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Illicit Desires

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Tuesday and Wednesday were long hard days for me. Mark Wrightman was willing to occasionally let me go home for a day or two, but he wanted me to be absolutely certain that everything was running smoothly before I left.

it was 7:30 by the time I got back to the Claymount Inn on Tuesday evening . I was exhausted. A quick shower and a room service roast beef sandwich restored enough strength to allow me to sit in the easy chair in the front room of my suite and think about my previous night's discussion with Angela and Constance. Of course I was curious about their lifestyle, but it was their comments about Katie and her infidelity that were foremost in my mind.

They didn't think I should be upset. In their opinion, all she was doing was a little sport fucking. They thought it was clear that Katie wasn't in love with Pete.

Sport fucking, what a strange way to look at sex. Still from everything I'd heard on the tape Jeff Wheeler made during Pete and Katie's date at The King's Motor Inn, that did seem to be an apt description of what they were doing.

The lying and deceit was another issue that was hard to overlook. Constance had suggested that Katie may have mostly been doing that in an effort to spare my feelings, I'm not sure I accept that, but I would consider it.

To me the biggest issue was why she would do things for Pete that she refused to do for me. The anal sex was of course the primary example. Neither Angela nor Constance attempted to offer an explanation. They advised me to ask Katie about it. They did point out that the idea that Katie let Pete do things that she wouldn't let me do because she preferred him to me really wasn't consistent with anything else she'd said. I had to agree with that. When I was falling arelax last night I'd also had a just a glimmer of an inkling about what might have caused her to do that, but it was just a glimmer. Angela and Constance's advice was valid. I needed to ask Katie. I had to hear her explanation.

After an hour of contemplation, I'd arrived at one indisputable conclusion. I needed to talk to Katie and when I talked to her I had to ask her several very direct questions.

I thought about calling her immediately, but then I remembered the time change. Glancing at the clock, I realized that it was already nine pm in San Francisco which meant that it was eleven o'clock in the midwest. I also remembered that it was Tuesday night. At this moment it was very likely that Katie was in the back seat of a car in the parking lot of Brady's saloon with a handsome stranger who had the full length of his cock buried in her pussy. Oddly, I didn't feel like it would be right to interrupt her, so I decided to wait and call her from the airport tomorrow evening.

Then I thought about Dana. I'd promised her a dinner at the Kennsington Grill. She was probably at Brady's with Katie and Andrea, but I could send her an email. I couldn't do that with Katie. If I was going to try to set up a meeting with Katie, I had to do it permisterally, by telephone.

My computer was still on, so I quickly typed out an email to Dana.


I will be returning home late Wednesday night. Maybe we could have that dinner date on Saturday night? I'll call you during the day on Thursday.


I turned off my computer. While I was getting ready for bed I kept smiling. For the first time since that awful Saturday afternoon three and a half weeks ago, the Saturday afternoon when I overheard Pete bragging to his friend about his affair with my wife; I felt like I was finally beginning to regain some control over my life.


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My plane was scheduled to leave at 8:15 Wednesday evening. I arrived at the airport at 7:00 and I was checked in and through security by 7:30.

It took me ten minutes to walk to my gate and find a seat. As soon as I was settled I took out my cell phone and steeled myself. It was time to call Katie. Nearly overwhelmed by apprehension I selected the number for Katie's cell phone and pressed it.

Her phone rang. I waited. It rang again. I continued to wait. The tension was nearly unbearable. A third ring and then I heard Katie's voice. "Frankie, is it really you?"

"Yes Katie, it is."

There was a moment of silence and then Katie said; "Thank you, thank you for calling me. Frankie, it's so good to hear your voice. I was afraid that you'd never talk to me again."

"I could never do that Katie."

"Really? Even after everything I did to you?"


"Frankie I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I..." Her voice trailed off. There was a brief pause and then she exclaimed, "I don't know! I don't know what to say. Frankie I've spent the last three weeks desperately hoping that you'd call. I've spent hours rehearsing what I'd say to you if you did call, but now that I'm really talking to you everything I've planned to say seems so shallow and self serving."

There was another pause and then Katie said; "Frankie, you're the only man I'll ever love. You're the love of my life and I lied to you and mistreated you! And, and I'm still doing it. Frankie I was with another man last night."

I heard Katie take a deep breath and then she quietly said; "I suppose I shouldn't have told you that; but I had to. Frankie, no matter what else happens between us, I've promised myself that I'll never lie to you or try to deceive you again."

Not knowing how to respond to what Katie had just told me, I said; "Katie, I'm coming home for a few days and I thought it might be good if we could get together and talk."


"Yes, really. Katie, I thought that maybe we could meet after dinner tomorrow night at Mike's Cafe on 14th Avenue for a cup of coffee." Now it was my turn to pause. After a moment I nervously said; "Unless of course you have plans. If you do, well maybe we could find another time or I suppose we could try to get together the next time I make a trip home."

"No Frankie! No!" Katie stopped in mid sentence and then flustered, she said; "I mean yes." Stopping again, she said; No, that's not right either, I mean, no. No, I don't have any plans and if I did it wouldn't matter. Anytime you're willing to meet me, I'll be there and I don't care what I have planned. I'll cancel anything. Frankie, there is nothing more important to me than talking to you."

"Even if you have a date with a really hot guy? A guy like Pete?" I blurted it out. Immediately regretting the dig, I quickly said; Katie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Katie sighed. "No Frankie, I deserved that. I'm going to spend the rest of my life regretting my decision to meet Pete at the motel that Tuesday night. I can't begin to describe how much I wish that I'd chosen to stay home with you."

Very quietly, I said; "But you didn't."

"No Frankie, I didn't and I'll regret that for the rest of my life."

"And you did things with him, things you refused to do with me." I knew that this wasn't the time to be saying things like that, but I couldn't stop myself. At that moment all the hurt and pain that I'd felt about everything that had happened was boiling to the surface and clouding my judgment.

Sadly, Katie said; "I know and that's something else that I'll regret forever. Frankie, you have to believe me. It wasn't because I loved Pete, or preferred him to you or anything like that. Hell, I didn't even like the guy."

Pulling myself together, I tried to quell my emotions and get back to being positive. I said; "I believe you Katie."

Katie was so focused on her own thoughts that she didn't hear me. She just kept on trying to explain her behavior. “Ever since that awful night, the night you caught me in our house with Pete, I've been thinking about why I did things with him that I wouldn't do with you."

Realizing that this was quickly turning into the conversation that I wanted to have in permister and fully understanding that it was my fault, I said in a very firm voice; "Kathleen, I believe you and I'm sorry about what I just said to you. This is a conversation that we need to have in permister tomorrow night."

There was a moment of silence. Whenever I call Katie Kathleen, it always gets her attention. Obviously confused, she asked; "You believe me? I don't understand. What do you believe?"

"That you didn't do those things with Pete because you preferred him to me."

"I didn't Frankie."

"I believe that."

"You do?"

"Yes. I don't understand why you did it, but I'm fairly certain that it wasn't because you loved Pete and didn't love me."

"You really do believe that?"


"Thank you Frankie, thank you so much."

“It's all right.” And then noticing that people were lining up at the gate, I said; "Katie I have to go."

"Frankie what time do you want to meet tomorrow night?"

"Would 7:30 be okay?"

"Yes of course, 7:30 is fine."

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow night at Mike's Cafe."

"Good bye Frankie." Giggling, she added; "I'm so excited, I don't think I'll be able to relax tonight."

I laughed. "I'm pretty excited too."

"Frankie, I love you."

I paused for a moment and then I quietly said; "I love you too Katie."

Katie whispered, "Thank you Frankie, thank you for still loving me."

"Good night Katie."

"Good night Frankie."

I switched off my phone, picked up my brief case and boarded the airplane. I was seated in first class, so while it was going to be a four hour flight, I was at least going to be comfortable.

As soon as we were airborne the flight attendant started taking take orders. I asked for a double scotch on the rocks. I was excited and felt like celebrating. In less than twenty-four hours I was going to get to see Katie.


Posts: 111
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I am really enjoying your story and I'm pulling for Frankie hoping he has an outstanding weekend. Obviously he is getting an education. GH your in the drivers seat and I am just going to sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for writing!


Posts: 125
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nice to have you back. hope you had a great holiday.



Posts: 438
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GH, welcome back......

Mel xx


Posts: 158
#186 · Edited by: watcherdoit4fun
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Me to, thanks. The holidays were not as fun for us out in cuckland without your stories. I am looking forward to what you have to say.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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As always...... you keep us wanting more!

Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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At this moment it was very likely that Katie was in the back seat of a car in the parking lot of Brady's saloon with a handsome stranger who had the full length of his cock buried in her pussy. Oddly, I didn't feel like it would be right to interrupt her, so I decided to wait and call her from the airport tomorrow evening.

Boy, that's for sure! One thing we learn is to never interrupt at a crucial moment like that - spoiling their special moment could lead to some severe punishment!

Seriously GH, I'm glad you are allowing these two an opportunity to meet again and see how things went so wrong between them when they love each other so much. I should have known - you're an old sentimentalist like me - but I look forward to reading on! Thanks for the new chapters.


Posts: 27 Pictures: 6 
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I love this story. It's got both FemDomme and Cuckolding. I am anxious to see how Katie grows emotionally from this experience.

lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Brvo Can't wait for the rest !


Posts: 4050
#191 · Edited by: goodhusband
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jjthom99, Sallyann, Mel, watcherdoit4fun, cuck4one, Storm, ladysniffer and lick buddy

Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them.

Today I am posting seven segments. I am numbering and dating them at the top in case any of them get dropped. I have been told that several earlier segments have been dropped. I haven't had time to go back and look. If anyone notices any please let me know.

I find writing dialogue within dialogue to be very difficult. (Katie telling Frankie what other people said, in this case Emmitt) The problem of course is confusion. I hope that what I did works. Let me know if it doesn't.

I wanted to present this section in it's entirety so I have been writing intensely for several days. My wife has now informed me that I now have to take a week off from writing.

Thank you



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12/03 - 1

It was just after midnight when my plane landed. That was midnight Pacific time. It was 2:00 AM central time. I only had a carry on bag and my hotel was close to the airport, so I was actually in bed before 3:00.

Irv Robbins, my boss at Jupiter Construction, was aware of my schedule. Being a considerate employer, he'd told me not to come in until 9:00. That meant that was able to get five hours of relax.

At 10:00 I was sitting in my office reviewing project reports when my telephone rang. I picked it up and said, "Frankie Reese"

"Hi Frankie." It was Dana.

"Hi Dana, did you get my email?"

"I sure did. Didn't you see my reply?"

Suddenly realizing that I'd been so busy during the previous twenty-four hours that I'd neglected to check my permisteral email, I said; "Dana, I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't. Wrightman and Jupiter are keeping me pretty busy right now and the flight from San Francisco cut the heart out of my evening."

Laughing, Dana said; "As long as you're still planning to take me to dinner at the Kennsington Grill Saturday night, I'll forgive you."

"Dinner with a beautiful woman in an outstanding restaurant, I'd be a fool if I missed that."

"Damn right you would."

"I'll make a reservation for eight o'clock. What time would you like me to pick you up?"

"Why don't I meet you there Frankie."

"Are you sure?"

Yes, Saturday's going to be a busy day for me. Meeting you at the restaurant will take a little pressure off of me."


"Frankie, I'm glad you called Katie."

I laughed. "News certainly travels fast."

"It did last night. Katie and Andrea were at my house twenty minutes after you finished talking to her."


"We've become very good friends." There was a pause and then Dana asked; "Is that all right Frankie? I hope you're not mad because Katie and I have become friends."

"No Dana, I'm not. In fact, I'm happy for you. That Sunday we met in your office, you told me that you wanted to have some female friends. Now you do and despite everything that's happened, I still think that Katie is basically a good permister."

"She is a good permister and she's also still madly in love with you."

"Is she Dana?"

"Frankie, you are the love of her life. I think you always will be."

"Dana, if that's true, then why did she have an affair with Pete?"

sighing, Dana said; "Katie hid a side of herself from you. She shouldn't have done that, but she did. Frankie, your wife is the most sexually liberated woman I've ever met."

"Yeah, I'm starting to figure that out, but why did she have to hide if from me? I'm a pretty open minded guy. Why couldn't she have shared that side of herself with me?"

"Katie, Andrea and I have talked about that." Dana laughed. "Frankie, we've spent hours talking about that exact question. I think I now understand, but Katie is the one who should try to answer it for you. Ask her tonight, ask her right away."

Dana paused for a moment and then she said; "Actually, I doubt that you'll have to ask. I think Katie is going to begin by trying to answer that question. Frankie, it's been bothering her just as much as it's bothered you."

"I guess tonight is going to be our big showdown."

"Don't look at it like that. Try to think of it as the first opportunity for two people who are obviously still in love to begin to try to understand each other a little better. Frankie, I don't know if you and Katie will ever get back to the relationship you had before all of this started. I hope you can, but if you can't, you owe it to yourselves to try to create the best relationship that you can have. I would hate to see the two of you spend the rest of your lives completely separated from each other."

"Thanks Dana, I think that's good advice. I'll try to look at it that way."

"Both of us had better get back to work. I'll see you Saturday night at the Kennsington Grill."

"I'm looking forward to it. Hey Dana, do you want me to call you tomorrow so you can hear about the meeting?"

Laughing, Dana said; "I would love it if you'd call me tomorrow, but I'll have already heard all about the meeting. I'm sure that Katie will come directly to my house after she leaves the cafe tonight and Andrea will already be at my house waiting for her with me. Frankie, you cannot imagine how excited the three of us are about this."

"Even Andrea?"

"Frankie, Andrea is in love with you. Hell, I'm in love with you too and of course Katie is. We're the Frankie Reese fan club."

"I've never even met Andrea."

"It doesn't matter. Katie's told her so much about you that she thinks you're a knight in shining armor. Actually I do too."

"But she's the one who talked Katie into cheating."

"Frankie, nobody talked Katie into cheating. If anything, Andrea tried to slow her down. Your wife is a very strong willed woman. She makes her own decisions. Hopefully, you'll eventually meet Andrea and you can form your own opinion; but please give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she's a very nice permister and a good friend."

"Okay, I'll keep an open mind about Andrea."

"Thanks. Hey Frankie, I have to go. Good luck tonight and call me tomorrow."

"Thanks Dana, I will."

While I was both excited and nervous about my evening meeting with Katie, the rest of my work day flew by. I was busy and had a large amount of information to digest quickly. I didn't have time to think about my permisteral life. I spent the early afternoon in meetings and finished the day by visiting a construction site that was falling behind schedule. By the time I got back to my hotel room it was six o'clock. Irv had provided me with one of the company's Jeep Grand Cherokees, so I had transportation.

After a quick shower I tried to take a short nap. Realizing that I was too excited to relax, I turned on the television and tried to ******* a little time that way. That didn't work either. I couldn't focus my attention on any of the television shows. After pacing around the room for a few minutes I decided that I might as well leave.

I tried to walk slowly, but that didn't help much. when I reached the Grand Cherokee it was only 6:45. At most it was only a twenty minute drive to Mike's Cafe. I still had an extra fifteen minutes to *******. I'd stopped for a fast food hamburger on my way back from the construction site, so I didn't need to eat.

I took my time driving to the cafe, but it was still just 7:05 when I arrived. There were several parking places in front so I took one. I bought a newspaper from a box in front of the Cafe and went inside.

Mike's was virtually deserted. This was an off time for them. The cafe was busy at breakfast and lunch and again late at night when people were leaving the bars. They had a few customers at supper time, but it was now 7:10. Most of them had already finished eating and were gone.

There was a booth in the back corner of the cafe that I thought might give us a little privacy so I walked back to it, sat down and opened my newspaper.

I was just about to start reading the headline article on the front page when the door to the cafe opened and in walked Katie. She was wearing a yellow floral print sundress. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a casual ponytail. She looked absolutely gorgeous.


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12/03 - 2

Katie scanned the restaurant. I stood up and waved. As soon as she saw me she smiled. I smiled back.

She ran to me, ready to throw her arms around my neck and kiss me; but then, when she was just one step away she stopped. Suddenly remembering that we were estranged, her smile disappeared and she looked down at the floor.

I stepped forward and pulled her to me with one arm while I gently lifted her face with my other hand. Looking into her eyes, I said; "It's all right, we can still kiss."

Katie's smile reappeared. Pressing her body against mine, she whispered; "Frankie, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Katie." And then I kissed her. It was a tender kiss filled with love. Katie returned it with equal affection.

We held the kiss for several seconds, but then Katie broke it off and stepped back. Looking into my eyes, she said; "Frankie I want to love you and I want you to love me. More than anything in this world, I want us to love each other again; but before that can happen I think we have to talk."

Still holding on to Katie, I nodded and said; "I agree." And then gently pulling her hand, I added; "Come, let's sit down."

Katie sat down on one side of the booth, I sat on the other.

We both took a moment to get settled and then Katie took a deep breath and said; "Frankie, I'm a slut. I've been a slut since I was a junior in high school."

Appreciating Katie's candor, I stopped to consider what she'd just said. After hearing the tape from the motel, her statement wasn't a shock. After a second I said, "Slut is a very harsh term."

She nodded. "All right, I'm a woman who enjoys sex with a variety of partners and I'm a woman who enjoys sex in all of its basest and most prurient forms."

That made me smile. My Katie was an English major. She was good with words.

Realizing that Katie had just laid out the introduction to the question that was fundamental to all of our problems, my smile quickly disappeared.

With a very serious expression I looked at the woman who was still my wife, the woman who would always be the love of my life and asked; "Why did it take over a year, a private detective and an enormous amount of pain and anguish for your husband, the man you profess to love, to finally learn this about you?"

Closing her eyes, biting her lower lip and burying her face in her hands, Katie exclaimed; "Frankie, I'm so sorry, I never should have married you."

This was not what I'd hoped to hear. Upset by Katie's unexpected rejection of me, I stood up. In a voice dripping with hurt and anger I said; "Well I guess that pretty much ends this discussion."

Katie's eyes filled with panic. Desperately, she said; "No Frankie, you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Please don't go! Please stay and hear me out. I love you!"

Still angry, I asked; "How can there be any ambiguity about the statement, I never should have married you."

"Please sit down and let me explain."

At that moment I wanted to leave. I wanted to run out of that cafe and never look back. I didn't. I couldn't. I loved Katie and just walking away from her, even if she was rejecting me, was not an option that I could easily accept.

I stood still. I didn't sit down again, but I also didn't leave.

Still desperate, Katie said, "Frankie, please believe me. I love you. I love you more than any human being on the face of this earth. I can't bear the thought of going through life without you."

"Then why did you say that you never should have married me?"

Katie sighed, "Because I shouldn't have, but not because I don't want to be married to you. I shouldn't have married you because it wasn't fair to you."

This was starting to sound like the let you down easy speech. You know the one; Oh sweetheart, you can do so much better than me. We're just not right for each other. I'm sure you'll find someone else who will make you much happier.

Shaking my head, I said; "Katie, I don't need to be let down easy. I'm the one who filed for divorce. If you're trying to spare my feelings, don't bother. I'm a big boy, it will be hard, but I will get over this."

Her eyes flashing with fury, Katie stood up. "God dammit Frankie, will you please get your head out of your ass and listen to me! I just told you that I love you more than any human being on the face of this planet. How much more fucking validation do you need! Now please sit the fuck down and listen to me. I'm trying to find a way to salvage some sort of a relationship for us. I thought that was what you wanted. If it isn't, then get the fuck out of here and leave me alone!"

I stared at Katie. "My head may be up my ass, but you're the one who put it there. You let another man fuck you! You did things with another man that you refused to do with me! You hid part of your life from me! I didn't cheat on you, you cheated on me! Don't criticize me for needing validation. I need a fucking cuckolds brownie load of validation!"

Katie sat down in her chair and sighed. I stood with my hands on my hips glaring at her.

After a moment, Katie quietly said; "You're right, this is all my fault." She looked up at me. "I'm not being sarcastic when I say that. I really do understand that all of this is completely my fault. When I think about it, I also see that after everything I've done, telling you that I love you might not actually be all that reassuring for you."

I continued to stare at her.

Katie quietly said, "So do we just give up? Frankie, I don't know what to say. I don't know how to convince you that I really do love you."

"You might start by not telling me that you shouldn't have married me."

Katie slowly nodded. "I was trying to explain something to you, but I didn't do a very good job. Would you be willing to let me try again?"

"All right." My voice was still stern.

"Would you please sit down. Right now I'm worried that if I make the slightest mistake in what I'm saying, you'll storm out of this cafe and I'll never get to talk to you again."

Realizing that she was right and knowing that I really didn't want to storm out of the cafe, I sat down.

Katie smiled and said, "Thank you." It was clear that her smile wasn't a smile of victory, it was a smile of relief.


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12/3 - 3

After taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Katie quietly said; "I'm going to ask you to just listen for a little while. It's important that you hear everything that I have to say before you reach any conclusions. Frankie you're asking me to explain my behavior and this is the only way I can think of to do it."

"Okay, I'll be quiet and listen."

"Thank you."

"Everything you heard me tell Pete on the motel recording was true. I didn't make up any of it. I did all of those things and I enjoyed doing every one of them. Frankie, I love sex and I like it best when it's raw, nasty, base and totally unrestrained."

Katie looked at me. I didn't say anything. That was the rule we'd just established and I was trying to honor it. I could see that it was a good rule, I had so many questions that I wanted to ask and so many comments that I wanted to make, but I had to be quiet. I had to bite my tongue. If I didn't just sit and listen Katie would never have an opportunity to try to explain.

After a second she said; "In high school I was just a slut, but I was a slut who was selective and a little unconventional about her dates. I stayed away from the traditional hot guys. You know who I'm talking about, the jocks and the rich boys. Teenagers in general can be shallow and insensitive. Boys who are overconfident and full of themselves can be absolute boors. I preferred the nerds, the intellectuals and the brains. It was fun to spend time with them and even more, they were sensitive lovers who were eager to experiment."

"Unfortunately being a slut for the nerds had social consequences. Most of the girls viewed me as a pariah and the jocks and the rich boys were pissed because I wouldn't put out for them."

That made me smile. Katie noticed my smile and smiled back. The contentious mood that had erupted a few minutes earlier was beginning to subside.

Katie continued. "College was a much more accepting environment. The jocks, the frat boys and the cheerleader types were still around, but they were now just a sub group and it was easy to avoid contact with them. Still my freshman year was more or less an extension of my senior year in high school. I found a group of guys that I liked and I had sex with them, lots and lots of sex."

We smiled at each other again. I was finding it increasingly difficult to be angry with Katie.

"During the fall semester of my sophomore year I took a poetry class. That was when things started to really change. I fell in love with writing and I met James. James Hall was a senior and he wrote the most beautiful poems. He was also tall, very handsome and kind of sophisticated; at least in the eyes of a college sophomore from central Wisconsin. One day, as we were walking out of class he asked me if I'd like to have a cup of coffee with him. Of course I accepted. After coffee we went back to his apartment where he seduced me."

Grinning, Katie said; "Actually seduced may not exactly be the right word. He didn't have to work very hard. I was an eager victim."

I grinned too. Both of us were starting to relax and I have to admit that I was finding Katie's narrative fascinating. She was describing a part of her life that she'd previously kept completely hidden from me.

"Frankie, that afternoon was magnificent. James ate my pussy and taught me how to suck his cock. Don't get me wrong, all of my fuck buddies in high school ate my pussy and I've always loved giving blow jobs, but with James it was different. With him sex was an art form like writing poetry or painting with watercolors. Anyone can write a poem or paint a picture, but to be good at it you have to develop some s*******. James was a s*******ed lover and he became my teacher."

"We started seeing each other three or even four nights a week. We would read poetry to each other and then we'd fuck. With James sex became an adventure. He taught me that semen was a precious elixir to be savored and relished. When I sucked him I learned to love the feel of his cock pumping his cherished gift into my mouth and I always swallowed it eagerly. Sometimes he would cum on my tits or my face and then we'd both rub it into my skin like it was an exotic lotion."

"He also introduced me to anal sex. At first I was scared; but James was gentle lover who understood the need to move slowly. That allowed me to relax and once he started fucking me I quickly realized that anal intercourse was a wonderful new pleasure to be explored and enjoyed."

At the mention of anal sex my expression of rapt interest turned into a pained glower.

Noticing the change in my demeanor, Katie sighed and said; "Frankie, I'm sorry. In all of this, one of my deepest regrets is that I denied you a pleasure that I freely gave to Pete. Since our breakup I've spent hours trying to understand why I refused to give you, the only man in this world that I care about, the man who will always be the love of my life, a sexual pleasure that you so clearly wanted."

Looking at me, Katie said; "I'm not sure that it's very much consolation, but I will tell you this. Remember that Wednesday morning before you left for Kansas City?" She smiled. "I guess it's more accurate to say, the morning you pretended to leave for Kansas City."

I nodded, but didn't return her smile.

"Do you remember me telling you that I had a special surprise for you when you returned on Thursday night?"

Shrugging, I said; "Not really, at that point there was a lot on my mind."

"I'm sure there was. Anyway, I did tell you that and my surprise was that I'd planned to let you have my rear when we made love that Thursday night."

Katie shook her head. "I know it's not much and now as I tell you it almost seems a little shallow and pointless; but I still wanted you to know that."

"Thank you." My voice cold and bitter.

"Frankie, I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me too. I wish I hadn't had to tell you about James, but I think it's necessary. I think it's the only way you can understand what's been going through my mind since I met you. Also, after tonight I don't ever again want to be hiding secrets from you. It's important to me that you know everything about me. I wish now that I'd told you all of this before we got married."

"Why didn't you?"

"I was afraid that you wouldn't want me."


Holding up her hand, Katie said; "Frankie, let me finish telling you about my past and then we can talk some more. Would that be all right?"

"Yes, go ahead."


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12/3 - 4

"About three weeks after we started seeing each other James told me about a poetry club he belonged to. They met on Friday nights in the back room of a bar near the campus. He told me that it was an interesting collection of people of varying ages. Everyone brought something they'd written and each permister took a turn reading their work aloud to the group. The readings started at 10:00 and often went on until the bar closed at 2:00 AM. After the readings were over everyone generally went to someone's house or apartment for a party that often lasted until 7:00 or 8:00 Saturday morning."

"James asked me if I'd like to go to the next reading. I told him that I would, but I was nervous about having to read something that I'd written. I didn't think my poetry was very good. He said that my work was just as good as most of the poems that would be read at the meeting and I'd get some valuable feedback about my writing. I'd just finished a poem about the fall colors in a woods near the town where I grew up. James suggested that everyone would love that piece so I nervously agreed to go."

"Frankie, it was wonderful. There really was a wide range of ages and everyone was very nice. When I finished reading my poem the entire group applauded and then several people gave me some constructive criticism. I also got listen to some wonderful poems. One man, his name was Emmitt Riley, wrote a touching poem about the birth of his first grandyoung. I actually cried while I listened to it."

"The party was at the house of a middle aged couple named Morgan and Theresa Preston. Morgan was a stock broker who looked to be about fifty. His wife was at least ten years younger and very beautiful. Their house was a really a mansion. Frankie, I was awestruck. I'd never been in a house that fancy."

"Everyone was gathered in a large and ornately furnished living room. Dance music was playing softly in the background. Someone handed me a glass of red wine and then James gave my butt a little pat and told me that It was time to mix. He said that I shouldn't be shy. I should relax and have a good time. And then he told me that he'd see me later and disappeared."

"Before I had a chance to get nervous a deep voice said, we really did enjoy your poem. Someday I would love to see the woods that you described so beautifully. I turned. Emmitt Riley and his wife, Jennifer were standing behind me. We made formal introductions and chatted for a moment and then Jennifer turned to her husband and told him that a man named Julius Coleman had just arrived and she was going to visit with him. Emmitt told her to have a good time and then we watched as she walked across the living room to a very handsome black man who must have been in his mid thirties. They greeted each other and then the most amazing thing happened. Julius took Jennifer Riley in his arms and kissed her full on the lips. After that Julius took Jennifer's hand and they walked over to another couple like they were husband and wife and greeted them.

"I smiled at Emmitt and told him that it looked like his wife and Julius were close friends. Emmitt nodded and then he said that they were actually very close friends. He emphasized the word very."

"After that Emmitt quickly changed the subject back to poetry. We talked about my poem and then we talked about his poem. I found him to be an interesting man and an excellent conversationalist. While we talked I noticed that around us, everyone was pairing off. Only no one was with the permister they'd been with at the poetry reading. Everyone had found a new partner."

"And then Emmitt started telling me how beautiful I was and I suddenly understood. All of these people were swingers and Emmitt was trying to seduce me. At first I was shocked, even revolted. I mean Emmitt was at least thirty years older than me. He was older than my man and he actually wanted to fuck me. It was unsettling. I looked for his wife. When I saw her I realized that she wasn't a concern. She and Julius were talking to another couple. Julius had his arm around her shoulder. It was obvious that Jennifer Riley was planning to fuck Julius Coleman."

I scanned the room for James and quickly found him. He was talking to our hosts, Morgan and Theresa Preston. He was holding Theresa's hand. Suddenly I realized that James was planning to fuck Theresa Preston? But I also noticed that Morgan wasn't paired off with anyone and I wondered what that meant. Maybe they were going to do a three way. I'd heard about people doing that, but I'd never been involved with one."

"Next to me Emmitt said; James didn't tell you, did he. I shook my head and told him that he hadn't. He nodded and told me that he could see that I was shocked. And then he said, If you'd prefer, we could just find a quiet place and spend the evening talking."

"Frankie, at that moment that was the nicest thing that Emmitt could have said to me. I looked at him and as I looked at him my pussy started to tingle. It was true that Emmitt was much older than I was, but he was physically fit and actually very handsome. His dark brown hair was turning gray at his temples and he wore a neatly trimmed van dyke beard that was also flecked with touches of gray. Suddenly it dawned on me that because this man and his wife were swingers it was highly likely that he was very experienced. If that was true, he might make an excellent teacher. I decided that it would be fun to find out."

Now completely caught up in Katie's story, I asked; "Did you do it? Did you go to bed with Emmitt?"

Amazed by the eagerness of my question Katie looked at me and said; "You're enjoying this story, aren't you?"

Slightly embarrassed, I sheepishly answered; "Yes, I guess I am."

Shaking her head, Katie said; "Oh Frankie, I wish I'd trusted you and told you about all of this a long time ago."

"I wish you had too."

"Is there any chance we could start over? You know, maybe pretend that it never happened and give ourselves a fresh start."

"I don't think we can pretend that it never happened. Maybe we can find a way to start over, but we have a lot to talk about before we can even think about doing that. Why don't you finish your story."

Katie nodded and quietly said, "Okay." I noticed a twinkle in her eye that hadn't been there a minute ago.


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12/3 - 5

"Emmitt was staring at me. I'm sure he was wondering if there was any chance that I might be willing to go to bed with him. I think he was also trying to gauge my reaction to what was happening around us."

Katie smiled at me. "The atmosphere in the living room was definitely changing. One couple had started dancing to the music that was playing in the background. Across the room I was shocked to see two men making out and next to them two women were also kissing passionately. Several couples, including Julius and Jennifer and James and Theresa Preston were walking hand in hand up the stairs. I noticed that Morgan Preston was following a step or two behind his wife and James."

"Deciding that it was time to end the suspense for Emmitt, I wrapped my arm around his waist. At the same time I picked up his hand and placed it on my butt. He smiled at me and said, I gather that you're sending me a message. I laughed and told him that it was more of an invitation than a message. That made him laugh and then he asked if he needed to RSVP. While he was saying that, he slipped his hand under my miniskirt and started fondling my butt. I was wearing a thong, so for all practical purposes, he was rubbing my naked ass. When I felt him slip his fingers under my thong and into the crack of my ass I laughed and said, It feels like you're RSVPing right now."

"Emmitt whispered to me, There are ten bedrooms upstairs. Shall we find a vacant one? His fingers had slipped down between my thighs. His hand was still inside my thong. He was now massaging the cleft of my pussy. I could feel that I was very wet."

"While I was aroused and now very interested in fucking Emmitt I was also fascinated by what was happening around us. Explaining that this was the first time I'd ever been to a swingers party, I asked him if we could stay for a few minutes and watch. He told me that it would be perfectly all right and then he added that with this group, voyeurism was not only acceptable, it was encouraged. When I heard that I looked at him and asked, You mean that people don't mind if we watch? He smiled and then he told me that it was very likely that people would be peeking at us that night."

"That both excited and intrigued me, but I was still curious about what was going on around us. Noticing that my eyes kept drifting to the two men who were kissing on the other side of the room, Emmitt asked me if I'd ever seen two men making out before. I told him that I hadn't and that I'd never seen two women making out either. He explained that they were two bisexual married couples and they almost always paired off together at these parties. He went on to tell me that they'd eventually move into the den where they'd take turns. Two of them would fuck while the other two watched and then they'd switch around."

"I was about to ask if the men ever fucked the women when next to us a man in his mid thirties dropped to his knees and started kissing the feet of the woman he was with. She was also in her mid thirties and very attractive. After watching the man kiss and lick the toes of her high heeled pumps for a moment, she laughed. It was a deliberately cold and demeaning laugh. And then she said, That's right bitch boy, kiss my feet. Your wife is upstairs with my husband getting the first decent fucking she's had since our last party and all you're going to get to do is lick my feet, my pussy and my asshole and then if your a really good little boy I might let you jerk off."

"You're making that up!" This last part of Katie's story had totally amazed me.

Katie looked at me and smiled. "I am not. That really happened."

"Did she really call him bitch boy?"

"She did and then she pulled up her skirt, pushed her panties down to her knees and made him kiss and lick her asshole while we watched."

I was quiet for a moment and then I looked at Katie and said; "I used to lick your asshole."

"Yes you did, and I always enjoyed it." She paused and then she said; "Frankie, if we ever get together again would you like to play some domination games?"

Shaking my head, I said; "I don't think I'd be very good at being dominant."

Katie grinned at me. "Sweetie, I think I'll have to be the one who takes the dominant role."

When she said that a little shiver of excitement rippled through my body.

After giving me a quick wink, Katie continued. "The man's name was Alex. His wife's name was Caroline. I actually became very close friends with them. Alex was a high school English teacher and Caroline was a very successful attorney. If you met them in a normal social situation you would have assumed that they were a traditional married couple. That wasn't even close to being true. In private life Alex was a submissive masochist. He actually lived as Caroline's slave. Caroline was a dominant sadist who would whip Alex when he failed to please her. Both Alex and Caroline were very nice people. Everyone liked them. At the parties they would always pair up with a couple. The wife would torment and taunt Alex while her husband took Caroline into one of the bedrooms and spent the night fucking her. Frequently, the wife would put a collar and leash on Alex and bring him into the bedroom so that he could watch the woman's husband fuck his wife."

As I listened to Katie I thought about my new landlord's, Angela and Jules Cameron and their friends Constance and Michael Parker and wondered if I would soon be getting a first hand look at the dominant submissive lifestyle.

And then a question occurred to me. Looking at Katie, I asked; "Did you ever take a turn dominating Alex?"

Katie nodded. "Yes I did. In fact, I did it a number of times."


"Yes, Caroline freely dated other men. Actually she generally had a steady boyfriend."

"A boyfriend? Wasn't Alex her husband?"

"Yes, but he was also her slave and that was part of their lifestyle. Alex was her cuckold. You know what a cuckold is, don't you?"

Actually I was now very familiar with the word. Angela and Constance had introduced me to it when we were talking in the apartment last Monday night. I'd also researched it on the Internet when I got back to my hotel room. Not wanting to have to get into a discussion about who Angela and Constance were, I just said, "Yes, I'm familiar with the term." And then I added; "In fact, by definition, I'm a cuckold."

Katie stared at me for a moment and then she closed her eyes and sighed, "Yes, I guess you are. I'm very sorry about that Frankie."

I smiled at her. "It's okay, we'll talk about it when you're done telling me about your past. Now let's get back to Alex and Caroline. He was her cuckold and she had a steady boyfriend. Why was that relevant to you?"

Katie glanced at the clock on the wall. "Frankie, it's already nine o'clock. This is turning into a long story. Are you sure you have time to hear it all?"

I shrugged. "Neither of us have to be at work until eight o'clock tomorrow morning and this is an all night cafe. If you're willing to stay, I am too."

Laughing, Katie said; "Frankie, if you were willing, I'd stay here with you for the rest of our lives."

That made me laugh. "I'm enjoying this story, but I hope it's not that long."

Katie said, "If we're going to stay at this table, I think we'd better order some food."

"The next time the waitress comes by I'll have her bring us some French fries."

"You know I love French fries."

"Of course I know, we were married for a year."

"Yes, and until I started screwing it up two months ago, it was the best year of my life."

"Let's get back to work. Maybe we can find a way to fix it."

"Oh Frankie, I hope we can."

"The story, you were telling me about Alex and Caroline."

"Frankie, you really are enjoying this story, aren't you?"

Slightly embarrassed, I said; "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Is it exciting you?"

Still embarrassed, but not seeing any reamister to hide my feelings from Katie, I said; "Yes, it seems to be."

Grinning at me, Katie said; "If you take me back to your hotel room, you can fuck my ass while I tell you more of the story."

I stared at Katie. "Is that a serious offer?"

She stared back at me. "Frankie, I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life."

"You have to work in the morning?"

"I'll take a permisteral day."

"I have to work in the morning."

"I know you, you can occasionally get by with only a few hours of relax."

"You don't have to let me fuck your ass."

"Franklin Reese, one of my great regrets is that Pete Munmister and a large number of other men have enjoyed my body in ways that you never have. You're the love of my life. I'm ashamed that I let it happen and if you'll let me, I would very much like to start rectifying that mistake tonight."

"Katie, I would very much like to spend the night with you." I shook my head. "Right now I can't imagine anything that I would like more."

"Then let's go."


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12/3 - 6

"Before we go I need to hear the answers to three questions. I think two of the questions have the same answer and I believe that I know what it is, but I need to hear it from you. I would like to hear more of your story. In fact, I want to hear all of your story, but for right now, I think I've heard enough to understand the situation. Before we were married, you were a sexually adventurous free spirit who was willing to try almost anything."

Katie smiled. "A slut."

"Okay, a slut."

"All right, ask your questions."

"Let's start with the first two."

Katie nodded. "I'm ready."

"Why did you hide this part of your life from me and why did you do things with Pete and other men that you refused to do with me?"

Smiling, Katie said, "Those are the million dollar questions, aren't they."

"Yes they are."

"Okay." Katie took a deep breath and then she said; "By the time I was a senior in College both Natalie and I had decided that monogamy was not a reamisterable lifestyle for either of us."

"Natalie? Who's Natalie?"

"Natalie Grant, she was a girl in the poetry class that James and I were taking. James was dating her at the same time he was dating me. He eventually introduced us to each other. The first time we met was also the first time I was involved in a threesome and the first time I ever had sex with a girl. She was my roommate when I was a junior and a senior."

"She was the girl that put on lesbian sex shows with you."

"That was Natalie."

"Okay, both you and Natalie had decided that monogamy was not a life style suitable for either of you."

"That's right."

"what happened to James."

"The year we met, he was a senior. After he graduated he moved to Boston to go to graduate school."

"Have you seen James since then?"

"No, and I never really wanted to."

"Why not?"

"James was a lot like Pete."

"What do you mean?"

"Sexually, he was totally uninhibited. He was willing to try anything. He also had the rare ability to be assertive and demanding and gentle and patient at the same time. Pete had that same ability and he was also totally uninhibited. That's why they were both such good playmates."

"Playmates, but not lovers."

"There was nothing loving about either James or Pete. They were both arrogant narcissists. They didn't care about anyone but themselves." Katie laughed, "But both of them were absolutely magnificent in bed."

"I think you just answered my third question."

"Really, what was it?"

"Why did you decide to have an affair with a man like Pete?"

"Pete was good in bed, but there was more to it than that."

"Tell me."

"Pete had an advantage. He reminded me of James and James was my first mentor. I met Pete when I was starting to slide back into the lifestyle. I think that his similarity to James rekindled some very fond memories. Meeting him at that moment was just bad luck."

"Do I have to worry about what might happen if you meet another man like Pete or James?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so. I mean I have a better support group now."

"I don't understand."

"At the time I met Pete I was hiding this part of my life from you. That made it impossible for me to talk to you about him and you were my primary source of support. Andrea tried to intervene, but when I met Pete I was just getting to know her. We weren't close enough for her to have very much influence on me. Now we are and I also have Dana. She's already become a good friend."

I smiled. "All right, let's get back to the other questions. You were saying that you and Natalie had decided that monogamy wasn't a viable life style for either of you. Are you saying that you didn't think you'd ever get married?"

"Not for a long time. We wanted to enjoy ourselves for a number of years. I think we both assumed that we'd eventually find men who were part of the lifestyle and could handle our fondness for variety."

"Fondness for variety, that's a very gentle way to put it."

"You were the one who objected to the word slut." Grinning at me, Katie said; "I'll rephrase it. We thought we'd end up with men who could handle having wives who were sluts. You know, guys who were swingers like Emmitt or cuckolds like Alex and Morgan Preston."

"Morgan Preston was a cuckold? Well of course he was, his wife was screwing other men; but you understand what I mean."

"Yes, he got off on watching his wife with other men. When Emmitt took me upstairs that night, all the bedroom doors were open. That was the way these people did it. Everyone was free to watch everyone else."

"Why didn't everyone just stay in the living room."

"Sometimes we did, but beds are more comfortable. Anyway, when we got upstairs Emmitt asked me if I wanted to see what James was doing. I told him sure, so he led me down to the end bedroom. James and Theresa were both on the bed naked. James was on top of Theresa slowly pumping his cock in and out of her cunt. That was cool, but what really amazed me was Morgan. He was standing at the foot of the bed dressed in panties and a bra. The panties were pushed halfway down his thighs and he was stroking his cock in the exact same rhythm that James was fucking his wife."

"No cuckolds brownie!"

"No cuckolds brownie."

"Did you ever do stuff with them?"

"You mean play with them? That's what we used to call it."

"Okay, did you ever play with them?"

"Sure, lots of times."

"Really? With James or another guy?

"No just Theresa and me. Theresa's bi and Morgan used to love watching us do each other."

"You mean eat each other."

"Sure, but we used strap-ons a lot too."

"You used to wear a strap-on?"

"Yes, lots of times."

"And you fucked Theresa with it?"

"Sure and Morgan too."


"Yes, he was a submissive just like Alex only Alex was more into pain and Morgan got off on offense. Theresa and I used to fuck him in the ass all the time. Sometimes Natalie would join us and we'd gang bang him."


Katie smiled at me. It was a wicked smile. I found it kind of exciting. "Sometimes we'd make Morgan wear a strap on."

"Morgan? Why, was he impotent?"

"No, he wasn't very big, but he could get it up just fine. Like I said, Morgan got off on offense. There were times when he was feeling particularly masochistic that Theresa would keep him locked in a chastity cage." Looking at me, Katie asked; "Do you know what they are?"

"Yeah, I've seen them on the Internet."

Grinning, Katie said; "Franklin Reese, what kinds of kinky sites have you been looking at."

I blushed.

Katie giggled. "Frankie, I was just teasing you. I think it's good that you're looking at some different sites. It means that your curious and have an open mind. I would love to start exploring kinky Internet sites with you. Maybe we could find a really hot story and you could read it out loud to me while I suck your cock or I could read it to you while you eat my pussy. Doesn't that sound like fun."

I smiled. "Yes, it does."

"Anyway, back to Morgan. I told you that he got off on offense and one of his favorite kinks was that his cock was never allowed to feel the inside of a woman's pussy. On special occasions, like his birthday or their wedding anniversary, Theresa might give him a blow job; but other than that all he ever got to do was jack off. Sometimes she wouldn’t even let him do that. Sometimes she'd make him wear his chastity cage for a week or even a month. That was when we'd play that game, when he'd been wearing his chastity cage for a week or two and he was really horny. Theresa would make him put on a strap-on and then he'd have to fuck us. We'd always make him do it missionary style so that he'd have to be the one doing the fucking. Having to go through those motions with out getting any of the sensations that he would get if he was fucking us with his cock was absolutely maddening for him."

"Katie, that was really cruel."

"No it wasn't. Morgan loved it. Usually we'd set it up a week or two in advance. Morgan would wear his chastity cage and get really horny, then Natalie and I would come over for dinner. He serve it to us like he was our slave. He loved that. And the we'd go into the bedroom and play. Usually when we were done Theresa would take off his chastity cage and let him jack off while he was licking her asshole. That was his favorite way to get off."


"Frankie, kinky sex is fun. As long as everyone is a consenting adult and no one is getting hurt people should be free to do what ever it is that excites them. So what if a guy likes to wear women's clothes and get fucked in the ass with a strap on dildo. Why should anyone care? He's not hurting anybody."

"If you feel that way, why did you hide that part of your life from me?"


Posts: 4050
#198 · Edited by: goodhusband
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12/3 - 7

Sighing, Katie said; "Frankie, I wasn't planning to get married for quite a while and when I did finally get married I was going to marry a man who was part of the life style."

"So they why..."

Katie held up her hand. "No, no more questions. Now you have to let me finish."

"All right."

"When I moved to this city I'd planned to find a swingers group and get into the lifestyle here; but before that happened, while I was still getting settled, I met you."

"Frankie, you blind sided me. You swept me off my feet. You're smart and well educated; you're kind and very sweet and you listen to me, you pay attention to what I say. You're also incredibly handsome."


"Yes Frankie, I think you're the best looking man in the entire world."

I laughed.

Ignoring me, Katie continued. "And then we went to bed. Frankie you are a very considerate lover." She giggled. "And you eat pussy better than a girl and that's saying a lot."

"When I was younger, before I discovered sex; I used to dream about marrying a man like you. I was Cinderella and you were my prince charming. The first time I met you I fell in love, hopelessly head over heels in love."

"But that still doesn't explain why you didn't tell me about your lifestyle.”

"Frankie, how does Cinderella tell Prince Charming that she's a slut!"

And there it was. That was all I needed to hear. I understood.

We were both silent.

At least a full minute passed and then Katie whispered; "That's why I wouldn't swallow your semen when I sucked your cock or let you cum on my tits and most of all that's why I wouldn't let you fuck me in the ass. You were so fine and pure. I couldn't bear the thought of you thinking that I was a nasty slut."

Katie paused again. After a moment, she said; "Not long after I started dating Pete, I began to feel guilty that I was doing things for him that I wasn't doing for you. I also started to realize that you wanted me to do some of those things for you, so I began to change. I did it slowly, because it was hard and I was afraid that I was going to lose you. The last time we made love I did swallow your cum when I sucked your cock and I really did plan to let you fuck my ass when you got back from Kansas City."

Shaking her head, Katie said; "I'll never forgive myself for meeting Pete on that Tuesday night before you were supposed to leave for Kansas City. I should have spent that night with you. All I can say is that I'd started to miss the lifestyle and when I was with Pete I felt like I was back in it. I guess I was just hungry for those nasty thrills and it was hard for me to pass up a chance to enjoy them. Now, when I think about that, I feel so self centered and shallow."

I smiled at Katie. "We all do things that we later regret. When that happens, all we can do is recognize the mistake and try to avoid doing it again. Now that I know a little bit about your past and understand how much you enjoy that lifestyle, we'll be able to talk about it. I think that will help."

Katie looked at me and asked; "Frankie, do you think we have a chance to work this out? Do you think it might be possible for us to start over."

I thought for a moment and then I said; "I don't know. I think it's fairly clear that you can't be faithful."

Nodding, Katie whispered; "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, this is who you are, I have to accept that fact. What I have to do now is decide what I'm going to do." Smiling at Katie, I said; "I do know that I desperately want to be part of your life and I hope that you want to be part of mine."

"I do Frankie, I really do."

Still smiling, I said; "For the past year I've been married to Cinderella. Tonight I learned that I've also been married to a nasty slut. I'm reamisterably well acquainted with Cinderella, but I've just met the nasty slut and I think it's time for us to get to know each other."

Katie laughed. "She might shock you."

"I hope she does."

"Are you ready to go to your hotel?"

"Yes I am."

"Where are you staying?"

"The Ambassador out by the airport."

"I'll meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes."

We stood up. I tossed a ten dollar bill on the table and waved at the waitress. She waved back and then I followed Katie out to our cars.


Posts: 1418
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Fantastic story!! Amazing writing s*******s, thank you for your time.


Posts: 1914
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The strings are pulled and the puppets line up once more. All is well in the world again. I wonder that now you have got us back onto dry land (GH dry land, that is), are we going back into the water again?

I'm with your good wife by the way on this one, I need a week to recover too ..


Posts: 105
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Bloody brilliant. I love this story.


Posts: 438
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Awesome GH, my thanks again, so much going on, so many potential relationships and outcomes, I have no idea how you formulate and keep it in your head then get it into the written word in such a beautifil and exciting way, building and building, keeping secrets, planting seeds, you are a clever clever man, it is wonderful you and your like take so much time and share free of charge the thoughts and stories formulated in your vivid imagination...fantastic, thank you, thank you, thank you....

Mel xx


Posts: 54
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Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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This is turning out to be one hell of an adventure for Frankie! I like the direction this is going.........
and hope that Frankie enjoys the slutty bad girl side to Katie.

Enjoy a little time off.......and thanks again for posting!
Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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WOW Great read . I'm welling to bet everyone reading this would like the say to hapen to them !


Posts: 111
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What a great story! The soft landing is greatly appreciated. The door is now open for Frankie’s education. 7 segments at one time certainly deserves at least 7 days of R&R. Enjoy


Posts: 1459
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Well, dang you anyhow! Here I was, planning to read 3 or 4 of the new segments and save the rest for tomorrow or later, since you'll be off for a bit, but no-o-o-o-o! Wound up reading them all in one sitting! Like a book too good to put down, I just couldn't quit.
Great story telling GH, thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. Have a good rest!


Posts: 1916
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This is a great, great story. Your talents are obvious and your writing just seems to get better and better. I think we all need a week off to recover from these awesome segments! You've opened so many potential new doors for this story and i can't wait to see where it goes.

Having said that, enjoy your well earned rest !


Posts: 492
#209 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Hello GH, thanks for all the hard work in bringing us this amazing story. I hope you stick to your word and rest for a while, you've overdone it again, but then, who am I to judge.

Take care and get some rest



Posts: 4050
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Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it.


Yes we are now back in more comfortable territory. The question was never would this will become a cuckold story, but rather when. I don't think we'll be getting back in the water, but we do have to spend some time on the beach.


Thanks for taking a moment to tell me you're enjoying the story


As always, thank you. Even if you were the only permister who ever read my stories I would happily continue writing them for the rest of my life.




It might take him a little while to come to grips with it, but I do believe that he'll come around. Thanks

Lick buddy

I think that any card carrying cuckold would enjoy a wife like Katie. Thanks for your comment


I'm a big fan of soft landings. Thanks for the comment.


As always, thanks

Subchard and trf2

As always I appreciate your comments and concern. Don't worry, my wife keeps me on a pretty short leash. Both of you, thanks.

All of you, thank you again

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