permission to pursue a romantic relationship with Brandon. I'd even given her permission to tell him that she loved him.

I'd helped to create the situation, now could I live with it? Could I watch while Anne divorced me and married Brandon? On her wedding day, could bear to help Anne dress in her wedding gown and stand by while she and Brandon exchanged marital vows? Could I spend the rest of my life living as Anne's servant while she focused her love and affection on another man?

In many ways it was an exciting submissive, masochistic cuckold fantasy, but as I thought about it I realized that the reality would be unbearably painful and depressing. No, if Anne was going to divorce me and marry Brandon my only choice would be to terminate our relationship and try to start a new life without her. The alternative would be nothing but daily suffering and anguish for me.

Once I reached the conclusion that my marriage to Anne was most likely over I was overwhelmed with despair. For over an hour I sat in the living room staring at the wall. Finally I glanced at the clock, saw that it was 7:30 and realized that I hadn't eaten since lunch. Starving, I wandered into the kitchen, made a turkey and cheese sandwich and poured a glass of milk.

The sandwich and milk helped. Revitalized, I reviewed the events of the day and began to wonder if I hadn't overreacted. I was deciding to end my marriage based on a conversation with a woman I'd never actually met and an offhand remark from Brandon. While the implication of Brandon's comment seemed to be that he and Anne were hiding something from me, I may have misinterpreted it. I really did need to talk to Anne. When I shut off my cell phone and land line it had most likely been her trying to contact me. Cutting off communication had been a mistake. I was hurt and acted rashly. Anne had always been an honest, loving wife. Yes we lived an unorthodox life style, but that had been by mutual choice. She had never given me reamister to doubt her devotion. If Anne was trying to contact me she deserved the opportunity to be heard.

Deciding that it was time to reopen the lines of communication, I turned on my cell phone and plugged in the land line. My cell phone immediately flashed that I had four missed calls and four messages. Two of the missed calls were from Anne's cell phone. One was from Brandon's. The fourth was from an unidentified cell phone with an area code I didn’t recognize.


Posts: 14692
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WOW - first a dissertation by Professor Jamie on human relations outside the so called norm.

The world comes crashing down on the poor guy.

Another master piece and I'll be waiting for what is next.


Posts: 1916
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Excellent segment GH, thanks so much.


Posts: 125
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hi GH,

another emotional segment that really gets to the heart of these situations. just goes to show the need for open and honest communication all the time and nothing can be held back. it may hurt at first but it is better comming from the one you love than finding out by a second or third party. by the way hope you are feeling better and are getting a chance to hit that little white ball again.



Posts: 1914
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I somehow suspect that last section took a lot out of you. It was so raw, so real. You really have done an excellent job with Jamie. Still, I can't help feeling a little for Anne at the moment. Its quite a tailspin you've put her in!

Anyway, it's now official, the man that can't do love scenes and clifftop endings can clearly do both.




Posts: 111
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What a place to stop. I just got caught up and cannot believe that I am sitting here not knowing what is going to happen. I have said right along that you are the master and I am just going along for the ride. I hope you do not keep us waiting long. This is an outstanding story and we have become attached to your characters.


Posts: 33
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What a cliff hanger. I could so easily see how that one comment by Brandon makes it seem like he has been lied to, or at least misled.

I can't wait for the next part. Thanks for the writing.



Posts: 492
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Hello GH, finally got caught up...............again. Not much time for reading these days.

Your story is just excellent, and as usual, your writing is so perfect. Thank you for investing the amount of time that you have to keep us entertained, much appreciated.

Glad you getting the time to enjoy your retirement.

Take care,



Posts: 506
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Wow....staying tuned for the next exciting chapter.
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 506
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Wow....staying tuned for the next exciting chapter.
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 492
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How the hell did we let this slip to page 2? Sorry about that GH. Hope you're doing well Buddy.



Posts: 4050
#390 · Edited by: goodhusband 
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All of you, thank you for your kind comments and support.

I wish to apologize for the delay in posting, sadly I think it's likely that these delays will become the rule rather than the exception. I don't have any real excuses, I'm in good health and life is wonderful for me. That actually is part of the problem, life may be too good. I'm now retired and busy doing many of the things I've always wanted to do.

But that's not all. It's very easy to get bogged down in a story. For me the fun of writing comes from creating a story, developing an outline and then commencing writing and fleshing out the characters. Once I've started I get to see the characters grow and take form. that's very exciting. Unfortunately, after that's done the story still has to be told and that can become work, at times even drudgery. I suspect that's why you see so many wonderful stories on this site that remain unfinished.

Some of you may have noticed that lately I've posted a few captioned pics. That isn't an indication that I plan to stop writing. Sometimes it's gratifying to do a project that can be conceived and then completed quickly. I wish I could write short stories, but I keep getting caught up in character developement. Five Days and Courtesan were both supposed to be short stories.

I do intend to keep writing and I plan to finish this story, but right now I'm writng a paragraph at a time. The days when I was able to sit at my computer and write for several hours at a time seem to be part of the past.

In any case I appreciate your support and apologize for the slow down in production.

Trf2 - Thank you for the bump. I'm not sure it was deserved, but it was appreciated.

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