Posts: 4050
I frequently get ideas for new stories. When it happens, I generally jot down a few outline notes and file them away for future reference. Most of the time, I never look at them again. Occasionally I get an idea for a story that particularly intrigues me. When that happens; I’ll often start writing the story in my head, hurriedly type it into my computer in rough draft form and file it away. I currently have five or six stories filed away on my computer waiting to be written.
This story should probably be joining those other stories, but for permisteral reamisters I’m choosing to post it as I write it. That means that I’ll be taking a short break from “Illicit Desires.” To the readers avidly following that story, I apologize. I hope you find this story to be an acceptable temporary substitute.
I don’t expect the break to be a long one. I’m going to try to tell this story in a more narrative style and it only has three principle characters. That should make it reamisterably easy to write.
Posts: 4050
#2 · Edited by: goodhusband
Five Days In Florida
I pulled the black Lincoln into the cell phone waiting lot at Southwest Florida International Airport. My wife's secretary, Julie had arranged for the luxury car rental. It had been delivered to our house on Marco Island the previous evening.
I'd just shut the car engine off when my cell phone rang. It was my wife, Anne. "Hi sweetheart, we're here. We just got off the plane."
"Hi, I'm in the cell phone lot."
"Did Julie get us a nice car?"
"It's a top of the line black Lincoln Town Car. I think you'll be very pleased."
"That's good. Jamie, Brandon and I are both excited. This vacation is going to be so much fun. We've been emailing each other all week long. We can't wait to see you." Anne pause for a moment and then in a very serious voice, she added; "Jamie, I love you. Please don't forget that this week."
Smiling to myself, I reassured her. "I won't. We've done this before. It's a game, a game all three of us enjoy. I know what's going to happen and I'm not only prepared for it, I'm looking forward to it. And don't worry, I know you love me and I love you too."
"Thanks Jamie. I'll call you as soon as we get our bags." My wife ended the call.
I set my phone down on the seat next to me. After taking moment to adjust my penis and the cb6000 chastity device that now imprimistered it I closed my eyes and lay back for a short nap.
I'm Jamie Walsh. My wife is Anne Royce. We've been married for sixteen years. It's the second marriage for both of us. Anne is 51, I'm 56. Brandon is Brandon Grey. He's my wife's boyfriend. He's 52.
Brandon and Anne are both attorneys specializing in corporate law. Employed by different law firms, they met twelve years ago while they were negotiating the merger of two construction companies. They started dating shortly after the merger was completed and they've been seeing each other off and on ever since.
Brandon has been married twice. Both marriages ended in divorce. He freely admits that he has a problem with fidelity. While Brandon thinks of my wife as his girlfriend and she thinks of him as her boyfriend, both of them date other people. They enjoy variety.
I was an English Professor at a small private liberal arts college. I'm now semi-retired. I teach a weekly seminar on American Literature at a local community college. To be perfectly honest, the course is more of a book group for the numerous retired residents who live in the area around Naples, Florida than a college class. That’s all right with me; it makes it an easy class to teach. My minimal professional responsibilities leave me with a substantial amount of spare time which I devote to writing. Erotic stories are my passion. While I am working on a mainstream novel, my cuckold hot wife stories will always be my first love.
My income is now virtually nonexistent. That doesn’t bother my wife at all. In fact, Anne prefers the situation. As a corporate attorney, she makes substantially more money than we need and we both believe that knowing that I’m financially dependent on her reinpowers her dominance over me. Presenting me with my weekly allowance actually gives Anne a little thrill. She also enjoys my cuckold hot wife stories every bit as much as I do.
Our current living situation is a much more complicated issue. Neither of us wants to spend as much time apart as we do, but it’s a matter of making choices. While we’re both tired of the winters in the upper Midwest and love Florida, Anne still enjoys practicing law. The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that she’s attained a level of respect and status in our city that would take years to reestablish if she decided to relocate. Anne chose a compromise. In the winter she works about two weeks out of every three. This allows her to continue practicing law for her firm and still spend a third of the winter vacationing with me in Florida. In early May I move back to our home in the upper Midwest and stay there with Anne until mid-November when I once again return to Florida.
As it turns out, Anne has discovered that the situation has some unexpected benefits for her. When I’m in Florida and she’s at home working, she’s free to focus all of her attention on her professional responsibilities without having to worry about neglecting me. This same benefit extends to her social life. She’s free to date as frequently as she’d like without any concerns about leaving me at home alone.
When Anne is in Florida, this schedule has the added benefit of allowing us to spend some intense quality time with each other. We both enjoy that and doggedly guard our weeks together during the winter.
There are two notable exceptions. Every winter Anne and Brandon reserve two separate weeks to spend vacationing with each other. At home they enjoy swinging together. They have a number of friends in the life style and occasionally several couples will decide to take a group vacation. When that happens I am often, but not always included as a slave.
Most of the time Anne and Brandon choose to spend both of their weeks vacationing with me at our house in Florida. During those two weeks the focus of Anne’s attention shifts from me to Brandon. He assumes the role of her husband and I become her full time slave. This was the beginning of one of those weeks.
Anne and I met at a Saturday morning book fair. We both love to read. I'm a slender man with slightly effeminate features. Anne is a gorgeous brunette with a voluptuous body. I was mildly surprised when she initiated a conversation with me and then shocked when she boldly asked me out on a dinner date.
We became immediate friends and much to my amazement, lovers too. By the end of our third date we were well on our way to forming a serious relationship.
That was a problem. I had a secret. It was an incredibly embarrassing, but to me, very important secret. I’m sexually submissive. I can’t explain it and I refuse to apologize for it. It’s just the way I am and I learned to accept it a long time ago. I first recognized these desires shortly after I started college and by the time I graduated all of my sexual fantasies revolved around the dominant submissive life style.
I went directly from college to graduate school. I was powerd to survive on loans, grants and part time jobs. The heavy work load and my meager income resulted in my doing very little dating. My nonexistent sex life caused me to spend the limited free time I had reading erotic novels. I, of course focused most of my attention on works featuring dominant women and submissive men. By the time I completed my PhD I was well versed in the tenets of the dominant submissive life style.
After finishing my PhD I took a job teaching English Literature at a small eastern private liberal arts college. The city where the college was located also happened to be the North American headquarters for a large European cosmetics manufacturer.
I met my Patricia, first wife at a college fund raiser. She was representing the cosmetics company. I was immediately infatuated with her. Six years older than me and the youngest regional sales manager in her company, she was the dominant hard driving woman of dreams.
Amazingly, she was also attracted to me. We had a whirlwind courtship and six months after we met we were married.
Unfortunately during our courtship I'd neglected to reveal my submissive predilections to Patricia. Later when I tried to understand the reamister for that critical error I realized that I'd assumed that after we were married my dominant goddess would simply take control of every facet of our lives.
She didn't and when I began making overtures to Patricia that she could take a more dominant role in the bedroom, she balked. When I pressed her she called me a pervert. We did care about each other and we were both intelligent and well educated, so we tried to discuss our predicament. I told her about my submissive desires and she explained to me that after spending her day as hard driving corporate executive she needed a man who would take care of her in the evening.
We tried. I worked at being assertive. Patricia tried playing an occasional sex game. It didn't work. I was a wimp college professor pretending to be something he wasn't and Patricia was a halfhearted dominatrix.
We still loved each other, but this failure was destroying us. In a last ditch attempt to save our marriage, I suggested to Patricia that as my dominant wife, she had the prerogative to take a lover. I explained that I was not only willing; I was eager to become her cuckold. I was hoping that Patricia would view my offer as an opportunity to enhance our relationship. She didn't. In fact she was aghast and couldn't understand why I wanted her to be a cheating slut.
Ironically, our marriage eventually ended because Patricia did cheat on me. One evening I arrived home and found her in the living room with an Air Force Colonel. She announced that they'd fallen in love and she was divorcing me.
My marriage to Patricia lasted for fourteen months, one week and three days. Initially there was some acrimony between us. It quickly dissipated. Patricia and I really did like each other and we were both smart enough to understand that our marriage was doomed from the beginning.
Now Patricia and I are actually friends. We talk on the telephone at least once a week. Patricia and Bob, that’s her Air Force Colonel, know all about my relationship with Anne. Patricia understands it completely. Bob tries.
While I understood why it occurred, the failure of my marriage was still devastating. Desperate to restart my life I quit my job at the eastern liberal arts college and took a position at a similar Midwestern school. The change turned out to be fortunate. It put me in the same city with Anne and now I was on the verge of forging a new relationship with her. Still, as our emotional attachment grew I started to get nervous.
After my divorce, I realized that during my courtship with Patricia I’d made a serious error. I'd failed to be forthright about my needs in a marriage. When my relationship with Anne began to intensify I knew that I couldn't repeat that mistake. Before we became even more involved with each other, Anne and I needed to have a very frank discussion.
A month after we started seeing each other I called Anne and invited her to have dinner with me at the Kensington Grill. The Kensington Grill is the oldest, finest and most prestigious restaurant in our city. As a successful corporate attorney, Anne was accustomed to frequent lunches and dinners there; but she understood that while I made a comfortable income as an English professor, I wasn't wealthy. For me, the Kensington Grill was strictly a restaurant for special celebrations.
Curious, she asked about the occasion. I was deliberately evasive. While I understood that this conversation was essential, the prospect of actually having it terrified me. I was afraid that Anne would react exactly like Patricia and call me a pervert. I desperately wanted to avoid even broaching the topic until the night of the dinner.
Still, there were hints that created glimmers of optimism for me. Patricia enjoyed it when I licked her pussy and I was almost always able to give her an orgasm when I did it. Anne not only enjoyed having me go down on her, she relished it and was happy to lie on her back for an hour or more while I pleasured her with my tongue. She also not only allowed me to kiss and lick her asshole, she encouraged me to do it. With Patricia that had been forbidden and my few attempts were met with scorn.
I also knew that Anne had been the primary cause of the end of her first marriage. She took full responsibility. Her ex-husband was a good guy. She still liked him. She cheated on him repeatedly and he finally caught her. When he asked her to go to marriage counseling she refused, explaining that it would be nothing more than a charade. She enjoyed having a little variety in her sex life and she knew that even if she stopped having affairs it would only be temporary. In her mind there wasn't any doubt that she would eventually stray again. That was of course untenable for her husband. He immediately filed for divorce. He wasn't willing to be Anne's cuckold.
I was and I hoped that Anne would consider the freedom to have as many affairs as she wanted an incentive for taking the dominant role in our relationship.
For the next few days I avoided Anne. I was so nervous about our impending confrontation that I could barely even speak to her on the telephone. Fortunately she was in the midst of a complicated business acquisition, so she didn't have the time to be concerned about my behavior.
She called me early that Friday evening. She was jubilant. The negotiations for the acquisition had been completed in the afternoon and the agreements had all just been signed. They were going out to celebrate. She planned to be out late, so she told me that she'd call me the next afternoon.
That night I lay alone in my bed masturbating while I fantasized about another man making slow passionate love to Anne. As it turned out, it would be the first of many times.
Posts: 4050
The next day was Saturday. Our fateful dinner date was scheduled for that evening.
Anne called me at 2:30. "What time are you picking me up?" She sounded groggy.
"Our reservation is at 8:00. Is 7:30 all right? I want to leave a little early. I'm afraid we might have trouble finding a parking place."
"7:30 is fine, but the Kensington Grill has valet parking. We can use that."
I hesitated. I wasn't exactly sure how to respond. I was a college professor. I earned a good income, but I certainly wasn't wealthy. Valet parking was a luxury that I didn't even consider. Still I wasn't going to argue with Anne. In my mind I was already her viewing her as my dominant goddess. Finally I timidly answered, "Yes, I guess we could do that."
Noticing the uncertainty in my voice, Anne said; "Jamie I work hard at my job, but I'm well rewarded for my efforts. I like you, I like you a lot. I want to be able to share some of the rewards I earn with you. Will you please let me do that?"
"Let's discuss that tonight."
"Okay, but right now will you please promise me that I'll at least be able to take care of tonight's valet parking?"
Laughing, I said; "All right, tonight you can take care of the parking."
"Thank you." There was a brief pause and then Anne asked; "Jamie, I'm a little worried about tonight. I really do like you and I thought you liked me too; but maybe I've been reading things all wrong. If you're getting ready to dump me, I'd rather that you just told me now over the telephone. I'll be disappointed, but I'm a big girl. I'll get over it."
"Anne, I do like you, I like you very much and I am definitely not getting ready to dump you. Please believe me when I tell you that."
"Okay, but you've been so serious all week and every time I asked you about tonight it seemed like you were being deliberately evasive." She laughed. "You know I am a professional negotiator."
I laughed too, but then in a serious voice I said; "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to scare you. It's just that what I need to say is important to me."
"All right, it will be hard, but I'll wait."
Quickly grabbing the opportunity to change the subject I asked, "How was your celebration? You sound tired. It must have been a late night. Was it a fun group of people?"
There was a pause. After a moment Anne said; "I ah, I had a very nice time." Her voice was filled with nervous tension. It was clear that my question had shaken her. But then quickly regaining her composure she added, "It was a fun evening and yes, I was out late."
Realizing that Anne was holding something back, but not wanting to press the issue I said; "I'm glad you had a good time. You worked hard on that acquisition. You deserved a nice celebration."
"Thank you Jamie. I'm looking forward to having another nice celebration tonight."
"So am I."
"Jamie, I have to run. I have some errands to do this afternoon. I'll see you at 7:30, okay?"
"I'll be there."
"Bye Jamie."
"Bye Anne."
After shutting off my telephone I considered Anne’s vague answer about the previous evening. A little thrill of excitement rippled through me as I remembered my fantasy about a handsome stud lawyer making passionate love to her.
Posts: 14692
The beginning of another very interesting story - looking forward to the next installments.
We'll keep "illicit" on the front page 'til you're ready to get back to that.
Posts: 1914
Just like getting on a new ride at the funfair .. So exciting. Good start GH
Posts: 3581
Looks like this is going to be another hot story from the Master of the pen.  Hmmmmm...... I have to wonder how close to real life this story is for you?? Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Here we go again 
Posts: 1459
It seems that the creative juices are flowing! Is this one of those "In the spring a young man's fancy..." situations? Loved the character build in those segments, sexy hints of what's to come and yet I feel like I already know the players. Well done!
Of course, I still need to catch up on "Illicit" - I've fallen behind, but that should help to keep it bumped up while you work here for awhile. Thanks for the great new tale.
Posts: 4050
Timmy, Peak, cuck4one, lick buddy and storm
Thank you, I appreciate your comments. This story shouldn't be very long, but I didn't think Courtesan was going to be very long either. I was going to try to do the next segments in a condensed style, but Lisa likes the character Anne and we wanted to try to give her some depth.
Anyway as always,
Thank you
Posts: 4050
At 7:30 I pulled my Ford Escape up to the curb in front if Anne's house. As I was getting out Anne's front door opened and she stepped out. Dressed in a black cocktail dress, she was gorgeous, breathtakingly gorgeous.
I walked straight to her and offered her my arm. "Good evening Anne. You look absolutely ravishing tonight."
Laughing, she took my arm and said; "Ravishing? I knew there was a reamister I was dating an English Professor. Jamie, hanging around with you is wonderful for my ego."
During the drive to the restaurant we made small talk. That afternoon Anne had treated herself to a massage, a manicure and a pedicure. I'd spent the afternoon reading and grading freshman essays.
As we pulled up in front of the Kensington Grill Anne leaned over and whispered. "Don't worry, when you get out of the car just leave the keys in the ignition. You don't have to say or do anything; I'll take care of it all."
As soon as I stopped my SUV the valet stepped forward and opened Anne's door. "Ms. Royce, what a pleasant surprise. I didn't see your name on the reservations list."
Anne and I both got out of my Escape. As I was walking around to the sidewalk Anne gestured towards me and said; "Tony, this is my boyfriend, Jamie Walsh. The reservation is in his name."
Nodding to me, Tony said; "Mr. Walsh, welcome to the Kensington Grill."
I returned his nod and said; "Thank you Tony."
Anne took my arm and said; "Come on Jamie, let's go inside."
Tony opened the door to the restaurant. As we walked inside, Anne casually said; "Tony, please take care of Mr. Walsh's car."
"Of course Ms. Royce."
As soon as we were inside I whispered to Anne, "Weren't we supposed to tip him?"
"Not until we come back out."
She slipped a folded bill into my hand. "But we will have to tip John."
"Who's John?"
"The maître d, he's the man standing behind the desk in front of us."
He was actually about eight feet in front of us and he was talking on the telephone.
"You don't need to give me money; I can take care of his tip."
"Please, this is important to me. We can discuss it later. Right now just follow my lead. He'll take us to a table. As soon as I'm seated slip the bill into his hand and sit down, All right?"
"Okay, but..."
John looked up from his telephone conversation. As soon as he recognized Anne he blanched and said into the phone, "Please excuse me. Something has come up. I'll have to call you back." And then after quickly setting the telephone down he stepped out from behind his desk and bowed politely. "Ms. Royce, what a pleasant surprise. I'm sorry, we weren't expecting you. Your regular table isn't available."
"John, don't worry. This is my boyfriend Jamie Walsh. Our reservation is in his name."
John bowed. "Good evening Mr. Walsh, it's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to the Kensington Grill."
I nodded to John.
Anne said; "John, I understand the confusion and actually if you have one available, I'd prefer a window table tonight."
John whispered something to a busboy that was standing next to him. The bus boy nodded and hurried into the restaurant. As soon as the bus boy was gone, John turned to us and said; "Ms. Royce, for you a window table is always available."
Anne smiled graciously at him.
A moment later the bus boy returned and nodded to John. John picked up two menus and smiled at Anne. "Please follow me, I'll show you to your table."
Anne followed John, I followed Anne. While we were walking John looked back at Anne and nodded. I assumed that Anne said something to him. When we reached our table John pulled out Anne's chair and held it for her while she sat down. Once she was seated I slipped the folded bill into John's hand.
Bowing politely, he said; "Thank you sir." And then he turned and hurried back to his maître d station. After he was gone I looked at Anne and said; "You seem to be very well known here."
Anne smiled. "I should be, I eat here at least four times a week. Jamie, my firm spends a lot of money in this restaurant. We regularly entertain clients and holding meetings here. As their lead negotiator I'm responsible for most of the meetings."
"I see." I thought for a moment and then I said, "This is the first time I've ever tipped a maître d. Do most people do that?"
"No. I don't think they do, but I do. When I'm holding a meeting at this restaurant it's essential that we avoid any mishaps. John is in the best position to see that mishaps don't occur and he's also the permister most likely to be able to solve them if they do happen."
"I still could have tipped him. All you had to do was tell me how much to give him."
"Jamie, that was a fifty dollar bill."
"Oh, that's a big tip."
"Maintaining John's good will is worth a lot to my firm."
"All right, but then why didn't you tip him?"
Anne stared at me for a moment and then she smiled and said; "Jamie, I really do like you. I'm hoping that we end up spending a lot of time together. I want the people in this restaurant to regard you as a player."
"You mean a guy who relaxs with lots of different women?"
Anne laughed. "No that’s a player in hip hop terms. I'm talking about a permister who's a power broker in this city."
Shaking my head, I said; "But I'm not a power broker, I'm an English professor."
"You're right, but I am a power broker and now you're with me." Anne looked at me for a moment and then she added, "At least I hope you're with me."
At that moment a waitress arrived carrying a tray with two martinis on it. After setting one of them in front of each of us, she asked; "Ms. Royce, are you ready to order?"
Anne answered; "Thank you Connie, but I think we need a few more minutes."
Connie said; "I'll check back." And then she left. As soon as she was gone I smiled at Anne and asked, "When did we order the martinis?"
Anne shrugged. “I asked John to send them to us while he was leading us to our table. I hope you don't mind. I know you like martinis, so I thought it would be okay."
I Grinned at Anne. "Yes it was okay, it fact it was more than okay. It was exactly what I want you to do."
Staring at me with a puzzled expression, Anne said; "I don't understand."
I took a sip of my martini, and then I said; "I think it's time for our discussion."
Anne picked up a menu and handed it to me. "Let's order first."
I took the menu from her, but noticing that she hadn't picked up a menu for herself I set it back down.
She looked at me. "What's the matter?"
"Why don't you order for me?"
"Jamie, are you angry because I ordered that martini for you? I'm sorry, but I thought..."
I held up my hand. "No, I'm not angry about that; in fact I'm very happy that you did it."
"Then why..."
"You know the food in this restaurant as well as anyone, correct?"
"Of course, I eat here all the time."
"What are you going to have?"
"A small filet mignon, I usually have either that or the walleye."
"I'll have a small filet too."
"Don't you want to look at the menu? Maybe you'll see something that really appeals to you."
"maybe another time, but tonight I'd prefer to defer to your judgment. I'll have exactly what you're having."
"I don't understand."
"After we order, I'll try to explain.
Connie was standing by the wall watching us. We seemed to be her only table. Apparently at the Kensington Grill, Anne was indeed a valued customer.
Anne called Connie over and ordered for both of us.
As soon as she was gone Anne turned to me and said; "All right Jamie it's time for you to explain what this is all about."
Posts: 4050
Shaking my head, I said; "All right, it appears that I've cast the die and crossed the Rubicon."
Anne nodded. "That's correct; you've gone too far to turn back. You're committed, so spill, what's going on?"
I took a moment to think. It was important that I choose my words carefully. Finally I took a deep breath and said, "Anne, you're an ambitious woman."
"More Shakespeare? Is this like Brutus calling Caesar an ambitious man?"
I smiled. "Actually that was Marc Anthony claiming that Brutus called Caesar an ambitious man. It was meant to be sarcastic. It's from Marc Anthony's funeral oration for Julius Caesar."
"But it is from Shakespeare's play, right?"
"Yes, that's correct."
Laughing, Anne said; "God help me, I've fallen in love with an English professor."
I stared at her. "Fallen in love?"
"Yes, fallen in love, but don't you dare let that sidetrack you. I've been waiting all week to hear what you have to say, and now you're going to tell me."
"You were saying that I was ambitious."
"Yes, but I meant it as a compliment. It's one of the many reamisters that I'm so attracted to you."
"Because I'm ambitious?"
"Yes, but that’s not the only reamister. I'm also attracted to you because you're smart, you're beautiful, you're kind, you're..."
Anne laughed. "It's okay, I've got the idea and I have to say that so far your serious discussion isn't all that hard to swallow. Feel free to call me smart, beautiful, kind and ambitious any time the mood strikes you."
I smiled, but I was actually terrified. I was now at the point where I had to tell Anne and I had to do it in very blunt words. The groundwork had all been laid. We'd joked around. It was blurt it out time.
Taking another deep breath, I said; "Anne, I also have an ambition."
"Yes, I'm sure you do. Tell me what it is; I'll try to support you."
"Actually I think it's a matter of me supporting you."
"I don't understand."
"My ambition is to serve a smart, beautiful, kind and ambitious woman."
Anne stared at me. After a moment she said; “What did you say?"
"Anne I have a submissive permisterality. I would like to be in a relationship with a woman who takes the lead in all aspects of our lives."
"You're kidding me?"
"No, I'm not. I'm being absolutely serious."
"Now I understand why you were so evasive about why you wanted to talk to me. This certainly is a bombshell."
Slowly nodding, I said; "Yes, I'm sorry." And then I sighed and stood up. "Anne this was a mistake. I apologize. I'll find John and settle our bill so I can take you home." I turned and started across the restaurant.
Anne stood up and quickly caught me. Grabbing my wrist, she whispered; "Please come back and sit down." She was trying to avoid a scene,
I stared at her.
Again in a whisper, "Please."
"All right."
She led me back to our table. As soon as we were seated she said; "Jamie, you have to understand that this is kind of a shock. It's going to take me a little time to process it."
"Yes, I'm sorry. I should have been more patient. It's just that this is extremely difficult to tell someone."
"I'm sure it is, but now you have told me so let's talk about it."
"I'd like that."
Anne and I stared at each other. After a moment I said, "I'm not sure how we get started."
Anne smiled. "Why don't you just tell me about it. I'm still not certain that I fully understand what you want. That will also give me a chance to get used to the idea."
"Where should I begin?"
"At the beginning, when did you first realize that you had a submissive permisterality?"
"During my freshman year in college."
"Really? Tell me about it. Tell me everything."
I did and as I talked I relaxed and my inhibitions crumred. I talked about the reading I'd done in college and graduate school. I described my fantasies and desires in detail. I recounted all of the events that led up to my divorce with Patricia.
Our food arrived. I continued talking while we ate. Anne asked an occasional question, but mostly she just listened.
Finally as we were having our dessert and coffee, I said; "I guess that's pretty much it."
Anne ate a spoonful of her chocolate mousse and then she took a sip of coffee. As she set her cup down, she said; "I've heard about things like this, but this is the first time I've actually ever encountered it."
"Are you angry or disgusted?"
Anne looked at me for a moment and then she smiled and said; "Goodness no. I mean it is different, but frankly I'm finding it very intriguing."
"You are?"
"Yes, I am. Jamie, I really like you, in fact I'm think I'm falling in love with you."
"Even after everything you just heard?"
"Yes, even after everything I just heard." She smiled at me. "Actually I'm starting to think that it might make you even more attractive."
"Jamie, earlier tonight you said that I was an ambitious woman. You were right. I am ambitious and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I covet power and wealth. Actually I covet the life that comes with power and wealth. I relished the reception we were given when we walked into this restaurant tonight. I love it when people call me Ms. Royce. Yes, I do want to live in a mansion, drive luxurious cars and wear designer clothes; but even more, I want people to treat me like a queen."
Anne looked at me. "Jamie, please don't think I'm crass or venal. I'm not a crook and I'm not a whore. I don't intend to lie, cheat and steal to get to the top and I certainly don't intend to fuck and suck my way there either. I'm willing to work hard to get what I want. In fact, for me that's the whole point. I want wealth, power and respect, but I want to have it because I earned it. I want to have it because I'm the best at what I do."
For a moment we stared at each other in silence. I think Anne was trying to gauge my reaction to what she's just told me while I was looking at her in awe, barely able to contain my excitement. She was the woman of my fantasies and I was starting to hope that she might be offering me the life that I'd been dreaming about for years.
I waited.
Finally, in a subdued voice she said; "I almost cancelled this date tonight."
My heart sank. Disappointed beyond belief, I quietly asked; "Why?"
Noticing the disheartened tone in my voice, Anne said; "No Jamie, you're misunderstanding me. I'm not about to dump you." She smiled. "In fact it's quite the opposite."
Feeling better, but still wary; "I said, "Okay."
Anne continued. "I was afraid that both of us were going to get hurt. I do want a man; I want a man who's bright, educated, gentle, compassionate, understanding and loving; a man like you Jamie. Jamie, I want you. I realized that on our very first date."
And then, shaking her head, Anne said; "But."
I chuckled. "There's always a but.”
Anne smiled. "Yes, there frequently is; but now after what you just told me, I'm beginning to think that we may not have one here. “
"I don't understand."
"Jamie you really are an amazing man and I am falling in love with you."
"I'm falling in love with you too."
"But Jamie, my career will always have to be my first love. If I want to be the best at what I do I have to throw my heart and soul into my work. I often work eighty hour weeks. That doesn't leave much time for a relationship with a man."
"Unless that man is your willing servant."
Anne's breath caught. Slowly nodding, she said; "Yes, unless that man is my willing servant. Jamie, would you be willing to be that man?"
I grinned at her. "That sounded like a marriage proposal."
Laughing, Anne said; "I guess it was." Then in a serious voice she quickly added; "It can't be a normal marriage. I'll have to be in charge of all facets of our lives. Everything we do will have to be geared towards the advancement of my career."
"I understand. When you reach the pinnacle of your success, I want to be there, standing right behind you."
"Not next to me?"
"No a servants place is behind his Mistress."
"Mistress, I like the way that sounds." Anne smiled. "Jamie, I've never considered myself to be a sexual dominant; but now I'm finding the idea to be deliciously exciting."
"I cannot begin to describe how happy that makes me."
Anne leaned across the table and took my hand. Holding it in hers, she stared into my eyes and asked; "Jamie Walsh, will you marry me? Will you be my submissive husband?"
"Mistress Anne, will you agree to be my dominant wife?"
"Jamie, there is nothing I would like more."
"Then I would love to be your submissive husband and your loyal servant."
Breathless with excitement, Anne said; "I want to go back to my townhouse and make love. I want to know what it's like to make love with a submissive man."
"You've already experienced sex with a submissive man."
"Yes, but at the time, I didn't realize that I was a dominant woman, so I wasn't able to take full advantage of the situation."
"But you'd like to do that tonight?"
"Yes, very much."
"I don't think I need any more of this dessert."
"You're telling me that you're ready to leave."
"Yes, I am, but of course that's actually your decision."
Anne smiled. "Yes it is."
Posts: 4050
"I'm also ready to leave, but before we go, I have to ask you one more question."
"Before I ask this question, It's important to me that you understand that regardless of your answer I’ll still want you to be my submissive husband. As far as I'm concerned we've already reached an agreement about the terms of our marriage and I fully intend to honor that agreement." Anne laughed. "That certainly came out sounding like something a professional contract negotiator would say."
"You are a professional contract negotiator and an exceptionally good one."
Anne smiled.
"And I do understand what you're telling me, so go ahead and ask your question."
"When you were telling me about the problems you had in your first marriage you mentioned that you offered your ex-wife the option to date other men. If I remember correctly, I believe you told her that as your dominant wife it was one of her prerogatives. Since it appears that I am now going to be your dominant wife, will it also be one of my prerogatives?"
"Do you want it to be one of your prerogatives?"
"If you'd prefer that it wasn't, I'll be content. My relationship with you is much more important to me than a little casual sex on the side."
"Thank you Anne, I appreciate that, but you work hard. If a little casual sex on the side makes you happy, then I don’t want to deprive you of it. I want it to be one of the privileges you have as my dominant wife."
Anne smiled. "Thank you Jamie that was a very nice way to say that. I assure you that you will be the only man I'll ever love and I promise you that I'll be discreet about my trysts. I'll try very hard to avoid throwing them in your face."
I nodded, but my nod was halfhearted.
Anne noticed. Staring at me, she asked; "Jamie do you want to know about my affairs?"
I sheepishly looked down.
Anne continued staring at me. After a moment she said; "You want me to taunt you about my affairs, don't you? You're not just a submissive, you're a masochist too. That's true, isn't it Jamie?"
Now mortified beyond belief, I continued to look down. I couldn't bear to make eye contact with Anne. I was also certain that she was about to stand up and storm out of the restaurant.
She didn't. Instead, she said; "It's all right, I still love you and I still want you to be my submissive husband." Anne's voice was soft and soothing.
I was starting to feel better, but I was still embarrassed and I couldn't stop staring at the floor."
"Jamie, please look at me. I'm not judging you, I'll never judge you. Both of us are what we are. I'm just thankful that we found each other."
I willed myself to look up. When our eyes met Anne smiled and said, "Thank you Jamie."
I smiled back at her. Not doing it would have been impossible for me. Anne was simply too wonderful.
Still maintaining intense eye contact with me, Anne said; "Jamie, I know this is difficult for you, but I need to be sure. I have to hear it from you. Are you a masochist?"
I understood why Anne was doing this, but she was asking me to make a very difficult admission. I closed my eyes.
Anne persisted. "Jamie if I'm going to be a good dominant wife I have to know. Do you want me to taunt you and humiliate you? Do you want me to hurt you?"
Of course she was right. She did have to know and actually I wanted her to know. Admitting that I was a masochist was going to be humiliating, but of course that was what I wanted. Suddenly I realized that this was Anne's first real demand as my dominant mistress and it was my first acquiescence as her submissive servant. She was asking me a humiliating question and it was my duty to answer it.
I took a deep breath and said; "Yes Anne, I am."
"What are you Jamie?" She wasn't cutting me any slack. Her voice was cold and deliberate.
I had to answer, I wanted to answer. "A masochist Mistress Anne; I'm a masochist." The word Mistress wasn't intentional. It had just slipped out.
Anne ignored my slip. She wasn't finished and she wasn't about to be distracted. I was starting to understand exactly why she was such a good negotiator.
In a voice that was now warm and caring, she said; "Very good Jamie, I'm glad you told me, but we're not finished. You need to tell me more. You need to tell me what you want me to do to you."
I knew she was right. My presentation to her wouldn't be complete until I made this last admission. I took another deep breath and said; "Mistress Anne, I want you to taunt me and humiliate me. I want you to hurt me."
Anne smiled. "I guess I'm going to have to start nurturing the sadist inside me."
I grinned. "Is there a sadist inside you?"
Laughing, Anne answered; "Of course there is. You can't be a hard driving attorney without being at least a little bit of a sadist."
"I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together."
"I think we are too." And then with a twinkle in her eye, Anne asked; "Would you like a little taste right now?"
"Here? In this restaurant?"
Anne shook her head. "Jamie, I'm not going to whip you, I'm just going to tell you something." She paused and then with an impish smile she added; "But tomorrow I am going to have to find out where I can buy a whip. I think I might enjoy whipping you. Would you like that Jamie? Do you want me to whip you?"
My entire body was tingling with excitement and it was time to start developing our permisteras. In a deliberately timid voice, I said; "Mistress Anne, any time I fail to please you I should be whipped."
Looking at me with a sly grin, Anne said; "Jamie honey, during the next few weeks I think that the standards for your behavior are going to be very high."
Bowing politely, I said; "Yes Mistress Anne, I understand. The standards for my behavior should always be very high."
Anne smiled, but her smile was quickly replaced by a stern expression. "Now I'm going to tell you something. Are you ready to listen?"
"Yes what? Who am I? Remember, we are in a restaurant, so keep your voice down.""
"Yes Mistress Anne."
"That's better. Jamie, a little while ago you told me that one of my prerogatives as your dominant wife was to date other men. The term, date other men is a little vague. I'm an attorney, I like to be precise and so I'd liked to choose different words. One of my prerogatives as your dominant wife is to enjoy sex with other men, as many men as I want. Is that correct?"
Realizing exactly what Anne was doing, I started to get excited, very excited. I responded without hesitation. "Yes Mistress Anne, that is correct?"
"You want to be my cuckold, is that correct?"
"Yes Mistress Anne."
"Say it."
"Mistress Anne, I want to be your cuckold."
Anne smiled. "Then beg me to do it. Beg me to make you my cuckold."
This was amazing. I felt like I was in the middle of a real life sex fantasy. I took a deep breath and said; ""Mistress Anne I beg you to make me your cuckold."
"And how should I do that?"
"I want you to have sex with other men."
"How many other men?"
"As many as you want."
"When should I do it?"
"Any time you want to do it."
"That’s good, because I did it last night." Anne was staring at me with a menacing smile.
I suddenly understood. The previous questions were a set up. Anne wanted shock me, disarm me and I think, thrill me. She succeeded. Once again I was in awe of her s******* as a negotiator. I had to remember to never get into a real argument with Anne. She'd destroy me."
I smiled at her. "You're good."
She nodded. "Thank you." And then she asked, "Would you like to hear about it?"
"Yes please."
"Would you like me to taunt you just a little bit while I'm telling you? You understand that I have to be sure about that. I love you. I never want to do anything that would actually hurt you."
"Thank you, I appreciate that. Yes, I would enjoy it if you taunted me a little bit."
"This is the first time, so it won't be much."
"I understand."
"Are you ready?"
"Last night, after the agreements were signed I didn't go out with a group of people. I went out with one permister, a man. He’s an attorney with the other firm, His name is Steve Dalton."
Anne looked at me with a concerned expression. "I didn't lie to you. I never told you that I was going out with a group."
"You're right; both times we talked about this I was the one who used the word, group."
Anne sighed, “Still I suppose that it was a lie of omission. I'm not sure that's any better."
"Let's not worry about it. There isn't any reamister that it should ever again be an issue."
"Thank you."
I smiled. "You're not doing a very good job of taunting me."
"Hey cut me a little slack. This is the first time I've ever tried to be a dominatrix."
"Oh yes, a dominatrix; now there's an image I want to savor. You dressed in thigh high boots wielding a whip."
"Understand that if you make a crack like that tomorrow, you will be punished."
"Is that a promise?"
"Anne smiled. “Yes it is. Now do you want to hear the rest of the story?"
"Yes please."
Posts: 4050
#13 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Steve is very handsome. No actually he's a hunk."
"Now that is taunting."
Ignoring me, Anne said; "He's about 6'2" tall with broad shoulders, long black curly hair and a chiseled jaw that's right out of a superhero comic book."
"You're giving me an inferiority complex."
"That's the idea cuckboy."
"Like it?"
"Actually I do."
"Good, I do too. Anyway I've had the hots for Steve ever since the negotiations started. I'm sorry Jamie, you're a sweet guy and in your own way, incredibly handsome and sexy; but nothing gets my pussy wet faster than a tall hunky guy with a full head of long black hair."
"Mistress Anne, I understand and I would never want you to have to give up that pleasure." It was time for me to get back into my submissive permistera.
"I'm glad you feel that way cuckboy because it's a pleasure that I never intend to give up."
"Yes Mistress Anne, I understand."
"Anyway, while the principles were signing the documents Steve and I had a few minutes to chat. He asked me to have dinner with him and I accepted."
"Where did you have dinner?"
"He wanted to have dinner here, but I told him no."
"I told him that it was because I held so many business dinners and conferences here. I wanted to keep my permisteral life and business life separate. That wasn't the real reamister."
"What was the real reamister?"
"You and I were coming here tonight and I didn't want to do anything that might sully a date with you."
"I wouldn't have known."
"Yes, but I would have."
"So where did you have dinner?"
"The Goldenrod Supper Club; it's a downtown restaurant that caters to the business crowd."
"I've heard of it, but I've never been there. Is it good?"
"It's okay. They serve a passable filet."
"Could we to there some night?"
"No we can't go there; but as long as you remember your place and promise to act like my submissive husband, I'll take you there."
"Yes Mistress Anne."
"Anyway, as soon as we finished dinner Steve invited me to go to his apartment with him. Since I've had the hots for him for the past month I eagerly accepted his invitation."
"I understand. You said that he was a very handsome man."
"As soon as we got into his apartment he took me in his arms and kissed me hard on the lips. Cuckboy, I almost melted right there. Steve is so big and strong and so assertive. And then while he was kissing me he pressed his body into mine. He was hard. His cock was huge."
"What did you do?"
"I had to feel it with my hands. I reached down and started rubbing it through his slacks."
"What did Steve do?"
"He dragged me into his bedroom and unzipped my dress. I let it fall to the floor. As soon as I stepped out of it he pulled me down on his bed. I pressed myself against his muscular body, opened his trousers, took out his huge cock and started sucking him."
"How big was his cock?"
"Like I said, it was huge. It had to be at least twice the size of that little pee pee you have between your legs." Anne studied me carefully. She was trying to gauge just how far she could go with her taunts.
I winked at her.
That made her giggle, but she quickly pulled herself back together and continued. "He took off my bra and my panties and then he played with my tits and my pussy while I sucked his big beautiful cock."
Anne stared into my eyes and licked her lips. "Jamie, I can still imagine the taste and feel of that magnificent cock in my mouth. I loved sucking him." Then she leaned forward and whispered, "But it got even better?
"What happened?"
"Steve rolled me over on my back, climbed on top of me and fucked me. He fucked me hard. I had three orgasms before he came."
"Did he cum inside you?"
"Not really, not like you mean it. He wore a condom. Jamie, I have to know a guy really well before I'll let him fuck me bareback."
I nodded. "Yes, that makes sense."
Anne placed her hand on top of mine. "I let you fuck me bareback."
I smiled at her. "I know."
"How many times did Steve fuck you?"
Anne giggled. "You like this story, don't you?"
Blushing, I said; "Yes, I do."
"Three times, the third time he lasted for over a half hour. I was still sore when I got up this morning."
"Are you still sore now?"
"A little, but I think your tongue is the perfect prescription for my sore pussy." Anne winked at me and then she said; "Jamie, let's go home. It's time for us to create our own story."
"Yes, I'd like that. I'll call Connie over so I can settle the bill."
"No Jamie, you are not going to pay the bill."
"But I invited you to dinner. You agreed that I could pay the bill."
"That was before we redefined the terms of our relationship. You're now my servant. Servants do not pay checks. They never do any tipping either. They don't even call waitresses over. Those are all subtle symbols of power and in our new relationship I have all the power and you have none. Is that clear?"
"Yes Mistress Anne."
Anne didn’t bother to call Connie over. Instead she just stood up and said; “Come Jamie, it’s time to leave. “
I followed her out of the restaurant like an obedient dog. When she passed John she said; ”We’re leaving. Put the bill on my tab. Include the usual gratuity.
John answered, “Yes Ms. Royce, I’ll take care of it.”
When we reached the front door of the restaurant, Anne said; “Jamie wait here, I have to go to the ladies room. “
She was only gone for a minute or two. As soon as she returned she said; “Let’s go.”
My SUV was parked at the curb in front of the door. Tony, the valet was holding the door passenger side door open for Anne. “Good evening Ms. Royce, I hope everything was satisfactory tonight.”
“Thank you Tony, as always it was very good. “
As Anne got into my car I noticed that she slipped a folded ten dollar bill into Tony’s hand. My future wife tipped lavishly.
During the drive to Anne’s we made small talk. It was a little powerd. I think both of us were nervous and very excited about what was going to when we got to her town house. When we arrived I dropped Anne at her front door and then I parked the car. I hadn’t done that on our previous dates, but now it seemed like it was the right thing to do.
When I walked up the front steps, Anne’s front door was still open. She was waiting for me when I entered her living room. She pulled me into her arms and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed her back. The two of us had busy professional lives and interacted with large numbers of people each day, but for the past several years we’d both been emotionally isolated. Now we'd found each other and this kiss was an expression of our joy.
When Anne finally ended the kiss she stepped back, looked into my eyes and said; "I love you Jamie."
I smiled at her. "I love you too Anne."
"Are you ready to start?"
"Take off your clothes."
I undressed quickly. Once I was naked, Anne said; "Now undress me."
I hurriedly undressed Anne. As soon as she was naked she walked across the room and sat down in a large stuffed chair. I watched her, mesmerized by her beautiful body.
Anne spread her legs and began lasciviously fondling her very wet cunt. "Jamie, tell me what you want."
Overwhelmed with excitement, I said, "Mistress Anne, I want to worship you."
"Get down on your knees."
I obeyed immediately.
"Now crawl over here."
I crawled to my future wife. When I was kneeling at her feet, Anne said; "You may worship me, begin with my feet." She raised a foot. I cradled it in my hands and started kissing and licking Anne's toes."
I worshipped Anne. I made love to her feet, her ankles, her calves, her thighs and then her pussy and her ass. She had so many orgasms that we lost track of them. When she was finally approaching exhaustion she led me into her bedroom and sucked my cock, but when she felt me getting ready to cum she stopped and made me eat her pussy and ass again. Once she was certain that I'd regained control she pulled me on top of her and let me fuck her.
When Anne felt me getting ready to cum she wrapped her legs around my thighs and held me in place so that I ejaculated inside her.
Afterwards, as we lay cuddled together, Anne whispered. "I love you Jamie Walsh."
I whispered back, "I love you too Anne Royce."
Posts: 3581
GH: That was GREAT!!!  This is going to be an exciting adventure.......... and one hell of fun story to follow. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 14692
Thank you Ms Lisa for making Anne some depth.
GH, as always a top notch story. That conversation was brilliant.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 182
Hi GH,
I just noticed this story, and as always with you it is excellent, thank you very much.
Posts: 1916
Excellent story as usual GH! Thanks for sharing it.
Posts: 1914
I think you know Anne rather well GH. You've made joining the Rolls Royce club a very desirable job to have ..
Posts: 492
Come on GH, you don't play fair. I've been away for a while, I come back and here you've gone and started another one of you excellent stories. I can barely keep up with you and Stormy as it is, you guys are *******ing me.
This is a great one, as always. I know I've said this many times, but thank you for all your hard work. I know that there are a bunch of other writers on here who also deliver great stories, but I don't have the time to read each and every one of them and I always know I'm not going to be disappointed by looking for your name.
Thanks again
Posts: 4050
#21 · Edited by: goodhusband
cuck4one, timmy27, lick buddy, Ajax, subchard, Peak and TrF2
Thank you for your comments. My response is brief. I have a lot to proof read and post today
Posts: 4050
The next day I moved into Anne's townhouse. Anne also bought a whip that day. It was a horsewhip. It was designed to inflict pain without injury. She found it in a local equestrian supply store. She used it judiciously, but I did learn to mind my manners.
A month later, Anne and I were married by a justice of the Peace in the living room of Anne's townhouse. It was a small ceremony. The only guests were Anne's lady and sister and my brother and my Aunt Kay. Anne's man deserted Anne and her lady when Anne was three years old. My parents were *******ed in a car accident when I was nine. My brother and I were raised by my Aunt Kay. The short ceremony was very normal.
The following weekend, Anne and I had our own private ceremony. We wrote it together and we were the only people present. Anne read both her vows and my vows aloud while I kneeled obediently at her feet. When Anne finished reading our permisteral vows she sat in her big stuffed chair and allowed me to worship her. It was a meaningful ceremony for both of us.
After that we settled into a mundane, but happy existence. We both worked at our jobs. Anne threw herself into hers. I did the cooking, cleaning and laundry. Anne paid the bills. Whenever Anne had a free evening I prepared a nice dinner. After dinner she'd sit at the kitchen table and sip a glass of wine while I cleaned up. When I was finished we'd retire to our bedroom and make love.
Nothing was mentioned about Anne's prerogative, the one that allowed her to date other man. Six weeks after our private wedding ceremony that changed.
Anne called me. It was 4:30. I'd just arrived home from the college. I hadn't yet started dinner. When Anne was going to be late she was very conscientious about letting me know.
"Hello Jamie."
"Hi Anne, how's your day going?"
"Actually it's been very smooth. I should be finished in about an hour."
"Wonderful, I'll start dinner."
There was a pause. After a moment Anne said; "No Jamie, don't do that. I won't be home for dinner."
"Do you have a business dinner?"
Another pause, finally Anne said; "No Jamie, I have a date."
"I see." My tone was sullen and dejected.
Anne noticed and quickly reminded me, "Jamie, as your dominant wife, this is one of my prerogatives."
"I know, it's just that nothing's been said for weeks and now this happens so suddenly."
"Do you want me to cancel my date? I can easily do that. It would give us an opportunity to discuss this. Jamie, I love you. I don't want to do anything that could hurt our marriage."
I had to stop and think. I was acting like a petulant little boy. Yes, this had occurred without warning, but so what? It was what I wanted. I frequently fantasized about Anne and other men and I was actually beginning to wonder why she hadn't been doing any dating. Now that she was actually going to do it, I was balking. It didn't make any sense.
Shaking my head, I said; “No Anne, please don't cancel your date. I was acting like a young."
"I'm sorry Jamie, I wish I could have given you more warning, but it all happened very quickly. His name is Derek Bogler. I met him yesterday morning. We were standing in line together at the Starbucks next door to my office building. He started talking to me. He was interesting, so after we got our coffee we sat at a table for a few minutes and talked. He seemed like a nice guy and he was very sexy so I gave him one of my cards and told him that he could call me. He called me a few minutes ago and invited me to have dinner with him tonight. I called you right away."
"Anne, you don't have any reamister to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. Right now I'm a poor excuse for a submissive husband. As my dominant wife you shouldn't need to call me at all."
"Jamie, I would never dream of doing that."
"Anne, can we start over?"
Anne laughed. "Let's do that. Jamie I have a date tonight. I won't be home for dinner."
"Thank you for letting me know. Is he a nice guy?"
"I don't know, I just met him. He seems nice."
"I'll bet he's handsome."
"Oh yes."
""Let me guess, 6 feet two?"
"Really? I’ll bet he has broad shoulders too."
"Of course."
"And thick dark hair?"
Anne giggled. "You remember everything, don't you?"
"I remember everything that relates to you. You're the center of my universe."
"Maybe I should cancel the date and come home tonight. I think I'd enjoy spending a couple of hours being the center of your universe."
"No Anne, you get to do that all the time. Tonight you have an opportunity to play with a hunk. You shouldn't pass it up."
There was a moment of silence and then Anne said; "Thank you Jamie."
"Where are you going to have dinner?"
"His apartment, he's getting Chinese takeout."
"Is that wise? I mean you don't know this guy very well. What if he turns out to be a freak?"
"Jamie, we're getting together to fuck. It doesn't really matter where we have dinner. Eventually we're going to have to go someplace that's private."
"Of course, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking."
"You were being sweet and worrying about me. That's what you were thinking and I love you because of it."
I chuckled derisively. It was unintentional, but the undertone of sarcasm was unmistakable. My cuckold fantasy was about to become a reality; but I hadn't yet come to terms with idea that my wife, the center of my universe, was about to spend the evening in the arms of another man.
Anne caught it immediately, "I do love you Jamie, please believe that. What I'm going to do tonight has nothing to do with my feelings for you. Derek is just a fuck."
"I know." My tone of voice made the statement unconvincing.
Trying to salvage the situation, Anne said; "I have an idea, before I leave my office tonight I'll email Derek's full name and address to you."
"That way, if he ***s me you'll be able to tell the police who did it."
"That's a brilliant idea."
"Don't be sarcastic, remember I own a whip."
"That's not easy to forget." I was still feeling sullen, but I was finding it difficult to resist Anne’s efforts to make me smile.
"No, I suppose it isn't."
"Are you going to come home tonight?"
"Of course I am. I told you I have to know a guy really well before I'll relax with him."
"You said his name is Derek?"
"That’s right."
"Is he an attorney?"
"No he's a salesman."
"What does he sell?"
"I'm not sure; I think he said it was office supplies."
"Office supplies?"
"Damn it Jamie I'm just going to fuck the guy, I'm not going to marry him."
"I hope you're not going to marry him. That would put a real damper on our relationship."
Anne laughed. "This conversation is getting silly."
"Let me see, we have a wife calling her husband to tell him that she won't be home for dinner because she has a date with another man. I think in most households that would pretty much bury the needle on the silly meter."
"Yes, I'm sorry; you're right. Are you angry with me?"
"No." Again my tone of voice made my answer unconvincing.
"I can still cancel and come home. Do you want me to do that?"
"Are you going to fall in love with this guy and divorce me?"
"Hell no! I'm not even sure I'll be able to make conversation with him."
"Then why are you going out with him."
"Because I'm hoping he has a really big cock and he can get it up at least three times tonight. This isn't a date, it's a fuck session."
"You're not making it sound very romantic."
"Jamie honey, if I want romance I'll stay home with you. You do romance better than any man I've ever met."
"I'm glad to hear that I'm a winner in at least one category."
"Sweetheart, you're a winner in every category except one."
"And that category is?"
"Rough tough natural fucking."
I sighed. "I see. Well, have a good time natural fucking with your stud. I need to hang up. I have work to do. I have to clean the kitchen."
"Jamie, don't hang up. That came out wrong. Honey, when we make love you give me lots of orgasms, probably more than I'm going to get from Derek tonight."
"Anne, don't patronize me."
"Jamie, this isn't worth it. I'm going to call Derek and cancel. I'll be home for dinner."'
"Why? Are you in the mood for a little pussy wimp fucking?"
"Dammit Jamie, what the fuck is the matter with you? You're the one who asked to be my submissive cuckold husband. You told me that I'd be free to date other men. Hell, you encouraged me to do it. Now, when I'm finally going to do it, you get all pissy. Yes, it is happening quickly. Well I'm sorry about that, but let me tell you something buddy boy; in real life that's the way it happens. It's almost always spur of the moment. People don't plan one night stands, they just happen."
My anger now fully aroused, I shot back. “What’s the matter with me? I'll tell you what's the matter with me. I'm scared, I'm nervous and I'm very apprehensive. Yes Anne, I asked to be your submissive husband and I asked you to cuckold me. No, I said that wrong. You were right; I didn't just ask you to cuckold me, I encouraged you to do it. The problem is, up until tonight all of that was fantasy. It was a fun little game, but now it's suddenly it's going to be real. Tonight I'm going to spend the evening alone in your town house while you're in some handsome stud's apartment having a sex party with him. For the next seven or eight hours I'll be sitting at home feeling lonely and forgotten while you're laughing and frolicking with your big gorilla completely oblivious to the fact that I even exist."
"It's our town house."
"It's our town house. We're married. Everything I own is yours and everything you own is mine."
"Okay, it's our town house. So what? You're still going to let some other guy fuck you tonight."
"No I'm not."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not going to let Derek fuck me tonight. I'm going to call him and cancel our date.”
Posts: 4050
"No, you can’t do that."
"What! Don't fuck with me Jamie."
"I'm not fucking with you Anne."
"Yes you are! You just spent the last five minutes telling me how miserable you're going to be tonight."
"Yes I did."
"So I'm going to cancel my date. I don't want to make you miserable."
"You can't cancel your date."
"Of course I can!"
"No you can't. If you cancel tonight, you'll never be able to date other men; unless of course, you decide to do it behind my back."
"I'll never do that."
"I believe that, so you have to go on this date.''
"I'm not following you."
"Anne, fantasies are easy, reality can often be much more difficult. Still, if you do difficult things often enough they frequently become easier. I think parachute jumping might be a good example."
Anne laughed. "Yes, the first jump is going to be very hard."
"But each succeeding jump gets easier. I will be miserable tonight, but you still have to go out with Derek. Next week it's essential that you go out on at least one more date."
"If I think I'm making you miserable I'm not sure I'll be able to have much fun."
"But when you go out next week I'll be less miserable and the following week I might not be miserable at all."
"Jamie, why does this have to be so complicated?"
"It doesn't have to be complicated. You could just say; screw you Jamie, I'm going out with Derek and I don't give a cuckolds brownie how miserable it makes you feel."
"I could never do that."
"And that's why it has to be complicated."
"Jamie I love you."
"I know, if you didn't love me, we never would have had this argument."
Anne laughed.
I said, "Go on your date and try to enjoy yourself. I know you love me. I shouldn't have said anything."
"No Jamie, I'm glad you did. I hadn't realized that making the transition from fantasy to reality might be so difficult for you. In this relationship, it's important that I always be cognizant of how my actions are affecting you."
"I don't want you to feel like you need to get my permission every time you want to do something."
"I won't, but I do need to be aware of your feelings."
"Okay, I'm sorry that I got snippy with you."
"Yes, I accept your apology, but you have to understand that when I get home tonight I'm still to going to have to punish you. A slave cannot be allowed to talk to his Mistress in that manner."
"Yes Mistress Anne, I understand."
After our wedding Anne had started describing me as her slave. It had occurred gradually and never been discussed. Now it was mutually accepted as a term that described my position in our relationship. I think both of us found it exciting.
"Jamie, are you going to be okay tonight?"
"Yes Mistress Anne, I'll be fine."
"Jamie, Derek said he'd be home at 5:30 and I can come over any time after that. The sooner I get there the sooner we'll be done and the sooner I'll get home. I'll still have a little work to finish before I leave so I'd better get going."
"Have a good time tonight."
"Thank you Jamie. Try not to be too sad. Remember that I love you and the sex I'm going to have with Derek tonight is meaningless to me. It's just fucking for fun. We could just well be getting together to play checkers."
"Hey, I was trying to cheer you up."
""Actually I liked it. It would make an excellent euphemism."
Anne laughed. "You mean like is Derek a good checkers player?"
"That's right."
"I'll tell you when I get home tonight."
"I can't wait."
"Bye Jamie, remember that I love you. Oh and Jamie, no masturbating. I think this will be easier for you to endure if you’re excited."
"Yes Mistress Anne. I understand."
"I'm not kidding Jamie. When I get home I expect you to have an erection. If you don't I'll punish you. You're already going to be punished for your snippy attitude. You don’t want to have to suffer through back to back sessions with my horsewhip."
"Don't worry Mistress Anne, I will obey you."
"Good bye Jamie. I love you."
"I love you too Anne. Have fun tonight."
"Thank you Jamie."
Anne ended the call.
Posts: 4050
#24 · Edited by: goodhusband
I set the phone back on it's cradle and looked at the clock. It was ten minutes to five. Anne would probably be getting to Derek's apartment in about an hour. I couldn't imagine her spending less than four hours with him so figuring in the time it would take her to drive home, I had at least five and maybe even six or seven hours to *******.
I started by making myself some supper. After I finished eating I cleaned the kitchen and all three bathrooms in the house. By the time I completed those chores it was 7:30.
I poured myself a glass of water and sat down at the kitchen table. As I took a sip of the water I thought about Anne and Derek. They must have finished dinner at least an hour ago. They were both now probably naked and Derek was most likely fucking Anne. I wondered if Anne had sucked Derek's cock. I quickly realized that was a foolish question. Anne had repeatedly told me how much she enjoys giving head to a well-endowed man.
I took out my erect penis and started to stroke it, but then remembering Anne's admonition to me about masturbating; I quickly put it back in my pants. I had to admit that my wife was most likely correct. An edge of sexual excitement was probably the only thing that might keep me from feeling morose while I waited for her to return home.
I went into the den and turned on the television. That was pointless, I couldn't concentrate. I kept wondering what Anne and Derek were doing. Finally I took out our new copy of Le Comte Du Bouleau's "The Petticoat Dominant". Anne had found it in a used book store while she was attending a conference New Your City. Neither of us were particularly excited by powerd feminization, but both of us loved reading stories about any type of male submissive fantasy.
I still frequently paused in my reading to imagine what Anne and Derek were doing, but the book helped. The time passed quickly.
At 9:30 I took a shower, put on the gym shorts and tee shirt that served as my pajamas, poured myself a glass of red wine and sat down to watch the ten o'clock news. The David Letterman show was just starting when I heard the door from the garage to the kitchen open. I listened, the familiar click of Anne's high heels on the kitchen linoleum made me smile.
And then there was silence, but I expected it. When I get home I always place the day's mail on the dining room table. When Anne gets home she always stops to thumb through the stack of letters, bills and advertising circulars before she looks for me.
I waited, a moment later Anne appeared in the den doorway. Her makeup was perfect, her long dark brown hair was combed and her business suit and ruffled blouse were neat and wrinkle free. She didn't look like a woman who had just come from four hours of hot sex.
We stared at each other for a moment and then Anne asked; "Jamie, are you okay?"
I smiled. "Yes Anne, I'm just fine. That copy of Le Comte Du Bouleau's book that you found in New York City helped me pass the time."
Anne laughed. "Does this mean I'm going to have to start dressing you in panties and a bra whenever I go out on a date?"
"No, I think my gym shorts and a tee shirt will be just fine."
"I don't know, I think it might be deliciously exciting to know that while I'm out sucking some hot studs cock you're at home dressed in a pair of lace panties and a bra."
I stared at Anne in horror.
She laughed. "Jamie, I'm just teasing you."
I smiled.
She looked at my glass of red wine. "Could I have one of those?"
"Of course."
I hurried out to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine for Anne. When I returned she was still standing. As I set the glass next to her chair, I said; "You're still standing?"
"I need a hug."
I stopped. For a moment I didn't move and I didn't speak. Somehow the idea that Anne needed a hug after spending a night in another man's arms seemed incredibly incongruous to me.
"Didn't you get enough hugs from Derek tonight?" I blurted it out and the moment I realized what I'd said I regretted it.
"Dammit Jamie, Can't you get it through your thick skull. I don't want hugs from Derek. You're the only man who's hugs matter to me."
"But obviously my dick doesn't"
"That's bullcuckolds brownie Jamie. I love your dick. You have a perfect dick."
"So why did you spend the night sucking and fucking Derek's dick?"
"Because you told me I could. No, you asked me to do it."
"That's true, but you also wanted to do it."
"Yes I did want to play with Derek tonight. Jamie I love cocks, big ones, small ones, I love them all. Derek happens to have a very big cock and he knows how to use it. He's a damn good fuck and yes Jamie he's better than you, a lot better than you. So what? You're smarter, kinder, more sensitive and more loving than he is. You're ten times the man Derek will ever be, but Derek does excel at fucking. He can drive a woman absolutely wild with his cock."
Anne paused for a moment and then she said, "That night at the Kensington Grill, the night we decided to get married, you dropped a bombshell on me. You told me that you were a submissive and wanted to be my servant. That's not exactly the prince charming fantasy that girls are instilled with as they grow up. I could have responded like your ex-wife Patricia and called you a pervert, but I didn't. I kept an open mind. I listened to you and as I listened to you I began to realize that your fantasy was actually rather enticing. I worked at it. I studied, I listened to you and I learned. Now I think I might enjoy being your dominant wife even more than you enjoy being my submissive husband."
Anne picked up her glass of wine, took a sip and set it back down on the end table again. "That night at the Kensington Grill you promised me that as your dominant wife I'd have the prerogative to enjoy sex with other men. Being a cuckold was part of your submissive fantasy. I like sex. I like sex with a variety of partners so the idea appealed to me. Still I was careful. I love you Jamie. You are a magnificent husband. I didn't want to do anything to damage our marriage so I bided my time. I waited until I felt like we'd established a solid foundation for our relationship before I acted on your promise."
Anne smiled. "Jamie, I can find a Derek Bogler anytime I want one. Guys with big cocks and tiny brains are a dime a dozen. It's easy to pick them out. They still have the same ridiculous swagger they had when they were the captain of the football team in high school. I found Derek this week because I was looking for him. I thought you and I were ready to add cuckolding to our relationship. I seem to have misjudged you. I thought you were a secure man, a man who understood the difference between love and sex. Apparently I was wrong."
Anne stopped. She thought for a moment and then she said; "No, that's not fair. I still believe you're every bit the man I thought you were, you just got scared. Jamie, I understand. In our culture men are taught that their role is to defend their wives, to keep them sheltered and secure from the advances of other men. I'm sure that conditioning is every bit as difficult to overcome as the prince charming fantasy that girls are taught. Knowing that I was out mating with another man had to be very stressful for you."
I shook my head. "No Anne, that wasn't it at all. I know that you'd never allow a Derek Bogler to get you pregnant. I'm not even concerned about the ridicule I'll be subjected to when people find out that you're cuckolding me. And they will find out. I'm not suggesting that you're going to advertise it, but I don't think you’re going to be concerned about being discreet either."
Anne nodded. "I don't see any reamister to be particularly discreet. The other attorneys in my firm will just see it as another example of my independent temperament and you work at a very liberal private college. As long as we don't advertise it to the students no one is going to care."
Smiling, Anne added; "I also suspect that you might find that particular offense unbelievably exciting."
I chuckled. "You know me too well."
"So what's the problem then?"
"Come on Anne, you're smarter than this. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that eventually you're going to meet a man who's not only tall, broad shouldered and an amazing fuck with a big cock; he's also sweet, loving, gentle, smart and all those other characteristics that you attribute to me. I'm terrified that I'm going to lose you to one of your lovers."
"You're right Jamie, that might happen and you might meet a twenty- two year old coed with a delightfully dominant permisterality. Every married couple in the western world faces this threat. It's one of the reamisters the divorce rate in this country is over fifty percent."
Anne looked at me with soothing warmth. "Jamie, even if I do cuckold you I think our marriage still has a better chance of success than most. I enjoy being your dominant wife. Most men wouldn't allow me to take that role. Hell almost all of the other lawyers in this city think I'm a bitch. That actually makes me attractive to many of them, but only because they view me as a challenge. If they can fuck me I make a wonderful notch in their belt. None of them would ever want to actually form a relationship with me. You are a handsome college professor with a sweet, gentle permisterality. If they thought you were available, women would line up for an opportunity to land you as a husband. Until you told them about your submissive disposition, then most of them would run like you had the plague."
Anne smiled. "No Jamie, we're together because we find each other interesting, attractive and trustworthy; but we're also together because we're two very unique individuals who are totally compatible with each other. We met by a quirk of fate and I will forever thank the stars for letting us find each other."
I laughed. "You mean we're together because nobody else will have us."
I think I put it a little more palatably; but yes, that is the gist of what I was trying to say."
We stared at each other. After a moment Anne grinned at me and said; "Can I have that hug now?"
Grinning back at her, I said; "Yeah."
I put my arms around Anne. She put her arms around me. We held each other. My wife may have spent the evening in another man's bed, but at that moment I was absolutely certain that she loved me.
Posts: 4050
We held each other for several minutes. Finally Anne kissed me on the lips and said; "Do you feel better now?"
"Yes I do."
"I gather that I'm now officially a cuckold." I was smiling at Anne.
She grinned at me and said; "Oh yes, would you like to hear about it?"
"Very much."
"I'll tell you everything, but first we have some business to take care of."
"Yes Mistress Anne."
"Undress me and hang my clothes in my closet. When you return bring my whip. I'll be in the living room. When you return I expect to see a proper display of total presentation; anything less than that will result in a second punishment session. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress Anne, I understand."
I quickly undressed Anne and carried all of her clothing into our bedroom. I hung her business suit in her closet and put her lingerie in the clothes hamper so that I could wash it when I got home from work the next day. Once that was done I took Anne's horsewhip from the hook it was hanging from in her closet, got down on my hands and knees, put the whip between my teeth and crawled out to the living room. That was what she called a proper display of total presentation.
Anne was sitting in the big stuffed chair that now served as her throne. She was naked. As soon as she saw me crawling into the living room she smiled and said; "Very good cuckboy, bring me my whip and then take your position on the end of the couch."
I crawled over to Anne. She took her whip from my teeth and patted me on the head like I was an obedient dog. "Good boy, now crawl to the couch. You know what to do."
I crawled over to the end of the couch and stood up.
"Very good cucky, now pull your shorts down to your ankles and lay across the arm of the couch."
I obediently followed Mistress Anne's directions. I was now lying across the end of the couch. My feet were on the floor, my shorts were bunched up around my ankles, my face was pressed into the seat of the couch and of course my bare ass was sticking straight up in the air. I also had an erection which added to my offense.
I heard Anne stand up and walk over to me. And then, whap! Her whip smacked the top of the couch.
I shuddered.
She chuckled. "Scared you, didn't I slave?"
I nodded.
"Why are you being punished?"
"Earlier today I took a snippy tone with you."
Whap! Anne's whip stung my rear.
I gasped.
"Slave, why did you take a snippy tone with me?"
"You told me that you were going to meet another man for sex and I was afraid."
Whap! My rear was stung again.
"Why were you afraid?"
"I was afraid that you might fall in love with him and leave me."
Whap! With each stroke of the whip the pain became more intense.
"Are you still afraid that might happen?"
"No, I now believe you love me and the sex with him meant nothing to you."
Whap! The pain was excruciating.
"Do you love me?"
"Yes, more than life itself!"
Whap! I bit my lip. I wasn't going to cry out.
Setting her whip down on the couch next to me, Anne said; "And I love you that much too." And then she left the living room.
A moment later she returned and started rubbing a soothing balm on my flaming rear end. "I love you Jamie, I love so much. Are you all right?"
"I'm fine, your whip has a sting, but it goes away quickly."
Anne rubbed more salve into my ass while she continued to repeatedly tell me how much she loved me. And then grasping my arm, she pulled me up from the couch and asked, "Do you want to hear about my date?"
"Yes please."
"Can you sit down?"
"Yes, I'll be fine."
"Sit here on the couch."
I sat down. Anne kneeled at my feet.
Grasping my erect penis with her fingers she held me as she said; "When I got to Derek's apartment he poured us each a glass of wine. We sat on a couch very much like this one. I played with his cock. It was still inside his pants, but it was hard and it excited me."
"Yes, you've told me how much you love cocks."
"I do, there's something about them that's almost beguiling, especially a big cock. I love it when I first touch one and feel it grow in my fingers. That's what happened with Derek's cock. As soon as I started massaging it through his trousers it began to grow."
Anne was squeezing my cock, but she wasn't stroking me or even massaging me. She seemed to be taking great care to avoid pushing me over the edge. It was clear that she didn't want me to cum, at least not yet.
"Jamie, I had to see it. I wanted to touch its bare skin. I longed to taste it. I set down my glass of wine and unzipped Derek's trousers. He didn't object."
"No I'm sure he didn't."
Anne smiled at me and then she said; "As soon as I freed it, it jumped to attention. It was thick and long."
"How long?"
"At least eight inches and maybe even nine or ten."
I looked down at my own cock. In its most erect state it was just shy of five inches. "He's a lot bigger than I am."'
"Yes he is and that makes him a fun playmate; but you don't have to worry. I would never love a man because of the size of his cock."
"I understand."
"Do you?"
"Yes, I think I do."
"Hearing you say that makes me very happy."
"Did you suck him?"
"Yes Jamie, I did."
"Did he cum in your mouth?"
"No, but he did cum on my tits."
I immediately looked at Anne's breasts.
She noticed and laughed. "Jamie honey, we had a whole evening of fun ahead of us. I didn't want to be messy so I wiped his cum off of me with a napkin."
I nodded, but apparently I didn't do a good job of masking my disappointment.
Anne chuckled. "Despite all your misgivings and fear you really do like being my cuckold, don't you?"
"Would you like to lick my breasts anyway?"
"Yes please."
"Let's trade places."
I got off the couch. Anne took my place, but instead of sitting up she lay back with her feet up and her head resting on a throw pillow. I kneeled next to her.
Anne placed a hand on the side of each of her large breasts and pushed them together. "Kiss them Jamie, kiss them and lick them and while you're doing it I want you to remember that just a few short hours ago they were covered with another man's semen."
Breathless with excitement, I pressed my lips to Anne's nipples, first one and then the other. After I kissed them I extended my tongue and started to lick them.
As I licked her breasts, Anne whispered; "Can you taste him cuckboy? Can you taste Derek's cum?"
"We both knew I couldn't, but now we were playing, so I said; "Yes Mistress Anne, I can taste him."
"Good, lick me clean cuckboy. Lick all of my lover's cum off of my tits."
I eagerly kissed and licked Anne's breasts. While I was doing it, she continued telling me about her date. "After I sucked Derek's cock we ate our dinner. Neither of us was particularly hungry and we were both excited to start fucking; so after eating only a few bites of the kung pao chicken we quickly put the dishes in the sink and retired to Derek's bedroom."
"I should have been there Mistress Anne. I could have served your dinner and then cleaned up the kitchen while you and Mr. Bogler were enjoying each other."
Anne sat up, placed her feet on the floor and stared down at me. It was clear that my statement had surprised her. After a moment she asked, "Would you do that Jamie? Would you assist me as my servant while I entertained a lover?"
Realizing the full implications of what I'd just suggested, I waffled. "I don't know Mistress Anne that might be difficult for me; at least at first."
"Yes, I think it would be wise to give you a little time to get used to being my cuckold before we try anything else." Anne smiled. "And you are now officially my cuckold."
Spreading her legs, Anne said; "Look at my pussy cuckboy. Do you see what a big cock, a man sized cock, can do to woman?"
Anne's cunt was puffy and stretched. It was obvious that she'd been well fucked. "Yes Mistress Anne, I see."
"Kiss it cuckboy, kiss the cunt that another man just fucked."
I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Anne's pussy. Her breath caught.
I kissed her with passion.
She whispered, "Be gentle Jamie. Derek fucked me twice and the second time he lasted for over a half hour. It was magnificent. I had at least five orgasms. After a while they just kind of ran together."
I looked up at Anne, my face now glistening with the moisture of her arousal. "May I lick you Mistress Anne."
"I'm sorry Jamie, not tonight. Right now I'm a little sensitive down there."
"I see." My disappointment was evident.
Anne gently stroked my hair. "I'm sorry Jamie, but tomorrow night I'll make it up to you. I don't have any late meetings so I'll be home for dinner and after dinner we can spend the whole evening playing."
"I'd like that Mistress Anne."
"So would I Jamie. Now I'd like you to bathe me and after were finished, I've thought of a very creative way to end this evening."
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise."
Posts: 4050
I bathed Anne. As soon as we were both dry she dragged me into the bedroom.
"Slave, pull down the covers and prop up several pillows for me." Anne's voice had an aristocratic air to it. It was the voice she used when we were playing our kinkiest sex games and I'd come to love it.
Excited, I moved quickly. Once the bed was ready Anne lay down, lasciviously spread her legs and started massaging her glistening pussy. She was obviously excited. "Get on the bed slave and kneel at my feet."
I climbed onto the bed. My entire body throbbed with excitement. Anne had a delightfully creative imagination and I was certain that she'd devised a fiendishly kinky way finish this momentous evening. She didn't disappoint me.
Once I was in position Anne smiled at me. It was a wicked smile. On my knees at her feet, my erect penis sticking straight out; I suddenly felt like I was on display.
Licking her lips, she said; "Masturbate for me cuckboy. I want to watch you stroke your dick." Her tone was deliberately humiliating.
Embarrassed, I hesitated.
Anne glared at me. "Do it or we'll finish the evening with another session with my whip. It's up to you; I'll enjoy myself either way."
Of course the fact that my cock was still sticking straight out belied my apprehension. Both of us knew that while I was humiliated, I was also unbelievably excited.
Nervously, I wrapped my fingers around my erection and began stroking myself.
Anne taunted me. "Isn't that pathetic? Another man spends the entire evening enjoying your wife's hands, mouth and pussy and when she finally comes home, all you get to do is jack off."
She laughed derisively. "Well enjoy it cuckboy. Tonight Derek took it all, so Rosie Palm is your only friend."
Anne's taunts spurred my masochism and my excitement quickly grew. I started vigorously pumping my cock.
That made Anne laugh even harder. "Look at you, you love this. What a wimp. You'd rather jerk off than fuck. Well it's lucky I found Derek. He loves to fuck me. I can't wait to get together with him again."
I kept pumping my cock. I was coming close.
Sensing it, Anne said; "That's right cuckboy, jack it hard. Make yourself cum." And then she raised her left foot and held it under my erection. "Here, you can enjoy my body too; cum on my foot."
That taunt put me over the edge. I ejaculated three powerful spurts of semen. The first hit Anne's ankle, the second coated the top of her foot and the third covered her toes. After that, the cum just dribred out of my cock.
Pushing her foot forward so that it was touching the head of my cock, Anne ordered, "Keep jacking yourself and don’t stop. I want you to get it all."
I kept pumping my softening penis. When it was completely limp Anne said; "All right cuckboy, you can stop."
I started to relax, but Anne shook her head and said; "No cuckboy, you're not done yet. Look at the mess you made on my foot. Lick it up. Lick it all up. Do it now."
I'd just finished ejaculating, but that didn't matter. At that moment I was overwhelmed by a maelstrom of unrelenting masochism. I would have eagerly submitted to any indignity that Anne demanded regardless of how repugnant it might have been. Without thinking about what I was actually doing, I cradled Anne's foot in my hands and eagerly licked up all of my fresh semen.
As soon as her foot was clean, Anne set it down and said, "Jamie come lay next to me." Her tone of voice had changed dramatically. It was now sweet and soothing.
Once I was lying next to her Anne rolled onto her side so that our faces were nearly touching. Gently caressing my cheek she asked, "Did you enjoy that Jamie?"
I grinned at her. "Yes Mistre..."
Anne stopped me. "No Jamie, for the rest of tonight it's just Anne."
"I understand."
"Now did you enjoy that?"
"Yes, I think it might be the most exciting sadomasochistic game we've ever played."
"Good, I thought you'd enjoy it. I enjoyed it too, but now I just want to love you. Would that be all right?"
"Yes Anne that would be wonderful."
I pulled the covers up over us and we cuddled together. For a while we held each other, but eventually exhaustion overpowered both of us and we fell arelax.
The next day Anne did get home early. It was a wonderful evening. At Anne's request, I'd prepared a special dinner. After we finished eating I cleaned the kitchen while Anne sat at the table and sipped a glass of white wine. Once I was done we retired to the bedroom to make love. Of course Anne orchestrated everything.
She started by allowing me to worship her. Anne reclined on the bed while I kissed and licked her feet, her breasts, her ass and finally her pussy. After she'd enjoyed several orgasms she pushed me down on the bed and sucked my cock. Just before I was about to cum she climbed on top of me, slipped my erection into her cunt and rode me until I came inside her.
We cuddled for a few minutes and then Anne pushed me back between her legs. After licking my cum out of her cunt, I sucked on her clit and gave her another orgasm. By the time she recovered my cock was erect again. She pulled me on top of her and let me fuck her in the missionary position. It's her favorite. She had another orgasm. That excited me so much that I came at the same time.
Once I finished ejaculating Anne wrapped her arms around me and held me on top of her. When my softening penis finally slipped out of her cunt, she released her hold on me. I rolled off of her and pulled the covers up over us. We cuddled up next to each other and then we quickly fell blissfully arelax.
That was the beginning of my life as a cuckold. After her evening with Derek, Anne started dating regularly. She went out at least one night a week and when her schedule allowed it she'd occasionally spend a second night out. She rarely dated the same man more than twice and never more than four times. She was also always careful to make sure that I understood that I was the only man she loved. She reinpowerd that understanding by reserving at least two nights a week exclusively for me.
Posts: 1914
Not sure if you intended this story to end there GH but if you did, that was a quite brilliant short story with two wonderful people in it and thanks for giving it to us. If you intend to add to it, that would be great too. These characters can take the expansion but you could get into your continuity log jam again and then we wouldn't see the ending for something else. That was quite a messy way of saying, I quite like everything you give us and I'm grateful for whatever we get ! Thanks.
Posts: 14692
#28 · Edited by: Timmy27
GH, I had similar thoughts like peak. Aside from all that another piece of brilliant writing about two people deeply in love if in a very unconventional way.
On second thought, I don't think this is the end. We still need to read a bit more of the five days in Florida.
Posts: 3581
GH: Thank you for such a wonderful story.  It's nice to have a short story at times....... and you did a really nice job with this one taking us full circle. Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy
Posts: 277