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The Arrangement

Rating: 62
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Posts: 247
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Great story. Thanks for posting. I love the offense between the two cuckolds.

Agree with faraday. Thanks for posting Greenman. Enjoyed


Posts: 219
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I'm breathless, pls continue.


Posts: 274
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Thanks gh.
I didn't realise I had put together such a mixed bag.
However, it seems to have the approval of most readers.
Hope all is well with you and yours.



Posts: 274
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ffred: CUCKSLUT: faraday5: craiggarm: davesGFdates: tef fulton: ukwankerboi: withmyfeetup:

Many thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement.
It really means a great deal to a writer to recieve positive comments such as yours.
It may be a little while before I get the chance to add to this story.
Time is precious, particularly on the run up to Xmas.
Good luck to all of you.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks for the addition Greenman, another wonderful chapter to your story! It's difficult to wait for the new chapters, but I fully understand how hard it can be to find the time to work on it and very much appreciate you adding to it as you are able. Thanks again for writing this for us!


Posts: 274
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Once again, thanks for your support.
Time, is of the essence!
You know how difficult it can be to summon up the will to continue and then find the time to make it worthwhile.
Good luck with your stories. You are an inspiration!



Posts: 1914
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Just for you :

Once more unto the breach, dear friend, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the red,
Write the redy story,
and give us all some wood ..


Posts: 274
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Peak, thanks for your rallying call!!!
Unfortunately I am not like "the greyhound in the slips" but I promise to continue asap.
Another chapter of the redy story will eventually appear!
Good luck and have a lovely Christmas.



Posts: 60
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please cont we are waiting for hot updates......


Posts: 274
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Thanks for your support.
As you will have observed, my coimmitment relies on the time available on the run up to Christmas.
Family commitments are very, very, much more important than this story.
For your information, I have started the next chapter, albeit, only a draft.
I hope you understand.
Have a lovely holiday!
And to all of those of you who have taken the time to make comment on this story, I thank you also.
God bless.



Posts: 8
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Great stories Greenman! You are so lucky. I can't wait to hear more!


Posts: 1459
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I see you have your priorities in order! Thanks so much for what you have posted thus far, and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Posts: 2117
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Any new installments Greenman?


Posts: 114
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please keep this going..


Posts: 32
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Can't wait for more. This is the best story I have ever read on this site.


Posts: 274
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tulips5: brainbox1: Jodies-cuck:

Thanks to all of you for your welcome support.
I hope you like this next chapter.


Thanks again stormy for your understanding.
Hope you had a great time over the festive period.


You know how much I appreciate your interest in this story.
I hope it continues to please you.



Posts: 274
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I spent the best part of the early evening pacing back and forth throughout the house, a nervous wreck. Every time I passed the full length mirror in the hall I winced. What a freak I looked! Dressed like a whore. It didn’t even cross my mind to take the tacky clothes off.
Somehow, the time passed, even though I was troured by my over active imagination. Oh God, what might she and Margaret be doing right now at this precise moment?
I kept getting visions of her at the party. She would be dancing too close with all sorts of different men, all of them intent and hopeful of being the one she would choose to fuck her. I kept trying not to think about it but it was impossible.
I think I may have downed a couple of whiskies too many, as by midnight, I was beginning to bounce off the furniture as I prowled around the house.
I cannot think of the number of times I must have peered out of the window looking for some sign of her return.
Then all of a sudden I saw the headlights of a car swing in to our street and pull up outside our door. I quickly hid behind the curtains but left enough space to be able to see what was happening.

It was a taxicab. Tina got out followed by a young man who quite brazenly took her in his arms and kissed her in full view of any of our neighbours who might still be up and, watching.
Their smouldering kiss seemed to last for ever. Finally they made their good byes and he got back in to the cab and left.

I was in the hallway, standing self-consciously, when Tina let herself in.
She burst out laughing, informing me that I looked like a whore in my slutty get-up.
She was more than a little takes, as she stumred in to my out stretched arms.
Oh-God, she felt so good, her warm womanly body pressed up against me.
No words were spoken, she lifted her face up to mine, inviting me to kiss those luscious lips and I could not resist. As we kissed passionately I was aware of Tina sliding her hand down to my crotch where my little penis was rigid with excitement.
Taking it between her thumb and middle finger, she began to frig it through the silky fabric of my knickers.
I gasped as she very gently teased my little erection. Then, after a few moments, she began to increase the momentum which had me writhing in ecstasy begging her to stop. I had to pull myself away otherwise I would have scandald myself.
Laughing at my discomfort, Tina pulled me towards the stairs and said.

“Come, my little whore, it’s time for you to worship and adore me, slave!!!”

I released myself from her grip and quickly ran around the house, closing all the room doors and putting off the lights.
By the time I got to our bedroom, Tina had removed her outer clothes and was standing there, posing provocatively for me, in her sexy underwear.
She looked gorgeous, a veritable erotic sexual goddess.
She certainly knew how to tease me, knowing I would do anything to please her. Moving sensuously towards me she swayed back and forth as if dancing to music only she could hear.

I was licking my lips in anticipation when she pointed to the floor in front of her. No words were necessary to explain what she meant. I dropped to my knees immediately, and waited for her next command.
She swayed right up against me, brushing her lower body all over my face and shoulders, moving her hips wantonly, knowing how much she was teasing and tempting me. She wiggled her shapely bottom in my face and I could feel the heat from her, I was conscious of her heavenly perfume permeating the air.

Then, still swaying around me, she spoke haltingly and in a slightly slurred voice. “I just wonder what you’re thinking, my darling husband. Do you think I’ve been a naughty girl again, eh? Do you think I’ve been out shagging another man? You do think that, don’t you?”

I remained silent, not knowing how to answer her. This was probably the most takes I had ever seen her.

Then, in a sexy but slightly more belligerent voice, she said. “Well, for your information, I did not shag anyone, but I could have, if I had wanted to. Margaret suggested that we should lead them on a little, you know, to be a couple of cock teasers and do you know what? I had more offers to go to one of the bedrooms than you have had hot dinners!!! Ha, ha, ha.”

I cringed and bowed my head in embarrassment. This was not my Tina, not the perfect lady that I knew. She was takes, not aware of what she was saying.

She continued. “It was so much fun, just knowing they were all trying so hard to impress us. In case you’re wondering, the young man who brought me home, Paul, was a complete gentleman. We only snogged, but he made me promise to meet him for a date this Friday night. You don’t mind do you sweetie, I think he might be a bit of alright. He certainly seems to be pretty well endowed. He kept pressing it against me when we were dancing, it felt so good.”

All of this time she continued to dance her way around me, determined to tease me to distraction. I’m sure she wasn’t trying to hurt me. In fact I am sure she thought that I wanted to hear how sexy she had been at the party.
She was obviously pleased with herself knowing that she had not allowed anyone to take advantage of her. She was also excited about her date for Friday.
Then she stopped right in front of me, my face only inches from her pussy. She stood there with her hands on her hips then she began to rock back and forward so that her mound bounced against my mouth and nose.

“You like that, don’t you darling. Smell it my little whore, tell me you need to sniff it and taste it. Tell me you need to worship and adore me and that you want me to have any man I want, tell me!!”

I managed to nod my head, but that was not good enough.

“Tell me! I want to hear you beg me to cuckold you again!”

I stuttered as I told her that she was the most important permister in the whole world to me and that her needs and wishes were my own.

“Tell me! Tell me! I want to hear you say it. I need to hear you say it, for God’s sake, do you not understand?”

I had no option but to comply with her demands. Shaking, with a mixture of fear and foreboding, I managed to whisper.

“I love you Tina, I love you so much that I want you to cuckold me as often as you want.”

This seemed to satisfy her for she bent forward and kissed me, gently and lovingly. Then she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me towards the bed. Shuffling along on my knees I would have fallen on my face if she hadn’t held me up with the strong grip she had of my hair.

“Margaret says that I am a lucky girl to have you for a husband. You know what? I agree with her. I am going to make sure that you are proud of me. I promise to have an exciting and varied sex life for you so that you can worship and adore me as your goddess.”

Flopping back on to the bed, she sighed and promptly fell arelax.

I didn’t know whether to be pleased or relieved. This was not the way my darling would normally behave. This was a completely different permister to the girl I knew. I pulled the bed cover over her and sat on the edge of the bed. I undressed myself, carefully laying out my “uniform” and thinking that I would be wearing it again, come Friday.

As I lay down beside my beautiful wife I had a picture in my mind of her kissing her handsome young friend and I wondered what lay ahead for the three of us, this coming Friday night.


Posts: 1914
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As the Bishop said to the Actress, "That was a lovely little passage." I can see you have got your head back round where this is going GM. It's a lovely little tale.
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Awesome chapter! I welcome your return!!!


Posts: 4050
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I'm very eager to read about Friday.

Thank you



Posts: 246
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Excellent! Keep it up. Best story in quite awhile! Thank You!


Posts: 1459
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GM, thanks for the great new addition, it was well worth the wait! And now we go back to patiently anticipating the next installment...


Posts: 32
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Fully agree with stormy dog... Hope we get a new chapter soon


Posts: 86
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Can`t await to read the next chapter!

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 52
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excellent work, please keep it going im a true follower


Posts: 274
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Thanks once more for your valued support and cryptic comments!
I really do look forward to your input, not only to me but to the others that you support.

goodhusband: stormydog:

Thanks to you both.
You know how much I appreciate the great amount of work and the quality of that work, that you both do for this site.
I hold you both in awe!!!

tef fulton: Kinky69: sissybecky: ffred: juScuRious:

Thanks to all of you. It means so much to get positive feedback which, in turn, gives one the will to continue.
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond. However, I hope that you will enjoy the next chapter.




Posts: 4050
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A very hot story




Posts: 156
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great story...just discovered it and could not stop reading!!!



Posts: 1914
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I'm not sure we can bear the pain either. Of waiting for the climax of this wonderfully constructed scene. You are doing an excellent job with this story. Thanks


Posts: 341 Pictures: 2 
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Love the story; love the pacing; and LOVE the content of this action!!
Can't wait for more; please keep up the great work!
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The Arrangement
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