Posts: 373
I love the idea of being humilated by a young boy. I think it down to the fact that when i was 22 i lost my 20yo g/f friend to a 17 yo black boy. At the end of the day his cock was twice the size are mine, he might have been a boy in years but he was more of a man than i could ever hope to be
Posts: 2117
Tell us more Johnboy? Also did your teacher wife ever get fucked by your mister's friend when she was caught undressing?
Posts: 819
OMG. The best yet. The description of them fucking will have me fucking hubby to tears tonight.
Thank you Brainbox for another masterpiece! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 819
P.S. Brainbox. You have a surprise that was more than I told you coming.
Can't wait for more from your awesome mind. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 126
Another Great Segment to your Story Brainbox1.
A great piece of work and a truly a great story.
Please continue
Donnna4blackuse put it the right way "Can't wait for more from your awesome mind" IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 755
even more humiliating when he brings a friend with him so that they can double team her...two studs not old enough to take pounding my wife's married pussy and me then having to address them as Sir and cleaning their sticky wet cocks
Posts: 187286
good story so far...great story so far... I agree with SOME of the others... hope others get involved... and yes he does some clean up... but on her.. not them. don't care for the ones that go in that direction... but love it so far and your story you write how you see it
Posts: 259
Just one thing missing to this fantastic story. Do you remember that Tyrone insited that hubby wore little boy's pyjamas to demonstrate his position? That hasn't been referred to again but i think it will be a powerful indicator of tyrone's power over him if he has to wear PJs like that and is sent to bed at a time appropriate to a little boy. What do you think? But a fantastic stroy! Thank you
Posts: 819
I have read this countless times when I could sneak a few minutes over the weekend. I love the way wifey gives hubby the present she knows he wants by letting him watch as a thanks for the jewelry. The description of the sex was awesome and the great cocksucker comment at the end was marvelous.
If Tyrone is like any of the blacks I have been with, he will soon want to start sharing that "great cocksucker" mouth with family and friends to show his power over the white woman. This is normally when I cut them off, but who knows which way this roller coaster will go next.
Thanks again Brainbox for the best yet. I seem to say that every week, but you keep coming up with something to make me say it again. If only TV writers were this creative. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 126
#132 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
stevenjam12 I recall the pajamas too, as well as having ordered hubby to get snipped (vasectomy). You are right about the power indicators even over the wife with the recent Tyrone wants her to have tits enlarged. I posted a captioned photo about the tits and the vasectomy but just found a photo of smurf pajamas, so I made a stab at it, I thought maybe Tyrone was waiting for the wife to make the move so I based the captioned on this premise. Going along with what you stated on early to bed, wearing the smurf pj's maybe make sure to go tell hubby go to bed, and do not disturb the adults the rest of the night like you would tell a little boy. There are many open avenues that Brainbox1 can take as he pens this story, I think that he is doing a super job and many of his followers just wait to the next segment comes out. I never captioned photo's before but Donna4Blackuse got me started and it helps pass the time between segments my wife has said some were pretty good some no so, but just trying to keep the link active and so something story line related may be a stretch. I think we all can agree that "Humiliated By A Boy" is an unique story and is very well written and can't wait till the next segment comes out.  Dinner, PJ's, go to bed ... Don't Disturb us for the rest of the night
|  |  |  | IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
#135 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Great Story!! Can't wait for the next update. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
#136 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Posts: 3376
I love this thread!!!!
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
#141 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Posts: 126
Posts: 259
Dear The Cuckold One While the main thank yous must go to the author, Brain Box1, (and please please please can we have another chapter) i should also like to thank you for the great captioned pictures. A very fitting support to BrainBox1. steven
Posts: 126
Greeting Stevenjam12,
You are correct that Brain Box 1 deserves all the credit for the great story that is being posted.
The idea of caption photos was not mine but that of Donnaforblackuse she started it and deserves the credit. My first posts were to follow the story line completely Donna help show me that you need to follow all that close to the story, but keeping with the concept behind the story. So she is the one who should be given praise.
She has the one who encouraged me to post some of my own captioned photos, I just thought I would help keep the link alive and help pass the time between Brain Box 1 story segments. Thank you for the complement on the captioned photos.
I too have been waiting for the next segment but I also know that it takes time for an author to pen a story and to do such a good job needs a bit more time. So I am sure I speak for many others who believe are waiting for the next segment, which will be hopefully soon.
I hope that I don't bore too many members to The Cuckold Place with these captioned photos, but again it was to help pass the time between the story posts.
Here are a few more Captioned photos for everybody IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 187286
what looks like a good story seems to have disappeared to make room for a cap thread... what a shame was a good story............caps are fine... but now more caps than story.. time to get back to story and move caps to the appropriate thread.... sorry cuckold1 ... but you know the saying to much of a good thing......
Posts: 819
Though I started the caps and Brainbox told me to continue, I agree that the story is more important than the caps, and the caps should only illustrate past episodes of the story. Brainbox is a busy man, but I think we can expect more of his brilliance soon. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 126
That make sense, I will back down the captioned photos and I have to agree in looking back that a lot of captioned photos were sent out, I will sit back and wait for the next segment of his story. The story is the important item not the captioned photos I see now in looking back that a lot of photos were sent out I guess I didn't realize the rate of captioned photos was so high. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 259
Well, OK we must all wait for the great Brain Box1. Quite right. But i was going to say something about the captions anyway. The regular theme is that poor little hubby is sent off to the spare room as Tyrone is/may be coming over. i'd have thought that Tyrone would,LONG AGO, have made him leave the marital bed and relax always in his little boy's bedroom. Don't you think? s
Posts: 819
There are different types of cuckolds. Not all are over the top dominant/submissive relationships in the extreme manner portrayed instories. I think that is why I enjoy Brainbox's writing so much. It is a much more realistic view for most of us.
For instance, my hubby is an unkowing cuck, but if he agreed for me to cuck him, he would only go so far. I think one of the great aspects of Brianbox's classic is he gives a serious look into the mind of hubby as he struggles with how far he is willing to go with being cucked as well as the wife struggling with being a good wife to hubby while enjoying bbc. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 2117
#150 · Edited by: brainbox1
It has now been a week since Tyrone’s man’s visit and my wife’s news that she was pregnant with a black baby. I have no knowledge of whether she has visited her GP to confirm this news, but it has fuelled my wank fantasies, and also my fears; when she has the baby will she decide to live with the daddy? Will the black boy become a bigger part of our lives and live with us – usurping me as the man of the house?
For the last week Tyrone has been fucking my wife in our marital bed nearly every day and staying the night. Stacy has seen him come and go on numerous occasions and when she has seen me she has crocked her little finger and wiggled at me before bursting into laughter. I guess nearly everyone in our block of flats now knows Tyrone is fucking my wife and that I am a cuckold.
My wife had again raised the question during the week about Tyrone’s desire to see her with bigger tits. As I have mentioned previously, my wife is a 36c and according to her Tyrone wants them increased to a 40D! Obviously a tit man lol I was flabbergasted to hear that she had in fact consulted with a plastic surgeon about the increase. Behind my back! Behind my fucking back! I was angry, after all I had warned her against she had done this against my wishes. It resulted in a big argument and my wife had stormed out, no doubt to Tyrone’s house.
After a few hours she returned tearful; when a woman cries it always weakens a man and I was no different. We discussed the issue in a more candid way then any time previously and I soon realised that I had lost my temper too quickly. My wife explained that in the consultation she had told the surgeon about the desired increase, and he had warned that doing that would make it look fake and not natural on her body. The surgeon had explained that each permister is different based on their anatomy, and very large implants (like what Tyrone’s wants) age poorly, and patients are often unhappy afterwards because their implants are too large. After the evaluation the surgeon had told her that an increase up to a 38b or c is more advisable and will give her a more ‘natural’ look and feel.
When we had finished talking no doubt like you (my loyal readers) I thought it was a bit strange that her pregnancy was not mentioned? I asked my wife why this was not the case and, quite flippantly and pragmatically, she told me that her cuckold women cycle had started a few days ago and so she was not pregnant! Now how can you keep something like that a secret from your husband! Tell me?
Again I shouted at her about not telling me and she replied assertively that it was her body and she was not my slave and did not have to tell me everything! “Why tell me anything at all” I screamed back at her –“OK, fuck you” was her reply, before she went into our bedroom and slammed the door.
Everyone has arguments in any relationship and it comes with the territory. But, something had happened to our relationship since my wife had cuckolded me and I could not quite fathom out what it was? Like most blokes I did not confront my wife (like a woman would) with a “we need to talk” or explained my concerns. Instead I just continued as nothing had happened and let life take its course.
Work and everyday stuff dominated for the next few days and my wife spent most of that time with me rather than Tyrone. As it later transpired, Tyrone had gone to a music festival with his mates and so was not around anyway. I asked her why she had not gone with him, and she told me that she thought it wiser to stay at home with me after our heated arguments, and get back to some sort of normality. No doubt she was as concerned as me about what had transpired between us and wanted to ‘clear the air’.
This we did, and she inquired as to whether the cuckolding had gone too far and was now damaging our relationship. You know what –I could not answer that question and I told her so. All this was conducted one evening over a bottle of red wine followed by the silence of our thoughts. We cuddled up together on our settee while watching Rambo once again defeat the world on our television.