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Toilet trash

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Hiya guys heres another short story hope you like it

Toilet Trash
Daisy had just started to move on with her life after eventually leaving her ex Mike who had treated her badly for years, he use to beat her on her legs back and stomach so the bruises wouldnt show, he use to power him self on her make her suck his pathicticly small dick and tell him it was massive he tried to fetish her with it when he had tied her to the bed and ripped her clothes off her and when he was done he use to spit in her face and tell her she was nothing but trash, a slut he can use, a pathetic little whore....
Mike was nothing special he was about 5ft 8 thin pale body dark scruffy hair but the hold he had on Daisy was emense and she thought it was unbrakable then she saw the light and evetually Daisy called out for help and managed to escape Mikes grasp.
She had her own home now a little cottage out in the country nice and quiet just perfect, she also had a new handsome hunk of a man Steve he was buldging with muscles and also a buldging cock. And now she had moved on her life became normal again altho the pain she had suffered had left her scared and angry and full of revenge...
Meanwhile Mike had learned of Daisy's happiness and was bent on destroying her for leaving him and had begun looking for her address so he could steal her back forever as she was only his property and his alone. So one night it began rain hevily and with her address in his sat nav he set off on the 10mile journey to capture Daisy.
Not knowing of her ex's plans Daisy was enjoying an evening in with her new man Steve they were sat watiching a film in front of the open wood fire as the wind and the rain pelted the windows outside. Steve had bought Daisy a gift that day an 8 week old little boarder collie puppy who at the time was running a muck upstairs. As they sat there snuggled up Mike was pulling up at the front of the driveway.
He walked up the driveway in the dead of night it was pitch black and the noise from the rain and wind were defaning. No one was around to see or hear him he went round the back of the cottage and started climbing the cast iron drain pipe and clambered into the bathroom window..
All of a sudden there was a yap yap yap!!! "the puppy Daisy" shreaked "its upstairs" Daisy then jumped up and ran up the stairs right on the top step was the little pup wagging its tail she picked it up and cudled it as she turned to walk back down the stairs she hears something coming from the bathroom...
"Steven!!" she whispers "get up here now !!!"
Steve gets up and creaps up the stairs a quietly as he can and follows Daisy to the bathroom door. They both here a noise Daisy pushes the bathroom door open quickly to startle what ever is in the bathroom and as the door swung open she saw Mikes semi naked body and she screamed! Mike was over the washing basket holding her used underwear sniffing it as he wanked over a picture of Daisy from the hallway.
Steve pushed passed Daisy and grabbed hold of Mike and wresled him to the floor. Daisy just stood there in shock and all the horrible things Mike had done to her and had called her she started trembling then an angry rage took hold of Daisy. She walked over to Mike who was defensless tied up on her bathroom floor, She kicked him in the stomach repeatedly "You Bastard You Fucking Worm!!!" she shouted Daisy turned to Steve and told him what the half naked man had done to her and why she had scars all over her back and sides...
Aftering hearing it all Steven flipped he turned to her "lets make him suffer like he made you suffer!" Steve Picked up Mike who had ****** and carrieed him down into the basement and put him in an old rusted tin bath he gagged him so no one could hear him...
Three days later Mike heard something a door creaking as the basement door opened it was Daisy she had hatered in her eyes and an evil grin on her face much like the one Mike did when he was about to power himself on her. In her hand was 2 pairs of surgical gloves and a brown paper bad and a spoon.
She walked to wards him she looked at him and said "your nothing you know you shouldnt be alive." as she pingged her gloves on and rustled around in the bag she produced a pot she opened the lid and a rotten smell creeped into Mikes nostrles he knew it was cuckolds brownie!
She grabbed hold of his head and dunked the spoon into the cuckolds brownie she moved the gag just enough for her to shove the spoon full of crap into his mouth and put the gag back
Mike started to fetish. "Eat it " said a deep voice from the doorway..."This is only the begining for you!" Mike reluctently swallowed it. Right then he knew his doom ... Steven grabbed hold of Daisy " lets do something really bad i want to be inside you in front of this thing here and show him what he is missing!!"
Steven ripped Daisys shirt open and started roughly kissing sucking and biting her boobs whilst he tore awa her short linen skirt. Daisy frantically started unbuttoning Steve's jeans and got his massive cock she went down and started sucking his cock that was throbbing in the heat of the moment he lent over and grabbed Mikes head and told him to start rimming his arse while he picked up Daisy and started bouncing her up and down on his cock.
Mike started licking Steves arse hole flicking his tounge in and out of it Daisy was at the point of orgasm and she told mike to fuck her arse with his fingers which he did repetedly.
Daisy came and then Steve turned round and shoved his cock down Mikes throat as Mike gasped for air he started cokeing he couldnt breath and as Mikes body when limp Steve came down his thorat.... Mike was dead. Steven clamly picked up the body shoved it in his car and dumpted it in a close by bog he came home and Daisy had cleaned up and got sorted out, dinner was waiting on the table. Steven sat down looked across lovingly at adisy and said "I took the toilet trash out" and started eating his dinner ............


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