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The Arrangement

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The Arrangement

Tina and I moved to the city a couple of years after we got married.
Our new next door neighbours, William and Margaret, were very similar to ourselves, in as much as they too had only been married a short time, although they had lived together for a few years before tying the knot.

Tina and Margaret hit it off immediately and we soon became regular visitors to each others houses for takes, meals, barbecues and suchlike.

It wasn’t long before it became apparent that it was Margaret who wore the trousers in their house, metaphorically speaking, of course!
I noticed that William very rarely spoke out of turn in her presence and almost always agreed with whatever she said.
It was he who prepared the meals in their house and he did most of the housework too!
I thought this was a little strange.

Margaret was a very sexy and most attractive blonde who attracted men like bees round a honey pot.
She had a most sophisticated manner and always seemed in complete control of whatever she was doing.
At parties and barbecues she was always surrounded by handsome men, all hoping to be her next conquest.

It hadn’t escaped my attention that recently, my own beautiful young wife, Tina, could usually be found at Margaret’s side, enjoying the attention, and flirting quite openly.
She clearly enjoyed the ribald conversations and smiled shyly and demurely at the more suggestive jokes.
On these occasions William and I were usually kept busy cooking the steaks or pouring the takes and generally making sure everybody was being looked after.
It was made quite clear to us, by Margaret, that it was our duty to do this and not to, “get in the way,” as she so succinctly put it.

Although I found Margaret to be great company, I have to confess that I wasn’t one of those men who fawned over her, hoping to get a date.
In fact, I suppose you could say that I was a little bit afraid of her.
The truth is, that, although, in my opinion, I am reamisterably good looking, I would have been highly embarrassed if she were ever to suspect that I was not exactly well endowed.

It was a condition that had been causing me increasing concern as time went on.
I knew that I was failing to satisfy the growing sexual demands that Tina, bless her, was trying hard to suppress.
I suppose, being such a close friend of Margaret’s, she was more aware of my shortcomings as a husband and lover.

Aged thirty two, I was eight years older than my very attractive wife who didn’t hide the fact that she was obviously very impressed by Margaret’s complete control over her husband.
William and Margaret were both the same age as me which made Tina the youngest in our little group.

It intrigued me to watch how blatantly Margaret would have nights out on her own, with or without “the girls.”
Recently, Tina had been her companion on many of her jaunts and I was becoming a little concerned about what they had been getting up to and who they were meeting on their “nights out.”
On returning home, Tina never said where they had been and when pressed, she would accuse me of not trusting her.
I couldn’t stand the pangs of jealousy which I had to endure.

William, a really nice guy, just seemed to accept the fact that his wife could do whatever she wanted, whether he liked it or not.
I suppose that I suspected that William knew that his wife was unfaithful, but it didn’t seem to upset him. What was obvious, was that William, adored his philandering wife and nothing was going to change that.
Oh well, it was really none of my business, or was it?
I was becoming increasingly suspicious that Margaret was grooming Tina to become just like her.

Then it happened.
Tina phoned me at the office to say that she was going shopping with Margaret and that they would be staying out and having supper at a little Italian restaurant that was a favourite of Margaret’s.
She said that she had left a ham salad for me on the kitchen table and before I could ask her anything, she hung up.
Margaret and Tina had been going out quite a lot lately and I was beginning to suspect that Tina rather enjoyed their little “nights out.”

Supper, alone, was pretty depressing, especially as my imagination started to take over and I began to ask myself why Margaret wanted Tina to herself that evening.

By 10pm, I was beginning to worry that something was wrong.
There was no way I could contact her.
Neither of us had a mobile phone, so I couldn’t call her.
I had once heard of a mobile phone being described as the modern version of a ball and chain and no way did I fancy that.

Around 10.30pm I heard a car stop outside and by the time I got to the window, Tina was walking up the path to the front door.
Once inside she immediately threw her arms around my neck and said,

“Thank you darling for letting me have such a lovely evening with Margaret.”

Kissing me she then spun around to display the silky sexy new dress that she had bought at Margaret’s insistence.

“Wow.” I blurted out, taking in the sexy vision before me. “Have you been wearing that since you bought it?”

“Yes, yes, oh, I know you will think it’s too suggestive, but Margaret said, it was about time I started to realise that I was an attractive woman and that I could have men fighting for my favours, if, I loosened up a bit.”

“What do you mean,” I stuttered.

“Well, she said that it was quite obvious to her and William that I needed to be let off the leash a bit more and lead a more exciting life than I do at present.
She said that I was not realising my true potential as a sexy young woman. I was really taken aback that she knew exactly how I had been feeling lately.
I told her that you would never allow me to have the sort of freedom that she was given by Bill, and she laughed, saying that things were about to change now that she knew about our little problem.
I told her that you would be hurt if you thought that I might enjoy the company of other men.”

I stood there not knowing how to react. I wondered what she meant by, “our little problem.”
Then before I could speak, Tina told me that Margaret was waiting in the car and wanted to speak to me.

“What does she want to speak to me about?” I stuttered again.

Opening the front door and waving to Margaret to come in, Tina replied, “I’m not quite sure, but I think it’s about our relationship.”

A few minutes later and Margaret was sitting on the sofa.
Carefully adjusting her tight, figure hugging skirt, she made herself comfortable.
Looking at me straight in the eye and patting the seat beside her, she said, “Jamie, come here and sit beside me.
Tina, I think you should go upstairs to bed, this may take some time and I don’t want you to be upset at what I have to say to Jamie.”

Tina bit her lip before kissing me gently and as she climbed the stairs to our bedroom she looked back and said quietly and with feeling, “Please understand, darling, I do love you, very much, very much indeed.”

Noticing that I was flustered, Margaret wasted no time in coming to the point.

“Jamie, I know you love Tina, but how much do you love her?
She loves you, she told me that, and I believe her.
Do you love her enough to let her enjoy the company of men who could satisfy her frustrated, sexual needs?”

I was aghast.

“You see, she told me all about your little secret.
Jamie, you know, you aren’t the first man to have a tiny penis and a lack of control when making love.
Tina said that both of you were virgins on the day you were married, is that true?”

Flabbergasted and stunned at what I was hearing, I could only nod my head in the affirmative.

Margaret continued.

“If it is true, then I must say that it wasn’t very commendable that you didn’t think it was important enough for you to tell her of your inexperience.
In fact I also think that you should have confessed to having a particularly small penis.
You have deliberately and deceitfully entrapped your lovely wife into a marriage where sexual satisfaction is virtually impossible, at least for her.
Listen, Tina needs to be able to enjoy sex for sex’s sake and feel satisfied, and you are not capable of doing that for her.
She needs someone to give her what she needs and not to feel guilty in the process. Sexual satisfaction may not be everything in a successful marriage, but it is a very, very important ingredient.
You must agree to let her decide, whether or not, she would like to have sex with another man of her choosing. It’s as simple as that!”

I just sat there, speechless.
I am sure my mouth must have been wide open in disbelief at what I had just heard.
The tension which had been building up in me just erupted as I stood up and in a loud voice cried.

“No! No! No! I could never agree to that, never! I won’t have Tina cheating on me. She is my wife, not someone else’s whore!
Please, never ever make that suggestion to me again!
I want you to leave, now!”

Grabbing my arm, Margaret pulled me back down on to the sofa beside her.
Speaking softly, she said.
“Calm down Jamie, Tina is not a whore and there is no way that she will be anything other than a good wife to you.
Just admit that you are unable to give her what she needs and as a good and loving husband you will accept her decision whatever that may be. Think about it, she’s not going to leave a loving and understanding husband who allows her to play around whenever she feels like it, is she?”

Shaking my head, unable to comprehend what was happening to me, I was about to object to the way Margaret was treating me, here in my own house, when she continued.

“What you must do, is first of all, control your stupid jealousy.
Then you must convince Tina that you would not object to her finding a suitable lover to give her the sort of attention that you are so obviously unable to provide her with.
You must never ever let her suspect that you do not want her to have a free hand in flirting with men who she finds attractive.
She has to feel confident that you love her so much that you really want her to find someone to satisfy her needs.
I can assure you that if you really do love Tina, you will soon be grateful for the pleasure that she will get from other men.
In fact I predict that you will very soon be begging her to take many more lovers, because although it will be extremely painful for you, you will soon look forward to savouring that special mixture of pain and pleasure that you will begin to experience from her adventures.”

My heart was thumping as I tried to digest what she was telling me.
Here was my wife’s best friend telling me that I was a rotten husband and lover and that Tina deserved better, at least in the sex department.

Feeling completely confused, I could not quite understand why I should find the possibility of Tina cuckolding me, more than a little exciting, and yet, at the same time, filling me with feelings of deep jealousy.
I knew that I certainly didn’t want to risk losing Tina, I loved her too much for that, oh, God….

Margaret must have realised that she now had me, where she wanted me, and that was, under her control.
She even got me to promise her that I would convince Tina that my fantasy had always been to see her enjoying sex with other men, as I was so disappointing in that respect.
I was to convince her that it excited me so much to see her happy and satisfied and that I looked forward to this next chapter in our marriage.
She must never realise that I was so jealous and that I really hated the idea of her being with another man.
She had actually ordered me to overcome my stupid jealousy!

Sharply, she said.

“Just one other thing Jamie, who is it that makes breakfast in your house?”

“Tina does, why?”

“Well from tomorrow that will be your job, you will make breakfast and serve it to your lovely wife in bed, do you hear me?”

Standing up, Margaret said that we should continue the discussion the next day in order to let me ponder on the subject.
I didn’t speak, I couldn’t, and I didn’t even say goodnight as I ushered her out of the house.
Seething, and trembling from shock I slowly climbed the stairs leading to our bedroom.

Incredibly, Tina was fast arelax, blissfully unaware of the unacceptable position that I now found myself in.
My mind was in a turmoil as I undressed and lay down on the bed beside my beautiful wife.
I must have lain awake for hours trying to understand how my whole outlook on life had been so cruelly challenged.
Somehow I must have eventually fallen arelax, drained of any self respect and fearful of what the morrow held in store for me.


Posts: 2117
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Love to read more


Posts: 1459
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Great beginning Greenman, it's been too long since we had a story from you! You know that I enjoy your writing style, and it has been missed; it is good to have you back. Looking forward to the next chapter.


Posts: 3550
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Great start, looking forward to the next chapter, well done


Posts: 1975
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Great start!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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This sounds like its going to be a very interesting story. It'll be exciting to watch Tina transform into a new cuckoldress.

Thanks for posting....looking forward to more!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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WOW that was so hot to read my small one was very wet at the end , hope there is more to come
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


Posts: 22
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Very well done and fascinating writing style. Looking forward to more of this story.. Thanks..


Posts: 167620 Pictures: 3 
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bon début


Posts: 4050
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Great start! I'm looking forward to more.



Posts: 86
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Nice story,

I would like to read more.

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 7
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Great story and would love to here more..


Posts: 400
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Very good start… keep us posted, please !


Posts: 119
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Very promising. Thanks for posting. I look forward to seeing where you take this.


Posts: 1914
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Great set up Greenman. Look forward to see where you take it. .. and welcome back, it's always good to hear from you.


Posts: 274
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Many thanks to all of you for taking the time to let me know that you enjoyed my new story.
I hope that you will also enjoy the next chapter.



Thanks to both of you for your good wishes.
I appreciate your comments and am aware that both of you are probably the most popular writer's on this site.



Thanks for your continued support.
As you know, I consider you to be the leading critic on this site.
So hearing that you are pleased, so far, is a great comfort!



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The following morning, Saturday, I wakened, and as if in a dream, I dressed quickly and made my way to the kitchen.
I was painfully aware that I was about to carry out Margaret’s instruction to serve Tina breakfast in bed.
I wondered why I had never considered doing this previously, after all, I loved my wife completely.
I cut a red rose from the climbing plant which covered the wall outside the kitchen door. It was a romantic gesture which brightened up the hastily prepared tray. I just hoped that she would be impressed at my offering of tea, toast and a plate of cereal.
The question was, of course, just how, would my lovely Tina react to this unusual behaviour on my part.

By the time I got back to the bedroom I found Tina sitting up in bed, looking fresh and gorgeous as usual and as if she fully expected me to be serving her breakfast.

“Good morning darling.” She greeted me with a big smile.

“This is very nice, how kind and considerate of you Jamie.
Do you know that Margaret told me that you would be doing this?
I didn’t believe her. I said that you had never ever given me breakfast in bed.
Do you know what she said?
She said that you would be a different man from now on and that I must be prepared to assume control in our marriage.
That, from now on, I, would be the mistress in our marriage.
Is that accepted and understood?”

Sheepishly, and not knowing what to say, I hung my head and nodded yes.
I knew that I was a broken man. I didn’t have much belief in myself before, but now I was about to embark on the next stage of our marriage as a virtual slave to my adorable wife.

Pouting her lips in a simulation of a kiss, she said.

“Close the bedroom door as you leave, but come back in ten minutes for the tray. In the meantime, please run a bath for me. You can clear up and wash the dishes while I soak in the bath.”

Without speaking, I couldn’t anyway, I slowly, backed out of the room and closed the door gently.
I then obediently made my way to the bathroom to begin my duties.
Clearly, Tina had been coached by Margaret, as to how to treat me, now that I was her virtual slave.
Strangely, I found that I got quite a nice feeling carrying out these menial tasks and by the time I had voluntarily vacuumed the lounge carpet, Tina appeared, looking gorgeous in a sexy black negligee.

She had a very satisfied look on her face as she said.

“Jamie, how thoughtful of you, I must thank you for being so helpful. I think you deserve a kiss for being so good to me.”

Giggling, she pulled me to her and kissed me gently on the lips. Then she took my hand and placed it on her breast. I immediately caressed it, enjoying the soft feel of firm flesh beneath the silk of her negligee.

Before I could go any further, she pulled away saying that she would have to phone Margaret. She handed me a shopping list and asked me to go to the local mall while she spoke to Margaret.

I left the house determined to carry out her wishes as requested.

It took a lot longer to do the shopping than I thought it would. Not knowing which item was in which aisle certainly didn’t help, but eventually I completed my task.
By the time I got home, exhausted, Tina was relaxing on the sofa looking ravishing as usual.
Sitting in my favourite easy chair was my tormentor, Margaret.
I had to hand it to the bitch, she was a very handsome and assured looking beauty and she wasted no time in getting down to the task she had set herself.

“Jamie, Tina’s just been telling me that you served her breakfast in bed this morning, good boy!
Did you also tell her of your fantasy?”

I almost groaned, out loud.

“What do you mean, fantasy?”

“You know Jamie, tell her what you confessed to me last night.”

My eyes darted from Margaret to Tina and back again, as I desperately tried to think what to say.
She must have sensed that I was going to deny everything, because she continued.

“Tina, your shy, loving husband confessed to me that his greatest fantasy was to see you with another man. He wants you to be made love to, by a handsome, well endowed, lover.
He realises that he will never be able to give you the intense sexual satisfaction that you need and deserve.
He was afraid to tell you in case you were shocked and disgusted.
I told him you would certainly not be shocked, in fact, you would be relieved and ecstatic.”

Tina gazed at me for a moment and said.
“Oh darling, Jamie, I never guessed that you loved me so much.
Thank you, thank you for being the most loving and understanding husband I could ever have hoped for.
Of course I’m not shocked, I promise you that I will be very discreet and try never to embarrass you. My dearest wish is to make you happy.”

Holding her arms, outstretched towards me, she said.


In a daze, I went over to her and sank to my knees.

She took me in her arms and kissed my brow.

I was conscious of Margaret observing us and I was not surprised to hear her say.
“Tina has something exciting to tell you Jamie, haven’t you Tina. Tell him that you may satisfy his fantasy this evening.
Tina has a date with Carl who has been trying to date her for the last couple of weeks. He tells me he is over the moon that she is going out with him and he has promised to be gentle with her.”

I looked up into my lovely wife’s eyes which seemed to sparkle as she nodded her head, saying.
“You don’t mind, do you darling.
I am so excited by all of this. It’s so thrilling to know that I am going to give you so much pleasure by being a very naughty girl.
Margaret will be with you here while I am out.
She intends to help you through what she says might be a tortuous time for you.
She has explained to me that part of your pleasure will be in the pain and offense that you have to suffer.
I don’t claim to understand it but I am sure Margaret knows what she is talking about.
Just remember that I love you, and only you.”

Feeling weak and helpless, I turned towards Margaret who smiled wickedly at me before turning the knife, by saying.

“Carl is picking Tina up here at seven o’clock so I’ll be back by then.
I think that it would be nice if you helped Tina to prepare for this evening by suggesting which of her sexy undies you think would be most exciting for Carl.
It will add a little spice to the occasion knowing that you have a permisteral input.”

Tina left the room with Margaret and I heard them whispering for a while before Margaret eventually left.
From the window, I watched her walk back towards her own house.
I couldn’t help thinking that she had thoroughly enjoyed the last hour or so.
I swear I could detect a smirk as she turned and waved, before turning the corner.

She knew she had won. Not only had she tricked me, but she had tricked Tina as well.
She had spun her web of deceit, expertly, and I was trapped, enmeshed in a situation I seemed to have no control over.
My wife was about to take a lover in the mistaken belief that she was doing it for me and for my devious pleasure.

Tina was surprisingly quiet over the next few hours. I am sure she was trying to convince herself that she was doing the right thing.
I didn’t quite know what I should be doing to help, so I kept a low profile.
I did consider asking her not to go through with it but I just couldn’t bring myself to muster up the courage, wimp that I was.

She did ask me to help pick out the undies that I would like her to wear for her date.
I carefully and lovingly laid them out on the bed for her approval.
I chose a delicate pair of black see through knickers, matching garter belt, black nylons and a matching silky bra.
It was a gut wrenching thing to do, knowing that she would be wearing them for another man’s pleasure.
She completed the outfit by selecting a tight black skirt topped off with a flouncy black chiffon blouse and a pair of sexy high heels.

She was obviously shy and embarrassed when she emerged from our bedroom at about six forty five pm.
But, God, what a vision!
I was transfixed, I realised how incredibly proud I was of this beautiful woman, my wife. It was then that I remembered that this was not for my titillation. Another man would have the ultimate pleasure that her sensual body promised and she would ultimately know just how small my penis really was.

Tina eventually summoned up enough courage to speak to me in a measured voice. She gave me the impression that she wasn’t quite convinced that she should be actually going out on a date albeit with my complete support.

“Are you sure that you really want me to go ahead with this?”

For some reamister, I found myself unable to speak and could only sink to my knees in front of her. It must have been obvious that I was entranced at the vision which was my wife.

She continued.

“I’ll take that as a yes. You do know that this is not something which can be undone once I walk out of the door.
Oh, darling, I’m so anxious but I’m also so excited. I’m determined to do everything I can to make you proud of me and I just hope that you will still love me afterwards.”

“You know I will.” I said quietly.

The ring of the doorbell made both of us jump. I got up off my knees and went to let Margaret, the witch, in.
She had a small suitcase with her which I thought was odd.

She made a point of circling around Tina, taking in the sexy attire she was wearing.

“Tina, darling you look gorgeous, Carl is going to be most impressed. By the way, he’s already here. I told him to park his car in our driveway just in case one of our nosey neighbours wonders who he’s visiting. He’s speaking to William at the moment.”

She was already taking charge, telling me to hide behind the kitchen door so that I could get a look at Carl when he arrived. He had been told that I was out of town for the day.
Taking up my position behind the door as instructed, I heard Margaret whispering to Tina. I couldn’t hear what was said but they both laughed at whatever it was.

The doorbell rang again. This time Margaret answered the door, allowing Carl to enter. From my vantage point, behind the almost closed kitchen door, I peered through the crack I had left.
Damn, he was redy handsome, and younger than me. He was gazing at Tina as if she was some film star. He was completely besotted.
In a cultured voice, he eventually said.

“Good God, you are looking absolutely beautiful, Tina.”

He swiftly moved towards her and took her in his arms, quite oblivious of Margaret standing there.
Their lips met and for a second they lingered before they both responded by indulging in a full blown kiss, tongues encircling, sucked in to each other’s mouths.

After a few seconds, Margaret intervened, suggesting that they should continue somewhere else.

The next thing I knew was that they had hurriedly left, with Margaret wishing them a wonderful time together.

Alone now, with Margaret, I quickly re-entered the room.

“Sit down, Jamie. I have a lot to explain to you and you have a lot to learn this evening. I have spoken to Tina so she knows what I am going to do with you.
First of all I think I should tell you where they have gone. I thought they deserved to have the best tonight, without worrying about being seen. So, I’ve given them the guest suite in my house. William will be there to wait upon them.
At the moment he will be serving them with chilled champagne in the lounge. In about ten minutes he will suggest that they may wish to retire to the guest suite. He will advise them that there is a bell on the table next to the bed. He will suggest that they may wish to call upon him in an hour or so, and he will serve them with more champagne, hot towels and face cloths.
I might add that this is the first time William will have attended to someone other than me and my lovers and understandably he is a little nervous.
He is wearing his uniform for such occasions, a pair of black satin pyjamas and a frilly French maid’s apron.
It presents him as a non- sexual servant, in other words, no threat to them or their anonymity as a couple.”

I listened to this information with my heart pounding in my chest, unable to fully comprehend what she was telling me. But, at the same time, fully aware that my lovely sexy wife was now only minutes away from finding out how thrilling sex could be in the arms of an experienced lover.
There was so much that I wanted to ask Margaret but I was having difficulty controlling the trembling which seemed to have taken over my body.
I was trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape.

Margaret was looking at me sitting there, visibly trembling, she then opened the suitcase I had noticed earlier.
She produced a bottle of schnapps and two small shot glasses. Pouring out two measures she handed me a glass and said.
“You know what to do, don’t you Jamie, over in one go.
A toast, to the lovely sexy Tina, may she have the time of her life tonight. Today is the first day of the rest of her life.”

We both knocked back the schnapps in the manner she described.
I was surprised that my hand managed to find my mouth, I was shaking so much.
Immediately, she poured me another one and said.

“Again, Jamie, you are going to need this to help you get through this evening.”

As I knocked it back, she said.

“To your wife, who is probably cuckolding you at this precise moment.”

I almost fetishd as the fiery liquid hit the back of my throat. The bitch certainly knew how to turn the screw.

There were no words of comfort.
Instead, she said.
“Jamie, I want you to take your clothes off and stand before me naked.”

“No, I can’t.” I said quietly.

“Of course you can and you will do as I tell you. Tina has given me her permission to train you to be her faithful cuckold from this night onwards.
You do know what a cuckold is, don’t you? Well, from tonight, you will forever be a cuckold.”

For some reamister I didn’t answer her, I just stood there with my head bowed.

Then, with a sharp edge to her voice, she almost shouted.

“Take your clothes off, now!!!.... Do you hear me?”

In a trance, I began to strip, and a few seconds later I stood stark naked in front of my tormentor.

I saw her staring at my little, shrivelled, three inch penis and I felt so ashamed.
But then she took it between her finger and thumb and gently began to tease it.
I groaned in the knowledge that I would scandal myself, then, my shame turned to offense as I felt it begin to stiffen up.
One of my problems with sex was that when I did manage to achieve a hard on, my penis did not get any bigger. It remained at the same size, a little stiff three incher.

Margaret showed no emotion or sympathy, she stopped frigging me before it was too late and said.

“It’s actually smaller than I imagined. Tina will not regret what she will learn tonight with Carl.
Put these on.”

She had opened the small suitcase I had noticed earlier and lying on the sofa, was a pair of black satin pyjamas and a frilly French maid’s apron.

“These will be your uniform from now on. These are the same as William’s. Put them on, now!”

I did as I was told.
Actually, they felt very sensual. I enjoyed the feel of the soft satin against my skin.

Margaret showed me how to tie the apron in a nice bow at my back, before continuing.

“Kneel down at my feet, Jamie.”

I knew it was useless to object, so I did as I was told.

“Now, kiss my feet Jamie, kiss them as if I was your mistress wife.
You must learn, to not only love your wife, but to worship and adore her, especially after she has had sex with another man.”

In a daze, I found myself kissing her expensive designer shoes and feeling a new thrill of being under Margaret’s control.
Eventually, I felt her tugging at my hair so I began to raise my head, but she held me fast when my face was level with her knees.
She kept me there as she said.

“Tina will have a wonderful time with Carl tonight, I am sure of that. But when she comes home she will need your reassurance that you are happy and excited for her. This is how you will convince her of your undying love.
There is more than one way to sexually please a woman. You may be short on the conventional equipment but that doesn’t matter.
Have you ever, gone down, on Tina?”

By the look on my face she deduced that I had not.

“You mean, neither of you has experimented. Good God!
Look, I take it that you, as a couple have never indulged in fellatio or cunnilingus. Well, for your information, it means using your mouth and tongue to stimulate your partner.
Stick out your tongue, let me see it.”

This, was bewildering, my mind was in a whirl. I just did as she asked me, sticking my tongue out for her approval.

“When I said stick your tongue out I meant right out. Let’s see how long it is.”

This time I stuck it out as far as it would go.

“Wow, Jamie, what have we here. That, is quite magnificent, you are going to be a great comfort to Tina, especially after she has had a hard fucking from a big cock.
Now, you will do exactly what I tell you.
Push my dress up so that you can see my knickers. I want you to remove them as skilfully as you can.”

The schnapps must have been doing their job as I eagerly slid my hands up Margaret’s shapely nylon covered legs and allowed the back of one hand to brush across the gusset of her silky knickers. She raised her bottom off the seat to help me to slip her panties down and off.
Moving her bottom forward to the edge of the seat, Margaret’s pussy was now only inches from my face. I was conscious of the feel of her nylons brushing against my cheeks.
I was transfixed at what I was looking at. I had never seen a shaved pussy before, in my life, in fact I had never even seen my wife’s pussy before.
I was breathing heavily and was suddenly afraid of where this was going.

“Now Jamie, I want you to relax and breathe normally.
When she comes home tonight Tina will expect you to pay homage to her newly stretched pussy. I promised her that I would show you how to please a woman and as a cuckold what your duties would now entail.
Now, lean forward and breathe in, my permisteral perfume. That’s it, now kiss my pussy and let your tongue slither up the length of my slit.”

My head was spinning as I followed her instructions. The perfumed aroma from her pussy was heavenly and I inhaled it greedily. My first kiss and taste of hot pussy was out of this world and I knew that this would be my place from now on.
For the next hour or so Margaret coached me on how to lick and when to suck. She taught me how to send shivers of pleasure through her body by titillating her clitoris with my lips and tongue, Although, I say so myself, I was a good learner and looked forward to showing Tina how much I could please her with my tongue.

My jaws were aching when Margaret finally pushed me away at eleven o’clock, saying we should get cleaned up before Tina got home.
Tina, I had almost forgotten that she was out on her momentous date. Margaret had taken complete control of me this evening. My opinion of her had started to mellow, maybe she wasn’t quite as bad as I had thought.

By eleven thirty, we were sitting quietly as if nothing had happened.
Almost on cue the doorbell rang.
Margaret motioned for me to hide in the kitchen as she went to open the door.
I watched, as first, Tina entered, then her date for the evening, Carl. He looked a bit haggard I thought, but Tina looked radiant, almost glowing.
They chatted for a few minutes before Carl made his exit, saying he would phone Tina the next day. That was the only part of their conversation I could make out.

Once he had gone Margaret called for me to come in to the lounge, I entered feeling a bit embarrassed, especially when Tina said she liked my new satin pyjamas.
My eyes were fixed on Tina, as if she should look different after her date with


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My eyes were fixed on Tina, as if she should look different after her date with Carl. She certainly looked wonderful, good enough to eat, I thought!
Margaret broke the silence by saying she would leave us to enjoy the rest of the evening.
She smiled knowingly as she left.

When she had gone, Tina stood with her back to the front door which she had just locked. She stared at me with a strange expression on her face, then pouting her lips, she said.

“Come, Jamie, we have a lot to share with each other, but before we do, I just want to say that I love you, very, very much. You have given me a whole new outlook on life by insisting that I kept this date with Carl and I will always be grateful to you for your love and understanding.
Now, let’s go upstairs, to our bed, I understand that your fantasy is to worship me or something like that.”

Giggling, she took my hand and we climbed the stairs together.


Posts: 235
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Wonderful story! I would now like to hear about both of the cuckolds being trained to work together as a team to serve the ladies together or apart.


Posts: 877
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Greenman - Great story, loving it, please continue.


Posts: 22
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An interesting turn to the story Greenman, the chaperon angle for the two cuckolds is intriguing. Great story, keep it coming...


Posts: 4050
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Excellent! Your stories are always hot and this story is no exception.




Posts: 140
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Wow...great story.


Posts: 400
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very good. Keep going please !


Posts: 86
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very, very good.

I can`t wait to read the next part!

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 196
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Excellent story. Can't wait for the next part.


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my little cuckold penis loves this story keep it comming


Posts: 58
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That is really good! I think this is a very hot story. Thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to more.


Posts: 119
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Excellent story. I'm looking forward to more. Please continue, and thank you for your efforts so far.
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The Arrangement
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