Posts: 3098
Blocker: Her Douchiness over looked Sorry, but that made me laugh.
Posts: 77
Well she just messaged me. Shes about to board her flight to go and see her new guy, #6 (thats how many she has slept with since me. I am still at 0 since we broke up. Time for a hooker.) She will put out tonight I am sure of it, she's is super easy. Allen, it was funny. Then I went on to call her a slut, not in those words but...  Awkward.
Posts: 1285
Blocker: Time for a hooker. No, no, no...time to confess to her that you almost were with a hooker, but stayed true to your chastity. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 77
Well her #6 dumped her on Face book. She was devastated. Didn't stop her from jumping into bed with # Fucking 7!! One of her other ex's keeps trying to hook up with her. I am getting a hooker tonight. Fuck it.
bony tony
Posts: 145
I thought the point of you "promising chastity" to your ex, is that she can go out and do what she wants while you promise to be chastised for her? Why give up because she hit the dreadful #7? Or do you no longer find her worth it? tony
Posts: 371
Lets hear some more... !!!!!
Posts: 77
So I've been messaging her, she gave me this guy #7's name to view on FB. He is 6 years younger than her and even I admitted to her he is hot, turns out he is nothing more than FWB relationship as she put it, unless he puts effort in and pursues her. So Friday she was complaining about being alone after work so I made the suggestion of coming home for the weekend and I would chauffer her around. Well let me tell you, I was on my bike from 8.40 this morning till 4.00pm, I came home checked my email and watched some porn and rubbed one out. I then had this text exchange with her. me. Just finished my ride. I am exhausted. How are you? Her. Good just out for beers with K4. Spent 9am -2.30 pm in bed with #7 (I use that instead of his name) we went for a late brunch then he went to work. Sorry didn't mean to brag. me. Wow...marathon session high five. Wow...I gotta ask, how many times? Her. lost count  me. Holy Jesus that is awesome that is awesome!  Happy for you. Well you know what they say "He strong like Bull." Sounds like you got one.  Well enjoy beers, I am off to my Mum's.  Her. Lol have fun.
Posts: 371
Blocker... Has she said anything more about you asking her before having sex with anyone? When was the last time you asked her?
Posts: 77
So I talked to my Ex this am and found out she's being boned by # 7 and an ex of hers, the one I mentioned in post 34. Anyway she hooked back up with this guy from December and she's "guys do this all the time". I asked her if I should hook-up with my internet hook up girl and she said no.
There s lots going on.
bony tony
Posts: 145
Nice, tell us more Blocker tony
Posts: 77
Well she met a guy for sushi Saturday and she had butterflies in her stomach. Saw him again Monday evening and again Wednesday evening. Well after two hours of talking he finally made his first move. He kissed her and ripped off her clothing and fucked her. She said she made love. Well he never called, she got takes and sent him some nasty texts and v.m. and emails. Any who she admitted to being played. Such a slut, god I love her. 
Posts: 1285
I hope you've obeyed here and cut it off with the Internet hook-up. Stay strong - stay chaste!
If you are really having trouble, talk to her about it and ask for a picture of her you can stroke off to. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 371
thanks for the update blocker
Posts: 77
So two weeks ago she joined pof and has been out on several dates with men since. Thursday night she was ready to bail and have an early evening. Then her date texted her and pushed her several times to see him She kept resisting till she gave up and had dinner with him. I saw his pics, fit good looking latin guy. This guy just screams player to me. i knew when she hadn't messaged me by Ten that night he was bedding her. Sure enough he did. God what a slut, this makes Nine. I love her, only took two hours at the most for him to get into her g-string.
Posts: 77
So last night she had this date with another guy and again she jumped into bed with number 10, she showed up in the same clothes and when I asked what his second bedroom looked like she smiled and said I don't know. We high fived that one. What a slut, I love her.
Posts: 77
So she admitted to me that she is a slut, I knew that already. Anyway she slept with this guy (10) friday and saturday and they both admitted they are going on trips to see people. I told her I knew she was gonna bed the guy in NYC. She agreed, told her just end it, he is going away with a lady that is an fwb. I on the other hand went and got a hooker.
Were meeting up for a work out today and probably coffee. God I love her.
Posts: 371
Whats the latest Blocker?
Posts: 1285
Blocker: I on the other hand went and got a hooker. How disappointing! Where is your promise of chastity now? Well, we all fall off the bicycle now and then. I suggest you confess all to you ex, renew you vow of chastity and maybe add something to help you - like a chastity cage, or some sort of regular confession to keep you strong. Maybe it is just a matter of her slipping you the occasional photo to jerk to. Good luck. It is hard to fail like this, but like the cliche says - pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try, try again. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 77
So she went to NYC for new years and hooked up with #11 and I told her before she left I knew she would relax with him. She admitted I was right and she tried, only problem his equipment malfunctioned. So shes back how dis appointing.
Posts: 77
So she has been super sick the last week and took friday off. Well one of her male friends calls her up and says come over and we can hang out. She as usual thinks I just want to stay home and ignores her good judgement. She goes over and says lets go for a walk. But he offers her a glass of wine first.
Well one turns into two and so on. They wind up making out and relaxing together. Number 12!! She talks the talk about regret, and he talks about cheating on his girl. But sadly she has problems. She thinks this wont affect their friendship. I was like umm, no it will impact it totally.
Sadly I am totally watching my friend self destruct. This isnt fun anymore. She did mention me using hookers (though she may suspect them I use a code of a girl I email.) and how she knows how I feel, when bad me comes out.
Posts: 371
Anything new???
Posts: 77
So shes back out there and working on # 13. Her. Date was great. I will be sad if he doesn't ask for a third. Me. Did he make a move? Her. He did. me.  Awesome. her He kissed me and after dinner we made out in the Parking lot and he wanted me to go hang out on his couch. I really wanted to but said maybe next time. Going for dinner with him on Wednesday. Now if she follows her usual behavior I bet she will put out for him by tomorrow night.
Posts: 1285
I'm having trouble understanding how this is "self-destructing" on your friend's part. She is young and single. Dating, relaxing around, some one-night stands is not at all unusual - or unhealthy - behavior in this day and age. No doubt she will eventually meet someone she really clicks with and settle down.
If you are really worried that it is something more and unhealthy in her particular case - perhaps you can help by helping her find someone who she is going to relate to in a more positive way. Why not offer to pay for and work with her on the essays for eHarmony or some such LTR-minded dating site? Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 77
So when I went to Las Vegas she wound up bedding him on date # 5 which as she told me was taking it slow. As shew told a former fuck buddy it was awesome! Happy for her as this guy seems more stable and respectful than the last few shes been fucking. She is really insecure about it given that she likes him and her past. but we will see. Fingers crossed for #13.
Posts: 416
What exactly are you trying to get out of this? Why don't you tell her that you wont to be her cuckold slave?
Posts: 371
love to hear more
Posts: 11
You aren't listening to anyone! All everyone wants to hear is that she is keeping you in chastity whilst continuing her sexually freedom. What other point in this thread would there be.
Posts: 18
Ok, I have to say that this is one of the only threads which strikes me as being honest. The reactions of his friend (like telling him to "get therapy", or being vague about what she liked about a lover when our protagonist was desperate to know what size his "package" was) seem very real to me. I think the last post (by rapid101) is dunderheaded. I hope that Blocker has not been put off by that or other dumb posts. Blocker: please let us know how you and your friend are doing.
Posts: 11
#59 · Edited by: rapid101
face reality pussy, it died a boring death.