Posts: 4050
#211 · Edited by: goodhusband
Not wanting to be disturbed while I was talking to Katie, I'd turned off my cell phone before I went into Mike's Cafe. Once I was back inside my car I decided that I'd better turn it on again and carbonsmudgeck for messages. There were two, one from Mark Wrightman and one from Derek Maxwell. After listening to both of them I decided that there wasn't anything that couldn't wait until morning, so I put my phone away and started my car. As I pulled away from the curb I realized that Katie had a five minute head start on me.
By the time I pulled into the parking lot at the Ambassador Katie was already parked and inside the hotel. Hoping that she'd only been waiting for a minute or two, I Parked my Jeep carbonsmudgerokee in the spot next to Katie's car and hurried into the hotel.
I spotted her immediately. She was standing in front of the entrance to the cocktail lounge talking to man who appeared to be in his middle thirties. Well groomed and wearing an expensively tailored business suit, he was a handsome man, at least 6 feet one or two.
I quickly crossed the lobby to join them. When I was about twelve feet away Katie noticed me. Smiling at the man, she said; "Here's my husband now."
The man turned. He appeared to be annoyed by my sudden appearance.
As I walked up to them, Katie said; "Joel, I'd like you to meet my husband, Frank Reese." Katie's smile had a slightly smug edge to it. It was barely noticeable. You would have to know her very well to catch it.
Taking my arm, she said; "Frank, this is Joel Tillman. Joel and I met a couple of months ago. Joel was here for a business dinner. He was just leaving the bar when I walked into the hotel lobby. He invited us to join him for a take."
Clearly embarrassed, Joel sputtered; "I ah well, yes of course. That would be very nice."
Smiling at him, Katie said; "Joel, why don't you call your wife? I'll bet that she'd love to join us and I would enjoy meeting her."
Joel’s mouth dropped open and his eyes filled with alarm. Vigorously shaking his head, he shrieked; "No!" The no came out a bit too emphatically. Quickly realizing his mistake, he took a deep breath, pulled himself together and said; "Karen was planning to paint the den tonight." And then throwing his arms in the air he exclaimed, "What was I thinking? The last thing Karen said to me before I left the house this morning was, Joel, come home right after your dinner meeting tonight. You have to help me put the furniture back in the den." Rolling his eyes in exasperation, he added; "I promised her and now I'm standing here talking to the two of you. Please excuse me, but I really do have to go. Maybe I can have a rain carbonsmudgeck on that take."
Smiling graciously, Katie said; "We understand, but we really would love to get together with you and your wife. Maybe we could go out to dinner some evening."
Nodding, Joel said; "Yes, yes, of course, that would be nice; but right now I really do have to get going."
"Certainly, we wouldn't want you to be late getting home." Katie was still smiling.
"Thank you." And then turning to me, Joel powerd a polite smile and said; "Frank it was nice to meet you."
Returning his smile, I replied; "It was nice to meet you too Joel."
He gave me a quick nod and then he turned and walked quickly out of the hotel lobby.
As he was leaving I turned to Katie and said; "That was a little awkward."
Katie laughed. "It certainly was. When you walked in he was offering to get a room so that we could go upstairs and fuck."
"Really? How well do you know this guy?"
"I've only met him once. He fucked me in the back of his SUV in the parking lot at Brady's."
"How long ago did that happen?"
"It was about two months ago." Suddenly Katie looked at me with a regretful expression and said, "Frankie, I'm sorry. We haven't talked about when I actually started carbonsmudgeating on you, have we."
"No, we haven't."
"I guess that I just assumed that you knew. Dana has told me everything that the two of you talked about after you figured out what Pete and I were doing. She even played the recording of Pete's conversation with Mitch that you made at Brady's that Saturday afternoon before you caught us."
Katie sighed. "After you heard what he said, I don't understand why you didn't just come home and kick my carbonsmudgeating ass to the curb."
Shrugging, I said; "Before I was willing to take any drastic action, I needed to be certain."
"Frankie, you really are a very special man. I'm so sorry that I hurt you."
I gently took Katie's hand. "Let's go up to my room."
"Okay." Katie whispered.
Posts: 175
Thanks for continuing a great story GH. Nice twists and turns.
sslv A. Smith
Posts: 1914
GH, Nicely done. Again. I see the beach was more Hawaii than Omaha, but then I wouldn't want it any other way. Thanks.
Posts: 3581
GH: It's always a pleasure to come back to your story. Thanks again for sharing with us. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
sslv2006, Peak and cuck4one
Thanks for the comments.
Peak I think that most of us would prefer Hawaii to Omaha Beach.
Posts: 4050
Katie and I grinned at each other. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She returned it. And then we sat together in loving silence, holding hands.
Moments like that are fleeting, so finally I smiled at Katie and said; "Downstairs, in the lobby, you were messing with Joel."
Looking up at me, she giggled and said; "Yes I was."
"Why? Was he a bad lay or something?"
Katie laughed. "Listen to you; it almost sounds like you wanted me to go up to a hotel room with him."
Shaking my head, I said; "No, definitely not. I'm glad that you're right here. I'm just trying to figure out what happened down there."
Katie thought for a moment and then she said; "To answer your initial question, he wasn't awful, but he wasn't very good either. I mean his cock got hard and he could fuck, but that was about it. He certainly wasn't good enough to warrant a repeat performance."
She looked up at me. "But that wasn't why I messed with him."
"So why did you do it?"
"He was rude."
"What do mean?"
"He was leaving the bar when I walked into the hotel lobby. As soon as he recognized me, he came straight over, put his arm around my shoulders and said; Hey Katie it's great to see ya. Then he planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear, I've got a couple of hours before I have to be home. Why don't I get a room? We can play around for a little while."
"Frankie, he didn't even have the courtesy to make small talk for a minute or two. He just grabbed me and said, let’s go upstairs and screw. I may have let the sorry mister of a bitch fuck me one time, but that sure as hell doesn't make me his permisteral concubine."
I smiled. "No it does not."
"He didn't know why I was in that hotel lobby. I might have been meeting my grandparents. Hell, I really was meeting my husband. That asshole didn't give a cuckolds brownie."
I gently squeezed Katie's hand, but she was too worked up to notice.
"And when you walked into the lobby and joined us, he was actually pissed off. Did you catch his annoyed expression when I introduced you? The moment he realized you were my husband, he should have backed off, but instead the cuckolds brownie head actually coped an attitude."
"I noticed that you introduced me as Frank rather than Frankie."
"Frankie honey, I'm never going to let one of my lovers call you Frankie."
Chuckling, I said; "I really hope that I can avoid meeting most of them and Frankie is my name."
"I know and you are one of the most secure men that I have ever met. It's one of the million reamisters that I'm madly in love with you. Still there are guys who would use the fact that most people call you Frankie as a way to mock you and I promise that I will never again let one of my lovers disrespect you."
Shaking her head, Katie continued; "when I heard Pete bad mouthing you on that recording you made in the bar, I was just sick. I should have been on top of that. I didn't do a very good job of keeping him in check. I guess I was so caught up in the sex that I completely missed the things he was trying to do to belittle you."
"That time he talked you into meeting him for sex on an afternoon before one of our date nights you came home and took a bath."
"Yes, but I did that because I wanted to be sure that I was clean and fresh for you. It never occurred to me that Pete was maliciously trying to make you eat his cum."
I shrugged. "Pete was a jerk, but he was a smart jerk and he duped you. Now that you're aware of what guys like him are capable of doing, I'm sure that you'll be on your guard and avoid them in the future."
Katie sighed. "That's the problem Frankie. I don't want to avoid them."
I stared at Katie for a moment and then I said, "Are you telling me that you like having sex with jerks?"
"I prefer to think of Pete as a scoundrel."
Starting to get angry, I said; "A scoundrel! You're making him sound like a loveable rogue from a drawing room comedy. The mister of a bitch did everything he could to humiliate me and he tried to do the same thing to Dana. Pete's not a scoundrel; he's a lady fucking, bona fide, card carrying asshole."
I stood up and started to pace around the room. Suddenly I turned to Katie and said; "I'm beginning to realize that this evening was a mistake. I think you should leave."
"Frankie, please let me explain. Please listen to what I have to say. I'm not trying to defend Pete. You're right, he is an asshole. He's a colossal asshole; but he's not evil. He's just horribly narcissistic."
"What do you mean by that?"
Katie patted the spot on the bed next to her. "Will you please sit down."
Shaking my head, I said; "No, I prefer to stand."
"Very well, will you listen to me?"
I stared at Katie for a moment and then I sullenly replied, "Go ahead."
Katie closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and then she opened them again. Staring at the floor, she quietly said; "Pete doesn't care about anything but his own pleasure and satisfaction. He'll lie, cheat and ruthlessly use people to get what he wants, but he doesn't do it to hurt. He does it to satisfy his own needs."
"He tried to hurt me."
"In your case, that might be true. He was insanely jealous of you."
"Jealous of me? He was fucking my wife. What did he have to be jealous about?"
"Pete gets off on conquering women. I'm sure that he actually keeps score. He was never able to conquer me."
"He was fucking you."
"No, we were fucking each other. He never controlled me and I never surrendered to him. Frankie, you are the only man I have ever surrendered to and you do own me, heart and soul. Pete knew that and it drove him crazy. Everything he did to hurt you was actually an attempt to belittle you in my eyes."
"So if he's so good at conquering women, why couldn't he conquer you?" The question popped out and as soon as I said it, I regretted it. I quickly added, "I guess I do know why. You're an incredibly strong woman. That's one of the ten million reamisters that I'm in love with you."
Katie grinned. "And the fact that you recognize that is another one of the reamisters that I'm madly in love with you. She paused for a moment and then she said; "Yes I like to think that I'm strong willed and independent; but that's not the real reamister that I was able to resist Pete's efforts to control me."
"What was it then?"
"Frankie, I believe that everyone harbors secret fantasies. Illicit desires might be a better name for them. Most people are ashamed about these feelings and keep them locked away in the darkest corner of their souls hoping that no one will ever find out about them. I believe that all of us secretly long to act on these desires, but most people are much too inhibited to ever even dare to admit to themselves that they exist."
"Men like Pete and James Hall are much too wrapped up in their own satisfaction to care about the opinion of others. Their narcissism prevents them from being infected by the inhibitions that keep most people from acting on their secret desires."
"When I met James Hall I was feeling very adventurous and his totally uninhibited attitude about sex attracted me. I was young and rebellious and eager to act out all of my secret fantasies. At that point in my life I was extremely vulnerable. James could have easily taken control of me and I would have willingly surrendered to him. I didn't and it was because of something he did." Katie was smiling.
Now captivated by her explanation, I quickly asked; "What did he do?"
"He introduced me to an entire group of exceptionally uninhibited, experienced and kind people who joined him in mentoring me."
"Frankie, most women are attracted to men like Pete and James because they can surrender to them and by surrendering they can relinquish all of their inhibitions. Allowing these men to take control of them provides a rationale for indulging those illicit desires that polite society demands that we keep discreetly hidden away."
"You're saying that even though these women really want to be sexually free, they're justifying their actions by telling themselves that these men are powering them to act that way."
"That's right, when women are having affairs it's very common for them to do things with their lovers that they would never do with their husbands."
Smiling at Katie, I said; "You mean like in your affair with Pete."
Katie sighed. "Yes, I guess that's right." But then she quickly added. "Only it was different with Pete and me."
"How so?"
"James and that group of swingers had already freed me of my inhibitions." Katie paused for a moment and then she said; "At least until I met you. Frankie, you were so pure and perfect. When I was with you I felt like I had to be every bit as pure and perfect as you were. I had to try to live up to your standards."
"But I never tried to establish any standards."
"Yes I know, but you were my knight in shining armor and I created a set of imaginary standards for you."
I laughed. "That doesn't seem quite fair."
Shrugging, Katie said; "I know, but I think it's an accurate description of my thinking at the time."
"Okay, but that doesn't explain why your affair with Pete was any different than any other women's affair with a dominant self-centered lover."
"I didn't need Pete to free me of my inhibitions. James and the group of swingers had already done that. What I needed was an eager playmate, a playmate that would push me to explore the limits of my fantasies. Pete was perfect for that."
"But he was always trying to take control of you, wasn't that stressful?"
Shaking her head, Katie said; "No it made it even more exciting. We had a constant battle of wills. It was kind of like trying to ride a tiger, but this tiger needed me just as much as I needed him. As long as I remembered that I was safe. Pete wanted to take control of my mind, but he needed my body even more. Whenever he started to push too hard all I had to do was threaten to take away his access to my pussy. That would make him back off immediately."
I remembered Katie and Pete's battle of wills about whether or not they were going to fuck in our bedroom on the night that we caught them together in our house and immediately understood what she was saying.
I took a moment to think and then I sat down next to Katie and said; "Okay, I think I understand most of what you’re telling me, but there's still something that doesn’t make sense to me."
"What is it?"
"You've implied that you'd like to have more lovers like Pete and James."
"I would, they're incredibly exciting and they help me push the limits of my fantasies."
"Yes, but now that I know about all of this, why can’t I be that lover?"
Smiling at me, Katie said; "Maybe someday you can be that lover, but you're not ready yet. Frankie, before you can help me push the limits of my fantasies, you have to discover and come to terms with you own illicit desires. Sweetheart, do you even know what they are?"
"Maybe a little." My voice was timid and unsure.
"Tell me about them."
Staring at the floor, I said; "That's kind of hard."
"Sweetheart, how can you help me push the limits of my fantasies when you can't even discuss your own. Frankie honey, for a little while, you're going to need some mentors. I'll be one and Andrea will help too."
"Andrea? I don't even know her."
"I want you to meet her and she desperately wants to meet you. I'm sure that the two of you will like each other."
"But a mentor?'
"Frankie, Andrea is one of the most sexually experienced women I have ever met."
"Laughing, I said; "I think that's saying a lot."
"Believe me honey, it really is."
Posts: 111
GH I just caught up and I like the direction you are going. This is an outstanding story! I thank you for writing. JJ
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Bravo  It's hard to have to wait for the rest ;)
Posts: 1418
Excellent as always, thank you.
Posts: 438
"No, we were fucking each other. He never controlled me and I never surrendered to him. Frankie, you are the only man I have ever surrendered to and you do own me, heart and soul"As they say your side of the pond GH that's the money shot. No doubt your understanding of Cuckolding as a lifestyle is why your stories are so good and little gems like the above tucked away in a paragraph is what we say my side of the pond is, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Thanks yet again GH, have a great weekend.  Mel xx
Posts: 1459
Tremendous additions GH! The expansion of Katie's character and her relationship with Frankie were expertly done. I didn't much care for her before, but now she is blooming nicely into another of your fascinating characters that we'd all like to meet. Thanks for this great story, I look forward to your next post!
Posts: 4050
jjthom99, lick buddy, zinc03, mel and storm
Thanks, I appreciate the comments.
Posts: 4050
"What about Dana? Can she be a mentor for me too?"
"Maybe a little, but she's still exploring her own fantasies."
"She spent all those years with Pete. Didn't she explore her fantasies while she was with him?"
"To a limited extent, but Pete is so dominant and so self-centered that he never really paid much attention to Dana's fantasies. Frankie, Dana is very submissive and she is just starting to explore that part of her permisterality."
"Really? And you and Andrea are helping her with that. How?"
"When I was hanging with my swinger friends I discovered that I had a very strong dominant streak. So does Andrea."
"I've never seen any sign of it."
"Of course you have."
"I don't understand."
Leering at me, Katie grinned and said; "Wanna lick my asshole."
I raised my eyebrows.
Leaning over, Katie lasciviously licked my ear and whispered, "The very first time we made love you kissed my ass, but I've never kissed yours. If you want me to do it I will, but I kind of like it the way it is now."
I turned my face to Katie. As my lips drew closer to her's, I whispered; "So do I, let's not change anything."
Katie giggled and then we kissed. At first it was a happy playful kiss, but it quickly turned into a kiss of desperate passion. When we finally broke apart Katie was crying.
I whispered, "What's wrong?"
In a voice quivering with fear, she said; "Frankie I love you so much and I'm afraid that I've destroyed our marriage. What are we going to do? I can't bear the thought of losing you. Do we have any chance to get back together?"
"Actually, I have a plan."
Katie's face brightened. "You do? Tell me, what is it? I'll do anything, anything at all, just let me know what I have to do and I'll try to do it. I'll even try to give up other men."
"Katie, don't make promises that you're not going to be able to keep. That's how we got into this situation."
"I'm sorry Frankie." Her sad expression had returned.
"It's okay, would you still like to hear my plan?"
"Yes please, very much."
"I've enjoyed tonight. There were a couple of moments when things got a little tense, but considering everything that's happened, I think that had to be expected."
Katie nodded.
Smiling, I continued. "Even with those moments, this has still been the most pleasant evening that I've had in weeks. I've enjoyed being with you."
"I've enjoyed being with you too."
I paused for a moment and then I said; "Katie, I don't think we can go back to where we were."
Katie's eyes filled with fear and then she cried, "But, you said you had a..."
Gently squeezing her hand, I cut her off and said; "Don't worry; it will be all right, just listen to me."
"Okay." Her voice was now a barely audible whisper.
"I don't think we should try to go back to where we were. We had a relationship that was founded on misconceptions and misunderstandings. Now that we’ve cleared up those misconceptions and misunderstandings I suggest that we start over and try to form a new relationship based on truth and honesty."
"Can we do that?"
"I think that maybe we can."
"What do we have to do?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"That's right, nothing."
"I don't understand."
"Did you enjoy tonight?"
"You know I did."
"Would you like to get together again?"
"Yes, very much."
"Then let's do that. Let's go where our hearts take us."
"So you're going to stop the divorce."
"No, I'm not."
"You're not?"
"No Katie, our old marriage is dead, and it should be dead. We may someday decide to get married again, but before we worry about that I think we have to work at reestablishing our friendship, our love and our trust. We also still have a lot to learn about each other. I'm excited about having you as a mentor."
"Frankie, this is really scary. I don't want to lose you." Katie closed her eyes for a moment. It was clear that she was thinking. When she opened them again she took a deep breath and said; "But I do understand and I guess it does make sense. Do you really think it might work?"
"I do."
"When can we get together again? I want to work really hard at reestablishing our relationship."
"I have to go back to San Francisco on Sunday afternoon."
"This is Thursday night. Sunday afternoon is three days away. Can we get together again tomorrow night?"
"Tomorrow night is Friday night. Isn't that your night out at Brady's?"
"Franklin Reese, three weeks ago last Tuesday I made the mistake of going out when I could have spent the night with you. I am going to regret that decision for the rest of my life and I do not intend to make it again."
Grinning, I said, "All right, what would you like to do?"
"Would you come to dinner at Dana's? Dana is really eager to see you again and Andrea is dying to meet you."
"Shouldn't Dana have something to say about this?"
"Frankie, Dana is a sub. She has nothing to say about it."
I stared at Katie.
She smiled, "Believe me sweetheart, that is exactly the way she wants it; but if it will make you feel better, I plan to call her right now and I'll clear it with her."
Katie opened her purse and took out her cellphone.
Shaking my head, I said; "You're going to call her right now? It's almost 11:00."
"Frankie, I have to. Dana's at home and I'm sure Andrea is there with her. I know that both of them are dying to hear about what's happened tonight and they aren't going to go to relax until I call. Not calling them would be cruel."
I laughed. "Then you'd better call them."
Posts: 4050
#224 · Edited by: goodhusband
Grinning at me, Katie pushed a button on her phone. A moment later she said, Hi Dana, it's me."
Dana replied, "Katie, where are you? Andrea's here with me. We’re both dying to know what's happening."
Katie had turned on the speaker on her telephone.
"Turn on the speaker on your telephone so that Andrea can be part of this conversation too."
"She already did, Hi Katie." It was another woman's voice.
"Hi Andrea."
"Where are you? What's happening?"
"We’re in Frankie's hotel room at the Ambassador."
"Really? Are you guys going to fuck? Can we come over? Dana and I want to fuck Frankie too. We could have a four way."
"Andrea, I have my speaker on. Frankie can hear everything you're saying."
"Oh good, hi Frankie; would you like to have a four way with Katie, Dana and me? We could be there in twenty minutes."
My face flushed.
Katie said; "Andrea stop! You're embarrassing Frankie."
There was a moment of silence and then Dana said; "Frankie, she was just teasing you."
"I was teasing you Frankie, but I still want you to think about that four way. A king sized bed, the covers all pulled down; Katie is sitting on your face while Dana plays with your balls and I suck your cock."
Katie winked at me.
I smiled at her and then I said; "Andrea, if you're going to suck my cock I really think we should be formally introduced first. I'm Franklin Reese; it's nice to meet you."
Laughing, Andrea said; "Katie, you and Dana weren't exaggerating, this man is absolutely priceless. Can we come over?"
"Not tonight Andy, tonight Frankie and I want to be alone; but tomorrow night I thought that all four of us might get together for dinner at Dana's. Dana, would that be all right?"
"Of course it would. I'll get some steaks. We can cook on the grill and eat by the pool."
I asked, "Dana, can I bring the wine?"
Katie said, "Let him Dana, Frankie buys really good wine."
Andrea laughed. "Frankie, you have to bring at least four bottles. That way we can get you takes and have our way with you."
Ignoring Andrea, Dana said; "Frankie, I would love it if you brought the wine. Bring your swimming suit too. We can swim in the pool before dinner and after dinner we can sit in the hot tub."
"Swimming suits! We don't need swimming suits. They'll just get in the way." Andrea was laughing
Giggling, Katie said, "Andy, that thing you call a swimming suit is so skimpy that it wouldn't get in the way of anything."
"It is, and I can't wait to model it for Frankie."
In an obvious attempt to change the subject, Dana asked; "I gather that your meeting went well tonight."
Katie said, "I think it did." She looked at me for agreement.
I nodded.
Smiling, Katie continued, "We still have some issues to resolve, but we've agreed to try to renew our friendship and let things develop slowly." Still looking at me, she asked; "Does that sound about right to you"
"Yes, yes it does."
Dana said, "I'm so glad to hear that. I think that's a very smart way to start."
"So does that mean you two are going to fuck tonight?"
Laughing, Katie said; "Yes Andy, it does."
"That's not fair."
"What do you mean?"
"You get some cock and all Dana and I get to do is eat each other's pussies. We want some cock too."
Katie shook her head. "Andy, be a little resourceful. I'm sure that both Bill Moslon and Rick Garmen are at Brady's. If you call them and tell them that you and Dana are at Dana's house and both of you are hot to trot, they'll be over there in a flash."
"Ummm I like that idea. What do you think Dana?"
"Both of those guys are hunks. It would be fun, but it's getting late."
"We'll meet them at the door naked. That way we won't have to waste any time with preliminaries. We can do them and have them on their way by 1:00. I thought this might be a late night, so I brought a work outfit with me. If it's all right with you, I'll stay here tonight."
"Of course it's all right; in fact it will make it even more fun. After the guys leave we can do each other."
Andrea laughed. "Dana honey, you're getting to be almost as nasty as Katie and me."
"The two of you have been very good teachers."
Interrupting them, Katie said, "Dana, I'm taking tomorrow off.”I'll do the grocery shopping and get everything ready. Is Abigail coming tomorrow?"
"Yes, she'll be here at ten, so the house will be nice and clean."
"What time will you be home?"
"I don't think it's going to be too bad a day so I should be home by 6:00."
"Andy, I'll be there so why don't you come over right after work."
"I'll have to stop at my apartment for some fresh clothes. Can I stay over tomorrow night too Dana?"
"Of course you can."
Katie looked at me. "Frankie, what time can you be at Dana's?"
"I'm afraid it may be 7:00. Irv paid for my plane fare. He's probably going to want me to work until at least 6:00 and I'd really like to be able to stop at my hotel and clean up before I come over."
Dana said, "No Frankie, don't do that. Bring your clean clothes with you. It's supposed to be a warm evening. We'll swim and sit by the pool while we have our cocktails."
Giggling, Andrea said; "After we swim we can all shower together. Think about it Frankie, three naked women all washing you at the same time."
My breath caught.
Katie noticed and grinned. "Andy, I think your suggestion just excited my boy."
"I hope so, it got me so wet that I’m going to have to change my panties as soon as we're done talking."
Pulling myself together, I said; "Dana I'll bring a change of clothes and be at your place as quickly after six as I possibly can."
"Great Frankie, I'm really excited that you're coming over and I'm so happy that you and Katie are starting to patch things up."
"Katie, do you want me to tell Jerry that you're not coming in when I get to work in the morning?"
"Thanks Andy; but no, I think I'd better call him. He's been good to me and he'll be happy to hear that Frankie and I are talking again."
Dana said; "We'd better let you go. You and Frankie have some serious makeup sex to attend to and we have to call Bill and Rick."
"Hey Katie, are you going to let Frankie have your butt tonight?"
"Damn right I am Andy."
Giggling, Andrea said; "Hey Frankie, eat a good breakfast in the morning. Tomorrow night you're going to need every bit of energy you have because you're going to fuck both Dana and me in the butt. Between now and the time you have to go back to San Francisco on Sunday the three of us intend to turn you into a butt fucking maestro."
I stared at Katie in shock.
She laughed and said, "Andy, you just rendered my poor baby speechless."
Everyone, including me, laughed.
Still laughing, Dana said; "Frankie honey, get ready. We intend to give you a weekend of unbelievable sex and debauchery."
Flustered, I said; "I ah, I'm not sure what to say."
Katie squeezed my hand. "Honey, you don't have to say anything. Just relax and go with the flow."
Andrea said; "That's right, let us be your guides. We promise to take very good care of you."
"Andy, Dana; call me when you get a break tomorrow. I'll tell you all about tonight and you can tell me about Bill and Rick."
Dana said, "We will Katie. Frankie, have a good time tonight."
Andrea added, "Good night Frankie, I can't wait to really meet you in permister tomorrow night. I'm so excited.
I said, "Andrea, I'm looking forward to it too."
And then they ended the call.
Katie put her cell phone on the night stand next to the bed and turned to me. "Well studman, are you ready to start your journey?"
Suddenly very excited, I said; "Yes, I am."
Standing up, Katie unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. As she reached behind her back and unclasped her brassiere, she said; "Frankie, take off your clothes".
Posts: 152
GoodHusband, GoodWriter, GoodCharacters. YOU are the Pimped up/40ed up/Mc Daddy of sexual adventuirism. You are also the "Daddy" of some of the most relevant/ insightful/emotionally revealing romance anywhere.
For those of us who have sexually experienced backgrounds and like romance and actually LIKE women (as opposed to just Loving or Lusting for them) you are among the few writers who can write something that is both plausible and satisfying to read. Satisfying for the affection and feelings between the people, and plausible as something I can relate to as both/either a Dom and a devoted Lover/Husband. THANK YOU.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 Not sure i can leave my pc . My cock is rock hard , I might just sit here and wait for the rest to be writen ;)
Posts: 12
Nice chapter. Lookimg forward to hearing more about his "plan".
Posts: 1418
Thanks, GH
Posts: 105
Oh stop the suspense, it's *******ing me. keep it up (  ) it's brilliant.
Posts: 1914
GH, I think I'm enjoying myself almost as much as you are on this one. Thanks.
Posts: 125
always worth the wait for your insight. you are turning this into another Goodhusband classic. the next installment should be hot , hot , hot........
I would also like to wish you and Lisa a merry christmas and happy holidays......
Posts: 438
Mel xx
Posts: 492
#233 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
GH, I hope you have the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite GH stories, thanks for your efforts. Headed to Florida for some sun and fun, hope you're able to do the same.
Take care my friend, see you next year.
Posts: 4050
#234 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you, that was a very nice note. I appreciate it.
Lick buddy
Again, thank you. In the next segments Katie has some advice for you.
Thanks, I think it might actually turn out to be Katie's plan
Don't waste time writing to me, get back to your own story. We're all anxious to find out what's going to happen.
I'll try, but...Oh hell, I don't know. This is just too confusing.
Thanks for the comment.
If that's the case you are enjoying the story, because I haven't enjoyed writing this much since Sandra and Stevie.
Thanks and Happy Holidays to you as well. Lisa also sends her best
As always thank you
Thanks, Florida is wonderful. I hope you get warm sunny weather and can get in as many rounds of golf as possible. I now winter in Arizona. The weather has be unseamisterably cold and wet here, but I played 18 holes today, so I can't complain.
To everyone
Thank you and Happy Holidays I do hope to get one more set of segments in before Christmas.
Posts: 4050
Katie hung her dress in the closet and then, wearing only a pale yellow thong, watched me while I undressed. After kicking off my shoes and pulling off my socks, I unbuttoned my dress shirt, slipped it off my shoulders and tossed it onto the chair. Then I unfastened my trousers and let them drop to my ankles.
As I stepped out of them, Katie said; "Hang your pants in the closet. We don't want them to get wrinkled."
Nodding, I quickly hung up my trousers. As soon as I was finished, I turned and faced Katie. I was incredibly aroused. My erect penis was making a tent in the front of my boxer shorts.
Frankie, "Take off your shorts."
I was feeling a little nervous. Katie had adopted a very assertive manner and while I was finding it exciting it was also a bit disconcerting.
Noticing my uneasiness, Katie said; "Don't be nervous Frankie. We've made love lots of times. I realize that tonight it maybe feels a little different. It should feel different. I want it to feel different. Tonight I'm revealing a side of myself to you that you have only had short glimpses of in the past. I'm also going to be doing things that I hope will encourage you to begin exploring your deepest and most secret fantasies. It's time for us to rouse your illicit desires and get them out into the open so that we can both enjoy them."
"Okay." My voice was quiet and filled with apprehension,
Katie smiled. It was a warm, reassuring smile. "Don't worry sweetheart. I won't go too fast and maybe this will help you. When I used to play with my swinger friends we always had a rule. Anytime one of us started to feel uncomfortable about what was happening or simply wanted to stop and talk about what was happening; we could call a time out, just like the players in a basketball game or a football game. When Andrea and I play with Dana, we use the same rule. I think it's important for people who are just learning about each other sexually to have the means to take breaks and talk about what's going on."
"Doesn't that break the mood?"
"Sometimes, but doing something that hurts somebody or makes them feel uncomfortable also destroys the mood. Frankie, sex should be fun for everyone involved. I think if you know you can always call time out, it will help you relax. Will you try that?"
Feeling a little more confident, I said; "Okay."
Katie smiled and then she asked; "Are you ready to begin?"
Still a little nervous, I nodded.
"All right, pull down your shorts and show me your cock."
Surprised by Katie's request, I said; "What?"
"Show me your cock."
I smiled. "You have seen it before."
Grinning, Katie said; "Yes I have seen it before and I absolutely adore it, but you've never actually shown it to me."
"I don't understand."
"Frankie, when you show something to a permister you're asking her to look at it, to inspect it. You've never done that with me, so I'm asking you to do it now."
"It feels kind of weird to do that."
"But it shouldn't, should it."
"No I guess not."
"I also think it's important."
"Frankie, your body is beautiful. Your cock is beautiful. You should be proud to show it off."
"It's kind of small."
Rolling her eyes, Katie said; "It's not that small. It's over five inches. There are lots of guys who have cocks that are smaller."
"Pete's is a lot bigger."
Sighing, Katie said; "Yes it is, but that's not why I was playing with him. Frankie I am not a size queen. Big cocks are occasionally fun because they're actually not all that common and it's exciting to play with them. That said, for really good sex I prefer a smaller cock. They're more comfortable for fucking and even for sucking."
"For sucking?"
"Yes Frankie, I can easily take all of your cock in my mouth without obligation or gagging. All that deep throat stuff you see in porn films isn't really all that much fun for the permister doing it."
"Can you deep throat a big cock?"
"Yes, Frankie, I can."
"Did you ever deep throat Pete's cock?"
"Frankie you're awfully preoccupied with Pete.” Katie paused. After a moment she shook her head and said; “Considering everything that's happened I suppose I should expect that."
"Yes, you should and if I don't ask, I'll wonder. I think that asking questions about Pete and hearing your answers will help me get over some of the lingering pain and rejection that I feel about your affair with him."
"Frankie, I never meant to reject you. I got caught up in the excitement of the sex and did some things that I will regret for the rest of my life, but I never deliberately tried to reject you."
"I know, but there are some wounds that were created that are going to take quite a while to heal."
"And you think talking about Pete will help them heal."
"I keep thinking about you and him together. I can't help it, it just happens. The truth can't possibly be any worse than what I imagine, so I think it is better to talk about what really happened. At least then I won't have to wonder."
"All right." Katie was quiet for a second and then she said; "Yes, I did deep throat Pete's cock. I did it every time we were together. I didn't particularly enjoy it. I mean it wasn't awful or anything like that. Pete has a big cock, but it's not that big. I did it because it excited Pete and it's fun to do things that excite your playmate."
Katie’s comment roused the dull sense of bitterness that still lurked deep in my gut. Sullenly, I said; "It's too bad that you didn't feel that way when you had sex with me." It was a low blow, and as soon as I said it I regretted it. Quickly trying to retract my cutting words, I said; "I'm sorry Katie. I shouldn't..."
Holding up her hand to cut me off, she said; "No Frankie, you're right I didn't do that with you and I cannot begin to describe how awful I feel about it. When I think about the things I did for Pete that I refused to do for I want to scream and cry. Frankie, I am so sorry that I did that and please believe me when I tell you that the only reamister I didn't do those things with you was because I was afraid. I was afraid you'd leave me if you found out what I was really like." Tears were running down Katie's cheeks."
I took her in my arms and held her. She pressed her face against my chest and cried. Between sobs she kept saying over and over again; "I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry."
I held her and gently rubbed her back. Eventually she stopped crying. Once she was quiet I said; "It's okay, I'm starting to understand and the more I understand, the easier it is for me to forgive you."
"Do you think you'll be able to forgive me Frankie?"
"If you keep being honest with me, yes I think I eventually will."
Sighing, Katie said; "Before I can forgive myself, I'm going to have to find a way to atone for what I did."
"I know what you can do."
"What is it?"
"Be my mentor. Teach me. Help me learn so that I can become part of your other life."
"I want to do that Frankie. More than anything in this world, I want to do that."
I kissed Katie. She kissed me back. It started as a kiss of gentle love, but it quickly exploded into an act of desperate passion. Mashing our lips together, we powerd our tongues into each other's mouths. Katie held me to her and pressed her bare breasts against my naked chest. Time stood still. In that moment all of the love, romance, mutual adoration, pain, anguish, remorse and regret that we were both feeling came boiling out. It was cathartic, exhilarating and incredibly liberating.
When we finally broke apart both of us were breathless with excitement. Grinning at Katie, I said; "Well that certainly got me back in the mood."
Laughing, Katie said; "Me too, so where were we?"
"I believe you were asking me to show you my cock."
"Yes, I was." Katie flashed me a lascivious smile.
Posts: 4050
I hooked my thumbs into the waist band of my boxers, took a deep breath and pushed them down to my knees. My liberated penis immediately sprang to attention.
Katie looked at my erection and wiggled her eyebrows. "Sweetheart, take your underwear all the way off and sit down."
Excited, I quickly pushed my boxers the rest of the way to the floor, stepped out of them and planted myself on the edge of the bed.
As soon as I was seated, Katie kneeled on the floor between my legs and picked up my cock. Holding it gently in the palm of her hand, she studied it and then, using the tip of her index finger, she lightly traced the outside edges.
I watched her. Her touch was electrifying, but I was still tense and on edge. No one had ever done this to me, not even a physician.
Katie looked up at me and asked, "Are you all right?"
"Yes." My voice was a raspy whisper.
"Frankie, relax. You have a beautiful cock. You should be proud of it."
"Even if it's small?"
"Yes, even if it's small.
Katie's finger explored the little mouth in the center of the head of my penis and then I shuddered as she touched the sensitive spot underneath the head.
She smiled at me. "That feels good, doesn't it?"
I nodded, "Yes it does."
"James Hall taught me to pay special attention to that spot when I give a man a blow job. In a few minutes I’m going to suck your beautiful cock and when I do I'm going to massage this spot with the tip of my tongue. Would you like that Frankie?"
“I’d like that very much.” My voice was a barely audible whisper.
Lifting my erection, Katie ran her fingertip down the underside until she reached my scrotum. Still holding my cock with one hand, she gently cupped each of my testicles with her other. As she did this she said; "Tomorrow night, Dana and Andrea are going to see and play with your penis and when they do I want you to be proud of it. Frankie, you have a beautiful cock. You should be proud of it."
"It's too small."
"Sweetie, we already discussed that."
"Yes we did and I understand that it doesn't matter to you, but it's still too small."
A little frustrated, Katie said; "Baby, look at my breasts. Do you like them?"
"I love them, you know that."
"Do you think they're beautiful?"
"Whenever I see them, they take my breath away."
"Tomorrow night you're going to see Dana and Andrea naked. They're both bigger than I am. Will you think their breasts are more beautiful than mine?"
"No, of course not. You know that big breasts aren't my...." Suddenly understanding what Katie was trying to tell me, I stopped and smiled at her."
She smiled back and said; "There are men who love big tits, aren't there."
Feeling slightly chagrined, I said; "Yes, there are."
"That doesn't mean all men love big tits, does it?"
"No, of course it doesn’t."
"There are some women who love big cocks."
Grinning at Katie, I completed her thought." "But that doesn't mean all women love big cocks, does it."
Shaking her head, Katie said; "Whew, that's a relief."
"What do you mean?"
"Frankie, ever since I met you, I've been impressed by your almost uncanny ability to analyze a situation and reach an objective conclusion. I have to say that you have been remarkably obtuse about this one."
Laughing, I said; "All of us have our little insecurities."
"Yes, but it's important to me that you vanquish this one."
"Why? I understand that you're trying to get me overcome my insecurities about the size of my cock; but considering everything that's going on in our lives, I don't see why it's all that important right now."
"Sweetheart, A little while ago you told me that you wanted me to include you in the part of my life that I've been hiding from you."
"Yes, I did and that is what I want."
"If that happens you're going to be attending parties where everyone will be naked. You have a beautiful body and I want you to be proud of it."
"Will there be men there with big cocks?"
"Of course and there will be women with large breasts too. Frankie, we all have to come to terms with who we are. There are many people who are so insecure about their bodies that they can’t even make love with the lights on."
Letting go of my cock and balls, Katie placed her hands on her naked breasts and pushed them together. "My tits are small. I can barely make cleavage when I do this. Because of that there are men who will never consider me voluptuous. Your cock is small, for many women you will never be a stud. Every human is a unique individual. We each have our own strengths, weaknesses and permisteralities. Those individual characteristics are what make us who we are and they're also what make us more attractive to some people and less so to others."
I nodded in agreement.
Katie continued; "The initial step in your journey to becoming sexually liberated is to figure out who you are. When you do that, you have to learn to accept it and become content with it, but that's not enough."
"What do you mean?"
"Eventually you have to learn to fully embrace and enjoy, even relish who you are. That's the only way you can truly appreciate the varied wonders and delights that life has to offer."
"You haven't yet fully embraced who you are."
Katie was silent. After a moment she nodded and then she smiled and said; "You're right, I haven't. That's why I felt that I had to hide part of myself from you." Laughing, she added; "I guess the student just turned into the teacher."
Suddenly Katie paused. Her laughter stopped and her smile turned into an expression of concern. Looking at me, she asked; "Frankie, now that you've learned about this other part of my permisterality, are you still attracted to me?"
I didn't have to think about this question. I knew the answer; "Yes, I am. I know I am. That's why I met you tonight. That's why we're here together in my hotel room at 11:30.” Grinning at Katie, I added, “Oddly, I think I may even be more attracted to you now than I was before."
Grinning back at me, Katie said; "Really?"
"Yes, I really am. I'm not sure how were going to make everything work. I think it's going to take some serious effort on both of our parts. I also believe that you're right. Before we can finally work everything out, I'm going to have to learn a lot more about myself."
“We both have more to learn more about ourselves.” Katie looked up at me with a renewed grin and said; "Frankie honey, I can't ever remember being this excited about anything. I feel like we’re starting a journey together. I will still be your mentor, but now I realize that you're also going to be mine. We can discover ourselves and grow together. Will you do that Frankie? Will you be my partner on this journey?"
"Katie, I can't think of anything in this world that I'd like more."
Giggling, Katie said, "Then let's get to work. Franklin Reese, lay back and relax. You're about to get your first blow job from Katie the slut."
Laughing, I lay back and closed my eyes. Several seconds passed. I wasn’t paying very good attention. I was relaxed, enjoying the moment and still chuckling.
Suddenly Katie said; "Frankie, be serious, it’s hard to get into a proper cock sucking mood when the guy who's getting the blow job is laughing."
Quickly adopting a more serious demeanor, I said; "Sorry, I'll be quiet."
"Okay." Katie took a long slow breath. Another second or two passed and then I felt her wrap her fingers around my still erect penis. As she began stroking me, she said; "Frankie, I want you to relax and let yourself go. This blow job is just for you. Don't try to hold back. We have years to experiment with each other. Right now I just want you to enjoy the pleasure I can give you. When you're about to cum you don't have to warn me. I want you to cum in my mouth. One of my regrets is that I've only given you that pleasure one time. I want you to know that from now on, you can enjoy it anytime you want it."
Katie kissed the head of my cock and then parting her lips, she took it into the warm moist comfort of her mouth. Two of her fingers were still wrapped around the base of my shaft. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she began stroking me again. At the same time she started sucking on the head of my penis. Patient and unhurried, she moved in slow motion. The sensations she was creating were maddening. Her movements seemed to be meticulously planned and executed. She was like a s*******ed artist creating a new masterpiece. This was the first time that Katie ever done this with me. In the past her blow jobs had always been brusque and mechanical. I understood. She had been attempting to masquerade as a dutiful housewife trying to do something for her husband that she found slightly distasteful.
After a few minutes of her tantalizing foreplay, Katie slipped her fingers down to my balls and then she took the full length of my cock into her mouth and began sucking me in earnest. She'd sucked the full length of my cock before, but this was the first time that she'd ever done it with this much zeal and it was also the first time she'd ever massaged my balls while she was doing it.
The pleasure was incredible and my excitement was quickly growing. Remembering Katie's earlier instruction, I tried to relax and let myself go. I knew that by doing so it wouldn't be long before I reached the point of no return, but Katie had specifically told me to not try to hold back.
Suddenly Katie's fingers slipped from my balls to the crack of my ass. For a moment she explored me and then she brought her hand up to her face. Temporarily releasing my cock from her mouth, she replaced it with her middle finger. Once her finger was nice and wet Katie removed it, put the full length of my cock back into her mouth and started sucking me again. At the same time she returned her hand to the crack of my ass, only this time she didn't just explore me, this time she began massaging my anus.
This was definitely something that Katie had never done for me. This was something that I'd never imagined anyone ever doing for me. It took me a moment to get used to the idea, but then I started to relax and let go again. Of course it helped that Katie was still vigorously sucking my cock.
I was just beginning to really enjoy what Katie was doing when I felt her finger enter my anus. For a moment I stiffened, but as her finger probed deeper and deeper into me I realized that the sensation she was creating was amazing. I relaxed and enjoyed what she was doing. The pleasure was incredible. I didn't want it to ever stop.
Katie sucked my cock and fingered my ass with gradually increasing intensity. Her mouth and finger worked in perfect harmony as she slowly and s*******fully pushed me towards a massive orgasm. While she worked it occurred to me that this was definitely not the first time she'd done this. I was experiencing a well-practiced maneuver. Oddly, that thought excited me even more. As I started to imagine all the different men she'd done this to, a bolt of raw pleasure radiated through my loins and I ejaculated my first spurt of semen. Keeping my cock in her mouth, Katie continued sucking me while I pumped out several more spurts of cum.
Katie kept sucking me until my cock started to soften and then she crawled up on the bed and lay next to me, gently stroking my hair while I enjoyed the sweet afterglow of my climax.
Posts: 4050
For a minute or two we lay together quietly. Katie finally broke our reverie. Gently kissing my cheek, she asked; "Did you enjoy that Frankie?"
Rolling over onto my side so that I was facing her, I smiled and said; "It was absolutely amazing. I've never experienced anything like it."
Katie beamed with pride. "I tried to give you my very best effort." But then her smile disappeared. Slowly shaking her head, she sighed and said; "Frankie, I'm sorry that I've never done that for you before."
I patted Katie's thigh. "It's okay, I understand why you didn't."
There were several seconds of silence and then Katie quietly said; "Thank you."
Leaning over, I planted a soft kiss on her forehead and said; "You know, you really are very good."
Katie's smile returned. Giggling, she said; "Thanks, I've had lots of practice."
"Yes, I assumed that was one of the reamisters." It was unintended, but my response came out sounding like a criticism.
Katie studied my face. After a moment she asked; “Does that bother you Frankie?"
Shaking my head, I said; "No, it doesn't, in fact..." I hesitated. I wasn't certain that I could actually admit what I was about to tell Katie.
Her curiosity now piqued, Katie asked; "What is it Frankie? What were you going to tell me?"
I closed my eyes, bit my lower lip and froze. Turning into a five year old boy, I withdrew. I didn't do anything and I didn't say anything. I just lay on the bed motionless with my eyes closed.
Katie grabbed my arm. "What’s the matter? Talk to me Frankie. Please tell me what's wrong."
Realizing that trying to hide by burying my head in the sand wasn't going to be a particularly effective tactic, I opened my eyes and looked at Katie.
She said, "Frankie, you’re scaring me. Please tell me what's wrong. I'm terrified that I've offended you. Please don't make me leave."
Knowing full well that Katie wasn't the offender and that I was, I quietly said; "You didn't do anything wrong and I don't want you to leave."
Gently stroking my cheek, Katie asked again; "Frankie, what's the matter?"
"I'm not sure that I can tell you. It's too embarrassing."
"Baby, I love you. I know you. You're the most wonderful man in the world. I can't imagine you ever doing or thinking anything that would change that opinion."
"This might."
Katie sighed and then looking at me with a stern expression, she said; "You're the one who said that we can't have a relationship based on misunderstandings and misconceptions, so if you're going to hide something from me, then maybe we are wasting our time."
Of course Katie was right. I was now doing exactly what I'd criticized her for doing. Smiling at her, I said; "I'm sorry, this is all new to me and I guess I'm finding it difficult."
"It's okay, I understand; but it is important for us to be honest and open with each other. We can't have secrets."
"Yes, I know, I'm the one who actually said that."
Grinning, Katie agreed; "Yes you are."
"Okay, you're right." I took a deep breath and then I said; "While you were sucking my cock I recognized that what you were doing was a well-choreographed routine that had to be the result of extensive practice and experience. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to be critical of you. You give an absolutely amazing blow job and it is obvious that a great deal of time, effort and thought went into what you now do."
Smiling, I continued; "Katie, I'm an engineer. I really am impressed. It's clear that you solved the problem of how to give pleasure to a man by learning what we like and then developing a precise and very effective procedure for delivering that pleasure."
Staring at me, Katie asked, "Are you being sarcastic?"
"No, not at all, I'm being completely sincere."
"So then, what's your fucking point?" There was a definite tone of anger in Katie's voice.
Realizing that despite what I'd just said, Katie was still assuming that I was being critical of her blow job; I decided that I'd better quit beating around the bush and get to the point. Staring at the woman who's opinion of me was more important than anything else in the entire world, I said; "When I realized that your incredible blow job could only be the result of extensive practice and experience I started imagining all the different men who must have received them and that made me even more excited than I already was. Damn it Katie, when I came, I was picturing you sucking another man's cock."
Katie stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Is that all that's bothering you?"
I nodded.
Grinning at me, Katie said; "Frankie, that’s wonderful."
"Katie, there's more."
"Last Monday night I masturbated."
Shaking her head, Katie said. "I certainly hope you did. You didn't have a woman around to give you relief. Frankie, I think masturbation is one of life's little gifts. It's free, it's easy, it can't hurt you and it feels good. I do it almost every day."
"You do?"
"Damn right I do."
"Did you do it when we were together?"
"Of course I did."
"In the morning, Frankie you always left for work before I did." Winking at me, Katie added; "It really is a nice way to start the day."
I chuckled.
"Hey Frankie, now that were being open with each other, maybe we could masturbate together in the morning."
"You mean like masturbate each other?"
"No, absolutely not, one of the best features of masturbation is you get to do it to yourself. That allows you to do whatever feels best at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I'd never want to substitute it for good old hot sex, but it does make a wonderful compliment to sex. Think about it Frankie, we could sit on the bed naked and watch each other while we took turns making up kinky fantasies. Fantasies are fun, because you can create scenes that you'd never consider doing in real life."
"I think that would be fun; but Katie, when I told you that I masturbated on Monday that wasn't what I was confessing."
Noting the concern in my voice, Katie looked at me with a serious expression and said; "Okay."
"When I masturbated last Monday night I imagined that I was standing in a living room watching you and another man having sex."
Katie thought for a moment and then she said; "I actually think that's a pretty hot scene, but I can tell it's bothering you so let's talk about it."
"It does bother me. It just seems so wrong to find that exciting."
"If it makes you feel better, I don't think it's wrong and from what I’ve read on the Internet, there are a lot of married men who enjoy that same fantasy."
"Yes, I've done a little research too and I found out the same thing."
"Most of the men in the swingers group also loved watching their wives with other men. Frankie, I don't think this fantasy is all that abnormal, but even if it was, so what?"
"What do you mean?"
"It doesn't hurt anybody."
"That's true, but it just seems so contrary to everything that I was taught."
"Frankie that is some seriously repressed thinking. This is exactly why you need a mentor."
"Okay, I'll grant you that, but I'm still afraid that you'll lose respect for me."
"Sweetheart, tomorrow night I'm going to watch you have sex with both Dana and Andrea. I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure that I'm going to get deliciously excited while I'm watching. Will that diminish your respect for me?"
"No, not at all."
"What's the difference?"
"There isn't any."
"That's right. Frankie, remember what we just discussed. This may be one of your illicit desires."
"You're saying that if it is, I should accept it and then embrace it and revel in it."
"Exactly, and I have to admit that I'm excited about it. I think the two of us could have a lot of fun with this fantasy."
"Okay, but this may take me a little time. Can we move slowly?"
"Yes Frankie, we can. We don't have to hurry into anything. We have lots of time."
Posts: 1459
Wow GH, I'm impressed! I have no idea how you turn out so much and keep it so high-quality at the same time, but thanks. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am, and if the time you're putting into it is any indication, you are! Oh, and that was one damn fine sex scene by the way!
This is a very hot, very honest and moving story, in my humble opinion as good as anything I've read of yours - and that's saying something. Thanks very much for the early Christmas present, and best of the holiday seamister to you and Lisa. Please be well and happy, and I'll be back with you next year!
Posts: 125
most of thr times I read stories they rush to the sex scene then rush right thru it also. you have a way to draw it out and make it as sensual as sexual. that is a real gift.
Posts: 3581
goodhusband: Katie's finger explored the little mouth in the center of the head of my penis and then I shuddered as she touched the sensitive spot underneath the head. Mmmmmmmmm..... yes the Frenulum as bin discovered! What a great little spot to drive men wild!! GH: My friend, you're doing a fantastic job with your story, I enjoy catching up and seeing how things keep evolving with this gang of explorers. Thanks!!! Cuck who loves a creampie.