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Humiliated by a Boy – A cuckold’s wish

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This is mind blowing which I wasn't in my cb3000 lol
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 126 Pictures: 3 
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Great Story.

Very well worth the wait Brainbox 1

As some many of your followers have said before, Please Continue.
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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It just keeps getting better and better. I was literally dripping down my leg by the time I finished this last episode.

Thanks Brainbox! Can't wait for the next update!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 506
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Great work Brainbox!
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better and better


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Reading and re-reading this work is so good that I had to do a visual. Can't wait for the next part Brainbox! Thank you from all of your readers, obviously a lot of us with over 17,000 views.
Just a little look into the wife preparing for the black boy.
Just a little look into the wife preparing for the black boy.

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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I happened to see your thread for the first time today, and I read all your posts from the very first.
I have only one comment: ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!
And I have only one wish: PLEASE, CONTINUE!

Everything is better in black and white


Posts: 2117
#68 · Edited by: brainbox1
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Home alone I masturbated with a fervour I had never done before –the offense, the embarrassment, the fear of losing my wife, all the cuckold stories of superior black studs fucking and breeding white wives ran through my head. After cumming I looked down at my spent cock and felt my balls –no wonder my wife wanted the black boy I thought – I have such small balls and a small cock, and looking at my cum in the tissue I obvious do not shoot much sperm –no wonder my wife wants and needs a black boy to satisfy her sexual needs!

The day continued after that and into night-time; darkness ensued and the daylight turned into artificial light, but still no sign of my wife. I began to wonder and my fears enveloped me; could she have finally decided to leave me and go with the black boy. Just then the door opened and in walked my wife. She was no different from all the times she has done that in the past…except…wait for it…she had a glow, a Je ne sais quoi about her. She looked at me and smiled and entered the bathroom. I was feeling so tantalised, so in awe of my wife and how easy it seemed for her to cuckold me. I waited outside the bathroom door and after a while she exited it and looking at me said –“you all right”?.. How do you reply to that? She walked past me into the bedroom and closed the door. I needed to know what had happened; was this the end of our marriage, had I pushed her too far in my desire to be a cuckold.

I opened the bedroom door and the sight before me was my wife changing into her striped night dress and putting her dressing gown on. She looked up at me and smiled. I had to, no, needed to say something…”how did it go”? I inquired…””good” she replied. Dam! I needed to know details. What is it about us cuckold’s that we need to know every single humiliating and embarrassing detail? “umm.. did it go well”?.. My wife looked at me and sighed.. “if you want to know then so be it”…

My wife then proceeded to tell me how she had informed the black boy’s parents that I prefer masturbating then fucking, and that she had become lonely and dissatisfied with marriage so I had powerd her to take a lover. She proceeded by telling me that she had told the parents that she had meet their mister and falling in love with him –LOVE! Cuckold angst ensued but strangely in a perverted way.

She stated that she had kissed the boy in front of his parents – a lovely kiss on the lips not French style – more a butterfly kiss… His mom was shocked to say the least at first, but my wife said she soon settled when her husband gave his blessing and the boy looked happy. The boy and my wife had held hands in the boy’s parents flat and his parents had taken pictures of the lovers.

I was shocked.. no more inquisitive about this development..”are, are, um”….”Am I going to leave you for the boy”? my wife finished off my sentence..”yes” I asked.

My wife then began to tell me that the black boy had asked her to be his steady girlfriend and she had gladly accepted to be exclusively his from now on. Knowing my cuckold desires and having seen the interracial and cuckold stories I had shown her over the years, she knew what I had asked for when I asked her to cuckold me. So with this information in mind she informed me that she had removed her wedding ring and replaced it with an eternity ring that had been the black boy’s grandlady’s. She held up her hand and wigged her fingers at me to show off what she said was a 9ct white gold diamond ring. I wife looked at the mournful expression on my face and with one hand held my face…”don’t be sad –little one… He will probably fuck me for a while, knock me up, and then move on to another married white wife”… Her other hand went to the crutch in my trousers and there was no hiding the hard-on I had..”it seems the little one likes the idea of me being a girlfriend of a black boy stud”…

I so wanted my wife to caress my cock and get me off, so I asked…”wank me off” I pleaded.. She laughed…”no.. you wanted this and you will have to endure what is to come”. I must have looked surprised and puzzled by this statement and so my wife explained the next event. It transpired that the black boy wanted to be able to show his friends that she was his girl and was taking her to a party tomorrow night. Afterwards he was taking her home and had told her she was relaxing with him that night. My wife continued by saying that her work colleagues were planning to celebrate a co-worker's retirement and she was going with the black boy! Shit! I knew that if that happened everybody would know that I was cuckold and a wimp husband. My wife had now moved away from me..”time for bed” she said…”I am so tired after all that black cock loving”! What???!!!!


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Oh, I am hanging on every WORD.

Thank you Brainbox!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 373
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wouldn't it be great if the boys man got involved. Poor hubby sucking on dads cock whist his mister took the wife out.


Posts: 968
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Mate I get the cuck angst waiting for updates on this story a class act!!
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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The more I take in that last part, the more wonderful it gets. She is still in a way being submissive to Hubby, giving him what he ultimately wants, and seems under control of the black boy at the same time. This is the ultimate cuck saga. I am wife to an unknowing cuck and I get cuck angst reading it!

Johnboy, for some reamister I see wifey taking care of the boys man as a thank for handling the Mom, but I suppose only Brainbox can tell us what happens.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 259
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i don't care about the boy's man, just the boy. He MUST humiliate the husband more. He must become his master. He will want to be able to come to the husband's house whenever he wants and the husband must wait on him hand and foot. He will make the husband go to bed at a time appropriate for a little boy, say 7 o'clock so that he and the wife can shag and do whatever they want. The husband will not be allowed to go out with his mates to the pub or anything like that and, indeed, will have to ask his young master's permission to do anything other than the household duties which are now is responsiblity.

Sorry but when i say "he must" etc, what i really mean is that i hope that brainbox1 will move the story along those lines. Sorry, sir, for presuming to say how the story might go


Posts: 13
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I hope the boy puts the husband in chastity, and has the wife refuse him anything but the attention a lady would have for a little boy. Maybe even power the husband into diapers, while impregnating the wife for the ultimate offense!


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I think the external offense of his wife going around with the black boy and hearing about how good she is now getting it, plus the fact that in a way it's humiliating to her as well since she has been reduced to having to take on a young lover to get laid is just part of the allure here.

As for wishing how it would go, I am giving up on that as Brainbox is taking me places that I would never thought of in a masterful series of twists. Whatever happens, I sure it will excite and leave us wet and breathless.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 119
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Great story. Thanks for posting. But the husband can't be allowed to just jerk off like that when his wife is with her new lover. She should hire the young girl to babysit him while she goes out. And if discussing what his wife is probably doing gives him a hardon, the babysitter should spank him...


Posts: 126 Pictures: 3 
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I am glad that I am not the only one who looks at a story and wondered where the story line will travel.

I think it was a unique twist to visit the boy’s parents and was a real winner that the husband had to tell the boys parents that is ok for his wife to date the boy.

This puts a unique twist the story may choose; only Brainbox knows for sure,

Involving the parents of the boy was something out of the blue. But it has so many avenues that it opens.

Since his wife told the parents her husband would rather jack off than fuck.

Involving the parents as possible baby sitters and even trainers. Some of the posibilties are:
• Saving the back pain husband not having to relax on the love seat.
• Instead of hubby listening at the door to them fucking and jacking off,
• That time could be used with the boy’s lady teaching hubby how to cook her mister’s favorite meals.
• Under the ladys watchful eye, she culd teach hubby to cook, the correct way clean, and iron, the general make him be the happy homemaker remember he will have to take care of her grandmister or flower. I am sure the boy could make sure she knows not to spare the rod when hubby messes up.
• The chores that the boy is required to do hubby would fill in the cutting the grass, raking the leaves, taking out the trash, all that stuff, freeing the boy’s time up to spend with his girlfriend.
• When the neighbors ask who the guy is, the man could say his mister trying to knock up the guy’s wife and I just keeping him busy or the man could call hubby over and have him explain how he filling in so the mister has time to knock up his white wife.
• I can permisterally vouch the humiliating effect of being sent to bed very early or only being something that stevenjam12 spoke to my wife thought that was a hoot, not to mention only allowing to watching G rated TV.
• Imagine the lady caughting hubby jacking off.

These are just a few of the possibilities.

The little twists that Brainbox having the wife use a measuring tape, I would think that it would be obvious an 11 inch cock to a 5 inch would be apparent the measuring tape just drove it home hubby.

I recall earlier in the story the boy requiring the husband to get snipped (vasectomy). My thoughts might be after he knocks up the wife, he will stop to see his mister or flower from time to time so why enjoy some permisteral time or may be a brother or sister in the future.

Even the “Go Home” not huge steps in taking control but definite steps in that direction.

One can only wonder what happen while she was gone for so long before their first fuck date, when she brought home the smurf PJ’s, Did the boy and her come up with a plan to take it slow and plan it out to on what is going to happen.

Even the gal across the hall was spoke of, how does she fit into the plan.

The story has so much going for it, a great following, a story line that has so much going for it.

I have a feeling that taking more and more control by both the wife and the boy is in the future it just seems to be heading that direction. Only time will tell.

Great Job Brainbox and Keep up the great work you doing on the story.
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger


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I agree with donna4black... just let the boy take over... maybe her even getting closer to the boys family... not one on chastity or all that... being a cuck and having others know it or even "rub your nose in it' is plenty


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First, most black guys I have fucked, more than a few, would never want another guy to blow them or anything else. They want my pussy, ass, mouth or maybe another females.

I see the wife as still loving hubby, but hurt by him and wanting to both punish him while also satisfying her newfound love of big black cock. Since he hounded her to do it, she is going to put him through some embarrassment, but is not the cruel type. Remember, she is both sweet and somewhat submissive. I could even see she and the boy letting him wank while the boy is laying it to the wife and taunting him, letting him know he is getting parts of that pussy that even if hubby is ever allowed back in again, he will never reach.

I love where Brainbox has taken us so far, with amazing deftness in all the twists and turns, along with great question by some things he left unsaid. Let's all just see what he has in store as he has yet to disappoint.
Going to make hubby a true cuck
Going to make hubby a true cuck

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 50
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so hot can't wait to read what is next


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Let's check in on the party.
So check out my new girl.
So check out my new girl.

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 86
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this story has had me hard for an hour now. I have read and re-read it a few times and was hoping to hear more, but alas. I wanked and will return to finish your new segments later. Thanks:up for posting.



Posts: 2117
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That night I had difficulty in relaxing; all the images and visions of the past few weeks were buzzing around my head; so many thoughts. I saw the daylight permeate our bedroom and the sounds of my wife arelax next to me; I heard the birds singing so brightly and cheerfully. I guess I must have only had a few hours slee, and upon my wife rising out of the bed and her greeting of “morning cucky” – I was all done in; both emotionally, mentally and physically. I now wondered if I should not stop this situation now and for my wife and I to go back to how it was.

While having these thoughts my wife had showered and was now dressing. She never hide that beautiful body from me. I laughed inside at all her verbalised worries of having a fat, stomach, upper arms, thighs, and amazingly, face. No way was she fat and no way was she anything but a picture of beauty. Had I gone too far in encouraging her to cuckold me? My wife woke me from my thoughts –“I’m going to meet his friends tonight after work, and then we are going to that leaving do”? She sounded so nonchalant; so in control. When I never replied she continued –“don’t wait up me for, I am relaxing at my black lover’s house tonight”. Oh how those words hit me like a sledgehammer; ‘No – No – No, my rational brain shouted at me. When I never replied for a second time my wife voiced concern –“you OK”. She looked at me with pitying eyes, so bright and clear –“yes” was all I could muster as a reply –“good” – And then she was gone.

Work was difficult; coupled with the relaxless night, tiredness, fear of losing my wife and horniness, I just could not focus. The day past in a blur and soon it seemed I was home again; it felt so cold, dark, and lonely without my wife here.

I received a text message –“been introduced to more black boys and they are hunks! XX”. My heart sank –I was losing my wife to young black studs and there was nothing I could do about it. After eating a microwaved ready made meal (like some sad lonely single virgin) I sat down in front of the TV. Another text message sound radiated the air –“All of his friend’s were looking at me and I think they want to fuck me lol smiley face”. Dejected, bitter, call it what you want, I just sat there and mused over her text messages. I made the conscious decision to go to that leaving do and face my wife and the boy, and tell them that I wanted no more of this cuckold scene. I imaged me dragging my wife home and make love to her like a husband should do!!

A quick shower and into fresh clothes later I was on the way to my wife’s work colleagues leaving party. Once there I felt sick with apprehension, but was determined to have my say. The leaving party was in a function room in one of the big chain pubs in the centre of town, and upon entering I saw lots of people but not my wife. I then saw her on the dance floor; she loved to dance just like all women. I noticed some white guys were eyeing her up and whistling; who could blame them she was beautiful. They were getting a perfect view of her bare ass as her skirt rode high with her twirls and energetic dance moves. I knew what they were thinking as I was doing the same! However, I did not notice the black boy. Maybe he was not here? maybe she did not come with him? maybe I have not been outed? But then I turned and saw him. He was watching my wife dance from the bar. I heard a voice “hi” –it was one of my wife’s friends from work; she had obviously had a few by her appearance and slightly slurred words –“have a take you seem like you need one” she laughed. I walked over to the bar and just as I got there, and before I could say anything to the boy, he walked past me with two takes; one was obviously for my wife. I was stunned at first and then angry, but that soon passed as another of my wife’s work colleagues started speaking to me –“Who’s the coon” he asked, nodding towards the black boy. Not PC I agree but that is how it is with some people – “umm, he’s a friend”. He looked at me and growled –“well I am sure he is fucking your wife; look”! I turned to see what he was seeing and you could have not have surprised me more; there was the black boy up close to my wife on the dance floor and they were gazing into each other’s eyes –and then –they kissed; only briefly but in public and in front of everybody. “ Can I help” the barman’s voice shook me out of my malaise –“yes, a pint of Stella please”. I could not take my eyes off the sight of my wife and the black boy. The boy was now pointing over to me and my wife was smiling. The broke their embrace and started to walk over to where I was standing –“fucking hell man” my wife’s work colleague said to me –“you should kick the cuckolds brownie out of him”.. I stood there without making any reply –“if you do let me know; I’m be glad to help”. As my wife and the boy arrived where I was standing her work colleague walked away. My wife was the first to speak –“so what brings you here”? – “I umm wanted to take you home” I mumred; “oh ain't you sweet” my wife replied –“but I told you I am being fucked by my lover tonight”. The barman was nearby and heard what my wife said; he gave me a pitting look charged to disguist. “Oh, you sure” - was all I could say –“yes, but do stay if you want” –she kissed me on the face, and her and the boy went over and sat with my wife’s two close work friends.

I started to sip my take and stayed at the bar. I wondered what her work colleagues were thinking right now and what would they would say to me and her? I noticed her take out her mobile phone and show her friends something. She pointed at me and her friends looked up and laughed. Then one of them waved at me and made the little finger sign. Fuck! I had been outed as a cuckold. They then looked surprised at something on the phone and looked at the boy, who just laid back and opened his legs. I saw her friends look down at between his legs, and at my wife, and then say something to her. My wife just nodded. All this suspense went on for the next hour or so and by then I decided to go home. Walking over to my wife I asked her if she wanted me to take her home –“that would be lovely” she replied. A warm feeling enveloped me but only for a brief second –“you can take US both home”. Her friends looked at me and laughed –one even had the temerity to say –“she’s gone black now”! My wife stood up and glared at her friend. Me, the boy and my wife , walked out of the party and entered my car. I was in the driver’s seat and my wife and the boy were in the back –“take us home James” she giggled. As I drived I looked in to my rear view mirror and saw my wife and the black boy kissing; then I noticed his hand up my wife’s top and the movements made it obvious he was caressing her tits. My wife was making soft signing sounds and had her hand on his bulge; no doubt feeling the hardness of a black cock. I arrived home and got out of the car. I stood there for what seemed ages before my wife and the boy got out the car as well –“night” my wife said; kissing me on the face she walked off with her arm wrapped around the black boy’s. “Say something man” My head was screaming at me, but as I mustered the courage to shout at them they had disappeared out of sight.


Posts: 126 Pictures: 3 
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Brainbox you doing a super job on your story,

Please keep up the good work.

Well worth the wait between segments.

donna4blackuse you doing a super job with the captions photos as well. The two seem to go well together.
IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger


Posts: 968
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Mind blowing!!!
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Great segment Brainbox--Wow. You hsve captured the emotion of both hub and wife and given us much to consider.

Nee captions and analysis to follow.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
simon softlad


Posts: 1012 Pictures: 10 
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I think it is safe to say that this has become a classic Brainbox. Can't wait for more.


Posts: 78
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Thanks for sharing that story! I can attest that it is quite humiliating to have a boy perform a man's job - your job- with your wife and do it better than you so that he takes over. Good work



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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So the wife keeps giving Hubby openings to stop this and take her like a man. Obviously from her past statements, she loves Hubby enough to give him what he wants, regardless of the fact that she's no fan of having a black baby.

Will he man up? Will she be able to give up the boy's massive cock? Will she be able to go cold turkey with no black cock at all?

Only Brainbox knows.
Lovely retirement do, right Love?
Lovely retirement do, right Love?
So, do you like my shirt Little One?
So, do you like my shirt Little One?
I may start teaching a course.
I may start teaching a course.
Shut the door Dude.  We're busy.
Shut the door Dude. We're busy.

Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 67
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Lets not let this one end here, its brilliant, lets get an update
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Humiliated by a Boy – A cuckold’s wish
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