Posts: 2117
I awoke the next day to my mobile phone ringing –the caller was my wife. Picking it up, I pushed answer and spoke to her –“hi”…”hi yourself” I heard my wife giggle..”how are things”? Another giggle and I heard her say “get off” away from the receiver…”sorry” she said..”his hands are everywhere at the moment”!.. You know that sinking feeling you get sometimes when you fear something; I had that right then. My wife then continued…”I won’t be home till tonight as me and my lover are going out”… The fear I felt was that I was losing my wife; to a black boy; one I had encouraged, no begged, my wife to fuck and cuckold me with. My reply to her was pitiful really..”OK, see you later” was all I could muster…”bye” she replied and then she was gone (hopefully figuratively and not literally). The rest of the day was a blur and I never really had that horny feeling I had before. I guess I was beginning to realise what a monumental shift this was in my relationship and I needed to speak to someone. But who? Only other cuckold’s must know this feeling and so where better to put my fears into words then in written form; on a cuckold forum. Most of the replies where good, except for the odd one that told me to either get some balls, or have them cut off and be a sissy eunuch! Strangely having sort solace on the cuckold forum had made me put things into perspective and lifted my spirits. Before I knew it, my wife walked back into our flat..”hi” she said, followed by a kiss on the cheek…”how’s your day been”?.. I wanted to reply sarcastically..”good, I feared that I was losing you and received advice from other cuckold’s”! But no the mouth rarely speaks the words of the brain does it! All I said was..”good thanks”… My wife then told me that she needed to tell me something and I must not go mad. Now..when you hear that what do you think? Yes, me as well; so many images and thoughts whirled around my mind for that precise minute. My wife looked at me. Was it with pity, concern, or humour? She then told me…”my black lover wants me to increase the size of my tits”…Wow! I never saw that coming…”what”???. Now my wife has nice tits not to big but not to small, and still fairly firm considering her age…”why” was my reply…”because he likes big tits” my wife replied. The conversation went back and forth for a while with me voicing my objections and the reamisters why (e.g. her tits look good as they are, too infection and implants bursting). All to no avail really; as my wife trumped me with this gem…”it will make me more confident; give me a cracking cleavage, and will feel the same when you touch them”..Well how do you reply to that? “but, but” I said..”but, nothing. I will have a word with the doctor and then decide”.. She then went into our bedroom to get ready for bed. The next day I awoke having had one of the weirdest dreams. I was with my wife and she looked like Sheyla Hershey (look her up!) with massive collagen lips (like Leslie Ash) and that "trout pout" that they provide. We were walking through a park and my wife was dressed like a street hooker, and then from nowhere she was surrounded by very young black boys who beat me up and took her into the wooded area –where she emerged holding two black babies who were sucking on her massive tits! Now I know dreams are not real, but fuck that dream done my head in! While l lay there contemplating what that dream meant, my wife turned over and opening her eyes..”hi”.. she leaned across and put a loving kiss on my lips. Her next questions surprised me in a way…”I think I shouldn’t see the black boy anymore”..Now where did that come from? Looking at her I replied..”why”?.. She lifted herself up and placing the pillows higher so she could lay up in bed, she continued…”I think he may make me pregnant soon”..Silence reined for a while before she continued..”and I am worried that I may fall in love with him and ruin our marriage”. I was mortified and also horny. After all I had told you readers in the above paragraphs, when push came to shove, my cuckold dreams took precedence. ..” I guess all women can love more then one man” I said..She looked at me..”and what about a black baby? Everyone will know it is not yours, and I will look like a slut and you a wimp”!..A thoughtful minute ensued before I continued…”but that is what I want and we could say something like we broke up for a while and in a takesen state you had a one night stand, and then we got back together and you found out your were pregnant. As neither of us believes in abortion we decided to have the baby and love it as ours”. You can tell I had been thinking and reading about this for a while lol …My wife looked at me and I am not sure if she was convinced..”do you love me”? she asked. What man could not love such a beautiful woman as my wife? “Yes with all my heart”…”and nothing, but nothing will ever change that”, I replied. We kissed again more passionately then before. Suffice to say, I finally got my leg over for the first time since this adventure began 
Posts: 192
brainbox1 Beautiful! Please continue! Everything is better in black and white
Posts: 819
Gotta be quick as Hubby is in the shower and the boys will be here soon to take me out for Mom's Day. Will elaborate later, but this keeps getting better. Since she promised fidelity to the boy, she is now cucking him as well! Awesome!
Thanks again Brainbox. Captions to come. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 126
Another great twist to the story ... Great Job! Will be waiting to for more! IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 199
I really like this story so far and I am happy that she still loves her cucky. to me the joy of being cuckolded is having a wife that loves you and shares the experience with you.
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Here are few more captioned photos I didn't recognize the name Sheyla Hershey so I posted a photo of her amazing Cleavage. Along with a couple more that I thought fit the story line.  Don't stop Wanking on my account
|  Clean Up Time!!!
|  Clean Up Time!!!! Alternate
|  Sheyla Hershey
| IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 819
Excellent work Cuckold One! Hopefully Brainbox will grace us with another episode of the classic saga soon. I'm starting to see it pop up on other sites, thankfully giving him credit. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 2117
What sites am I popping up on? lol
Posts: 126
Did a quick search and only found 1 Site with the story:
The URL is:
posted by mrblonde74
who did post a couple of messages down. "I said it was written by brainbox not me I thought this story was amazing so i thought i,d share it giving credit to the author in the title at no point saying i wrote just posted it
The reply was:
Credit or not - did you ask the author's permission to post his work on this site? He may have reamisters for not wanting them here.
So your following on this amazing story goes beyond "" as well as your support Brainbox1. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 819
It's on ************. I can't remember who posted. It's under *********. And yes, my two college age misters are hunks and a Mom can have fantasies! Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 2117
#102 · Edited by: brainbox1
The next day my wife dropped a bombshell. We were out shopping and she mentioned that she wanted to tell me something, but wanted to wait until we got home. Now shopping is boring at the best of times and I (like most men) want to get what we need and out of there in record time lol But not woman; oh no, they spend time comparing prices, erring and umming about fat content and whether they should buy this or that to eat, and of course, in modern supermarkets there is the clothes section. Which my wife decided needed to be checked out, and blokes you know that once a woman starts looking at clothes it is gonna take a while!
So finally, with my mind working overtime with all the possible reamisters why my wife wants a chat with me, we get home. “So”? I ask. My wife looks at me..”so what”? Now is this a cat and mouse game she is playing or has she forgot..”you wanted to chat”?..”Oh that”.. silence.. she then mentions, matter of factly, that she has missed her period! Fuck! A black baby! I’m the ultimate cuckold now! “Why did you not mention it before” I ask half way between normal tone and shouting. “Don’t shout”! she replies. My wife then continued; I am only a couple of days late so it may not be a problem”..A problem! A fucking problem” I muse; How do I explain my wife and me having a black baby!
For the rest of the day my head was in a whizz and I had a sneaky wank thinking about my offense and a black boy breeding my wife. AS is the case in everyday life, day turned into night and my wife wanted another chat. “I want to keep this baby if I am pregnant” she said. Now my wife is not one for abortion as she had a good friend who had one and was an emotional wreck thereafter, which cut my wife up emotionally as well, as she could not do anything to help her friend. “I know” I responded. My wife looked at me with pleading eyes..” are you Ok if I am pregnant, cause it probably is his”.. I pondered and replied as a good cuckold should…”yes, I love you with all my heart and a baby is a baby and I want you to have it”.. She looked at me, so sadly with tears in her eyes, and kissed me gently on the lips and we hugged so tightly.
The issue about her increasing the size of her tits was forgotten for now, If she was indeed pregnant then it would not happen for a long time. I needed to ask one more final question about the suspected pregnancy to my wife.. “will you tell the boy”? My wife had a minute’s think and told me that she would not; not just yet until it is confirmed when she takes a pregnancy test tomorrow.
That night my wife dressed for her lover, as they were going out to see a film at the cinema (would you believe it –it was “What To Expect When You're Expecting”!).,It was probably not the boy’s choice lol It seemed as if my wife was rubbing my nose in it by telling me she was going to watch that film. Pangs of jealousy, envy, guilt, all washed over me as I saw her looking so beautiful. She was dressed in a plain grey cocktail dress, above the knee, sleeveless with a slash collar. It fitted really well and displayed her curves a treat. Before I knew it she was gone and again I was left to my own devices.
I placed the story of my wife’s possible pregnancy on the cuckold sites and received congratulations from the members there. One or two told me that I now needed to become a sissy cuckold and dress and act like one (e.g. suck the boys cock!). Now that isn’t me and in no way would I ever do that! Reading the posts there I had an idea – to surprise my wife. Tonight was late night shopping so why don’t I go out and buy my wife a gift. But what? Now fact is stranger then fiction sometimes and I made a decision to ask the 17yo girl from across the hall (let’s call her Stacy). As I picked up my wallet (with my credit card, debit card and some money ), my mobile and keys, I wondered if this was a good idea; but my cock was again betraying me and my heart was beating fast as I knocked on her door. It was answered by her little 10 year brother –“yeah what do you want” he growled. Now this was not an educated, high social-economic family, in fact they were a bit gypo – “is Stacy there”? I enquired.. He then shouted her name so the whole street could hear him. “What” I heard a female voice say.. “it’s the weirdo for you” he replied. Charming eh! Soon she was at the door and telling her little brother to “fuck off”! No finishing school for this girl. “ummm, I wonder if you can help me” I stumred over my words, She looked at me with a smirk..”has your wife left you?” she laughed. “umm”..”No”. I continued.. “I want to buy her something.. as a gift..and I need a women’s perspective”.. She shook her head and laughed.. “is she pregnant then”.. Shit! How did she know was she told? Then it dawned on me that she was being sarcastic and trying to embarrass me, which was easy. “What’s in it for me” she asked, shrugging her shoulders..”Well, I will pay you if you want”?.. She looked at me and replied –“hold on” and grabbing her coat she shouted, to no-one in particular –“I’m going out”, and shut the door behind her.
We travelled to the shopping centre (mall) in my car and in silence. Stacy just looked out of the window. As we arrived and I parked, she turned to me and asked if I wanted to get my wife anything in particular. Lol, I had not even thought about it! “Err.. No” I said..She shook her head and I knew that she saw me as some sort of wimp and wanker. Now even realising that got me hard, and she noticed., ”OOOOOW” she screamed..”put that tiny thing away”..Nothing like a teen girl shouting use at you will make you lose your hard-on quicker believe me!
In the shopping centre, I collected some money from the bank ATM. Stacy laughed when she saw the Ann Summer’s shop and told me to follow her, as she walked over and through the front door. In the shop she picked up an 8 inch black dildo and waved it in front of my face telling me that Tyrone was bigger. Everyone looked over at us –probably in disgust. A female sales assistant walked over to us and asked if she could help us. Stacy replied –“nah, cuckold here is just looking”. The assistant stared at me and walked away. I was so humiliated and embarrassed and could not wait to get out of the shop. Stacy was then looking at babydoll sets and calling me over, whispered to me that Tyrone would love to see my wife in a babydoll; laughing she then walked over to the dresses. I had enough and walked out of the shop and worried that everybody was looking at me and laughing, whispering to others –“there goes the cuckold”.
Stacy joined me outside and I let rip at her –“Don’t ever embarrass me like that again” I spat. She looked at me with a steely stare and deflated me with..”What’s the matter? – I never said anything that isn’t true”. She then walked away from me and I could not think of a witty reply; this left me feeling so powerless and useless. I thought that asking Stacy to help me find a gift for my wife was a very dumb idea.
Following Stacy like some love-sick puppy, I entered a well know Jewelers. In there Stacy was soon looking at all the creations, and pointing at a few pieces to the sales woman, called me over. She showed me a diamond and colour stoned bracelet and earrings and asked me what I thought. Well, it wasn’t cheap! But this was for the woman of my dreams so I nodded my head and said “yes, that is perfect”. The salesman women smiled and mentioned that my girlfriend had good taste. I must have had a puzzled look on my face, as she returned a puzzled look as well; Stacy broke the moment by asking if the bracelet could be engraved with a heart and Tyrone and my wife’s name inside it. The saleswoman looked at me and asked if I, Tyrone would like that, Stacy was quicker then me and replied that Tyrone wasn’t my name and my wife was in love with a black man and wanted something to celebrate her relationship with him. Fuck me you could have knocked me down with a feather! The sales woman gave me a disgusted look and replied that we could collect the engraved bracelet tomorrow or they could do it there and then, but it would take about a hour, and cost a bit more. Stacy again beat me to the punch and replied that we will return today to collect the items. I paid and we went to a well-know fast food outlet and had something to eat and take. We returned to the Jewelers and collected the pieces. As we left the shop Stacy told me that she wanted paying for her time and help. Now, I wasn’t sure if I should pay a 17 year old girl for humiliating and embarrassing me! Outside the shop Stacy had her hand held out and waved her fingers on one hand at me. I got out a twenty and she said “no –more” and waved her fingers again at me. “How much do you want” I asked. She smiled and said, “how about fifty”! Now this girl was in charge and she knew it –so I paid.
The drive back was in silence and arriving at the flat complex. Stacy looked over at me and said “thanks” got out of the car and walked the opposite way; away from the flats. No doubt she was out spending my money.
In my flat I placed the jewelry down on the table and awaited the return of my wife. Time passed by -9, 10, 11, 12 o’clock, and soon I was falling arelax and decided to go to bed.
Posts: 126
Another great segment Thank you for the commitment you have made in time to bring it to us.
Please keep up the good work.
BTW ... I do believe that this story is a great one, and I see more a complement to share it with others on other sites, I pointed out one, you were credited with the work, and I was surprised how many came to your defense but the poster was only sharing your good work with others. I would take it as positive, I would say that I though the quote I copied from the other site saying you should have been asked for permission seems reamisterable. But the work was never posted as their work.
Love you story and keep up the good work. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 66
Brilliant story!
Posts: 819
Posts: 126
donna4blackuse you really hit the mark on that caped photo Great Job, The story is super as are your caps.
Both of you deserve a Job well done and please keep up the good work. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
#108 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Posts: 3376
TheCuckoldOne: hot caps 
Posts: 126
#110 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Thanks for complement MarekDach. Just trying to keep the readers occupied while we wait for a outstanding story segment from BrainBox1 IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 384
Tyrone has a beautiful cock!
Posts: 126
#115 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne
Tyrone enjoying view but the bedroom has more opportunity to score! IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 126
Posts: 2117
#117 · Edited by: brainbox1
I woke in the morning with my wife next to me. I am a deep relaxer so it is not surprising that I never heard her come in and get into bed. We men tend to make a grand entrance with loads of noise lol I cuddled up next to her and had a feeling of her tits (as you do lol), which awoke my wife –“hi” she said, “hi yourself” I smiled, which she returned. We kissed; a tender butterfly kiss but oh so desirable. I asked how the film was as she shuffled around to face me –“it was good but I don’t think Tyrone liked it much” she laughed. Why is it when a woman you love laughs it brightens your day? I replied that Tyrone is probably into slash them and ******* them films, which she instantly replied with –“no, I think he has a romantic side”! Now that surprised me because it didn’t sound right the way she said it; it sounded like someone in love defended their lover. But, I let that go and I kissed her again. “I have something for you” I said, which resulted in her putting hand on my cock and balls and them caressing my cock, which rocket up in about 0.0 seconds lol “Umm” she said –“it looks as if something is happy”! I just lay there enjoying the feeling until she took her had away and asked me what I really had! “It’s a present” I replied, which resulted in her clapping her hands together gently and asking me what was it?
I retrieved the earrings and bracelet and handed them to my wife, she squealed with delight and gave me a kiss my lips. She noticed the engraving on the bracelet and asked why I didn’t put my name on it? Now this surprised me a lot as I was in the cuckold mindset when I brought them and hadn’t even considered that I was allowed to do something like that. Getting out of bed my wife put them on and looked at the earrings in the bedroom mirror and shook the bracelet on her wrist. “No love” I said, “the bracelet goes on your ankle to show you’re a hot wife that likes black”. She looked at me and laughed, and walked over to me and slammed me gently on the arm –“yes I guess I am” was her reply.
The rest of the day as uneventful except until the evening when something unexpected happened. My wife had gone out on another date with Tyrone to a local bar to meet some of her friends from work (remember how they found out I was a cuckold?). There was a knock at the door and there stands Tyrone’s man. He asks if we can talk and fearful but also curious I ask him to enter my and my wife’s flat. Inside he soon gets the point and inquires about my attitude and behaviour about my wife and Tyrone together. Now, I am a bit surprised and taken a-back by this question and find it hard to answer him. He again asks the questions and fixes me with a steely stare. I manage to blurt out that I have giving my blessing to my wife going with Tyrone, to which his man corrects me and says “fucking”! In no uncertain terms he tells me that he does not want his boy hurt and for me to causing his mister any trouble. He states that he is fond of my wife as she is classy and a hottie, but also friendly. I cannot argue with him on that! He asks if I intend on divorcing my wife and I stumble over my words as I tell him “no”. He looks at me again and shakes his head, and with a sneer tells me that I am not man enough for my wife and if his boy wants to be with her, then he will! He tells me to keep this conversation secret between us as he does not want to upset his boy and my wife, to which I agree (at least the bit about my wife). “Goodbye” he growls and lets him self out of my flat. I am still in shock with what has happened, but again strangely turned-on about my wife leaving me for this boy, and I guess like most cuckold’s I go and have a wank to relieve some tension lol
After Tyrone’s man had left I thought about what he had said, and became deeply concerned that I was losing my wife bit by bit, as she slowly became very much part of Tyrone’s family. I went onto the cuckold website and entered chat, where I spoke to 2 fellow cuckolds, seemingly nice blokes; who told me to accept my cuckold status and to sit back and enjoy the ride (as it were!). I explained my fears of losing my wife and we discussed warning signs about this occurring, what I would do if it happened, and other similar themes. Before I knew it the door of our flat opened and in stepped my wife and Tyrone. “hello” I heard my wife say –“I’m in here” I replied. There in the doorway of our living room stood my wife (as sexy and beautiful as ever) and Tyrone. For a brief second I wondered if I should tell me wife about the visit by Tyrone’s dad, but this was soon forgotten as my wife told me that Tyrone was staying the night. I asked if the spare bed was made up for me; a pretty dumb thing to say and my wife soon made it clear that the daddy of her baby was relaxing in our marital bed with her and, “fucking me all night with his big black cock”! (her words).
I dejectedly accepted and turned off the computer and went to make up the spare bed. My wife and Tyrone entered our bedroom but left the door open. As I was making up the spare bed I heard laughter and my wife’s sighs and moans. I could not resist having a look to see what was happening. As I stood at the doorway of our bedroom I saw my wife and Tyrone naked on our bed kissing and caressing each other’s bodies. I imaged that it was me with my wife and felt all the touches she was giving to Tyrone. Soon I saw Tyrone use his legs to spread my wife’s legs open and peering down I saw his massive black cock enter my wife. It looked like it was just the head first and with gently rocking movements he had not yet fully penetrated her. My wife moaned and kissed his face and looking up saw me with half-closed eyes and I heard her say -“my husband is here” –her head then hit the pillow and a bigger moan emulated from her mouth and Tyrone fully pushed his massive black cock into her pussy. How do other cuckolds feel when they see such a sight? Anger, shame, embarrassment, guilt, fear, horniness? I guess I was no different then them as I watched Tyrone fucking my wife. My wife was making little whimpering sounds as Tyrone’s thrusts increased and our marital bed started rocking and groaning in-synch with Tyrone’s thrusts.
I suddenly had a twinge of jealously; as my wife told Tyrone she loved him, which resulted in a grunt from him. By now my cock was bursting out of my trousers and realising it I started to wank slowly at first trying to match the thrusts of Tyrone. My wife again looked up and smiled and I heard her say –“that’s it hubby wank that tiny thing”! Suddenly Tyrone made a deep thrust with his cock into my wife and I heard him groan. “that’s it, give me all your love” my wife was saying to him, as he let go of his fertile, manly, potent young sperm into my wife’s pussy. No doubt that black sperm was racing towards her womb and as I imaged that I started to cum myself; one, two shots over the floor in front of our bedroom door, and then a little dribble of my escaping sperm. We were all now spent for a while and I left the room to wipe my cock and returned to clear the bedroom floor with some kitchen towel. My wife and Tyrone were kissing and caressing each other without any thought for me. I gently closed the bedroom door, disposed of the now wet kitchen towel, and went to the spare room and getting into bed, I heard Tyrone moaning and in a muffled voice it sounded like he was telling my wife that she was a great cock sucker. Was this now my life? Just a wanker? A disposed husband?
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
Posts: 126
#120 · Edited by: TheCuckoldOne