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Illicit Desires

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Posts: 4050
#151 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As I walked up the Jetway into the main terminal of San Francisco International Airport, I glanced at my watch. It was 2:35. That was Central time. I was now in the Pacific time zone, so it was actually 12:35.
It took me forty-five minutes to retrieve my luggage at the baggage claim and pick up my rental car and then I had to negotiate the freeway traffic into the city. By the time I pulled up in front of the Claymount Inn it was a quarter to three.

The Claymount Inn was a small four star luxury hotel. It only had sixteen rooms. All of them were suites. My suite was actually two rooms. The front room was a small, but very elegant living room with a love seat, a coffee table, an easy chair with an ottoman, a large writing desk and a of course a thirty-two inch flat screen television set. The bedroom was equally elegant and had a king size bed, an adequate closet and a marble bathroom with a very nice tub and shower stall. For the time being, I was going to be very comfortable.

After I unpacked and stored my luggage, I decided to go for a short walk. A block west of the Claymount I passed a small bar and restaurant called the Whitehorse Tavern. A neon sign in the window advertised steaks and chops. It was 5:15 Pacific time, but my stomach was still on Central time. I was hungry. I went inside. After a tossed salad, a small sirloin steak, a baked potato and two bottles of Heineken Beer I felt much better. Revitalized I decided to take a long walk.

By the time I returned to the Claymount it was after nine o'clock. I went straight to my room, watched an hour of television and went to bed.

The next morning I was up at 5:30. My body was still on Central time. After a shower, a shave and a room service breakfast I set up my lap top computer on the desk in the front room and used map quest to get directions to Wrightman Construction. Their office was about two miles west on Geary Boulevard.

At 7:00 I picked up my SUV from the valet and left for Wrightman Construction. On the way I stopped at a Starbucks where I bought a large cup of coffee and a copy of the San Francisco Chronicle. At 7:30 I pulled into the parking log of the Wrightman Construction office. I waited in my car, takeing my coffee and reading my newspaper.

At 7:55 I went inside. A middle aged blond with a pretty face, wearing a low cut blouse that exposed an astonishing amount of her ample cleavage, was seated behind a reception desk. She was takeing a cup of coffee and filing her fingernails with an emery board. When she heard me come in she looked up at me and smiled. "Hi honey, what can I do for you?" She had an accent probably Texas.

"Hi, I'm Frankie Reese."

She immediately stood up. "Mr. Reese, welcome to Wrightman Construction. I'm Janet. If there's anything you need, just let me know and I'll take care of it for you. You'll be working with Derek Maxwell. He's in his office. He's expecting you. I'll call him."

Janet picked up the telephone on her desk and pushed a button. After a second she said, "Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Reese is here."

A moment later a door opened and a man in his early thirties emerged with his hand extended. "Mr. Reese, welcome to Wrightman Construction. I'm Derek Maxwell."

After that things happened quickly. I was introduced to the rest of the staff, assigned an office, it was next to Derek's office and given an orientation. At noon, Derek and I had lunch with Mark Wrightman. Mark Wrightman is the owner and chief executive officer of Wrightman Construction. We had sandwiches in his office.

Derek and I spent the afternoon in meetings. By the end of the day I had a reamisterably good idea of what I was going to be doing for Wrightman Construction.

They had a contract to inspect and renovate fifty-six freeway bridges in the San Francisco Bay area. They had six construction crews assigned to this project. They estimated that it would take a crew approximately six weeks to renovate each bridge. They had one year to complete the project and faced stiff penalties if they failed to stay on schedule. Derek and I had the task of inspecting each bridge and determining exactly how much time was going to be required to renovate it. If a crew fell behind we also had to figure out why and determine what was needed to get them back on schedule.

Derek and I spent Saturday and all of the following week visiting the bridges that were currently undergoing renovation. We tried to get to know the six crews that were working on them and observed and assessed the progress each crew was making.

Derek was another mechanical engineer. We were partners on this project. That was fine with me. He was easy going and bright. I enjoyed working with him.

The work days were long. I fell into a routine. Each morning I had an early room service breakfast and met Derek at the Wrightman Construction office before 7:00. Our work day generally ended at 6:00, so I was rarely back at the hotel before 6:45. I didn't have a kitchen, which meant that if I wanted dinner I was faced with the choice of either room service or the Whitehorse Tavern.

Tiring of restaurant and hotel food, I started to think about trying to find an apartment or a town house. I wanted my own kitchen. A little extra space and a washing machine and a dryer would also be nice..


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On the Sunday morning following my second full week in California, I checked my email while I was eating my room service breakfast. I immediately noticed that I'd received one from Dkendall. As I excitedly opened it, I smiled. Dana hadn't wasted any time changing her name back to Kendall.
After quickly pouring myself another cup of coffee, I started reading.

Dear Frankie,

How is your new job? I assume that they're keeping you very busy. I hope you're finding a little time to enjoy San Francisco.

You told me that you were going to be living in a fancy hotel. Is it nice? I would think that living in a hotel would eventually get boring, but maybe you're spending so much time at work that it doesn't matter.

I'm as happy as I've been in years. I hadn't realized how miserable living with Pete had become. It feels like the clouds have parted and the sun is shining on my life again. I'm actually enjoying being at home.

Last Sunday Katie called me. After talking for a little while we decided to have dinner together on Monday night. We met at Murphy's. I had a wonderful time and I think Katie did too. We spent a lot of time talking about you. As we were leaving she invited me to have dinner with Andrea and her at Brady's on Tuesday night. I accepted. I'm sorry Frankie, but it's been years since I've been able to go out with other women.

I know you don't like Andrea, but you may have misjudged her. She really is a very nice permister. Apparently she tried hard to persuade Katie to stop seeing Pete.

Andrea is a back seat bunny. Katie is too. Yes she still is. After dinner we stayed for the dancing. It was fun. We each danced with several different men and then it just sort of happened. All three of us found guys we liked and we danced with them for several mistergs. When we sat back down at our table to take a break all three of the men joined us.

Andrea was with a guy named Bill, Katie's guy was named Andy and the guy I was with was Nate. He was a very handsome stockbroker.

After we'd been sitting together for a few minutes Katie and Andrea got up to go to the ladies room. They asked me to join them

As soon as we were inside the restroom Andrea opened her purse and took out four condoms. She handed two of them to Katie. When she tried to hand the other two to me I told her that I wouldn't need them. Both Katie and Andrea insisted that I take them. They pointed out that having them in my purse wouldn't hurt and if I did end up going out to the parking lot with Nate it was essential for me to use them.

When we returned to the table the mood changed. Katie and Andrea started hanging all over their guys. Katie actually sat on Andy's lap. They played a slow misterg. Andrea told Bill that she wanted to dance.

Telling him that she wanted to dance too, Katie stood up and pulled Andy to his feet. As they were following Andrea and Bill out on to the dance floor, Nate asked me to dance. Of course I said yes. Frankie, I had to. I was having as much fun as I'd had in years.

As soon as we started dancing, Nate's hands were all over me and I didn't do anything to stop him. I was enjoying it. We were dancing close. He was fondling my rear. His erect penis was poking me. I knew that my pussy was soaking wet.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katie and Andrea leaving the bar holding hands with their guys. They were going to the parking lot for sex.

Nate slipped his hand on to my breast. I didn't pull it away. I didn't want to pull it away. Instead I danced closer to him and rubbed myself against his huge erection.

For a few moments we danced like that; Nate fondling my breast, me grinding my hips against his hard on and then he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Let's go out to my car."

I knew I should say no. I've never been that kind of girl; but as I rubbed against Nate's erection, I realized that I've always wanted to be that kind of girl. That's why I was attracted to Pete, when I was with him I could be a slut. Frankie, no matter what the self appointed champions of morality try to tell us, being a slut is fun. Sex is fun! Why do we have to be so fucking uptight about it?

So, I took a deep breath, looked up at Nate and said; "Yes, I'd love to go out to your car."

Nate smiled and then he gently kissed me and whispered, "Let's go." He was so romantic. Frankie, my panties were soaking wet.

When I think about it, Pete was fun because he was so kinky and he got me to be kinky; but he wasn't romantic. He was never romantic and I think I missed that.

Anyway, as Nate led me out of Brady's I felt like a teenager slipping out of a dance with her new boyfriend so that we could make out in his car. Only this wasn't a boyfriend and we weren't just going to make out. I fully intended to let this man I barely knew fuck me. It was so exciting.


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As we walked through the parking lot, I started to worry. What if somebody saw us? What if Nate drove a Honda Civic? Frankie, I'm forty-one years old. I wasn't sure if I was limber enough to have sex in the back seat of a small car.

When we got to Nate's car, I was relieved to see that it was parked in a dark corner of the lot and it was a Cadillac Escalade. Nate opened the rear door. The back seat had already been folded down and a soft quilt covered the floor.

We climbed into the Escalade and lay on our sides. Nate smiled at me. I smiled back and then he pulled me to him. Pressing his lips against mine, he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I responded. We made out. I felt like I was a teenager again, only this time when my date cupped my breast I didn't get nervous. Instead, I started grinding my thighs into his rigid erection.

I felt Nate unbuttoning my blouse. Once it was open he slipped his hand inside, reached around my back and unclasped my brassiere. At the same time I dropped my hand to his crotch and began massaging his erect penis.

Nate pushed my loose brassiere cup aside and started rolling my nipple between his fingertips. While he was doing that I unbuckled his belt, unfastened his trousers and pulled his zipper down. Then I snaked my hand into his boxer shorts and found his hard cock.

Still kissing each other, I squeezed and stroked Nate's cock while he fondled my naked breast. Any inhibitions that might have been restraining me had been vanquished in a raging fire of uncontrolled lust.

Nate's hand left my breast and moved to the hem of my skirt. After pushing it up to my waist I felt his fingers worming their way into the space between my thighs. A good girl would have kept her legs locked together and pushed his hand away. I wasn't a good girl. I didn't want to be a good girl. I spread my legs for him.

Nate's fingers immediately found the crotch of my panties. For a moment he massaged my satin covered sex and then my entire body started to tingle as I felt him pushing my thong down my thighs. He kept pushing them. He pushed them all the way down to my ankles and then I kicked them off.

Having removed my panties, Nate's hand returned to my cunt. As his fingers began probing the slippery cleft between my shaved lips, I spread my legs wider for him. He pushed a finger into me. I gasped with delight.

Then it was my turn to be the aggressor. I pushed Nate's pants and boxers down to his knees. As soon as it was free his beautiful penis sprang to attention. A little thrill rippled through me. Frankie, I love cocks. There's something about them that is so very very exciting.

I repositioned myself so that my face was next to Nate's erect penis. Realizing what I was about to do, he moved so that he was lying on his back. As soon as he was settled, I grasped the shaft of his cock with both of my hands and gently kissed the head. I kissed and licked him for a few seconds and then I parted my lips and took him into my mouth. Frankie it had been years since I'd tasted a cock other than Pete's. It was wonderful.

Pete loved blow jobs and he'd spent a lot of time teaching me what he liked. I know how to give head and I gave Nate the full treatment. I kissed, licked and sucked his cock and then I kissed and licked his balls while I squeezed and stroked his cock. I was very attentive to his state of arousal and every time I thought he was getting too excited I backed off a little and gave him a chance to regain his composure.

I think that if it had been up to Nate, I'd still be sucking his cock, but I wanted more. I wanted to feel him inside me. I wanted him to fuck me.

Sitting up, I found my purse, opened it and took out one of the condoms Andrea had given to me in the ladies room. As I removed it from its package and rolled it onto Nate's penis I said to him, "I want you to fuck me."

When he heard that, he sat up and grinned at me. "That's a request you won't have to make twice."

Having sex with Nate was nice. Pete was a creative partner, but he was always intense and concerned about being in control. Nate was relaxed and nonchalant. With him, it felt like We were just having a little fun.

Kicking off his shoes, Nate removed his pants, rolled them into makeshift pillow and then laid me back so that my head was resting on it. Once he was certain that I was comfortable he climbed on top of me.

I gasped as I felt Nate's condom covered erection enter my very wet cunt. He moved slowly and when he was fully inside me he paused to give me a chance to get used to the presence of his cock. This man was an extremely considerate lover.

He started to fuck me. Still moving slowly, he pulled the full length of his cock out of my cunt, pushed it back in and then pulled out again. He kept doing that in a slow, methodical and maddening rhythm. The pleasure was almost excruciating.

I wasn't very worldly when I met Pete, but in bed I quickly understood that there was something special about him. After I married him I read and I learned. I quickly realized that my unreliable husband understood sex and he especially knew how to fuck.

He understood that when properly executed, sexual intercourse involved pace, timing and rhythm. A good lover knew how to be slow and deliberate, fast and rough, fast and gentle, slow and gentle and even slow and rough. Slow and rough was always one of my favorites.

Nate wasn't as good as Pete. There are very few men who are. Still, he was good; very good. He started with slow and gentle. I loved it. Gradually he increased his tempo until he was fucking me fast and rough. Frankie, I like it a little rough; especially when it's mixed in with a little gentle.

Nate made me cum, he made me cum hard and like Pete, he didn't give a damn. He just continued fucking me. It was magnificent.

We kept fucking. We were both caught up in a whirlpool of carnal ecstasy and then Nate took a deep breath. I felt his muscles tense. He made three long slow thrusts in and out of me and then he buried the full length of his cock in my cunt. He was cumming, the condom kept me from feeling it, but I could tell.

After a moment he collapsed and lay spent on top of me. It felt nice, his body pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around his chest and back and held him close.

We lay like that for several minutes and then Nate pushed himself up. Supporting himself with his forearms he hovered over me smiling. I smiled up at him

He said, "That was nice, thank you." His voice was soft and sweet.

I told him that I'd enjoyed it too and added that I was glad he'd asked me to dance.

That made Nate chuckle. He told me that I'd turned out to be a very interesting dance partner.

Frankie, it was nice. We were two total strangers who'd just had sex with each other in the back of an SUV. Now we were just flirting and having fun. Nobody was getting emotional. Neither of us was interested in making any promises to get together in the future.

Instead, we got dressed. Nate walked me back to the entrance to Brady's. After kissing me goodnight, he turned and left.


Posts: 4050
#154 · Edited by: goodhusband
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When I walked into the bar, Andrea and Katie were already back. They were seated alone at our table. Their men had also gone home immediately after their trysts. As it turns out, that's considered to be the appropriate etiquette for casual liaimisters at Brady's. Apparently everyone wants to avoid emotional entanglements.

We spent about twenty minutes sitting at the table gossiping about the sex we'd just had. Andrea had enjoyed her man. Katie was disappointed with hers. She told us that he lacked style. He was a rammer and a jammer. Andrea and I both broke up when she explained in graphic detail exactly what that meant.

At eleven Andrea pointed out that it was a work night and suggested that we call it an evening. Katie and I agreed.

On the way out of the bar Katie invited me to join them on Friday. It was the weekly evening out for the girls at the Insurance agency where she and Andrea worked.

I eagerly accepted. Frankie, I'd just had a wonderful time. That Sunday you came over to the office to tell my dad and me about Pete and Katie, I confided in you that I wished that I had some female friends who liked going out. I also told you that I wanted some sexual adventures. Katie and Andrea are both intelligent, nice women who like to have fun. Being included in their circle of friends was exactly what I wanted and needed.

I did meet them on Friday night. The other girls from their office are all very nice. We spent the early part of the evening eating dinner and gossiping. When the dancing started some of the women left, but Katie, Andrea, myself and several other girls stayed. We all danced. Later in the evening all of us hooked up with guys and went out to the parking lot.

MY guy was a high school physical education teacher named Steve. Steve had a really hot body and a fairly big cock, but he wasn't a very imaginative lover and he came quickly. He was fun, but Nate was a lot more fun.

Katie, Andrea and I are getting together for dinner on Tuesday. I can't wait. These evenings out are becoming the highlights of my week.

Frankie I just read what I wrote to you. I think I might have been a bit too exuberant in my description of my evening with Nate. I guess as I wrote it down, I was sort of reliving the experience.

I was going to tone it down a little, but then I changed my mind. I don't know what kind of a relationship you and will end up having. I hope we'll become close friends. Maybe we'll be fuck buddies. I don't think we can ever be lovers, especially now that I've become friends with Katie. Frankie, she loves you so much. Losing you is tearing her apart.

Anyway, I decided to send you this email the way I originally wrote it. Hopefully, it will help you understand who I am and what I want out of life right now. Pete was a lousy husband, but he taught me that sex can be an adventure. At this point in my life, I want to be able to experience that adventure to the fullest extent possible.

I hope you're coming home for a visit in the near future. You promised me a dinner at the Kensington Grill. I'm holding you to that promise.

I look forward to seeing you.



I stood up and started pacing around the front room of my hotel suite. Dana had just sent me a graphic description of a sexual encounter she'd had with another man and told me that she was with Katie when she did it?

What the fuck! What the fuck!

I banged my shin against the coffee table in front of the love seat. Grabbing my leg, I shouted; "Shit! Mother fucking cock sucking mister of a bitch! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

I collapsed into my easy chair. The pain in my leg really wasn't that bad. It was the pain in my heart that was causing my agony.

I started to cry and then I sobbed. All of the pain that I'd stored up inside me during the past few weeks came boiling out. I wailed and I swore. I moaned out every bad word I could think of. I grieved. I grieved for the loss of my life with Katie and I grieved because I was alone.

It took me almost an hour to purge myself of all the poimister that had been festering in my heart, but I finally did it and after I did it I stopped grieving. I'd cried all of the pain and agony out of soul. For the first time in weeks I felt better.

I started to think. Ever since that awful night when Dana and I had confronted Katie and Pete in our house I'd been hiding. At the time, taking the job in California had seemed like a good decision. It was supposed to provide me with the time and distance I needed to start rebuilding my life. Now I realized that I wasn't using it for that purpose. I was hiding in California. During the day I was losing myself in my work and at night I was wallowing alone in a luxury hotel room that was quickly turning into a cage.

Now I was ready to take control of my life again. It was time to stop coloring everything with hurt and anger. Dana had been right to send me that vivid description of her evening with another man. She was being truthful with me. She was making it clear that she wasn't going to hide anything from me. She was telling me that I could trust her. Katie had tried to hide part of her life from me and when I discovered that, it had hurt me and fueled my anger. I couldn't fault Dana for being open with me. She was trying to avoid the mistake that Katie had made.

And Katie, yes she was seeing other men. Why shouldn't she be doing that? Hell, I'd had a lawyer serve her with divorce papers. I'd told her that I was ending our marriage. I'd left her and moved to California. What reamister could she possibly have to be living the celibate life of a nun? I should be happy that she was getting on with her life.

Of course, I wasn't happy about that and I knew why. I still loved Katie and I had reamister to believe that she still loved me. Eventually, I knew that I was going to have to try to find a way to make peace with her. It wasn't going to be easy. In fact it was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done In my entire life. Still, as tough as it was going to be, I knew that I wanted to try to do it. I just didn't know how.

Then again, maybe I did. I was an engineer. As an engineer I'd learned that the easiest way to solve an insurmountable problem was to break it into a series of lesser problems. By methodically working to find solutions to each of those smaller problems, the insurmountable problem eventually becomes surmountable.

I smiled. I knew how to begin. I had to stop hiding and start living a normal life again. That meant getting out of this hotel suite and finding an apartment or a townhouse. It was also time to go home for a visit. Dana was offering to be my friend and it was clear to me that a friend was exactly what I needed.


Posts: 1914
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Absolutely brilliant, and you thought only Stormy could write sex scenes! Seemed to work for me. How typical of the male of the species though, a man that builds bridges for a living not knowing how to build one with his wife. A nice irony that GH. This story has a different tone to your others, a little deeper, maybe its a function of your recent health scares, I don't know. It's good but nothing is that good we can't wait for an update if you are working too hard. Take care my friend ..


Posts: 1459
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"And a bus ticket, a lady fucking bus ticket, why not a plane ticket?"

GH, that was masterful. Loved seeing old smarmy Pete get his ass handed to him! Having ridden a bus long distances a few times (back in college) I felt his pain. But only for moment; then I enjoyed it. I'm glad the phantom segments returned, it was well worth the wait - and now I see I have a couple of new posts to enjoy tomorrow!

Thanks yet again for another great story!


Posts: 438
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Oooohhhh GH you shocked me again, I imagined a few things coming, now I am imagining more, yet again your twists and turns keep me on the edge of my seat, fantastic, once again my thanks for your time...

Mel xx


Posts: 1418
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GH, I really enjoy the way you incorporate the psycological drama your characters experience into your stories, whether you spell them out, or allow your readers to interpret them for themselves as the read the tales you spin. They are so well told I, like many others I'm sure, find it very easy to imagine themselves sharing the experiences of the character of their choice. Thanks for all your time and effort.


Posts: 111
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You bring the characters to life and sometimes I have to ask myself what would I do? How would I react? It could be a little to close to home. You provoke some deep thoughts and stir the emotions.
A Great Story from a Great Writer.
Thank You,


Posts: 175
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I can only add kidos to what has already been said. This is a unique story, thank you very much and take care.

A. Smith
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 1459
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GH, I can't say it any better than peak and some of the others did above. It all just rings so true that it's easy to get lost in the story - and that's the mark of a great writer. Thanks.

On a slightly different note, I hope you are pacing yourself and having fun writing this. It should be fun, not work, when you're doing it for free. Don't ******* yourself. Great as the story is, it's not worth that! (Besides, I want more stories from you in the future. Selfish, but honest!) Take care my friend.


Posts: 158
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I also appreciate your hard work but sometimes hits a little to close to home for my comfort. Once again like most of us will admit that is one of the reamisters why we will identify with your characters. I am a relative newbie to your stories, sometime I would like to find out from you where you get your ideas for stories and maybe a brief explanation of the key ingredients that caused you to be such a good writer. That maybe like asking a scientist to explane the A bomb in a sentence but I am so impressed by people like you and stormy. We appreciate your efforts and would gladly repay if we just knew how.


Posts: 4050
#164 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Peak, Storm, Mel, Zinc03, jjthom99, sslv2006, lick buddy and watcherdoit4fun

I appreciate all of your comments. Don't be concerned about my health. Lisa watches over me very carefully. Right now she is also helping me with this story. We are both very excited about it. We know it's starting slowly, but we think it has the potential to turn into a very exotic story.

I'm not sure if I'll get another post in before Thanksgiving. We have some traveling to do. If not I should have the next segments in during the following week. I think I have left the story at a good place right now.

Today I am posting seven segments. Because of the recent problems with dropped posts I am going to number them so you will know if any have been dropped. If that happens I will try to get them reposted as quickly as possible.

Everyone, thank you again for your kind support and if you are celebrating the American holiday, Happy Thanksgiving.



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11/18 - 1

The next day Derek and I had our weekly Monday morning meeting with Mark Wrightman. Near the end of the meeting, Mark said; "Derek, I'm afraid you're going to on your own for Thursday and Friday. Frankie's going home Wednesday night and he won't be back until Sunday night."

Turning to me, he said; "This is the first of your trips back to see Irv and the boys at Jupiter."

I smiled. I was hoping this was going to happen.

"Janet has your flight information." Mark paused for a moment and then he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Realizing that Mark was ending the meeting, Derek shook his head and stood up to leave.

I said, "Mark, could I have a quick word with you?"

Mark looked at Derek. "Derek, Frankie will meet you in your office in a couple of minutes."

As soon as Derek was gone, Mark asked; "What's on your mind Frankie?"

"Mark, I'm getting tired of living in a hotel."

He smiled. "I wondered if that might happen. The Claymount is a great hotel, but I can imagine that after awhile, living there might get old."

"I'd like to have my own kitchen."

"You're getting tired of hotel food."

"Yes I am."

"We have an arrangement with The Claymount, but housing you there is still costing us four thousand dollars a month."

"That's a lot."

"San Francisco is an expensive city." Mark thought for a moment and then he said; "Having you at the Claymount gives us some tax advantages, but if you want to move I could give you three thousand a month towards your expenses."

"That would be fine."

"I know that you're working long hours, so it might help if I have Janet contact a rental agent."

"Thanks, I'd appreciate that."

That afternoon I was working in my office. I heard a knock on my door. I looked up. It was Janet. Smiling, I said; "Come in."

She stepped into my office. "Frankie, Mark asked me to contact a rental agency for you."

"Yes, he told me he was going to do that."

"I did, but all they had were town houses and apartments. I thought you might like to try to find a place that was a little more interesting."

"Janet, I'd really like to get this done quickly and I need a place that's furnished. I'm sure a town house or an apartment would be just fine."

"Frankie, a friend of mine told me about a place that's for rent in her neighborhood and it sounds very interesting."

"Okay, tell me about it."

"It's a small apartment on the third floor of an older renovated home on Tanner Street. It's just a few blocks south of the Haight."

"Is that a nice part of the city?"

Janet laughed. "Yes, it's a very nice part of the city."

"Does the apartment have a kitchen?"

"Yes, and a living room, one bedroom, a full bathroom and a small screened balcony over looking a backyard garden and patio. And it's furnished."

"Sounds nice, how much is the rent?"

"Twenty-four hundred a month and that includes the utilities."

"I'd like to take a look at it. Can you set up an appointment."

Smiling, Janet said; "It's already done. They're expecting you at 7:30 this evening. I hope that was all right."

laughing, I said; "Yes Janet, that was fine. I can see why you're so valuable to Mark."

Janet Grinned. "Thanks Frankie, I try." She walked over to my desk and handed me an envelope. "You'll find all the important details in here." And then she turned. As she walked out of my office I couldn't help noticing that Janet had a very nice rear end.

I smiled. Despite the fact that both of them were married, there was a rumor circulating in the office that Mark and Janet were an item. It wasn't hard to understand why Mark might be tempted.

I still had two reports to complete before my day was over so I set the envelope aside and went back to work. By the time I was finished it was 6:15.


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11/18 - 2

After putting my project files in my desk I opened the envelope that Janet had given to me. It contained a typed note listing the address of the house, the names of the owners, a contact telephone number and few other key details including a brief description of the apartment and the rent.

There was a hand written message at the bottom the note that said, Owners say that you can park in the driveway.

The address of the house was 514 Tanner Street. The owners were Angela and Jules Cameron. I did a google map search for directions and printed a copy. Once that was done I put Janet's envelope and the directions in the pocket of my sports coat, grabbed my lap top computer and my brief case and headed out to the parking lot.

As I turned onto Geary Boulevard, I glanced at the clock on my dashboard. It was 6:30.

I drove down Geary to Arguello Boulevard and then followed Fulton and Stanyan around Golden Gate Park. At Parnassus Avenue I turned left. According to the directions from google maps, 514 Tanner Street was only a few blocks away.

It was 6:50. I had forty minutes to ******* and I hadn't eaten supper. I noticed a wine bar on the left side of the street. Miraculously a car was pulling out of a parking spot just ahead of me on the right. I grabbed the parking spot.

The wine bar was actually a full bar, but I still had a glass of merlot. It seemed appropriate, this was California, Napa Valley was less than two hours away. I also had a bowl of chicken wild rice soup, a Caesar salad and a chunk of baguette. The food and wine were good and a welcome change from the fare at the Whitehorse Tavern.

At 7:20 my bill was paid and I was getting into my car.

Tanner Street was two blocks from the wine bar. Turning right, I started to climb a steep hill. That wasn't a surprise, this was San Francisco.

The street was lined with two rows of stately old two and three story houses built on narrow lots. Nearly touching each other, each house was separated by from its neighbors by little more than a narrow sidewalk.

514 was a block and a half up the hill from Parnassus Avenue. As I drove past it I understood why I'd been invited to park in the driveway. Tanner Street was lined with cars. There wasn't a parking place in sight.

I turned around. It wasn't a U turn. The narrow street and rows of parked cars didn't leave enough space. It was more a case of jockeying my SUV into a 180 degree turn. Once I was going in the other direction I pulled into the short driveway that lead into a single garage built under the house. While the garage door was clearly for a space for one car, I noticed that the driveway had been widened so that it could accommodate two cars or a single car that wouldn't be blocking the garage door when it was parked.

I parked. It was precisely 7:30 when I got out of my SUV and climbed the steep concrete steps leading up to the front door of the house.


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11/18 - 3

I rang the bell.

A woman's voice called. "Julie, answer the door. I think Mr. Reese has arrived."

I heard footsteps. A moment later the door opened. A middle aged man stood in the doorway. He appeared to be about the same height as me, maybe 5'9 or 5'10. Physically fit and handsome, he looked like an affluent middle aged businessman except that he wore his hair long; not shoulder length, but longer than you would expect from a man of his apparent stature. He was expensively attired. His custom fitted pin stripe dress shirt, beige wool slacks and stylish Italian loafers reinpowerd the impression that he was a man of affluence; but the cut of his clothes also hinted that there was something slightly feminine about him.

Smiling at me, he said; "Good evening, are you Mr. Reese?"

I smiled back. "Yes, that would be me."

He grinned. I immediately liked him.

"Come in Mr. Reese. My wife is in the parlor."

As I followed him my attention was drawn to the house. It was magnificent. Ahead of me a wide, curving, finely finished oak staircase led to the second floor. At the base of the staircase we turned to the left.

To my right a narrow hallway led back to the kitchen. Directly ahead of me there was a doorway to a formal dining room. I took a quick peek inside. The highly polished oak floor was covered with a deep red oriental rug. An immense hand carved oak side board stood against the far wall and a matching heavy oak table occupied the middle of the room. The rug and the furniture alone would have made it an elegant dining room, but the piece de resistance was the ornate crystal chandelier that hung from the center of the ceiling.

Turning to the left, I saw that we were standing in the entrance to a large parlor. Like the dining room, the floor in the parlor was also covered with an oriental rug, this one in shades of gold and violet. On the far wall a large window looked out onto Tanner Street. Two violet wing chairs separated by a small mahogany table had been placed in front of the window. A luxurious velvet sofa, also a deep shade of violet, occupied most of the space on the wall to my left. An enormous baroque painting of a Greek goddess clad in a diaphanous gown hung above the sofa. A fireplace finished with mosaic tile in shades of pink, blue and violet took up most of the wall opposite the sofa. All in all, it was a beautiful, but strikingly feminine room.

Two elegantly dressed, immaculately coiffed middle aged women occupied the wing chairs in front of the window. One was a brunette, the other had ash blond hair. Both of them were stunningly beautiful. They were each holding a glass of red wine and looking at me. It almost felt like they were inspecting me, taking my measure as a man.

The woman with ash blond hair finally said, "I presume that you are Franklin Reese?" There was an aristocratic tone to her voice.

Slightly unsettled, I answered; "Yes maam."

She exchanged a furtive glance with the woman seated next to her and then looking back at me, she set her glass of wine on the table and stood up. "Please come in."

As I stepped into the parlor, she looked at her husband and said; "Julie, return to the kitchen and help Mickie with the dinner preparations. Constance and I will dine at 8:15. And remember, Judmister and Paul will be arriving at 9:30."

The man obediently answered; "Yes maam", and then he disappeared down the hallway leading to the kitchen.

Taking a step towards me, the blond woman said; "I'm Angela Cameron." She gestured back towards the brunette still seated behind her. "This is my dear friend, Constance Parker. The man who answered the door is my husband Jules. Constance's husband Micheal is in the kitchen."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

She nodded.

"I understand that you have an apartment for rent."

"Yes we do, although, Mr..." She paused for a second and then she asked; "May I call you Frank?"

"Actually I prefer Frankie."

She stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Frankie? How interesting. It's a name one would generally associate with a boy."

Shrugging, I said; "Everyone's called me Frankie for as long as I can remember. I guess I just got used to it."

Angela smiled. "Then Frankie it is." Her tone was surprisingly warm and endearing."

"May I call you Angela?"

"Of course."

"And Frankie, please call me Constance." Constance was now standing.

"Shall we take a look at the apartment?" Angela was walking towards me.

Nodding, I answered; "Yes, I'd like that."

Glancing over her shoulder, Angela said; "Constance, would you like to join us?"

"Certainly, Frankie seems like a very interesting young man."

"He does, doesn't he." Angela smiled and then she took my arm and led me down the hallway to the kitchen. Constance followed us.

When we entered the kitchen, Jules and another man who I assumed was Constance's husband, Michael were busily chopping vegetables. Behind them, a large pot was simmering on the stove and chunks of cut up chicken breast were browning in a fry pan. I was mildly surprised to see that both Jules and Michael were wearing white aprons edged with pink lace.

As we walked passed them, Constance patted Michael’s behind and said; "It smells good honey."

Michael smiled at her.


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11/18 - 4

A door at the rear of the kitchen led to a screen porch. We crossed it and passed through another door that led into the garden.

The garden was magnificent. Maybe forty feet wide and at least sixty feet deep, it covered the entire back yard. Several paths paved with flag stone wound their way through eight flower gardens. The gardens were all bordered by low walls built out of more flag stone.

The paths all led to a circular patio about fifteen feet in diameter that occupied the center of the garden. Four chaise lounges made of what appeared to be redwood were brownietered haphazardly on the patio.

We turned left. On the far side of the screen porch a wooden staircase led up to the third floor of the house.

Angela said, "This is the private entrance to the apartment. You can get back here using the sidewalk that runs along side the house."

We climbed the stairs. The second floor and the third floor both had screened balconies that were accessible from the stairs.

When we reached the third floor I opened the screen door to the balcony and held it while Angela and Constance stepped inside. Angela had to unlock the door to the apartment. I took the opportunity to survey the area. From this height the view of the garden was magnificent. I could easily imagine spending a warm Sunday morning out here takeing coffee and reading the newspaper.

Behind me, Angela said; "Frankie, let's go inside." I turned . The door was open. The two women were already walking into the apartment. I followed them.

The apartment was actually a renovated attic, but it had been beautifully done. The kitchen and living room were actually one room divided by a small table with four chairs on the kitchen side and a red velvet sofa on the living room side. I suppose that you could say that the kitchen table area was actually a tiny open dining room.

An oriental rug similar to the rugs in the parlor and dining room downstairs covered the living room floor. There was a large easy chair and matching ottoman on the left side of the living room. Across from it a small flat screen television set sat on a mahogany dresser. The room was beautifully decorated. The furniture, lamps and pictures all appeared to be antiques.

I looked at Angela. "This is a beautiful room."

She smiled at me. "Thank you, Constance and I enjoy decorating." Next to her, Constance was also smiling.

The bedroom was just large enough for a king size bed and a dresser. The bathroom was small, but adequate and had a very nice shower stall.

While I was looking at the bathroom, Constance asked; "Frankie, are you married?"

Initially her question unsettled me. I considered being evasive, but realizing that I loved this apartment and wanted to live here, I decided to be forthright. "Yes, but my wife and I are getting a divorce."

Sighing, Constance said; "I'm sorry to hear that" She paused for a moment and then she asked, "Why?"

"Are you gay?" Angela was staring at me. It was clear that her question was serious.

I laughed. "No, I'm not gay."

"Sexual incompatibility is one of the primary causes of divorce."

Constance nodded in agreement.

I shrugged. "I guess sex was the cause of our divorce, but I don't think it was because of incompatibility."

"So what happened?" There was a tone of genuine concern in Constance's voice,

Slightly embarrassed, I said; "She had an affair with another man."

Angela asked, "Was she in love with him?"

"No, in fact I don't think she even liked him."

Constance observed, "She didn't like him, but was she having sex with him. He must be very good in bed."

Amazed and a little disconcerted by how quickly Constance had arrived at the truth, I quietly said; "Yes, I believe that was the reamister."

"And that bothered you?" Angela's voice was now soft and soothing.

"Yes, of course it did."


"Why?” I was bewildered by Angela's question.

"Yes, why?"

Baffled by her inability to grasp the issue, I tried to explain. "Because we're married."

Constance smiled. "And married people don't relax with other people."

Relieved that Constance seemed to understand, I said; "Yes."

Angela just shrugged and repeated her question again. "Why?"

Constance was grinning. I realized that I'd just been set up.

Taking my hand, Angela said; "Frankie let's sit down at the table." She led me over to the kitchen table.

As soon as all three of us were settled Constance said; "Frankie, what's your wife's name?"


"Does she love you?"

"Yes, I'm sure she does."

"You're absolutely certain about that?"

I stopped to think. After a moment I said, "Yes I am absolutely certain, but it's so confusing."

Angela reached out and gently touched my hand. "Why Frankie, why is it confusing?" This time it didn't seem like her question was meant to be contentious. I believed that she actually wanted to know.

Trying to answer her honestly, I said; "She's always been a loving, caring wife. I don't think she's ever deliberately tried to hurt me. Even on the night I confronted her with her lover she tried to tell me that she didn't love him, she loved me." I shook my head. "But..."

Angela whispered, "But what Frankie?"

"During the week before I confronted her she was spending time with him that she could have been spending with me and she did things for him that she refused to do for me. She also lied to me." I blurted it out. Immediately realizing what I'd just divulged, I was embarrassed.

I could see that both Angela and Constance had caught my revelation, but rather than asking me about it right away, Constance said; "Yes, the lying. That is so hard to forgive. Still, don't you think that she probably did it in an attempt to spare your feelings?"

"Yes, I'm sure you're right."

Angela asked, "Frankie, what was Katie's lover's name?"

"Pete, but he wasn't her lover. Katie was adamant about that."

"You said they were having sex, didn't you?"


"So why would she say that he wasn't her lover?"


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11/18 - 5

"A detective made a recording of one of their dates. They were in a motel room. Pete, that was the man's name, said that they were lovers. Katie immediately berated him, explaining very directly that they weren't lovers, they weren't even friends. When he asked what she thought they were, she told him that they were just sex toys for each other."

Constance laughed. "Frankie honey, that should speak volumes to you."

Angela nodded. "That's right, your wife was just doing a little sport fucking."

I looked at her with an expression of surprise.

Smiling, Angela said; "Frankie honey, fucking is only a bad word if you make it a bad word. We thing it's a very apt description for recreational sex.'

"Recreational sex?"

Constance nodded. "Yes, sex for fun and that's all your wife was doing with this Pete guy. Why should that upset you?"

"Because we're married."

"Yes you are and you promised to love each other and take care of each other and be each other's best friends for the rest of your lives."

I added, "And remain faithful to each other."

Angela sighed. "Yes, most couples do have that as part of their wedding vows, but I ask why and now I want you to take that question seriously. A little while ago you told us that Pete was a really good fuck. Why should Katie have to give up an occasional good fuck so that she can have a relationship with the man she loves? How does it hurt you?"

"She spent time with him that she could have been spending with me."

Constance smiled. "Frankie, do you like music?"

"Yes, I love music."

"What kind?"

I'm pretty eclectic. I like almost everything; classical, jazz, rock, country western, I even enjoy a little rap."

"What happens when you find a new group that you really enjoy?"

Realizing where she was going, I said; "I listen to them all the time, but eventually I get bored with them and go back to my old favorites." I smiled at Constance. “You're telling me that Katie was spending so much time with Pete because he was a novelty."

Constance nodded. "I think that's a reamisterable explanation."

Angela quietly said, "Frankie a moment ago you said that Katie was doing things for Pete that she refused to do for you. Tell us more about that."

"It's kind of embarrassing."

"You brought it up."

"It slipped out."

Angela smiled. "Freud said that there are no accidents." And then staring into my eyes , she said; "Frankie, you can tell us. Believe me, Constance, Michael, Jules and I are probably the four least judgmental people that you will ever meet."

I believed her. Nervously I said, "I found out that she'd been having anal sex with Pete, so..."

Slowly nodding, Angela said; "You asked her for it and she refused."


"You poor baby, that must have hurt."

"It did."

"Did you ever ask her why?"

"Yes, on the night I confronted her."

"What did she say?"

"She never really answered me. That night, everything was so confused and emotional."

Constance said. "Don't you think you should give her a chance to explain? I mean the idea that she did it with Pete because she preferred him to you is inconsistent with everything else you've told us."

I had to agree with her. Sighing, I answered; "I know that."


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11/18 - 6

There were a few seconds of silence and then Angela asked, "Frankie, why are you in San Francisco?"

"I'm a structural engineer. A construction company here contacted the construction company I work for at home and asked if they could borrow me for a year. Since everything was blowing up with Katie, I decided to take the job."

"A year is a long time. Are you planning to make any trips home?"

"Actually I'm going home for a few days at the end of this week. My boss at home wants to keep me informed about their current projects."

"Are you going to talk to Katie while you're at home."

"I hadn't planned on it."

"You want to, don't you?"


"Why wait?"

Looking at Angela, I said; "Because I still hurt."

"Don't you think she hurts too?"

"A friend told me that she's been seeing other men."

"A friend?"

"Yes, actually it's Pete's wife."

"Pete's wife? Her sex toy's wife?"

"Yes, her name is Dana and she and Katie have become friends."

"But you and Dana are also friends."

"That's right."

Shaking her head, Angela said; "Frankie honey, you do realize that this is better than a soap opera."

I had to laugh. "Yes, I guess it is."

Constance said; "Okay, Dana told you that Katie has been seeing other men. what does that mean? Is she dating a guy? Is she serious about him?"

"No, nothing like that. Katie, Dana and another friend named Andrea have been going to a bar a couple of nights a week. They each hook up with a guy and go out to his car for casual sex."

Constance smiled. "So, they're doing a little anonymous sport fucking. What's wrong with that?"

Nodding in agreement, Angela said; "You did tell us that you were divorcing Katie, didn't you."


"Does she know that?"

"Yes, the night of the confrontation she was served with divorce papers."

Shaking her head in exasperation, Angela said; "Frankie honey, you had her served with divorce papers. This woman loves you. She's devastated and trying to forget her pain by having a little casual sex."

Having already reached that same conclusion, I smiled and said; "I know."

"So, are you going to try to talk to Katie when you go home at the end of the week?" There was a definite tone of insistence in Constance's voice.

Grinning at her, I said; "Yes I will."


"I promise."

Angela and Constance smiled at each other and then Angela asked, "Frankie, where do you live now?"

"At the Claymount Inn."

"The Claymount Inn is very expensive. How can you afford to live there?"

"Wrightman Construction is paying for it."

"Why do you want to move out?"

"I'm tired of living in a hotel. I want a place that's more like a home. I want to be able to cook my own food and do my own laundry."

"Would you like to rent this apartment?"

"Yes, I'd like that very much."

"We'd like to have you as a tenant, but before we make a final decision, Constance and I need to tell you a little bit more about our lifestyle."

"All right."


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11/18 - 7

"First of all you may have noticed that my husband Jules and Constance's husband Michael are down stairs making dinner and we aren't helping them."

"Yes, I did notice that."

"Did that strike you as odd?"

"Not really, lots of men like to cook."

"Yes, but in our situation it goes well beyond that. Frankie, Constance and I have what you might call wife led marriages."

Smiling, Constance said; "You might say that in our marriages we wear the pants and our husbands wear the panties."

Angela smiled and then she said; "What Constance are trying to tell you is that we are the dominant partners in our relationships and our husbands take a subservient role.

Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable, I nervously said; "I see."

Noticing my uneasiness, Angela quickly added; "It's a life style that all four of us choose. Before they retired our husbands were both ruthless businessmen, but in their permisteral lives they have always preferred to be submissive."

I stared at both women for a moment and then I said, "You're not kidding are you?"

Angela smiled. "We most certainly are not."

"Have we upset you Frankie?" There was a tone of genuine concern in Constance's voice.

I thought for a moment and then I said, "No you really haven't. In fact this is exactly what I need."

Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Angela asked; "What do you mean?"

"Two and a half weeks ago I sat in my office and listened to a recording of my wife telling a man that she referred to as her sex toy, about her sexual exploits while she was in college. She told him that she was extremely promiscuous, that she'd developed a reputation as a blow job queen, acquired a taste for anal sex , had sex with women, participated in group sex and put on lesbian sex shows for her boyfriends."

"It sounds like Katie had a lot of fun in college." Angela was smiling.

"And I'm trying very hard to look at it that way."

"But you're finding that to be difficult."

"I'm not a prude. I understand that there was nothing bad about the things she was doing. It's just that it's all happened so fast."

"And you could use a some help getting acclimated to a more adventurous life style." Constance laughed. "Sweetheart, you have found the right people for the job. Angela, Jules, Michael and I are probably the four kinkiest people in the city of San Francisco and if we're not, then we're very close friends with the people who are."

Grinning at her, I said; "That's quite a claim. San Francisco has quite a reputation."

"She's not exaggerating Frankie." There was a devilish gleam in Angela's eyes.

"Then you must be holding something back. So far all you've told me is that your husbands do all the cooking and cleaning."

Constance shook her head. "This is what we get for trying to be delicate." She had the same devilish gleam in her eyes.

I smiled. These were two exceedingly beautiful women, but it was also clear that they were bright and loved to tease. I was growing to like them very much.

Angela asked, "Frankie, are you familiar with the word, cuckold?"

"Of course, I took a medieval English Literature class in college. I read Chaucer. It's a man who has an unfaithful wife."

"So, by definition, you're a cuckold."

Shaking my head, I sarcastically said; "Thank you for pointing that out to me. I feel much better now."

Angela squeezed my hand. "Sweetie, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad. I was trying to create a context."

"I don't understand."

Smiling. Constance said; "Honey, our husbands don't just do the housework, they're actually our slaves. It's a status that all of us find deliciously exciting."

Angela quickly added, "But they're not just our slaves, they're our cuckold slaves, our willing cuckold slaves."

Constance nodded. "Our chaste cuckold slaves."

"Your chaste cuckold slaves?"

"Yes, while Constance and I are free to enjoy the attention of any man we choose, our subservient husbands remain chaste and ever faithful to us." Angela was carefully watching me as she spoke.

Puzzled, I said; "Chaste means that they don't indulge in any form of sexual activity."

"I guess that's kind of an overstatement. I mean, we're not sadists."

Constance laughed. "Actually Angela, I believe that we are, but our husbands love it."

"Yes, I guess you're right; but you understand what I'm trying to tell Frankie."

"Of course I do. We love our husbands and we always want them to be happy. Frankie, we may deny our husbands certain fundamental pleasures that we freely give to other men, but we always make sure that they're happy and satisfied."

Angela winked at me. "Sometimes they may have to wait a bit for their happiness and satisfaction, but that's just part of the fun."

"Let me see if I have this right. You're telling me that Jules and Michael are your slaves.'

Both women nodded.

"And that the two of you freely and openly engage in sex with other men and they don't object."

Smiling, Constance said; "They not only don't object, it excites them. They enjoy it."

"You're also telling me that while the two of you are free to enjoy as much sex as you want with other men, Michael and Jules are severely restricted in their sexual activity and they enjoy that."

Angela thought for a moment and then she said, "I'm not sure that enjoy is the correct word. I think it might be more accurate to say that it excites them. Our husbands are masochists, for them, pain and frustration are stimulating."

Shaking my head, I said; "I think that you might be correct."

Constance asked, "What do you mean?"

"The two of you and your husbands might just be the four kinkiest people in San Francisco."

Both Angela and Constance laughed and then Angela asked, "Knowing that, would you still like to rent the apartment?"

I smiled. "Yes, but I have a request."

"What is it?"

"Would the four of you be willing to be my mentors?"

The women both grinned. Constance said, "Frankie, we would love to be your mentors."

The three of us smiled at each other. It was one of those delightful moments when people realize that they have just become friends.

Looking at her watch, Angela said; "Frankie, it's 8:15. Our dinner is ready and at 9:30 Constance and I are expecting company. As pleasant as this is, I'm afraid that it's time for the three of us to call it an evening."

I nodded. "I understand. What do we need to do to complete our agreement?"

"I think a handshake will suffice."

We stood. As Angela and I shook hands, she asked; "When would you like to move in?"

"Wednesday night I'm going to fly home. I'll be back on Sunday night. How about if I move on Monday?"

"A week from today, that will be perfect. It will allow us a few days to get the apartment ready for you."

As we walked down the stairs to the garden, Angela said; "This is exciting. It's been over two years since we've had a tenant."


"Frankie, our husbands were extremely successful businessmen. We don't actually need the money. We've accepted you because we think you're a very interesting man."

Laughing, I said; "I hope I can live up to your expectations."

We reached the garden. Angela turned and patted my cheek. "I'm sure that you will." And then she said; "Please excuse us, we're going to leave you here. You can follow the sidewalk back to your car. Julie and Mickey are waiting to serve us our dinner."

She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and said; "Until next week."

"I look forward to it."

Angela stepped aside. Smiling, Constance took her place and also kissed my cheek. "Frankie, it was a pleasure to meet you. I can't wait to get to know you better."

"Will I see you often?"

"Of course, Mickey and I live in that house over there." She pointed at the house next door. "The four of us have been close friends for many years."

Placing her hand On Constance's shoulder, Angela said; "It's getting late. If we don't start dinner soon Julie and Mickey won't have time to complete their clean up chores before Judmister and Paul arrive. Remember, we promised them that they could wait on us while we're entertaining tonight."

"Yes, of course. Good night Frankie, I'm sorry but we really do have to go."

Both women turned and went into the house. After they were gone I followed the side walk back to the front of the house, got into my car and drove back to the hotel. The entire time I mulled over everything that had happened during the past three weeks, trying to make sense of it all.

Once I was back in my hotel room I took a quick shower, slipped into a pair of boxer shorts and poured myself a glass of scotch.

I sat in the easy chair in the front room of my hotel suite and continued thinking. It wasn't long until my thoughts drifted to Angela and Constance. I imagined them sitting in the parlor with Judmister and Paul. They were laughing and flirting and then they were kissing. Jules and Michael were hovering in the background, watching with envy.

The couples undressed. Naked, they kissed and fondled each other while the two cuckold husbands continued to stand in the shadows watching these other two men freely take liberties with their wives.

Suddenly Katie was there too. She was also with a man. It wasn't Pete. I knew that in my fantasies it could never be Pete.

Both naked, Katie and her man kissed and fondled each other while I hovered in the background next to Jules and Michael, watching them. I was envious, but I was also aroused; very, very aroused.

Suddenly I realized that I was masturbating. It had been weeks since I'd even thought about doing that. I made myself cum. Afterward I started to feel ashamed, but then I remembered Angela and Constance and Dana and her straightforward email . They weren't ashamed. And of course there was Katie. There didn't seem to be anything that caused her shame.

And then I realized that maybe that was wrong. Maybe there was something that did cause Katie to be ashamed. As I thought about that, everything started to fall into place and I began to understand.


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As you may know, we got Turkeys over here a little later than the colonists. I believe they ate the first few themselves. I've heard its traditional though to stand and state what you made you thankful during the year. I think I would like to thank you here, for this and all your other stories this last year. Enjoy your meal, you've earned it ..


Posts: 125
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what a clever way to turn this story around. you are a master of your craft and I think it wonderful that Lisa is

helping you with this story. enjoy your holiday and we will be here when you comee back and surprise us again

with the twists and turns you are known for.



Posts: 438
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Fantastic twist GH, I must admit I didn't see another two couples coming I am intrigued as to what **Getting the apartment ready** will entail and where it will lead.

Thank you GH

Mel xx


Posts: 9
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while all you posted right now was you real good story it gets a unrealistic turn right now. Seems he only meats people who are into that lifestyle wich isn't really realistic from my point of view. Wonder how your story will go fruther.
But Thx for the entertaining parts you posted so long


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I'm enjoying your story and see a kinky change about to happen for Frankie.

Looks like the begining of yet another cuckold has entered the world!

Thanks again for all your time and effort.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 274
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Well done!!!
I really don't know how you manage it.
You not only write a good story but you still find time to read others and give the support that writers need.
I am afraid that I do not emulate you more but I find that time marches on too quickly for my good intentions.
Thanks again for all the good stories you have provided us with.
Have a great rest!!!



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Well, didn't see that twist coming at all, but I have afew words of advice for Frankie: If these really are the 4 kinkiest people in San Francisco, RUN! Run fast and run far, but run! Seriously, that is one kinky city! Loved your descriptions of the new characters and their home - we visited some friends in SF about 2 years ago, and although their home is decorated less formally, you nailed the description. It's a beautiful old 3 story, narrrow and tall, homes very close together on a steep hill near the Haight on a street lined with cars. It's got the same narrow halls and stairways, the single garage under the home, same small garden in the back yard, just about everyting you described. It brought back a very vivid image!

I look forward to getting to know your new players, but I fnd it a little eerie how our characters in our 2 stories are having the same questions about morals, ethics, shame, right and wrong, etc, and at about the same time - yet you posted this before I put up my latest chapters (though they were mostly written) and I didn't read it until after. Very odd - do great minds think alike? (Well, twisted minds, anyway?)

Thanks for the great tale, I'm enjoying reading along.


Posts: 492
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GH, thanks so much. I really love your stories, this one is another great one and I appreciate all the hard work that you put into entertaining us.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I also hope you are relaxing and taking it easy, please don't overdo it.

Best wishes,



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Peak, Sally Ann, Mel, cuntcleaner, cuck4one, greenman, Storm and TrF2

All of you, thank you for your kind comments.

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